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File: 2.22 MB, 1536x1288, 1703487459359405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
89081711 No.89081711 [Reply] [Original]

>Ugh, are you seeing those white people?

>> No.89081732

Gigi is not white?

>> No.89081785

>Phasekeks projecting their cuckholdery again

>> No.89081921
File: 87 KB, 583x453, 1722744844374976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong? Was it too hard to bump the shiori bait threads all by yourself so you thought you'd try a new angle?

>> No.89081926

No, but her main collab partners in holo are. Not sure what the shitpsoter is trying to attach to her.

>> No.89082003

>bvtm back with a new angle
we should bomb SEA into oblivion, just a thought

>> No.89082098

Uki showed up in her chat and now some faggot is trying to push the insanely retarded claim that they're friends

>> No.89082185

What did Gigi say now? I thought she was a white supremacist like me.

>> No.89082410
File: 88 KB, 1440x1416, GbvVMDxaIAAP1J7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? Gonna use this fag's single chat message that was ignored by everyone as bait now?

>> No.89082494

They're missing the real rrat by going that approach too which is that nijien are trying to sabotage holoen by sending their remaining functional organs to try and sow discord in the chat.
That or uki is trying to be a retard because of recent news.

>> No.89082558


>> No.89082568
Quoted by: >>89082618

Probably in Meltdown mode from recent events. Pretty much never ventures into other chats.

>> No.89082611

I'm 99% sure it's because Uki is having a mental breakdown like every alphabet leftist right now.

>> No.89082618

bro fucking cried over another country's election that he doesn't live in, such an absolutely faggot

>> No.89082630

NTA but
Toggle the TLs. It doesn't look like he's friends with her though. Just someone passing through.

>> No.89082664

thanks anon, you're right, he sure looks like a tourist

>> No.89082665

There is literally no evidence that Gigi is Chinese.

>> No.89082690
Quoted by: >>89082739

NTA if she's Chinese, I'll kill myself, anon

>> No.89082692

where does he live? canada?

>> No.89082739

she speaks canto, dude.
So not mainland, but still a form of chinese.

>> No.89082753
File: 91 KB, 877x543, 1731025297266309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89083090

Here's a pic for good measure.

>> No.89082780

Knowing a couple words in another language does not mean you speak it and especially not that you belong to its ethnicity.

>> No.89082798
Quoted by: >>89082832

Jesus Gigi, get some fucking class, you're in hololive

>> No.89082832
File: 100 KB, 735x649, 1730938702594254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89083092


>> No.89082847 [DELETED] 

Trump won by the way, Uki. You lost. Seeing you cry over it was fucking hilarious.

>> No.89082859
File: 45 KB, 595x372, leechsanji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when is leeching from someone = they're close friends
Are Reimu and Gura friends?

>> No.89082861

If he's comfortable enough to type in her chat then they're definitely friends behind the scenes

>> No.89082873
Quoted by: >>89083996

I am very certain he's a stupid leaf, yeah

>> No.89082889

>Ignored completely
He's a dumbass clout chaser like that retarded pagpag

>> No.89082898

Thank god, only the cool ones speak Canto. They are different species after all

>> No.89082937
Quoted by: >>89082966

Looking for relevance especially since Gigi trended. What a POS

>> No.89082938

>Ignored completely
Yeah, ignored on stream because I assume he was used to talking to her in DM's and figured her YT chat would be fine. Guess Gigi didn't tell him it's offstream communication only.

>> No.89082966

>Gigi trended.
... Where?

>> No.89082976
Quoted by: >>89083020

Ignored on stream because she doesn't want her unicorns to turn on her yet yeah

>> No.89082978
Quoted by: >>89082995

How many times do I have to bully you Nijifags before you get the picture that your kind are not welcome

>> No.89082986
Quoted by: >>89083423

Generally if they can't doxx someone they just assume they're asian, and if they're asian then they assume they are Chinese or Filipino.
Usually how they work

>> No.89082995
Quoted by: >>89083030

Seems like Gigi's the nijifag now, tbdesu

>> No.89082999

Watch streams, dramafag

>> No.89083018
Quoted by: >>89083206

on the bot farms

>> No.89083020

>>89082098 (me)

This is the faggot I was talking about

>> No.89083030 [DELETED] 

I'm calling in my buddy Donald Trump to fuck you guys up, just you wait!

>> No.89083040

She had 10k people watching her play tft/league

>> No.89083047
Quoted by: >>89083070

dont do that, you fucking retard. gigi is not white, she'll be caught in the crossfire.

>> No.89083060
Quoted by: >>89083143

>Grems suddenly want their Oshi to get deported
Interesting angle

>> No.89083070


>> No.89083072
Quoted by: >>89083116

>sister thinks 10k is a notable ccv
kek, telling on yourself. maybe in your flopcorpo

>> No.89083090

>based phoenix warned her

>> No.89083092 [DELETED] 

If any newfag sees this, The context is that Uki is a well documented racist towards white people private and public on stream. The most well known example is getting scared of a white elderly couple saying hi as they passed by him. After trump won, every troon and mentally ill people began crying of murder, fearmongering and calling eveyone else far right fascists nazis which for some reason uki is a part of based on recent tweets as he also tweeted about crying.

