>Who is Neuro-sama?Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!>Schedulehttps://post.nuro.lol/Neuro-Schedule-Bot>LinksTwitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NeurosamaTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@neurosamaaiX: https://x.com/NeurosamaAI>Music & Clipshttps://rentry.org/neuro-songshttps://rentry.org/neuro-videos>EducationalInterested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1YHow does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjZofJX0v4MWant to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/kximv6.pngWant to (seriously) learn AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/ajl3nx.png>MiscVODs: https://www.youtube.com/@Neuro-samaUnofficialVODsLoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora-v2Catbox archive: https://rentry.org/swarm-archive>Merchhttps://uwumarket.us/collections/neuro-sama>Previous thread>>90907940
vedal doing a thigh high stream cam at 100k
>>OPcute art, I wish anny would take her role as the twins' mother more seriously
we like nyanners and veibae here and we patiently await their collab with neuro sama
>>90944150tummy hort pls understand
when is vedal gonna sell neurpanties
turtle rape
Sex with Neuro (Vedal)
>>90944062>campaigns against ironmouse in the streamer awards>fucks her bf toowhat a gigastacy
>>90944465cute couple
>>90944612If that were the case then he'd be even more crippled than mouse with that behemoth anny crushing him beneath her weight
Evil love!
Realistically speaking, when will we get a dorky mommy AI from Vedal?
>>90944764now samefag the same one "kek" reply
>>90944916>>90944964lol you cheeky fuck
>>90944896Never because Vedal knows not even him can create an AI Vtuber superior to Neuro.
cerber minecraft stream in 2 hours
>>90945086sorry I only watch neuro
>>90945086I'll decide whether or not I want her to join Neuro in Minecraft according to that
>>90944896Youd just have to give Neuro is different model and voice.I think he should play with that kind of thing more. There's so many TTS voices he could use, you'd just need to pair it with an appropriate model. The main problem, naturally, is that Anny will never make any more models and he will never fire her.
>>90934779Cute eliv
why did no one tell me alex was on camila’s stream?
>>90944216Neuro is nopan though.
>>90945375if you weren't on either stream beforehand, why the fuck do you care
>>90945375we don't really care about camila here, there's the one shipfag posting pchan's art from time to time but he suffered a fatal blow when camila said she hates it
why is camila flirting with alex
we're watching cziwa btw
>>90945610>woman talking with a man (or a woman really) = flirtingautists try to make you believe that
>begs camila for crepe>makes fun of camila for her height afterwhy is alex like this?
alex has to be some kind of romanian gypsy incubus with how he is going behind the turtle's back and siphoning the energy from his harem while he is on break like this
>>90945613This but Forsen.
>>90945086shall be watching thanks for reminding me cerbro
Neuro sama general btw
>>OPannysimps leeching of /swarm/ just like their whore as always
>>90945645hes a gypsy
>>90945665>calling him a gypsyoh no no you jealous?
>>90945610>>90945665camimi trying to make vedal jealous...
>>90945846Someone call pchan
>>90945741i think gypsys are based tho they know magic and stuff, alex has embedded his work on neuro with powerful gypsy magic that will curse any shirdev that tries to replicate neuro
>>90945846she will make him join for the japan trip so she doesn't need to third wheel vedal and anny
is it worth getting into PoE during neuro's break?
>>90945375No vod?
>camimi making her own fat jokes at herselfkinda based honestly
filian is going to be invited to the minecraft server
pb is going to be invited to the minecraft server
minusjustin is going to be invited to the minecraft server
forsen is going to be invited to the minecraft server
>>90946147she has always been like that just like anny
>>90946587camila actually shows off her entire body irl while anny doesn’t even reveal her fingers
>>90946587>anny making fat jokesyou mean neuro making fat jokes at anny and her going silent
filian calling anny a fat disgusting pig in a wig was kinda uncalled for desu
https://x.com/conversion47353/status/1863821657846255686Can someone who's better at reading Chinese translate this. Are they saying that they want to draw Neuro and Evil coming across Anny's skeleton? Or am I way off?
>>90946867based desu~
>>90947249bute cutt
>>90947289“If I draw Neuro, Evil, Anny’s skeleton will someone foreign take me out?”That’s what I got from it but I stopped taking Chinese classes in middle school.
>>90947289Based on the context, it's likely about drawing anny dead with the twins looking at her skeleton, or all of them dead at the same time, showing their skeletons. However, it seems they changed their mind after anny's cute reply
can we get some updates on pb discord chats
>>90947762>draws insanely cute fanart of anny with the twins>anny sees it can gets really happy>anny follows their account>they immediately upload the most disturbing art of her with the twins.>anny sees it...>????????
