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90701867 No.90701867 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>90696035

>> No.90701883
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Hololive sites

Twitch sites

>> No.90701896
Quoted by: >>90701933

Saplings were always a little retarded for being so cultishly obsessed with their oshi even after Fauna herself said she didn't like them doing that.
They were mostly ignored here as they were pretty harmless and just pushing their oshi or dunking on her schizo, but it seems a ton of them are increasingly turning into holoans, which is gonna be a problem.

>> No.90701898
Quoted by: >>90702137


>> No.90701903
File: 659 KB, 2676x2048, 1730675439549969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe in FauMint!

>> No.90701905
File: 94 KB, 412x337, 1670433588103611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not hololive, not my problem

>> No.90701915
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>> No.90701933
Quoted by: >>90702048

It doesnt take long for you raiders to start your spamming.

>> No.90701940
Quoted by: >>90702246

Seems fair to me that girls who do the shittier sponsorships too, get first chance on better ones too.

>> No.90701955
File: 119 KB, 766x357, 1709954573357725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90702249


>> No.90701960
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1000, うめうめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ReGLOSS 3D Live Reach the Top
>1st Album "ReGLOSS"
>Feeling Gradation *new*

>セプテンバーさん / September-san (cover) *new*
>快晴 / Kaisei (cover)
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs

>> No.90701999
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>> No.90702002


>> No.90702009
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>> No.90702018

She basically threw all the dramahounds at the rest of the girls instead of playing ball and leaving amicably.
Idk if any of her holo friendships will survive this move...

>> No.90702019
Quoted by: >>90702030

Fauna graduating still doesn't seem real to me. I feel like I'm stuck in a never-ending nightmare.

>> No.90702030
File: 700 KB, 1280x720, Hugs[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9yk6cl.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90702037
File: 223 KB, 1080x669, Screenshot_20241201_031231_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bae says everything will be alright, even says she's happy in holo
>Kronii says everything will be alright
>IRyS can't even pretend to give a shit, happily posting meat on twitter
>Kiara debunked the "big bad recent management change" narrative
>Shiori confirmed that you're not forced to do literally anything in hololive, had a really positive experience in holo
Guys I'm starting to think Fauna didn't actually quit for valid reasons and won't actually be remembered as a heroic marytr who stood up to a black company...

>> No.90702039

Bae hate

>> No.90702048
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>> No.90702051

>using two devices
I guess that explains that

>> No.90702056

IRyS' numbers have been falling since she started focusing on idolshit instead of streaming

weird :/

>> No.90702084
File: 70 KB, 535x535, 174198019153249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holopiggies, start oinking for your next serving of sloppa!

>> No.90702086
File: 1.07 MB, 2508x3541, 1725337323436607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my oshi

Not my problem

>> No.90702087
Quoted by: >>90706637

>What Saplings want:
>Hololive goes up in flames, management fired, everyone graduates after her, Cover goes under.
>What will actually happen:
>The show goes on, and everyone treats this as just another graduation.

>> No.90702093

Why is there so much Fauna/IRyS art? You would be hard pressed to find genmates in any gen that are/were more distant than those two. They practically had no on stream interactions over more than 3 years and never talked about each other.

>> No.90702096
Quoted by: >>90702141

koyori collabs with males

>> No.90702099

it's almost machiavellian how she decided to character assassinate Cover at the worst possible moment, they're gonna have to deal with "no different from Niji" forever now.
hilarious that /#/'s "darling" of all people did this.

>> No.90702100
Quoted by: >>90702250

Gura has her back.

>> No.90702114
File: 51 KB, 500x500, micool29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I allow my nousagi vassals to shit on my future enemies.

>> No.90702136

that was on cover, not her

she said she wanted to stay but couldnt

>> No.90702137
Quoted by: >>90702158

Not anymore nigga. You may try to take over Hololive Global and defeat the KFP chokehold over there however, feel free.

>> No.90702141
File: 1.53 MB, 1500x1500, 1679825617257396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homobeggars kneel and suck the Koyocock

>> No.90702150

Fauna is a nicer person than I because I would've called management worthless parasites.

>> No.90702152
Quoted by: >>90702263

Fauna won
Kiara lost

>> No.90702157
Quoted by: >>90703745

I can say it now. Koyo is cringe with how hard she tries, and she cannot sing. Let her know she cannot sing on my behalf so she'll stop trying.

>> No.90702158
Quoted by: >>90702283

You can't even count.

>> No.90702178
File: 93 KB, 814x236, 1713010350142975.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90702249


>> No.90702187

>Guys I'm starting to think Fauna didn't actually quit for valid reasons and won't actually be remembered as a heroic martyr who stood up to a black company
Nah, I'm sure Fauna very much quit for legit reasons. What the other member's reactions showed me is that Fauna had a garbage manager but the issue was very much a Fauna specific thing as opposed to the whole company imploding like the shit posters want us to believe.

>> No.90702194
Quoted by: >>90702236

You mean she wanted to slack off and was told she needed to actually work. Everyone else is happy, the only ones leaving are the workshy Holos who want to coast. Fauna achieved NOTHING in 3 years, what a waste

>> No.90702207
File: 59 KB, 191x206, grim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Couldn't hit 7k in a 7 hour stream

>> No.90702208
Quoted by: >>90702244

>IRyS can't even pretend to give a shit, happily posting meat on twitter
>right after Fauna the Vegan announced her graduation
wtf Holy BASED, I kneel to your oshi IRyStocrats

>> No.90702209
File: 553 KB, 1017x720, 1659023849151207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive Universe

>> No.90702217
Quoted by: >>90702300

yeah, "i don't wanna travel to Japan because they have no vegan food" lmao

>> No.90702236
Quoted by: >>90702253

nice try sister

>> No.90702238

It'll be Fauna specific right up until it isn't, then I'll start grudge posting.

>> No.90702241
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Not my problem

>> No.90702244
Quoted by: >>90702328

Remember when she held that Guerilla karaoke because she was "so happy she wanted to sing"? This was the same day that the Vesper and Magni "graduation" was announced. IRyS is super slick with this kind of stuff.

>> No.90702246

Yeah that's how it works. If you keep declining the sponsorship offers, the offer will eventually stop coming to you.

>> No.90702249

the levels these 'people', or person will goto to actively shit up the thread is remarkable. Levels of schizophrenia unmatched

>> No.90702250

>Gura has her back.
Gura doesn't even STREAM.

>> No.90702253
Quoted by: >>90702273

bro, she didn't have the perms to put sana in her mv.

>> No.90702255
File: 104 KB, 323x315, 07EAD8C2-C4FE-480E-A5F7-1B9838179747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fauna the vegan
is this a new shitposting angle?

>> No.90702263
File: 716 KB, 872x652, 1732310039792075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90702264

We all knew her manager was shit, and that management treated Promise like garbage

>> No.90702273


>> No.90702275

>Guys I'm starting to think
never do it again

>> No.90702283
Quoted by: >>90702375

You can't even have a basic coherent train of thought.

>> No.90702293
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>> No.90702296

Yeah, it's so silly, Fauna isn't vegan.

>> No.90702300
Quoted by: >>90702366

>i don't wanna travel to Japan because they have no vegan food
I believe it because I know someone who quit his high-paying job because he hates traveling

>> No.90702311

FWMC said things are better than ever in Hololive

>> No.90702314

>sea hours
what do you think

>> No.90702328
Quoted by: >>90702372

Wait I don't remember, she actually did that? On the same day Dumb and Dumber got kicked out??
Ultra Fucking BASEDRyS!

>> No.90702329

Nah, but it is the one that they're trying to ramp up after the other angles have failed to have much impact.

>> No.90702340
File: 1.49 MB, 1280x720, 1714857597068195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enough doomposting.
Shiraken collab in 2 hours, possible gold?

>> No.90702341

FWMC have barely been here for a year so "better than ever" from them doesn't mean shit.

>> No.90702343
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>> No.90702345
File: 61 KB, 540x569, XCVxzcvbdfgdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IRyS can't even pretend to give a shit, happily posting meat on twitter
kek, IRyS never disappoints with her antics.

>> No.90702355

damn it's almost like people at the top get preferential treatment

>> No.90702365

It's absolutely funny how the girls are doing damage control (obviously since it could affect their income) and the fanbase is turning against Fauna now. All of you will be accomplishes for all the upcoming graduations, give sucking cover's cock.

>> No.90702366

I took a pay cut to avoid that myself. I like being around home, wasn't willing to spend several weeks a year away.

>> No.90702372
Quoted by: >>90702421


>> No.90702374
File: 1.45 MB, 1280x720, __nice animated.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90702375
Quoted by: >>90702477

u mad
Saplings exist and you shit your pants.

>> No.90702377

Sakuna Birthday Strea-
>Miko the Protagonist of Hololive is there
aahhh, sorry Sakuna, maybe not today...

