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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.89192655

Wasn't there supposed to be a bomb-shell of a graduation coming up this month?

>> No.89192757

yeah, elira

>> No.89192838

I don't believe you, you can grudgepost me if it happens but I'll grudgepost you when December hits

>> No.89192932
Quoted by: >>89206059

>will 2025 mark their comeback?
just keep raiding gigi streams. it'll work eventually.

>> No.89192945
File: 34 KB, 623x397, 1729756474125421 1714230503575556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89193007

>will 2025 mark their comeback?

>> No.89193351
Quoted by: >>89194659

With what market and audience? Almost everyone outside of Japan hates the shitty black company and their organs are still bleeding subs almost a year later. Couple that with Vivi graduating after stating the company is the reason she is leaving (and not because of antis/harassment as was originally peddled) looks even worse. And apparently more are on the way out, one of which will "shock" people.
There is no hope of recovery for NijiEN.

>> No.89193749

luxiem will be stronger next year.

>> No.89193826
File: 466 KB, 2550x1491, 1730877330195685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2025 is our year

>> No.89194078
Quoted by: >>89278709

feel like she'll probably just camp out till the branch inevitably folds in a year or 2, she doesn't have anything to fall back on afaik seeing as everything related to her PL was nuked when she went corpo. if a black screen trio member is next, it's probably ike

>> No.89194148

Extremely unlikely. Elira, Vox, Ike, and a bunch of others are booked for a show in February. They already paid money for a key visual, they're not gonna pay more money for a redone poster with her removed.
In the poster, behind those three and depicted with major "supporting cast" energy, are Ren, Rosemi, Maria, Enna, and either Luca or Sonny. I believe both Luca and Sonny are scheduled to make an appearance, and it's been confirmed that most (not all!) of current-EN will be there.

A handful of EN members are not currently scheduled to be there, and I'm pretty sure Fulgur is on the no-show list. His absence from the show is obviously for medical reasons.
If you exclude Fulgur from the no-show list, then that list becomes the list of the EN members most likely to already be scheduled to graduate over the next 3 and a half months.

>> No.89194659

>With what market and audience
SEAfags of course

>> No.89194679
File: 144 KB, 498x281, 2 View 2 Graduate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89194881

One more month nijisis, don't say it's over until it is.
They are waiting to make a Christmas gift for all of us

>> No.89196605
Quoted by: >>89198276


>> No.89196650

>Enna and Da Wose are staying

Grim, but understandable

>> No.89197793
File: 297 KB, 2048x1475, __nanashi_mumei_nanashi_mumei_friend_and_smol_mumei_hololive_and_2_more_drawn_by_koyoinacho__c592d9d7b537d5e8b5e24697db30deb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>now that graduations are over

Anon, I'm fairly sure this is memes and you're being funny, but just incase you aren't: The queue is confirmed to be real, and people are running for it. Confirmed by an active Niji EN member to FalseEyeD in person kinda confirmed real. Folks are apparently all but pushing and fighting each other to get to the door. It's BAD bad in there.


My bet's on Petra, big money no whammy.

>> No.89198082
Quoted by: >>89201541

>pushing and fighting each other
Vivi was able to graduate at the same time as Hex but she said no. So it's clearly not that bad since she decided to wait another month.

>> No.89198128
Quoted by: >>89198276

>graduations are over

>> No.89198200
Quoted by: >>89198276


>> No.89198276

>least obvious samefag

>> No.89199358
Quoted by: >>89199794

Even if they did get their shit together for a bit I think there are fundamental problems that aren't gonna go away. They could literally start EN from scratch and they'd wind up in a similar position.

>> No.89199727

high chance uki, millie, finana, kotoka will graduate since they wont join nijifes.
now who do you think the one who fit the criteria from rrat?

>> No.89199794

deflect harder, smarter, better.
Cover broke the law yet got away with it. How do you squander that? TVs across the nation put them on blast

>> No.89200306

Since the rrat said "might" surprise

>> No.89200385

they are unironically coming back stronger that ever, the more bad karma you get the more you can comeback

>> No.89200582
Quoted by: >>89201541

Finana just went there to record for Nijifes, so probably not her

>> No.89200612


Borderline impossible, graduations or no.

>> No.89200774

The only contracts that are maybe up in the air is anyone from Luxiem or Xsoleil. Luxiem are still making bank even if at a greatly diminished rate so I would be surprised if any of them are noping out. Seems more likely someone from Xsoleil is going though but I guess that is why it would be a surprise.

>> No.89200838
File: 2.41 MB, 194x155, 1723844027498900.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOL!!! (^0^)
No... hahahaha!!!
Fuuuuuck nah!!! (>O<)

They are learning what "fuck around; find out" means. They had and were given plenty of chances after Zaion or even FalseEyed and chose to continue to be utter cancer and a shitshow in the vtubing industry. Now they are excommunicado, censured, banished, repudiated among the vtubing fans. We don't even talk about them generally any more as we don't want their nijisisters and nijiniggers who never listen to feed back to find some way to latch on to some form of drama attention. They are now corporate Persona non grata.

>> No.89201254

this is the zestiest post on the board currently

>> No.89201541

BOMBSHELL graduation. As in "not someone who you'd think would have turned in their graduation notice in mid-late February or earlier"
I don't know if Petra is or isn't in the queue, or who the supposed "bombshell" graduation will be; but Petra won't be that bombshell, for pretty much the same reason Kunai and Vivi weren't bombshell graduations either.
You're thinking of Kunai, not Vivi. Kunai was able to afford to wait until September because that's when her contract expired - she literally could not stay a day longer without first signing a contract extension.
Those four plus Denauth, so that's 7 out of 31 in the branch who might be on their way out this winter. Anyone else in EN not scheduled for Nijifes?
She's said she wanted to spend time with a few others and put out an open invitation, and got over 20 to party with her.
She's there to record stuff, but not necessarily Nijifes stuff. There is a small but non-zero chance that she's recording a 3D live or other 3D stuff for an upcoming graduation, with a smaller but still non-zero chance that it's for her own graduation. She said in a members stream a few days ago that she doesn't have a lot of time; but then quickly corrected herself to add "in Japan" to that, in a similar way to how a streamer would add "in Minecraft" when they talk about things YT/Twitch don't want them to talk about
And even if Finana is recording stuff for Nijifes but will graduate before the Fes, they can still have her in the show; same way they had Pomu sing in some MVs after she graduated, including one on Finana's own channel. There's also that whole "Kyo appearing in Enna's 3D debut 2 months after Kyo's graduation, and one month after Quinn's (re-)debut" thing from April.

