That wasn't very nice.
>Gura streamed less than a Holo with confirmed sickness and hospitalizations who is leaving nowIf she doesn't follow then she's just being greedy and clinging onto her status
>376>page 4excuse me?
It's Towa time
>archived at page 4someone really really wants to be in the towa thread
>you come home and find this in your bedroomWhat do you do?
I love this doll
>archived at page 4/hlgg/ fell off
Post your next graduation prediction
Lapsama my friend
this thread will be butter
>>90456694Chloe mostly keeps to herself and her fans.Imagine Kronii if the 2022 thing with the homos hand't happened:>Playing the games she likes>being super close to her own fans>tons of SC>when she does join a collab, she's still well-liked enough by non-fans
It’s Towa time.
I love Mori!
Very important image in the Towa thread
>THEY ARE OVERWORKING THE TALENTSYou can literally just, not stream. At all. 0 Punishment.>B-but what if they WANT to streamWell you can ALSO opt out of literally every company event, again, 0 punishment.HOW THE FUCK ARE THEY OVERWORKED???? EXPLAIN, SOMEBODY
>>90456938Drive rush into standing MP and then cancel into OD tatsumaki senpuukyaku.
>>90456910rent free sis
>>90456958gura, mumei
https://x.com/raorapanthera/status/1862543946343490039https://x.com/raorapanthera/status/1862543946343490039https://x.com/raorapanthera/status/1862543946343490039BIG CAT MEANS BIG
>>904569582025 is gonna be a big year
meidochama....you can just delete the image.....
It’s all coming up Towa
Why did it have to be Chloe? It should have been Towa.
My Ina!
>>90456958Someone with big boobsFate seems to have it out for the big boob holos in terms of graduations/terminations
>>90456868doesn't change the fact that its aesthetics are really clean and plastic-like for the most part, which is what put her off
>>90455985Here I removed the outro
>/hlgg/ dies at less than 400 posts even after a graduationSo this is how hololive dies. With dead silence.
Did Chloe get her own sticky like Aqua and Ame did? I missed the announcement when it happened.
>>90456966Chloe has collabed with fleshie males so I don't know why you bring up Kronii for a comparison
>>90456949But how do you feel about Towa and cropped porn?
>>90457000She said she was forced to do recordings though
>>90456966Could you not make terrible posts with a Chloe pic? At least today
>>90456938That's a weird tail.
>>OPIt’s Towa time!
>>90456901That was fast
>open Ollie stream>Oh nice karaoke>she starts making sounds as if she was taking a dump>close stream
>>90457000Ame literally complained about having to do work that she didn't want to do but had to do anyways in the last weeks of her activities.
>>90457052the cropped porn isn't of shotas so I couldn't care less and towacute
>>90457035Hlgg is moving faster than normal, it’s just the catalog is also popping the fuck off.
>>90457035I think you severely overestimate how many JPfags >we still have.
>>90457069It's called kino
>>90457028Can Gigi regenerate?
>>90456910You do realize Gura has health issues too, right?
>>90456958Realistically it's probably one of the JPs because a lot of them show signs of graduation but this thread just doesn't talk about themMy bet is on Roboco to finish off every 5-member gen
>>90457076Okay this is hot
>>90457069That's just her singing.
>>90456958Everyone, thusNone
>>90457000Nigga, please, streaming is literally only a small part of their work load
>>90457048It's unironically a nothingburger because Chloe's good at managing her fans and brushes past the male collabs>it's just business guys. Look I'm being sponsored by Blizzard who made Hearthstone. How cool is that?>>90457057Sorry, non-stream-watcher
>>90456958probably mumei
>>90457000but I don't think they get to opt out of business meetings, paperwork, asking for perms, etc.what you said just amounts to>they can opt out of the fun parts so they can focus on shitty parts easierbut some of them just don't want the shitty parts, at all, they want to play vidya, talk, give some fanservice and drown in money
>>90457076My night shift is getting better
>>90457055I wonder why. Aren’t all voice packs and songs optional? Did she get forced for a sponsor?
>>90457143I hope you find them
>>90457142Funny since you just cleanly explained the EXACT problem with Hololive.
How come the thread is better when anons share porn with each other?
>>90456910Gura's entirely family fucking died in an explosion asshole, show some heart
>>90457035This is still the fastest thread on the entire site(second fastest is the /brit/ thread on /int/ for some reason)
>>90456949i wanna fuck this doll
Bae a cute.
>>90457048Kronii considered the homos her friends.With Chloe, it's all just business.
Nonstop story (1st holofes) felt like the cute streamers I watch getting together and surpassing themselves to pit on a show for their existing fans. It complimented the experience of being a fan and I remember talents sharing pictures of flower stands that fans got for them, doing post concert sleepover streams, etc. It felt real and tangible and not over produced.Holofes now feels like a perfectly choreographed product, almost like an advertisement. It's multiple days long, has hired hosts doing animation at huge venues. Talents all have rehearsed or recorded segments filling time between concerts and by the time it's done and they're free to stream again it feels like a distant memory. It's at the point where most talents have to be filled in on what the fuck even happened both on-stage, at the venue and on-stream because they have no idea.It feels impersonal and like a squared off section of content that breaks the flow of streams instead being part of it.
>>90457112uh huh she dances, spreads her legs and streams for 5+ hours once every 2 months just fine though
>>90457048Love flesh malesHate virtual malesSimple as.
>>90457143I've only lost cups to her
>>90456938Join in
Is... is she safe, bros?
>>90457212you're from hlg huh? >>90454558
Hearing the people talk about "What cover should do" is making me start to think no one here has any actual idea what's happening
Just booked my flights to Japan for HoloFes. I got a good deal with Lufthansa but not only did I put in the wrong email but I selected a flight a month before the date I intended going. It cost £200+ to change...
>>90457187And when anons post their penis
>>90457192It's mutually advantageous that the British are corralled into a single space
It's unfair that I will never have a GiGF.
>>90457000Nobody is forced to stream and only Gura gets to opt out of literally everything (except shit she has merch for like Doyers and ENreco).
>>90457245I dunno, can a guardian of civilization get STDs?
Cecilia is the most creative among hololive
>>90457254no shit anon
Everyone keeps talking about streaming vs idol activities.The real issue is having endless meetings with middle managers trying to justify their salaries
>>90457146>Look I'm being sponsored by Blizzard who made HearthstoneChloe being a neo-Blizzard fangirl is still the funniest shit about her IMO
>>90455985Better now
>>90457191>explosion assholedamn...
>>90457245it seems that in your anger...you killed her
You guys joke, but Towa graduating would probably cause the single biggest shitstorm /here/ of any JP that could graduate.
>>90457112Yeah and Chloe did too which is why she's leaving. Gura should follow through
>>90457149good post
>>90457035This will always be an EN thread first and foremost. Since Chloe wasn’t particularly close to any EN, there’s not much for their fans to talks about.
>>90457187Whenever the schizos get real uppity I just start posting ShionThat somehow unclogs the thread most of the time
>>90457340Imagine the memes
>>90457079Yeah, group projects, they are kinda unavoidable, but she didn't appear in MANY MANY voicepacks and 3D events, 3D events are either Holofes and such, it has been confirmed that anniversary 3D collabs are made by the girls themselves and not by management forcing them to be together, they can bail if they want and it would be just a sttream.Let's face it anon, she just wanted out, nothing wrong with that, but saying the company whips their talents to do voicepacks is just malicious.
