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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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90761516 No.90761516 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.90761612
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>> No.90761629


>> No.90761686
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>> No.90761714

why is all this hate being directed at fauna when she isn't the first member to leave citing the direction of the company? where is the minato aqua hate?

>> No.90761758


>> No.90761779

hate? this is a thread about eating healthy.

>> No.90761789


>> No.90761853


>> No.90762053

Cover staff is trying to find anything they can to attack her. Not all are esl. This is their latest attempt after the she obviously didn't want to be an idol stuff crashed and burned

>> No.90762140

damage control escalating

>> No.90762205


>> No.90762309

Gee, maybe EN talents are more popular than JP ones on an English speaking board.

>> No.90762646

>Why all this hate?
If she not say anything about management maybe she Will be fine like ame / Chloe,
Bootlicker who their oshi is the "management" start to meltdown after the 5 minute video,

>> No.90762729
Quoted by: >>90764558

Lets be real. If it wasn't for the language barrier. They could have become friends.

>> No.90764191
File: 62 KB, 491x554, Fauna Status.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fauna be like

>> No.90764355

"What are they going to do? Fire me?!"

>> No.90764558
File: 102 KB, 781x1024, Ungulates-Euungulata-781x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deer and Orcas are part of the same family surprisingly

>> No.90764656

Smartest thing you can do honestly. I hope she keeps making up more and more transparent excuses and doesn't stream at all up until the date. Best way to make people realize something's wrong.

>> No.90764706


>> No.90764892
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, aiiei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.90765755
Quoted by: >>90768376

"Disagreement with management" is a very vague statement that can mean many things. It can be
>She disagrees with the company/management direction
or what the Holodrones who hate her think
>Fauna blames the management for doing something bad
Until Fauna clears that statement, the hate will keep going (or it can get worse depending on what she says).

>> No.90765894
File: 314 KB, 1800x1100, CHOOSE WISELY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90769337


>> No.90765923

big it's the only ammo sisters and shit stirrers have right now

>> No.90765944

I wonder if she’s aware of it

>> No.90766227
Quoted by: >>90766438

my gums bleed if i eat apples just like my eyes bleed when watching indie reaction slop

>> No.90766300

she doesn't want to be friends with fans though, not coworkers

>> No.90766438
Quoted by: >>90766722

anon go to the fucking dentist you have gum disease

>> No.90766528

dunno about snack corpas and their snack factories but local farmers just enrich themselves with tax payer subsidies and by hiring illegal migrants.

>> No.90766722

I do anon 3 times a year
Unfortunately my family has a history of gingivitis and i have suffered from it for years

>> No.90767632

Doritos are good.

>> No.90767871

Everybody assumed that Aqua was an isolated case at the time, it wasn't until Fauna that everyone including Cover themselves woke up to the fact that the problem is with Cover's management.

>> No.90767901
Quoted by: >>90770479

>both sides of the argument use /pol/ buzzwords

>> No.90767999

i was born in an industrial society and i will die in an industrial society

>> No.90768376
Quoted by: >>90768607

This. Her statement was damaging because of how vague and roundabout it was. It directly impacts her former colleagues, whether she intended for it to or not, which led to all these shade and negativity.

>> No.90768607

How about you do your fucking work managercuck?

>> No.90768719
Quoted by: >>90770154

Damage control has switched to "Attack the talent" mode. Expect it to get worse.

>> No.90768931

I fucking love Doritos dude

>> No.90769337

The left because it's funny

>> No.90769891

The /pol/tards and drama lovers in the vtubing fandom found out Fauna is vegan and that triggered them or some shit. Hence the difference.

>> No.90770140
Quoted by: >>90770829

So long as the girls are like are still in and happy i dont care who graduates, and they have all said theyre still happy

>> No.90770154

You know you should probably switch the script.It doesn’t work if you just spam it multiple times in the same thread.

>> No.90770479
Quoted by: >>90770962

>I will whine about buzzwords by using a buzzword
tiny brained

>> No.90770736

People are shitting on her because the other girls that talked about the topic make her look like a liar or a woman having a woman moment.

>> No.90770829

This. If the hardworking girls are happy with the company then I'll believe them. Fauna barely did anything besides streaming so I'm not willing to side with her.

>> No.90770885
Quoted by: >>90774839

Damage control protocol has begun after Chloe's and Fauna's graduation notices. Their graduations directly tie to management being incompetent and in turn, sabotaging them. Suddenly all the talents and the Holodrones pops out and start sucking Cover's dick.
Fuck off, I'm a fan of the talent, not the company or management. The fuck do these middle man retards even do other than leeching from my donation to fund that HoloASS shit.

>> No.90770962

i'm not whining, i'm laughing
also how can buzzword be a buzzword, that's infinite recursion

>> No.90771024
File: 412 KB, 1115x715, 1724803819521472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chevrotains are pretty cute, I've never heard of them before.

>> No.90771084
Quoted by: >>90771455

SEA corpo bootlickers are going ape shit because they cannot comprehend basic english. They take word "disagreement" as a 50 page school shooter manifesto.

>> No.90771455
Quoted by: >>90772574

If Fauna's cucked fanbase didn't go to the girl's throwing a tantrum maybe people wouldn't shit on her. She intentionally said that just to make her fanbase start a war, it pisses off people that don't give a fuck about Fauna.

>> No.90772574
Quoted by: >>90773095

She didn't say it to stir up shit but to give a clear explanation why she is leaving. Must of the people bothering girls are grey tourists and antis who feed on drama like (you)

>> No.90772727

First of all fuck you cool ranch is great
Second of all don't care

>> No.90772772
File: 285 KB, 605x637, 1733144380802978.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This would be peak.

>> No.90773095
Quoted by: >>90774303

>i don't want to leave I still want to be an idol
This was basically her message and she chose those words to satrt shit because she's assblasted, and that's understandable but why do that and cause trouble for your colleagues? Saplings said Fauna was the most mentally stable EN and after this I'm 100% certain it's the opposite.

>> No.90773230

Inb4 she gets Selen'd

>> No.90773999

Now that you mention it, she has streamed only once since the announcement despite her wanting to finish many things.

>> No.90774303

And you think not giving a reason or a half baked one would have fared any better? Dramafags and antis would have jumped on this just as hard. They would still bother the other girls, put their own spin on things, point fingers at management and Fauna just like they do now. Her reasoning is more like:
>I don't want to leave I still want to be an idol but I can't work in this enviroment anymore due to disagreements and have chosen to part ways
Giving it how it is, is far better than not saying anything or giving vague reasons for it.

>> No.90774839

>holofan 2022:"management suck"
>holofan 2023:"management suck"

>holofan 2024:"management suck"
>holoantis:"look at all those drone bootlicker that doesn't wish death upon them"

Ok retard.

>> No.90775027

Show me the boots and I will lick them

>> No.90775163

Shills gotta shill. All the hate is manufactured.

>> No.90777211

How about I trust both of them, because their statements are not mutually exclusive?

>> No.90777288
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, AGE-1_Glansa,_equipped_with_Glastron_Launcher_(Close-up).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90778107


>> No.90778107

And I hate this gundam

>> No.90778777

There are a lot of Cover shills doing damage control here.

>> No.90778967

Because when scizos realized that holofans didn't have anything against her, and wanted the best for her, they had to try and spark a war in some other way, even if they had to make it up.

>> No.90780754


>> No.90781012

Honestly. I think cover has pay trolls on /vt/.