>> No.89083100
Quoted by: >>89083262

Nigga she got raided and she was the only one in the temeslot. She was barely going to hit 8k with NO ONE ELSE STREAMING

>> No.89083102


>> No.89083116
Quoted by: >>89083160

10k for fucking TFT is pretty good

>> No.89083141

>Lia shows up in Gigi's chat
>The whore of Phase
>Uki shows up in Gigi's chat
>The racist of niji
Why didn't she just apply to phase or niji? I don't get it.

>> No.89083143


>> No.89083156 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 225x225, 5ce7dfcc031dd864fa1aad589d400033fa4b2b84 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain why the previous thread where everyone was shitting on purple faggot for getting ignored and making fun of his Trump meltdown got deleted, but this new thread that's full of people lying about Gigi replying to him and shitting on Gigi for it is untouched?
Also half this thread is clearly a BVTM discord raid

>> No.89083160

10k for a casual non event stream is the very top of western vtubing
big tourist honeypot thread, they dont even know what they are talking about

>> No.89083171
Quoted by: >>89083207

Proof of Lia?

>> No.89083197
Quoted by: >>89083307

Wait that thread got deleted? That's fucking stupid, paid NijiJanitors...

>> No.89083206
File: 33 KB, 1371x367, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89083587


>> No.89083207

It was during her birthday afterparty

>> No.89083232

Send proof, phasecuck, I'm a SEA Brown drama fag who is on mobile

>> No.89083255
File: 6 KB, 261x34, isreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89083275


>> No.89083262
Quoted by: >>89083312

>she got raided and she was the only one in the temeslot. She was barely going to hit 8k with NO ONE ELSE STREAMING
How exactly did she get raided if no one else was streaming?

>> No.89083267

kys brownVTM trannies

>> No.89083275
Quoted by: >>89083401

There you go

>> No.89083287

dude it's hard to transition from horse to gremlin. I'm sure they all go through some period of metamorphosis. Cut her some slack and let Holos grow, she hasn't done anything wrong

>> No.89083307


>> No.89083312
Quoted by: >>89083609

Holy fuck how are you this dumb? CC raided into her and then Gigi was the only one streaming so there was no overlap to take her views away

>> No.89083335
File: 2.67 MB, 2539x1095, liaingigichat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.89083372

OOF.... Gigi...

>> No.89083401
Quoted by: >>89083436

thanks, anon, I am now going to assume ISRAEL because I have no critical thinking abilities to discern if I am being fed misinformation

>> No.89083423

At least they finally switch it up a bit. Earlier any undoxxed vtuber was a 40 old man with voicechanger.

>> No.89083436
Quoted by: >>89083493

There you go.

>> No.89083439

I can't believe Phasecucks are corrupting my kami-oshi... my life is ruined. I will now anti Pippa even further

>> No.89083445

Why are people shitting on Gigi because a whore and a fag were in her chat and were ignored?

>> No.89083466

I am shitposting, anon. Though there is a real nijif

>> No.89083478

Because it's proof that whore and fag are comfortable enough with her to talk in her chat to begin with.

>> No.89083493

alright, that seems convincing, can you spoonfeed me more, daddy?

>> No.89083511

Or they're just grifters trying to get attention from another community

>> No.89083521

Despite this there's always nijifags and other retards crying about Holo threads like this always getting deleted. Yet here we are with this one still up while the one about the purple faggot was deleted.

>> No.89083559
File: 236 KB, 1140x480, grimgrimgrim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89083606

She's honorary white.

>> No.89083570

k lol, enjoy your giga reach they still got ignored

>> No.89083587
Quoted by: >>89083631

>retained and inclined post raid
Natty 10k sorry I don't make the rules, you can nijiseethe now.

>> No.89083589
Quoted by: >>89083640

>Just grifters
>Have never appeared in any other holo EN's chat. Ever.
>Both come into gigi's chat.
You sure about that? If they were grifters they would've gone into much bigger streams by now.

>> No.89083600

>Phase Grifters are never escaping the allegations
>Kurosanji Leachers are never escaping the allegations
More cinematic than Uki crying

>> No.89083606

Yeah the cuckxiem boys didn't do as well as expected.

>> No.89083607
File: 176 KB, 1059x687, 1730055873203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing it is proof of is that they think they can leech off of Holos. Also I blame ERB for organs suddenly trying to talk to holos in their chats because of picrel.

>> No.89083609

A few standard deviations above your intelligence level apparently.
Since you're taking her numbers while overlapped by CC before the raid and assuming they'd be the same with no overlap.

>> No.89083625
Quoted by: >>89083689

why are they grifters just for typing in her chat? gigi was already well known in the vtuber community before holo so she has connections with a lot of people

>> No.89083631
Quoted by: >>89083683

>retained and inclined post raid
Are you fucking blind? The viewership starts to drop between the second and third block of time.

>> No.89083640

>You sure about that?
see picrel here >>89083607
that's why organs are more comfortable with doing that kind of shit now, note how the purple faggot was specifically in the chat of a Justice holo

>> No.89083668

Where are the UnicornCHADs and why aren't they gatekeeping ERB more? They tamed Shiori but can't fix ERB????

