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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9308791 No.9308791 [Reply] [Original]

What does this person even do? Did anyone even notice they were absent?

>> No.9308839


>> No.9308911

Omega, brought to you by Ollie

>> No.9308913

nothing and i hope it stays that way

>> No.9308927

They're a professional twitter retard. They made a whole design for a chuuni twitter account.

>> No.9308949
File: 167 KB, 1200x1200, E9uJ6s-XsAAbVmG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's saving HoloEN

>> No.9308967


>> No.9308991

I’m glad the vtweeters have representation in hololive.
Now they can stop shitting up replies of real vtubers.

>> No.9309243

Their job is to make you seethe and they're a pro at it.

>> No.9309286


>> No.9309336
Quoted by: >>9311409 >>9323140


is it?

>> No.9309347
Quoted by: >>9315326 >>9323242

Yab magnet. Cover realized what wrestling has known for decades. Have a heel to direct everyone's hate towards means you can manipulate and control the entire audience. Every retard will latch onto the nonbinary holo tweeter instead of focusing their efforts on the talents.

>> No.9309618
Quoted by: >>9321900

Man we coulda had an enma or j-chad account but they gave us this mf instead

>> No.9310116

I love this qt french autist.

>> No.9310573

the better question is why do you care?

>> No.9310734

they are staff anon, the twitter shenanigans are just a side thing

>> No.9311409 [SPOILER] 
File: 623 KB, 2048x4002, omega9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9323112


>> No.9311479

>Did anyone even notice they were absent
I did because I stalk her twitter. I'm really waiting for this girl to actually do something since I really like design of the character.

>> No.9311777

Can't spell Omegaα without

>> No.9312045
File: 1.07 MB, 720x1200, sfz6lvg4yet61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headcanon: Omega is just Gura from a future alternate dimension.

>> No.9312189
File: 1.16 MB, 1280x720, 1629901582515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9324217 >>9325293

He's plotting his next bold move to attention whore and self insert. Expect him to start showing up in YouTube chats trying desperately to stay relevant. It will be worse than that Discord faggot.

>> No.9314364

new rrat, management pulled this one out of their ass without even hiring someone to play Omega. Expect absolutely nothing to happen until after everyone (including gen 2) have stopped caring about the shit roleplay

>> No.9314437

Is she german?

>> No.9314729

They're the HoloEN producer.

>> No.9315326

Except it is only a heel here anon.

>> No.9319367

I assume she'll debut eventually.

>> No.9321363

They want the MCU audience and are pulling a Thanos. Easy.

>> No.9321900

omega seems to be a literal nobody to the entirety of holoen, and can only really do stupid vtweeter stuff

>> No.9322022

If not for this board, I would’ve forgotten Omegaα‘s existence already
I use Twitter but I don’t even have an account so I don’t see any tweets from the account

>> No.9323112

Nice ass, now open your mouth

>> No.9323135
Quoted by: >>9324301

If she has a man voice when she debuts, it'll be over for Hololive

>> No.9323140
Quoted by: >>9324176


Gura called it a she.

>> No.9323192
Quoted by: >>9323295

Yeah I thought it was kind of shitty that they pushed Omega onto Gen 2 on the day of their debuts…

They just got done debuting and we’re given a video to play, that they clearly had no idea about either, and had to try to explain it on the go after the most stressful day of their life. I love Hololive but the Omega thing was kind of a bad move.

Also shitty for Omega who had to be introduced weeks? months? before their debut.. So yeah all they can do now is vtwitter stuff or become irrelevant. A shitty position to be in.

>> No.9323242

cover is too retarded to do this

>> No.9323295

Seems like everyone is pretty sure Omega is a manager avatar, similar to A-chan, so that's probably why there hasn't been a debut.

>> No.9323787

I wish they had made this design more feminine and put in on an actual chuuba. What a waste.

