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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 319 KB, 2000x1450, 1725392038679934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
90847091 No.90847091 [Reply] [Original]

Shima shima Edition
Previous Thread >>90829388

>Upcoming Stream
Advent Collab: PAYDAY 2 on Thursday @9PM EST
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.90847121
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>> No.90847148
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Quoted by: >>90857458

>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?

>> No.90847155

>Fur lined panstu
Gross and incorrect

>> No.90847159
File: 940 KB, 1200x1600, GXXppoJagAABPGN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90847893

Fuwawa is for kissless virgins ONLY Shima Shima Edition

>> No.90847201
File: 179 KB, 850x1200, _hinatahirune 1825146250880319739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90847248

Promise was and still is a fucking mistake in every way possible. Thank god for Advent.

>> No.90847294
File: 1.02 MB, 1254x1771, _hinatahirune 1823919809438052850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90847299

wouldn't those be uncomfortable to wear

>> No.90847316
Quoted by: >>90848044

damn if 300k in 10 days isn't "good" then 250k in 3 months must be really fucking grim

>> No.90847338

Council was. Promise was a bandaid on a dying gen. IRyS is cute.

>> No.90847353
File: 751 KB, 2558x3640, Keiseeaaa 1692620811918795173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90847452

>My time is worth more than that
lmao even
Clearly that's not true at all since you're seething even in this thread

>> No.90847528

Better than wasting it with the whores of Promise.

>> No.90847542
Quoted by: >>90847590

it's going argue with itself about random holos for the next 3 hours isn't it

>> No.90847557
Quoted by: >>90847632

Glad Cover learned from their mistake and are changing directions

>> No.90847590

Yes, yes it is. So I guess I don't have to worry about the thread dying tonight I guess

>> No.90847632
Quoted by: >>90849437

Yeah, really. It can only go uphill from here. I don't care for ERB at all, but Justice is still miles better than Promise. That's not a hard feat to accomplish, though.

>> No.90847665

Seething about what? How is saying that in the hypothetical that FUWAMOCO said this I would leave seething?

>> No.90847673
Quoted by: >>90847697

least obvious samefag

>> No.90847697

>t. Promisefag

>> No.90847723

Anti thread

>> No.90847768

>fur-trim shimapan
what is this madness

>> No.90847798

I'm anti Promise. Have been for quite some time and always will be.

>> No.90847803

I'm a lazy whore anti. I love FUWAMOCO

>> No.90847829
File: 145 KB, 1080x1185, 1731384988922997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90847839
Quoted by: >>90847882

He pulled out his phone now. Guess he's hunkering down to go all night

>> No.90847865

I love zoos

>> No.90847882

>waaaah waaaaah please love promise
No. This is a FWMC thread.

>> No.90847893
File: 239 KB, 1295x1800, 29b86e693c5de329d3b094123dd16e93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-I did it! I gave my first ever kiss to Fuwawa. I can die happy now.

>> No.90847914
Quoted by: >>90847962

3 streams this week. You contradict yourself.

>> No.90847962
Quoted by: >>90848039

FUWAMOCO have been working hard behind the scenes. They aren't lazy, and they aren't whores either. Please refer to Promise for an example of a gen full of actual, literal, lazy whores.

>> No.90847963

When does the Diamond Dogs offcollab for vibrator comparisons happen?

>> No.90848022

Anon that's not Fuwawa!

>> No.90848037


>> No.90848039

all of the girls are doing homework and practice behind the scenes only FWMC are brazen enough to put it on a stream schedule and act like it counts

>> No.90848044
File: 15 KB, 566x128, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90848224

>250k in 3 months must be really fucking grim
241k in 7 months :)

>> No.90848047
File: 272 KB, 1269x1738, F1z2yMPX0AErXtO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good ruffian!

>> No.90848108

>all of the girls are doing homework and practice behind the scenes

>> No.90848137
File: 353 KB, 1920x1080, GdPyX_FW4AAbFFG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work Work Work!

>> No.90848224

That's funny

>> No.90848231

yes FWMC should be more like ERB

>> No.90848254

Grim kek

>> No.90848278
File: 261 KB, 1142x1673, Gd7aAaEa0AEI3xI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Sobbi's art, but the JP submissions are on a whole different dimension. artist of pic related worked on Lamy's MV before.

>> No.90848325
Quoted by: >>90848418

I cannot BELIEVE we are losing this sex before fucking La+ or Iroha who is just a Okita clone.

>> No.90848326
File: 279 KB, 900x1200, Gd7gJp9a0AQwGSs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one worked on official hololive membership and promo art.

>> No.90848330
File: 327 KB, 379x652, 230752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90848509

I want more cozy blanket Mococo

>> No.90848381
File: 709 KB, 899x1500, GdhFZXGWsAAzcbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll miss this semen demon.

>> No.90848418
Quoted by: >>90848536

>Iroha who is just a Okita clone.
kek. poor Iroha is a country girl trying her best in the big city.

>> No.90848491
Quoted by: >>90848552

I don't even like ERB but I 100% believe she's working on music and stuff behind the scenes. Fauna has been here 3 years and has like what, 1 cover and 1 song? She barely ever did anything not mandatory.

>> No.90848509
Quoted by: >>90848634

I need to relisten to their latest SC. I love it when they yap.

>> No.90848536
Quoted by: >>90849065

I thought she would be great seeing her RF stamina but she's taken more breaks than La+ and honestly she's cute but she doesn't have much besides the Suisei worship. She's also the only Holo to not finish FFX.

>> No.90848552

they hired a vtuber who specializes in ASMR and then refused to let her make any fucking ASMR

>> No.90848583

you're trying to deceive me. look at those eyes, blonde hair, and huge floofies.
I love you Fuwawa!