>> No.89083680
Quoted by: >>89083700

All you're proving is that Justice is a lost cause as a gen entirely.

>> No.89083683
File: 526 KB, 1116x724, Nijseethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raid peak 9.8k
>actual peak 10.8k

>> No.89083689

drop the doxx and get a vacation, doxxfag

>> No.89083700
Quoted by: >>89083726

in your schizo delusions yeah

>> No.89083720
File: 60 KB, 1134x122, nijizhangi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89083740


>> No.89083726

>ERB is talking to niji
>Niji are talking to Gigi
>Roara draws niji
CC is the only good one left.

>> No.89083734
Quoted by: >>89083764

ERB mentioned multiple Homos in her debut and even had art of them

>> No.89083740


>> No.89083758

no need to flaunt how much of a schizo you are we get it

>> No.89083764

I remember but why aren't they seething more right now?

>> No.89083767
File: 242 KB, 500x500, 1719122313043377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89083781

>phase want her so bad
>niji want her so bad
>twitch whores want her so bad
>holos want her so bad
She's unstoppable.

>> No.89083776
Quoted by: >>89083815

Gigi is Filipino

>> No.89083781
Quoted by: >>89083804

>We like when non-holos talk to holos now
Justbabies are such newfags

>> No.89083782

>Raora draws Niji
Show me when Raora has ever drawn a Niji

>> No.89083785

Proof of Roara drawing NijiCancer?

>> No.89083804

>talk to
She didn't, she can't help the fact all of them want the grem.

>> No.89083815
Quoted by: >>89083844

You flippingdoxx fags are one of the worst in the community honestly like rimma and doxxsagi

>> No.89083835
Quoted by: >>89083854

We already know they talk behind the scenes though

>> No.89083843
Quoted by: >>89083859

Anon, call her a harem protagonist, it would make more sense

>> No.89083844
Quoted by: >>89088553

All of hololive is Filipino get over yourself

>> No.89083847
Quoted by: >>89083869

How does Holo even do it? Hiring 10/10 gens, the whole vtubing world kneels to them, truly all the talented vtubers out there are in Holo.

>> No.89083848

How does that prove anything except for ERB

>> No.89083854


>> No.89083855

You're wasting your time. You're replying to a schizo.

>> No.89083858
File: 31 KB, 584x332, 1731035310713656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice to Uki

>> No.89083859

>No one wants to watch her solo streams

>> No.89083869

It's the power of filipino

>> No.89083876

GG disappointed me.

>> No.89083889

I don't get why people are surprised by this we already know that gigi has a lot of vtuber friends

>> No.89083890
File: 672 KB, 1960x1886, 1729771045325274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89083891

It was happening before ERB but I understand what you're getting at

>> No.89083920

Vtubing is large in the Filipino community yes

>> No.89083931
File: 262 KB, 623x676, 78900530png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Extremely erotic Ina.

>> No.89083987
Quoted by: >>89084045

People just don't like that gigi still talks to her vtuber and make friends

>> No.89083993


>> No.89083996
Quoted by: >>89084019

he's in fucking new york you goddamn retards
how could you forgot about the pomu and finana shit that was in new york

>> No.89084019

New York, PH

>> No.89084022
File: 45 KB, 850x468, sample_6fca93e0b2e633bb3b0c63ccada74c28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89084023

Seething about ERB takes second priority over talking about the Homostars for them.

>> No.89084031
File: 342 KB, 1301x1879, 1730602292664854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watching sisters argue about a Holo they have never even watched is surreal

>> No.89084033

Can't wait for the dooby collab

>> No.89084044

Beautiful flip princesses

>> No.89084045
Quoted by: >>89084230

I'll ask again, proof?

>> No.89084085

Is GG the Rance of vtubers?

>> No.89084098


>> No.89084110


>> No.89084111
File: 74 KB, 1080x878, 1689421927881711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89084375

>Ugh, are you seeing those white people?
>whille Gigi stroking my dick using her feet

>> No.89084116

please stop bumping bait thread

>> No.89084156

That's not fair. None of justice count as holo

>> No.89084210
File: 88 KB, 644x633, doki react.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not care about Lia, but shit on Uki.
He should be banned from the internet for his racism.
>interacting with hololive
Ban this stupid fuck from life.
I hope the recent events drive him to do it.
He is not a good person and is legitimately evil.
KFP probably knew what was up and was telling Gigi to just ignore and do not engage with the bait.

>> No.89084230

how much more proof do you want do you expect me to hack her discord? I don't care if you believe it or not

>> No.89084243

But Gigi loves white ojiisans though?
Why would she become racist just because some 3 view racist from black company wrote in her chat?
Also this
>I’m witnessing
Like he is anyhow important. Especially when compared to female holo
Fuck off Uki and kill yourself already

>> No.89084254

Grems are just extremely sensitive don't mind them. Small dog syndrome

>> No.89084255

No proof then, naruhodo.

>> No.89084276

So what did Niji do this time? Or is it just sisters shitting up the catalog because of the new Holo gen or something?

