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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.86 MB, 3148x4096, E975mwkUcAEsR-y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9062697 No.9062697 [Reply] [Original]

>Upcoming Stream: Frostpunk #2

>Most Recent Stream: Portal 2 with Baelz

>Debut VOD:

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmbs8T6MWqUHP1tIQvSgKrg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii

>Current Schedule:
9/01 - Frostpunk @ 6PM PST / 9PM EST, (9/02) 1AM GMT / 10AM JST
9/02 - Hollow Knight @ 1:30PM PST / 4:30PM EST / 8:30PM GMT, (9/03) 5:30AM JST
9/03 - Break
9/04 - HoloCouncil Collab @ TBA

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Previous Thread before that: (One time only because previous thread wasn't linked)

>Current Bond Level: 0.5

>Fanfic Listing:

>Fanart Gallery:

>Clock Sounds:

>> No.9062721
File: 2.66 MB, 420x554, kronii makes an attempt[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9ypmme.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9062720


>> No.9062736


>> No.9062749
File: 232 KB, 600x342, 088BF7AE-22A2-41D9-B080-AFBEE9367F2B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9062832


>> No.9062766
File: 217 KB, 1000x1000, 1629881882343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9062775

Sharing writing prompt again since thread died. Kronii goes back in time to visit you at various points in your life to groom you into her perfect man

>> No.9062778


>> No.9062814
File: 229 KB, 1217x1217, 1629863688985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9062817


>> No.9062822
File: 189 KB, 1253x833, 76AB771A-E636-4358-A5E8-851D69FE884E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9062942

Unity gang

>> No.9062832
File: 361 KB, 413x424, 1629892756504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9062943


>> No.9062837
File: 146 KB, 305x330, 1630495015291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only sex

>> No.9062858


>> No.9062860
File: 187 KB, 2048x958, 1629852011200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9063096 >>9063735

>Talk about getting the Previous thread link right in the last thread
>I just noticed I fucked it up myself.
BRB killing myself and then going to try to figure out a way to idiot proof this for us all.

>> No.9062883


>> No.9062888
File: 2.47 MB, 720x796, kronii_clockdoko[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fogn9hz.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9062893


>> No.9062908
File: 259 KB, 1452x2048, 3429809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9062942


>> No.9062943
File: 160 KB, 298x321, kronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9062989


>> No.9062977


>> No.9062988
File: 1.76 MB, 1344x2047, vampkronii14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9063735

Since I posted it near the end of the thread, I am just gonna link the fic here too, so its here when the night shift piles in

>> No.9062989

She doesn't want to be a mother though.

>> No.9063023
File: 98 KB, 495x657, 1630246194329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, that will change when she is pregnant

>> No.9063030
Quoted by: >>9063393


>> No.9063066
File: 275 KB, 1770x2048, FB47FA60-98F5-429C-B0B8-CBC61F2C3136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9063393

No, not to (YOU)R children, but she wants to be a mother to MINE

>> No.9063069
Quoted by: >>9063739

the I am just gonna breed the rrat till she is cumflated while holding Kronii's hand and kissing her!

>> No.9063089
Quoted by: >>9063229

post the greentext

>> No.9063096

Putting this as a marker for the next thread.

>Previous Thread:

>Previous Thread before that: (One time only because previous thread wasn't linked)

>> No.9063122

so what krony variants are there

>> No.9063208
Quoted by: >>9063283 >>9063284

God, Imagine how sexy that would be. Her knowing that getting her pregnant would way down on your conscience, and that you now have to provide for her regardless of what you want to do with your life.

>> No.9063229
File: 435 KB, 862x775, 1630149923684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to be sad anon

>> No.9063281
Quoted by: >>9063393

She doesn't get to decide that.

>> No.9063283
Quoted by: >>9063345 >>9063923

>you now have to provide for her
That is exactly what I want to do with my life, Keeping Kronii pregnant and happy

>> No.9063284
Quoted by: >>9063345

God I fucking wish, I would happily give up all my aspirations to raise a family with her

>> No.9063324
File: 311 KB, 524x524, 1605492200888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're horny
>"hi kronii my wife"
>you have sex with kronii
>i love you anon
>yes kronii, my wife

>> No.9063345

Very based.

>> No.9063350


>> No.9063378
File: 159 KB, 270x357, 1600011600169.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her.

>> No.9063393
Quoted by: >>9063419 >>9063427

A friendly reminder that she will just turn back time in her womb and abort your kid that way.

>> No.9063413
Quoted by: >>9063664 >>9065984

Vampkronii anon, you here? You mentioned youre working on a vamp Kronii 0.5 part 2. Did you end up posting it or working on something else? Both are fine and take your time, just wondering if I missed it in the archives.

>> No.9063419

Maybe if it's (you)r kid, not mine though

>> No.9063427

Fake and gay

>> No.9063483

short, sweet and to the point.

>> No.9063536
File: 1.72 MB, 994x1563, 1629724423126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i love anon"

>> No.9063570
File: 153 KB, 835x1452, 1630297064017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true

>> No.9063571


>> No.9063611

Fuck, youre right. I see it now.

>> No.9063629
Quoted by: >>9064282

thanks, i came

>> No.9063633
Quoted by: >>9063735

hi bakerchama you linked the wrong previous thread again goddamnit

>> No.9063664
File: 3.65 MB, 1246x2875, vampkronii4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't written it yet, but its probably the next one I will do, before moving on to more less-wholesome-more-sex focused once with chaos rrat.

>> No.9063701


>> No.9063715
File: 1.71 MB, 1200x1000, 1615328382924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching the Timeballs collab, it's fucking amazing, the Scissors Paper Rock controversy had me wheezing. I am officially a SpaceTimeChaosfag now.

>> No.9063735

I'm working on it, maybe we should make the previous thread and 2nd previous thread permanent for now so we have a redundancy feature.
Anyone else for or against that?

>> No.9063739

astoundingly based fellow rratfucker
kronii not wanting to be a mother isn't much of a loss when there's a rrat that needs to be taught responsibility and a deer just itchin' for a breedin'

>> No.9063743

Is it possible to compact this post more, but keep the essence and spirit intact?

>> No.9063745


>> No.9063770
File: 3.03 MB, 1636x2048, 1614923040484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9063837


>> No.9063792

posting again for the chance she is /here/

>> No.9063814
File: 95 KB, 1024x1002, yitY35Th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9063829

>remakes and new game coming out
>entire hololive generation clearly based on sinnoh legendaries
gen4fags stay winning

>> No.9063823
File: 802 KB, 1126x532, 1630048577834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to just lie down for now.

>> No.9063824

Anon you know what to do, naked dogeza

>> No.9063829
Quoted by: >>9063877

pokemon peaked at 4th gen anything else that was released after that is shit

>> No.9063837
File: 3 KB, 115x125, 1630329585873s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9063858
Quoted by: >>9063887

She said she doesn't like rage inducing games. And Nuzlocke is rage inducing.

>> No.9063863

>I won't elaborate I'm feeling sleepy

>> No.9063877
Quoted by: >>9063967

I mean, Gen 5 was alright
Everything afterwards, not so much

>> No.9063881

I like the idea

>> No.9063887

it doesnt have to be a nuzlocke i just want them to play the remakes

>> No.9063890


>> No.9063901
File: 117 KB, 270x279, queen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9063995

I want Kronii to do a cover of Highschool of the Dead

>> No.9063923

Extremely based and respected

>> No.9063967

wasn't really a fan of gen 5, I liked the graphics though

>> No.9063986
File: 3.34 MB, 3086x873, 1606816629326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah like anon said they can do a Soul Link without the nuzlocke aspect. Especially since you can feasibly soft-lock yourself in a nuzlocke, which wouldn't be good for a chuuba stream. Would be pretty amazing.

>> No.9063995
Quoted by: >>9064032

I want her to continue the based Digimon streak and cover Break Up!, but thats a fine choice too

>> No.9064027
Quoted by: >>9064087 >>9064098


>> No.9064032
File: 53 KB, 531x652, 412562351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9064629

How about "EVO" or "My Tomorrow" from Tamers?

>> No.9064052
Quoted by: >>9064087 >>9064098

That... Doesn't really work

>> No.9064063


>> No.9064066
Quoted by: >>9064097

The better idea would be to have Kronii play diamond, Sana play Pearl, and when they both finish the game they fight each other.

>> No.9064071


>> No.9064084


>> No.9064087

Cuz Owl = bird= yveltal and deer = Xerneas. But I agree it's a bit of a stretch, it fits better in >>9063715. I guess they wanted to give everyone a cover legendary.

>> No.9064097

this is also something i've been posting to

>> No.9064098

I'd bet 5 SEAnigger dollars that the artist's thought process is
>yveltal bird
>mumei... bird?
>yveltal mumei

>> No.9064148

celebi = fauna cause I want fuck both of them

>> No.9064155


>> No.9064185


>> No.9064186
File: 1.58 MB, 2048x2500, 65F3AF57-C6EE-4E97-91E8-25A37F68645F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're lying in bed with Kronii
>She's finally caved into your begging for sex
>It's the happiest moment of your life as you look down at your wife with your heart racing
>You finally slide it inside after waiting all this time
>You're in heaven
>With the same old disinterested look on her face, she says

>> No.9064214


>> No.9064220
File: 680 KB, 720x765, 1601298683413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9064240

Silvally would be a much better pick for Mumei

>> No.9064259
Quoted by: >>9064303

>tfw I will never have my small 4 inch penis inside kronii

why even live

>> No.9064282

thank anon I try :)

>> No.9064303

Not with that attitude you wont

>> No.9064367
File: 20 KB, 228x222, 5B4D6A56-B179-4B49-9F7A-68600E728293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9064556

Fuck man that's brutal
I would never get hard ever again and my self-esteem would be in the negative numbers forever if I got hit with that

>> No.9064401

brehs... rrat just said Kronii just took her first time... I officially have a fetish for Kronii breaking other girls' hymens in front of me...

>> No.9064452
File: 646 KB, 510x829, first time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9064485
File: 1.58 MB, 3476x2209, 329CD5BD-9E38-4276-937E-86B1032AC2C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine believing in rrats

>> No.9064536
Quoted by: >>9064556

Why am I turned on

>> No.9064556

The duality of Kronies.