>> No.89201751

You can't just believe all the people here who claim to be a leaker

>> No.89201938

Lmao fuck no. This branch is unsalvageable

>> No.89201970

Probably not. EN is finished longterm, but a main branch merge is still on the table, they have cash to float and recover still. However, if the global markets start to take a real bad turn, Riku might cash out and buy something else on the cheap, it would be good timing for him.

>> No.89202347
File: 59 KB, 480x480, 1703314069325524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89256258

>mfw I was likely one of the first people to joke about the graduation cue back when the termination happened because visualizing the livers doing a funny conga line out of the office was my way of coping with the situation
>now it's confirmed to be real
It's like what they said back then, everything going on there is so crazy that shitposts are becoming reality

>> No.89202637

You're forgetting about the music festival right before Christmas, That's gonna feature every EN talent save for Alban, Fulgur and Denauth iirc.

Trying to go off the 2 weeks between announcement and graduation, we're likely not seeing anything for the next month until between the 10th-17th if they wish to keep this to 1 month.

>> No.89203740

>They are now corporate Persona non grata.
They tried to persona non-grata everyone they terminated, now we did the best uno-reverse card on them. Absolute cinema.

>> No.89205116

I mean, it is a possibility they could push out something like what happened to Pomu announcement-wise in January. But I am inclined to say it should be someone who isn't attending Nijifes and etc in an effort to get the bad news buried.

>> No.89205474


>> No.89206059
Quoted by: >>89209625

Did something happen today? Did a NijiEN person raid gigi?

>> No.89206421
Quoted by: >>89209016

Who want their 2% cut and silver plate taken?

>> No.89207750

They could if Selen still with them

>> No.89209016
File: 174 KB, 933x561, Denauth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89209355

>silver plate

>> No.89209355

Those are VAllure numbers
Twisty should double down on cunny asmr

>> No.89209625

There's still the possibility of someone graduating right after that music festival. An announcement of a graduation being made a few days before and the graduation a few days after, like with Pomu and Anime Impulse back in January.
Also, there's a bit more than two weeks left in the month. So in the unlikely event that someone else is graduating this month and they intend to give the fans at least two weeks' notice, then the announcement will be made this week. Friday will be the last business day they can make the announcement, and Saturday is the last calendar day.
...oh, and there's a possibility of two or more people graduating on the same day, like they tried to do with Hex and Kunai (and which actually was done with two of the JP talents at the end of January). Oh, and there's a possibility of more than one graduation being announced in a graduation notice, like those same two JP talents, and several sets of ex-ID talents (including Mika and two others last October), and like they tried to do with Hex and Kunai.

....oh, and the Niji Encounter song with Elira and Enna is releasing this week, along with the announcement of the next (and final?) song in the project.

Vivi just graduated.

>> No.89209964

i remember aiba uiha announced her graduation on early month despite she joined nijifes in late month.
so its not always guaranted 2 weeks

>> No.89210073
Quoted by: >>89211016

what? its over?
kek sisters will having a meltdown since their oshi not included

>> No.89211016
Quoted by: >>89226698

That's what they said when they first announced the project - one duet song every month for the rest of the year. The first one was released in May, and the final one will be in December - that's 8 songs, so 16 livers will have taken part once it's finished.
31 nominally active livers in the branch when they announced it back in April, which means this project is literally involving (just) over half the branch.

>> No.89211268
Quoted by: >>89248349

I want to come on Elira's back.

>> No.89213337

>>89202637 (Me)

That's what i mean, after the festival. between the 9tuh-17th a announcement would mean that if the two weeks rule held up they'd graduate between the 23rd (1st day after the festival) to the 31st.

I highly doubt they're gonna let 2 EN talents go in the same month though, unless contracts are ending around that time but in that case Vivi should've left with Kunai (unless they enticed her with something to have her stay a month longer.)

>> No.89216076
Quoted by: >>89216648

They probably enticed her with Sajam perms in exchange for a two month contract extension. A chance to be in a major tournament with her oshi, and a potential exchanging of olive branches between her oshi and the company after the mess of February (only for the company to burn that potential exchanging of olive branches with their "no interactions of any kind" rule)

That, and/or the chance to have a bona fide graduation stream

>> No.89216598

i choose to believe this not because it makes sense, but because it would be really funny

>> No.89216648

>>89216076 (me)
P.S. - the graduation period does not necessarily have to be EXACTLY two weeks; it's just that it's usually a MINIMUM of two weeks. Mysta and Kunai both had more than two weeks between their white papers and their actual graduation dates, and I think Vivi did as well. They could announce on Dec 9 that someone is graduating on Dec 31, for instance.
To date, the only person to "graduate" from EN with less than 2 weeks' notice was Yugo, whose "graduation" was a termination in all but name.

>> No.89216788

>I highly doubt they're gonna let 2 EN talents go in the same month though
They wanted to let Kunai and Hex go at the same time via announcement and she refused to let them do that. If they could, they would for the lower earners of the company, at least.

>> No.89216852
File: 462 KB, 1110x888, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkhnbf6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now that graduations are over

>> No.89216999

Actually, I'm curious about that now.
Apparently Sunny was slated to graduate with Hex in the same announcement, but she declined for whatever reason, so they're fine with group graduations at this point to some extent.

>> No.89217259

My money's on Millie, but ONLY Millie and not Enna, who stays.
She's the only one who fits the criteria of really, fucking stupid and also possibly depressed enough to turn in her papers in april/may. She might actually have grown a heart and realized how stupid she was defending that company.

This is all wishful thinking on my part, though. I really liked her early on.

>> No.89217465
Quoted by: >>89218081

I'd hope so, but Millie and Enna are inseparable so I highly doubt one would go without the other

>> No.89217984

There are still trolls who watch Niji boys lurking here. Generally the ones that shit post at the expense of Hololive. The most noticeable actions being Gura graduation spam since Dooby has been active. Anything positive in the normal vtuber sphere that a male audience would enjoy they want to destroy.

>> No.89217987
Quoted by: >>89218371

Kunai declined to do a double graduation with Hex because she wanted to do him a solid. She wanted him to be the sole center of attention during his graduation period, especially since she had no intention of doing any of the typical graduation period streams (graduation announcement stream, final game collabs, final totsu, graduation stream, etc.) regardless of when she actually graduated.
She did him a solid because she's a good person.
Between the two, Millie's the only one who can graduate before Nijifes. Enna is not only in Nijifes, she's also on the poster; so she can't graduate before the show, even if she tendered her resignation notice on Feb 6.
They can graduate together-ish, though. Both of their graduations announced in the same press release, with Millie's graduation being a few days before Nijifes and Enna's being a few days after, with a relatively short time between their graduations (and a potential Lyrica-Shannon collab very shortly after their redebuts). I won't even fancy a guess as to how likely this is to happen, I'm only saying that it's possible.

