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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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90362433 No.90362433 [Reply] [Original]

"Our Ruffians" Edition
Previous Thread >>90352481

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.90362450
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>> No.90362500
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>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?

>> No.90362508
Quoted by: >>90363709

Back from a short break
It's puzzle time, join us.

>> No.90362567
Quoted by: >>90362766

Now that the stream is over, do you have an example?

>> No.90362619
Quoted by: >>90362751

Nerissa's absolutely abysmal taste in games is a charm point

>> No.90362649


>> No.90362751
Quoted by: >>90362960

At least she tries stuff, that's pretty commendable. Didn't she do a Silent Hill 2 Reslop series? I'm not sure having good taste but not playing the good games beats having shit taste but playing the good games.

>> No.90362766
Quoted by: >>90362889

Just watch any stream from beginning to end, there are multiple instances. It'd be harder for you to show me a "EHehe" that disn't sound forced and fake

>> No.90362774

Not shitposting, I just want to see your honest opinion about this: knowing how much they love and appreciate the Ruffians (always thanking us for everything, saying that we make them feel like princesses, that they are lucky to have us and they consider it a miracle...), do you think that FWMC agree with the jailbirds being nominated as "the most dedicated fanbase" instead of the Ruffians?

>> No.90362811

No, but they'll never say that.

>> No.90362823

Considering how much Fuwawa talked about Jailbirds over Ruffians in this stream I think she'd rather have them than the current schizos they have

>> No.90362838

ruffians aren't particularly dedicated, most of them are dead subs

>> No.90362843

I was checking /ope/, and everyone was talking about how cute these 3 are and hope they collab more. Zero complains during the stream. Meanwhile in /baubau/, we have people complaining about kayfabe, homocollab, botting etc. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.90362889

so no proof
I accept your concession

>> No.90362923

I don't think even Nerissa agree with Jailbirds being nominated

>> No.90362938
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Pretty comfy stream, it was kind of similar to Minecraft. Don't know or care about the game, just enjoying them talking about their activities in the game and random stuffs here and there.

>> No.90362960

She occasionally streams good games, but then ruins that by streaming so fucking much Powerwash, RuneScape, and joining a League collab

>> No.90362984

a fuwamoco + nerissa collab is better than the average nerissa stream and worse than the average fwmc stream

>> No.90363027

I don't think they particularly care enough to agree or disagree with it, they just think it's cool that it happened. Unless Nerissa complains about her fans to them on Discord, then they'd be upset, but not "it should have been the ruffians!" that's not like them at all

>> No.90363083

I think they are just happy everyone from advent has a representation somehow.

>> No.90363119
File: 31 KB, 126x165, 1721896043808264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruffians are the MOST DEDICATED and BEST fanbase!!!

>> No.90363125

this thread will bitch about FWMC caring too much about the awards then turn around and seethe because the fat fucks got nominated instead of us

>> No.90363140

Ruffians have demonstrated their dedication numerous times to FWMC. Hosting watchalongs until their return, writing on a regular basis on twitter to them, professing their love to them and making them feel like princesses, buying their merch in bulk, being the reasons why FWMC are even in Japan in the first place which was a dream they had nearly given up on in the past, gathering together and going on expeditions to places like Mister Donut just out of a love for them, making friends in New York and making sure to share their experiences with FWMC (FWMC even watching them from afar). What have Jailbirds done when compared to that?

>> No.90363178

>What have Jailbirds done when compared to that?
Fat Fuck Friday.

>> No.90363230

It's just a constantly raided shithole. I'm not sure if this is your first general on this board, but people seething endlessly about the chuubas the thread is about and heving meltdowns saying other chuubas are better is not, in fact, regular stream time behavior.

>> No.90363344
Quoted by: >>90363536

This. Jailbirds are Nerissa's biggest critics. They openly make her feel like shit by telling her her sisters are better than she is even when Nerissa has said she's been insecure about that kind of thing ever since she was a kid. FWMC will make known what type of jokes they don't like and their regulars (not grayniggers) will never bring it up again whether it's whowawa, mogojohn and all its variations, or that jet pack shit which Fuwawa made sure to nip at the bud early during the Raora and CC collab.

>> No.90363356

>What have Jailbirds done when compared to that?

>> No.90363377
Quoted by: >>90363791

jailbirds supported nerissa through her japan rough patch. she was close to graduation and they brought her back in

>> No.90363536

yeah, ruffians NEVER criticize fuwamoco!

>> No.90363636

Fucking Jailbirds over KFP

>> No.90363672
Quoted by: >>90364135


>> No.90363688

NTA but I do always think it's weird how seriously some people take girls being cute on stream. Like it's worthy of so much introspection and heavy criticism. If you think she's being sloppy with her music, that's one thing, but why shit on your chuuba all the time when she's just trying to relax with the people who love her after a day of corporate bullshit?
It's not that important. If they release an original song that you think is trash, and/or (perhaps more importantly) a betrayal of who they are as people, then yeah, make your feelings heard, that's important.

>> No.90363698
Quoted by: >>90363759

Mamapuppy reading hobbits to them while sitting on a rocking chair...

>> No.90363709
File: 957 KB, 4096x2788, GdLPB3GXsAAWYeD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for playing.

>> No.90363735

>pero with mococo

>> No.90363759
File: 72 KB, 329x329, 1690852025346694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90363766

It was fun. Missed these.

>> No.90363782

They don't. Why do you think they labeled as yesmen? Most of the harsh criticism is restricted to /baubau/. The only time ruffians really came together to criticize FWMC was after battle plan 2 and that was justified.

>> No.90363791

she should just live with FWMC when she has to be in japan

>> No.90363811

GGs, it was fun

>> No.90363834
Quoted by: >>90364067

Honestly, she probably will lol.

>> No.90363868

need hobbit story timestampa

>> No.90363894
Quoted by: >>90363931

look for it yourself you dirty clipfag

>> No.90363900
File: 847 KB, 346x780, Mococo long scream[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcxbzym.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90363971

Whoever locked the frame to the corner, fuck you. It should ALWAYS be on the center!!!!!

>> No.90363931


>> No.90363971

>>90363900 (me)
My soundposts are broken, fuck me.

>> No.90364040
Quoted by: >>90364167

Nevermind, they work heh

>> No.90364067

She wouldn't survive another trip to Japan, and it would be even worse if she lived with FWMC. Nerissa gets incredibly depressed if she doesn't eat oily meat full of calories, and FWMC don't like meat. That and FWMC spend 99% of the day doing retarded homework, so it's not like they would interact that much. They are incompatible.

>> No.90364073
Quoted by: >>90364223


>> No.90364083

lol I'm pretty sure everyone was surprised and confused when jailbirds ended up on that list, but it's fun and the awards don't mean anything so whatever

>> No.90364135

retweet what

>> No.90364167


>> No.90364189
File: 480 KB, 708x1003, GdcLz33bkAATJAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90365253

>> No.90364215
File: 1.15 MB, 2826x1717, GdcGIALb0AAErMV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90364216

gamer supps is such a forced product it's crazy

>> No.90364223

Thank you! Super cute story.

>> No.90364253
Quoted by: >>90364496

Cover is trying to make more money using EN. Expect more bullshit to come.

>> No.90364261
Quoted by: >>90364479

what does "forced product" mean

>> No.90364296
Quoted by: >>90364496

It's just the latest in cover shareholder's greed. I'm expecting factor, manscaped, all the other twitch whore shit to infest hololive streams now too

>> No.90364479
Quoted by: >>90364854

>supplements directed at epic gamers and (mostly ironic) weebs
>advertised SUPER HARD by streamers
>never met a single person in my life that has actually bought them

>> No.90364484

One of the owners of GamerSupps is a VTuber and a huge fan of Hololive, it makes sense

>> No.90364496

HoloJP and ID have done a bunch of food sponsorships before, this isn't new

>> No.90364539
Quoted by: >>90364646

I doubt they care, because they know these awards are just bullshit anyway. They're happy to see Nerissa get a nomination too, it doesn't really matter what for, because they got nominated for the most important one.

