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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 718 KB, 2894x4093, elis_soratabi 1870847166799138982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
92036129 No.92036129 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>92050206

Fuwa-santa Stuck Edition
Previous Thread >>92017775

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.92036141
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92036163
File: 485 KB, 2048x1152, GfYCp1KbEAANYCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92053535

>> No.92036246


>> No.92036281

You could get a FuwaMoco reply for that if you tweet it.

>> No.92036313
File: 181 KB, 1246x714, 1715040486816674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you like Snoop FWMC's performance earlier with the YO YO BAU BAU

>> No.92036364
File: 209 KB, 338x417, FuwawaNO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess Fuwawa can say she truly loves her now...

>> No.92036398
File: 157 KB, 987x1600, orobou 1868551945377694172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92036427

>> No.92036427

I need a Fuwawa version asap

>> No.92036484
File: 456 KB, 1412x1960, shikadamon 1870732038623633518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92036533

This is fake, Biboo is much smaller than them

>> No.92036602

This is fake, all three of them should be fucking me right now.

>> No.92036668
Quoted by: >>92036950

Imagine the tip of your cock just about entering Mococo's anus while the middle of your shaft is wrapped in Fuwawa's large floofies and Biboo uses her tiny toes to massage and tease your balls

>> No.92036950

I'm having a lot of trouble imagining how this could work

>> No.92036980
Quoted by: >>92037337

what are the requirements for moco-santa? Is it random like last year but with some priority on SC requests?

>> No.92037037
File: 342 KB, 604x1076, 1709170517611612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raffianz... you know, Mocosanta is very busy around this time of year, so he can only read wishes in the same color as his nose!

>> No.92037118
Quoted by: >>92037234

Mocosanta is a man?

>> No.92037187
File: 1020 KB, 794x992, 【3D】#holoHolidays with hololive English supported by Bisoulovely【Santa Outfits!】 58-13 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The perfect woman

>> No.92037234

a demon dog

>> No.92037337

If there isn't anything on the description I'd assume so

>> No.92037384

What wishes will you send Mocosanta?
It's gonna be about the type of streams you want to see more of right?

>> No.92037420

Nigga I'm broke

>> No.92037492

Already got picked last year, not gonna try again.

>> No.92037519

I wanted to wish for my pet cat to get better after her surgery, but I'm too poor for Moco-santa wishes.

>> No.92037529

I'm gonna ask her to make fwmc play bloodborne.

>> No.92038532

fuwawa wrapped up in ribbons

>> No.92038556

bau bau

>> No.92039348
File: 876 KB, 1081x765, Screenshot 2024-12-22 094933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92039384

I don't know how they're gonna top marshmallow madness from the last CYOA members stream. I can't wait.

>> No.92039502
Quoted by: >>92039615

youtube hit 1985 but left marshmallow mania untouched. i can’t wait to see if they’ll push the boundaries a bit farther

>> No.92039615
Quoted by: >>92039652

was 1985 from Xmas or Valentine's? Honestly don't really remember much of the members only Xmas one.

>> No.92039652
Quoted by: >>92039723


>> No.92039723
Quoted by: >>92043457

oh was it the close up of fuwawa on the floor after spilling the drinks? Man my memory has been fucked this year, lack of sleep does that to you.

>> No.92039755

The censored schedule was them making sure there's room for one more strike on their channel with what they're about to show, gotta play it safe for now.

>> No.92039910

They will give us a full on paizuri and buttjob this time

>> No.92040043
Quoted by: >>92040261

No, creampie sex is the only way to go. Why waste your semen outside the body and it doesn't even feel good for the girl.

>> No.92040086

I'm trying to think what'll fit the snowed in Christmas theme. Maybe them naked wrapped in bows as our gifts, or if we're snowed in they get wet in the snow and we have to huddle together for warmth by the fire naked?

>> No.92040261
Quoted by: >>92040451

That's too much for year 2. Gotta wait til year 3.

>> No.92040451
Quoted by: >>92040510

No, you do the intimate loving stuff first and then as you build the relationship and trust you do the degenerate lustful sexy stuff. Nobody starts out with buttjob and paizuri.

>> No.92040510

My first real gf way back then gave me a handjob, blowjob and footjob before we had proper inserting sex.

>> No.92040512

can you guys just go jerk off together somewhere else?

>> No.92040698

Yeah that's not paizuri or a buttjob.

>> No.92040718

Sexhavers aren’t allowed here.

>> No.92040772

FUWAMOCO have sex with me regularly, are they no longer allowed then too?

>> No.92040909

I've had sex and I'm going to have more sex with FUWAMOCO.

>> No.92041035

This one's theme is "Snowed in on Christmas together"
So clearly the house we live in will be hit by a massive blizzard, lose power and therefore any heat source, so we'll have to cuddle naked together to not freeze to death

>> No.92041055

Hey I saw that Simpsons episode

>> No.92041140
Quoted by: >>92041163

ew at having skin contact with other male ruffians

>> No.92041163

I'm a pale and fair femruffian though

>> No.92041192

male at birth

>> No.92041196

I'm still waiting for the gunbuster watchalong

>> No.92041247

Trannies aren't female.

>> No.92041462

Mine was bj > hj > full sex. Could've had full sex before the hj but I was too chicken shit and told her I cut it shaving so it needed to heal I was 24

>> No.92041584

>Moco-Santa is vertical again

>> No.92041625

I need to start saving my cum for the VN sex scene

>> No.92042289


>> No.92042875

>no fuwaelf

>> No.92043368

hoeh hoeh hoeh

>> No.92043457

Yup, that was the one

>> No.92043574
File: 344 KB, 653x617, 1708410901255282.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hoeh hoeh hoeh

>> No.92043694
File: 300 KB, 332x480, mocoBUTT.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Mocosanta talk about her bouncy and squishy butt?

