A thread to talk about ex-hololive membershttps://www.youtube.com/@delutayahttps://space.bilibili.com/1926156228/https://space.bilibili.com/1265680561https://www.youtube.com/@acetaffych.944https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIRhttps://www.youtube.com/@mikenekokohttps://www.youtube.com/@notNamiehttps://www.youtube.com/@hanamiyaricahttps://www.youtube.com/@dooby3dhttps://www.youtube.com/@結城さくなPrevious thread: >>90467945
i miss artia so much bros...
>>OP>lemonleaf started uploading 2 weeks ago after being inactive for 3 yearsBros...
Does she already have a new identity lined up?
wrong thread
>>90574038just went back to her old one like all the others
Why don't all the ex-Holos make their own corpo/circle and stream together?
>>OPWhy are Chloe and Fauna indie accounts not on the OP?
>>90574376chloe old account is dead for now
>>90574324Some of them did already.
Would it be on the nose for Dooby and Lemon to collab
>>90574200Dooby's train is gonna get crowded in the next few months.
>>90574376I don't get the hurry on why we should add Chloe and Faina PL accounts in the OP when they haven't started streaming yetPeople that are curious enough already know where to find them and if you don't know just ask or browse the catalog. Her accounts have already been shared multiple times across here and in the hololive global threads>>90574200Oh. I didn't realized that she started uploading stuff in her YT account. Make sure the next baker includes her YouTube channel in the op
>>90574376When Chloe's RM starts posting videos again, it shall be included. We don't know if she's going to start uploading there again or start a new channel (or used an unused one like Sakuna)
Uhh, so are we going to see a circle comprised of ex-Holos + Mint + Doki in the future?
>>90574376who knows they could be having a new model and a new account. Let's wait until they are active again. Otherwise they start calling us shitposters and antis
>>90574669Sana/Nami even streamed shadow generations a bit ago and was talking about maybe streaming SA2It'd be nice.....
>>90574600Rica and Delutaya have collabed.Kson literally got Mike into Vshoujo.Kson collabs with Guutara.We know Delu and Kson message recently graduated talents and offers them support or just a place to vent.
>>90575080I highly doubt. They have different circles.
>>90575080wasnt lemonleaf a close friend of shondo or am i crazy nigger?
>>90575300You know what ties it all togheter? It's Filian
>>90574376You could just go to twitter, I never use it but I have an account and found both in less than 5 minutes
>>90575569You're correct, schizo-samahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgiZNB1KlNU
>>90575300>>90575137>>90575080>turns out Delu has actually been networking like an MFer but just needed the people ambitious enough to enact the plan>Doki and Dooby are ambitious enough>Mint, Saku, Lemon, and Rica give it legitimacy>they call it Triangle CorpKino.
>>90574376because the baker was a tourist shitposter
>>90575738The g,green dorito!? Me gusta!
>>90575569Wait, lemonleaf and soya have a mutual friend? did they interact before?
>>90575706this is so crazy to think about. they just seem so different when you compare fauna as she is now to shondo
Fauna graduated today...
lemonleaf will collab with all of MY favorite streamers now. Right?
Hey fellas
>>OPif i snap those twigs off, will she die?
>>90576968Welcome. You're invited. This is but a new beginning.
Made this a long time ago... now it is very relevant.
>>90576984it hurts
>>90575155Kson collab with Rica not Guutara.Guutara is not Vtuber
So like, it isn't that crazy to say that Mumei is next, right? She's been MIA for a month and really close to Fauna. Her RM has also been inactive for three years now, so if for whatever reason she does a new video...
My condolences to all Sapling.
>>90578265I get the feeling Mumei won't reincarnate. I don't think we'll ever see her again. Makes me sad, but I never really saw much of her in the first place, so...
>>OPWe need a Ryan Gosling edit for fauna
>>90574200a downgrade from this, honestly
>>90574200i love that typhoon “asmr” shitpost its sooo dumb
>>OP>bilibili linksNobody watches these girls and neither of them should be remembered either.
