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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.91227127

>the average lifespan of a vtuber company is roughly 1.5 years
why do CEOs still keep trying to cash in?

>> No.91227219
Quoted by: >>91227267

vshojo started in 2020

>> No.91227267

my bad chief, it was so close to the end of the year i remembered it as 2021

>> No.91227310
File: 40 KB, 867x211, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91227352

myholo is technically dead

>> No.91227352

last time i marked them as dead i got yapped at for them 'technically' being still in operations just halted

>> No.91227424
File: 434 KB, 770x396, 1716613132807454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Vols?

>> No.91227464

is wanktor still alive?

>> No.91227561

I can only say thank you to Myholo tv and V4Mirai

>> No.91227582
Quoted by: >>91227620

if you're willing to add holo en and niji en you should aslo add holo cn, niji ID and niji kr

>> No.91227620
Quoted by: >>91227679

wow i cant believe ive never heard of them
its rebranded but also no en vtubers
that makes no sense those aren't en vtubers

>> No.91227634

rebranded to 910inc

>> No.91227674

V&U is dead too isn't it?

>> No.91227679

>that makes no sense those aren't en vtubers
fair enough

>> No.91227682
Quoted by: >>91228325

I'm curious, how many of these died specifically this year? A %?

>> No.91227688

Didn't realize that so many died. Insane.

>> No.91227742

Bets on the next one? My money's on Vallure.

>> No.91227806

I guess idol still is technically alive but for how long

>> No.91227899

My predictions for 2025
>myholotv will announce closure instead of returning to operations
>lucid closure
>brave group IPs merge
>PixelLink scandal and graduations
>Anilive shuts down
>ricorie closure
>at least 13 nijisanjis scandals

>> No.91227924

Where is Shirayuri Production?

>> No.91227999
File: 309 KB, 653x579, 1710093169015498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91228074

Aegis-Link is also missing

>> No.91228074
File: 484 KB, 638x635, 1718118859739831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91229719


>> No.91228325
Quoted by: >>91228432

yeah OP, we need a separate chart for death dates (plus a current category).

>> No.91228432

I can do death dates, would it be better to make an entirely separate graph with the same layout, or just include the year next to each dead corp?

>> No.91228741
File: 45 KB, 600x600, roza-coatl-portrait-66-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven-X, man i haven't thought about those girls in a while. IIRC the only one still active is Roza Coatl who bought her IP and went Indie after a short stint in lucid.

>> No.91229013

shrimply have them be half grey. Or put a big ? next to them, or >technically...

>> No.91229049
Quoted by: >>91233063


>> No.91229443
File: 1.23 MB, 3000x3000, 1732051250026015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead corpo list expanded, now includes Vols, Shirayuri, and Aegis Link. fixed vshojo, added death graph

>> No.91229668
Quoted by: >>91233063

No? Not even close? Fuck are you smoking.

>> No.91229719

Is the blue one on the right a Selen-mama child?

>> No.91229731

I'm rooting for VAllure. The whole whorepo thing is too funny to me, I hope things go well for them.

Also what the fuck happened with this year?

>> No.91229734


>> No.91229752

on average, 58.36% of each year of company debuts end up dying.
So out of the 2024 debuts, 4 to 5 of them could be reasonably expected to die. So the questions is, which ones will die and which ones will survive?

>> No.91229784
Quoted by: >>91229950

I wonder what Nyaru and Yoro are up to nowadays.

>> No.91229814

Total small corpo death

>> No.91229837
Quoted by: >>91251071

>PixelLink scandal and graduations
Daiya will be caught with her boyfriend (Me) and will have to graduate our child.

>> No.91229838
Quoted by: >>91229954

VSPO and Vallure will survive a while, the rest will die

>> No.91229888
Quoted by: >>91284173

I remember their first gen was actually good and then they debuted a minor in their second gen, the CEO got exposed as a groomer and everybody quit. Good times

>> No.91229941
Quoted by: >>91230052

>>at least 13 nijisanjis scandals
The Aster scandal will kill the branch (hopefully)

>> No.91229950

They're both still fine. Nyaru was always the standout though. In many ways.