>>90457328Isn't she fun?
>>90457350Gura is too much of a coward to graduate, she prefers being passive
>>90456958Fauna or Moom
Hololive needs to shift to a stream-centric company, urgently. It's the only way to save the sinking ship.Streams.Fire all middle management, only direct girl managers. Hire MULTIPLE people who focus purely on permsNo more voice packs.No more collabsStreams.No more livesMerch ONLY on birthdays, no anni/live merch.HoloFES is the only event/concert, once a year.Streams.
>>90457220Don't forget she could suddenly stream when it came time for Ame to leave and then has the time to troll on her other account but not update anything on her main
>>90457419stop spamming cunt
>no EN public streams until Biboothanks a lot Kiara, ERB, Ceci and Gigi
>>90457254I glad Hololive happen but reality man...
>>90457220>spreads her legsYou gotta admit that was hot as hell.
>>90457292pls stop, im only jerking to chloe lewds today and this image is derailing me
>>90457331>FINALLY THIS CONTRACT IS UP>THEY CAN KEEP MY OLD UNIFORM, THAT DAMN THINGThis was literally in her debut stream, she ain't ever coming back and it's a proven fact.
>>90457373So you're moving the goalpost.
>>90457340Memes wise. Doubt any more than like 3 people watch her enough to genuinely care.
If Gura graduated, the rrats alone would kill Cover, because normalfags would start asking questions and immediately be fed misinformation.
>chloe announced her graduation during her anniversaryagain, looks like the timeline is correct with people deciding to stick around or not based on when they debuted. so if your oshi stuck around for her anniversary she's safe for at least another yearanyway this explains why the holofes and new year's live rosters haven't been announced yet, chloe needed to announce this first
>>90457447>thanks a lot KiaraBlame Cover and their retarded "muh immersion" policy for concerts
>>90457419No they should divide up the girls who want to be streamers and the ones who want the homework of idol shit
>>90457292Pick any random girl off twitter and you’ll have the exact same thing
>>90457419As you can tell with Gura's popularity, the opposite is true.Talents can sacrifice their streaming for as long as they can appear in 3dLive shows the money will flow eternally.
>>90457368>no panchirakill this artist
>>90457340True. Towa and Watame are the only JPs that would cause me to give a shit if they graduated.
>>90457445Sometimes I laugh when the -REALLY- ESL posts like this show up, thats when you know the catalog is visiting
>>90457447take it up with Cover's kayfabe policy
>>90457482uhhh where does gura fall under because she skipped her anniversary stream
>>90457462It's alright to jack off twice in one sitting.
>>90457482I think she should’ve at least waited for everyone in her gen to finish their anniversary celebrations first like Ame did.
>>90457475>misinformationGura doesn't like streaming in Holo and barely streams ever since 2022.Anyone with a brain can see that. You think her fans and members don't think about why she's not streaming right now?
>>90457340>towai've never actually seen towa discussion hereI think you mean to say Suisei, she probably has the most fans here out of any JP
>>90457475Unironically thisGura has the best position availableNo pressure, her character being the de facto face of the company at this point, Cover bending over backwards just to avoid graduation
>>90457521What does a kayfabe policy have to do with this?
>>90457524>she skipped her anniversary streamLmfao I completely forgot about this
>>90457447EN really is useless without BibooLove this rock
>>90457035>>90457364>>90457109>>90456913>>90456929>>90456953Do your etards even know how shit work on 4chan?>it's because fags are not posting fast enoughHoly shit, this is a whole other level of ignorance.The catalog is working overtime shitposting about us. That's why last thread died at 400-something posts, dumbos
>>90457464i think she just didnt like the skirt
>>90457368She should do a racing game stream.
>>90457466nope, just calling out your bs.
>>90457254If you come here to read the business moguls posting their drivel then you've completely lost the plot
>>90457482They will kill Gura and hire a skinwalker.
>>90457307Nah that's Mumei
>>90457520not really but eh... as long as you happy
>>90457505what popularity? shes had zero viewers for months
>>90457528too much
>>90457250Originally, yes. There was no such thing as /hlgg/ so...Look, I like the new girls sometimes just as much as the old ones ans Chloe iss one of my favorite members. But it's just true that it used to be better in a lot of ways. Hololive as all things in life had a start and as all things in life it will also have an end. And like most things also it will grow old and weak before it dies.There's no need to be salty that you didn't get in while the soul was still there.
>>90457528It's even better if someone else does it for you the second time
>>90457524>>90457583She'll do her 4th year anniversary for year 5 just like the badges that took a year to come out.
>>90457612>you happyYes, me very happy!my sides
>>90457524Lmao she mentioned that she would celebrate when she returned, so you can already expect that it's going to be celebration + graduation talk
>>90457569>her charactercover's character*
>>90457570who needs ""discussion"" when we have memes
>>90457628No it fucking isn't. For starters we used to have no girls that spoke english
>90457419>fags are replying seriously to a 9AM Moom postMan, the tourisdts are not leaving anytime soon huh
>>90457589I know that, smartass
>>90457464That kappa thing isn’t her retard, also the kappa still works for the company in the scenario that she made up.
Hololive needs to shift to a talent-centric company, urgently. It's the only way to save the sinking ship.talents.Fire all middle management, only direct girl managers.Hire MULTIPLE people who focus purely on permsNo more homework.No more meetingstalents.No more shareholdersEmployees ONLY for perms, no managers managing managers.HoloFES is the only event/concert they hold meetings for, once a year.Talents.
>>90457638L-like who?
>>90457461>>90457617Gura is way too erotic
>>904576809am moom is the soul of pro-streaming anti-idolfagsbegone slopuki
>>90455985Audio was fucked. Hopefully it should be fixed perfectly now.
>>90457680A holo just graduated, man. Posts like these always crop up to strike while the iron's hot.
>>90457520it was a real jungle during the announcement stream
>>90457419ask yourself, why did many small corpos implode this year?
>>90457461>>90457617It's a shame she's so hot. I just wish she cared.
>>90457419Yeah because that's working for Niji.
>Funde, fuundeeeanother footfag gone :(
>>90457588We have Bae too, retard
>>90457561>You think her fans and members don't think about why she's not streaming right now?She has 4 million subs, the vast vast vast majority of which don't watch anyone else in Hololive but will notice if she graduates.They will latch on to whatever truth they are led to believe—which will probably be the one that makes them the angriest because it will get the most clicks.It's just how the Internet works.
>>90457722>double entersGood ol' SEA sister
https://www.youtube.com/live/g4HzpWgo6t4https://www.youtube.com/live/g4HzpWgo6t4https://www.youtube.com/live/g4HzpWgo6t4What the FUCK is Ollie doing?
Why is Ollie flushing so much?
>>90457762Niji burned down because they treated their girls like absolute dogshit and hired a bunch of catty dramafags, not because of being pro-streams
>blood on my timelineT-thanks Kiara
>>90457771Streams too late for me. Biboo is the stable rock at EN primetime you can count on
>>90457676The language is not important as long as you can understand it.
>>90457788Shitting and pissing
>>90457758Worst part is that it's entirely a her problem and no one else can do jackshit about it.