>> No.90848603

All of the good JP submissions have 1 bookmark, we won

>> No.90848624
Quoted by: >>90849447

>refused to let her make any fucking ASMR
Now why would they do that? This does not make sense.

>> No.90848634

The member stream had a lot more zatsu than I was expecting so I was pretty happy

>> No.90848657

Saying Fauna specializes in ASMR is like saying purityschizo specializes in drawing.

>> No.90848666

Other talents do ASMR streams just fine, who are (((they)))?

>> No.90848677


>> No.90848699


>> No.90848702
Quoted by: >>90848743

You can absolutely specialize in something even if you're not good at it. It's not a lie, it's just sad

>> No.90848743
File: 41 KB, 126x165, 1718752571328548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90848763

Ruffians specialize in being the best fanbase

>> No.90848758
File: 633 KB, 768x1024, GdXW_faaoAEE4uF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this artist to win

>> No.90848763


>> No.90848777


>> No.90848793
File: 139 KB, 1200x900, GdN3rqwaIAAwASP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but picrel

>> No.90848809
Quoted by: >>90849226

Probably the same people making her tummy hurt all the time

>> No.90848837


>> No.90848854

Couldn't even remember her hair wing

>> No.90848864

I want them to sing this

>> No.90848890
Quoted by: >>90849008

do they like sausage

>> No.90849008
Quoted by: >>90849523

No, they like hamburger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiqUHb8Yq1c

>> No.90849034


>> No.90849065

Sakamata, gozaru and lapu-chan sacrificed their energy and gave it to koyori.

>> No.90849111

I think they should try this game Kronii is playing. They'd have lots of fun trying to figure out all the words.

>> No.90849145
Quoted by: >>90849442

sorry was eating dinner
>draws sovl art
>obs skits
>teen wolf and omegaverse
>makes everyone want to rape her
>hide and seek
>"you want me so bad"
>110% energy
>2nd sexiest voice in en
>lots of fan interaction
>2nd sexiest model in en

>> No.90849192

Why was the Fuwawa's bau bau in lowercase? Is she not feeling well? Morning sickness maybe?

>> No.90849226
Quoted by: >>90849635

FYI this is why she can't stream ASMR.

>> No.90849287

I think it's estrus

>> No.90849319

She's pregnant

>> No.90849437

I like ERB
She's cute in a "aunt trying to be hip with the young people" was

>> No.90849442

>2nd sexiest voice in en
>2nd sexiest model in en
I don't know about all that

>> No.90849447

because she couldn't record it also in japanese and they won't let holos do EN only asmr

>> No.90849523


>> No.90849558 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.39 MB, 1280x720, 1707824126111001.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90849634

Why is their older sister like this?

>> No.90849635
Quoted by: >>90849846

Summarize it for me

>> No.90849661

I want them to sing sailor fuku during a concert like fes

>> No.90849688

With two others, I mean. Not sure which two holomem would best fit those roles though

>> No.90849704
Quoted by: >>90850027

This but

>> No.90849846

She has to be naked to stream ASMR

>> No.90849861

Hag milk...

>> No.90849945
Quoted by: >>90850046

They should learn from Noel instead of Patra and record their next ASMR voice pack naked

>> No.90850027


>> No.90850042

Speaking of voice packs, I remember when /baubau/ cared enough about those to post about them the moment they released. It's nearly been 24 hours since the Christmas ones came out and not a single soul wants to talk about them. Grim

>> No.90850046


>> No.90850081

I'm all voice packed out Fuwawa...

>> No.90850186
File: 102 KB, 351x435, 1720407807955973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90850189

I'd rather have streams than voicepacks.

>> No.90850225

I unsubscribed from the Baus today.

sorry ruffians

>> No.90850233
Quoted by: >>90851018

>pay 8 bucks to hear FWMC talk for 4 minutes
>watch them talk on stream for hours for free
which do you choose?

>> No.90850259
Quoted by: >>90850389

>biboo talked about the situation
>instant red text black outline clip
remember when dramafags tried to convince you that them using members' only was a bad thing?

>> No.90850277

All those recording lessons and ruffians don't care.

>> No.90850389
File: 761 KB, 870x480, Screenshot 2024-12-03 at 22.08.31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90850999


>> No.90850420
Quoted by: >>90850485


>> No.90850448
File: 520 KB, 770x1024, 1703370600889270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it illegal to marry your sibling?

>> No.90850485
Quoted by: >>90850981

Reminded me of this.

>> No.90850646
File: 98 KB, 662x608, married twins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90850726

spiritual and psychological strength of family
it's fine if it happens every now and again on a long scale, but it binds multiple families into clans to help each other and create civilization

which no longer works nowadays bc there is no greater society to connect too unless you're rich/well connected

>> No.90850894

Voice packs aren't special like they used to be. Now they come out with 2 or 3 of them a month.

>> No.90850981
File: 29 KB, 377x268, ants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90850999

the script...

>> No.90851018
Quoted by: >>90851437

Does FWMC roleplay as our girlfriend in those free hours?

>> No.90851110
Quoted by: >>90851157

Do they stream in english yet?

>> No.90851157
Quoted by: >>90851246

nope, they've resorted to just bau bauing these days

>> No.90851246


>> No.90851333
File: 1.36 MB, 1154x964, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chammers has been doing a bunch of eigo stream.

>> No.90851437

They don't need to because they are

>> No.90851971


>> No.90852166
File: 204 KB, 1920x1080, sovl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90853592

Fuwawa needs to draw more sovl art.

>> No.90852503

Fuwawa needs to draw more semen out of my body

>> No.90852655

I checked twitter and most of the gachikois/paypigs are saving it for Christmas itself.

