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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.81 MB, 2205x3500, 1731705246053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
89568821 No.89568821 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /tingles/?
/tingles/ is a thread to discuss and find English-speaking vtubers who do ASMR. Be it short audio roleplays or lengthy audio trigger sessions.

>Can I shill my oshi here?
If she does ASMR somewhat regularly at least, sure. The minimum is at least once every other week.

>Can I talk about corpo vtubers here?
As long as they fulfill the above requirements.

>What about lewdtubers?

>What kind of ASMR is the best?
It depends.

>Who's live right now? Any lists?
More lists to come. Probably.

>How to archive?

>Friends of /tingles/

We have yet to find more. (´・ω・`)

Previous thread: >>89530086

>> No.89568996

Thank goodness someone baked. I was beginning to panic.

>> No.89569077

friends of tingles should be alphabetical order this OP is so trash

>> No.89569120
Quoted by: >>89569272

I actually have a copy of it if you get a satisfactory answer and can't find it. Skipping through it, it doesn't seem as good as day 61 to me but I could easily be missing the best bits.

>> No.89569176
File: 429 KB, 860x709, smug fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/tingles/ both on subject and name
Oh you stealthy fuck

>> No.89569258
Quoted by: >>89571008

I'm new to Kanna and so have only really listened to her recent stuff. She's actually been more risqué!? She seems so sweet and pure...

>> No.89569272

it wasn't as good, it's just that at the end she spanked her wet pussy and licked her fingers but overall 61 is kino

>> No.89569731
Quoted by: >>89592764

this whole section is a shitpost itself at this point, but at least be autistic about it
>Friends of /tingles/

>> No.89570106
Quoted by: >>89570420

you literally can just google the same stream title with 55 in it

>> No.89570420
File: 1.03 MB, 1023x1022, 1720297868602225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gave you guys the motherlode the other day.
md5 search this image in the archive, it has anny vods too.

>> No.89570876
Quoted by: >>89571773

Anny when to a mixed Onsen? When?

>> No.89570942

I thought Shiyu was anon's girlfriend

>> No.89571008

her twin catgirl ASMR was about as risque as she got, it pretty much got insta-nuked by cucktube though and she never did anything like that again.
it wasn't even that lewd, she mentioned pressing her breasts against you and did more sensual kisses but that's it

>> No.89571058

clipped her wings before she could fly
fuck you Neal

>> No.89571100

Why is unbirthing ASMR so rare?
Being a fetus in the womb is THE most comfortable you will ever feel in your entire life.

>> No.89571182

do you find the sound of a vacuum relaxing by any chance?

>> No.89571192
Quoted by: >>89571496

literally everyone knows about that stash newfag

>> No.89571205

Ask REM to do a xenomorph asmr

>> No.89571256
Quoted by: >>89571324

Tuna did it well.
I remember another JP named "Neco" who used to do it but it turned out they were actually a guy..

>> No.89571310

Tuna did that for a while
check her channels there's a few of them

>> No.89571324

where was the mic going then???

>> No.89571421

Inside the urethra, of course.

>> No.89571426
Quoted by: >>89572112

I don't think Alias ever did suggestive her ASMR is more on the side of sleep - aid, zatsu or RP.

>> No.89571496
File: 123 KB, 900x900, 1706804832040683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89571540

they wouldn't keep asking for shit readily available there if that was case now would they?

>> No.89571540
Quoted by: >>89571795

up his shit tube
well anyone not lipdrooling retarded knows about it, maybe stop spoonfeeding mongoloids

>> No.89571542

I'm actually listening to it now as it's free on Patreon. Over all, it's pretty tame compared to some of the absolute smut on YouTube. Fucking website and their coinflip takedowns.

>> No.89571607
Quoted by: >>89571661

Good shondo art

>> No.89571661
Quoted by: >>89571948

Thighs too thick.

>> No.89571667
File: 1.97 MB, 1063x2132, AliasAnono-bany.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89571947

I like Alias

>> No.89571773

Yes, a mixed bath with IPN

>> No.89571795
File: 50 KB, 750x572, 1702707721340022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, just because you asked nicely.

>> No.89571880

Thanks to the anon who gave me the idea to put 2 asmr at the same time on different sides of my headset.
My brain is rotten, but my dick is hard.

