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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 688 KB, 800x1540, 1630804746857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9370499 No.9370499 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>9374303 >>9379015

>Previous Stream:【Superchat Reading】Reading The Rest From Celebration (Private)

>First Superchat VOD:

>Debut VOD:

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmbs8T6MWqUHP1tIQvSgKrg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
Kronii's BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI

>Current Schedule:
9/07 - Stories Untold @ 6PM PST / 9PM EST, (9/08) 1AM GMT / 10AM JST
9/08 - Frostpunk @ 2PM PST / 5PM EST / 9PM GMT, (9/09) 6AM JST
9/09 - Hollow Knight @ 2PM PST / 5PM EST / 9PM GMT, (9/10) 6AM JST
9/10 - Break
9/11 - Council Collab @ TBD

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 2.5

>Fanfic Listing:

>Fanart Gallery:

>Clock Sounds:

>> No.9370523
File: 2.47 MB, 720x796, kronii_clockdoko[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fogn9hz.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9370527
File: 773 KB, 4096x2305, 1630888295437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give our man Takobro your support if you can.

>> No.9370545

I love Kronii so much bros

>> No.9370579
File: 205 KB, 759x1200, 1629239775177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9370656
File: 447 KB, 1750x3000, 1630962075954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9370790
Quoted by: >>9370910

>my writefag attempt is already in the doc
Thanks archiveanon

>> No.9370814
File: 56 KB, 900x1042, 191D74C6-FC1E-4276-BDE0-FACF38832C5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-bros... she didn't say Kroyasumii at the end of the stream... I can't
I can't cum

>> No.9370842

Wonder if Kronii will use this for the thumbnail art

>> No.9370870

see you next stream ouro bro

>> No.9370910

And thank you for your contribution!

>> No.9370921
File: 317 KB, 1748x1240, 1630889938822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Edging for 24 hours! Have fun!

>> No.9370991

Wojack cancer
Fuck off

>> No.9371009

archive of last stream is still not up, any highlights that we who missed it have to look forward to?

>> No.9371040
File: 2.72 MB, 1191x1007, You look lonely[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fe050vx.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9377506


>> No.9371043
Quoted by: >>9371442 >>9371739

>she said takashi
>the blade runner line
>loli voice

that's all the memorable moments for me

>> No.9371081
File: 1.84 MB, 1240x1754, krunny[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F223yu8.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9371217 >>9371442

Also did Miller's big speech from MGSV

>> No.9371134
File: 99 KB, 847x392, gi315n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She went on a rant about disposing minorities. The cold has changed her...

>> No.9371217
Quoted by: >>9371392

Happen to have a timestamp for that one?

>> No.9371311 [DELETED] 

she knows anon

>> No.9371392

Sadly the video's private.
I think the Miller quote was one of the few things clipped though.

>> No.9371432
Quoted by: >>9371539

real or fake? https://files.catbox.moe/22ds52.mp3

>> No.9371442
Quoted by: >>9371515

did she read the paizuri hole one?

>> No.9371447 [DELETED] 
File: 1.24 MB, 862x878, trannii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9371774

Reminder that Kronii is a tranny with a voice modulator. He sounds a lot more masculine without it.

>> No.9371472
Quoted by: >>9371529 >>9371585


>> No.9371514

A reminder that the skitzo spreading his rrats in this thread already got BTFO multiple times in multiple threads. Do your archive reps to learn more.
And make sure to report and ignore him.

>> No.9371515


>> No.9371528
File: 1.74 MB, 3840x2160, kronii godess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she knows anon

>> No.9371529

That's one cute clock.

>> No.9371539

clearly the real sounds of the last blowjob she gave me

>> No.9371554

Cool story 9371447. Its just as good the 50th time honestly

>> No.9371567

JWU and archive-repped the last recent threads. Membership-only bros, we're winning.

>> No.9371585
File: 96 KB, 262x360, 1630550470885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she do it?

>> No.9371637
File: 133 KB, 975x1020, 1630943148241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to sleep in the SC reading because it was getting late
>"This video is private."
Fuck you, HuntTheImpeared. This is all your fault.

>> No.9371731

it is, her tone even changed for a few minutes after realizing she did a yab

>> No.9371729
Quoted by: >>9373724

Lategods I kneel....you waited and got your donations read. Us earlyfags who donated as quick as we could...Youtube cucked us

>> No.9371739
Quoted by: >>9371915

She actually read the superchat from that pedo? That's honestly funny.

>> No.9371750
File: 1.78 MB, 6000x4286, KroniiButt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9371915

>> No.9371774
File: 1.11 MB, 1522x1031, 1630264421617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9371806

If that were so, then the background sneeze and her dog would sound modulated too. Face the wall please.

>> No.9371788
Quoted by: >>9371935

Reminder to ignore bait and tribalism posts.

>> No.9371806
Quoted by: >>9371935

Don't reply to it

>> No.9371903

The schizo didn’t even use her more recent pic where she actually looks cute

>> No.9371915


>> No.9371935
Quoted by: >>9372420 >>9372666

Just saying, ignoring schizos doesn't work because they're goal is to go unhindered spreading rrats. Ignoring works on trolls and bait because they just want (You)s. Schizos deserve to be proven wrong before being shot.

>> No.9371945
Quoted by: >>9372515

i thought people do live archive of the vods

>> No.9372008

I think we can safely assume the bond level to have dropped because of this fuck's stunt.

>> No.9372060

what happened?

>> No.9372160
Quoted by: >>9372211

she said that basically, either she got chewed out by management or she's too lazy to edit out that part so it's gonna stay archived

>> No.9372173
Quoted by: >>9372219 >>9372229

HunttheImpeared seems to be a pretty innocuous, standard edgelord name to me that can be ignored, but I assume Kronii might have had some... bad experiences that led to her overreaction.

>> No.9372176 [DELETED] 
File: 753 KB, 1110x712, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9372211

Both of these are rrats, we don't know why it's still private.

>> No.9372219
Quoted by: >>9372311

Mumei's in a wheelchair.

>> No.9372224

it is a better safe than sorry situation

>> No.9372229
Quoted by: >>9372266 >>9372291

She's just too conscious because she knows clipniggers are fishing all the time

>> No.9372265 [SPOILER] 
File: 184 KB, 1080x1080, 42AFD34E-64D8-4FF8-88F7-C9DD9D1CA83C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9372327


>> No.9372266

She panders to clipniggers by reciting all the stupid memeshit and clipbait so if they're watching that intently it's partially her own fault.

>> No.9372291
Quoted by: >>9372358

Why would it matter? Kiara said nigga and no one batted an eye

>> No.9372293
Quoted by: >>9372508

If Kronii freaks out over one single username. Then she shouldn't do SC readings

>> No.9372311
File: 95 KB, 1011x833, IMG_20210907_004328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9372407

cute retarded cripple gf

>> No.9372327

The more attention you give them, the more they stay around.

>> No.9372358

Didn't Kiara say that in a members video?

>> No.9372383
Quoted by: >>9373724

she accidentally read the name and it clearly triggered something in her because it just killed the stream's momentum and broke her for a bit, to the point where she was frantically googling every supa name from then on to ensure it wasn't somehow a trick.

presumably, it's still private because she doesn't want to go in and deal with that right now or (unlikely) because someone on cover's end is looking it over.

>> No.9372407
Quoted by: >>9372472

Where did you find this image of my two girlfriends

>> No.9372420
Quoted by: >>9372666

threatening them won't do much either. they have time and resources by their side to continue doing this because they got nothing else better to do.

>> No.9372439

Not sure I saw a clip floating around on here

>> No.9372472
Quoted by: >>9372488 >>9372506

It's true, I'm one of the girlfriends.

>> No.9372488
Quoted by: >>9372511

hi mumei!!! I wanna FUCK YOU

>> No.9372506


>> No.9372508

You guys gotta understand that these girls are new alright
It's not even a month yet, they're still trying to find their ground and play safe because all eyes are on them
They will all learn to slip through yabs like their senpais do, just wait

>> No.9372511
Quoted by: >>9372546

Bad civilization

>> No.9372515

Yes but sometimes the few degenerate ones have urgent business to attend to and the rest are white knights who don't wanna share anything controversial

>> No.9372521
Quoted by: >>9372551 >>9372639

The fact that everything you write is archived and people can look it up disturbs me.
Yes we got third party archives here, but at least we're anonymous.

>> No.9372529


>> No.9372546

sorry mumei I just can't help it your petite frame just turns me on

>> No.9372551
Quoted by: >>9372598 >>9372648

>at least we're anonymous
look at this guy

>> No.9372560

No one archived the superchat stream?

>> No.9372596

Kronii edits her VODs a bit too often over minor things. I get that shes careful, but it feels like shes a bit overconcerned over stuff. Unless its managment who specifically ask her to do it or are even the ones who are editing it all out. But then why the fuck are they so incompetent. If its Kronii doing it, then I guess it works wirh the warden of time theme, but im concerfagging over how much she lets this stuff get to her head, when in most cases it really doesnt matter.

>> No.9372598

I didn't know the archives saved Unique IDs or IPs to show who is what now.

>> No.9372605
Quoted by: >>9372651 >>9372871

torrent for the superchat stream is up at the usual place

>> No.9372639

lol okay dave you can't trick me

>> No.9372648

We're anonymous to each other, if not to our unfortunate FBI-chan analyst

>> No.9372651
Quoted by: >>9372680 >>9372731

But where is the usual place? Cytube??

>> No.9372666

The best way to deal with schitzos is to both refute their rrats and expose who they are.
We already have plenty of ammo on the current one trying to spread shit

>> No.9372680

nyaa.si you fucking retardo ricardo

>> No.9372690

wao, that's a lot of akasupas that the guy sent.

>> No.9372731


>> No.9372740
Quoted by: >>9374564 >>9374810

>Kronii had been searching for you for… months, now. Perhaps a week had passed, in 'real time'—she spent only enough time moving in sync with reality to not appear as if she was ignoring her duties.
>She still felt no closer to finding you. It was ridiculous. Impossible, that somebody would be able to hide her lover away from her sight.
>She'd called in all the favors she could—from Sana, Fauna, even Baelz—and none of them had been able to assist her.
>There were only two possibilities.
>One: You were somehow outside of the domains of the Council. Outside of time, outside of space. Even outside the formless chaos that preceded reality.
>Two: One of the members of the Council was, for some reason, deliberately occluding her search. According to the gods who created them, no member of the Council could act directly against another—they were to always be in balance, not even *capable* of fighting amongst themselves.
>Of course, there was third option… but Kronii didn't want to let her mind dwell on the possibility that you somehow ceased to exist entirely—Fauna had insisted that she *also* search for your body, if you were dead, but that kind of thing had yet to return results either.
>So you had to be alive, she reasoned to herself. You *had* to.
>She's had quite a few false leads, of course—dozens of souls that were quite *nearly* yours, but not quite—and one awkward occurence where she dropped in on a version of you that had arrived from another timeline.
>This one, though—it felt solid. She had never known all of your soul, of course—it would be a terrible violation, to do that to somebody she had yet to marry—but this one felt like you, more than any of the others.
>So when she dropped back into sync with the world around her, it was… quite alarming, to find herself at Fauna's home.
>Fauna probably just found you first, Kronii reasons. It would make sense. Still, a bit of worry creeps down her spine as she knocks on the door, trying her best to retain a polite facade.
>It takes a few moments for her to recieve a response. Most people would knock again, or tap their foot, but Kronii just casually speeds up her perception of time until the door opens, knowing it'll take Fauna forever to get to the door, at her usual pace.
>"Kronii?" The kirin blinks sleep from ehr eyes as the door cracks open. "What's going on?"
>"Please." She exhales through gritted teeth. Despite her domain, Kronii had never been exceptionally patient. "I felt Anon here. Where is he?"
>Her tone is almost a growl—Fauna should *know* how long she's spent looking for her vanished love. Why would she delay?
>"Oh." Fauna stifles a yawn. "Right. Come in."
>Clad only in a thin, gauzy nightgown, the keepr of nature looks like a ghost as she leads Kronii through moonlit halls.
>So intent on her goal, the warden doesn't even notice as the hallways become more and more winding, less and less familiar the further in she goes.
>She does, however, balk when Fauna brings her to… an elevator? Since when did her house have an elevator in it?
>"He's down there," Fauna whispers into her ear. "Come on."
>So close. What did it matter if this was strange? She'd be with him again soon.
>Kronii steps into the elevator, and Fauna presses a button. The box begins to descend—and something strikes Kronii. Wasn't Fauna terrified of elevators?
>She blinks, taking another look at the kirin. It looked like there was a mist floating around her… was that always there?
>And since when did she get… this tired?
>She rubs at her eyes, eyelids feeling as heavy as lead. What was going on?
>Unwillingly, she feels herself falling slowly to the floor of the elevator. How long had they been descending for? It was so hard to keep her open…
>"Night night, sweetie," Fauna whispers, as the Warden's head finally falls. "Sweet dreams." She giggles to herself as the elevator door slides open.