>> No.92043710
File: 192 KB, 1224x89, re-education.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92044047

That was great. How everyone knew it was IRyS right away and her going "goddamnit".
Also Fuwawa was awful at the game, how do you need so long to think of something for multiple holos, like it took her 10 secs to think of "vegemite" for Bae...

Just do her chuuni intro and everyone will know instantly

>> No.92044116

Fuwawa doing Bae's intro would literally kill me (good)

>> No.92044392

They had brought up IRyS’ Breaking Dimensions hip dancing during their holoENcalendar video recently too kek

>> No.92044403

A lot of the prompts Fuwawa got were bullshit so she probably was more worried about what the fuck she should do to get them to guess right than thinking about how to identify the member quickly
>Screaming in the snow
>Dancing in the RAIN when it's fucking winter themed

>> No.92044446

Yeah I know the gesture prompts were ridiculous for her, but making people know who it is about should be super easy for every single holo given that they were even allowed to speak for that part

>> No.92044485
File: 199 KB, 1280x720, GfbTWF0bUAAIWXb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize that they censored Fuwawa from the thumbnail like they censored Fuwawa's tits in the youtube community post of their schedule.
Also why does the tree have a 6-pointed star?

>> No.92044529

how can you forget riding a polar bear?

>> No.92044538

Fuwawa... turned into a tree...

>> No.92044552

khag molad sameakh

>> No.92044554

I think it's about time you stop asking questions, ruffian.

>> No.92044632

Fuwawa's prompts were such bullshit that I was convinced there would be a batsu and she just agreed to do it beforehand so the game was rigged against her, but nope, it was just bullshit for no reason, kek. Raul must work at the jewelry company.

>> No.92044636
File: 3.97 MB, 674x1080, 1724546850246395.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92044747

No Fuwaelf was a travesty last year and will be a travesty this year.

>> No.92044805
Quoted by: >>92044970

stop trying to seduce me mococo or else

>> No.92044831
File: 538 KB, 2744x3888, mocosniff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sniffs the Ruffians during debut
>sniffs the Ruffians during Christmas
Does Mococo have a scent fetish?

>> No.92044914

This image is advertiser friendly

>> No.92044970
File: 1.22 MB, 1182x1080, naughtyMococo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92045419

Or what?

>> No.92045001

Mococo thinking about me.

>> No.92045027

was Mococo practicing this or something?

>> No.92045069

She IS the dancer of the two, so I wouldn't be surprised

>> No.92045091

She's just calling out the dirty ojisans so her fanbase isn't the equivalent of smash bros players

>> No.92045095

I could have sworn Fuwawa once teased Mococo for having a smell fetish at one point. I can’t remember the stream though

>> No.92045224

She wants to seduce the Ruffians

>> No.92045320


>> No.92045344
Quoted by: >>92045417

Scratch that, I remember now. It was during Aquarium when Aqua smelled the protagonist’s clothes or was planning to.

>> No.92045355

Yeah I remember that too.

>> No.92045417

Wasn't it that she said you need to work there for at least 6 months before sniffing your boss' clothes or something like that?

>> No.92045419
Quoted by: >>92046182

Or be severely punished.

>> No.92045639
Quoted by: >>92045697

God the ending to Aquarium was so fucking shit, it retroactively ruined the VN for me. I hope their VN doesn't do that.

>> No.92045648

Not sure if that was during Aquarium or maybe another instance of Mococo’s smell fetish seeping through. Either way it’s clear Mococo probably loves sniffing every single ruffian letter they receive.

>> No.92045697
Quoted by: >>92046280

I think of Aquarium and just remember being in that church for what felt like an eternity.

>> No.92045794
Quoted by: >>92045844

I think I tried asking what her favorite scents were once and she dodged the question.

>> No.92045844

She's not gonna say my name on stream

>> No.92045905
Quoted by: >>92046093

>she said you need to work there for at least 6 months before sniffing your boss' clothes
KEK, she did

>> No.92045994

The reason Fuwawa kept calling Nerissa stinky was to try and make Mococo disinterested in her so she could keep her to herself.

>> No.92046093
File: 337 KB, 900x473, 1708225956736136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92046182
File: 3.96 MB, 1280x720, Mococo's Cute Butt [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmp636z.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92046626


>> No.92046280

church namek...

>> No.92046532
File: 2.61 MB, 1920x1080, 1723517876416195.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92046550
File: 2.31 MB, 2242x3677, mococute2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92046731

>be gaming
>mococo quietly walks into your room
>she wraps her arms around you from behind without saying a word
>you blush in surprise but accept her embrace and place a hand over top of hers
>you can hear her sniff you a bit, you know she likes your scent a lot
>she breaks from the hug then walks around infront of you
>she moves in to sit on your lap while not minding the fact you're gaming
>you rest your head ontop of mococos head while she watches you play whilst comfy on your lap

>> No.92046597
File: 1.25 MB, 480x720, kozukuri.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92047494

I need it

>> No.92046612
File: 278 KB, 1537x144, Screenshot 2024-12-22 123144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92046626
File: 282 KB, 538x522, 1724636842055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92047300

This damn fuzzy temptress...

>> No.92046667
File: 577 KB, 540x540, FWMC hips.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

countdown live onegai...

>> No.92046731
File: 52 KB, 839x842, 1657693618803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not these again...