>> No.89571947

oh yeah I forgot about her

>> No.89571948

ye i know still good art regardless

>> No.89571953
File: 89 KB, 485x681, holy fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the size of those

>> No.89572112
Quoted by: >>89576049

she did some in her fleshtuber days

>> No.89572729

A small amount of people know about that stash, at least compared to the amount that knew about Kitsune's stashes. It rarely gets posted

>> No.89573442

As is often the case, Kanna actually did nothing to deserve it. Cut-and-dried false positive detection triggered by AI hallucination, mass reporting, or both. Kanna's ASMR is an oasis of GFE purity.

>> No.89574051

I love Ikumi! Her lickies are great, they have a unique, scratchy sound.

>> No.89574528
File: 753 KB, 758x750, Gbki9P2bgAANDcB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

>> No.89574532
File: 299 KB, 986x1304, 1728650648897650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shibi is live

VAllure also has been uploading asmr videos for Men's Health Awareness Month. The ad revenue is going to charity

>> No.89574747
Quoted by: >>89576250

>Men's Health Awareness Month
United States was a mistake.

>> No.89574789
Quoted by: >>89577926

how do i see which fucking membership tier a stream belongs to? i hate youtube

>> No.89574835

>VAllure also has been uploading asmr videos for Men's Health Awareness Month. The ad revenue is going to charity
Okay, this is actually pretty good of them. Once again proving themselves to be a higher class of coomers.

>> No.89574987
File: 384 KB, 498x601, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89575036
Quoted by: >>89575425

guys i think i have mommy issues...

>> No.89575324

...I'll be in my bunk.

>> No.89575425
File: 2.43 MB, 890x890, Jig.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89575588

omg same.

>> No.89575588
File: 51 KB, 640x480, 1708587573086555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89575783
Quoted by: >>89575897

Does anyone have any kind of archive of her VODs? She nuked all the uncut Twitch VODs from her membership during YouTube's last moral panic.

>> No.89575897
File: 43 KB, 419x386, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89578889

i only started watching her somewhat recently so this is all i have

>> No.89576049

i knew that anon

>> No.89576160

getting massive tingles from this one

>> No.89576250
Quoted by: >>89577094

What did you mean by this?

>> No.89577094
Quoted by: >>89577388

Men's mental health isn't real, and awareness months are a wicked ploy to turn the current talk of the town into a yearly seasonal ad campaign. Are you more aware of Men's mental health in November than you are in March? Is Müller Lite and Beretta cheaper to raise awareness of a non-existing problem?

>> No.89577388
Quoted by: >>89577817

for starters it's not about mental health

>> No.89577485

What's chroniko's accent from?

>> No.89577497


>> No.89577802
Quoted by: >>89577895

she's not good enough at asmr to be talked about here, sorry

>> No.89577817

I guess they did a pretty shit job of raising awareness for whatever they're trying to sell, roru.

>> No.89577895

kek nice bait

>> No.89577912

>Open the latest Menace members-only VOD
>Press F12 on my keyboard
>Paste document.querySelector('ytd-app').data.playerResponse.videoDetails.viewCount into my web browser console
>Press enter
604 loads have been blown to that VOD so far

>> No.89577926

Look at the stream link in Incognito Mode

>> No.89577968

It's the cringe loli voice unfortunately, I prefer her ASMRs where she speaks relatively normal

>> No.89578155
File: 221 KB, 1050x1539, Chainsaw-Man-80-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89578633

>treating me like a baby kitten
Girls treating me like a beloved animal is one of my fetishes. When Menace said "you're like a dog~ Good boy..." I lost my mind.

>> No.89578309
Quoted by: >>89578504

Chia ASMR - Maid Comforts & Helps You Sleep

>> No.89578504

>check out
>immediately get recommended a much better concept

>> No.89578512
Quoted by: >>89579203

still boggles my mind that loli voice is the normal one and the "normal" is the oddity.

>> No.89578633
Quoted by: >>89578876

that slut Ally also loves that shit
call her a puppy and her pussy goes niagara falls

>> No.89578876

Huh, maybe she should have gotten a doggirl model then.

>> No.89578889

Looks like most of it is still available on her VOD channel? Thanks anyway, anon.

>A:/ Drive Mapped
But anon, your floppies!?

