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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.56 MB, 2460x3128, 534_@Keiseeaaa-1852009406575317493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
88628405 No.88628405 [Reply] [Original]

For the 534th time, what is Ope?!
Also ENTER the Demon of Sound and Lover of Idols, Nerissa Ravencroft from Hololive EN Advent.

▼ Next stream
Thu 10/31 9PM CT, HoloJustice VRChat Halloween event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KcYUgBvsjLY
▼ Previous appearances
10/31, Totsu-karaoke @ Mint Fantome's 3.0 Re-Debut: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bat4Gyxe1aw&t=6550s
10/31, Kiara's 3D Halloween stream call-in: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv_ORHPPCEw&t=1350s
10/31, Calliope's 3D live concert: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dN7gTC10XLE&t=600s
▼ Previous streams
10/30, Halloween unarchived karaoke: https://gofile.io/d/bp1zDa https://mega.nz/file/Q4Rx0KDa#AwueYh31mXY3MjOjPLqgsmZP2PphGinldofzAR8aLi0
10/28, Pride and Prejudice watchalong with Aradia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTEK6mVkR9c

>New merch
hololive English Eurobeat Remix Album: https://cover.lnk.to/3dcIzh
hololive English Eurobeat Remix Album Merchandise: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_eurobeat2024
hololive English -Advent- Horror Voice Drama "Palais Montrose": https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/products/hololiveen_advent_horrorvoicedrama_palaismontrose

"Shunkan Heartbeat" Advent cover
"In my Feelings" MV
First EP: In My Feelings
https://cover.lnk.to/esLvqA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kj9UFrjkLGkscXeNLZJfgOKADxOvDuTpY
Archive of the struck down Moka - Lilium cover
Advent karaoke offcollab (Jul 2024)
Songs & Karaokes rentry

>Useful Links
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@NerissaRavencroft
Twitter: https://twitter.com/nerissa_en
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nerissaravencroft
Art tags: #RavenCrafts on Twitter (Lewds: #depravencrafts on Twitter); RavenCrafts, Nerissa Ravencroft or ネリッサ・レイヴンクロフト on pixiv
Merch: https://rentry.org/nerissa_ravencroft_merch01

Previous thread: >>88548268
A word of advice: as per >>1, be smart and don't reply or engage in off-topic or blatant bad faith arguments. To keep peace, hide and report.

>> No.88628413
File: 1.25 MB, 4096x2663, 2024-10-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Basic introduction to the new Jailbirds
Debut Stream
Crunchyroll Interviews

>Tools / Creations by the /ope/ users
/ope/'s library
Collection of Nerissa's Sounds
List of recommended streams
Information regarding membership
Appearances on other channels & mentions

>General Tools
Current OP Template

>> No.88628426

2024 to date
Solo streams: 105
Collabs: 107
Twitch collabs: 5
Solo karaoke: 5
Members: 17

>> No.88628431

I love my wife Nerissa Ravencroft with all my heart (She's as sweet as a Halloween treat)

>> No.88628705
Quoted by: >>88628821

I need some futa minto x nerissa art

>> No.88628727

Nice list of people joining this VR collab outside EN:

>> No.88628783

rissa big ass is not canon

>> No.88628821
Quoted by: >>88641501

W-which one is the futa?

>> No.88628842
File: 329 KB, 1414x940, Nerissa Plapencroft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spooky sex with Nerissa Ravencroft

>> No.88628904

30 min delay FYI

>> No.88629222

I hope Rissa and Foobs have a nice little interactioln, even if the language barrier is a tough hurdle to cross

>> No.88629462

Damn that's a lot of faces. Sadly I have to wake up early but might Vod it tomorrow

>> No.88629556
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>> No.88629756 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.61 MB, 2730x2471, WatamageBird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88629963


>> No.88629963
Quoted by: >>88630286


>> No.88630286
Quoted by: >>88630329

>asking about it
2 months more than it would have been now

>> No.88630327

>30 min delay
welp I guess I'll check the vod tomorrow

>> No.88630329
File: 107 KB, 1000x1000, 1720581966810771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88631298
Quoted by: >>88631514


>> No.88631514

This too is ShioRaven

>> No.88631825
Quoted by: >>88632866

>Another 30 min delay
Fuuuuuuuck. I might have to sleep

>> No.88632866
Quoted by: >>88632934


>> No.88632934
File: 16 KB, 1219x58, 1705452843433459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88633549

She told me specifically to sleep

>> No.88633549

Okay (you) specifically can go to sleep. Sweet dreams Jailbro. EVERYONE ELSE WILL HAVE TO STAY AWAKE WITH ME

>> No.88634547
Quoted by: >>88634952

In 10 minutes it will be 6 am for me, I have to endure it.

