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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 35 KB, 554x554, 17540990835842806930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
89685195 No.89685195 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.89685215
File: 61 KB, 853x490, nijiniggersdeflecting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that nijiniggers and nijibabas are attacking Flow Glow extra hard to deflect from this

>> No.89685233
File: 306 KB, 1000x733, 1723983827485151.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89685236

Man, I love AZKi and SPECIALLY because of her onee-san model

>> No.89685263
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>> No.89685272

Do you love Fauna enough to watch a League stream?

>> No.89685279

Huge biboo yab on cc stream...

>> No.89685295
File: 413 KB, 1653x2338, IMG_5244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89685305

>these fags would be happier if they stayed alone and irrelevant for whatever reason
I mean that's literally it. theyre just holo antis that don't want them to succeed

>> No.89685306
File: 129 KB, 595x842, 17540990835842806914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89685594


Hololive sites

Twitch sites

>> No.89685348
File: 232 KB, 1269x1000, 15490393452810061014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89685505

Gold status

>> No.89685347

how is vspo doing these days?
i hear their big new hire is at 9k-10k levels

>> No.89685354

Beni sex
but for me it's nose who's legs barely work anymore...

>> No.89685375

Oh the braveshill logged on for the shift

>> No.89685416
File: 48 KB, 452x678, 17540990835842806937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89685476


>> No.89685421
Quoted by: >>89685570

wheelchair bound GFE...

>> No.89685445

The same way I love Mumei enough to watch her OW2 streams

>> No.89685451
File: 3.10 MB, 600x600, 1717844735406270.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89685463
Quoted by: >>89685519

In this case, they should try to do it properly, at least for 2 years. They created a device for some reason, and it is not as replacement for hololive. I will respect them more if they keep doing that even if, at the beginning, they struggle; that is how it should have been. Little by little they would probably grow, but they need to do it without hololive help.

>> No.89685476

Too young.

>> No.89685505
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>> No.89685513

No JP# to go to…

>> No.89685519
Quoted by: >>89685577

Is this AI

>> No.89685524

>wake up
>Elizabeth is joining the fucking League group
At least it's not [person who people would seethe if I actually mention their name] but I was hoping they'd find a good 5th

>> No.89685543
File: 381 KB, 1742x528, Screenshot 2024-11-17 at 17.24.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of, the green one and the pink one is debuting today and they still havent caught up to the predebut numbers of the other 2

>> No.89685555
File: 42 KB, 424x600, 132312321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that # is a pro-nose and anti-beni tsuna and towa thread

>> No.89685556
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Quoted by: >>89685599


>> No.89685570


>> No.89685575

Sasuga Nijithink

>> No.89685574


>> No.89685577
Quoted by: >>89685694

No, I thought about it.

>> No.89685579
Quoted by: >>89685652

Squirming works.

>> No.89685581

IRyS seems to be going really hard on promoting her song, where she usually just drops them and forgets they exist. Wonder if she's set her sights on working up to a Sololive eventually

>> No.89685587
Quoted by: >>89685873

Don’t worry some holofag gonna bring up chat speed and cause him to start fuming again and then he leaves like always

>> No.89685591
Quoted by: >>89685640

i wonder who's behind this post...

>> No.89685594

>stops dressing like a slut once she officially jons hololive
Was everything pre-planned to convey the idol journey...

>> No.89685599

2nd asskey is so sex, though she looks more like a cyberpunk DJ than a diva

>> No.89685604

Senpai should help, but really for JP it is not as simple as in EN. In EN, they basically see this as a job and all the relationship shown on stream are nothing more than make-believe friends. They have no problem with showing unity when there is none internally.

For JP, they treat it as another identity, an anime identity so to speak, but a real one for them. Senpai-kouhai relationship need to be established individually. For example Pekora would not just collab with whoever newbies. Not just that, you can see from their interactions there are actually minicliques inside hololive itself which is pretty interesting. Of course the cliques do mix with each other but there are clearly preference of interaction for each person. In short, if you want the grace and help from your senpai there need to be chemistry between you and the senpai.

This is not only the issue. Even if the senpai likes you a lot, they can't help you in every move because people like nijiniggers (and (You), probably) would just call the newcomer "leech" for relying on their help way too much.

In the end, if you want a successful gen, you need to have a great gen chemistry with a pinch of senpai's help, which FLOW GLOW had none.

>> No.89685621
File: 37 KB, 552x500, 1656935496311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anti towa

>> No.89685622

Based wheelchairGOD

>> No.89685630

Erb barely talks in collabs who really cares

>> No.89685640

nose hates the small hat people anon since (((they))) denied her redbull

>> No.89685652

her debut was pretty funny minus the shitty stereo mic
scary movie parody and ferris buelers day off reference when she ended

>> No.89685654
Quoted by: >>89685832

Buy an ad, intern.

>> No.89685694
Quoted by: >>89685829

Then why does it say "a device" instead of Dev_is?

>> No.89685700
Quoted by: >>89685773

Reddit post

>> No.89685720

You got it backwards anon, she wants to be seen as cute, not cool.

>> No.89685722

You scared of people seething at you?

>> No.89685723
Quoted by: >>89690349

The worst AZKi.

>> No.89685734


>> No.89685733

I'm starting to think Justice is the real golden gen

>> No.89685747

Oh ffs, lol is already shit. Fuck It, skippa skippa.

>> No.89685749

>le not real friends

>> No.89685752
File: 1.05 MB, 1312x1134, 1708128883593554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me you're lying

>> No.89685756

>In EN, they basically see this as a job and all the relationship shown on stream are nothing more than make-believe friends.
This is really apparent when you see how few times they meet up IRL, fucking indie and small corpo euro chuubas meet up 10x more than EN holos that live on the same side of america

>> No.89685770


>> No.89685773

homobeggar stop replying to my post

>> No.89685782
Quoted by: >>89685842

Schizo headcanon

>> No.89685803

Sorry, I went too rough with her

>> No.89685809

>towa finally crippled nose

>> No.89685829

It's easier and faster to type.

>> No.89685832
File: 853 KB, 2686x4096, GckXyVWXIAAbM98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch out this slime is out for your testicles

>> No.89685842
Quoted by: >>89685905

Says the namefag

>> No.89685848
Quoted by: >>89685989

Shame about Maeve. Her model and voice were right in my zone, but that was a crushingly boring debut only made to look even worse by the high effort offering that followed it.

>> No.89685856

Morning ladies. I fell asleep after the third game, who ended up losing to AZKi in the finals?

>> No.89685862
Quoted by: >>89685953

Dude, you are putting way more thought into the superior Japanes cultural system than they ever do. Peak last samurai.

>> No.89685864
Quoted by: >>89685931

Yeah also notice how the EN Holoboys actually travel to hang out with each other.

>> No.89685869
File: 153 KB, 720x800, 1731853037759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89686160

>> No.89685873

Peak it's still the day that he said that brave is a young corpo (2017) and they are thriving (2 days after brave published the infamous record losses financial report), dude live to get btfo

>> No.89685890
Quoted by: >>89685937

People are nicer to each other when they are financially well off, so this doesn't really mean anything.

>> No.89685899
Quoted by: >>89686504

>3 random women having a slow, boring, awkward conversation about being crippled IRL
"people" who watch non holo vtubing are mentally ill

>> No.89685905

Didn't realize the name thing stayed that was for a one off bit

>> No.89685917

You deserve it for watching LoL regardless of who your oshi is.

>> No.89685922
Quoted by: >>89686036

Nope, you can check gigi's frame yourself.

>> No.89685926

>"Maddie looks like a trannie"
>"Petra looks like a trannie"
Why is this Fauna anti obsessed with trannies?

>> No.89685931
Quoted by: >>89689927

>saying this when they had that drama a weeks ago because one homo tried to gaslight another homo in their respective rm which resulted in their holomarches game being delayed

>> No.89685937

arent holos financially well off? and euros are poorer than americans on average by quite a bit

>> No.89685953
Quoted by: >>89686024

It is true though. If you watch enough streams you can see the dynamic.

>> No.89685955
File: 276 KB, 1600x1200, 1720269835890668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning /#/. I love Jelly!