>> No.9064563
Quoted by: >>9064627

>Kronii immediately feels bad about this afterwards
>reads up on natural methods to encourage growth down there
>flitters through time and does things like mix in certain…additives into your food during your growing periods
>helps plant subliminal messages into your mind during stopped time that won’t end up changing your nature in the present but may encourage you to live just a tiny bit healthier
>she comes back to the present where anon is a little bit more /fit/ and is able to match up to a can of Monster Energy

>> No.9064627
File: 29 KB, 400x400, BB5E6832-2481-4BE3-9EA2-25A12FA1DBB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronii turns anon into her version of Hikaru Genji
You know what to do

>> No.9064629
File: 185 KB, 294x312, vampkronii1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also supreme picks

>> No.9064653


>> No.9064781

i'm not a write fag but i got an interesting idea for one so i'll give it a shot. This story is meant to match up with parts of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_QKFGMY21o i'll leave timestamps so you know what part it lines up with. i'm really just gonna blurt out whatever comes to mind first
>(0:00) its a cold winter afternoon. there was some snow coming down so you decided to ask kronii if she wanted to go out for a walk. She hadn't experienced snow or winter yet so she decided to go out with you
>you give her one of your winter jackets which is a little large on her but it'll keep her warm
>(0:45) slowly walking out of your house you two start strolling around town
>she started talking as if she was a child experiencing snow for the first time
>you laugh with her telling jokes and smiling at her expressions
>(1:06) while she was distracted by snowflakes you slowly start making a snowball behind her back
>(1:26) she notices and starts to ask you why you're picking up the snow
>(1:47) you throw a snowball at her face landing a direct hit
>she starts pouting at you then tackles you into the snow
>you're both laughing gleefully as if you were both children
>eventually you get back up and start playing around in the snow

not a writefag i'm actually horrible at writing but i just thought this was a cool idea to inspire others hope to see more stuff like this

>> No.9064799

>Bae was positioned so low because she was naked the whole portal stream
>Bae had no brain cells because Kronii was teasing her using her precious machines offscreen
>The rat broke at the end of the stream, hense the banging, groaning, and slow sinking off camera
>Kronii's eye change was her going into full dom mode as they signed off

>> No.9064834
File: 1.15 MB, 360x360, 1630409094385.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what do you think of the rat now?

>> No.9064852

i'm going to watch her bayonetta 2 stream

>> No.9064888

She's cool

>> No.9064906
File: 1.01 MB, 617x838, 1629816302370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats cute anon! You should write more! I hadn't written anything creative for years till Kronii and these threads came along so I think it would be a good time for you too

>> No.9064908

made for rape, like mumei.
pretty cool.

>> No.9064947

made for rape, by Kronii.

>> No.9065019

nah, it's fine as it is. Today is just oopsie hours for thread makers. It'll pass soon.

t. previous thread OP

>> No.9065082

I know it's a random thought, but I don't why she gives me that vibe that she'd be playing mega man battle network in the future.

>> No.9065088

cute, a good complement to kronii, and in a different way from sana no less
incredibly fuckable, too

>> No.9065093

My erection has reached heights never before recorded by man

>> No.9065139

I always liked the Rrat. I just was never able to catch her live
After finally being able to watch her live, She's one of my favorites

>> No.9065159

She's ok.
Not subbed, not gonna go out of my way to watch her, but she collabs well with Kronii so that's good.

>> No.9065185

BUILT for rape by Kronii

>> No.9065234
File: 108 KB, 640x905, 1601562031189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's alright and fun to watch, design-wise I thought she would be my favorite EN2 but man... Kronii stole me and since I don't have time to follow whole EN2 I didn't keep tabs on her since her debut.

>> No.9065286
Quoted by: >>9065310 >>9065414

>snowball fight
extreme chainsawman ptsd

>> No.9065310
Quoted by: >>9065414

dont remind me...

>> No.9065313

god even without sana a shining diamond playthrough (or hell, OG diamond) from kronii might seal her as my clear favourite vtuber of all time
i never really forget how good those games' OST is, but it always amazes me when i hear it again

>> No.9065351

fuckin kek

>> No.9065414

can't wait for season 2.

>> No.9065558
File: 428 KB, 619x489, kronies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9065577


>> No.9065596

This is the peak of our literary movement

>> No.9065684
Quoted by: >>9065762

>Kronii is your older sister and Bae is your younger sister
>You are dead already, so they have to take care of each other
>Bae sprains her ankle and Kronii tries to comfort her the way you would, but it just makes her more upset
>Bae and Kronii fight about why Kronii couldn't have gone back in time and saved you, she says it's because of fate and she's already tried everything she can think of; you die regardless
>They end up crying and hugging each other once they realize you would've hated all the fighting
>They promise to live their best lives because it's what you would have wanted

>> No.9065729

LSE (Little Sister Experience)

>> No.9065762
Quoted by: >>9065830

Where's the healing fuck between them anon?

>> No.9065772


>> No.9065814
File: 2.36 MB, 320x310, 18773451-44E3-4940-9684-77947D60B52D.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keksimus maximus

>> No.9065830
Quoted by: >>9065900 >>9065910

holy shit imagine walking in on them having hot incestuous sex and they invite you to join and give you double paizuri (except it's kronii doing most of the work just like in portal)

>> No.9065900


>> No.9065907
File: 126 KB, 217x248, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rrat's face when you slam balls deep into her while Kronii plays with her breasts

>> No.9065910


>> No.9065984
File: 822 KB, 600x846, vampkronii15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vamp Kronii, Part 0.6

>Anon could tell something was wrong
>Kronii has seem agitated past few days, being unusually jumpy and irritated constantly
>Despite his obvious concern, she kept batting him off
>"None of your business, dumb blood dripper, mmphhh!"
>It wasn't until he came home to her having left half of her clothes all over the flat, each wet with saliva and some with two tiny holes in them
>She was sitting in an armchair, trying to look as small as possible, like a child about to get talking to
>"Just tell me whats wrong with you, this is getting out of hand."
>She remained silent, avoiding eye contact
>"No. You are just dumb flesh bag. You are beneath a vampire such as me! I don't need help..."
>She looked up as if to survey her victory, but she only meets anon's steel gaze, making her look away fast
>"If you are not gonna tell me, then I am just gonna go ask Fauna fo-"
>He doesn't get to finish as the big-titted vampire leaps from her sitting position, pushing him to the ground and pinning him, forcing a painful wheeze out of him
>"NO! Not F-Fauna, p-please, no!"
>He just looked at her, confused why friend's name caused such a panicked
>"S-She...she...she.....she would laugh..."
>"I, might have, lied to her, a bit, about...about...being big competent vampire...
>Anon's flashbacks to her desperate, repeated attempt to use her teeth him, which only recently successed
>He sighs and pinches his nose in frustration
>"Ok, then what the fuck is wrong with you? And no lies this time."
>She gets off of him, kneeling down on his side as he seats himself up
>"...my teeth...itch...real bad....
>It clearly took some strength to actually say it out loud, her pride finally coming off to admit the problem
>Anon just sighs, looking at her again
>"Why didn't you tell me before?"
>"Cause....cause you are a dumb blood bag....
>Anon can't hold himself and rolls his eyes, before moving closer and hugging her
>"You might be a Warden of Time, but you are also a massive dumbass..."
>In response, Kornii lets out a pout and attempts to bite him, her teeth instead sinking into his shirt, because she didn't move it
>Much to his confusion, she doesn't do anything for a few seconds
>Then, her she lets go and sink again into the shirt
>And again, and again
>After a fifts "bite", she starts to let out happy noises, sighing clearly in relieve
>"Huh, growing pains..."
>Anon states matter-of-factly, watching his oshi happily nibble on his neck through the shirt, stimulating her fangs with the flesh beneath it, unlike with just the shirts she munched up prior
>After she managed to bite into him for the first time, it must have triggered some sort of growth in her vampire teeth
>Or maybe she didn't manage it cause they were still growing
>Anon had no idea about how vampire biology worked, so he quickly abandoned that train of thought
>Both just sit there for a while, until part of his shirt is completely soaked in her saliva
>She finally lets go, wiping excess spit from her mouth
>"T-thanks...that helped..."
>"Next time just ask, ok?"
>Anon then moves in and kisses her, which she returns in kind, their tongue twisting around each other
>In following days, Anon would make habit of wearing some soft, but durable clothes, in case she needed some emergency munching
>Later he even made sort of a sleeve for his arm that she could bite into without problems
>Tho it meant being restricted to games for one hand for several hours at the time, but at least her breasts were a comfy rest.
>Not that he really minded, the cuteness of Kronii happily nibbling on him more than made up for any inconvenience

And here it is! Enjoy the read, anon.

>> No.9066063
File: 86 KB, 588x900, E97aAlMVcAA3cDu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kronii will never suck you deeply
I'm ngmi

>> No.9066099


She was so neuron activated. Kronii definitely likes girls and that's hot.

>> No.9066154
Quoted by: >>9066592

on bit of a unrelated note but by god I love Rrat's cute chainsaw chompers

>> No.9066240

Has Kronii laughed that hard before?

>> No.9066250

I mean, wouldn't anyone be flustered if someone said that in front of thousands of people? I think she was just a bit taken aback anon

>> No.9066252
File: 62 KB, 250x323, i have no sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9066383
Quoted by: >>9066653

>vampire Kronii
>has taken both Sana's and Rrat's virgin blood

>> No.9066386

She got really uncomfortable, I think Kronii showed that she doesn't like lewd stuff and jokes. I think rat shouldn't have said it.

>> No.9066428
File: 566 KB, 944x600, image_2021-09-01_155639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9066466

>tfw severe lack of kronii glove smut

>> No.9066429

don't make me take your first time anon

>> No.9066466


>> No.9066472
File: 14 KB, 480x360, 286D49BE-F235-4771-876E-F6B40126E69C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Demi-Chan pilled

>> No.9066534

I don't think there's much to talk about it considering her roommate's confirmed lesbian

>> No.9066546

Lesbians are NOT hot

>> No.9066556

help me out, what would be Kronii's smell

>> No.9066563
Quoted by: >>9066633

How is that preview pic allowed?