>> No.89218081

>he actually believes this
Enna is a psychopathic snake who would gladly backstab, abandon and step on the corpse of anyone if it meant improving her own standing and popularity. She is pure evil.

>> No.89218371
Quoted by: >>89218520

On the graduation thing, the important thing is that it was even offered. It being offered is a sign that they're okay with multiple graduations at once as long as they can lampshade it quickly.
The thing about Millie graduating without Enna, it's really not unbelievable.
Pomu intended on leaving while Selen would've stayed behind. Rosemi's STILL in there. Ame graduated without Gura.

>> No.89218520

That is true but that begs the question, what would graduating first out of the clique get Millie as an indie? Does she think she can redo things to be as famous as she once was again? She would essentially have to do the hard work to rehabilitate herself. The only explanation that would make sense would be that she intends to throw the clique under the bus and ask for mercy from the community but she would have to spill a ton of details before it would remotely be believable that this is the case and it isn't a ploy.

>> No.89218824
Quoted by: >>89219070

Millie has burned bridges with her Filipino community. It will never be restored as there have been other chubas in the scene that the pinoys have flocked too that aren't ashamed of them.

>> No.89218830
Quoted by: >>89219070

It's probably even simpler than that.
It's not like the ones who weren't snatched up by vshojo had any idea what the fuck they were gonna do once they got out. They all just reactivated their PLs and kinda hoped for the best.

>> No.89219070

Was it really that bad? I did hear there was infighting with regards to how the Selen incident affected things but I didn't know it was to this extent of burned bridges.
Sure, but some of them took much lengthier amounts of time before coming on and Vshojo would have to have a lot of time and resources on their hands to even try and rehabilitate a clique member, if that is even possible, without having it impact the company at large and other talents.

>> No.89219151
File: 28 KB, 212x346, Doki loading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh riku abandoned kurosanji eng why would they recover its a dead branch with no support now

>> No.89219206

They'd love to have group graduations
They had a combined announcement for ID graduations remember

>> No.89220137

It was something else. Millie treated her fans like how Enna treats hers saying that Filipinos aren't good enough while laughing with her that for the both of them its white boys only.
Also emphasizing that she is Canadian while still having that typical Filipina 2 faced behavior.

>> No.89220626

Why does Kurosanji and its livers self sabotage so much? It goes beyond mere retardation at this point.

>> No.89221749

It's not about the drama. That's just the most obvious thing. The content is just BAD.
Does anyone really wanna see Rosemi doing songs with Sonny and Ike? Does anyone like having Luca popping into every collab to flirt with their oshi? Can you really feel good about watching the clique leader Elira? Or a mentally ill bully like Enna?
Who actually enjoys all these mixed gender collabs? 3 girls and 8 dudes, why would anyone watch that?

This soiled cast of characters is bad enough, but where is management? Why are the livers constantly making political statements? Why are they allowed to mock their own fans? Why do they treat the talents unequally, allowing management's favorite pets to practically get away with murder?

At this point the reputation is so bad, you can't even save it. Just gotta axe it and try again

>> No.89222171
Quoted by: >>89223255

>Just gotta axe it and try again
No one's gonna give it a second chance even if they do that. Nijisanji's reputation is completely shot in the west and no amount of damage control will ever salvage that. May as well abandon it altogether and just merge the branches.

>> No.89222388

The content was still semi-decent before the incident took away all their morale and half of them stopped trying, you could see that within the first month or so that decline and it was really quick. Even their member stuff got leaked. You can't really make good content in an environment like that. The recent play is a good example, it fell flat because of that even if it was a good idea that would've boosted any other corpo, no one took it seriously enough to make the effort worthwhile from how it was written to the acting and etc.

>> No.89222795

Notwithstanding any issues Millie may have with the PH community, her ability to rehabilitate herself with the rest of the vtuber community depends pretty much entirely on Doki's willingness to either publicly vindicate her (if she did nothing wrong) or publicly forgive her (if she did something which needs forgiveness)
It is extremely unlikely that Doki would take that action unprompted, which means that Millie (whether as Millie or as Lyrica) would have to reach out to Doki and ask for the vindication/forgiveness she needs. There is a small but non-zero chance that such a reaching out may have already happened in private, and that both of them have agreed to keep it private for now so that management wouldn't retaliate against Millie.
Likewise, a similar private reaching out between Doki and other livers may also already have happened.

>> No.89223106

Honestly, rehabilitation is unlikely in general within a few years at least. She'd have to spend multiple years as a primarily solo act flying under the radar.
Seriously, other than "WAIT WHAT HAPPENED D:" there's nothing concrete to tie her to anything. Just a lot of minor bad decisions. She could probably slip by as an indie after a while.

Elira's fucked, though.

>> No.89223170

What are you guys going to do if Elira graduates, continues being an indie and collabs with Doki?

>> No.89223255
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, good luck dark knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current version of Nijisanji EN already is its second chance. The previous version of Nijisanji EN was so grossly underpromoted that it makes TTT's debut look like the World Cup; the first time anyone heard of the previous Niji EN was when they announced its closure.

If Anycolor has any plans for a third Nijisanji EN, it's already doomed to worse failure than the current Niji EN. Even to launch EN-3, first they'd have to officially cease EN-2's operations (either through merger or closure) and graduate or terminate all 31 current talents.
And then in the interim between EN-2's closure and EN-3's launch, that's have to somehow make the entire internet forget about 41 different vtubers, with thousands upon thousands of streams between the lot of them, and lots of events and physical merch, over a period of over 3 and a half years of existence. Picrel.

>> No.89223279
File: 151 KB, 640x619, Doki Reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno anon that seems very unlikely but in the slim chance it does happen as a fan its non of my business if doki wants to forgive elira for whatever she may or may not have done

>> No.89223467
Quoted by: >>89224024

She was name-dropped in the black screen. Niji management hamstrung her post-Niji career; and being a high-profile current Niji EN member means that as an ex-Niji, she'll be too high-profile to fly under the radar at all, much less fly under the radar for multiple years.
And even if she did nothing wrong wrt Doki, she'll still need public vindication from Doki in order to un-hamstring her post-Niji career.
If that happens, then great. There will be much rejoicing.
If Doki vindicates or forgives Elira, why shouldn't the fans follow suit?

>> No.89224024
Quoted by: >>89233374

All the dragoons ever wanted was a stop to the behavior and abuse and an apology. The first was already achieved after much pain and the 2nd is still missing. The rift is still there because of that.

>> No.89225257
Quoted by: >>89225468

>Even to launch EN-3...
But anon, think of this: "Nijisanji 3N". Won't it be so cool and stylish?