>> No.89685959

>So remember the little "drama" Jurard had before his debut all because he called IronMouse a kitten as a reply to her tweet at him?
>Well, Jurard is currently reacting to his pre-debut tweets right now and actually talked about the tweet and the little drama it caused.
>Essentially, the tweet was just a joke and was not even supposed to be ragebait by him. It was just a dumb joke he made at the heat of the moment.

>yeah I remember the miserable fucks on reddit going after him. and he's still nothing but thriving

>> No.89685965

I see nothing on her Twitter

>> No.89685967

Brother in Christ saying this after operation holoX and operation Regloss

>> No.89685973
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, UUUUUUUUUURL=LcWA0K2C7po.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89685977
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So holored is officially Ollie, ERB, Jutard, and Flaygon. How did the homos and or Ollie fuck it up that even Bae went no way fag to them. The same bae that crippled her growth early saying she watches and likes the homos and mentioned watching roberu recently.

>> No.89685983
File: 2.81 MB, 3840x2160, 1676988701165390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those boots
fembud spotted

>> No.89685986

Fauna and Moom meet up and have sex with each other every two to three months, though

>> No.89685989
Quoted by: >>89686124

>want to specialize in yapping
>boring yapper
really wonder why they hired her, she just did the infamous "I like X" and never expanding on it

>> No.89685996

Anyone that has any facial curvature is a man

>> No.89686015
File: 427 KB, 425x528, 1731095536439454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this looks like a beautiful woman
If you start simping for 6/10 onlyfans whores you should take a step back and think long and hard if this is still something you're okay with

>> No.89686024
Quoted by: >>89686073

I don't indeed watch JP. You can keep watching them and dreaming that one day you will be one of them.

>> No.89686034

but we all agree that EN needs 2 or 3 more gens right?

>> No.89686036
Quoted by: >>89686130

It's CC not ERB

>> No.89686040
File: 289 KB, 404x282, 1711332814052255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's still nothing but thriving

>> No.89686058

Hate marketing works! Holostars thriving!

>> No.89686061

>i didn't say anything
>he starts rampaging again
holy fucking schizo

>> No.89686068

I wonder if she will release an ep or album in the future

>> No.89686073

>I don't indeed watch JP
A thread reader trying to give his opinion, huh?

>> No.89686083

at least one full EU time gen + one full american gen

>> No.89686099
Quoted by: >>89686165

He 100% confused he stance with Kaela's

>> No.89686105
Quoted by: >>89686225

Because homos are retards and Ollie is a retarded shipper who doesn't understand time and place

>> No.89686108


>> No.89686109

>How did the homos and or Ollie fuck it up that even Bae went no way fag to them
Bae finally made it solidly into the middle of the pack range now (both viewerships and merch sales). She simply looked back and decided she didn't want to be a runt again

>> No.89686113

What a terrible post

>> No.89686122
Quoted by: >>89686232

Spoiler this shit anon ffs

>> No.89686124

It's globie how many applicants do you think they get?

>> No.89686130

Liz got recruited during the Q&A

>> No.89686137

I'd fugg a slime girl

>> No.89686140
File: 1.10 MB, 1000x1000, うめうめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ReGLOSS 3D Live Reach the Top
>1st Album "ReGLOSS"
>Feeling Gradation *new*

>セプテンバーさん / September-san (cover) *new*
>快晴 / Kaisei (cover)
>青と夏 / Ao To Natsu (cover)
>青のすみか / Ao no Sumika (cover)
>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover)
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs

>> No.89686150

Yeah around 25 members would be perfect

>> No.89686151

Bae only ever cared about JP homos.

>> No.89686154

I mean after Carbonated Love went hot, I assumed that boosted her spirits compared to the Omega vsinger era

>> No.89686160

Good Morning Phasecuck

>> No.89686163

2 max and they need to be as good as advent and justice 3/3.

>> No.89686165
Quoted by: >>89686302

>ESL reading comprehension
Is it euro hours already?

>> No.89686171
Quoted by: >>89686411

>Fauna anti
>obsessed with Fauna
>obsessed with trannies
Maybe because they mistaken Fauna as a tranny? I mean she does give the impression with the disfigurement so I don't blame them.

>> No.89686174
File: 28 KB, 461x262, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my horn is safe

>> No.89686176

1 per year.

>> No.89686180

Bae only like JP homos. She only tolerated Tempiss during their settling down phase.

>> No.89686181

Cute model. Shame about the voice though

>> No.89686207

>FLOW GLOW had none.
Really? I don't watch their collab so I don't know

>> No.89686219

Two 5 people gens would work. 18 people not dependant on Myth and Promise would work.

>> No.89686223

Didn't mouse cancel her collab with him after the infamous members rant was leaked?

>> No.89686225

I'm guessing that's part of it. Ollie would unironically try to get Rrat and one of the homos dating in real life even if Rrat said she didn't want anything to do with that shit.

>> No.89686232

Sorry anon if you don't think she's beautiful you're a Fauna anti (??? I don't get it either)

>> No.89686247
Quoted by: >>89686281

>my horn is safe
she is unironically like that recent vspoen girl

>> No.89686253

>sub 1k anniversary stream

>> No.89686267
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>> No.89686274
File: 3.25 MB, 235x250, 1731431421928614.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89686347

Good, at least this place won't live post that stream

>> No.89686277

[sad news] raora went to sleep

>> No.89686281

barefooted lolis never cuck you, it is against the law

>> No.89686295

old flare by not beloved...

>> No.89686302
Quoted by: >>89686403

It actually is for once.

>> No.89686308

He made it up

>> No.89686316
Quoted by: >>89686368

she said that they were postponing it due to sudden scheduling conflict but it seems to be dead

>> No.89686334


>> No.89686347

I don't care about ERB but that model is cute.

>> No.89686357
Quoted by: >>89686409

There was one few days ago. You can watch a few minutes to get the gist of it. The collab was smooth and they responded to each other well but nothing genuine. They just started up though so I would give them time.

>> No.89686365

like 2-3 max to eu hours and 1-2 for na and it's good

>> No.89686368
Quoted by: >>89687451

I mean IM is never online I get it that isn't easy to reschedule, two more weeks

>> No.89686369
File: 269 KB, 1029x885, 1728069932109792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89686376

It's honestly kind of amazing that you still managed to slide your regular ENseethe into an anti-Devis rant. I wonder how long it'll be until you start writing schizographs about JP proper

>> No.89686391

I made it up

>> No.89686393
Quoted by: >>89686537

What's with the big difference in subs?

>> No.89686397
File: 220 KB, 1080x1350, GG LOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89686403

Hey, when you say "Euro hours" 24/7, you will sometimes be right.

>> No.89686409
Quoted by: >>89686483

There was one earlier today anon...

>> No.89686412

Honestly, shippers are the worst kind of fans

>> No.89686411


>> No.89686435
Quoted by: >>89686516

Anon, her stream title says beautiful women

>> No.89686443
Quoted by: >>89686498

They collabed later but he's never been on her talk show

>> No.89686447

kys this is a faumei thread

>> No.89686464
File: 2.17 MB, 1179x2043, 17540990835842086916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89686472

Autofister bros...

>> No.89686483

And it was fun. Clearly they can improve a lot, but they're not lacking in chemistry at all

>> No.89686498
Quoted by: >>89686577

that was the discord kitten collab, there was another collab that was swept under the rug

>> No.89686504

mind you, 2/3 of those are THE most popular VSPO

>> No.89686515

Chihaya is carrying them for now

>> No.89686513

Not choco enough.

>> No.89686516

Then why is Fauna there

>> No.89686520

I want Ollie to ship ERB with Jurard, so there's more Nerissa vs Jurard fanarts

>> No.89686521

>Autofister bros...
That's like every HoloEN girl. What do they know?

>> No.89686535

Bae avoided axel to the extreme when he debuted because she knew people would try to ship them through the Australia connection and even had a short do not ship me talk in members iirc. Too bad zeta got roped in instead and zetaxel become a thing for a short while

>> No.89686537

Squirmimi and Maeve got their ads one day earlier than the other two since they debuted one day earlier but the loli and cera "should" have caught up to the predebut subs of squirmimi and maeve by now but they havent for some reason
the green one even has the ex corpo buff (she is a former Vreverie vtuber)

>> No.89686549
Quoted by: >>89686634

Autofister plays into it. Only homoniggers ship homos with Holos.