>> No.90852915
Quoted by: >>90853047

I tried talking about them when they came out, and so did a few other people. The discussion didn't last for very long, or really even start since no one joined in. Don't know what else to tell you

>> No.90853047
Quoted by: >>90853101

I wonder why they decided to do a joint VP this time.

>> No.90853101
Quoted by: >>90853198

Maybe a mix of people on their post asking about voice packs saying they didn't have money for them and the overall increase of merch from cover

>> No.90853198

Do you prefer separate or joint?

>> No.90853458
Quoted by: >>90853746

I prefer a single VP both for money and actual content. I still do like their individual ones though.

>> No.90853493
File: 341 KB, 2048x1751, 1723050529317754.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90853515

gn ruffians

>> No.90853515
File: 129 KB, 500x500, 1711899444006141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90853575

So new FWMC CYOA VN confirmed with them looking for illustrators right now, right? Has to be that

>> No.90853592

how is Fuwawa such a good artist

>> No.90853746

Fair. I prefer joint one for occasions like Christmas, and I think this one was great. It makes it special. The individual ones are better for VPs where they are roleplaying characters, like the Hero/Villian or yandere ones. Their different personalities/approaches get across more in the script.

>> No.90853773

Does Mococo ever drag Fuwawa around after she knots her?

>> No.90854111

I prefer joint because I feel like they're both at their best when they're together, even though I can appreciate them individually

>> No.90855146


>> No.90855162

>payday collab

>> No.90855264

Still surprised it was Fuwawa that made the pick. I hope they get their controller working

>> No.90855355

It direct controller support so unless they go out of their way to fuck something up it should work

>> No.90855381

She probably thought it was like l4d.

>> No.90855455

It has a lot of the same concepts. I think they might have an easier time with it since they don't have to navigate a large area.

>> No.90855497
File: 720 KB, 2560x1440, 1715244117731511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90855625

I love them good night

>> No.90855625
File: 86 KB, 945x945, GaQxwoebUAI7_Bk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not that far off from each other. I think it'll make for a pretty good Advent game

>> No.90856117


>> No.90856226
Quoted by: >>90858627

she probably thought it was 4 player hitman

>> No.90856375
Quoted by: >>90856395

I miss old FWMC with a week full of streams

>> No.90856395

Anon that was like a year+ ago.

>> No.90856505
File: 480 KB, 1641x1634, Gd78XeOa0AEYbQI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90856549
File: 305 KB, 1634x1639, Gd78vDebsAAiPgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90856739

What is this image I can't see anything it just feels rapeable

>> No.90856801
Quoted by: >>90856846

What this

>> No.90856846

I found it from here.https://x.com/unpop_live/status/1864205062563926501
It's part of this Hong Kong event I think

>> No.90856933


>> No.90856969
File: 729 KB, 2010x2226, Gd7pmxbbcAAC5n0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90857014
File: 435 KB, 1848x1764, Gd7pmxda0AE9joM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90857061
Quoted by: >>90857389

17,000 yen for the tapestry, but it seems to be a set

>> No.90857088

I predict FWMC's new costumes will be these sexy maid outfits.

>> No.90857332

Where and when can I buy this online?

>> No.90857386
Quoted by: >>90857464

Icomochi usually sells her stuff online the day after, but the plastic bag and lifesize tapestries say they're event limited

>> No.90857389

if I read it correctly, tapestry 10k each, but 17k for both

>> No.90857428

Icomochi is way too good of an artist

>> No.90857455

try here. you have to be a subscriber though

>> No.90857458
Quoted by: >>90857590

wow. barely any streaming. guess this is the future of cover.

>> No.90857464
Quoted by: >>90857729

the rakugaki also event limited, right?

>> No.90857473


>> No.90857527

Isn't it strange how Pero is always closer to Mococo in images?

>> No.90857590
Quoted by: >>90860955

they literally told pekora to stream less and work on other projects

>> No.90857667

Are they both autistic? Or are they just really good at pretending to be?

>> No.90857677

Mocobutt pressed against my face

>> No.90857729

Looks like it
One per transaction

>> No.90857850
File: 399 KB, 1268x1800, GdhV2iUXgAAUQPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maid Fuwawa is my favorite cutest maid at the FUWAMOCO maid cafe. Her omurice is the best and she always giggles at me.

>> No.90858172

Nendo bros
We won

>> No.90858200


>> No.90858286
Quoted by: >>90858622

They should do a maid stream

>> No.90858452

i just came inside sweet sweet Moco-chan

>> No.90858513
File: 44 KB, 798x474, image_2024-12-04_035509014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90859099

Holy fuck we won

>they were actually doing it to use less plastic and it wasn't just an excuse
Color me shocked, didn't expect that. Personally I wouldn't mind some of the packaging to be cardboard instead of plastic, but the box design (art) and the nendo itself have to be visible
That's the minimum in my eyes

>> No.90858522
File: 461 KB, 596x584, 1732234249763946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90861056


>> No.90858622

in English

>> No.90858627

i want her to play hitman again and at least get to hokkaido

>> No.90858738

I'm afraid I'm going to split bijou in two of i let my gorilla instincts kick in. I must be gentle. She isn't able to take it rough like Mococo

>> No.90858809
Quoted by: >>90860932

fes lottery and tickets announcement in an hour

>> No.90859023

cum dripping between her sweaty floofies

>> No.90859093

my goodness she is so tight tonight I wonder what's got her so horny! Damn! I might be stuck inside fluffy for a while

>> No.90859099

Oh fuck they actually reversed it. I honestly thought they were just going to be stubborn about it the whole time, that's great

>> No.90859251

how resilient are nendos to repeatedly being covered in cum? easy to clean?