>> No.89578977
Quoted by: >>89580991

Mariya does such nice GFE...
I am going to sleep like a baby to the affectionate spoiling vod

>> No.89579046

wrong thread

>> No.89579121
File: 348 KB, 546x543, CeraLOVE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fd2zbwh.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep an eye out for this one debuting tomorrow tinglers, she's good

>> No.89579187

Lovely, thanks for posting, anon.

>speaking to you like you are stupid
I guess I'll see how much I can stand. Her doctor one was a bit too much for me.

>> No.89579203


>> No.89579230
Quoted by: >>89579522

Do you have any links for us, chief?

>> No.89579382

a bit to harsh on the end there

>> No.89579522
Quoted by: >>89579607

she was salmon in vrev, did ASMR semi-often

>> No.89579607

Oooh, I did enjoy her when she was around. I'll keep an eye out. Thanks, anon.

>> No.89579627


>> No.89579818


>> No.89579952

Calling it now, it's lactation

>> No.89579959

Needs to use it for Wednesday

>> No.89580003

nah probably toy jerking with oil

>> No.89580230

nah, probably riding my cock toggle

>> No.89580353

tig biddies

>> No.89580696

>breedable tag

>> No.89580838
Quoted by: >>89581003


>> No.89580991

I've been on a Mari binge too, that girl's dangerous.

>> No.89581003

Yeah that's the worst

>> No.89581050
File: 475 KB, 770x575, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cutie soon.
God I can't listen to her without falling in love she's too cute and bubbly

>> No.89581275
Quoted by: >>89581588

There was a real lack of earlicking, I was disappointed

>> No.89581420
Quoted by: >>89585675

>Fucking website and their coinflip takedowns
she was, you guessed it, targeted by mass reports from a SEA discord group in that case.

>> No.89581425

When will she use her normal voice instead of that lolishit crap

>> No.89581476

link btw, thank god she has patreon for this stuff

>> No.89581588

she's trying to stay on Neal's good side

>> No.89581839
File: 1.10 MB, 2000x2000, 1708993527701651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89582781

That little kitten? Me.

>> No.89581887
Quoted by: >>89585745

Does anyone have that succubus ASMR Alias did? I listened to it on her patreon but it seemingly disappeared overnight and I don't think she ever said why.

>> No.89582049
Quoted by: >>89582204

Fuck I can't wait for the next Menace Wednesday

>> No.89582204
Quoted by: >>89582325

The week is too long... I wish she'd do it twice a week

>> No.89582325

Having one extra special asmr a week to look forward to like that I think is worth the wait. My Wednesday felt pretty awesome and I finished the week off feeling great pretty sure it was that load that did it.

>> No.89582781
Quoted by: >>89582842

Hoping she wont kill the new one as well

>> No.89582842
Quoted by: >>89584736

Do you just schizo about this in every thread vaguely related to Shondo?

>> No.89584736

trannies are strange

>> No.89585136
File: 270 KB, 1920x2560, gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89585232

Need bed time with Menace where she brushes her teeth before bed and whispers to me in bed, but she falls asleep first and lightly snores in my ear...

>> No.89585232

And then gets up in the middle of the night and sucks you awake

>> No.89585675

I wonder what percentage of YouTube's vtuber crackdown is just weird antis mass reporting shit.

>> No.89585739


>> No.89585745
Quoted by: >>89585815

Check >>89570420, it's in there.

>> No.89585815

Hell yeah thanks

>> No.89586081

Drinking the sweat that's between Menace titties..

>> No.89586114

>Menace is live
Time for a sweet time

>> No.89586215

I need to fuck the shit out of Menace's voluptuous tits and shoot a gallon of jizz in her mouth while my cock is still in between her tits. Afterwards I'll have a drink of her delicious milk while sucking on her tits.

>> No.89586290
File: 200 KB, 1453x1580, Menace1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89586414

I can't unsee how fucked up and deformed the arm is

>> No.89586489
Quoted by: >>89586771

>no bite mark
>the hottest detail of her model
I fucking hate her artists

>> No.89586493
Quoted by: >>89586806

Menace could be the EN Uise if she wanted..
Or the EN Mare.. Or the EN Canan..
So close to greatness

>> No.89586540
Quoted by: >>89586589

I'm listening to anny's old vods and she was such a semen demon

>> No.89586589
Quoted by: >>89586707

too bad she had a woman moment on epic proportions and will never ever do ASMR again

>> No.89586707
Quoted by: >>89586969


>> No.89586771

This is clearly moments before I bite her tit

>> No.89586779
Quoted by: >>89587093

I'm so in love with Menace it's unreal

>> No.89586806

Is it controversial to say that I think Canan is honestly overrated?

