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File: 170 KB, 348x295, 1734520104357486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
91820942 No.91820942 [Reply] [Original]

>Gets fired for repeated breach of contract, attempted blackmail
>Fans form an internet hatemob and burn down her entire former branch in revenge.
>Dozens of ex-friends and coworkers careers utterly ruined, some completely uninvolved.
>"Lulz plz don't bully mkay?" she says while raking in blood money and normalfag praise.

I guess that is a kind of dedication.

>> No.91821007

stop fucking complaining nobody gives a fuck you sensitive little pussy

>> No.91821099
Quoted by: >>91850973

dookiefat but also goddamn it stop making bait threads its been all day bro give it a rest

>> No.91821114
File: 804 KB, 909x1031, 1719248414660959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon this is like the 6th or 7th doki vs neuro thread I've seen today. Give up already.

>> No.91821206

this, ive been shitposting in some myself but i do not care to see this become a new daily thing, its too forced that way.

>> No.91821211
Quoted by: >>91821494

I've never seen someone seethe this hard over a silly award

>> No.91821286

This looks more like doxxsite refugee sister hands typed this.

>> No.91821494
Quoted by: >>91823387

it's fake seethe, clearly a phasefan just trying to stir the pot

>> No.91821550

>Fans form an internet hatemob and burn down her entire former branch in revenge.
>Dozens of ex-friends and coworkers careers utterly ruined, some completely uninvolved.
they did that to themselves
even if you were a vapid shit and hates Doki internally, literally anyone who would tank the termination to stick up for her would be regarded as a hero and get to share part of Doki's post shitsanji buff
also for someone who hates her, you sure have tons of her pics saved in your hard drive kek

>> No.91821559
File: 306 KB, 409x453, 3fps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anons, how's your oshi been lately?

>> No.91821667

Vwhorejos dont like vedal one bit

>> No.91821669

Maybe? It's been so long I have a hard time believing that there's still unironic sisters who hate doki enough to make shitty catalog threads throughout the day.

>> No.91821832

Nyfco would likely still be fuming to this day had it not gotten nuked. I don't find it so surprising.

>> No.91821893
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>> No.91821906
Quoted by: >>91822279

her subathon starts december 19th, be there or be squared

>> No.91822169

she's in her selfmade hell called Marvel Rivals
you'd be surprised at how long they can latch on to grudges long after it stopped being relevant
it's a fucking disgusting that i share the same country with those pagpag 'sisters'

>> No.91822279

Good luck, anon. Hope it's a fun time with lots of sleep deprivation.

>> No.91823308
File: 468 KB, 936x1301, 1724509076585154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91823379

she just achieved her dream of hosting her own concert with her friends and I'm very happy for her

>> No.91823379


>> No.91823385

>"""attempts""" suicide
>people know it's bullshit, but it's more fun to believe it
Fucking women, I swear.

>> No.91823387
Quoted by: >>91824851

Could also be a nijifag or a swarmfag

>> No.91823450

How many doki bait threads do we need in one day? She hasn't even done anything remotely controversial

>> No.91823720

Damm chatbot fags cant comprehend that no one gives a fuck about thier Walmart chatgpt. give it a rest you been bitching all day kys you pussy

>> No.91823772
File: 186 KB, 1080x1695, dokiishappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91824082

probably picrel

>> No.91823969
Quoted by: >>91827143

her being alive and surviving is controversial enough for them
if she died from her attempts, it would be so easy for the clique to farm sympathy points and make it all about them
Doki fucking her attempts up cause Doki is dumb wasn't part of the plan, she should've been a good girl who did her part but she failed even that
yes i'm not exaggerating this is how their brain works

>> No.91824082

>she posted this IMMEDIATELY after catching up with Mint until 4 in the morning after Wrestletuber
I'm so glad they're together.

>> No.91824851
Quoted by: >>91854996

or a holofag

>> No.91826801


>> No.91826852

doki cute

>> No.91826950

It's been a year but I guess women do hold grudge for their entire life.