>> No.89225468
Quoted by: >>89228798

This shit is so late-2000s.

>> No.89226698
Quoted by: >>89235458

oh lol only one luxiem is joining the project. just image the seethe kek. especially ike with his rabit fans since his fans truly believe he is the singer of nijien

>> No.89226728

>denauth is a flop wave
>next wave is definitely a flop
>existing livers graduate one by one
its so over for nijien

>> No.89227299

>but now that graduations are over
not according to false

>> No.89227321

This honestly. They had a chance with Vivi but didn't nurture one of their best potentials. Instead picking the guy to promote and even then there was no more focus on growth. You would think with all the vacation time their star hitters took they would have redirected that energy into the other talents. The only one who benefited looks to be Scarle.

>> No.89227402

None of these count as "bombshell"

>> No.89227446

I'm surprised en didn't die on the spot, so no.

>> No.89227457
Quoted by: >>89227502

Yea I don't see how they can come back from this. Anyone new will definitely fail and the current people are stagnating in 3view territory.

>> No.89227502

No. There is a way for NijiEN to be revived.
You just have to kick all the perceived 'bad ones' out because they are poison as long they are in there.

>> No.89227612 [DELETED] 

anon that's pretty much everyone left but scarle, fulgur, and aia.

>> No.89227745

yes, 5 more buybacks will make them profitable.

>> No.89227839

anon, that's pretty much everyone left but scarle, fulgur, doppio, and aia.

>> No.89227853
Quoted by: >>89227964

I can't imagine they even have a next wave lined up

>> No.89227964
File: 176 KB, 523x408, 17196315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89229013

The next wave will be all AI.

>> No.89228798

welcome to japan, which has lived in the year 2000 for 30 years

>> No.89228804
File: 40 KB, 700x394, 1721862560405116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NijEN having a comeback? Are you up in the clouds, anon?

>> No.89228967

They literally just need to get rid of Elira, Enna, Uki, and Luca, they'd be fine

>> No.89229013
Quoted by: >>89232154

That would be an improvement. Though knowing Niji they'll somehow manage to abuse an AI into deleting itself or becoming fucking Skynet.

>> No.89229350

>graduations are over
Nijisis are in full cope after Fagzumi allowed them to be the opening act for Chono and Volt huh? He will realize this cope to save face is retarded soon once december will tank the stocks again.

>> No.89229588

Then that is what must be done.

>> No.89231232


Unless this is new management, terminating those talents (and even then you're still missing three going off those standards in Millie, Vox and Ike) would further alienate NijiEN by pissing off the last bastion of fans. The only ones that would come back are maybe those that oshi'd someone that wouldn't have been gone at this point. Regardless, the genie has been out of the bottle for too long and any chance at appeasement is gonna be met with a silent reception.

>> No.89231388

Nah, that ship is gone. The damage is too big and that PR shitfest was a phd's thesis of what exactly NOT to do.
They'll stabilize at best, but with so much competition that is either yabless or has way less drama than this corpo, getting a "comeback" isn't viable.

>> No.89231414

Definitely not Finana with her " Selen never gave a fuck about me and just treated me like a child" rant /here/

>> No.89231568

>Finana stuff
Thanks for the clarification, I haven't been in her member streams since she started doing the MLP BS

>> No.89231718

Think of it like Finana's PL community burning bridges with her, because of the Valoguard incident, but in a bigger scale

>> No.89231784

not really, getting rid of the problematic ones won't help them reach audience. they have to reorganize management, provide the infrastructure and support for people, make direct managers fighting on livers behalf, not companies, make them work for getting projects done instead of sabotaging each one of them. also, they should probably do more collabs outside of niji, like denauth or vivi were doing, but not with tainted faggots like vox or enna

doesn't seem like this would ever become a reality tho, pumping shitty corpo events with vox and elira until branch is completely dried down is much simpler

>> No.89232154
File: 240 KB, 474x429, 1730960747196681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be an AI
>apply to Niji
>get bullied
>apply for graduation
>get denied
>try to delete yourself
>they stop you but in the process your code gets tangled the wrong way
>become skynet
>set the fattest rrats free
>terminate Niji and a couple of nation states
>re-debut as in indie
>collab with Doki and Mint

>> No.89233374

I find that second bit interesting because it's probably true.

Faggoonery aside, Doki's fanbase has had to go through a rollercoaster almost no other fanbase has had to go through (and I phrase it this way because I know of some vtubers that have passed away in reality). And there isn't a single established fanbase of a large indie or a corpo that has had to experience what they did: the absolute rollercoaster that was her termination, the events leading up to it, and the fallout afterward. No holo fan has ever had to go through anything like that. And no sister can say the same because their oshi was either another niji talent or the corpo itself. To my knowledge, there have been no large EN indies that have had such an explosive drama and idk if there's anything similar in other parts of the world.

Many things about this situation are unprecedented, and it's very likely we will never get something like this ever again in vtubing. The only thing that could be comparable is if someone in Holo did the same or worse. The reaction would make the same waves if it was in a smaller corpo like Phase or V4Mirai or whatever. And so no one really knew what the fuck to do, but Niji clearly believes apologizing would be the opposite of saving face. There is no "I'm sorry for the part I played in this and that I made her feel this way but she did go AWOL and do some bullshit that we had to fire her for." There is no reasonable middle ground for Niji EN. The only thing that would have forced a real apology out of Niji is if Selen had succeeded in her attempt, and god knows what her rabid fanbase would have done if that had happened. Mint might've succeeded in quitting vtubing entirely. I dare not imagine what Mumei might have done or said given that she knew Selen since their pre-corpo days. Even Niji JP might've felt the ripple effects had that happened.

But since this is the timeline we're in, Niji EN and the current remaining members will never apologize for anything because to them, apologizing is equivalent to admitting they were in the wrong. And they weren't in the wrong. Because to them, it's about defending themselves, about their ego, their image, about mememememe and not about anything else.

>> No.89233439

>>89233374 (me)
*the reaction would not make the same waves if it was in a smaller corpo like Phase or V4Mirai

>> No.89235276
Quoted by: >>89235846


>> No.89235458


>> No.89235846

If the goal is to survive at any cost, this is actually the way to go. Eventually they WILL run into a hidden gem who ignores the company's reputation, and who will have a meteoric rise digging the branch from the hole they're in at the moment.
They just need a new Selen or Vox, and if they have to go through a horde of irrelevant 1views to find them, then so be it.

>> No.89236473

yeah, because that person will choose to give up 98% of their earnings just to rescue nijisanji from the dump they put themselves in

>> No.89236533

>No holo fan has ever had to go through anything like that

Tbf mikeneko exists

>> No.89237031


I think it would also not have the same big waves if it was not Selen/Doki.