>> No.9372788

I'm willing to give the guy the benefit of a doubt, his name is relatively tame all things considered and might just have triggered something in Kronii

>> No.9372800

So he's a sort of regular who also gets noticed by other chuubas and not a troll, got it. I guess Kronii indeed panicked over a nothingburger, but that's also a peer into how much of a paranoid menhera wreck she is.

>> No.9372842

She did realize it wasn't the name did she?

>> No.9372851

>he's a deadbeat

>> No.9372861

I-I can save her...

>> No.9372871
Quoted by: >>9372941 >>9372974

is there anything in the torrent that's not in the VOD?

>> No.9372941
Quoted by: >>9372982

The VOD isn't even back up?

>> No.9372944

Can you pls spoonfeed a retard - where this is from?

>> No.9372974

Yeah entire VOD

>> No.9372982

oh, the vod is unlisted. NVM. Read Superchat readings video and thought that was the new one not the celebration one

>> No.9372997
File: 157 KB, 1413x2048, 396251B2-FF46-49F6-8BAE-D1AFFB2891E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maid Kronii!

>> No.9373021

>but that's also a peer into how much of a paranoid menhera wreck she is.

>> No.9373048
Quoted by: >>9373211

Guys...is Kronii...actually really anxious and self conscious?

>> No.9373058
File: 739 KB, 692x656, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People blaming Kronii for overreacting
She read it as Hunt the Impaired, which is how anyone would read it since 'pair' and 'pear' sound exactly the same. He's donated before so someone can check if it got a reaction from those girls, but he clearly did with Kronii.

And even if the other girls didn't bat an eye, give Kronii a break, she's clearly wired differently and more sensitive to this stuff than the other girls for whatever reason.

>> No.9373093


>> No.9373094
Quoted by: >>9373129 >>9373241

It's hunt the imp-eared.

>> No.9373120


>> No.9373129

There would be a hyphen for that. There wasn't.

>> No.9373132

This. She overreacted because she's autistic. Nothing more and nothing less, just give her time to get used to it.

>> No.9373133

My hyper empathetic and self-conscious clock wife!

>> No.9373136
Quoted by: >>9373188 >>9373285

she has said she has "dark humor" and asks people to tolerate and see the fun in her type of humor.

Did she get out-darked in the readings? What was the worst one?

>> No.9373166

Not blaming her as if she did something horrible, just stating what you said yourself. Shes very sensitive. That being said it will just build up her anxiety if she gets upset over these things, as you really need to toughen up for this kind of career. I just don't want her to have to spend so much time worrying about stuff like this and feeling stressed. I'm sure the other ENs will help her with that tho and after more experience, she will get used to it and things will get better. Don't her to have to do that sad voice again. It hurt.

>> No.9373188
Quoted by: >>9373233 >>9373270

You have to remember she's a girl. As edgy as a girl can be, they can be shut down with inane shit like that

>> No.9373211

I know the whole "her being perfect" thing is a bit of a meme but she does seem like the kind of person who, if not perfectionistic, is at least going to hold themselves to a really high standard that most likely would not and thus the slightest mistakes end up chewing away at her. So, yes, she is anxious and self conscious. Also, she's having more success than she likely ever has had and she's probably worried that it can be taken away from her at any time. Still, I think people need to chill. I don't think she's really as wound up as anyone thinks despite appearances.

>> No.9373233
Quoted by: >>9373307

That's the thing, she can be shutdown easily. I worry that this just gives antis more reasons to bait her, as they know it will both stress her out and directly affect her VODs by either forcing her to edit them or just private them.

>> No.9373241

if that were true it would either have a hyphen or an intercapped E on Eared

>> No.9373270
Quoted by: >>9373280 >>9373375

I guess bond level is back to 0?

>> No.9373280

>it goes into negative

>> No.9373285
Quoted by: >>9373323 >>9373398

Her dark humor is self deprecating, in her eyes, the name looked like it was an attack on the disabled since impaired is associated with that (IE hearing impaired) And based on this, it's a very sensitive subject for her.
Her reaction after reading the name was visceral, not like 'oh some shitty troll got the better of me annoyed', but like she was in a totally state of shock for a bit before getting disgusted and then just saying in a resigned voice to not use names like that.

>> No.9373293
File: 1005 KB, 787x799, ゴズリング44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9373313 >>9375793

>Kronii ends the stream all nervous and anxious worried if she made any yabs.
>Her mind is filled with thoughts like if she actually deserved all the views and likes and support
>She cries herself to sleep with her face on the pillow while in the fetal position questioning her self-worth and wondering if she even deserves to be alive.
>She wishes she was a more genki and energetic person who didn't need to resort to edgy memes and dark humor to cope with the fact she's ultimately a lonely soul who puts up the façade of an uncaring stoic but in truth is actually more hyper-sensitive and empathetic than the average.

>> No.9373307
Quoted by: >>9373356 >>9374270

She just needs to talk to her senpais. Kiara said nigger and no one cares because she moved on. Kronii's slip is microscopic in comparison

>> No.9373313

Not now avatarfag.

>> No.9373319

I'm gonna need the artist's name for this one chief

>> No.9373323
Quoted by: >>9373387

Holy shit I didn’t think she acknowledged it like that, that’s pretty yabe

>> No.9373346
File: 595 KB, 1802x2048, 1D1A6E34-B56C-4DBE-81A5-D5B732F30094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fags are trying to go full armchair psychologist again?

>> No.9373356

I think that's exactly what will happen. After a month or two she will stop reacting to this stuff this way. Can't expect her to just change in a couple weeks. I just really hope her choice of "dealing with it" wont involve distancing herself from her viewers.

>> No.9373369

stfu niggers, I need to save my wife

>> No.9373374
Quoted by: >>9373434

Our clock queen needs saving and you won't stop us.

>> No.9373373

post nut clarity hits hard

>> No.9373375

We will have to see how's her mood tomorrow. Hopefully she calms down and just moves on

>> No.9373387
Quoted by: >>9373502

She was audibly bummed about it for several minutes. It was honestly painful to watch.

>> No.9373398

>"homeless? why not just build a house?"
it's not limited to self deprecation, she is, or at least sees herself as, a pragmatist. It still kinda sucks someone shook her when she was doing something nice. She really didn't have to read the SCs.

Hope Impeared donated at least $100+

>> No.9373417
File: 395 KB, 640x360, 1630327048682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9373455

I WILL analyze her illness and I WILL cure her.

>> No.9373420
Quoted by: >>9373464 >>9373479

I think it was a red supa.

>> No.9373434
Quoted by: >>9373477

You ain't helping the cause
If anything you're giving rrats prime material to feast on

>> No.9373448
Quoted by: >>9373525

She at least admitted saying that was an awful thing to say. So there's a difference, and no, to crushed your psychopathic nature, it wasn't an akusupa.

>> No.9373449
Quoted by: >>9373498 >>9373536

ah but of course, concernfags on the march once again.

>> No.9373455


>> No.9373460
Quoted by: >>9373631 >>9373712

That's what makes me think it was more personal, someone in her life is a cripple, my first thought would be Mumei, but her reaction was way too visceral for it to be that. Unless she's the type that gets very attached, very easily. Which just makes her more perfect.

>> No.9373464
File: 3 KB, 729x41, aoeuoau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9373514

I just looked it up.
fuck this guy.

>> No.9373477

rrats will find a reason to shitpost regardless of what you post. Stop having your life controlled by worrying about what antis will say if you post something on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.9373479
Quoted by: >>9373514

nope, $10 yellow

>> No.9373481
Quoted by: >>9373748

women really be like "haha I like dark humor" and then become aghast when met with some even when it wasn't really

>> No.9373498
Quoted by: >>9374039

Kronii will always have concernfags, you're just going to have to deal with it.

>> No.9373502

I don't usually concernfag but the fact that there was an audbile change in her mood is what's making me concernfag about her

>> No.9373509

$10.00 flat.

>> No.9373514

Well fuck

>> No.9373525
Quoted by: >>9373558

>and no, to crushed your psychopathic nature psychopathic nature? For stating facts that she did not have to read the SCs?
Sorry the truth hurts you bro,

>> No.9373536
Quoted by: >>9374039

don't make me cum on you retard who can't pick up on social cues

>> No.9373539

Post-nut CD phase is rough, man

>> No.9373558
Quoted by: >>9373631

>I hope this guy gave the max amount!
Not so fast

>> No.9373631

to justify the damage he/she's done? Yea - I hope Kronii got something more out of it.

Well, you can't make history (~50k opening) without some controversy I guess

>> No.9373712
Quoted by: >>9373747 >>9373905

I honestly think she's just very cautious and worries that something she does or says will impact her channel, or even worse, other holos. Basically wants to avoid all yabs. Then beats herself up for not being able to properly moderate her own channel.
>I should be entertaining these people. I shouldn't be fucking up. Why am I like this

>> No.9373724

>frantically googling every supa name
I wonder if that's what she's doing now, going thru every name just to be sure.
>donated early and donated late
It's over for me bros...

>> No.9373747
Quoted by: >>9373774 >>9373801

Hololive literally trended from the yabs though. The amount of N-word SCs and clippable stuff is what made them popular

>> No.9373748
Quoted by: >>9373832 >>9373963

are you really insinuating that "killing the disabled" is humor? that would wipe out her autists here and on reddit, retard. why would she want to nuke her payerbase?

>> No.9373757


>> No.9373774

I know that, but please andastnd. She's autistic and very lovable.

>> No.9373777


>> No.9373797

Holy shit my fucking sides

>> No.9373801
Quoted by: >>9373932

That can be justified because they don't know any better and cultural divides.

>> No.9373813


>> No.9373832
File: 73 KB, 498x441, 1629073815837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9373940 >>9374036

not that anon, but "gasthejews88", and the "hitler did nothing wrong" are normal here. We are contained for a reason.

I can understand Kronii being hard on herself for the slip up though.

>> No.9373834


>> No.9373905

that's probably part of it. Even before the yab happened she was making an effort to censor names and some of her readings, she just slowed waaaay down and was very self-conscious afterwards (i.e. she felt the need to google check "TheGreatBillyMays" and adding an emphasized "in frostpunk" to the end of a message that referenced working kids)

>> No.9373922


>> No.9373932
Quoted by: >>9373972

>cultural divides.
like how mentally disabled people are normally bullied and being related to one is shamefurr in japan?

If the N is okay because cultural divide, so is the R

>> No.9373940
File: 142 KB, 960x960, E-XoX1VVIAsuES2.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9374036

too many newfagchamas
pls andastand

>> No.9373957


>> No.9373963

most dark 'humor' is literally just 'terrible thing, no punchline, I just said something socially unacceptable and inappropriate' so yeah, I'd say it fits the bill.

>> No.9373972
Quoted by: >>9374041

Now you're just setting up a giant strawman.

>> No.9374036
Quoted by: >>9374160

Problem is old 4chan knew they were just joking, the newfags do not and think it's 100% serious. It's why we have newfags going around arguing that racism is in fact a good thing.
To quote a classic movie
>Our (old 4chan) Shenanigans are cheeky and fun. Their (Redditchans) Shenanigans are cruel, and tragic.

>> No.9374039
File: 46 KB, 615x894, dant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ehhh you guys are really going ham on this, eh? Just remember that she has people who talk to about this or that one of the girls might have already asked if she was alright. I know I sounded like an insensitive prick, but you guys being like this isn't making the thread any better, nor would she ever come here to psychoanalyze herself to go "My God, you guys understand me."