>> No.90702388
Quoted by: >>90702434

They enjoy NOT having summer swimwear and new outfits, do they?

>> No.90702401
File: 84 KB, 601x539, 498534876538467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703738

If only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.90702408
Quoted by: >>90702426

Shondo won

>> No.90702413


>> No.90702417

>fanbase is turning against Fauna now
When you shill, you're supposed to convince strangers, not other shills.

>> No.90702418

>the fanbase is turning against Fauna now
literally only you discord troons samefagging

>> No.90702419
File: 54 KB, 592x550, 1707998999287375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The beggars are joining in

>> No.90702420

Are saplings gonna turn on hololive members next? Are you really gonna stoop that low?

>> No.90702421
File: 96 KB, 736x1309, bejita kneel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90702426

Unironically, she did.

>> No.90702428

Shondo won

>> No.90702434
Quoted by: >>90702493

They don't get their nose bent out of shape over minor shit like that because they're professionals who have bigger goals they work towards and don't have woman moments being jealous over models. It's an entirely new paradigm for EN

>> No.90702443
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That settles it.

>> No.90702455
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Quoted by: >>90702502

HoloEN investment safety tier list

>> No.90702467

has fauna ever went back to japan ever since her first trip with council and irys? i don't think ive heard her mention traveling or meeting anyone after that.

>> No.90702468
Quoted by: >>90702488

>Just followed
Are these people fucking stupid

>> No.90702469

Wait for Nerissa, she is in the same boat
>doesnt make efforts to learn jap
>doesnt wanna move to Japan
>Doesnt like long Japan trips cause, family, cats, homesickness, actual sickniss & foods
>same manager
>perms aids

>> No.90702470

Why don't cover just hire a personal chef for Fauna so she can enjoy her salad and fruit smoothies on Japan?
Serious question

>> No.90702473
Quoted by: >>90702527

>Cover bootlickers stream
No thanks

>> No.90702477

>Saplings exist
Not after December KEK!

>> No.90702488

Beggars won't let a small thing such as misinformation stop them from pushing a narrative

>> No.90702489
File: 39 KB, 220x292, TheBoys.mp4 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, they just going to keep spamming nonsense all night?

>> No.90702493
File: 75 KB, 976x970, 1704536768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm only hitting you because YOU are making ME angry
Woof, here we go.

>> No.90702495

I'm not a sapling I'm an IRyStocrat

yeah I don't trust what she says
she's got a good thing going, so good she's bored!

>> No.90702497
Quoted by: >>90702524

I think she felt like she got a raw deal when she talked with other members and realized that all of them managed to change their manager while she was stuck with hers for years.

>> No.90702501

Literal Nijinigger behaviour lmao. It's especially hilarious since we've been shitting on management for years. Multiple girls constantly complaining about them. The disastrous Tempiss arc and the nonstop boys shilling. And many others.

>> No.90702502
Quoted by: >>90702596

Irys 100% graduates in the next 12 months

>> No.90702503

Nerissa did more project in a year than Fauna did in her entire career. She will be fine.

>> No.90702505
Quoted by: >>90702620

LMAO this bitch is the biggest hypocrite in Hololive along with Suisei. Anyone that has watched Korone's debut stream knows how she truly is as a person.

>> No.90702515
Quoted by: >>90702563

Except Gura because not a japanese nor in japan

>> No.90702520

>Are saplings gonna turn on hololive members next?
have you seen the fucking state of this board in the past 24 hours? No way in hell all of those dozens of Fauna threads are from antis or shitposters, some are legit assmad Saplings lashing out in anger

>> No.90702522

>doesnt make efforts to learn jap
she knows 2000 kanji retard
she just needs to practice speaking and reading

>> No.90702524

What would make everyone but her be able to change manager?

>> No.90702527
File: 828 KB, 925x841, 1730709381217729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90702547


>> No.90702533

Fauna Faction
>Fauna (Leader)
>Mumei (?)
>Gura (?)
>Nerissa (?)

Cover Faction
>IRyS (Leader)
>Everyone else

Who wins the 2025 Civil War?

>> No.90702547

mask offfff

>> No.90702553

My rrat said IRyS is 34 years old, Is that true? if it is then based.

>> No.90702556

>Fauna faction

>> No.90702560

>eurocuck and asian
Fauna is MAGA girl

>> No.90702563
Quoted by: >>90702626

gura gets paid to not quit

>> No.90702566
File: 893 KB, 800x800, 1605172251942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread?

>> No.90702574
Quoted by: >>90702672

A few beggars are actually trying to co-op the whole situation and make it about integrating Hololive with the homos.
>The malicious management is also the management keeping the two branches separate

>> No.90702587
Quoted by: >>90702724

Thank fuck HoloEN is crumbling down. Worst fanbase that is starting to affect the JP branch with their bullshit.

>> No.90702595

how? she literally almost quit before because of shit management.

>> No.90702596

Why do you say this?

>> No.90702599


>> No.90702608

The JPs really do think EN is lazy don't they. Imagine being Foobs and working your ass off for 2 years to get Hololive to the top, get passed by Gura and watch her clock out, take the easy money and not do shit for 4 years, kek

>> No.90702613
File: 751 KB, 635x665, 1726672252760182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90702727


>> No.90702620
Quoted by: >>90702738

>Actually shitting on FBK AND Suisei
Retarded newfaggot.

>> No.90702626

I admit. I am jealous.

>> No.90702630

You see, no matter how much they shat on management and complained before, if they're not supporting Fauna RIGHT NOW, they're Cover bootlickers.

>> No.90702634

Anya VCR? I cant be?

>> No.90702646

She pushed through and gets better treatment now. And she hates vegans so I believe she's well purpose to lead the charge

>> No.90702656

shit rrat

IRyS loves the girls, they're literally her only friends in the world. Management also treated her like dogshit for 2 years and nearly ruined her career as a singer by pushing her too hard.
She would quit in a heartbeat if the others decided to as well.

In fact she's becoming more active on her main twitter and had her first twitter interaction with notKronii

>> No.90702665
File: 145 KB, 720x901, 1733129708160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot holostars is now fauna league

>> No.90702672
File: 37 KB, 580x275, 1715502675132675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rider had a delayed hissyfit despite directly admitting that the cares more about the cabals reaction to the homos getting fucked than the homos themselves.

>> No.90702675
File: 36 KB, 1086x321, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think?

>> No.90702676

Kill yourself ennacuck

>> No.90702678


>> No.90702688

literal skill issue

>> No.90702695

good all vegans should graduate and eat meat.

>> No.90702700
Quoted by: >>90702722

>everybody: i dont agree, but her feelings are valid and i support her decision

>> No.90702708

>moving to irys angle now

>> No.90702722

We're in trooncord raid hours

>> No.90702724

Both branches suck. Giving preferential treatments to select talents only. Why is Mori and Suisei can have 20x more releases than other members?

>> No.90702727
Quoted by: >>90702764

Wait an actual JP sapling? wtf they exist? Fauna doesn't even speak nip how?

>> No.90702730
Quoted by: >>90702863

Are they wrong though?

>> No.90702738

Found the cover cock sucker. Defending Suisei of all people that only wants to be a vsinger and barely have anything to do with streaming unless it's event/sponsorship related.

>> No.90702745
File: 312 KB, 695x628, 1715665165464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be exaggerating quite a bit there, JPpig.

>> No.90702750
Quoted by: >>90702790

Chumbuds, your oshi is literally on her way out.

>> No.90702752
Quoted by: >>90702776

She joined rust vcr before

>> No.90702762
File: 331 KB, 1152x2048, 48324713434311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up liggers

>> No.90702764

That's a JK femsap too

>> No.90702776

I forgot

>> No.90702790
Quoted by: >>90702838

She's smarter than she lets on.

>> No.90702802

So, I don't really watch Fauna, but who would you guys say are her closest friends within Hololive?
Bae? Gura? Moom? Kronii?

>> No.90702809

>That IRyS tofu

>> No.90702822
Quoted by: >>90702875

>Shitting on the talents to own the company
Are you even trying anymore?

>> No.90702824

In these trying times, I choose to trust in my oshi, Pekora, who remains happy under the management. Yes, there are issues with the management, but what led Fauna to graduate could also be a personal matter specific to her

>> No.90702826

Why is there so much Fauna/IRyS art? You would be hard pressed to find genmates in any gen that are/were more distant than those two. They practically had no on stream interactions over more than 3 years and never talked about each other.

>> No.90702837
Quoted by: >>90705835

Mumei and Gura. Nerissa too, but less close.

>> No.90702838

Fauna too but look what happened

>> No.90702852
File: 22 KB, 898x160, Raora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raora reaaaaaly want to talk to you Chatini

>> No.90702856

have the schizos been ejected yet?

>> No.90702859
Quoted by: >>90705835

Moom & Gooba. Rissa 3rd.

