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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9266784 No.9266784 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>9267124 >>9280774

>Most Recent Stream: HoloCouncil Collab (jackbox party games)

>First Superchat VOD:

>Debut VOD:

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmbs8T6MWqUHP1tIQvSgKrg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii

>Current Schedule:

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 2.5

>Fanfic Listing:

>Fanart Gallery:

>Clock Sounds:

>> No.9269364

As somebody who only really watches EN, how are Reine's streams? Her design is pure sex but I'm an EOP—is it worth it to watch her stuff?

>> No.9269372

Does Kronii really have to play time travel games? I know it's her gimmick, but I don't want her pigeonholed hole into stuff that's not fun.
12 minutes was meh and carried entirely by her.
I didn't even understand half of everything.

>> No.9269391
File: 172 KB, 900x1200, 6C5F944C-A2C9-4C2A-A978-743887EB8AC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9267124 >>9269673

Suisei was and still is my #1 oshi, and I don’t think there’s anything Kronii or anyone else could do to change that, no matter how much I love Kronii. From EN, Ina was my favorite, and I think she’s been passed by Kronii now.

>> No.9266797
Quoted by: >>9267128 >>9267220

Sana mentioned she will have access to membership next week, so expect a membership stream from Kronii soon.

>> No.9267124

Fellow minutemen I'm kinda curious.

Did you have an oshi before this, and who?

>> No.9267128
Quoted by: >>9267159

I wonder what the membership icons will look like
>obviously clocks
yeah ok but what type/color?

>> No.9267159

Grey with blue highlights

>> No.9267198

I need to do my writing reps for the night, somebody toss ideas my way.

>> No.9267220

Ah, the timing doesn't add up for day 1 membership.
Not that I can't afford it, I just like everything to go off on the same day.
I guess I'll just put up with that.

>> No.9267234
Quoted by: >>9267258 >>9267437

Really disliked how Sana was disengaged and asked the game to end early to prep for her super chat debut. Just turn down the offer, why be such a wet blanket?

>> No.9267256

what are the chances that Kronii is a /feg/jo?

>> No.9267258

feel like it was management bullshit

>> No.9267279

Most days I was watching either Ina or Subaru, but it's only been Kronii since debut

>> No.9267300

I consider myself a Clockbud
There was also Coco...

>> No.9267346
File: 2.47 MB, 720x796, kronii_clockdoko[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fogn9hz.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9267386
Quoted by: >>9267432

You and Kronii tormenting one of her genmates

>> No.9267392

Oshi is a word I don't use to describe it, the one I love and support the most is Aki. I probably watch Watame or Pekora the most though.

>> No.9267405

Out of all Holos the only one who i kept watching past the first couple months of their debut was ina, but I didn’t watch her as much as my favourite indies or as much as kronii now so I wouldn’t call her an oshi

>> No.9267432
Quoted by: >>9267664

sorry anon, i'm not one of the ryona writefags, nor one of the emotional abuse writefags

>> No.9267437

>Have technical problems to where she can't be animated for a second straight week.
>Has to prepare for her first monetization stream
If any of the girls asked I'd fully understand where they were coming from. Also Kronii was there to support Sana, why weren't you? The girl has suffered through enough already.

>> No.9267444
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, ゴズリング59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9267594

None, Kronii is my first and only.

>> No.9267462

Gooruh! She's still my oshi but Kronii is a close second.

>> No.9267472
Quoted by: >>9267968 >>9269344

Give this a listen and write the first story that comes to mind:


>> No.9267490

Ina is and always will be my oshi. but saying that Kronii isn't my favorite of the Council is as big as a lie as lies can be

>> No.9267549
File: 640 KB, 2048x4096, 3DEBFC8F-7EE3-4DD1-9ECB-92D183322257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just a clipnigger watching pretty much every random funny clip, but now I'm a dedicated Minuteman, I only missed Kronii SC stream because it was at 2am and I forgot to set an alarm

>> No.9267567
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, E-UpMB_UcAQyT-_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9267693 >>9267881

Why is her theme so soothing?

Reminds me of bar music.

>> No.9267580
Quoted by: >>9267624

The vtuber I watched most before Kronii is Ina
but I only ever saw Ina as a parasocial friend and not a waifu

>> No.9267594

I never doubted your basedness, Goslingbro

>> No.9267624
Quoted by: >>9267706

Maybe I'm in the wrong but I've never considered
oshi = mai waifu, but I suppose that can vary depending on who you talk to

>> No.9267664

sexual torment then without the punching. just some shibari stuff. Or you could try the reverse where the rest of the council just had it with (you) and kronii's sexcapade that they have plotted a (sexual) revenge against you two.

>> No.9267693
Quoted by: >>9267766 >>9268391

if you watch the original artist posting it's literally lofi bar music


>> No.9267706
File: 15 KB, 447x444, ゴズリング56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oshi just means push, it means you want to see them become the best that they can be. To watch and support every step of the process in which they achieve the success and happiness that they crave and desire through the blood, sweat and tears.

>> No.9267766
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9267812 >>9267839

>Bar music
So you're telling me there's a chance?

>> No.9267812

Roberu is for Bae
Bae is for Kronii

>> No.9267815

This but with Kronii >>>/wsg/4096044

>> No.9267838

Ame was and is still my Oshi but I love clock very much.

>> No.9267839

go back to /rrat/ son.

also by that logic space/time is canon because Kronii's loading song is named zero gravity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqAbL2hm27g

>> No.9267853

we need more lolikronii

>> No.9267855

before this I was following the NijiEN girls and a bit of gura on the side, then the kronii came, I dropped everyone. (yes even gura)

>> No.9267881

it would be rad to see if kronii decides to sing to this? I'd eat it up

>> No.9267898

go to hell. fuck you. what the fuck.

>> No.9267907

thank you anon for this I've been looking for her loading music

>> No.9267915
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>> No.9267925

>it's korean

>> No.9267939

Okay anon you need to chill...

>> No.9267941

write something comfy about (you) supporting kronii while she stays up late to help owl

>> No.9267958
Quoted by: >>9268102 >>9268172

i was seriously holding up well until the part where he tried to stop time. now i'm a mess

>> No.9267968
Quoted by: >>9269344

Alright, I've got something for this, I think.

>> No.9268006 [SPOILER] 
File: 224 KB, 850x1059, 1630823473068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9268275

She's still my oshi. and I told you her antis were hiding behind you minutemen, and now they're trying to stir shit.

I've said on /morig/ that it was the content of the superchats and not Kronii. VA-work is her talent, why are people being stupid?

I was one of the few ones that if there's any one who can blow the ceiling out of Superchats, It was this specific kouhai. She didn't disappoint.

>> No.9268008

bro wtf this is way worse than me suggesting the edit of that lost kitten vid fuck you anon

>> No.9268036
File: 105 KB, 675x1200, E-fZZL1VUAcBhYv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9268060

*cums inside your timehag and on everyone in the thread*

I'm done with this shameless whore. You timecucks can have my sloppy seconds.

>> No.9268060
Quoted by: >>9268243

i made this post, except i didnt mean the last part. time hag is my lovely wife, and i wont let anyone have her

>> No.9268062

Up there is a fag

>> No.9268102
Quoted by: >>9268118

>kronii lost her powers
>kronii doesn't tell you
>you start noticing that she's starting to age
>she's denies that she lost her powers
>gets sick because of old age
>"anon I'm just messing with you I'll revert this tomorrow for you"
tomorrow never came

>> No.9268118
Quoted by: >>9268221

i'm not even going to cum on you, i'm going to kill you violently.

>> No.9268172
Quoted by: >>9268201

Now imagine how Kronii feels when she's him and you're the wife with dementia

>> No.9268201

>kronii forced to watch as you slowly become mumei

>> No.9268221

>my green text wins
autists are seething

>> No.9268240

fuck man. it's usually the short stuff like this that hits me hard.

>> No.9268243

sorry guys, changed my mind. i only love Mumei now

>> No.9268275
Quoted by: >>9268371

well then how do you flush them out of here?Cumming on them doesn't seem to work.