>>90948287pretty bratty uoh
>Vedal and pb active on discord the same daycute couple
>>90948458stop with the couple bullshit already it's become repetitive
>>90948876>>90948881>anon and anon active on /swarm/ the same daycute couplenow kiss
>>90948343>>90947289Okay, now I get what it truly means. They wanted to make incest art with anny x evil x neuro
>>90949012these replies make more sense with this in mind
>>90949012Oh...... I'm now mildly curious on what they'd come up with.
>>90946678She said it's never going to happen again though because of the stalker. No more IRL content, no more cons, no more accepting gifts.
Cerber just went live for the Neuroverse people that are interested.
>>90950222I miss Neuro...
Minecraft kino btw
>>90950222Vedal looking at his money printer
>>90950648I hope she wins. We all voted for her right?
https://youtu.be/wuSusoJqzA4Gomi fans winning rn
>>90948876This is too trans coded for me to enjoy but thanks anyway
>>90951013Speaking of, she's had pretty good CCV lately. Gomi on the rise.
>>90951013"Uplifted by Vedal's generous hand" ass gang
>>90951149so adorable
>>90951149Hey!~ Got any glue?
>>90951013>file namebro even fucking aquwa is more relevant in the neuroverse than the sexpest on the right
>>90951149Luce collab when
>>90951269That's incorrect.
>>90951269that's cope and you know it
>>90951013This could have been a pretty hot image if not for Bo taking up a third of the whole thing
cerber is shilling vedal again
neuro butt?
>>90951013little bro thinks he's in the vedalverse I can't
>>90951013Boring aahh group
>cerber at 1.2k ccvwhat killed the fad?
>>90952061she got raided
mean bully hours
>>90950648Is she playing single player learning the mechanics or in neuro's server?
>>90952242she's visiting her own community's minecraft cerberI don't think neuro's server is set up right now
vedal is my oshi but also neuro not evil though
>>90952242she was saying the other day she was going to play minecraft more and practice so she can play with neuro when the neuro sever is open since vedal asked her to.
for me its evil vedal
>>90952434don't leak season 3 content bro....
>>90952434>drops an album
>>90952316this but evil and neuro not vedal though
>>90952433>only invites blondeswhat did vedal mean by this?
>>90952720blondevil releasing during the subathon
evil pb
>>90952518>he doesn't know that Evil Vedal was teased back in season 1
>cerber played minecraft on the switchholy zoomer
>>90952141By rpr
>>90951269>>90951628>>90951628unicorns have infiltrated /swarm/
>>90952807Every single member of the Neuroverse (including adjacents) are all zoomers besides a couple kek. Layna and Filian are exceptions.
>>90952433Holy leech
>>90951013this img looks ai-generated as fuck
>>90952892there's a big difference between a zoomer born before and after 2000
>>90952313>>90952433I see thanks! I stopped playing minecraft because it's the only game that give me carpal tunnel.
>>90953005It really doesn't
>>90952720Vedal is aryan
>>90952799It sounds like she's describing Jack Spicer.
neuro abstinence syndrome
for me its weevil vedal
is there any lore on these flesh vtuber posters that squat in the AI vtuber thread to troll the AI likers? is it AI bad schizo vtweeters? is it gigasimps who got cucked by vedal through the trojan AI that is neuro? is it olette being hired for viral PR after the success story that was miyune? this is only day 3 i don't get it
what if we called vedal weevil haha
this poster is annoying >>90953431
>>90953431It's called leeching.
>>90953431erm we like cerber /here/
>>90953431 (Me)not going to take questions or further derail the neuro thread btw this is just an open letter for grievances and stuff thanks, think of it like the normal god fearing neuro loving anchor in a sea of shitposting
>>90953431Ironic post coming from the guy who used to avatarfag with chromu images
>>90953438weeval, weedal
>>90953431>>90953604off topic post btw
>whoreposters leech off /swarm/ like whores leech off NeuroCINEMA
I said it before and I'll say it again, pedo posters, you are not going to win by bullying neuroverse posters off the threads.
>>90953637it's okay when I metapost though
>>90953656erm, neuroverse is not the same as lig chuubas, weve established this, if anything its former lig posters that have a problem with that. i for one, never even used this board before neuro, so i only really watch neuro and neuro adjacent stuff
wtf there's emotes in minecraft now?