>> No.9066592
Quoted by: >>9066653 >>9067245

>Kronii and Rrat coming into the office the next day
>You sense that something must've happened between them, considering how they seem to be avoiding eye contact
>Every time you ask Kronii, she just sheepishly avoids the question and asks about the time
>Meanwhile, Rrat just laughs and keeps bringing up marmalade Vegemite sandwiches
>unfortunately, in all your inquires, you ceased to realized that moth of their wardrobes were different. instead of their usual attire, they both came in wearing a sweater and pants, covering as much skin as possible
>Like all the multiple chainsaw bite marks that littered Kronii's inner thighs, neck, and breasts
>And Rrat's multiple hikkies that made her look like she was attacked by a mosquito

>Now that you think about it, Rrat has been walking a bit funny...

>> No.9066633

Coomer/clipper clickbait, it’s standard seemingly
These people love to take an out of context quote and take a cropped thumbnail for it, add “LEWD/YABE XD” and rake in the views
I imagine it’s one of the reasons some chuubas are so self conscious as to how they speak, hopefully Kronii isn’t put off of speaking her mind properly by these worthless clipniggers

>> No.9066653
File: 685 KB, 862x775, vampkronii6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no...please...no more great potentionally wholesome prompts...my heart is limp and bruised...
just joking of course, but jeezus, I have written more wholesome stuff here then anywhere else at this point

Ok, had a different one planned for those two, but this would actually fit very well like a setup for that idea, so gonna note it down

>> No.9066706
File: 17 KB, 100x100, 1630016791950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9067055

She'll be fine, that's one of the things she has to learn to deal with for being a Vtuber.
All things got lewded and especially when you're a 2D anime girl.

For all the possible messed up things and drama in this industry this is among the insignificant ones.

>> No.9066744
Quoted by: >>9066842

>grab a random literally who and pretend it's a roommate
You discord faggots are getting so desperate it's funny.

>> No.9066825

Sounds like her but I doubt it

>> No.9066842
Quoted by: >>9066867 >>9067029

They are so assblasted because they can't find any dirt on Kronii and start drama, it's incredible

>> No.9066867


>> No.9066877
File: 287 KB, 1454x1088, 1630175687040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9066910

Reminder to not engage with any doxxbeats, rratposters or discordfags

>> No.9066910

based Takoronie

>> No.9066980

*cums on you*

>> No.9066991
Quoted by: >>9067014 >>9067219

>ina just started streaming
>i get to watch her for an hour
>then baelz
>then the human fall flat collab
>then finally kronii
i'm getting /comfy/ today

>> No.9067014

sounds like a good night

>> No.9067029

Anyone with a similar voice, accent and vocabulary is Kronii apparently

>> No.9067055

I'm still banking on the fact she's annoyed that she's already going to have to clean up her image.
Similar to her Dr Seuss joke, maybe she did it intentionally, but afterwards she realized how people will just play the quote out of context which is why she made the tweet.

First impressions are everything, it's why we're going to be stuck with 'Babe?' for a long time.

>> No.9067177

I like watching her fail

>> No.9067188
File: 294 KB, 929x767, 1630361689851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9067227

So that is what doxxniggers have been reduced to

>> No.9067202

You take vtuber gags too seriously. Nobody seriously tunes into hololive to coom, people were just teasing her over the line and she responded to it the way someone does when they're playing along with good-natured teasing. The boundaries are clear, you don't need to cry fretting over whether strangers will respect it.

>> No.9067219
Quoted by: >>9067234 >>9067237

>then the human fall flat collab
Who's doing this one?

>> No.9067227

I need more pics of kronii laughing

>> No.9067234

Sana and uh... I forgor

>> No.9067237

mumei and sana

>> No.9067245

>All throughout the day, rrat has been glancing at Kronni
>Or more-so, Kronii's fingers
>Every motion, every wave, Rrats eyes couldn't stop watching them
>And her breathing got heavier and heavier
>Imagining those fingers of her delicately parading themselves across her skin, gently sliding down her mid section, gripping her thighs as they were pried open with minimal resistance to reve-
>"He Bae, you okay?"
>Baelz blinked, shot right out of her trance, her cheeks flushed as sweat dripped down her spine. Kronii was standing right in front of her, worry painted on her face as she looked down on the meek rrat.
>"Y-Yeah. Just, uhm, feeling a bit hot, you know. Summer. Haha.."

>> No.9067298
File: 403 KB, 1695x1674, @BaAllage_E94CrSOVUAY_xT8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9067399 >>9067682

Ironically the best way to deal with these kind of things if she really cares that much is to ignore it.

No matter what she has all the Myth senpais to consult for ways to deal with all kinds of drama, she seems to be in good relation with Ina already.
COVER is also the most conservative Vtuber company regarding their talents' image out there so no need to concernfag so much.

>> No.9067399
Quoted by: >>9067554 >>9067607

what she's doing is working, so I wouldn't change anything if I was her

>> No.9067554
File: 240 KB, 1445x2048, E9v5pHmVkAMpEUe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly this

>> No.9067607
File: 139 KB, 358x358, @MLeeLunsford_E-A8buiVQAAgc91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also think she's mostly playing with it, the sense of annoyance is part of her character she's going with for now.

>> No.9067654
Quoted by: >>9067785

>concernfags showing up after a good collab
Just go back to hornyposting instead. This shit is retarded.

>> No.9067682
Quoted by: >>9068530

It still feels like she doesn't want sexuality to be one of her main focal points. She has no problem mentioning it, but at the same time doesn't want to make it one of the big reasons why people tune in. I mean a good chunk of this general is just screaming sex and writing fan fic that has surpassed the length of the lord of the rings.
I'm clearly projecting my own mental problems here, but I make similar jokes as Kronii where in my head it sounds good, but after it's said and processed, I'm like 'Ooooh...'
Clover will let it slide for now unless people start getting explicit of course, but you can't help but feel she's stressing over it and yeah, hopefully she's getting consul from Myth in how to handle it.

>> No.9067696
Quoted by: >>9067731

>it's why we're going to be stuck with 'Babe?' for a long time.
I'll take that over dadfags any day of the week.

>> No.9067731

Auntie Kronii is what she should call her.
We all need another parental figure in our lives.

>> No.9067781
File: 552 KB, 780x1060, 160458875909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9067815


>> No.9067785

based, I love the 'advice' when she's kicking fucking ass lmao

>> No.9067815
Quoted by: >>9067876

Reminder Kronii is FRIEND

>> No.9067835
Quoted by: >>9067937

no thanks, that dad shit is a plague and I'd feel bad for mori if she didn't encourage it

>> No.9067846
Quoted by: >>9067872 >>9067875

Maybe you do, I need a big titty warden of SEX and time as my wife

>> No.9067872

You're getting ara ara incest and you're going to like it.

>> No.9067875


>> No.9067876

Unironically I wouldn't mind spending the day just hanging out with Kronii and hearing her nerd out about korean webtoons and voice acting.

>> No.9067937

My worst fear is that flanderization meme shit happens to EN2 as well. Why does the hololive fanbase always do shit like this?

>> No.9067959
Quoted by: >>9067984

>Why does the hololive fanbase always do shit like this?
It's mostly EOPs

>> No.9067984

>It's mostly EOPs

>> No.9067996
Quoted by: >>9068033

God fucking dammit, when did we arrive at the concernfag era of /∞/?
I was writing some concern/comfort greentext after the collab because I just love that kind of emotional angst, but it seems that it's best to stop that to avoid breeding more saviourfags who can't differentiate a gt from reality.

>> No.9068010
File: 211 KB, 420x420, Yujiro_profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boohoo what if this happen? What if that happens?
Shut the fuck up pussies. If you keep acting like that I will cum on you all.

>> No.9068015

Holyshit she sounds so much like her.

Where did you find this chick from anon?

>> No.9068033

saboteurs man

>> No.9068040

Love it so much. You outdone yourself. Ill be rereading this for a while now.

>> No.9068052

That's why you got to get it under control early if it sounds shitty before it sticks with you.
Or luck out like Winning Son who didn't know why they called him that for like a good half of year before looking it up.

>> No.9068065
Quoted by: >>9068148

BASED toughen up butter cups we haven't even had a real controversy yet

>> No.9068094


>> No.9068131

Don't threaten me with a good time.

>> No.9068132
File: 39 KB, 460x452, 5E5A8D77-5CB7-4CE9-9495-045C387CD4A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9068173 >>9068195

I don’t like kronii that much so far

>> No.9068148

something something peace makes people weak etc.

>> No.9068173
File: 92 KB, 657x680, E98n2fDUYAAd_Jz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't false flag here bro

>> No.9068195

Door is that way niggerfaggot.

>> No.9068204
File: 225 KB, 330x412, 1630268309839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>armchair psychologists and concerposting
I mean it is a step above rrat generating and doxxposting. Just a step tho.

>> No.9068210

Read the original only.

>> No.9068249

horny posting kept us safe...

>> No.9068251
File: 53 KB, 658x291, 1630297470108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*punches you in the gut*
*spits on your face*
*deepthroats you*
*cums in your mouth*
How about now?

>> No.9068262
Quoted by: >>9068281 >>9068337

I am deeply concerned about Kronii not having my dick in her right now

>> No.9068273
Quoted by: >>9068468 >>9068590

>armchair psychologists and concerposting
At least they care rather than seeking to just destroy. Keep it at this level. Otherwise we'll have a Poltergeist sitution.

>> No.9068281

Okay thats a valid concern

>> No.9068295
File: 161 KB, 294x312, 1630213470738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god I wish that were me

>> No.9068293

Get used to it. Due to Kronii's deadpan delivery this is going to happen A LOT for a while.

>> No.9068296

I would let Kronii do all of these to me gladly

>> No.9068329
Quoted by: >>9068376

*gets cummed on*

>> No.9068337
File: 330 KB, 1371x2048, 1630261728131 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, same

>> No.9068359

Also the fact she says she's not happy, and make many depressing and self loathing jokes.
Concernfags will always be apart of her fandom.

>> No.9068360
File: 429 KB, 1024x1581, 1608638073909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you WILL be Kronii's motionless sextoy for eternity

>> No.9068376


>> No.9068383

Put the cock down, let's not do anything reckless.

>> No.9068407


>> No.9068425
File: 100 KB, 980x976, 1630341865700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9068493 >>9068502

Its just funny how common it is for people to do psychoanalysis on others based on extremely limited cherry picked information, thats filtered, with practically zero education on the topic. Social media was a mistake.

