Topping off this week with more Resident Evil CVX.>who is Nina?Welcome to /nina/! This thread is dedicated to Nina Saotome, an indie VTuber and VSinger. Her content includes gaming (retro, kusoge, RPGs...), zatsudan and singing.She is known for her powerful and sultry singing voice, her sisterly personality and her hard work.>Interested in how Nina sings?Here is a small selection of her covers:>Other links and resources>Youtube>Twitter>Unofficial VOD archivesNew:>Unofficial archive of various lewd OC, KK and sloppa>Related threadsLarge indies >>>/vt//lig/Western VTubers >>>/vt//wvt/Previous thread: >>90009085
Thanks Nina
I love Nina so much, bros.
>>90148220Phase 4 hitting in full force.
>>90148274Phase 4 was headache week, i'm pretty sure she's back to phase 1 now, if not 2
Nina? Love her
I love Nina! I was too lazy to edit all 80 frames of the original gif!
>>90148382Thanks I hate it
>>90148382We have shibes into pegging? also we are getting greeted yesss
>>90148314I have a list dating back 6 months for blood shark time. She is still in Phase 4.
>>90148497Idk I just saw that while browsing r34 and figured she looks a lot like Nina.
How was movie night yesterday? I wasn't there.
>movie nights >game nights>casual vc hangouts>hyper GFE ASMR>talks of an IRL meetupAre we reaching a new level of parasocialism?
>>90148702It's a little bit inbetween Oli and Inis, all we need inow s more random pings of random stuff on her minds, voice message and bonus unscheduled movie nights.
>>90148702I think its less about being parasocial, more about being grateful, which is great too dont get me wrong.
>>90148819Shibes are getting groomed...
>>90148702For Nina, yes. But she's yet to open a P.O. box and ask for worn sweaters from the Shibes.
>>90148841She has said she wants to show her gratitude more, and has thought about sub only stuff but feels guilty about gating stuff (also sub only streams on twitch are dumb)
>>90148663Movie was super fun, there was after voice chat chilling some time after movie but I went to sleep before Nina was back.
>Nina loves video essaysHas Nina ever done react light content? excluding the Sex House subathon thing
>>90148841I'm afraid that some Shibes take the gratitude part in a weird way.There was some weird oilers out there.
>>90148819>InisIf Nina asked be to swab myself so she could smell my scent I'd do it without question
>>90148702Not until the shibes have to wait in bread lines
>>90149017Nina pretty much just hung out about an hour and played MMR herself.
>>90149105What did they do?
Hi Nina, I felt like you needed a pick me up. I had a feeling like you could use some joy in your life so I wanted to bring you that little bit of happiness, comfort, and maybe some laughs. So I made this for you, I hope it cheers you up.>>>/wsg/5742411I hope you like it. The filename is a pun and reference to Mr. Falcon. Have a happy Sunday!We're all going to make it. God bless you.
I wish I was stuck between Nina's plot hills the way Layna really likes Nina
>>90149506Kek good work
>>90149939Does she? Can't read the room really from this clip
Why does Geega dislike Nina?
>>90150326Settle down kitten, it's a Sunday
>>90150158It goes on for like 5 minutes
>>90150158She does. I watch Layna from time to time to see that she is also socially awkward, just in a different wayIf she goes out of her way to DM someone, let alone send shitpost art to her, then she likes her
>>90149585Me, too, Charles. Me, too.
>>90149945Thanks brother
>>90148869>open a P.O. box and ask for worn sweaterswhat fuckin chuuba does this...?
>>90151103Olivia. Inis wanted to take it a step further and asked for cotton swabs with the viewer's sweat.
>>90151103>what fuckin chuuba does this...?Mine.
>>90148869I misread this and thought you said Nina DID do this...
>>90150766Close, but not cigar
>>90150326Geega has main character syndrome
What Would Brian Boitano Do?
>>90151402True. Geega ruins every stream she's in by being insufferably self-absorbed.
Speaking of, Nina said the deodorant stream sounded like a fun idea so maybe she'd want to try it herself
>>90151875I wonder what that guy felt when she turned up and put that under his nose
Why are chatters such unfunny faggots?
Smelling Nina's hairy pits
The distraction worked
Is Nina revealing that she never shaves her legs or pits? Why is she so mystified by face shaving, for reasons that all literally apply to leg or pit shaving?
>>90152205She said last year the only place she shaved was her legs because she wears tights and such. Which lead us to speculate everywhere else was untouched. Also her obsession with bushes.
>>90152291So if she shaves her legs, why is she confused by razors being sharp, pulling loose skin tight to shave it, and other things that you deal with in leg shaving just as much as face shaving?
>>90152563The better question is why do you know so much about leg shaving?
>>90152851All shaving is the same. The only thing that changes is the location, not the mechanics.
I wish Nina would casually softly sing and hum more (like she just did with over the rainbow), it's my #1 ASMR trigger and also one that's impossibly under-served.
>>90152930>All shaving is the same.It's actually not. Depending on the location and hair you either shave with the hair or against it.
I'm THIS close to buying a red tactical vest and a huge revolver
>>901534692.0 was peak Nina, even if Lolina is fantastic
>>90153127You should always do two passes: first with the grain, then against the grain. That gets you the closest, safest, least irritating shave no matter the hair.
>>90153573Also master single bladed razors and use an ultra sharp razor like the feather brand to really minimize skin rash/burn and avoid ingrown hairs.
>>90153469>>90153513Lolina is technically old enough to have pubes at least
Collabs you would like to see even if they're unlikely?captcha:4WGYAT
>>90153073>wish grantedBased Nina.
>>90152563Because with leg shaving, the only annoying part is the joints. The rest is firm.
>>90154198Nina and Jets karaoke.
>>90154198I'd love a Nina/ERB collab.
