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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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90521977 No.90521977 [Reply] [Original]

Tsundere Edition
Previous Thread >>90510056

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.90521990
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90521999

>> No.90521999


>> No.90522012
File: 482 KB, 2048x1152, GdIqEF3agAE5fFe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?

>> No.90522231

Final retweet and quote counts for November 2024 for @fuwamoco_en


Truncated list included in this post

retweet Count - retweet
Total Result 282
fuwamoco_en 24
fukuinu_daddy 15
SvturnineSphere 14
hololive_En 13
Murata0maru 8
yuri_kyanon 7
koui0621 6
rswxx 5
Sobbi11 5
YamiesCupid 5
_hinatahirune 4
phoenixdawwn 4
wugedou579 4
_OrangeJuice13 3
Kukie_nyan 3
moricalliope 3
mumumrt 3
nyangnyang3580 3
virtual_quokka 3
WCKsan 3
yomikakisan 3
amacojack 2
aosan3103 2
aosekaco 2
Blockafeller 2
decrilus 2
icyboon 2
kareidon26 2
kash1k0_ 2
mooooochi_5 2
neko_yama 2
nerissa_en 2
not_C_ 2
toastblender 2
115 others with 1 RT

quotes Count - quotes
Total Result 118
fuwamoco_en 51
moricalliope 9
hololive_En 7
nerissa_en 5
rswxx 3
_hinatahirune 2
fanartter 2
hololivetv 2
nyangnyang3580 2
oozorasubaru 2
vestiazeta 2
animefestasia 1
AnimeFrontierTX 1
bignorishio 1
ceciliaimgreen 1
Cosmikaizer 1
Deaver0501 1
Dog_Strings 1
eitaso 1
famitsu 1
goodsmile_en 1
hiodoshiao 1
hololantern 1
keenbiscuit 1
kosekibijou 1
misterdonut_jp 1
mogatanpe 1
moonahoshinova 1
noi_mine 1
phoenixdawwn 1
Round1USA 1
sakamatachloe 1
shiorinovella 1
shirakamifubuki 1
siasha0104 1
syafu_gomi__ 1
tabakko 1
underdatv 1
VirtualMerrow 1
VTuberAwards 1
xDossie97 1
yukihanalamy 1

>> No.90522309
Quoted by: >>90522339

You are seriously obsessed.

>> No.90522339

I'm just providing the stats for people to make their own judgement and opinions with. Looking forward to the discussion in the mengen tomorrow. I can't listen because I cancelled my membership but I'll follow here to see if they address it and I may consider rejoining again.

>> No.90522381
Quoted by: >>90522445

I'll be sure to feed you false information to make you look retard

>> No.90522445

You're too obvious. The only retarded ones here are the people who believe FuwaMoco don't have favorites and them for believing this wont' ruin their career by alienating the majority of their diehard fans.

>> No.90522447
Quoted by: >>90522660

What makes you think they'll discuss it?

>> No.90522540

holy shit I love tekzi, he stole pissnix's screenshot with the exact pixel count and crop and edited it and got the retweet. I think he got a bad rep and is doing a good job of making actual effort unlike that faggot

>> No.90522596

You hear that pissnix? FUWAMOCO do not love you! They only retweet you so that you get an ego and then they destroy it because they don't give a flying fuck about your mentally ill obsessed faggot self. Do yourself and all of us a favor and oshihen already retard

>> No.90522608

Kill yourself, mutt tranny

>> No.90522629

>please send the anti SC for me
>it's for the good of their career
this sister looped this for a whole year in hopes of making another Lockwhite with no results

>> No.90522660

Mococo saying that she has a lot she wants to discuss during mengen. She only says that when there's a tough topic like the past battle plans to discuss. I can't think of anything else she'd want us to talk about besides that as I know she reads these threads leading up to members streams to get a gauge of the community unfiltered.

>> No.90522798

I think they have remarkably shit taste in art, clips, and memes, but aside from that I see no issue. I just look at the community tab in yt and ignore their twitter.

>> No.90522902
File: 130 KB, 969x1363, GdYknv9aMAA-Dlw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90523083

I really some of the SOVL art they RT frequently.

>> No.90522923
Quoted by: >>90523252

Actually https://x.com/phoenixdawwn/status/1862701880406614501 was posted before https://x.com/hopeblessing123/status/1862706560188752070 was even posted
whereas https://x.com/SvturnineSphere/status/1862892317679485098 was directly in response to https://x.com/hopeblessing123/status/1862706560188752070
That's why T got the retweet, given they already retweeted the fuwawa version

>> No.90522991

I want to have sex with them

>> No.90523083
Quoted by: >>90523178

I liked it at first, but between fukuinu, murata, and yuri kyanon, I'm so sick of shitty cartoonish chibi drawings 25x a day I don't think I can stand to see another one

>> No.90523099

If you ever feel like you wasted your time just imagine being that sad soul.

>> No.90523164
Quoted by: >>90523573

>I think they have remarkably shit taste in art, clips, and memes
I thought about it and I might just agree with you here. The problem may not be favoritism as people try to loop. The problem may be that they like 3 second slop clips. They like the simplistic art. Their taste in memes is completely different from most everyone. It's like being in a room of people who like satire and then there is that one person laughing at slapstick humor. The people who like satire will be completely confused or disgusted by the slapstick humor.

>> No.90523178

Same, they pandered to the Japs so much, where is my high quality sex fanart? Chloe, Azki, Suisex, Marine, and even Iroha gets like 3 masterpieces a day

>> No.90523252

I just thought it was funny it was a stolen screenshot and I want to shitpost anyway I can to get that fucker to leave

>> No.90523309
File: 399 KB, 1268x1800, GdhV2iUXgAAUQPH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90523376


>> No.90523315
Quoted by: >>90523467

FUWAMOCO are reclining.

>> No.90523318

>retweets of 4 low effort accounts total more than 15% of all their retweets
>no issue
Gonna assume you are one of those fags or a clique turd that worships them

>> No.90523376

Thats mama not a fan artist and its relatively tame

>> No.90523467

Maybe they should stop alienating the majority of their dedicated fans by focusing so much on Japanese tourists projects and sucking off paypigs a d attention whores on Twitter? Nerissa is going to pass them eventually because she cares about her fans and in turn they love her back. There's a reason Ruffians didn't get nominated for most dedicated and it's because it's all dead subs and dying enthusiasm as they continue to make baffling career choices as if they were still 2 views

>> No.90523494


>> No.90523521


>> No.90523529
Quoted by: >>90523557

I love Newissa

>> No.90523548


>> No.90523549

Is HOEH and ehehehe really still the best content they can bother to give us after a year? What changed to make them care so little now?