>> No.91827079
Quoted by: >>91828852

If they're so dedicated why is she almost 3view already?

>> No.91827143

Come on, you get put on suicide watch just for ideation.

>> No.91827953

Oh they absolutely do still hate her, but the seething is almost entirely contained to the odd post in /nijiEN/ - the ones who make these threads are just the usual catalogfags who in many cases don't even watch vtubers - they just want material for their screenshot twitter accounts like the BVTM tranny.

>> No.91828852

her content is boring, they tune in if shes featuring someone actually entertaining

>> No.91828887

>Fans form an internet hatemob and burn down her entire former branch in revenge.
Sounds dedicated to me.

I've been told they beat up someone who was stalking Doki IRL, but don't know if that's true. Based if it is.

>> No.91828988
Quoted by: >>91829059

Looks like /#/ to me. Even the sisters are tired.

>> No.91829059
Quoted by: >>91831076

its always numberfags, they been using doki as bait for the entire year now. this whole dragoons vs swarm thing is just the latest one. note how when it comes to holos they only use dooby with doki, and not any other holo.

>> No.91829539
Quoted by: >>91830802

Even back in niji her fanbase was known for being toxic and the other fanbases avoided them.

>> No.91830004

Is it just me or did everyone memoryhole her apex spergouts as Selen
I hate Niji as much as the next guy but Doki is not the saint that Dragoons make her out to be

>> No.91830064

Her SH2 playthrough made for plenty of fun moments, especially with how scared she was. That said she's now trapped in esports hell

>> No.91830074

>competitive player rages at video game
>this is somehow supposed to discredit her

>> No.91830802

>luxiem chink fujoshits are less toxic than dragoons
Absolute fucking bullshit.

>> No.91831076

they're holotribalists
fucking insane
even niji isn't this bad

>> No.91831143


>> No.91831185

No, they're just as bad as each other. And what fucking pisses me off the most is that the companies themselves are chummy. Hololive and Nijisanji have always been allies.

>> No.91831778

in what universe are they even in the same sentence

>> No.91834517

You gotta be dedicated to do all those things LMAO. No wonder Vedal lost

>> No.91835042
File: 38 KB, 222x153, 1723256458504710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91837311

Our threads are so peaceful now that you are busy making catalog baits left and right and not pretending to be doki fans swarming our thread false flagging nigger chama,your bait would be more belivable if you made just one catalog bait and not uh..7.

>> No.91837311

take note on which generals are quiet, and you'll have your answer

>> No.91838006

she sold toilet papers to faggoons for 2k usd back in february, they are very dedicated to getting scammed by a fatty lol.

>> No.91838251

Your birthday superchats brought in less than a piece of paper, Enna, and it will never not be fuuny

>> No.91838320

dokibitch is an awful person who tries to tear apart snuffy away from her real friends.

>> No.91838354

this faggoons are vermin. they have horrible oshi.

>> No.91838375


>> No.91838395

kill yourself, faggoon. people are seeing the truth.

>> No.91838443

faggoons are the most dedicated to shitting up /lig/.

>> No.91838500
File: 38 KB, 300x300, 1730425158538956 1717472651209564.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91838542

Woah, xhe's actually angry now kek

>> No.91838507

in this thread. faggoons seethe and cope at people finally realizing that dokibitch is a horrible person.

>> No.91838540
Quoted by: >>91838565

Doki, Mint, Snuffy and Laimu full collab later this week, be sure to tune in :^)

>> No.91838542

cope and seethe. people are learning that dokibitch and limes traitor are awful people.

>> No.91838565


>> No.91838593
File: 325 KB, 388x498, post this ferret.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91838662

Oh, it's you.

>> No.91838616
File: 559 KB, 1456x528, 1733830045555662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.91838637

Holy schizo.

>> No.91838662

>Oh, it's you.
Is this person known?