>>90457788Looks like singing in a public toilet
Hololive needs to shift to a sex-centric company, urgently. It's the only way to save the sinking ship.Sex.Fire all middle management, only direct girl managers.Hire MULTIPLE people who focus purely on sexNo more voice packs.No more collabsSex.No more livesMerch ONLY on birthdays, no anni/live merch.HoloSEX is the only event/concert, once a year.Sex.
>>90457816There's no concert today unless I missed something
Shut the fuck up EVERYONE, shut uplisten/hlgg/ anons with money will start up a new vtuber agency and then we steal holos from Cover, yeah? then we can manage the company in the correct way and everyone will happy except cover, yes?
>>90457794she's on her period
hololive needs to shift to a hololive-centric company, urgently. It's the only way to save the hololive ship.hololive.Fire all hololive management, only hololive girl managers.Hire MULTIPLE people who focus purely on hololiveNo more hololive.No hololive meetingstalents.No more shareholdershololive ONLY for hololive, no hololive hololive hololive.HoloFES is the only hololive/hololive they hold meetings for, once a year.hololive.
>>90457837The only sane KFP
>>90457802I don't see it
>When you go to the bathroom you'd sometimes meet up with people offering you goods, sometimes candiesIs this something that happens in Indonesia?
>>90457520I'm less tolerant of fags like you know that I know from the last thread that you're one of the people shitposting about some of the girls in this thread.
>>90457676And people watched them regardless, no?
>>90457589I get that. But I’ve also been /here/ during tons of graduations and the rare terminations and we are slower by those standards. That’s not necessarily a bad thing honestly.
>>90457708Like me, but my hands are a bit cold..
>>90457852There's no point having a company if all you're going to do is stream, that's why small corpos with no ambition keep dyingIf you do want to do something beyond streaming it is essentially impossible to bootstrap anything close to what hololive is doing unless you're Saudi royalty
Catalog is spicy today, huh?
>>90457852>No blue doritoEnjoy sub 1k CCV
>>90457897Happens everywhere with girls
https://x.com/raorapanthera/status/1862543946343490039>look at the first / move upvoted reply to this tweet>lose faith in humanity once againWhy are they like this?
>>90457852that will never happen anon
>>90457837>No more collabsWhat's the point then? The holos should have sex collabs
>>90456938take my schizophrenia meds
ollie you flush too much
>>90457788this is the direction Hololive is heading to
>>90457939Who said it won't have a blue dorito?
>>90457936I don't hang around it long enough to know. This thread's my only home.
The exhlgg should form an avengers like groupWould be funny
>>90457921Iean they'll warm up all things given during the act...
>>90457837Inhumanly based
>>90457837the lives should be orgies
>>90457909The vast majority of people here did not, no
>>90457972She's using the bidet to masturbate
>>90457945Le EpiK Sekret kNoledGe
>>90457939didn't dooby beat every en dorito yesterday
>>90457837>HoloSEX is the only event/concert, once a year.What happens there?
>>90457957We'll hammer out the details once we've got the company back on track and strictly focused on sex
>>90457995There is a general for ex-hololive talent which I just assume is shitposters jerking each other off since the actual vtubers have nothing in common
Good shit Ollie
>>90457945>First reply is some nobody saying "Angey beeg cat"That shattered your faith in humanity?I was expecting doomposting
std WHO ?!
I'm warning you faggots now, this weekly LoL shit it's going to become a gateway for cross-corpo/holopro collabs2 weeks me all you want but you know I'm right, you gotta stop the stinky Chinese fujo before it's too late
>>90457852Chinks had the exact same idea during the Coco Taiwan meltdown lol
Once I get a stinky (good) /hlgg/ gf I can finally leave this place
>>90458031fan/talent gloryholes
How would your oshi react if you cummed inside her vagina?>Ugh dude, you cummed inside me so much! Guh!
>>90458031You buy a ticket, you get to fuck your oshi
>>90458067Nobody fucking cares, don't like? Don't watch
>>90457997Well yeah, especially with how meticulous I am when I do it, and how close I pay attention to every part to make sure you feel good..
>>90457957Can't stream sex on youtube without being banned so it will be in sex only audio packs
now chloe is free to marry men!
>>90458067Well, I don't watch nor discuss anything League-related if that helps.
So fi Cover is working really hard, the girls are working so hard. Why doesn't advent have their casual outfits yet?Like even when EN was run even worst in Myth days being the wild west, people got their outfits pretty timely. What's up?
>>90458029Overlap hell
Ollie watersports my beloved
>>90458046It's just an image dump thread.No one speaks japanese or chinese and EN is barely streaming so they can't discuss anything.
>>90458109yeah me
>>90458067It's League of Legends. Literally doesn't matter because it can't get any worse
>>90457837I agree.
Hey check it out!Another new "group" that is now ruined in a stillborn state that cover wasted millions of yen commissioning fancy anime MVs for!
>>90458111Cover is working hard justifying HoloEarth costs to the shareholders.>>90458140>>90458140
>>90458077But they're all lesbians
>>90458111What has Advent done to deserve outfits? Regloss doesn't even have their kimonos yet and Advent does, Regloss first
>>90458112Gigi got raided 4 times and still couldn't be at the top
hating on league is not a personality traitI'm better at dota than you too
>>90458087Probably just sigh and take a morning after pill.
>>90457706No, because conventional streaming is unironically fucking dying.>B-but my flesh streamer is doing good!!That's why girls are ditching Vtubing and going full flesh, IM would too if she could.Cover has a good idea on how to expand, but of course the girls won't like that, the ''why am i working so much for this company if I can just retire to game and be set??''Since the company is not theirs I see many leaving in the future, but that only guarantees that people who join will know what are they in for.
>>90457837Can we squeeze in some games in the middle?
>>90455985If I fuck up again, I give up.
>>90458186I mean its GigiShe's the least subbed of her gen for a reason
Ollie sings like my GF when she's trying too hard lol
>>90458172FUCK FUCK FUCK didn't mean to link that other post. No I'm not clicking your outrage bait
>>90458180I would say advent deserves outfits far better than council did, who got outfits significantly faster while being an objective failure at the time
Goddamit Ollie
>>90458191>hating on dicksucking is not a trait>i take it up the ass better than you tooliterally you
>>90458164god i love those designs so much
Goddammit I just barely woke up and heard the news. Just kill me, I'm sometimes the one who upload some Chloe pics..
>>90458180Even if you want to shitpost with that angle Biboo is doing a lo looking at her standing on EN right now and the dogs are really up there too.
>>90458111Cover got fined for not paying artists enough for making 800 revisions to models a few years ago. I assume the process is now a billion times more autistic to ensure that doesn't happen again which will make it slow
>>90458111Regloss don't have ANY outfits yet and they've been out for over a year
>>90458031Ironically, everything except sex
Cover should just rent out the girls for sexWith me ofc
>>90458244how many boomer shooter clones did you play in 2024?
>>90458164Man, UMISEA members are cursed.
>>90458164Okay. I admit it.90% of the JP Holos ARR ROOK SAME to me when they're not in their default outfits.
>>90458208I didn't say anything about streaming, they just need to fire all the useless employees they have.Cover has 600! employees. There's literally no reason for 3/4 of them to exist
>>90458262Please stop posting. Jesus, what happened to her split?
>>90458324None retardchamaIf you're gonna project your insecurities, aim better
I know she's an absolute trailblazer & the pillar of creativity, but can others please stop copying my oshi? This is for others' sake too.