>> No.90523557

We know Fuwawa, but please go to sleep.

>> No.90523573
Quoted by: >>90523740

They like simplistic art and it's also their way of building their "daily diary" of their holo career, so quality is not a huge priority. As for clips and memes, I think they may not like them or even understand the humor most of the time, but you know what they do like and understand? Noombers. So they just defer to the same 2 or 3 people for all their clips and screencaps 90% of the time, the rationale being if tekzi or phoenix think it's good, then the rest of zoomertwitter probably will too. And if sobbi retweets it, that just adds to the confidence. Just look at all the recent clips on phoenix & tekzi's account that HAVEN'T been retweeted in the past few days. The numbers are fucking insane. Say what you want about that garbage, but those cliquefags are good at scrounging up twitter points, and FWMC are happy to let them do the job.

>> No.90523596

Must be nice to think this is entertaining enough to do religiously for a whole year.

>> No.90523633

I know this is bait but Nerissa sucks off trannies, whores, indies, and cosplayers who dont even watch her on Twitter and a bunch of her fans have left her membership. Her biggest paypig left months ago.

>> No.90523740

The memes they personally like are nico nico memes, the same ones you'd see older (in age) holoJPs referencing.

>> No.90523742
Quoted by: >>90523813

Do you want them to give 50 replies to Maddie in a single day instead?

>> No.90523810
Quoted by: >>90523909

Did he go somewhere else, though? If he just disappeared it's more likely that he couldn't keep up with the spending, like our wall.

>> No.90523813
Quoted by: >>90523984

at least she had nice tits so yes I'd love if they interacted with cute femruffians and got them to show their ass and floofies in cosplay at cons more

>> No.90523909
Quoted by: >>90523972

I dont know, all I know is he used to drop 500 every stream and now he's gone.

>> No.90523972

Not even Anan sends 500 every stream, sounds more like he woke up and realized he was ruining his life than an oshihen.

>> No.90523984
Quoted by: >>90524060

>Complains about favoritism.
>Okay with favoritism.

>> No.90523985

yet FWMC are directly appealing to that same fanbase now with they hiya femruffian yt post and tweets. they're jealous. they don't want a bunch of menhera manchildren like they have now

>> No.90524060
Quoted by: >>90524295

if I can jerk off to it i don't care. cute girls are cute and fuwamoco should only associate with other cute girls. Not faggots and zoomer twinks that only care about likes and getting their attention to groom them

>> No.90524071

sorry but I really doubt nerissa (or any other talent) is the only one retweeting and using their work account.

>> No.90524099
File: 19 KB, 581x428, 1710255252841076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90524157

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 480: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched three episodes of an anime.

>> No.90524135

Imagine being a skilled artist working hard on a masterpiece with maybe a 20% chance of getting appreciated, meanwhile chibi slop factories have a 100% chance every hour of every day. I wouldn't bother either. Plenty of other holos to draw.

>> No.90524157

>If you had done enough mining to keep up 15 new words a day for all these days
>15 new words a day
Abso-fucking-lutely not possible for me. I struggled with even 10 new words a day (if we ignore the first like 10 to 20 days when I did new words a day, but then lowered it). Maybe I'm not immersing enough, or the quality of it is subpar (I should focus more on trying to understand and look up vocab/phrases/grammar that I don't understand). Whatever the reason is, 5 new cards a day is what I can do.
Yeah, for the last few months I've been lazy and just maintained core deck without adding any new vocab while watching anime. I'm definitely not being optimal in my learning, very far from it. I'm okay with it though. Am I progressing at all if I'm just watching anime and not adding any new vocab to the deck? Maybe a little, maybe not, but at least I'm not regressing. When I decide to stop being lazy fuck I'll start adding 5 new cards a day.

>> No.90524158

Talking about superchats, it is crazy how superchats has taken a nosedive for every talent in holoEN. I wonder is it because the fanbase didn't expand so the same amount of money is circulated over a bigger talent pool, the bad economy or Cover pushing out too much merch.

>> No.90524230

>if we ignore the first like 10 to 20 days when I did new words a day, but then lowered it
*when I did 20 new words a day, but then...

>> No.90524286

everyone is streaming less because cover is working talents to death and the merch tsunami drained people that would sc

>> No.90524295

Go find some twitch whores if you wana jerk off.

>> No.90524340

Merch spam is definitely a big factor. To me personally it had the opposite effect, though, too much merch made me stop caring about all of it and I'll just superchat and buy voice packs instead.

>> No.90524394

Cover is getting greedy for sure. I won't be surprised if they push out their own gacha game soon.

>> No.90524444

that's holo earth and the tcg. both of which yahoo has emphasized are the priority pillar and focus of the company moving into the future

>> No.90524521
Quoted by: >>90525119

I wouldn't personally care about gacha, but I would definitely like more variety in digital goods. Shipping, tax and space are the bigger reasons why I don't want more merch, the cost of the merch itself is usually pretty fair, in my opinion. Not sure what exactly they could offer.

>> No.90524588

I definitely am more selective about merchs now.

>> No.90524686
Quoted by: >>90524919

cover absolutely started spamming more merch arguably excessively. just what comes to mind, there is omocat, en reco, eurobeat, all the concert merch, friends with u, even clear folders, pillows, fan-name keychains. add in voice packs for bonus hits. add in anniversary and 3D too. surprised they didn't add in hologta merch while they were at it. if you're aiming for the taiwan merch on the coomer.co it's 50 USD shipping too at least. god forbid you go to a con as well and want to get anything.

>> No.90524888

If FUWAMOCO were included in on a hololive centered gacha game with lets say exclusive voice lines, art, and they shilled it for lets say 3 weeks on both community posts and twitter, how much money would you spend on it? Bonus: lets say they were consistent about liking anyone that screenshotted their I-just-won-FUWAMOCO tweets.

>> No.90524919

The eurobeat series is egregious lmfao, yeah here's a set of merch to commemorate a series of song remixes, for which the actual stream event was cancelled and couldn't be bothered to reschedule

>> No.90524931
Quoted by: >>90525082

I’d rather have physical merch than send a super chat but I’ve also stopped buying as much merch. I just don’t have the space. I’ve had a couple (non FWMC) birthday sets just sitting in a box in the closet for months.