Oh hey Indoschizo, you're finally here
>>90578466>picrelUnfortunately this year has made me a Hololive antiI won't go so far as to say I want to see cover completely fail, but I think we're gonna see all but the most diehard idol types leave now. I wish for their success, but I won't be following them. I'm following the streamers, and now I want them out of holo as much as niji antis want their girls out of niji
I keep missing streams because I keep staying up too late.Who can I blame for this?
large corpos are over
the /v/ thread is actually pretty good lmao
>>90579159How much do you want to bet she'll commission a new model that looks like an alt skin of Fauna, just like Doki, Dooby, and Yuuki Sakuna all did'legally distinct'
>>90579159I think it's a worse design but design doesn't matter that much outside of porn and even then not that much.
>>90579475there's gonna be a lot more stars added to holocure soon
im curious about lemonleaf coz shes a completely different character than faunawill she adapt her fauna persona and go become more hippie uuuuuuu seiso family friendly or keep going as a shitposting league playing asmr gremlin
>>90579675It's still not going to be the same. I love Doki's new model, for instance, but it looked better in purple.
>>90579675Dooby does feel meaningfully different, more its own thing. As opposed to Doki flipping the bird at full force
>>90579159she can always commision her fauna mama and have her design a new model for her that resembles fauna like with the other ex holos
>>90579186dont include yogurt with your schizo shit dude shes innocent and still getting harrassed by china to this day
>>90579675I hope so. I can't see her as anything other than nature inspired.
>>90580659That is a pretty fundamental part of her identity, not just kayfabe so I'm sure it will be adjacent
>>90580659shes a vegan shes always gonna be a tree hugging hippie
>>90579320You were always an anti.
im gonna miss that UUUUUUU larping shitposter on catalog he was funny
>>90580268even with a hints of kirin-like features added, pink maid is a played-out concept, like blue-silver fox girl.
>>90581178Don't worry the UUUU is eternalThis was her first post back on lemonleaf.
>>OPIf she streams on twitch I'm not watching, Im not going to be forced fed those ads or the annoying attention seeking donation culture, even for the only en streamer I ever subscribed to.
found this somewhere. something about the names crossed implying the rest of council will graduate soon after fauna
>>90580113I wouldn't mind at all Fauna being a shitposting LoL gremlin. Lemonleaf... is just not Fauna.
>>90581355You vill love ze pink cats.
I can't believe brown feet schizo won..
Are we still going to get orca and Fauna porn?
>>90581661we still get the occasional sana porn
>>90581661Fortunately unlike Aloe you have a fine tradition of artist who will lovingly lewd them.
>Indies leaving corpos and returningI love to see it. Now if only Raora would go back
>>90581015Bro, my $10,000 ledger of merch purchases says otherwiseI was huge on EN unity. I have every Myth figure and plush.But that dream is dead and I am left with the reality of girls I like and will follow anywhere, and girls that are ultimately just background characters to me. A Fes without the girls I actually love is no festival to me. And since it's clear as a summer day now that it's the corporate bones of Hololive that is forcing the girls out, I will proudly admit that I no longer support the Hololive structure. I'll keep supporting the girls I like.
>>90582443Now you get what Coco was talking about.
>>OPWho are the bilibilis?
>>90580162doki definitely was flipping the bird at full force, but i would say that Yuuki is by far the most similar. yes, i am still very sad that doki chose to be a breastlet
>>90582443You understand Kson post now
>>OPThe dooby collab is not 0% and will be awkward as fuck
>>90583668Ace Taffy (Spade Echo) and Ciyana (Civia). Yogiri would be here but she's been MIA for over a year, and the rest of HoloCN (save for Doris) also stopped streaming (and they were responsible for the Taiwan yab thanks to Ciyananon)
>>90581520thistwitch is awful
>>90583848Yuuki is literally just Aqua but pinker.