>> No.9323933
Quoted by: >>9325016 >>9325045

It's just Loserbelt roleplaying as someone important. Dude thinks he's a big boy just because he got a job at Cover.

>> No.9323987

The only good payoff this can possibly have is if Omega is the HoloAlt villain.

>> No.9324044
Quoted by: >>9324092

He's the main music producer for EN as a whole, and is the manager for EN2. You fags forced A-chan into the spotlight, and creamed over the EN1 managers so much that Cover thought they'd lean into it and integrate the manager into the lore.

>> No.9324092
Quoted by: >>9324394

>Enma - office worker
>Jenma - office worker
>J-Chad - tall office worker
>Omega - god, the beginning and the end, the Thanos and Darkseid of Hololive, fightfag wet dream
How the fuck is this supposed to be our fault?

>> No.9324176
Quoted by: >>9324616

That's because if the girls began calling omega a "he" all hell would break loose
They're covering for him

>> No.9324217

please no
I just wanna watch cute girls doing cute things, I don't need some desperate attentionfag

>> No.9324301
Quoted by: >>9324616

I expect it will be some shitty speech-to-text-to-speech like Zentreya
Ofcourse everybody will know it's a guy by that point

>> No.9324394

This, enma only became a thing out of curiosity and was always an unofficial deal with a char drawn up on the fly by Ina, we saw it being made live, because the audience asked her to make her IIRC. The name enma itself was come up with live on stream.

That is the key. The audience wanted to know a bit and participated in making it a thing. With Omega we are just told about this person without asking, which comes across different. Enma was noticed as a thing only because she had to fill in suddenly in Left4Dead one time and because EN was so small and new back then, the idea of a psuedo/fanon extra bonus char was not really disliked. Omega is not just a bonus char however but was like tacked on officially onto a whole new gen we knew nothing about her as "oh uh by the way this thing exists too, and is like ultra god mega powerful over all of us lore wise" without anyone ever even going "is there an enma2/en2mAa?" This gives off an air of someone wanting to butt in actively instead of just be like "oh hi there, yeah I exist but that's about all you're ever know of me besides when I make a major call for one the ENs."

Something else I wonder about though is Shinove, the Holostars manager? Why is nobody mad at him for existing? Wouldn't OA just be EN2 Shinove? I am not sure about shinove'a background, did he occur over time or was there from the get-go with them?

>> No.9324515

Original hololive fans are into irony and gap moe stuff because dynamic range is entertaining. Omega has no entertainment value outside of fucking up because it's a corporate creation. As far as Shinove it's because no one cares about Holostars.

>> No.9324553
Quoted by: >>9324685

>introducing HoloTweets, a vtweeter-only generation

>> No.9324611

I actially unfollowed them after they posted this. I'm fucking sick of them at this point.

>> No.9324616
Quoted by: >>9324991

That's retarded. (You)'re retarded

I don't care if its a guy, they obviously have men working at Hololive, it would be unreasonable to think otherwise.
Now, if its a guy who's trying to sound like a girl aka tranny, then we have a problem, cause we all know that modern trannies are obsessed with self inserting into things others like and then destroying it from the inside once it gets poor reception.

>> No.9324656
Quoted by: >>9324743

Shinove's character is basically him IRL (a manager), just drawn to look cooler.

>> No.9324685

>Most powerful ENmember lorewise is forever bound to vtweeting, since if we heard it's voice even once everybody would know it's a guy and Hololive would have to go full damagecontrol

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
And no, Omegafag doesn't cound

>> No.9324743

And reduced in size so he doesn't dwarf the entirety of Hololive...including non-limiter Sana.

>> No.9324911 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>9324934

Kronii is obvious female and has really good hearing/listening skills. As for the whole pronoun thing only she can answer why she wanted to stay ambiguous. The part that's weird is she's an obvious fan of JP voice acting and in JP it's considered pretty cool if you're female and can do a shounen type voice so career wise I would think she would want to state her gender as female and say she can do both female and boy voices. Maybe it's because her skills aren't appreciated in; the EN market or couldn't break into JP, who knows. But again, obvious she's a female that wanted to voice both females and males(boys).