The only reason they want to win is for clout to help them get their sololive. They don't actually care about the award itself, because it's bullshit anyway.

>> No.90364560

>food sponsorships

>> No.90364615

Don't forget to buy your Vite™ Ramen to go with your Gamer Supps™

>> No.90364629


>> No.90364637

>reddit spacing

>> No.90364641

Ollie and Kobo gotten a sponsorship by Indomie.

>> No.90364646

lol, that'll never happen.

>> No.90364801

why is /baubau/ so adamant that the FWMC solo live will never ever happen?

>> No.90364821
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>> No.90364837
File: 2.16 MB, 1700x1359, 1722460890726785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90364913

Don't feel bad about it, the Ruffians don't need any retarded awards from people that don't know anything about VTubers, FWMC already know that we are the most dedicated fanbase, they already appreciate us, and they love us. Our oshis loves us. We are the most loved fanbase.

>> No.90364841

I'm not against hololive doing food sponsorships I just think gamer supps is purely running on advertising and not being a genuinely good product

>> No.90364854
Quoted by: >>90364956

I have a buddy who used them for a while, he might still. He also likes anime but is way into streamers in general so it fits his character to buy stupid shit like that because it's shilled.

>> No.90364902

jealous "women"

>> No.90364913

Baused and true

>> No.90364956
Quoted by: >>90365411

How many acrylic stands do you have?

>> No.90365002

Sololives are not even common in JP. Some of their biggest talents only got one this, after like 6-6 years. The only member of EN to ever get one is signed to a music label. FWMC have a single original song.

>> No.90365006

I love Fuwawa

>> No.90365057
Quoted by: >>90365586

I mean if it was genuinely good product they wouldn't need anime gamer girls to sell it

>> No.90365105

why are wuffians drunk in voice chat what would fuwamoco think of us poisoning our bodies

>> No.90365143

I think that's moreso a lack of idol talents and a huge lack of idol talents in EN.

>> No.90365146

I’m dwunk right meow

>> No.90365166

I have never smoked, done recreational drugs, or drank a drop of alcohol. Don't put that evil on me

>> No.90365210

??? stop bringing up discord shit here. stay there for the love of god

>> No.90365220

Koyori will shill their nomination on AsaKoyo and get the JP fans to vote. Trust the plan

>> No.90365253

Pouty Mococo deserves to get spanked

>> No.90365261
Quoted by: >>90365457

Is Mococo's barker hurting because she is practicing to sing a metal song?

>> No.90365277
Quoted by: >>90365367

Fuwawa needs to go on AsaKoyo in her new years outfit and seduce the JP tourists with her floofies

>> No.90365345
File: 527 KB, 652x799, GdcRHlMXoAAfatQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90365541

>> No.90365355
Quoted by: >>90365485

>Sololives are not even common in JP

>> No.90365367

Koyori won't let her do that. She is a bigger menhera compared to them.

>> No.90365411

A few, but I prefer the fan-made ones (and have icomochi-mama's for FWMC) over the official usually.

>> No.90365417

Baused and same.

>> No.90365454

BASED. Fuwawa and Mococo are teetotalers and want a man who is the same.

>> No.90365457

Nippon Manju cover when?

>> No.90365485
Quoted by: >>90365648

What about her? She's one of 33 HoloJP, many of which want sololives and don't get them.

>> No.90365513

There's multiple JP who are interested in it but have yet to get one, who are more popular thatn FWMC are in general while only appealing to the JP market.

>> No.90365541
Quoted by: >>90365645

Isn't Fuwawa too cute...? She is already sexy, she shouldn't be *that* cute...

>> No.90365550

they were just shilling gamersupps, so...

>> No.90365586

Good point

>> No.90365591
Quoted by: >>90365768

it's scary you posted this because youtube raided me into a 3 view whore that's doing drunk asmr Q&A
[spoiler[I closed it immediately, I'm not a cheater [/spoiler]

>> No.90365618
Quoted by: >>90365738

Yeah, pretty much. Marine is one of the "biggest talents only 'getting' one now after many years", but the wording itself indicates the flaw. It's not like she was desperately trying for years and only now was considered worthy of it by the sololive gods. When people asked her for it she dodged it because she didn't want to do it. Even Pekora talking about her sololive basically said "I'm really glad I did it but not sure I want to do it again, it's a lot of work and it's not what I want to focus on."
Marine treated making enough music for a sololive like a pain in the ass. Okayu shit out an uninspired rest of the album to go with her singles so she could hold her sololive. It's not this magical thing awarded to those who have good enough music, if anything it's the opposite, you make the music to meet the demand for your sololive.

>> No.90365629

are cup noodles and japanese lunchables good products? spoiler: no

>> No.90365645
File: 648 KB, 796x798, GdcRMnwWYAABFHb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think, wuffian?

>> No.90365648

Most holos don't really care about sololives, or they care but don't really go out of their way to get them. FWMC will definitely get a sololive in the future, it's basically guaranteed.

>> No.90365692

KINO, hope it happens. Koyo LOVE.

>> No.90365738

>making up shit about Okayu and especially Marine because this is EOP central

>> No.90365755

Gen 0
Miko - 1
Sora - 3
AZKi - 3
Suisei - 4

Gen 1
Fubuki - 1

Gen 2
Aqua - 1

Gen 3
Pekora - 1
Marine - 1

Gen 4
Watame - 2
Towa - 1
Okayu - 1

>> No.90365768

>broken spoiler

>> No.90365805

It's a classic of the retards here who wish they were JP.

>> No.90365879

This fluffy woman is too powerful...

>> No.90365889
Quoted by: >>90367117

Why aren't they in the God Field tournament? We should play tomorrow since there's no stream.

>> No.90365931
Quoted by: >>90366986

Have you not watched her google forms stream where she goes through the fans' requests and sololive is highest on the list? The biggest hurdle she mentioned was having enough music, she didn't act like it was this impossible thing for her because it wasn't and she knew it wasn't. The moment she wanted one it would happen.
Do you think Gura can't make one happen if she gets out of her ass either? She's just not "getting" a sololive? But wants it so bad and is working so hard? Come the fuck on.

>> No.90365944

So only a third of HoloJP (putting aside DEV_IS) have got one, most only after many years. Bae, a fellow EN with much more music and many more lives under her belt, has been trying and failing to get one for a while now. It's not something you get just because you want one

>> No.90365986
Quoted by: >>90366257

Why is this woman like this? Does she know she's ruining my life being so fluffy?

>> No.90365999

Gen 1 also has the group live which was absolute kino, I would LOVE for an Advent one.

>> No.90366009


>> No.90366068
Quoted by: >>90366273


>> No.90366087

You can take pretty much any single stream from FWMC, put it up on a spinning wheel, throw a dart at it while blindfolded and whatever it lands one would be 1000x more effort than twichtard react streaming, so he's right.

>> No.90366088

Don't bring up other EN who are interested and have also put a lot of effort towards trying to get one. It'll just result in the fags shitting themselves about how much better and more hard working FWMC are than 'any of the lazy whores of EN'.

>> No.90366110

It is not strictly about the amount of original music. Okayu had 2 orisongs when she announced her sololive. Same deal with pekora. You need to convince sponsors you will sell out a venue. That's it. Not saying that is easy.

>> No.90366116
Quoted by: >>90366265

Nobody is "getting" sololives. You keep wording it like that to act like it's some injustice to the ones who don't have one, and to pretend they're all the same and if X person didn't "get" one then FWMC aren't "getting it" either.
You're right it's not something you get just because you want, you're 100% right, just failing to apply it to your own faulty logic. And that's why they'll have theirs. Cope and seethe.

>> No.90366162

Do you think they'll have another original song out in time for Fes?

>> No.90366193

I definitely think is "easier" to do a gen live. Gamers and Gen 3 all did one too. Gen 5 did two.