>> No.90702863

No, it's been known for ages that Gura, Mumei, Fauna and Kronii have been dragging the entire branch down with their lack of direction and laziness. It just got people attacked for pointing it out, JPs know though, it's impossible for them to be doing things like organizing HoloGTA and all kinds of branch wide tournaments and not notice that half of EN can barely be bothered to stream let alone actually organize any events to grow the box

>> No.90702865
File: 28 KB, 701x193, 1733015433106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90702979

>> No.90702866
Quoted by: >>90702927

You haven't killed yourself yet, Suischizo?

>> No.90702875

I'm shitting on those that are responsible for this direction.

>> No.90702877

Cock anon is still here so no

>> No.90702883


>> No.90702895
Quoted by: >>90703119

of course she's happy
she's also at the top so she gets preferential treatment

it's the middle of the pack holos that are struggling with homework and idol reps

>> No.90702899

Reine. Jesus Christ you mongoloids watch streams

>> No.90702907


>> No.90702909

In these trying times, I choose to trust in my oshi, Migo, who remains happy above the management. Yes, there are issues with her subordinates, but what led Fauna to graduate could also be a personal matter specific to her

>> No.90702927
Quoted by: >>90703187

Why would I kill myself? I'm healthy and I have a lot of money.

>> No.90702930
File: 964 KB, 1552x700, 1733130110816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN literally organized EN Reco this year
Keep seething

>> No.90702929
Quoted by: >>90702985

Seems like there's no moderation at all for the past 24 hrs.

>> No.90702934
Quoted by: >>90703007

move the 3D studio to the US and ask the JPs to fly out every 2 months for some recording

>> No.90702937

Most people who are sperging out haven't even watched Fauna's graduation announcement.

>> No.90702943
Quoted by: >>90703181

check flags and comments

>> No.90702944

You're here.

>> No.90702946

Fag, I put my faith in my oshi, pekomiko.
Cover is incompetent, yes, with all the forced interactions with the boysSszzz but it's not like fauna doesn't have her own issue

>> No.90702950

That was management, the event had merch

>> No.90702957
Quoted by: >>90703004

>Fauna's journey over the past three years
>tummy hurts
>homework hurts

>> No.90702979


>> No.90702985

>I don't like it when people have different opinions therefore there's no moderation.

>> No.90703004

>Wait, you mean I have to actually do work for this job that pays me a ton of money

>> No.90703007
Quoted by: >>90703039

>Need a 3D studio to do a Minecraft Summer Festival
Cope. Even ID had one. In fact you can judge the branches work ethic by the state of their Minecraft servers. EN is like some third world backwater compared to JP and ID

>> No.90703020

Watch stream dramatranny

>> No.90703023

>Just got an e-mail about Aqua's merch
Fucking knew it, I fucking knew she'd still be signing this shit into the new year.

>> No.90703028

So, can we still trust her?

>> No.90703031
Quoted by: >>90703903

It is either
>please come to Japan
>it's mandatory
>Please mana-chan?
>I'll ask
>*doormat noises*
>i tried everything
>try again

>> No.90703037

>Runt on the left

>> No.90703039
Quoted by: >>90703076

minecraft gets boring when you're the same 10 people for 3 years

>> No.90703050
Quoted by: >>90703117

That wasn't an invitation to speak to me faggot.

>> No.90703060
Quoted by: >>90703088

Based, Fubs is probally sick of these girls joining when Holo was already big, leeching the audience, then proceeding to fuck off and graduate after they get some fame from Hololive. Fubs helped build Holo up from 2view hell so seeing all these lazy hoes bitch about work much piss her off, especially when she has a bigger workload then a lot of them.

>> No.90703066
Quoted by: >>90706073

but really, i don't think she has any 'close' friends outside of maybe mumei. i don't watch her often anymore but she rarely talks about hanging out with others outside of collabs.

>> No.90703076
Quoted by: >>90703122

Yeah it's better when you're just 9 people like ID.

>> No.90703081

Subhumans like you and your buddies aren't human enough to have opinions valid enough to be considered

>> No.90703088

holo only grew as big as it did because of EN

>> No.90703104
File: 90 KB, 982x553, raiders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without Fauna (and Gura), this will be all your future 10k streams look like

>> No.90703117
Quoted by: >>90703176

Did I hurt your feelings snowflake?

>> No.90703119

So skill issue

>> No.90703120
File: 2.77 MB, 1498x2189, Towa (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there's no one moderating I guess it's ok to post Towa without repercussions.

>> No.90703122

you're forgetting kaela

>> No.90703130
File: 1.04 MB, 1216x832, 121271354_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't start what you can't finish

>> No.90703173
Quoted by: >>90703259

Yeah, if you consider Miko and Coco being EN members. HoloEn on the other hand just rode the wave that resulted from HoloJp members going viral from clippers.

>> No.90703176
Quoted by: >>90703209

uh oh phasekek melty

>> No.90703181

whoah, so they do discuss Hololive over there as well

>> No.90703184

Someone tell asmongold to watch fauna graduation

>> No.90703187
File: 560 KB, 485x575, 1719505001839263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you're not even denying you have schizophrenia anymore.

>> No.90703193
Quoted by: >>90703282

na gigi will bring in 1 million league tourists

>> No.90703196
Quoted by: >>90703267

Pekora is happy like a sedated junkie is happy. Her ambitions are over and she's going through the motions.

>> No.90703198

The growth curve was already going exponential by the time EN joined, Myth were the beneficiaries of Hololive hitting the Youtube mainstream at the perfect moment.

>> No.90703209
Quoted by: >>90703238

I'm a ruffian faggot.

>> No.90703215

[VERY BAD NEWS]: Bae and IRyS are going on a date tomorrow to eat a huge chunk of meat.

>> No.90703219
Quoted by: >>90703532

So CC doesn't exist?

>> No.90703221

I will rape this Towa in particular

>> No.90703235

I was told this was dead.

>> No.90703238
Quoted by: >>90703295

Sure you are ennacuck

>> No.90703250
File: 149 KB, 357x305, 1710792702023350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90703259
Quoted by: >>90703296

who's the most subbed holo again?

>> No.90703262

Yeah, mine.

>> No.90703267

She's the most watched vtuber in the world, can will 100k streams into existence whenever she wants, has had a solo live and won several awards. What more is there for her to do except enjoy the fruits of being at the peak of vtubing?

>> No.90703268

It's sad that saplings are attacking Shiori just because of her stance on management.

>> No.90703269
File: 278 KB, 1024x1536, Towa (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703303


>> No.90703281

baerys anti doko?

>> No.90703282
File: 24 KB, 740x189, ggpoe2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GG will unironically get big quite fast if she keeps playing these kind of games.

>> No.90703291

Yeah if you consider Aqua, FBK, Coco, Pekora, Miko, Suisei, and Marine EN members.
Coco already had 100k 3D debut before EN even existed.

>> No.90703295

How do we cope when they lose on the 14th?

>> No.90703296

And she has done nothing to take advantage of those subs. What a waste.

>> No.90703303
File: 304 KB, 1017x2329, Towa (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90703304

irys came in for the rebound after fauna dumped bae

>> No.90703307
Quoted by: >>90703496

>Holo vs Holo
>JP vs EN
>still seething at Fauna

>> No.90703335

So, the majority of holomems are saying they're good with the current management. Is Fauna lying?

>> No.90703339

To anyone defending cover over the girls

>> No.90703341
Quoted by: >>90703408

Maybe you should stop getting your information from here.

>> No.90703343

Stand up for her colleagues like Aqua and Fauna and quit in solidarity?

>> No.90703354
File: 1.46 MB, 2662x5024, Laplus (36).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703497

>> No.90703370
Quoted by: >>90704690

>peak of vtubing
That's Miko. Pekora has fallen off. When was her last gold? She's not even chasing the award despite apparently showing interest in it, while that fat tub of shit has the nomination pinned on his chat every time he goes live.

>> No.90703382

Pretty embarrassing for management

>> No.90703383
File: 391 KB, 525x447, 1725236592964938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90703386

The world does not revolve around Fauna

>> No.90703394

You shitposters forgot about Chloe just fucking off the day before or something?

>> No.90703400

>is Fauna lying?
No, the issues with management are on a personal level

>> No.90703408

I was mostly saying it in jest, even watching streams, it's clear it's an on-off thing and never ever too serious.

>> No.90703424

This is the only good post in this thread.

>> No.90703428
Quoted by: >>90703542

I didn't get anything, are you sure it's not just your country?

>> No.90703457


>> No.90703474

>Quitting because lazy kids don't like corpo life
Pekora is the antithesis of the ones leaving. I don't think she sympathizes with Holos who quit when they don't get their way. Pekora got to the top with pure grit and numberfagging, there was a point she'd rip her own nails off for an every 10k CCV. None of them have that fire within, the ambition, the pure will to power. Pekora is the Nietzchean Uberman while Aqua and Fauna are the Last Man.

