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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.23 MB, 1200x1200, 5922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
93881230 No.93881230 [Reply] [Original]

The 373rd Wind

>NEXT STREAM:【Elden Ring】help help I'm lost help help I'm- help I (SPOILERS)

>LAST STREAM:【JUSTICE JAMS】With drinks, games and chats!

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@holoen_ceciliaimmergreen
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ceciliaimgreen
Important Videos: https://rentry.org/ImmerMarks

{COVER} Forgotten Words | 忘れじの言の葉 #歌ってみた #cover - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twto2g0FwTQ
【MV】Odyssey - Hololive English (Original Song) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wO8d70KSXw

hololive English -Justice- Half-Year Anniversary: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_justice_anhalfyear
Half Year Anniversary Order Duration: [2024/12/29 08:00 ~ 2025/02/03 18:00 (JST)]
hololive closet Cecilia Immergreen New Year Outfit: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololivecloset_ceciliaimmergreen_newyearoutfit
Shipping Period:The shipping will begin in late April 2025.

#ImmerScreen (Stream) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerScreen
#Immergination (Art) https://twitter.com/hashtag/Immergination
#ImmerPiece (Music) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMusic
#ImmerMemes (Memes) https://twitter.com/hashtag/ImmerMemes

>/grün/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread: >>93798162

>> No.93881258
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>> No.93881382
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Quoted by: >>93881457


>> No.93881457

what day is it?

>> No.93882024

Current frame is in the OP.

>> No.93882049
File: 804 KB, 1347x4096, 1737110990500440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93882150

Elden Ring day

>> No.93882093

otomos gone... hmmmmmm I'm going to make myself a coffee!!

>> No.93882150
Quoted by: >>93882244

I miss snow. Damned climate warming.

>> No.93882181
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>> No.93882223
File: 109 KB, 900x900, 1599688744274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would shoot you but you are going to spontaneously explode anyway.

>> No.93882244

Damned Oil industry trying to sell us climate warming as our fault rather than theirs and all in order so that they can earn more money.

>> No.93882302

what are you jammin to doing your saturday cleaning chores?

>> No.93882854
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>> No.93883737
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>> No.93884715
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>> No.93884735

And mixing in some CC’s karaokes.

>> No.93884986


>> No.93886640
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Quoted by: >>93888039


>> No.93887590
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>> No.93887965
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Quoted by: >>93889048


>> No.93888039
Quoted by: >>93888227

CC should play KOTOR, she can truly show her evil side

>> No.93888227

>Makes a green to red color overlay based on her alignment in game

>> No.93889048
File: 450 KB, 1620x1080, P90411291_highRes_the-new-bmw-m5-cs-01 (Groß).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93889512

you think CC is a BMW M5 CS girl?

>> No.93889512
File: 1.12 MB, 4096x2458, 1736478302277421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as much I hate to admit it, she does lack the morals and compassion to be a beemer driver

>> No.93889886
File: 898 KB, 1247x1247, Justice_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/justice/ faithful and CC fans, the voting for the VTL8 team roster is complete. We had vastly more anons voting than suggesting player names which shows a healthy level of interest in seeing how the team evolves. Now onto who made the cut!

Cecilia Reps:
>Immergold - 31/47 Votes (Silver 1)
>Just-ICE - 25/47 Votes
>Spin2Win - 25/47 Votes
>Cecilia Immerred - 21/47 Votes
>DA THINKER - 21/47 Votes

ERB Reps:
>Tequila - 23/47 Votes (Silver 2)
>Gremlin ERB - 19/47 Votes
>Aunt ERB - 18/47 Votes
>Karaoke Timeloop - 18/47 Votes
>BRI' ISH - 17/47 Votes

Gigi Reps:
>Your Honor, League of Legends - 35/47 Votes (Gold 1)
>Autofister - 30/47 Votes
>Do you remember… - 26/47 Votes
>Gigi Standee - 26/47 Votes
>You Want Her So Bad! - 22/47 Votes

Raora Reps:
>BIG CAT MEANS - 34/47 Votes (Gold 2)
>Skippa Skippa - 33/47 Votes
>It’s Raover - 22/47 Votes
>Maximus Decimus Chattinus - 19/47 Votes

>JustCHADS - 29/47 Votes
>Grem’s Shoebox - 28/47 Votes
>Chattino [With a Jetpack] - 23/47 Votes

Upper management did make some executive choices, which I am here to report post outcome. One rep that received a high number of votes, “No break-a da Pasta!” has not been included as the hierarchy felt that in terms of visual concept and gimmick, it was too alike with the intended and current player gimmick, “It’s Raover” and decided to insert the next choice that had high enough votes to represent her voting bracket; Maximus Decimus Chattinus.