>> No.90366196
Quoted by: >>90366360

Bae doesn't have one because she is the grunt of HoloEN, it's that simple. She wouldn't be able to sell all the seats for a 1000 person sololive, FWMC on the other hand are becoming the face of HoloEN and they are also really popular with the JPs they wouldn't have any problems doing a sololive they just need to have enough music to do it.

>> No.90366221

Honestly think they might wait until their b-day to release another one so they can get a quick boost in viewership when casuals show up for that, and then they can also roll it into showing it off at FES a month later.

>> No.90366232

>Gen 4
Casuals I swear to fucking god

>> No.90366257
File: 296 KB, 502x539, 1732760191525574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows...

>> No.90366265

I don't even know what you're trying to say because you agree with me while simultaneously being pissy. You also don't offer any alternative word to "get" which is just basic english describing the situation and you ascribe some ulterior motive to it like a schizo

>> No.90366273
Quoted by: >>90366436

I don't see the issue. Biboo's original song is excellent, Shiori's vocaloid covers have been really good too, people look down on her as a "sovl" singer but she's already better than any of her "sovl" peers after a year. She's putting in the work. Both singing and dancing.
You don't have a performance this good from Noel, for example, since the council newfags lose their shit if you dare to compare anyone in EN unfavorably to them, despite spending the whole day shitting on FWMC.

>> No.90366304
Quoted by: >>90366344

Saying they'll never ever get one is retarded.
Saying they probably won't get one based on everything we've heard and seen, doubly so for EN, is much more reasonable.

>> No.90366343
Quoted by: >>90366406

Fuwawa makes my nipples sensitive.

>> No.90366344
Quoted by: >>90366439

This. It will be a uphill battle. But that's part of the journey.

>> No.90366347
Quoted by: >>90366519

Most likely, if they don't then you can bet there's already a third EN concert around the corner and they're just saving it for that.

>> No.90366360

>FWMC on the other hand are becoming the face of HoloEN and they are also really popular with the JPs
You just think that because you are a ruffian. They are a gimmick act to everyone else, especially the JP audience.

>> No.90366406


>> No.90366436
Quoted by: >>90366863

>You don't have a performance this good from Noel
update your material EOP

>> No.90366439
Quoted by: >>90366494

I just choose not to get hyped up for something that has a low probability is all, and I'll always be pragmatic about it with discussions.

>> No.90366494

>I'll always be pragmatic
This I don't get. Getting into hololive is already a 1/100000 chance sort of thing. Pragmatism just doesn't make sense here.

>> No.90366503

Yunomi song when

>> No.90366519

Hopefully the next one will be at a venue that has more than a pathetic 3k seats

>> No.90366588
Quoted by: >>90366777

Because at the end of the day, things I enjoy get affected by their push. It's fine, but I'm not going to say I love it. I used to meme and wish that they'd come back when they left, and they did and it made me happy, but I didn't believe for a second that they'd ever make it in.

>> No.90366599

Does the probability of their solo live being in the US really depend on how well Mori's next one sells out?

>> No.90366603

Kiara was nice enough to vouch for them to get accepted.

>> No.90366634

The Gamers one wasn't even a live, they sang like 5 or 6 songs at the end, and they all openly admitted that it was not even their idea that it was management that dropped the idea and a rough plan for it out of nowhere asking if they would be up to do it

>> No.90366647

It was interesting to hear that Fuwawa confirmed again she's the one that does the deep egosurfing on twitter every day. She spent 5 minutes talking about the mexican's tweet with the cat in the nest that she didn't even like but apparently they discussed for a long time together. Same with that JP Jailbird. But of course she doesn't have time to actually blanket like like Nerissa despite spending more time than her on twitter

>> No.90366655

If Mori cannot sell out in US, Cover will definitely get cold feet. She is the one with the biggest music views.

>> No.90366664

Nope. Mori is just saying that so she comes off as some savior to EN when just she has a martyr complex for the downsides that she chose because of it.

>> No.90366690

Cover is a company, and if a venture like that does poorly, they are far less likely to try a Sololive again. They play very safe with their estimates on popularity, so yeah if it fails it'll be bad for the chance of any other NA concerts like that.

>> No.90366702
Quoted by: >>90366800

If Mori doesn't instantly sell out I don't think cover gives anyone another chance in the US. Which, fair enough, because if she can't no one else can come close alone.

>> No.90366707
Quoted by: >>90366784

I hope so because those 4k seats are going to be filled up for sure

>> No.90366752

It would be amazing, I really want Advent to have an opportunity to explore more units between them, instead of the advent unit only.

>> No.90366777
Quoted by: >>90366851

What? You are an oldfag who just wants them to play visual novels all day?

>> No.90366784
Quoted by: >>90366866

even breaking dimensions which had every single holoEN member there barely sold out of the 3k. there were tickets available on the day of the concert. And no the queue of 10k means nothing when people had 10-100 tabs open for queue positioning

>> No.90366800

I am on the west coast but I would rather go to tokyo than LA to be desu

>> No.90366806

They'll get a sololive in 2 years because they are really popular, sell a lot of merch, have a dedicated fanbase and gained managements favor by sacrificing their health to do as much homework as possible. Simple as. If you don't believe this then you are just delusional.

>> No.90366851

Yeah, basically. I know it isn't all they want to do and it's not like I'm going to tell them to eat shit because they want to try to get something, but I do like seeing the content I like. ANd no, I don't give a shit about attention if you want to go that angle. I barely chat most of the time and don't really use twitter either.

>> No.90366863
Quoted by: >>90366945

You have not watched this live if you think anything she did here was better than Shiori. It's at least better than that embarrassing performance with Pekora in the recent sanki 3D LIVE, at least, I'll give you that. That one was genuinely pathetic:

>> No.90366866

But there was two days of 3k seats?

>> No.90366895

If they keep up their current pace they won't be physically able to do a sololive never mind not having enough music to fill a setlist. They're already falling behind and slowing down a ton and their bodies are breaking down. All it takes is one more fuck up like the Taiwan karaoke where Mococo/Fuwawa fuck up their barkers and they'll lose any favor they gained

>> No.90366912

Anon, the music industry has nothing to do with musical or performance skill and experience, ESPECIALLY when it comes to idols.
Its all about image and popularity. Right now FWMC are far more likely to get a sololive than Bae because they are far more popular than Bae. Getting a sololive is about doing the grind and numberfagging. Eventhough everyone knows the Vtuber awards all bullshit, wining it will be an impressive achievement that will make the Cover bigwigs more willing to invest in a FWMC sololive. No one cares about the fact that Bae is a better dancer.

>> No.90366943

Only in the negative. If Mori's doesn't sell out, they probably won't get one. But even if hers does sell out, that doesn't mean they get one. Mori also has a label which does like 99% of the heavy lifting.

>> No.90366945

I did watch that live and it was not bad. And the point is that Noel is fully capable of good singing, as shown just three days ago.

>> No.90366958

>If you look at all this shit they're doing for management and how they kill themselves for random bullshit, they're promised one at this point!
Nope, that's the probable with people who constantly let themselves get walked all over in hope for favors in return.

>> No.90366980
Quoted by: >>90367082

What's all this then?

>> No.90366986

Sololive wasn't even the top thing on the requests and she NEVER said anything about making enough music being a pain.
I've been watching Marine since 2019 retard. You can lie to EOPs but not to me. Here's the stream btw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5wS4BumCZY

>cue doubling down on the lies or mask off moment

>> No.90366989

And when they lose to iron lung like they inevitably will? Going all in on shilling for stuff like that only works as long as you keep winning

>> No.90366998
File: 170 KB, 1218x1177, 35465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe try and pass Bae in views first. Maybe next year they will.

>> No.90367062

>FWMC are far more likely to get a sololive than Bae because they are far more popular than Ba
THIS. It's that simple, I don't know why some people try to deny it.

>> No.90367082
File: 659 KB, 1920x1080, GdcXSFGbQAAByvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit forgot my image

>> No.90367117
Quoted by: >>90367458


>> No.90367140

If you don't try you'll never win.