>>90154464I see where you are coming from.
>>90154360Everyone has skin around the thighs that's at least as soft/loose as neck skin.
>>90154198Nina Nino Nene.
>>90154493They could bang out some great duets.
>>90154510>Nina NinoThat would be funny and not even far from possible. Nina/Mint or Nina/Jelly for me.
fake christianboring bitch
>>90154677>not even far from possibleExplain. They're not in similar circles are they?
>>90155341It just a joke that writes itself and it doesn't take more than a stupid joke to reach out.
>>90154198Clauvio. She talked about wanting to collab with Nina but being too shy to DM her. Her new schedule lines up better with Nina too.
>>90149159bred lines...
>>90154198Menace ASMR collab.
Oh yeah, a Nina/Mint Fantome collab would go hard I think. Huge potential there.
I'm surprised no one has asked for the obvious collab so far.
>>90157848Listen, we are like 6 months in, if we were supposed to get this collab, we wouldve.
>>90154198Shibe Ch.
>>90157945Marriage collab.
>>90157848This one is obviously in my list of collabs I desperately want but lately there's a lot of antiposts or grumpy shibes, so I didn't bring it up.>>90157946Nina's is just now feeling comfortable talking about green publicly. If it even happens, it will still take time.
Oh that reminds me. To the anon managing the Mega here's a more up to date version of an edit that's already there.
Next week the final special stream bros...
>>90159898Imagine how good la creatividad will be when her spaghetti has time to cook
>>90160369some of these streams have had tens of hours of prep anon..
>disc 2 now, after all this timeIs the game that long or is Nina that shit?
>>90160483The special streams have been peak, no denying it but I imagine with even more prep time, Nina is capable of even more incredible thingsSimple as
>>90160525more like there has been quite a few streams of the game but we didnt game much gameplay of it.
>>90154464Hypothetically possible if Green hooks her up. I'd watch
>>90157848I'm gonna get on my schizo soapbox and say there was enough evidence to assume one was planned for a special stream, and hopefully it just got pushed back instead of rejected on it's face. It still does kinda sound like they're trying to cook something
>>90161007If it was planned and she didn't appear, that would've stung anyone who calls the other person a friend. Nina already had enough of people ghosting her.
>>90161007Was there more evidence than a follow?
>>90154198Nina and Mint Metal Gear karaoke
>>90161091I'll give you a (You) because I feel nice, but you're not being subtle.
>>90161202I wasn't implying anything special, but she has issues with artists non stop, we know bat ghosted her multiple times etc. that's all am sayin
>>90161110>Nina while explaining the special streams once said one of them might be an extra special collab>One time Shondo popped into chat and Nina DMed her something she "got approval for" for a special stream and Shondo said we're in for a treat. I can't think of anything she did that would need outside approval or get Shondo particularly excited like that
>>90161007I think that might have been people reading into things too much. It's really up in the air that if a collab happens if it'll be with blue or green since there is precedent for both. But i think being allowed to do something under their corpo persona was much earlier in EN's life and i'm not sure if it'd happen again.Maybe Green/Blue will be able to leave a message for Nina's birthday at least. Personally I'm not desperate as other shibes are, i'd rather not obsess over it and enjoy whatever Nina does for now, and her collabs with her other friends.
>>90161252>she didn't appear>who calls the other person a friendYou're implying a lot with this phrasing.
>>90161292The approval thing could be talking about the game shes in.
>>90161355There is also the rrat the distance is there because otherwise it might hurt getting picked up, but i dont buy that one personally.Has been debunked by holomems multiple times
Oh, just something from a Vivi stream, while talking about TCGs she mentioned that there might be something cool next year that she can't talk about yet, strongly implied it might be a card thing.Fingers crossed all the barbies are in it - so we could get a Nina card.
>>90161467I don't buy it because I don't think she's trying to get picked up
>>90161292The extra special collab might have been the one stream with Shibe Ch.
>Nina's butt is the warmest part of her body
>>90161564I buy because I think she is trying to get picked up, and she wants to be extra careful to keep both lives separate already.
>>90161545There's a few indie/small corpo chuuba card games so hopefully it's that. Based on some of the people getting cards in those the barbs easily pass the popularity bar
For what it's worth towards the start of green Nina did mention they were trying to make a collab happen, but who knows how many management approvals or goals green needs to hit for it to happen. But i do think people should stop being weird about it.
>>90161110The follow is pretty conspicuous because she basically follows no one so it doesn't feel like just a homie follow. Maybe they're working on a project like a song instead of just some basic game collab
>>90161823I only remember Nina talking about meeting with her in person again.
>>90161623And I need it on my face.
>>90162149When did I write this?
Welp. This thread always gets weird whenever bean is mentioned.
>>90162365I thought the discussion was civil? I dont see any weird posts, just people speculating.
Dorito's EN management does have a pretty strong incentive to lay off on what the talents are allowed to do right now, and if they're too blinded to notice it yet they better get with the times soon
>>90161564Actually, she is trying to get picked up. By me.
>>90162592They are going to lose talents over 2025 as everyone literally realised they arent needed unless they want to roleplay into japanese vtubing.
>>90162714Predictable.The /nina/ seethe starts again.
>>90162878That post had no seethe tho?
>>90162714They're going to lose talents regardless, the question is if they can make enough internal compromises to stem it or if the branch will be a husk by the end of the year. But that's not really a discussion for here unless we're doing deep 3rd eye speculation>>90162878>pattern recognition is seething
Stop replying to bait bros
Nice yaps today, a relaxing end to an exciting week, and only 1 week of pure kino left. Let's make it count.RATE IT
>>90163600I love my oshi bros / 10Week rating, 10/10
>>90163600How the hell did she finish that game without saves?/10.
>>90164075Saving this. Thanks.