>> No.9268325
File: 1005 KB, 787x799, ゴズリング44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"So when is it?" You look at the pigeons that are congregating around the strewn grains of rice that you threw. You smile at how eager they're eating.
>"2 days from now." The ever beautiful Ouro Kronii says in a whimper, she has both hands locked around yours.
>"Cause of death?" You look down and see the comparisons between your hands and hers. Kronii's are young and silky smooth, as pale as morning snow. Your hands are old, wrinkled and cracking, the passage of time hadn't been as kind.
>"Heart attack." Ah, that sounds terrible.
>"Are the kids coming?" You've fathered many children with the Mistress of Time over the years, there were over ten of them and you loved each and everyone.
>"No, they're tired of seeing you die and die again." Her voice was hollow and empty, you have no idea how much grief she's been through.
>"They have the right idea, you're not doing yourself any favors by bothering with an old man like me." You laugh out raggedly.
>She isn't laughing.
>"You made a promise, you need to keep it, dog." She lifts her hand up, showing her the silver band on her fourth finger. Tears staining her hauntingly blue eyes.
>"Kronii, please, don't torture yourself like this." You lift your hands up and wipe away her tears.
>"No, I don't break my promises. Neither should you." She tries to fight away your tender touch, she isn't putting up much of a resistance.
>You smile.
>"I'm not breaking any promises. I'm alive in other timelines. You need to stop coming to the ones where I die." She pauses for a while.
>"I love you anon. I love all of you. Every instance where in you existed, I will be there and I will never stop loving you." Her voice quivers and shakes.
>"I know." You bend in for a kiss, a long and deep kiss. No matter how old you became, you still remember how to do this.
>You love her.
>She loves you.
>It was a curse.
>It was a blessing.
>You will never let her go. Never.

>> No.9268327

Flare was/is my Oshi, but I'm rarely up when she's online anymore so Kronii's winning that battle by default

>> No.9268368

i gave up watching the collab live 20 minutes in, is it worth continuing from where i left off in the vod? was never a fan of jackbox collabs but if theres good kronii moments ill reconsider

>> No.9268371
Quoted by: >>9268465

that's the hard thing; We had one, and it's possible that it's the same one, who wrote a whole essay and pretended to be a Deadbeat.

And when confronted, he's always shouted "He's a T3 Member"

Just do not reply to their bait and not let them derail threads.

aka continue cumming.

>> No.9268391
File: 494 KB, 628x449, 1630155582541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to add these to the OP, but fear things will get to cluttered.

>> No.9268415
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>> No.9268465

Yup. The one who started >>9237732 Is likely what the Deadbeat is talking about.

>> No.9268471
Quoted by: >>9268515

I kinda got confused does she rewind time everytime you die? or she goes on a different timeline to find you?

>> No.9268489
File: 223 KB, 640x602, 3d1dd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I looked at this guy with pity, now I just laugh at this full-blown autistic clown and his shitty writing

>> No.9268515
File: 76 KB, 882x960, ゴズリング27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9268870

She stands by with every instance of (You) that's ever died, she will never leave any of (You) to die alone.

>> No.9268583
Quoted by: >>9268634

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMFCws07x90 just in case someone wants the song.

>> No.9268587


>> No.9268610


this is what mental illness looks like

>> No.9268634
Quoted by: >>9268708

This one has lyrics and doesn't have the random 2 minutes of silence at the end:

>> No.9268708

This one is the full version which gives the full experience.

didn't know the link I gave had a 2 minute silence. No wonder it doesn't match the timing in the full song. Thanks for the proper link.

>> No.9268730

I noticed there's progressively more and more shitposting and overall negativity in these threads over the past week. A shame.

>> No.9268741

success breeds jealousy

>> No.9268757

I think you came in during cooldown time where the kronies are asleep and the little shits are still awake.

>> No.9268819

nah, I only put vtubers on when nobody I liked on twitch was streaming and I'd finished my youtube backlog. I went into en2 with the intention of finding someone to stick with, but kronii blew me away a fair bit harder than I expected

>> No.9268870
File: 144 KB, 359x351, AEF2A550-920B-4716-9BA3-D68C4D695587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9268975

>she finds an alternate timeline (you) who’s hit absolute rock bottom
>homeless crackhead with an extensive criminal record and no employable skills
>she keeps her promise to love and protect every version of (you) even despite this version regularly lashing out at her in schizophrenic fits

>> No.9268910
Quoted by: >>9268957 >>9268983

clock schedule doko?

>> No.9268925
File: 365 KB, 500x500, ezgif-2-d8cf3a175ab2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizos like to stir drama over anything. Just so happens that it's Kronii's turn.

Take >our advice and Don't let it get to you. Kronii's being popular so she's really bound to get antis.

>> No.9268957

shiran. probably after tomorrow midday if she's taking her usual day-off.

>> No.9268975

>Slowly but surely schizo (You) ends up improving himself and slowly recovers.
>Just when things look bright he dies cause of a car accident.

>> No.9268983
Quoted by: >>9268995 >>9269059

clock has a EN friendly schedule i love her

>> No.9268995

Bri'ish bros....

>> No.9269038

Suisei still has oshi spot for me. If it was just EN only then Kronii is undisputed empress on that.

>> No.9269046
File: 2.30 MB, 1892x1079, thankyougamer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't seem to autistic enough for point and click adventure game but a man can dream

>> No.9269055

i just watch ina, and clock right now
for everyone else some clips(mostly aqua)

>> No.9269059

I crie in Oz time because for most streams this week, they're either at the wee hours or during morning hours that I can't have free time on.

>> No.9269080
Quoted by: >>9269108

>She doesn't seem to autistic enough for point and click adventure game
twelve minutes

>> No.9269089
Quoted by: >>9269108

your 12 minutes reps...

>> No.9269091

12 minutes should be a sorta good indicator of how she takes on point and click.

>> No.9269108
Quoted by: >>9269119

anon she hated that game, and it's still much more zoomer friendly than the 90s and 00s point n click games

>> No.9269116 [DELETED] 
File: 972 KB, 1000x1414, E9bHbY7VEAALJnR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most Recent Stream: HoloCouncil Collab (jackbox party games)

>First Superchat VOD:

>Debut VOD:

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmbs8T6MWqUHP1tIQvSgKrg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii

>Current Schedule:

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 2.5

Kronii's Loading Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqAbL2hm27g
Kronii's BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI

>Fanfic Listing:

>Fanart Gallery:

>Clock Sounds:

Please excuse the dust. Just seeing how things look if I add a music section.

>> No.9269119
Quoted by: >>9269134 >>9269145

Wrong. She loved the concept and the gameplay. she hated the writing and the story.

>> No.9269129
File: 1.39 MB, 1480x2000, E947DZdUYAA2I-Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9269149 >>9269248

>games with time travel

So....Life is strange?

>> No.9269134

Actually, let me rephrase that. She loved how the story was presented through gameplay, but hated WHAT the story was overall.

>> No.9269145
Quoted by: >>9269164

>she hated the writing and the story
What do you think 99% of point and click adventures are for? The gameplay mechanic?

>> No.9269149

god no. please, any other games but that.

>> No.9269157

used to watch Ina religiously and membered her, but Kronii just hits differently

>> No.9269164
Quoted by: >>9269184

99% of point and click adventure games are about incest?

>> No.9269175

Ina and lamy, both are still are but I rarely get to watch lamy on the jp primetime hours since I got my shift moved to that time

>> No.9269184

12 minutes was overall about incest now?

>> No.9269195

Watch the stream and what her takeaway was.

>> No.9269204

And the fact that what she likes about that stupid game is the gameplay concept means she isn't autistic enough for the 00s point and click and their cancerous UI

>> No.9269231
Quoted by: >>9269282

>time travel games
god i would kill for chrono trigger

>> No.9269243
Quoted by: >>9269289

Why was the loop, the whole concept of the game, happening again?

>> No.9269244
File: 87 KB, 1280x845, 0E70B6C6-3363-4A3C-999F-701E7BF73A4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9269248
Quoted by: >>9269282

please god can we just get chrono trigger instead

>> No.9269263
Quoted by: >>9269309

I think Kronii could, in-theory give a great classic JRPG stream because of her VA experience. She could probably give life to characters that only have textboxes as dialogue

>> No.9269282
Quoted by: >>9269328

If she won't do Fire Emblem because she thinks it's a bad streaming game, that puts JRPG games on the back burner.

>> No.9269287

>time travel theme
Kronii WILL play Bioshock Infinite and you will like it

>> No.9269289

guilts and coping
You could literally change it into man mercy killing his dying wife and it still work

>> No.9269309

so pokemon.

>> No.9269328

yeah i can see that :(
well deathloop is coming this fall?