>> No.90859416

oh my god maid Fuwawa you are too fluffy this should be illegal! I'd order everything off the menu and give a big tip for good service

>> No.90859491

This woman is draining me completely. I'm a slave to her and I'll give her everything. Good how can sex with a full grown puppy like this feel so damn good? Where did she learn to bounce life this? FUCK!

>> No.90859570

bau bau bau bau! I cum and immediately I'm rock hard again.. She's insatiable and my instincts are to keep breeding until I can't breathe any more. my heart is reaching but I can't stop on god she's the fluffiest woman and all that a man could want! Please let her get pregnant

>> No.90859638

She's got me all to herself and God dangit is she taking advantage! Those floofies and thighs are so soft oh gosh. she's bucking and squeezing and wow this woman is a natural seed goddess. I need to give her a plentiful harvest

>> No.90859708
File: 3.54 MB, 1080x1080, 1732770573111880.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90861581

>> No.90859726

Just saw that Aquaplus are doing a watchalong of day 2 of their 30th anniversary live today

>> No.90859822
Quoted by: >>90859911

qrd on fuwawa

>> No.90859911
File: 2.95 MB, 1080x1080, 1727840038473320.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90859952
File: 12 KB, 98x84, 1725509641777875.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90860004


>> No.90860090


>> No.90860113

Is Nerissa really the same type of person as Mococo?

>> No.90860295


>> No.90860425
Quoted by: >>90860588

I posted on the hashtag, but I did see more receipts than impressions, so I guess some people are just saving it for Christmas.
I liked it a lot, my favorite VP since Tanabata.

>> No.90860588

But it's also a bit hard to talk about because it's not very eventful. There are no gimmicks, no surprises, no goofy moments or anything. It's just a moment in time captured, how daily life with them looks like. If "going out with FWMC, spending some time outside, going back home and cuddling together" sounds like paradise to you, you'll love it. If you want more excitement, you may find it boring. Since nobody is calling it boring, it's probably more "hard to talk about without describing the whole situation" than people not caring.
I really thought it was lovely.

>> No.90860915

I want to hump Fuwawa's legs

>> No.90860932
File: 313 KB, 1920x1080, chocosen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but with Fuwawa.

>> No.90860955

How did she react to that?

>> No.90861056
File: 59 KB, 665x620, 1723312774189419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90861094


>> No.90861153
File: 93 KB, 850x1210, 0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moco-chan is the cutest, most rapeable girl in the world!

>> No.90861581
File: 85 KB, 1024x750, 1723516822053533m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this fluffy woman

>> No.90862118
File: 381 KB, 1751x737, 1715447065039663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90862171
File: 580 KB, 1746x1127, 1729118587740811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90862325

All the idols day 1

>> No.90862720


>> No.90862920

Possible Fuwamokoyo group song?

>> No.90862985

wait girls usually get 1 solo and 1 group, i guess they are together in both right?

>> No.90863026
Quoted by: >>90863074

What's the creators stage?

>> No.90863034
Quoted by: >>90863074

Shiori's missing in the creators stage

>> No.90863074
File: 1.91 MB, 1280x720, 1726962578528157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90863165

is about orisongs, i think thats why shiori isnt there

>> No.90863165
File: 2.35 MB, 1280x720, 1706522401758646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90863575


>> No.90863575
Quoted by: >>90865266

BAUdol not there? Implying a new orisong for FWMC?

>> No.90863793
Quoted by: >>90863857

I’m confused. Is the two ticket limit per lottery draw, or does it carry over both lotteries and the generals sales. How the fuck am I supposed to see all 4 stages?

>> No.90863857

You don't. You see one stage.

>> No.90863992

So I'm a retard. If I only care about Fuwamoco I just enter for stage 1 and creator or do I enter for everything to trade? I will purchase the overseas package when it's available.

>> No.90864084
File: 287 KB, 875x1008, advent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90864341


>> No.90864103

Is there going to be one available? From the disclaimer on the ticket site I thought it meant there wasn’t going to be one this year

>> No.90864145

if there's not I'm going to kms

>> No.90864163
File: 16 KB, 1186x93, 1708313204406471.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will purchase the overseas package when it's available.
no packge this year

>> No.90864197

I'm coping that it's an error because it says guided tours won't be available for EXPO 2025 under both the EXPO and fes sections. My backup cope is that they're working with external vendors since they mention them

>> No.90864271
Quoted by: >>90864532

what is an overseas ticketing vendor? Are the nips actually cutting out foreign fans? fuck off cover

>> No.90864332

Do I enter twice for every stage then? Why do they have to be paired up with suisei for fuck sake it's going to be impossible...

>> No.90864341

I like advent myself

>> No.90864463

I applied for Stage 1 and Creator's Stage since I'm here for fuwamoco. Is the expo worth entering the lottery for day one and day two or can I see everything in one day of expo?

>> No.90864532

Japs got mad last year that it was easier for nikki to get in, which us retarded given the people it's targeted towards are paying tousands to attend vs the couple hundred max your typical Jap who can take the train is paying.

>> No.90864596

>Japs got mad last year that it was easier for nikki to get in
please be lying.

>> No.90864687

I'm hoping that isn't real. They get so many fucking events and collabs over in their neck of the woods and we can't get just one. They can fuck off.