>> No.91838748

No, I don't think I will. I'll throughly enjoy your meltdown though LMAOOOOOOOO

>> No.91838792
Quoted by: >>91869002

Yes, it's the Laimuschizo.

>> No.91838848

That's a schizo known amongst five different generals(/haha/, /mint/, /vsj/, /big/, and /lig/. His name is Limeschizo or something like that.

>> No.91838873

Yes, it's gpt-like auto answer, triggers when thread is about to die

>> No.91841046


>> No.91841419

I've heard mentions of this person that's basically seethed ever since Laimu's allegedly been hanging out more with her new crowd of vtuber friends as of late. This clique includes Doki and Mint, which makes them frequent and easy targets.

>> No.91841504

In reality:
Niji brought themselves down by attempting a preemptive strike against selen by having elira Vox and ike do the black stream. Said stream "coincidentally" ended up being at the exact same time doki goes live. Niji doubles down with tazumi statement. Impact was "negligible"

>> No.91841645
File: 24 KB, 522x226, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you have to admire this kind of shared psychosis though
it doesn't even stop with nijisanji, they'll believe literally anything

>> No.91842460

Doki is so amazing. Neither corrupt directors nor evil black companies and their cultists can keep her down.

>> No.91842539
Quoted by: >>91870652

How the hell can someone be so corrupt that they steal stickers and acrylic stands? What is even the intent? Resell the items themselves?

>> No.91842947

I know about nijisisters angry at Dokibird, but why would anyone drag Lime into this?

>> No.91843019
Quoted by: >>91847530

I mean, who even WERE Lime's "old friends"? Are we digging back to vinesauce or whatever they were called?

>> No.91843723

It's the other way around. He's a fan of a circle of high 3view vtubers - it's called 3AM, I think - Limes apparently used to hang around with a little while ago, but not so much anymore. So now he's engaged in the most pathetic crusade on this godforsaken board against her and those who he perceives are the ones she's "betraying" said people with, like Doki, Mint and Matara (he's also pissed with Filian for some reasons).
Search for Laimuschizo in the archives, I assure you you'll have a blast.

>> No.91844689

Sounds fun. Will do. I love seethe.

>> No.91845466

>He's a fan of 3AM
I don't think he is. This feels to me like a psyop conducted by MSM's Seth and his cohorts.

>> No.91845670
File: 462 KB, 1110x888, 1714201242307345.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been a year and she's still living rent free in your heads.

>> No.91846894

>he's also pissed with Filian for some reasons
You don't say.

>> No.91847530
Quoted by: >>91850276

As someone whose been watching her and Rissa (not the bird) on and off for the better part of a decade now along with Uncle Jobel and Vincenzo Saucington... she doesn't really HAVE that many "old friends"? Let alone the ones that'd attract a schizo like this. Guy's gotten have gotten into her in the past few years rather than being an actual long-time fan.
Unless it's GPM or what's his face from Chatango, the guy whose been mad for a decade that Vinny got big when he didn't and was a part in getting him "canceled", which would actually make perfect sense as those two are the literal only two oldheads that're that autistic.

>> No.91850276

Didn't he left vinesauce, tried to cancel vinny but got himself exposed instead, and he had to flee the internet?
It would be funny as fuck if he is the laimuschizo this whole time

>> No.91850933

Where does "You have psychosis." come from?

>> No.91850973



>> No.91854373

Elira lost

>> No.91854996

nah they got what they wanted out of the awards. definitely a salty phasecuck or nijisister

>> No.91855081

She's such a good person, how can people hate her?

>> No.91857688
File: 2.33 MB, 1280x2768, swarm melty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91891986

uh oh swarm melty

>> No.91858517
File: 625 KB, 783x720, 1734276275220700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realest trvthnvke ever dropped on Dookie and faggoons

>> No.91858911
File: 89 KB, 686x386, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true sister now why don't you crawl back to your dox site oh wait you can't its perma down .. i guess /trash/ is where you belong

>> No.91858937
Quoted by: >>91859015

are swarmfags the new sisters?