>> No.90524948
File: 23 KB, 665x351, anki_xOwGg4FVcz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? This is what my retention looks like doing 15 per day so I assumed it was feasible for everyone. I only use a couple small optimizations like always doing the deck in the morning, reviewing forgotten cards with custom study before dinner, and then again before bed to achieve these kinds of stats. Are you properly giving extra attention to forgotten cards?

>> No.90524974
Quoted by: >>90525088

I don't like gacha, would probably skip it. Or are we pretending the game doesn't suck in this hypothetical?

>> No.90525006

I will max out both Fuwawa and Mocochan. So 3k each?

>> No.90525051

I’m usually F2P if I play any gachas, so I wouldn’t spend that much. Maybe 20 bucks

>> No.90525082

I understand the pain. I have to move around frequently for work so having a bunch of merch with me is not ideal.

>> No.90525088

Realistically, thinking of holoearth and how basic it is, it would probably be mediocre at best. But for the hypothetical lets say it's a decently fun game.

>> No.90525119

Man, having new merch release just after the pre order cut off date for something else feels like shit. Granted, you could start forwarding it all to a domestic warehouse and let it pile up before getting it shipped to you, but it kills a lot of enthusiasm either way.

>> No.90525173

Would you rather spend on merch or on a ticket to a con with a RNR mini?

>> No.90525185
Quoted by: >>90525526

Nothing. I would datamine the exclusive FWMC art and voice lines from the game and share them /here/. Fuck gacha slop.

>> No.90525439

the only way I believe their apology for the favoritism in the mengen tomorrow is if they honest to goodness cry

>> No.90525526

BASED AF. especially with 3d models

even I want to see the pantsu in heaven burns red

>> No.90525573
File: 102 KB, 577x1071, 1732745506542456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*they start reading SCs*
>faggot using an alt account: "FWMC, you keep retweeting the same people all the time!! Your favoritism needs to stop!"
>Fuwawa: "Oh yeah, what awe you doing to do about it? Gonna cwy?"
>Mococo: "un un!"

>> No.90525754

They would never apologize for it, they would just clarify that twitter interactions are not meant to be a sign of personal affection. That's all it would take. It would put an end to the bragging, cure the menhera, and finally the ruffians could actually become a decent fanbase.

>> No.90525835
File: 153 KB, 900x1024, 1732858133840301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti Fuwawa
>she breaks your knees

>> No.90525845


>> No.90525878


>> No.90525949
Quoted by: >>90526375

W-why did she do that...?

>> No.90526092
Quoted by: >>90526375

She is too powerful... There has to be a way to stop her...

>> No.90526258

>replies to your post about broken knees
>oh my gosh
>that'll be 800k yen

>> No.90526375
File: 37 KB, 414x456, 1726755873645479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90526592

the guy's Twitter is filled with retweets of art around the same time they're posted here. might be an honest to god fuwawa schizo poster here

>> No.90526650
File: 147 KB, 850x1133, 1720927727678973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90527378


She's so sweet... I really hope she'll stay for a long long time so FWMC will have a good friend in hololive JP for longer

>> No.90526813
File: 92 KB, 640x637, 1717317115081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Characteristics of 'people' who are anti-Fuwawa
>Their only oshi is Mococo
>They unironically suffer from some form of schizophrenia, diagnosed or otherwise
>Their skin color is brown
>They're either from SEA or Brazil
>They can't afford running water
>Most of them are poorfags who haven't donated a dime or have purchased little to no merch
>They're trannies

>> No.90527219

Now characterize people who coom to FUWAMOCO every day

>> No.90527225

It's true every single time too.

>> No.90527378

This week: Lap had an anniversary with male fleshies, Lui is no longer reading superchats, Iroha had a mute anniversary because she went mute from menhera, and Chloe is graduating. HoloX fans suffer the most. Koyori's crazy good anniversary is probably the only reason they haven't killed themselves

>> No.90527402
Quoted by: >>90527425

>excellent tastes in all things art
>mid to high end six figures
>master or doctor's degree
>part of mensa
>could have many girls but declined always, they are only after fuwawa and mococo

>> No.90527425
File: 210 KB, 1080x1327, 1688262583993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90527464


>> No.90527442

>They unironically suffer from some form of schizophrenia, diagnosed or otherwise
>Their skin color is brown
>They're either from SEA or Brazil
>They can't afford running water
>Most of them are poorfags who haven't donated a dime or have purchased little to no merch
>They're trannies

>> No.90527457

Huh I missed the Lui thing completely, what set it off?

>> No.90527464


>> No.90527476

>Their only oshi is FUWAMOCO
>They unironically love FUWAMOCO
>Their skin color is white
>They live in a first world country
>They can afford every luxury they want
>They have donated thousands of dollars to FUWAMOCO and bought all merch
>They're productive members of society

>> No.90527568
File: 74 KB, 758x644, 1684274019063122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a beautiful day to coom to FUWAMOCO, let's check Pixiv.

>> No.90527653

cover is working her to death with recordings and she wants to preserve her voice

>> No.90527656

>Distinguished gentlemen of the highest order
>Generally fun and funny to be around, always try to include people
>Always try to shift the thread with sexy images whenever it devolves into shitposting

>> No.90527664

>reddit tier posts
Just insane how this thread keeps geting worse

>> No.90527697
Quoted by: >>90527742

She just said she would rather spend the time making more content than reading supers

>> No.90527742

I see, sounds reasonable. I wouldn't mind if FWMC didn't spend so much time on SCs and put that time on other stream stuff instead I guess.

>> No.90527750

Reddit dogs

>> No.90527768
File: 331 KB, 1280x1915, sexwithfwmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with these hag puppies.

>> No.90527837

You would know, wouldn't you?

>> No.90527946
Quoted by: >>90528232

>Iroha had a mute anniversary because she went mute from menhera
anon that was just promotionkino for her new song, really good song too:

>> No.90527949
File: 132 KB, 350x361, Screenshot 2024-11-30 113226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90527955
Quoted by: >>90528088

Imagine how tight and warm Mococo's asshole is. Imagine how slippery and warm Fuwawa's pussy is.

>> No.90528057

Imagine how fat and fuck Pero is.