>> No.92046737
File: 3.65 MB, 576x834, Advent 6th fes [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F35ysvp.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92047893

oh yeah this can be canon now with all of Advent on the same day

>> No.92046809
Quoted by: >>92046865

Is that going to be the 3D stream she said she was working on

>> No.92046858

For Christmas Eve? kek

>> No.92046865

no that's on xmas

>> No.92046970
File: 492 KB, 1500x2118, GfaJe61bAAAvvL4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92047067

Any Comiket goods of theirs been teased yet? https://x.com/IN_THE_MOCHI/status/1870837927028380018

>> No.92047017
File: 770 KB, 970x545, 1707618950981246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>single mother RP
I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT make a racist joke I will NOT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.92047067

This artist is always sexposting them in their egosa but no delivery... disappointed...

>> No.92047070
File: 929 KB, 2778x2447, shutowl 1870892061374742651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92047932

>> No.92047255
Quoted by: >>92048764

This is either going to be played straight and depressing or as a joke and be offensive. wtf is she thinking?

>> No.92047300
File: 564 KB, 619x784, mccpnt13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92047494

I can’t believe they sang a song about eugenics

>> No.92047686
File: 284 KB, 1210x818, 1734074386304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92048214

>> No.92047862


>> No.92047893

oh, because biboo is small, i get it

>> No.92047932

>corrected the missing chest gem

>> No.92048202
File: 1.88 MB, 568x780, 1734751682060756.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92048214
File: 30 KB, 355x355, 1692096533913344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa should do a stream where she teaches the Ruffians how to make Mococo cum

>> No.92048375

mococo wouldnt survive that many orgasms

>> No.92048401

>stops doing kisses
>now doing single mother "roleplay"
you doing okay, novelites?

>> No.92048468

its all because i said kiss rape on chat

>> No.92048540
Quoted by: >>92048773

Didn't Shiori stop doing kisses awhile back?

>> No.92048715


>> No.92048764

What's offensive about it

>> No.92048773
Quoted by: >>92048869

That’s what I read in /shig/ sometimes but it’s usually accompanied by antiposts so I assume it’s not true

>> No.92048869
Quoted by: >>92049262

Judging by the amount of recent "SHIORI KISSED ME" posts in the archives, I'm gonna take a gander and assume it's untrue.

>> No.92048988
File: 102 KB, 1228x1013, IMG_1576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, that’s my favorite image!

>> No.92049262

she has been doing rebroadcasts of old streams, anon (and she cut a kiss out of one of them, even)

>> No.92049386
Quoted by: >>92049452

Really? What is wrong with her?

>> No.92049429

blackrock and basedny have spoken: can't have good thing anymore

>> No.92049452

gachis weird out most holos eventually

>> No.92049667
Quoted by: >>92050140

some gachitard ruffians here have left. i wish all of them did. literally among the worst kind of fans.

>> No.92050140
File: 69 KB, 680x403, justleavebro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So true sister.

>> No.92050179

I want to see Mocosanta but I'm kinda sleepy and it's only 11pm right now
I don't think I have it in me today

>> No.92050206 [DELETED] 

If you sleep now, you'll probably wake up in time for the stream.

>> No.92050253

Just sleep bro, it's probably gonna be fairly short, easy to catch up on in the archive. Post in the hashtag later if you enjoy it.

>> No.92050254
Quoted by: >>92050328

It's just going to be her reading the same SCs from the same paypigs anyways. I remember even in season 1, the Moco-Santa stream was seen as meh.

>> No.92050274
Quoted by: >>92050328

If you sleep now, you'll probably wake up in time for the stream.

>> No.92050282
Quoted by: >>92050600

FWMC themselves have said they don't understand gachis, retard

>> No.92050328
Quoted by: >>92050412

4 hours of sleep sounds awful though. I'd rather sleep a proper 7 or not at all.
Yeah maybe. I just thought about sending them a wish of my own about what kind of content I'd want to see more of in 2025 but well.

>> No.92050412
Quoted by: >>92050456

Up to you. I can't even sleep that long these days. I usually wake up after around 3 or 4 hours.

>> No.92050456
Quoted by: >>92050514

Do you sleep twice per day then or is that all you live on? I'd be a zombie.

>> No.92050507
File: 137 KB, 900x900, Gachikoi_[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fu6pe9e.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92050514

I guess I just try to sleep when I feel sleepy again.

>> No.92050600

Incoming melty where you post doxx pictures in 3....2...1...

>> No.92050617

FWMC outright say they don't understand gachikoi and believe gachikoi are insincere with their feelings and shouldn't be taken seriously and yet we still somehow have gachitards coping

>> No.92050621

wrong bucko

>> No.92050724

declaring your falseflagging in advance?

>> No.92050750

ruffkeks not like this ruffkeks

>> No.92050827

FUWAMOCO LOVE Gachikoi and make their best moments (The CYOA on Christmas and Valentines) exclusively for them.

>> No.92050871

gachikoi are a market fuwamoco exploit for financial gain you dumb ruffkek

>> No.92050889

Wrong, they make their best moments for the gorillas.

>> No.92051083
Quoted by: >>92051114

What is this meant to show you retard? They're literally ok with positive gachikoi

>> No.92051114
Quoted by: >>92051197

Keyword being positive

>> No.92051183

They make their best moments for me specifically but I have a GF now

>> No.92051197
Quoted by: >>92051224

Well yeah? Who would say they want bad people?

>> No.92051224
Quoted by: >>92051842

I wonder

>> No.92051642

Gachikois abandoned them. Retards like fable and rratman said they would be there to support them always but where are they now? The words of gachitards can never be trusted.

>> No.92051692

Could be dead.

>> No.92051717

sex with mocosanta

>> No.92051722

I'm right here

>> No.92051723

So how many Ruffians actually bought the watches and jewelry stuff?

>> No.92051758

im still here though

>> No.92051779

holding out for ring merch

>> No.92051786

absolutely no way I'm buying the watches, but I am considering the jewelry

>> No.92051787

I didn't think the watches looked that cool. Design wise the recent myth watches looked better but their movement was a total joke.
Movement in this one is better but the design... eh.
I'll continue wearing my proper Orient watch.