>> No.89686559
Quoted by: >>89686688

Still infinitely better than Kiara or Fauna could ever wish to be

>> No.89686573

Too much cuckposting, what hours are these?

>> No.89686577
Quoted by: >>89686667

I thought the discord kitten thing was just on twitter

>> No.89686581

yes, easy, next question

>> No.89686626

I'm already mad about this collab someone please confirm if ERB is in fact on it or not so I know if I need to be madder

>> No.89686634

>Autofister plays into it
It's only a matter of time before CC actually hates it

>> No.89686637

It's SEA monke refusing to go to sleep hours.

>> No.89686644

If someone starts blaming EU it's SEA hours

>> No.89686649
Quoted by: >>89686697

Yes, Mori, ERB and Magni are there

>> No.89686648
File: 260 KB, 1280x696, IMG-20241117-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This level is pretty hard

>> No.89686667

i mean the collab that happened after the discord kitten thing anon, that was the one that pushed through

>> No.89686677 [SPOILER] 
File: 176 KB, 924x1280, lotus-7511823_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89686734

since flare mentioned something about emails when talking about the trauma, something tells me it's not really the clownfish that traumatized her, but a "lotus" edit of a picture, which was a very common viral image back then, and she somehow associated clownfishes with that.

>> No.89686681

Sure why not

>> No.89686684
Quoted by: >>89686771

you're mad about something that takes literally 5 seconds to check and realize it's false. stop being retarded.

>> No.89686687

Doesn't seem to be growing as quickly as Carbonated Love, but it's on an OK track.

>> No.89686688
Quoted by: >>89686726

But enough about your 1/10 balding Pashwhore

>> No.89686697

You forgot Mikeneko

>> No.89686712

>He said that when /u/ fag run this shit

>> No.89686715

I'd just like to point out that this thread is much better during burger hours

>> No.89686720
File: 3.69 MB, 1920x1920, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89686824

>9 in the morning for euros
>1 am PST
>6 pm JST
LMAO DOA unless she pivots to making youtube videos like an old school vtuber

>> No.89686723
Quoted by: >>89686791

It is, I cleared it earlier with Marine but after many tries.

>> No.89686726
Quoted by: >>89687020

stop calling out kiara like that! she's sensitive about her balding hair

>> No.89686734


>> No.89686751

Lack of awkward silence =/= having chemistry

>> No.89686771

Anon... She literally said that she will play it with them during the justice q&a stream on cc's channel

>> No.89686777

That was established years ago.

>> No.89686778
File: 271 KB, 923x679, infinitegrowth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Five and a half hours and it just keeps going up.

>> No.89686791

This build was actually pretty good, build around the rock hard stamp. I just didn't take the projectiles into consideration or should've been a win.

>> No.89686801

>halu level 5
come on man

>> No.89686812

It's okay anon, just let him cope
I, for once prefer the UNHINGED and CHAOTIC surprise

>> No.89686824

>movie sperg
That's a good niche to appeal to.

>> No.89686833

burgers and japs are the gold standard for audiences anon
in the bottom are sea and eu

>> No.89686841

Timestamp pl0x

>> No.89686842
File: 184 KB, 900x900, 1687563326866693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sacred threads

>> No.89686855

Man, now I regret not saving that 'numbers go up' webm.

>> No.89686898
Quoted by: >>89687080

Would be funny if Biboo just hangs around for the entire marathon.

>> No.89686934

Sora did it first try

>> No.89686980
File: 17 KB, 681x165, Screenshot_20241117-135032~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just play with da boiz

>> No.89687007

Why the fuck are people acting like it's surprising
Other holos are ending/ended and she literally has WITH GUESTS, with people actually showing up to her stream. Where the fuck else would they go on a sunday?

>> No.89687013

Yeah, I always said she is malicious cunt. The only people saying she is just 'naive' are homo sisters and homo beggars trying to defend her (and fail).

>> No.89687020
File: 59 KB, 975x324, 1731846333764682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry that your plappka lost to a Nijihomo Twice

>> No.89687042

Damn invisible gun...

>> No.89687063
Quoted by: >>89687237

About the Hoshikawa thing last thread, thanks dudes I found it
there are people jokingly saying don't diss your own box in the comments but I guess some people actually got offended by this

>> No.89687076
Quoted by: >>89687238

You sound very agitated. Maybe take a chill pill and go for a walk.

>> No.89687078
Quoted by: >>89687100

Bijou been here for hours does she not have work to do.

>> No.89687080

She has a stream in 7hrs and she hasn't slept yet

>> No.89687082
Quoted by: >>89687180

Chammers is doing a cute EN stream btw

>> No.89687100
Quoted by: >>89687156

her work is to be a cute anime girl

>> No.89687120
Quoted by: >>89687238

Theres no need to be this mad anon, it was a very benign statement.

>> No.89687124
File: 83 KB, 1268x713, Fubuki pog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89687192

>> No.89687147

Dev_is management needs to step up their game. These new recruits have a lot of homework to do.

>> No.89687153

Why is bijou not sleeping anyway?

>> No.89687156

Some Hologirls forget this but it's true.

>> No.89687174
File: 18 KB, 720x179, Screenshot_20241117-135501~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We lost kino....

>> No.89687180

ooft unfortunate timing being overlapped by CC stream

>> No.89687192
File: 15 KB, 554x314, 1728569471727849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89687312


>> No.89687194

>the tweet was just a joke and was not even supposed to be ragebait by him
this would have probably worked better if he didn't admit that it was in his members stream already

>> No.89687210
Quoted by: >>89687258

Watched some vid about kpop fans' antics and god damn not even the most schizo vtuber fan can come remotly close to this degree of psychotic bullshit
women are fucking crazy

>> No.89687237
File: 315 KB, 1287x1553, 13312312321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nijinigs trashing hskw had been going on even before that stream but that one turned it up to 10 and even had some of the "unofficial" jap niji clipper channels turn on her

>> No.89687236

Lol mentally ill fucks.

>> No.89687238

Every single time with the same like 4 EN Holos they do buff shit at an ideal time and people pretend like the numbers are fucking surprising or some shit.
>B-but it's not ideal
It's a fucking weekend for NA and EU still. She has guests, one who (though she's gone now) exists in this timeslot to begin with. No it's not surprising. It's like when someone gets good numbers in an empty fucking timeslot and people are like "WOW LOOK AT IT GOING UP!" and then the moment someone else starts and they either stagnate or bleed people shut the fuck up.

>> No.89687252

Anyone who thought Bae would join this has never watched Bae

>> No.89687254

Kiara barely even wants to play league at all. Ignoring the homo part.

>> No.89687258

you got a taste of that with luxiem

>> No.89687267
File: 381 KB, 854x480, Ainzach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The streamer journey

>> No.89687269
File: 39 KB, 389x464, 1714921134209247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89687331


>> No.89687278

He literally said it was meant to fucking bait in his shit member stream
What a fucking revisionist faggot lmfao
Did he show the depressed nousacunt one or did he memory hole'd it

>> No.89687294
Quoted by: >>89687530

What's considered failing? VERSEn numbers?

>> No.89687309

ahem they dont even need the homos, they can just invite longstanding members to their channels
which would be infinitely preferable to homos

>> No.89687312
File: 1.82 MB, 640x358, Lamy eats you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89687703


>> No.89687325

this nigger is so fucking mad lol

>> No.89687330
File: 110 KB, 1481x616, Screenshot 2024-11-17 222419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck do i even make this jump?

>> No.89687331

Bummer about Ame LMAOOOOOO

>> No.89687345

A graph and a simple statement of a fact made this anon this mad.

>> No.89687356
File: 1.59 MB, 6144x6144, 1718621423571378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why so mad?

>> No.89687357

Right, even if all you just type is true, why are you seething? You a ligger nigger or something?