We also noticed a lot of votes came in for “o o i i a” and the various “Otomo” suggestions. After a talk with the hierarchy involved, they want to include these suggestions too, which is why they’ll be turned into match balls! If you are an Otomo, you’ll get to experience the great pleasure of being kicked, grabbed and even headed by the /justice/ team members.

I’d like to thank each and every single one of you that put forward suggestions, sent in images for billboards and just overall support. My role and time assisting with the /justice/ team comes to a close once this thread closes So any questions, I’d advise asking now!

Your regular manager shall be resuming duties in a few weeks time. Appreciate you putting up with me and have a lovely weekend ahead.

>> No.93890068

godspeed, mon ami

>> No.93890476
File: 142 KB, 900x900, 1732237909098977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are an Otomo, you’ll get to experience the great pleasure of being kicked, grabbed and even headed by the /justice/ team members.

>> No.93890558
File: 104 KB, 900x900, 1720823080909179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Morning!
I didn't miss anything did I?
I saw she wasn't in ERB's stream
My wife made it!

>> No.93891040
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>> No.93891852
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>> No.93892707
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>I'm a ball now
I'm okay with this

>> No.93893209
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>ball is life
>life is good

>> No.93893364

Good morning!
I won't fall asleep during stream anymore!

>> No.93893493
Quoted by: >>93895147

Yeah that's not a great idea kek
Ready for Elden Wing kino?

>> No.93893591
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>> No.93894981
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Quoted by: >>93895529

Ceci should play Ender Lilies(and Magnolia)
They're both so good!
I think she would like the both the gameplay and story

>> No.93895147
Quoted by: >>93895321

Hell yeah!

>> No.93895321

It'll be fun!

>> No.93895529
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93896991

It's so cute...

>> No.93896991
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cool...
Last one

>> No.93898865
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Beep Boop

>> No.93899802
File: 275 KB, 1448x2048, [twitter] Fineria_—2025.01.18—1880673607954866352—Ghl-rRQa4AA9lBi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93900389

>> No.93900389
File: 788 KB, 2560x1440, big_cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get the whole butler art at first, but Raora was clearly onto something here

>> No.93901312
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>> No.93901979
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Quoted by: >>93902380

watch her find a way to get lost inside the academy...

>> No.93902380
Quoted by: >>93904337

I mean, there is a roof section.

>> No.93902655
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Quoted by: >>93903551

Ceci giving affection to her wives

>> No.93903393

yes, I have to google a lot of words too since I'm ESL...

>> No.93903551
Quoted by: >>93903769

Mumei got three pats.How will Raora ever recover?

>> No.93903769

just like my cats when I headpat only one of them hide in a corner and stare blankly as if planning murder until I pull them out by force and pat them even more

>> No.93904044

Doll soon

>> No.93904337
File: 268 KB, 900x750, GS10pM1WMAASaJa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you get a cool hat (and staff) from there

>> No.93904898
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>> No.93905029

She's dead...

>> No.93905086
Quoted by: >>93905169

Hope she remembers to find Boc's cave this stream...

>> No.93905149


>> No.93905151

Stream starting

>> No.93905169

She's not doing any sidequests unless she accidentally runs into them.

>> No.93905611

>She missed us

>> No.93905627
Quoted by: >>93905712

Otocrank audio log status?

>> No.93905712
Quoted by: >>93905837

Every time you ask it gets delayed by another week

>> No.93905837

he is right>>93905712
she has scripts monitoring /grun/ and every time someone asks it automatically pushes back premiere date by a week...

>> No.93905996
File: 2.08 MB, 294x255, lowrestako.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people sometimes say that CC is evil? She seems like a really nice lady.

