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File: 36 KB, 640x400, MONKE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
90241609 No.90241609 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>90241704


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Alt Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis

Schedule: merch break

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters and divorcees. It's easier than you think!

Previous thread: >>90191165

>> No.90241656
File: 446 KB, 511x549, 1684203671521123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my fute bagel

>> No.90241686
Quoted by: >>90241735


>> No.90241704

it was a fun collab
-t /flip/er

>> No.90241735


>> No.90241738
Quoted by: >>90242523

in case you missed shondo statistics.

>> No.90241794
File: 114 KB, 960x580, 1730440013509376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please rate the collab

>> No.90241817
File: 226 KB, 415x410, 1710387452867349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90248799

it was but now i'm very concerned about your living arrangements.

>> No.90241872

i didn't post my room

>> No.90241871

8/10 was fun

>> No.90241910
File: 366 KB, 2134x2067, 1711883471153058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9/10 very silly collab. 10/10 wife like always. I'm going to miss her uuuuu (ignore the fact she's streaming soon anyways)

>> No.90242321
Quoted by: >>90242495

ban every shogger i dislike

>> No.90242495

bee nise

>> No.90242523


>> No.90242591

groomer antis being racist again :) yet nothing bad happens to them of course

>> No.90243104

anti asmr song

>> No.90243246
Quoted by: >>90243339

Derek them, shogga.

>> No.90243339
File: 283 KB, 649x1234, 1717681599942608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is them he's dereking himself

>> No.90243500
File: 257 KB, 343x754, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy time

>> No.90243502
File: 190 KB, 1001x1001, IMG_5020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol irl

>> No.90243576

shondo's thinking people are her friend again

>> No.90243657

Mods know he's a nonce now.

>> No.90243783

imagine reporting gary and not tuffnar fricking losers omg

>> No.90243847

you think they didnt? you're clueless

>> No.90243871


>> No.90243886

Klub on screen

>> No.90243952

good fucking riddance

>> No.90244073

i'd love to report him to the other barbie chats if no one has Smile
i know he's banned from Oli

>> No.90244124

not being targeted btw

>> No.90244146

T is a different case because he isn't openly a nonce, but he is being looked into.

>> No.90244154
Quoted by: >>90244195


>> No.90244195


>> No.90244257
Quoted by: >>90244282


>> No.90244282

and nothing, it's just something to notice

>> No.90244293

I care far less about T than I do about an actual nonce. Disgusting pedo.

>> No.90244344
Quoted by: >>90244444

>Argue with everyone
>Be an asshole
>Make shondo ban you 3 times
>"Why do they persecute me so?"

>> No.90244364

>targeting the community schizo that is using collabs to ban evade and attempt to interact with the streamer that banned, muted and divorced him
Sounds based. If Shondo used her Knock feature to collab with Filian, he wouldn't have been allowed to chat.

>> No.90244444

>everyone is 2 groomers
>somehow this justifies obsessive harassment

>> No.90244509
File: 279 KB, 300x300, 1726337384155236.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90244632

>he thinks it's only 2

>> No.90244632
Quoted by: >>90244716

>implying it was anything but a minority of other troublemakers, some of which were starting the arguments

>> No.90244716
Quoted by: >>90244798

Meds. You deserve to be targeted.

>> No.90244798

if i "deserve" to be targeted so do a lot of other people
or maybe no one deserves to be targeted

>> No.90244834

digits of truth
d and p running scared

>> No.90244892
Quoted by: >>90244986

They are targeted when they do something. You are being treated fairly.

>> No.90244986

ok name 3 times they were (you can't)

>> No.90245022

tuffnar, tuffnar and tuffnar

>> No.90245062

still doesnt change the fact…

>> No.90245158
Quoted by: >>90245201

name 5

>> No.90245201

Tuffy Tuffy Fartrune Gary (initially) and Tuffy

>> No.90245211

Name "a lot" of other people.

>> No.90245263

>can't name 3
>deflects back onto me
yeah that's what i thought ;)

>> No.90245430
Quoted by: >>90245467

Retromancer got his fair treatment by her and was the last one deserving to be targeted as of recent. Retromancer counts since he was targeted by Shondo. The most recent is now you and Gary for obvious reasons. There is no 3 to name because there isn't 3 right now, but nice try.