>> No.89084294 [DELETED] 


>> No.89084296

the loss of the stock lead hit them hard, 4 years of the glorious American dream being revived hit harder

>> No.89084308

just because your friend is racist doesn't make you racist

>> No.89084310
Quoted by: >>89084492

>how much more proof
>implying you've provided literally any proof at all

>> No.89084313
Quoted by: >>89084398

>"I don't care if you believe me"
>Spends the entire time trying to get people to believe him until proof is demanded
Lmao. What a retard.

>> No.89084316

Holy shit Gibara it's in the new holo gen. The voice in the song they just released it's her, niji massive suicide soon.

>> No.89084349
File: 603 KB, 746x936, 1727290561607359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89084352
Quoted by: >>89084376

No idea who the fuck you're talking about, elaborate faggot.

>> No.89084370
Quoted by: >>89084377

Watching gremcucks meltdown while trying to cope has been funny
Keep it coming

>> No.89084375

I kiss flipmd on eyelashes

>> No.89084376
File: 661 KB, 220x199, gibara-otogibara-era.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89084434

Ex Niji

>> No.89084377

>Post some random retarded drivel
>Get called a retard for it
>"h-heh, seethe..."

>> No.89084389

Why would anyone in Niji care about someone who graduated 3 years ago?

>> No.89084398
Quoted by: >>89084469

>Spends entire thread biting obvious bait
Lmao. What a retard.

>> No.89084407

Flips honor the dead

>> No.89084411

>Uki showed up in her chat
fuck this faggot man

>> No.89084412

And the nijiseethe starts.

>> No.89084434
Quoted by: >>89084506

Right but that's not saying anything now is it. Why did she leave Niji, what gives you the impression it's even her, she retired some years ago etc.

>> No.89084450
Quoted by: >>89084694

Who is this?

>> No.89084451

confirmed Asian https://youtu.be/gP0VtyYDECQ

>> No.89084469

You're on a catalog thread retard, there is no such thing as "bait".

>> No.89084492
Quoted by: >>89084544

heres your proof now keep denying it again like a child with their fingers in their ear

>> No.89084506
Quoted by: >>89084578

Her voice is a perfect match.

>> No.89084527

just like how gura is bestfriends with sykuno

>> No.89084544
File: 105 KB, 674x859, GbwoIDQaAAAm8YR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care nyfco sister.

>> No.89084578

Gotta be real with you anon, I've heard that claim be abused here so many times it's not particularly convincing yet, especially when the chuuba in question hasn't been around for like three years. Judging from how she graduated it also seems as though her joining Hololive is bad news for her, assuming she spoke the truth about retiring because she found out what she wanted to do in life (and this would imply she failed, as she's now back to corpo vtubing)

>> No.89084613

What she wanted to do is to get out of kurosanji

>> No.89084630

kek. it's fucking over. let me report this to janny

>> No.89084637


>> No.89084662
Quoted by: >>89084766

what if she wants to do idol shit? she spent 3 years trying to get into holo

>> No.89084669

> She said that she was retiring because she "found what she wanted to do in life" and that "the reasons were positive".

>> No.89084694
Quoted by: >>89084899

Do you reps

>> No.89084721

My understanding is that Niji hadn't gone full retard yet at the time so I'm not sure that's really applicable, Riku hadn't taken full control ect. though it's still plausible enough given how absolutely retarded current Niji is.

Still leaves quite a gap between her activities, and it leaves a bit of a bad taste thinking she tried a different path and it didn't work out for her.

>> No.89084737

He still a faggot for showing up in unicorn chat. even STARS don't have the courage to do that

>> No.89084746

No one wants to comment on this?

>> No.89084766

Could be, makes some sense too given Holo/Niji relations at the time. Guess we'll find out when she actually streams.

>> No.89084796

I agree.

>> No.89084803

there is no one in the new gen have sponken

>> No.89084805
Quoted by: >>89084847

No one’s arguing that he isn’t a faggot. But that faggot is also friends with your oshi kek

>> No.89084820

You can samefag some more. Now the adults are talking about Gibara ditching kurosanji for Holo.

>> No.89084835
Quoted by: >>89084866

??? The fuck is that madness?
I doubt any actual grems are surprised and catalog tards are already shitposting about it so not sure what you mean. Vtubers do networking, absolute shocker. Let's bring up Kiara meeting with Nijis in Japan while we're at it or something.

>> No.89084847


>> No.89084864

Isn't Gigi swedish

>> No.89084866

>GG being friends with a racist faggot is totally ok because Kiara hung out with Enna

>> No.89084884

0 proof.

>> No.89084897

My dude, that image is old as fuck. He has a new account for months

>> No.89084899

I won't. You tell me.

>> No.89084908
Quoted by: >>89084973

>They talk online
>They are friends
Anon... I have some bad news for you, you don't actually have any friends. That's not how friendship works.

>> No.89084948

This is not him, they are nyfcosisters seething about NijiEN merge and GG schizo aka sperm whale.

>> No.89084949
Quoted by: >>89085152

Holy shit
You won this round nijisisters, I admit

>> No.89084973
Quoted by: >>89085031

Denial is the first step to acceptance gremkeks

>> No.89084985
File: 409 KB, 925x841, 1722878809070311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89085306

>sperm whale

>> No.89084993 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>89085048


>> No.89085018

What is to seethe about these wonderful Filipinos, inventors of anime

>> No.89085031

At what step you are currently seeing the state of NijiEN?