>> No.90528088

Coomers are the worst posters

>> No.90528138
Quoted by: >>90528385

I read the last thread, they’re not even in the top 5 worst type of posters.

>> No.90528165

fuck it i made up my mind is got a gift member apparently so I'll send the sc

>> No.90528179

>i made up my mind is got a gift member apparently

>> No.90528232
Quoted by: >>90528734

Did you watch it? It wasn't a bit.

>> No.90528247
File: 541 KB, 1600x2603, 1720570371825090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90528365

They're the best. Just the fact that they make antis and shitstirrers seethe to no end is beyond baused.

The coomer is impervious and unswerving. He just wants to coom.

>> No.90528365
Quoted by: >>90528414

>no tail
They also don't care about FWMC and post garbage like this

>> No.90528385

the worst type of poster is SEA larping as english speakers and calling ESL whenever there is a post with english they don't understand

>> No.90528414

It's Chihuahua, she's tailless...

>> No.90528508
File: 2.41 MB, 351x351, 1723867347368635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can open up a tri lobby tonight around normal streaming time since minecraft isn't happening. Any MHbros are welcome to join even if you're just starting out considering we aren't very far

>> No.90528536

The coomers are the BEST posters and Ruffians are the BEST fanbase.

>> No.90528578

I want to glaze Fuwawa's pretty face with my ruffseed

>> No.90528586
File: 235 KB, 1250x2051, bbad072236b6b0bba810543963781153493467c161ddcbf96d3155ef0897a5ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90528661

coomers begone

>> No.90528598
File: 117 KB, 1080x1188, 9845688967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no fate this week again
I will not survive.

>> No.90528661
Quoted by: >>90528741

Are you trying to make them leave by making them cum? I don't understand

>> No.90528700
File: 327 KB, 1371x1096, 1717522239425869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We save this shit thread regularly.

>> No.90528734
Quoted by: >>90528921

Yes and the outfit and MV and all the other assets just materialized when she woke up feeling that way, come on. I'm being trolled here, right?

>> No.90528741
Quoted by: >>90528792

Tough luck for him then Okayu doesn't do much for me.
Now the mayo coyote or the map woman or their gen mate rock cunny on the other hand...

>> No.90528785

It doesn't have to be Fate, I would be happy with a White Album stream.
Saving is a bit far, but I always try to post sex images whenever the thread goes to shit to try and distract people from biting baits.

>> No.90528792
Quoted by: >>90528851

>map woman
Azki? She is a goodest girl so please remember her name.

>> No.90528834
File: 1.56 MB, 1254x1913, 8dUAIKW2yGkE9l1yeqID4pUb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90529225

We should do a Prisma Illya watchalong but only the OVAs.

>> No.90528851
File: 363 KB, 2560x1440, 1716546713157978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know all their names anon I just wanted to be funny

>> No.90528866
File: 52 KB, 1179x717, ha3r94l4h14e1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90529145


>> No.90528889

Make sure to ask ChatGPT to translate it for you before sending.

>> No.90528921
Quoted by: >>90529017

None of that has to do with her being unable to speak? What is even your rrat here?

>> No.90529017

She's pretending to be retarded and will spend the next month selling inside information to Nijisanji.

>> No.90529145
File: 195 KB, 1200x2050, 0ae9774048fa8c7e26dcfa2b56480482ff22250d01524d8464dec417101641a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like bae is dying, good riddance

>> No.90529176
Quoted by: >>90529228

It unironically has chased off people looping quite a few times. If gorillas weren't shot on sight I'm sure the thread would be in a better state more often

>> No.90529225

Holy yum... I want to fuck her so bad...

>> No.90529228
Quoted by: >>90529445

It used to. Nowadays I think a lot of posters are unironic bots who are unswayed by the pleasures of the flesh. And yes the mods being absolute fags hasn't helped, plus I am convinced some of them are the Antiposters.

>> No.90529308


>> No.90529315
Quoted by: >>90529381

Yes you definitely save the thread by spamming it with ERP. Kill yourself

>> No.90529381

>Posting pictures is ERP
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

>> No.90529445
Quoted by: >>90529765

It does feel like botposting a lot of the time. I don't think anyone actually has the morale to keep shitposting the way some posters do, and sometimes the loop doesn't even match current events

>> No.90529765

It's really wild when it happens during dead hours. There's not even anyone there to possibly take the bait.

>> No.90529792

There is always SEA.

>> No.90529937

fuwamoco would be disgusted with you

>> No.90529978

Seeing someone go in circles by themselves during dead hours is really sad, so I definitely HOPE it's botposting

>> No.90530117
Quoted by: >>90530836

I'm on here several times

>> No.90530364
File: 71 KB, 640x631, IMG_6197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90531340

What would Moco-chan’s butthole donut look like?

>> No.90530836

I liked your new album but I'm not going to LA for anybody, sorry

>> No.90531340


>> No.90531462

Any femruffian I come across by chance on twitter always turns out to be a mental nutjob judging by their tweets

>> No.90531614

That is why you should take the gay ruffian pill. Trust me, you will be better off.

>> No.90531745

Advent ranked by how rapeable they are:

>> No.90531793

I agree with Bibs but Shio should be way higher.

>> No.90531816

I think Shiori would just let it happen the most, but after, she'll make you take responsibility and marry her.

>> No.90531872

look at who menhera femruffian is following on twitter out of all the known paypigs. The ones that are missing are the ones that probably sexually harrased/tried to groom her last time. It's really telling lol

>> No.90531940

I really really want to molest Biboo's little cunny together with Fuwawa

>> No.90531979

Ruffians, we're going to watch F1 Grand Finals with Korone in a few hours, okaey?

>> No.90532055

GT* Grand Final

I wonder if fans drink while watching at home

>> No.90532169
Quoted by: >>90532253

I absolutely and definitely will not. Hell the champion is already decided anyway, even less reason to watch.

>> No.90532253

>the champion is already decided
Really? Is this a point system like in Mario Kart?

>> No.90532399

I'm gaymen until I fall asleep on the couch, as God intended for saturdays.

>> No.90532476

Ok 100% Fuwawa should get in on the ground floor in Marvel Rivals when it comes out on the 6th because GG and others are definitely gonna want to play it.
It's time to showcase her FPS skills once again.

>> No.90532556

Most rapable how? As in most attractive, or most helpless?

>> No.90532579

What is this, mover Valowatch garbage?