Honestly, just chill. Even a few of you lot are going after this supacha offender when he's evidently been a long-time supporter. Would that mean I don't give a fuck about how supachas are being sent? Of course not. I know there is a dedicated cunt or two out there who'd rather waste their money if it means that they can intentionally ruin the streamer's day and I can't do shit about them. But like any yab moment, this too shall pass.

So don't worry too much about her. She's honestly in a better position now for support. She'll get over this without a doubt. We just have to keep on supporting her with positive vibes. None of this negative concernfag vibes, alright?

>> No.9374041
Quoted by: >>9374076

dafuq? what's the strawman?
False equivalence maybe - but what strawman?

>> No.9374076
Quoted by: >>9374212

Intentionally misinterpreting the cultural divide to the create the false equivalency.

>> No.9374082


>> No.9374095

I miss coom posting

>> No.9374116
Quoted by: >>9374146 >>9374167

>I miss reddit cancer
I don't.

>> No.9374139
File: 746 KB, 968x602, 1630943836257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok fags we had time for concernfagging now it's time to move onto more important matters:

>> No.9374146
Quoted by: >>9374195

Bet you miss this dick in your mouth, come here

>> No.9374153

oh I just wanted to voice my opinions towards your "cONcErNEd FAgS At iT aGaIN" but yeah you're right let's just go back to sexposting pls

>> No.9374160

Which wouldn't make them shenanigans, at all, really.

>> No.9374167
File: 947 KB, 1014x775, 1630982427839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9374245

*slaps your ass*
*cums on you*

>> No.9374172
File: 2.79 MB, 424x498, FBDFD112-CEC0-4FDA-A126-AA1178E8A481.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, based Dante
Unfortunately I don't have any pizza to give to you, but here's a wink from Kronii!

>> No.9374182


>> No.9374189

rrat is a brat yes, but man I just want to fuck MUMEI HARD until she tears up

>> No.9374195

I'm not a redditor, so I'm not into what you like.

>> No.9374203

i want to emotionally abuse this rrat. i want her to become emotionally attached to me and kronii, only for her to watch us coddle mumei instead

>> No.9374212
File: 2.68 MB, 400x225, 1445570036576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9374355

>you misinterpreted something to create the false equivalency
that's....not what the strawman fallacy is. A false equivalency doesn't need to be based on anything. That's what makes it false.... Even then, it's not a false equivalency if you look at it in terms of difference in cultures. Since the logic is
>A is offended by B,
>C doesn't know about B
>C says B

N and R can fall under this chain. You have to provide proof C knows about B to call it a false equivalence.

This isn't leddit, so I'm just gonna call you a faggot and call it a day.

>> No.9374227

Who would be the better pick for Kronii to collab with first post embargo: Ame for time memes or Calli for mix nerding?

the real answer is probably some sort of big multigen collab organized by ollie

>> No.9374245

Yes daddy *violent orgams*

>> No.9374270

Eh wasn't Kiara just her singing a song that had "nigga" in the lyrics? And she also just immediately apologized right away anyway even though her viewers excused her. That sort of thing is gonna hit differently compared to something that might sound like an attack.

>> No.9374273
File: 26 KB, 400x399, 1630204936847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9374454

>losing the 2.6 bond points
You don't understand Dante, we lost hard earned progress for Lewds!

>> No.9374279
File: 1.84 MB, 1767x1161, ki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9374521

ina is the least autistic
and isnt overwhelming like chicken

>> No.9374303
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, 759htjskuri4719752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9374308

I just want an ame x kronii to be honest, I feel like their sense of humor would be a good mix

>> No.9374328
Quoted by: >>9374366

I think someone with high energy would make for the best contrast and content, so ollie

>> No.9374345
Quoted by: >>9374533 >>9374545

Too sad and horny to sleep, have a fic:
>"I wanna try something anon." You raise an eyebrow, turning your face away from the computer screen. Kronii, the Mistress of Time, was standing in front of you with her hands behind her back. You move your swivel chair to face her.
>It was 7 PM in the evening, you were finishing up on a report for work.
>"What is it?" You ask, the way she smiled at you, it felt like you were going to have some "fun" time with Kronii.
>She kneels down, taking out what she had hid behind her. It was one of her gloves, removed from her hand. She pulls down your shorts and underwear, your flaccid and unerect cock flops downwards.
>She stretches out the glove over your dick, as if it was a condom. You clench your jaw at the chaffing of the silk rubbing against your shaft. Kronii had very small and dainty hands, the glove was never gonna be a perfect fit and only reached halfway.
>"Well that's as far as it can go." Kronii gives you a smile as she tightens her now naked fingers around the glove, stroking it slowly at first before she amped the tempo into violent tugging.
>You can't help but grind your teeth and dig your nails into your thigh. It's such an odd feeling, the inner lining of the glove was warm and moist from her hand sweat, it's surface caused more friction on your skin, making every piston painful and hot.
>You're such a fucking degenerate however that this low key cock torture makes you more excited, you can feel the power building up in your lower regions.
>You start groaning out in anticipation for the incoming nut, throwing your head back seconds away from your climax.
>Then nothing.
>You look back down, you stare with frustration at the shit eating grin on Kronii's face.
>"Not so fast." She drawls out in a mocking manner.
>Time dilation of course, she was denying your orgasm as long as possible. Your dick was still swollen, the flood of semen contained by a dam of Kronii's making.
>You're so fucked.
>She repeats the same process, tightening her grip on the glove and tugging on your poor dick like it was a toy. You ground your teeth to the point you can hear it. Your cock is on fucking fire, you're definitely gonna need to see the doctor after this.
>Once again your are about to reach climax, at this point your punching your thighs in agony, and again Kronii abuses her powers to deny you.
>She does this for another 30 minutes, in that time your mind has gone blank because of the excruciating suffering. You weren't even fully conscious when Kronii finally allowed you to cum.
>You look down, Kronii's face was drenched in your milk. She had removed the glove just seconds before you finally let it all out. She wipes it away with her hands, licking some of it.
>She crawls towards your dick as if to survey the damage, it's red and pulsating, like a freshly plucked drained turkey.
>She looks up to you, her face a mixture of impish mockery and sympathetic concern.
>"I'll go get an icepack." She says finally, going to the kitchen.
>You just sit there, absolutely drenched in your sweat, panting like a dog.
>It fucking hurts.
>It felt fucking good.

>> No.9374355
Quoted by: >>9374465

Wrong, you're trying to create the strawman that unless it's something directed at another culture, it should be ignored. If Hololive EN played GTA V and all when 'nigger' that would be a major yab that would affect their bottom line due to the demographics unlike JP. Also do you have any video of Hololive JP making fun of the disabled? Because gauging the reaction from that is the only way for your comparison to fly.
I'll just call you a faggot for your entire bad faith argument.

>> No.9374366

another collab where I have to sacrifice my ears just to hear my oshi I see why do people like ollie jesus christ her clonse sucks ass too

>> No.9374383

>kronii reads out an edgelord name that may simply just be a nothing burger
>panics, shifts mood, privates VOD
>rrat reads out loud "USS Liberty Incident"
>doesnt care
I think it's clear Kronii could use a little more confidence, as well as some knowledge on the art of not giving a shit, on her superchat readings. I hope she turns out well.

>> No.9374399
File: 314 KB, 651x500, 1630959452549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9374439 >>9374521

The first official collab is
Going to be all of council and myth playing Among Us together. Screencap this.

>> No.9374415

She knows how rabid twitter is

>> No.9374417

Apples and Oranges, also rrat was also drinking.

>> No.9374418
File: 2.59 MB, 1200x1600, 1630740947841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9374508 >>9374539

Imagine Kronii making a copy of Baelz's keys without her knowing. Imagine Kronii and you sneaking into Baelz's house at midnight, after the little rrat had a long day of hard work. Imagine entering the rrat's room, she's sleeping in nothing but a loose t-shirt and panties. Imagine Kronii taking out her phone and opening the camera setting it to record. Imagine jumping on the little rrat, ripping off her panties and forcefully sticking your hard cock in her tiny rrat purry while she is still half asleep. Imagine her freaking out and trying to scream while Kronii is recording everything. Imagine french kissing Baelz just to shut her up. It is just a thought, but IMAGINE.

>> No.9374439

Hopefully Kiara will take a sick day that day.

>> No.9374454
File: 485 KB, 1280x954, dant2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh be quiet, Vergil. We'll get past 2.5 sooner or later. This is just a minor setback to the greater goal. I want this relationship growth to be organic and decently-paced.

>> No.9374465
Quoted by: >>9374506

>If Hololive EN played GTA V and all when 'nigger' that would be a major yab that would affect their bottom line due to the demographics unlike JP. Also do you have any video of Hololive JP making fun of the disabled?
lol - now this is a strawman. You built up something unrelated (A says B) - and tore it down. Thanks for playing. Also you have to go back

>> No.9374468

I don't want Ollie anywhere near the council until she finishes her stupid yab apex cup.

>> No.9374505
Quoted by: >>9374554

I wonder how would people cosplay as Kronii

>> No.9374506

>Noooo, you can't give context to how different demographics will treat things!
Also fallacy fallacy by you, don't you have a containment board you should go back to?

>> No.9374508

i'm imagining

>> No.9374517


>> No.9374521

ina + kronii will be neat, the puns will be legendary.

though there no chance in hell of ina not making a beeline for sana first

my bet for first full EN collab is gartic phone

>> No.9374533

very nice, anon

>> No.9374539
Quoted by: >>9374566


>> No.9374545
File: 146 KB, 1317x2048, 58A12CF5-347C-4CB5-B7DC-C78ABD8A37E5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what would happen to you if you got your orgasm denied for 30 minutes somehow...

>> No.9374554

Like this https://twitter.com/muffet1010/status/1433765657451974656?s=19

>> No.9374560


>> No.9374564

>Kronii wakes with a start, gasping for clean air. The room she wakes in is pitch black, and she's alone—neither Fauna nor (You) are anywhere to be found.
>Trying to stand, she quickly realizes she's been handcuffed to a chair, unable to move. She grits her teeth, and focuses—a quick burst of power frees her from the old chair she was locked to, sending her stumbling onto the rough floor.
>Ugh. She felt like shit. There was no telling how long she'd been out—or if anything had happened while she was.
>Her clothes were still in place—that was somehting she'd learned to check, after too many nights drinking with Baelz—and she didn't feel hurt. Maybe a little bruised, like she'd been dragged over a short distance while unconscious.
>Whatever. That wasn't important. She stood, rubbing sore spots on her wrists, clicking her tongue. If Fauna thought some darkness would stop her…
>She strode forward confidently—while she couldn't tell what was around her exactly, it *felt* like she was in a long room at the end of a corridor—extending her senses outside of her body to feel what was ahead.
>Making her way down the corridor just by feel wasn't as hard as it looked. It was just frustrating—now, on top of not knowing where you were, Fauna had made keeping Kronii in the dark absurdly literal.
>Eventually, she felt her way to a door—a solid slab of what felt like metal. Her fingers played across the cool surface—trying to shift the barrier out of sync with real time, like she'd done with the chair.
>Unfortunately, it was to no avail. She was too woozy to focus properly. She slammed a fist against the door, making it shudder, but accomplishing little.
>"Oh, you're awake?" Fauna's quiet voice floated through the air, and the lights suddenly switched on.
>Harsh, fluorescent light blinded her for a moment as bulbs hummed to life, filling the room with white.
>The door she had been attempting to open, it turned out, had a small window—Fauna had been behind it, presumably about to open it. Damn it. She normally didn't have such rotten timing.
>"How was your nap?" Fauna asked, a surprisingly sadistic smile on her normally soft face. "I hope you enjoyed it, after I went through such trouble to prepare it."
>Kronii had no idea how Fauna had managed to circumvent the 'rules', and she didn't care.
>"Just let me go!" She punched the door again, and it creaked ominously. "And where's Anon?"
>"Oh, do you want to see him?" she asked, as if the idea just came to her. "Right, of course you would." The condescension in her tone was *extremely* aggravating, not that Kronii could do anything but grit her teeth about it.
>Fauna stepped back, her eyes glowing a strange orange color as she retreated into the darkness in the hall beyond. Kronii continued pounding at the door, but it refused to yield to even her most furious punches.
>Just as her knuckles were starting to hurt, Fauna returned—and behind her, Kronii could see a shadowed bulk.
>"Anon!" she gasped, recognizing your presence. She pressed herself up against the door, face against the glass. For the span of three breaths, all her anger was forgotten, and she was just happy to see you again.
>That quickly faded when you stepped into the light, and she saw how you'd changed.
>The vacant expression on your face was just the first thing she noticed. The second was that you were probably a good foot taller—towering over Fauna, and probably Kronii too—and significantly more muscular. Like you'd spent the entire four month period you'd been missing in the gym.
>"What did you do?" she gasped, her eyes meeting Fauna's for a moment. Her gaze flicked back to you for a moment, and she noticed an odd green scar on your neck—right where most humans had an artery, she thought. It was glowing, pulsing with a pale light. Something was seriously wrong.
>"Oh, I just… improved him a bit." Fauna exhaled, pulling you against her. You let out a long-held breath, and wrapped the keeper of nature in a tight embrace, seemingly instinctively. "He's *very* thankful."
>The sight of her lover kissing another woman filled Kronii with rage, enough to burn whatever remained of the sleeping drug out of her system. A second later the door separating her and Fauna was gone—back to wherever its constituent atoms were a few billion years ago.
>Unfortunately, she couldn't do much to tear you away from Fauna—rules prevented her from harming the kirin, and she didn't want to hurt you. But she could at least fix you—bring you back to before all this.
>She reached out with her power, and… nothing. You just kept french kissing Fauna, eyes dull as they slid right over Kronii's face.
>"Get off of him!" She tried to pull you away, but Fauna's grip was too tight as she hung off of you, luxuriating in the sight of Kronii's impotent rage.
2/3 (sorry)