>> No.91229954
Quoted by: >>91230006

I don't care for lewdtubers, but I wont deny that it isn't an incredibly profitable and in demand niche. They seem to be doing really well for themselves, and I'm rooting for them too.

>> No.91229962
Quoted by: >>91230098

What was the chinese agency that Sayu joined again? NOA? Does that one count?

>> No.91230006

I'm in the same boat, I won't watch them but I want them to succeed

>> No.91230052

you give nijisanji too much credit, they're surprisingly resilient. they'll keep things rolling even if a talent shoots up a niji meeting with a bunch of talents in it.

>> No.91230058
Quoted by: >>91230098

AstraLine and socks agency?

>> No.91230098
Quoted by: >>91264057

will add NOA and socks

>> No.91230122
File: 192 KB, 410x260, 1733605190478283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long are we giving SVP before it sinks? That's the corpo with two girls linked to a doxxnigger site and they nearly had a third.

>> No.91230159

i'll give them one year

>> No.91230331
Quoted by: >>91230431

I know this is a stretch but does the OG niji en that turned into niji india count?

>> No.91230344
File: 1.26 MB, 3000x3000, 1713796473344442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.91230431

Actually it was NijiIN->NijiEN->NijiIN->Dead

>> No.91230439
File: 269 KB, 1152x864, 1719247071592920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2024 has seen its sheer amount of agencies returning their keys back. That's without counting agencies like idols who got sold to a big a corpo.
you should add myholo to 2024 closed. They are irrelevant. Are they even English? there's like one or two members active/inactive.

>> No.91230486

if 6 corpos die in 2024, i predict the survivors will be VAllure, VSPO EN, and NOA talent. dunno about the 4th because I don't realistically see any of the others surviving long term

>> No.91230536

Nexas is dead? Is that true?

>> No.91230565

yeah today

>> No.91230859
Quoted by: >>91231264

Ok this is one of the only places that may know about Real Corp, so if anyone can help me I would appreciate it.
Does anyone know if Kora Kurage reincarnated somewhere? I really miss that lil' creature.

>> No.91230917
Quoted by: >>91239510

Bro I had fun watching them and then just one day I stopped. Fastforward a year later and I wonder how are they doing, and the fucking rabbit hole it took me to was depressing
Glad Roza at least seems to genuinely have fun just doing her thing

>> No.91230931

glitch stars and v-sea
v-sea was never legally a company though

>> No.91230981

Does V-Dere count as a corpo?

>> No.91231125
Quoted by: >>91231478

Jeez, 2024 was an hell of a year.

>> No.91231132
Quoted by: >>91231241

>50% of your competitors disappearing from existence annually
>holoEN averaging under ONE (1) single talent graduation annually
really puts the "two more weeks until collapse" shitposts into perspective

>> No.91231179

6 months. Enough for the starting funds to dry (in someone's pocket).

>> No.91231241
Quoted by: >>91232587

well anon, calling them "competitors" is really giving these small corpos a lot of credit kek
Hololive's only real competitor is Nijisanji JP

>> No.91231249
File: 25 KB, 437x437, logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91231482

Hey, dig me a grave too :(

>> No.91231264
Quoted by: >>91231530

I think you should check out this elephant.

>> No.91231293

Is anyone really surprised

>> No.91231478

> was
There's still 22 days left anon
Don't jinx it

>> No.91231482

theyre there

>> No.91231530

Thanks anon, much appreciated.
Huh, the voice doesn't feel always the same, but I see the connection from time to time. No wonder I didn't think much of her the one time I checked the VnU girls.

>> No.91231551


>> No.91232080

Bond EN died a couple of months back

>> No.91232198
Quoted by: >>91239055

Whatever happened to that monkey they had?