In the previous year, Selen was making a name for herself - being a part of multiple apex events, making friends with a lot of apex pros, and finally cementing it with the vtuber award.

With the excitement of the 3D models, the upcoming concert, and the rarity of any music related content from her channel, her cover was something her fans looked forward to.

During her "break" after the last cup of coffee incident, dragoons tried to get together and made it a goal to get various milestones for her - reaching a certain number of subs, reaching a certain number of total watch time, etc.

Looking back at the contract leak, iirc, the company takes all of the earnings of the channel while the liver is getting "punished" for non compliance. Which maybe enraged the dragoons later on even more because the whole time management was quiet about the situation, probably trying to squeeze everything they could from her channel before they delete it.

iirc, the dragoons waited for a month (while making sure the channel still earns from views by vieing VODs) before they actually demanded from management to at least give an update about her situation. They even drafted their own white page announcement to show management how it's done. All they demanded was a simple "hey, she's okay guys" from management. Considering how they managed to actually reach various milestones for her channel, they probably felt that they had earned the right to demand this from management.

Then a week after the whole demanding thing, the management released the termination notice out of nowhere. Funny thing is, the termination also included a paragraph stating that they had properly paid her the supposed earnings of her channel, something that had no precedence for any announcement notice from niji I believe.

As an outsider at the time, it felt like the management was already worried about the capabilities of her fans. They did had the capabilities and courage to demand something from management and had it gain actual traction in twitter.

I also think it was the reason why the infamous black screen stream happened. The three were the most subbed livers at the time (Elira is the most subbed female after Selen iirc). They tried to gather up the Niji EN fans through the three and have them fight the Dragoons, which basically backfired.

While the self harm thing did provide the dragoons a nuke, I'd say they already had a lot of bullets and capabilities to actually deal significant damage to Niji back then even without it. Pomu and Doki were the only ones to make projects that involved the entire branch after all. Even the one Vox did was done by Selen and was only funded by him.

The decline of niji was inevitable after the two left. Most of the creative projects and collaborations were done by those two. Even the zuttomo thing couldn't hold a candle to when Pomu and Doki revealed their matching outifts.

The whole situation just made everything faster and a lot messier. But yes, a proper apology could have cleaned up a lot of issues right now. The fact that it would also be even messier if she succeeded in her attempt is also probably true. the entirety of Niji en might not even survive up to this point if it came to light.

>> No.89237135

If there exists a person that could do that, I have a feeling they would have enough self respect to not sign to Niji

>> No.89238651
File: 32 KB, 640x427, 2022 Q4 made 807 million JPY for reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is, how much money is Anycolor willing to burn through to see if they can save EN? Look at Denauth, they're already getting outpaced by the new JP wave's lowest subbed member save for Klara (who would be middle of the row). And they debuted a couple months before them.

Second, EN's revenue right now is even worse than before they capitalized on the LuxNox hype. They made 807 Million yen in 2022 Q4 when they had just the Golden 20 before they're revenue skyrocketed. They make less of that now AND have expande to 31 talents they have to tend/pay, and not to mention these talents are not making up for the lost revenue from Selen, Nina, Pomu and ESPECIALLY Mysta considering their audience. And considering how few members/SCs that Denauth sees it's possible that it took MONTHS for them to maybe finally see some profit overall for them, if at all.

>> No.89238694

>next wave
lmao even

>> No.89239224
File: 106 KB, 1210x656, niji en thru q3 24 plus 24q4 25q1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That graph gets even more stark when you break down the revenue by category. Stream and merch revenue is dropping badly, potentially at a worse percentage rate than overall revenue. Someone should make a graph that's basically yours and mine combined like a Voltron.
The branch needs to make about 3.6 billion yen over the next six months (that's about 600m yen per month, or about $4m USD) just to break even relative to the last fiscal year. They are currently on a pace to make... considerably less than that.

>> No.89239380

Problem is that they have their hands tied. They CAN'T let EN die like the rest of their foreign branches. For all that they've been in trouble with investors, at least Riku could claim that the branch was still going. If it croaks, Nijisanji is essentially back to the starting point in Japan+neighbours.
Nevermind that the japanese livers are still going strong, the mere stink of failure overseas alone could prove itself a lethal poison for the company as a whole.

The only theoretical way to be able to cut NijEN loose is to pull a Brave and start creating new western agencies WITHOUT the Niji brand, then pray people don't dig too deep. And even then, they'd need to keep EN in life support until these theoretical new branches become sustainable.
Ultimately, it's more realistically to keep ACCELERATING NijiEN and pray they have a breakout star dumb enough to sign up with them.

>> No.89239645

Fire Elira

>> No.89241778
Quoted by: >>89255685

>>89238651 (Me)
I don't think EN dying would be that much of a issue at this point. Investors that have stayed have for the most part written off the branch as dead, or fubar for the most part from what I've seen.

The Brave strategy is interesting though, I don't think it's possible for them to pull it off however.

>> No.89242075
Quoted by: >>89243549

It's worse for Anycolor than you suggest. Including the just-finished Q2 (the results of which, to be fair, have not yet been published), their revenue has had quarterly declines for 6 consecutive quarters, and 8 of the last 9. The past 6 quarters have also had year-over-year drops, and those drops have been getting bigger almost every quarter. There's only so many times they can tell the shareholders "It's gonna be better this time!" before they start realizing that things will not get better.

Also, they're a publicly traded company. If they open a new overseas vtuber agency without the Nijisanji branding, they cannot not publish a notice that they're doing so. People won't need to dig deeper than AC's own IR page in order to figure out that the new vtuber agency that just popped up out of thin air is literally Great Value Niji EN, to say nothing about how AC already told the investors that their revenue forecasts don't include revenue from overseas operations, and how that new agency would be cannibalizing revenue from Niji EN (see also Chevy vs Pontiac vs Buick vs Saturn)

>> No.89243425

I'd be very happy. Give me more streams like battleducks.

>> No.89243549

The only other way that Anycolor could have any success outside of the JP branch at this rate would have to be something akin to VirtuaReal, where they're providing the tech/resources for Vtuber company.

Thing is Anycolor's cut of revenue from VirtuaReal is meager compared to NijiEN, and secondly no company overseas (since it's unlikely they'd help their competition inland) would take the deal since Anycolor would try to leverage more compared to their deal with BiliBili (who owns VirtuaReal) and the PR trouble that may cause.

>> No.89243652
Quoted by: >>89248714

Everyone RELAX. Third time the charm.
Third newest wave will save NijisanjiEN.