>> No.90245467
Quoted by: >>90245527

lol holy shit you're delusional

>> No.90245492

pedos calling other pedos are just pathetic

>> No.90245527
Quoted by: >>90245629

Feel free to name 3 since you are so confident. Nothing has happened recently and you are just paranoid and delusional.

>> No.90245537
Quoted by: >>90245629

people get targeted all the time retard

>> No.90245629

not like me and it's not even close, the only other is maybe gary and that's because he's actively trolling for it and the people "targeting" him are different
the point was that you couldn't name 3

>> No.90245834
Quoted by: >>90245891

Neither can you without reaching or simply naming shoggers you do not like.

>> No.90245891
Quoted by: >>90246105

yes that's the point, i'm the only person who gets targeted like that, hope this helps
and i'm not talking about mods

>> No.90245919
Quoted by: >>90245995

you spent months actively trolling and still do

>> No.90245995
Quoted by: >>90246073

not in the way to justify the obsession in the way they're doing it

>> No.90246073

you can say “he’s”, you dont have to be gender fluid here mister

>> No.90246105
Quoted by: >>90246246

>i'm the only person who gets targeted like that
Feel free to provide names of other banned ex-husbands that are doing exactly what you do, which is using collabs to ban evade while trying to communicate with the streamer that banned, divorced and muted you.
I will gladly add them to the Derek list.

>> No.90246246

lol you're delusional, ask the mods on an alt and they'll tell themselves you're wrong, you don't need to add anyone else to the derek list you need to stop being an insane schizo
if you really cared about what you're saying you'd go ask a mod before you go on a schizo (you won't)

probably because you're just trolling like you always do lel

>> No.90246345

a broken promise…

>> No.90246346

I accept you concession. You deserve to be targeted.

>> No.90246370
Quoted by: >>90246436

it's almost like all the real husbands are watching the movie and chatting or something

>> No.90246436
Quoted by: >>90246785

>a real husband chats the whole time while their own wife is trying to watch a movie.
lol irl

>> No.90246498

you are banned forever

>> No.90246668

mods have already been asked lil bro. your exact reasoning here means people like Gary should run around and harass Filian's community? shut the fuck up loser. you're just pissed you couldn't go unnoticed while thinking you're slick.

>> No.90246761

>ople like Gary should run around and harass Filian's community?
i'm not harrassing filian's community
also you're too new to be talking about this if you think i thought it'd go unnoticed
lurk more

>> No.90246769

find proof

>> No.90246785

she chats during the movie too

>> No.90246958
Quoted by: >>90247136

she keeps reading groomer bully antis..... stop rewarding them shondo.....

>> No.90247136
Quoted by: >>90247321

Don't tell T she keeps interacting with him, he get's very jealous.

>> No.90247320

providing stats for them and harassing two shondophrenics in filians stream isnt harassing Filian’s community.
your logic is garbo!
dude, if you were banned from shondo (hypothetically, please dont be belligerent) and you were being nice to.. lets say.. Tanya’s regulars in her chat. does that qualify as harassment?
the answer is no it doesnt. how the frick was that harrasment.
lets also say you told off two weird shondophrenics in tanyas chat as well.
would you still qualify yourself as harrassing tanya’s community.

>> No.90247321
Quoted by: >>90247394

no one is jealous of you, knock your ego down a peg

>> No.90247394
Quoted by: >>90247449

Not him, but I wish I was.

>> No.90247449


>> No.90247541

i can just sense a dumb effort post being conjured up in reply to me.

>> No.90247651
File: 6 KB, 304x93, 1701840057123050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90247708

>he's tweeting about him again

>> No.90247708
Quoted by: >>90247804

>he's stalking a banned shogger's twitter instead of spending time with his "wife"

>> No.90247804
Quoted by: >>90247853

she doesnt read me anyways yonose

>> No.90247823

yeah wife but not your wife (you're divorced)

>> No.90247853
Quoted by: >>90247973

i thought she read groomer antis all the time

>> No.90247973

im one of the good ones unironically

>> No.90247988
File: 948 KB, 1344x750, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90248160


>> No.90248160

what the skibidi...

