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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.89940051

The same thing Pekora, Ame, Vesper, Magni, Rushia and Aqua talked about. Management is shit

>> No.89940057

Family member passed away

>> No.89940168

Is that why he's vague posting on PL?

>> No.89940221

>spend money on projects
>doesn't make profit
>go into debt
Holos have too much to do, while no one cares about homos so they have little to do

>> No.89940511
Quoted by: >>89940786

Wrong person

>> No.89940680

Why the fuck would he spent money on projects when everyone knows they don't make money and cry about it?

>> No.89940762
Quoted by: >>89940906

Plenty creatives do this. It's a delusion because they surround themselves with positive reinforcement and ignore all dissent or criticism. Then reality hits.

>> No.89940786


>> No.89940843


>> No.89940872

Because going to Japan to do idol shit is mandatory?

>> No.89940898

Typical, the tranny is having a meltdown about how hard his life is

>> No.89940906

But literally all vtubers acknowledge that big projects make no money. He hasn't even released a cover in a year

>> No.89940912

He thinks he should get S-tier concierge support for his projects when he has the numbers of a mediocre indie even with all the support and stuff Tempus has gotten over the years. For a long long time, Cover gave those guys way more support than far, far more important gens (like Myth); it's getting toned down to what they always deserved because it didn't work, they weren't able to take that excessive support and actually succeed.

Altare is one of those talents who literally owes everything to Cover. he's not like many Holo girls who can credibly claim to have given at least as much as they've received from the company. The balance, in his case, all lies with Cover. He would still be a total nobody if not for them, he's not really particularly outstanding. So he should probably chill the fuck out, or just quit and go try to make a run of it as an indie.

>> No.89940961

How much are you getting paid to write this?

>> No.89941057

Have you ever heard the term “you need to spend money to make money?” This retard probably thought if he invested enough time and money into a project, he would get a return on it cause it would get more views… but he forgets that he’s a member of homostars that the hololive fanbase as a whole couldn’t give two shits about him or anything he does

>> No.89941060

How much am I getting paid to express grievances about the most annoying and entitled gen of welfare recipients ever, whose very existence almost destroyed the far more profitable and important Hololive EN? Not a single cent.

>> No.89941096
Quoted by: >>89941215

He's the one who financed a 3D studio right? Ame could eventually make back her investment, but that's very retarded for a homostar. He overestimated his financial ability. Plenty holos can go into debt for 3D lives etc but their income always make it back up for them.

>> No.89941101

If even the homos are starting to doompost, even on their pl's as well, then things are not looking good for Holo en

>> No.89941128

Like 590 PHP for every (You) I get. Honestly a pretty good deal for just shitposting

>> No.89941153
File: 18 KB, 585x119, 1730869011857047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89941275

Orange Man Won

>> No.89941158

uh oh…

>> No.89941171

I don't care, but he gets points for saying mental health instead of just not saying "my mental."

>> No.89941188
Quoted by: >>89941276

The homos dying would be a net positive for holo en though.

>> No.89941196

Half of myth and promises need to get axed to make a room for a new gen, I support this decision.

>> No.89941210

Do you know what a loss leader is? It’s a product sold at a loss to attract more customers. For example, super markets don’t make any profit on milk, it costs them money to sell you milk, but they are fine with that because milk attracts people to the store, and then those people buy other stuff that does make a profit.

That’s sort of the idea behind big vtuber/youtuber projects. The project itself does not earn any money, but hopefully, it will get more people to check you out, and then they’ll hopefully go watch your streams or videos, which is where they make their money back.

>> No.89941215

>A 3D studio
He was in his garage. But keep on coping

>> No.89941256
Quoted by: >>89950114

Why is my wife Rie talking to homostars

>> No.89941275
Quoted by: >>89943876

Nah, he's going menhera about his work projects. Something about a free mocap suit coming a few months later than expected or some shit, who knows, these guys have gotten this idea that they're important and Cover needs to bend over backwards to enable their every stupid whim and unprofitable project idea

>> No.89941276
Quoted by: >>89942348

True, but its not just the homos doomposting but the girls as well

>> No.89941318
Quoted by: >>89943923

Doesn't matter if it's in his mom's basement, it's an investment that evidently flopped and made him go menhera among other flop investments.

>> No.89941343

Seems like that's gonna be the case with how fast Justice came out, looks like Cover is preemptively filling up the slots for when more EN members leave next year

>> No.89941344

Nah, it just means that the well of special treatment has run dry for them, cover invested time and money into the homos and they want a return

>> No.89941367

Shit get too crowded on NA prime actually, not a bad idea. Two from each gen gone equal new gen (4)

>> No.89941378

Get rid of all the fucking EN homos already, fucking leeches.

>> No.89941409

Is that why Fauna is also vague posting on her PL?

>> No.89941425

Mane-chan managed to piss off Ina. This is the girl who calmly soloed pre-nerf Radahn while underleveled. Fucking *nothing* makes this girl mad.

>> No.89941448
Quoted by: >>89941534

It's still probably ~$10-15k (suits, computers, cameras, sensors) that the dude had no hope of ever recouping. It's a classic holostar blunder to massively overspend on some crazy project without a real plan of getting a return.

>> No.89941449

Nah, and this homo isn't the only one who was doomposting

>> No.89941483
Quoted by: >>89948495

I thought Phase girls didn't interact with homos, why did 4chan lie to me

>> No.89941488

this is such an embarrassing thing to say

>> No.89941499

This house is not a hotel.

>> No.89941531
Quoted by: >>89941587

>posts a cover and leaves
not even a mean girl would be this shamelessly dumb

>> No.89941534
Quoted by: >>89941730

>Implying that Hololive forces it's members to pay to have their 3Ds at home
You realize you're making it sound worse, right?

>> No.89941587

But according to saplings she's just shitposting. Just ignore how she unprivated her account after several years and started uploading again since joining Holo

>> No.89941672
File: 41 KB, 528x528, 1707088613380949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He realized Hololive is not a charity.