>> No.9068438

I don't understand these concernfags. I admit in indulging in saviourfaggotry, but fucking hell what is this innane shit? Clipniggers will do what they want, Kronii is a grown woman that can do what she wants, Her "image" won't be tarnished or whatever schizo idea concernfags have in their head. Nothing bad will happen.

>> No.9068468
Quoted by: >>9068525

>At least they care rather than seeking to just destroy.
No this is just a slippery slope. This mentality will make people overly sensitive to everything. If Kronii has an awkward interaction in a collab and a genmate "insults" her, people are going to get overly angry instead of giving that genmate the benefit of the doubt. If Kronii sounds sad in a stream, rrats will go crazy trying to make speculations and jumping to retarded conclusions. I've seen this happen before.

>> No.9068493

they desperately want to be needed

>> No.9068496


>> No.9068502
Quoted by: >>9068539 >>9068713

We need to get an actual psychologist here to set the record straight.

>> No.9068516
Quoted by: >>9068559


>> No.9068525

he's 100% right

>> No.9068530
File: 739 KB, 680x852, Kronsneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9068539
Quoted by: >>9068578

Kronii is depressed and it's based and relatable, because you have to be clinically insane or retardedly unaware to not be depressed in a 21st century first-world country.

>> No.9068559

based takeshi shooing away the concernfags and rrats

>> No.9068567
Quoted by: >>9068595

I want /tv/ to go.

>> No.9068578

Being depressed is so common these days that its a bigger fucking odity if a person is sane and mentally stable.

>> No.9068590
Quoted by: >>9068741

In their caring they will end up as a destructive force. Like a overzealous father, the intentions maybe good and in some ways you MAY prevent some damage, but in this road you'll just inflict another damage to the object of your protection.

>> No.9068595

And I want you to stop being a stupid concernfagging pansy.
*cums on you* btw

>> No.9068616

One of the more insightful and thought provoking posts itt honestly.

>> No.9068630
File: 527 KB, 1309x932, KP_OC_Reps-.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9068722 >>9068880

Decided to my reps today.
Confess your sins

If you're a fellow catholic, go to confession your horny fucks

>> No.9068677


>> No.9068713

No actual and serious psychologist would even try to analyze someone who is playing a character, who they can't see their face and who will only provide information about themselves in a extremely filtered way. No actual diagnosis can be done in those conditions.

>> No.9068722
File: 95 KB, 674x608, PSYCHOPATHku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I confess that if this concernfagging doesn't stop in the next five minutes, I will nuke this thread.

>> No.9068737
File: 184 KB, 828x534, 881524CF-0570-417C-9BE1-B78257D7D8BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9068802 >>9068922

Concernfag POV:
Concernfags OUT
Concernfags drown in SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX
Concernfags drown in futa Kronii clock milk
I will fucking futa post forever if it keeps them and rrats out
Shitty horny/cringy fanfics >>>>>>> clipniggers and concernfags

>> No.9068741
Quoted by: >>9068817

We're putting the carriage in front of the horse though because you assume people here are going to act. The best this place can do is scream SEX and pretend that typing their ejaculating will be a deterrent.

>> No.9068754

True /lit/ material right here. I can feel the emotions in the text as if they were mine

>> No.9068762
Quoted by: >>9068808

You think she's a sneed or a chuck kind of guy?

>> No.9068802
Quoted by: >>9068850 >>9068873

>I will fucking futa post forever if it keeps
What if I'm a concern fag who likes futa?

>> No.9068808

She sneeds while chucking Baelz

>> No.9068817
Quoted by: >>9068861

drowning shit out is actually a great propaganda tool

>> No.9068850

You will be sent to the coal mines.

>> No.9068861

Then it just destroys your own home because it's now nothing but shit when you have more people join in drowning yourself in shit.

>> No.9068873
File: 121 KB, 595x842, 428FD5D6-FDDF-4182-B3A3-6F432D58276F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re still on thin fucking ice if you are

>> No.9068877
Quoted by: >>9068934

Why did this thread become so autistic

>> No.9068880

I'm guilty of making the greentext that kickstarted the fluff content here and that fell on reddit hands. I'm also partially guilty of kickstarting the concerfag era by posting sad and depressed Kronii content after the collab. Forgive me for my sins clockbros, I didn't foresee the consequences of my actions, I just love our clock wife...

>> No.9068897

>all this the concerfagging
>all the posts wasted
In better timeline all of those posts were about cumming on me

>> No.9068922
Quoted by: >>9068984

I miss the clock milk fics...

>> No.9068934
File: 878 KB, 389x292, 1621561093096.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9068972

>Complaining about autism on 4chan.

>> No.9068941
Quoted by: >>9068965

I meant on Kronii

>> No.9068965

t. Kronii
*cums on you*

>> No.9068972

this general is now worse than /who/ and thats an achievement

>> No.9068982

Open your mouth anon

>> No.9068984
Quoted by: >>9069049

I’m in the process of writing the next Takeshi one, if that’s any consolation, I posted the sfw bit in a previous thread

>> No.9069009

Thank you, we strive for excellence.

>> No.9069025

It's not your fault. Blame the fucking SEAniggers and tourists that plague this board. Just cum on them and move on.

>> No.9069049

Based sekkusuanon, save us from the saviorfag abyss. Beat them up with the power of Kronii's clock

>> No.9069071

>oh no one bad thread
I can smell your falseflagging ass, doxxbeat.

>> No.9069079

WE will make sure not repeat this time loop again

>> No.9069085
Quoted by: >>9069153 >>9069152

So the generals weakness is concernfag baiting. Interesting.

>> No.9069098
Quoted by: >>9069205 >>9069261

Do you think Kronii will play more strategy games? Non ironically I would like to see her try things like Civ if she got the permissions. A collab with Mumei and a full gen collab would be absolutely kino (provided they understood it eventually)

>> No.9069100

There's nothing wrong with the fluff, its containment breaching niggers and reddit newfags that haven't been filtered yet

>> No.9069140


>> No.9069153

>the generals weakness
more like the two spergs that decided to shit up the thread

>> No.9069152

Is it really bait if the concern is genuine?

>> No.9069159
Quoted by: >>9069330

Bros im gonna have to watch the frostpunk vod i cant fucking stay awake

>> No.9069192

It's okay clock chad, it will pass

>> No.9069203
Quoted by: >>9069289

remember kids, empathy is bad.

>> No.9069205
Quoted by: >>9069306

I would love something like that, maybe a city building game where she creates the Clockcity and imposes ruthless taxes on t's population.

>> No.9069229
Quoted by: >>9069342

>concerning over nothing
>it's been only a week
You are retarded

>> No.9069234
Quoted by: >>9069342

>concern is genuine
The only genuine thing you should be worried about is you treating that mental disorder and finally taking the medication prescribed to you.

>> No.9069240

it's equally unhelpful, yes

>> No.9069261
Quoted by: >>9069514

I don't know, but I'd like that. How would you do it? Just Free for All or try to make roughly balanced teams?

>> No.9069289


>> No.9069306

Also I think it would be cute if she played Bloons Tower Defence
It would really give this gen even more nostalgia, and the current TD6 is actually pretty good both on Steam and Mobile
She could even do co op with Fauna to return to monke

>> No.9069321
File: 160 KB, 850x1282, __ouro_kronii_hololive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9069462


>> No.9069324

I'm concerned about whether or not this dick will fit in your mouth rumao

>> No.9069330

don't worry man, I had to do that for the first one, it was still fun

>> No.9069342
Quoted by: >>9069389 >>9069553

>Just let people suffer on them own, dog eat dog world!
It's like dealing with Objectivists again.

>> No.9069358
Quoted by: >>9069444 >>9069487

Is this the pregnancy thread?

>> No.9069389
Quoted by: >>9069459

you're not her psychologist you're projecting your own shit onto her

>> No.9069402

Stop replying to obvious bait and talk about Kronii.

>> No.9069444

Yes. *cums in you*

>> No.9069459
Quoted by: >>9069525

I never said I was, but you'd have to be an idiot to not see she's depressed in some aspect.

>> No.9069462
File: 219 KB, 1221x1754, 1630107069065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kute and funny? My Kronii?!

>> No.9069467
Quoted by: >>9069516 >>9069533

where did all these concernfags come from? we're trying to CUM in here. go shit up a different thread with your mental illness.

>> No.9069487

Yeah but kronii will be busy for the next 9 months or so, come back later

>> No.9069514
Quoted by: >>9069592

Probably a mix. But I would honestly have one of them okay as China or ban it in the rules (without showing said rules) due to yab risk. I think a duel game, or a team game where they’ve up against two ai, would be good, as I could see Mumei being a bit ditzy with it if she’s never played it before (which is cute but I don’t want her to suffer) Kronii is probably smart enough to do it on her own. They could always practice off camera but their first reactions would be nice to see. Alternatively that new Humankind game is an option but I know almost nothing about it and I would far rather watch Civ 5 or 6.
In a nutshell they should start with easy civs (Sumeria, Rome, etc) and easy/simple maps (Pangaea or Continents) multi speed, normal difficulty and small maps. Adding more settings if they and the viewers enjoyed it. Just my thoughts desu

>> No.9069516
Quoted by: >>9069692

Masterbation addiction is harmful, if not more, to you.

>> No.9069525
Quoted by: >>9069574

You know when I'm feeling down what I want? A bunch of people who don't understand my situation to anonymously psychoanalyze me on 4chins, always pick me right back up

>> No.9069531

Warhammer anons writing a greentext about purging the heretical concernfags when?

>> No.9069533

>go shit up a different thread with your mental illness.
says the futafag

>> No.9069553
Quoted by: >>9069625 >>9069637

Kronii is a grown ass woman, she isn't going to break over the gentlest breeze. So far she has been having fun in all of her streams and her memes are all inoffensive shit. You are losing your marbles over a tweet with a fucking Dr Seuss quote. You are objectively retarded and a grooming fat fuck.

>> No.9069566


>> No.9069574

What luck, you came to exactly the right place to get that morale boost you've been looking for friend.

>> No.9069592

>they’ve up
God fucking damnit. No spoiler to fuck up but I fucked up the grammar in my own native language

>> No.9069625
Quoted by: >>9069683 >>9069860

>You are objectively retarded and a grooming fat fuck.
Now who's projecting hard? (you)

>> No.9069637

dangerously based

>> No.9069683
Quoted by: >>9069734

You with all your retarded pseudo psychoanalysis. Reading wikipedia doesn't give you a title, faggot.