>> No.90248246

she kissed my penis at the end btw

>> No.90248331

I made that post

>> No.90248379

Who was it?

>> No.90248690

so whats this im hearing about AZ?
ShadowChama stats

>> No.90248789
Quoted by: >>90248872

His reads are actually a bit cracked for not being near the top by spamming.

>> No.90248799
File: 1.27 MB, 1341x749, shondo notices the grease pillow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90248811

how does neosky do it

>> No.90248872
Quoted by: >>90248909


>> No.90248909
Quoted by: >>90248963

The Mad King D of course.

>> No.90248963
Quoted by: >>90248974

hes consistently one of the most frequent chatters

>> No.90248974

so is Zman!

>> No.90249038
Quoted by: >>90249105

>>90248690 (me)
dang i read the chat. its about oli. i like had a burst of energy when i saw AZ in the chat and was like “oh my gosh shondo m&g at AZ next”
i shouldnt jump to conclusions

>> No.90249105
Quoted by: >>90251788

>i shouldnt jump to conclusions
Gary achieving self awareness

>> No.90249321
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90249342

goodnight shoggas

>> No.90249342

goodnight mister anon!

>> No.90249972
File: 468 KB, 978x1011, 1711866385822131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like that she decided to watch a comfy old movie with us right after the collab as a treat just in case people wanted a more intimate stream before she starts the merch break. I love her so much!

>> No.90250118

i didnt think about it like that SyadouLove

>> No.90250179
File: 24 KB, 128x128, Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so kind and wonderful. I love her so much
She knew we didn't want to be left with some high energy zoomer ass normie collab

>> No.90250608

Gary finally came out

>> No.90251313
Quoted by: >>90252407

what is his troon name now?

>> No.90251392
File: 761 KB, 960x1234, 1712092510059486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can always tell when she misses me and wants to hangout. i love this girl so much

>> No.90251788

if that was the case he'd fuck off and do something worthwhile with his life

>> No.90251840
Quoted by: >>90252407

>crossdresser and a nonce
not beating the chris chan allegations

>> No.90252407

troons are gae
Chris Chan is gae tho

>> No.90252446

no way!!!!
is it really a surprise?

>> No.90252545

Zoe has some competition now

>> No.90252590


>> No.90252763

if any regular acted like you on twitter they would be banned

>> No.90252812


>> No.90253191

Goodnight Shondopolis!
its called cosplaying as kawaii anime girls. also im like the straightest person here

>> No.90253202
Quoted by: >>90253239

then why do you want zman's dick in your ass

>> No.90253239
Quoted by: >>90253251

thats you that wants that, thats pretty gay dude. he also talked about that kinda weird stuff. yall are gay

>> No.90253251
Quoted by: >>90253341

you're coping

>> No.90253254

>im like the straightest person here
>obsessing over and stalking another man to get his attention for months straight

>> No.90253341

its not denial buddy. only people who want it to be gay are the gay ones.

>> No.90253601

Erm is that a guy or a girl?

>> No.90253688
File: 162 KB, 264x575, eepy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90253827

>> No.90253827

O: I'm in that image

>> No.90254067
Quoted by: >>90254459

sex with Gary

>> No.90254459

only if your a loli

>> No.90254585

home of sexual

>> No.90255065


>> No.90255345


>> No.90255433
Quoted by: >>90255568

not a troon btw

>> No.90255568


>> No.90255870


>> No.90255909

Gary you have to be fucking trolling

>> No.90255940
Quoted by: >>90256414

is that not him?

>> No.90256414
Quoted by: >>90256458

it's 100% him

>> No.90256458

yup! ^_^

>> No.90256834

its called wearing a belt
im not!
goodnight Shondopolis for reals now

>> No.90257086
File: 441 KB, 1392x1035, 1728369953899679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90257386

that in the discord?

>> No.90257386

what? also join it and find out you stupid asshole

>> No.90258344
File: 106 KB, 451x542, Shonbee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90258378

she's a bee

>> No.90260622


>> No.90261401

Will T and G get shumo? Place your bets.

>> No.90262236


>> No.90262257

I love her very much

>> No.90262282

I still like her

>> No.90262862

Hope the shumos fall on top of her and she fucking DIES

>> No.90262881

Unbelievably based

>> No.90263106

I kneel. Fuck 'em shumos.