>> No.89586887
Quoted by: >>89587148

Her ASMR's been stuck to whatever it is ever since 3 years ago. Uise and Mare honestly already had her beaten by a miles off

>> No.89586969

>her PUBLIC ASMR was shared around the internet
>she saw some coomer forum or something talking about it
>had a mental breakdown over it cause she wanted it to be private for her fans(..?)
>then got shared among the SEAs and she had a bunch of SEACHADS harassing her and doxxing her cause she did it
>stopped doing it
that's basically it

>> No.89587051

Not really, I think Mare and Uise are like 20000 times better.
Way more sex, way more unique poses and cuter voices

>> No.89587075
Quoted by: >>89587158

Believable until you meantioned SEA

>> No.89587093

She makes life worth living

>> No.89587148

I mean Canan's basic ASMR level is quite good but I think it is fair to say she's fallen behind a bit in the "arms race." I'm sure her rack makes up the rest of the numbers though.

>> No.89587158

post your hands

>> No.89587196

wait, why is menace doing the fap sound

>> No.89587227

mare and uise's tits are just as big

>> No.89587329

It's her racks + her popularity from the big corpo. Her ASMR isn't that great, she's been doing it with a KU100 for many years and her skills are still subpar.

>> No.89587360
File: 44 KB, 400x297, a62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she wanted it to be private for her fans
I kneel. I will never attain this level of mental illness.

>> No.89587371
File: 121 KB, 320x320, 1724613181322819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK i didn't know there was a stream today..

>> No.89587656

I wish english had a word similar to "shiko".. it just works so well to time the 2 syllables in shi-ko to dick stroking movements

>> No.89587775

Menace has potential to reach JP level

>> No.89587787

I've seen fap used as an onomatopoeia. Kinda cringe tho

>> No.89588007

It definitely is onomatopoeic, but I think I would instantly expire if I heard a lewdtuber trying to use it.

>> No.89588197

I mean it IS technically supposed to be an onomatopoeia, I think that's where the word originated from. Like PLAP.
It still sounds cringe though in english

>> No.89588216
Quoted by: >>89588290

They should stick with shiko and absolutely filter those who doesn't get it

>> No.89588225

why is this hotter than her $10 streams

>> No.89588290
Quoted by: >>89589941

Agreed, you shouldn't be listening to vtuber ASMR if you don't know japanese onomatopoeia

>> No.89588368
Quoted by: >>89588901

it's definitely not but this is really nice

>> No.89588470

alright calm down dude

>> No.89588621

JP onomatopoeia is just that hot

>> No.89588901


>> No.89588971

can i get clearer instructions for this i really want the anny vods

>> No.89589091

Why are these chuubas so scared to say shiko shiko or do countdowns? It's not like the youtube ai flags that shit right?

>> No.89589194

menace literally did a countdown while rubbing the mic with her soaked panties

they just arent committed

>> No.89589200
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 1727424501984936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't speak gaijin what's she saying?

>> No.89589299

countdowns I don't think so
shiko shiko probably

>> No.89589390

menace is so fucking cute

>> No.89589416
File: 20 KB, 500x281, 1711940430242040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89590355

i love my very true and totally not .png girlfriend menace very much

>> No.89589473

They probably thought it'll get them immediate ban when others do it with no problem. Some even say "koshi koshi" instead

>> No.89589526

I'm passing the fuck out with this one guys, hope you all get some good sleep as well

>> No.89589615
Quoted by: >>89590659

why do you retards want them to say a word rather than making an actual sound that sounds like them jerking you off? not everything is better just because japan

>> No.89589677

Miwa does it by saying cozy cozy then sometimes sneaking in shiko shiko when you least expect it

>> No.89589728

Please don't bite, it's not even a good quality one...

>> No.89589738

Really good onomatopoeia stream short but what can you do.