>> No.90864826
Quoted by: >>90867087

It's true. They are always bitching that foreigners are even allowed to attend so having special guaranteed tickets infuriated them even though as the OP said it cost people thousands to travel just to guarantee one stage vs the easy hop on a train and casually attend expo that JP fans get. It's bullshit. I bet they'll complain that there's a separate lottery at all this time

>> No.90864869
Quoted by: >>90864909

ok i registered for every single lottery once separately I hope that was the right way

>> No.90864909
Quoted by: >>90864976

>ok i registered for every single lottery once separately
it's so over for you

>> No.90864925

Not just that, no overseas package means we don't get the separate lines for entry either and have to wait in line with all the sweaty ass nips for hours and hours

>> No.90864976
File: 168 KB, 400x398, 8s25u8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90865043

What did I do wrong? Please be kind I'm retarder

>> No.90865043
File: 121 KB, 312x312, 1691082266715546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just joking. I don't understand the restrictions and stipulations of the lottery myself.

>> No.90865051

Punish them by not wiping your ass for a week before the event

>> No.90865092

Oh, that's so bullshit but it's definitely believable. I remember a whole lot of japs complaining on twitter about the round 1 plushies and BD being in the west

It reminds me of that time in a gacha game the global release got a single exclusive event and the chinese fans started rioting about it despite having multiple years of exclusive events on their servers. In the end it got removed from the global servers and no one got anything. And of course the chinese servers continued having exclusive events afterwards too
You really can't give anything, because it will be ripped from your hands if you give them the chance to

>> No.90865102

People think EN fans whine about shit, but it's insane how much the fags over on the island bitch about the tiniest things.

>> No.90865156

just do the ultimate flex on JPs by wearing strong deoderant and aftershave. Their weak noses can't stand the smell and they literally complain online about things smelling nice and clean.

>> No.90865179

I'm bringing the round 1 plushies and taunting all of them with it. I'll be sure to also include okayu and fubuki ones and show them off any chance I get. Fuck the JP these are US exclusive. know your fucking place.

>> No.90865202

>no overseas package
>no akiba mr donuts
this year is cursed. Wish they could've performed last year.

>> No.90865230

You rude and noisy foreigners should be honored that the Japanese are allowing you attend this glorious event at all.

>> No.90865266

It says "and more", so they just didn't list them all

>> No.90865278
Quoted by: >>90865568

is it really even worth all the trouble to go to an event in a country that hates me? I'm worried it will be bad compared to breaking dimensions. maybe I will just go to calli sololive instead

>> No.90865367


>> No.90865415
Quoted by: >>90865537

Good idea. but if a cute jp femruffian offered to do anything for one I'd have to accept

>> No.90865537

I thought jp girls were prudes with foreign men

>> No.90865568

>I'm worried it will be bad compared to breaking dimensions
The event itself won't be worse, but given the seat numbers the viewing experience might be

>> No.90865610
Quoted by: >>90865672

can you make multiple accounts for more entries into the lottery?

>> No.90865672

Two for sure, swap your first and last name. If you have friends going you can make them do the same.

>> No.90865714

I entered for all lotteries 2 tickets each. Hope i didn't fuck this up

>> No.90865772
Quoted by: >>90868615

Do you get to enter the second lottery if you get tickets in the first?

>> No.90865829
Quoted by: >>90866388

kek the fuwawa anti that blew out his knee at afa is now apologizing for the >error that gave him two mococo oshi marks

>> No.90865939
File: 375 KB, 1536x2048, honey sweet3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you post a picture of plushies on your bed without checking for visible cum stains?

>> No.90866137

Fuwawa thighs wrapped around my face

>> No.90866138

I love waking up before my alarm because it means I have extra time to cum for Fuwawa before starting my day off on the right paw

>> No.90866240
File: 77 KB, 668x1024, 1732360908341297m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90867134

Fuwawa Fuwawa Fuwawa Fuwawa Fuwawa Fuwawa Fuwawa Fuwawa

>> No.90866337
Quoted by: >>90866411

cum on those floofies! my gosh I'm making a huge mess sorry fluffy I'll get mococo to clean it

>> No.90866388
File: 382 KB, 1280x720, Fuwawa ehehehe[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5x1l3f.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's going to hold that L now and forever.

>> No.90866411
File: 75 KB, 516x601, 1705076081894578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90866413

Today, a beautiful soul left our world and one more star is shining in the sky.

She had a wonderful life, she gave everything she could and now she deserve a good rest.

Sorry, i didn't wanted to bother you with that #FUWAMOCO but communication is part of the healing process.

>> No.90866483
File: 544 KB, 256x256, 1730166100497486.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, i didn't wanted to bother you with that
Still posts it to the hashtag anyway, what an asshole.

>> No.90866846

skill issue

>> No.90867062
Quoted by: >>90867411


>> No.90867087
File: 143 KB, 625x419, 1720341157323102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90867974

Remember this the next time the JP beggars ask for more FWMC JP solo streams.
They already have everything; exclusive merch, more than 40 HoloJP members to watch, events they can easily access... The ONLY thing we have is the HoloEN streams, and that's not even a guarantee nowadays. Stop feeling sorry for them, they are not your friends, they are your enemies, and they would take away everything from you without even hesitating.

>> No.90867125
File: 3.73 MB, 480x360, 1722023121623780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90867339

Her next pick is killing floor

>> No.90867134

lick the fuwawa

>> No.90867339

Killing Floor would be fun, I doubt they'd be any good, but fun enough to watch.

>> No.90867411
Quoted by: >>90867668

why. why do I keep getting skipped.

>> No.90867668
File: 139 KB, 296x346, 1704731895341652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no likespree, anon. He's just a tranny that posts "wikespree" in the thread every time he inserts a 12 inch-long dildo up his ass.

>> No.90867974
Quoted by: >>90869142

Shut the fuck up, avatartranny

>> No.90868615


>> No.90868915
Quoted by: >>90869043

why didn't they tweet about the lottery?

