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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 505 KB, 1749x1148, DuendeMouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
90093002 No.90093002 [Reply] [Original]

Un Duende Edition

Welcome to /mouse/ - Ironmouse General!

We don't think there is a stream today, Maybe a watchalong but no word yet.

This is the thread to discuss Ironmouse and her streams. Please avoid discussions that are not relevant to Mouse or her streams.

Image Source: https://x.com/MggArte/status/1860000528178250216/photo/1

Mouse: https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Clips: https://www.youtube.com/@MouseClipsOfficial
VODS: https://www.youtube.com/@IRONMOUSEVODS
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ironmouse
Twitter: https://x.com/ironmouse
Other: https://pastebin.com/mnRVN6bA

Related Threads:
VShojo+ General: /vsj+/

Previous Thread: >>89955712

>> No.90093077

I was just about to bake with the same image and edition kek.

>> No.90093359
File: 273 KB, 1506x1250, MonkeMouseHugging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90093515


>> No.90093641
Quoted by: >>90093725

Kill all Mouse haters.

>> No.90093725
File: 106 KB, 227x311, DontInsultMouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90094012

report monkesperg he's breaking containment with his illness it's getting out of hand dude needs to end himself.

>> No.90094096
File: 994 KB, 2500x2500, love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse please add #mouseylust to your twitter bio
Also feel better soon

>> No.90094472
Quoted by: >>90094841

He has every right to make his posts. They aren't rule breaking.

>> No.90094724
Quoted by: >>90094860


>> No.90094841
Quoted by: >>90095035

he's making it known he wants to suck monkes cock while mouse is sad is wild.

>> No.90094860
Quoted by: >>90095035

He's fighting ghosts

>> No.90095035

I can believe he's actually a mousesperg while being a die hard connor gosling.

>> No.90096670

>Connor presenting the best vtuber award at the streamer awards
Now I'm not saying I would want Mouse to lose but it would be funny...

>> No.90096820
Quoted by: >>90097005

Are they still only taking twitch vtubers?

>> No.90096831

They are literally setting this up for failure aren't they kek. Make Connor the presenter of the vtuber award and then Doki or Vedal wins kek

>> No.90097005

nope it's always been open to everyone even Holo but since they don't care they never get nominated

>> No.90097124

there is also the industry nomination but I guess none of the people they ask about that care about holo much

>> No.90097176

I don't really believe that but if it's true I expect one of the new indies like Mint, Doki, or Dooby to win. Probably not Dooby because she just came out.

>> No.90097184

oh wait never mind I think that is gamer awards

>> No.90097383
Quoted by: >>90097521

the people in charge of the awards are deeply connected with twitch staff
they're already biased against vtubers in general, the ones that know about hololive actively hate it. you see it all the time on reddit and twitter

>> No.90097430

Doki is nominated
All nominations is all fan voted and the winner is 70% fan voted as well
So if they are not at least nominated its the fans or the creator to blame for not pushing for it
Doki did and shes nominated

>> No.90097499
File: 118 KB, 1028x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to QT's site the nominations are done through popular vote with one panel chosen nominee. Mouse was likely the panel pick last year for SOTY just like Emiru is speculated to be the panel pick this year as a token woman in the SOTY category. I'd imagine Doki or Zen was probably the panel pick for vtubers this year.

>> No.90097521
Quoted by: >>90097678

Oh wow didn't know the streamer QTcinderella is Twitch staff affiliated /s

>> No.90097678
File: 162 KB, 640x785, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90098042


>> No.90098042

"They" speak exclusively redditspeak.

>> No.90099023
File: 529 KB, 2048x2048, DokoMouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90099557

>> No.90099557

live in 12hrs

>> No.90099753
Quoted by: >>90100149

I can see zen wining this year.

>> No.90100149

I think she's got the least shot of the 4. Mouse is Mouse who has a huge and loyal fanbase and probably the most recognition of any vtuber to the western normie audience. Doki had a lot of notoriety around her this year so she's probably got the 2nd most recognition outside the vtuber community. Vedal has an insanely dedicated fan base who literally put an ad in times square to vote for vedal and some normie recognition as LSF seem to like Neuro clips. Zen has VShojo and western indie vtuber audiences but has no real recognition outside of that. As much as I love Zen and do wish she got some recognition I don't think it's her year.