>> No.90703497
File: 636 KB, 2650x4096, Gura (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703534


>> No.90703496

>4 graduations
>2 terminations
>1 manager left

>> No.90703508

You don't want to get firewatch'd by developers

>> No.90703529
Quoted by: >>90703557

Do you quit your job when one of your colleagues quit?

>> No.90703532

>green woman
half of the audience are saplings

>> No.90703534
File: 84 KB, 832x1216, Biboo (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703599


>> No.90703542

Mayhaps, though I did bundle it with some other items, so perhaps they're just notifying people who did that, since they stated the items would go out together whenever they're ready (basically waiting on Aqua to finish signing shit because they don't want her to gimp her wrist).

>> No.90703557

ask mint

>> No.90703563
Quoted by: >>90703671

This is already what every IRyS stream looks like and we love her here

>> No.90703570

Based cunny poster. The only good poster in this shitty thread

>> No.90703575
Quoted by: >>90703664

It has been known since forever that cover want as much assurance as humanly possible, i personally don't agree with it sometimes but then again, one of the homos almost got fucked over without it.

>> No.90703585
File: 3.69 MB, 1664x2432, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90703599
File: 728 KB, 720x1176, Laplus.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703657


>> No.90703605

Why the fuck are you guys think that I like the management who forced the male collabs onto hololive. I have already disliked.them since 2022 but this time it's not a pure managerial issues

>> No.90703611

You should read all the replies to that post new anon.
1. They require written permission, we already knew that from a long time ago.
2. Western developers don't understand why Japanese companies need different permission from what they already put on their tweet/website. It's Japanese's law autism.
3. They also need to send permission requests to publishers, not developers.

>> No.90703613

damn feels like none of the other girls really care that fauna's leaving. the fucking jp holos she's interacted with like two or three times seem sadder than her own genmates.

>> No.90703616

Any graduation from now on will set Cover on fire unless it's an irrelevant one like ID (except Kaela). Especially on the EN side.

>> No.90703620
File: 1.25 MB, 970x2654, 1712992481175949.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90703622
Quoted by: >>90703793

It's embarrasing and annoying untill the 2nd great Holocaust happens. They should loosen perms autism though

>> No.90703635
Quoted by: >>90703659

IRyS should play osu

>> No.90703653


>> No.90703657
File: 2.06 MB, 4000x6000, Gura (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703701


>> No.90703659

she would be too good it wouldnt be interesting

>> No.90703663

>IRyS is still obsessing over meat ever since the vegan announced her graduation
>Is bringing the other girls with her and force feeding them meat to make sure they don't become vegan
Damn IRyS

>> No.90703664

>one of the homos almost got fucked over without it.
Japanese businessmen WILL shit their pants and try to sue if you stream their games without permission. Westoids don't understand the culture of respect in Glorious Nippon

>> No.90703666

>Guys I'm starting to think Fauna didn't actually quit for valid reasons
quitting after 3 years doesnt need valid reasons plus i support a white woman quitting over retarded management because we know that they are deeply retarded

>> No.90703671

No 10k raid on her devil may cry stream?

>> No.90703672
Quoted by: >>90703706

Why should they? She doesn't care about them either. Chose a full graduate instead of an affiliation

>> No.90703701
File: 740 KB, 1386x1960, Biboo (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703744


>> No.90703702

That meat? Mine.

>> No.90703706

>one minute

>> No.90703735

So now that FBK and Mio have exposed that holomems are using workload as an excuse, when in fact they don't really do much and have a lot of free time, can we talk about what exactly Bae has been busy about? She's been busy for like 6 months with dance practices and no real output to show for it.

>> No.90703738

Norges Bank owns shares in like every company (i am not exaggerating) and doesnt have the time to get into the nitty gritty into a random japanese company

>> No.90703743

>An all-you-can-eat meat celebration for Fauna's graduation.

>> No.90703744
File: 220 KB, 1201x2006, Laplus 009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703785


>> No.90703745

The entire concept of Vtubing is cringe, just another way to make profit from anime character. So the only way to survive in this hole is embracing the cringe.
At this rate human will create a chaos God of Cringe.

>> No.90703764

If i remember right, it was some higher up dude who shat his pants because he perceived that they played a game longer than they were allowed to and set a lot of shit in motion to "correct" it, i wish i had the exact qrd because i remember that it was the only funny thing i have seen coming from that side of the company.

>> No.90703783

Fauna will still be wildly succesful as an indie. Probably making the same amount of money with half the work involved.
Meanwhile Cover will keep being retarded. Wasting ungodly amount of money on shit like Holoearth. Failing to get perms. And who knows when we'll get the next retarded Omegatroon arc.

>> No.90703785
File: 1.46 MB, 1764x2508, Shion 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703829


>> No.90703790
File: 1.97 MB, 1920x1080, 1733129560450205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anons, can we still trust her?

>> No.90703793

A lot of VODs got deleted but 6 million seems unreasonably high, it would take the managers deleting one VOD every second for 3 months

>> No.90703810

Reverse Rushia?

>> No.90703813


>> No.90703816

>second army with all the support of 600 employees vs the runt of EN having to do everything themself

>> No.90703827

If holos have been saying they're "busy" for months without any actual result, just assume they're lazy.
Suisei, for example, has been saying she's busy, but we can clearly see the results of it.

>> No.90703829
File: 207 KB, 1500x2100, Gura (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703866


>> No.90703840
File: 1.47 MB, 320x320, 1720483869061952.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your samefagging will amount to nothing

>> No.90703843

>no real output to show for it.

>> No.90703854
Quoted by: >>90703967

Iirc they also gave him a non apology while typing his name wrong

>> No.90703857

its clearer by the day that she is being unreasonable and shitting on the floor on the way out.
watame cries for anything.

>> No.90703861
Quoted by: >>90703884

Really? Retarded Saplings are trying to turn on Fubuki of all fucking holos?

>> No.90703866
File: 82 KB, 832x1216, Biboo (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703897


>> No.90703874

>She's been busy for like 6 months with dance practices
That's the thing about dance practice though, you just have to watch her dance

>> No.90703884

I just want you to know, know one is falling for you nonsense.

>> No.90703887

You first Nijinigger.

>> No.90703888

it would be funny if fauna started up her main stream right after the graduation stream

>> No.90703891

I don't care about any other mems except fauna.

>> No.90703894

Watame didn't cry when Rushia graduated anon.

>> No.90703897
File: 269 KB, 574x800, Laplus003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703945


>> No.90703903

>>Please mana-chan?
>>I'll ask
>>*doormat noises*
>>i tried everything
>>try again
this is what I believe happened and I support her 100% in quitting over it, like how many more years should you endure that shit instead of just going indie and having fun

>> No.90703910
Quoted by: >>90703952

>except Fauna
Be less obvious, any sapling here would say Mumei and or Gura

>> No.90703920
Quoted by: >>90704123

THIS. I never liked hololive, just Fauna. Once Fauna leaves I will start hating hololive and shitting on your trashy whores at every opportunity.

>> No.90703921

I can't wait for rendon and fauna collab

>> No.90703922
File: 219 KB, 865x635, shopping list haa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704161

not a bad list chammers

>> No.90703937

>watame cries for anything.
Chronigger again confirming he doesnt watch streams or know any of the girls

>> No.90703945
File: 617 KB, 1200x676, Shion 005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90703998


>> No.90703946
Quoted by: >>90704038

Which EN talent's resignation will end this board for good?

>> No.90703952
Quoted by: >>90704021

>any sapling here would say Mumei and or Gura
LMAO kys

>> No.90703967


>> No.90703969
Quoted by: >>90704015

or they just got their shit done efficiently
i think subaru has said on multiple occasions that she amazed how fbk manage their workload

>> No.90703989
File: 51 KB, 200x196, flaugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F6vwrjh.mp4].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704042

Schizos thinking they're convincing is always the funniest part.

>> No.90703996
File: 3.39 MB, 1921x1081, 1716235057487756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704430

This mobile game doesn't look as bad as I expected desu

>> No.90703998
File: 1.01 MB, 1200x1600, Gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704041


>> No.90704015


>> No.90704017

Bae chooses those dance practices, I don't think that's mandatory considering none of the other mems doing the same as her.

>> No.90704021
Quoted by: >>90704086

You're losing it ennacuck, you need to be more in control

>> No.90704038

I would had said Fauna but clearly it wasnt, so i am going to say no one
>what about gura
practically dead so nothing would change

>> No.90704041
File: 252 KB, 1478x2048, Biboo (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704127


>> No.90704042

they're convincing to other schizos

>> No.90704043
Quoted by: >>90704348

More like the other girls are lying to save their asses

>> No.90704089
File: 1.15 MB, 2310x4096, Laplus (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one left who still loves cunny? Or even lewds for that matter? Haven't seen much of them being posted recently.

>> No.90704086
File: 21 KB, 601x38, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704122

sub 8k....