>> No.92051842

Who are you implying?

>> No.92051843
Quoted by: >>92051966

Wearable merch is a waste of money even more so if it's jewelry or a watch

>> No.92051861

A few old ones are still there, myself included. Just check who donated big on the vtuber of he year stream to congratulate them, a lot of gachi are still there.

>> No.92051883
Quoted by: >>92053715

Those watches genuinely suck ass.

>> No.92051966

Huh, if anything I'd say physically usable merch is the best merch of all.
Nothing wrong with jewelry or watches in principle, these specifically just don't appeal to me.
I'll take those over acrylics or a poster or some kind of post cards or whatever any day though.

>> No.92051976

If the merch was good I'd buy it, but both the jewellery and watches look pretty bad and no where near worth the price. I don't mind buying cheap stuff I'm not interested in, but I ain't wasting that much money on something I don't want, even if it is FWMC related.

>> No.92051998

I thought I loved them more than I actually did but then I found a girl I love even more than I thought I loved them. I never said I'll always be there but I'm also not going anywhere.

>> No.92052051
Quoted by: >>92052180

you were the kind of gachikoi they were talking about. you weren't sincere with your feelings at all

>> No.92052088
File: 103 KB, 672x1024, 1731096966748118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92052180

My feelings were very real I just never felt much love before so it was hard to understand my feelings.

>> No.92052249


>> No.92052251
Quoted by: >>92052536

How does someone who didn't love before know whether their first love is real love?

>> No.92052280

Passed on it. With fes coming up, that's money that's better spent there instead.

>> No.92052366
Quoted by: >>92052400

Big ups ruffian. I hope I find the one for me one day

>> No.92052400
Quoted by: >>92052809


>> No.92052536
Quoted by: >>92052597

I was told all my life that you'll know love when you feel it and I definitely felt something that I didn't feel before. Now I got that again but more intense.

>> No.92052597
Quoted by: >>92052718

there's no real love through the screen

>> No.92052718

If that's true I'll find out myself instead of not experiencing it at all

>> No.92052809
File: 77 KB, 1239x357, 1734906067586861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big ups

>> No.92052854

That's pretty cute, not gonna lie.

>> No.92052923

I got the Advent pendants

>> No.92052950

Quite a surprising amount got the watches.

>> No.92052992
Quoted by: >>92053067

Do they know it's happening in NA and not nipland

>> No.92053067

I would hope so otherwise that girl will kill herself.

>> No.92053363
Quoted by: >>92053477

I think it's difficult calling it true "love" when it's for an idol or oshi. This is comming from someone who has told them he loves them many many times before in SC's /letters/tweets. It'll always be one sided and that makes is hard to keep up and mostly entirely on the gachi's end to do so. I think I love them both as my Oshi and as women, but I also love other vtubers as women too, but not as my oshi. I've been watching another vtuber who streams just after I get home from work with either gaming/zatsu, and she also does really amazing asmr and lewd asmr for T3 members. I think a lot of it comes down to spending time with someone you click with personality wise, and the amount of time you spend with them. Undoubtably fwmc have been spending less time with us recently because they have a lot on their plate, which will result in some fans going out and watching other girl's streams.

>> No.92053407
File: 620 KB, 464x600, This loop again[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzdyxbx.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92053466

>> No.92053466
File: 2.03 MB, 3840x3840, 1698266891114632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92053477
Quoted by: >>92053795

This feels like a bizarre shitpost for someone that isn't FUWAMOCO

>> No.92053531


>> No.92053535

They aren't spending Christmas Eve with us. They're pretending that their Christmas Eve is the same time as ours but it's not. They're spending it with someone else otherwise they'd stream during JP christmas eve.

>> No.92053594
File: 484 KB, 1558x276, ???.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92053711

>otherwise they'd stream during JP christmas eve

>> No.92053601

Why would they stream at noon NA hours when you're all asleep?

>> No.92053711
Quoted by: >>92053756

So they're going to stream from 11 JST until midnight JST, retard?
Christmas dates happen on Christmas Eve at night, you fucking moron.

>> No.92053715

dont use that phrasing it will excite the trannies and sisters(male)

>> No.92053756
Quoted by: >>92054115

>they'd stream during JP christmas eve.

>> No.92053795

Rather than it being for someone specific, to me it reads more like for nobody specific. It's a babby's first chuuba issue. Who the fuck is only now discovering how they feel when they watch more than one streamer? It's exclusively a newfag issue.
In which case, maybe you shouldn't be confessing your love to the first woman you meet.

>> No.92053807
File: 182 KB, 1179x753, FWMC sez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92053918

>> No.92053853
Quoted by: >>92053874

9pm to 3am is the "sex zone" in Japan on Christmas Eve
Any vtuber not accounted for in those 6 hours is getting it, probably

>> No.92053874

Rushia streamed every Christmas and she was fucking not only her husband but another man behind his back too.

>> No.92053901
Quoted by: >>92053977

Well actually she streamed earlier than that and usually ended around 9pm, so the sex zone remains valid

>> No.92053918
Quoted by: >>92054025

They are too kind and thoughtful for their own good. I sincerely believe they can be top tier chuubas if they cut out the fluff and just focus on gaming + music + collabs.

>> No.92053977
Quoted by: >>92054081

Her regular slot yes, but she streamed on Christmas too. A bunch of JPs do 11PM->12AM streams on Christmas, usually members only.
They can suck dick before or after it, it's not like anyone is streaming for 24 hours on Christmas, what a retarded point.

>> No.92053992

Talking about rushia, orca must be one of the more loyal gachikois among hololisteners. He is sending akas even after getting cucked.

>> No.92054025

what else do they do?