>> No.89941730

Cover pays for at least one free suit per talent (these days, Myth never got such an extravagant free gift that I know of) and also supports Mocopi Home 3D. Last I heard, anything else is on the talents.
The free suits I believe are Rokoko, about $2.5k. What exactly do you think they should have done for Altare? Fund his entire retarded studio setup so he can do a handful of boring 3D streams with Machina x Flayon to fewer viewers than Shiori gets on superchat readings, and get a few hundred bucks in SCs?

This is a fucking business, it's a for-profit enterprise, it's not welfare. These guys are supposed to make more money than they cost.

>> No.89941755
Quoted by: >>89942686

Note this homo also got his new outfit indefinitely delayed

>> No.89941760

They left her stranded in Japan and didn't pay for anything. I'd be pissed too

>> No.89941882
Quoted by: >>89942458

Or they just brought their own suits, retard. You're doing a lot of coping about it all being about money even though Ame and Aqua graduated

>> No.89941883

>Cover treats people like a product on a shelf and releases some without expectations of success
Holy shit, holosupporters doompost harder than antis ever could

>> No.89941889

Lmao rie is such a dumb whore

>> No.89941919
Quoted by: >>89943988

For real, i'm surprised it took this long for Holo members to sound off like this with how shitty they've been treated. Ame leaving is gonna have a ripple effect, more members are gonna now seriously consider leaving while keeping the character IP in place

>> No.89941920

trump won so now he'll pretend that the world is ending for a while until he snaps out of his gay head canon delusion

>> No.89941929
Quoted by: >>89942038

They can merge the last guy into the other group once the blue one graduates. Let's be honest things won't get better for them unless sisters open their wallets instead of talking shit online

>> No.89941936

It's always very interesting watching the people here play an autistic version of whisper down the lane

>> No.89941964

1 month time with dooby

>> No.89942038

>Muh numbers
Magni and Vesper did better than some Holo girls and still graduated then said it was because of corporate autism

>> No.89942145

The funny thing is, this idea actually works for popular vtubers. It just doesn't for Holostars.
Altare is trying to operate like he's a top-half Hololive girl when he's actually less popular than many /lig/ indies.

>> No.89942166

Probably the stress from having two of his "friends" bouncing on him, leaving him and a guy who's known for being a glue sniffer as the only old guard left to support holostars EN.
Also I hate middle management at work, I could only imagine what it would be like if I had to lean on them all the time, especially if their is multiple steps of management

>> No.89942206
Quoted by: >>89942468

Part corpo autism part thinking they deserved bigger success, attention and money hence the negotiations failed and they graduated.

>> No.89942248

Cool tell me when he graduates, then I can celebrate

>> No.89942261
Quoted by: >>89944554

>Magni and Vesper did better than some Holo girls
If you want to count the bottom half of IDs I guess. It's a stretch.
They never did better than any EN or JP girl though.

>> No.89942302
File: 287 KB, 750x443, 1693109797776878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The orc did pretty much say that corpos will hire a branch not to make profit, but to ensure the competitor doesn't have a monopoly on that niche.
Do with that information as you will.

>> No.89942348
Quoted by: >>89944072

Good news happened.
Who cares? All the "doomposting" never went anywhere Selen-killing-Nijisanji level, and nothing is truly shocking anymore after Cover going public, going back to China and new homo-friendly gen. Homostars dying is a plus, and most of the girls are not like their first 2 years and some even stopped streaming, hard to sympathize at this point.

>> No.89942355

NO, it actually is the job this time

>> No.89942390

No, that's dumb, it's all supposed to make a profit. It may not be the only purpose but it still has to make money at some point even if it takes a while to spin up.
I don't think Randon is retarded so I'm gonna assume you're misremembering what he said.

>> No.89942452

I would agree with you if their initial goals were not
>reach 1 million subs
or other delusions of grandeur, nah these retards were fed some kind of delusion by the previous EN management team, and now that they rehauled the whole structure they are left with nothing.

>> No.89942458

The girls problem is literally suffering from success, which brought too much work to their tables. The homos are the opposite. They aren't growing and no investment is bringing them more attention. And there is only so much management can do. It's won't be fun to be a content creator and see people in the same company hitting milestones and shit while you stagnate for years.

>> No.89942470
Quoted by: >>89942574

Hope he kills himself maybe he can get attention

>> No.89942468
Quoted by: >>89942744

Oh, you're so fucking retarded that it's funny

>> No.89942554

Here you go.

>> No.89942574
Quoted by: >>89942835

bro that's SO edgy xD

>> No.89942578
Quoted by: >>89942684

Retard they are created on the chance they might make money nobody can guarantee success and if they just don't try they look even stupider

>> No.89942646

This. It’s a mix of everything when it comes to Holostars hated and stagnating. A fans being all positive thinking it’s fine when they really should support as much as they can, management not knowing what the fuck they’re doing, and to top it all off the members BOTH JP and EN not wanting to even try to grow. It’s honestly ridiculous

>> No.89942684
Quoted by: >>89942987

So that's taking a risk, but that's not the same as "They're not ever expected to make a profit".
You take a chance but the expectation is still that it pays off. If it doesn't, it's a failure and the resources will eventually get scaled down. which is what has been happening this past year to Holostars which is why they're all going menhera.

>> No.89942686
Quoted by: >>89942846

>got his new outfit indefinitely delayed
Altare still doesn't have a new outfit? I know they got more distant from management after Magni and Vesper were fired but have there been any signs that he was thinking of leaving?

>> No.89942739

>It's a coincidence that everyone in the company is shitting on management and doom posting all at the same time

>> No.89942744
Quoted by: >>89942849

What's your cope for the long disappearance and then double graduation?

>> No.89942835
Quoted by: >>89942974

Seethe homosister go archive his streams while you can

>> No.89942837
File: 52 KB, 182x230, 1731894955229288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a saying in the military:
When the troops stop complaining is when you should worry.
I think this applies here as well.

>> No.89942846
Quoted by: >>89944452

They made him an outfit, he said he didn't like it, so they just shrugged and cancelled it.
They're not gonna commission him an entirely new outfit until he finds one he likes, this isn't JCPenney

>> No.89942849
Quoted by: >>89942947

They just refused to stream until the day they agreed on quitting

>> No.89942905

The projects got canceled by Cover before released. That's the problem

>> No.89942911

Anon multiple things can be right at the same time. The girls complain about management ALL THE TIME, but their problems are not the same as the homos not making money and not growing.