>> No.9269344
Quoted by: >>9270055

>Kronii had been thrilled at the opportunity to collaborate with her senpai.
>Even if it was on a song—while she was confident in her speaking voice, she always said that her singing left a lot to be desired.
>Still, Calliope Mori was nothing if not persistent—you supposed Death had to be.
>Kronii felt more comfortable helping her senpai by mixing the audio for the track—she wasn't an expert, but it made her feel useful and kept her from feeling nervous about the rest of it.
>You were only really there as a technicality—as Kronii's manager, you needed to be present for collaborations hosted outside a member's home, after that one incident. Well, it could've been Mori's manager, but she was busy, apparently.
>The two of you had gotten to the studio first, and Kronii was busying herself with the… big panel of dials. You didn't know what it was called. A switchboard? God, you were old.
>"Hey." You grab her attention, stopping her from fiddling with the audio levels again. "I think it's fine."
>"It could be *better,*" she tells you, sighing. You give her a look, and she relents.
>"I get it, you're nervous." This was the first offline collaboration she'd had with somebody outside of her generation, after all. "That's normal."
>"I'm not nervous!" she insists, lying through her teeth.
>"Well then there's no need to mess with the noise gate, right?" you shrug. She exhales angrily, something not unlike a growl, and turns away from you, her chair spinning as she returns to her task.
>An awkward silence grows. You pull out your phone, checking for any messages. You'd been here for nearly fifteen minutes.
>"Yo yo yo! What's up, my dudes?!" The boisterous reaper steps through the door just as you think to ask where she was. She sports a wide grin. "How's it goin'?"
>"Good morning." You nod in greeting—Kronii's a bit slower to react, but manages to compose herself.
>The recording session goes… mostly smoothly. Honestly, though it may seem strange for somebody in your position, you're not great at Japanese, so you don't catch most of Mori's lyrics—they're rapped too fast for you to understand.
>Still, she's obviously very comfortable in the recording booth—it's admirable to watch.
>"Hey." Kronii pokes you, seeming annoyed about something, and you tear your eyes away from the pink-haired shinigami.
>"Hm? Is there a problem?"
>"Uh, yeah, I'd say so." She sighs. "You're staring at her." You start—you hadn't even noticed. "It's kind of creepy, really."
>"Oh! Uh, I'm sorry, I was just caught up in the process." You stumble for an excuse—you hadn't thought you were *leering*, just fascinated by teh experience.
>"Hmph." Kronii turns her nose up at you. "Whatever." She returns to her seat, alternating between glaring at you and checking the recording as the reaper launches into another take.
>You can't quite make it out, but you think you hear her mumble something under her breath.
>"Supposed to be *my* manager. Where does he get off, looking at other girls so much?" A click of the tongue. "I'll have to fix that."

>> No.9269350
Quoted by: >>9269364

Noel. She actually got me into vtubers as a whole since I started with her ridiculous Dark Souls streams and ended up sticking around for her casually baiting people to join membership. She doesn't actually stream that often tho, so I watch Reine a lot lately who also spends a lot of time baiting people to join membership.

>> No.9269413

Nope. Watched a lot of clips of Korone when youtube blessed her and listened to ASMR's from Noel and Lamy, but never actually watched streams since the Japanese filtered me.
I don't trust myself with superchats, but Kronii's taking my membership virginity.

>> No.9269422
Quoted by: >>9269456

Of course not; Hollow Knight isn't time travel related.

That's just like saying Mori needs to play everything with a grim reaper on it.

>> No.9269424

I member her an IRyS. She's pretty good, she's a rich nerd with too much money on her hands

>> No.9269437

>Does Kronii really have to play time travel games?
remember EN 1 first month management said to the girls "muh lore" or something like that
>ina lovecraft games
>same that bad shark game
>ame LA noire

>> No.9269440
Quoted by: >>9269456

HK isn't time travel related
Frostpunk isn't time travel related
No, Anon.

>> No.9269455

It's just people itt who are hooked on the time travel theme for the games. Kronii only played 12 minutes for that theme and her other games were not time related. Unless you count the pause/play/fast forward of Frostpunk, but at that point simulation/strategy/builder games are "time themed" and I for one agree that Kronii should play all of them.

>> No.9269456

They might force her to start another time travel game though since 12 minutes is finished.

>> No.9269478

different anon, but I agree that Reine's design is pure sex and her mama is based as hell.

>> No.9269481

In general yes. Think of her as a sexy dork. ID and EN friendly streamer for sure. Her improv during some bits, sometimes where she would do shameless plugs to stream recent covers, subscribe are funny. Her Misao streams are fun to watch.

>> No.9269519
File: 136 KB, 1280x720, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

talking about time games i remember playing this one like crazy, bc it was the only game i had kek

>> No.9269549

For time theme I could see Kronii playing Last Day of June.
I think Korone played it a long time ago? Or one of the JPs.

>> No.9269556

>Rimworld kronii stream

>> No.9269569
Quoted by: >>9269626

superhot was also time themed in game mechanics, but otherwise yes the point stands.

>> No.9269626

>forgot she played Superhot
Head empty, only clock noises.

>> No.9269627

As long as I continue to get Overlord Kronii from them, I agree.

>> No.9269647

>Her design is pure sex but I'm an EOP
She speaks Englsih 99% of the time, you won’t have to worry about that

>> No.9269650
Quoted by: >>9269684 >>9269721

The kroniies need to learn to ignore bait posts, they managed to drown out the bait initially through sex posting but as things are slowing down they jump on even the most low effort bait over and over

>> No.9269673
File: 43 KB, 342x478, 1604659272312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9269818

based fellow hoshiyomi with exactly the same tastes as mine

>> No.9269684
Quoted by: >>9269697

Yeah. Do reps, write fics, do OC's.

I might not be a Krony, but you guys need to ignore people trying to stir shit, and you'll be a better split for that.

t. as if our home split isn't bad whenever something happens.

>> No.9269697
Quoted by: >>9269750 >>9269754

unironic question
what the fuck is a 'split' and why does it make up 30% of all deadbeat's vocabulary?

>> No.9269710

She basically streams entirely in English and is pretty quick to try to explain ID things that come up, pretty much trying to be a good rep for her culture. For stream content, she has a very dorky vibe, but she's pretty clever and seems to enjoy shittalking her chat. I really like her 999 streams if you've played those games.

>> No.9269721
File: 261 KB, 2048x1795, 727D951E-3973-4534-A189-416929DE2EDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. We need get back to the 1st week level of sexposting. Bait posts back then couldn't get a reply as they quickly drowned in SSSSEEEEEXXXX and cum

>> No.9269740
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, sfwKroniiSEX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warden of

>> No.9269750

Split is what hlgg calls a general for any Holo.

>> No.9269754

Pretty sure it's short for "split thread". As in a thread for an individual holo member as opposed to one of the holo generals.

>> No.9269764


>> No.9269768

Do you have the card perhaps? This looks different to the 2 ones in the MEGA. This is more meaty, while the others are sticks.

>> No.9269809

My biggest issue with the ID girls is that I love watching collabs and although their solo streams are good the collabs with eachother end up as 99% ID speak

>> No.9269818
File: 484 KB, 1000x1431, 1FB57C92-FF58-439B-B4C3-C17FBEFC68A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9269957

I shouldn’t be surprised, after all, all Hoshiyomi have excellent taste!

>> No.9269827
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, 0C919542-91F8-4788-9F38-936396945B32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cover her silky smooth tummy in my fat hot load of cum

>> No.9269851
Quoted by: >>9269918

and yes i still watch her

>> No.9269885


>> No.9269918
Quoted by: >>9269935

Slav detected

>> No.9269935
Quoted by: >>9269968

not even slav here i just have a thing for HAGS

>> No.9269941
Quoted by: >>9269981

Writefags...can you please write something about Kronii in sportswear sex...

>> No.9269942
File: 1.22 MB, 1334x750, vampkronii21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronii edging you from more than an hour
>finishes you off with prostate massage
>but as soon as you cum, she stops touching you and rewinds your cock to before she made you pop, but still edged up as hell
>repeats several times till you are a moaning mess
I might just write that

>> No.9269957
Quoted by: >>9270204

I find suisei as pure sex but I rarely catch her streaming nor plan to watch her vods for some reason

>> No.9269968

Based anyway

>> No.9269971

Didn’t they all play some appropriately themed game(s) to begin with? Of the first game streams, I only caught Rat’s. It’s probably just something put in to help them fill in their early weeks streaming withoit putting any pressure on them to try and figure out what to play while they’re finding their rhythm. Also probably to help get the character and their theme to stick in people’s minds a bit better.

I highly doubt she’ll “have” to play time related games going forward, but she probably will occasionally.

>> No.9269977
File: 819 KB, 764x751, A2BA8B6D-A6A0-48D1-86D8-A8459D0A27F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9282774

Do it, I like the sound of that

>> No.9269981
Quoted by: >>9270010

If you could give me reference/description of what specific sportswear you want and don't mind it being included with this >>9269942 prompt, i could try it

>> No.9269987
File: 73 KB, 366x525, 451E6E78-4E8C-40C1-9448-F56CB0BCE3BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9270035

Should I try to simulate extreme edging?

>> No.9270004 [SPOILER] 
File: 517 KB, 1240x789, 1630820945221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9270103 >>9270580

Please accept this peace offering WIP from /morig/

>> No.9270010
File: 79 KB, 684x1024, f8573e21edf8e1969a1dcc0dfa04daec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9270035
Quoted by: >>9270062

Last time I did that I blueballed and eventually lost my libido to the thing I was jerking off to

>> No.9270039
File: 185 KB, 294x312, vampkronii1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, off to the notepad I go then

>> No.9270055
Quoted by: >>9270088

Flashbacks to that Mori fanfiction of you being your GF's manager and her taking you away from her

>> No.9270062
File: 496 KB, 854x1200, 2DE6DA8D-8D67-4F9A-9DBE-AFCFD15E837F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ooh. Welp, not doing that I guess. I want to bust big healthy loads to Kronii
Thank you for warning me, KroniiBro!