>> No.90704096

I wonder what the tactic is gonna be once gura graduates

>> No.90704103
File: 13 KB, 592x129, 1720310413700393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90704122
File: 833 KB, 3042x2402, 1729678390168072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>loses to Kiara

>> No.90704123

>Saplings are not antis btw

>> No.90704127
File: 1.83 MB, 1433x2048, Shion 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704165


>> No.90704132

Imagine turning some of your biggest fans into antis. Cover dropped the ball really hard. If Gura actually graduates the shitstorm will be insane.

>> No.90704134

>global nonstop shitting on Fauna all day

>> No.90704161

>no War Thunder
>no Alien Isolation
>no Valheim
>no AVP
>no Amnesia
disappointing list chammers

>> No.90704165
File: 238 KB, 1300x1755, Gura (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704189


>> No.90704169

Gura's graduation will affect Cover even less than Aqua's graduation.
At least Aqua streamed.

>> No.90704172

This reminds me of the niji tweets
>there is no war in ba sink se
Type shit
I dont know how stupid they think the viewers are to fall for this "gaslighting for dummies" bullshit

>> No.90704178
Quoted by: >>90704226

Most reasonable people would see the state of this thread and save the cunny for people who appreciate, like in 12 hours or so

>> No.90704189
File: 177 KB, 1100x1550, Biboo (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704226


>> No.90704210

everyone either loves cunny or is a liar

>> No.90704211

If she graduates and starts streaming on her PL then it will certainly affect EN.

>> No.90704225


>> No.90704226
File: 151 KB, 925x1500, Laplus 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704250

Maybe I'll just go to bed and post more tomorrow then.

>> No.90704246
Quoted by: >>90704295

Do you think media and normies even cares about streams? The headline will be "Biggest Vtuber Quits Hololive"

>> No.90704250

im going to bed now too

>> No.90704254
File: 72 KB, 279x459, Promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90704265
File: 413 KB, 1153x2048, GdstuH2WcAAsETv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90704267
Quoted by: >>90704566

I don't know, as people cool down it's looking more like this is an issue with Chloe and Fauna. The rest of the Holos are closing ranks and especially for Fubuki it's out of character to be making passive aggressive tweets about how much free time she has and calling out laziness, sounds like the parting shots really got under her skin

>> No.90704284

Kiara lost

>> No.90704295
Quoted by: >>90704443

>media and normies
You mean people who don't watch hololive are gonna doompost about hololive?

>> No.90704296

jesus christ taotan is fat(good) with all the filters one cant really see

>> No.90704299

it took korone months of dance practice to do one of her lives.

>> No.90704303
File: 142 KB, 1080x420, 1716046036150113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704439


>> No.90704310

We already knew that. I've got a friend who works at Fatshark and when Gura mentioned wanting to play Darktide it took a lot of explaining to people there why Cover needed permissions and what happened during the Holocaust.
It sucks but it's hardly Cover's fault. It's a Japan thing.

>> No.90704315


>> No.90704331

Did flips already back from their school?

>> No.90704342
File: 126 KB, 1158x297, IRyS Luca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704439


>> No.90704348

nta but here are some reality check:
>Three years in Hololive.
>Only one proper birthday live.
>No birthday live after that, no solo anniversary live or anything similar.
>Streams are always below two hours.
>Doesn't stream as often compared to other members.
>No longer doing her ASMR content.
>Rarely participates in major events.
>Has released only one original song.
>Doesn't even do the simplest voice packs.
>Her dream job is to be a streamer, not an idol.

So what about your proof?
>mu-mommy said management disagreement

>> No.90704347

a cunny is about to go out of retirement..

>> No.90704352

We hate kiara

>> No.90704362
File: 196 KB, 850x1202, 21341234525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90704364

>did flips already back from their school?
I dunno, you should have the answer

>> No.90704368
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x1080, 1704416937312307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90704369
File: 40 KB, 625x957, akutanCashMoney.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got this email, Akutan made fucking bank

>> No.90704374
Quoted by: >>90704453

which one

>> No.90704381

Roa is never coming back.

>> No.90704398
Quoted by: >>90706452

I can't wait for fauna to start playing 4x games honestly

>> No.90704410

translate weebs, which Holos are in there

>> No.90704417

>>90704348 (me)
>only one anniversary live* I meant, aside from that. There's none

>> No.90704426

I'm surprised that I don't see Matsuri

>> No.90704430

>looks like Clash of Clans shit

>> No.90704431

Mori, Towa, Aki, Ao, La+ & Anya

>> No.90704438
File: 76 KB, 245x215, 1708042271806843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704619

less tan i expected so far but it can change

>> No.90704439
File: 22 KB, 593x39, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90705001

>Mousey 10.7k
>shitrys praying for advent raids: sub 7.9k KEK

>> No.90704443
File: 56 KB, 633x273, 2348509238540293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and investors

at least the global side of hololive will finally die

>> No.90704447

Holy mamma are those thighs real?

>> No.90704453

wait a month or so. her redebut will get gold.

>> No.90704455

is matsuri whoring herself publicly in vcr again?

>> No.90704470

Gura's graduation would only affect a maximum of 3% in cover's profits.
very negligible

>> No.90704473

tummy hurts, she don't want to do those.

>> No.90704476
File: 3.92 MB, 1920x1080, 1729328254971560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90704487
Quoted by: >>90704654


>> No.90704514

You're a fucking lost cause if you can't even recognise hololive names, why are you even in this hobby

>> No.90704520
Quoted by: >>90704590

Read nigger, read.

>> No.90704524
Quoted by: >>90704590

No but the guy who sex pested her (mittiii) is still there.

>> No.90704534

Also means she's STILL SIGNING shit.

>> No.90704540
File: 546 KB, 200x200, 1720663472150581.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704575

>Imagine turning some of your biggest fans into antis

>> No.90704558

but she will never be able to play the piano again

>> No.90704559

she gonna sign for literal years kek

>> No.90704566
Quoted by: >>90704684

If she’s referring to fauna, who could have given her more details and context? Bae, mori, fwmc, kiara, irys? Hmmmmmm.
I excluded Ina because she’s in visa hell.

>> No.90704575

Probably referring to saplings.

>> No.90704590
Quoted by: >>90704702

iirc shit got awkward between them after their stunt. Wonder if he sex pest any other holo this time

>> No.90704613

>no Fauna
Everyone is dutifully managing the fallout until she's gone.

>> No.90704619


>> No.90704620
Quoted by: >>90704789

All of this could've been solved with the creation of hololive english Gamers

>> No.90704635

>No longer doing her ASMR content.
to be fair thats on management and youtube
ASMR gets your channel demonitized

>> No.90704646
File: 2.30 MB, 1921x848, 1726347645507001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90704654 [SPOILER] 
File: 42 KB, 506x640, 1702086122316189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90704665

I can't comprehend buying so much merch. I get spending money on videogames or a concert ticket but not in an insane amount of merch.

>> No.90704668

You ARE going to watch Mori on the VCR GTA server, right?

>> No.90704684

She just opened twitter. The whole site was going crazy talking about Cover being a black company causing people to quit from overwork. It's not hard to see why that would make friend mad.

>> No.90704687
Quoted by: >>90704769

Why the fuck this collab one has website

>> No.90704690

Chasing the award? What does that even mean? And aparantly o you believe that pinning a link is going to force the judges to vote for him?

>> No.90704695
Quoted by: >>90704775

Glorious. Thank you anon.
t. Aquacrew anon

>> No.90704696

blue Fubuki is graduating!

>> No.90704698

lol no, but I'm pretty sure she gets that some of her regular viewers won't bother.

>> No.90704702

>iirc shit got awkward between them after their stunt
Yeah he got his twitch suspended for 3 days and his fans started harassing Matsuri on her own stream and twitter. Then she apologized to him. Then she started crying on stream and ended the stream. The douchebag made a tweet at twitch with him being surrounded by half-naked hookers. Matsuri joined Aki's police gang while feeling guilty over everything and she got repremanded but like only a tap on her fingers.

>> No.90704703
Quoted by: >>90704826

So many homos, did the entire branch show up? Funny how they managed to get invited in the first place. I wonder if Cover has a policy about Holos and Homos being a group package.
>If you want our girls and their numbers to boost your event
>You must invite the homos to boost their numbers.

>> No.90704706

Nope, you enjoy the kino unhinged VCR content friend.

>> No.90704713

According to the investor Q&A it moved around 1 Billion Yen, per what Kaneko said.

>> No.90704721
File: 323 KB, 1536x2048, 1704549846921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've defeated the rebellion. I'm proud of you, anons. Death to Fauna. Please keep enjoying Hololive!

>> No.90704742

Yeah I will. This board is wrong about everything as proven once again by the latest events, a bunch of NPCs parroting the same shit again and again.

>> No.90704746

Then she should hate herself if Fauna needed to quit.

>> No.90704769
File: 91 KB, 818x632, 1732603459336642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah interesting

>> No.90704772

I dont believe anything that faggot says. He is the harbinger of doom.