>> No.89942947

management didn't allow them to stream

>> No.89942949

holofanboys genuinely believe this. even the best companies have some cracks and its extremely toxic to just drown out discussion of it

>> No.89942974

I don't waste time watching streamers, let alone anime boy streamers, but you enjoy yourself champ. You also should have had a comma after "homosister" by the way.

>> No.89942987
Quoted by: >>89943275

What happened to Holostars is even worse. What they were trying to do eventually damaged the main branch to the point that they rebuilt the whole structure.

>> No.89943275


>> No.89943301

>”I’m not a homosister! You are!”
Nice comeback

>> No.89943329

why are vtuber watchers so delusional. youre watching fucking streamers

>> No.89943349
Quoted by: >>89943722

Nope it’s true. Why do you think NotMagni thinks he should’ve been treated better?

>> No.89943353

Omegafaggot got the boot for a reason.

>> No.89943437

From day one, I've never understood how Rie has any kind of fanbase.

>> No.89943451

>Cover pays for at least one free suit per talent

>> No.89943514

>Magni and Vesper did better than some Holo girls and still graduated then said it was because of corporate autism
Literally never happened by any metric, don't tell me you fell for cherry picked screenshots.

>> No.89943679

>fans being all positive thinking it’s fine when they really should support as much as they can
Yep. Echo chambers are big problem for everyone, but especially bad for a group that's already not doing well.

>> No.89943722
Quoted by: >>89943924

The same reason why Vesper got suspended. They'd restrict them and do things to them then they'd suspend them if they complained

>> No.89943746
Quoted by: >>89943811

Go back to /#/ lol

>> No.89943811

Go back to /mans/. Or do you guys prefer your sekret dox site successor these days?

>> No.89943876
Quoted by: >>89944047

Do you actually watch him?

>> No.89943904
Quoted by: >>89944411

They really should learn from JPstars like Astel and just be happy with what they get. Keep your small community, do stuff you enjoy, go hard when you get the chance to shine.

>> No.89943923

How old do you think he is anon?

>> No.89943924
Quoted by: >>89944383

Restrict them from having a 2.0 update before Gura.

>> No.89943988

I don't know if you guys are retarded or jsut phasecusks

>> No.89943990
Quoted by: >>89944175

gaslit by sisters into thinking holostars is super popular

>> No.89944047

God no, Jesus, are you kidding? Holy shit. Watch the whisper korean softboi holostar? FUCK no.
That's second hand from lurking sister discussions a bit after his tweets.

>> No.89944072

>Cover going public!!!
Nothing that wasn't already planned happened
Oh yeah, i forgot those 2 WHOLE STREAMS china got like.... 4 months ago, they truly went back, HoloCN when?

>> No.89944078
Quoted by: >>89944752

They can't help but lick the boot. It's sad to see

>> No.89944126

Lmao at least you admitted

>> No.89944136


>> No.89944139

you mean spend the priorly subsided homos fund money

>> No.89944175

And management, I remember when I watched the first debuts one of them had 1 million goal.

>> No.89944201

Geez you can tell this bait thread was made by some number monkey because he got ignored in the global thread.

>> No.89944214
Quoted by: >>89944314

Why do Holo fans have such a victim mentality?

>> No.89944218

>drown out discussion
that's not a discussion anon, that's just shitting the thread, leave the discussion for the talents on matters they can have control over, not your random ass making the 8th gura or fauna thread this hour

>> No.89944314

Why do holostars fans insist on forcing themselves where they're not wanted? You gals had your own entire branch completely dedicated to the vtuber style you like, it ended up self-destructing earlier this year if you didn't notice.
Don't get mad when people don't want you to come fuck up their thing too. You guys are like third world migrants or something, jeez

>> No.89944383

>They wanted preferential treatment
Any proof?

>> No.89944411

>Like Astel
>just be happy with what you get
You are definitely not a starmin. Aster is infamously menhera and constantly getting into spats with management over his projects. He stays respectful, and he does a lot his own financing, but he isn't some passive good boy who just takes whatever BS management spits at him. We wouldn't have had his legendary lives if that were the case.

>> No.89944421

Anon, blame the toursits, I've been to MANS and they all hate tourists who forced the girls to collab with the guys, if anything women are more rabid than male unicorns, believe me when i tell you they fucking tried to drive the beggars away but they are so little in number they keep failing, now every stars fan is labeled as a beggar and they can't do shit about it, it's a sad fate.

>> No.89944452
Quoted by: >>89944499

Altare is the one who cancelled it, not management.

>> No.89944499

Six of one, half a dozen of another, in any case he's not getting another one any time soon.

>> No.89944517
Quoted by: >>89944555

ask Doki. because some people are attention whore retards

>> No.89944554

Vesper had some 4,000 veiwer streams before advent's introduction and subsequent steroidal inflammation of holoen as a whole. This would have been highly competitive with Myth and Council at the time. Saying they "never did better" is straight up false. Against gura it's true of course, but not the whole branch.

>> No.89944555

Doki probably makes like 10x what Altare does, she can afford to do whatever the fuck projects she wants

>> No.89944573

You're just proving my point.

>> No.89944671

Because you are a nijinigger rather than someone who wants legit discussion. How is your stock cope sister?
Before Tempus, almost no one in the english holo fandom called hololive or holostars talents "liver". Holostars weren't as hated as they are now in the english world, and the girls don't have homobeggars calling them livers and anti-ing them.

>> No.89944707
Quoted by: >>89944739

>highly competitive with Myth and Council

>> No.89944728

They didn't gatekeep hard enough? Sad.

>> No.89944739
Quoted by: >>89944859

At the time newfag

>> No.89944752

that is alot of projection nijibrony, how is Riku's ass?

>> No.89944797
Quoted by: >>89944948

>Vesper had some 4,000 veiwer streams before advent's introduction and subsequent steroidal inflammation of holoen as a whole. This would have been highly competitive with Myth and Council at the time.
Absolutely not true, also Advent and Justice generally get worse numbers on average, not everyone is Biboo or CC

>> No.89944810
File: 256 KB, 1409x1155, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89945837

Vesper's buffest non-event content hovered around high 3ks, like ~3.8k and such. But those were once a month streams, not his average stuff which typically hovered just under 2k.
The weakest HoloENs peak higher, and average higher, even in the same time period. Go actually look at the numbers, you have seriously delusional ideas about how popular he actually was and how popular ENs actually were (and are). It's actually, seriously, not close at all.