>> No.9270085


>> No.9270088
Quoted by: >>9270122

in this idea, (You) don't have any feelings for either girl, manager-san was telling the truth when he said that he was fascinated by the process
but kronii took it the wrong way because she's pessimistic, and then started planning something drastic…

>> No.9270099

I watched Ina, Suisei and a bit of Mori.
Wouldn't say I had an oshi, but I enjoyed their content.

>> No.9270103


>> No.9270105
Quoted by: >>9270141

My arms are fucking twigs compared to her

>> No.9270122

Oh I know that, it's just that Mori and you being a manager remind me of that fanfiction, regardless

>> No.9270141

It ain't that hard to get to her level, try it bro! You just need to do pushups and lift dumbbells

>> No.9270204

I’ll confess, I haven’t caught very many streams of anyone lately, Sui included. She certainly can be SEX, but for me, my love for her is almost entirely laser-focused on her as an idol. I want to watch her sing, dance, perform. I can’t wait for new songs to come out. I want to see her soar to the top where she belongs. I could barely contain my excitement when I saw 3:12 premier, and when she talked about her mom calling her when she heard it playing a shop somewhere, I felt like my heart could explode from the secondhand excitement.

There’s almost no room in my love for Suisei for SEX to take over. The wholesome adoration and idol worship completely overshadows it.

>> No.9270383

Watched a lot of Pecor, Mio and Moona. Kronii is the first chuuba I can call oshi.

>> No.9270478

My favorites are Mio, Botan, Ina and now Kronii. I just really enjoy them a lot. From content, to personality to design and voice.

>> No.9270580

make them both pregnant and squish their bellies together

>> No.9270609
Quoted by: >>9270625 >>9270672

Morning ourobros. I can finally watch the collab vod, I assume everyone was very cute.

>> No.9270625
Quoted by: >>9270653

Kronii started going on a racist tirade about Shakira and Israel.

>> No.9270646
Quoted by: >>9270686

>You will never have kronii eat blueberries like a dork while you both watch a movie together
Kronii bros I think I'm starting to gosling now...

>> No.9270653
Quoted by: >>9270722 >>9274614

No, no. Kronii went on the thirty-minute rant about South Africa and how apartheid must be reinstated, true.
But it was *Mumei* who was shouting "free Palestine!" for half of the stream.

>> No.9270672

kronii said horrible things againts africans and israel

>> No.9270686
Quoted by: >>9270695 >>9270698

what the fuck is dorky about eating blueberries

>> No.9270695

Everything Kronii does is done by a dork in a dorky way. Because she is, in fact, a dork.

>> No.9270698
Quoted by: >>9270719

Watch the the first and the recent collab stream anon

>> No.9270719

Yeah but you imply that eating blueberries is inherently dorky

>> No.9270722
File: 26 KB, 494x370, 1628782574824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9271012
File: 25 KB, 640x360, 1630464553526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9271468

>lying down in the dark
>close eyes
>see motherly Kronii reaching out to give you a hug
what the hell!

>> No.9271014

Of all the Holo's I watched most it was Subaru

>> No.9271033
File: 568 KB, 691x1200, 1630238884922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kroniichiwa Ourobros! Couldn't stay up to 3am so I am going to watch the collab VOD now, how are things going for you bros? Any plans for break day today?

>> No.9271119

too much positivity must say nigger to balance things NIGGER
the collab was nice kronii eat bluberrys
mumei said free palestine the usual

>> No.9271198
File: 182 KB, 1600x900, ゴズリング10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9271210

I love my wife Kronii! I want to see her cute smile and listen to her incredible voice every day.

>> No.9271232
Quoted by: >>9272766

After archive reps, an anon at the end of the last thread wanted some fluff and funnily enoughI wrote some yesterday, but there wasn't an oppurtune time to post it, might aswell throw it out now

>You arrive home, exceptionally knackered after your day at work
>Opening the door, you call out, but to no response
>"Kronii must be late night shopping" you ponder to yourself as you meander to the bedroom
>You recall that she is streaming very late tonight as well and as much as you would like to stay up and watch her, your body just can't handle it
>Collapsing onto the bed in sheer exhaustion, you can't even muster the energy to undress
>"Just a little nap..." you affirm to yourself, the Hungarian goose-down pillow swallowing your head and easing your tired mind

>Wait. Something is wrong. Kronii would have said she was out
>You jump out of the bed in a cold sweat, panic rapidly rising
>Where are her clothes? Her laundry you did yesterday?
>You slam open the bedroom door and rush over to her streaming room; the only greeting you get is a dark, cold room with an empty desk and chair
>"KRONII?!" you yell, voice cracking from the anxiety
>The bathroom? Empty. The Kitchen? Devoid. The living room? Nada.
>Her belongings, the food you made for her, the photos of one another, all began to vanish like phantoms
>"No, no no no no..." you spurt out loud as you fall to your knees, tears welling up in your eyes
>The lights of the rooms and the light of your life, snuffed out
>Trembling on your knees, eyes streaming like leaky faucets, you can only sob
>She was gone.
>Your only salvation from this mortal coil.
>The overwhelming pain, your life with Kronii gone, like tears in the rain.

>You gasp and breathe in rapid takes of the cool, still bedroom air
>Your clothes are damp from a pool of cold sweat, your mind struggling to keep up with what has happened
>you tilt your head to the side, expecting nothing there
>But there she is.
>Kronii was snuggled up next to you.
>"A...anon?" she whispered sleepily, trying to open her eyes. "You were asleep when I got back, and still asleep after my stream." >You must have woken her up in your panic, still taking in rapid breaths and heart pumping like a piston of a race car
>"You had that nightmare again, didn't you?" she speaks softly, clasping ypur hand
>"I will never leave you, anon." Kronii smiles sweetly and lightly kisses you, her soft lips ultimately breaking you from your anxious limbo
>She lay next to you in her short top and shorts she used as pyjamas. Her gorgeous face looked at you lovingly, yet the concern on her face is tangible
>A sprig of her blue hair drooping over her face, you gently brush it off her face with your other hand. She clasps your hand and holds it to her delicate cheek
>"I will never leave you" she repeats, kissing the palm of your hand and snuggling up to your chest
>Your heart settling down, adjusting your hold to around her, encompassing Kronii in your embrace
>"I will never leave you either, Kronii" you reply. She smiles and closes her eyes. You hold her like this until sleep finally takes you...

>> No.9271248
File: 115 KB, 724x1024, FF04DEBC-18C2-46E5-83E1-6CBDB78CCA87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good day to you, KroniiBro! Gonna watch the SC stream vod today, play some vidiya, also gotta catch up on my reading reps, might also indulge in writefaggotry, but that's an optional objective

>> No.9271468

anon take ur meds

>> No.9271930

I don't think the word "oshi" describes what I'm feeling because it's just not that intense.
In that sense, I'm a KFP turned Kronie.

>> No.9272180

oof /infinity/ thread slowed down what happened?

>> No.9272216
Quoted by: >>9272429 >>9272551

Americans went to bed

>> No.9272330
Quoted by: >>9272551

jerking off to the warden of sex

>> No.9272429
Quoted by: >>9272551

Writefags went to bed

>> No.9272551

makes sense, sorry for my retarded question

>> No.9272582
Quoted by: >>9272611

anons took their meds

>> No.9272611
Quoted by: >>9272775

y-you mean you're not actually there anon?

>> No.9272624
Quoted by: >>9272693

How was they council Collab? Missed it

>> No.9272693
Quoted by: >>9272784

it was very fun! although there was still a bit of scuff (sana cardboard mode the whole time) but other than everything was peachy

>> No.9272766

A good one. I'm happy it wasn't actually sad

>> No.9272775

you and me are the only ones here that are real anon

>> No.9272784
Quoted by: >>9272890 >>9273475

Again? Management has an entire week to fix it God damn

>> No.9272890

Sorry, we're doing our best

>> No.9273344

biting off more than i can chew when it comes to painting and rendering
oh god oh fuck

>> No.9273475

Omega has difficulties managing the Council, please understand.

>> No.9273895
File: 507 KB, 1510x958, 1630162653844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking it easy. First break day in a while. Have another 11 days of intense work left until im free to do art reps. Im catching up on the EN2 collab VOD and playing some New Vegas to relax. for some reason im also experiencing a bit of a birthday existential dread today after realizing im almost 30..

>> No.9273925

Consult the archives. Think there's a story for you old man.

>> No.9274034
File: 230 KB, 220x185, 1622049204219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9274140 >>9274178


>> No.9274140
Quoted by: >>9274178

Don't worry ourobro, here is something that will cheer you up:

>> No.9274178

Have some more.

>> No.9274614

>No, no. Kronii went on the thirty-minute rant about South Africa and how apartheid must be reinstated, true.
Not even South Africans want Apartheid to be reinstated.