>> No.90532770
Quoted by: >>90533032

yeah no way they're playing that slop

>> No.90532885
File: 2.77 MB, 854x480, Korone Hunter[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqktsxy.m4a].mp4 [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ruffian palico mogged safi'jiiva

>> No.90533007

Fromsoft perms are about to be revoked, they need to play AC6 before they are.

>> No.90533032

the characters aren't horribly ugly like Apex, at least.

>> No.90533070

>putting the one who was actually sexually assaulted at the bottom

>> No.90533080


>> No.90533109


>> No.90533180

I did it. It was me.

>> No.90533200

They should play Action 52 on the NES

>> No.90533250
Quoted by: >>90533455

she talked about it in that mengen she deleted

>> No.90533409

It's like someone commissioned a product to be the dictionary definition of "slop"

>> No.90533455
Quoted by: >>90534090


>> No.90533553

it's not quite the same if they've been through it before

>> No.90533562
Quoted by: >>90533872

That's not how this works. Bandai won't magically lose the publishing rights to Armored Core VI because From Software was sold.
Their Cookie & Cream description still says "confirmed with Agetec", not Kadokawa. The publisher doesn't change, and they're the ones who make that call.

>> No.90533872

Nevermind, I'm stupid, it does work like this for AC6 specifically because even EN streams AC6 under From Software's guidelines, not Bandai permissions, at least judging by Biboo's description. RIP then.
JP at least shouldn't be affected since they can stream Demon's and Bloodborne, so Sony Japan doesn't give a shit, but EN is fucked.

>> No.90534090
Quoted by: >>90534268

I don't think its archived anywhere, there was some drama around it being reuploaded. Just look at threads around march

>> No.90534268
Quoted by: >>90534550

All I remember from that was her hating her parents. What did she say about being sexually assaulted?

>> No.90534358

Why armored core? Doesn't seem like a very "FWMC" game

>> No.90534464

Among the games Patra likes and the challenging games Biboo wants them to play, Fuwawa seemed interested in Armored Core in particular, she was the one who namedropped it.

>> No.90534550
Quoted by: >>90535691

The family friend doing something bad to her, and her hating her parents for how they handled it

>> No.90535691
Quoted by: >>90536328

my ex gf told me that she got molested by her bro and his friends when she was young. I tried to be a good bf and try to help her and stay with her, but part of me wanted to run then and there. Wish I'd listened to my instincts, would've saved me a year of suffering.

>> No.90535966

It's a great game and very anime. Ririka and IRyS both had great playthroughs. It has a lot of moments that are callbacks to mecha anime and old 80s anime.

>> No.90536116

Fauna is graduating...

>> No.90536311

They followed that annoying clip channel...

>> No.90536328

>Women with a history of nonconsensual sexual experiences are more likely to engage in sex out of feelings of obligation, according to a new study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine. The study found that these women reported more frequent “Duty Sex,” lower sexual satisfaction, and higher levels of sexual pain compared to women without such histories.

>> No.90536561
File: 1019 KB, 2324x3600, GdoswK_XAAADZWm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check out the twitter account

>> No.90536710

heads up to the next hour of shitpost

>> No.90536765
File: 89 KB, 1125x630, 1721144706004822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't do this anymore

>> No.90536820

kek pissnix is melting down almost got him

>> No.90536880

Interesting, I wonder what the specific reason was for following him now and not before. It's a good channel that they clearly watched, did they just not know his twitter account or something?

>> No.90536914


>> No.90536967

no surprise that she'd graduate it was obvious. she can survive more as an indie, almost everyone in hololive can. the pro con scale is heavily tilted to cons with the shareholders draining talents to the bone for pennies now

>> No.90536968

>fuwamoco finally make it
>cover starts collapsing a year later
they are cursed

>> No.90536987
File: 402 KB, 2048x2048, GPYvu-nbAAAetjH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus christ make it stop

>> No.90537101

I know people meme about Ame killing EN, but if people start graduating this quickly with such small amounts of time in between, every fan is gonna be scared about their favorites just picking up. Please for the love of god don't let this be an actual graduation or the western/nonJP side will be in absolute turmoil.

>> No.90537182
Quoted by: >>90537375

This is why they just tweeted that. They want to reassure us.

>> No.90537273

they shouldnt have let blackrock buy in

>> No.90537282

>people in chat saying "no need to panic just wait for the stream!"
If it's not graduation what would it could it possibly be to warrant a serious announcement

>> No.90537306

HoloENJP will be the last ones standing. At least all the best talents are safe
Karma, bitch.

>> No.90537340

I think it looks worse for the JP side, personally. The ones leaving in EN are ones people have been complaining about being checked out for a while now. Chloe was very active all the way to the announcement. It would be way more shocking if Bae and Mori graduated than Fauna and Ame.
Still a hit, but you know.

>> No.90537375

Doesn't change the fact that I still enjoy EN and some other talents past them, and that this really is a scary thing to happen. Two members gone in a year, multiple JP disappearing, it just makes people uneasy about the brand name.

>> No.90537470

Oh yeah for sure. I love FUWAMOCO but the greater Hololive ecosphere is what makes it great and right now it seems to be collapsing.

>> No.90537499
Quoted by: >>90537690

She said hi to all her subs the other day just to turn around and say bye now, huh?

>> No.90537603
Quoted by: >>90537886

But that's not a bad thing, at the end of the day. People being uneasy means they feel pressure to respond to that. It's why there's things like "graduation lines" to not dump them all at once and give the community time to heal so company trust isn't eroded at once. I don't know if Cover is just too dumb for that or if they have different lines for EN and JP, but it's better that they feel people losing trust.

>> No.90537651
File: 3.18 MB, 302x296, 1691616685368974.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90537690
Quoted by: >>90537885

It's not weird to thank the fans that supported you when you are leaving

>> No.90537810
Quoted by: >>90537912

If Fauna's graduating does this at least mean we'll get that ASMR collab on the goal list? It's how the Ame stream finally happened

>> No.90537859
Quoted by: >>90538376

This is probably the stuff Mococo wanted to talk to us about in the member stream.

>> No.90537869

>Bae tweets out “everything will be okay” this morning
>FWMC tweet “we’ll protect your smiles, ruffians”
>Mumei retweet this announcement frame
It’s fucking over.