>> No.90367187

Let me know when they release a song with korone, pekora, towa, chloe, etc. Or have Yagoo show up in multiple of their event streams

>> No.90367255

How's her 1 million subs goal going? Will she finally reach it in 2 more years?

>> No.90367272


>> No.90367328

>Here's some number that aren't in their favor

>> No.90367381
Quoted by: >>90367462

Don't make me post the tweet

>> No.90367383
Quoted by: >>90367596

This is a waste of time if you're genuinely gonna say that request is a real one.

>> No.90367407
Quoted by: >>90367432

Newfag. The bigwigs don't give a fuck about views, they only care about subs, more specifically, they only care about you if you have at least 1 million subs. Last time I checked Bae still hasn't reached 1 million subs, after years in hololive, while FWMC managed to do it in a little over 1 year.

>> No.90367428
File: 67 KB, 520x165, Screenshot 2024-11-27 203641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really well, thanks for asking!

>> No.90367432
Quoted by: >>90367549

I'm confused. All of Myth hit 1M subs faster. What now?

>> No.90367438

Why is the Baeschizo always camping in /baubau/ anyway? Kicked out of hlgg by the Kiaraschizo?

>> No.90367458

Didn't they say that they have an important recording or something?

>> No.90367462
File: 81 KB, 1080x441, 1711122282314745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one?

>> No.90367480

>GF tournament

>> No.90367520
File: 118 KB, 448x580, holorewind.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90367612

Because FWMC are my second most watched. And Kiara is up there for me too, btw. I don't shit-fling in global

>> No.90367529

why does Fuwawa talk so much about babies and children?

>> No.90367549

>All of Myth hit 1M subs faster.
Okay. And?

>> No.90367554
Quoted by: >>90367910

And being a mummy.

>> No.90367579

Bae is the runt of EN

>> No.90367585

councilfags only know how to seethe, they're twitter normalfags who act the part, they're constantly looking for things to be outraged about and people to cancel.
they'd rather camp in other threads shitting on the chuuba in question than discuss their own oshi.

>> No.90367587
File: 43 KB, 725x397, 4u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90367786

That's it, I'm posting it

>> No.90367596
Quoted by: >>90367745

>I was only pretending to be retarded
Take your schizo fantasies about JP members back to global. Maybe someone will believe you there.

>> No.90367612
Quoted by: >>90367642

>I don't shit-fling in global
No, you only do it in /baubau/.

>> No.90367642

Retard, I didn't do anything other than say it's hard to get a sololive, which it is.

>> No.90367646

retweet tekzi's 3D fuwawa sneeze tweet already

>> No.90367652

BAUSED and true.

>> No.90367671
File: 269 KB, 2048x1846, GdHWdCvbUAAq-vo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90369871

I fell asleep 30 minutes into the stream...

>> No.90367695
File: 108 KB, 232x306, Screenshot 2024-11-27 203944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is so cute...

>> No.90367710
File: 67 KB, 693x1024, 1716648713923455m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90367786


>> No.90367733
File: 101 KB, 267x245, 1732759722796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90367734

ironic coming from the group that wants to be outraged and cancel holos for talking to their male coworkers

>> No.90367745

You're genuinely retarded. She asks people what they want from her, yesmen spam "good health!", the number one actual request is a sololive. It's not that difficult to interpret.
But someone who fails at this obviously wouldn't be capable of understanding anything else, so it's a waste of time to discuss it with you, it's that simple. In my experience anyone who opens a discussion calling anyone else an "EOP" doesn't know shit himself, so that should have clued me in to begin with, my bad.

>> No.90367786

I'll use my energy to make Fuwawa a mama idol. >>90367710

>> No.90367799

>Doubling down commence!

>> No.90367871

>Sololive wasn't even the top thing on the requests
Anon come the fuck on, the 1st spot is "I want you to be healthy" and the 2nd one is "Sololive"
Are you telling me if Fuwamoco did a poll that included both of those choices among others, wanting them to be healthy wouldn't take the 1st spot?

>> No.90367910
File: 79 KB, 864x1024, 1730385377412406m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90368031
File: 105 KB, 718x437, 1716498109200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90368067

that's enough milk for her soccer team of puppies

>> No.90368159
Quoted by: >>90368384

mama fuwawa... milkies please

>> No.90368162
Quoted by: >>90368480


>> No.90368167
File: 443 KB, 758x435, And here we go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90368168

Not the first time she talks about it either. When asked just regularly in chat before her immediate reply was talking about needing enough songs for it. Meaning everything else was a lock. Wouldn't surprise me if management were also bringing it up to her because it's a no brainer when you're as influential as she has been since, what, 2022? 2021 maybe?

>> No.90368200


>> No.90368223


>> No.90368242


>> No.90368318
Quoted by: >>90368432

Fuck you she's doing this shit on purpose now

>> No.90368330
Quoted by: >>90368416

Whatever they were looping about just stopped, so I'm guessing they're gearing up to pivot

>> No.90368384
File: 1.75 MB, 548x650, 1732548373445646.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90368411

why does Fuwawa torture me like this? My mental health is already in the shitter does she get off on tormenting menheras?

>> No.90368416

No, I just got done talking about sololive shit that people are ridiculous about. I don't give two shits about whatever dumb twitter shit you're talking about.

>> No.90368432

Everyone is making space for Schizo Prime.

>> No.90368459

No she just like making me laugh. Cause I burst out laughing everytime

>> No.90368480
File: 4 KB, 421x115, 1712814745744915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90368545
File: 68 KB, 224x206, 1732759600508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90368547

she wants you to try the wope, twanny!

>> No.90368555
Quoted by: >>90368678

>sololive wasn't first, but ACTUALLY it was
>she never said making enough music was a pain, but ACTUALLY she was thinking it
nice "discussion" you were having with the voices in your head i guess

>> No.90368559
File: 124 KB, 850x1292, __fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_monomeiii__sample-e1a964b587e1c73efd7b90e61206ab1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care, I'm still going to sexpost Fuwawa, the cutest and sexiest air-headed EN idol who is in danger of becoming a mama idol early in her career.

>> No.90368678
Quoted by: >>90368995

Didn't say either that she said it or that she was thinking it, I said treated like. Sorry that you have to watch streams to discuss this any further. I don't blame you, it's not her thread after all.

>> No.90368747

What did Fuwawa mean with that RT?

>> No.90368776
Quoted by: >>90368806

I'm surprised Kiara never did a sololive. She does sponsorships and has a lot of original music. Does she not want one?

>> No.90368791

First off let me just clarify that I'm not trying to start any holo vs holo faggotry or trying to imply that Bae doesn't deserve a sololive. I'm just talking about the kind of things that is necessary to get a sololive. The main reason I think FWMC will get one is because I see them constantly doing all those things.

I'm not saying they'll win, my point is that if they did, it would help them get the sololive, that's why they're shilling the poll. If Bae wants to get a sololive she should do shit like that too.

Anon, that shit doesn't matter for getting a sololive. It doesn't matter who you do a song with, only if that song gets views. It also doesn't matter how many songs you release either, FWMC having enough orisongs to do a sololive is just something FWMC wants. They could do cover songs in their sololive if they wanted, that doesn't matter to the top brass. The only thing that matters to bigwigs is numbers, FWMC need to convince them that giving them a sololive will sell more tickets than giving it to someone else.

Wow, Bae has better numbers than I thought, did Bae do something big recently or are these typical for her? I know I'm talking a lot about numbers here, but I don't actually follow that stuff (Obviously I'm talking about last 30 days and not the total views here, because thats inflated by her head start). Unfortunately for Bae, the people in charge don't care about that number nearly as much as they care about sub count. They really SHOULD care more about that number though.

>> No.90368806
Quoted by: >>90369028

>Does she not want one?
Yeah, but she just talked about her lack of confidence in ever filling out a venue for herself yesterday.

>> No.90368812

>Untagged screenshot RTs back to back
Favoritismschizo you better have that sc ready for sunday

>> No.90368844
Quoted by: >>90368941

I don't care about clips but retweeting a random screenshot is so weird, she has to be trolling the menheras

>> No.90368878
File: 3.54 MB, 1080x1080, Whyisshelikethis.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90369158

She knows exactly what she's doing and she gets off on my suffering.