>> No.9374566
File: 57 KB, 680x972, Ace Combat 7 - Alicorn [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1see59.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9374597


>> No.9374583

did kronii ever mention ace combat on stream? why do I keep seeing it on this thread

>> No.9374591


>> No.9374597
File: 830 KB, 4093x2894, Yo buddy[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2crd3w.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9374606

desu her rrat looks better

>> No.9374612

needs more tits

>> No.9374614

Where's the high waisted panties?

>> No.9374630
File: 207 KB, 900x800, 27307985_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9374631
Quoted by: >>9377149

She asked us if we were still alive

>> No.9374635

i am reading intently with cock in hand

>> No.9374652
Quoted by: >>9375259

is this extension of "horny Fauna" storyline

>> No.9374668
Quoted by: >>9374717 >>9374789

Gura for max numbers.

>> No.9374676
Quoted by: >>9374716 >>9377149

1)because you should play ace combat
2)because someone got her to read ace combat lines in the supaa

>> No.9374716
File: 628 KB, 735x456, Ace Combat 7 - Mimic (Drums Mix)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9qkirc.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9374739

/∞/ squadron when?

>> No.9374717

Leeching off of gura would be profitable and smart

>> No.9374739
Quoted by: >>9374757

Join the Air Force and fly some real planes you nerd

>> No.9374757
Quoted by: >>9375010

>If you like arcade flight sims that must mean you want to fly real plans.
Get a load of this fag.

>> No.9374789

gura already 'accidentally' collabed with rrat and owl. she will 100% try to find a way to sneak into the rest of the council's streams before the month ends.

>> No.9374797


>> No.9374807

Based shark wants to make friends

>> No.9374810

Go on...

>> No.9374856

Kronii should be safe from the shark menace since she doesn't stream minecraft or has played any other multiplayer games.

>> No.9374865
File: 172 KB, 400x579, 1630221849070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gura already 'accidentally' collabed with rrat and owl
she fucking torture and killed the owl
she is a fucking sadist
chumbuds will defend that psicopath

>> No.9374885

>chumbuds will defend that psicopath
with my life!

>> No.9374895
Quoted by: >>9374999

not sure how she'll manage that with kronii given half her schedule is locked up with frostpunk and hollow knight.

>> No.9374903
File: 275 KB, 1770x2048, 01A3EDE8-E4AA-4CEC-81EE-FEBFEECF7908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm intrigued. Keep going, anon!

>> No.9374905

>Give owl an excuse to roleplay even further
Sounds like she knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.9374908

it was funny though so its fine

>> No.9374920
File: 263 KB, 1373x700, 1630981763972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9375306

It's all part of Mumei's plan. She would let herself be killed a thousand times if that means lowering everyone's guard.

>> No.9374925
File: 23 KB, 552x555, 1616801162581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9374999

Practically over 90% of the posts here are not going too negatively into it. Most of the posters are saying exactly what you're saying. She got upset over it, everyone heard it, but
>Just remember that she has people who talk to about this or that one of the girls might have already asked if she was alright.

I know you want a very specific type of thread for yourself, but
>but you guys being like this isn't making the thread any better, nor would she ever come here to psychoanalyze herself to go "My God, you guys understand me."
Neither will she come here as if this is the only location that provides her with positive vibes. That's not the point even. The thread isn't just about wanting to ram Kronii or yelling SEEEEEX on repeat for 20 posts to every image, hoping she sees it, but it's also for anons to discuss how they feel about streams and their own worries to share with other fans. Depending on what the stream was at the time, some topics might not be the happiest. I don't think it's anyone's intention here to paint her as some mentally ill person who needs to graduate or to anti her in any way. It's mostly a way to understand why specific things happened and to calm both oneself and other anons, who do have an emotional bond with her, regardless if most people want to admit it or not.

If anything people should talk about it, if not just for
>Even a few of you lot are going after this supacha offender when he's evidently been a long-time supporter.
Mostly to defuse the situation internally and make other people understand that sure, just like them, most everyone feels that it was a shitty moment for various reasons, but that there's no reason to go after that person. Without any discussion, plenty of anons will just sit and fume with their own thoughts, unable to have an outlet to talk with other people.

>We just have to keep on supporting her with positive vibes.
That's the goal, but don't forget about supporting each other either. I get the need to always have a positive thread about fluff, but there's really no reason to moderate and police ontopic discussions that break no rules. Especially not because you personally don't like them or because you're trying to attribute whats worth discussing and whats not solely based on your own personal standards.

You do have a right to express yourself, as do I by posting this, but I hope we both realize that neither you or me are some pillars that everyone should base their opinions on and blindly emulate, or else the thread is somehow "unworthy". Right?

>> No.9374934
Quoted by: >>9375087

wonder if it hits harder for her somehow because it's something more personal, as in she might actually be part of those people

>> No.9374971

has gura noticed the toothpaste commercial reading yet?

>> No.9374999
File: 156 KB, 1080x1080, dant3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her frostpunk arc will be over soon unless she decides to play the DLC.

So you've agreed on a lot of things I've just mentioned. Cool.

>> No.9375005

shes just overthinking everything. Managements been on her fucking ass about the littlest shit since she debuted, so she blew a MAYBE edgelord name out of the fucking water. Hell the only reason the stream isnt up now is probably because she's sitting there mulling over if she should or shouldnt give a fuck and edit it out.

>> No.9375012
File: 1.47 MB, 2000x1012, 1629718146936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When these two inevitably collab, what game will they play?

>> No.9375010
Quoted by: >>9375326


>> No.9375017
Quoted by: >>9375959

I don't think he even knows how bad his name is. He's been in streams for other hololive EN chatting normally in a positive manner.

>> No.9375076

they will play with my dick (we will have sex)

>> No.9375077

Hmmm what's a multiplayer game where Ame doesn't suck too much?

>> No.9375087
Quoted by: >>9375151

alright settle down, saying mumei is possibly retarded because she randomly breaks out in keyboard slam speak is one thing but kronii literally just wanted to NOT endorse "hey lets kill cripples"

>> No.9375096
Quoted by: >>9375142


>> No.9375100
Quoted by: >>9375255

keep talking and nobody explodes?

>> No.9375142
Quoted by: >>9375245

But she already played portal with Baelz

>> No.9375151
Quoted by: >>9375194 >>9375207

Do you think she would endorse hunting the impaired for care and help?

>> No.9375194
Quoted by: >>9375297

It'd be better if she just hunted us down sexually

>> No.9375207

I dont understand what you're referencing? I'm just saying she probably wouldve reacted the same to any other moderately offensive name, theres no reason to say shes personally offended.

>> No.9375212
File: 281 KB, 1080x1527, AssassinKingHassanStage01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9375281 >>9375315

>Concernfagging this early.
What in the living hell!? It's just week 3 ffs.

>> No.9375234
Quoted by: >>9375438 >>9375926

>Finally, the keeper broke from your lips—clearly, you had been 'improved' to not require as much oxygen—and threw a glance over her shoulder at the warden of time…
>"Kronii, come on. Don't you get it?" Her glowing eyes locked with Kronii's, her gaze boring a hole through the other woman. "He doesn't love you anymore," she whispered, stroking your face.
>"What?" There was no way that was true! How would Fauna even *do* that? The kirin let go of you, and you dutifully released her as well, standing at her back.
>"True, I had to spend a lot of time getting all this right. But I figured it out. A bit of tweaking, with his brain chemistry," she shrugged. "A little… transplant." She glanced down at her wrist, and Kronii's gaze followed—there was a small scar there.
>"You replaced part of his body with yours?" Kronii asked, her voice hollow. Why? That didn't make any sense.
>"I did." She smiled. "That, and some other things… well, he's immortal now, among other things." She gave Kronii another smug look. "For one, bearing my blood… he's under the same pact as we are."
>Oh, gods. So you were stuck this way? How did she… *why* would she…
>"I know, you don't understand." Fauna stepped forward, laying a 'comforting' hand on Kronii's shoulder. "It's very simple." She leaned in, her lips nearly brushing against Kronii's ear. "You didn't appreciate him. You didn't love him."
>"That's ridiculous!" Kronii snarled, jerking away from Fauna. "Of course I do!" The kirin looked at her sadly, as if she had failed to understand something.
>"Do you know how long I've watched over humanity?" the keeper asked. "How long I've wanted something like what you two had?"
>"I don't care," Kronii snapped. She'd figure out a way to get you back to normal. Even if she couldn't reverse time… maybe she could just take Fauna's… bits out of you, and then fix it?
>"Of course you don't," Fauna sighed. "That's your problem. You don't care, not really. You act like you do, but you don't reall *feel* love. Not like I do." She touched a hand to her heart. "And when I saw how badly you were treating him… of *course* I would do something about it."
>"Bullshit!" Kronii hadn't treated you badly! "I love him! I never did anything to hurt him!"
>"But you did," Fauna whispered, reaching out to you. She clasped your hand in hers—holding it up to the warden. Scars were evident on your fingers—minor cuts, grease burns from cooking for Kronii. "He spent nearly two years cooking for you, and how often did you thank him?"
>"That's… that's ridiculous!" she sputtered. That wasn't *abuse*!
>"How many times did you say thank you to him *at all*?" Fauna's voice turned vindictive. "I watched, you know. That housewarming gift I got you?"
>"Oh, gods." The fucking potted cactus. You had insisted on trying to raise it properly, since it was a gift from Kronii's friend. Kronii *knew* Fauna could see through plants, but she'd never even connected the gift with that.
>"Mhm. He made you dinner every night. Even the nights you didn't come home." What? You'd always just said those were leftovers, when Kronii asked! "And he waited up for you. You can *control time*, and you couldn't even come home every night to your boyfriend?"
>"I can't do that all the time!" Kronii shot back. "There are rules! I can't just play around with my powers!"
>"Excuses," Fauna whispered back, venom on her tongue. She looked up at you, still just standing there, and interlocked her fingers with yours. "I'm there for him, you know. Every night… every day." She smiles a sad smile. "I cook for *him*, most days, even though he always asks to do it instead. We do the chores together, and every night I fall asleep in his arms." She sounds almost… nostalgic.
>"You could've found somebody else!" Kronii exclaims. "Why him?" The kirin shrugs, turning her gaze to you—and you met it, coming alive again to lay a hand on her shoulder.
>"I fell in love," she says, like it explains her stealing Kronii's boyfriend, and then hiding him for months while she… 'improved' him to forget her.
>"You don't know what love means," the warden hisses.
>"I know more than you," the keeper sighs. "Here, let's test it." She rubs a thumb against your palm. "Anon, love? Wake up." She snaps, and you blink, swaying a bit on your feet.
>"Huh? Where are we?" you ask, your voice uncertain.
>"Underground," she tells you, seeing no reason to lie to her lover. "Sorry for waking you." You shake your head—it didn't matter.
>"Anon!" Kronii runs up to you, grabbing at your other hand. "Thank the gods you're awake! Let's get out of here!"
>"…who're you?" you ask, brows knitted in confusion. Something breaks in Kronii. a precious, fragile thing that could never be replaced.
>"Dear, can you do me a favor?" Fauna asks, as Kronii gasps for breath, clutching at her chest. "This is Kronii. She's a coworker of mine."
>"Oh. Nice to meet you," you tell the warden, smiling down at her.
3/4(almost there)

>> No.9375245

can't hurt to play with someone who knows how to play it. It could be a zatsudan collab stream if the stars are aligned.