>>90583389>>90583913Haha, yeah, I suppose so. I was devastated when Coco left. But in a way, I'm sort of grateful; the lesson I took from that was that life is fleeting and tomorrow is not guaranteed, so I should live life to the fullest. I made the decision then to stop mulling around and actually buy a sports car I had always wanted. Didn't get it right away, and my plans took a few unexpected turns, but I have it now. And I still thank her for it.
https://youtu.be/W-QUJdebaik?si=1w35U4ibBr069fBXI will now gosling over Lily.
>>90584256Holy shit I thought they disappeared into the ether. Had no idea they were still going. Artiabros not like this...
lemonleaf has gained a crazy amount of subs in the last couple hours. really hope it convinces her to stream on youtube
>>90581575its down to literally just bae and kronii. sad.
>>90585096I need numbers, NOW!
>>90584530Truly her best ASMR.
>>90585224from the start of this thread >>90567097 to now they have doubled. she is almost over 100k
>>90584401Very good to hear that anon.
this is going to become the best general soon
>>OPUhh who's the chinese one? are there any artia?
>>90584715Well, Ciyana hardly streams as well since she has a real life job plus she just came back to China last year. In that sense, only 2 out of 6 are still *regularly* streaming.And since you mentioned Artia, you might find delightful to hear that Artia is now studying at a certain university in the United States and plans to settle there or in the UK.
I just saw the newsJESUS FUCKING CHRISThoping leaf comes back to us full timei fucking hope she collabs with shondo again
>>90585224A lot!
>>OPMaybe they can all get together and form a new company that recaptures the lightning in a bottle that was cover corp circa 2017-2021
>>90586386I think the lesson to take here is fuck companies. Companies fuck it all up. Let them just be friends and do stuff together.
>>90586172Huh. Last I saw of Artia she had done a face reveal and stopped streaming shortly after. Didn't know there was any info about her after that. Nice.
what happened to mikeneko? Is she still a worldwide global sensation?
>>90586663She just stream ASMR on Youtube.
>>90586172fuck that bitch, move the fuck back to china retarded xi supporter
>>90586386>>90586559i hope the ENs re-band together to form something. Maybe even a indie-ish mini-corpo incorporated somewhere not ffucking Japan.
>>90585096The main problem is that she has two channels, the Leaf and the LeafASMR one. If people are just picking one, they may be splitting.
>>90578466>Only get really into Vtubers, and especially Fauna these last two months>This happensVanity of vanities, all is vanity.
>>90585224I just checked when I made this post >>90587225a few minutes ago and she was at 98.3k and now she's at 99.2kAND i just pressed the refresh button and she's at 99.6k. Keep pressing the refresh I think she's gaining hundreds per minute right now.
This is becoming bigger faster than we expected anon. I feel the weight of responsibility
>>90581575my only consolation right now is that at least if kronii leaves, i'm fairly certain she'll remain at least semi-active on her pl.
>>90588143Some schizoes are serious.
>>90588143It was always bound to happen one way or the other, but nobody could have predicted so many talents leaving after Aqua...
>>90588216Snd she is actually really cute.
At least they put graduation notices according to their theme kek
We are one step closer to a Senzawa/Shondo collab now, holy shit my dreams are slowly becoming reality
I kind of hope they start working together or make a co-operative deal during the exodus, I know more are leaving
>>90588742that's not really the point, but yes. that is also true.
>>90589006Now you understand how important of /xhlgg/.
>>90587987pretty sure she was around 27k earlier today (when i was rewatching the shrimp vid)
>>90587987Not good enoughFauna got cheated out of her golden play button so we gotta pump those numbers up so Leaf can get hers
>>90589006What if they hate each other?
>>90589867We can co-exist, if Ksonfags can do with Ciyanafags then you also can do that.
>>90589562>>90587987She was at 21k today before the announcement live was uploaded/scheduled according to Socialblade.
>>90588840It's a small thing, but at least it feels 0.5% nicer than the double-spaced, 2-inch margin Japanese PDF format.
