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93089946 No.93089946 [Reply] [Original]

Shondo won't let Fauna collab with homos. It's quite obvious.

I don't know why the tourists are so worried.

>> No.93089987


>> No.93090027

Will Shondo share groomers with her to control who she interacts with?

>> No.93090162

Does anyone else feel like Nimi Nightmare sounds like a complementary name to Fallenshadow? They're both four syllables and have the same darkness theme.

>> No.93090326

but shondo is also a homocollaber with a troon, which makes it worse

>> No.93090356

Shondo will encourage homocollabs for everyone but herself so she can hog all the gfe money

>> No.93090367

Fauna wants the SHONDCOCK.

>> No.93090387
File: 205 KB, 480x480, faunalaugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I don't think you understand.
The power dynamic has drastically shifted.

>> No.93090439

Shondo wants the FAUNACOCK?

>> No.93090514

She will steal viewers from Shondo and leave her again for any better opportunity.

>> No.93090547

It sounds more like brony bait.

>> No.93090556

that would be funny as fuck, now I want to see another Shondo meltdown and how her cucks will desperately try defending her

>> No.93090578
Quoted by: >>93111994

She wouldn't need to. Mint's already pounced on her and now that Moom's got her hooked on overwatch, Dooby's gonna snag her to stack with Doki in marvel rivals.

>> No.93090623

everyone predicted ame would lose her viewers soon and would have to suck eceleb cocks to survive.
but she held steady to her 5k ccv (which is basically the same as what she had as ame)
there's no way the ex /#/ queen would fall into 3view territory like shondo unless she does something stupid to alienate her holofans.

>> No.93090626
Quoted by: >>93113391

are they really close back then? like collab IRL?

>> No.93090628

THIS smt

>> No.93090638

Why do people act like shondo is the paragon of unicorn-friendly when she's "collabed" with Chad's cock a million times before?

>> No.93090808

Shondo is a 4view, anon. Consistent 2k ccv.

>> No.93090809

Grifter Friendly Experience

>> No.93091044

that retard isnt much better than any homo

>> No.93091084

>Followed NotMagni and NotVesper
You should be worried

>> No.93091409

I also feel that. I have a feeling that her new model will be similar to Shondo's as in having the same theme/vibe. Really doubt it will be a cunny though.

>> No.93091535

Do people think they're best friends or something, or even that no one in her circle collabs with men? Vivi was with Takahata and Randon a few weeks ago talking about the Simpsons and she probably has more contact with Shondo than Fauna does at this point.

>> No.93091616
Quoted by: >>93126902

So there is a chance we can see her holo model with some minor adjustment right, like ame did, i think it's kinda smart of her because that model was so peak

>> No.93091695

she followed the PLs of a lot of people

>> No.93091934

does she follow Sayu?

>> No.93092105
Quoted by: >>93092152

...What? How on earth would they ever intersect? Sayu didn't even follow Fauna.

>> No.93092152
Quoted by: >>93092250

I just asked because I'm curious and I can't check for myself. no account

>> No.93092250
Quoted by: >>93092312

Just checked. The only holoENs Sayu even follows is Myth, ERB, and Raora(obviously).

>> No.93092312

thanks anon

>> No.93092372
Quoted by: >>93113892

all the indie and used goods are together in a private Discord and interact every day

>> No.93092486

You're fucking retarded, honestly, and just want to see shit that isn't there

>> No.93092627

Not really, if shondo was ever in charge fauna would never have joined. Power dynamic remains the same.

>> No.93093382
Quoted by: >>93093427


>> No.93093427

I didn't expect her to, but I had to know. Thanks anon.

>> No.93093913

The only m*le collab I'll allow is an NL one (though it would never happen). If she collabs with m*le vtubers (literal subhuman sexpests) then it's so over.

>> No.93093987

Shondo is a fucking loser and need another ban

>> No.93094117

This is why only the smartest people watch racist lolitubers

>> No.93094211

Why didn't Shondo stop Lemon from collabing with dudes back in the day?

>> No.93094237
Quoted by: >>93094374

who the fuck is shondo

>> No.93094374
File: 127 KB, 850x978, 1707141088671545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4view diagnosed schizo GFE lolituber that used to be close friends with Lemonleaf before she joined Hololive.

>> No.93096390


>> No.93099106
Quoted by: >>93137841

This bugs me for some immense reason. On one positive, Shondo got her friend back. But we'll never get a proper Fuwamaco & Fauna collab now

>> No.93101693

That would be a gigabased play

>> No.93103375

What? Whoomst?