>> No.9274709
Quoted by: >>9275037

Same Anon, I’ll be 30 in less than half a year. It’s not a great feeling.

>> No.9274987

Not really. I loved Ame but I fell off after she took a break from her comfy qna streams. Kroniis the first member I can watch every stream to the end and the first I gave money to.

>> No.9275037
File: 395 KB, 640x360, 1630327048682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys feel like you've achieved much during your 30 years of life? I'll be approaching that milestone in half a decade

>> No.9275252
Quoted by: >>9275439

No, but coping gets replaced by resignation, which is a plus.

>> No.9275280
Quoted by: >>9275439

Not either of them, but also nearing thirty. My answer is no, and once upon a time, that would have bothered me, but it's not so terrible a thing having a simple life.

>> No.9275439
Quoted by: >>9275524

You at least have Kronii

>> No.9275524
Quoted by: >>9275616 >>9275658

It's great watching her be a literal meme spouting zoomer.

>> No.9275616
Quoted by: >>9275689

At least she's happy anon

>> No.9275658
Quoted by: >>9275689

Same but unironically. Emotions are contagious, seeing Kronii and chat have a good time puts me in good spirits

>> No.9275689
Quoted by: >>9275800

You misunderstand me, I WAS being unironic.

>> No.9275737
File: 184 KB, 1080x1080, F2513116-20B1-48EA-A8F1-BAEA69E10EDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9275821 >>9275901

I feel like I’m doing alright, I have my own place and do decently well, but I will have wizard powers to look forward to shortly, so that’s a thing. Eventually you just get used to always being alone.

>> No.9275800

My bad, too used to the tempermant of your average /vt/ user

>> No.9275821

Maybe you'll be the wizard who finally makes anime real. Who knows what's keeping all the other faggots who attained wizard status before you.

>> No.9275901
File: 184 KB, 474x396, 1630106896666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9276530

Go get that poon and most importantly compansionship mate. Don't be stuck in the hole of being content with the loneliness. Tinder in my experience is actually pretty effective. Though if you have a physical appearance debuff, work on yourself first of course

>> No.9275937 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 704x536, ゴズリング14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, why are you all so fucking old.

>> No.9275949
File: 127 KB, 827x750, KroniiSip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9276579

I'm working on a Krunny fic. Stay tuned and get your dick ready

>> No.9275980

Think back on this moment when you catch up and you'll know. Time comes for us all.

>> No.9275995
File: 362 KB, 1448x2048, E-Vh8FHVQAMNXcN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9276264

The average age for a Kronie here seems to be 21-30, but that's not particularly surprising
t. 24

>> No.9276264
Quoted by: >>9276510 >>9277565

I remember joining a few servers related to vtubers and I was honestly surprised at how many members are actual straight up teenagers.
The more I age, the more I keep thinking everyone around me will fit the same age-bracket.

>> No.9276329
File: 59 KB, 620x441, 1630779347363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw turning 20 soon
I'm practically a boomer now bros

>> No.9276499
Quoted by: >>9277858

How're you doing? Getting good grades? Doing your internship reps and extracurriculars? What degree are you working on?

>> No.9276510
File: 378 KB, 1457x2048, E93cJ_bVcAUNC31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thibk the average discord user is likely younger than here so that would make sense

>> No.9276530
File: 68 KB, 490x724, 3276F9DB-1894-4FDD-83E9-4B78CD4BAE3A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it’d be nice to have the companionship, someone to spend my days with. Between working remotely, going to the gym alone, and having solitary hobbies, I’d have to change things up a bit but it’d make life less comfy. Anyways, I’ll stop blogging. Take care of yourselves Anons.

>> No.9276566 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 360x344, ゴズリング9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9277858

Anon, please...you're too young to be reading the shit posted here.

>> No.9276579

My dick is in hand already.

>> No.9276585
File: 134 KB, 568x488, 1543690600860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9276961

I have my own place and earn some money, so theres that. I feel that the stuff im starting to achieve now I should've achieved 6-8years ago, but I guess im starting to do what I love doing now.

>> No.9276982
File: 21 KB, 209x242, ....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9277104

H-Haha, time for existential dread.

>> No.9277104
File: 52 KB, 674x234, 1630404228377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9277171 >>9277357

Like oshi like fan

>> No.9277127

Fuck you. I hate fucking crying like a bitch

>> No.9277171
Quoted by: >>9277228

Kronii reciting Tears In Rain when?

>> No.9277228
Quoted by: >>9277289

Tier 4 membership

>> No.9277289


>> No.9277357

Kronii is saving me, so I WILL save her in return!

>> No.9277455
File: 955 KB, 2384x3514, 1630626172640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9277454

Was Ina, but her stream times are fucking 4 AM. Slowly fell out.

>> No.9277520

>infiltrate doxcord to report them back in EN1
>they have a hate boner for my kami-oshi Gura (and Kiara)
>do it again for EN2
>they have a hate boner for my new oshi Kronii (and Kiara still)
Success really does breed jealous, doesn't it

>> No.9277565

The vtuber scene is very much on the young side, I feel like /vt/ is an aberration in higher age median. Another reason why I don't fraternize with anyone in the community outside of here.

>> No.9277592
Quoted by: >>9277775

Sad fucks, hope Kronii stays safe

>> No.9277632
Quoted by: >>9277775

Really? They have more ammo with Fauna and Mumei

>> No.9277775

That's what I'm there for, my man
You'd think that, right? But they don't have anything bad to say about Fauna and nothing to say about Mumei at all, except for the usual "nice voice / she's cute but boring". No mention of THOSE things.

>> No.9277840

Just want to confirm something about this thread.
Is this true >>9277605 ??
Global said infinity was full of Deadbeats

>> No.9277858
File: 79 KB, 300x300, 1630359966459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9277972 >>9278092

starting with CompSci soon, no engineering for me
I have been on this site longer than I would like to admit...

>> No.9277868

Finished 31 a few days ago.
A ton of wasted opportunities, nothing much to my name, but I'm proud of a few things I've done.

>> No.9277873
Quoted by: >>9278233

>doxxcord infiltrator is a KronieFP

>> No.9277897

Lmao no.
They're just seething.
/morig/ was a fucking travesty from the start

>> No.9277917
File: 603 KB, 900x900, remove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for long

>> No.9277919

Anon, please leave this place and I mean it for your own good..

>> No.9277972

>no engineering for me
I-It's okay bro...y-you can mine coal right?

>> No.9277985
File: 281 KB, 1080x1527, AssassinKingHassanStage01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9278152

not at all. Composition of /infinity/ is a mix of teamates, deadbeats and takos. Some of them former, some are just supporting their oshi's kouhai.

Nothing to fret about.


>> No.9278048

Kronii is my Oshi, but the first HoloEN I follow. Used to primarily watch Peko chan.

>> No.9278070
Quoted by: >>9278105 >>9278167

i mean /morig/ slowed down a lot when kronii debuted. So take a guess

>> No.9278077

That's just a rrat that's been getting peddled since debut and is based solely on the the fact that Kronii and Mori have some things in common. Give EN2 a couple months to settle and come into their own, and this rrat will starve and die out.

t. deadbeat

>> No.9278092
File: 117 KB, 270x279, 1630261184365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be a Ph.D. by 25 if you bust your ass now.
>tfw the thread is turning into /soc/

>> No.9278105
Quoted by: >>9278165 >>9278282

Do you have a stats to back your statement??

>> No.9278113

Is that why there has been more bitching around in this general recently?

>> No.9278114

hey thats my post and yes. I use this thread more now, pretty nice to talk to teamates and takos

>> No.9278152
Quoted by: >>9278190

Hey, what about the KFP?
t. KFP

>> No.9278165
Quoted by: >>9278282 >>9278548

literally lurk in the catalogue

>> No.9278167

that's because you absorbed the troublemakers who shit up threads that make some newbeats take bait.

Previous poals confirm this. former deadbeats aren't even the majority in this thread, for example.

>> No.9278174
Quoted by: >>9279028

Completely false, don't listen to rratspewing retards

>> No.9278190

We're definitely a minority here.

>> No.9278218
File: 65 KB, 173x176, 1610981636070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao no I didn't even watch EN before Kronii.

>> No.9278233

Kronbud, actually, but I really do like Kiara a whole lot. I can't place it, she's just fun as hell

>> No.9278241
Quoted by: >>9278287

Supporting that rrat is just making those Mori antis fanfiction come true.

You don't want them to use Kronii that way, do you?

>> No.9278282
Quoted by: >>9278350

NTA but its worth noting that Mori has been on a semi-vacation since EN2 debut. Less activity from the streamer is bound to reflect on their thread.

>> No.9278287
Quoted by: >>9278376

Considering the alternative is to let them run a paizuri creampie triple penetration train on her...