>> No.9375255
File: 118 KB, 780x1000, E8B7C856-D586-4D43-AB0B-F35FC933C628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, that might be cool. Seeing Kronii panicking over a bomb would be cute

>> No.9375259

No, it isn't. This is a separate thing. But I *do* need to finish that.

>> No.9375281
Quoted by: >>9375428

Do your reps shrimp head.

>> No.9375290
File: 115 KB, 428x424, ゴズリング168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9375491 >>9375976

>It is evening, you are at your study, looking through the ledgers whose pages were inked with the monthly expenditure and profit of your family's estate.
>It's been several months when your Lord Uncle perished due to bloody fever, leaving you with the inheritance of the familial lands. A surprise to be sure, you had expected there were many more appropriate gentlemen amidst your kin more suitable for the role of landed Gentry, and yet your uncle had deemed you his main heritor
>You cannot help compliment your uncle, he was a man with a good mind for stewardship, if you had just half of his wisdom than you wouldn't be left wanting for the rest of your life.
>You hear the echoing sound of knocking on oak wood
>You get up, walking over towards the door, opening it.
>In front of you was one of the maids of the household, your uncle only had staff of around five and this one was the youngest.
>She was a women of pale skin, dark luscious hair, haunting cerulean eyes and a curious Eurasian look to her that all the more made her beautiful.
>Her eyes widen, she bows deeply.
>"L-Lord Anon, f-forgive my intrusion." You wave her off, no need to be so formal.
>"Miss Kronii correct? What brings you here?" You can't help but deny it, though she may be a commoner and to some circles a mestizo, she was a very attractive woman.
>"M-Mrs Achan told me to clean up the study. Thank Goodness I had the right mind to knock or else I would've disturbed you." She was still new to this, you'd wager she was only around your age and you were quiet young by the standards of your peers.
>"Don't be so anxious, Miss Kronii, you may enter and do as the head maid instructed, it won't be a bother." You swing the door more open, bowing as you let the young lady do her business.
>She blushes a bit, broom and feather duster at hand.
>You wait for her to enter and begin the dusting before you return to your desk, continuing your accountancy.
>To her credit she was very quiet and hardworking, trying her best not to to disturb your with any significant amount of noise.
>You were already finished 10 minutes in, you spend the rest of her time watching her work.
>You decide to go for it, you remain an unmarried man, it would not be so scandalous if you were to do this.
>You quietly sneak up towards her, her mind engrossed with dusting off the bust of one of your ancestors.
>"Miss Kronii." She jumps a bit at the close proximity of your voice, too surprised to even meet your face.
>"I apologize for my impropriety." You place a hand on her right thigh, squeezing the ample flesh.
>"M-My Lord!" She gasps out at your lewd touch, there were many advantages of the higher strata. One of them was how much leeway you had with the commons, though you weren't going to go that far, aiming for such simple lechery.
>You slide your errant hand more forward, her tremoring body rested against you, shuddering at your scandalous touch.
>You reach the front, and are surprised by sensation of long strands of hair touching your fingertips.
>"Miss Kronii? You seem to be underdressed." You teasingly whisper into her ear, your other hand was about to fondle a breast.
>"My Lord...please." She whimpers out like a kicked dog, begging you.
>You regain your senses, immediately retracing your offending hands.
>She turns her head towards you, you can see the droplets in the edges of her eyes, the fearful frown on her lips.
>You bow, very deeply.
>"I sincerely apologize, I have no idea what came over me." You say with honesty, you were no longer hellion deprived of responsibility wreaking havoc in Africa and India, you were a man of the gentry.
>"I will discuss the matter of your pay with Mrs Achan, you will be compensated for my shameless behavior." You look up to her with seriousness, you need to learn how to act the proper gentlemen.
>Her earlier terror has subsided, replaced by a guarded smile.
>"N-No issues my Lord, just...." She starts touching the tips of her index fingers together.
>"I-If that is what my Lord wishes, you should observe some proper etiquette first and ask a Lady for permission. She may even have the mind to reciprocate." She blushes, a hint of a lewd smile on her face.
>You grin.
>"Of course Miss." You take her hand, planting a kiss on it.
>This was going to be the start of a torrid love affair.

>> No.9375297

>Kronii sets you loose in a big game reserve with a ten minute headstart
>"There is no hunting like the hunting of a man."

>> No.9375306

I'm pretty sure she's just stupid and relies on luck and coincidence to get what she wants.

>> No.9375308
File: 209 KB, 1313x2100, E-cqPH2UcAQ7Nz2.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9375343

>You're downstairs in your man cave when Kronii comes stomping downstairs
>"How the stream go? Is it alright to go back upstairs now?"
>Kronii stops and glares at you
>"Is everything alright? Did something happen?"
>Kronii continues to stare, she's visibly angry
>"What happe-"
>Before you can finish that sentence Kronii freezes time
>She then creates a time pocket around your cock and rewinds it to the time you were at your hardest
>It was the first time you saw her tit window in person
>For the next several hours Kronii proceeds to anger-rape you to let out her anger and frustration
>Finally satisfied she puts your cock back in the right time zone and unfreezes time
>Your vision goes white as a powerful orgasm overcomes you
>You collapse back into your chair, unable to move due to the pleasure and pain
>When you regain your vision you see that Kronii is no longer angry
>You also notice that the chair and table have been smashed
>"You can come back upstairs now."
>Eventually the pleasure washes away and the pain remains, leaving you with a limp in your walk
>The next day you decide to visit the doctor
>After some testing and a X-ray, it is revealed that you have a fractured pelvis and some friction burns on your legs and penis
>As the doctor is listing all of this off, Kronii's face becomes redder and redder until she finally buries her face in her hands

>> No.9375315

Quick write how you would rape Baelz with Kronii

>> No.9375326
File: 22 KB, 753x1202, Ace Combat 7 - The Hero of Comberth Harbor [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7ilh3h.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We surrender
Ready the main cannon

>> No.9375343

God I wish that were me

>> No.9375381

Mumei is the ultimate submissive. Can't wait to see what Kronii will do to her.

>> No.9375428

I'm just visiting my neighbors and seeing people go concernfag is.....Too early in this phase of things.

>> No.9375438

why must you edge me so

>> No.9375443
Quoted by: >>9375513

It'll pass we get a few of those sometimes and then it just goes back to sexposting of varying degrees.

>> No.9375449
Quoted by: >>9375469

I dont understand why she would take offense to such a degree as to private the stream.
Hunt the impeared is straight up from 2006 internet classic edgy nicks.

>> No.9375451
Quoted by: >>9375513

Watching her debut VOD, it would be impossible for there not to be concern fags.

>> No.9375469
Quoted by: >>9375742

rrat: she is mentally impaired herself

>> No.9375490

Did Kronii and Rat finish Portal Coop?

>> No.9375491

fuck sake that's good

>> No.9375506
Quoted by: >>9375546

you tell me. the fact that someone up there literally said that it's okay to concernfag here because it's the right place to do it shows you the absolute state of post-nut clarity hours.

>> No.9375513
File: 238 KB, 1920x1595, pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's it. You're not experiencing the Ame vacation or this current lull my home split is experiencing right now.

>> No.9375546
Quoted by: >>9375573

what is there to concernfag about? She read some edgy name and got irrationally upset.
If she hasnt forgotten about it by now then i have no idea how she survived the internet until now.

>> No.9375573

ask the concernfags, then. I ain't them.

>> No.9375580
Quoted by: >>9375623 >>9375644

Its hardly even concernfagging. Kronii had a yab moment, whether someone personally thinks its a big deal or not is one thing but we have the right to talk about it. Fact is Kronii has been radio silent and the stream is still privated

>> No.9375623

This, people stating they're worried about Kronii because of something that actually happened is not concernfagging. When they try and start policing the thread, then you can call them that.

>> No.9375644
Quoted by: >>9375706 >>9375716

it's probably a nothingburger. Like history has always shown.

Though who hyped for HK again? It's my current favorite playthrough.

>> No.9375653

How long before Kronii gets one of these? How many more soundbytes would they need?

>> No.9375706

Very, HK's been on my backlog for ages and her streams of it have made me pick it up again, but I make sure that I don't play ahead of where she is for whatever autistic reason I have.

>> No.9375708
Quoted by: >>9375725

Imagine if Kronii found the archive and the guro stuff in particular...

>> No.9375716
Quoted by: >>9375735 >>9375746

I'm more hyped for frostpunk. HK is still cool but I've never been too crazy about it, I think Kronii commentates better with the slower games as well. I hope she plays darkest dungeon someday, I think thatd strike a good balance between the two

>> No.9375725

God I wish Kronii would beat me to death.

>> No.9375735
Quoted by: >>9375855

>Darkest Dungeon
She doesn't like rage inducing games so I can't see that happening.

>> No.9375742
Quoted by: >>9375762 >>9375774

better rrat: mumei is impaired (either mentally or physically). I heard she was unusually active in Mumei's minecraft stream afterwards.

>> No.9375745
File: 258 KB, 445x474, 1606885332003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9375789

VOD doko?
Anyone got takeshi clip?

>> No.9375746

>darkest dungeon
Too ableist

>> No.9375762

Stop making retarded rrats. This isn't /who/

>> No.9375774
File: 1.58 MB, 3476x2209, 1604142290466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9375791

Kindly kneel and close your eyes.

>> No.9375789

Still private, we'll see if it becomes public tomorrow or get a definitive answer during the next stream.

>> No.9375791
File: 42 KB, 580x438, 5C9AF025-FC5A-4180-B3E3-5A63559057E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9375793


>> No.9375855
Quoted by: >>9375903

Surely it cant be worse then some of the shit Monster Hunter throws at you. Few things get me mad in a game quicker than alatreon

>> No.9375903

World's shit because of DPS checks.
Tri's version was worse because you needed a dedicated sleep gunner to consistently break everything
Regardless, Kronii says she plays monster hunter so it must be hard, but fair to her.

>> No.9375927
File: 363 KB, 1100x1556, E98H3WWVUAU19T3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't she already kind of wearing a meido outfit?

I'm kind of hoping for Quantum League, but it will probably be Portal 2 or something goofy

>> No.9375926

>The greeting only seems to hurt her more—she lets out a small, choking noise, her breath hitching like she's about to cry.
>"She's a little confused. She seems to be under the impression you were in a relationship with her," Fauna tells you, her voice soothing, grounding you.
>"Why?" you ask, confused. "I've never seen her before in my life."
>"She's… well, you know we're concepts, right dear?" You nod. "She's the warden of time. It seems like while she was working, she got her memories mixed up with another timeline, where the two of you were… romantically involved."
>"Oh." That… was weird, but okay. "I'm sorry to hear that," you tell the woman, crouched on the floor. Her chest heaves, and she sobs, hiding tears behind gloved hands.
>"She's a little confused—and I think it would be best for her if things were stated in clear terms, so that he could make a clean break." You wince, but Fauna catches it. "It may sound harsh, but it's necessary."
>"…okay. I trust you," you tell the green-haired woman. She softens, her head resting on your arm. "Ahem." You direct your eyes to the woman—Crow something?—on the floor. "I'm sorry, miss. I'm in love with Fauna, and I have no intention of leaving her."
>"Ah." Fauna flushes—she always was weak to your forthright declarations. She takes a second to compose herself, as the woman on the floor looks up at you. "There," she says, swallowing. "That should settle things, right?"
>"Anon…" The woman lets out a breath, a hint of hope still in her eyes. "Please. I know you're strong. You can break through this."
>"Ma'am, I don't know what you're talking about." You drop to one kness, getting on her level. "If you need help, I'm sure we have a bed upstairs you can use. Whatever we can offer, I'm sure you won't mind, right honey?" You grin a little to yourself—your own little in joke, calling her 'honey'—she used to call you 'bumblebee', the way you were always working, so you started calling her 'honey'. Or 'flower girl', or… well, it was stupid.
>"Ah." Fauna's expression falls, looking back at you. "Sorry, I'm not sure it would be good for her to be around you right now. Like I said, a clean break."
>"Right, of course." You were a bit of a scatterbrain sometimes. You stand, laying a hand on your darling's shoulder. "I'm sorry, again."
>"I…" She tries to say something, but a ragged sob rips its way out of her throat, cutting her off. "I can't believe it."
>"Go to sleep, honeybee," your lover whispers in your ear, and your awareness fades.