>> No.91859015
Quoted by: >>91859188

swarmfags are hardcore numberfags who have a personal vendetta after losing the award to dragoons
similar to sisters in many ways but not quite the same

>> No.91859188
File: 132 KB, 320x270, 1734286453256681.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

their the wallmart sisters same rule book it seems but they lack the fire of the true deal its like watching a bunch of copy cats try to emulate the seething of a nijisister

>> No.91861856


>> No.91863533


>> No.91868935


>> No.91869002

l*imuschizo isn't a thing, faggy retards.

>> No.91869207

dont forget they also artificially propped up /big/ to syphon away from /lig/, just like their chuuba, they wanna hog all the actual 4view indies but the 3 views? Unless you are a direct friend of Doki you best forget it. Only 4views. And I know its them, that general almost always has a Doki or Mint OP, Dooby too. Ex corpas trying to take away from actual indies to prop themselves up.

>> No.91869221

Yeah it's just a coincidence that 3-5 generals all get spammed at exactly the same time, all in block capitals and all using the exact same phrasing - and then they all get deleted at exactly the same time.

>> No.91869296
File: 319 KB, 1369x1067, GTB3u0CWsAApJ1H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91869660

>look at me i am a traitor who betrayed her real friends, meat and coqui for clout collabs with ex-nijishitters. i am going to manipulate snuffy into doing the same.

>> No.91869458

Laimuschizo, you realise that the rest of the board neither knows nor cares about the /lig/ /BIG/ split, right? It's literally meaningless to about 80% of the anons reading this.

>> No.91869524
Quoted by: >>91883218

yep, faggoons are trying to destroy /lig/ and prop up /big/. they are vermin.

>> No.91869635
Quoted by: >>91869740

remember when /lig/ was still about actually large indies and not literal whos?
you 0view shills destroyed that general

>> No.91869660

Don't you have blacked porn to jack off to Laimuschizo? Everyone knows how fond you are of it - I don't think anyone will forget you accidentally posting in /lig/ instead of whatever thread on /trash/ you were trying to post in.

>> No.91869740

lmao BIG talked about 4views for like a month before becoming ex corpa shilling central. It was always heading in that direction, they've had more Dooby on their OP that the actual Ame/Dooby general.

>> No.91870652
Quoted by: >>91879660

She went into more detail in a membership stream.
I'd have to go back to get them again but she was pretty pissed and basically said that none of her staff had as much experience with merch distribution as she had as an artist alley girl, so she'd have to handle dealing with distributors/manufacturers herself from then on.

I wouldn't be surprised if they're just scalped or sold for pennies in china or something.

>> No.91870911

You're pretty much spot on.

>> No.91875717

>So anons, how's your oshi been lately?
doing well

>> No.91877241
Quoted by: >>91886492


>> No.91879660
Quoted by: >>91880057

Of all the things someone could try to skim money from, vtuber merch sales has to be one of the goddamn dumbest choices possible.

>> No.91880057

It's not that he was trying to steal it. He just did something that fucked up relations to the distributor, and he had access to the physical merch that was waiting to be distributed it.
He just took them on his way out and left Doki to douse the fires.

>> No.91882906


>> No.91883218

>Completely Mind Broken

>> No.91886492


>> No.91891811

>doki vs neuro
That's a thing now?

>> No.91891939

only because the neuro fanbase has been throwing a bitch fit about losing the best fanbase award to doki
and it's not exclusive to /here/, it's all over youtube

>> No.91891949
Quoted by: >>91891986

No. One schizo has been invading both generals and making catalog threads on cooldown trying to get the dragoons and swarm to fight each other.
Nobody took him seriously so he just kept replying to himself.
As you can see, several of the posts claiming to be the swarm are exactly 61 seconds from each other. So either the guy is stupid, or just is so bored he doesn't care how obvious he is.

>> No.91891954

Embarrassing neurofaggot thread

>> No.91891986

did he post all these comments with his 100 different youtube accounts? >>91857688