>> No.89687368
Quoted by: >>89687424

You are pathetic

>> No.89687373


>> No.89687379

isn't CC playing with mouse and keyboard? why are controller prompts showing instead of keys

>> No.89687378

I can't make any jump

>> No.89687405

Yes that shit got "delayed" and was never speaked of again

>> No.89687424

Hey, come on, he set himself up for that one

>> No.89687436
Quoted by: >>89687597

>streamers and one or two idols bad at being idols
>idols and one or two streamers bad at being streamers

I've got to say, devis is hilarious and is my favorite branch

>> No.89687439

thats definiately keyboard and mouse movement

>> No.89687447

Imagine how it feels behind the scenes looking at the numbers and knowing these fucks don't pay a single cent but keep asking for things that hurt your careers

>> No.89687451

lmao even

>> No.89687452
Quoted by: >>89687502

>watch FlowGlow Collab
>it's jank

>> No.89687474

>Beggar just couldn't help himself

>> No.89687497
File: 182 KB, 1280x720, ENCope241117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>11/17 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.580: FuwaMoco (Hololive) | Fate/Stay Night Remastered
4.484: Nayuta (FSP) | Pico Park 2 Ravanis Collab
3.487: Rin (Indie) | Announcement(s) Stream
3.266: Bint (Indie) | Astro Bot
2.161: First Stage Production EN | Ravanis Debut Watchalong
2.114: Meloco (Nijisanji) | Resident Evil HD Remaster
1.931: Vox (Nijisanji) | Variety Collab w/ Vantacrow
1.930: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Mabinogi w/ Eimi
1.839: Pippa (Phase-Connect) | Sponsored Stream
1.830: Bettel (Holostars) | Mario Party Jamboree w/ Altare, Axel, Octavio
1.813: Millie (Nijisanji) | Unarchived Karaoke Stream
1.584: Vezalius (Nijisanji) | Birthday Stream
1.447: Octavio (Holostars) | Karaoke Stream
1.411: Airi (Phase-Connect) | Unarchived Karaoke Stream
1.402: Millie (Nijisanji) | Unarchived Karaoke Stream
1.211: Squirmimi (globie) | Debut Stream
1.165: Narin (VSPO) | Valorant
1.127: Shinri (Holostars) | Starcraft 2
1.105: Sinder (Indie) | HoloCure
1.061: Ruze (Holostars) | Buckshot Roulette
1.036: Vantacrow (Nijisanji) | Just Chatting
1.011: Fuyo | idol Graduation Stream

>> No.89687495

How do people like watame and sakamata or flare right now manage EN primetime tier numbers in the dead of JP night anyway?
are there that many night shifters and neets in japan?

>> No.89687502

EN curse, my beloved

>> No.89687509
File: 315 KB, 1228x567, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek he addressed this but completely skipped his reply to DN lmao

>> No.89687517

Homoniggers in all their glory everybody

>> No.89687530

Fool. The numbers don't actually matter. They'd still be thriving even if they were 1view. The difference is with the post you're trying. If you want to bitch about the boys not getting enough support, then they're failing actually and it's cover's fault.

>> No.89687545

>How do people like watame and sakamata or flare right now manage EN primetime tier numbers in the dead of JP night anyway?
nijis get their highest numbers in dead of jp night

>> No.89687562

Why are SEA monkeys like this?

>> No.89687597

>bad at being idols
>bad at being streamers
Where do you get your information?

>> No.89687598

all souls games show controller prompts even if you use kb+m unless you change it in the settings

>> No.89687620

Still the most pathetic, cringe, and embarrassing chuuba reply I've ever seen. Fucker really shown his pagpager blood on day 1

>> No.89687650

Literally just tap the jump button as fast as you can.

>> No.89687658
File: 591 KB, 595x540, 1728069724526176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek what happened to the hate marketing?
>she can take the heat
>lol i was just joking
>memory hole the DN shit
what a fucking pussy

>> No.89687695

Babydoll has been going for almost 6 hours, Autofister sister status?

>> No.89687703
File: 185 KB, 498x280, 1727699322622764.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89687723


>> No.89687724
Quoted by: >>89687791

All ships and pairing are trash next to TimeRyS

>> No.89687727
File: 37 KB, 737x80, 34216891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89687731

Bro all the popular anime air at bullshit hours like 2am.

>> No.89687754
Quoted by: >>89687793

You jinxed it, motherfucker!

>> No.89687773

and biboo gone

>> No.89687788

>Biboo leaves
now what?

>> No.89687791

So true sister #cut4hex

>> No.89687793


>> No.89687799

>One of the greatest stream ever
Maybe pekomari v miComet winner rape loser

>> No.89687811

Biboo is going to sleep now. And CC will take a short break.

>> No.89687814

>going on break
I always hate when CC goes on break, because she loses like 1000 viewers

>> No.89687828
File: 141 KB, 1183x811, 1688090053942011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favorite is Uncle Nowa x Fauna intimate collab.

>> No.89687860
File: 378 KB, 638x979, 1721593916412152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah I remember the miserable fucks on reddit going after him. and he's still nothing but thriving

>> No.89687871

5 min break..JESAS

>> No.89687874


>> No.89687884

its youre fault for not going jingkiskhan shit

>> No.89687886
Quoted by: >>89690052

Anon there is genuinely something wrong with you, on a deep mental level, if this is your reaction to:
>This stream is doing well

>> No.89687890
Quoted by: >>89687919


>> No.89687891
Quoted by: >>89688336

they look cute together

>> No.89687897

Americans able to wake up and watch on a weekend morning. Should be the expected graph behavior, no?

>> No.89687912
File: 433 KB, 1280x720, fatfuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat. Fuck.

>> No.89687919


>> No.89687984
File: 979 KB, 827x827, 1731660978372916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute Cute Cute

>> No.89687987
File: 417 KB, 1064x896, 1713475601772153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89688085

Fat fuck love

>> No.89688008
File: 8 KB, 458x128, 231231123213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rider having gynophobia and hating yuri because he got bullied by women while being in a predominantly female school will never be not funny to me

>> No.89688025

I see three of them. Who is more rapeable?

>> No.89688040

If cannonballs are a problem just don't move too much from 0, 0

>> No.89688051

So did he finally get a job?

>> No.89688072
File: 87 KB, 710x1024, 1731661039360200m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89688101

I Love Phase and NTR

>> No.89688085

When will they add cheebs to holocure.

>> No.89688091

I cleared it with moom, fauna and mel easy one try

>> No.89688096

Nah, he got kicked out of his initial fan project and is currently doing some game with cars instead

>> No.89688094

>holocure update comes out after like one whole year of waiting
>9 new characters
>80% of them have the same gauge mechanic
>only like 2 of them have actually unique skills that change the way you play/build
>2 new stages that take 40 minutes to clear
>most of the dev time was spent on the most mind numbing pointless grinding side content imaginable because the game was made by a soulless insectoid asian drone
Can't wait for the advent+justice update in 2026

>> No.89688101
Quoted by: >>89688220

>t. falseflagging holocuck

>> No.89688108

he wanted to be in a harem manga

>> No.89688114

>So did he finally get a job?
yeah, he and a couple of homofags have become interent detectives trying to find out where the unicorn cabal meets up

>> No.89688126
File: 342 KB, 688x534, 1728794182835340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys think Cover would ever be willing to sell their models/IP to the talent? Like if one of the stars like gura, miko, or pekora decided to graduate and offered Cover millions of dollars in exchange for their model, would cover consider it?

>> No.89688150
Quoted by: >>89688260

No, he started tweeting about Trump for some reason.

>> No.89688171

>timelooping question for the 1000000th time

>> No.89688176
Quoted by: >>89688199

You will play dumb blackjack and dollar store jump king!

>> No.89688199
Quoted by: >>89688322

No I won't actually

>> No.89688203

You fucks pretend to hate lol but when world final happen all of you live posting about it in this thread.