>> No.91232254
File: 926 KB, 632x890, 1720512112470207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91236819


>> No.91232278

Reminds me when people kept betting on the jews kek

>> No.91232399

>brave merging
If they'd keep homos from globie, people would seethe

>> No.91232587
Quoted by: >>91232975

The only thing that will kill Hololive is cover corp pissing away all the talents money on bullshit

>> No.91232607

they rebrand as vogi atm

>> No.91232658

Aka Virtual is doing okay in SEA

>> No.91232757
File: 460 KB, 981x516, 1733398064818665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91235517

Will Phase Cucknet perish in 2025?
3 failed gens in a row will tank anyone

>> No.91232895

Jewcorp always rubbed me the wrong way. Especially when they pushed for the forced donothons.

>> No.91232975

Which they've slowed down on massively this year. Clearly they've had a behind the scenes change and are pumping the brakes hard on a lot of retarded frivolous spending.
Like the Holostars NYE live, for example. Unthinkable that they would just cancel it if you had asked me 1 year ago. It's a shockingly responsible decision even though it makes perfect sense (the last one got less viewership than many HoloEN talents get just playing random games on a Thursday night)

>> No.91233063

Here's hoping they crash and burn next year, then. They really don't deserve to exist.

>> No.91233079
Quoted by: >>91238203

I thought MyHolo was dead.

>> No.91234075

holoearth was an error, they should have just kept the mainframe that allowed them to have VR concerts ala Cinderella Switch instead of making a whole ass game, a mmo at fucking that.

>> No.91234552
File: 144 KB, 600x100, sharkCircling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these doing ok or are they potential graveyard 2025, or more for brave group

>> No.91234920

>Which they've slowed down on massively this year
They have not, the holoearth budget is growing exponentially every year

>> No.91234940

based retard

>> No.91235431
File: 175 KB, 364x365, 1726262354061563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grimbros, we feast tonight

>> No.91235517

Keep dreaming sister

>> No.91236809

Globie is Brave Group

>> No.91236819

Kamameshi finally made a cute model after Selen. Nice.

>> No.91236958
File: 730 KB, 2820x4096, GKyk8QraUAARVig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course she did.

>> No.91237113

>PixelLink will get absorbed by Brave in a year or two
>Anilive will crash and burn without the Nexans to keep it afloat
>VSPOEN will start participating in more EN tournaments and gain slight notoriety in that way
>HoloEN is going to bleed a few more massive moneymakers next year but will continue being stable
>NijiEN will have a 3 more graduations but it's reputation will shift from "le evil company" to "just another annoying JP corpo like Hololive"
>Vshojo will get 2 more JPs and 3 more ENs, plus they'll also partner with Brave for 3D solutions (Liggers will be r to Dooby3D instead)
>Anti JP corpo sentiment will reach a peak next year and a few more "Western Friendly" companies and groups will pop up in response
Those are my predictions for the next 1-2 years

>> No.91237479
File: 1.15 MB, 1775x2147, 1727625296006034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91237570


>> No.91237570
Quoted by: >>91237731

Didn't this one stop streaming?

>> No.91237731

She reincarnated into a silly axolotl girl if you know where to look.

>> No.91237749
File: 122 KB, 1200x1143, 1703800841330875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91240439


>> No.91238203

they're on hiatus technically

>> No.91238833
Quoted by: >>91254810

I can imagine FSP EN outliving at least a few of the others that debuted this year since they don't really have much competition for their specific niche (EN males only, with little to no collabs with women), especially with NijiEN weakening a lot in recent years.

>> No.91239055

redebutted but spends more time as a vtweeter, shame really

>> No.91239071

bad meme

>> No.91239252

monkey girl has reincarnated, shes now a succubus

>> No.91239290

you keep including one that is still alive catalogbro

>> No.91239326

is that... bunny Iofi on the left?

>> No.91239510
Quoted by: >>91240034

What happened?

>> No.91240034

iirc, the usual: boss ran away, whatever was left of the staff (that never really helped the talents) killed the corpo, the talents exited on bad terms, special mention to the monkey girl that apparently spergged later she hated being a brown monkey, never really fact checked that. Haven-X was pretty much unknown, so there was barely any info besides the official cease of activities note in their tweeter.