>> No.90263741
Quoted by: >>90267155

the shumos will kill all the bad husbands in their sleep

>> No.90265683

Good morning shondopolis!

>> No.90266876
Quoted by: >>90266897

good fucking morning, faggot

>> No.90266897
Quoted by: >>90266923

be nise

>> No.90266923
Quoted by: >>90266971

I wished him a good morning, I'm nise

>> No.90266971
Quoted by: >>90267003

gary is a trans woman now

>> No.90267003

why do you want this to be true?

>> No.90267074

kill yourself

>> No.90267155

So that's why T and G are getting their shumos...

>> No.90267948

why is she so mean to the men in her family? i think its normal to feel weird about turning fucking 50. she on the other hand had a massive melty when she turned 23, a random ass age that nobody cares about. whats wrong with her?

>> No.90267991

she's a woman please understand

>> No.90268032


>> No.90268066

Very kissable bee
My favorite bee

>> No.90268080
Quoted by: >>90268196

im the same age as her :p

>> No.90268189
Quoted by: >>90268305

im younger than her ^_^

>> No.90268196
Quoted by: >>90268237

not gonna make it

>> No.90268237


>> No.90268305
Quoted by: >>90269289

shut up you fucking schizo tranny nonce

>> No.90268337
Quoted by: >>90268902

my head is about to be split open and you faggots aren't helping. post some cute pictures of my wife or perish

>> No.90268379

Cry about it, she's my precious little princess. She can make fun of any man she so damn pleases

>> No.90268575

Shondo's a man hating lesbian except when she needs a man's money.

>> No.90268902
File: 1.09 MB, 960x1553, 1723984124242846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90269449

here you go faggot

>> No.90268993

she is a stupid bitch patpatpat

>> No.90269219
Quoted by: >>90269719

>He is still seething
But he also 'doesn't care anymore' lol irl.

>> No.90269289
Quoted by: >>90269433

not schizo or tranny or a molester

>> No.90269433

keep coping

>> No.90269449

sho is my fagwife

>> No.90269719
File: 316 KB, 476x696, 1706216348222822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90270229

>it doesn't matter how they act now
what's funny about this take is that he's made the same argument for himself, saying that it does matter how he acts now
he really doesn't understand accountability and literally thinks he is above everything
including shondo's ruling. quite insane

>> No.90270167

The Mad King D won. An all you can eat buffet that is.

>> No.90270229
Quoted by: >>90270314

they're not the same subject

>> No.90270314
Quoted by: >>90270403

there are comparable parallels when they involve the vibe and the overall respect towards the moderation, community and as well as shondo

>> No.90270403
Quoted by: >>90270488

apparently not if they're not banned, besides there's a difference between someone who was too annoying to you changing and someone who was abusing you for years hiding their abuse better

>> No.90270488

well then it's a good thing the other was banned despite trying to hide their abuse.

>> No.90270567

i'm glad you agree

>> No.90270641

You are banned

>> No.90270806

>trying to hide their abuse
lol irl

>> No.90270908
Quoted by: >>90271037

so then you'd also agree that when these cases are looked into and there isn't abuse being hidden, all parties have been treated fairly and just. :)

>> No.90271037

lol irl, yeah sure if you're clueless ;)

>> No.90271151
Quoted by: >>90271189

>blaming the moderation again
odd how the actual bullies-turned-victim feel this way.

>> No.90271189
Quoted by: >>90271901

i'm not blaming the moderation, i don't know anything about it
i think it's more odd what you're doing

>> No.90271374

sit in the chair c:

>> No.90271409

bee nise
bee have

>> No.90271661
Quoted by: >>90272022

bee good and you won't bee banned

>> No.90271901
Quoted by: >>90272022

claiming cluelessness is blaming the lack of attentiveness. post above was directly blaming the moderation and we find that quite odd.