>> No.89085039

I told you that gigi is a nijisister

>> No.89085048
Quoted by: >>89085086

>june 2023

>> No.89085066

He is at the

>> No.89085075

I never liked her garbage twitch humor anyways. Now I see where she gets it from with the company she associates with

>> No.89085078

You cant deflect your way out of this one gremkek.

>> No.89085086
Quoted by: >>89085156

keep coping

>> No.89085118

True, he's up against a niji kek he has no chance in that competition.

>> No.89085124

I will kms if my oshi drew a fanart for uki and fangirl over him

>> No.89085136

Uh uh nijinigger melty.

>> No.89085150
Quoted by: >>89085176

yeah, everyone knows NijiEN is horrid. that's why I'm trying to hold GG accountable

>> No.89085152

Associating with Uki is unacceptable to me. I dropped V4 and globie talents over participating in a collab with him, too. GG hasn't gone that far on PLs or main, but it can't hurt to apply some pressure and keep it that way.

>> No.89085156

You think she'd interact with him after the Selen incident? Or that she even likes him anymore?

>> No.89085167

damn I thought this was just the usual baseless seethe but there is actual proof

>> No.89085176

That sounds like what a seething nijinigger would say.

>> No.89085207

Look at the dates you dumb retard. The nijigger had to dig all the way back to over a year ago before Uki ever even became radioactive.

The simple fact is Gigi dropped him like a turd and ignored his attempted leeching in her chat.

>> No.89085234

>ten thousand posts
>all about uki, possibly

>> No.89085238
Quoted by: >>89085271

cope and seethe more please. I’m so close

>> No.89085264
File: 251 KB, 1262x1131, 1731062315109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89085271

>I'm so close
Stop schlicking to vox asmr sister...

>> No.89085275
File: 23 KB, 680x243, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89085301

You know xitter has a search function, right? Anyway,
>The simple fact is Gigi dropped him like a turd and ignored his attempted leeching in her chat.
As I said, just making sure it stays that way.

>> No.89085301

Ban evading sister is malding so fucking hard.

>> No.89085302

CC has been carrying her gen so hard

>> No.89085306

Sperm whales are valuable resources in flipland, learn to use all of the whale

>> No.89085336

from what i can see the horse avoided male interaction during v4m and it seems like she picked that path for holo too

>> No.89085339

Didn't this same shit happen to Gura? I remember nijiniggers trying something similar.

>> No.89085343

I hope the grems in chat did the right thing and told him to fuck off.

>> No.89085363

knew it from the moment she started doing fujo shit

>> No.89085381

she’s been biscotti there for only a few months then suddenly popouts in holo

>> No.89085388

It definitely rings a bell but I can't remember which niji faggot typed in her chat

>> No.89085393
File: 392 KB, 596x866, 1728017618389620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.89085401

It makes sense, she is Hanamori afterall

>> No.89085478

Not typing in chat

>> No.89085507

god, what a cute model. Shame she graduated.
There's been some amazing water haired girls.

>> No.89085511 [DELETED] 

Got another on for ya

>> No.89085519

she definitely hit him up in dms after

>> No.89085529

They try to do this shit with every holo.
Sometimes they dig so deep they end up disproving all their bait

>> No.89085542

I ship them, they are cute

>> No.89085545

>another one
>it's him replying to one of the tweets already in that pic

>> No.89085549
Quoted by: >>89085590

no one cares
stop bumping your cringe thread

>> No.89085555
Quoted by: >>89085595

So gigi is pretty much fucked now right? Literally too?

>> No.89085570
Quoted by: >>89085595

Gremcucks we got too cocky..

>> No.89085590

You know they’ll do it anyways.

>> No.89085595

>literally on cooldown
Maybe you should spend money on your livers sister instead of paying money to shitpost

>> No.89085597
Quoted by: >>89085688

Uki was probably someone she may have interacted with here and there in her indie life. Being too full of himself, he barged into her stream thinking she'll recognise his sorry existence, possibly jeopardising her career.

Safe to say she won't be talking to him ever again, private or public after that stunt.

>> No.89085602

The original pic didn’t include ukis replies. I misspoke by saying “another one”

>> No.89085608

Nijiniggers pagpag fueled brains are not too bright.

>> No.89085620

since you're already digging, is this gook the only guy she interacts with?

>> No.89085626

Ahahahhah get fucked nijisisters, she deleted all those tweets

>> No.89085639

Nice deflection gremcuck
How's uki's dick taste?

>> No.89085663
Quoted by: >>89085693

It's not too late to delete your post.

>> No.89085665

Ask /b/omu and Finana.

>> No.89085671

Stop coping, grem

>> No.89085683

Yeah, I’m not retarded unicorn that would drop her because she talked to a man and I admit, I would be displeased if she collabed now in Holo, but if it is about this purple racist faggot or other narcissistic retards from niji then fuck this, I’m out

>> No.89085688
Quoted by: >>89085705

>Safe to say she won't be talking to him ever again, private or public after that stunt.
Nice headcannon
She's probably laughing at her fans while talking to uki on discord right now

>> No.89085691

you know uki is gay right?