>>90588143Eventually you'll lose control as it gets too big and branches generals too. The endless cycle of growth.
>>90589562yes, she's already gained about 80k subs over the last day. right now she's at 105kish
>>90581575As someone in the chat explained, it's just YouTube text encoding being updated. Originally just hyphens bookending the channel names.
>>90588216Her close friend/former corpomate was literally my first vtuber and my first oshi and I know she'll be popping into multiplayer collab streams with that Red Panda bitch. She will.
>>90588840>>90590297Back in my day we just got a black on white notice and it was good enough for us.
>>90589867then malicious mud wrestling is on the table
I was out all day touching grass and I come back to this shit? The fuck? And in the 5 minute video, she outright says "disagreement with management" and leaves it at that, without equivocation. Except for Coco, haven't the rest of the graduates have been a lot more vague than that?
>>90591175I already got corrected many times, but thanks
>>90590320The way I see it, the bigger you get, the more people fall in between the cracks. And people don't like being in cracks.>inb4 paizuri
>>90590320This thread is a consolidation of other generals. Unlike a lot of generals This thread was made in reverse order the individual chuubas already had generals. This is more of a meeting place of those different generals.
>>90592004We talking tits?
Fauna is gonna have 3 silver play buttons now
>>90591804well technically Fauna has been the first true English graduation. No affiliate shenanigans and jp vague posting. she's known to be very selective of her words.
welcome home saplings
>>90592665Does Twitch have an equivalent?
>>90591543well considering that she's already done it since being kronii i would say that's safe to assume, yeah.
>>90592838she was literally reading from a script she wrote down. it was extremely deliberate the way she worded it.
>>90592838>well technically Fauna has been the first true English graduationSana?
>>OPI love Fauna, didn't really care about Ame. Is that why it feels different this time, or is it the same for others?
>>90593650Nope that's normal.
if lemonleaf does horny asmr I will kneel forever
>>90593650it's normal to... not care about people you don't care about? of course it would feel different for someone you care about.
>>90593145Nope, the closest thing they have is an award for watch hours (5 million, 50 million, and 250 million hours watched)
Rica's waiting room up. In 3 hourshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqGM8_mGdyk
>>90593575wasn't around long enough to matter
reminder that the only reason we have not been getting kino Fauna/Gura streams is because hololive is too autistic to let streamers stream.
>>90593650I'm in the same boat, brother. Even if she goes back to streaming as Lemonleaf, it's just not going to be the same
>>90592838>the first true English graduationMy dude...
>>90595400It won't be but that isn't always bad. The person doesn't change.
Coco was the first english graduation
Damn a lot images I have are already outdated
>>90579475I don't why but I just bursted out laughing.
>>90594148She did matter. She's even been put into video games after being gone. The other members still continued to acknowledge her years after she left.
>>90596751Buddy just ignore it. I know that feel.
>>90595400man you know people always say that, but I've followed like 6 chuubas to their ex-corpo life, and once you get like long streams under your belt and you're used to the model, it's really about as good. Not the same, but still good, sometimes better.
>>90596917>I've followed like 6 chuubas to their ex-corpo lifejesus anon please don't start watching my oshi
>>90590320I was about to ask about Vesper/Magni and immediately knew it would be the first great schism of the general.
>>90596244>>90596917You're both objectively correct, thank you for speaking the sensible truth. Though, getting to the point of acceptance is the hard part; especially when this whole situation sounds like it was avoidable
>>90596917this. doki is literally the same. mint is largely the same. matara, michi, dooby... they all give me the exact same vibes as they did before. things WILL be a bit different because they don't have to worry about restrictions. if they do change drastically it means it was all a kayfabe... and honestly i'd consider it a blessing they showed their true colors so i could split.