>> No.9069692

I'll cum on you if you keep talking stupid

>> No.9069712

>do not talk about the actual streamer, this is a fanfiction thread

>> No.9069716
File: 174 KB, 850x1203, 1630038804428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry conernfags, your concern is wasted. I am the only one who will save her and I WILL make sure to cum in her as much as possible.

>> No.9069724

One of those anons here, ill take a crack at it

>> No.9069730

Fuck I can never write Bae abuse ever again. God damn it now I feel bad

>> No.9069734
Quoted by: >>9069808

Looks like I hit a sore spot, let's dive into this shall we? Why do you like grooming women?

>> No.9069738
Quoted by: >>9069780 >>9069820

>threads about jacking off and cumming
>tons of writefags, artfags, genuine discussions, people helping and motivating each other

>thread moves to concernfagging and backseat psychoanalysis
>its shit
Goslingbro, can you just unleash THOSE stories already? This place needs chemo.

>> No.9069748

giga clock chad

>> No.9069762

BASED. The only way to save her is with true love instead of dumb concerns. And true love involves SEX.

>> No.9069773
Quoted by: >>9069922 >>9071454

When it's based on a nothingburguer? Yes, it's bad.

>Kronii decides to experimentate a little in bed
>You lie down naked waiting for her PAIZURI™ but soon you realize a different kind os stimulation
>Your dick is being touched, you're receiving a handjob but...
>You look at her
>You see Kronii wearing only fingerless gloves polishing your cock
>For some strange reason this excites you, making your cock pulsate like a hard diamond
>She perceives your increased horniness and start to tease you more roughly
>Her hands massage your balls, touching your taint
>She does micro up and down movements near your glands
>When you're almost going mad from the stimulation she takes one of her gloves off and violently masturbates you with it
>"C'mon anon... cum. Cum inside these gloves, breed them, inseminate this silky piece of fabric like it's a womb~"
>You ejaculation is a big and fat load, you can't remember the last time you came like this
>While you're trying to recompose yourself you see Kronii putting the glove you've breed on and tasting the leaking cum with pleasure
>Your cock instantly gets hard again
>Noticing it she looks at you hungrily
>"Well anon... I DO have this lonely and virgin pair glove right here in my other hand~"

>> No.9069776
File: 508 KB, 848x762, 1629054457952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9069819


>> No.9069780

>>threads about jacking off and cumming
>>tons of writefags, artfags, genuine discussions, people helping and motivating each other
>>thread moves to concernfagging and backseat psychoanalysis
>>its shit
they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.9069808
Quoted by: >>9069837 >>9069865

KEK all keyboard warriors are the same.

>> No.9069819
Quoted by: >>9069920 >>9069952

Has anyone made Hijab Kronii yet?

>> No.9069820

It's because people keep replying to that one retard that's constantly doomposting about them censoring boobs and Kronii being as self-conscious and paranoid as a PR management team for a Chinese game development company

>> No.9069837
Quoted by: >>9069900 >>9069934

It's not gas lighting, you're just crazy and projecting your fetish onto others. It's very unhealthy.

>> No.9069852
Quoted by: >>9070061

>Kronii force feeding you her piss
>Kronii not allowing you to consume anything but her fluids and pubes
>Kronii painting every orifice in your body white with her milk

>> No.9069860
Quoted by: >>9069923

Don't worry concernfags.
Kronii's roommate has a below average gf who comforts her with hot rp sex and cosplay whenever she's down

>> No.9069865

Just don't stop responding to bait anon. He's clearly a bored teenager from global who wants to argue and flew himself on discord

>> No.9069888
File: 189 KB, 479x400, 1630327797243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What body area do people severally undervalue when it comes to Kronii? Her breasts gets tons of attention, followed with some pits and bushy crotch/clock. But is there an area you wish people valued more?

>> No.9069890

>Bae feeding on Kronii's breast milk

>> No.9069900
Quoted by: >>9069943

>N-No u
Pfffft. Mindbroken. It's so easy.

>> No.9069920

There was one edit, but I don't have it.

>> No.9069922
File: 130 KB, 900x815, E-EV1tJUYAAzAal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

save us paizuri-sama...I can't take these whinny faggots

>> No.9069923
Quoted by: >>9069956

When did I write this?

>> No.9069934

Ignore the nigger. SEX and CUM, do not engage

>> No.9069943
Quoted by: >>9069988

>Immediately resorts to damage control green text
Very sad

>> No.9069952
Quoted by: >>9070048

Lesbos with detachable dicks like Kronii isn't compatible with the peace loving religion of Islam

>> No.9069956
Quoted by: >>9070010

I don't know, I can't remember when I wrote it.

>> No.9069964

i love her smile and her eyes

>> No.9069965
Quoted by: >>9070036

her thighs, Wada made made her so SEX with that skirt slit

>> No.9069988
Quoted by: >>9070082

The whole timeloop!

>> No.9069997
Quoted by: >>9070026 >>9070188


>> No.9070010

You okay whofag?

>> No.9070026

Based glovebro

>> No.9070034
File: 243 KB, 1155x1930, 1630062093528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you love Kronii, please explain how you want her to fuck you

>> No.9070036
Quoted by: >>9070108

I still dont understand the slit. Is it part of the skirt as a layered short fabric or is it her underwear/shorts peaking from the side?

>> No.9070038
Quoted by: >>9070123

The slim waist

>> No.9070048
Quoted by: >>9070144

Memri TV said lesbianism is preferable to homosexuality

>> No.9070061
File: 1.25 MB, 2058x2994, 1630132734834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9070088


>> No.9070082
Quoted by: >>9070134

>The truth are buzzwords now
And we'll be doing this in the next thread, and the thread after that, and the thread after that.
Aren't timeloops fun?

>> No.9070088

Why are blue women so hot?

>> No.9070089

I want her to feed me all the eggs

>> No.9070108

I think her skirt is only like a half skirt or something, I'm not a fashion fag, it looks great is all I know

>> No.9070112
File: 133 KB, 707x1000, クロニー187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9070123
File: 49 KB, 800x500, 1628609366659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9070227

Kronii needs to eat a few extra meals every day. Ill fix that.

>> No.9070127
Quoted by: >>9070163 >>9070408

I want her to impregnate my prostate.

>> No.9070134
Quoted by: >>9070187

Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

>> No.9070144

All forms of homosexuality is haram unless I'm dicking down the holes of everyone involved

>> No.9070153
File: 74 KB, 530x680, E9x005QVcAEVUnw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9070163
Quoted by: >>9070374

Prostates can be impregnated??

>> No.9070167

I want kronii to get hyperpregnant

>> No.9070187
Quoted by: >>9070269

This stupid game is all we have, hope you enjoy your stupid prize.

>> No.9070188


>> No.9070227

b-but she's so skinny...her boobs would explode

>> No.9070240
Quoted by: >>9070279

I want Kronii to send me back in time so I can impregnate her mother and become her blood related father so I can cuck all you faggots under the guise of good parenting

>> No.9070241

I hate everyone in this thread

>> No.9070259
Quoted by: >>9070286

God I want to hate fuck you so hard

>> No.9070269
Quoted by: >>9070343 >>9070407

Still wanting to have the last word after losing, huh? I'm letting you concede out of pity.

>> No.9070274

Hi Kronii

>> No.9070279

convoluted plan, but good luck

>> No.9070282

Good, contempt for your peers is a necessary Kronii trait

>> No.9070286

I'll fuck you while you fuck her anon

>> No.9070288

ok now cum on me

>> No.9070308


>> No.9070318
Quoted by: >>9070420

Theoretically could Kronii get eternally pregnant? I have a pregnancy fetish and I love big bellies,but dont like kids. I also dont like abortions.
Would it be possible for her to get pregnant, fastforward time to like 5-7 months and then keep freezing or rewinding time? Maybe rewinding time to the first week of pregnancy for her back to rest a bit, but not ending the pregnancy. Then fast forwarding. Maybe just keping the embryo inside her and always knowing that shes eternally pregnant, but only fast forwarding to a big belly while we are cuddling. Like while watching a movie or resting so I could stroke her belly. Or during sex.

>> No.9070343
Quoted by: >>9070399 >>9070407

>He's still at it and pretending he hasn't lost multiple posts ago.
Feigning pity is the trait of a sociopath, that's not good.

>> No.9070374

If anyone can do it, Kronii can.

>> No.9070376

Bros, I'm watching Baeyonetta 2 right now, she said she can't climax anymore... because Kronii took her first time... only Kronii can make her climax now... brehs...

>> No.9070399
Quoted by: >>9070486

>more protection and pseudo psychology
You are awfully lacking self-awareness.

>> No.9070407
Quoted by: >>9070496

If youre not going to fuck, ill be the one to fuck both of your boywombs and we will do a raunchy threesome

>> No.9070408

based mpreg futabro

>> No.9070413

>ruined by the clock
I can relate...

>> No.9070420
Quoted by: >>9070587

The child inside her belly will technically be older than you

>> No.9070453

fuckin kek

>> No.9070486
Quoted by: >>9070564

>Rejecting help you desperately need because you'd rather be a sociopath
Just the green text.

>> No.9070496
File: 6 KB, 277x182, bigogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can i join bro? I want the whining one, might make a nice little squeal

>> No.9070534

Rat will probably ask Kronii to cosplay as Bayonetta tonight and rid of the artificial cock in favor of a hot scissoring sesh

>> No.9070553

Kronii ensnares another one

>> No.9070562

>Kronii Bayonetta cosplay

>> No.9070564
Quoted by: >>9070639 >>9070831

>trying to psychoanalyse people through 4chan posts
You should stop playing pretend.