>> No.90100348

Besides the first time Mouse won
I have no idea whos gonna win this year

>> No.90100444

I don't think she does. I think Vedal does, honestly, but only if people realize that Neuro = Vedal which I think a lot of casuals don't know. If the casual vote pushes anybody over it's Mouse and that's it.

>> No.90100465

I'm voting Zen.

>> No.90100500

I think doki might get it this year. I have seen more and more people talking about voting her over mouse in a lot of places. Combine that with the split vote with zen and the very real chance doki wins the industry vote and I think she will win.

>> No.90100617
Quoted by: >>90100945

You're forgetting the very large non-vtuber fan vote. Which is 90% going to vote Mouse because she's the only one they know.

>> No.90100657
Quoted by: >>90100945

Social media buzz means nothing. Realistically, Mouse is the only vtuber most people voting in this have even heard of.

>> No.90100748
Quoted by: >>90101501

Counter point. Gigantic 3D zentreya breasts.

>> No.90100945

I don't know much but isn't 2 wins the limit?

>> No.90101161

Mouse is gonna be so fuckin pissed when she sees that Connor video.

>> No.90101225

she won't you fucking spaz retard kys

>> No.90101309

imagine defending your best friend

>> No.90101501
File: 324 KB, 2048x2048, BLTDemonMouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Counter counter point. Big Latina Demon Tittolies

>> No.90101531
Quoted by: >>90101896

>clickbait title
>uses clips she hates
It's the leechiest leech that ever leeched

>> No.90101624

Why would she be pissed at an video defending her and vtubers in general? there's much positive feedback and many small vtubers thanking connor for talking about this in the comments. Also he probably told her beforehand about this video she knows.

>> No.90101687
Quoted by: >>90101905

Why are you all slobing at obvious baits?

>> No.90101726

In the end I like all 3 of the other candidates and if one of them beats Mouse I wouldn't be upset. But lets go Mouse 3peat wooooo

>> No.90101770
File: 16 KB, 435x114, 1701714864335066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of

>> No.90101896

kys already you mouse hater

>> No.90101905
Quoted by: >>90101962

Sometimes i like to entertain the retard just to see what kind of stupid shit he will come up with

>> No.90101962

monkesperg at it again like always all day.

>> No.90102672

charity relay

>> No.90104448


>> No.90104540
File: 16 KB, 527x151, 1724529973779438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh. Of fucking course.

>> No.90104696

It's joever

>> No.90104740
File: 2.93 MB, 1959x2048, 1722618631015582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90104768

Thank you elonmusk

>> No.90104810


>> No.90104813

I used to think dexerto was alright. Guess clickbait is just too profitable now.

>> No.90104909 [DELETED] 

>uses his platform to leech of mouse and boost his clout pretending to care
>ends up worsening things by bringing mouse back into the news for her to get even more hate
i didnt think i could hate him even more but here we are

>> No.90104996


>> No.90105035
File: 2.56 MB, 498x498, classic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video about blind hate and the comments guess what filled with blind hate

>> No.90105094

we hate you more and mouse hates you the most kys already you are part of the problem.

>> No.90105188

you don't have the balls to do anything on main so stfu

>> No.90105189

Hear me out

>> No.90105213

This just made me realize he used mod screenshots so either Mouse explicitly gave these to him or one of her mods did.

>> No.90105214
Quoted by: >>90105474

You're saying that but she's currently sex chatting with him right now kek

>> No.90105229
File: 34 KB, 1010x204, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90105399

He's breaking containment

>> No.90105354

Come up with something new this bait is already overused. Also stop using words you don't even know what it means.

>> No.90105399

I dunno, he has a point.

>> No.90105474


>> No.90105496
Quoted by: >>90105599


>> No.90105599
Quoted by: >>90105814

Mouse would be so disappointed in you.

>> No.90105612

I have conflicting feelings on Dexerto. On one hand it has lead to so many more people learning about Mouse and the IDF. On the other hand the amount of toxicity added from this sucks.

>> No.90105643
Quoted by: >>90105917

What point does he have? all you see in the comment section is positive comments, so many vtubers and people with illness thanking connor.