>> No.89688204
Quoted by: >>89688755

Bold choice of words but you are right, seems like he doesn't really play bullet heavens/roguelites

>> No.89688211

I dont think the talents would be willing to spend or will be able to afford it nor will cover let go of the ip
iirc patra was nearly bankrupt when she bough her ip from 774

>> No.89688220

>t.falseflagging Homonigger Phasecuck

>> No.89688229

>Curry with rice and fried chicken

>> No.89688230
Quoted by: >>89688742

Watch it being his /pol/shit being the reason and not the multiple instances of him shitting on the girls and their fans

>> No.89688239

Not under normal circumstances.
If the company was going through bad times, maybe.

>> No.89688240
File: 315 KB, 1192x399, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it was clearly a joke
> what confirmed it was that Ironmouse was clearly replying to be
wait for it
> the thing that probably made it more controversial was because..
> and I didn't even know I was blocked
copium incoming
> spoiler alert, she wasn't offended, we were collabing like months after
> people just assumed she hates me or something and I was a menace to society
> we were friends.. no not we were, we ARE friends
> we are friends and still is
> I only got to know Ironmouse fully in the collab.
> "omg maybe I shouldn't have made this joke".
> So I see why people are mad about it, because they're protective of mousie and I understand that
> In a sense it was my bad, because..
> given everything she's been through I think this was like um..
> a poorly made thing, and I apologized for that.
The block was totally real
> she was cool with it, we had a talk about it
> we talked it out and everything was fine
> her fans overreacted
> It wasn't a marketing stunt
> I was just fucking dumb
uh huh
> heat of the moment I did that
> really sorry if I actually offended a lot of people
> I'm gonna be a better person from now on, no promises
> I'm not sorry, I'll be better
This guy just keeps flip flopping between sorry and not sorry, what a fucking retard lmao

>> No.89688252

He must be really a nasty human being if even with a place full of women he can't score.

>> No.89688260
Quoted by: >>89688472

>for some reason
SEA blood

>> No.89688261

Holy ESL

>> No.89688268

This but unironically
Please just focus on the main game kay yu

>> No.89688286
Quoted by: >>89688552

>he got kicked out of his initial fan project
how the fuck did he get kicked out from a project he started and developed

>> No.89688312

CC eating fried chicken sounds.

>> No.89688322

Fair enough.

>> No.89688329

If ERB or Mori is there, probably not

>> No.89688337

There's a difference between watching pros play it and watching the girls play it

>> No.89688336

I know, right? There should be more of those. Sadly Uncle Nowa is gone but Fauna can always have a collab with Bettel.

>> No.89688345
Quoted by: >>89688436

is she... is she brown?

>> No.89688360

Yes wasting a 5 holomen collab on lol playing against easy bots without flash is a little different from Faker winning the fifth while shitting down chinks throat branded b2.

>> No.89688367

he is sorry about getting caught
like most psychopaths are

>> No.89688369

what a fucking idiot
100% management had a talk with him after the leaked members only stream
well whatever
homos are more irrelevant than ever this days

>> No.89688388

And white onions

>> No.89688402

No you don't get it
>holo girl streams holocure
>sees sign pointing towards 'cute girl'
>follow it and find the jump king minigame
>say "wooooooooow it that jump king?? that's crazy" in japanese
>spend 2 minutes playing the minigame while saying "woooow that's so crazy"
>quit and never go back because if they wanted to stream jump king they would stream jump king
All worth it in the end

>> No.89688412

The girls who could afford it would be better off going with a new model

>> No.89688422

I never played lol, I have no idea of the scene. I was a dota2chad.

>> No.89688426

mexico mentioned!

>> No.89688428
Quoted by: >>89690207

Is because if he actually apologizes he losses his "edgy persona that fights the unicorns" fame, pretty much only /vt/ knows that he is a scumbag that enjoys doing rage bait while to the rest of the world he does this "I was just doing a joke bros sorry for pretending to be retarded" act

>> No.89688436

Don't you guys have takeout in SEA? She just ordered food from some random asian takeout joint

>> No.89688452
Quoted by: >>89688521

You sure she isn't Indian or something?

>> No.89688469

Imagine being blocked by the town bike of EN vtubers

>> No.89688472
Quoted by: >>89689654

>SEA blood
nah its even more funnier
iirc his us visa was denied just like dn
he probably has the same problem in that somebody must have used his personal email or accounts and used it to some online commie/npa groups which automatically gets you name in the red list which is forwarded to the us embassy

>> No.89688494
Quoted by: >>89688592

Imagine this for a second, the prestigious company called Cover debuts some new talents and right out of the gate they are so fucking unbearable that you feel compelled to block them.
The homos are more than deadweight, they are a fucking liability.

>> No.89688504

Germans fry with lard, their Schnitzel are mean

>> No.89688506


>> No.89688510

Acshully! I used to be white European and then I ate kebab a lot and turned into Turkish.

>> No.89688521

She said she was ordering thai curry earlier

>> No.89688523

No need for it, they will just order a clone.

>> No.89688552
File: 22 KB, 580x138, 1704550605547321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89688701


>> No.89688561
File: 343 KB, 1569x2651, 1721194797351012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89688878

I don't see the point in going that far when Sakuna and others have proved that you really don't need to do that.
For indies or smaller chubas it's a very different thing since a lot of their popularity does depend on their name and design, but the holos are on a completely different level and they can land the transition from Holo to indie without issue, now what they do after, that's up to them, and most of have fucked it up, but that's up to them.
Patra is a very different case because not only has she been Patra for longer than Hololive has been around, but also Patra is her SECOND successful persona, sticking the transition from denpa queen to early vtuber success was a big gamble for her and I'm not sure if she could have pulled another one from corpo to indie with a new persona. plus the whole bankrupt thing is greatly exaggerated when she had you know who, to support her financially regardless.
The only case I can see this being is maybe Mori or Suisei, but Mori is never going to graduate, I can only see it happening in the context of UMG or whoever is going to be winning the bidding war to sign them post graduation wanting to keep their OG branding and buying it off from Cover for them, Everyone else can just get a new model by their mama and return indie to the same success until they fuck up or burn down like Kson/Miko/Dooby

>> No.89688570
File: 901 KB, 1024x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100K DORYA!!

>> No.89688579

The Faggot has Negative Rizz

>> No.89688592

She blocked him while still doing collabs with others from the branch, this flip is primecuck material, hate marketing my ass.

>> No.89688612

Uyu is the most mysterious entity in vtubing

>> No.89688617

lowkey sick hat and shirt

>> No.89688621

>It wasn't a marketing stunt
Didn't he already admit to this

>> No.89688638

That's a good set

>> No.89688655

is it just me or is the 3rd party 3d model that kiara uses awful looking?

>> No.89688690
Quoted by: >>89688857

Remember last thread when anons were arguing that the homos actually never get talked about in this thread and the example given was "dino flip just said THIS in his stream"...
Good times. Glad you watched it for us sis.

>> No.89688702
File: 3.72 MB, 2560x1920, 1709139195840154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The marketing worked!

>> No.89688701
Quoted by: >>89688749

it's funny if the incriminating tweet that got him fired was >>89687860

>> No.89688735

Kiara proudly flaunts it because she's a whore with no taste

>> No.89688742
Quoted by: >>89688998

>Watch it being his /pol/shit being the reason
it wasnt for /pol/shit

>> No.89688747
File: 2.83 MB, 450x540, moom kek oh no [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj6d72l.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think some anons here are still a bit traumatized by the old days without even knowing.
So I hope this posts as a kind of therapy.

Shit like this used to piss me the hell off back in 2022 because the homo integration movement was at an all time high and you never knew which of the new girls would jump into the carousel at any moment.
Even holos like Ina were making collab covers with these fucks, and even the (at the time) "safe" holos like Kronii were collabing with them, while Sana on her graduation tour was calling them her kouhai and helping them behind the scenes. CGDCT powerhouses like Gura and Moom being on constant breaks didn't help.
It truly felt like Cover was going full Nijification on the EN branch back then.

But after Advent and 3/4 Justice (with an unironic reformation from Raora), I can only laugh at these pathetic attempts - the time has passed, the branch is split, and the girls are more CGDCT than ever. Some of the homo collabers even WENT BACK on the deep dives into the carousel and somehow recovered.

All these begging posts make me feel is pity and laughter.

>> No.89688748

I don't think the "fan project" actually exists snd it's just him being schizo. I have yet to see a single screenshot of his WIP.