>> No.93104137
File: 540 KB, 788x529, GdqYHH_awAEYg4Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93114275

Shondo is in the same Barbie clique as Vivi who collabs with males. its so over

>> No.93105197

>Shondo won't let Fauna collab with homos. It's quite obvious.
Shondo is a homocollaber anon, are you retarded?

>> No.93105318

i keep hearing males get called this but why?
i don't watch males but surely majority of them are just regular male streamers in anime boy dressing, no?

>> No.93105464

Makes sense since Shondo is a guy using a voice changer. I wouldn't want any competition either.

>> No.93105632

I could see something like this being true.

>> No.93105787

Cuntdo is going to leech from nimi honeymoon phase when numbers and high and collabs with the homos right along with her.

>> No.93105977 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 565x764, edward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93106186

>collabs with your oshi every night

>> No.93106186


>> No.93106959

There is legitimately a problem of male vtubers being sexpests at the 1-2view level. They only try to get in because it's a woman-dominated market so they think it's an easy way to get e-pussy. There are clear exceptions Takahata or Shindigs, but regardless once you pass the 300ish ccv mark it's usually because they offer something that isn't just pussy chasing. Regardless, unicorns love to push that and try applying it to people like Stars or whatever despite that never being a thing in Cover.

>> No.93107347

Yeah, most of them are fine, and the ones that actually ARE sexpest-y tend to get called out pretty quickly. It’s just that the unicorns tend to lump all the guy vtubers into the ‘sexpest’ category because they’re insecure and pretending that their hatred is justifiable makes them feel better about themselves.

>> No.93107670

She followed Randon and Lando long before she followed Schizo. Her priorities are clear

>> No.93107888
Quoted by: >>93109452

Honest question, why do you care so much about twitter follows? How are they in any way indicative of what kind of content she’ll be producing?

>> No.93107999
Quoted by: >>93108524

Who's out here having a gfe with a girl who puts on the voice of a four-year-old
...Actually nvm I don't wanna know

>> No.93108414

Not Miguel

>> No.93108524

go back

>> No.93109452
Quoted by: >>93115277

>thread about twitter follows
>"Why do you care about twitter follows?"

>> No.93110690

She is not a 4view, she is basically now a big name among indies and she is frequent guest on Fillian's streams

>> No.93111994

Please let Mint and Doki claim her before that cunt Shondo could. Please

>> No.93112288

If it makes you feel better, when Mint showed up in her second to last stream's chat, Fauna flat out said "I will definitely be keeping in touch."
I don't know if she'll become a sloppy sister, but she'd fit right in. Probably end up aligned with Laimu as the "brains" of the group if she got roped in. Though the issue would be there aren't nearly as many 5 player games as 4.

>> No.93112455

That implies her follows are completely rational and ordered and never prey to forgetfullness or anything else; if she's friends with Shondo and talks to her regularly then remembering to follow her through her new twitter account might slip her mind because she doesn't actually need it to communicate or keep tabs and is more a symbolic gesture.

>> No.93112791

Time for me to groom Fauna

>> No.93112909
Quoted by: >>93113047

This clip is misleading; she was talking about Gigi and Nerissa in this clip.

>> No.93113040
File: 21 KB, 1136x99, Screenshot 2025-01-06 153945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>93113313


>> No.93113047
Quoted by: >>93113313

Was she? Makes sense.
Either way, Minto fucking loves Fauna and likely won't let her escape, and the love seems to be reciprocated.
...Come to think of it, has Fauna EVER raided a non-holo streamer other than Mint? She raided Mint during her 3.0 debut/karaoke

>> No.93113104

shondo is a whore

>> No.93113313
Quoted by: >>93113911

Yeah see>>93113040
Fauna has always been a solo streamer, only really collabing a lot towards the end. I do expect them to collab in the future, though, along with maybe Dooby and a few familiar voices popping up as PNGs here and there

>> No.93113391

Dude she had a whopping 1 collab with Shondo. Do you really think they met up irl?

>> No.93113579

you aren't fooling anyone sister

>> No.93113728
Quoted by: >>93114337

>she followed Randon before
>she followed Lando long before
no. why do you schizos always use half truths?

>> No.93113793

You're more mentally ill than her.

>> No.93113892

your oshi lets the cable guy in her house

>> No.93113911
Quoted by: >>93114336

Yeah, like Dooby I don't expect many collabs from her at all. She said she's been networking a lot though so maybe she'll start branching out and doing things more with other people. Dooby said something similar when she left, and honestly so did Doki and Mint. they're smart enough to know they can't do this completely alone.