>> No.90105814

mouse always tells me she told you to kys already

>> No.90105917

>mouse is the most stressed shes been in ages
>decides to stream less to help minimize issues
>tries to stay out of things and keep her head down to reduce hate
>her bf thinks it is a great idea to bring up all of the hate again to get free clicks
>now she has to either ignore everything when you know her chat will be spamming her about it or pretend to be happy he went against her wishes for drama
it isnt that difficult to understand

>> No.90106309 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.06 MB, 1857x2048, 1705580266679706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90106432


>> No.90106397

I mean he's her bf of course he'll go out of his way to defend her its normal

>> No.90106417

Not really it's gonna be the same as always if anything this video will have more of a positive impact than anything just reading the comment section is proof enough, also "get free clicks" the last time he did a video like this was to defend kaho because of that irl incident. He is just defending his friend, if you don't think he didn't told mouse beforehand about this video you are dumb.

>> No.90106432


>> No.90106557
File: 295 KB, 523x609, 1715040805897224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90106791


>> No.90106840
File: 7 KB, 155x100, 1702896850395180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90106983


>> No.90106903
Quoted by: >>90106934

Can't ask to be voted for lest she be attacked by geckos.

>> No.90106934
File: 1 KB, 193x28, 1711003629441185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90107379


>> No.90106983

Connor as always proving why he and mouse are best friends since they met

>> No.90107067

monkesperg kys already you don't care for mouse at all.

>> No.90107339
File: 694 KB, 1055x1032, MonkeMouseHappy13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bestest

>> No.90107379

Geckos, you know what you must do.

>> No.90107571

You forgot to add he used that bed clip she hates. I don't agree with you but you can't leave that one out.

>> No.90107599

I think this year will be competitive. Between voter fatigue for Mouse and the split VShojo vote it'll be a tight race

>> No.90107636

didnt watch the vid but thanks for the info

>> No.90107696

Mouse hates any old clip of hers. There is a reason she nuked the VOD channel when they started uploading 2020 streams.

>> No.90107818

the attached article is pretty decent all things considered

>> No.90107952

Oh monke even tweeted about it someone must be happy about all the support, thanks connor for always looking out for her

>> No.90108060

Yeah, glad to have someone like him on her side

>> No.90108453

He has 85 pages of mod logs. why do people think he just uploaded this without notifying mouse?

>> No.90108675

He ignored her and just went to the mods.

>> No.90108712
Quoted by: >>90108832

Do you expect spergs to use their brain? also one of them just admitted they didn't even watched the video. They are sperging because they don't like connor

>> No.90108831

he probably hacked her account

>> No.90108832

A perfectly valid reason.

>> No.90108919


>> No.90109107

you're such a loser

>> No.90109244

QT's rules, so who knows.

>> No.90109322
Quoted by: >>90109551

I think she limits 3 nominations per streamer

>> No.90109378

His alter ego is hollow

>> No.90109551
Quoted by: >>90109951

Kai got nominated for 5 awards, quite stupid qt should have limited to 2 or 3 max to give chance to others streamers

>> No.90109951
Quoted by: >>90110066

I think since some are events they get the extra pass pass but idk her rules
that was for the last time idk if she just said fuck it this year

>> No.90110066

Nta but I think I only remember her mentioning not wanting the same people for categories that kind of represent the same thing as that would just cause issues.

>> No.90110151
Quoted by: >>90110517

I was wondering how the heck he had all that chat log from her chat in a doc maybe mouse is planning to do something? i see no reason for mouse ask her mods to compile all that just for connor use in this video and he barely showed anything he just read a few comments

>> No.90110346

Connor is smart
Using this
Farming vote forthis

>> No.90110517
Quoted by: >>90110775

Mouse has mentioned having saved things before. Mainly cringe emails like that 10 page Connor one to save up for some stream idea. Could be related to that? I think she was also talking about doing ban appeals too.

>> No.90110775

Can be that most of the comments he read was kai fans, she's been meaning to do this unban request for a long time so her mods are probably saving everything

>> No.90111372
File: 25 KB, 530x212, 1707468856322470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90111427
File: 26 KB, 531x188, 1714761659431594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90111482

Hang on, need to go make a hateful comment reply to each of these. Should I drop KaiCenat's name this time or mention something about AI?