>> No.90704775
Quoted by: >>90704833

No worries. I'm curious are you Sakufami now as well? I'm happy for you sakutan seems to be going strong

>> No.90704789
Quoted by: >>90704973

Do you really think she'd stream more if that's all she was expected to do? We know enough about what goes on inside Hololive to know that most of the work is voluntary, even participation in HoloFes is voluntary, they can choose not to. She clearly wasn't taking on any extra work making songs or doing sponsorships so it's not likely she had a whole lot of work that was stopping her from streaming. She's going to be like Ame and be just as inconsistent after Hololive.

>> No.90704790
File: 45 KB, 168x325, 1725871843309599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704843

we got corpo,lig,big and beeg now?

>> No.90704793 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 593x704, Screenshot_12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I got it too

>> No.90704821

>Gura saying she gets constantly bonked by management and having her sololive cut in half
>IRyS under omegatroon, with her shitty model and songs getting the worst PR ever seen by manking
>Kronii having so many issues with her manager she had to ask for a new one
>everything regarding homos
>A-chan, Mel, Ame, Chloe and now Fauna all quitting in the span of a year, when previously the only graduation EN had was fucking Sana
You're literally acting like Nijiniggers and suddenly sucking off management when this place was shitting on them daily.
Also wasting 4 months in nipland every year to be forced into a shitty concert no one cares about is unreasonable. There are plenty of Holos with a focus on music and others that are more focused and hired for their gaming streams. And even said music Holos are struggling to stand out considering how much shit music gets churned out and forgotten after a day.

>> No.90704826

The homos were the ones who got holopro to join in the first place

>> No.90704833

Ofc. We follow and support her no matter what

>> No.90704843

Wasnt there a small corpo general? Is this a different one?

>> No.90704844
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, GdyObUqbMAAEhYr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90704868

>> No.90704868
Quoted by: >>90704942

Wait... we're at Black Ops 6 already???

>> No.90704886

>Fauna directly mentions issues with management
>She gets treated as a hero for speaking out
>Cover orders the girls to go on damage control
>Fauna gets treated as a lazy fuck
>Peace is restored in the garden
I'll have to hand it to Fubuki for organizing and managing the situation this fast. A master manipulator.

>> No.90704904
Quoted by: >>90704918

>Also wasting 4 months in nipland every year to be forced into a shitty concert no one cares about is unreasonable.
Fes is the biggest event of the year for Hololive. That and Expo make Cover more money than anything else does during the year

>> No.90704907

Noel was the first one to speak out and did not understand it

>> No.90704918

For who?

>> No.90704928

You fool. Aqua gave the mantle of the Resistance to Pekora. As long as Pekora exists the Resistance will never be defeated.

>> No.90704940
Quoted by: >>90705176

wasnt mikomet the first ones to speak up? I NEED TO KNOW WHO IS THE SHADOW CABAL OF HOLOLIVE AIEEEEEEEE

>> No.90704942
File: 134 KB, 940x299, Screenshot 2024-12-02 035544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90705000


>> No.90704944

>They are letting her take her time instead of pushing her to meet the old deadline
I guess management is good after all

>> No.90704960
Quoted by: >>90705032

>>90704886 (me)
I love women like Fubuki btw. She must be an amazing fuck.

>> No.90704973

>Do you really think she'd stream more if that's all she was expected to do?
Ye. Simple gaming streams and karaoke are all you need.

>> No.90705001
File: 110 KB, 1010x208, IRyS king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90705042


>> No.90705000
Quoted by: >>90705069


>> No.90705006

Who do you believe? A pillar of Hololive who has been there since the start who built the company and drove it's culture for the first two years, working her ass off and streaming almost every day for 5 years straight while doing constant backroom work to help promote the company


Someone who has a single original song and a bunch of Hitman streams to her name after 4 years

>> No.90705025
File: 854 KB, 680x680, 1707418810344979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90705030


>> No.90705032

Yeah Roberu is a lucky guy...

>> No.90705042
File: 1.61 MB, 1200x1087, 1731464597442843.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90705187

>41 months below mouseys ccv average

>> No.90705044
File: 60 KB, 1024x576, ABA9D98A-C31B-4E6A-AB56-A21004F67547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if there's something the faunaschizo is very good that is steering the consensus of a whole thread into the other side. suddenly we're pro-company now because holomems seem to disagree with Fauna.

>> No.90705056
File: 62 KB, 1010x105, lapchan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still inclining
Fucking kek this place is wrong once again.

>> No.90705060

Not fubuki thats for sure

>> No.90705067
Quoted by: >>90705234

Holomems chose how busy they want to be.
Subaru accepts literally everything 2 years ago and she fucking suffered for it. This year she was very relaxed.

>> No.90705069
Quoted by: >>90705110

12 years

>> No.90705073
Quoted by: >>90705167

A-chan left to take care of a family member. And Mel got terminated. They never left due to an issue with how Cover is run.

>> No.90705074
File: 101 KB, 300x300, queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your green mommy is dead
>shitrys is next

>> No.90705075

>You can trust me. I won't let people get abused.
>An abused person quit.
Gee, anon, are you trying to drag Fubuki down or what?

>> No.90705078
Quoted by: >>90705127

>be forced into a shitty concert no one cares about
Is it some compulsion you schizos have where you simply have to include some of the most outrageous shit and still expect to be taken seriously?

>> No.90705080

>all of VSPO is there
That's how you get no graduations. That's the secret.

>> No.90705086

Ah looks like kronii is going to be one of the senpai giving justice the tour of the EN minecraft server wonder who else will be there

>> No.90705110
Quoted by: >>90705179

Anon... how long has it been since Mwf 4...?

>> No.90705116

why do I feel like we have 2 ennacucks

>> No.90705125

>What's that tree?

>> No.90705127
Quoted by: >>90705469

I watch Fauna for her gaming streams not to see her awkwardly wiggle her ass to the tune of shitty jpop slop.

>> No.90705128
Quoted by: >>90706066

People are just coming back to reality from the initial shock and realizing something smells rotten about someone claiming they're overworked when they've done fuck all for years

>> No.90705135

I don't care about that retard.
Most holomems including my oshi seems fine with hololive right now so I'll keep watching hololive.
I trust my oshi more than anyone else in the company.

>> No.90705148

Kronii really likes Justice mostly Raora and Gigi

>> No.90705155

>Minecraft with Justice
Finally, Kronii MINECRAFT STREAM. Its been a long time.. Oh and Justice haven't visited the new merged Holoserver yet right?

>> No.90705162

fauna can fuck off whenever she want. not my oshi not my problem,

>> No.90705167

>A-chan left to take care of a family member.
was this confirmed?
>And Mel got terminated.
for talking about issues with management with a friend outside of hololive
>They never left due to an issue with how Cover is run.
sure thing

>> No.90705176

the first one to talk about it was technically Mori, because it happened literally the day before the announcement
I'm kinda lazy to transcribe the take, since it was pretty messy but it amounted to
>I feel happy about the direction things are going and the opportunities, but not everyone is or wants the same things from the company, or even imagine their future in it
>seeing people going full doomer mode and acting like the company is over is fucking with the girls that stay
>she loves her friends and want them to succeed regardless of what path their choose and wants her fans to support them all the same, they all are where they are thanks to people who do

>> No.90705179
Quoted by: >>90705232

Bro that's like 17 years I think. Kids who were born that day are already single mothers today.

>> No.90705187
File: 236 KB, 1146x334, IRyS Nijisanji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90705231


>> No.90705191
Quoted by: >>90705268

>Asking talents to do some fucking work is "abuse"
What's funny about this is you still have people who are clueless about why the "grim era" existed and why Advent was able to pull EN back from the brink. Why was Advent the gen that brought EN back to life and not Council if Fauna was so good?

>> No.90705198

i'm so happy that Fauna finally fucking graduated

>> No.90705199
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>> No.90705200

I miss good ol' minecraft days where everyone is active......

>> No.90705219

management told them not to

>> No.90705231
File: 55 KB, 191x198, grim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couldn't hit 7k in a 7 hour stream

>> No.90705232
Quoted by: >>90705426

No... it cant be. It was my first CoD. How is it already retro...

>> No.90705234

>Suba-chan, you have to do sports fes
>you are literally one of the captains
>if you don't do it, there will be no sports fes, and you know that will really really really really really really disappoint all the fans
>you don't want to really really really really really really disappoint all the fans, do you, Suba-chan?
>of course you can choose not to do it
>we're not forcing you
>but if you don't do it, you will really really really really really really really disappoint the fans
>but it's your choice

>> No.90705235

Biboo will do one tomorrow.

>> No.90705241


>> No.90705259
Quoted by: >>90705432

>Not a single Holomem is collabing with Fauna this week.