>> No.89944859

It wasn't even competitive at the time. Even Kiara easily cleared that.

>> No.89944948
Quoted by: >>89945145

Former vesper oshi here, now his biggest hater. I do remember quite a few streams around the 4k mark.

>> No.89944975

Sister that post is about $$$ not stream numbers. That doesn't always translate into money to fund projects. And his numbers fell off a cliff after debut, remember he didn't even make it a full year.

>> No.89944996

>highly competitive
Homobeggar rewriting history.
He was high for a holostars, that is it. You are coping beyond that.

>> No.89945069

What were they given in the last year+ that the EN girls got less of or at all that cost Cover money? Genuinely tell me because this gets pulled out all the time with no examples.
>inb4 "existing, complaining about the Twitter account, 3D showcases take girls time from studio, the classics from /#/"
Actual monetary examples you faggot.

>> No.89945121
Quoted by: >>89945241

They actually found somewhere new to go? Then why is the sisterposting still so rampant?

>> No.89945124

Sad to see sisters coping so hard thinking having a “cozy” community is fine then blame everyone else when people don’t watch them or buy their merch

>> No.89945145

I was talking about the competitive part. Vesper's early zatsus did hover around 4k before they became SC readings

>> No.89945155

I’ll admit I only watch during apex tourneys. I’m not saying don’t argue with management but he shouldn’t be putting himself in debt.

>> No.89945161

They deserved it

>> No.89945187

I kinda feel bad. I genuinely do not hate the Homos for the sake of it. I just have no interest in watching them. That's it.

>> No.89945241
Quoted by: >>89945394

They made somewhere new to go. But it's only for holostars sisters, not nijisanji, so the schizophrenia is a dialed back a few notches from the old site.

>> No.89945298
File: 25 KB, 188x231, 1649390031438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89945394

Pity, I wanted them all to leave together

>> No.89945407

half of those did all by themselves

>> No.89945491

This basically confirms the presence of phasefags

>> No.89945584

>go into debt
>cut your source of income
doesn't sound like a good plan to me

>> No.89945656


>> No.89945758

for some reason the best girls aren't complaining

>> No.89945837
Quoted by: >>89946235

Your own graph doesnt make it seen "not close at all", the majority of all that distribution is comfortably below 5k there in a cluster. I'd call that competitive, even excluding "event content"

>> No.89945958
Quoted by: >>89946091

Why are you doomposters acting like this is about the entire holostars branch and not just something unique to altare? The other members aren't even saying anything, is this how gura feels?

>> No.89946003


>> No.89946068

cuck connect bros?

>> No.89946091
Quoted by: >>89946185

Antis take any bad news about a homo as the collapse of the branch.

>> No.89946185

It’s like a flimsy tower that’s why, take one pillar away the whole thing comes crashing down

>> No.89946235
Quoted by: >>89954190

Kiara is comfortably above Vesper's average, her normal solo gameplay content at that time would be nearly double his CCV on a routine basis and her collabs blow him out of the water by miles. I don't know what other proof you need, your ideas about his popularity are just not based in facts, period.
In June 2023, Vesper had 4/19 streams above 2k CCV. In the same month, Kiara had... 15/15 above 2k. All of them.

>> No.89946247
Quoted by: >>89946603

>two pilers got removed any nothing happened?
>w-well if you remove one more something surely will!

>> No.89946398
Quoted by: >>89946685

Sorry I'm on a phone cos I'm in Japan and android always auto corrects astel to aster

>> No.89946432

nice revisionism

>> No.89946603

Altare isn't important enough to really damage Holostars EN, being totally real. He's an OG but he's just not popular enough.
Bettel, on the other hand, would be a huge blow. He's their only standout anchor talent since Vesper and Magni are gone, and you can't have an entire branch of bench players.

>> No.89946620
Quoted by: >>89946704

Gamma was literally terminated and the JP homos just moved on.

>> No.89946685

You know androids auto correct is based on your habits right?

>> No.89946704

I don't disagree with your overall point but comparing Gamma, a member of uproar, the least popular and least important gen in all of Holopro, to a gen 1 Tempus isn't a 1:1.
All of Uproar could be terminated tomorrow and like 400 people would be upset

>> No.89946827

>members BOTH JP and EN not wanting to even try to grow
I mean, what are they supposed to do when half of the time they DO try something, this board gets fucking uppity about it. And then when the inevitable "well what should they do?" gets asked, you see disingenuous shit or stuff that they would need resources for, which then starts the "they're taking money from the girls" shit all over again.

>> No.89947145
Quoted by: >>89947482

Truth is, they were fucked from the start. They were doomed by old management's approach to their debut and nothing can be done about it.
Having no EN gens for a year while putting out two gens of Holostars, the blatant forced integration, the blatant miserable low morale in actual HololiveEN at the time... It's all too much, the fanbase of the girls will never forgive them. It wasn't the actual talents' fault, but that doesn't matter in the end.
They're not totally blameless, they've had their bad PR moments (Jurard is the MVP of this for 2024, Vesper was for 2023 and 2022) but all of that is just a drop in the bucket compared to the horrible start they had.

>> No.89947482
Quoted by: >>89947602

Doomposters like you actually think the average holo viewer cares about some "grudge" from two years ago with an unrelated branch?

>> No.89947602
Quoted by: >>89948427

Unrelated branch? Nowadays, but not back then.
You're delusional if you don't think there was a huge push towards a merge. It was resisted by the talents and fought off by the fans once it was clear that HolostarsEN was delaying new gen debuts, that whoever was in charge back then considered them a substitute for a third EN gen, not something parallel.
Putting out that second gen of Tempus after 6 months was a fatal mistake, who knows what would have happened if they hadn't.