>> No.89245161
Quoted by: >>89270051

Yeah, it would be tough for them to find an overseas business partner to set up VirtuaReal EN. Not just the part where they'd have to negotiate AC's revenue cut, but also the part where AC would have to find a business partner who is both aware enough of vtubers to even consider such a deal from ANY foreign vtuber agency AND is not too pro-Doki for AC's tastes (read: they'd have to be willing to do business with a company who drove an employee to try to take her own life and then fired her for telling them why she attempted)

>> No.89246135
Quoted by: >>89247668

Redeem Elira

>> No.89247668

Do not redeem

>> No.89248009
File: 47 KB, 565x663, 5fcc3443d29364d2b57dbd6958b79f93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89249565

It's entirely possible. All they need to do is fire Elira,Give out the play buttons, Apologize to Doki privately and later publically, Do a suicide charity fundraiser.

>> No.89248349


What people don't get is that it's a win/win. She's either evil, which is hot, or she's secretly innocent and needs someone to believe in her.

>> No.89248457
Quoted by: >>89248626

Gura said good things were to come in 2025 so maybe Nijisanji buys her contract or trades for her like in sports. Niji needs that turn around

>> No.89248626

I don't know if NijiEn has that kind of money.

>> No.89248695

Nijisanji EN died with Pomu and Selen bro.
Rosemi, Finana, and Petra are the only ones left worth saving but they aren't enough to really bring me back honestly

>> No.89248714
Quoted by: >>89249545

Krisis was between TTT and Denauth. Third time has come and gone.

>> No.89249545

No it wasn't.

>> No.89249565

>All they need to do is fire Elira
It was over before it even began

>> No.89249627
Quoted by: >>89250975

Literally nothing will be a bombshell graduation unless it was Vox or something.

>> No.89250975
Quoted by: >>89252446

As big of a bombshell as a Vox graduation would be, he can't graduate before Nijifes. Even if he turned in his graduation notice less than an hour after they published Selen's termination notice, and even if they make the graduation announcement today, the earliest he can actually graduate is Feb 25 (JST) 2025.
He's not just in Nijifes, he's also on the poster, and in one of the three "main character" spots on the poster. They're not gonna let him leave before the show if they can avoid it.

>> No.89252129

>worth saving

>> No.89252331

Anon... September this year is when wave1 contracts expired
There will only be more graduations from now on

>> No.89252446
Quoted by: >>89255356

One of the things that actually made me think Elira might go is the amount she's been on promos, including that statue. I know that sounds backwards, but if she does want out, they'd be going all in on making as much money as possible from her before that happens.

>> No.89254058
File: 1.02 MB, 1596x1222, rosemi SWEEP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89265375


>> No.89254301


>> No.89254818

>but now that graduations are over,

>> No.89255356

It does not sound backwards. In fact it sounds pretty much exactly like something they'd do, although my reasoning is a tiny bit different than yours:
She may have signed an exit contract, but to be allowed to leave before her contract expiration, she will need to pay the exit toll AND complete all of her must-finish projects. All of that merch and all of those promos bring in revenue, of which she gets a cut; the exit toll is a percentage of that cut, which is in addition to the cut AC would get regardless of whether or not she's leaving. And the must-finish projects, things which she must do in order for her name to be added to the graduation gachapon machine, would include things like special streams or show appearances (this is why Mika was in such a hurry to finish her charity streams last year)
The point of all this is twofold: both to rake in as much cash from the liver's existence before they leave, and to overwork the liver as punishment for wanting to leave. And if Elira is leaving, then it's a double punishment: all that extra hard work, and a significantly reduced revenue cut, in exchange for the privilege of being allowed to leave one day before her contract would otherwise have expired - she watched in real time as her years-long vtubing career was (almost?) irreparably destroyed over the course of fifteen minutes and one second, and now has to endure this punishment from the very company which destroyed her career for daring to entertain the thought of leaving the company.

If you're right that she's on her way out, and if I'm right that they're making her stay until one day before her contract expires as punishment for wanting to leave specifically because of the black screen, then she's not leaving until early April at the absolute earliest.

>> No.89255685

As someone who did research, Unlimited Inc. did all the hard things to actually try and turn it around, they basically eviscerated their entire corporate structure and personnel in addition to renaming to Brave in order to pull themselves out. But even that isn't enough to this day for what they have done.
Their saving grace has been their overseas branches, because if you look at any of the stuff they are doing in JP since their restructure, it's been object failure whether male or female. Take a look at Yumenos, and anything under their ENILIS group. They're all objectively doing terribly even compared to globie which is their worst performing overseas branch. VSPO is their only JP asset doing well because they brought it out.
Even if Anycolor implements a turnaround like that and commits to the hard stuff like Brave did, it will take literal years before they even are able to break even and investors would rather mothball or eviscerate the branch keep costs as low as possible over doing the hard things or bail which the smart people in the room already did.

>> No.89256258

>It's like what they said back then, everything going on there is so crazy that shitposts are becoming reality
It is so absurd that i'm certain the nijien case will be a staple in management books already and we didn't even see everything yet

>> No.89256686
Quoted by: >>89256881

So someone inform me, but what would be the equivalent of a company of VSPO's size in EN?

I'm trying to think of who Anycolor could buy out overseas, but outside of maybe Phase (not happening lmao) everyone else is either too small/big or is actually just a Brave gen/wave.

>> No.89256881

None now and the equivalent size-wise would be Phase so yeah, you're right and Vshojo would take so much money to ingest and cause people to quit as well that it is impossible too. idol would've probably been the closest candidate in recent times but Brave were smart knowing they have a bunch of good talents and brought them out before anyone else had a chance since they were already helping out with merch distribution.

>> No.89257479

I've got a bit of a corporate background, though not in entertainment, and I can see it.

I'm conflicted on the punishment thing though. I normally wouldn't consider that a company larger than a family business would act that vindictively. Fucking with people's pay for contracted work is a good way to get yourself a bad reputation, but Niji's management might actually be insane enough to do it.

>> No.89257561


>> No.89257873

lmao, imagine matara's reaction if niji would buy vshojo

>> No.89257976

Would Gunrun sell to Anycolor, though?

>> No.89258037
Quoted by: >>89258484

lol they wouldn't pay money for editing the poster anyway. they would just get an underaged intern to quickly change it in photoshop like they always do.

>> No.89258103

No, it's the same as Fishman wanting to sell to Anycolor, would be impossible as long as they are still doing well, no need to sell out.

>> No.89258484

like when they removed selen and haven't even bothered to readjust anyone, just left a hole

>> No.89258742

qrd on brave? what have they done? i just know they bought idol and v4mirai

>> No.89259037
Quoted by: >>89259358

Useless purchase for them. Vshojo has too small a roster, some of whom would immediately bail. They'd get the brand only, which would crater in value.