>> No.91240040
File: 573 KB, 645x647, 1704086298355403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91240112

Please add

>> No.91240112
File: 241 KB, 656x585, 1719034888924966.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91248593


>> No.91240439

I still can't believe such a good model went to a terrible person

>> No.91240523
Quoted by: >>91241603

Isn't Lucid Multimedia dead?

>> No.91240814

Nexas might've been formed as a company in 2023 but they launched in 2024

>> No.91241017
Quoted by: >>91242062

Isn't monkey girl now part of a newer group called NamesTooVirtual or something??

Also pretty sure green girl came back with a different name then changed it back to her old one after the selen drama, her model is actually adorable

>> No.91241603
Quoted by: >>91242285

Lucid is still going with like 4 maybe 5 people
I think one of them left and became indie again but not sure

>> No.91242062
File: 268 KB, 593x540, 2024-12-09 185927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that entire twitter profile feels like a shitpost from before the last decade if you check it without an account
Also one girl there coping about success ≠ a good looking model just three days ago

>> No.91242285

OP here, just checked they got bought out and are debuting 10 more vtubers wtf

>> No.91242855

cool shoes

>> No.91243029

Phase should be there

>> No.91243115

This logo looks like it was designed by a 12-year old on deviantArt

>> No.91244499

closing next year

>> No.91244742
Quoted by: >>91245117

Someone add Beatus Creation

>> No.91245108

>>brave group IPs merge

I could see that happening. Especiallu for v4mirai and Idol as they are both under Brave US. The question is Glovie. They are under Brave Europe, and still have homos.

I doubt VSPO En will merge with anything. It would be in Brave's best interest to keep that branch distinct.

>> No.91245117

For those who don't know, Beatus Creation was a tiny 2 view Japanese corpo made by a game dev who was trying to be the Next Zun by creating a whole side scrolling game series of cute girls.

Unlike Zun he tried to grow too big too fast and flew into the sun melting down his game quality and his reputation by letting his games suffer because he held more interest in chasing bubbles like vtubing and NFTs.

>> No.91245360

Shit, is Nijisanji and VSPO going to burn Hololive's boats? Also, who is VSPO's Zhuge Liang abd Hololive's Sima Yi?

>> No.91245385
Quoted by: >>91245726

what isn't Idol dead?

>> No.91245726

got bought by brave group

>> No.91245885
File: 1000 KB, 3840x2160, GBWOylYWUAAyEFv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair to the JIDF, they managed to secure a buyer. All the other small corpo died out, Aviel did the smart thing and sold to Brave, the third largest. It is a shame what happened to E-Sekai, but I'm rooting for Nikki Rei and Endless.

Also, v4mirai is doing pretty good. So yeah, I'm betting on v4mirai x Idol.

>> No.91246065


>> No.91246217
Quoted by: >>91250439

I don't think Holo En can afford to lose another talent next year. Sure, they will remain stable/tge biggest in the market, but the identity of their girks are too big. The loss of Fauna alone will be felt in years to come. If anything, Holo should work out a better affiliate deal for Fauna in tge next 22 days and debut a new gen. Holo EN does need to expand as its nowhere the size or strength as Holo JP.

>> No.91248593

someone likes kancolle

>> No.91248736

Holy shit every single one of those designs is just a chinese knockoff of a Holomem

>> No.91249722

wtf are you talking about, none of them look anything like Holos, except for the one on the left having Iofi's face because it's the same artist

>> No.91250439

>The loss of Fauna alone will be felt in years to come.
No one is going to remember Fauna existed two months after her graduation.

>> No.91250569

wait did something happen to vspo english?

>> No.91251071

Daiya seems cute but I can't stand the word monmons. Filters me from watching her.

>> No.91251232

One of their girls got raped by that Niji male who's in trouble, other than that I don't know.

>> No.91252039

I think the corpos bought out or originally under Brave should be put in a separate category.

>> No.91252197

Why is Phase successful where many others have failed?

>> No.91252282


>> No.91252429
Quoted by: >>91284973

>NOA Talent
Do your reps anon
They'll be lucky to make it past 6 months.