>> No.90111533

Cute they always got each other back, the spergs getting btfo so many times now you can't even count

>> No.90111624

Bros I think they fucking

>> No.90111631

>replied 1 hr later
She was pressured to reply to this to make him look better and not like someone using a friend to farm drama.

>> No.90111670

Do a flip into oncoming traffic.

>> No.90111694
Quoted by: >>90111840

It really is manipulative and disgusting how much he uses her.

>> No.90111729

your unbelievably retarded replies never fail to make me laugh, never stop sperging

>> No.90111840

donate plasma loser

>> No.90111914

These new spergs are so ass man those baits are so shit, they used to be better like 2 years ago we really are falling off

>> No.90112139

If he's not fucking her then he might be the biggest fucking simp on the planet

>> No.90112167

one is a broken on repeat

>> No.90112201
File: 219 KB, 670x956, 1723043164174326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse giveaways for the relay

>> No.90112228

he wants a challenge and she just wants to get laid the duality.

>> No.90112287
Quoted by: >>90112852

I want that fucking tea

>> No.90112299

I'd say he's just like me fr fr but that would be a lie as his simping is on a whole 'nother level. I'm but a pale imitation >>90111914

>> No.90112852
Quoted by: >>90116796



>> No.90113612
File: 38 KB, 594x280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm even this guy is being supportive

>> No.90113695

I'm not a fan of rev for many reasons but he has been nothing but supportive of mouse in particular for whatever reason.

>> No.90113835

Still a dramafag

>> No.90113892
Quoted by: >>90114025

>mouse isn't part of the starting group collab
damn she still isn't doing well huh

>> No.90114025

Shes supposed to go at 7am EST so shes probably resting till then

>> No.90114340

When will they release the sextape?

>> No.90114514
File: 210 KB, 1142x563, 1724508226288606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouse auction items

>> No.90114530

And I still hope he gets circumcized by a rusty spoon by someone with no depth perception. Fuck that dick. His crimes are too numerous for a happy supportive of the rat tweet.

>> No.90114575
File: 461 KB, 1448x2048, GaDz-4yb0AIp8ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironmouse is sexy

>> No.90114895 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 903x1280, 13CE6C8B-FDFB-44C3-91EA-AD2C7513C806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90114932

it is art like this that made mouse denounce her tag

>> No.90115006

Real scene, past or future

>> No.90115175
Quoted by: >>90115420

based jannies no one wants to that shit

>> No.90115208


>> No.90115420

I wanted to see it. I saved it in fact.

>> No.90115510

Damn was hoping for necklace. I missed out on that one

>> No.90115774

That one is really old.
I hope shit like that is not why, I just want more sexy Mouse art.
Please bring the tag back Mouse

>> No.90115893

a signed Cinamonroll would sell well if it was posted

>> No.90116408

It would be a bit sad to hurt all the wonderful nsfw artist out there because of a few dumb ones.
It would be much better to just say she is not comfortable with things like this rather than condemning all nsfw art.

>> No.90116571

jesus christ man. how many times ya'll have to speak of this shit? it's been a thousand fucking years and ya'll still on this shit? and still speaking the same shit? are you not tired typing out the exact same words leading to the exact same results?

>> No.90116633

Shhhhhh anon

>> No.90116716
Quoted by: >>90116882

Until Mouse and Connor get married. But tbdesu I think Mouse developed an NTR fetish so that probably won't happen any time soon

>> No.90116796
Quoted by: >>90118338

we ain't winning the tea

>> No.90116854

Mokes Video is almost to 1Mil and it hasn't even been 12 hours

>> No.90116882

mouse has a double team fetish reason bubi and monke spitroast mouse.

>> No.90116949
Quoted by: >>90117077

asmongold going to react to it bet.

>> No.90117047

almost 100k likes

>> No.90117077
Quoted by: >>90117248

He made a video recently of the only space being toxic so he's probably gonna just echo what he said on that video
if he does react to it but I don't think so

>> No.90117248

he likes mouse so he might say fuck the idiots that hate on her.

>> No.90117725
Quoted by: >>90117896

Any discord news?