>> No.93906046

because being evil is nice

>> No.93906114
Quoted by: >>93906688

>seems like
Takos are so easily deceived. She actually swapped out that chocolate chip cookie with raisins.

>> No.93906160
Quoted by: >>93906219

She is nice until she starts cackling like a witch when someone dies horribly and it doesn't even sound played up.

>> No.93906214

Watch her dishonored playthrough. The things she did to those poor people...

>> No.93906219
Quoted by: >>93906307

>One week that's really fun
Wonder which one?
That's my favorite part hehehe

>> No.93906288
File: 845 KB, 1554x870, CC_Evil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.93906307

She might get a visit from a certain friend soon.

>> No.93906337
File: 2.08 MB, 1920x1080, 1736386668680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93907734


>> No.93906397

>the level of 30 is in demand
She's so /here/

>> No.93906455

my heart skips a beat whenever she makes her voice squeakier to sound cute...

>> No.93906470

cc accent is very cute and thick today

>> No.93906479
Quoted by: >>93906999


>> No.93906549
Quoted by: >>93906596

It's too bad she's leaving the academy. So much good magic loot

>> No.93906596

Not.. really? There's the scarab helmet that's pretty good but other than that she doesn't really need anything from there.

>> No.93906623

No bosses today

>> No.93906688
File: 100 KB, 370x320, 1737231832988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats genuinely vile, beyond evil. If I had more braincell capacity I would anti her for this.

>> No.93906999

no u

>> No.93907040
File: 338 KB, 511x619, 1736667649113094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93907091

Ceci? Here? Are you stupid? There is no way she would be /here/

>> No.93907091
Quoted by: >>93910348

ceci isn't here but updatilia is

>> No.93907191

I am out of the loop, did she disable Super chats?

>> No.93907255
Quoted by: >>93907702

Normal for fromsoft games

>> No.93907259
Quoted by: >>93907702

How new?

>> No.93907386

My oshi doesn’t like crab or lobster it’s fucking over

>> No.93907459
Quoted by: >>93907617

Did she notice that both blind girls look identical?

>> No.93907478

It would be funny if she accidentally ran into frenzied flame ending but she's probably not going to find revenger's shack before Rennala without backseating.

>> No.93907492
Quoted by: >>93907548


>> No.93907548

Dungeness Crab is so good though. I can fix her.

>> No.93907617

There's two of them?

>> No.93907702

too much shitposting/backseating?
Or is it a bandai/namco requirement?

>out of the loop
read retard

>> No.93907734

Well >>93906337

>> No.93907771
Quoted by: >>93907871

Irina (maiden from Weeping peninsula) and Hyetta use the same model and the latter only appears after the former dies so there is a theory that it's Shabriri skinwalking her.

>> No.93907807
Quoted by: >>93908045

Perms issue. They have to turn them off for fromsoft games. BB is the exception, since those perms come from Sony.

>> No.93907827
Quoted by: >>93908045

>no earning money from our games!

>> No.93907837
Quoted by: >>93908045

Fromsoft is japanese and japs are retarded.

>> No.93907871

funnily enough that's sorta what the Elden Ring manga is going with lol

>> No.93908045

gotcha, thx

>> No.93908349
File: 92 KB, 512x512, 1727115784128940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93908527

You can tell how much fun she is having

>> No.93908474

>CC is using consumables
who is this girl trying to mimic as CC?

>> No.93908527

yeah! i dont care about this game or soulslikes in general, but these streams have still been really nice since shes clearly having fun with it :)

>> No.93908797

How does she manage to fall in the one spot where there’s a giant crevice

>> No.93908950

I miss her normal hair. If she's just going to show her head, might as well switch outfits.

>> No.93909049
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>> No.93909063


>> No.93909103

on the other hand I want to grab her by her buns and kiss her

>> No.93909120

Her buns look so cute though.