>> No.91252713

how the FUCK is bond en still around

>> No.91253101


>> No.91253334
Quoted by: >>91259451

kuga leo made a collab game including remia, narin and a few yabs niji and dramafags moaning about it.
i guess remia don't care about yabs in niji because she play with millie months ago.

>> No.91253998

Fishman got lucky with Pippa's success, struck gold with Muumi and is at least decently competent at running a business

>> No.91254485
Quoted by: >>91263954

Having a CEO with a background in running successful online entertainment startups puts you in a very nice spot.
phase would probably be black and white in that image though if it werent for pippa

>> No.91254810

Still amazes me that no one else has tried doing an all-male corpo to capture that market. Seems like an easy decision since everyone else has all females or is mixed. It's not even difficult to market to women.
>inb4 Luxiem fujochinkbaiting kpop buzzword buzzword buzzword

>> No.91254934

Too many people want a Gura, thats why. Also Vox Akuma is not exactly a desirable goal

>> No.91255128

That's another buzzword
There's already dozens of Guras so why not make something different? I don't get why everyone wants to be the same all the time. I guess it's required for rich people/CEOs to make retarded decisions.

>> No.91255387

>Vox Akuma is not exactly a desirable goal
>Nearly every male vtuber after Luxiem did forced BFE and shipbaiting with other guys because they thought it would make them popular (and it kind of did)

>> No.91256171

if you actually followed the V&U girls' private accounts, you'd know to put V&U on the list as a big likelihood. something is afoot behind the scenes.

>> No.91256730
Quoted by: >>91273893

>bondlive still around

>> No.91258120

If theyre going to do that can they at least produce a knockoff Sana

>> No.91259451
Quoted by: >>91261412

What's the big deal with a game?

>> No.91260140

stellarverse next

>> No.91261412

Remia and Narin collab with (((ELIRA))) and later on Remia collabs with Millie

>> No.91262578
Quoted by: >>91263954

The companies are dead but which chuubas from small corpos would you say "made it"?
Miori? Nene Amano?

>> No.91263584
File: 456 KB, 1170x912, IMG_4292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91267518

theres this micro that popped up recently. dunno what will come of it.

>> No.91263658

>>PixelLink scandal and graduations
I hope not. Right now they got a good thing going.

>> No.91263724

KAwa is ded tho

>> No.91263954
File: 1.24 MB, 2425x3445, 1711533931248862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is Phase successful where many others have failed?
Biggest thing is that our managers are all female and paid to just straight-up fly out to talents that are having a melty over random bullshit and encourage them to stream or sort out passport issues etc.
IIRC Matsuri had an in-person wrangler too for a while, no?
Also, projects get funded pretty easily. You just send an invoice for art/music/mixing to HQ and they pay it.
Some shit like >>91254485 this is pure luck, but the #1 thing in a market where people CAN strike out on their own is spending money to make your company feel like a net asset to your members.
Holo gets that.
Phase kind of gets that.
Everyone else just kind of thinks you can hire a bunch of streamers and watch the cash roll in.

Mio, Nene, Nova, def. Really anyone who walked away with a solid 300+ CCV kind of "made it".

>> No.91264001

You should add Astraline

>> No.91264057

I'm still not convinced it's not just a Twitter shitpost.

>> No.91264226

I remember coming across a South Africa based Vtuber agency with the highest following mem having 2158 followers on Twitter and the members were doing callout posts about the big boss erping with all the members (minors) and all their rigs had womb tats he customized underneath the clothes

>> No.91264284
Quoted by: >>91264372

that’s wild

>> No.91264372

Im a vtuber boomer from and that was the moment i was like "oh no, my hobby changed"
In 2020 I was already blown away by the amount of petty drama but now I was seeing entire brands collapse before even getting off the ground

>> No.91265686

Most of them died in 2024, btw

>> No.91267518

another one...

>> No.91270047

Pippa hard carry

>> No.91270120
File: 88 KB, 792x278, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which dead corpo collab would you like to see, even if it would make zero sense?