You guys worry too much when we're all going to die one day and Jesus is coming back soon
>>90458378uh huh
Wait, what happens to UMISEA now?
Oh so that's why they call it an idol meeting.
>>90458299Cover hates Regloss and memes on them since they're aren't technically a Hololive gen. Remember needing to hits a sub goal for 3D and making them do the humiliation ritual begging for subs? I wouldn't be surprised it they make them do some crazy requirement for a New Year outfit.
>>90457254I don't think Cover even knows what they're doing, Yagoo is a tech CEO, not an entertainment CEO. Tech CEOs want to track products, get more nitty gritty, have gantt charts and shit to track progress. Entertainment industries are at the whims of middle managers and their subordinates, which is how you end up with girls only doing things because someone else in the company had their manager go out of their way to do it first. See how many times girls play X game or do Y type of stream because "well I saw girl Z do it so they actually got approval". It's all weasel word negotiating and it's not a secret that girls have had managers fired for literally not doing their job. Nobody knows what's going on because Yagoo is more likely working on the big picture and jerking off with HoloEarth than tracking everything his managers are doing day to day, and the company is clearly growing too fast to maintain. This is not an anti-post, this is seeing a company become a dot-com bubble company that hires 75% of its workforce in 3 years because we need more guys to run fax machines and clean the sweat off girl's motion cap suits (giwtwm).
>>90458353Who will get coffee for their 300 middle managers? The talent? Even Mori can't handle that.
Shion is laughing about the English words for "Sunday, Monday and Tuesday" for some reason.
here is the funniest moment of todayhttps://youtu.be/MwT6RsEyl_0?t=10>so, I'm doing a livestream right now...>AI: un, ah! A Hololive broadcast?>...https://youtu.be/MwT6RsEyl_0?t=155>AI: I also know a lot of indie vtubers>oh which ones do you know?>AI: I know independent vtubers like Tokino Sora and Shirakami Fubuki>THOSE ARE NOT INDIES
We got all of the low lives and jesters coming out today.
>>90458111I think you forgot how many people debuted since Myth, all of those people also get thrown into the outfit queue.We've had 1 + 5 + 4 (5) + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 52 new debuts since Myth. That's 52 new outfits to handle, no shit it's a lot slower now
>>90457938Fattening up the competition.
>>90458288This shit was long before those fines went out, not really an excuse.
>>90457570It’s hard to even discuss Towa in her thread because all those mfrs do there is shitpost aswell. They’re mostly concerned with her RM and the males on her stream
>>90458299DEV_IS is already getting more invested into them than any other branche.
>>90458404Marine does a heel turn and disbands the stable by attacking all the other members.
>>90458308I'm fine with that. I want my oshi to give me a footjob
>>90458404You mean Shion, wonder what she said during her stream
I like how there's a single guy live posting Ollie in all of this
who asked more of this?
is ollie ogey?
>>90458515They were announced relatively recently but the actual events took place before Advent even debuted.
hey now, Azukichi is not THAT big
Macross is such a funny series when you think about it. Crossign mecha with idols and somehow it works
18 helix mattresses at ram ranch! Sleepy cowboys waiting to be tucked in!
>>90457837sex collabs with me!
Shion, what's so funny about Sunday, Monday and Tuesday?
>>90458488guys there's this cute girl singing while taking a shit in the stall next to me...what do i do?
>>90458523I talk about Towa when she plays Overwatch because it's one of the only games I understand.
>>90458549its ultra-buff 10K guaranteed
>>90458549That guy standing over there.
>>90458505You might be onto something
whats funny about the word friday
>>90457419How do people like this get upset at people hating Hololive's idol culture and then want to drop all the idol shows, events, concerts etc
>>90458470Good to see Aqua is still a funny retard
>>90458549Me I did. Beemo is cute and I want to see more of him.
>>90458236>objective failureThe metrics used to say that also apply to Advent, Advent isn't 4 FWMCs
>>90458545At least somebody's having fun today.
the hell is shion doing
>>90458549>”EN IS THRIVING”I don’t think EN is for me anymore
>>90458549I'm not really interested in this, but I'm waiting for when Kiara will play it
>>90458549It's wasting a Fauna day too and we barely had any solo streams lately. Unironically started to Gigi because of her dragging others into this shit
mfw I JWOI'm gonna miss this stinker. I didn't see this one coing
>>90457461Is her foot fucked up or is it just the model making it look fucked up?
>>904585235 years and they're still doing it?
>>90458671being cute and bratty
I wanna be that toilet.
>>90458299>>90458446HOLY FUCKING TOURISTS>the 2.5M subs thingThat was a marketing campaign, retard. You think they only started making their 3D models the moment they reached 2.5M subs? No. Use your SEA brain>outfitsThey forwent a second outfit because they aready got a second outfit, i.e their own idol unit design.>and making them do the humiliation ritual begging for subs>and making them do the humiliation ritual begging for subslol retard
>>90458677You started to Gigi? Like screaming "HUZZAH!" and "HELP HELP HEEEEELP"?
>>90458589Would make more sense for Gooba. She likes the cowboy aesthetic and spends most of her time on her back nowadays anyway.
GuysIs it just me or is Chloe's new song saying something
Are the holo sprites art from holocure released somewhere publicly?
>>90458695just wanked off?
I had a croissant today. It was good.
>>90458549u happi?steal my farm fucking tresh
>EN shop>not in EN places
>>90458470Letting go of Sakutan is dumbest thing they've ever done.
In retrospect, we should have seen Chloe's graduation coming sooner, but we chugged a lot of the hints off as her being sick (she was) and overworked (she also was).- didn’t join HoloGTA due to work, but still streamed over it ½ the time and sounded upset- didn’t join any of the other big stream projects recently- ditched Hoshimatic, Suisei saying we should hear why from Sakamata herself- retreated in her small friend groupShe was never really the same after her ghost incident, falling back on being a slop stream monster. Mostly solo streams, but this past year her energy’s been mostly gone.She’s only been gaming, no dreams of big stream and only had 6 collabs on her channel with members outside of Kanaken and HoloX. Only 2 of those actually didn't include any of those members.It’s rare for a Holomem to have such a small group of Holo friends to regularly interact with, outside her Gen. Even with Hoshimatic and Holo Witches, outside of a few meals, she seems to have treated them as business in the end.That’s probably the saddest part, she might have ended up seeing Hololive as just another unfulfilling job, instead of a job, and a warm, familiar place, like the other girls say.
>>90458732*dislike Gigi
>>90458677>Unironically started to GigiWhat?
>>90458476Do you think one person and artist handles the outfits? Do you know how many new staff they hired? This is not even closed to an excuse. What is all of the staff doing? What does this have to do with each girl having personal artists and riggers that have nothing to do with each other?
Oh wow, wait its like November 30 right now.Are they gonna announce another Graduation at December 30 or something.They announced Ame's thing at September 30
>>90458624I don't want all of the idol stuff dropped I just don't want that interfering with the game streams which is the main reason I got into hololive. I keep seeing that Aqua enjoyed being an idol, ok so why did she leave if cover is pushing more idol stuff?
>>90457142how can streaming be a small part when koyori is streaming 12 hours every day and still doing recordings and sponsorship stuff?
>>90458732I said 'IT'S GIGI TIME' and gigied all over the place
>>90458460i have no idea if this is true but it sounds plausible so i believe it
>90458733Did I go to far?