>> No.89589941

We already got an exhibit A lol

>> No.89590314
File: 48 KB, 750x634, 1711154638657972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89601136

i like this
this is nice

>> No.89590355
Quoted by: >>89590755

She's more like an mp4

>> No.89590659

because I prefer it to a bowl of macaroni being mixed around. Unless there's video proof, I can't be arsed to believe that some girl has a microphone set up to pick up vagina fold noises or her jacking off an actual dildo or penis.

>> No.89590755
File: 251 KB, 702x558, 1726981450031541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meet me halfway, .webm

>> No.89590853
Quoted by: >>89590899

God I wish Menace becomes the EN Canan

>> No.89590863
File: 30 KB, 688x143, 1730698812950419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry for your condition man.

>> No.89590899

Why? She's already better than that

>> No.89591041

that was one of her longest time oilers, also probably the reason she went on a menhera spiral after the subathon and thus the reason we no longer have new Anny ASMR

>> No.89591436
Quoted by: >>89591691

What's Airi from Vdere's deal? I remember she got a 3Dio a little while ago and she just... Doesn't use it? Her "ASMR" videos are just voice acting with no sounds.

>> No.89591691

a large portion of the population isnt blessed with the tingles as such they have no real concept of what asmr is outside of it being roleplay gfe

>> No.89592764

holy based autism this is pleasing to my eye

>> No.89592984
File: 620 KB, 2000x2000, GcRhXcwXAAAamFl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, was that menace stream not a public one?

>> No.89593092
Quoted by: >>89593144

It was a wholesome, lower member tier one

>> No.89593144
File: 90 KB, 884x887, GXYEugpbwAAcIWX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really just need to save myself the hassle and just buy her membership.

>> No.89593158


>> No.89593216

R15 membership tier

>> No.89593320

Why are people acting like current Menace is some gift from god? She has been great since the beginning. The only things that have "improved" is that she is direct about wanting to make you cum and she lives in a quieter place. She licked ears more before and before that was even more GFE.
Also, having Menace in the same conversation as Mare, Uise and Canan is fucking insane. Menace's ASMR is great(and always has been), but the content itself isn't even at the level of horniness of EN lewdtubers, let alone those three. And EN lewdtubers aren't even a super high bar to hit.

>> No.89593632

It's just a discord shill campaign, it happens from time to time

>> No.89594012

who gives the best sounding kisses?

>> No.89594065


>> No.89594122

Why are people acting like current Miwa is some gift from god? She has been great since the beginning. The only things that have "improved" is that she is direct about wanting to make you cum and she lives in a quieter place. She licked ears more before and before that was even more GFE.
Also, having Miwa in the same conversation as Mare, Uise and Canan is fucking insane. Miwa's ASMR is great(and always has been), but the content itself isn't even at the level of horniness of EN lewdtubers, let alone those three. And EN lewdtubers aren't even a super high bar to hit.

>> No.89594124

post breasts

>> No.89594202


>> No.89594205
Quoted by: >>89599921

Yae yugiri for en. If you don't mind korean bitches seldea is the Queen of kisses. She pretty much only does kisses and she's very good at them.

>> No.89594288
Quoted by: >>89595193

Honestly should have been. It would not be mad if she changed it to a public VOD. It was 100% seiso & would get good views

>> No.89594524

Those titties sure are a gift from god

>> No.89594667
Quoted by: >>89594886

Her tits were bigger when she was chubbier though

>> No.89594886
Quoted by: >>89595377

I don't think that's how that works, but they are gonna be huge if she starts leaking milk

>> No.89594997

Menace or Canan? Imagine them squished together

>> No.89595193

But what would be the point of the seiso membership category if all her seiso streams were public

>> No.89595377
Quoted by: >>89595643

Bro what? Body fat increases breast size...

>> No.89595417

>Second time this week a chuuba I listen to raids into a dude
I guess I should just start avoiding twitch chuubas...

>> No.89595554
Quoted by: >>89595927

Need Shondo earlicking and countdown

>> No.89595643
Quoted by: >>89595903

is that how you justify your man tits

>> No.89595903

Doesn't that just prove his point?

>> No.89595927

I'm glad Shondo is open to doing ear licking now, that said I can't see a world where she ever does a countdown

>> No.89596254
Quoted by: >>89596321

What if your bro Sho gave you a countdown?