>> No.9278324

Deadbeats lined up on a wall and shot (with cum) under the iron fist of /infinity/

>> No.9278350
Quoted by: >>9278496 >>9278498

nah even when mori was on her long ass break, /morig/ was pretty active

>> No.9278374

I'm literally as new as they come. Before now I just watched highlight clips on youtube and ignored this board entirely, but for Kronii? For Kronii I actually do my best to watch her streams and browse this thread for discussion. Not interested in Mori at all, she doesn't lean into the Reaper persona enough just from what I've been exposed to, she seems like she just wants to be a rapper, which turns me off.

>> No.9278376
File: 505 KB, 2298x3466, loli kronii disses t-series[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbor4b3.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9278519

Anon. Those are the same people shitting at her for "pandering to chat" and "being reddit"

Success breeds jealousy and once She no longer fits their narrative, they'd also anti her.

>> No.9278496
Quoted by: >>9278523

>long ass break
Mori has not done a long break. Most of her "vacations" are 2 day breaks that are shown in-schedule, which make it seem long.

This is the only time that she's not streaming for a long time.

>> No.9278498

Well yeah. What I'm saying is that while there has been a shift by some of Mori's fanbase towards Kronii, I believe it appears to be larger than what it actually is given Mori's relatively low output the last two weeks.

>> No.9278519
File: 180 KB, 688x575, mess with clock you get glock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon speaking the truth. Just cum on every rrat and bait in /infinity/.

>> No.9278523
Quoted by: >>9278570 >>9278701

Didn't she go on a long break before coming back and having the "5%" moment?

>> No.9278548

So based solely on your observation and not numbers of thread or post??
I was such a fool to believe this rrat

>> No.9278570
Quoted by: >>9278602

>long break
It was like 5 days, anon. And she released a cover in that time.

>> No.9278602

Oh, righto

>> No.9278701
Quoted by: >>9278791 >>9278794

For example: >>9278523 is an anti, or absorbed the wrong information.

Mori on one of her membership streams said that there is a lot of things happening behind-the-scenes on Hololive and you just see about 5% of it.

Antis latched on to this and declared that Mori is just using 5% of her effort, when in reality, it's not what Mori said.

Because let's be serious here; She does a lot of work behind the scenes, Alternative, Mumei's song, 5 new songs; all original.

>> No.9278791

Just the wrong information. I didn't remember it correctly.

>> No.9278794

He's not being an anti. He didn't allude to the 5% effort thing having any truth, just used it as a reference as a moment in time.

>> No.9278821
Quoted by: >>9278899 >>9278935

Can we stop talking about Mori...

>> No.9278879
File: 172 KB, 850x1053, 1630738257644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9278929

I love my clock wife!

>> No.9278899
File: 153 KB, 835x1452, 1630297064017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, let's.
I really love this clock.

>> No.9278929
File: 257 KB, 1448x2048, E92ZnvcVIAQKdzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9279065

My clock wife is so cute, bro's!

>> No.9278935
File: 268 KB, 850x1444, 1630132495300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9278992 >>9279003

Yes we can. Just clearing up some rrats. Because It's for your own good. Some of us deadbeats legitimately don't want our oshi's kouhai to feel the same kind of things she did.

>> No.9278992
File: 735 KB, 2100x3000, E9C8z4NUYAYSjTO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This goes the same for any council member. I might add.

>> No.9279003
File: 287 KB, 1454x1088, 1630487813297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9279136 >>9279236

It'd be best if you never referred to yourself as a deadbeat or even implied you were one.

>> No.9279028
Quoted by: >>9279142

Not gonna lie, I used to fear on split general because qa/nigger and uwutraanny mod trying to raid /jp/ last year..
But now I finally tried to check splits for infinity, ggg, and who there's no problem and actually comfier than global.

>> No.9279065
File: 707 KB, 2800x3112, E-DH68OUYAEZrQF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. me

>> No.9279136
File: 273 KB, 773x1000, 1629946973695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9279249 >>9279258

stop being hostile. I'm just giving you my 10 cents over this.


you can like both.

>> No.9279142
Quoted by: >>9279274

Infinity is the only thread on this board I seriously discuss my oshi. I shitpost in global and anti everyone including my oshi.

>> No.9279236
Quoted by: >>9279258 >>9280428

Stop tribalfagging.

>> No.9279249
Quoted by: >>9279309

Based civilityT8PSP

>> No.9279258
Quoted by: >>9279402

Not saying I hate Mori or anything. Just saying, people have a lot of misplaced anger about deadbeats (not even usually Mori). Just don't say you're one and you'll be fine.

>> No.9279274

based and same

>> No.9279309


>> No.9279402
Quoted by: >>9279930

I'll say what I want and if that pisses schizos off they can eat a dick.

>> No.9279461
File: 130 KB, 595x901, 17307C0BE8AC4C30B6582BF0ABD4B288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9279590 >>9279698

Post nut clarity truely is a powerful thing here. Kronii would be proud

>> No.9279590
File: 444 KB, 1247x634, 1265362124321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9279655

breathes in

>> No.9279655
File: 232 KB, 600x342, 1630495315107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, thank you Takeshi

>> No.9279698 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 929x767, vampkronii17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9279879 >>9279958

There is not gonna be much clarity once I am finally done with that edging fic. BTW, fuck writer block desu nee

>> No.9279879
File: 43 KB, 818x827, 75FB5E99-D1BE-48B7-84A1-5205C8CAED74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9279929

Looking forward to it. The cuckquean ones were yours too right?

>> No.9279929 [DELETED] 
File: 253 KB, 794x320, vampkronii18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9280092 >>9280118

Yup, those were my handiwork

>> No.9279930
Quoted by: >>9280008

Why doxxbeats feel the need to tell everyone who they are, like some fag vegans?

>> No.9279958
File: 1.24 MB, 1334x750, 1630054658997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9280067

have a quick nut, it might help you overcome it

>> No.9280008


>> No.9280062
Quoted by: >>9280106

goslinganon aren't you 30 something

>> No.9280067 [DELETED] 
File: 481 KB, 524x524, vampkronii22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would have opposite effect, as horniness is sole fuel to my writefaggotry. I just edged some more and played For Honor for half a day to get new inspiration and its been going smoothly again

>> No.9280092
Quoted by: >>9280221

Very nice. Keep up the good work. If you’re doing an edging one, incorporating Kronii’s lewd countdowns into the writing could be fun.

>> No.9280106 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 175x65, ゴズリング43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9280152 >>9280300


>> No.9280118
Quoted by: >>9280221

Did you write the Ame and Mumei ones too? I know the Fauna and Baelz ones are yours

>> No.9280152
File: 165 KB, 621x256, 1600027189128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close enough

>> No.9280221
File: 207 KB, 541x465, vampkronii16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9280511

>forgot about the countdowns
Thanks for reminding me! I was just getting to the part where those would be relevant

I wrote two Mumei-centric fics, but not sure if its those you mean. Ame is definitely not mine tho

>> No.9280300
Quoted by: >>9280413

How's that osteoporosis treating you?

>> No.9280411
File: 828 KB, 2858x4096, E-NqnX6VkAAevs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9280818 >>9280867

Not really.
The worst part is that most of my friends and ex-classmates are done with university, got very nice paying jobs, are getting married and some of them are even getting kids.
Meanwhile, I dropped out of school and ended up indebted because of my school loan, spent a few years as a NEET doing absolutely fucking nothing with my life, then a few years working in a job that I fucking hated to repay that loan while living with my parents because I was getting fucking destroyed by that loan and couldn't afford any kind of rent.
At least, I got motivated enough to get my shit together and finish my education to get a Master's Degree while I still can, I thought that it'd be a good place to start.
Hopefully, I'll be done with that next year.
Sorry for the blogpost.

>> No.9280413

Please...28 isn't old...

>> No.9280428
Quoted by: >>9280592 >>9280662

how is it wrong? who are you to judge what anon must like or dislike. Just stating that you don't like a certain someone or somefanbase doesn't mean they're trying to instigate shit nigger. /infinity/ is still in its infancy but you won't be able to form a unity mindset no matter how hard you try since this a split thread and the majority of its residents mostly only care of Kronii.

>> No.9280505
File: 45 KB, 472x304, 1629853097137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9280601

Stop being depressed

>> No.9280511
File: 3.11 MB, 3000x4000, 83649126-ECDD-4CB3-A7ED-EAF5DA05717A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy to help

>> No.9280592
Quoted by: >>9280662

ya this. You dont have to mention that you are a deadbeat, teamate, tako or whoever. NO ONE GIVES A FUCK. this is a thread about kronii and kronies not ame, mori, ina or whoever

>> No.9280601

You first, clock.

>> No.9280607
Quoted by: >>9280690

Kronii actually went and cleaned up 90% of her roommate stuff. I think it would be hard to be a doxxbeat at this point.

>> No.9280662
Quoted by: >>9280701 >>9280796

I'm disappointed but not surprised.