Oh wow, the tourists are bringing their own catalog rrats in here
Anons always tease me and never help me finish
>>90458732Yippee!!! Owwie...
>>90458523The Towa thread is just for dot dot dot posting
>>90458720Regloss are the only gen without a new year yukata outfit after a year
>>90458753baaaa SED
>>90458529All of that shit is coming out of their own paychecks. The only difference is that for them it's mandatory group content.
>>90458806It's always funny when they don't even realize it.There's a thread where they're blaming this on Cover hring actual idols for FlowGlowAnd another blaming it on Ame leaving.
>Q&A=EThis is a shit equation.
Did Bae finish route C?
>>90458757wen nub play dota thats a big problem
>>90458848das a beeg problem
This can be the last FES with the OG gang of Hololive
>>90458770>can't even kill ghosts in retaliation because they're already dead
>>90458782No they fucking didn’t. Ames was on like the 20th
>shitposters treating hlgg and # like they're artists posting the same piece to bluesky, X and instagram
>>90458782Contracts anon.It's why people move in the spring and shit. Someone else had a weird thing like that too, where there was like a week where they were neither active nor graduated, but specifically didn't stream because of how the payments were structured. And then did a graduation stream at the end of the month. I forget who that was now though.
>>90458720>That was a marketing campaignKeep sucking the cover dick anon. Shit has got to taste really good to excuse that humiliation begging and saying they need it to get 3D lives as a good marketing campaign.They are the only gen that needed to do this for 3DThey are the only gen watthour second outfitsHoly shit the excuses are wild.
>>90458806Just go do toher shit, manThese threads are a wash
>>90456910You don't understand. She would have to stream if she wanted to leave.
>>90458760>all the non-chinese asian ENs
>>90458902fauna is graduating...
>>90458164The problem with things like these is that they drag their feet on them. Holo alternative should have been a quick whambam media series and had so much red tape, controversy, and bungling that all that animated promo amounted to was a manga series with Watame and Haachama as far as I know.It's surprising that things like ENreco are actually being made seriously - sure, if almost seemed like a joke for an animated trailer and song for a Minecraft roleplay mod, but they had a huge momentum to show the event, have it happen like 2 weeks later, make merch, and announce that the next steps were happening soon. It's one aspect where EN actually styled on JP.
Ollie please stop flushing. This is supposed to be an emotional song....
>>90458870I can blame Aqua leaving to deflect it away from Ame
I'm curious, how does Chloe leaving affect your enjoyment of hololive personally? Assuming she's not your oshi, I mean.
Iofi's orisongs are really good.
>>90458787Koyori is actually three person.
>>90458787Is everyone Koyori? Do you compare everyone at work to the guy who basically lives at the office?
>>90458907People don't think it be like it is but it do
>>90458937It makes me worry about how they are treating my oshi.
>>90458704Yes but ironically their thread hardly ever dies and it’s always up. Also I can’t lie like their “…” posting isn’t funny
Shion giggling and wheezing is cheering me up a lot
>>90457323kek this how often ela has to drive through indo traffic for some random meeting is insane
>>90457000HoloX was shilled heavily, which in turn increases Chloe's work considerably. Except she can't handle it like the rest of her gen.
>>90458938the average EN fan
>>90458937Holo X was like my 4th favorite gen so I'm disappointed to see it broken. My oshi might be a bit sad more senpais are leaving.
>>90458937Her leaving makes The Commander sad and I like The Commander because she's my palHere's a picture
We tried to told you when Altare complained about Cover fucking up his 3D studioBut you didn't listen
>>90458937Makes me think the company might be kinda shitty, and wonder if my oshi might be treated badly. The actual girls and streams it doesn't really effect.
>>90458928ENReco "worked" because of what your post said - the wham-bam approach, they do it all for a week, then it comes back half a year later while they deal with all the red tape.That being said, there's a ton of doomposts about episode 2 of ENreco since it feels like it's going to have 30% less participants this time, so we'll see if the magic holds up.
>>90458937Not at all. People come and go, and some weren't cut out in the first place.
Marine becoming one sided love struck with AoAqua goneChloe goneIna in visa hellGura gone for all intents and purposesI guess the ocean isn't so poggers after all...
>>90458937Less short stack porn which I desperately need to survive
>>90458870>>90459013Kek, right on point
>>90458957i'm saying it's literally impossible for there to be 8 hours of meetings and recordings every day if koyori has time to stream for 10 hours.did people already forget about how ridiculous kronii's schedule is?
>>90458928damn i even watch watame and have no clue what this is lol
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2P_vB5ufSZ8Shion is being cute laughing at english words
>>90458937Selfishly, when things like this happen I worry most for my oshi.She's so great at keeping morale up but I hate that she has to pick up the pieces all the time.I'm sure it's exhausting.
>>90459020hey it's still kinda crazy to me ENRECO was the best, had all the important EN's in it.
Koyo will never leave me
>>90459020>since it feels like it's going to have 30% less participants this timewriting fanfics again
>>90458997>she can't handle it>her genmate is fucking LA+
>>90458928I gotta admit though, HoloGTA made me forget most of what happened in ENReco 1.
>>90458937I really liked her musical output and I have oshi in kanaken
I can’t watch streams right now because I’m driving cross-state.
Man I love Fauna
>>90459013>We tried to told you
>>90459013lol beggar
>>90458760Is it just me or is Ina always the Myth rep for these collabs now? Feels like she's been in all of these group merch collabs.
>>90458977Holy kek
>>90459052Kaela is being forced to stream less to do behind the scenes shit. That's how you know it's bad
>>90458937It is of no consequence
I really really really REALLY love Shion. I sleep with the daki every night.
>>90458937i like her, she was funny and she made me horny. dont know if she interacted much with my oshi but her thirsting over shion was great
https://youtu.be/mIPi_5p0XJcThe illustration on Subaru's thumbnail has an interesting caption on twitter
>>90459066>Koyo will never leave me>Mori will never leave me>Luna will never leave me>Miko will never leave meYup I'm a PINK WOMAN ENJOYER NOWWWWWWWWWWWWW
>>90459113do you hump it
>>90458787the answer is mayonnaise
https://youtu.be/VkwtZAhgXFw?t=7270The famous Kronii "gwak"
>>90458987Meeting are almost always online
Here, have a fat brat brapper in these trying times
Is this broken English day and I wasn't told about it or something?
>>90457570Towa does too many male collabs for us to talk about her here.go to hlg for that shitBut we do enjoy her collabs with other Holos.
>>90459013What's new to hear when we already know the kind of company Cover is? You just want to dump this thread with your pile of shit as much as you want.
>>90459054I still don't understand what prompted it. She just started laughing at the days in a week?
>>90459122Throw biboo in there, she has pink in her model
>>90458926Korea is just little China
>>90459064You really think ENReco 2 is going to have Ame, Gura, Mumei, and Bae?That's pretty wishful thinking of you.
>>90458937I don't really care that much about Chloe but I like looking back at her in retrospect to see what her signs of graduation were and seeing if it applies to anyone else.
>>90459013>>90459150Holy ESL sisters
>>90459005You can trust me.
>>90459052Look at it again. Do you seriously believe it takes her 1-2 hours to take care of the cats?
