Yagoo, Sakana. Make it happen.
>>OPfuck off fdund feet
>>89749005What is OP's schizo post even supposed to mean?
>>OPShe should stream with Asmond, they both look the same
>>OPKys phasefag
>>OPEven the cock hungry phase whores would laugh at your 2mm micro dick
>>OPI see Fauna as more of a Lumi type. Not to say the three of them wouldn't get along.>>89749631I guess he watches them both>>89749778>Oh no! Gaps! Stop talking about Phase talents!It's not the worst shitpost. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? lol
>>OPpippa is to scared to ask to collab and fauna is to fucking lazy to ask or put something together.
>>OPFuck off, phasepag.
Fauna would unironically be happier in phase without thr restrictions and the creepy fans
I really hope Fauna graduates just so fdund will never post on /vt/ again.
>>89754382But then we'll get the sapling seethe as demonstrated ITT
>>89751914Go beg somewhere else, cuck
>>89754428Sapling seethe is what makes me like fdund. He's a master at annoying them.
>>OPShe's gotta do something to turn these numbers around. The right wing grift is just not paying off
>>89755026>almost no change in everyone else's viewershipthe gura of phase
>>89754715Well that's true, I just wish the saplings would leave pillow threads alone, but they can't help themselves it seems
>>89755286are are small dicked dudes delusional like this
>>89755286Thank you for your service saplings
>>89754470>Complete absence of begging >Cuckoldry nowhere to be seenSchizo
>>89755286>historical revision Pillowfag is constantly jerking off about fauna every time he posts. Literally every thread he makes is reaching for a comparison between her and pillow.
>>89756870Why though? I've watched both and they're only sliiiightly similar and the gap only widens over time.
>>89755863Don’t think you can stand next to Holo just because that one black corpo is dead. Know your place, freak.
>>89757227Holo girls would hate you if they were to ever see you.
>>89757825>holos would hate you!!!Why do phasefags always use the same retarded points?
>>89754382He'll find something else. He wants our attention more than he hates Fauna.
>>89758670Man I Hate Pippa
>>OP>Right-wing grifter on the left>Left-wing grifter on the rightWhat does it mean?
>>89758761It represents the duality of man; ones innate inner struggle against good and evil and how it's all just an illusion in the end. The OP has brought me to tears for the first time in decades, I truly feel like I understand the futility of conflict.
>>89749005I always love this picture every time I see it.The 290 Canadian dollars spread out like that, the crusty shit all over the desk, the chunks of food, the dusty ass keyboard, the random cologne, the dirty brown toes with the big toes randomly bent over his other toes, the wired mouldy headphones held together with tape, the child like writing on the sticky note.It's almost too perfect to be real but I don't know why anybody would think to set it out like this.
>>89760352You just know he douses himself in that cologne thinking it hides his stench
>>89755603What the fuck....
>>89749005Is that his botting money?
Are you proposing that we cut them in half and sew them together?
>>89755026she stopped the right wing grift altogether, that's why her numbers tanked
>>89760682Cut them in half, sew them together and make sure the wound never heals fully like the bitches from Claymore.
>>89760744>>89755026Pippa is like Gura and hates her fans, her fanbase rapidly expanded from 300 ccv in october 2021 to 5000 ccv in january 2024. She took several extended hiatuses and pissed off the kiwifags, causing her to tank back to where she was a year ago. Meanwhile other phasegirls can now command 1000-2000 ccv consistently especially tenma, shiina and lumi, so pippa is no longer the sole important member of PC. She did it to herself, though I guess you can argue if she had 10k ccv now with a bunch of autistic children posting PIPIPIPI everywhere and talking about how based and redpilled she is that might be worse.
>>89755026But anon told me Memory can't average 3 view