Gura's next
>>90585955it's just going to be Hololive Global 2
>>90597402Sana, Beryl, Zaion, Pomu, Selen, Ame. Each time it hurt a bit less, though it helped that each time there was less time before they restarted streaming (if they ever did).If it's any comfort, I'm mostly watching the reincarnations of all the above+Mori atm.>>90597542>>90597870Yep, it's a shame, but honestly I'm just glad Cover is pushing its talents out without bullying them into irreparable mental damage, niji really lowered my expectations of corpos.
As of January all of my EN merch will be for streamers who no longer streamThat is to say it appears I'm moving in here
>>90598438I honestly love how broken Sayu is now, unironically comfy and entertaining
>>90597870I guess for me, this is the first big chuuba I've followed leaving a collab-heavy corpo. Ame didn't hurt as much since she barely streamed, but I didn't watch her much anyway. Minto and Doki were different since Niji wasn't on my radar (more so posthumously, desu), The others I didn't watch. Fauna hits different because it means no more streams with the others, and she has been having some banger collabs recently. God bless GG for involving Fauna, but it also means we're going to lose their dynamic
The time has come to abolish public ownership
>>90597945If she wasn't viral on debut and became the face of the branch, she would've been long gone before Ame.
in the end china and blackrock won
>>90598438I would prefer Beryl graduate again honestly, she is better than that trash corpo
>>90599871berylfag aplease tell your oshi to fix her mic and volume settings
>>90599827Is the new US administration going to do something about those fags?
>>90599102i mean, that is true as well. of course, there will be collabs in the future as well, just not with who you're used to.
incoming new members
>>90599871I didn't have a high opinion of Phase before Clara debuted, but now I think it's probably the best-run vtubing corpo. At least she's happy and can do what she wants there.
>>90600368We must re-assemble HoloSalt under new names.
>>90600368dotto and namirin are expected, randon not so much
I unironically want my oshi to leave holo
>>90600368>never really checked out Namirin>wonder how big she was>Renai Circulation has 168 MILLION viewsJesus fucking Christ.
>>90600523I don't even have that bad of an opinion of management (though VShojo would have to objectively be the best run major corpo in terms of fairness to talent), but I think a lot of her current coworkers are just genuinely bad people.
>>90600368>randonI genuinely cannot envision how an interaction between these two would go
>>90586172Artia was my oshi, but I tapped out of keeping up with chuubas after her graduation. Too bad she doesn't stream at all. Still the only streamer I ever loved. I miss her...
>>90601129Me either but I definitely want to see it happen.
>>90600938Most people confuse her cover for the official version
>>90600938guess who has listened to that cover iterally dozens of times and somehow never noticed this guyalso I think I watched a splatoon stream on that channel at some point
>>90601496the singing i can understand, but if you've ever heard her just speaking, she clearly made 0 effort to change her voice up
>>90601129xhlgg Zomboid server when
I guess the "TBA" anon actually knew something...
>>90601617it's more that I never noticed who did that cover
My only source of fear is whether or not notFauna will be friends with notGuraIf there's nothing between them I will be incredibly sad and forced to acknowledge that something is wrong with one or both of my two favorite girls
>rushia beside aloe and behind aquashes gonna start swinging any time now
>>90588840You just know they have them premade and ready to shoot the moment they feel like any of them has become expendable.
>>90602691you might be new to this and i know its painful but sometimes you gotta distinguish between your oshi’s real friends and her corpo mandated ones
>>90602765She has a knife pressed against Aqua's back and only Mel's whispering is keeping her from pushing forward
>>90600368If ex-holostars like Randon are actually in contact with them I don't see a reason to keep excluding them. He specifically seems to know what's going on.
>>90603046they can be mentioned if they are currently interacting. otherwise no homo. same as /hlgg/
>>90600882already subscribed unlike my fragile opps
>>90603291Unicorns out.This is not an idoru agency thread.
>>90600882this was at 60k last time i checked lmao
rip my green watame I dont really watch her but she could at least get that 1mil sub first for the plague
>>90603479They are off topic. "Hololive" is right in the name. Ex-stars were never in Hololive.
>>90588881>Shondowho is that?