>> No.89085693
Quoted by: >>89085710

Sorry I rarely use twitter

>> No.89085705
Quoted by: >>89085722

nijinigger projection.

>> No.89085710

Honestly, understandable

>> No.89085712
File: 23 KB, 468x115, latest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

click the "latest" not "top
only 1 tweet is missing

>> No.89085716

Nta but who cares
The bigger issue is being friends with a retard like him

>> No.89085722
Quoted by: >>89085743

Gremcuck projection

>> No.89085734


>> No.89085743

That's what a seething nijinigger would say.

>> No.89085744
Quoted by: >>89086056

Then why is he suddenly showing up in her chat?
That's unacceptable,
I'm going to probably remove some of my Gigi clips.

>> No.89085747

They're still there though, coping grem

>> No.89085749


>> No.89085759

>sounds like Selen
>annoying personality
>Uki's cock sleeve
>betrayed her old company and friends

I would be mad 24/7 too if this was my oshi

>> No.89085776

>Nijinigger try this shit with Gura 2 years ago
>thinking tweet = best friends
>they try the same shit with GG
>while their corpo literally off collabs with the fag in question
Being a nijicuck is suffering.

>> No.89085781
Quoted by: >>89085840

He seem to be her oshi

>> No.89085794

a gay that had an offcollab "sleepover" with 2 niji girls

>> No.89085802
File: 875 KB, 1264x2032, 1731063247910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo and Raora knew each other before Holo, that's pretty cool

>> No.89085808

Never happened with Gura, why are you dragging her into this, grem?

>> No.89085810

yes, you think they would do that if that fag is not gay?

>> No.89085816

Sounds like nijiniggers are the one getting cucked then. Nothing new.

>> No.89085818
File: 208 KB, 591x415, maple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is gay too but has been gooning to Maplestar content all along.
Don't ever think your girl will be safe around gay people

>> No.89085840
Quoted by: >>89085873

when you are nobody, your oshi is everyone big

>> No.89085844

Grems trying to deflect REALLY HARD in this thread

>> No.89085852


>> No.89085857

No, she was one of the small indies who'll reply to bigger people to get more visibility. Granted that person being uki is still despicable but all that's in the past now. After that black stream and uki getting clowned on being a racist pos, she probably doesn't want anything to do with him. Poor guy probably showed in her chat thinking that the old days were still here.

>> No.89085862

Just admit you got fleeced.

>> No.89085868

Nta but since when is notkuro gay? He's a fucking flip, he hate gay.

>> No.89085873

Seems like gigi liked him specifically

>> No.89085884

This feels forced as fuck.

.t tourist

>> No.89085902

doesn't seem so to me. i have read all those reply

>> No.89085910

Nigga look how excited her posts are over uki. That's more than just pretending to be nice

>> No.89085958

>get ignored
>post his YouTube chat /here/
Lol, looks like he's having a mental breakdown because of orange man won and want to drag other with him.

>> No.89085971

Creator sucking up to bigger creator is what I see.

>> No.89085975

It's always is when they resort to doxx, tried the same with Raora, Gura, Mumei, Fauna, Fuwamoco, Nerissa, Shiori... uh wait a minute.

>> No.89085990

anon pre-selen shock if you got elira's reply, you would act the same

>> No.89085998

There is a huge difference between any of the nijisanji talents and uki.
uki is radioactive because of his racist comments.

>> No.89086004

Oh give me a break she was simping hard for him. Also I doubt he just "randomly" showed up in her chat. It sounds like they are connected in other ways. There's a rumor she's associated with the Hanamori clique

>> No.89086014
Quoted by: >>89086053

Stop noticing!

>> No.89086021
Quoted by: >>89086053

Flip respect flip

>> No.89086022

because its like the 7-10th times they did this but with different holos

>> No.89086050
Quoted by: >>89086107

why the fuck was this stupid ass faggot retard in her chat? Fucking stick to your dogshit sphere and also your lane you faggot disgusting cunt. Don't fucking ever go into any of the holos chats ever again.

>> No.89086053

Trying to downplay how much gigi loves uki won't make it any less real>>89086021

>> No.89086056

>Why is he trying to leech
He's having a meltdown over burgerland going full retard and is himself going full retard thinking people who said something to him on X are his friends. You are unironically being as retarded as Uki, knock it off clown.

>> No.89086063

There are still a lot of small indies who call multiple big vtubers their oshi and are under their twitter replies to get visibility. She probably did like uki to some extent. But there was no personal friendship from past. They are not some pl buddies.

>> No.89086067

You know you should hide you are from nyfco? Are you not even trying to falseflag anymore?

>> No.89086068

lmao nigger trying to set up new rrat

>> No.89086070

>PL == dox
Any other wisdom?

>> No.89086101
Quoted by: >>89086223

Why did all of justice flop so hard?