>> No.9070573
Quoted by: >>9070608

>fucked Sana
>fucked Bae

>> No.9070577
File: 222 KB, 740x411, 1938205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9070673

Here ya go a little short story for (you). Dont got much time to write at the moment
>Its been 48 years since you abandoned the flesh and pledged yourself to the Kroniissiah
>In that time you have fought countless battles and completed many missions in her name
>But this was the most important mission you have ever received
>Archmagos Gosling was missing in action and the legendary Dreadnought Takeshi was too damaged to fight
>Our homeworld of Infinity was infiltrated by a concernfag genestealer cult
>It was only a matter of time before the Tyranids would arrive in force
>To save the planet and spread the will of the Kronnissiah the fleshbags must be purged once and for all
>marching to battle with your brothers you begin to imitate the war cry of Dreadnought Takeshi
>While you all fail to rival is raw primal power it still manages to strike fear in the cultists
>The battle would be a short one for sure, the cultists were as weak as their flesh
>The only though on your mind as the shooting starts is the vision of the Kroniissiahs massive and perfect tits
>Raw sex energy would prevail this day

>> No.9070587
Quoted by: >>9070699

I think thats okay. I also realized something. Technically Kronii could revert time on you so far back you become and embryo and freeze you. Couldnt she then implant you into herself? It would be an interesting punishment for her to basically punish and turn you into a small clump of cells and then carry you inside her give birth to you and fast forward you. Kinda like a timeout in a corner.

>> No.9070608

Trying my best pinning her with my 9inch dick anon

>> No.9070639
Quoted by: >>9070691

>Implying I'm not right, again.

>> No.9070654
Quoted by: >>9070687

Those long legs.

>> No.9070673

>perfect tits
But I'm concerned about them sagging. they're pretty low compared to the others.

>> No.9070687


>> No.9070691
Quoted by: >>9070831

As I said, stop behaving like a child.

>> No.9070699

I want her to instead put me in Mumei so I can pretend to be the amnesiac owl's child for 18 years until I'm legal so I can marry her, my own mom

>> No.9070751
Quoted by: >>9070787

Is there an album/songs yet?

>> No.9070787
Quoted by: >>9070811

What songs? She hasn't done a karaoke

>> No.9070811
Quoted by: >>9070855

I heard Calli say she's done some amazing tracks but I guess they're not out yet

>> No.9070828
Quoted by: >>9071116

>Rrat can't stop thinking about the clock
>only the clock can satisfy her

>> No.9070831
Quoted by: >>9070883

Now you're just doing what you tried to accuse me of >>9070564
The breathless hypocrisy on your part again, shows traits of a sociopath.

>> No.9070855
Quoted by: >>9070950 >>9071138

Looking forward to posting about how much of a flop and disappointment it is despite the high numbers and positive reactions

>> No.9070873

Anyone has an estimate or an average of when EN1s did their first karaokes after debut? I wonder when EN2 will do theirs. I know it felt like everyone was doing it at a similar time.

>> No.9070883
Quoted by: >>9070940 >>9070967

Calling people sociopaths is plain stupid. Grow thicker skin.

>> No.9070926

This thread is in dire need of an Exterminatus. Heres hoping the next one is less shit

>> No.9070940

Seethe harder I already won this and you can't convince me, Ivan the Perfect, otherwise

>> No.9070948

This is exactly why concernfagging should either be cummed on or ignored.

>> No.9070950
Quoted by: >>9071035

As long as she doesn't rap I will be happy. I still cling onto the hope of getting good EN songs someday

>> No.9070954

Its just 2 schizofags

>> No.9070964

depressed mopey niggers make everyone else depressed and mopey

>> No.9070967
Quoted by: >>9071077

Did I ever call you one? No, I said you have the traits of one. Why are you now resorting to lying?

>> No.9070978
Quoted by: >>9071348 >>9072139

>You are working in the Hololive EN headquarters as assistant manager
>Your work is based on providing and helping the girls with the menial parts of the job
>Relaying small announcements, answering simples questions regarding upcoming projects, this kind of thing
>It's rather comfy and fulfilling
>Seeing their growth warms your heart
>Soon EN2 is announced and your duties double, but you keep at it
>Besides that more girls is fun, you're hoping to see more big scale collabs with EN
>Maybe even something like the JP Minecraft server , although you'll try to warn them and upper management about them not overdoing it
>Some months pass and you grow attached to everyone, you're almost like a brother to them and the office parties are a blast
>Even better, you and (your EN oshi) start a hidden and lovingly relationship
>Lots of sex and you working even harder for their success ensues, but hey, it's definitely worth it
>One day after an office party with the girls and the staff celebrating a grand 3D stream you go home
>Reaching your apartment your slightly drunk mind notice some things misplaced near the entrance
>Worried, you take an umbrella and enter your home, fearing some invader
>When you're reach the kitchen you feel the side of your head being bashed in by a strong piece of metal
>You instantly fall to the ground, bleeding and feeling an unimaginable pain
>You're almost sure that the blow fucked up one of your eyes, your vision is slightly blurred
>While trying to get up to defend yourself you see your attacker
>What the...
>It's Kronii, holding one of her swords stained with flesh blood and with a sinister expression in her face
>You're in shock, this doesn't make any sense, you've a great relationship with her at work, why?
>Your mind race in an attempt to understand what's happening but Kronii approached you again
>"whywhywhywhywhywhywhy... WHY THE FUCK YOU DIDN'T CHOOSE ME?!"
>She raises her sword again, this time hitting one of your knees with the blunt part. It shatters, caving it in
>You howl in pain again, tears start to form in your good eye
>"It... it's okay though. Yeah. It's fine. I can take you by force, I don't need to hold myself back."
>She says as she undresses herself and start to take off your pants
>You try to resist her assault, but she starts to punch you multiple times in the gut, leaving you without air and imobilized by the pain
>She takes your cock and start to fellate it with hunger, as if it was the most delicious thing in the entire world
>Soon it becomes hard and she starts to ride it
>Again you try to resist, but this time Kronii, in a mad and lustful state plunges her nails at the side of your torso
>There's some slight penetration and you feel one of your ribs crack, you're bleeding from this wound too
>This apparently excites Kronii even more, she starts to lick her bloodied fingers and then your bleeding ribs and then your fucked up eye
>"Mine... mine... mine... it's all fucking mine. Not a single drop is hers, you're all mine. Mine. Mine~"
>Suddenly another punch hits your face.And another one as she rides your cock
>"It's your fault. This is all your fault, why are you making me do this?? You should've chosen me instead of HER!"
>More punches are made against your head, soon your consciousness is almost completely faded
>And yet Kronii continues to ride you in an intoxicated state, milking your cock dry
>When she's done she rests at your bloodied chest
>You pray for someone hoping that it's finally over, but you soon see Kronii rise again
>This time she points not the blunt side of her blade to your chest, but the sharp side
>Before you can try to muster a pathetic and useless resistance you're pierced by her
>The last thing you can hear is her laugh and you feel her embracing your body

>You wake up with the biggest headache you can remember ever having
>You guess it's the hangover after the celebration party
>It sucks, but today is a new day. You got a job to do
>Reaching the office you find Kronii relaxing at the staff room, you greet her and talk about her schedule
>You like her. Such a chill and sweet girl, a delight to work with and a great friend

>> No.9070986 [SPOILER] 
File: 261 KB, 2048x1795, E-M9mfBVQAc4xt9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ourobros, have you considered this?

>> No.9071006
Quoted by: >>9071045 >>9074276

Where's the rest?

>> No.9071013

Considered and dreamed about yes

>> No.9071035
Quoted by: >>9071128

Sadly Irys seems fixed on being an Idol singer with those types of songs and there's still no other good HoloEN singer in sight

>> No.9071045
Quoted by: >>9071061

My hard-drive, if you catch my drift

>> No.9071056
File: 192 KB, 682x1199, E-MjsGiUcAYQuKc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OL Kronii AAAAAAAH SEEEX in the office

>> No.9071061

I don't, can you upload them if you have the rest of the picture if they're on your hardrive?

>> No.9071077
Quoted by: >>9071198

So what was your point then? Using psychology terms isn't going to make you sound smart. And moving on from this retarded chain because kronies deserve better.

>> No.9071081


>> No.9071083

>horny posting
>HYPE high velocity exciting creative
>concernfag posting
>close the tab and hope it isn't shit when she streams

>> No.9071093
File: 557 KB, 1868x2048, 7868675344357 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9071299

The rrat is a nice girl, I like her, but she's waaaay too loud for my tastes.
I don't mind when a streamer screams, but not when she's doing that absolutely all the time. It's funny though, she's much calmer in collabs and zatsudan streams.
At least, she's still making my dick feel funny.

>> No.9071097

God I want Officer Kronii to kneel on my neck

>> No.9071102
Quoted by: >>9071169

Submissive Kronii gave me eye cancer.

Remove yourself from this timeline, anon.

>> No.9071116
Quoted by: >>9071282

I'm not a futafag but...

>> No.9071118

i hate the fact that Makima made me into a pervert for OL and women wearing formal wear

>> No.9071128

I believe in Kronii...

>> No.9071138
Quoted by: >>9071328

Dont you wanna support her anon

>> No.9071163

Breeding Kronii in the office and getting late for a meeting!

>> No.9071169

You don't get it, she is teasing you making you believe she lowered her guard. Once you get closer, she is going to smirk and pull down the zipper and laugh at you

>> No.9071174
File: 322 KB, 1500x2000, E-CWfgcVQAIYPyx.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>concernfagging that Kronii doesn't like sex
Implying that Kronii isn't sexually pent up and doesn't have burning desire to be bent over a table and fucked silly and or straight.

>> No.9071198
Quoted by: >>9071309

Point is you clearly need help and would rather lash out at people rather than try and get assistance. I've only been dealing in the objective facts here.

>> No.9071200

Hi Kronii

>> No.9071202

Fucking Kronii in an empty school classroom!

>> No.9071225
Quoted by: >>9074276


>> No.9071242

Could Kronii cut open my belly while fucking me and use her time power to keep me alive while playing with my guts?

>> No.9071261


>> No.9071269
File: 281 KB, 344x385, 1630089439641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9071282

Imagine Rrat getting hot and bothered at the thought of Kronii's clock to a point where she can't even last a few days without getting off to the thought of it

>> No.9071299

Kronii needs to help the rrat fix her audio, it's so fucking bad, she seems fun enough otherwise in a brraty lil sis kind of way

>> No.9071301
Quoted by: >>9071461

alright its time to take a break, anon. go get something to eat and come back to us later.

>> No.9071307

Okay, guro is over the line.

>> No.9071309
Quoted by: >>9071482

You are the one that needs help

>> No.9071314

This is a good question. Id prefer this discussion over the one the 2 schizos are having.

>> No.9071323
Quoted by: >>9071359

consider this, if you horny the clock enough she'll be molded into a complete hornii and then theres nothing left to concernfag over.

SEXchads just can't stop winning!