>> No.90705265

she already did them this month, i think she'll just finish single player games and the open vc mc streams will be the collabs. maybe finish sh with gg

>> No.90705268

Fauna was singlehandedly carrying EN during the Tempiss dark ages and was one of the most vocal about wanting a new EN gen. How the fuck do you think she became the thread's darling?
The amount of damage control and revisionism you niggers are doing is hilarious. Pure Nijitrannoid material.

>> No.90705276

You should go write fan fic anon

>> No.90705280

Operation Green Hell is underway.

>> No.90705281

>said Miko

>> No.90705288

any code for global version?

>> No.90705296

Who abused who?
Btw, FBK clearly posted that she has no work right now so.

>> No.90705301

we suddenly like faunaschizo now because we agree with him now that maybe fauna was the problem

>> No.90705342

and yet she's hanging out her precious kouhai out to dry by forming a hate mob from her inflammatory words

>> No.90705343

neh it's just SEA hours, and Fauna always filtered third world shit eaters.

>> No.90705348

You're not in the right mind if you think she's not the problem.

>> No.90705351

>How the fuck do you think she became the thread's darling?
Globalfags invaded and starting making the thread more about corpo slapfights than numbers. The "KING I KNEEL" days were much funnier than the 50 threads a day with ENfags saying "What set the nijisisters off now" when someone points out EN was spiraling into the toilet because only 2 members had any work ethic pre Advent

>> No.90705366
Quoted by: >>90705448

I am watching Mori coz nobody else to watch, what should i keep in mind deadbeats?

>> No.90705368

Get ready to squirm unikeks!! KEKAROOOOO

>> No.90705387

They'll hate you for saying the truth but it needed to be said brother.

>> No.90705397

if Fauna hates hololive, why join?

>> No.90705426
File: 146 KB, 885x1250, Ume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first dragon quest, DQ8. Is already 20 years old. I don't even know where the time went. I'm still attracted to the same kinds of girls I was back then.

>> No.90705431


>> No.90705432

>Everyone keep asking Fauna for 3D guest
>I quit.

>> No.90705437
Quoted by: >>90705547

yeah this fauna demolition job is very organic. not a raid btw guys.

>> No.90705439

>was spiraling into the toilet because only 2 members had any work ethic pre Advent
And none of those two were Fauna.

>> No.90705440

luxuemfags made this thread a console war thread retard

>> No.90705448

you might be exposed to a silly hag that talks REALLY fast
but probably also males so it might be better for you to skip

>> No.90705450


>> No.90705454

why do people hate payday 3? lol

>> No.90705457

Traitor doesn't deserve a collab

>> No.90705468

>JPs expressing outright confusion about what the fuck she was talking about
>Friend so angry she's shitposting about how much free time she has on sub account
>Multiple EN members saying Hololive is great right now with a lot of good content around the corner
Why does Faunas word outweigh literally everyone else in Hololive? Especially when the members who say things are fine actually have been demonstrably working hard with things to show for it and Fauna does not.

>> No.90705469

Wow, a massive faggot as well

>> No.90705474

>They also need to send permission requests to publishers, not developers.
This part is important. When Muse Dash pulled permission from Hololive the developers both said “we would be glad if you would continue playing but…” and pointed that despite the blanket permission the party blackballing Hololive was the publisher, which is a Chinese company

>> No.90705501
File: 74 KB, 465x97, 1727764482772031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

90k dorya

>> No.90705503

Again she never did that and just chose to quit while wishing the best to her coworkers. Fauna antis are utterly retarded.

>> No.90705543
Quoted by: >>90705570

>Kanata: NDAs? yes theres way lot more today
>Kanata: I'll literally die if let that sort of info out so please understand

>> No.90705547

That happens when "saplings" attack everyone who doesn't support Fauna

>> No.90705550

Give this man a chuuba model.

>> No.90705551

that's unfair since he has the permanent Shaka buff.

>> No.90705570


>> No.90705581

>forming a hate mob from her inflammatory words
Which of her word is inflammatory?I simply believe her word weighs more compare to other that abandoned EN scene during the worst era.

>> No.90705588

Mori became shubaru

>> No.90705587

Publisher always who has control

>> No.90705592
File: 1.28 MB, 1080x4108, 1733134384497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why perms given blanket on websites aren't trustworthy

>> No.90705617

>Ctrl-F Ironmouse: 0 hits
Really made me think

>> No.90705620
File: 219 KB, 1804x1440, GdvkLgUa0AA6qRi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>less than 5 minutes in
>already hearing loudmouthed males in the background
sorry mori I can't do this, I'll just wait for the clips of you hanging out with cute 3 view girls later like last time

>> No.90705628

How long is VCR GTA? so we have niji gold for a week?

>> No.90705630
File: 167 KB, 585x671, 1713667928929040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90705633
Quoted by: >>90705686

Mori is doing that thing where she avoids all new people and is waiting for her hag babysitter, this gonna be VCR Rust all over

>> No.90705640

wtf he's too powerful. Why don't Cover try to invite him for collabs with their precious Homos so they can get a powerful boost?

>> No.90705673

Holy shit so many fucking shitters here

>> No.90705679

>Q: Why this stream all of a sudden?
>K: there's a lot of concern and misinformation in my timeline so I feel I need to make some things clear

>> No.90705686

Fuck off. No one cares about your brapper.

>> No.90705690

>turn on lapras stream
>first voice I hear is some faggy faggot
>dislike, leave

>> No.90705696
File: 54 KB, 608x608, 1715565416421845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90705743

>Hololive is great right now with a lot of good content around the corner
The good content is around the corner now? I thought we just had good content as a matter of course.

>> No.90705708


>> No.90705717
Quoted by: >>90706191

I am actually wondering now how many of these are real

>> No.90705738

>watches vcr
>is upset by male voices
What a retard

>> No.90705743
Quoted by: >>90705814

Most of them are working on something big right now, probably a Christmas 3D

>> No.90705745

>Mori autistically mumbling to herself with her mic on as usual

>> No.90705749
Quoted by: >>90705823

the way Mori talked about things, it didn't even sound like Fauna (or whoever else wishes to graduate in similar fashion) felt wronged, more like she imagined a different future direction altogether
honestly the rrat about the independent vtuber group being planned that focuses around Dooby and possibly "Gura" is kinda realistic in perspective of what she said

>> No.90705753

how many for her tonight?

>> No.90705775
File: 597 KB, 1008x387, 1723562496966289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90705820

>> No.90705778

>do my daily previous thread reps
>it's all fauna OPs
our resident sap of a baker has become a bit too uppity lately

>> No.90705785

I think Kiara also brought that up, their timelines is completely filled with doomposters

>> No.90705797
Quoted by: >>90706134

>Q: Are the sudden changes that explains recent events
>K: nothing comes to mind recently, but things are definitely different from when I joined
>K: Most of the things changing revolves around how we present our content I guess. before it's enough if we consider only our audience sees our stuff, but today we have to consider society and many things as well

>> No.90705799

Hololive wasn't black then.

>> No.90705814

Too many collabs planned around then for a Xmas 3D, unless you mean for EN

>> No.90705820
Quoted by: >>90705958

>New JP gen losing to mori vcr pov

>> No.90705823


>> No.90705835
Quoted by: >>90705948

Ah shit, that's 2/3 who are MIA and the 3rd is ID, which makes sense as to why no one was around to stop her from leaving...
This could have all been avoided.

>> No.90705888

>Mori Calliope?
>the One Piece girl?
kek, it's happening again

>> No.90705895

All of the girls have faced issues anon, but they try to communicate and work through it.
Fauna's graduation apparently came out of nowhere - even dedicated saplings were surprised. So it feels like she was holding on to a lot of stuff and not talking to anyone about it, making the decision on her own and only then telling everyone.

>> No.90705901


>> No.90705911
Quoted by: >>90705955


>> No.90705913
Quoted by: >>90705955

[Sad News]
Kanaken is over

>> No.90705938

why so alive? I don't like this nu#...

>> No.90705945
File: 108 KB, 1024x1024, 1723433004131258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who was that nigger shitposting about taso in VCR?
eat shit faggots

>> No.90705948

>This could have all been avoided.
yeah by the rest of the branch not being lazy fuckers leaving everything to Kiara and Fauna during the grimmest time and not they dare to run pro management propaganda, fuck off

>> No.90705955
Quoted by: >>90706316

at least we got some good porn of it...

>> No.90705958
File: 301 KB, 977x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, they are so bad. It used to be only IDs would ever lose to Mori.

>> No.90705960
Quoted by: >>90706029

>all the cucks unironically watching VCR slop
lmao, explains all the Fauna antis. Glad my oshi is leaving this tranny company.

>> No.90705968

Have some shame KFP

>> No.90705994

bro your reading reps?

>> No.90705998

>holo v holo

>> No.90706000

> Laplus
yeah all lies as usual

>> No.90706011

Are you genuinely autistic?