>> No.92054039

He sent them to Chloe too, of course a whore is ok with his girl being a whore. Who is he to judge?

>> No.92054081

As you wish:
Any vtuber not accounted for for all of the 48 hours from the start of the 24th is unsafe
They need to check in at least every 15 mins during those 48 hours

>> No.92054115 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>92054290

They won't because they're with someone else. They want to spend their first christmas eve in Japan in years like the stereotypical way Japanese celebrate it. It’s a dating holiday. There is literally no reason they couldn't stream at night during the 24th unless they have other plans. They have a bunch of JP fans as well, and now they're all going to think the same thing. Why would they risk that unless it's true? They can only lose by not streaming on Christmas Eve, and yet they decided not to.
This is the real reason they moved to Japan. They pretend to be with us in the morning, so that their entire nights are free to go live their lives with others. I knew they were going to do this. They're liars.

>> No.92054124

Most gachitards are no better. You’d still seek these people sending pink and akasupa’s FWMC’s way even if they had a boyfriend yab.

>> No.92054290
Quoted by: >>92054593

Considering Korone got scheduled the entirety of Christmas Eve with recordings to the point she had to give shit to her manager to have it rescheduled, I wouldn't find it rare that they got recordings scheduled that day too but didn't have to spine to talk back and have them moved
Still, vastly prefer they did a stream

>> No.92054402

vtubers are regular people with off stream lives and relationships. don't do this to yourself.

>> No.92054478
Quoted by: >>92054603

Christmas season is extra rough on trannies, they need an outlet. Wish it didn't have to be here, at least, but yoshi yoshi, it's gonna be ok.
But you'll never be a woman.

>> No.92054564

Well maybe they shouldn't be. Not the idol ones. They should give up on romance for the couple of years they do this job and focus solely on their job as idol vtubers and their fans.
They can do whatever before and after, but during these 3, 4, 5 or maybe 6 and 7 years they should not do that.
I mean it. It's the ONE thing I'd ask them to give up on during this time in exchange for everything else they're getting. Let's not forget all the support and love and not to mention the money they make from fans in those years. They give up romance for a few years and can walk out as millionaires. Many people would take that deal and at the end both sides can be happy.

>> No.92054578
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x602, 1698799223125197.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92054581

Why do these people even still come here? How mentally ill do you have to be to keep posting in a thread about something you don't like?

>> No.92054593
Quoted by: >>92054723

They have recordings on the 26th. It doesn't mean they don't also have them on the 24th, but Cover is usually hesitant to schedule recordings on the 24th because most JP holos do something for Christmas Eve.
There was also that time in 2019 when Ayame said she had to go to the studio to record for Christmas Eve but then was caught lying about it becuase her friend replied to a protected tweet congratulating her on her christmas date during the time she was supposed to be recording.
So there are instances in the past where holos have used "recording at the studio" as a lie to hide what they're actually doing.

>> No.92054603

You think about trannies literally every day. Talk to a therapist.

>> No.92054662
Quoted by: >>92054725

this is a business ruffkek. this type of business is literally made to exploit lonely virgins

>> No.92054670

There is no connection between singing and dancing and being celibate outside of your mental illness.

>> No.92054675
Quoted by: >>92054815

or they can just not talk about it and you would never know

>> No.92054701

They know how bad it looks to not stream on Christmas Eve and they still decide not to do it?

>> No.92054723

If you have to compare them to something that happened 5 years and to Ayame who literally never fucking streams out of all people then that's just up to your own schizo delusions
I don't like that they're not streaming, but I believe in them enough to not care about it beyond that

>> No.92054725
Quoted by: >>92054790

Fine by me. Exploit me for my money, I know what is happening, I'm not dumb. But as much as I give and love and support the vtuber in question should not be romantically involved in those few years.
As I said, they can do that afterwards and walk out of it as millionaires if they play their cards right. Both sides win, both sides had years of joy and fun.

>> No.92054764
File: 3.99 MB, 2508x3541, 1734802082161950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUWAMOCO could quite literally be grinding on another man’s cock as they stream for you and you would have no idea of knowing that. Gachitards seriously need to get a grip on reality.

>> No.92054790

>should not be romantically involved in those few years

>> No.92054815
Quoted by: >>92054903

Of course. They could also be serial killers. You don't know what you don't know.
But don't be surprised that if such info comes out I am gone. If you're gonna do it, then you better hide it so well that it never ever gets found. And not because I personally go looking for it, but because once it's out someone will spread it and one way or another I'll end up learning about it.

>> No.92054840
File: 2.96 MB, 426x240, Mio Life Advice [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fr33u9k.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92054843

Yeah. mine.

>> No.92054859

how did you get this photo of me???

>> No.92054892
Quoted by: >>92054982

If that is the case, then they should be supported by their partners and not their fans, who they trick into supporting them under false pretenses.

>> No.92054898
Quoted by: >>92054957

Because it goes against what being an idol is about in my view (similar to how Kanata sees it). You don't have to agree with it, that is fine. But during your active time as an idol, during those few years - you shouldn't be doing that imo.

>> No.92054903
Quoted by: >>92054954

>But don't be surprised that if such info comes out I am gone.
Who the fuck cares about you and if you're gone?

>> No.92054938 [DELETED] 

fuwamoco did that before already in the past but ruffkeks just choose to see that past as the past
these mfs are beyond all hope

>> No.92054954

I do. Why would I care about whether you stay or not? Why would I argue about any of this on behalf of anyone else but myself?

>> No.92054957
Quoted by: >>92055245

>Because it goes against what being an idol is about in my view
and what is that?

>> No.92054982
Quoted by: >>92055102

most of them don't say they're not in a relationship that's just your assumption

>> No.92055052

What set sisters off this time? Is it the kino schedule making them extra desperate?