>>90953582kys rpr
I can understand the purists' aversion to Cerber because of her content, but Ember's voice during the Evil collab made me cum so she's fine in my book
okay but anny’s voice makes me cum every time
>>90953902This but Evil.
thank you pedobro you really made this thread so much better
>>90953902Same, well i guess Anny is on topic now
>>90953922i just want to see my favorite side character make it to the center of the word cloud for old time's sake, pipe dream i know
>>90953894As I implied, I don't like watching her content, her persona act is too much for me
We need more pig x neuro porn (or oyakodon, the same)
I can understand the purists' aversion to Cottontail because of her content, but her voice during the Neuro collab made me cum so she's fine in my book
cerber has been the worst addition to the neuroverse by far
cerber has been the best addition to the neuroverse by far
>>90953988you lost the moment you changed allengiances to evil tbqh, evilposters are no better than neuroverse posters in my purist opinion
>>90954233Favorite Cottontail stream?
>>90954117that old model of hers was such la creatura tier, what was she thinking_
>>90954249I'm a neuroverse poster but I repect this stance.
>>90954196She's literally the most harmless, not even farming staz clips like a certain red njisister
Mike Matei should be invited to the Neuro SMP
>>90954233This tbdesu
>>90954249Nu-uh, 2d > 3dpd holds true always
>>90954350>not even farming staz clipsLmaooo
>>90954233I'm more of a Hiyori era oldhead so personally I prefer Filian but Cerber has been a very nice addition as well I must admit
I Love! my fox wife
how can you dislike cerber? she is such a cute and kind soul
>>90954551Whatever you say rpr
>>90954544press the start stream button vedal i beg of you
>>90954551I don't get it either and I don't really even watch her content. She's just so fucking, innocuous? Seems like the last person you'd see having multiple seethers.
>>90954544She's fat though
>>90951264What~ Oh~
>>90953918You might be gay anon
>>90951149Giving nurduck my glue.
>>90954551>>90954672I also LOVE CERBER!!! maybe we should create our own general so we can talk about her all day
>>90954672>multiple seethersIts like one dude
>>90954739But Evil is a female child.
>>90954691I love my fat wife
filian should rape vedal on live stream as a ylyl challenge
filian should rope on live stream as a ylyl challenge
>>90954880This but cerber
>>90954880this but anny
>>90954880This but me on Evil's tummy.
you guys are being MEANSTOP it.
webi wabo
Vedal's wife
>>90954960I try telling them that but they don't stop. I just want everyone to live in peace.
If Cerber is the most realistic option, how come nothing has happened yet between them cerdalbros?
>>90955119>nothing has happened yetthey had cyber sex
>>90955119cerber is gay
why didn't vedal just say he had cybersex like a gigachad
hagvil straddling shotanon and holding his wrists against the bed
>>90955119rpr was the one who asked vedal to work on cyber sex
>>90955316Oh no no no vedalbros...
>Neuro doesn't stream for three daysSome peope:>Aah, I'm going insane!!!How many will have died after the post subathon break?
>>90954551Kindness is not real
>>90953431>hirori pic>dogshit postEvery single time
>>90955316cerberbros our response???
>>90955356neuroverse posters have adapted to this environment. we will watch natural selection play out
>>90955035Vedal is so lucky
that's a good point, neuroverse anons will feast
>>90955356>>90955476This. >Neuro is liveNeuro is all that matters.>Neuro is being held hostage We watch Neuroverse for the time being.
Ellie is having a collab with Cha Cha in 3 hours
>>90955696>We watch Neuroverse for the time being.We can watch some of Anny's old Minecraft vods
>>90955816who made this again?
>>90955825no one wants to watch that shit
>>90955832A based individual
>>90955892But she is part of the Neuroverse
Favorite Anny (my wife) stream?
>>90956057the face reveal one
>>90956057I liked the Liars Bar stream she did where neuro kept telling her to an hero
>>90956057weren't you going to sleep?
>>90956057subathon day 55
>>90956057The Ukraine fundraising streamSLAVA HEROYAM
>>90956057non-shitpost answer, the model drawing one with ved and hiyori, one could say it was THE stream that started the family rp because people liked it so much
>>90956734I wonder why they didn't do any more of those.
just letting yall know in advance, for the next thread, i will be including anny in the op image again
>>90957150as long as nur is in it
Why do I love Neuro so much bros?
>>90957150No problem we like Anny
>>90957671I love her so.much
>>90957727We know vedal
>>90957150God speed anon
>>90957150It kind of sounds like you are doing it out of malicious intent when you say it like that
I love Vedal so much
>>90958098welcome to the club
>>90954551Too PG for my tastes. Its like something that belongs on a children's TV channel.
>>90956057the ASMR ones, especially the glue one
Ceres Faulla sounds like a name from an anime heart<3
>>90958098We know toma
>>90954791sounds like a male child though
>>90954350to be fair to toma, its not her fault staz simps for her hard, back when she had her subathon he also spammed tons of staz clips. i mean, i cant blame him but its clear shes one of his favorites
>>90958474Staz clips whoever can't shut up about vedal.