>> No.90537886
File: 21 KB, 343x361, DOOM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spam massive amount of merch
>Lots of talents talking about being really tired and getting the shit kicked out of them from extra work
>Talents start dropping like flies. From 1-2 in a year to 5.

>> No.90537885

Yeah, especially being EN, I doubt she'll be holding a graduation live for the final celebration.
Aqua's graduation was a really beautiful event, great sense of closure for whoever decided to not follow her new life.

>> No.90537912

>fuwamoco presents: fauna graduation asmr for a low price of $49.99

>> No.90537992

em, am i supposed to care? I hope bae is next

>> No.90538148

read the room and neck yourself you gigantic piece of shit

>> No.90538199

This is why they cancelled Minecraft, isn't it

>> No.90538327
Quoted by: >>90538517

Their barkers were rough because they were crying

>> No.90538363


>> No.90538376

Yeah, definitely, they also talked about Ame in mengen. But I think more importantly is the angle from their earlier tweet. It's less "a beloved senpai is leaving and it's ok to be sad" and more "we're not going anywhere, ruffians, we can't talk about behind the scenes stuff but don't worry about us", because two at once probably make people more worried about their own oshi than sad for the one they casually liked.

>> No.90538406
File: 184 KB, 414x502, 1718004203558199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel nauseous. I can only pray Cover doesn't fuck with Advent because management must be doing something horribly wrong

>> No.90538498
Quoted by: >>90538567

Hopefully Nerissa is the first to go.

>> No.90538504
Quoted by: >>90539361

Management is ALWAYS doing something horribly wrong. It's kind of their thing.

>> No.90538517

No they've known for weeks if not months. Maybe they even made a rough day tweet. More likely they want to give Fauna and her fans some space and it'd be hard to do a stream afterwards because all anyone will ask about is graduation.

>> No.90538560
Quoted by: >>90538778

Honestly probably true. Maybe a little of both columns in this case. You'd have a bunch of people asking questions non-stop in chat or breaking that rule about talking about other streamers, plus they could probably use the break given that they were very tentative about doing Holocure.

>> No.90538567
Quoted by: >>90538662

Fuck off

>> No.90538600
Quoted by: >>90538710

Graduations can just pop up out of nowhere too

>> No.90538645

They should filter the word "affiliate" too in their chat, since graduation is already filtered.

>> No.90538662

Yeah, hopefully Nerissa fucks off.

>> No.90538710
Quoted by: >>90538761

The talents always know ahead of time.

>> No.90538761
Quoted by: >>90538865

It can depend

>> No.90538778

Yeah, probably. Mane-chan apparently has been hounding them to not do basically anything else this week, so a stream scheduled for after a graduation announcement is honestly the best one to go.

>> No.90538823
File: 145 KB, 351x338, dismayedmococo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel sick, I don't like this

>> No.90538864

Twice "December 1st" was posted in this general with no image and no context back a few months ago..

>> No.90538865
Quoted by: >>90538958

Shut the fuck up ESL, you have idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.90538908

I think FUWAMOCO are cursed. They finally make it in hololive and become successful and everything gradually begins to crumble. It’s like the universe predestined them to be miserable and the moment they go against the natural order things fall around them. This is ridiculous.
And now potentially Fauna all in one year?

>> No.90538958
Quoted by: >>90539124

You sure are needlessly upset about this huh

>> No.90538988
Quoted by: >>90539844

How hard will Mococo cry when one of Advent leaves?

>> No.90539004
Quoted by: >>90539158

Will FUWAMOCO's graduation announcement frame also be full of greynames I've never seen in chat in my life being overdramatic about it?

>> No.90539040

FWMC are among the talents that are totally aligned with the new direction, this is all good for them if anything. But I still hate it.

>> No.90539057

Just couple it with the insane push for non-stop merch and events, and how some talents just really don't want to do nothing but these events. Hell, a bunch of you fags whined about ENReco and that is very much part of the whole thing.

>> No.90539124
Quoted by: >>90539296

Name one graduation where the talents didn't know at least one month in advance you retard.

>> No.90539147

Anon, there's been enough graduations/terminations that you don't need to add staff to inflate the list anymore. It's a long list regardless.

>> No.90539158

>people that are normally silent viewers have a reason to talk

>> No.90539236

>This is good
>Having chunks of fanbases leave with a small amount swapping over to someone new
>While also very directly making people question what the hell is wrong at Cover constantly
It's a basket of uncertainty that drives away casuals.

>> No.90539291
Quoted by: >>90539464

A-chan was important cause she wasn't just staff, she was a top director and helped steer Hololive.

>> No.90539296
Quoted by: >>90539482

Could be the first, again you're needlessly upset about this

>> No.90539311

Fuck you, tranny. achan was THAT special.

>> No.90539361
Quoted by: >>90539708

fwmc are working their tails off to do the management bidding and still unaware of the managements bullshit
not even 10% of their projects will see the daylight
how can they not notice this

>> No.90539373

All of Advent is, since they all joined when things changed internally.

>> No.90539374
File: 824 KB, 1006x720, WatchingMovies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90539495

A-chan leaving made all the dominos fall

>> No.90539437
File: 710 KB, 968x981, 1721447476891667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90542032

>Check youtube
>See Fauna's stream frame
No way it's going to be THAT, right? Just a day after Chloe?

>> No.90539447

Nerissa will be the first to graduate from Advent, mark my fucking words

>> No.90539464

Absolutely. Still not the same as a talent graduating. A lot of people who helped steer the company left, and a lot will leave too. YAGOO will probably retire to spend his millions on coke and whores in a couple of years too.
Omega arguably helped steer Hololive too. Just not in a good direction.

>> No.90539482

Retard third worlders like you spewing out incorrect info because they can't speak English just adds to the cancer. I'm sick of it. Fuck off and kill yourself.

>> No.90539495

I don't think those people left because A-Chan left, but more that she was a telling sign that things were going to change and people weren't going to like it.

>> No.90539595
File: 285 KB, 3840x3840, 1702009382450763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so mad lol

>> No.90539604
Quoted by: >>90539834

Who cares about Fauna? She told me she wasn’t my friend

>> No.90539682

Nerissa will be the first if she graduates in a menhera fit, but if it's just naturally getting tired of it and wanting to move on, I see Shio-chan as the natural first choice, unfortunately. Also the most likely to regret it after the fact.