>> No.93909374

Based lobster eater

>> No.93909432

>This guy's a fucking asshole
>Wait he turns out to be a nice guy
>In fact he might be a friend
>His fate is to raped to death

>> No.93909436

Al Ghee

>> No.93909455
File: 2.70 MB, 498x381, 1689974981520.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.93909576

>Admires driftwood

>> No.93909717
File: 50 KB, 200x200, 1732574242348681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate how she fucking ignores loot. She does this specifically to make my autism squirm

>> No.93909805

let's be honest you deserve this treatment

>> No.93909894

>mystical mage tower filled with hundreds of ancient tomes
>its all BL

>> No.93910069
Quoted by: >>93910448

Is the new purple spell she got last time not that good?

>> No.93910123
Quoted by: >>93910342

This thread should be 2x faster.

>> No.93910165
Quoted by: >>93910213

that is why I hate indians

>> No.93910213
File: 1.08 MB, 1403x789, 1714024680355905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93910328


>> No.93910328
Quoted by: >>93910429

stream was down and I blame them

>> No.93910342

yeah it's weird
feels like otomos are in stasis or something

>> No.93910348
File: 496 KB, 2240x2940, GhK7NJfbkAIyz0k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Updatilia my beloved daydream

>> No.93910395

she was being super cute while you were gone btw

>> No.93910429

It's her PC, although I bet they fucked something up there too.

>> No.93910448
Quoted by: >>93910629

gravity spells are mostly used to oneshot/troll people by making them fall to their death in pvp, they're fairly weak against pve enemies

>> No.93910568

didn't she already defeated stronger version of this boss?

>> No.93910629
Quoted by: >>93910679

Rocks are pretty good due to stagger but you need to spam them instead of switching to glintblade and slicer every few seconds.

>> No.93910636
Quoted by: >>93910792

Its called being retarded. Look it up.

>> No.93910679

Yeah she should be using her delayed glintblade spell instead of rocks. They are significantly stronger and more mana efficient when you aren't going for knockdowns.

>> No.93910704
Quoted by: >>93910775

The rotted version

>> No.93910775

It was also leveled up to Caelid instead of Liurnia.

>> No.93910782

It is what it is

>> No.93910792
File: 311 KB, 431x539, 1737235212167.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93910830
Quoted by: >>93910875

She would probably do better with a sword.

>> No.93910875
Quoted by: >>93910989

Why? She's basically using a super high dps sword already. She'd do significantly less damage than this OP spell.

>> No.93910955
Quoted by: >>93910988

That thing is a woman?

>> No.93910988

Just look at those child bearing hips

>> No.93910989

Yeah, but she wouldn't break her concentration by throwing in ranged spells, it makes her choke every time. If she just focused on slicer and phalanx then sure.

>> No.93911003

I cant tell if she just doesnt see it or if shes ignoring it/doesnt care but if its the latter then thats even more infuriating

>> No.93911023

Why does she keep pretending to not know what ripostes are

>> No.93911050


>> No.93911085

she didn't even unlock the pepsi yet

>> No.93911256
File: 4 KB, 383x32, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck is this guy and why is he spamming in all caps

>> No.93911259
File: 168 KB, 679x606, 1731729695406538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's a lil bit dumb

>> No.93911349

That's Matt D
It seems he's spamming because he wants her to head north

>> No.93911361

2 months gifted?

>> No.93911380

souls chats have a horrible reputation for a reason

>> No.93911512

She will never buy a normal computer

>> No.93911745

a burger

>> No.93911813
Quoted by: >>93912035

Is she going to have to fight the stone catdog thing again

>> No.93911997
Quoted by: >>93912055

>shes ignoring the gloveworts
just fucking kill me this is so painful

>> No.93912035

Yes but not here

>> No.93912055
Quoted by: >>93912280

Why would she need them?

>> No.93912065
Quoted by: >>93912130

>stream stopped lagging for me once she wasnt in overworld anymore

>> No.93912086

>Might play Watch Dogs
If she does I hope she won't play the second one

>> No.93912130

stream was lagging for everyone since she was lagging from her side

>> No.93912173

We wuz computer hackaz n shiet

>> No.93912271
Quoted by: >>93912375

but the 2nd one is the best one?