>> No.89688749

Maybe if they connected him to that anti collage where his ugly mug showed up

>> No.89688755

Yeah in principle that anons right.
The feature bloat does feel like it came at the expense of the core game this update

>> No.89688798

There were some scenes and screenshots but i never saw it in motion so for the most part it was just shipping scenarios

>> No.89688799

uh oh! melty!

>> No.89688808

It's not just you anon. It's definitely a twitch whore level model.

>> No.89688818

>I have yet to see a single screenshot of his WIP.
is it the jrpg thing? iirc there are some screenshots of it

>> No.89688825
Quoted by: >>89688882

CC is not that autistic about external sounds.

>> No.89688851
File: 76 KB, 709x985, 1724228834631550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CGDCT powerhouses like Moom

>> No.89688855

>Acrylic stando with square base
>Button badge for itasha (non gacha)
Listen if that was a standard set for funny sub milestones I wouldn't be mad in the slightest, good selection.

>> No.89688857
Quoted by: >>89688934

Did you remember to call out the people who talked positively about the homos this time?

>> No.89688866

TBF this genre already peaked its potential last version
creating unique things(aside form the gambling shit) is actually pretty hard
Heck even Dota2 was forced to do "Vector Skills" which is kinda weird for a moba

>> No.89688877

It's the weird marriage of the pure anime face on a semi-realistic body with exaggerated proportions and physics. There are three (or more) styles clashing. (You can see there is normals manipulation, which creates the anime shadowing, at the jawline and neck, but not in the rest, which really stands out.)
In female terms, this is like mixing the wrong colors in clothes.
The face needs to be updated to be semi-realistic or the body needs normals manipulation.

>> No.89688878

>you know who
i dont know who, is she still together with Nuro?

>> No.89688882

Because she lives by herself in the middle of bum fuck nowhere

>> No.89688891

GG will join before this is over. No matter the timezones.

>> No.89688898

>with an unironic reformation from Raora

>> No.89688929

Funny that all of them liked holostars until the fans chimpout. Only Bae didn't care.

>> No.89688934
Quoted by: >>89689027

No one mentioned talking about them positively last thread.

>> No.89688950
File: 135 KB, 640x819, 1731094251094110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89689098

I Love My Blacked Phase Oshi

>> No.89688959
File: 998 KB, 643x820, 54418599159566414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89688981

>debut profile picture
Times were different before tempiss

>> No.89688998
Quoted by: >>89689168

gonna spill?

>> No.89689017

I find it extemely uncanny. I think it's mostly the mouth and the teeth to me

>> No.89689027
Quoted by: >>89689105


>> No.89689044

I came back after 2 weeks of work and the shitpost are still the same
>recycled homo this homo that

>> No.89689059

>eurokek dead hours
>thread isn't dead

>> No.89689088

Still seems a bit over the top to call Mumei a CGDCT "powerhouse" when she did a straight up homo collab

>> No.89689098
Quoted by: >>89689822

i find it funny that pippas name is getting dragged in the nick fuentes shit because a good number of groypers idolize and use pippas pic with the whole your body my choice drama

>> No.89689105

So just you talking about something completely different with no replies. Got it.

>> No.89689117
File: 118 KB, 720x543, 1731865050251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89689164

>> No.89689119

So don't come
Go Back

>> No.89689132

Shunkan Heartbeat getting covered

>> No.89689139

The post above you says it all really. It's all Discordvermin subhuman tourism.

>> No.89689146

phase astroturfing hours

>> No.89689150

It was the same after Tempus debut. Number were celebrating their debut.

>> No.89689161

I still haven't checked out anything from IRyS's live

>> No.89689164


>> No.89689168

someone already guessed it
the collage thing spilled outside vt and 4ch and some in his own discord accused him of joining the hololive app raid a few months back

>> No.89689187

More the girls pull away the harder they go on the begging, the harder they go on the begging the more the girls pull away.
Yeah it is funny

>> No.89689195
File: 1.64 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lemme know when they cover the better gen song

>> No.89689204
Quoted by: >>89689357


>> No.89689207
File: 267 KB, 1920x1044, Screenshot 2024-11-17 221256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to "she is big enough to take some punches"

>> No.89689218
Quoted by: >>89689451

But enough about FG roadster

>> No.89689223

The biggest issue for me was never the collabs (which I didn't watch) it's the brand being attached to Hololive like a tumor. Who pays for their management, advertising budget, studio time, themselves etc. They drag the Holo brand down, cause nothing but drama in the community and take precious limited resources while bringing nothing in return. I don't necessarily feel any ill will towards most of them individually, I just wish there was the option of a clean break away from this weird setup, maybe something like selling them (giving compensation to take them) to brave.

>> No.89689227
Quoted by: >>89689299

oh, so this faggot went and now is lying about the real intention behind this huh? bold thing to do when ppl have the clip of him admitting what that really was for..

>> No.89689260
Quoted by: >>89689333

It was pretty good

>> No.89689269

>kanagi tenri
thats the girl that was screwed over by brave right?

>> No.89689299

Dont worry, VSJ+ archived that shit
Its probably them who send it to IM

>> No.89689311

2 vs 1 filthy reds

>> No.89689324

You're missing out.

>> No.89689333

I believe you

>> No.89689340
Quoted by: >>89689383

cover probably got contacted by either vshojo or uta considering she had a breakdown a few months prior to that

>> No.89689344

wait whaa..?
> checks link
I thought it was the 2nd regloss gen covering the song... just saw su and riona on the right and thought it was them..

>> No.89689357


>> No.89689366

To be fair they had been different during most of that time. With the new debuts, and the stock thing.
Just started to resort back to the standard shit now

>> No.89689383

I'm curious, did she have some discord drama before this or something?
blocking seems like a bit extreme for a simple joke honestly

>> No.89689399
File: 142 KB, 720x953, 1731865375629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89689437
Quoted by: >>89689514

Good, hope the water dissolves them completely
>add homoEN below aswell

>> No.89689451

kanade mogged flowglow already with her karaoke of FG roadster

>> No.89689454

Do you think cover will renew his contract? Maybe homos are a protected species, but there must be a limit.

>> No.89689459

>I'm curious, did she have some discord drama before this or something?
no she had some sort of breakdown because fans of the people she interacted with hated her while fleshie groups in twitch also hated her as well and she kept getting hate messages

>> No.89689506

i dont get id drowning since they unironically have a lot of id collabs and projects like that motorcycle thing

>> No.89689509
Quoted by: >>89689591

So about armpiss3D?
Any update???

>> No.89689512

>blocking seems like a bit extreme for a simple joke honestly
Content creators see so much shit in twitter that blocking "jokes" comes a natural reaction.

>> No.89689514

homo en is included in hololive en

>> No.89689520
Quoted by: >>89689564

You're talking pre2020 there
She's the original Cocoa from Gamebu

>> No.89689528


>> No.89689541

He only said that behind members so the this is the public PR rewrite of that time

>> No.89689564

I thought she was the 2nd cocoa?

>> No.89689579

Get a job Rider!

>> No.89689591
Quoted by: >>89689668

No? Why are y- oh. That's why.

>> No.89689607
File: 975 KB, 1238x676, 18677627376556445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will cc be able to recover her numbers now that she resumed the game? doesn't seem like it so far

>> No.89689610
Quoted by: >>89689661

Is finding the Xenomorph hot monster fucking? they're girls.

>> No.89689645

no, they're not

>> No.89689646
Quoted by: >>89690790

>which I didn't watch) it's the brand being attached to Hololive like a tumor. Who pays for their management, advertising budget, studio time, themselves etc. They drag the Holo brand down, cause nothing but drama in the community and take precious limited resources while bringing nothing in return.
The stars pay for themselves at this point they lost unique merch,concert, 3D lives, Unique advertisement. At most they make cover look bad since they can't behave like Axel during Gta.

>> No.89689654
Quoted by: >>89689707

dn had his visa denied? kek

>> No.89689661


>> No.89689665

Its purely about new debuts

>> No.89689666

Propably not but I'm sure GG will join later to help.