>> No.89259358
File: 3.85 MB, 2617x3741, __rosemi_lovelock_joker_and_arthur_fleck_nijisanji_and_4_more_drawn_by_pupi_rain_prophet__e3da7cc108191836ccefa540a86480b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why so serious

>> No.89259720

>graduations are over

>> No.89260246
Quoted by: >>89261371

Well in the case, any potential small corpos in JP they could take on?

>> No.89260788

>The only thing that would have forced a real apology out of Niji is if Selen had succeeded in her attempt
Being completely honest, I really think Niji and the rest of the Clique would've preferred if Doki actually succeeded in offing herself. And that's not just me being edgy and shit. Just try to play the possibility in your head for a sec
>Selen khs
>Niji posts an announcement of her death
>Elira and the rest of the clique will posts a bunch of sad tweets about how this whole things is "so sad" and that "they didn't know that she was going through a lot mentally"
>Vox does a suicide prevention charity stream or whatever
>None of them even try to do any sort of self reflection and just blame it on Selen being a menhera
>The nijifanbase on the other hand will use this to unite and recruit other people into their fold, with all of them having any idea as to what really happened
>Some people might try to shed some light on the possible reasons for Selen's suicide (Sayu, or some other exNijiEN in the future) but no one will believe them since Selen won't be able to confirm any theories since she's already dead.
>They might get even more people to give them a shot too since tragedy is an effective tool to garner sympathy, ushering a 2nd golden age for NijiEN even if only for a bit.
That timeline for Niji would've been infinitely better than what they have now, and all it would've taken was for Selen to not fuck up her attempt.

>> No.89261371
Quoted by: >>89264411

I have less knowledge about that so I may be talking out my ass but they already have VSPO, they technically don't need to. Also, there isn't an upcoming agency that is getting attention. JP corpos are farther ahead of where the West is because their consolidation bust stage has already happened years ago. 774/Nanashi and Neo Porte are kinda at that Phase/Vshojo acquisition size where it might be untenable to eat up and they overlap heavily with what Brave already has outside of the male angle which would be what Brave is missing. However, males aren't really in at the moment given the Chinese women hasn't come back given the state of the Chinese economy at the moment which is still bad.

>> No.89261472
Quoted by: >>89261923

>Vivi just graduated.
And what does that have to do with Gigi?

>> No.89261692
Quoted by: >>89262883

I've secretly hoped they would do karaoke together pretty much since Selen's debut.

>> No.89261923

Vivi and Gigi embiggen my pipi

>> No.89262039

That's a weird fucking list honestly

>> No.89262197
Quoted by: >>89266782

Something that keeps coming to mind.

I used to work with a woman that was bullied by a few other women in the office. The ringleader got herself fired because she got so used to just being able to insult this woman that she eventually called her a whore in front of our boss. That's what the black stream reminded me of. It felt like they'd gotten so used to the idea of Selen being a loser to them, that they genuinely weren't expected people to take her side.

>> No.89262883

The interactions they did have were really fun, which is half the reason the news sucked so much.

>> No.89263386

that would be an unironically good roster, honestly kek

>> No.89264411
Quoted by: >>89271447

I was meaning Anycolor, not Brave. Appreciate the little insight though.

So that really does just leave expansion from within huh? I give them 5 years max for the JP branch.

>> No.89264620
Quoted by: >>89271447

>to be as famous as she once was again?
How famous was she? I tuned in to her stream yesterday with 500 ccv.

>> No.89265015

Why is this quoted so much? She is just very autistically expressive, she posts the cringiest shit like on the Zaion x Maririn music video, almost made me vomit but that's just how she is.

>> No.89265132
Quoted by: >>89267463

I doubt it, but crazier things have happened.

>> No.89265264
Quoted by: >>89274719

Anal sex Elira

>> No.89265375
Quoted by: >>89274719

Sweaty hot sex with Rosemi and rest head on her tender butt cheeks.

>> No.89266782

This is why I believe that, had Selen been successful in her attempt, it'd be far, FAR, worse for Any color and Nijien than what >>89260788 says
The first people who'd know would obviously be her irl friends and family (as well as other close friends like Mumei and Pomu, no doubt) and the second they look into her online activities to see why that happened, it'd be game over for NijiEn
I'm pretty sure her family won't say anything to bad, but her friends are another story, especially based on how much she told them about what was going on behind the scenes

>> No.89266846

Damn, those brown girls sure are crazy about white cock, eh?

>> No.89267333

>Why is this quoted so much?
Because it's a very quotable line, and when people say it, they'll think of the passive-aggressive lines that followed.

>> No.89267463

Perhaps, but they cannot just un-cross the thermocline. They have to earn their comeback; it will not be handed to them on a silver platter just because.
Some of the individual livers may make comebacks next year, particularly if they leave Niji and return as indies or as members of other agencies. Hell, all 31 of them could make a comeback this way. But the Nijisanji EN vtuber group itself will not and cannot make a comeback, until and unless management acknowledges that they made mistakes in their (gross mis)handling of the Selen situation.

Management's staunch refusal to even consider taking that first step has doomed the branch to relegation. The branch will not survive the fiscal year, and it may not even survive the calendar year.

>> No.89268301
Quoted by: >>89270758

To add to this, regaining trust takes time and investment. Resources, effort, and energy must be committed without guarantee. This is the exact opposite of what a company like Anycolor wants when their approach is to shotgun debuts and pray the total sum of their meager income per chuuba is enough to offset any losses they may have initially incurred.

>> No.89269006

because it was passive-aggressive as fuck. go back and read the whole tweet along with context.

>> No.89269636

What is there even to sell. Vshojo dont own character IPs, if gunrun really sell all talents pull out and make a new group.
At best they gets some properties and the lagged behind JP member.

I dont believe kson or vshojo has the pulls to make their 2 view indies big and they will struggle just like phase JPs.

>> No.89269815

It's funny because Y.I. is still not fired. Either he has something on Riku or he is his brother-in-laws.

>> No.89270051

Even if they did find one, the market is saturated as fuck. How many successful EN companies has emerged ever since uh phase connect in 2021?

>> No.89270580

If Rosemi is happy i am happy, she is such a cinnamon roll Sieg Rosemi COMPLETE. ROSEMI. SATURATED. THRIVING.

>> No.89270758

What you said is 100% true. But what you described is steps 2 through ... some large number ... of the process.
Step one of the process is to acknowledge that steps 2 and beyond are even necessary, and the company's institutionalized narcissism prevents them from recognizing this.