>> No.9280690 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>9280774 >>9282594

they're still up, anon. Seru's videos might've been gone, but the other one is still there.

>> No.9280701
Quoted by: >>9280844

>disappointed that the Kronii thread is about Kronii

>> No.9280774
Quoted by: >>9280878


>> No.9280796
Quoted by: >>9280844

I'm not going to declare myself as t.Kronie in /who/ or /bbrat/, I expect the same courtesy here.

>> No.9280818
File: 128 KB, 196x262, based[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo4ep6u.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be sorry mate. Best of luck with your degree and future job opportunities. Having experienced so much hardship puts your head game on another level.

>> No.9280838
File: 1.07 MB, 1440x810, 1630665334898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9280893 >>9285211

Is the Ourobro, that began work on this video, here? I recall he said it's still WIP but I'm really looking forward to it

>> No.9280844

based bluebloodkronies

>> No.9280867
File: 864 KB, 874x1214, minuteman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9281419 >>9281868

fear not minuteman, with time, everything will turn out well! when the going gets rough, you are always welcome here!

>> No.9280878
Quoted by: >>9280942 >>9281029

I...guess, but that didn't stop some idiots to discuss CAKE.PRINCESS.

>> No.9280893
Quoted by: >>9281059

I've been listening to that track non-stop since watching that WIP. Giving me a lot of energy to live my days to their fullest and without regret

>> No.9280910
Quoted by: >>9280949 >>9281056

Based on the others releasing their schedules, it doesn't look like Kronii is doing a collab this week.

>> No.9280942
Quoted by: >>9281029

>hmm some people are doing crack cocaine in the streets even when that's against the rules
>may as well do a little acid while I'm here

>> No.9280949
Quoted by: >>9281131


>> No.9281029
File: 1.05 MB, 1254x1771, E94NV3CVIAEHgCv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those were Eggs.

>> No.9281056

My anti-social oshi...I can save her...

>> No.9281059

Nice work ourobro! It's a pretty good song I have to say, every time I hear it I just think of the video which makes me happy and a tinge of sadness

>> No.9281131

wait why did I say that? I just remembered that bae had no 1 to 1 collab in her first week.

>> No.9281376
File: 2.10 MB, 2438x1421, Kronii Queen Of Blades-c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9281446 >>9281453

Just finished my art reps today. Kronii Queen of Blades. For the Swarm!

>> No.9281419
File: 421 KB, 367x579, clock minuteman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9281868

Love and respect Kronii.
Love and respect fellow minutemen.
Hate everyone who doesn't love and respect Kronii or minutemen.
Simple as.

>> No.9281446

A-Anon...that...face...she isn't Sana...

>> No.9281453

spooky stuff, draw anon. great work!

>> No.9281662
File: 2.61 MB, 850x1388, 1625098068570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love Kronii!

>> No.9281705


>> No.9281737

I love her cute little fangs!

>> No.9281739


>> No.9281796

I love this picture, it’s a shame about the watermark on the sunflower as it’d make a nice wallpaper. Kronii also replied to the artist saying sunflowers were her favourite flower, kinda cute.

>> No.9281868

lol a bunch of antique clocks larping as kronies, get with the time gramps.

>> No.9281898

>sunflowers were her favourite flower

>> No.9281900
File: 14 KB, 668x148, f431854dd7e64c48aac440095a992aec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9282058
File: 74 KB, 622x863, 1630623501329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed! She is a blessing!

>> No.9282106
Quoted by: >>9282235

>Sunflowers are her favourite flower
Gonna ponder on writefagging romatic fluff about going to a florist with Kronii

>> No.9282162
File: 260 KB, 416x338, vampkronii19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the Edge, Part 1

>Morning started as usual
>Anon woke up, Kronii away on her morning jog, coffee she brewed for him still warm
>It was a tiny thing, but given she didn't like coffee and still learned how to brew it for him always warmed his heart
>Now it was half a hour later, coffee gone, but Kronii back
>Except now he was tied to his chair, facing her
>She stopped time once she returned and seemed to have plans for her boytoy
>He was completely naked, while Kronii was still i nher sportswear, sleeveless shirt with tiny shorts, themed to her normal outfit's color scheme
>"W-What are you gonna do now?"
>He ask, half scared of the Warden, half excited
>She smirked and walk closer
>"Well, firstly I will shut you up~"
>Before he could react to that, time stopped again
>Change was obvious, even for his time-lagged brain
>Mainly because the taste of Kronii's panties, which she took off while in the time-freeze, was really hard to ignore
>She was still dressed, but now with noticable cameltoe in her shorts
>"Much better. Should keep the neighbors from asking why you are screaming so much when I am done with you."
>Kronii kneeled in front of him and he could feel her breath tickiling his sensitive member, causing another set of shivers to run down his spine
>She knew what it was doing to him, so she kept blowing air on different parts of it, from tip to his slowly swelling balls, causing assortment of pained moans to escape into the gag
>After several minutes of this torture, Kronii finally had enough and moved on to the next torture method
>Positioning her face even closer, she stuck out her tongue, making the tip barely touch his cock, and started to slide it all over
>This absolutely insufficent stimulation compared to how fucking horny he was right now was driving him mad, knowing full well this wasn't even the worst she could do
>Soon, she added her hand, closing her thumb and index finger around his shaft and very slowly, very gently started sliding up and down, up and down
>This caused Anon to really start struggling against his restrains, much to Kronii's amusement
>At that point, precum starts to leak out of his tip, serving as lube to help Kronii better torture him with her minimalistic handjob
>As a show of mercy, she starts to fondle his balls
>After couple of long, excruciating minutes, she completely stops letting anon breath for a seconds
>But only so that he can watch her roll up her sportshirt, but only enough to expose her underboob
>Then, she lifts herself up and slowly, very slowly, starts to lower her tits down, Anon's clock sliding into her cleavage from below
>The drops of sweat smearing against his girth, as well as the warmth and tight grip cause by the shirt, make Anon thrust up
>But time stops again, and her boobs leave his dick in an instant
>"I don't remember giving you permission moving on your own, you idiot"
>He didn't remember her banning it in the first place, but that was just a small detail
>It actually took four tries for her to manage fully engulf his cock without his hips involuntarily moving from the need for stimulation
>Her hand returned to his balls and she started to rock her chest to all sides, causing the wet, warm titpussy to softly rub against the already swollen, throbbing shaft
>Anon gripped the chair so hard his knuckles turned while, the teasing being just too much with how pent up he already was
>"How is it? Are my massive pendulums to your liking?"
>Her only answer was muffled screams and moan, to which she just replied "Glad to hear"
>She kept it on for long time, keeping the stimulation so low, that Anon just couldn't push himself over the edge
>Then, she raised her right index finger to her lips and started to cover it in her salive, much to his confusion
>He only realized what she wanted to do once said finder touched his balls but kept going, all the way to his ass
>He gasped into the panties as the tip penetrated his asshole, slowly but forcefully working itself deeper and deeper, the feeling only causing his cock to greak out inside of the sweaty, meaty prison harder
>"Now now, be a good boy and don't squirm."
>That was easier said than done, especially after she started to rub against his prostrate
>He genuienly through he was going to go insane, the edge still maintained but his vision was going white at times, mind clouded with desperate need for release
>"Alright, I think you have had enough, I will count down from 10 to zero and then you can cum all over me however hard you desire. But if you cum to early, well, I have plenty of ways to punish needy, rule-breaking boys like you"
>Oh, finally!
>"10, 9, 8, 7..."
>He felt her finger speed up inside him, as well as her tits now moving up and down rather than to the sides, givin him more and more stimulation
>"6, 5, 4, 3,..."
>Finally, he would be free from her maddening grip
>"2, 1...."

>> No.9282168

>it’s a shame about the watermark
Let me see if I can remove it. Though I might post it in next thread.