>> No.93912280

to upgrade summons?
even if she doesnt use summons its still a valuable item so why wouldnt you pick it up if your running by it

>> No.93912312

I wanted to see how long it would take her to figure it out without chat

>> No.93912375
Quoted by: >>93912732

It's so bad... the first one did the hacking better honestly
The story is also /pol/ level so... probably better to avoid
The only good part is the parkour

>> No.93912407
Quoted by: >>93912647

She wants to experience the game her own way, part of the experience is learning from your fuck ups, so let her learn the hard way

>> No.93912499
Quoted by: >>93912619

Today is a great day, 4 of my favorite chuubas streaming. Whatever i don't catch live, i get to enjoy in vods.

>> No.93912567

She will never use summons

>> No.93912619
Quoted by: >>93912801

CC, Gura, Moom, Nimi?

>> No.93912647

fuck off with this bullshit
you can make that argument for a choice in skill tree and playstyle, not picking up key items is objectively retarded and irksome

>> No.93912673
File: 10 KB, 417x96, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93912698

I wasn't paying attention... did she notice Moom?

>> No.93912698
Quoted by: >>93912751


>> No.93912708

How is she even supposed to know it's a key item?
95% of all items in the game are completely fucking useless.

>> No.93912732
Quoted by: >>93912984

I played both and I actually liked 2nd a bit better. The fact you can hack a car and drive it, do entire mission without even setting foot into the mission location and it has more hacking gimmicks to play with.
Also WD2 being cheerful is nice contrast from WD1. I still liked WD1 but I think that 2 is a nice sequel to it.

>> No.93912751


>> No.93912777

What's retarded and irksome is people literally telling her what to do at every second and not letting her discover things for herself. She has used summons like a single time in this entire playthrough, she literally doesn't need them to complete the game

>> No.93912801

Mumei -> GG, but yeah.

>> No.93912853

She should play Sleeping Dogs instead.

>> No.93912854

She missed D when she fought that mariner right?

>> No.93912875

Yeah. A lot of people do.

>> No.93912887


>> No.93912893
Quoted by: >>93913004

I'd prefer Watch Cats instead though?

>> No.93912984
Quoted by: >>93913047

Some of the gameplay parts were nice, yeah, but overall I think the first one is better
The parkour is still cool
I... never played it... so sure, why not

>> No.93912989

she hasn't done a single crit melee on this run

>> No.93913004

Sleeping Dogs is an actual game...

>> No.93913047
Quoted by: >>93913178

The melee weapon though! It's so satisfying! I think she will love it!

>> No.93913178

Oh yeah
That was nice

>> No.93913197
Quoted by: >>93913237

She needs to find a weapon that scales with int

>> No.93913237
Quoted by: >>93913290

She doesn't need a weapon

>> No.93913247
Quoted by: >>93914763

>Hugh Jackman
She can't stop thinking about that Wolverine game huh

>> No.93913274


>> No.93913290

Then why does she still have the claw?

>> No.93913296


>> No.93913359

It's funny.

>> No.93913365

She likes it.

>> No.93913380

upgrading the claw a few levels would be nice. Every bit of DPS matters.

>> No.93913468
Quoted by: >>93921520

Yeah she should upgrade the weapon she basically never uses for dps for the extra dps!

>> No.93913485

Pretty good stream so far. How long until she figures out to eat the blessing?

>> No.93913643

She should talk to Rogier and get a cool rapier

>> No.93913935


>> No.93914463
Quoted by: >>93914647

I guess her attention completely runs out after 2 hours.

>> No.93914628
Quoted by: >>93915022


>> No.93914647

started watching gigi on her second monitor. not like her internet could handle it

>> No.93914713

I can’t unhear Vulvarine

>> No.93914763

And again kek

>> No.93915022

Thank you GRRM very cool

>> No.93915282

I like that she's not using summons and it's not because of morals it's because she just forgets

>> No.93915380

German women are built for foreign men (me).

>> No.93915461

Doll not so smug after being soul crushed

>> No.93915471
Quoted by: >>93916659

CC was made by the universe for instant loss, there is no other explanation

>> No.93915482

>taunt the boss
>boss still obliterates her
A classic, thanks for the laugh, CC

>> No.93915493

The roar would bite her in the arse regardless.

>> No.93915898

I think I know why I like her...