>> No.90271968
File: 253 KB, 407x345, 1730354865588047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shondo should get a beating for ruining this hag

>> No.90272022

yeah and i'm telling you right now that i have no clue if anyone is even to blame and that i find it odd you deflect it on to me
you won't bee banned for being bad either unless you annoy the wrong people

>> No.90272056

true she needs a good ol spankin

>> No.90272060

she hates everyone

>> No.90272078

I'll beat her, then coddle her like a princess
teach her obedience while making her think that I'm the only thing that could bring her joy in life

>> No.90272109
Quoted by: >>90272135

You're to blame, hope this helps

>> No.90272135

no actually you're to blame

>> No.90272152
Quoted by: >>90272275

Just don't be a schizo retard. It's not hard to get people to like you when you have empathy

>> No.90272155
Quoted by: >>90272275

i didn't deflect onto you, unless >>90271037 wasn't you. or you're just kidding again, which is always an odd and convenient tool you use to reject criticism of you.

>> No.90272275

i don't think i've ever said i was just kidding in weeks and it's by far my least used way of rejecting criticism
that was me, and i'm telling you now however you're interpreting that isn't what i'm saying right now
people do like me and i do have empathy, so i don't see what the point you're making is
no a handful of people who don't like me don't discredit that

>> No.90272309
Quoted by: >>90272336

boohoo nigga, grow up and move on already

>> No.90272336

i'm married, growing up is dealing with your problems not running away

>> No.90272399

ur divorced hope this helps

>> No.90272416
Quoted by: >>90272516

so then what were you saying when you implied they were clueless? you literally said it. the alternative is you are implying stupidity which is also just as bad.

>> No.90272471


>> No.90272474
Quoted by: >>90272516

You are divorced and forced to stare through the windows at you ex wife as she has fun with her husband(me) while you shiver in the rain.

>> No.90272480
Quoted by: >>90272516

Move on already. It's just sad watching you try and hold on like this dude.
I don't really know you, but you genuinely aren't getting back in. Continuing like this is only going to tear you up more.
Not trying to shit on you, I'm giving you advice. Move on, she's not unbanning you. You will feel infinitely better if you just accept this fact.

>> No.90272516
Quoted by: >>90272624

it doesn't matter what i was saying, now
respond to the more recent argument if you want, or don't, idc
WetCat RainTime
your opinion has been noted

>> No.90272559
File: 286 KB, 324x541, estoy1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl turned me 180° degrees from a hater to fan. I literally discovered her by shitposting here about how she was at fault for getting banned. Then, I started listening to her stream to find more bad things. I found nothing but all the things I love about female chuuba. Funny & cute voice, self-depricating humor and she is APOLITICAL. Many instances before election and right after it she reassured her fans about her anti-grifting stance. Right after election she had a very wholesome stream to make everybody feel better. If you're not into grifters always pushing to own the libtards and screaming about Marxism, shondo will heal you!!! Shondo LOVE!!!!!!!!!

>> No.90272617
File: 1.18 MB, 960x1266, 1709933565928597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy based good post shoomfie i hope you quit shitposting about chuubas in general though too

>> No.90272624
Quoted by: >>90272669

it doesn't matter? words have meaning and intent, you know. and all i've asked to explain is why you implied they were stupid or clueless, etc.

>> No.90272669
Quoted by: >>90272748

yes and my current words i'm telling you i wasn't implying that or if i was i've changed my mind, that answers your question <3

>> No.90272748
Quoted by: >>90272812

i don't care about your current words. that doesn't change what you said and implied. do you think reality works this way? apparently so, given your track record.

>> No.90272812
Quoted by: >>90273326

that's not what i implied you just misunderstood, i don't care to explain to you, add it to the list of reasons to hate me idc

>> No.90272867

lol irl

>> No.90273098
Quoted by: >>90273247

syadou what color socks are you wearing right now? ojisan wonders ;)

>> No.90273247

She's wearing her party bear socks. I told her to because it was cute

>> No.90273326
Quoted by: >>90273748

>so then you'd also agree that when these cases are looked into and there isn't abuse being hidden, all parties have been treated fairly and just. :)
>lol irl, yeah sure if you're clueless ;)

there wasn't anything to misunderstand. i responded with a conclusion to your previous statement and then you directly said that her mods are clueless. and you have just claimed now after that it wasn't a joke. so it wasn't even an implication but a claim.
either you can explain what you meant, or you can accept that you were continuing to try and turn others against her moderation and her judgement, which is what you have been criticized for doing for months.