>> No.92055087

>Xmas Home 3D REVEAL
>Already seen their Home 3D
>Already seen their Xmas outfits
What dod they mean by this

>> No.92055102

If they say they're idols, then that's the understood implication whether you like it or not.

>> No.92055160
Quoted by: >>92055721

two dads replying to each other with their dicks touching

>> No.92055202

Idols aren't supposed to date because they're devoted to their fans instead. That's the difference between an idol and a normal celebrity.

>> No.92055245
Quoted by: >>92055310

Undivided love and attention and sole focus on their fans and their status as an idol for all during their time as such

>> No.92055250
Quoted by: >>92055442

Funny when one of the idols FWMC adores literally got married when they were still an idol.

>> No.92055310

>Undivided love and attention and sole focus on their fans
well fuwamoco failed that criteria lmao what else?

>> No.92055331

>they're devoted to their fans instead
what does this mean in practice? how does them being in a relationship negatively affect their fans?

>> No.92055442
Quoted by: >>92057338

Their idol doesn't call herself an idol nor ever promoted herself as such though

>> No.92055463

It's really stupid that anyone here is arguing whether or not idols date.
The important thing is FUWAMOCO have implied over and over again that they don't have anyone else and that they live alone. It doesn't matter what anyone else does. If FUWAMOCO have someone else, then they're lying to us.
I stayed with them because I trust them, but that's becoming more and more difficult as everything they said wouldn't change has changed dramatically.
And now they aren't even streaming Christmas eve.

>> No.92055475
Quoted by: >>92055659

Takes time out of their lives, alters their emotions, changes in regards to them already "being taken care of", robs of them ability to focus completely on their life as an idol
People less lazy than me have written lengthy posts about it, go find them in the archive if you care so much. The bottom line is that they behave differently and that being romantically involved changes a lot about a person

>> No.92055532

You can date someone without living with them, you know? Not saying they are but that's a dumb argument

>> No.92055553
Quoted by: >>92056173

That's silly. The rest of the year you're happy because they stick to their stream slots and now you want to punish them for it because of a cold chicken and christmas sex meme.
They're literally streaming on Christmas.

>> No.92055559 [DELETED] 

>The important thing is FUWAMOCO have implied over and over again that they don't have anyone else and that they live alone
And you have no choice to believe them because you’re a naive gachitard.

>> No.92055659

So if, hypothetically, it turned out that FWMC were romantically entangled this entire time, it wouldn't bother you, because their output that you were previously satisfied with was produced while in said relationship?

>> No.92055721

Why would dads do that

>> No.92055750

Whatever happened to favoritismschizo?

>> No.92055813
Quoted by: >>92055970

Ignoring the idol/fan aspect for a moment, do you not understand how spending so much time with someone who hides such a major part of their life from you is strange? Why not be honest about it if it shouldn't matter? If it shouldn't affect anything, then there's no reason to hide it, right? Most streamers who are in relationships bring them up occasionally when they talk about their daily life. So why hide it unless it's to manipulate your audience?

>> No.92055862
Quoted by: >>92056970

I get what you are going for, but just knowing about it would bother me, especially given that it would directly go against what they said even, making them liars.
That's why if anyone chooses to do that they better hide it so well that it doesn't come out at all. Then it's just as good as it not being true at all.

>> No.92055867

Gave up after accepting that Fuwamoco won’t ever stop retweeting Tekzi or Phoenix

>> No.92055900
Quoted by: >>92056031

>gachitard gachitard gachitard
Is Bae not streaming today or what?

>> No.92055919

I feel like a lot of this anti-posting is from people who were hoping there wouldn't be any CYOA streams/princess switch, which they would've shitposted about FWMC hating ruffians. Now that the schedule is out and it's a packed week full of love for Ruffian's they're having to pivot and go off the "no stream on xmas eve angle" honestly it's sad lol.

>> No.92055970

>The important thing is FUWAMOCO have implied over and over again that they don't have anyone else and that they live alone
dumb ruffkek once again that’s what this entire business is built on. manipulating lonely virgins. fuwamoco literally get paid to manipulate your feelings so you can donate to them or buy their merch. don’t you remember “these are keys to our hearts”?

seriously how do you braindead idiots jot get this?

>> No.92056013

If people were really mad, they would have complained yesterday when the schedule was dropped.

>> No.92056031

>bae out of nowhere

>> No.92056076

exactly, it's how I know it's just antis posting.

>> No.92056102 [DELETED] 

They’re hopeless, anon. Gachitards are just that desperate for a woman’s love and affectionate that ultimately it doesn’t matter if it’s artificial or not.

>> No.92056173

Night time on Christmas eve is the dating time, anon. They aren't streaming during this time while most holos living in Japan go out of their way to do this. It's at the very least suspicious. They haven't mentioned doing anything else during Christmas Eve. So why not stream, even if it were a short collab with JP members? It's because they have plans.
They know how important it is to fans, especially JP ones, and yet their entire Christmas Eve is free.
It feels like they think people won't notice because their schedule is flipped and they stream during JP mornings, but their entire night is free and it looks really bad.

>> No.92056176

>antis posting in the anti general

>> No.92056194
Quoted by: >>92056268

You can't prove a negative, so what do you expect?
How could anyone prove that they haven't been with anyone?

>> No.92056234

>ennacuck and his little trooncord pissing all over the thread
That schedule really pissed them off pissed huh

>> No.92056233

What's the point they aren't ever stopping sucking off their favorites. Even worse now that they have x premium to ensure they are the entire for you

>> No.92056268 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>92056343

we literally have proof that they were once involved with a man though so they’re not above doing it again

>> No.92056271
Quoted by: >>92056788

If they streamed for 2 hours at like say 10pm to midnight you'd have gone with "heh they have plenty of time to suck cock before or after that" anyway, don't even try. You can always find an angle if you're a retarded anti.