>> No.90368891

>I'm not saying they'll win, my point is that if they did, it would help them get the sololive, that's why they're shilling the poll. If Bae wants to get a sololive she should do shit like that too.
I'm in full agreement but the people bringing her up to say FWMC will NEVER have a sololive are the same ones making up excuses as to why Bae's numberfagging attempts don't count as numberfagging, as opposed to the "disgusting" ones FWMC do. They're embarrassed of idols behaving like idols. They don't actually want her to do those things. Hell, a lot of ruffians wish FWMC didn't either. A lot of hololive fans still have issues with hololive members doing hololive things.

>> No.90368941
Quoted by: >>90369156

It's fucking disgusting. Unfortunately I don't know when they are going to read superchats next and it's getting so bad they need to address it ASAP. Should I write an email to cover?

>> No.90368995
Quoted by: >>90369105

And I'm sorry that your normal tactic of making up truths from clips and shitposts didn't work.

>> No.90369002
Quoted by: >>90369072

is it true? that FUWAMOCO are mods /here/ and can see our IPs?

>> No.90369028
Quoted by: >>90369235

That's kind of sad, I don't really think she'd have an issue. Honestly I think if fuckin' Gigi announced a sololive tomorrow, it'd sell out no problem. They're all still Holos. Do you have a timestamp?

>> No.90369072

Yes absolutely. Ever since IPs were removed hololive has had access to IPs for posts. Their behavior changed once they saw how some of their top paypigs talk about them on here

>> No.90369105

>Not a single argument presented yet
I accept your concession, don't reply to me anymore, EOP.

>> No.90369136

Why do I even bother posting to the hashtag or making clips if Fuwawa is in love with this retard? Mococo needs to step in and stop this.

>> No.90369156

>Should I do thing nobody will ever see instead??
What a faggot.

>> No.90369158
File: 353 KB, 503x545, side eye mogogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90369244

She does say she likes to tease the Ruffians...

>> No.90369183
File: 2.84 MB, 1136x640, 1730003980701385.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90369307

Bae just had her second live this year:
and a 24 hour stream
She has also been streaming Nier which is a crowd pleaser:

>> No.90369195

I cancelled my membership because I've accepted they're a lost cause so I can't send any SC. I had faith that bringing it to their attention would help but it's clearly intentional and not changing. A shame they're throwing away everything because they want to be 2views again

>> No.90369232
Quoted by: >>90369298

I'm sure you'll get hit with a gifted membership eventually

>> No.90369235

Breaking Dimensions had all EN talents, a concurrent convention, and was located in the largest city in America but it still had nearly empty rows.

>> No.90369237

Related to this, it was funny seeing Pekora saying she initially thought The Game Awards wasn't a big deal, but then she looked it up and went all in on shilling. As she should, I think it's a great thing, but a shame that she can be this blatant and open about it while EN has to pretend to not care about it because it's the culture or whatever. Just feels weird to see people acting dismissive over their nominations, at least pretend to be thankful.

>> No.90369244

Mococo would never mess around with people having mental health crisis issues. That's why I've come to see her as the better sister. She's autistic and genuine. Her sister is a master manipulator that loves to toy with schizos and has spent over a decade shitposting /here/ and on /a/

>> No.90369255
File: 88 KB, 1024x576, 1727831546247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90369257
Quoted by: >>90369531

Are we monster fucking tomorrow and/or saturday

>> No.90369269
File: 1.38 MB, 1241x795, Screenshot 2024-11-27 211726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90370439

>if that song gets views

>> No.90369276

That's cause they undersold that shit, same reason they had like 2 rounds of tickets even after it was "sold out".

>> No.90369294

>but it still had nearly empty rows.
People showing up and selling out the seats are different things
As long as they sell it who cares if they show up

>> No.90369298
Quoted by: >>90369371

If I do by Sunday I'll send it but even then I don't know if I want to give them any more money it's left such a sour taste in my mouth. Can gray names send SC in members precat?

>> No.90369307
Quoted by: >>90369401

>Nier stream
>Oh boy, sweet!
>Is Automata
I love the game but this happened enough times to become disappointing... Hopefully they just add a 3 to the title for the next one.

>> No.90369350
Quoted by: >>90369443

You don't need membership to send SC, what the fuck are you talking about, dumb tranny?

>> No.90369371

>Can gray names send SC in members precat?
Yes, as long as the stream itself isn't marked as members only

>> No.90369377

Well I would personally buy every seat in a FuwaMoco sololive right now if that's what it takes and I'm sure others would as well. They don't want an empty venue. At BD they were able to hide empty seats and rows with camera magic

>> No.90369385

Pekora had a stream where she was analyzing trends because she wanted to be the number 1 female streamer of the year. She is super cut throat.

>> No.90369401
Quoted by: >>90369485

She didn't even know it was a sequel until she was in the middle of streaming it lol. But she's really enjoying it so there might actually be a chance she plays replicant (you're taking the piss with that 3)

>> No.90369415
Quoted by: >>90369483

Cover will care when the screencaps full of empty chairs start to come out, I imagine. If the money was the only important thing, they could probably make as much money with things that require a lot less work.

>> No.90369442
File: 486 KB, 1485x2048, 20241128_001955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90369501

>> No.90369443

It's a members stream on sunday which is the only one I see them reading superchats for with minecraft gone.
I might do it then. They need to discuss this and members is a more open discussion that is long overdue

>> No.90369456

Pekora is super numberfag even among JPs. She shouldn't be taken as an example of JP sentiment.

>> No.90369483

Korone made a joke about the empty seats at her sonic live event, it's not that big a deal. Plus some people buy tickets for stuff and don't show up (because they are scalpers or got sick or something)

>> No.90369485

I don't blame her, even back in 2017 most of the discussion just called it Nier. It doesn't even bother me that people didn't care about the original, it wasn't easily accessible and Automata is largely standalone, but I don't think I ever saw this before, with a sequel "stealing" the original's name, it was wild.

>> No.90369501
Quoted by: >>90369563

flat femruffians are the greatest aren't they?

>> No.90369506

Her disciple koyori is a huge numberfag herself.

>> No.90369531

I could fuck fuck up, right? some monsters tomorrow around normal stream time if I'm done with thanksgiving related activities by then

>> No.90369553

>sister gets blasted on sololives
>favoritism loop starts

>> No.90369563

Sure, femruffian.

>> No.90369574

I bought an extra BD ticket when they opened up again just in case my scalped ticket was fake or already sold

>> No.90369580

You sure live in some kind of reality.

>> No.90369594
Quoted by: >>90369694

>Korone made a joke about the empty seats at her sonic live event
They weren't actually empty though, the event staff fucked up like usual with the merch stand and there were a lot of people still waiting in line to get their goods even after the event started
Once they got their stuff they would run inside to their seats, she even brought it up at one point when she saw someone running to their seat in the middle of one of the MC segments
Basically the same shit that happened in that baseball colalb in the US

>> No.90369597

no one was "blasted" and I don't even use twitter

>> No.90369629
Quoted by: >>90370148

>favoritism loop starts
because it has nothing to do with them retweeting for the second day in a row a completely untagged screenshot of the same fucking person?

>> No.90369643

Sure, I mean more the audience's response. Everyone was having fun in that Game Awards stream, judging by the comments. If you don't like her numberfagging you probably just don't watch her, instead of sticking around and complaining nonstop that she's doing her job.

>> No.90369646
Quoted by: >>90369774

She did a shill stream the day after nomination was out. She ain’t fucking around.

>> No.90369693
Quoted by: >>90370148

Maybe Raul was right

>> No.90369694
Quoted by: >>90369861

I get with baseball there's good odds you are there for hololive and not the actual event, but who on earth would skip any time seeing your oshi live to stand in line for merch?