>> No.90706023
File: 32 KB, 594x331, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90706042


>> No.90706029


>> No.90706033

>Fauna's graduation apparently came out of nowhere - even dedicated saplings were surprised.
I wasnt but I got called an anti and a schizo for saying that she has given up and is leaving since this thread is a hugbox now instead of just looking at numbers and saying what they obviously mean.
Fauna streamed like 400 hours this year and yet people acted like everything is fine

>> No.90706042

At some point the damage control starts doing more harm than good lol

>> No.90706052


>> No.90706057

Start with JP,do you seriously think care EN and ID? Your multiple EN is Advent of 2023, Kiara of EU,Bae of homocollaber and Mori of UMG. They ask get Gura,Ina or Mumei if they wanted to damage control about EN shitty management.

>> No.90706060

She have enough and know all paypigs would follow to her private account.

>> No.90706066

>claiming they're overworked

>> No.90706071
File: 477 KB, 1079x1035, 1733134999104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad Fauna is jumping ship from this trash heap

>> No.90706073

she didn't talk about any JP clips with Promise or the other girls?

>> No.90706084

>seaniggers still running defence for management

>> No.90706086
Quoted by: >>90706105

Not gonna lie, it took me no longer than a minute to process how and possibly why when i woke up to the notification

>> No.90706090
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 76D93E83-6564-4092-8749-4784505134DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90706096
Quoted by: >>90706230

>Fauna streamed like 400 hours this year and yet people acted like everything is fine
By EN's low standards that is perfectly normal

>> No.90706099

As someone that witnessed the HOLOPOCALYPSE, I'm glad that cover is extra autistic.

>> No.90706105

Cover is losing and will lose even more goodwill with any upcoming graduations.

>> No.90706106
Quoted by: >>90706207

We did it, /#/ is finally a Fauna anti thread

>> No.90706107

Yeah and people keep asking the developer kek

>> No.90706109

2023 was a good year

>> No.90706111

I was ignoring him all this time because he was annoying but.. did Faunaschizo have a point?

>> No.90706120

Was Omega's departure ever officially confirmed?

>> No.90706134
File: 3.89 MB, 1179x2026, 127461375184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck society man. We truly live in one.

>> No.90706135

someone finally clipped the Mori thing from members, grab it before it's deleted ig

>> No.90706138
Quoted by: >>90706159

EN is not hololive

>> No.90706156
Quoted by: >>90706184

What is the Oga x Mori ship called?

>> No.90706159

So true seanigger

>> No.90706175

>holostars funding secured

>> No.90706182

I can't anons... Mori always makes me cringe whenever she speaks Japanese with an American accent.

>> No.90706184


>> No.90706188

Management trashed faumei song in Fauna's face and made her cry didn't they?

>> No.90706191

All of them. Just like how the most popular twitchers get 100k easily every stream

>> No.90706198

>using nijinig talking points

>> No.90706207

Nah I think it's funny that you're using Fauna. It's hilarious

>> No.90706214

so a cool 6.6 million dollars

>> No.90706226

Aki 15k doryaaa

>> No.90706230
File: 702 KB, 1860x1020, 1733078539000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I checked and she has 470 hours which is about the same as Botan/Korone/Azki and more than people like Lamy but no one thinks those people are graduating

>> No.90706235

Why is Fauna way bigger than Sakamata?

>> No.90706236

Akutan feel more affiliate than Ame

>> No.90706270

those people actually had multiple 3D performances, song releases, events and sponsorships this year tho

>> No.90706306

Repeat after me:

>> No.90706316

It's not translated yet...

>> No.90706338

>loves saps
>abandons them and says she's their friend
what is Fauna's gameplan here?

>> No.90706344

2022 was garbage I think everyone agrees
the only issue is which of them have come out of that rut and which of them are still in that mentality

>> No.90706358
Quoted by: >>90706414

>people like Lamy
how condescending kek

>> No.90706359

More like hollow live.

>> No.90706379

>Kanata shows her schedule because twitter tards are claiming everyone is over worked

>> No.90706382
File: 635 KB, 680x383, 1730114010829616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90706429

i really dont get why mika is so popular

>> No.90706410

This. saplings need to chill and stop making needless enemies for their oshi.

>> No.90706412

We've literally seen Kronii's schedule. They only do 2 hours of work and then fuck off for the rest of the day.

>> No.90706411

>people like Lamy. Lamy had a whole
>maybe i have breast cancer from macromastia arc
At the start of the year

>> No.90706414

I was just too tired to type more names

>> No.90706415
Quoted by: >>90706534

oh man theres so many bootlickers huh why dont Cover just direct those people to watch the homos instead? dont they love da boys?

>> No.90706417
File: 592 KB, 931x528, Screenshot 2024-12-02 160329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90706523


>> No.90706429

>posts beautiful artwork
>"uhm why does anyone like this??"

>> No.90706432

>6 mins
uhh can we get a transcript or qrd?

>> No.90706452

>Doesn't stream as often compared to other members.
>Doesn't stream as often compared to other members.
>Doesn't stream as often compared to other members.
Read point 5

>> No.90706455

> Open Mori's stream
> She immediately jumping off the building
why is she so scared of me?

>> No.90706461

Wish we had post IDs. I wonder how hard the samefagging is going.

>> No.90706464

>kobo is addressing the fauna situation
oh boy here we go

>> No.90706472

nigger, there are literal clips shorter than this nowadays, open subway surfers on the side or something

>> No.90706482
File: 3.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1718229024606164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image board

>> No.90706485

Catalogniggers literally can not help exposing themselves

>> No.90706486
File: 2.37 MB, 2182x1220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what does this mean? Is she overworked or not?

>> No.90706492

Are people still taking that screenshot at face value without realizing there was a second page?

>> No.90706493
Quoted by: >>90706524

Mori plays mini motorways in membies?

>> No.90706507


>> No.90706509


>> No.90706523
Quoted by: >>90706583

Aren't GTA RP schizo really strict about rp or it's different for VCR?

>> No.90706524

it's one of her relax games
she's not very good

>> No.90706527

tldw; Mori is happy in holo, not the same as everyone else. Also I think this is before the 2nd nuke dropped because she only mentioned Chloe

>> No.90706534

Be less obvious phasenig

>> No.90706537
File: 1.24 MB, 1919x1030, 1722780415365615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute newfag doesn't remember

>> No.90706545

People doompost about her graduating all the time
Actually enjoying herself too much to go anywhere for now despite the haters fervently wishing she would and is showing it through multiple self-driven projects (ramen/Guinness/tourney)
Never streamed frequently in the first place, this year is probably a record high for her all things considered and she just made the confession that she would've graduated this year but changed her mind, so no one's gonna doompost her for now

>> No.90706546

does red mean menstruation time? God i didnt know women menstruated this much

>> No.90706547
Quoted by: >>90706603

Ahh, i hope she improves then. It's very fun

>> No.90706551

Each bar is an hour of work apparently except for streams

>> No.90706552

Does fauna have any grad merch

>> No.90706554
Quoted by: >>90706638

Every line is a pair of boobs she was allowed to grab that day

>> No.90706560

Don't really care what management dogs have to say.

>> No.90706568

it is before, but she stressed her recent depresso moments were specifically not about Chloe and that timing just sucked in general, making it clear it's about Fauna (and possibly more)

>> No.90706570
Quoted by: >>90706636

>You interested in a schedule from the management filter marshmallow?
I am more interested in Gura schedule

>> No.90706573

that doesn't look like a light schedule for me

>> No.90706576

Normal. And not all of them are works.

>> No.90706579
Quoted by: >>90706609

Overwork rrat died lazy whores

>> No.90706583

From what I know, between Holo, Niji and VCR, Niji was definitely the most autistic about RP.

>> No.90706592

near the end she says that chloe was not the reason she was feeling down and canceled her stream and something else was on her mind which was probably fauna's upcoming announcement

>> No.90706603

>>90706547 (me)
Btw segregation of colors is the best for efficiency

>> No.90706606
Quoted by: >>90706631

>King 67k
Why can't HoloGTA get this numbers?

>> No.90706609


>> No.90706617

>holos scrambling to prove they're not overworked
Funny to see

>> No.90706631


>> No.90706636

>Gura schedule
A kindergartener has busier schedule than Gura

>> No.90706638

that's quite a lot of boobs

>> No.90706637

No, I want her manager fired, I want someone with power inside the company to look into why they're shedding talent and make a change. Then I want Fauna to say graduations called off, we resolved things.

>> No.90706651

she eats a decent amount of twizzlers

>> No.90706653

>FBK posted they aren't overworked
>Kanata literally showed on stream that they aren't overworked
Black company spammers? What now?

>> No.90706659

Some of them belong to the same person

>> No.90706662

>No, I want her manager fired
>japanese office workers
>getting fired

>> No.90706667

This. Won't happen. They don't actually care.

>> No.90706669

1/3 of those are Lamy's. She also has a sleepover with Lamy tomorrow where they will play rhytm fever heaven