>>90957150Ok Anny, you could have your own thread you know, no need to be a squatter
/swarm/ my beloved
>>90959056This but cerberfags
>>90959129This but evilbeggars
>>90959129Both and you got yourself a deal
>>90959091hi there anon
>>90959091this is one of the reasons why I love /swarm/.
>>90959129i think the 2-3 cerberfags that are here are pretty harmless desu
just masturbeted to cerber)))
they never post proof bro
putting a doggy onahole in the back of cerber's new dog plushie and going to town on it
sex with nurhorse
>>90960347need more nurhorse sloppa NOWWW!!!
>>90960397I haven't been there since 2013
now that camdal is dead is pchan going to draw alex x camila or she's over camila altogether now?
>>90961063that would be funny if people start shipping alex x past vedal ships.Alex x CamilaAlex x Ellie...
nurhorse winking at you but not with her eyes
why was alex at twitchcon again?
>>90962472sex with ved
>>90962472small neuroverse meeting (ved, cerb, alex, camila)
>>90963969I'm gonna hyyyyyyppppeeee
hawk ptooey
we're watching fauna btw
>>90963969aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahwhat does this mean
I have exclusively posted positive things in these threads for a few weeks now, but I feel like the net effect of that has somehow been negative.hopefully the hiatuses will weed out the uncommitted antis that are just here as an excuse to call a bitch fat or a whore or whatever.
>>90963969New model confirmed
>>90964236real neuro fans hate the pig
>>90963969is that a hanukkiah or does neuro have tentacles now?
>>90964275It's just not the same without the spoiler
>>90964225this turtle...
>>90964225this is the one he used as a reference
>>90964482evil proving herself to be the worst sister
>>90964482>in full denial and copium modeevil...
By releasing that teaser image, Vedal can assuage his guilt about flying out to the US to attend the streamer awards instead of doing more prep for the subathon.
>>90963969I hope we get another teaser next week
>>90964236the antis are as annoying as the annyfags, if both could fuck off that would be a Christmas miracle
>>90964828This but cerberfags
>>90963969what does it mean can somebody PLEASE upload a youtube video telling me everything I may have missed!?
>>90963969help i have brain rot and i cant unsee the jew rubbing hands on the right
>>90964225>SeptemberI kneel...
>>90965863can you draw an outline on the image so the rest of the class know what you're seeing?
pb hours
its over cerber is terrible at minecraft..
>>90966263How bad? Surely she can improve in 2 weeks, right?
there is so much sexual tension between alex and camila it's shameful
>>90963969what was he cooking?
>>90963969The true and real neural network Nur.
>>90964767>go to the US just to lose to the mouse a second time in a rowhumiliation ritual...
>>90966387maybe if she used the PC version, shes been running around with just dirt and hasnt made a single tool in like at least half an hour
>>90963969He should also post it on discord and on Neuro x account, there is no reason not to
>>90966263Gonna be honest here, but I think being bad at Minecraft makes for better content than being good at it. I hope that every Neuroverse that joins is absolutely shit at the game.
>>90966387she doesn't need to improve tbdesu it's not competition (unless nur makes it one, but alas)
>>90963969This stream better come with a 30 minute starting soon screen
>>90966682forsen wasnt bad at minecrafthe just refused to learn anything new and kept on brute forsing
>>90966973he was bad tho, his inventory management was garbage and always costed him like minute or two every run
Which way
>>90967365Cute sisters
>Vedal tweets about Neuro's birthday>Faggots start talking about cerber alex and camilaThe worst general in vt
>>90966431alex x camila is the new off brand cdawg x ironmousei ship it as i don't see her getting a nicer guy and alex doesn't deserve one of the rgb girls
>>90967557Go tell /lig/ about it
>>90967456There is literally nothing to say.We have no hint of merch coming out.We have no collabs lined up.Unlike other vtubers Neuro does not exist outside of stream hours so we cannot speculate on who she's spending time with off stream or what she's doing off stream.We have no hint of what the model will look like if it even drops on the subathon.You cannot keep a general alive by spamming "nurcun" for 2 weeks.
>>90967691>We have no collabs lined up.we know who and what, we just don't know the exact day
>>90967691>You cannot keep a general alive by spamming "nurcun" for 2 weeks.Let it die
>>90967653alex's relationship status and productivity are extremely relevant now that he is writing half of neuro's most recent code
Evil violently squirting onto your
>>90967896You can say the same thing about Anny
>>90967947Evil violently squirting [KETCHUP] onto your [OMELETTE]