>> No.90369748

it wasn't hard, most of the empty seats were in the mezz

>> No.90369774
Quoted by: >>90369826

Yeah this is the one I'm referring to, she didn't know what it was about when she read she was nominated, but then she looked it up, saw it was a big deal, and went all in. I like this. She may be extreme about it but I'll take it over the "I don't even care about the awards lol who gives a shit, btw clink the pinned link to vote for me teehee" that is more prevalent in the west. Just comes off as unprofessional to me.

>> No.90369826

it's dangerous to give legitimacy to filian

>> No.90369861

FOMO levels you clearly don't understand
The merch for the event was announced as limited with no real planned sales after, it was get it right then and there or never, meanwhile at worst they could watch the archive of the part of the event they missed while in line

>> No.90369871

I hope you got good rest!

>> No.90369932

WTF don't doxx my nigga Geoff

>> No.90369959

Should not give any legitimacy to any Vtubers that aren't Hololive desu.

>> No.90370026

Ignoring it entirely is better than downplaying it, at least, sure.

>> No.90370029

Did the favoritism schizo kill themselves yet? Have to be getting close

>> No.90370039
Quoted by: >>90370087

Legitimacy can be bought and she has enough money.

>> No.90370059


>> No.90370077
Quoted by: >>90370224

He's gonna send his superchat if he gets a gifted membership because 5 bucks is too much? I don't know, too many plot twists.

>> No.90370087

but not enough for a model, apparently

>> No.90370100

the real favoritism schizo isn't here right now. sisters have made a couple posts pretending though

>> No.90370103

Yeah fuck them for collabing with Milky Queen to help a charity.

>> No.90370148

They love him and they'll keep retweeting his *untagged* screenshots, cry about it.

>> No.90370224

>Dont want to spend 5 dollars for member.
>Willing to throw away 50 for schizoposting.

>> No.90370229
Quoted by: >>90370365

It's pretty obvious that it wasn't them when it took a few minutes to start the loop. The real favoritism schizo would have been on top of it the moment the rt went, no matter what else they were doing

>> No.90370308

Why does she do that face so often anyway? What is it supposed to mean? It looks sex, but the context is never sex.

>> No.90370347

This timezone bullshit confuses my brain... when do they have the recordings, on Thursday JST or Friday JST?

>> No.90370365
Quoted by: >>90370410

As much as I wish that retard would off themselves, it's a little endearing how they make their dumb little lists and are so proud of it as if it means anything. The fucker is going batshit over meaningless twitter numbers

>> No.90370387

Friday JST. Though I am pretty sure they have stuff to do today too.

>> No.90370399

Why aren't they streaming for Thanksgiving...

>> No.90370410

>going batshit over meaningless numbers
like streamer like fan

>> No.90370418

Its almost 3pm thursday JST, they have recordings right now

>> No.90370432

>It looks sex, but the context is never sex
It's Fuwawa, the context is always sex. She wants Ruffians to think about her in that way.

>> No.90370439
Quoted by: >>90370558

I don't like how hard FWMC shills either, but I'm fine with it because I want them to get that sololive.

Place Dice has 9m views? God damn, Bae really is doing better than I though, maybe she will get a sololive first. You should have led with that over bringing up that she did songs with other holomems as if that's somehow impressive.

>> No.90370452
File: 234 KB, 539x450, 1729778334704251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa is always horny for the Wuffians

>> No.90370468

dinner at mori's

>> No.90370473
Quoted by: >>90370550

>Fuwawa Abyssgard: The context is always sex
I like it, has a nice ring

>> No.90370497

Thanksgiving was last month

>> No.90370532
Quoted by: >>90370589

mama love!

>> No.90370539

my coughing is still so bad that I am worried I am going to pass out from pain or break a rib like i have been reading online

>> No.90370546
File: 136 KB, 585x595, 1709543920926298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90370550
File: 101 KB, 720x812, 1730863655536763.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90370558
Quoted by: >>90371834

I bought up the other members because it shows she is well known in japan which is important for getting a sololive. And I thought everyone knew that her music does really well already

>> No.90370569


>> No.90370589


>> No.90370605


>> No.90370668

that's how Fuwawa's own puppy twins will look like in the future

>> No.90370688
File: 123 KB, 281x225, 102039320395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90370714


>> No.90370734

I thought the ruffians were supposed to be Fuwawa's surrogate children. it ain't right.

>> No.90370795
File: 516 KB, 559x803, 17029358392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silly wuffians

>> No.90370853
File: 1.02 MB, 1283x653, Screenshot 2024-10-11 185943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90371039

Fuwawa is a very hungry puppy

>> No.90370854

The Wuffians are Fuwawa's surrogate children/husband

>> No.90370860

just got wikewaped by wissa

>> No.90370928
Quoted by: >>90371110

Mococo is her little sister and also her sexual partner/wife

>> No.90370943

I need to give her a full soccer team of puppies...

>> No.90371039

KEK that thumbnail is so fucking funny... I love the smug Fuwawa face

>> No.90371046

finished reading unlimited bladeworks
it was fine, i enoyed the anime a lot more tho

>> No.90371110

>Mococo is her little sister and also her sexual partner/wife
Did Mococo consent to that though...?

>> No.90371172
File: 346 KB, 736x765, 1732234071737576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90371391


>> No.90371181
File: 178 KB, 814x750, 1704514421261237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90371391


>> No.90371249

why are they so smug

>> No.90371260

>Fuwawa rapes Mococo
>Fuwawa rapes the wuffians
we are...

>> No.90371283

what's this from?

>> No.90371291

Cute Fuwasneeze!

>> No.90371300

victims of sexual abuse...

>> No.90371353
File: 14 KB, 584x108, 1730977894879522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90371380

>> No.90371380

>didn't like or retweet it

>> No.90371391
File: 118 KB, 1920x1080, 1707458299676250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She can't keep getting away with it...

>> No.90371448

it's kind of crazy that the only loops left are favoritism are half-hearted jp whining when they do a stream

>> No.90371519
Quoted by: >>90371598

What loops do you miss?

>> No.90371559

These past few weeks, I have noticed they are making an effort. More community posts, more cute random twitter stuff, better streams like FSN, more comfy games, Advent collabs when possible, less JP streams and FOTM slop, more Members streams. I hope they keep at it.

>> No.90371569

Turns out the other loops were either slain or sisters that had no substance to loop upon. The remaining 'loops' are genuine upset ruffians, although sometimes sisters try and fail to start it too

>> No.90371598

meltdowns over shorts were fun

>> No.90371645
Quoted by: >>90371684

Yeah, it’s been pret

>> No.90371663
Quoted by: >>90371875

And yet they can fill up a thread by replying to each other and samefagging just the same

>> No.90371684

rest in pupperoni, ruffian...

>> No.90371798
Quoted by: >>90372699

>better streams like FSN
I've enjoyed White Album and Sakura Wars way more. They're more fun, chaotic, FWMC can react and engage in different ways... with FSN it's just hours of nothing but dry reading. I think there's more entertaining VNs we could get, this one's a slog

>> No.90371834
Quoted by: >>90372032

I'm way too busy following FWMC to pay attention to other holos. But anyway, doing things with other holomems is only impressive if you aren't already in Hololive.

>> No.90371855
Quoted by: >>90372349

It makes sense. Those are the only loops that some Ruffians here actually care about, they are not "artificial" loops created by sisters, they come from Ruffians that are menhera about it.

>> No.90371875

I used to be a bad offender but I've given up hope and just quit Twitter which has helped my mental health. Why bother trying if I was ignored always,? it's an easier pill to swallow when I don't try

>> No.90372005

>sneezes in Japan mean that someone is gossiping about you
/baubau/ sex-posted Fuwawa so much it made her sneeze, and sneezing is like a mini-orgasm that helps relieve pent-up stress.

>> No.90372032

>doing things with other holomems is only impressive if you aren't already in Hololive
It's impressive because she is well liked by HoloJP and gets invited to stuff, so the japanese audience knows who she is. FWMC are just "the goofy ones that say bau bau" to them

>> No.90372103
Quoted by: >>90372169

maybe that bimbo should knock it off

>> No.90372110

Isn't gossip something only women can do?