>> No.89947880
Quoted by: >>89948544

The truth is some of them are trying, but genuinely, nothing fucking works. It's actually kind of mind-boggling. Rikka and Oga set up various successful streams with huge numbers and none of it translated to growth for the branch. Astel's been uploading dance shorts and his subs still don't move, Izuru actually branched out and got a viral clip of him getting along really well with Shaka, the result? Nothing. Temma has been autistically getting master with every SF6 character, something that would probably garner attention if a Holo or Nijimale did it, but nope. He organized Holostars Rust too, which didn't get outside attention.

Even Roberu, who people want to laude as the only one who "made it," doesn't grow past his 1k average, he doesn't get boosted from streamer servers, his numbers kept dipping down to 600 in VCR MC that he didn't even stick around to the end.

>> No.89948056

Axel spent 9k on song covers that were cancelled by Cover in the last second. Hakka also had covers cancelled. How can they try to grow if management fucks them up all the time??

>> No.89948181
Quoted by: >>89948439

>thread is about phasecuck
>discussion are deflecting to holoen
not very subtle arent you phasecuck?

>> No.89948182


>> No.89948225
Quoted by: >>89949964

Honestly, sincerely, I wonder why they even stay? Graduate and go for the "ex-corpo" boost. No Holostar has tried it in 2024, it's like literally the meta right now.
I'm amazed one of them hasn't done it yet. Perhaps the timing of contract renewals is why. It's almost definitely free money and success for the first handful out of the door. They have almost nothing to lose.
Armis likely can't do it because they just aren't popular or notable enough but a lot of Tempus could.

>> No.89948366

no one watching homo anymore in 2024 after nijien shot themself
its about time they are all graduate

>> No.89948427
Quoted by: >>89948703

You just proved that you only get information from the catalog since you're talking about the infamous "hololive en is having a civil war" rrat.

>> No.89948439

homos aren't holoen but nice try

>> No.89948495

We call you guys phasecucks for a reason you know

>> No.89948544

Number anons sure don't understand how success actually works and that it doens't happens over night, i wonder if hololive had these same posts when they were low 3views.

>> No.89948630

This board and number cancer didn't exist then.

>> No.89948703

I'm not? Hololive EN never had a civil war.
Hololive EN had bad management from 2020-2022. That same management structure was, in the early days, used for the new male branch (this is no longer the case, they're separate now). The head guy was fired and replaced in December 2022. We literally know this for a fact.
That bad manager had ideas that the EN market was different, and that he could make Tempus into "EN3". Tempus literally has a 3 in their logo, the same gimmick they did for ReGloss.
None of this shit worked out because most talents in Hololive EN didn't play ball (because it was a retarded and terrible idea, and a huge misread of the market).

>> No.89948704

Kobo broke up with him.

>> No.89948742

if its still not working after 6 years its probably time for homostar to graduate yeah

>> No.89949214
Quoted by: >>89949909

Overnight? Sister, please.
Fun fact: The time period between Tokino Sora's debut and Myth's debut was 3 years and 5 days.
The gap between Holostars JP first gen and Holostars Tempus? 3 years, 1 month. A BIGGER GAP.

Holostars to now? 5 years, 5 months, and 13 days. When does the success part start? How much longer do these motherfuckers need? A few more years? There are vtubers who have had entire successful careers and retired before these guys ever become relevant.

>> No.89949909

I know it's hard to understand for a numberino like you but everyone has a different metric of success.

>> No.89949964
Quoted by: >>89950412

Some already test the waters and can barely hold 100 viewers outside of one. Imagine being a nobody with the stars branding and even less without it.

>> No.89949975
Quoted by: >>89950482

You have no hard evidence for any of this

>> No.89950114
Quoted by: >>89950244

Your wife sings about sucking bbc, cuck

>> No.89950143
Quoted by: >>89951213

What cope measure of success applies to Holostars? Do the goalposts have to be an unsigned integer?

>> No.89950162

The niche that Nijisanji already had a monopoly on at that time? I don’t doubt that’s true in some cases but not for Holostars EN.

>> No.89950244

She has to relate to her audience somehow

>> No.89950253

These guys suffer from an identity crisis. They are supposed to be the male version of holoen, but they don't do any concerts. There's no real reason to follow them over any other streamer so it's no wonder their growth is so bad

>> No.89950412
Quoted by: >>89950743

Yeah but that's Vesper and Magni, it was a different time, they graduated in 2023 and a lot of the sisters had serious grievances about how it went down. And Vesper is doing OK, it's just Magni who's a 2view, and it's because he took too long to become a vtuber and his model and design are HORRIBLE, and apparently his content changed too much.
One of the new holostars, in the post-Selen world, with better prep (a model and debut ready to go) could totally catch the wave. Even more so if they shit talk their management a bit for drama boost.

>> No.89950482

The new management stuff is all from Linkedin, I'm not going to link it but you've surely seen it floating around, we've known it for almost two years. It's solid.
The Tempus = attempted EN3 stuff is speculation based on their logo and how it all went down. Seems pretty obvious to me though.

>> No.89950532
Quoted by: >>89951213

Yeah Hololive has a metric of success where they make a lot of money and do big concerts and events and have huge merch and brand collabs.
And holostars have a metric of success where they get terrible numbers that never grow or even get worse, whine all the time, get dogshit generic merch, and are irrelevant.

>> No.89950540
Quoted by: >>89951131

so they are like holoen for the first 2 years

>> No.89950743

I'm not talking about vesper and magni i'm talking about the ones currently in.

>> No.89950755
File: 102 KB, 850x601, 1693748797799255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89951282

Unichads we can't stop winning.

>> No.89951131

They debuted after they already got a formula of success for the girls so that excuse doesn't work
Seems like they just didn't have a long term plan for them

>> No.89951213

You legit can't argue with number monkeys, all of them must still be from pre school

>> No.89951282

I wonder if people that uses fuwamocco images to shitposting are actually ruffians and not just falseflaggers

>> No.89951328

Anon, you aren't even arguing, you're doing the shitposting equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and going "Lalalala".
Holostars numbers are low, and actually getting worse. Both branches are flirting with their all-time low viewership. How is that successful by any metric? This is the part where you actually explain yourself using some sort of logic

>> No.89951380
Quoted by: >>89951505

>all-time low viewership. How is that successful
what does low viewership have to do with getting your projects blocked and canceled by management?