Out of respect to the fallen post your favorite Chloe moment with your oshi.I'll start.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rBtc0P-j0A
>>90459054it's a shame that she prohibited clipping for that stream, she told lots of interesting stories that won't be translated for the EN community
>>90459122Aqua was pink and she leftSo shut the fuck up
How many of you guys like Haruhi Suzumiya?
>>90459013>We tried to told you >>90459150>What's new to hearAmazing native English speakers
>>90459101My Ina is so popular.
>>90459167Chloe's biggest sign was isolation really.
>>90459133Not particularly, it's mostly to wrap my legs around and have the warmth of a Shion approved hugging outlet.
>>90459191Why is she on the toilet taking a Nijisanji?
>>90458937Makes me feel iffy about the company but it doesn't affect the enjoyment I get from streams. I want these girls to be happy with their time here.
I have actually sung hare hare yukai on the toilet at a con before
>>90459052Did you already forget that this was her schedule for a day AFTER finishing all the work she needed to do, and it's not even the full schedule?
>>90459133Ojis humping their Shion daki....
>>90459199Aqua is literally blue retardNo one drinks pink water
>>90459052It does seem like JPs have is easier
>>90459202New season when?
>>90459207Mumei just enjoyers
>>90459122you better knock on some wood mf'er
>>90459224I don't believe you don't get excited hugging the daki...
>>90458791It's just my take on it, Yagoo is a developer and tech manager turned CEO, he's like Satoru Iwata. I think he's more interested in pushing the boundaries of Vtubing rather than the day to day for each girl. Losing Eugene was a big loss at least for JP, because she seemed very invested in the girls on a closer level. CEOs have power, but can't look at everything through a microscope, hence they're reliant on their C-suite members and department managers. If those guys who are interacting with talents' managers on a daily basis aren't making him aware of things, he'd probably be just as surprised as us that Chloe is graduating. CEOs are probably one of the last guys to find out that a talent's manager is ignoring them, wasting their time, giving conflicting information. I think Yagoo just needs to do a better job cultivating people who aren't using the girls inefficiently.
>>90459164Yes to all 4
>>90458770sounds like she needs some BUSTIN'
Shion laughing at the nerdiest jokes she makes herself is getting me real hard, ngl
>>90459068Laplus is still a young brat with lots of energy.
>I can't believe SHE'S still in Hololive.who is it
>>90459208More like "My Ina can actually talk to management without having a meltdown"
>>90459164Outside of Ame, yes.
>>90459122pink woman enjoyers are doing great
>>90459164Bae and Kronii will absolutely be there. Who the fuck knows with Goob, maybe she'll be replaced by a rhombus shaped Visual Basic macro.Mumei will be there too.Lithograph this post.
So what the fuck do they even use the studio for? Because it's sure as fuck not for lives, even homos don't get that many of them these daysThere's actively less output than before it was built
Honestly, you should have seen this coming when A-chan left. When Aqua left. When Ame left. They were literally pillars of this community and they all up and decided to leave within months of each other.
>>90459013>>90459150Show pits, SEA sisters
>>90458652Can we beat this Teamate with hammers?
>>90459101Takamori are hedging and Gura is Gura.Ina is Cover's favorite Myth girl (they keep telling her that after they fumbled her visa but surely that was a total freak accident that nobody could have predicted or prevented)
>>90459275I want to see more art of a slightly older JK Shion now that she has a deeper voice and a different appeal.
https://x.com/HYPEX/status/1862531732676690189holos in fortnite when
Now I really do want to ask about outfits since someone brought it up. Like what is the problem really?Like you can claim they're busy, but all of the models and outfits are out sourced to professional artists and a riggers. So what would the delay be with say advents causal outfits or Regloss New years outfits when the only work is out sourcing to people outside of the company and making sure they get done?
I salute to the 3 Zomrads ITT enjoting Ollie's literal shit karaoke.
>>90459313>even homos don't get that many of them these daysOh hi, homosisNews flash: We don't care about your homos
>>90459332Why will you swe the wall on the samd?
in my humblest opinion I think Fauna and Mumei have the best beegsmol
>>90459282But also my Ina's the cutest
>>90459373Ina is indeed cute
>>90459164I miss Ame
Asked my mom how she felt about Chloe graduating and she said, "I don't know who that is or what the means. How come you've never had a girlfriend?"Cover should take this as a hint that things NEED to change.
Ollie needs to step off of the toilet and onto my dick
>>90459350outfits are a reward for them to overwork themselves
>>90459207I bet they don't even think there's anything wrong with>What's new to hearKek
>>90459313Gura does a new MoCap session for Full Color five times a week. She really wants the MV to be perfect.
I still don't know this lady's name yet but she and the car one get some great arthttps://litter.catbox.moe/2n2dnf.png
>>90459209I don't have the streamable but I liked when she found Kanata hiding in a corner during the minecraft collab and went to comfort her
Chloe is the orca themed one right?
>>90459261>I think Yagoo just needs to do a better job cultivating people who aren't using the girls inefficiently>Cultivating personnel with this expansion rateThe real problem is that he's hiring managers instead of slaves for holos, these faggots think they matter just because they are called managers rather than personal assistants that they are
>>90459025turns out it was the Atlantic
ollie please BRAP on my face
>>90459116the mtl is wrong, it's more like "so subaru's not your first, huh"
>>90459410Well Biboo need to stream more it seems, she should get on that
>Things Cover should do.txt is deleted
>>90459484"womanchild enabler", while accurate, doesn't attract competent employees
>>90459504Streams don't matter, idolshit does
>>90458937Its a bummer. A talent leaving always bums me out. Chloe was cute and I liked her music, so it's a real shame. I'm sympathetic to her because I've had a job that was also affecting my health and the only solution to fixing it was to quit. The affiliate thing is doing its job lessening the sting but I can't help but feel its more of a curse.While I think people are hyperfocusing on it, the "difference in direction" popping up again is at this point a cause for concern, its like what, the third time its been used as a reason? It makes me worry about my oshi and the other girls.
>>90459339Oh, like this?
You anons have a second hobby besides hololive right?It certainly would be pretty pathetic if the only thing you do after work is watch streams
Ollie, eat some fibers please.
>>90459261This Yagoo dicksucking is honestly a sight to beholdhe's still a fucking CEO
>>90459503that's also pretty hot
Ollie is constipating.
>>90459585Who the fuck takes multiple shits in the middle of a karaoke?
>>90459546No, no the image you posted before was better. I could see boobs under her shirt. However, I can still work with this.
>when I die I want to die on stageBased Botan https://x.com/shishirobotan/status/1862550030898667657
>>90459020I think ENreco 2 is the litmus test for it. There's a lot that can go wrong, shitty managers that aren't scheduling properly so girls like Bae and Mori could be in the studio while these streams are supposed to happen, and maybe too heavy handed writing that ignores what happened in ENreco 1. But I think it's a good sign for EN at least, when it CAN happen and isn't some grandiose idea that never comes to term.>>90459078holoGTA was awesome, but I wonder why the company doesn't support it the same way ENreco was. Where my Dr. Fubuki merch, or Captain Subaru prints or whatever? I think Cover needs to manage their mid-sized events better, because stuff like Holofes and EN concerts are the only ones with good track records.
>>90459484I remember Choco said she use to train all of the managers way long ago and all of the senior managers are still afraid of her. I just think it's funny.