>> No.89596321

Sho is long gone after the Yakuza broke both of his legs, anon

>> No.89596634
Quoted by: >>89598071


>> No.89597585

imouto sheep wife live soon with positive affirmations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPvulskBrkc

>> No.89598071
Quoted by: >>89598152


>> No.89598152
Quoted by: >>89598286


>> No.89598286

Small price to pay i suppose

>> No.89598324
File: 22 KB, 635x497, wdsmbt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89598388
File: 1 KB, 183x136, 1704166346718135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89598483


>> No.89598397
File: 45 KB, 656x384, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89598483

her pp color

>> No.89598407
File: 4 KB, 204x295, 1722229910323222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89598483


>> No.89598449
Quoted by: >>89598495

does this mean she took a photo of her clunge and used a color picker on it?

>> No.89598483


>> No.89598495
File: 96 KB, 288x300, 1724337156504156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89598516
File: 41 KB, 668x733, 1702439918626695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89599375

Surprised he didn't also post this one

>> No.89598673

fuck why are both my cute girlfriends overlapping each other

>> No.89598745

y.. you're a virgin aren't you..?

>> No.89598861
File: 39 KB, 364x300, 1702674584009818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to bed with a menace induced boner so that i can dream of her send post

>> No.89598942

>She has been great since the beginning
No she wasn't, her ASMR has gotten significantly better since she's moved in with Menace.
Mostly due to experience and having a better setup.

>> No.89599008
Quoted by: >>89599332

>She licked ears more before and before that was even more GFE
also false, she never did earlicking.

>> No.89599269
Quoted by: >>89599921

seconding yae for EN, she's very good.
xuilan is also very good too when she's not yapping

>> No.89599332
Quoted by: >>89599427

>No she wasn't
Subjective, but because you added on that she never did earlicking, that shows me that you didn't watch her or are lying for some reason. She did earlicking as Coni and very occasionally did it as Menace.

>> No.89599375

god damn it now I need to fap again..

>> No.89599427
Quoted by: >>89600238

Yeah I know she did it for like a week during valentines as Coni, but she was never into like she is now at ALL.
And before that as Menace I can't even remember when she did, I assume it was extremely seldom though

>> No.89599921

Ill forever hate Sanrio for making the v4 girls chill out on their ASMRs

>> No.89599957

it was half sanrio half SEA

>> No.89600168

Sanrio has been a net negative on our race

>> No.89600238

>she was never into like she is now at ALL
Are you lying on purpose or do you just not remember? Coni has multiple streams that are labeled as earlicking and the main trigger is earlicking. One of her Gyaru streams has more earlicking in that one stream than all of her returning streams combined. Not valentines either.
>I can't remember when she did
It was very sparse, but there were a few streams where she licks quite a bit. She even talked about practicing earlicking to see what sounds the best.
You seem like you're arguing in good faith, but what you're saying just isn't true

>> No.89600486
Quoted by: >>89600692

I had to take a week off ASMR streams for a week, and my god, coming back, my ears feel like heaven. Strongly recommend taking some time off bros.

>> No.89600531

how can you not tell they're baiting you into linking stuff

>> No.89600662
Quoted by: >>89600742

>Coni has multiple streams that are labeled as earlicking and the main trigger is earlicking
yes.. during valentines week...
she made an exception during that time.

>> No.89600692

yeah if you ever feel desensitized taking a week off really makes it feel tingly again

>> No.89600742
Quoted by: >>89602078

>none of the streams I was talking about are in February
Damn he was right, I'm getting baited.

>> No.89601136

Thanks anon

>> No.89601209

It's just so funny to me how Menace does a better job than any of the Vallure girls combined to what they were supposed to be good at.

>> No.89601430

Menace is special

>> No.89602078

okay she may have done like 2 gyaru RP ones outside of it where she licked too.
she played it off before as something she didn't really "like" doing though. she's a lot more honest about it now

>> No.89602434

most ASMR chuubas do a better job of it than VAllure

>> No.89602792
Quoted by: >>89602850

Nene has better tits than menace

>> No.89602850

but is she lactating?

>> No.89602906

I need Menace's milk in my coffee right now

>> No.89603111
Quoted by: >>89603260

>sleeping asmr stream
>she is actually snoring like a dragon
lmao this is too funny

>> No.89603124

Whenever he bf decides to knock her up

>> No.89603260

yeah she sure can snore..