>> No.93915930

I think she might be really bad at the game

>> No.93915937

she left academy because she was underleveled but she's gonna fighti this obviously way higher level boss.. CC please

>> No.93915939
File: 339 KB, 1333x1000, 1709433300176068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93916218

Ceci should play Ace Combat. Then switch to Armored Core or Animal Crossing and gaslight viewers about the last stream.
>That never happened

>> No.93916185

Shes fighting the strongest gargoyle in the game(dlc?) Shes going to be here awhile

>> No.93916218
Quoted by: >>93916299

>schedule says armored core
>thumbnail is ace combat
>title says animal crossing
>she actually plays assetto corsa

>> No.93916299

>tweet says Assassin's Creed

>> No.93916364
File: 837 KB, 900x900, 1730064590653156.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blain hort please undestad...

>> No.93916659
Quoted by: >>93917048

smugness is a reproductive trait in women

>> No.93916748

She does quite a bit of damage really.

>> No.93916813

The Meteor Staff is great for the first third/half of the game

>> No.93916843
File: 491 KB, 10000x10000, 1727220177261222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was never going to happen but if she did beat him she would have gotten 88000 runes. Thanks Dragonbarrow.

>> No.93916851

The dog has really low health.

>> No.93916977

Cecilia Immerjob

>> No.93917048
File: 134 KB, 1024x899, 1729668359377190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is

>> No.93917175


>> No.93917181

She is SO bad LOL

>> No.93917197

CC tantrum cute

>> No.93917208

I live it when she's frustrated like this
She's so cute...

>> No.93917331
File: 627 KB, 1992x2392, GS0X20WasAAFCVW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 stages of bossfight

>> No.93917407

cc sucks

>> No.93917412

>trading with a boss with 24 vigor

>> No.93917530

so true lmao

>> No.93917622

Literally the ‘me sowing vs me reaping’ meme

>> No.93917634
File: 20 KB, 216x140, 1733346791363598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her screams are always so funny

>> No.93917724

Imagine the post stream angry sex

>> No.93917971
File: 2.11 MB, 1600x1060, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93918004

>Ceci wants this breed of dog

>> No.93918004

The shedding would be horrible

>> No.93918074

Yes, but look how cute he is!

>> No.93918203

She lomfs us

>> No.93918251

I want her to hit me and call me a nerd

>> No.93918536

In an ideal world, I would never let her be not pregnant.

>> No.93918670
Quoted by: >>93918769

Considering what her ideal is, I was right to suggest "Lady Ceci" instead of "Butler Ceci"

>> No.93918695

that's housekeeper otomo's problem

>> No.93918769

Did you notice how many fanarts of "Butler Ceci" has she used in thumbnails? She likes cute things cuz she's a girl.

>> No.93918819

How is she still so vulnerable to grabs

>> No.93918908

Oh yeah she LOVES cute things
Hopefully this inspires some artists to make Lady Ceci fanart now

>> No.93918918

Does she do her thumbnails herself now?

>> No.93919234
Quoted by: >>93919392


>> No.93919392

The project begins now

>> No.93919476


>> No.93919594
Quoted by: >>93919658

>using shield

>> No.93919658

parrying is different

>> No.93919785
File: 142 KB, 900x900, 1719578491340659.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely horrible shedding

but having fur coat on your clothes is small price to pay for petting the softest dog ever

>> No.93919856

Why doesn’t she riposte

>> No.93919921

Why would she when she does 50% of the guy's HP during the parry stun?

>> No.93919974


>> No.93919993

With the staff?

>> No.93920258

What a jobber

>> No.93920421

She's actually really good at parrying

>> No.93921009

Man she is not ready for phase 2 lmao

>> No.93921065

She dodged grace...

>> No.93921125
Quoted by: >>93921317

>They are trying to touch my feet
>maybe I should take my shoes off
>sorry ladies, there is not enough of me to go around for all of you
What did she mean by this???

>> No.93921317

She's funny

>> No.93921435

I still haven't forgiven crabs for tearing amelia earhart to shreds

>> No.93921488

Why isn't she picking up the runes?

>> No.93921520

are you ready to apologize yet?