>> No.90273745

This girl turned me 180° degrees from a husband to a hater.

>> No.90273748
File: 386 KB, 960x862, 1719203149419714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90274555

>to try and turn others against her moderation and her judgement
nigga, no one knows wtf her moderation is doing or their judgement, what i'm saying is that if you believe
>you'd also agree that when these cases are looked into and there isn't abuse being hidden, all parties have been treated fairly and just.
whole heartedly with everything we know, you're clueless
you have no idea if that's true
and neither do i

so what i'm saying now is, no, i'm not implying anything about the mods or shondo, i have no clue about any of it, and i'm not at liberty to say any more than that

also it's weird to imply that if you don't think the mods are perfect you're trying to turn the community against them but i digress, this all started from tweets i made on my twitter, not 4chan like you did, you're the one who is dragging this into shondo's community right now

you're seeing red, not everything i do or say is evil

>> No.90273813
File: 1.17 MB, 1280x720, mwah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are they arguing about XD


>> No.90273889
Quoted by: >>90273927

hey nigger stop posting images with every one of your messages its getting annoying how much of an artentionwhore you are

>> No.90273927
Quoted by: >>90273964


>> No.90273964
Quoted by: >>90274384


>> No.90274384
Quoted by: >>90274563

why? this is a Shondo thread

>> No.90274525

I thought this was /t&g/

>> No.90274555

when have i said perfection is expected of them? you are making imaginary arguments about nothing.
we have enough external information from both the moderation, shondo's involvement and testimonies and as well as community regulars participating from either reporting issues or having issues reported to them.
there is no cluelessness. unless you are clueless yourself into the interworkings of the community you were banned from. this is why you are criticized for acting "above all", because the alternative is that you are actually just clueless and stupid, or just a disrespectful anti that didn't want to behave.
i have given you plenty of leeway in this discussion and you are only proving that their judgement, shondo's included, was fair and just.
regardless of these reasons, the bottom line is you broke her trust and are unfit for the community as well as being her husband.

>> No.90274563

i was posting about the shondo discord

>> No.90274768

nice to see we're already at the point of bait threads starting to crop up

>> No.90274919

who gives a fuck about catalogue niggers

>> No.90275121

>the bottom line is you broke her trust and are unfit for the community as well as being her husband.
at least you did me the favor of making it obvious you're talking out of your ass and being manipulative
shondo is my wife

>> No.90275154

>you broke her trust and are unfit for the community as well as being her husband
What is this gay shit? Are you an actual mod or a cultist? None of you are her husband, go get your head checked.

>> No.90275160

iconic that the swarm are vedal fans and not neuro fans

>> No.90275182
Quoted by: >>90275245

ye, just like she's fleece's wife. you're free to fantasize of course, but back here in reality you're divorced and always will be. bye bye lil bro

>> No.90275235
Quoted by: >>90275442

when have i said perfection is expected of them? you are making imaginary arguments about nothing.
we have enough external information from both the moderation, shondo's involvement and testimonies and as well as community regulars participating from either reporting issues or having issues reported to them.
there is no cluelessness. unless you are clueless yourself into the interworkings of the community you were banned from. this is why you are criticized for acting "above all", because the alternative is that you are actually just clueless and stupid, or just a disrespectful anti that didn't want to behave.
i have given you plenty of leeway in this discussion and you are only proving that their judgement, shondo's included, was fair and just.

there, now respond.

>> No.90275245

not divorced, and you were never married unc ;)

>> No.90275389
Quoted by: >>90275442

>shondo is my wife
cut your losses low t c:

>> No.90275442

there's nothing to respond to because you're being bad faith, i don't need to engage because i'd just be pointing out how disingenuous you are, but you already showed that yourself
you will leave in the end

>> No.90275544

i accept your concession then :]
you are a clueless, moronic and divorced anti. carry on now.

>> No.90276107

Can you honestly deny that you're an anti at this point?

>> No.90276247

every time i accidentally click this bread some retard is raving about an irrelevant male nanoceleb, i bet you faggots post on kiwifarms (while carefully hiding that you're a lolicon)

>> No.90276357

ur gay

>> No.90276358

he could move on for his own sake and mental health, but he chooses not to. he has zero accountability for being banned multiple times.