>> No.89603278

Ally's stream was so fucking hot today. She was extra dirty and seemed in heat almost. Honestly she's my favourite full on lewd chuuba at the moment.

>> No.89603298

are these streams even ASMR?

>> No.89603368

Yeah she's uses a binaural microphone.

>> No.89603378

Yes, my dick gets tingles

>> No.89603428

Finally, REAL sleeping ASMR

>> No.89603453

jesus christ I would kill my imoutowife if she snored like that

>> No.89603465
Quoted by: >>89603486

Who is this Ally? Link it bro

>> No.89603486

NTA but Alekirser

>> No.89603922

the juxtaposition of that stream title and the actual content made me laugh hard

>> No.89605051

Huh, is this girl /Here/ because It just says this video was removed by the owner and I don't even know who this was?

>> No.89605083

[20241116] [ UNARCHIVED ASMR GUERILLA STREAM ] YOUR IMOUTO WIFE IS LONELY.... [Acti Matatabi『Ricorie Productions』] (ZAalpfAEXMs)
hardcore snoring starts at 2:52:39

>> No.89605125

Finally... The immersive sleeping with wife experience...

>> No.89605170
Quoted by: >>89617410

shondo is finally doing ear-licks now instead of the pussy tiptoeing of ear-biting?
which vod?

>> No.89605337

thanks, this dumb cat deletes like half her streams

>> No.89605397
Quoted by: >>89605629

Menace should do a sleeping (with us) ASMR

>> No.89605421
Quoted by: >>89605475

I expected much worse honestly but then again I've lived with a guy who snored so violently you could hear him clearly even two rooms away.

>> No.89605475

She doesn't start too bad bu at the 3:53-3:54 part she gets really loud and manages to wake herself up

>> No.89605520


>> No.89605589

she is but not sure what the rest of your sentence has to do with that?

>> No.89605629
Quoted by: >>89606138


>> No.89605670
Quoted by: >>89605768

If my girlfriend snored like that I would dump her

>> No.89605768

this but unironically

>> No.89605858

If I had a girlfriend I would love her snoring and all

>> No.89605883

menace snores

>> No.89605958
Quoted by: >>89605978

How the fuck would you sleep? That snore could wake up the dead

>> No.89605978


>> No.89606138

That is until she farts real loudly in her sleep.

>> No.89607060
Quoted by: >>89607145

>/asmr/ gone
Where the fuck do I search for JPs now

>> No.89607080

Menace did not have to go that hard on her first countdown
How tf is she going to top that?

>> No.89607106

By secretly touching herself while counting down

>> No.89607145

here, listen to this adorable snow fox

>> No.89607223

The count down was only 1 minute of the stream

>> No.89607257

do you want her to count down from a thousand or something?

>> No.89607336

and in prime numbers only

>> No.89607560

I need her to recite pi backwards
and daily reminder, the countdown does not stop at one
it stops at fucking point three

>> No.89608670
File: 67 KB, 203x294, anon's face when he effortlessly lies on the internet, much to Buster's surprise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The count down was only 1 minute of the stream

>> No.89608685

by starting from 10 like a normal person. people saying shit like "erm please start from 30" or whatever ruins it for everyone with their retardation. they clearly don't understand what the point of this even is and they certainly won't cum at 0 anyway with that lack of control so it makes no sense to let them decide anything. didn't know there was a skill gap in fapping until i started watching lewdtubers

>> No.89608797

>didn't know there was a skill gap in fapping until i started watching lewdtubers
wish I knew why this is so funny
im dyin ova hea

>> No.89609533

My oshi actually can't say zero, she's R>0 kind of a gal.

>> No.89610159

>it's just that easy
What I miss?
Countdowns gave me the strength to control when I nut 20 is optimal

>> No.89610236 [DELETED] 

>What I miss?

>> No.89610289

optimal for what nigga? you're supposed to be edging, not just blindly aiming for 0 hoping you reach it in time lol. she could start the countdown at 3 and i'd still cum at 0 because i can choose when i cum. because i'm edging. 20 is dumb because it takes away the tension and it becomes awkward for the streamer to be extra into it for that long. just git gud instead of making the experience worse

>> No.89610310

>What I miss?