You know it's a raid by catalogfags because fucking hell my head hurts just reading their Engrish
>>90459555Yeah I post here
>>90459023Hope your oshi graduates so I can say the same and see how you feel
Definitely Mori and possibly Biboo are girls that stream to recharge. Not everyone is like that. I think Gura dies faster the more she streams whenever she comes back.
[Ollie News] She is REALLY pushing the turtle on this one.
>>90459411ollie cute!
>>90459252>gura is allowed to fuck off for months and do nothing>mumei is allowed to fuck off for months and do nothing>shion is allowed to fuck off for months and do nothing>aqua was allowed to fuck off for months and do nothing>ame was allowed to fuck off for months and do nothing>ayame is allowed to fuck off for months and do nothingwhat's the pattern here?
>>90459164Bae already returned to streaming and the next phase is Promise themed. So yes. As for Mumei, idk if her college related things will be done be then. I don't expect Gura in anything, and Ame is unlikely. Still too soon.
>>90459647She won't, so don't wait up
>>90459534Just call them fucking butlers at this point, that's what they ultimately are, trustworthy people that are meant to manage the minutia of the mansions/brand for their boss while they do actually important shit
..G-goodjob Ollie..
>>90459615Gaming grandma lion...
>>90459484I remember people looked on the JP equivalent of Glassdoor and most of the negative reviews for working at Cover were specifically because they DO treat the managers like slaves for the talentsLike, they were complaining that their opinions kept getting overruled by things the talents wanted
>>90459261I might have heard this story a million times, if he does not get management working in concert with the talents, Cover's in deep shit. Need only look at Anycolor for an example.
>>90459615Does she mean she will never graduate or that she wants a proper graduation instead of the affiliate deal?
I am not into scat or female pov but I bet that fucking a girl after she just got done pushing out a giant turd probably feels good for the girl
>>90459680Lmao surely
>>90458937It makes me sad in numerous ways>It means the company is clearly shifting strongly in a direction that interferes with how it used to run, so strongly that at least two now have decided to leave>i really enjoyed sakamata's streams, especially her weirder game choices>koyori is my oshi and the two of them were super close good friends. koyo would talk a lot about how she talked and could vent with sakamata>holox debut marks a turning point in my life where i finally got out of my shitty job into a good one so i always enjoyed them especially much for selfish reasons
>>90459644You at least have contributed some OC right?
>>90459691Exactly my point, the position name makes them think they matter
>>90458937I hate how only girls with big boobs leave the company
>I don't like the way the company is going, this shit place lost everything and I already farmed enough money, so buy my last merch, bye guysvs>I'm not good enough for the company standards anymore because there's too much work and my brain can't handle it, now I'm gonna blow off my money one last time for the company while closing SC so you donate it to charity, and the company is forcing me to open SC in my last stream, sorry about thatWhich of the options is the correct way to leave the holo?
>>90459703It means she's going to break her hip dancing on stage next year
>>90459068Lap is a hardworker contrary to how she looks.
>>90459745I have, actually! I just don't like posting it because it feels like tooting my own horn too much and it isn't good enough for regular use
>>90459555i like video games and fantasy literature
>>90459790>that feeling when you will get dementor kissed by sakamata for the last timetsurai....
Ollie should shit next to me.
>>90459770The first one is better if they truly quit streaming. But worse if they immediately reincarnate. >Okay chat. I did my job. Was a virgin who loved you for years. Time to start a serious family. Hopefully I'll fix Japan's birthrate by myself.
>>90459745A lot edits you see of shit that don't look shit are mine normally
>>90458926Shiori is probably chinese though, or at least we have a couple of hints (Cn dub of wu kong, that weird cultivator game she played)
>>90459770False premises
>>90459555I work out and play the guitar
Chloe has had numerous health issues spanning the entirety of 2024 including her needing nasal surgery and also on twitter she basically would always talk about how fucked her throat is.TL;DR She was never going to be the same Chloe even if she took a half a year off or more and came back
Wait...where are Ollie's panties? Why aren't they dangling off of her leg?
>>90459350Outfits should be announced soon, based on promise timeline
This reminds me of the time Kobo recorded herself shitting in Mori’s bathroom, and at the end of the clip you can hear her fart out a turd.
>>90459955The resell value is amazing tho
>>90459587Do you think he personally whipped Chloe and Aqua to make them quit, and told Ame she couldn't use her VR models? That's handed down by some 52 year old middle manager jerk off who thinks Ame doing a stream with a Bee model at 3AM EST is muddling the brand image - the same Bee model they made merch of years too late! These guys don't have their finger on the pulse of what Holos and their fanbase want, and if they don't care, Yagoo can't care.
>>90459959This anon fucks
>>90459955Fuck, man…FUCK.
>>90459989Wait, should I resell my ame merch?
>>90459994Hololive going public was the first mistake
>>90459989Like Aqua
>>90460009I used to...
>>90459615FUCKING BAAAASED. I think people take Shishiron for granted considering her doctor told her she could die with her neet holo lifestyle so she completely flipped her health around because she said she wanted to keep having fun in Hololive until she died. I wish more girls could see it like this. I know it’s a meme but hags truly are the best
>>90459994Ame was lying about her model, just look at Shiori.
>>90459955Man, that's gonna be me someday...
>>90459955i'm never buying merch again...my oshi has been a little fucky lately and i dont need a million reminders around if it happens
>>90459994What makes a talent quit in the end is they feel like the company doesn't care anymore about their interests, it's just that, all of them could negotiate with the company but if that still didn't work then "negotiations have breaken down" and this is the result. Nothing personal, but this is just a business standpoint
If my oshi graduated I would go back to work in HR and be a malevolent tumor to society.Being bitter would help with the job
>>90459693While most of the new employees should be 3D staff, event planning, etc, I wonder how many are inflating the management and admin roles. It's like how the healthcare industry is spending 20x as much or something more than 30-40 years ago, but 90% of that increase is on paper pushers and data managers and software and shit instead of having doctors and nurses.
So far this year: Mel, Eugene, a homo, Aqua, Ame, and now Chloe. There's still a month left!
>>90459555I workout, read, and play video games AS WELL as watch streams.
Just bought a Chloe handsigned card for 50 bucks before the seller noticed and took it down
>>90459621HoloGTA not having any merch probably has to do with MiComet footing the bill for the entire thing and also not wanting to deal with Rockstar.
>>90459796please don't tease my poopy girlfirend...
>>90460043Well I did but thats up to you.
>>90460118stinky femgrem pits after a workout.... hnnngg
>>90459555reading and vidya occasionally casual programming
>>90460086>https://files.catbox.moe/zs4sow.pngnice anal creampie
>>90459955that guy has a crazy collectionhttps://x.com/oborodayo122324/status/1791749484948709729
>>90460128...oh right, why was chloe trying to improve her handwriting? She knew she was graduating...
>>90457595with that "argument"? at this point you're better saying "nu uh" instead of writing all that to say the same thing
>>90460066"Always bet on hags" is a mantra of mine at this point.
>>90459361But I was under the impression from unicorn GODS that the homos had formed a favela in the 3D studio and were forming an anarchist society there
I'm going to miss chloe. chloe was truly cute
>>90460145How much did you make?
>>90459673You forgot Kobo, Nene, Matsuri, Laplus, Marine, and SuiseiAlso Aqua streamed way more than people like Moona or LamySomeone like Chloe streamed more than ShioriRisk of graduation has nothing to do with stream hours
>j*u>wall posters were right Wow
>>90459955I can't think of any other "hobby" that will make me feel this emotionally invested and drained other than Hololive. Literally every graduation, termination and resignation got my chest to feel 10 tons heavier like no other.