>> No.89689668

So there really is no plan for Armpiss3D?
I remember homoFags talking about Armpiss never talked about "3D" on their debut

>> No.89689707

>dn had his visa denied? kek
yeah he mentioned it on stream, forgot if it was last year or early this year

>> No.89689712

Zeta jumpship to JP already, she has no plan on letting kobo ruin her career

>> No.89689744
Quoted by: >>89689907

They must restructure everything like they did with dumb and dumber.

>> No.89689747

>So there really is no plan for Armpiss3D?
they have an upcoming ani stream for armpiss so 3d might be announced there

>> No.89689755
Quoted by: >>89690381

it's all cool and gucci until you find out the Shiokko fanartist has a 170cm realistic sex doll that looks like a japanese teen

>> No.89689761

If i where a women and saw someone make borderline sexual harassment joke on first interaction id also block them.

>> No.89689771

>take a 5 minute break
>10% of the audience evaporates never to be seen again
If this happened in a niji stream you retards would be shrieking about bots

>> No.89689775

I was about to guess that was from reddit or something but they don't give a shit about JP, only EN since it's easier for them to beg with them. Where'd that come from?

>> No.89689782
File: 295 KB, 456x315, 1620179287351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89689791

Indeed holostars EN is part of hololive EN, king.

>> No.89689792
Quoted by: >>89689881

None of them gone to japan to record 3D when their next in line.

>> No.89689799
File: 560 KB, 726x720, 1649267282766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long term, she totally fucked herself by leaving didn't she?
Now she's locked out of the house and forced to associate with grifters and shitters. What is she gonna DO? She can't even join Holo anymore

>> No.89689802
Quoted by: >>89689898

2nd Cocoa is the current one. She got a change in looks a while ago to differentiate her from the 1st Cocoa. Short hair and removal of the student uniform

>> No.89689812
File: 473 KB, 2048x1536, 1730281926930287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89689873

>> No.89689815
Quoted by: >>89689845

Small number streams have more loyal viewers. High number streams come in from recommends, have less loyalty, and bleed faster. Not really doing rocket science here.

>> No.89689816
File: 183 KB, 720x540, GuraChu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chuchu chu

>> No.89689817
File: 1.26 MB, 2200x2200, 1666556643668399.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89689822

nick fuentes is such a gay retard. I dont get why people can watch him

>> No.89689832
File: 279 KB, 1280x720, bvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jurard x Ollie x ERB love triangle

>> No.89689839


>> No.89689844

Yeah eventually, there's bascially nothing scheduled for the remainder of the vod limit besides an ERB SC reading

>> No.89689845

So why didn't those loyal viewers come back after she went back to the game?

>> No.89689859

Cope sister
>10 minutes break + Biboo left

>> No.89689860
File: 3.33 MB, 720x404, HOMOBEGGARS_OUT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89689867
Quoted by: >>89689993

She can do porn and I am actually willing to pay for it.

>> No.89689868

no, 2nd cocoa is currently mia

>> No.89689873

Nerissa will learn soon enough that you do not try to save a drowning person by swimming towards them.

>> No.89689875
File: 243 KB, 720x1046, 1731866007111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Armis 2 soon?

>> No.89689881

Theyre a waste of studio slot anyways
I mean look at the 2 homoen waves, they did a 3D and thats its. Never used again

>> No.89689884
Quoted by: >>89689926

>small number
Pick one

>> No.89689896

>there must be a limit
must be
but the shit the two dead faggots did to get fired was so bad no one will even hint at it
youtube won't let you talk about child rape, so it was probably that

>> No.89689898

>2nd Cocoa is the current one
2nd cocoa got canned, 3rd cocoa was supposedly the current one which was cut short due to the "health concern" hiatus

>> No.89689897

>This is really apparent when you see how few times they meet up IRL,
And this is why Advent is the golden gen, they are actually friends and do stuff together when they are in Japan
(I am stuff btw)

>> No.89689907

Was meant for this >>89689668

>> No.89689911
Quoted by: >>89689979

I see you have a problem with reading comprehension.

>> No.89689919

Have any of YOU actually watch the stars since stars hate is peak 4chan contrarianism. They done nothing wrong and stick to the stars friendly girls due to hate.

>> No.89689926
Quoted by: >>89690051

I'll pick both, thanks

>> No.89689927
Quoted by: >>89690078


>> No.89689928
File: 91 KB, 828x836, 1720157158393159.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89689930

>She can't even join Holo anymore
mint would get in if she wanted, she'd have like 5 holos vouching for her, she loves idolshit, and can be actually entertaining. she's too attached to the mint IP though and is still traumatized from her time in niji.

>> No.89689942
File: 1.20 MB, 850x1137, 1708264887945719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89689946

You know what? I am fed up with Ollie doing this with an agenda. They should let Ollie organize a company wide event and be done with it.

>> No.89689957

no, but probably their 3D


>> No.89689963

Biboo left mongoloid retard, yes that many pebbles were watching CC because biboo was there.

>> No.89689964

>Shit in the kitchen and eat in the bathroom.
>"Why are you disgusted with me?"

>> No.89689979
Quoted by: >>89690006

Are you implying that a low 4view stream has "big numbers"?

>> No.89689991

>> we are friends and still is
Is his English really that bad?

>> No.89689993
Quoted by: >>89690060

she has no boobs anymore

>> No.89689995
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, 1718783163130666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89690058

I don't see what's the alternative, specially with NijiEN on a downwards spiral, if anything she got EXTREMELY lucky by timing her graduation before the Selen shit went down leaving with her name pretty much clean, except the stains from the male shipping. Of course it's never going to be "Hololive" levels of good for her, but as far as indie english vtubers go she has it pretty good, with her current viewership it's more than enough to make a good middle class living just from streaming alone with the occasional sponsor

>> No.89689997
Quoted by: >>89690042

But NijiEN is going to merge with the main branch and Fhisman is going to sell Phase to VSPO

>> No.89690006

>low 4view stream
just lol

>> No.89690010

A bunch of schizos hated them because they felt cheated by them during debut. Still I see them as good streamers who were just doing their job but got a lot of hate for that.

>> No.89690013

>Have any of YOU actually watch the stars
i watched tempiss debuts and their collabs with holos

>> No.89690016

I have, actually. I watched Vesper once because he played FTL. After 10 minutes I realized that he is a faggot with an annoying lisp and I never returned to any homo again.

>> No.89690041
Quoted by: >>89690167

Higher ups will not allow it

>> No.89690042

>Fhisman is going to sell Phase to VSPO
I don't think Brave is THIS dumb (and that comes from someone that dunks on them for debuting YUMENOS)

>> No.89690052

nta, but it's different statements
>this stream is doing well
genuine fan
>omg, I can't believe this stream is doing so well
underinformed retard, someone baiting for replies correcting him or a backhanded compliment

>> No.89690051

Wrong answer.

>> No.89690058

Minto makes like $400k
HoloENs make like double or triple

>> No.89690060

That is even hotter. Now I really want to watch her do porn.

>> No.89690063

kek, sisters still seething at our holo boys because they killed their beloved Luxiem

>> No.89690078

a few months back the holomarches thing got delayed because clownboy did a tummy hurt and abandoned them but his rm was having fun with lando and even tried to defend him probably due to axels comment about how some people give up too fast

>> No.89690093
Quoted by: >>89690141

they are jealous that our holoboys can collab with the hologirls

>> No.89690106

This gross or net?

>> No.89690124

100k used to be a requirement for 3D, it had become irrelevant until uproar and Uyu.
But 3/4 of them aren't at 100k. At current rates the next one won't hit it for ~7 and half months, and about 3 years for the last one to hit it.

>> No.89690141

*live girls

>> No.89690153
Quoted by: >>89690247

I wonder how much non holos will get this month specially with the twitch adpocalypse

>> No.89690155

beside having the worst fanbase that hate hololive more than they watch da boys

>> No.89690165

Catty bitches are not allowed in HoloEN, sorry.

>> No.89690167

explain luna and vivi then?

>> No.89690176

Da bois are doing great and they are envious.

>> No.89690190
Quoted by: >>89690282

>about 3 years
They should just beg for a home3D instead

>> No.89690207

The donald trump of vtubers...