>> No.90869020

Born to be "BAU"DOL was your top song on spotify wrapped...right? They wanted you to stream it

>> No.90869043
Quoted by: >>90869738

Dunno, but I'm waiting for it. I want to complain in their replies about the lack of overseas package this year.

>> No.90869142

Slit your own throat, bootlicker.

>> No.90869152

Not at all. I use youtube music in ny car and while I like the song, there are many others I'd put above it in general for my year of music.

>> No.90869396

It's the "top track" in my YouTube recap

>> No.90869738
Quoted by: >>90870133

based, me too. I'm sure they approve of me entering the lottery with 5 different accounts though. Need to get ruffians in.

>> No.90869749

Yes, it was.

>> No.90869823
Quoted by: >>90869971

Are you kidding me...? Fucking japs, what a bunch of pieces of shit. They literally get collaborations and exclusive events constantly and they have the gut to complain about the overseas package?? I can't wait for this shit to happen to FWMC's sololive too, the japs will get special treatment like always and they'll barely give tickets to the overseas Ruffians. Fucking great. I swear to God, if I see them complain about "NA exclusive" merch again I'll snap...

>> No.90869944

Fuck the japs, I have to spend 2k just in hotels and plane tickets alone and that doesnt even guarantee me a ticket now? 2 nukes werent enough

>> No.90869971

FWMC sololive will be exclusive to NA.. The only nips allowed will be Fuwawa and Mococo's

>> No.90870056
File: 153 KB, 900x1024, 1732843995564091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90870098

Don't worry next year merch will double in price too for overseas fans

>> No.90870133

I know there's a lot of ruffians that are spineless faggots, but everyone that actually wants to go to fes, this year or anytime in the future, and has a modicum of self-respect should complain about this fucking shit every time FWMC excitedly try to shill it.

>> No.90870149
Quoted by: >>90870209

Should I apply for 2 people even though im a friendless anon?

>> No.90870185

Absolutely BAUSED.

>> No.90870209

absolutely. You will be guaranteed 2 tickets then and can trade one to get the other fuwamoco stage. Although that might be rough because they're paired with fucking suisei

>> No.90870300

Bau bau~
As afternoon greets evening, I hope the barkers you've been taking good care of are serving you well #FUWAMOCO I don't have to wonder if you've been working hard though! So I hope the day's going in the direction you need as best it can You've got this

>> No.90870376

I want to wape Mocochan!! ehe~

>> No.90870470

And then you have people /here/ always defending the JPs and sucking them off while explaining how much better they are and how they never complain about anything. I hate those "last samurai" larping faggots, they are either too blinded by their love for JP cocks to see the bad side of the JP fans, or they literally don't know japanese and can't understand the JPs when they act like total assholes, I honestly don't know what's worse.

>> No.90870490
File: 77 KB, 558x1024, 1729212224204665m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with the fuzzy one

>> No.90870509
File: 1.75 MB, 1214x1500, IMG_5538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90870556
Quoted by: >>90870635

Anyways enough about FuwaMoco, this is bullshit!

>> No.90870575
Quoted by: >>90870635

>too blinded by their love for JP cocks
But enough about Fuwamoco! KEKY!

>> No.90870626

KEK what a fucking joke... Are these the "changes in Cover" that we should be happy about?

>> No.90870635


>> No.90870679


>> No.90870684

I want to rape these mococos

>> No.90870743

Why are they naked?

>> No.90870799
File: 222 KB, 1034x1200, 174947493830393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90871136

ehehehe~ wape

>> No.90870828
File: 1.83 MB, 240x240, arisu humping you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're waiting for me

>> No.90870836
File: 3.18 MB, 302x296, 1710271668879011.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90871077


>> No.90870872
Quoted by: >>90871477

ueh it's so sticky bweh it tastes disgusting

>> No.90870998

Stop sexualizing sweet mogogo she hates it. You're raping her with her mind and that makes you a fucking monster.

>> No.90871022

Is the World Tree thing going to be on later?

>> No.90871056

only 3 Mondays left after that lazy bitch canceled the first

>> No.90871072

Doubt it. It will probably be every Monday.

>> No.90871077
Quoted by: >>90871542

Mococo is too needy. We should stop giving her headpats for 2 weeks as punishment.

>> No.90871136
Quoted by: >>90871197

Fuwawa would NEVER rape anyone. She is a progressive and independent woman that believes in consent.

>> No.90871197

Fuwawa might not but the wuffians sure will. Running a train on Mococo!!

>> No.90871244
Quoted by: >>90871376

FWMC won't get angry at me for watching anime with another woman, right? she's not even my oshi, but I do like her a lot.

>> No.90871323
Quoted by: >>90871478

Why does Fuwawa wear such loose clothing when dancing? Does she know her floofies are bouncing everywhere? Someone should get her a sports bra to better contain those puppies

>> No.90871376
File: 650 KB, 1284x710, ONLY FWMC [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8xme4q.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fluffy one will violently behead you with her claws if she catches you with other women.

>> No.90871437

Mococo has never had an orgasm. She's saving herself for marriage with the luckiest ruffian.

>> No.90871454

Forgive me, Fuwawa! But watching anime with Subaru, Koyori, and Korone is fun. They're just friends, honest.

>> No.90871468
File: 100 KB, 606x920, 1733299479749995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90871477
File: 574 KB, 2620x1732, 1709265295772971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just eat the damn natto, Mococo.

>> No.90871478
File: 1.75 MB, 548x650, 1732548373445646.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does she know her floofies are bouncing everywhere?
She's just a bit fluffy... She doesn't understand what she is doing to us...