>> No.90117896

my guess is she will stream the relay at 7am est and then rest up for the stream with the make a wish girl at 7pm est

>> No.90117984

Being a degen was like a 4th of who Mouse was and she just removed that whole side of her.
That would be fine on its own but she took everything else in the process.
r18 daki gone, nsfw art tag gone, nsfw discord gone.

>> No.90118069

Being a degen was like a 4th of who Mouse was and she just removed that whole side of her.
That would be fine on its own but she took everything else in the process.
r18 daki gone, nsfw art tag gone, nsfw discord gone.

>> No.90118078
Quoted by: >>90118302

idc for NSFW

>> No.90118302
Quoted by: >>90118407

That's fine but others do.

>> No.90118338

It's a raffle. You have an equal chance as anybody else who donates and picks that as their donation raffle item. It isn't based on amount, though it might be on number of entries? Not sure.

>> No.90118371

Being a degen was like a 4th of who Mouse was and she just removed that whole side of her.
That would be fine on its own but she took everything else in the process.
r18 daki gone, nsfw art tag gone, nsfw discord gone.

>> No.90118407

That's fine but others do.

>> No.90118603
Quoted by: >>90118823

Clearly someone wants to be a cunt, fine your acting like a child repeating what someone said to annoy them.

>> No.90118823

Clearly someone wants to be a cunt, fine your acting like a child repeating what someone said to annoy them.

>> No.90119265
Quoted by: >>90119718

I tried to donate plasma but got turned away
They said my veins were too thin and that i should work out more to fix that.
I'm sorry and angry about it
I'm gonna get so fucking jacked

>> No.90119326
File: 532 KB, 1612x2048, GbqXEQhWYA8W0Mr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90134261

Has anyone seen the other versions of this yet.

>> No.90119718

drink more water

>> No.90119919

>@everyone Hey guys been a rough weekend. I can't get into on stream but my health is a bit better but you know things are a bit tough but im hanging in there! I will be streaming for the make a wish relay! Stream starts at 7:00 AM EST. So please feel free to come by and there are a of my items up for auction if you want to try to snag those. I will be doing karaoke so a morning singing and yap stream! Then I will be on sunday night at 7:00 PM EST for my stream with our special make a wish stream with rini and finally the closing of our anniversary charity marathon! 4 years of vshojo! Its crazy. I just want to say... this month has been tough and I am going through some things but I will try my best to have fun streams next week and to try to still do our marathon stream next week.

Pink rat update

>> No.90120014

>marathon stream
mouse if you want to do it awesome but please don't make shit worse just for that. any streams you are able to do would be fun.

>> No.90120103
File: 471 KB, 1770x862, cyber mouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the cyber rat.

side note pale white pink nipples and pussy is really hot.

>> No.90120137
Quoted by: >>90120177

I hope we get some solo non gaming next week. Its been a while.
Much love Mouse feel better

>> No.90120177

if she's this fucked up it's a coin flip

>> No.90120181
Quoted by: >>90120314

source? or is it discord?

>> No.90120259

I guess no discord watchalong this month.
Get well Rat

>> No.90120314


>> No.90120438
File: 2.32 MB, 1578x1328, 1725380875748740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90120876

model is sex can't wait

>> No.90120509
Quoted by: >>90121023

Is this kamo again? The style reminds me of witch.

>> No.90120568
File: 74 KB, 981x981, 7547654765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90120655

>Thread dedicated to mouse
>/#/ talks about her more
What did she do?

>> No.90120702
Quoted by: >>90120994

her bf caused unneeded drama again

>> No.90120876
Quoted by: >>90121177

Once again please have a yump and a sit.

>> No.90120994
Quoted by: >>90122838

I hate to say it but she might get more hate for a little bit because of the video.
I've seen a few things so far

>> No.90121023

hopefully it is so we dont have to worry about unneeded features added again kamo is respectful unlike nano

>> No.90121079
File: 130 KB, 949x776, 1726968815320751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90121162

yes this is an example mouse doesnt like this which is why she is using other artists now

>> No.90121177

Every model should have these 2

>> No.90121329

That's a schizo who uses mouse as bait

>> No.90121486

Is there like new drama/antis recently, or is it the same shit since subathon? I fell ootl after subathon, but Connors vid and mouses discord posts have me concerned :/

>> No.90121625

probably something to do with her dad

>> No.90121655
Quoted by: >>90122134

Not really. Mouse is just stressed out from that, almost dying from subathon, and her parent's health. Monke's vid is probably him venting from helping Mouse deal with that stress.