>Fauna disentangles herself from Kronii's old lover, letting the dead-eyed man return to a relaxed posture.
>"There you have it," she tells Kronii. "Straight from the horse's mouth." She chuckles at the nature-related idiom.
>"You broke him," Kronii whimpers, her voice shattered, like shards of glass. "Gods, he's really gone."
>"He's happy this way. Happier than he was," the kirin whispers to the warden.
>"I… you bitch," she spits. "I'll never forgive you for this."
>"I think you'll get over it," the keeper sighs. "Like you always say… 'time heals all wounds'."
>Kronii throws herself at Fauna with a scream, trying to strike her—but the blow never lands, frozen an inch from her face.
>"Though… I could give you *something*, I suppose," she whispers, the corners of her lips twitching upwards. "A consolation prize."
>"Shut up!" Kronii howls, continuing to strike the air—a strangely-shaped sword goes flying through the space where Fauna's head was just a second ago, the keeper ducking under the blow just to be polite.
>"Anon, dear?" You step forward, unheeding of Kronii's blows—none of them land on you, either. "Do me a *big* favor." Hypnotic conditioning slides into place.
>"What is it?" you ask, still barely conscious.
>"Rape her," she commands, gazing at Kronii like she's a piece of trash.
>The warden freezes—you wouldn't. You *couldn't*, if you were bound by the rules.
>"Okay." You pause, removing your pants as Kronii stands frozen like a deer in the headlights.
>"What—get off!" She gnashes her teeth as you seize her arms, pushing her down on the cold concrete floor. You sholdn't be able to touch her—how did she…'A little bit of tweaking', Fauna had said. Bullshit.
>Your half-hard cock pushes against Kronii's entrance—even cvered by her panties, she can feel it.
>"What did you do?" she asks through gritted teeth, the fight already dying out of her. She can't even strike back, after all.
>"Like I said… just a few improvements." The kirin giggles, her gaze fixed on Kronii's horrified expression. "It turns out I'm a bit of a size queen. Who knew," she chuckles, as you pull her panties down.
4/5(okay, last one, i *promise)

>> No.9375959

Why has nobody mentioned here that "impaired" in north america primarily means "drunk/high"? Without the prefix (hearing-impaired or mobility-impaired) it's almost only used in terms of "impaired driving" or other illegal activities done by a drunk.

>> No.9375963
Quoted by: >>9376286

anon you brat... teasing me like this...
(this is really good man)

>> No.9375976

Woah, finally a KroniiMaid fic. My body is ready!

>> No.9376012
File: 154 KB, 850x1485, sample_aed3127b726fe3b4021fa0c3f7f24f20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9376038 >>9376354

Kroniichiwa ourobros! VOD is still private huh? Hope Kronii is alrigjt, I'm sure she is. How are you doing today?

>> No.9376022
File: 242 KB, 600x478, oed5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9376038

Just woke up too, another day another Kronii stream, even if it means it wont be until 2am.

>> No.9376073

Hololyzer doesn't seem to pick up messages from council yet, only staff messages it has from Mumei's MC stream is one from Gura. Guess i'll watch it all to see cute Kronii interactions.

>> No.9376080
File: 34 KB, 739x415, 1574548971903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I realized that I kinda wouldn't like raping Kronii as much as I thought....

>> No.9376083
File: 60 KB, 720x720, t4wgh6TwvfoRqEuWcNNFHzrMcSWSuzcvkGxbbdY6YQk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>went to sleep just before stream start due to timezone fuckery
>wake up
>vod privated
>minimal clips
>also i overslept through my whole uni class
i'm truly swaggin on em today

>> No.9376125


>> No.9376138
Quoted by: >>9376172

Just open up the archives and masturbate to your fic of choice

>> No.9376172

eh i'll get around to that later, i've got a sad fic idea i can use the pain to fuel

>> No.9376206

>sad fic idea
you stop that

>> No.9376218

it's okay anon, dig deep enough and you can find an archive somewhere

>> No.9376227
File: 74 KB, 750x736, 8C14AD31-4498-4A3C-9E74-3CB555E2E1FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9376286

Alright I didn't expect it to go this way...

>> No.9376236
Quoted by: >>9377232

>fic idea
You tangentally reminded me to write fluff about you feeding Kronii her favourite fruit

>> No.9376256

>Your dick was easily twice as big as it had been before. Kronii had no idea how Fauna handled that thing without being torn apart, but—
>"GUACK!" The air is driven out of her lungs as your cock thrusts into her. She's completely unprepared for it, and your dick rips her insides open, a *tearing* feeling sending agony ripping through her body.
>"See? Even if he was yours still, you couldn't handle him," Fauna says, a sandaled foot landing right next to Kronii's ear. "If you don't love him enough to accept him inside you, how can you say he belongs with you?"
>Kronii can barely hear her, the pain overwhelming her senses. It's agony—but she remains conscious. She has no choice—she's far beyond human, and her body can take a lot more punishment than this. Even if she wished for the void, it wouldn't come.
>"I don't want this to stretch on. I have other things to do tonight," the kirin tells Kronii. "Ha. Stretch." Drool drips from Kronii's lips, her jaw hanging open as she grunts with pain—her former lover thrusting on top of her mechanically, uncaring of how she felt. "I'm sure the point is made."
>Kronii couldn't respond—not with words—but she manages a weak glare, and she spits, her salive landing on one of Fauna's manicured toenails.
>"Hmph." The keeper of nature clicks her tongue. "Right. Darling?" Her fingers play through your hair, and you look up, your hips still continuing their steady rhythm as you ruin Kronii irreparably. "Cum," she orders, and you obey.
>Of course, Fauna hadn't left *that* part of you unaltered either. Your balls pulse, and Kronii's pupils contract in shock as she feels what's coming.
>Her insides are *blasted* with your seed—semen backflowing out of her canal after just one pulse, not to mention what's yet to come.
>By the end, Kronii lies insensate in a small puddle of blood and cum, and you rise, your cock dripping with that same mixture.
>Despite herself, she feels her body wracked by an orgasm, even as Fauna returns her gesture by spitting on her face. The feeling of your presence, your weight on her body… she'd been conditioned to enjoy it, and even with the pain…
>"Disgusting," she sighs. "Honestly, I should've realized you were such a huge masochist—maybe I could've done this sooner."
>She doesn't know how long she lies there.
>The last thing she notices is feeling your presence fade. For good this time.

>> No.9376286
Quoted by: >>9376321

i'm sorry it took that many posts to finish, i wasn't expecting that.

i'm also sorry it ended up being so… brutal. i'm normally heavily against ryona, but then again i'm also normally heavily against ntr. it just fit with the way things were going.

>> No.9376321

that was good stuff anon. not everyone's cup of tea but well written regardless.

>> No.9376354
File: 219 KB, 1221x1754, BCB144BB-3D1A-4928-A03F-743CFE65B0E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, KroniiBro!
Sat through 2 hours of the stream and then went to sleep. Was able to catch Kronii reading some cool lines from MGSV and BladeRunner, as well as speaking in loli UOOOOOHHH voice. I had a good time even though there was an little yab... Anyway, gotta power through the day and get up for Kronii's "Stories Untold" stream at 4am. I wonder how she'll handle that game

>> No.9376411
File: 89 KB, 491x446, 1593983342769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate you nigger. I fucking hate you

>> No.9376469
File: 207 KB, 1530x1539, 982E1441-E646-4FEE-A3D5-4125F18B9614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For someone who is heavily against ryona your shit is quite graphic bro

>> No.9376480

6/5 (epilogue)
>A week from that night, Fauna announces she's pregnant. The Council celebrate.
>Kronii cries herself to sleep that night.
>A month from that night, Fauna shows up to a council meeting with a ring on her finger. When asked, she blushes, and tells the other girls that Anon finally proposed.
>Kronii visits the site of the 5 greatest mass extinctions in Earth's hirstory, but it doesn't make her feel any better.
>Six months from that night, the wedding is held.
>Kronii spends that entire week locked in her room. She destroys every plant in a mile of her apartment.
>Nine months from that night, the baby is born. A daughter. The rest of the Council is there.
>Kronii buries herself in her work.
>Two years from that night, Fauna announces her third pregnancy is twins. You're there too, holding her hand.
>Kronii stains her sheets with blood, hoping the end will come.

>> No.9376484

>No happy ending
I hate you more than words can express. Good show.

>> No.9376509
Quoted by: >>9376530

is stories untold good? should I watch kronii's stream of it?

>> No.9376530

You should watch Kronii's stream of it regardless. I've never heard of the game but I just want more Kronii.

>> No.9376534
Quoted by: >>9376775


>> No.9376541

is there anywhere i can watch the vod? i overslept and missed it

>> No.9376550
File: 719 KB, 950x1000, tsun kronii and genki sana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drew this for the Sana thread as a request for the SpaceTime ship, thought you all might enjoy it too

>> No.9376552
Quoted by: >>9376775


>> No.9376585
Quoted by: >>9376775


>> No.9376591
Quoted by: >>9376895

these are very good anon, I lowkey want to give it its own dedicated section on the archives but I don't think archiveanon will approve. Nevertheless nice job writechad, I'll archive it after my afternoon siesta™

>> No.9376599 [SPOILER] 
File: 736 KB, 1096x1009, 8CE129C8-89F6-4A33-8F60-B0948BDA85E1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit anon

>> No.9376603


>> No.9376614
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, E0928A60-932C-4671-9F4F-EAD558F0C453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9376616

>kronii in sana leotard

>> No.9376617
File: 113 KB, 352x292, d7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9376619
File: 18 KB, 251x242, 1463683606575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is worse than guro

>> No.9376628

let's be honest here lads, fauna has a bigger cuckquean potential compared to kronii

>> No.9376631

very cute!

>> No.9376656

*cums on my screen*

>> No.9376659
Quoted by: >>9376691

Yes, and I love her for it

>> No.9376672

fauna is built for watching her human fuck everyone but her

>> No.9376691
File: 22 KB, 704x328, IMG_20210906_123933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good taste anon

>> No.9376699
Quoted by: >>9376797

Also ignore the degenerates, they act like that to everyone.

>> No.9376713
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9376731


>> No.9376731

The feels will only get worse

>> No.9376760
File: 11 KB, 310x291, 107d4c4b11af368a34273361ff1f4b341d3ce327cad523c26e7dcbb93d1ae7c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we're talking about fetishes, fauna can also be as versatile as kronii. Kronii's just slightly better because of her time stop sex capabilities

>> No.9376775

I'm sorry, honestly. That's the end, I promise.

am i the only one who finds it insanely hot to be a brainwashed slave of an extremely attractive woman who feels an extremely twisted love towards me and will never let me go

because that's what drove this writing

>> No.9376797

hehe that's right anon
*unzips pants*
*starts cumming on you*

>> No.9376799
Quoted by: >>9376895

I applaud your dedication to write this. Well done madlad.

>> No.9376809
Quoted by: >>9376864 >>9377035


>> No.9376822

no i find this hot too. good taste.

>> No.9376831

you're not the only one anon, I too have this fetish

>> No.9376834

Fauna honestly seems like the soft femdom type. Not that "lick my boot stuff" but more mommy dom.

>> No.9376838

I find the reverse more hot desu

>> No.9376849
Quoted by: >>9376904

Takronie needs to tag frostpunk also, so she could see it.

>> No.9376864

>5'11" vs 6'0"

>> No.9376890

I've only been awake an hour and i'm already miserable. That was really well written Anon but goddamn.