>> No.90871542
File: 252 KB, 1061x2048, 1712542873723840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't deny this cutie headpats

>> No.90871561
File: 724 KB, 562x585, 163948474939384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The silence of FUWAMOCO
homobegger got what they all deserve. nothing.

>> No.90871589

If they watched anime again I would watch with them. Just get My Santa OVA up and running Mococo.

>> No.90871623

Fuwawa is an innocent girl! She is NOT a temptress! She doesn't have the brainpower to understand how seductive she is to the Ruffians!

>> No.90871630
Quoted by: >>90871833

I want Mococo and Biboo to compete to see who can make Fuwawa and Nerissa cum first.

>> No.90871695
Quoted by: >>90872504

Oh wtf Pekora is playing RDR2

>> No.90871712
File: 192 KB, 1899x1476, floofies7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90871719

Retard, you sneak in references to homos.

>> No.90871767
File: 800 KB, 955x964, 1727049942663391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90871879


>> No.90871833

>cum first
me. several times.

>> No.90871879

she doesn't know what she is saying, her bwain is too fluffy

>> No.90871906
Quoted by: >>90872026

She can't control her body... so it's not her fault! She is a pure girl that just wants to giggle, eat ponderings and get headpats! There's NO sexual thoughts inside her fluffy head.

>> No.90871956

dammit I'm going to be late to work because I'm masturbating to fluffy... third time this week.

>> No.90872010

>General calmness
>Coomer shows up
>Spams thread
>Twitter screenshot poster and Homoshitposter both 'mysteriously' show up
I wish that fag would keel over.

>> No.90872016

Guys…why haven’t you posted about Sirens reaching 1 million views on Youtube…?

>> No.90872021

Why are her floofies so perfect...? It's almost like her entire body was made to seduce men...

>> No.90872026
File: 1.96 MB, 1120x720, 1727841123108324.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90872280

Let's stop pretending she doesn't know exactly what she's doing. She loves to torture Wuffians with her perfect body that they'll never have. You can look but you can never touch!

>> No.90872099

Coomers are the worst posters.

>> No.90872112

didn't that happen 2 weeks ago?

>> No.90872178
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x1080, 1727832092936136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90872334

Slit your own throat, FAGGOT. FWMC loves coomers, so if you are not one of us, then you don't belong here.

>> No.90872183

It happened a week ago. The interns were too busy posting about homos.

>> No.90872200
Quoted by: >>90872465

Mococo is right to hunt them to extinction. The only good gorilla is one with a vine around their neck. Sexual harassment of livers isn't accepted anywhere else so why should it be okay for FuwaMoco? If they wanted to be twitch whores they would be but they aren't so take your cum brained creepy self far away

>> No.90872268

This but unironically, I still remember that /baubau/ arc where coomers where posting doxx all day

>> No.90872280

This damn temptress... Her constant teasing makes me want to impregnate her even more.

>> No.90872319

Trying to rewrite history there purityschizo?

>> No.90872334

Kill yourself, gorilla. Mococo is DISGUSTED by your superchats. You have yet to send any more of those after getting BTFO the last time.

>> No.90872346
Quoted by: >>90872446

Go search the archive then, retard.

>> No.90872403

aww twamny is jealous of a loyal ruffian that's been close to their side since the beginning.

>> No.90872413
Quoted by: >>90872702

Coomers live in their own delusional world. I remember we were all laughing hysterically at that retard Gorilla when FWMC ignored his creepy superchat. Coomers often post about wanting to cum to RM shit unprompted. Just the worst kind of subhumans.

>> No.90872425

he already rewrote his entire personality.

>> No.90872435
Quoted by: >>90872579

We're just going to pretend you fags weren't worshipping that tracer retard and even made doxx the OP

>> No.90872446

I just assume a decent chunk (and by that I mean this one guy who always shows up at the time the thread goes to shit) are the fuckers who spend all day 'funposting' to fight phantoms they create with their own posts.

>> No.90872450
Quoted by: >>90872646

I see the sister angle is gorillas today

>> No.90872452
File: 3.00 MB, 608x1080, 1716648254263876.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposting twannies are mad that the gorillas ignore their shitposts and stop all their attempts at ruining the thread. So sad... I'll wipe my tears after cumming to Fuwawa 4 more times.

>> No.90872465


>> No.90872504

How long until she reaches the train robbery? that's the part I want to see

>> No.90872524

You’re not ignoring them now, are you? Just kill yourself already, retard. Stop spamming this thread with gay ERP and wanting other men to cum with you.

>> No.90872568
Quoted by: >>90872658

I do miss the days when we were allowed to sexpost FUWAMOCO. Now even a mildly suggestive image gets poached nearly instantly. Instead, all that's left are a few schizos that loop about the same bullshit with each other over and over. Totally a massive improvement, right? Gorillas were the unsung protectors of the jungle.

>> No.90872579


>> No.90872594
File: 551 KB, 1920x1080, NEWSEN07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you hope they work with for the Creator stage?

>> No.90872609
File: 493 KB, 730x762, 1727832177681112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anti gorilla loops are the easiest to destroy. We just need to keep posting sexy FWMC's while they mindbreak themselves and make the effort to post long anti gorilla paragraphs that no one will read.

>> No.90872619

>coomer gorilla samefagging and comforting himself after being called out
It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.90872646
File: 447 KB, 2702x1910, 1727420842302352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90872713

It's kinda funny how upset they get when sexy women get posted.

>> No.90872650

TeddyLoid with Calli on a hip hop song

>> No.90872658
Quoted by: >>90872827

Gorillas are worse than any sister. I’d rather deal with the KEKAROO retard than a retard spamming ERP on a dying thread all day. Go back to discord with that shit.