>> No.90121700
File: 126 KB, 363x342, PantyShotBirthday3DMouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90121932


>> No.90121932
Quoted by: >>90121994

I wish I saved the ones from the more recent vr. Especially those edits that anon does good work.

>> No.90121994
File: 860 KB, 1177x1194, PantyShotFluffy3DMouse8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90122118
File: 292 KB, 974x818, BLAFluffy3DMouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90122193


>> No.90122134

She.... She almost died from subathon???

>> No.90122193
Quoted by: >>90122489

Based henya

>> No.90122215


>> No.90122226

Her doctor said if she came to them any later there was "nothing they could have done"

>> No.90122230
Quoted by: >>90122450

Uhmm, she had an infection the last 2 weeks of subathon and she immediately went to the doc. They told her that if she was late for 1 day, it would too late

>> No.90122290

Based Haruka

>> No.90122355

all you do all day is cry it's fucking sad.

>> No.90122450

Holy shit. I was super busy after subathon and haven't caught any streams and I didn't see any clips of this poor mouse. All that drama with antis and her channels getting deleted and then she almost DIES??

>> No.90122489

Henya gave us so many panty shots. Bless her

>> No.90122515

The new antis are normies and Kai children finding out Mouse exists

>> No.90122587
Quoted by: >>90122636

Mouse never stop giving us panty shots occasionally. plus the ones in official art and content.
I love it all

>> No.90122636
Quoted by: >>90122804

half body vr cause clothes to malfunction so yeah

>> No.90122653
Quoted by: >>90122902

>half the anons talking about panty shots
>other half discussing Mouse almost dying
The duality of this thread

>> No.90122804

I wonder if the new jj model of s3 being made for the 3d streams will lead to good panty shots. It will probably just be plain panties but I'll take anything.

>> No.90122838
Quoted by: >>90123005

Doesn't even compare to the amount of support she is getting from this i didn't expect this video would blow up this much, i'm seeing so many quote retweet from smaller vtubers and streamers crazy. Honestly this video came at the right time the hate mouse been getting is going to far, many people are noticing this senseless hatred on the internet in general

>> No.90122902

I've been in both discussions.
I care about Mouse and she's sexy

>> No.90123005

Hope this will somehow force Kai to do some kind of apology on behalf of his monkey fans

>> No.90123192
Quoted by: >>90123824

Kai doesn't need to do shit. HE has been very supportive of Mouse and not negative at all. When you have a fanbase his size, as monke pointed out, you're GONNA get some assholes and there's nothing you can do about it. He has led by example by talking her up (as best he can). If they don't follow that's on them.

>> No.90123206
File: 410 KB, 560x896, P037B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90123909

Mouse we love you

>> No.90123268
Quoted by: >>90123318

Saying shit like this lowers you to the haters level

>> No.90123269

s3 will have spats

>> No.90123318

On 4chan?

>> No.90123383

nta but don't do that to me please

>> No.90123402

Disappointing but not unexpected.

>> No.90123455
Quoted by: >>90124043

Why would it?
She's been fine with most of her other models having panties.

>> No.90123712
Quoted by: >>90123876

>new jj model of s3 being made for the 3d streams
Speaking of, when is Mouse going to release one of her 3d model to the public for the sub goal.

>> No.90123824

He could tell his chat he'll start cross banning people who harass Mouse in her chat

>> No.90123876
Quoted by: >>90123982

idk but my dick has been waiting in anticipation the vr bedroom has been nice but it would be nice to have a model to go with it

>> No.90123909

Sex rat

>> No.90123982

I love that she added a mirror you can toggle for the bed. She knew exactly what she was giving us lol.

>> No.90123983
Quoted by: >>90124193

Okay but also recognize that some of these fucks might not be actual Kai fans. As monke points out, a lot of people have been attacking vtubers for years. Juicers have done it, Quin69's fucks have done it, and so on. Like the Froot antis, they don't really need a reason to start a new wave of hate, they just hear "Ironmouse did x" and they have another reason to go be fuckholes. A shit ton of normalfags don't know anything about vtubers and Mouse is the one who has bridged the gap the most and she is also the one who is gonna get the most shit for changing the status quo.