>> No.89690212
Quoted by: >>89690348

that's why I said she's never going to be doing "Hololive" levels of good, making that much for someone in their 30s who doesn't have a college degree or any form of higher education is nothing short of a miracle. not everyone can or wants to be THE most popular at a given something, the fact that if she can keep Mint going for 10 years or so she will make enough to retire early it's a privilege 90% of this thread will never have
she's doing good, she's doing great when you consider her living circumstances
she's no holo, she will never be a holo or earn as much as a holo, but not everyone has to, and can, even if t hey wanted,

>> No.89690218


>> No.89690223

They are valuable.

>> No.89690247

80% less than what they were making previously
70 if we are being generous
worse part is that its only going to go lower since more advertisers are pulling out unironically due to the election results

>> No.89690276

Do you know the real reason "unicorns" (there are some, sure, but they're not the majority pushing their ban) avoid Stars?
It's because the shitty ass tourists they bring in. All they do is try to tear shit down and attack any man that enjoys a woman's company. (And this is LITERALLY for political reasons.)
You're educated now. Stop being ignorant.

>> No.89690282

The company should give it to them anyway. You don't leave employees behind like that unless you are planning to fire them.

>> No.89690287

>6 hours into the stream
Are you mentally incapable of understanding the concept of context? Or are you just choosing not to?

>> No.89690291
File: 106 KB, 797x1024, 1731163102373728m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89690387

LOL Homoniggers please...

>> No.89690294

I watched magni but kronii yab made me hate them

>> No.89690299
File: 1.62 MB, 1080x1350, 1717036112018623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89690301
File: 816 KB, 2817x1995, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love them both so much

>> No.89690327

Console wars weren't that big back then
Are you retarded?

>> No.89690339

what level of cope is this

>> No.89690349
File: 2.36 MB, 1701x1803, Holo outfits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about Holo outfits, how they're usually pretty close to the original design and don't change as much as for other corpos, but there are still quite a lot that had an impact on the vtuber's popularity.
Not ordered.

Azki had 2 moments.

>> No.89690348

>she's no holo
she literally is lmao, she's like a holo who got stranded on the way. If you ever watched her, everything ABOUT her is holo

>> No.89690354

That might actually cause group infighting. I know JP starmins were bitching about the lack of new homo gen. I say go for it.

>> No.89690355

Are we even expecting homos to reach 4years?
The blue homos already showing signs

>> No.89690359

Even if the gentleman agreement between cover and kurosanji didn't exist; she wouldn't have passed after the background check because she was in that discord shitting on holos. Also, holos cannot vouch for anyone after sana.

>> No.89690381

>japanese teen

>> No.89690387

Fuwawa is disgusting.
Mococo is the way to go.
I will never in my life fuck a goblin.

>> No.89690390
Quoted by: >>89690512

>Gura and Moom being on constant breaks
Isn't that just normal HoloEN?

>> No.89690399

they are probably going to get it regardless but they might have to work for other stuff harder now all thanks to the jp homos

>> No.89690408
Quoted by: >>89690452

She never got in, she isn't holo material

>> No.89690422

Sadly for you Cover studio is fully booked for 3years already

>> No.89690452

But ERB is?

>> No.89690458
Quoted by: >>89690771

>rancid kiara gym outfit with indie jello rigging
>huge buff
Did Kiara make this chart?

>> No.89690464
Quoted by: >>89690517

The meme is probably about getting new members, sure ID deserves it but why the homos would? They have enough members for fun streams and never do anything + no views + they rarely bond with their JP senpais, more members would just be more 3views

>> No.89690470
File: 56 KB, 850x850, 1722742418958048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89690514

>EN song

>> No.89690473

>Sadly for you
I don't watch them

>> No.89690487
Quoted by: >>89690591

The background check has to be the worst thing this board came up with if Kronii,ERB,Shiori can pass this "test" so can Mint.

>> No.89690508
Quoted by: >>89690764

Yes, ERB is better singer than Mint

>> No.89690510
Quoted by: >>89690764

Yes. ERB is the best Justice.

>> No.89690512

Not any longer

>> No.89690514
Quoted by: >>89690565

Rebellion is the best non suisei hololive song.

>> No.89690517

>new girls debut
>they find new fans
>new homos debut
>they lose even more fans
why is it

>> No.89690518

Not in Holofes
Not in the yearly EN live
Not in the countdown live
Not in the company wide voice packs

You can parade Honorary holo as much as you want, but the most she can ever aspire to is to be EN Patra

>> No.89690526
Quoted by: >>89690580

thats for the big studio
homos still has exclusive use of the old studio that has the old upd8 equipment with it

>> No.89690541

The homos themselves were begging them to delay their next gen, which is why that latest JP gen was so late

>> No.89690555
Quoted by: >>89690616

ERB isn't a catty bitch who is on a record for talking shit about Hololive.

>> No.89690565


>> No.89690566
Quoted by: >>89690633

CC's passive is still active. She just infinitely climbs, slow and steady. She might not have time to hit 13k again but 12k is a guarantee.

>> No.89690580
Quoted by: >>89690721

Nice cope but no

>> No.89690584

>The biggest issue for me was never the collabs (which I didn't watch) it's the brand being attached to Hololive like a tumor.
Reminder that they debut at the same time as Gen3

>> No.89690591

All of them seem helpful bts based on their genmates, maybe Mint is a bitchy bts like the all out war comment thing

>> No.89690595

damn they suck...

>> No.89690599
Quoted by: >>89690804

ERB is a perfectly harmless, nice just a bit weird woman.

>> No.89690600

All of Botan's outfits are inferior to her base design which she never uses

>> No.89690602

>Have any of YOU actually watch the stars
i think anyone here has probably watched stars more than any fucking beggar on twitter/reddit, which is way they get the hate they deserve, and mind you, i know some of the jp are mostly ""ok"" in the sence of keeping it to themselves, but other than those few

>> No.89690606
File: 1.68 MB, 1645x2048, 8cbc4408ea3611b1ea855c4cdbdec29b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't those All of Sakamata's outfits?
Actually... yeah, they're good.

>> No.89690616

Neither is Mint, did you forget who we were talking about?

>> No.89690619

Yeah gave them a fair chance.
Their contunually terrible fanbase and all the bullshit of 2022, and I mean all of it not what little cherry picking you want to do, ensured I'll continue to avoid anything they are involved in.

>> No.89690633

>She just infinitely climbs
Da climber

>> No.89690639

>I just wish there was the option of a clean break away from this weird setup
There is none

>> No.89690654

The t-shirt one is iconic in it's simplicity

>> No.89690682

Remember when Shinri get his fanmade 3D and anon mistaken it as they will never get 3D?
Good time

>> No.89690695
File: 847 KB, 1157x2000, e123d7b64bd1966b5a1bfe02a57235b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89690744

But you know how much of an impact this had on her fanart.

>> No.89690701

Seriously why the hate on ERB? This obsession with any EN not interacting with males is retarded. You see some JPs interacting with males but the fans were mature about it.

>> No.89690705
Quoted by: >>89690799


>> No.89690710

Anon? She is the biggest nijifan of the west. She said that on her own channel, her ohis are mito and that JPbara.

>> No.89690714

I do remember indeed. Her career is well documented and often posted here. All that shit makes it sure that she would never get in Hololive.

>> No.89690718
File: 24 KB, 904x248, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the thing though. No one watches them.

>> No.89690721

>Nice cope but no
its not a cope
the homos have exclusive use for that studio because the girls hate it for being too out of the way
i havent heard anything about cover closing that studio though

>> No.89690744

I want to cling to and dangle from those life-giving fruits!

>> No.89690764
File: 1.14 MB, 1539x1350, JUSTICE_GEN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89690763

IRyS casual without the jacket is pure sex

>> No.89690771

Well, if it inspires others to get self funded 3D models for VR, then it gets bumped up to "great leap forward".

>> No.89690790

The Axel stuff was pretty bad, I am surprised he didn't get in trouble for that. He looked like a genuine online creepo.

>> No.89690792

>Neither is Mint
>all out war lmao

>> No.89690799

Yeah fuck the boys

>> No.89690804

compared to Mint? who is more holo?