>> No.93921832
File: 618 KB, 1920x1080, 1735250048246994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceci will kill the moon

>> No.93921905

Most intense INT fight.

>> No.93922071


>> No.93922072


>> No.93922164

I was sure that you are supposed to dodge through the ball. Literally never saw anyone going around.

>> No.93922271

at least when it comes to bosses it's usually better to spam attacks while the enemy is stunned than to use the crappy riposte damage

>> No.93922435
File: 805 KB, 1200x1063, 1736369814315308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.93923231
Quoted by: >>93923353

Guess I was wrong...

>> No.93923284

>Forbidden Sekiro mention
That was a cute moment

>> No.93923353
Quoted by: >>93923996

Yes, it is not that easy indeed.
Once you fucked up like that, you'll suffer a bit.

>> No.93923369
Quoted by: >>93923857

Isshin lives rent free in her mind just like Saxabar

>> No.93923374
Quoted by: >>93923496

why did she mention sekiro when nothing happened during the last stream of it (she LITERALLY said so)? im so confused.

>> No.93923440

Baubau raid!

>> No.93923496

she's gaslighting us again

>> No.93923857

She will have a whole apartment full of these eventually

>> No.93923996
Quoted by: >>93924289

I completely forgot she was doing another early stream, but I'm a bit eepy already. Didn't sleep great, so I might just take a nap and power through tomorrow.

>> No.93924289

>>93923996 (Me)
Now that I think about it, I also completely forgot about watching the Omori VOD. I'm at a crossroads.

>> No.93925890
File: 181 KB, 668x761, 5741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nyam nyam nyam

>> No.93926549
Quoted by: >>93926764

CC needs to do a sleep build

>> No.93926764
File: 234 KB, 567x591, 1719378956529998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

powernap build is meta

>> No.93926775
File: 2.45 MB, 1920x1080, team tomodachi [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxwn660.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remembered this moment after listening to Advent's new cover

>> No.93927398
File: 24 KB, 231x221, 1737183186986467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93927406
Quoted by: >>93927569

Any otomos want to kiss?

>> No.93927569
Quoted by: >>93927673

yes <3

>> No.93927673
File: 26 KB, 231x221, 1719690746479323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93928034
Quoted by: >>93929237

At least the shitposting keeps the thread alive I guess

>> No.93929057
File: 2.90 MB, 2400x2400, GTfL-z-aIAEhzLs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.93929070
File: 102 KB, 1200x1200, 5550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.93929237
File: 427 KB, 2287x1593, 20240710_063733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just showing some appreciation for my green brothers, sorry if you took it negatively

>> No.93929335
File: 36 KB, 476x228, 1737249481439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93929518

>> No.93929518

*gigi slorping kissing sounds *

>> No.93929726
File: 173 KB, 1573x1573, [twitter] yppah1060—2024.12.16—1868454566968369607—Ge4VhoWbEAAdu_T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.93929727
Quoted by: >>93930108

gigi oreng but grem yellow?

>> No.93930108

From all the pee.

>> No.93930979
Quoted by: >>93931280


>> No.93931280

So it's according to Zeitplan after all

>> No.93931624
File: 69 KB, 593x688, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93933001

This brat...

>> No.93931911
Quoted by: >>93932037

>Almost 3am
>Stream in 10 hours
>Still retweeting

>> No.93932037
Quoted by: >>93932631

At this point I would be more concerned if she didn't do that.

>> No.93932631

It would mean she improved her sleep schedule, but you know, that's not happening

>> No.93933001

got outbratted...

>> No.93933134
File: 91 KB, 537x762, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93933138

I do this bit with my friends too its too fun

>> No.93933216


>> No.93933391
Quoted by: >>93933874

Is this a copy pasta or chat gpt ?

>> No.93933874

Neither, looks like she made that herself

>> No.93934086

>>93933874 (me)
Probably by just talking to her phone for a bit kek

>> No.93934896

Idk, it seems a bit too coherent to be from Raora.

>> No.93935100

Ceci is half Turk

>> No.93935249
File: 18 KB, 645x112, 1731210648565539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.93935924


>> No.93936286


>> No.93936618
Quoted by: >>93937285

Move Over:

>> No.93937285