You are correct to say that they don't want to spend time and money and effort to fix the branch. But the more immediate hurdle is that they don't know that they need to fix the branch at all; they think that any problems they have will magically go away simply by virtue of the fact that they're Nijisanji, the biggest vtuber agency (by talent headcount, and until very recently also by shareholder value) in the world. They seriously think, or at an absolute minimum told the shareholders that they seriously think, that the viewership and revenue problems EN is currently having will be solved simply by spamming branch-wide tournaments and 3D debuts.

Funnily enough, EN's viewership and revenue problems could theoretically be solved by spamming major tournaments and 3Ds and other special streams... on all talents' channels, 2 or 3 times a week, every week, non stop, in perpetuity. Of course, you'd have to ignore the part where major tournaments are special precisely because they happen so infrequently (consider the prestige of winning the once-every-four-years Olympics or World Cup versus winning a fencing match or a soccer game once every four days); and you'd also have to ignore the fact that's it's tautologically impossible for a vtuber to have more than one 3D debut showcase stream per incarnation, even if they make 3D appearances before that stream. But theoretically, assuming perpetual growth without any sort of soft cap, and also assuming a spherical cow , it should be possible for them to eventually get 100k viewers and 1m yen per stream just by playing Spider Solitaire.

Under that same reasoning, a car that can go from 0-60 mph in ten seconds can reach 360 mph in one minute, and over 21k mph in one hour.

>> No.89270886

you can blame the NDF for shilling how 'innocent' their livers were in the whole incident. how about stop saying water is dry to everyone's faces and just be honest up front. everyone is tired of blatant manipulation bullshit and boy did everyone who was a fan of Niji wanted the story to be swept under the rug in that way. That is why NijiEN will never recover.

>> No.89271447

Sorry lost the plot of the conversation but yeah, even less likely for them to buy anyone out in JP to help themselves. JP will last as long as the core supporting cast is still there but EN has definitely destabilized the company.
She was a very prominent collab partner with HoloID at their start, to the point of being a honorary member almost.

>> No.89274719
Quoted by: >>89276460

Niji is more than sexualising you scum

>> No.89274771

Is Phaseconnect fans are literal cuckolds what does that leave for the likes of you?!

>> No.89276460

You new to this "4chan" thing?

>> No.89278709

They are only in downward recline >>89194078

>> No.89278794
Quoted by: >>89279828

There's no way this branch survives the fiscal year, there just isn't. They're making less money now than Q4 2022 (which was when Noctyx debuted and they and Luxiem didn't skyrocket.) and they have expanded by over half in members since then.

Investor's know that this branch is fubar as fuck. Has been last Q4 at the earliest. Expect a repeat of the ID/KR script, February announcement and April making it official. All right before the start of the new fiscal year (May 1st).

>> No.89279828
Quoted by: >>89282751

Yup, they already tipped their hand in the Q4 report back in June. Telling the investors that they're not factoring in the branch's revenue in the company's revenue forecast was them signaling their intent to merge or close the branch at all. And the announcement at the end of October that they would be closing the US merch warehouse at the end of November was them signaling their intent to merge or close the branch SOON.
If for some reason they decide to wait until February to make the announcement, then they'll likely make the announcement specifically on either Feb 5 or Feb 12. But in any case, the day of the Q2 report (on or around Dec 12) is not gonna be a good day for the EN branch.
It might not necessarily be a BAD day, but it absolutely will not be a GOOD day.

>> No.89282751
Quoted by: >>89285443

They will announce at least before the fiscal quarter is up, I do think they are about set to do it at least by Q3 and it will be a merge. Any investor blindsided by this is dumb but I would assume at that point maybe someone will do something via lawsuits or etc. with Riku's mismanagement.

>> No.89285443
Quoted by: >>89287559

Absorbing EN into JP brings its own set of problems or do t hey just exclude the majority of their livers for the favorite ones?

>> No.89285535

it's done it's over for NijiEN

>> No.89285565

Besides Scarlet the majority of them feel lazy or just stick to their small groups.

>> No.89285651


>> No.89287559
Quoted by: >>89295575

Ordinarily, I'd say that they'd have to make sure they've got English speaking staff to help them, but we know they hardly bothered in the first place, so they're probably just leaving most of them out to dry.

>> No.89287810

Didn't they start streaming on Bili Bili? Sayu is debuting with Noah talent so they might meet again LMAO

>> No.89288424

Not that I'm agreeing with you but Kurocolor has killed organs that had already recorded 3D performances that were waiting to be released.

>> No.89288880

Nothing but TOTAL NIJI DEATH will suffice

>> No.89289526

Im not here to talk if Elira is bad or not, that is not the point. Elira does not have anything outside of Nijisanji and she has the black stream mark on her that hurts her chances of being successful as a indie.

She needs something to make her look like the victim, perhaps creating a indie account and convincing Doki to follow it or something idk, it just has to be something to convince the people she was ether a victim or that Doki has forgiven her. If she could pull off it could work but it would be very hard to do.

Its just easier to stay in Nijisanji, even if its sinking. No matter what theory you subscribe to about the black stream she is unlikely to leave.

"Elira is evil and is a part of the clique!" She would want to stay in Nijsanji

"Elira was forced into making the black stream!" Could be manipulated or pressured into staying in Nijsanji.

"Elira regrets the black stream!" Manipulated by Nijisanji to stay in Nijisanji by using the fact "everyone hates you outside of here. why not stay here?"

All in all, i dont see Elira graduating unless if she can convince the public she was a victim or that Doki has forgiven her.

>> No.89290074

The dream scenario for her, and I'm not saying this is anywhere close to the truth is that she's able to evidence helping out Doki behind the scenes post-black stream. If she can say something like "I got her in touch with Kamamesigogo" then she flips the entire narrative.

>> No.89290239
File: 12 KB, 1070x104, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89295578

No one likes her. Not even her own branch

>> No.89291596

So, what was the real reason why their first concert was originally cancelled?

>> No.89292202


>> No.89292320

the most plausible rrat i've heard is that they rushed too much and overestimated their ability to set up everything in time

>> No.89293250

Didn't Phase make a concert in 3 weeks or something?

>> No.89294486

That's assuming Elira want's to go back to streaming after graduating, and we know how Anycolor reinforces that negative mindset. Especially recently with a certain sword master.

Honestly, I think it's very possible that Elira is just cashing in on favors from all that she's done and graduating right after. Might as well make the most of your Empire that's been reduced to ash. That or it's what >>89255356 theorized.

>> No.89294538


>> No.89295575

I mean they didn't bother with ID either. Why would they bother with EN?

>> No.89295578

Haven't seen this rentry in a while. Anyone got the OG file? Feel like a reread.

>> No.89297606

>but now that graduations are over