Wait, this is just BFE
>>90460133and there would be endless whining about cover turning every grassroots talent-organized event into a soulless corporate merch pushing opportunity, it's lose-lose
>>90460215what about the floor posters and roof posters?
>>90460208Graduation isn't a fucking risk, it's a choice
>>90460165Unless her new job is to be Medic, she needs to write at bare minimum readable to work.
>>90460239octavio cute
>>90460164>Aqua portrait on the lower rightYeesh, poor guy.
>>90459673>>90460208Forgot my pic
>>90460215The wall is "Chloe's throat is fucking dying and turning into that of a cancer patient's"
>>90460215NOW you see the writing on the wall, right? Never doubt the wall.>>90460250Don’t forget the sand!
>>90460181Marine is going to kill herself
>>90459555I play guitar, man.
>>90459964Suisei had to change her speaking voice after a doctor told her she was ruining her throat, though.
>>90460244Oh wow that's kinda crazy actually
>>90460261what if she becomes a cam whore
>>90460201over 1k
>>90460078Nendovella is kinda different from Armando
>>90460147I'm a man (mpreg) Femgrems are a psyop made up by Gigi
>>90459955>>90460164>this will be me someday tooGod, give me strength to face that day.
I am Sakamata Chloe now
>>90460086I really really really wanna have sex with Bae
>jpfags screaming about Gura's, Fauna's Mumei's and Ina's graduation>shillox graduates instead Kek talk about karma
>>90458760...This is so weird. It's a Sonic collab so Kronii and Biboo makes sense but there's no Nerissa.
Subaru, Sora, Suisei, and Fubuki are the mount rushmore of hololive. As long as they are there, it's fine.
>>90460334Kill yourself, sis.
>>90460215>nonstop posting about how gura/ina/mumei/fauna is totally going to graduate, the feces are on the wall>it's JP insteadnot looking good for the guys with their heads up the elephant in the room
>>90460334I don't even know why shitposters include Ina and Fauna.
>>90460244>gen 0>Haachama is depressedOh no...
>>90459745I made a lot of confused sharks, uploaded event footage, and even tried to make some other stuff that I never finished because I'm too lazy and tired
>>90460337Nobody knows that she's streamed Sonic
>>90458029She literally had a 5k stream the day before, family reveal is a one time thing
>>90460086Some more stuffhttps://files.catbox.moe/xk01sr.jpeghttps://files.catbox.moe/vgazbo.jpeghttps://files.catbox.moe/es4znz.jpeg
>>90460105What if she re-debuted as an indie?
>>90460337She's a Sonic fan?
>>90460086Bae should graduate
>>90460208Marine is fucking dying since they ask her to be in fucking everything ever. She doesn't fuck off, you can 100% see where she is, it's just they have her doing anything, but streaming.He said fuck off and do nothing and named people who just aren't streaming, but you can see them doing many other things
>>90459770>I'm not good enough forNo woman would ever say this
>>90457852>>90458029>dorito100% a Holofan btw
>>90459955GOD DAMNIT
>>90460411She literally had a Sonic character debate with her sisters 2 days ago.
I feel bad for Kanatan. She and Chloe got pretty close.
>>90460337What the fuck does she have to do with Sonic other than being blue?
>>90460403Fuck I forgot she's EN0 not JP0
>>90460334GEE I WONDER WHY SUCH A BLATANT HOLO VS HOLO POST WOULD BE HERE...Holo 2024 graduations:Amelia Watson (Affiliate)Sakamata Chloe (Affiliate)2 totalNijisanji 2024 graduations:Riksa DhirendraPomu RainpuffTsukumoYuki ChihiroAzuchi MomoRemiSelen TatsukiKyo KanekoHakujaYomiyaBonnivier PranajaSuzuka UtakoSuzuya AkiKarisaHex HaywireNaruse NaruNagasato KunaiVivi Brightsheild18 total
>>90460472She streamed SA2.
>>90460411Yeah. Apparently Sonic Adventure 2 was one of her favorites.
I would be completely devastated if Koyori ever left
if they keep up the homework its just going to keep going like thismanaging talent isn't just about getting them to work more and more. it's also about getting protecting them from overworking. more than one girl has had throat or health problems over the years and its only getting worse.cover is going to learn it the hard way i guess.
>>90460244the queue is real
>>90458186>Special event stream vs Fallout NV #567436Do you want people to grudgepost the next time doob has barely 5k playing CSGO?
>>90455255I'm back from jerking off, finished to the dismassd doujinI would like my high-fivehttps://e-hentai.org/g/3003535/2302cff37d/
>>90460337Not a coincidence they got all Asians for this one, Nerissa probably wasn't even considered
>>90460511Wonder how long it will take them to steal the "Affiliate" idea
>>90460517>>90460521>streamed a Sonic game>YES THAT'S IT NOW GIVE HER A SONIC COLLAB ALREADYseriously?
>>90460534This anon knows the truth of 9am moom
>>90460458When will her suffering stop? Is she not strong enough now?
>>90460551This nigga gooned for 1.5 hours
>>90460523I don't think she'd graduate even at gunpoint.
>>90460552>>90460337If people don't know that she's a Sonic fan, it's on her
So it's pretty obvious that Gura's next considering she's dropping massive hints on her rm and then Fauna will probably follow her. And Mumei's probably after Fes
>>90460455I remember watching her 3D debut like it was yesterday...
>>90460133>>90460241Fair enough, they do have to jump through hoops for games like that.
>>90460523I feel like to get Koyo to leave they would actually have to kick her out and even then they would have to go to her home and steal her computer and model from her cold dead hands.
>>90460458If by close you mean that Kanata didn't have any hope to score the stinky pussy, yeah, they were pretty close
>>90460523I love this hardworking koyote so much
>>90460545Big Cat makes for a cute furry.
>THE ORCA is DEAD?>TIME FOR THE SHARK TO RETURN.This is 1000% Happening btw.
>>90460534>>90460575>zero capitalizationStill the easiest way to spot a SEAfag
>>90458677Fauna likes GG more than she likes you
>>OPbased non ina thread
>>90460534>>90460575>entirely lowercase>even for "cover" or "moom"Hhhhmmmmmm
>>90460630ok phone poster
>>90460523Koyori will never leave, she crawled and clawed through 10 years of japanese entertainment industry grunt work and hell to get into Hololive
>>90460601This time for sure, huh sis?
>>90460602It's still hard to believe they debuted 3 years ago. To me, HoloX still feel new.
>>90460523Holos with nothing else going for them will probably never leave.
>>90458760>yet another instance of Gura, Kiara, Fauna and Mumei not appearing in merchYep, the signs are obvious now.
>>90460679Kiara just released a $500 collab
Toursti threads for the entire weekend
>>90460511>people already memoryholing Mel, A-chan and AquaGrim.
>>90460605don't get me wrong, those events are really fun and more management-side support to help them fund and organize them would be very welcome
The girls should realize they are big enough to make their own vtuber group without cover.
>>90460511>>86243061>>81880074very organic poster
>>90460679>>90460706Kiara is planning to build a sex mansion filled with Kiara cosplayers, she can't afford to leave now.
my tummy hurts
Has your oshi accomplished her established goals yet, anon?