>> No.9071328
Quoted by: >>9071371

No. Admitting she's successful doesn't make me seem autistic and retarded.
That would be a disservice to the past OP's who have thread the path I walk in

>> No.9071346

excited for the stream Kronii! Going to be fun

>> No.9071348
File: 59 KB, 514x84, writingabook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9071407

>literally playing CK2 and writing the Takeshi fic simultaneously
God damnit lmao
Abusive Kronii is hot as fuck, moar
>implying Kronii isn't the one bending (you) over with a strap on watch
Actually writeanons have we even had Kronii with one of those yet? I've seen and written a lot of futa but no strap-on so far, but then I've not checked the entire archive

>> No.9071359

was this on propuse?

>> No.9071371
Quoted by: >>9071484

It can't get any worse than current EN songs, right?

>> No.9071407

Just a general question to anyone but, How do female strapons work? Do they have an end going into them aswell? Vibrate on their clit? If not then whats the point? If theres no stimulation for a woman, whats the point of her using a strapon?

>> No.9071433

Some of them are double sided yes

>> No.9071441
File: 99 KB, 576x111, ck2injured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not into guro anon, but I guess that could work in theory. I could always end the Takeshi fic with it as an additional normalfag filter, but atm I plan for Takeshi to be a servant of Kronii who fucks Marine and Mumei for her as well as serving her directly

>> No.9071454
File: 3.50 MB, 1304x1600, suisei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9071639 >>9071699

BASED glove smut writechad

>> No.9071461
Quoted by: >>9071510

Could she use timeline jumping to take another me into this timeline, kill him, use his meat as ingredients and then feed me "myself"? Could she make me eat nothing but cooked parts of versions of me from another timelines?In theory she could even harvest me in this endeavor, regenerating me after each meal and keeping causalities and death to a minimum, right?

>> No.9071482

>Using a random online site as a legitimate authority for a subject because you don't want to address your sociopathic tendencies.
Still finding any excuse to run away from your problems.

>> No.9071484
Quoted by: >>9071585

In the sense that the brand carries the song instead of the song carrying the brand?

>> No.9071490
File: 1.24 MB, 2480x3507, E-NSscJUUAcxhnA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need to say it, do I?

>> No.9071502


>> No.9071503

>that underboob

>> No.9071509


>> No.9071510

It depends if her powers work on the many worlds theory or if time is somehow linear with the universe collapsing all paradoxes.

>> No.9071521
Quoted by: >>9071588

Depends on the strap-on.

Some are just that - cocks you can attach.

>> No.9071585
Quoted by: >>9071686

In the sense the songs being shit. I just want something that I can listen to on a normal day

>> No.9071588

But whats the point of just a cock you attach? Im guessing its like a belt and the base rests on a womans pubic bone area or above in that case? So she puts it on, penetrates her partner with a fake dick. The partner feels it and gets stimulated, but whats the pleassure for her? Feels that even a handjob is more involved and physical.

>> No.9071592

I didn't know Satoko Hojo was a Kronii fan

>> No.9071596

Some of them are double sided
Some of them are just a strap-on
t. read too many doujins in my day

>> No.9071632

They're just more advanced finger jobs, you don't get off fingering someone.

>> No.9071639
Quoted by: >>9071736

Why blue women have such slutty and inviting gloves?

>> No.9071657
File: 106 KB, 453x222, 1630219132144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9071660

Some people just get off to people getting off

>> No.9071686
Quoted by: >>9071863

You're dreaming, anon.

Songs with great replay value is very hard to come by even amongst top artists

>> No.9071699


>> No.9071732

Feels like the lighting on the breasts is a bit overpowering and breaks the form a bit, but the underboob is SEEEEEEEX

>> No.9071736
Quoted by: >>9071780

She's not blue, blue skin is where it's at.

>> No.9071742

Would her stockings actually be open toe/heel like this? I don't mind either way.

>> No.9071753

Some people have sex to satisfy their emotional need rather than for pleasure, and it's not like you can't detach it and ask your partner to finish you off after

>> No.9071763


>> No.9071780

>blue skin is where it's at
Stop romancing Liara

>> No.9071791

>Would her stockings actually be open toe/heel like this? I don't mind either way.
I don't know but it's a cool design

>> No.9071833

Hypothetically, if I were to draw a pregnant kronii how many babies would you like there to be in her womb? I was thinking two or three.

>> No.9071863
Quoted by: >>9072052

It isn't that hard, anime produces lots of decently replayable songs. We just need a good voice (Kronii), a decent mixer and a decent writer

>> No.9071867
Quoted by: >>9072155

In a hypothetical scenario, 3 girls

>> No.9071870
Quoted by: >>9072863

Thats the best design. You can stick your dick through when she gives you a footjob for added pleasure

>> No.9071871

Mass Effect playthrough when?

>> No.9071878

Damascus, you do you. I trust you.

>> No.9071889 [SPOILER] 
File: 445 KB, 1646x1007, 1628712919571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9071943

Not expanding your horizons

>> No.9071903
Quoted by: >>9072327

>see kronii walking down the street
>you're in an alley way naked
>you slather you cock in lube
>you hype yourself ok
>"ok 3..2..1"
>you come out the alley way yelling SEEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXXXXX
>another man sees you coming out and notices you're takeshi
>you jump onto kroniis stomach inserting your dick into her breasts and you start fucking her tits as shes standing
>she eventually falls onto her back but by the time she hit the ground you cummed in her breasts
>you run away on a bike back to your headquarters waiting for the next time to strike

>> No.9071904

but Anon. she got back to the ship as soon as possile, so we banged, okay?

>> No.9071909

>Hypothetically, if I were to draw a pregnant kronii
God damn it Damascus.

>> No.9071939

>condom belt
fuck my dick is there a specific name for this or is it just condom belt because i need more but can barely find any

>> No.9071943
Quoted by: >>9071959 >>9071981

Superior reaper, also chunni.
Dullahan Vtuber who can detach head when?

>> No.9071959
Quoted by: >>9071984

those exist already anon

>> No.9071981
Quoted by: >>9072087

Yura from prism project

>> No.9071984

But are they good?

>> No.9072052

I'm a zoomer so it's the beats and melody that does it for me.

And don't forget that Anime songs are the cream of the crop + there's already an established hook with the story/or what you expect along with visuals so it's not that hard to get into

Does Kronii's roommate even sing tho? I'm scared Calli's just hyping things up

>> No.9072087
Quoted by: >>9072118

Can she detach her head and place it somewhere else in the shot?
It just looks like her neck section is just flames.

>> No.9072118

Yes she can, but let's talk about Kronii

>> No.9072127

At least three

>> No.9072139

god damn anon, good shit, a little freaky but enjoyable
also, i can't believe that nobody's thought of "(you) are kronii's manager who gets sexually bullied by her" yet

>> No.9072141
File: 85 KB, 600x1025, E9j_JEzXsAAnhxX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9072199


>> No.9072155


>> No.9072162

I want to cover every inch of Kroniis body in cum to the point shes stuck to the floor

>> No.9072190
File: 2 KB, 125x118, 1630037556036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9074276

Where's the full image/who's the artist? Either will do.

>> No.9072199


>> No.9072253
Quoted by: >>9072287 >>9072291

So hypothetically if kronii got cummed inside would she be able to speed up her ovulation to spam a dozen eggs at once? Hypothetically she could then get pregnant with a dozen or more children in a single run yes? And hypothetically she could pause her pregnancy while she's at her biggest and most immobile, and just force you to dote on her as long as she wants right?

>> No.9072270

>kronii is driving
>passes through a tunnel
>hears a muffled sound coming from behind her
>opens window
>closes window

>> No.9072287
Quoted by: >>9072351

She's just turn back time on your sperm until they cease to exist because she doesn't want kids.

>> No.9072291
Quoted by: >>9072623

Damascus, please no

>> No.9072309
File: 79 KB, 300x300, 1630012172378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Home from another hard day of work, and I now have the next two days off to enjoy Kronii Content.

How was the Collab Stream with Bae my brothers? I had to miss it cause morning shift.

>> No.9072327
File: 546 KB, 616x726, 1630357343965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see kronii walking down the street

Kronii was walking warily down the street
With her clock pulled down way low
With no sound but the sound of her heels
Clipfags ready to go
Are you ready? Hey are you ready for this?
Are you hanging on the edge of the stream?
Out their trousers, their penis whip
To the sound of the beat yeah

Another one drowns in cum
Another one drowns in cum
And another one drown and another one drown
Another one drowns in cum
Rrat! I'm gonna cum you too!
Another one drowns in cum

>> No.9072342
File: 65 KB, 680x482, E-NjNa_VQAI4JrN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was really good, Kronii was hilarious and they have good chemistry

>> No.9072350
Quoted by: >>9072987

Unexpectedly good. They had the opposite of chemistry, but it made for a very entertaining dynamic with some great moments.

>> No.9072351
Quoted by: >>9072463

She would never actually need to give birth to them, she can just use them as an excuse to laze around and be pampered.

>> No.9072371
Quoted by: >>9072399 >>9072461

They had lots of wild sex afterwards.

>> No.9072399
Quoted by: >>9072511

well Kronii did take her virginity

>> No.9072445
Quoted by: >>9072493

Time to sleep and dream about cuddling on the sofa and watching a movie with my wife Kronii.

>> No.9072448

i'm trying so damn hard to remember what song this is a parady of

>> No.9072458
Quoted by: >>9072987


>> No.9072461


>> No.9072463

She clearly wouldn't want to deal with the morning sickness or her figure getting messed up.

>> No.9072477

Kronii memed it on interstellar

>> No.9072488

This gives me GuraMori vibe.

>> No.9072492
Quoted by: >>9072524

This is the perfect pic for the Aunt Kronii X Baelz writings

>> No.9072493

Very based, good night ourobro

>> No.9072511

>Sits on Kronii's lap to be cute
>Loses her first on-stream
>Wild and crazy sex afterwards

>> No.9072524
Quoted by: >>9072698

no aunt shit, don't make her sound old

>> No.9072540

It’s another one bites the dust by Queen.

>> No.9072543


>> No.9072549

Three girls seems to be the headcanon of /infinity/

>> No.9072555

Don't listen to them anon, wanting to be murdered for someones sexual pleasure is based.

>> No.9072588

>How was the Collab Stream with Bae my brothers?
She used twitter to yell at people for taking her out of context and then buried it in retweets of art.