>>90604135she's 10
>>90604135Lemonleaf's indie menhera friend
>>90603617They were in hololive productions. Your hatred of men in nonsensical when kson collabs with them all the time.
>>90573951>senzawa updated her twitter after being inactive for 2 yearsBros...
>>90574200honestly surprised that cover allowed this
>>90593650ame's reputation was tattered over the homocollabs and then she just stopped streaming for like a year. they also put in a bunch of perms and made it very hard for her to even use the smol ames/ameverse type stuff which was one of the only distinguishing things she had. it made sense she started to just kind of feel singled out and not really fitting in anymore. fauna did have the 'we are not friends' mini-rant but otherwise was not remotely in bad of shape and felt like a good match for holo in general demeanor. and was in general well-liked despite everything including a lot here as well.
>>90602866Suck my cock, anonFauna loves Gura and that's never been a secret. If Gura doesn't care about her, I am hurt.
>>90600882>already at 133KDORYAAAA
>>90604621reality hurts but i guess time is the best teacher. You will see the light all the others before you
>>90602331kurisu doko
>>90604595I never understood the meltdown over the 'we are not friends' thingMaybe it's just me, but I am the only one who decides who my friends are. If I say you are my friend, you are. You have no say in this; your consent is not required nor is it even considered.
>>90574200Do you really believe she doesn't have a new model coming? I bet it will debut in a few week minimum
>>90604412you can post about them when they are collabing then, otherwise fuck off
>>90604689hmm, where have I seen this posting style before
>>90604786I didn't say anything about that. If she wants to keep on streaming we'd probably see it a bit after her official graduation date.
>>90600533IndieSalt, or InSalt
>>90604412Yeah, old exclusionary practices don't really make sense anymore given they've left the framework that led to it. We should probably add the ex-Stars to the OP as well.
>>90604786back in my time there was a one month grace period for the non compete clause to run out but looking at how quick sakuna and dooby debuted their model we cant really sayI mean rica took a while before she got her model
>>90604936kill yourself samefag
>>90604868/pcg/ thats DEFINITELY henri
>>90605008They're not idols anymore, Anon. You have to let go. They're just streamers now.
>>90604989I mean, what's the point in being a unicorn now? They don't have to live up to any billing of being "idols". They're just entertainers.>>90605008You really should let go of those feelings that led you to this mindset. It's not healthy.
totally organic posts
>>90580124just close your eyes, their voices will always be thereor tape a picture of their old models onto your monitor, KEK
>>90605205It's over, Anon. They aren't what they used to be. The old rules don't apply.
>>90605205Look, man. I understand why you feel the way you do. But you have to accept that things are going to change. And that holding on to the old ways is illogical. It might even be part of the reason things are changing in the first place. They generally left for similar reasons, from the same company. Excluding ex-Stars makes no sense.
>>90605205Keep seething faggot
>>90605408>>90605421I am not a unicorn. I don't care the girls collab with males, or whoever else they choose. My current Holo oshi is a homocollaber.Doesn't change the fact that you are just attempting to falseflag and wreck the thread. You are not the first to try this.
>>90605649>everyone who has ever disagreed with me has had the same nefarious planThere's nothing to wreck. It's a new general with a new purpose and people are discussing what form that should take. General consensus seems to be that there's no longer even pretense for why homos should be excluded. Unless you have some kind of point you'd like to make.
>>90605649How does posting about a guy wreck the thread? The only reason it would is because you have this seething autistic hatred towards him and will shit up the thread while pissing and shitting your pants.
>>90605649I'm making a genuine suggestion about the information contained in the OP post. They were from the same company. The girls don't really have any reason to uphold the walled garden anymore. Besides, it would help people who are curious about what happened to Kira, Kaoru, and maybe Suzaku as well.
>>90605769It's been around for a month. "Female only" was in OP for weeks when it started, until it became obvious. Your PC and your smartphone dramahopping into the thread today are not a consensus.