>> No.91270135
Quoted by: >>91271755

>straight-up fly out to talents that are having a melty over random bullshit and encourage them to stream or sort out passport issues etc
That must be a lot of fligths

>> No.91271021

Aren't all 3 of those still active in some way or another?

>> No.91271373
Quoted by: >>91271778

Yes but the first two will never interact with each other publicly again

>> No.91271434
Quoted by: >>91271522

All of them are 4views.

>> No.91271522

>be MyHolo
>get one of the most elite talent lineups in the industry
>black corpo too hard
>lose all of them

>> No.91271755
File: 375 KB, 1600x1987, 1726105964237059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91278666

>That must be a lot of fligths
Oh it is. One of our Japanese talents was MIA for most of 2021-2022 so management travelled to her Jap backwater village to have lunch with her. and then she came back.
Make no mistake.
Our CEO is fucking retarded.
But he spends money to make others be smart for him, and that's what makes the difference.
MyHolo and Cyberlive are masters at having done the least with the most.

>> No.91271778

why? bad blood? or corpos being retarded?

>> No.91271817
Quoted by: >>91287208

NTA but it can't be the latter cause Mio and Manaka were indies at the same time

>> No.91271902
Quoted by: >>91287208

I don't think there's too much bad blood, but all of them have their own career and they do fundamentally different content, so even if they were to collab under some weird planets and stars alignment I doubt it'll be a good result or have much chemistry.
But I might be wrong and I'd really like to see it.

>> No.91271966


MYHoloTV technically dead since last month

>> No.91272054

If I do some competitive reaching, these are:

>> No.91272120
Quoted by: >>91274088

you should ask /corpo/ next time instead of going through the rigamarole

this was before vreverie and nexas announced they were shutting down too iirc

>> No.91272125

>Phase still just trucking along when all it's competitors that people thought would outlive it have died
reminder that funding your corpo with your OWN money is the best idea

>> No.91272161
Quoted by: >>91287042

the CEO of MyHolo is a retarded, narcissistic SEA man who, when those 3 asked for extra pay because other support had been cut, responded with 'Suck my dick, you're nothing without me.'
he deserves it

>> No.91273572

>>PixelLink scandal and graduations
V&U is way more likely to have this happen

>> No.91273745
File: 304 KB, 500x500, 84vp83xbc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91279613

Pixellink already dodged their scandal and handled it.

>> No.91273893

yeah, but I think they gave up on youtube and let most of their talents go indie. Those eventually got picked up by lucid, I think?
Bond is now exclusively streaming in a vtuber phone app

>> No.91274088

He has a better graphic than /corpo/

>> No.91274554
File: 910 KB, 2560x1440, 1731047973203556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91283571

TsunQuest would be fun.

>> No.91276909


>> No.91276913


>> No.91277473

I was thinking "oh wow, this shitshow agency is going to implode in 6 months tops". Back in 2022. Phase refuses to die.

>> No.91277521

>having infinite money from a crypto rugpull, i mean "fintech", is the best strategy

>> No.91277726

Most of the corpos in the op were funded by their own money, it's just that most of them don't have the kind of deep pockets that fishman has to keep hanging in there while eating costs

>> No.91278666

phaseintern pls
stop spamming the catalog

>> No.91279613
File: 4 KB, 513x41, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>91280528

she's planning to grudgepost about the "abuse" she got from her "bullies" once her NDA is up and how it's SOOOO BAD the she gets panic attacks from seeing people wearing their oshi mark and has to block them on Twitter

>> No.91280528


>> No.91281421

notRaden is made by Radens mama

>> No.91283571
Quoted by: >>91285174

Does Yuuna still stream?

>> No.91283923

A lot of it was just tying off loose ends, most of those closures are companies that were shambling zombies for a long time that finally got double-tapped.

>> No.91284086

It's insane V&U just got away with that "Pay us 400k to graduate" thing.