>> No.9282203

>At that moment, he felt himself pop, he didn't care it was too early, his mind was too unfocused for that
>But then, nothing
>He drove over the edge, yet he was back
>Still feeling extremely needy, still throbbing like crazy, but now with the memory of the feeling when his balls started to pump his cum and his body started to rock itself with intense orgasm
>Except it didn't
>"Now now, what did I say about cumming too early?"
>It hit him now, with his mind clearing
>Oh no
>Oh god no
>Suddenly it was clear what happened
>Kronii reversed his cock and balls to before he came, but kept his body full of built up edge, but now the basically ruined orgasm adding to the frustration
>He knew he was screwed
>He just didn't know yet how much screwed
>Over the next 2 hours, his cruel oshi kept torturing him to orgasm in various ways, always reversing back time to try a different one
>Still counting down, but now always reersing time after he popped, no matter if it was too early
>She changed it up every time too
>Once she throated his cock, the other rubbed her cameltoe all over his length, trapping it between her scorching hot, soaked cunt and his stomach
>Then she took her shorts of and pressed them to his face to make him inhale her scent, while giving him that unsatisfying finger O-ring handjob
>Others were one time tests, but this method was to drive him to the brink
>She made him "cum" liek that several times, her odor clinging to the fabric was like aphrodisiac to him
>When she was done, all that was left was crying shell of a man, his cock swollen from being blueballed so much
>After couple more creative punishments, like prostate only orgasm, ball-sucking and nipple licking, Kronii seemed to have decided Anon has had enough
>"Ok, seems like you have been punished enough. I think you have earned a proper orgasm this time."
>He barely registered her words, until she climbed on top of him, the warm entrance to her wet hole pressing righ into his tip
>It surprised both that just slamming her hips down on his, her breasts pressed into his face, wasn't enough to make him orgasm by itself
>Nevertheless, she started riding him, bouncing up and down, but still making him enable to pop properly
>She didn't specify it had to be the next one, after all, and she wanted to enjoy the right too
>Anon at this point didn't care, his mind numb and body burning, already giving up on the prospect of feeling the bliss of release ever again
>That made the it all the more intense when Kronii started to shake against him, her orgasms slowly beginning to form
>When they both came, Anon's wasn't actually sure what was real and what not anymore, all he cared about was that he was blasting several dozen edgings worth of cum inside of Kronii's womb
>He came so hard that when the initial shock wore off, his body and mind just straight up gave up and he passed out
>Anon woke up several hours later, after what he considered the most blissful sleep in his life
>He was laying in the bed, sweaty and weak, Kronii in the same state right next him, hugging him and the his odor
>Anon leaned lower and grabbed her chin, lifting it up and being met with her sweet gaze, a bright star on top of her stoic expression
>He pressed his lips to hers and she returned the kiss just as eagerly back, both of their sweaty bodies twisting into each other

>> No.9282222
File: 1.78 MB, 850x1388, 1630853463344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried

>> No.9282235
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, F3415468-39F8-4DDF-964E-FE03BCC2A3E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Visiting the sunflower fields with Kronii

>> No.9282250
Quoted by: >>9282475

Try to use rentry for anything that requires two posts

>> No.9282475
File: 254 KB, 674x234, vampkronii9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will try to remember that for next time

>> No.9282547

FOR FUCK'S SAKE vampanon, today I'm supposed to rehydrate...

>> No.9282594 [DELETED] 

Those videos aren't gone if you know where to look

>> No.9282605
File: 3.65 MB, 1246x2875, vampkronii4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

having passionate breeding sex with Kronii deep inside of a sunflower field while people walking past can her our faint moans!
Thats going on the list, but I will try to write a romantic one with that one too, maybe Part 1 comfy and wholesome and Part 2 degenerate

>> No.9282679
File: 959 KB, 1346x1080, CAF4B562-E0B0-49ED-B642-5EE5F00F0581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9285768

Kronii in spats with visible cameltoe and this entire situation AAHHHHH

>> No.9282774
File: 211 KB, 328x302, vampkronii23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here >>9282162 >>9282203 is the delivery, guys

>> No.9282984
File: 1.86 MB, 1445x2142, 92521399_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9283697

I can't cum anymore

>> No.9283015 [SPOILER] 
File: 235 KB, 850x1082, sample_21cba2d30ebfef6440fcb5bcc5e0f4c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might write something similar to that maybe, reminded me of one of my favourite subaru image

>> No.9283057
Quoted by: >>9283159

Visiting the sunflower fields with your wife Kronii and your children...

>> No.9283159

Goslinganon made a fic like this, I think was in the thread 1:02

>> No.9283213
File: 83 KB, 600x637, 1630407476980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Life is all just one big reference."
Her thoughts seem to relish where dreams go to die. I would like to see her do a Nier playthrough, her commentary would be glorious.

>> No.9283300
Quoted by: >>9283470

Imagine a Henry Stickman walkthrough

>> No.9283470

please no.

>> No.9283606

FFT playthrough?

>> No.9283697
File: 241 KB, 951x554, 1630265480574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9283753
File: 184 KB, 850x1492, sample_30b8bd34203f4afc5beee294d4606604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9283827 >>9284064

Kronii dragging you lingerie shopping and showing off different lingerie in the changing rooms!

>> No.9283794

I suspect she's probably played it before. I feel like she's going to end up in a similar situation to Ina where she's played a lot of the actually good games Cover has permissions for and will have to reach for indie derivatives and whatnot to fill out gaming content.

>> No.9283827
Quoted by: >>9283958

Kronii accidently ends up ripping the lingerie while giving you a paizuri and sneakily leaves the store by time stopping!

>> No.9283958

Lingerie gets you progressively hornier that you have SEX and/or Paizuri in the changing room and trying to avoid getting caught by staff!

>> No.9284064
File: 253 KB, 794x320, vampkronii18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9284472 >>9284589

Kronii revealing the lingerie is actually for you!
This is the prompt I have been waiting for to fit in anon crossdressing, so far it always felt tacked on when I tried to use it

>> No.9284472

>picking out matching paired lingerie
>but then she steals the male patterned one for herself

>> No.9284589
Quoted by: >>9284670 >>9284686

What happened to your posts vampanon?

>> No.9284670
File: 54 KB, 600x600, sticky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9284722 >>9284779

got slapped for avatarfagging, and goslinganon's post got straight up deleted from what I have seen/spoiler]

>> No.9284686
Quoted by: >>9284712

Avatar or Signature use, I suppose.
First time seeing it enforced by meidos, now that I think about it.

>> No.9284695
File: 546 KB, 616x726, 1630697192605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9284777

>spent an hour sitting in the shower, with hot water gently spraying a hot mist, in complete dark, listening to Kroniis voice
Oh no its happening again

>> No.9284712
Quoted by: >>9284775 >>9284804

that's an illegal thing here?

>> No.9284722
Quoted by: >>9284802 >>9284804

Wait what? You and goslingbro's posts are being deleted?

>> No.9284775
Quoted by: >>9284836 >>9284933

Avatarfagging and signature use always was against the rules. Tho if you stick to using your favorite images for when you post fics, it should be all good. Its the excessive posting afterwards with said avatarfagging that will trip some jannie up.

>> No.9284777
Quoted by: >>9284822

anonchama... think of the water bill...

>> No.9284779
Quoted by: >>9284868 >>9284933

Dumb, it's not like we're ever reaching image limit, so who cares. It's useful to be able to see what writefags are planning.

>> No.9284802
Quoted by: >>9284839

oh, nvm, only one of his got deleted, rest is still up. and mine only got pics removed

>> No.9284804
Quoted by: >>9284836 >>9284839

Yes, avatarfagging is against the global rules.
>13. Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts.

>> No.9284822

It didnt even fill up 1/4th of the shower tub. Mist mode is fun. All good!

>> No.9284836


>> No.9284839
Quoted by: >>9284922 >>9284933

Ah I see
Interesting, can't actually remember the last time I saw that rule enforced

>> No.9284868

Its not about imagelimit, mostly an anti attention seeking rule. You can go around it by paying for a secure trip !

>> No.9284922
Quoted by: >>9284948

I think generally speaking medios will only go after you for it if you're a faggot or start being cancerous. These threads have had a lot of faggotry recently so I'm not surprised it caught their attention.

>> No.9284933
Quoted by: >>9285359

I guess I will reserve them for post related to fics and use my general reaction pics for the rest

>> No.9284948

but those posts specifically?

>> No.9284956
Quoted by: >>9285085

I'm going to miss vampanon edits of Kronii. They were cute.

>> No.9285045

Daily reminder that mods = fags.

>> No.9285085

His edits are fine, and he's free to post them when he makes them, but there's no point in posting one in almost every single one of his posts.
That's exactly what avatarfagging is.

>> No.9285211
Quoted by: >>9285296 >>9285411

Im here. The 20 something second WIP video i posted was as far as i got. I need to focus on some different things irl, but I do want to finish this. Just cant give a timeframe. Hopefully I can work on another 20 seconds soon. And im starting some art classes, so hopefully that can give me a bit more experience and confidence.

>> No.9285296
File: 892 KB, 671x751, 1604350803185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9285326

Waiting for the future projects, then. Godspeed anon.

>> No.9285326

What does it smell like? Whats the effect?

>> No.9285355

>What does it smell like?
Kornii's bush
>Whats the effect?

>> No.9285359
Quoted by: >>9285522

It turns your body into sex.
As long as you stick around, Anon.

>> No.9285411
File: 1.01 MB, 617x838, 1629905972917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No rush anon, I just really liked it so far! Keep it up!

>> No.9285482

Pheromone that rapidly increases libido around Kronii, even imahes and texts abiut her exude it. Primal breeding urges activated

>> No.9285522
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 1ohshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely don't plan on leaving, I love Kronii too much and there is so much yet untapped writefag potential here and I will admit I was kinda overusing those edits, so it was deserved

>> No.9285571
Quoted by: >>9285678

schedule doko

>> No.9285678

Schedule koko!

>> No.9285768

I need sauce on this chief
