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90679553 No.90679553 [Reply] [Original]

But I thought sakana was supposed to be one of the good ones? Is Phase Connect actually a black company?

>> No.90679692

>using the fucking duellogs to bait
Anon there's like a billion things to use today and you pick a goddamn yugioh content farmer?

>> No.90679881

This is not how you use a fish as a bait faggot.

>> No.90680001
Quoted by: >>90680293

The bootlicker in the replies lmao

>> No.90680293

>If they leave, it's their decision and that's it
Is he wrong?

>> No.90681035

At the end of the day, nobody has ever left Phase Connect willingly
Make of that what you will

>> No.90681251

People generally said the same for Hololive. Outside of a few like Sana who had other priorities in their life, people like Rushia and Mel very clearly did not want to leave the company either.

>> No.90681252

this guy has been a pest to so many indie vtubers recently, I hope this gets him blacklisted

>> No.90681768

>this guy has been a pest to so many indie vtubers recently
This, this faggot makes every one of my 2views streams about him

>> No.90681830

the mbt tweet he replied to is so ignorant. logs is just salty phase has better vtubers than the ones he got for his agency.

does he think holo girls that audition to become fauna/ame/etc are signing their likeness away?

>> No.90681834
Quoted by: >>90682236

Nova Aokami goes indie and on the hour this guy comes begging shamelessly on stream. I'm sure he'd be different.

>> No.90682064

>People generally said the same for Hololive
They fucking do not, least of all in fall of 2024.

>> No.90682130

hes autistic

and retarded. please understand

>> No.90682145

Duellogs is a professional vtuber groomer.

>> No.90682236

yeah, tired of hearing that faggot's name in her streams.

>> No.90682356
Quoted by: >>90682547


>> No.90682547
Quoted by: >>90685531


>> No.90684951


>> No.90685306
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>> No.90685442
Quoted by: >>90695882

Is this remotely a hot take? I thought that would be obvious considering the lazy merchandise from the 4th rate Chinese sellers. Any dissenting opinion is just people who feel the need to defend Phase because their oshi is there. You can still like your oshi and be aware of that reality.

>> No.90685497

If Sakana is so good then why didn't Sakuna become the first JP invader?

>> No.90685531
Quoted by: >>90686178


>> No.90686178
Quoted by: >>90687278

Card game focused guy who owns a bunch of "top 10 X card" channels. He's a big fan of vtubers and has a habit of showing up in 2view chats, being weird, and cracking jokes.
He's annoying, but overall harmless.
A few months back he decided to make his own microcorpo using some of the girls he eventually befriended.
He's like Vedal though where he's not really a sexpest or anything since he'll show up in both guys and girls' streams and is far too autistic and overworked to do anything since he runs like 18 fucking content farms.
Also he's Vivi's former employer pre-Niji. She was his secretary.

>> No.90687065

Then bow down to vspo, they don't have any graduation for like 7 years now

>> No.90687223

Delicious phaseseethe in this thread

>> No.90687278

>Vivi was his secretary
What the actual fuck kek

>> No.90687350

Rushia hated being in Hololive and only did it for the money

>> No.90687570

Genuinely, that retard should have stuck with world of warcraft content. All his videos are just rushed out slop.

>> No.90691519

does this confirm Sakana got Nova and maybe Vivi too for invaders?

>> No.90691639

LOL Phase on the bait chopping block

>> No.90691768

Vivi would never join a corpo again

>> No.90695168

phasegods how do we defend this?

>> No.90695650

I was watching a Nova stream and he would not SHUT UP about not being modded in chat and basically hijacked the stream for like 20 fucking minutes. I used to watch his Yugioh videos YEARS ago, but bros an annoying pest now.

>> No.90695668
Quoted by: >>90695922

this dude is like that one manager in idol corp who fucked the talents, except he does it openly and the phase connect fanbase cheers him on while he does it kek.
i swear EVERY time I try watching a phase girl's stream he's attentionwhoring in the chat and flirting with the girls.

>> No.90695700
Quoted by: >>90698179

people often forget this fish had Pippa blacklisted from even collabing with her own collogues and she often cried on stream about it. Like literally cry and more than once.

>> No.90695753

Nova is good friends with Runie, so maybe, but I see her staying indie unless fishman offered her a very good deal.

>> No.90695770
Quoted by: >>90695843

ph*se deserves to die for what they did to Yuri

>> No.90695843
Quoted by: >>90695995

Nanobites your redesign SUCKS.

>> No.90695882

>considering the lazy merchandise
and these faggots wanted to imprison Sayu and kick out her manager who also happens to be the best merch distributor in the vtuber space

>> No.90695922

afaik he's married and like 5'3" but who knows, women love CEO's for some reason

>> No.90695952

>using fish as bait

>> No.90695995
Quoted by: >>90696240

well, your fish fuck stole her good design via financial coercion

>> No.90696070
File: 114 KB, 1080x827, 1733142087956448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90696297

oh hi

>> No.90696240
File: 961 KB, 1920x1080, 1732223227330052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90696623

Her second bunny design was great, I'm talking about her Kiba self now.

>> No.90696297

MBT blocked me on twitter kek

>> No.90696623
Quoted by: >>90697119

You have no taste then which is a given considering you watch ph*se, she's super cute.

>> No.90697008
File: 1.14 MB, 500x500, plus_jorb.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90697119
File: 37 KB, 600x600, nanobites-portrait-66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah man, THIS is much cuter

>> No.90697299
Quoted by: >>90698916

both are super cute
fuck ph*se
simple as

>> No.90697484


>> No.90697960
Quoted by: >>90698322

How does a retard like him manage a content farm as big as his?

>> No.90698117
Quoted by: >>90698980

Nova unironically doesn't need phase

>> No.90698179

Could you link a clip or timestamp?

>> No.90698182
Quoted by: >>90698252

The ceo of what? Some mobile game?

>> No.90698252

Glitch Stars is a small vtuber corp launched this year.

>> No.90698322
File: 184 KB, 1200x1210, 1718254340566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90698381

Sakana has already had a company destroying event by talent revolt happen, and he managed to avert it by changing his management style/hires. The nips in cover/anycolor have never had to deal with something nearly as extreme as facing complete annihilation like fishman.

>> No.90698916
File: 211 KB, 1448x2048, jellysex2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90698980

Who do you wanna fuck in phase anon?

>> No.90698980

No established name needs phase, the fish will have to go as low as nexas to poach chuubas now.
Yuri yes, I know