>> No.92056291
File: 399 KB, 562x585, 1701707341629423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please post a picture of your hands.

>> No.92056343

>We literally have proof
No you don't

>> No.92056388
Quoted by: >>92056450

>he doesn’t know

>> No.92056400
Quoted by: >>92056503

I do wish they include some buff streams like play a fotm or something. But I understand they just want a comfy time with the ruffians.

>> No.92056422
File: 24 KB, 388x232, 8ch baubau.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92059944

>> No.92056444
File: 1.20 MB, 1248x1096, Screenshot 2024-10-01 190704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were salivating at the thought of a bad schedule and were doomposting all week just to get BTFO, you love to see it.

>> No.92056450

What's wrong tranny, no proof?

>> No.92056490 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 543x490, 1726473919813242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92056619


>> No.92056503

kek, literally no matter what they do you go with the opposite
If they play fotm they are guilty for chasing numbers with fotmslop
If they have comfy zatsus with us it's too boring

>> No.92056561

NTA, bit I'm not satisfied with their current output. These past two months especially where they take off every Monday through Wednesday for recording, dance practice, etc, and they've put FUWAMOCO Morning on hiatus.
If they're being honest and working hard on homework and actually doing the stuff they say they're doing, then it's understandable, even though it's painful.
But if this entire time, they've been lying to everyone and the real reason they're hardly around compared to before is because they're dating and focusing on relationships instead, then that's unforgivable and would make me sick. That would be a complete betrayal.

>> No.92056619


>> No.92056629

I wonder if they'll be spending their actual Christmas with their good friend. If they get caught up in it or a senpai asks them to dinner I bet they cancel the Christmas stream.

>> No.92056664
Quoted by: >>92056734

They will spend it with Biboo fingering her cunny raw

>> No.92056705


>> No.92056734

Honestly I would be okay with that, they're only human afterall.

>> No.92056788
Quoted by: >>92056850

I wouldn't, because that's what most holos do and the reason is because it shows that at the very least, they aren't spending the evening going out on a christmas date.

>> No.92056850
Quoted by: >>92057373

Yeah sure I'll believe you, you are definitely trustworthy.

>> No.92056920

If you're this cynical and you've always hated them and thought they were liars, then there's nothing that would convince you anyway. However, I think most fans trust them that they aren't seeing anyone.

>> No.92056970
Quoted by: >>92057070

>that it would directly go against what they said
what did they say?

>> No.92057001

I wasn't here yeasterday because the stream was a rebroadcast.

>> No.92057070
Quoted by: >>92057197

Really, you're in /baubau/ and don't know what FWMC have said about their relationship status?

>> No.92057170

Strong jealous woman energy in this thread

>> No.92057197

So what did they say, specifically?

>> No.92057338

>Their idol doesn't call herself an idol nor ever promoted herself as such though
What the hell are you even talking about? Mirin from dempagumi is married with a kid.

>> No.92057373
Quoted by: >>92057561

I've been posting here for months that I was worried they wouldn't stream on Christmas Eve and now they aren't. Why are you surprised?
Hell, I literally said they might try something like this at the beginning of the year when they announced their move to Japan. I said that one of the worst things that will happen is that bwcause of the timezone, they won't actually be celebrating holidays with us when it's the holiday for them. I said the real test will be Christmas Eve if they only stream when it's Christmas Eve for us and not for them, and it seems I was 100% right.

>> No.92057442
File: 234 KB, 1306x1947, GRLxRPtWYAEBi0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you all just stop replying to the bait? It's clearly a raid from a bunch of faggots, just report the posts for trolling and ignore them.
If FWMC didn't have a CYOA VN stream they'd be shitposting about that, and if they did a JST Christmas stream they'd use it as a shitpost saying that they are "spending time with the fans they really love" or something. If you HAVE to reply, at least reply with smug FWMC faces, that usually triggers them pretty fast.

>> No.92057465
File: 377 KB, 1200x2000, 7533675326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92057497

wow, ruffians have seen the christmas schedule and they are NOT happy

>> No.92057503

I want to put my face there

>> No.92057561

Yeah yeah, they cannot win. Some people want them to stick to their slot and lose it when they deviate, others believe in sex date memes and want them to stream during the dangerous "sex hours" on Christmas instead.
No matter what they do they will lose. They appear in a collab with JPs on Christmas? They're whores who like JP more than ruffians.

>> No.92057624

I want to sniff Fuwawa's pussy and asshole after she's been at dance practice all day making a cloud in the studio.

>> No.92057669

What does Fuwawa smell like?

>> No.92057700


>> No.92057702


>> No.92057715

Clearly they should do a 24h endurance stream.

>> No.92057761

Is menherahamster gachikoi?

>> No.92057826

The game was rigged from the start

>> No.92057885
Quoted by: >>92058419

KEK yeah, and a gorilla too.

>> No.92057899

She is a menhera.

>> No.92057922

No he switched to Gamers like we wouldn't notice.

>> No.92057927
File: 525 KB, 1536x2048, 1703437712724613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92058335

Idk but on that topic, female gachikoi would have it so easy. They can just cosplay their oshi and become part of their harem.

>> No.92057946

Noel? Yeah she's pretty gachikoi for Subaru

>> No.92058023
Quoted by: >>92058250

My friend, you're assuming all the retards replaying aren't also here for the same thing. They can pretend to be better than shitposters by being shitposters. Anyone who actually gives a shit stops responding to completely obvious horseshit and moves on.
I'm ready for Moco-santa. Even if I rarely SC, I'm sure this stream will be short and cute.

>> No.92058058

I saw a few people liked her "I'm 18 but look like 13" post, I didn't want to get put on a list so I ignored it.