>> No.91284173

God I miss Kion
yes she still exists as an indie but she doesn't stream
Stream Suzume btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK7EYmh37K4

>> No.91284320

>you should add myholo to 2024 closed. They are irrelevant. Are they even English? there's like one or two members active/inactive.
By that standard a lot of this year's closures would be in the 2023 column.

>> No.91284619

The Nijicope is palpable.

>> No.91284973

Yes they've done a ton of shit but it got them this far. Why would that change now?

>> No.91285047
Quoted by: >>91286686

Anon, the problem with trying to capture that market is you might succeed in getting that audience. You know, the ones that harass nijis for eating at the wrong fast food places

>> No.91285174

Rarely but yes

>> No.91285476
Quoted by: >>91286686

There are actually male-only corpos, but I don't remember if they are english-oriented nor do I remember their name.
I only remember some square-jawed dudes, like you'd see in porn targeted at women.

>> No.91285800

At least the shitter companies are trying to get models and do branding. But yeah it's pretty bad out there.
>300+ CCV
Ami's getting there last I checked, and I absolutely believe Shee and Isla can get there. I'm also cheering for like half of Prima

>> No.91285861

I remember hearing False talk about it and then completely forgetting about it right until the AkioAir collapse when it turned out one of the new girls had also been wrapped up in that. Seriously there are a few talented chuubas out there who just seem to be utterly cursed.

>> No.91286310


>> No.91286625

i think the sock and duel logs companies are missing

>> No.91286686
Quoted by: >>91287606

I think the problem with your post is that you're in the catalog too much if you think every fan is like that. I'm pretty sure not every female vtuber fanbase is filled with GFEschizos.

Invicta? Yeah I heard of them. I think they're more of a friend group than a solid corpo. Also their designs....feel more gay-male oriented. I like a few muscled men here and there myself but the way they're designed seems targeted more toward men. Also, I think a good number of them are trannies. Those voices are way too high pitched to be natural males. No hate to them I guess, I just can't see many women being into that.

>> No.91287042

You missed a lot of steps. Not that there was a huge amount of talent in the future generations, but it's absolutely mind boggling that they were able to keep going for so long after that epic fail.
BTW, H0RI has her own company now that seems to be doing okay and Liliana and Urufi appear to be rebranding or something, Lili has her return stream in about 18 hours. I guess they don't hate each other.
I heard that the three of them all had names starting with M simply because he autistically insisted on it with no apparent underlying reasoning.

>> No.91287208

"the first two" are Marica and Manaka, anon. Those two could absolutely be kept apart, in their current forms, by corpo retardation.
I'd rather see TsunQuest honestly. They were close to making it work on a couple different occasions, and I think all of them are in a better place mentally nowadays yes, even Mio.

>> No.91287314

One of the notBotans looks more like notNoel to me

>> No.91287606
Quoted by: >>91291031

There's also First Stage.
Maybe it's just because I'm not into dudes but I really don't get what's up with male chuuba models. Seems like all the successful ones are overdesigned to fuck, I mean they make IRyS 1.0 look a random 2hu scribble.

>> No.91289993

you posted it

>> No.91291031

>There's also First Stage.
Yes, that's the first post in this chain we were talking about lol. FSP is First Stage Production
I feel like it's the opposite. The simple designed ones seem to be the most popular like Vox and Kuzuha, but not because their designs are particularly simple. The most popular ones among smaller groups though do have more intricate designs so I see what you mean there. I think it's because most female fans are really into lore while male fans aren't, so the designs try to give room for the person to put whatever details about their backstory as they want. And I think female designs are simpler because they just want to watch the anime girl play games and be cute and don't care for chuuni stuff.

>> No.91292713
Quoted by: >>91293402

apparently hiring the same artist means they're chinese knockoffs

>> No.91293402

Didn't you get the memo? When Person X does Y for Big Corpo Z, anything else Person X does that is not Y for Big Corpo Z is not actually made by Person X.

>> No.91293648

playing it safe by hiring a lot of talents from dead corpos.

>> No.91295098

Dumb men actually falling for the whole pickme grift then being surprised when they grift and cuck their audience.