Also, considering how many of them regurgitate shit you read here on 4chan is also pretty telling.

>> No.90124026
Quoted by: >>90124060

Exactly, I was not being petty or anything it just make sense

>> No.90124043
Quoted by: >>90124346

s3 is the sponsor friendly

>> No.90124060
Quoted by: >>90124156

Look if he does that, then cool, if he goes out and says "hey I'll ban you from here" then cool, but it isn't going to stop dickheads from being dickheads.

>> No.90124103

mouse might not like showing it publicly as much now a days but she still shows her power level here and there with stuff like this and that zooted convo with michi the other day

>> No.90124156


>> No.90124158

I knew many girls with it seemed normal back in the day but you guys
got rot brain.

>> No.90124193
Quoted by: >>90125539

Well most the ones from chat seems to be namedropping Kai. At the very least he can maybe help stop the harassment in Mouse's chat. I bet the threat of getting banned will get the kids to stop

>> No.90124215

Anon, both Candii and Buff commented about it during that stream for a reason. Everyone knows why it is there.

>> No.90124274

2000s girl bedroom aesthetic but porn or movies made it weird now

>> No.90124337

they are actual slut degens ofc

>> No.90124346
Quoted by: >>90124408

Panties under a skirt would not make it less sponsor friendly

>> No.90124387

mouse has that princess aesthetic

>> No.90124408

I just had a great idea Mouse you should get a model where you can change the panties to match your sponsor.

>> No.90124516
File: 118 KB, 636x440, um.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90124884

assuming she is the one who asked for them I hope she isn't scared off the monke panties. they are a cute easter egg that most won't see often if at all. though maybe making them bubi panties instead would be a bit more inconspicuous.

>> No.90124941

R0xxy hire this man

>> No.90125028

mouse asked for them 100% like the plushies

>> No.90125143
Quoted by: >>90125772

A lot of the coming models probably won't have them just because of how they are but maybe they will return one day. Whether we know they exist is an entirely different question especially if the artist doesn't stream it. I wouldn't be surprised if more of her models have hidden toggles we will never know about.

>> No.90125539

Or they all make alt accounts so they can't be traced. Haters don't have logic and don't care.

>> No.90125772
Quoted by: >>90126776

Kevins seems to have nude base toggle that are blank and some 3d have bits like nyans.

>> No.90126759
File: 24 KB, 1253x117, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Mr.Affable

>> No.90126776
Quoted by: >>90128042

most of mouse's new models have nude bases at this point I think it is more rare if they don't kevin rigging doesn't really effect that. as for the bits as far as I know there has never been any proof that any model mouse owns has any. or at least any model mouse uses. she has mentioned vtube studio glitching being a reason why and knowing her paranoia I believe her.

>> No.90126829

Mouse anti's have advertised his new video more than anywhere else

>> No.90127016

Bro is just defending himself.

>> No.90127959

I read this in his voice

>> No.90128042

thicc demon princess 3d supposedly has bits and season 2 3d

>> No.90128172
Quoted by: >>90128226

hmm I guess we'll never know for certain. though if she continues to use them I wouldn't be surprised if she got that removed if they did exist.

>> No.90128226

she had a model made for cb

>> No.90128434

no she didn't for i have tried to look for any evidence for it.

>> No.90128545

I choose to believe both of these things are true and will fap accordingly.

>> No.90128584
Quoted by: >>90128677

Mouse should switch to YouTube. Twitch culture is cancer, youtube vtubers don't have to deal with this shit

>> No.90128677
File: 2.54 MB, 1280x720, (You) [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fu1mu1i.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90129712

She doesn't "hate" the bed clip, those are not the words she used. That's a special clip to her, she just doesn't like the way people look at it and try to use it against her especially since she's come such a long way. The moment itself is not something she hates and she's gone over that in detail.

>> No.90130204
File: 601 KB, 522x931, 1714178369190071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90130723

>> No.90130723

worm vs 5ft people

>> No.90131002
File: 251 KB, 616x345, 1702811657765648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90131043

>> No.90131043
File: 7 KB, 434x56, 1712184573822198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90131122


>> No.90131122
Quoted by: >>90131800

what did mouse mean by this?