>> No.92058143

I gave a like of shame. I'm only into hags.

>> No.92058249


>> No.92058250

I already knew that at least half of the replies were just samefagging, but there were probably a few Ruffians biting the bait too.
I'm also looking forward to the Mocosanta stream, these Mococo solo streams are very rare and special.

>> No.92058335
File: 130 KB, 314x346, 1704731895341652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>92058584

Femruffian has the perfect Mococo body...

>> No.92058350


>> No.92058419
Quoted by: >>92058584

She is? I want to rape her even more now.

>> No.92058540

>Mococo solo streams
But it's Mocosanta

>> No.92058542

It sucks because I am legitimately upset by this, but it seems some miscegenated, anti-idol, pig-fucking discord faggots are using it as an opportunity to attack them and ruffians. I didn't want that.
I'm not an anti. I just want them to stream on Christmas Eve. I want to trust them, but I keep feeling like they aren't being honest. If you're the real Erenschizo, know that I've never even been upset with JP streams. That's how much I trust them.
But this is different. They know how much this means to fans and yet they're spending their entire night doing something else. I can't help but feel like they're hiding something, especially because they know that we know that our Christmas Eve is different from theirs. And they also know how uneasy everyone has been with the move and schedule changes. So the fact they didn't even try to assuage anyone's fears of them having plans for Christmas Eve says so much.

>> No.92058584

You fags are going to get catfished so hard and I'm going to laugh so much when you do. You don't find it the least bit odd that account has wiped everything and then come back several times?

>> No.92058631
Quoted by: >>92059724

They have two CYOA streams on Christmas Eve numbnuts. Fuck off

>> No.92058663
Quoted by: >>92059936

Anon please, on the off chance you're even remotely serious, get your head straight. If you earnestly think they have a romantic Christmas date (a double date or what?) then come to your senses, it's laughable.

>> No.92058780

>spending their entire night doing something else.
Sex with me, if you really wanted to know that badly

>> No.92058897

They're going to rape Biboo but they can't put that in the schedule.

>> No.92058907
File: 119 KB, 500x500, where did you goeh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjco7mz.ogg].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could listen to the Mococo solo twitter space a million times.

>> No.92059013
Quoted by: >>92059517

still want to know what embarrasing thing she stopped herself from saying.

>> No.92059403

I want to breed Moco-santa

>> No.92059404
File: 76 KB, 868x1024, 1722864442299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m getting really sick and tired of you fags posting about this person. It’s irrelevant off-topic garbage. Stop making this woman another thread celebrity as if we need any more of those /here/. Pic very much related. It’s what I would personally like to do every anon who namedrops any of their twitter or discord friends here.
For the love of god, post more about Fuwawa’s floofies and Mococo’s tight royal asshole instead of this attention whore who used to derail threads by posting vocaroos and pictures of her self mutilation. You have two perfectly sexy oshis to post about and obsess over and yet you choose to hone in on someone who quite literally amounts to being a literal who with a vagina between their legs.
It’s not a Mococo solo stream, though?

>> No.92059463

Anyone who's legitimatly trying to pick up a female vtuber fan is a retard who deserves everything coming to them.

>> No.92059495

We will never get Twitter Spaces of this intimacy level ever again.

>> No.92059517

It was during the cloths folding, so I'm guessing she was gonna say something about underwear.

>> No.92059567


>> No.92059643
Quoted by: >>92059876

Daw that, immediately blocked her. Thats a lose lose lose situation whether it's true or a honeypot. Groomer ruffians can't help themselves

>> No.92059724

Retard. For them, those streams are on Christmas day from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM JST.
Their Xmas home 3D reveal is on Christmas eve, but it's in the morning. They aren't spending the night on Christmas Eve with us.

>> No.92059747
Quoted by: >>92059882

>I'm 18 but look like 13
D-d-did someone actually say that?

>> No.92059755
File: 505 KB, 382x800, Mococo_frustration_scream[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmlu47p.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just pushed a tonsil stone out of my throat that was the size of a small dice...

>> No.92059807
Quoted by: >>92059876

It’s probably her self-posting

>> No.92059831
File: 220 KB, 1064x1367, IMG_1801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with you !! It’s annoying!!! Now here are Fuwawa’s floofies!!

>> No.92059850

It's fucking insane people are falling for such an obvious catfish. I bet the person behind it is laughing at how easy it all is. Hell there's probably multiple "menherahamsters"

>> No.92059876

Implying it's not a tranny/honeypot.

>> No.92059882

yeah, me.

>> No.92059899

I'm not calling you an anti, I know that there are a few Ruffians worried about the Christmas eve thing, and I will agree with you that It would've been better if they streamed then, even if they did it just to kill the rrats, but I really don't think that they'll go on a fucking date on Christmas eve. Think about them for a second, do you really believe they would do that? It's even more unbelievable now, when they've been in Japan for less than a year and have been constantly overworking themselves, maybe your argument will have more merit in 2 or 3 years *if* they start having more free time outside of streams or homework, but for now just calm down and enjoy Christmas with them.

>> No.92059936
Quoted by: >>92060037

Then why aren't they doing ANYTHING for Christmas Eve? They know how bad that looks. So why aren't they doing anyrhing? Not even a collab with JP members. It's at night. If they aren't doing anything else that night, then why aren't they spending chrismas eve with us?

>> No.92059944

>somebody dumping shiori images

>> No.92059952

You trust them so much but you don't even watch them. They told us from the start they would celebrate on "our time", meaning, PST.

>> No.92060014

Every time I open this thread and scroll down, I read like 2 good posts, 10 horny posts, and 20 shitposts/people complaining about shit I don't care about and I feel like closing it.

>> No.92060037

You only needed to have watched ONE stream for that, literally the most recent one. Kill yourself.