>> No.90372166
File: 263 KB, 484x596, 1703482800715835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sneezing is like a mini-orgasm that helps relieve pent-up stres
I made Fuwawa orgasm with my sexposts...

>> No.90372168
File: 28 KB, 952x688, 20241128_172305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baubu baubu

>> No.90372169
Quoted by: >>90372941


>> No.90372270
File: 310 KB, 1231x1800, 994ad53746a3119e1a81215f67befb3f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90372322

HOLY SEEEEEXXX!!! I need to impregnate Fuwawa!

>> No.90372349
Quoted by: >>90372598

>they come from Ruffians that are menhera about it
honestly that part is kind of scary, that people aren't shitposting but are genuinely upset. what the fuck is wrong with people?

>> No.90372350
File: 288 KB, 640x640, 1714027459487.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've kinda stopped using twitter, I hope people don't think I'm a schizo, I just don't use social media much. I still like their cute tweets, I just don't respond or tweet to their hashtag

>> No.90372468

>Fuwawa: 35 results
>Mococo: 15 results
no wonder.

>> No.90372598
Quoted by: >>90372787

I mean... I'm not a menhera, but it's not rocket science.
The JP schizos don't understand JP, so they don't want FWMC to shift their content to be more JP "friendly" because they won't be able to enjoy it, and the favoritism schizos are simply just jealous of the attention others get. Maybe some of their complains are valid or maybe they aren't, but it's not *that* difficult to understand where they are coming from.

>> No.90372637


>> No.90372699
Quoted by: >>90372768

I mean that's just your opinion. Point is, they've been doing more VN streams.

>> No.90372749
File: 55 KB, 494x512, 1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her floofies are full of delicious demon dog milk...

>> No.90372768

It's because May to October was utter shit and almost completely barren of the stuff I really liked. The last 3 weeks have had at least 1 game I'm really looking forward to on their schedule.

>> No.90372787

chrome has live translations for all video content now so I dunno why anyone cares even if they don't speak japanese. and getting jealous over someone clicking a like button as if there is some deep emotion behind it is bonkers

>> No.90372816
Quoted by: >>90372881

Oh well in that case they should speak exclusively English and the JP bros can use that handy translation feature.

>> No.90372865
Quoted by: >>90373726

I don't get it. Is this young Fuwawa going through puberty or adult Fuwawa being a degenerate and wearing a kindergartner seifuku?

>> No.90372881

japanese viewers don't use computers

>> No.90372941

Nerissa liked my sexual tweet about Fuwawa and that's what triggered this.

>> No.90373032

Are they not aware how bad it is making them look to keep interacting with the same fans over and over?

>> No.90373077

Looks like a big event secretly meant to promote flowglow

>> No.90373106

They just like Newissa, what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.90373192
Quoted by: >>90373374

Not many Ruffians make clips, there is a small pool to pick from. I can't explain the screenshots though, lots of ruffians post those so selecting a top donator is going to cause a lockwhite

>> No.90373249

make some art or a game or something if you want their attention you useless fucks

>> No.90373291
Quoted by: >>90373446

Look, I don't want to have a discussion and I'm not going to defend them because I simply do not care (and I want to sleep), but you are oversimplifying it.
Reading subtitles is not the same as watching a stream in your native language, I watch some HoloJP members so I know from experience, and I'm personally not against JP streams but I definitely prefer EN streams. And about the likes, almost every single regular is obsessed with that kind of attention, the schizos are just the ones that don't get the attention. They don't get likes/retweets and start obsessing over the people that get them. This problem is pretty "normal" in most gachi friendly fanbases, it comes with the territory, it's just one of the "cons" out of a lot of "pros".
As I said, some of the complains are valid and a lot of others aren't, it's not really a big issue unless they take it too far.

>> No.90373374

not just one screenshot two in a fucking row. I trusted the schizo dumbly when it seemed that they had cleaned it up but now it is worse than ever. I don't know wtf is going through their mind

>> No.90373446

>They don't get likes/retweets
FWMC aren't innocent in it. I along with many others post daily to every tweet and use the hashtag and now every day it's all untagged shit from these same handful of attention whore faggots and paypigs. This is hololive not the special needs vtuber little league. Have respect for what being an idol is

>> No.90373447
Quoted by: >>90373780

Why does Fuwawa giggle so much? Is her brain working correctly?

>> No.90373480
Quoted by: >>90373639

mate you can't be serious.

>> No.90373494
Quoted by: >>90373563

I don't give a shit about retweets, I just want them to like my posts for me. I won't show others or brag, I just like being noticed.

>> No.90373563
Quoted by: >>90373595

post and tag pictures of your cat

>> No.90373577
Quoted by: >>90373632

so can I start eating pie at midnight or what?

>> No.90373595

I don't have a cat and unlike others, I'm not so schizo as to steal one/lie about having one.

>> No.90373632
Quoted by: >>90373670

best to avoid any midnight snacks and your dinner should be around 3 hours before you plan to go to bed.

>> No.90373639
Quoted by: >>90373700

I work hard too to post and I get jack shit I don't even know if they read or look at any of it because they never liked anything of mine besides the once a month everyone gets a like shit

>> No.90373643

>I waste my time and spend far too much energy for no 'reward' because maybe one day I can get that 'reward'

>> No.90373670

but its thanksgiving tomorrow

>> No.90373700
Quoted by: >>90373821

>I work hard too to post
it's twitter not a job bro. just like, don't?

>> No.90373711
Quoted by: >>90373821

If you're doing it to get noticed that was your first mistake. It feels nice when you're noticed, but I've always done it because I like doing it. How many times one person gets it over someone else doesn't factor into how much I do something

>> No.90373726

>puberty at 5

>> No.90373780

It's cause wuffians sex post about her

>> No.90373821

I used to enjoy it and do still to an extent but I let the schizos get to me and now I think i have brainworms. I know it means nothing and they are retards that mindlessly like and retweet but it makes me feel sick because I start to believe there's a nonzero chance they do have favorites

>> No.90373865
Quoted by: >>90373980

If you work hard enough, one day you'll become one of their favorites too! Maybe their favorite favorite!

>> No.90373883
Quoted by: >>90373980

just stop using twitter and only watch streams.

>> No.90373940
Quoted by: >>90374199

You might not want to be /here/ as much if you're letting schizos get to you. People loop about favorites specifically for that reaction. Take a step back from social media if it's all becoming too much for you. It's okay to take a break if you're not enjoying it right now and then come back when you think you do

>> No.90373980

there shouldn't be favorites. no one should know other Ruffians names like that
strongly considering it. now that they post on YouTube a lot it's easier to drop Twitter while still feeling connected. not like they would notice if I stopped anyways

>> No.90374126
File: 135 KB, 849x1200, 1703764846261697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90374129
Quoted by: >>90374209

Sex with Wuffians!

>> No.90374199
Quoted by: >>90374359

if I step away for a break I'm never coming back that's just how it goes. But might be for the best as they do not seem interested in changing and no one will ever ask them about it

>> No.90374209

Fuwawa please consider adding and fully voicing your H-scenes to the FUWAMOCO VN.

>> No.90374212
Quoted by: >>90374380

what are they recording tomorrow?

>> No.90374280

I wrote this post

>> No.90374286
Quoted by: >>90374335

She would accidentally giggle after the cock slap

>> No.90374335

Girls who giggle in bed are the hottest

>> No.90374359
Quoted by: >>90374460

Them not changing is kind of their thing, they're stubborn. It's why I feel like people looping about them changing for a minority audience are stupid, they won't even change for the majority. Anything they do is going to be their own choice, so even bringing up their choices to them doesn't do anything

>> No.90374380
File: 134 KB, 753x1200, 0a054873b8d58dc395fe4b5809c2cb7c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90374468

"Intimate Birthday Party with FUWAMOCO" voice packs for 2025.

>> No.90374396

They're leaving us for the JP...

>> No.90374433
Quoted by: >>90374501

someone asked them to do shill it in JP, I forget where, good that they did it.

