>> | No.9372020 File: 1.49 MB, 1273x1800, 1606254345883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] Another day goes by and another fantastic rounds of streams for all of us to enjoy. Kurokami's intense sexual energy permeated through her birthday karaoke stream today and it's was intense listening to her rave on and belt out powerful vocals. She's such a good fucking friend. >Songs released today AZKi released this cover of Higurashi's Why or Why not today and she sang the full eigo song incredibly well! Her powers and talents are off the charts and if you willingly chose to get out on listening to this spectacular cover then you're missing out big time and probably have even less intelligence and brain capacity than Meimei, so congratulations dummy. >Some highlights for today These three stooges named Botan, Towa and Pekora put on the masks and bumpin' music and pulled off some heists in Payday 2. I say pulled off but every heist they did today ended up with them just gunning down everything in their way because using stealth was too big brained for dummies like Towa and Pekora. It was hilarious. My oshi Ayame had a nice long and very inciteful supachat reading today, answering some questions that have been bothering a lot of people and being extremely grateful for all the support she's gotten these past three years. She says that she'll continue to do her best to make as many people's day bright and help them get through with life. She also says there may be a RFA stream today or tomorrow so there's something to look forward to! You can't be angry on a day where Flare's intense and entertaining karaoke session is available. Just sitting down and listening to Flare put all her heart and soul into singing is so much fun. Anya once again proves she is the strongest and is indeed japanese as she woos Roboco, Choco and Tenjin Kotone with her advanced intelligence and perfect nihongo. Your oshi WILL fawn over Anya's japanese and Anya WILL make you kneel to her godly powers. Shion sang today! She song a lot! And also still loves Gura! And loves Gura's song Reflect! Even if she says it so incredibly hard to learn since it's so fast. Reine beat the shit out of Youtube today because she wanted to play some goddamn Mario Kart. Youtube complied and we got to see the dorky Peafowl putting all that practice to good use by actually winning some matches! Gura and Meimei had Minecraft scheduled at the same time and it triggered Gawr's predator like instincts. There was a cute little owl who had no idea how to play Minecraft or what she was doing wandering around, not knowing what the hell was going on. Gawr smelled fresh meat and struck...leaving a scared owl flustered and terrified ending in DEATH. It was one of the most kino Minecraft interactions for a while now and if you missed out on it, you need to watch the VODs asap. Both VODs are great and highly recommended to catch. >Upcoming Big Streams In less than 7 hours it's one of the biggest days in Hololive. The anniversary of everyone's beloved Daisenpai. That's right Sora-chan's going to be celebrating her fourth anniversary today and she's got some incredible guests in the form of Watame, Suisei and AZKi. You will make sure to be there and you will cheer Sora-chan on. You do not have a choice. Set your clocks, get your self strapped in and enjoy this sure to be wonderous 3D concert. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7hakOSsU-I But in the meantime if you're not sleepy you've got some really incredible streams going on right now which includes Sana going strawberry hunting and spike diving in Celeste, IRyS falling love with a giant robot named BLT in Titanfall 2, Roberu's timelooping in Twelve Minutes while finding out why this cop is so bloodthirsty and Nene's doing her best god damnit trying to get 1500 damage in a single match in Apex Legends. So many other fantastic streams happened today that I didn't list but I'm sure you had one that you really liked. What were your highlights of today /hlgg/?