>> No.89951389

They're doing fine geez why does everyone treats streamers in their 20's like they're babies?

>> No.89951416
Quoted by: >>89952685

>and a huge misread of the market
Personally I suspect it wasn’t a misread of the market but rather an attempt to expand the consumer base. I suspect Cover doesn’t want the consumer base to stagnate and so the company is trying to branch out into other demographics. Plenty of companies do this and I believe Cover is still trying this approach. The thing is with expanding a demographic is that you have to use the boiling frogs approach but too many companies are too retarded and/or impatient to do that. In Cover’s case the company is also vastly overestimating the potential demand for male-only vtubers (that don’t fujobait).

>> No.89951485
Quoted by: >>89951563

>All time low viewer ship
You can really tell when they don't know about the time miyabi was the only one streaming

>> No.89951505
Quoted by: >>89952226

What does getting projects blocked and cancelled by management have to do with you saying they're successful by their own "metric of success", which is what this reply chain is actually about?

>> No.89951563
Quoted by: >>89951655

OK, let me clarify
>All-time low viewership (ignoring the earliest year or two where they were lower than the slime on a modern small indie's boot, literally irrelevant peasants making less money than a McDonald's cashier)
There, are you happy? I thought that part was implied but I'll make it explicit next time

>> No.89951602
Quoted by: >>89951744

You're crying because you can't even win an argument with an empty room. I literally just asked for a single metric of success Holostars fits in your eyes and you're admitting it doesn't exist.

>> No.89951655
Quoted by: >>89951727

Yes, you really underestimate how easy it is to maintain a vtuber when most of them already treat this like a sidejob.

>> No.89951727

The guys themselves may be happy making a subsistence wage (they actually aren't, except for the ambitionless numales and the literal third-world hut dwellers in the new EN gens) but Cover isn't happy about it. They need to be growing to justify their existence and getting resources, not shrinking.

>> No.89951744

They literally are higher than the 98 percent of vtubers streaming, do you know how many indies would graduate to have the stuff holostars has?

>> No.89951813

Ah now we got a secret Cover investor here, tell us when JP gen 7 comes out anon?

>> No.89951845
Quoted by: >>89952712

>They're doing better than a 1view on twitch with a lisp and a disabled wheelchair fetish demon model!
Metric of success indeed kek

>> No.89951917
Quoted by: >>89952288

I don't need to be an insider to know Cover isn't happy with Holostars' growth, I just have to see them lose all their privileges and become menhera crybabies because they can't justify wasting so much money on them anymore. aka what this entire thread is about

>> No.89951996
Quoted by: >>89952712

>They literally are higher than the 98 percent of vtubers
So as long as there are thousands of people doing worse, they're successful. Even though they have an entire corporation behind them with staff, capex etc. Ok.

>> No.89952097
Quoted by: >>89952137

Depends on whether or not it references "El Silencio" or whatever they call that bait whenever anyone criticizes the Bau Baus

>> No.89952137
Quoted by: >>89952353

We don't speak of El Silencio... Far too traumatic...

>> No.89952226

you were trying to imply all of this started because he didn't see success which isn't related to anything being discussed

>> No.89952288

This entire thread was not even about altare, it was a shitpost about phase, you know i have yet to see ANY privileges that holostars get over any of the girls when vtubers are cheap to maintain, in fact you shitposters are just assuming this situation is about the entire branch when it could just be something unique to Altare, the other members aren't even saying anything.

>> No.89952353

Brace yourself. The one year is approaching

>> No.89952367
Quoted by: >>89953038

Nobody even knows who the phase girl is, the discussion pivoted from that pretty fast.
Phase antis and fans both highly overestimate how popular or relevant their company is, nobody cares as much as they think unless it's Pippa.

>> No.89952685

if that's what they were trying they burned the fucking water while trying to boil the frog

>> No.89952706
Quoted by: >>89952755

It’s always hilarious to me that someone needs to be Yagoo himself to hold any opinion over DA BOOOOOIZ.

>> No.89952712
Quoted by: >>89952851

You numberinos need to know that you don't need to be some high 4view to be considered successful

>> No.89952755
Quoted by: >>89953113

No one takes opinions from catalog posters seriously

>> No.89952785


>> No.89952851
Quoted by: >>89952993

Just need to be growing. And holostars isn't.

>> No.89952855

skill issue, just be like gura and grow while doing nothing

>> No.89952993

You guys say this every year

>> No.89953015
Quoted by: >>89953187

>i have yet to see ANY privileges that holostars get over any of the girls
you must be fucking blind then, just look at the humble beginnings of tempiss, getting perms and shit, why do you think the altare is omegatroon rrat started?

>> No.89953038

>Nobody even knows who the phase girl is
The most un-ironically crazy menhera in the cuck-company. Probably even Phase fans don't care about something so insignificant with her participation.

>> No.89953113
Quoted by: >>89953663

That’s fine, I’ll equally consider any rabid defense of them as useless and emotional.

>> No.89953151
Quoted by: >>89953233

>You guys say this every year
Does anything change?

>> No.89953187

So your only evidence for their "privileges" are stuff from two years ago?

>> No.89953233

You guys just move the goal posts everytime

>> No.89953280
Quoted by: >>89953321

it's hard to get any new evidence when nobody watches them anymore

>> No.89953321

Ah so you don't have proof good to know, so i can safely say anything you said was wrong.

>> No.89953323

yeah maybe the plan about male idol is not good idea, just let them stream like fleshstreamer without the idol thing

>> No.89953343
Quoted by: >>89953606

>I wonder if people that uses fuwamocco images to shitposting
Holy ESL

>> No.89953389
File: 992 KB, 2549x1425, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's true.
The trend is down, down, down, although if it makes you feel better at least Holostars JP is on a little localized uptick right now, things got REALLY REALLY dire for them in the summer.
But overall, both branches are in decline.

>> No.89953454
Quoted by: >>89953698

OK then let them do projects, songs, covers, in-branch events, whatever. Yeah, not everything they want will get approved, maybe some will be stinkers, maybe some ideas lose the talent money, but it really seems like they aren't even allowed to try. Fuck, they wouldn't let Altare host a book club when he debuted. A fucking BOOK CLUB. (It's probably the same reason they shot down Mumei's history show idea as well.)