>> No.9324934
Quoted by: >>9325005

sorry wrong thread

>> No.9324989
Quoted by: >>9325052

>Why is nobody mad at him for existing?
Shinove is actually interesting and active w/r/t the lives and jobs of the Holostars. They have a great relationship with him and bring him up a lot, so it makes sense. This isn't the case at all with Omega - if Jenma, Enma or JChad started vtweeting I don't think anyone would mind since they're actually brought up on stream, but even though we know Omega is a producer, nobody in EN ever talks about them on stream, so it comes across as attention-whoring.

>> No.9324991
Quoted by: >>9325081

Nobody has a problem with men working behind the scene at hololive, and you know that

The problem is that some attentionfag manager is thinking he's hot shit and is self-inserting as an allpowerful god.
If he stays in twitter then fine, I can tolerate it. But we all know that he won't be content with that. More LORE will be introduced and sooner or later he'll try and appear in chat and stream, most likely while hiding his real voice. The girls would reluctantly be all smiles as they can't do shit while this faggot ruins their streams

If this guy want to try vtubing then make homoliveEN and stay there, don't use his position as a higherup to have the girls as hostages

>> No.9325005
Quoted by: >>9325056

delete your last post, your second last post, and then yourself.

>> No.9325016

This is the most believeable rrat so far.

>> No.9325045

Last I heard he was banishment roomed or pushed out of the company, but maybe they just gave him this twitter account to play around with and a minimum wage salary to stop him from fucking with everyone else.

>> No.9325052

>nobody in EN ever talks about them on stream
Please don't give the fag any ideas, I'm sure omega lurks these threads to see how his reception was

>> No.9325056

I tried, said too early then too late. My last attempt was years ago, finally got a stable job and cut certain ppl out my life

>> No.9325081
Quoted by: >>9325119

>The girls would reluctantly be all smiles as they can't do shit while this faggot ruins their streams
I love how Kiara can't even bring herself to pretend that she likes this guy.

>> No.9325119
Quoted by: >>9325203

None of them likes him
Just look at how little enthusiasm they all show when talking about him

>> No.9325194
File: 302 KB, 800x800, illust_81845302_20210906_053914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Shinove helped Holostars when it was at its lowest in its early stages due to Yagoo not knowing how to properly manage them. The boys speak positively of him and go out to eat with him, he doesn't post larp shit on Twitter, he posts schedules for the lads and some small updates.
When Omega will be mentioned on stream (if he's even real) it will be shrouded in gay lore.
Anyways, where the fuck are his male lewds, that's the only thig he's good for.

>> No.9325203
Quoted by: >>9325627

I think they should just abuse him as the EN version of Yagoo. EN fans would get a kick out of it.

>> No.9325293

You know how twittertards makes up a person and a narrative to be angry at before sperging out on their page? You got me thinking about it.

>> No.9325388

I’m glad reading some of the opinions in this thread, because this thing has been bugging the hell out of me. I just blocked him, but it’s weird he exists at all.

People keep saying they’re a manager, the director, etc. but the thing is that the fucker HASN’T SAID ANYTHING about what they actually do, and then acts like that is a good and cool thing. He could at least make a fucking schedule for the EN girls if all he does is tweet. But no, A-Chan still covers that shit too (and messes up stuff like emojis sometime but at least she’s doing shit instead of retweeting the girls posts.

>> No.9325503

I want to swallow her feminine semen.

>> No.9325627

Yeah but Yagoo is a genuine sport about it, I bet this faggot would throw a temper tantrum and get the girls in trouble if they did that.
Burgers are extremely sensitive, even more so if its a tranny

>> No.9327332

I knew this would come, and it'll get worse as his ego inflate