>> No.90374445

My mood is gone. I don't feel like sexposting Fuwawa anymore.

>> No.90374460

I just don't want to believe they are knowingly choosing to keep interacting with the same fans over and over. I might be the dumb one though because there's no way they don't realize what they are doing

>> No.90374463

They'll be back

>> No.90374468
Quoted by: >>90374622

their attitudes should be swapped, that pic is emotionally off-model

>> No.90374496
File: 100 KB, 260x319, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90374610

are you sure?

>> No.90374501

I asked them /here/. It was a no brianer to do it. JP votes are their only chance of winning against the twitch whores

>> No.90374513
File: 505 KB, 854x480, fuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90374547
File: 24 KB, 447x410, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90374677

Her pup talk was so nice

>> No.90374552

When they lose they'd better blame the loss on JP tourists not voting. EN fans are the most dedicated by a mile

>> No.90374561
Quoted by: >>90374635

You naturally form connections instinctively whether you like it or not. It's just how humans are. They'd have to actively resist liking some people.

>> No.90374610

will you please move, Mococo, your hot older sister is calling

>> No.90374622
Quoted by: >>90375172

Mococo would be a bit more flirtatious if she had tits.

>> No.90374635
Quoted by: >>90374838

I don't understand why it's the people if is though. oldfags ok they had a personal relationship. but these new Ruffians what's so special about people like pissnix or parrot posting a screenshot or shitty over the hundreds of others doing it?

>> No.90374677

How'd you know it was her?

>> No.90374685
Quoted by: >>90374825

>There's no way they don't realize what they're doing
I'm pretty sure they almost never realize what they're doing, so I don't think they're going out of their way to interact with the same people repeatedly as if they're sending some kind of "message" here. I think you, and every genuine favortismschizo are looking way too far into it. They like and retweet what they see, they may have innate biases, everyone does, but they aren't trying to actively support some weird level of favoritism. Spending time thinking about their actions when they don't think about them themselves is a terrible idea

>> No.90374763
Quoted by: >>90374842

You're all overthinking it. They follow Sobbi. Sobbi follows all the people they retweet so that shit pops up in their feed.

>> No.90374825
Quoted by: >>90374960

>We're just fluffy and fuzzy, you know? We're fuwamoco

>> No.90374838

twitter's shit ass algorithm

>> No.90374842

why doesn't sobbi love me then?

>> No.90374875
Quoted by: >>90374998

did you commission art from her and are in the clique?

>> No.90374896
Quoted by: >>90374998

She only likes men who have already groomed her

>> No.90374960
File: 1015 KB, 941x796, 224317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely believe them when they say this, there's almost nothing going on up there other than fluff and fuzz

>> No.90374995

where can I find bau bau merch in Tokyo, specifically the friends with u nui. there wasn’t any at amiami akihabara, i even went to the fucking Tokyo station store

>> No.90374998
Quoted by: >>90375108

I'm poor and not in the clique
I thought the grooming was a schizo joke

>> No.90375108

if you are poor you should be improving yourself instead of watching vtubers

>> No.90375129
Quoted by: >>90375198

They should encourage more people to use the tags

>> No.90375172
Quoted by: >>90376374

Mococo would be even more dangerous than Fuwawa if she had big oppai.

>> No.90375175

But you must agree that retweeting a screenshot without tags, always from the same fan, will catch attention, even if you're just a casual fan and not a Gachikoi.

>> No.90375198
Quoted by: >>90375292

Most people post on them daily yet their retweets are predominantly untagged for non art. like how the fuck did they even find that retarded screenshot they retweeted today?

>> No.90375254
Quoted by: >>90375300

someone is gonna snap and I'm very worried until they get it under control and address it

>> No.90375292

what are you implying

>> No.90375300

>someone is gonna snap

>> No.90375371
Quoted by: >>90375513

I don't think casual fans pay attention to names of retweeted people unless it's explicitly pointed out in streams. I watch Fauna occasionally and the only reason why I know the names of her clippers is because she mentions them by name on stream when talking about their clips

>> No.90375468

this is sounding more like the real favoritism schizo. wonder why so late this time?

>> No.90375513

>she mentions them by name on stream when talking about their clips
can you imagine how much worse things would be if fuwamoco did this? At least they keep their alleged favorite bs on Twitter and off streams

>> No.90375531


>> No.90375582

phoenix is the only one who got a personal thank you for his letters.

>> No.90375601
Quoted by: >>90375655

>open voting page
>presented by fansly
do they really support this?

>> No.90375615
Quoted by: >>90375726

A lot of other girls do plenty of things that would cause looping here for months if FWMC did it. It's why I never buy into the "It's inexcusable for anyone in Holo to" bullshit. It's just someone trying to make menhera snap

>> No.90375655

fansly is just the twitch equivalent of members content. its filian's event

>> No.90375658
Quoted by: >>90375701

proof next thread, sister?

>> No.90375701

Already proved it, look back on your own.

>> No.90375726
Quoted by: >>90375860

>someone trying to make menhera snap
They've been trying the loops for mo tha and I haven't seen anyone outside of /here/ even mention it. maybe people don't want to rock the boat but unless it's a silent majority waiting for the first public complaint I don't get it


>> No.90375747
File: 285 KB, 3840x3840, 1707524151692086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90375788

the first tweet on their Twitter is a twitch thought taking it in the ass

>> No.90375808
Quoted by: >>90376077

I hope they play more holocure next week.

>> No.90375860

Strokechama, no one mentions it outside of /here/ because no one else cares. The majority of people talking about favortism are people that come here to vent, and people trying to break menhera. I don't buy this silent majority of ruffians waiting for a champion thing until I see actual proof of it

>> No.90375887
Quoted by: >>90376011

I have no idea what the fuck that boring husk of a mentally ill gachikoi has that id appealing. at least others like anan have money or Andy has JP and money. that loser is just an attention whore

>> No.90376011
Quoted by: >>90376158

The best screenshots obviously. Don't forget to use the hastag if you think you can do better.

>> No.90376077
File: 634 KB, 636x740, 223953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want them to mess with the mining and woodcutting a little bit

>> No.90376158

Then they should have downloaded it and used it in their post. There's no need to retweet and they traditionally have not but for some reason they bend over backwards for this faggot

>> No.90376257

Yeah that will be fun.

>> No.90376345

kek I just saw the JP tweet. Strategic dogs. It's the smart thing to do, letting their JP fans know may give them the edge in number of votes.

>> No.90376374

Twin paizuri...

>> No.90376411
Quoted by: >>90376436

why did I read woodcutting as ovulating

>> No.90376436

They can play the ovulating minigame too if they want, there's still a lot in the game they haven't touched yet

>> No.90376526
Quoted by: >>90376592

I wonder if this means suisei and marine will get more votes

>> No.90376545


>> No.90376580
Quoted by: >>90376630

all the content in that is over in 2 minutes
they should try to beat the remaining stages and the hard ones. more BGMs for them to jam to

>> No.90376592
Quoted by: >>90376735

If they make a tweet asking for votes, it's possible

>> No.90376630

>it's over in two minutes
That's exactly why they should at least go look at it. It's not like I want a whole stream of it

>> No.90376735

What do you mean? I'm saying that FWMC bringing attention to the vtuber awards in Japanese will make it more likely for the HoloJP talents to win

>> No.90376790
Quoted by: >>90376811

Should I vote for them? I don't really want them to win but if they really want it I'll vote for them anyways.

>> No.90376811


>> No.90376828

Kay Yu was really toeing the line putting that in the game. Luckily only a few of the Holos are close to unlocking it.

>> No.90376864

What if they were accidentally sealed when they were newborn puppies and Fuwawa is actually Mococo and vice versa

>> No.90376875

what ovulating minigame

>> No.90376892

They should wait until they get added to the game before playing it more

>> No.90376908

mixed up as babies. papa puppy accidentally put blue on mococo and pink on fuwawa

>> No.90376924
File: 568 KB, 512x512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are demon dogs after all