>> No.90131800

she's a god

>> No.90131953
Quoted by: >>90132376

I'm kind of sad the relay hasn't had any mouse music as far as I can tell.

>> No.90132376

well she's doing karaoke

>> No.90133423
File: 14 KB, 320x139, 1701508173134021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she can't be stopped

>> No.90133602
Quoted by: >>90134683


>> No.90133632
Quoted by: >>90134204

I wonder would it be worth it to deal with being a male vtuber for the chance to be groomed by Mouse?

>> No.90134204

for clout yes

>> No.90134261

No, but I want to.....

>> No.90134683


>> No.90134700

mouse live

>> No.90134734

quit grooming mouse your up

>> No.90134825
File: 2.08 MB, 1426x1012, HappyDelingquentMouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.90134943
Quoted by: >>90135069

>$100 tts to interrupt anything mouse is doing
>mouse plans to do karaoke
this will go well

>> No.90134947
File: 48 KB, 170x167, 1716030145803983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for /mouse/ to some way find a way to complain during a charity stream lmao

>> No.90135016

Go back

>> No.90135017

Mouse tell him to wait to read the damn messages between songs.

>> No.90135069

Charity > Karaoke

>> No.90135112

holy mic peak

>> No.90135120
Quoted by: >>90135169

you mean #s

>> No.90135129

damn that didn't take long

>> No.90135169

naw it's pretty regular here.

>> No.90135221

Mouse move your model up a bit please.

>> No.90135242
File: 3 KB, 309x62, 1704101033454577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90135284

>> No.90135284
Quoted by: >>90135333

I mean they would sell for a lot

>> No.90135333
Quoted by: >>90135376

so far every anon here is a broke bitch

>> No.90135376

That's not true

>> No.90135517
File: 498 KB, 880x592, 1659658829661870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>90135534


>> No.90135534
File: 1.46 MB, 600x720, HugIronMilfMouse3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's back

>> No.90135535
Quoted by: >>90135720

Is the mic quality do no peeks fault or Mouse set up.

>> No.90135579
File: 8 KB, 395x105, 1705686346481343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it starts again

>> No.90135670
Quoted by: >>90135736

mouse just needs to have balls and tell haters to suck her balls and call them worthless

>> No.90135720

Is it bad? I'm listening with a one buck earphone, doesn't sound bad to me

>> No.90135736
Quoted by: >>90135898

Women can't do that.

>> No.90135803

Going big early

>> No.90135819
Quoted by: >>90135856

vsj is kill

>> No.90135856


>> No.90135898
Quoted by: >>90136720

erm, my voice clip folder of Froot telling you to suck her cock says otherwise

>> No.90135901

Uhh I think they might have fucked up saying $100 would be tts I think people are purposefully waiting for songs to end now.

>> No.90135920
File: 133 KB, 320x320, SingingAngelMouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.90135949

Its just peaking when she is a little too loud

>> No.90136021
Quoted by: >>90137138

Kaimonkies are something else, hating on a make-a-wish charity marathon.

>> No.90136066

I think they may have adjusted audio because it was bad at the start but seems fine now.

>> No.90136097
File: 3.67 MB, 1968x2500, 1707381544945896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are my bakers

>> No.90136115

vsj lives for those lurking

>> No.90136116

Mouse sounds amazing today

>> No.90136137

Dj Donutman almost said "in New York" then switched to Satanland.

>> No.90136164

This guy is great

>> No.90136263

Mouse loves us

>> No.90136378

>rolled cigarettes
>a glass of warm water
>mouse stream
I am enough

>> No.90136720

Uh uh, that's why she doesn't have regular breakdowns. Oh wait.

>> No.90136765
File: 2.45 MB, 3024x4299, 103516160_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ironmouse is sexy

>> No.90137138

they don't read

>> No.90137340

i was feeling kinda down but she brought it up. no this is not a euphemism

>> No.90137391

i was feeling kinda down but she brought it up. Yes this is a euphemism

>> No.90137507

Is she gonna have that sick 1view or whatever on? I woke up early for this

>> No.90137519

New thread

>> No.90137562

That won't be until tonight at 7PM EST

>> No.90137563

that is at the end of the relay in around 11 hours