>> No.9376895
Quoted by: >>9377010

thank you very much! even though it's incredibly fucked up and I'm sure I will hate myself for writing it in the morning, I'm glad people appreciate it

>> No.9376904
Quoted by: >>9376926

Didn't she already like his post?

>> No.9376912

Since Kronii already mentioned she's played a bit of RE8, they should do RE5 or RE6.

>> No.9376926
Quoted by: >>9376945

no idea
Can anyone confirm this?

>> No.9376939
File: 1.15 MB, 2480x4213, 35A8B1D9-1ECE-448B-9B8C-CD3C6A3150A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather be a slave to Kronii, you know?

>> No.9376945
Quoted by: >>9377351

Yeah she did, one of the first things she liked yesterday after getting online.

>> No.9376955

Can I find the unarchived superchat reading stream anywhere?

>> No.9376982
File: 1.41 MB, 451x272, fatalerrorx000022900kronieexefailedtoload.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOOOOOOUUUGHHHHHHH NNOOOOO AEEEEEUUUUUUUGHH MLOOOOO OOOOOOOOOHH NOOOOOOO AAAAAAAUAUUHHHHHH STTOOOO SJJJJSNKOOOOO MAEK MAKE MAEEEK IIII OOOOO TTTTT 11000100100001010100101000000101010101010 ssssttttoooooooo 0001110101010 aaaaeeeeeeeeeii hahahhhahahaha 00000010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101000101010111110000100 0010 01001 0001 0000 00 0 0 0 0

>> No.9376993
Quoted by: >>9377036 >>9377050

give me some key words that I can type in Warosu that will lead me to 2nd gen faces

>> No.9377010
File: 55 KB, 365x365, ゴズリング7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should branch out anon, you're really good at this. Why not consider writing some snuff and necrophilia if you're willing to go a bit off the rails

>> No.9377035

>clock normally wears heels and Sana is bare foot
>outfit swap
>the gap is even bigger

>> No.9377036


>> No.9377050


>> No.9377092
Quoted by: >>9377298

I hope you plan on writing fluff in equal measure so we don't go fucking insane.

>> No.9377096
Quoted by: >>9377110

Wtf Goslingbro, you're supposed to be the pure one. Don't encourage that shit. We already have RuGosling for such things

>> No.9377105
Quoted by: >>9378418

No, Goslinganon! I won't be corrupted!
honestly i just normally prefer standard vanilla fetishes like passionate breeding sex and pregnancy fluff but sometimes i need to get some cursed shit out of my system to make up for the wholesome

>> No.9377108
File: 2.74 MB, 480x368, shuttingdown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooooo oouuuurr 0000111 0 0 0 1 1 1 1

>> No.9377110

>he doesn't know about timeline omega

>> No.9377149

While flight sims are out Kronii's field, I wonder if she'll have fun with sound mixing like this guy who used his old Xbox live mic to make it sound like his voice was coming over the radio.

>> No.9377150
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 1585816149561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9377179 >>9377189

So has a clipper managed to upload that part that made her upset? Feels like it could be a goldmine for not just views for a clipper but also for Kronii to nab some saviorfags who think there's people trying to harass her.

>> No.9377179

Search for Nashsneed Ch. CK

>> No.9377189
Quoted by: >>9377241

Everyone would turn on the clipper if they did. Profiting off of streamers' stupidity and yabs is one thing. Profiting off of streamers' misery is a field you won't see many dare risk treading.

>> No.9377232
Quoted by: >>9377289

Not sad, but I hope you writefag your idea anon! Sad or otherwise!

>You and Kronii are relaxing on the sofa after dinner
>She has her head nestled on your lap, you stroke her soft blue-black hair and she smiles to herself
>"Kronii, close your eyes and open your mouth" you ask
>She seems a bit taken a back, her cheeks go a slightly brighter shade of pink
>"D...don't do anything weird!" She remarks
>You prop her head up slightly on your thighs and from behind a cushion you withdraw a large, perfectly ripe Valencia Orange that you snuck in there when you got home as a surprise
>You carefully peel off the skin and pull out a succulent piece
>"Say 'Ahhhhh'", Kronii reciprocates the noise as you gently place piece in her mouth
>Her eyes open wide as she bites down, seemingly from the explosion of sweet citrus
>"mmmmmm" she noises as her eyes close again, she looked so cute, so content, her man was spoiling her in such a simple way and she was immensely happy
>As you peel another piece away, her mouth is open like a baby bird, she is staring at you sweetly, anticipating the next slice
>Remarkable how such a simple pleasure could give Kronii such joy
>This continues until all that is left is large flakes of orange peel, you didn't even get to try any, but the reaction Kronii had was sweeter than any fruit could possibly be
>Kronii adjusts her position, sitting up right on your lap, arms wrapped around your neck and just before she leans her head on yours, she gives you a peck on the cheek
>"This princess truly is spoilt by me" you think to yourself, as Kronii nuzzles your head and neck...

>> No.9377241

Otakmori... Iroha...

>> No.9377289


>> No.9377291
File: 45 KB, 452x678, Cybermen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My feelings receptors had a shortcircuit. Anyone knows how to fix them? Kronie support isn't answering the phone.

>> No.9377298
Quoted by: >>9377344

Writing vanilla can get stale for a bit, the occasional crazy shit is good for the creative juices

>> No.9377334
Quoted by: >>9377369

i'm thinking now that i've got all that shit out of the way and i can get back to what i love
>Come home onet day to find Baelz tied up on the bed, trussed up so as to be immobile
>Kronii comes in behind you, introduces you to 'your new sex toy'
>You're sure the rat did something to deserve this.
>And given the way she's shaking her ass at you, you're pretty sure she isn't complaining.
>Kronii decides to 'help you get used to it'
>She's much larger than Baelz, and she's tied up in a way that makes it easy for Kronii to lift her
>Literally uses her like an onahole, fucking her on your dick while you lay back and relax.
>Warn Kronii you're about to cum
>She drops Baelz and tells you to go right ahead
>Something in the rat's eyes as you cum inside her tells you you might've just made a huge mistake.
>The next day, after you've untied the rat (and she ran off to figure out how to work the coffee maker that's been gathering dust for months) you ask Kronii what the hell is going on
>"Oh, right. You remember how a few months ago, we were talking about our opinions on having kids?"
>Nod, unsure where she's going with this—did she change her mind about it? You'd always really wanted to have kids, but Kronii was terrified of somethigng happening if she were to use her powers while pregnant.
>"And, as a *completely unrelated* fun fact, did you know that rats have a gestational period of only three weeks?"
>Oh god. She didn't.
>"She owes me a few favors. And this way, everybody's happy!"
>Oh god. How were you going to deal with this?
>"I know, I'm a genius. You can bow down and worship me now," Kronii says smugly.
>"Hey, dudes." The rat pokes her head into the room. "You got any espresso? I'm gonna need a double shot, last night was kinda crazy."
>This is your life now, you suppose.

>> No.9377344
Quoted by: >>9377356

I can't get off on crazy shit. It's either too comical to take seriosuly or too depressing to get it up

>> No.9377351

Noice, lets hope she uses it for the next stream

>> No.9377356
Quoted by: >>9377393

You're not trying hard enough

>> No.9377369

Hot damn, that is GOOD.

>> No.9377375
Quoted by: >>9378128

Now that i looked at it again, i really really dont like the way she is holding the book, kek

>> No.9377393
Quoted by: >>9377401

The dick wants what the dick wants. The dick doesn't want crazy shit.

>> No.9377401
Quoted by: >>9377457

It's an acquired taste

>> No.9377457

You can eat indian food and get diarrhea, I'd rather not

>> No.9377474

alright sad fic part 1/? lesgo
>“Detective Watson?”
>The sound of simulated gunfire and hellish screeching drowns out the stranger’s entrance. A small fist strikes the mahogany desk with surprising force. The blonde dame shoots up, sending her wheeled chair sliding across the room, only for it to be caught by the man standing by the door.
>“Let me guess. Your team’s fault?”
>The detective’s head snaps around to see the newcomer, and she rushes to pick up her half-empty whiskey glass and lean casually against the desk.
>“Ahem. Of course. As usual.” She hides her face by taking a deep swig. “How can I help you?”
>“My name is Anon. I need to borrow some time.”
>“Anon, huh?” Watson taps the rim of the glass against her teeth. “Aren’t you Kronii’s man?”
>Anon gives a hesitant smile.
>“The one and only. Well, at least in this timeline.” He slides the chair back to Watson, who catches it with her free hand and swivels it under the desk.
>“And why would the Time Warden’s lover need more time? Maybe he’s trying to do something that she wouldn’t like?”
>Anon stares at the floor for a few moments while the detective patiently sips her whiskey.
>”Yeah. You could say that.”
>Watson opens a drawer beside her, retrieving an old but well-kept pocket watch.
>”Well, I don’t care much what it’s used for, but I sure would like it back. What kinda collateral you got?”
>Anon reaches over his shoulder, producing two strangely-shaped sheathed swords from behind him. The detective’s eyes widen.
>“A-are those the real deal?”
>”See for yourself.”
>Anon unsheathes one of the swords, hands it to her, and pulls up his sleeve. He holds out the exposed forearm and gestures to it with his eyebrows. The detective hesitantly pierces his skin with the blade. A small trickle of blood appears, and Anon shakes his arm.
>The two of them watch as a droplet of crimson flies from the wound and slows to a total pause in midair. Watson appears sufficiently amazed. Anon rolls down his sleeve.
>”So how about it? The weapons that can change the flow of time for the device that can escape it.”
>Watson thinks for a moment, then nods. She hands over the pocket watch in exchange for the other sword.
>”Wonderful. I’ll be back in just a moment,” says Anon as he leaves the room.
>The detective sees a sharp flash of light through the textured glass of her office door, and walks back to her desk.
>”Why’s he in such a hurry?” she ponders, sitting down and rejoining the Apex queue.

>> No.9377499

>sad fic
Anon, please, this is too much, I can't take this.

>> No.9377506

She has never seen the movie, has she? That delivery doesn't fit at all.

>> No.9377540
Quoted by: >>9377560

We'll just have to convince her to do a watchalong for it

>> No.9377553
File: 941 KB, 220x220, away.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a thing and I'll post it as is since in not staying awake until 5 am again.
Tags: NSFW, impregnation, pregnancy, pregnant sex, jealous/posesive Kronii, blowjob, milky breasts. plot and a happy Kronii

>> No.9377556

I got something that'll fit her right here.

>> No.9377560


>> No.9377585

>those tags
Fucking niiiice. I'll have to read this later. Nice work in advance, anon

>> No.9377601

I'm almost convinced they try to select girls with little knowledge of games and movies since a more or less blind run or watch is more entertaining for viewers than with someone who's already pretty knowledgeable.

>> No.9377610
Quoted by: >>9377704

Who knows. She's a failed VA because despite having a good voice she can't act. So that might just be the problem here as well.

>> No.9377612

Anyone know the timestamp when the hunt guy's name gets mentioned?

>> No.9377619
Quoted by: >>9377650

Wanna give this a title for the archive, anon?

>> No.9377646

I am healed

>> No.9377650
File: 39 KB, 175x244, 60e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9377664 >>9377691

Together again

>> No.9377664

Got it. Keep it up, anon.

>> No.9377691

Based Tennant poster saving my faith in the kroniekind

>> No.9377704

She's had pretty good delivery on other things though.

>> No.9377795
File: 240 KB, 415x433, 3D58DF0A-F54D-414D-AFAF-5E4DFAC9F74E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the read, Tennantposter. This healed me after the recent ryona fic from other anon

>> No.9377876
File: 41 KB, 632x382, 1630174272703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very nice work anon!