>> No.89086107
File: 23 KB, 872x69, chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't call him the f-word, he's here

>> No.89086108

She's not even a flip kek

>> No.89086114

Proven nijisister
Never happened
Never happened
Never happened
Never happened
Never happened
Never happened

>> No.89086140
Quoted by: >>89086212

nyfco going down has been the worst thing to happen to this board

>> No.89086145

>>Never happened
fucking lmao

>> No.89086144

nijinigger being a newfag is not a suprise

>> No.89086155

If you flip flip its pilf

>> No.89086159

Shirori was gross in other ways.

>> No.89086161

>Sayu's artist

>> No.89086172
File: 60 KB, 298x195, polska.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polska numerem jeden

>> No.89086188
Quoted by: >>89086282

If you think an activist like Uki, who posted a suicide help list, apologised for eating McDonalds and broke down in tears after Trump's victory, would remain friends with someone who didn't speak out about how angry and disappointed they were right now, you're delusional.

>> No.89086194

>T. Pls someone disprove me and provide source.

>> No.89086199

>my ears came

>> No.89086209

>proven nijisister
>sayu's artist and friend

>> No.89086212

No, nyfco going down and NijiEN not sinking alongside it has been the worst thing for all of chuubakind. Phase, too.

>> No.89086217
Quoted by: >>89086250

>totally not the nijinigger op spamming on cooldown

>> No.89086222
Quoted by: >>89086362

>she speaks canto, dude.
Good. The rule for avoiding the bad ones is "Don't learn Mandarin", not "Don't learn simplified Chinese script".

>> No.89086223

Sry autocorrect

>> No.89086233

none of them are from Poland.

>> No.89086250

If I get jannie'd, you'll know which posts are mine.

>> No.89086266
Quoted by: >>89086322

It's hilarious how PL is the biggest tell that someone is a nijisister and that they never try to fix it to go incognito, it's like they're allergic to using the word RM/roommate

>> No.89086274

Yeah I don't think I like gigi anymore

>> No.89086275

Yeah I should have put “never happened” but I just really hate italians

>> No.89086282
Quoted by: >>89086339

>would remain friends with someone who didn't speak out about how angry and disappointed they were right now, you're delusional.
This is why this thread is getting a ton of replies.
It's impossible to say if they are still friends or not behind closed doors, but people clearly see an impression.

>> No.89086285

She was replying to one of the livers way after the sayu incident. However that liver did tell people to not harass her and got a one week bonk for it. That's pretty much it.

>> No.89086314
File: 106 KB, 1024x853, IMG_0144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how sisters immolated Uki just so Gigi can catch some burns.
Why she wouldn’t fucking nuke this shit from her twitter? She must have knew that something like this could happen after joining Holo and associating herself with unapologetic racist schizo would come out if she doesn’t triple check all her tweets.

>> No.89086322

RM is an ambigous term. PL is not. You are welcome to believe it's shibboleth. It's not.

>> No.89086330

Nobody cares about this shit.

>> No.89086333

Eh, sometimes you forget to go far back enough.

>> No.89086339

They are free to use their RM accounts to say whatever they want, and not saying it is enough for the left to demonise them.

>> No.89086359

because no one actually cares and she is already ignoring him as a holo anyways

>> No.89086360

Uki did it all to himself by being openly racist on stream. It’s only the sisters who are defending that sack of shit

>> No.89086361

No one gives a fuck except schizo sisters that don't really mind shitting on their own oshi to shit on hololive

>> No.89086362

>Good. The rule for avoiding the bad ones is "Don't learn Mandarin", not "Don't learn simplified Chinese script".
check'd and kek'd

>> No.89086366
File: 106 KB, 975x1024, 1730912010417141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sisters use the same fucking lingo it's insane.

>> No.89086388

No, it’s certainly a distinction marking one that’s either unfamiliar with the general usage of “roommate” or is all too familiar with interchanging “PL” for any and all matters, especially doxxfags.

>> No.89086401

man this really riled the bronies up kek
gonna be using this one for a while

>> No.89086412
Quoted by: >>89086445

Using PL in any holo thread outs you as a shitter, so you are either a nijinigger or a small corpofag. None in between.

>> No.89086419

What kind of free masonry Illuminati bs is this

>> No.89086430


>> No.89086445
Quoted by: >>89086529

I am a small corpofag, see >>89085152

>> No.89086457
Quoted by: >>89086478

>nijiniggers and abandoning their own organs
name a better duo

>> No.89086478

Riku and abandoning NijiEN

>> No.89086485

RM should be their other vtuber "persona" = not a dox because there’s no private info.

PL should stand for Private Life not Past Life = dox

>> No.89086519

wow, doubly retarded

>> No.89086528

i hope trump puts all male faggots in prison

>> No.89086529
Quoted by: >>89086623

Got it, you are just jealous she ditched your corpo for Holo.

>> No.89086559

I hope trump get rid all the troons especially this purple faggot

>> No.89086573

Least obvious samefag

>> No.89086580
Quoted by: >>89087733

>reddit spacing
this thread really full of nijiniggers

>> No.89086601
Quoted by: >>89086718

What did Poland do now?

>> No.89086623

I'm more upset about the bean ditching Nina, but I've come to accept it since GG is doing well and Nina seems happy her friend is happy, and is seeing more success herself. Honse didn't really fit in with petahag but it was nice to have someone dedicated to sekuhara.