>> No.93113969

It's always weird to me that people claim to be fans of girls like this but then also are excited at the prospect that they will be proven to be fake and vapid whores immediatley? Like, why the fuck would notFauna go and suddenly collab with NotAme? They never liked each other before. Is being anti-Hololive that strong of a shared bond? I mean why the fuck did she follow multiple Japanese Holo reincarnations who she can't even communicate with and never once tried to when they were in Hololive? If these girls had real friendships as you would assume normal people do, their friends would be the same people they were before they joined Hololive and then the same friends they made while in Hololive. Why would their friends just be whoever else happens to be a popular ex-corpo that's trending at the moment?

>> No.93114041
Quoted by: >>93128301

Who cares if Shondo doesn't collab with homos when she dated one of her discord mods?

>> No.93114188

Shondocucks rather want her to stream on Kick than Youtube if she gets banned

>> No.93114275
Quoted by: >>93114313

You know males have holes too, right?

>> No.93114313


>> No.93114337

>no. why do you schizos always use half truths?
Except she followed Randon, then Lando, then Monty, then Caspurr. Try reps next time

>> No.93114336

>She said she's been networking a lot though so maybe she'll start branching out and doing things more with other people
Got a timestamp for that unless you're referring to the grad stream when she was talking about how she wanted to be more like Gigi.

>> No.93114437

Nothing against doki, but shes not the best at some games. Having notfauna as a substitute would be good.

>> No.93115277

It’s actually a ‘Shondo won’t let Fauna do X’ thread, and that doesn’t answer my question

>> No.93117336
Quoted by: >>93124822

I dunno, anon, i've never had intrusive thoughts about murdering my family, so i think she still wins (for lack of a better word) on that front.

>> No.93118639

>he doesn't know

>> No.93120578

buy an ad

>> No.93120841

dokis actually really good if she has the best players in the game carrying her

>> No.93123208

entertainment industries in general attract... characters. Even before the alarm bell that is 'anime boy dressing'.

>> No.93123563

>Shondo won't let
Fauna/Nimi will be the bigger indie once she debuts. Shondo won't be in charge of anything.

>> No.93124822
Quoted by: >>93125363

You're brown.

>> No.93125363

Sounds like he's got a chance with slutdo then when she's out on her nightly clubbing sessions, we know her type

>> No.93125663

Negativity spiral here we go!!

>> No.93126587

>I'll allow
hahahahahahahah, good one anon

>> No.93126902

Doesn't Shondo stream with her 7' tall boyfriend or something? I'm not trying to dox or flamebait, I genuinely know almost nothing about her but that was one thing I overheard about her.

Was it? She had a thick neck and her rigging was bad, her face looked flat or something.

>> No.93127442

Yes. She also kept bragging about how small her hands looked while holding his cock.

>> No.93127742

Yep, thats right. She's the ultimate cuck experience, she grifts GFE but they all know (she told them on stream even kek) that she gets ravaged by chad after stream.
The fact she calls her fans husbands is the strawberry on the cuck sundae

>> No.93128301

I thought unikeks didn't care about that as long as a male png didn't appear on their screen

>> No.93128424
Quoted by: >>93128758

She literally follows Northernlion, Randon, Jerma and Professor Lando. You're kidding yourself. The male collabs are coming.

>> No.93128758


>> No.93129181

Yeah, that's fair too. The 4 of those girls would probably be fine and much more chill since Doki tends to bring up the hype whenever she's in a collab.

>> No.93129718
Quoted by: >>93133608

I feel bad for her honestly
Having a mentally ill freak like shondo get attached to you is bad enough. Having a mentally ill freak with a fanbase of 1000+ rabid third world pedophiles get attached to you sounds like hell

>> No.93133548

I feel bad for her honestly
Having a mentally ill freak like fauna get attached to you is bad enough. Having a retarded freak with a fanbase of 1000+ rabid third world retards get attached to you sounds like hell

>> No.93133608

>baitnigger forgot he already replied

>> No.93133809

why even attempt this an hour late retard

>> No.93133883

Damn this board truly is full of worthless brown schizos.

>> No.93135047

Uh oh shoncuck melty lmfao

>> No.93136201

buy an ad

>> No.93137841

It wouldn't have worked out. Fuwamoco are too japanese for fauna

>> No.93139370

Ame has always been a weirdo loner, that doesn't change much for Dooby so she gets her usual numbers.

I don't watch fauna outside of collabs (she's good at bantering), if she's solid solo, then she'll keep most of her fans.

it'll be harder to grow though without the usual holo clout whenever they do events and get some news out.

>> No.93140910

>i don't watch males
Neither does anyone who calls them that. The vast majority of the ones you'll ever hear about at least outside of NijiEN are fine, which is why dramafags like >>93076227 have to keep pulling literal whos out of their ass to prove their point

>> No.93141851
File: 734 KB, 809x872, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the short hair gambit...