>>90604513>allowedI'm guessing Myth/Council contracts don't have anything like that but Advent/Justice do. And then recontracting happens, and the older girls say "fuck off". And Kiara just says "imma do what i want fire me if you want you wont".
>>90605836>>90605842go back and stop trying to leech off the talent people actually care about.
>>90604621There's a reason her "I'm back" video is one proclaiming herself to be Chumbud prime.
The definition-jerrymandering portion of this argument is moot anyways because HoloStars are factually part of Hololive Productions, just not part of Hololive, which is not the same as HLP. So the ex-Stars are on topic as according to the OP.The absolute melty the unicorn is having over the mere suggestion of the boys' inclusion is reason enough to me to have them.
>>90606267I say having kson the vshojo whore in here wrecks the thread so you better remove her right now.
>>90606109And things have dramatically changed since the first one was made at the end of October.
>>90606408that was a fast mask-off
Vesper is Randon and Magni is CaspurrDid the others Stars continue streaming as indies?
Maybe we should nip this in the bud and have the next thread be Ex-Cover General or something.>>90606495You keep trying to make this some kind of conspiracy-of-one and you just come off as a schizo.
>>90597537???we've been over her for over a year >>>/orc+/
>>90606535I have no idea. I watched Randon before he was gone, then I watched someone that sounded similar, and now I watch Randon again. Dunno what the deal of the other Stars are.
>>90606495I don't want men and I also don't want kson the vshojo whore in this thread. Both of them wreck the thread so they need to be removed.
>>90606565yes totally genuine poster shitting on kson and suggesting adding homos to the thread, I am sure you have no ulterior motives at all
my 2 favorite council members left hololive
>>90606267What leeching? The people who don't want to watch males will ignore their links in the OP. But for the sake of telling the complete history, I do think they should at least be in there.
>>90600368are the other two ex-someone as well?
>>90606815And Sana now streams once in a blue moon. I made the right call to buy that bread dog.
>>90606700Yeah and when I brought up the possibility of expanding that thread to include other ex-Holos, a similar sperg had an absolute shitfit like the one we're seeing now.Total Unicorn death.>>90606714I seriously have to ask, what fucking motive do you imagine the multiple posters you're insisting are one person has?>>90606835Apoplectic parasocials need to believe their obsessions are the only valid options and everyone else is either too stupid to realize it or just trolling/malevolent.
>>90606700>>90606954Ah, didn't know Vesper and Magni had their own splinter. Huh. Well, they should probably be included in the OP for completion's sake, as well as Kira, Kaoru, and Gamma, but I suspect the bulk of the discussion about Vesper and Magni will take place in /orc/.
>>90607138/orc/ has developed something of a self-sustaining network of personalities and connections that collab with those boys, so I see that thread remaining its own thing for sheer practicality's sake. But Randon and Catspurr should at least be mentioned here as a matter of completeness.
>>90607138>as well as Kira, Kaoru, and GammaDid they continue streaming as Vtubers?
>>90607138>as well as Kira, Kaoru, and GammaIts more Stars EN right now because they are who we watched the most. I do like posting some of notGamnas new stuff, but right now we are mostly just RanCas and friends.
>>90607328Yeah, I agree. Besides, nothing really stops a streamer from being in multiple general OPs. Ame's fanbase straight up just kept on trucking, and it looks like Fauna's will do the same, and Coco is now part of the VShojo general.
>>90604299Her sense of humor would have had me on the floor if not for the autistic screeching
>faggots trying to make the homos relevant by attaching to the actually successful female branchwow its like they never even graduated!
No more (You)s for the man-hating lesbian unicorn.
>>90607802What female branch? "ex-holo" is not a vtuber group or a company.
>>90606535Supposedly Gamma pngstreams. I don't know the other JP stars. Here's hoping Lord Commander joins us in /orc/ next year.
