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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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90197223 No.90197223 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no rrat for tsunomaki watame?

>> No.90197423

No one is retarded enough to mess with the Watamage directly, she already destroyed a whole company

>> No.90197514
Quoted by: >>90197944

there's a rat for her right here

>> No.90197944

I wonder how hard Watame slammed Bae's pelvis.

>> No.90198002
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>> No.90198203
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She's the enabler of rrats and shitposting. Watame is untouchable.

>> No.90198274

Let me change that right now, because I have credible sources telling me that Watame is did in fact do something wr

>> No.90198307

Wataposters are also brutal combatants, its best to not poke the sleeping flock.

>> No.90198320

potato chips...

>> No.90198341

My RRAT is that Watame and Ui aren't the same person

>> No.90198428
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>Implying Watame can ever do anything wrong

>> No.90198482

They're simultaneously the most peaceful and most destructive force on the board
It's the same like how people are terrified to make rrats about Reine

>> No.90198525

If only EN fanbases could learn to obliterate the shitposters instead of biting bait nonstop

>> No.90198710

a-anon? Anon?!?

>> No.90198739
Quoted by: >>90200317

>how people are terrified to make rrats about Reine
qrd? Why would people be afraid of some mega-lesbian like Reine? She's just really rich afaik

>> No.90199047

Brownfeet is too busy being obsessed with Fauna.

>> No.90199120

the rrat is she did something wrong

>> No.90199292
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Because she didn't do anything wrong, you retard

>> No.90199409

girigiri warukunai watame faggot

>> No.90200167
Quoted by: >>90200187

Didn't watamates doxx and sign up for the military an anti or something along those lines?

>> No.90200187

I think it happened twice

>> No.90200317
Quoted by: >>90218415

anon, one does not become rich without connections and Reine has enough to silence people without government interference, that's scary as fuck while you also consider she can easily track you down no matter what vpn you use, when people found out which family she belonged to every indo shitposter noped the fuck out.

>> No.90200335
Quoted by: >>90200494

Too dangerous, even SEA and phasecucks know better.

>> No.90200378

there are only ironic watacucks here

>> No.90200440
Quoted by: >>90201052

why do people obsess over rrats

>> No.90200452

I still remember how CN watamages ddoxed an anti and signed him up for CN military enlistment just because the guy made the mistake of attacking Watame (and it was during the Coco incident so attacking Holo was way more acceptable in CN than usual)
The anti likely just cancelled the enlistment by calling CN government office and told them it was a mistake, but that definitely was still a rather scary moment (not to mention getting fully ddoxed)

>> No.90200494

you don't even know what the lines are. there's a reason why Phase loves the sheep.

>> No.90201052
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many good reasons

>> No.90201097
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All she has to do is give me the order and I'll ride to war.

>> No.90201169

same reason why there aren't any rrats for koyori, anya, iroha, or hajime.
shitposters on /vt/ will only gossip about holos if they are at least one of these four:
>JP with the biggest numbers
>male collaber
>loose RM opsec
just about two-thirds of holos does not fit any of them so they never get discussed.

watame is slightly different because she was a close orbiter of Coco at the height of her popularity so she spawned some memes on her own, but outside of watamelon or watamage she is too boring for this board. rrats of her exist but it's so rarely talked about that newfags couldn't find it without stumbling by chance

>> No.90201198 [DELETED] 

>Get friend whose only JRPG experience was Persona 3/5 to play CT
>He keeps repeating that he likes Persona better the entire time
He did finish it (with my help, he often couldn't find where to go next) but it was pretty annoying

>> No.90201230
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one day, brother

>> No.90202436

She is three of those four anon

>> No.90206109

Because the last chink to fuck around with her had the Watamates fuck over his life by doxxing him and using his personal information to sign him up for the People’s Army and Falun Gong, amongst other organizations. There is a non-zero chance he may even be dead or imprisoned over it.

>> No.90206185

the last time some chinks tried to start some shit they got enlisted to the PLA

>> No.90206275
Quoted by: >>90208233

If holonewfags on this board saw Watames tweets about defending herself for interacting with a Holostar there would be constant Watame anti threads for weeks.

>> No.90206546

/vt/ doesnt speak a lick of japanese. They rely on clips and poorly translated JP shitposts to make their own rrats.

>> No.90208233

that isn't secret knowledge, anon. nobody is going to anti watame just to end up in a watamate ran prison camp.

>> No.90208965
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Anon? This reminds of the time someone mentioned Candlejack and th

>> No.90211840

>this board is so new that twenty one pilots thing is forgotten

>> No.90211877
Quoted by: >>90218189

Oh shit Watame was the thread sni

>> No.90211963
Quoted by: >>90218189

silly sheep. candeljack doesnt ex

>> No.90212515


>> No.90212530

I honestly just want some ammo against helmir. That fucking unicorn is camping the stars sub because apparently main sub isn't enough

>> No.90214346

cry more tranny

>> No.90214954
File: 636 KB, 1024x683, Watamelon(HeldabyYagoo).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Watamelon and Watamage posting are the best thing of this whole board

>> No.90215344
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>> No.90215758
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Watamelon is one of the most powerful memes ever created in the vtubing sphere.