My favorite random thing I've seen /here/ complain about is why StarsEN has this isekai world lore and "they're too lazy/embarrassed to do anything with it" when it's extremely well known that they get shut down by management all the time or out of nowhere. It took Altare and Axel actually begging Yagoo in-person to let them do lore VPs after nearly 2 years of existing. And it must have sold well since Armis just got a lore Voice Drama. Like God damn, a smaller ENReco style event would be perfect for them...

>> No.89953552

Yeah yeah, just like past year and the other past year and the other...

>> No.89953598
Quoted by: >>89954172

Anon, I'm not saying they're going to be disbanded. I'm just saying they're stagnating and not growing. Which is literally true.

>> No.89953606

Minor spelling mistake

>> No.89953618
Quoted by: >>89953949

how about that time haka got everything paid by yagoo while kobo was begging for money to her friends while in japan?

>> No.89953663

Lol fair i guess

>> No.89953670
Quoted by: >>89954172

When does it start being wrong?

>> No.89953698

The book club getting turned down and autistic lore would all be Omega from back in the day and he's gone now, good fucking riddance. Can't speak to stuff that's getting cancelled nowadays, no idea about any of that. It's certainly true that navigating Cover's Japanese autism is a huge challenge, no doubt.

>> No.89953820
Quoted by: >>89954172

For the past 5 years they’ve been stagnant and you’re fine with that?

>> No.89953867

Holotwitter spamming start events ....Reddit being locked for the homos...exclusive animated content, the only time cover ever bought YouTube ads to promote homos...

>> No.89953894

Are you aware that he always gets moody for the holiday season and bitchs because it's the time of the year when he is forced to visit his family?

>> No.89953949
Quoted by: >>89955112


>> No.89953995
Quoted by: >>89954640

These are your best examples of "privilege"? Really?

>> No.89954090

What are the reasons for the general failure in July-August?

>> No.89954171

>Tempus literally has a 3 in their logo
its a "T", its shaped like the cyber world they are from in lore

>> No.89954172
Quoted by: >>89954263

They already were stagnated in 2021, it's just a phase, no big deal like some anons here are trying it to make it out to be.

>> No.89954190
Quoted by: >>89956542

That's why I said some streams in my first post. You guys make it seem like the en girls were in the sky while the stars were below the dirt, but the fact that SOME of those stars streams were above SOME of en shows they were at least in the same league.
Nobody's denying that Hololive is more popular than Holostars, obviously they are and have been. Your numbers don't surprise me.

>> No.89954263
Quoted by: >>89954778

Good lord what is this cope?

>> No.89954640

Getting model updates in record time, Collab ban being shortened, 3D rule of no overlap just when the new homos got 3Ds, the whole holostars shill idea to play e-sport games with the girls, the list goes on and on and you know it but the answer will always be "I-Is t-that all?? I need more 262817 examples OR IS NOT REAL"

>> No.89954757
Quoted by: >>89954889

No point trying to talk to a sister, it’s like talking to a retarded kid

>> No.89954778
Quoted by: >>89955064

Cope of what? Lmao you clearly only knew about holostars from the tempus side

>> No.89954889

Lmao i kept being proved right when all of the "privileges" they got are stuff from two or one year ago that they don't get anymore but i guess anything is valid to maintain your agenda right?

>> No.89955064
Quoted by: >>89956867

As if nipstars is doing so much better? Anon you may not remember but Tempus was massively eclipsing Stars JP when they started. Mostly because at the time they were producing content more varied than listlessly starting up Apex or mining a mountain of sand in MC which was the average JP Stars stream at the time but I digress

>> No.89955089
Quoted by: >>89956625

How you explain this affiliate program cover pulled out their ass

>> No.89955112
Quoted by: >>89956458

can't find the thread here sorry, you gonna need to go to the evil site

>> No.89955184
Quoted by: >>89966037

nigga we literally want our homos to die or atleast graduate. That's how much we love Hololive

>> No.89956458

The top comment below in the post literally mentions how yagoo paid for kobo extra tickets to indonesia because she wanted to visit a sick family member lol

>> No.89956542

That's stupid. So because the biggest holostar could barely touch superchat readings of the lowest HoloENs on rare occasions, the branches are "sorta close" or something? Fucking nope, anon. The gulf between them is and was vast. You're just coping hard.

>> No.89956625
Quoted by: >>89956797

What does a program to allow important talents to retire without fully severing the tie have to do with holostars being failures? What a strange non sequitur.

>> No.89956656
Quoted by: >>89956742

So let me get this straight. The boys are privileged because Cover was promoting their newest branch on Twitter and YouTube (nevermind that Advent's debut was spammed the exact same way a year later), the subreddit got locked (iirc all initial debuts had the subreddit locked for 24 hours or something like that), and a 2 minute animated short when VG debuted.

That's your evidence.

>> No.89956742
Quoted by: >>89958394

>iirc all initial debuts had the subreddit locked for 24 hours or something like that
100% untrue bullshit.
The subreddit has only been locked on rare occasions, always for true disasters. IIRC Coco-Taiwan was one example.
It was locked because Tempus2 debuts were treated like they were going to be a big yab and drama was anticipated. T-chan knew that fans would be discontent when new homos were debuted 6 months after the first gen while everyone was clamoring for EN3.

>> No.89956797
Quoted by: >>89956882

If they were a failure they would have gotten rid of holostars when miyabi was a 2view

>> No.89956867

Content such as?

>> No.89956882
Quoted by: >>89957060

1. That's not true, Yagoo openly admitted at the time that they were his personal passion project and immune from numbers requirements
2. This still has fucking nothing to do with Ame being an affiliate, your logic is nonsensical

>> No.89956909

I genuinely think fagni and vesper ruined any real chance the branch had

>> No.89957043
Quoted by: >>89958503

they were our biggest allies in the end

>> No.89957060

Where's the Interview in which he said that, there's even a clip of astel saying holostars was started because man were asking if guys could join hololive.

>> No.89957309

Didn't he bragged about buying a motorcycle earlier this year?
I doubt money had anything to do with it.