>> No.90872702
Quoted by: >>90872778

gorillas also all hate mococo for some reason. a lot of them spend most of their time shitting on her

>> No.90872713
File: 1.69 MB, 1191x1684, 1709048816500934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90872812

We already knew that the purityschizos are all jealous women or gay men.

>> No.90872735

IOSYS will be cool.

>> No.90872746
Quoted by: >>90872917

>paypigs trying to spin the removal of their pay2win method as a JPschizo angle
KEK, you LOST paypigs
go through the lottery like everybody else

>> No.90872776
File: 713 KB, 2803x4096, 1709949409740107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm cumming to Moco-chan!!

>> No.90872778
Quoted by: >>90872852

Well, they’re braindead antis. It could be argued that they don’t even care about Fuwawa since all they can really talk about is her body and other surface level shit like her giggles. Seriously, these people all need to be lined up and shot in the heads…

>> No.90872792

when is she coming back? i need more comfy duel masters streams.

>> No.90872804
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>coomers show up at this hour
I'm noticing

>> No.90872812
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>> No.90872827


>> No.90872852
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I love when Fuwawa giggles while she bounces her fat floofies

>> No.90872875


>> No.90872917

did you forget? the pay puppies are the main characters in FuwaMoco's story. Fate will let me win the lottery to go to Super Expo

>> No.90872916

kek, you might be on to something. it’s really only at around this time where they start spamming
captcha: AH0YS4

>> No.90872966
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Quoted by: >>90873205

The gorillas are literally the strongest.

>> No.90872994

>Coomers now seething about paypigs out of nowhere
Be less obvious

>> No.90873075
File: 169 KB, 941x98, Screenshot 2024-12-04 081017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90873138

Newest member of advent just dropped

>> No.90873078
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468 sexy FWMC pics left. I can keep going for a while.

>> No.90873120
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Quoted by: >>90873200

The sisters are really mad this morning

>> No.90873138

Nah, I've never heard of her. Must be a random whore or something.

>> No.90873145

i only bought voice packs because i wanted to support them. now they release so much merch and have so many dedicated paypigs that i no longer feel compelled to buy everything. i'm able to be picky and only get the stuff i want because i know my purchases have no bearing on their income anymore.

>> No.90873200
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Quoted by: >>90873261

Moco-chan is my cute little temptress

>> No.90873205
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We're hardened by the shitposts and bans, these sisters are weak in comparison.

>> No.90873245


>> No.90873253
Quoted by: >>90873325

He literally never stops. He makes shitposts and then 'fights' himself by spamming lewd shit, which is fine if it wasn't for him fighting the ghosts he creates constantly or ERPing with himself non-stop.

>> No.90873261
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Quoted by: >>90873405

Underneath her cute exterior is a sex depraved seductress waiting to be released

>> No.90873325
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Nice schizo babble, got any other revelations to babble on about?

>> No.90873358
File: 604 KB, 1600x2326, koahri1 1838762616165978363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thread is ending! Confess your sins!

>> No.90873362
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Quoted by: >>90873563

Don't you get tired of always winning? Every time the purityschizos try their anti gorilla angle, they always give up really fast. It's way too easy, they always give up just when we are starting.

>> No.90873405
Quoted by: >>90873563

Moco-chan's nipples...

>> No.90873441
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>I've driven myself these past 5 months trying to figure out why they didn't like it, what I did wrong
Dumb faggot still can't take a hint

>> No.90873455

I anti FWMC when I'm bored.

>> No.90873481

Fuwawa is not sexy at all

>> No.90873509
File: 252 KB, 2121x2138, Gd9z2VtbEAAiGWd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUWAMOCO should come to Brazil already

>> No.90873520
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Quoted by: >>90873583

I've never lied about exclusive cumming to FWMC ever since debut, and I really do cum to them at least 2 times per day. I don't know how they do it, but they make me incredibly horny, and it's honestly worse than when I was a horny teen.

>> No.90873538

FWMC are the least sexiest members in Advent.

>> No.90873554
File: 162 KB, 1059x1200, Gam6ZYxXkAAIqn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa mind broke the top purityschizo into falling in love and sexposting them. She's simply too powerful. Stop resisting and start cumming for her. NOW.

>> No.90873561
Quoted by: >>90873583

I might be the only gayffian here.

>> No.90873563

I am sexually attracted to both Fuwawa and Mococo equally.
No not really actually it is pretty funny how much they bitch and whine only to finally realize they've lost the fight.
It's a bit nipply outside today..

>> No.90873583

No, you have this samefag too

>> No.90873596

I want FUWAMOCO to do more Japanese streams.

>> No.90873624

JESAS... These damn temptresses...

>> No.90873629

I still don't get it
Will they get a new original song with the creator they get paired with? Or will they just sing a song that they made?

>> No.90873641

This isn't a sin because I'm a pure Ruffian but I want to share. I suspect others are just shitposting or joking when they talk about cumming for FUWAMOCO but I have unironically averaged 4.83 orgasms to Fuwawa and Mococo since their debut. That's nearly 5 times every single day without fail. I even masturbated in new york hotel including the king's theater bathroom

>> No.90873677

I sincerely hate Nerissa Ravencroft and I pray for her graduation every single day. She's too much of a twitch whore for my liking, the black sheep of Advent.

>> No.90873727

I haven't told them I love them even once
And those feelings just keep getting weaker with the way things are going

>> No.90873730
File: 214 KB, 1275x712, GPrQpjMXUAA8-FX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since FWMC debuted, I've been cumming to them almost exclusively. And the fact they are twins and are the best of both. I've been rewired to enjoy and love them together. I wait for the days they both get a daki.

>> No.90873742

I can't stop thinking about Fuwawa. She dominates my mind and heart.