>> No.90539688
Quoted by: >>90540032

Okay but surely it can't be that fucking dire right? Otherwise why would Biboo go through all the trouble to spend the past year getting ready to move to Japan? Doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.90539708
File: 1.01 MB, 1706x2332, 1728163921354314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should take advice from Suisei.

>> No.90539744

Uh oh

>> No.90539834

DMX was not my friend and I'm still sad over his graduation.

>> No.90539844

Mococo having a sobbing meltdown is probably a good graduation deterrent, or at least a reason to not be rash about it. I don't think anyone is leaving Advent for a long time

>> No.90539936
Quoted by: >>90540319


>> No.90539939
File: 221 KB, 1063x735, IMG_5526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90540596

I guess that’s why they said this

>> No.90540005
Quoted by: >>90540580

This is me with voice packs. I bought every one of them until I realized there was one every month. And that I only listened to them 1 or 2 times.

>> No.90540032
Quoted by: >>90540699

Biboo got a taste of the idolshit and Japan and she loved it. Nerissa is much less excited about being in Japan, she's still excited about music stuff, but she'll probably only fly when she's forced to.

>> No.90540175

>I don't think anyone is leaving Advent for a long time
I pray for Nerissa‘s downfall every morning, afternoon, evening and night.

>> No.90540222

why is there always a flood of dramashitters saying they will be next when this happens? Ame and Fauna were already clocked out for the year
literally nothing to worry about unless talents like Mori or Koyori are dropping out

>> No.90540230

Depends on how miserable going to japan for fes makes her.

>> No.90540258

>Sexvella is back
>Rocksexi is back
Let's go Advent!

>> No.90540289

Yeah, when there's non-stop shit coming out, a lot of it stops feeling special or fun and it just becomes not worth it. Birthday merch and sometimes anni merch can still be good because they put effort into it and a lot of talents want to make something more useful/every day than another tapestry/wall scroll or standee.

>> No.90540319

I'm not jinxing it. Jinxing it would be saying I'm 100% certain that a member of Advent isn't announcing her graduation on June 26th 2026

>> No.90540382

literally no one thinks FWMC are likely to graduate

>> No.90540580

One every month is still ok to me, though the timely release thing does take away from how special each feels, but they're regularly going above one per month, and that's way too much. They do need to chill out a bit.
FWMC could just not say yes to all of them too, but I think Cover needs to be more concerned over people burning out on their products. Because going from 100% to 90% of VPs purchased isn't what usually happens, people go from 100% to 0~20%. It's hard to bounce back from burning out.

>> No.90540584

Nah, I think FWMC are here until the entire ship sinks. I do, however, firmly believe that the first to graduate from Advent will be Nerissa Ravencroft.

>> No.90540596


>> No.90540656
Quoted by: >>90540816

I'm not saying they will be next. I am saying that people have their trust in the company itself shaken a bit, especially with all the shit over 2024, which puts less trust/general enjoyment of bullshit put out from the company.

>> No.90540699

>i-it's just the girls who hate idolshit leaving!
Okay so when is Kronii leaving? Retard.

>> No.90540787

Maybe it's because the two of them are just bad luck. All of these graduations, after they got in.

>> No.90540799

The thread gets really comfy when they're playing Fate. I hope they won't drop it.

>> No.90540816
Quoted by: >>90541523

I'm someone whose trust is definitely shaken in the company. Not to the point that I'm dooming, but to the point that I feel like talents aren't being taken care of properly if they're leaving so quickly

>> No.90540827

My best faps are leaving one by one…mel, onyon, chloe, fauna…

>> No.90540954
File: 129 KB, 1894x1057, F6txZ41bUAAJ6rn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell? I don't even bother with streams for a week and then I come back to 2 graduations? Mio and FUWAMOCO please don't leave me too.

>> No.90541024

Well, they're not the ones with a Budokan Live announced. The overall health of the company is important to them too.
I'm not worried about their graduation, but it's hard to not scratch your head thinking about Hololive's future.
I personally think DEV_IS' success will end up being a lot more important than I first imagined. It seems to be THE way out for them, to shake things up with new concepts instead of just new gen to replace the ones gone.

>> No.90541041

Hope you’re hanging in there to any sapling ruffians here

>> No.90541056

damn I liked green woman, she just did a cute stream saying hi to a bunch of people. if it really is a graduation then I'm going to be very picky about merch I buy from now on, this gives cover bad vibes

>> No.90541118
Quoted by: >>90541317

I have a lot to talk about with Fate personally because I've never watched or played any of it so I know very little, so it's fun to live react to all the info and a few of their reactions to it.
I could go minutes without saying something in the thread when they're playing something like Holocure. It's just a bit too unengaging as a viewer.

>> No.90541145

Fuwawa broke the anti's knees and is also hunting down everyone ruffians cheat on her with...

>> No.90541260

Not doing great and feel like I just want to get back into bed. Today was already a bad day and it's probably about to get much worse

>> No.90541317

It's always fun to talk about, especially with newfriends around.

>> No.90541463

I was a ruffmate. I understand how it feels for a girl you love to leave. Hope you rufflings know that the pain does get easier.

>> No.90541489
Quoted by: >>90541952

I can't believe green woman is leaving... I lost gallons to her...

>> No.90541506
File: 196 KB, 1080x1080, 1690647692847866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been expecting it for a while now. At least I have fwmc to fall back too...

>> No.90541523

They definitely aren't. Mane-chan is the one responsible for FWMC's schedule, she knows how little sleep they're getting. She should be intervening, but she's not.
Even if it's 100% the talent's fault that they're fucking up their health, the company should still protect them from themselves.
There were a couple of Holos who had forced breaks (not suspension) by their managers just because they wouldn't stop overworking, so clearly they do have that authority.
Instead of
>FUWAMOCO, I really don't think you should do this stream... at least don't scream okay?
It should be
>Ok, so pick one of these two options, the other is cancelled.

>> No.90541579
Quoted by: >>90542189

Not Fauna man she was so hot

>> No.90541590
Quoted by: >>90542047

I just want VN streams. Fate is one of my favorites but I also like seeing them react to White Album.

>> No.90541689


>> No.90541774
Quoted by: >>90542167

>She should be intervening, but she's not.
FWMC have literally said mane-chan has been chewing them out about their lack of self-care lately though

>> No.90541904

Maybe I've been too harsh on them with their stream schedule. If there is this much pressure and work to the point of others leaving I'll be easy on them when they can't stream.