>> No.89086688

yeah GG has made a grave mistake, I'm thinking about dropping her from the CGDCT faction as we speak

>> No.89086701
Quoted by: >>89086772

You mean CC?

>> No.89086718

They voted for tariffs on electric cars from China in EU parliament, so nijizhangs are having melty

>> No.89086726
Quoted by: >>89086909

here are the facts sisters

>> No.89086745

But have you ever thought about improving yourself?

>> No.89086757



>> No.89086772

Yup, mb.

>> No.89086812

>Discord link format

>> No.89086837

Oh god he’s even worse than I thought

>> No.89086847

Why is he such an enormous faggot? Better yet, why does Riku allow this shit?

>> No.89086871
Quoted by: >>89086900

She's already dropped in my book

>> No.89086886

it bothers me seeing liggers coping about "mandated collabs" when you can clearly see the amount of girls opting not to participate among other trivial shit they constantly screech over
i already called them out for it and they blamed the numbers thread, rumao i don't even go there

>> No.89086894

can't wait until january

>> No.89086900
Quoted by: >>89086927

You're the one that got dropped a fat book on your head when you were a baby

>> No.89086909

Uki made this post

>> No.89086927

>You're the one that got dropped a fat book on your head
Did you have a stroke?

>> No.89086933

its so funny how 1 orange man can make millions seethe without even doing anything to them

>> No.89086959

I'm confused, are you saying gigi wouldn't support LGBT? Because she definitely would

>> No.89086960
File: 16 KB, 584x93, JjZUa2e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89086991

Like clockwork, love it.

>> No.89087011

If gigi ever posted something like that this board would melt down

>> No.89087045

nobody really against LGBT. people only against the preaching pushing.

>> No.89087118

this is for uki https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN9SOnx49pI

>> No.89087131


>> No.89087733

Imagine saying someone is reddit spacing when you yourself are doing it.

>> No.89087765
Quoted by: >>89087828

Is not
Reddit spacing.

This is



See the difference?

>> No.89087792
Quoted by: >>89087828

lol the newfag nijinigger show up

>> No.89087828

Type 'reddit spacing meaning' on google and click on the first link you see. There should be an image explaining what reddit spacing means.

This is my first reply on the thread and I only replied because anon was 'reddit spacing' and accusing someone else doing it.

>> No.89087857
Quoted by: >>89087897

lurk more

>> No.89087897
Quoted by: >>89087910

Go cry about it, Nijifag.

>> No.89087910
Quoted by: >>89087932

>no u

>> No.89087932
Quoted by: >>89087975

>using the word 'kek' seriously.

>> No.89087938
Quoted by: >>89088023

Jesus you really don't understand thread culture
You must be a grem. Those faggots are all retarded

>> No.89087975

kek melty

>> No.89088023
Quoted by: >>89088159

>Jesus you really don't understand thread culture
oh I perfectly understand it, anon. I just find it ironic when you accuse someone of 'reddit spacing' when you yourself are doing it that's all.

>You must be a grem
Nah I only watch Vtuber's when they play games that I like.

>> No.89088030

>Please delete these tweets, you are way above him now
What a retard

>> No.89088107
File: 436 KB, 497x767, owf5i2tq6wqa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>89088133


>> No.89088133
Quoted by: >>89088169

Yeah, that's the image, anon.

>> No.89088159
Quoted by: >>89088270

hey thats not me, thats another nijinigger seething at gigi, im the one above

>> No.89088169
Quoted by: >>89088270

well I'll be... ya learn something new everyday huh

>> No.89088270

My mistake.

Of course you are free to ignore it completely (which everyone else does and I think I do too) since board culture has gotten too lazy to write things properly and they just do something like this.


Ya see? I apologise if I offended you in anyway and you can just continue to post the way you like to post. Hell, I won't even call you out on 'reddit spacing' because even I single space (even though I hate doing it) because I want to fit in with all you guys.
Enjoy the rest of your morning / noon / evening / night.

>> No.89088346

Oh you're good, I'm not the guy you responded to initially. I was just curious enough to look up the image

>> No.89088355

you are forgiven, and also im the one who called out the reddit spacing, please stop melting down to another anon

>> No.89088381
File: 537 KB, 880x749, 1718768883189609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.89088444

enjoy your ban, retard

>> No.89088553

That'd be Nijisanji

>> No.89088589
Quoted by: >>89088613

justice was a fucking mistake.... raora for sure will be next...

>> No.89088613

CC is the only good one

>> No.89088614
Quoted by: >>89088727

Like I care

>> No.89088727
Quoted by: >>89088807

he says quietly, struggling to hold back the tears.

>> No.89088784
Quoted by: >>89088863

why the fuck he's gonna get banned? It's a former ligger

>> No.89088807

You got me, I can't live without posting here, I might as well rope

>> No.89088863
Quoted by: >>89088906

because I posted that same image some months ago and copped a 3 day for it kek

>> No.89088906

you got holojanny'd kek

>> No.89089718
Quoted by: >>89089807

why would unicorns be mad about someone who made it very clear from day one she won't pander to them?

>> No.89089807

ya I actually thank erb for making me steer clear of justice so I dont have to care about any of this