>> No.89610437

Private? Do you have an archive

>> No.89610466
Quoted by: >>89610508

It was unarchived and I promised not to leak sorry buddy

>> No.89610508
Quoted by: >>89610622

Then I just believe this is a nonsensical shitpost thanks bud

>> No.89610622
File: 53 KB, 1007x564, 1730371845009618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he lacks the knowledge

>> No.89610877

that's disgusting acti, my ears feel violated.

>> No.89613602

Any recent vods to sleep to you'd recommend? No coomer garbo

>> No.89613663
Quoted by: >>89613698


>> No.89613698


>> No.89614111
Quoted by: >>89616458

Not a vod but if you want to sleep next to someone?

>> No.89614474
File: 94 KB, 284x288, 1713455185219944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she used to liveread /corpo/ during asmr streams to take requests, idk if she still does that but it used to get pretty heated

>> No.89616458

GFE weird creature...

>> No.89616513

Miori twitter spaces

>> No.89616649

Menace sex

>> No.89617070

Anon, it's an unarchived stream and you're looking at a frame. It hasn't happened yet.

>> No.89617296
Quoted by: >>89617380

What the menace planning?

>> No.89617380

I don't know but as soon as I saw that frame I got a boner.

>> No.89617410

Yeah, I don't remember which ones specifically but she's done it a couple times at least. The best one was when she talked about how she wanted to buy flavored lotion for triggers and only realized afterwards it was in reality caramel flavored lube. She still tried it and also licked the mic and then got shocked by her mic because it was falling apart.

>> No.89617488

VOD or qrd? was it lovense with a doujin or something again?

>> No.89617521

Finally the blowjob stream I've been waiting for

>> No.89617633

Shit's at 3:30am for me. I'm worried because for some reason yt-dlp works with her member live streams but at some point starts giving me unauthorized errors and eventually stops downloading. There's never a problem with vods though.

>> No.89617678

>Fall asleep with Menace ASMR
>Wake up to new Menace ASMR (soon)

>> No.89617806

some anons prefer ytarchive for that
can't confirm it's better for members, but it's better in general

>> No.89617869
Quoted by: >>89617904

ytarchive works well for me. I used to have issues with members randomly stop working on it but using cookies from a browser I don't use fixed that.

>> No.89617891

it's more reliable for live streams, I does work very reliably for member streams too

>> No.89617904

Alright I'll figure out how to use it before tonight, thanks anons

>> No.89617935
Quoted by: >>89618051

I'll be sharing it later if no one else does since even if I'm against members stream leaking, it's a different story if it's unarchived.

>> No.89617950
Quoted by: >>89618217

Are you using the oauth2 plugin to authenticate? When I was using an old version of it, it would give me the exact same problems as yours (errors on live after a while, vods are fine).
Assuming you are, youtube's rolling out an update now that blocks it from certain api endpoints so your best bet is using cookies like before.
Should go without saying but always use the latest pre-release of yt-dlp as well.

>> No.89618051
Quoted by: >>89618316

>it's a different story if it's unarchived.
Thanks for that, otherwise I'd have to stay up to an ungodly hour two archive it myself.

>> No.89618067

I feel like Menace is going to break me permanently if she gets any more intense. I can't imagine what she's going to do if she doesn't even want to keep an archive...

>> No.89618135

She might do a little self service...

>> No.89618169
Quoted by: >>89618186

what if it's karaoke

>> No.89618186

I can jerk it to CPR

>> No.89618197

what time is this? only says 17th for me

>> No.89618217

I just add the cookies-from-browser line and it generally works, works fine for vods at least

>> No.89618296

Menace is being cute and flirty and sweet and other things in her marshmallows again...

>> No.89618316

Let's hope my yt-dlp dont fail me

>> No.89618340
Quoted by: >>89618401


>> No.89618364
Quoted by: >>89618599

Google with refresh the cookies sometimes if they come from an active browser session. Log in using a different browser that you never use youtube on, and/or private session (honestly can't remember which was required), and export cookies from there. Then you won't get the unauthorized issue.

Also for those who don't know, you can also use --monitor-channel with ytarchive and it will create a command that loops infinitely watching the channel and automatically downloading any stream they put up, so you'll never miss anything.

>> No.89618401

youre a funny guy

>> No.89618434
Quoted by: >>89618499

exactly 9hrs from now

>> No.89618499


>> No.89618599

Nta, but I just had it pull cookies from firefox instead and it solved the unauthorized issue.

>> No.89619251