>> No.90541919

the fes lineups are coming out this week. that's why all these announcements are packed in like this. they don't want another situation like the previous years

>> No.90541952

I hope you find them

>> No.90542018

FES is going to be brutal without Aqua, Chloe, Fauna, Ame, Mel.

>> No.90542032

Oh shit Fauna too?

>> No.90542047

I like them talking about VNs in general. If they don't want to stream, random VN recommendations stream would be amazing, can you imagine? Just them bringing up their favorites by name and talking about them and their history with it for like 5 minutes and moving on?
Like we have the stories of Fuwawa getting filtered by Ray Romano battles, her losing to RNG in White Album, that kind of stuff, but for an entire stream? Heaven.

>> No.90542126
File: 14 KB, 128x128, 1717958022485944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90542726

BAUSED. Fuck the rat.

>> No.90542167
Quoted by: >>90542427

Yeah the burn out is 90% on fuwamoco for being retards taking everything. Cover is giving everyone too much work but it's even worse for them because they don't have any spine and take on everything because they don't want to upset management. So I don't think I agree with people saying fwmc aren't at odds with the new direction when they can be hurt by it a ton too. With more talents graduating shareholders are just going to squeeze even more on the ones that are left. especially pushover like them

>> No.90542189

Niggerfaggots who make all the real decisions for Cover and pumping so hard it's ruining everyone and making multiple talents quit. Fuck them.>>90541579
>It's fine, FWMC like shilling
Until they literally have no time left for streams at all because they get more and more pushed onto them as less and less talents/IP exist to suck money out of. If you think for a second that the image of Fauna, the anume girl portrait, or Ame, or Chloe, or anyone else, is all that people want and like and that they'll continue to buy their favorite once the streamer stops, you're insane.

>> No.90542376
File: 596 KB, 600x370, 1709845436742129.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever happens I'm just glad to be here

>> No.90542427
Quoted by: >>90542970

>Squeezing more out of remaining talents
That's what people just don't seem to get. It's not just about a talent graduating, it's about Cover needing to continue to make money and pump out product. With less overall product, they will push the ones who do well even hard to make up for it.

>> No.90542611

I am still convinced this is all about contract negotiations.

>> No.90542628

Thats what you get for cheating. You did this.

>> No.90542638

It's sad they never got to perform at Fes with all these senpai.

>> No.90542644

Gamers and 0 are the only complete Gens in JP and Advent and Promise in EN.

>> No.90542669

Oh, actually makes sense. Kind of funny that they have to worry about spoiling graduations with it, as if it was a manga character death.

>> No.90542726
File: 734 KB, 1700x2200, 1730517334577698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep trying but she won't return my messages

>> No.90542872
File: 6 KB, 407x418, 43875694356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros please... be strong...

>> No.90542944

FUWAMOCO need to work on that goals list ASAP especially all the ones involving Senpai.

>> No.90542970
Quoted by: >>90543307

That's more true for JP than EN, no? What was Fauna even responsible for selling that would fall to FUWAMOCO? She was always much more of a streaming oriented girl.

>> No.90542998

Cover you fucking noneygrubbing faggots. Why would I ever believe you wouldn't squander a good thing.

>> No.90543251

hehe, noney

>> No.90543307

>Talent who was reasonable popular
>Sold merch to casual fans, a decent amount
>Was put into some promotional material
>Had good CCV
>Quite possibly the most popular in EN who streamed semi regularily
Now everyone else has to make up for that loss in revenue to cover (heh) for what she was raking in to make shareholders happy with another quarter of growth.

>> No.90543464

With how much they accelerated the merch as we were discussing earlier, I think they got this quarter covered (I got you).

>> No.90543636
Quoted by: >>90544003

fwmc's leech friend

>> No.90543728

niggas writing literal graduation fanfic in their hashtag KEK

>> No.90543777

So now that the dust is settled, was 2023 the best year for Hololive?

>> No.90543840

That's pretty funny.

>> No.90543907

KEK what the fuck

>> No.90543961

2020/2021 for me. Myth debuting saved my life.

>> No.90543997

>FWMC 3D Debut
>Breaking Dimensions
>Valentine's VN
>FES watchalong with FWMC
>Mococo farting on stream
hell no, 2024 mogs

>> No.90544003
File: 14 KB, 656x107, Screenshot Capture - 2024-11-30 - 18-08-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every goddamn time

>> No.90544134


>> No.90544287

My tinfoil hat says that this explains Justice debuting so early.

>> No.90544296

that's pretty messed up

>> No.90544312
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, 【Guerilla Stream】Showing Up to Kidnap You 0-7 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90544441

Why is Shiori a gorilla

>> No.90544378

Meant for >>90543728

>> No.90544429

It also sucks that this is happening so soon after they just got rebranded into "Promise".

>> No.90544441

Uh wtf why did the screencap capture...whatever that is

>> No.90544455

This is why we hate fuzzians

>> No.90544472

JWU, was going to ask what prompted this tweet, then saw the Fauna frame. Fuuuuuck


>> No.90544533

It's a toss up between 2024 and 2020/2021 for me.

>> No.90544668

well look at it this way, if Fauna leaves at least FWMC and Biboo won't get botted as often...

>> No.90544797

according to the schizo
irys still exists
and then hololive still exists
and also
they didnt collab with dubais

>> No.90544883
Quoted by: >>90545074

Has this clipper fwmc just followed done anything notable?

>> No.90545049
File: 906 KB, 916x775, 1706735313710153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't you forgetting someone?

>> No.90545061
File: 2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 【Guerilla Stream】Showing Up to Kidnap You 1-8-39 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90545870

Mystery collab on friday for Shiori...hopefully with FWMC?

>> No.90545074

hired by holo ID, probably they're bringing them on as a clipper for their channel too

>> No.90545121
Quoted by: >>90546027

so is this why the stream is an hour later

>> No.90545223

Fauna leaving will mean this is the first senpai goal on the list they weren't able to accomplish. They're not doing ASMR with her before she goes

>> No.90545414

Even if she leaves she might not do it immediately, perhaps the actual graduation only happens in a few months so they could still have time

>> No.90545698

Aqua had an entire month before she went.

>> No.90545870

Would that warrant being a mystery in the schedule? Or does she do that for anything other parties haven't announced yet?

>> No.90545987
File: 1.19 MB, 1274x656, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of us, one of us

>> No.90546027