>> No.90276514

Meds. There's like three shondophrenics on kiwifarms and they're not even husbands.

>> No.90276962

shotoes... please...

>> No.90277108


>> No.90277109

shocock and shobussy... please...

>> No.90277461
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, 1715961764925709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90277528

>“husbands” is old fanbase name it was changed to viewers officially but i’ll take it

>> No.90277528
Quoted by: >>90278651

yeah after i won

>> No.90278651

I posted this

>> No.90279728
Quoted by: >>90279936

vedal shondo chu chu~

>> No.90279936

I know you've been driven insane by being banned but that's no reason to post this cuck shit Tuffnar, even it's your everyday experience.

>> No.90280675

I love shondo

>> No.90280938
File: 944 KB, 950x882, wedding2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love shondo the most :)

>> No.90281049
Quoted by: >>90281445

>uses LTD's favorite emote in twitter reply
third rates seethe at the rise of the new king

>> No.90281445
File: 5 KB, 90x64, okak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90281781

Is that why you commissioned cuck art?

>> No.90281935
Quoted by: >>90281983

I don't give a fuck about it I don't give a fuck about it I don't give a fuck about it I don't give a fuck about it I don't give a fuck about it I don't give a fuck about it I don't give a fuck about it I don't give a fuck about it I don't give a fuck about it

>> No.90281983
Quoted by: >>90282126

thats nice shondo

>> No.90282126

It's retarded ego-stroking to the core

>> No.90282306
Quoted by: >>90283233


>> No.90283053

cute picture

>> No.90283233
Quoted by: >>90287784

i wanna be the first to say that Gary actually pulls it off well

>> No.90284845

i fully believe my wife is the main character now
this best asmrtist matchup feels like a yuri anime arc nearing climax

>> No.90285848
Quoted by: >>90286176

I don't think she'll win and that's a good thing. Nothing good ever happened from her getting a lot.of attention

>> No.90285956

sucking off fillian paid off

>> No.90286176

Nah, she'll win. And tank the resulting popularity boost

>> No.90286674
File: 6 KB, 748x868, 1723590382806395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90287784

My wife will win because she deserves only the best.

>> No.90287784
Quoted by: >>90289199

the vtuber awards are gay! ^_^

>> No.90289092
Quoted by: >>90290110

i will cosplay as fallenshadow next

>> No.90289199

You're a retarded nonce so your opinion doesn't matter
It clearly matters to her, which all that does matter

>> No.90289623
Quoted by: >>90290669

>7 ASMR streams this year
>1 video
>nominated for best ASMR
they must be damn good streams kek. i feel bad for asmrtists who got snubbed

>> No.90289867
Quoted by: >>90290110

honestly if gary cosplayed shondo it would be be the funniest thing ever

>> No.90290110
Quoted by: >>90290192

twasnt me
… maybe… after i get my shumo, then ill make sure zman and shondo see me cosplay with my shumo. itll be legendary

>> No.90290192

>>90290110 (me)
if theres an outfit (or close to matching clothes of) shondo, i will do it.

>> No.90290311
File: 506 KB, 655x547, pantsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the panties on #099, pettan is god of pantsu.

>> No.90290669

Fauna getting nominated is just as bad considering she rarely does ASMR anymore either.

>> No.90290759

id personally nominate zenya for asmr ^_^

>> No.90291033
Quoted by: >>90291234

Zman should unironically be banned for bringing this blight into the community.
Gary, would you honestly fuck off if Zman was permabanned?

>> No.90291234
Quoted by: >>90295481

… i mean it sounds petty, but being petty is nothing new to this community. yes i would

>> No.90291573
File: 647 KB, 1024x1024, fute bagel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's my fute bagel

>> No.90292902
File: 152 KB, 1850x1058, 1713593504507578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90294051
Quoted by: >>90294253

do you think olivia would be upset if i used the n word near her

>> No.90294253

nice person?

>> No.90295473
File: 67 KB, 300x250, 1710016220241399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90295728

>> No.90295481
Quoted by: >>90295856

>>90291234 (me)
itd suck tho cuz i wouldnt be able to make cool videos and do stats for Shondopolis anymore.