>> No.89957576

He is leaving blacklive soon

>> No.89957625
Quoted by: >>89957767

I didn't want to agree with a sister, but yes, hopefully he will bring his fellow homos with him too! FREEDOM FOR THE STARS!

>> No.89957767

People love to hate the homostars so let sell the homostars division.

>> No.89957789

He would be a hero for leaving. He has played a heroic leader on youtube for a few years now; this is his chance to be one for real.
Show his comrades that there exists a place for them beyond Cover. Free yourself from the tyranny of their perms, their bullshit, their bad management. Go indie, prove everyone wrong.
So many people say they can't do it. So many naysayers and doubters. Are they going to let them win?

>> No.89957823
Quoted by: >>89960643

>there exists a place for them beyond Cover

>> No.89957961
Quoted by: >>89958092

unless he leaves with drama, he’s going to be even more dead as an indie

>> No.89957982

He appeals to no males there is no audience even if he is being treated wrong

>> No.89958041
Quoted by: >>89958092

lmao as if anyone is going to watch them afterwards besides trannies

>> No.89958092
Quoted by: >>89960828

See Altare? You see this? Doubters. Naysayers. Probably racists too and I bet they'd beat their wives if they had them.
Prove them wrong. Leave Holostars behind, and take as many of your comrades with you as you can. You have nothing to lose but your chains.

>> No.89958099
Quoted by: >>89958300

then he can appeal to women as an indie?

>> No.89958188
File: 1.37 MB, 1500x500, Scum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89965840

He probably realizes that he’s just like his JP senpais

>> No.89958210

altare if you read this people is happy that you are leaving blacklive

>> No.89958300

If he gets bad corpo numbers it will be 5 times worse as an indie

>> No.89958385

singling out the responses kekw k

>> No.89958394
File: 413 KB, 1284x1812, 1679922818906322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89958846

Why lie when there is plenty of evidence in the archive?

>> No.89958503
Quoted by: >>89958681

Nah, if it wasn't for those two grifting retards the branch could've been respectable
But there's very little respectable non-retarded talent in the EN homo pool
If it was just a gen of Hakkas and Altares instead of putting two rotten eggs in the basket at the start it would've been fine

>> No.89958584

Another girls gen pls

>> No.89958681

Ew no thanks, trannies aren’t welcomed

>> No.89958846
Quoted by: >>89959136

Your screenshot doesn't even contradict what I said. They never locked it for debuts before Tempus2. Those random retards are talking about exactly what I said; it was locked because it was going to be big drama, and it was, it arguably killed off the last rep the homos had with Hololive fans for good. they're saying it in anti-hololive terms because lots of holostars fans are crypto antis, but that's just phrasing.

>> No.89959077

Out of curiosity, what if someone starts a petition where Cover sells the Holostars branch to Brave? That way, Hololive is now an all girls thing and sisters can still watch their homos. How many signatures would be needed to get the message through?

>> No.89959136
File: 92 KB, 540x514, 1620916666955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89959286

Gura outfit reveal

>> No.89959173

ernoul was saying that

>> No.89959286

Gura outfit reveal isn't a new talent debut, and it got locked because Gura's first outfit had drama associated. The rigging was really bad and fans rioted.
Again, you're just providing more evidence for my point, not contradicting it

>> No.89959536

Can Brave even afford to hire talents as amazing as Machina x Flayon?

>> No.89959565

Is it a terrible idea or did a bunch of Twitter people— that don’t even bother watching them— say that it’s a terrible idea?

>> No.89959685

Can that schizophrenic retard off himself already, his existence makes it harder to actually criticize shit without looking like fucking Elliot Roger by association

>> No.89960643
Quoted by: >>89960818

Whoa there tiger! You gotta set those expectations a little lower, just want to be realistic.

>> No.89960818

kek what about garbage men?

>> No.89960828

Destroying them the exact same way you destroyed Magni

Perhaps I judged you too harshly.

>> No.89962095

He's pulling an Uki and having a gay mental breakdown because orange man won.

>> No.89962227
Quoted by: >>89962391

It's funny when you piece the puzzle, we have on record most holoen contemplating graduation during 2022 era, kiara constant shit on omega on and off stream, homo only good year was 2022 during omega rule, replacement with new holoen director including permanent status after advent success, the first director for homoen after the graduation of 2 homo, holoen ex-management are now the spearhead of vshojoJP.

>> No.89962252

It's funny how these two left one year ago but they still live rent free in some anons heads

>> No.89962391

You browse /#/ way too much

>> No.89962842

It's not so much living rent free, and being a reason why people just don't bother
They HAD growth, then went full retard and then went Super Retard 2 and left, leaving a bad taste in fans mouths and justifying the people that were shitting on the branch to begin with
They were literally gigantic PR disasters for a branch that had barely got going and was working on establishing itself

>> No.89963562

they did more to kill the branch's growth than anything anons on /vt/ have ever done. imagine if 2 members of Luxiem quit before even their first anniversary. a forever black stain on the branch.

>> No.89963917

Seriously I can give a pass on Vesper since the writing was on the wall with the suspension and ignoring collabs, etc. It’s Magni that boggled my mind because he was somewhat fine for a holostar, even got his model adjusted yet he STILL decided to leave because he thought he could do better.

>> No.89964254

both of them joined for selfish reasons. vesper admitted he only did it as a joke and when responsibilities started to pile up he went full menhera. magni did it and instantly used it to grow his personal network. remember all those outside collabs with his twitch friends? cover fucked up by letting two self interested shits sneak through auditions when you have someone like Ruze who genuinely seems to care and does weekly project streams because he loves the job.

>> No.89964909
Quoted by: >>89965745

Vesper was autistic but still charming, fagni had a theoretically solid background, and both were relatively clean
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you feel), fagni got too big for his britches and thought he was hot shit propping the whole show up and not part of a group

>> No.89965745
Quoted by: >>89966438

You anons sure love to act like investors for people you don't even watch in the first place

>> No.89965840

You can tell someone from /#/ made this

>> No.89966037

You don't watch anyone

>> No.89966217

People that propose ideas like these don't know how this company thing works.

>> No.89966438

Not sure how saying that tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dumber soured people's view on the branch is acting like an investor, but alright