>> No.9072594

>just realized her bridal headdress is attached to the chain
man I'm retarded

>> No.9072623

I'm not Damascus I'm just saying hypothetically if Kronii wanted to she could remain 9 months pregnant indefinitely just for the indentured servitude from her husband right?

>> No.9072663

Husband would be resistant to servitude? Doesn't sound like me anon

>> No.9072698

>he's doesn't want a christmas cake kronii
>he's doesn't want a plumper and softer kronii

>> No.9072706

>Kronii 9 months pregnant breasts
>The milkers at their full production capacity
Yes. I like this.

>> No.9072708

>I'm not Damascus
That's exactly what Damascus would say

>> No.9072718

More like Kronii keeps herself 9 months pregnant until anon proves himself worthy of impregnating her again

>> No.9072722
Quoted by: >>9072761

Looks like we found the fag

>> No.9072761

If he's a fag so am I

>> No.9072764
Quoted by: >>9072853

the 'dad' shit has been cancer for mori, aunt/grandma shit would be cancer for kronii, it has to be stamped out early

>> No.9072814
Quoted by: >>9072903 >>9072998

Anon, the problem isn't Christmas cake Kronii because that makes my clock the BIG clock
The problem is it turning into the "dad" shit

>> No.9072817
Quoted by: >>9072856 >>9072990

someone make a cover of this please

>> No.9072853

It would only be cancer if it was the only "thing" embraced about her, here we love all Kroniis. Your crusade isn't here but in the frontlines where normalfags embrace one joke and run it into the ground.

>> No.9072855

*cums on your mic*

>> No.9072856
Quoted by: >>9072990

We MUST have some kronies with good singing voices

>> No.9072863


>> No.9072903

This, the "dad" thing is a retarded leddit meme alongside durr pettan or say ara ara xd
That said Kronii did sound fucking hot when she said it, but then she always does anyway - she doesn't need a dumb trope to sound attractive, she's perfect enough as is

>> No.9072981
Quoted by: >>9073013

Is there a bread in the oven?

>> No.9072987
File: 121 KB, 503x526, E-BItszUUAAzkCl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to catch up before Frostpunk tonight. Thanks Bros.

>> No.9072990
Quoted by: >>9073077

what if we did a /∞/ sings the cover we made

>> No.9072998

Just refer to her as Grandma Kronii didn't mind it even though she clearly didn't think over the implications.

>> No.9073013

There's my baguette in her oven if you know what I mean heheh.
I mean sex with Kronii btw.

>> No.9073020
Quoted by: >>9073109

that's 100 times worse then aunt

>> No.9073023
Quoted by: >>9073149

I thought the pettan thing started with the japanese

>> No.9073033

She needs to say nigger

>> No.9073044
Quoted by: >>9073109

That's 2000% worse

>> No.9073068
Quoted by: >>9073109 >>9073149

>beautiful and cool character
>call her grandma, the lamest fucking thing possible
the absolute state you dad fags

>> No.9073077
Quoted by: >>9073113

Lol could be good. Do you want me to write the full song? It's missing some verses

>> No.9073087

do your roommate reps, thats not her.

>> No.9073109

Then we better go with Aunt then.

>> No.9073113
Quoted by: >>9073171

yes anon if you wrote the entire thing i think this is a good way to start organizing it

>> No.9073121

>thread does hard shift towards sex posting
>thread becomes good again
There has to be an explanation..

>> No.9073123
Quoted by: >>9073290

Hell no, Kronii doesn't need a retarded nickname.

>> No.9073129
File: 220 KB, 463x453, 1629860674268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9073138
Quoted by: >>9073290

how about we go with 'Kronii' you retarded nigger

>> No.9073148
Quoted by: >>9073290

Or, and hear me out on this
How about >we don't call her anything but Kronii

>> No.9073149

Might have done, but then I don't watch Rushia or any of the other JP chuubas much, I just see retarded clipfags spamming it constantly because beating a dead horse = comedy
I hope Kronii clock jokes don't end up the same way
absolutely fucking dumb nickname desu just call her Kronii

>> No.9073155
Quoted by: >>9073290

Just call her Kronii you faggot

>> No.9073171

Ok, give me some minutes

>> No.9073176
Quoted by: >>9073290

I like this one; Kronii

>> No.9073178
Quoted by: >>9073290

I bet you're a fucking dadnigger shitting up Mori's chat too. Kill yourself, immediately.

>> No.9073200

Imagine wanting to call her anything other than Kronii, sex goddess or warden of time and sex

>> No.9073201

Fuck you fags. I will call her PAIZURI and no one can stop me.

>> No.9073208

Kronii or Warden of time(sex).
Fuck off with anything else.

>> No.9073216
File: 414 KB, 926x608, definitelybecomesex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9073365

Do I have Takeshi shout that in the fic or is that too autistic writing Kronii paizuri atm

>> No.9073236
Quoted by: >>9073257

Coomposting is the only thing keeping the general from turning into shit like the other new Holos generals.

>> No.9073257

Need to do it more then

>> No.9073268
File: 154 KB, 1200x850, 1613535878928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just thought I'd let you guys know rrat had to take a break in the middle of her stream to, I quote: "I have to clean Kronii's cum out of my rrat pussy, it's distracting me."

>> No.9073290

She's going to get a nickname sooner or later, burying your head in the sand will just make you bitch about it for eternity like >>9073178

>> No.9073314

Kill yourself.

>> No.9073326
Quoted by: >>9073397 >>9073467

>She's going to get a nickname sooner or later
Yeah. Kronini. Her nickname she already has

>> No.9073334

Do niggers really think this way?

>> No.9073341

everyone started edging because kronii stream in 2 hours

>> No.9073353


>> No.9073365
Quoted by: >>9073554

Put it into the fic. Create some lore for it, something like
>Feeling an immeasurable pleasure, Takeshi's mind start to slip, like a youkai her breasts are sucking not only his seed, but his pride and sanity. Not wanting to lose to her his mind goes to his clan's motto: SEEEEEEX UWAAAAH SEEEX

>> No.9073397


>> No.9073404

Whats wrong with the nickname "Kronii"?

>> No.9073420
Quoted by: >>9073467

Not your personal army faggot. She is Kronii or Kronini.

>> No.9073423
Quoted by: >>9073559

do I need to wat part one of the frostpunk or can I watch the live?

>> No.9073428
File: 58 KB, 1024x647, Bait26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronies replying to doxxnigger bait. Cmon guys

>> No.9073444

Kronii stream soon prease understan

>> No.9073447
File: 1.11 MB, 1522x1031, 1630264421617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on now, stop replying to doxxbeats or shitposters

>> No.9073465

Could Kronii invent a new form of prolapse play, creating mini timeloops where my ass is fine then it prolapses, then it slowly gets back inside then prolapse again so on?

>> No.9073467
Quoted by: >>9073496

Auntie Kronini

>> No.9073496
Quoted by: >>9073666

eat shit

>> No.9073518
Quoted by: >>9073619

Sex posting is unironically filtering half the board, since they're absolutely convinced that the thread is nothing more than an image dump and SEEEX spam.
But there are actual discussions in here quite regularly.

>> No.9073554
Quoted by: >>9073807

kek, I might do just that, so far it's implied to be the clan's battlecry
so far I've had him think it but it's second-person perspective mostly (so Takeshi is (you) which I think makes sense)
I also had a point where he thought of it and it was so powerful it broke the timeseal - making him nut instantly and leading to punishment from Kronii

>> No.9073559

you don't need to, but I think you got time to watch it while waiting, it was fun

>> No.9073595
Quoted by: >>9073627

So the new strategy is concerfagging and trying to dadpost Kronii with some firced nickname. Interesting. Will the thread adapt or will this be a timeloop.

>> No.9073619

I'm in one other gen2 members general often and it's basically a morgue when she isn't streaming

>> No.9073627

EIther ignore deadbeats or tell them to shut the fuck up and go back to their split thread. It's really that simple.

>> No.9073666

Auntie Kronini, this anon is being a bully.

>> No.9073667


>> No.9073668

Can I cum on them as an alternative?

>> No.9073697

No you dumb fuck, don't even engage with them. Ignore and move the fuck on.

>> No.9073714

*cums on you*

>> No.9073793
Quoted by: >>9073812 >>9073869

I want to sit on Kronii's lap and feel her hard clock poking me whilst she streams

>> No.9073807

>he thought of it and it was so powerful it broke the timeseal - making him nut instantly and leading to punishment from Kronii
I shall await your work with great interest sekkusu anon, even this brief glimpse at it is golden.

>> No.9073812

Kronii does not have a penis. You are mentally unwell.

>> No.9073839

Less then 2 hours bros, take care of any shit you gotta do

>> No.9073841
Quoted by: >>9073915

Kronii has a penis inside her.

>> No.9073869
Quoted by: >>9074036

Imagine Kronii focusing all her attention into the game while her clock keeps piking you
This is what Baelz felt last night

>> No.9073883
Quoted by: >>9073927

She doesn't have a penis. She has a clock.
Why is your mind full of penises?

>> No.9073889
Quoted by: >>9073927

Where did the anon say anything about a penis in his post? Its just a clock. A device to tell time with. You should stop thinking about penises, anon.

>> No.9073915

Yeah, mine.

>> No.9073927
Quoted by: >>9073975

Tell me about your relationship with your father.

>> No.9073928


>> No.9073935
Quoted by: >>9073951 >>9073976

>This anon can't stop thinking about cocks that he misreads clock

>> No.9073951
Quoted by: >>9073976 >>9073994

Anon actually lost to the cock...

>> No.9073976
File: 501 KB, 551x805, losttotheclock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9073975

What did anon mean by this..

>> No.9073994

>Not c(l)ock

>> No.9074036
Quoted by: >>9074132

>Bae slowly grinding on Kronii's cock while she streams trying to distract her until she orgasms live

>> No.9074132

>Bae tries to be a mesugaki to distract Kronii by grinding against her clock
>Kronii stops time and rapes Bae right then and there
>Returns and acts like nothing happened

>> No.9074276
File: 69 KB, 167x180, 1629867272180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>9074349 >>9074443

NTA, but the artist will post the rest of the upper body on pixiv sometime later.


>> No.9074349

thanks kronie

>> No.9074443

>No R-18 works
Bullballed wait time confirmed.

>> No.9074541

Auntie Kronii will keep you safe kronies