>> No.90295728
Quoted by: >>90297769

cute baby

>> No.90295856

no it wouldn't. you can go ahead and leave right now honestly.

>> No.90296092

some husbands are the biggest whores and they still get treated good

>> No.90296624 [SPOILER] 
File: 357 KB, 979x1826, 1719760816028525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90296655

doesnt fit her at all

>> No.90296692

dem toes tho yummy

>> No.90297769
File: 720 KB, 795x703, baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90298091

the cutest

>> No.90297961
File: 1.25 MB, 1011x1740, 124643268_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90298031

zenyas asmr is way better than shondo

>> No.90298084

Shondo need to do fricking deep kiss ASMR

>> No.90298091


>> No.90298300
Quoted by: >>90298468

shondo needs to do a divorce ASMR

>> No.90298468
File: 1.19 MB, 2561x1442, pathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mods, explode his boluses

>> No.90298498

seriously tho, wen deep kiss asmr

>> No.90298916

never you insecure groomer anti

>> No.90299040

seriously tho, wen the oiled feet on the ASMR mic

>> No.90299094

get out of the discord you are banned and divorced

>> No.90299237

never because you're a degenerate
stop replying to yourself

>> No.90299240
Quoted by: >>90299377

im not an insecure groomer anti. WHY WONT SHE DO KISSING

>> No.90299377

stop larping and replying to yourself

>> No.90299492
Quoted by: >>90299573

groomer anti

>> No.90299532

buddy… come on… someone else has gotta want deep kiss asmr too

>> No.90299573

i have never made a single anti post

>> No.90299589

It is pretty funny how he is just transparently ban evading while claiming she is 'possessive' of him despite banning him from every community space and muting him on Twitter.

>> No.90299675

you need to get a job
or a hobby, perchance

>> No.90299726

My job? Sysadmin. My hobby? Dereking.

>> No.90299816

you need a new hobby

>> No.90299940
File: 24 KB, 128x128, 1731709345291055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe that I would enjoy intercourse with the so called "Baby Bunny".

>> No.90300000
Quoted by: >>90300101

average T anti

>> No.90300006

im unemployed with no hobbies and i say kill all ban evading shoggers

>> No.90300101
Quoted by: >>90300203

the average T anti is just T posting and then attacking himself or just some random poster who T decided to attack over nothing

>> No.90300203
Quoted by: >>90300304

>arguing with these digits
take the hint unc

>> No.90300304

>take the hint
you should take the hint after being ejected from shontopia permanently
leave the discord

>> No.90300415
Quoted by: >>90300561

i'm not in the discord and i'm only banned for a year (my strikes will reset and then i will be banned for another year shortly after i use my next 3 strikes)

>> No.90300561
Quoted by: >>90300771

>i'm not in the discord
a liar as well as a divorcee

>> No.90300615
Quoted by: >>90300771

it's just basic manipulation
he's taken all meaning out of how important our "forever" is with her by using it as an excuse to disrespect her further
just the very idea of thinking she meant this in any way that you should ban evade and desperately cling to her is a literal twist of her words and genuine anti-behavior
every instance of "forever' means that she is reciprocating you, and she is no longer doing that if she is the one finalizing your ban and going out of her way to mute your alt accounts. he is an anti in the literal sense.

>> No.90300636
File: 157 KB, 241x320, oh-my-goodness-gracious-oh-my-goodness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90300771
File: 720 KB, 1342x1120, 1719210576203789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friend is in the discord not me >;P

>> No.90300919
Quoted by: >>90301076

an anti with anti friends as well as a liar and divorcee

>> No.90301076
File: 233 KB, 740x1123, 1716368857014429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't forget my anti fetish art i work hard on it :'(

>> No.90301567

that's it.
what else is there to say when this is an accurate, pinpoint assessment of you?
you exist solely now to disrespect the same girl who's trust you broke several times over.
based on your words, you are just a hate watcher now.

>> No.90303077
Quoted by: >>90303336

its shondopolis

>> No.90303336

shondopolis = anti-rhetoric

>> No.90303355
Quoted by: >>90303925

I will be the king of Shondopia, and Shondo my queen

>> No.90303925