>> No.90216227
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>newfags gloss over her
>no one understands Japanese
>clips of her are rare
>As more normies get into Holo, Watamates make up smaller and smaller parts of the fanbase, and hide better
Newfags fuck off, we're full

>> No.90217881

>That fucking unicorn is camping the stars sub because apparently main sub isn't enough
You sound like a psychotic faggot. Take your fucking meds.

>> No.90217961
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I'd prefer if Watame fucked me into bed.

>> No.90218189
Quoted by: >>90218595

Why are you filling out the captcha and hitting post before finishing your sentences?

>> No.90218250

She used to have antis until Watamates got that one guy killed.

>> No.90218402

All lies.

>> No.90218415
Quoted by: >>90227834

> when people found out which family she belonged to every indo shitposter noped the fuck out.

>> No.90218595
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>> No.90218739

You can't prove anything.

>> No.90218955
File: 151 KB, 242x311, 1710848024123423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90224241

Here's my rrat: Watame has an alter-ego named Watamage that can cast magic and make her enem

>> No.90219010
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It was ruled as an accident

>> No.90219046

>rrats of her exist
even with that thoughall it showed was something that was over before she joined Hololive.

>> No.90219279

When WW3 happens, I'm going to the front with a picture of Watame in my wallet.

>> No.90219355
Quoted by: >>90219516

The fact that one Watamate managed to singlehandedly discredit the entire homobeggar movement on Reddit through sheer force of autism will never cease to amaze me.

>> No.90219516
Quoted by: >>90219555

Wait what?

>> No.90219555
Quoted by: >>90219591


>> No.90219591
Quoted by: >>90219932

No I must have missed it is all. I don't usually go amongst watamates.

>> No.90219659

Do we know all the notable Watamates?

I know Pippa is a Watamate she gets almost religiously upset when anyone brings up the prospect of her collabing with Watamae saying she is unworthy.

>> No.90219755

>I know Pippa is a Watamate
Pippa is whatever its popular to be

>> No.90219932

In a nutshell, there's a really dedicated Watamate who just started arguing with people whenever they'd bring up any kind of "idol culture bad" narrative. The beggars started going after him really hard, and so he kept receipts of their unhinged behavior by going into the homo dens and screenshotting blatant anti-holo posts, and would bring them out whenever someone started to argue with him, oftentimes having screenshots of the specific person he was arguing with being a hololive anti. He was so good at this (and his arguments were honestly just that good besides that), that public opinion on the hololive subreddit shifted pretty heavily into wanting complete segregation of the fanbases, because he exposed the homo fans for the psychotic lunatics that they are.

>> No.90220280
Quoted by: >>90220508

Come on.
We all know that he guy killed himself by shooting the back of his head four times.

>> No.90220382
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>> No.90220402
Quoted by: >>90221481

Kek, did he used watame images while doing it?
If so, there's a high chance that watame aware of his action.

>> No.90220458


>> No.90220508
File: 484 KB, 799x851, suicide1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic suicide...

>> No.90220854

and here we have Viser blowing his cover like a dumbass.

>> No.90221481

No Watame images, but Watame is definitely aware of the guy. He's had interactions with her directly, since Watame is one of the few who actually uses the Hololive subreddit since Coco left.

>> No.90224241

Watamage? I'm more a fan of Watamartials, myself. The Watamonk especially since the 6d6 horn drill at level 4 is fucking cracked.

>> No.90224675

This retarded post implies that she has issues but people ignore/don't understand her when in fact she is harmless, you're just doing a ton mental gymnastics to say you're an EOPfag

>> No.90227279

You know, if you have to look for dirt on the guy instead of rebutting his argumemts rationally, your dumbass might just be wrong.

>> No.90227834

Nice try, Anya, I am not giving myself away by answering this q

>> No.90229036
File: 135 KB, 367x361, 1704280280952190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think they made the 900 second cooldown for posting from a new IP? Watamates, that's why

>> No.90233723

Victoria Brightshield

>> No.90234049
File: 7 KB, 570x194, Noneedforverification.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the rules:
1. Watame did nothing wrong.
2. Watame did nothing wrong.
3. Watame did nothing wrong.
4. In the event that Watame did something wrong, see rule number 1.

>> No.90236427
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>> No.90237630
File: 774 KB, 802x832, 1650142001594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys had to be there, it was so fun.

>> No.90238907

Only thing watame did wrong was not doing it yet. I don't know what it is yet but I'm sure when she does it its not her fault.

>> No.90243313

she's too big