>>90607991I don't think LCC is coming back, but we are open to any of them
>>90574200did they resolve their beef back then? If i remember, shondo and leaf had a falling out as leaf was hired by hololive. Which was weird cause shondo introduced leaf to asmr contenti thought they had a proffesional falling out rather than a friend/personal one
>>90609194They did. I remember a slew of tweets of them making up like a year or two ago.What I DIDN'T know was Shondo had a near-meltdown about Soya.
>>90609194>>90609878I just realized how few jumps are required for LemonLeaf and Filian to end up on a stream together. I'd dig the comfy older sister/spastic toddler little sister dynamic.
>>90592831Who's the one on the far right?
>>90609969Dooby? is this your first time on /vt/?
>>90610063Sorry, not too famiiar with Niji EN aside from Bird and Mint.
>>90592831Sacrificing a cow to jupiter so that nami comes back as a part-time streamer
>>90605051Henri of PCG is dead. If he lives here that mean he is not Henri who love Pippa anymore.
>>90610466ok henri
>>90610410I seriously can't tell if you're doing a bit.It's Amelia Watson.
>>OPi laughed at the OPi'm a bad personLMAO
>>90610527Henri of PCG who was once known in /vt/ is dead.
>>90609944Dooby already collabed with Filian right?
>>90610564Wait, are you freaking serious?I thought she quit for family reasons but you're telling me it's another management fuckup?
Don't forget to be kind with others.
>>90611542This makes me a little sad, she doesn't fit in there at all
>>90611601She can't use SmolAme, BeeAme and DOOMAme because of management.
>>90611601well duh it always has been
>>90611601I don't know the exhaustive details but IIRC it was another "management has decided my job is no longer the one I signed up for and I'm not allowed to do any of the things I came here to do".>>90611675>Dooby, Doki, Filian, BaoLineups like these always remind me of the Smash Brothers "EVERYONE IS HERE" announcement
>>90611684>>90611720Well I'm glad she's still streaming but man, corpos fucking suck, there is no good one.
>>90611684>>90611720>>90611750But man why Twitch instead of Youtube?I really don't like that place.
>>90611901Dooby does both, often multistreaming. Her Discord server has server roles for each so you can get pinged on either or both when she goes live.
>>90566161it seems to me like Gura would still stream sometimes, when she feels like it (once or twice a year).
>>90604135shadowfallen. Had a menhera when Fauna first debuted, tweeting something about feeling betrayed because she joined hololive.
>>90606700Thanks. You just gave me a new idea on which pairing I should write an erotic hetship of. but first, let me finish my LyrCus (Lyrica x Cusleacrann) hetship.
>>90611901that is entirely dependent on the vtuber anon but the plus of twitch is you’re not directly competing with holos and a more tight knit community of leeches that are ready to collab and raid you at a moments notice theres also less autism when it comes to rules.the pluses to youtube is obviously a bigger reach.mint and doki are good examples of doing great on youtube so its entirely possible to do ok on yt without being on holo.Im guessing dooby picks her platform depending on which gets her more numbers and shes still trying to gauge it atm (twitch seems to be winning tbqh)
>>90611750>management has decided my job is no longer the one I signed up for and I'm not allowed to do any of the things I came here to doI have a feeling that Jurard will also feel burnouts considering how much of a holofan he is, though I have a feeling that he wants to do content creation again aside from just streaming. He lamented over the fact that some people have began streaming over content creation after all.
I will never use twitch
>>90611901twitch is, technically, infinitely better as a streaming platform, even if it's riddled nonstop with ads and literal whore worshippers
>>90612121I thought Gura was sick or had some other condition which limited her ability to stream. Now thinking more Cover and her have some kind of agreement to run out the contract and graduate at a later time to keep stock price up.
>>90612644Dooby is tech savy enough to Simulcast across multiple platforms. As long as google or twitch don't start charging for positing videos or kick her out for some infraction think she will continue on both.
>>90612729the audience and culture there is just horrible. I really hope she at least simulcasts
>>90613071the audience and culture is godawful on youtube too if you look at the top streams
New thread >>90613153>>90613153