>> No.9377906

Keep going anon! I'm liking this so far

>> No.9377934
Quoted by: >>9378229 >>9378335

>In Anon’s eyes, time seems to slow to a crawl before entirely stopping. He walks down the hallway and nudges open the door to the outside world.
>The sky is painted in lights of navy and gold. It’s raining, just a little bit, the sparkling drops of water suspended in midair.
>Anon clicks a button on the watch.
>The world is flung sideways, a gust of cosmic wind blowing against Anon’s coat. He sees countless copies of the door to the detective agency, of each car on the street, of each drop of rain.
>The hands on the watch start to spin - the hour hand forward, the minute hand back, the second hand moving too fast to tell which.
>Anon comes to a stop inside a cozy home. The curtains are closed. Candles are lit. Trails of steam hover over pots on a stove.
>He sees a man and a woman, dancing to unheard music. Love is in the stagnant air.
>The second hand on the watch slowly ticks forward a few times.
>In slow motion, the gorgeous girl in the apron wraps her arms around the man’s neck and leans in to kiss him.
>Anon clicks a button on the watch.
>The house is discarded. The universe shows him a new scene - the same house, but with various alterations to the furniture and decoration.
>Morning sunlight streams through the window. Two children are frozen in the middle of an intense chase. The man from before, dressed for a busy day, has his mouth wide in an attempt to shout past the breakfast packed into it.
>The woman is there too, a mug of tea in her hands and a beaming smile on her face.
>Anon clicks a button on the watch.
>The house disappears. This time it does not return.
>Instead, Anon sees a hospital bed, a wrinkled, grey-haired, fragile man lying in it, and the very same woman from before, looking as ageless and beautiful as ever, sitting beside it.
>Her smile is wide, but horribly pained and soaked in tears. The old man’s arm is outstretched, cupping one of her cheeks.
>Anon reaches out to wipe a tear from the other.
>Anon clicks a button on the watch.

>> No.9378128

yeah i kinda fucked up on that one
it was originally lower and more natural but after adjusting proportions i couldn't get it to work without the arm clipping into the book, still need to practice more figure drawing

>> No.9378207
Quoted by: >>9378998

Still, it's really good overall. Plus, expanding your horizons is a great idea.

>> No.9378229

Kronii come back...

>> No.9378335
Quoted by: >>9378879 >>9378985

3/probably 4 idk
>Reality fades away. The navy-haired woman becomes the watch’s - and Anon’s - only focus.
>Her tears take a while to dry up. Even once they do, the crying doesn’t seem to stop.
>But when you’ve run out of tears, crying starts to sound like laughter.
>The woman secludes herself away, manic with sorrow, for years.
>By the turn of the next century, she looks to be recovering - at least enough to return to her job. But her heart isn’t in it. Time moves lazily.
>Anon clicks a button on the watch.
>The images before him accelerate. His eyes remain focused on her face.
>Soon enough, from Anon’s perspective, centuries are passing in seconds. In his peripherals, he watches civilisation change, rise, and fall. He watches human society depart into space. He watches people, bloodlines, ecosystems, and then stars live and die.
>Through it all, her face hardly seems to change.
>That beautiful smile never returns.
>He persists, going beyond the end of human existence. Beyond the last supernova, beyond the decay of the final black holes.
>She remains, as do her uncurving lips and her hollow eyes.
>Eventually, the pocket watch seems to jam. Anon glances down at it, seeing all three hands stuck at 12 o’clock. End of the line.
>He sighs, then clicks a button on the watch.
>The universe reforms around him at incomprehensible speed, shooting him back to the era he is familiar with.
>The day he met Ouro Kronii is a day he remembers all too well. He recalls the very spot he first locked eyes with her. It is a very easy moment for him to locate in history.
>The watch brings him there.

>> No.9378418
File: 365 KB, 528x528, 1630960129869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too real
pain begets catharsis
and so I'm divided between the most wholesome or cruel of stories

>> No.9378518
File: 583 KB, 494x591, 1629905279593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I didn't even notice, but I suppose it's good to look back and see what you could improve

>> No.9378618
Quoted by: >>9378998

If it helps at all, i think the only thing that might be better is to shift the book upwards a slight bit, so that her hand is on top of the center of gravity, and itll look much more natural.
What i didnt like isnt how her hands look, its that in that position, the book will slip out easily unless she's holding it really really tightly.

>> No.9378623
Quoted by: >>9378731

Had a nap. Still mad.

>> No.9378731

I don't blame you. The one time I decide to watch a stream later instead of live and it ends up getting unarchived, god damnit impeared!

>> No.9378763
File: 57 KB, 700x401, 1630155875445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9379498

praying to god kronii has the right mental for this schizo filled job

>> No.9378775
File: 176 KB, 862x775, 1630804285792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9378857 >>9378924

I snapped kronies... I'm so ashamed on myself. Goodnight and enjoy the stream because I will probably be taking a "vacation" lmao

>> No.9378847
Quoted by: >>9378882

How would Kronii react to being cuminflated?

>> No.9378857
Quoted by: >>9378949

See you ourobro, do some self-discipline reps and just enjoy Kronii

>> No.9378879
File: 494 KB, 628x449, 1630035788019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, my heart...

>> No.9378882


>> No.9378924
Quoted by: >>9379061

What happened?

>> No.9378949
File: 263 KB, 1065x1488, 1630441546044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9378975

Thanks, have a Kronii

>> No.9378952
Quoted by: >>9378978 >>9379126

Kronii's next stream scheduled is up torn between staying up to 2am or sleeping

>> No.9378975

A fine edition to my collection

>> No.9378978
File: 72 KB, 735x735, Homemade-Bread-Recipe-735x735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread baked and ready at death's door.

Noted. Added the video link to OP for upcoming stream.

>> No.9378985
Quoted by: >>9379272

4/5 oops
>Anon is in a rush, late to work for the fourth time that month and on the last ropes of his boss’ patience.
>You can perhaps imagine how inconvenienced he might feel when, just outside his workplace, a madman in somehow more of a rush appears out of nowhere and collides with him on the footpath.
>Anon falls to the ground, clutching his shoulder at the point of impact. He turns to yell at the offender, but only glimpses the man looking over his shoulder - not even at Anon - before flicking a switch on a device in his hand and disappearing into the air.
>Anon’s fury is replaced by confusion. Still staring at the empty space, he is not ready for the heeled boot that then tramples on his upper back. He emits a brief yelp as he is pressed into the ground again.
>His new assailant is much kinder than the first, though. Their momentum carries them forward a few more steps, before they double back and lean down to help him up.
>”Ah shit, I’m so sorry.”
>Her voice, deep and soothing.
>Anon looks up at the helpful soul.
>Her eyes, bright and striking.
>”Hope you’re okay, I gotta go though!” With her unintended victim on his feet, she turns to keep running.
>”Wait!” Anon grabs her by the arm. She looks a little frustrated, but mostly just surprised. “Who are you?”
Anon clicks a button on the watch.
>The two hurried strangers, eyes locked, freeze into another diorama.
>The watch ticks backwards. The past self and future lover unmeet and separate. Hundreds of cars drive in reverse. Light itself seems to flow upwards to the sun.
>Anon blinks, appearing in his own bedroom about an hour prior. He sees himself, lost in blissful, ignorant sleep.
>He reaches out an arm, resting it on his younger self’s shoulder. He holds it there for a moment. He whispers a soft apology to himself, then shakes himself awake.
>He blinks again. He is back outside, sitting on a bench across the street from his old workplace.
>He sees himself walk calmly up to the entrance.
>A few minutes later he watches as his wife chases a time traveller across reality, and ceases to be his wife.

>> No.9378998
Quoted by: >>9379122

yeah it bothered me too, but at the time it was 3AM in the morning and going back to fix it would entail a lot of drawing and redesign so that the composition's shapes would still look nice, so I decided to roll with it and get something done for once
probably one of the first times i've actually done a multi character work like this, usually just do environment/prop stuff or single characters

>> No.9379005

Stream link up. Starts 7 Sept 10am JST (in 14 hours)


>> No.9379015
File: 11 KB, 441x227, 1608424705897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Kronii because she secretly wants to make mumei her daughter sex wife.

>> No.9379044

>3 am

>> No.9379061
Quoted by: >>9379123 >>9379252

I was browsing the catalog looking for another chuba's thread when I saw a dramafag thread with a dumb OP (not even mentioning Kronii) and decided to chek it out. The replies were absolutely stupid so I kinda got fed up and mass replied that shitty thread. I know it's dumb and retarded but I felt like it had to be done

>> No.9379073
Quoted by: >>9379230

Maybe I can wake up a bit earlier and watch it live for once.

>> No.9379119


Se sounded a bit bummed for a bit and then this happened:

Fuck that guy

>> No.9379122
Quoted by: >>9379215

You know what Ina said: "Better done than perfect"
It still looks amazing, and honestly this might be the best one from you yet, i feel.
It's just a little sperging out from an engineering nerd on my side

>> No.9379123
File: 926 KB, 827x750, 24E7B21F-BC9C-454A-86DE-1468238712F9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9379171

Oh man, I feel you. Sometimes the shit you see is so retarded you really snap. Well, get some rest now and keep in mind that these are just dumb posts made by bored people, totally not worth your worries

>> No.9379126

It's at 2am for me too. Just stay up.

>> No.9379161

>Omg I tripped the strimmer up! omg chat I did it xD I made the strimmer say bad wrd xD Omg subscribe to my youtube channel with 1 video of me unboxing a lego set from 10 years ago!!!!
Every day my hate for americans grows.

>> No.9379165


At least the chat reacted well

>> No.9379171
File: 48 KB, 482x520, 1630591775554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks brother

>> No.9379185

We don't deserve her

>> No.9379190

oh that wasn't too bad. Like anon before said, chat was actually supportive regardless on whether it was yab or not. Good on them.

>> No.9379199
File: 232 KB, 600x342, 55A8C78E-92DD-4BDE-ACA8-9BB1B2AF2910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stories Untold is a text game for the most part
We're gonna get Kronii narrating all the stuff in the game AAAAAHHHH

>> No.9379215

nah, I get you. Studying ergonomics and human interaction is part of good design anyways, so I'll have to work on it regardless.

>> No.9379230
Quoted by: >>9379273

Y-you need to wake up early for an 11am stream fellow Aussie?

>> No.9379252

People's retardation, intentional or not, will always happen and the best thing to do is honestly just walk away.
A tip from me is when after your first reply/argument, the other party refuses to read the whole of it and either only nitpick one part, just repeats their own argument again or begins ad hominem, its either a retard or a troll. The debate wont move an inch for these kinds of people, so just leave immediately and save yourself the trouble

>> No.9379269
File: 959 KB, 1280x720, AngryPeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lynch this nigger

>> No.9379272
Quoted by: >>9379331 >>9379357

okay 5/5
>Detective Amelia Watson sees a flash of light outside her office in the corner of her eye.
>Anon opens the door, his shoulders burdened with something unknowable. She hasn’t done much detective work recently, but can read people well enough to know not to make the joke she was planning to on his return.
>”So, uh… how’d it go?” she asks.
>”Just give me the swords.” Anon tosses the pocket watch to her. With a little bit of concern on her face, she sets it down on the desk and stands up to carry the swords over to him.
>He accepts them with white-knuckled hands, sheathing them behind his back once more, then gives the detective a tight, nearly constricting hug.
>She is surprised for a moment, before she pats her hands on his back.
>He lets go, shakes himself off, and walks out the door.

>It is midnight when Anon enters his home. He sneaks through the house, past what once would have been his children’s rooms, to his own.
>There, on the bed, is the goddess who could have been his wife.
>But he can’t put her through that kind of pain.
>He glances at a photo on the bedside table - one of Kronii, and only Kronii, with an empty space beside her.
>He quietly leans the swords against the edge of the bed, bends down to kiss the sleeping stranger on the cheek, and leaves the room.

>> No.9379273

the thing about lockdowns is that my sleep schedule got fucked since I can't go back to work for a while. So yea, most of the time I would always wake up after noon.

>> No.9379331

That was a good read anon, damn I am a bit sad now

>> No.9379352

If you ban someone from a channel I suposse they can't donate any more, right? That should do it

>> No.9379357
File: 940 KB, 245x190, 1630555057809.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very sad, good job Anon. Reminds me of that scene in who where he talks about the loneliness of time. That's definitely one way to save your time warden wife from it.
>I've lived a long life and I've seen a few things. I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment, until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me. I've watched universes freeze and creations burn. I have seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand.

>> No.9379487

does not sound yabai

>> No.9379498
File: 429 KB, 484x497, 1630036096138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9379545

She seemed to be in a better mood towards the end of the stream, so hopefully it didn't get to her that much.

>> No.9379514

Thanks for posting the clip. What a piece of shit, don't know why some idiots find that funny

>> No.9379537

Did anyone get the MGSV monologue clip?
it's not on youtube last I checked

>> No.9379545

It got to her enough to private the stream at least.