>> No.88634952
Quoted by: >>88635186

You'd have been up anyway ERbird.

>> No.88635071

>No early start
Another delay incoming?

>> No.88635186

I'll go to bed for a few hours after the stream.

>> No.88635817


>> No.88636795

I'll KEEPING THE FAITH. I stand with Jailbros.

>> No.88636887
File: 377 KB, 1000x1000, 1717182592427393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88637438

Was planning on starting up Monster Hunter by now but my PC likely can't run it

>> No.88636929

Hope my future wife is okay. Thankfully I don't go into work until noon so I've got time to spare. How is everyone else holding up?

>> No.88637312


>> No.88637355
Quoted by: >>88637737

Fine for now. I'm just waiting around for a bit. May not be able to stay long cause I have to get up early for a procedure tomorrow morning

>> No.88637430
Quoted by: >>88637737

It's 4.24am. I had to hand out bachelor diplomas after work due to a graduation ceremony today till 10pm. I've been awake since 8am. All students from my classes got their degree. I have doing research on the progression of the 4th Geneva convention in the 1990s, since the moment i got home while waiting for this to start. I'm tired bros, but i do it for her. I WILL ALWAYS BELEEB

>> No.88637438

Was excited for it, but landlord gave the news that we now have a four month deadline to find a new place because she is selling the apartment complex. Witch wanted to palm this condo to us for 200k, but hellllll no. Now gotta make sure my senpai has a good home by March, so full steam on that.

>> No.88637737
Quoted by: >>88638752

As Nerissa says though, the Vod will be there tomorrow so don't overdo it!
You sound like you need a good nights sleep too! Glad your students got to their diplomas though, that must have been exciting as a teacher.

>> No.88637751

If this takes too long she'll be too sleepy tomorrow to stream for more than 2 hours

>> No.88637842
Quoted by: >>88655393

let's not act like she wouldn't be up until 3 AM either way

>> No.88637856

>me currently jst

>> No.88638035
Quoted by: >>88638301

Indeed, Justice, you guys are alright, but I'd rather Rissa gets to enjoy the first game she is really grinding in on for awhile instead of ready to pass out due to her already horrendous sleep schedule getting fucked.

>> No.88638301
Quoted by: >>88638871

If this takes longer than expected I can see her just sleeping in tomorrow. Nothing wrong with resting longer until you're as close to 100% as you can. Exhaustion also helps with sleeping so hopefully she doesn't doom scroll too much tonight.

>> No.88638747
File: 181 KB, 1200x675, GbRHnP2akAErtXi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88638860

oh look, another cool shit our lazy ass oshi didn't bother herself with

>> No.88638752
Quoted by: >>88639588

I'm only one of their many teachers. But yeah it's exciting though, it's my first graduation as professor instead of student

>> No.88638850
File: 1.41 MB, 1403x4096, GbGQl55bQAUk-Pb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not.

>> No.88638860

>even shiori showed up for it

>> No.88638871
Quoted by: >>88639588

I dont think so. She really wanted to play more Silent Hill 2

>> No.88639004

>another 18 minutes...

>> No.88639062

>delayed to 11PM cst
fml man i wanted to see different PoVs for this

>> No.88639186
Quoted by: >>88639865

Yeah... justicles should never be organizers again unless GG has the lead

>> No.88639588

That's awesome man.
SH2 is at 7pm her time. Surely she can sleep in to like noon or something.

>> No.88639773

I was lurking amongst our beloved shiggers when i saw >>88633273

>> No.88639865

It's gotta be something huge for it to be a 2h delay. That doesn't just sound like a normal problem.

>> No.88640001
File: 188 KB, 1080x423, 1918474627183847271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was still apologizing in chat. Poor Rissa

>> No.88640050

its almost 11 here. The hell Nerissa streaming so late

>> No.88640175
Quoted by: >>88640208

Gonna feet Nerissa's feet until we eventually meet

>> No.88640208
Quoted by: >>88640281


>> No.88640281
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88641167


>> No.88640860
Quoted by: >>88641501

I hope this doesn't discourage Nerissa or the others. I'm willing to stay up as long as it takes them to figure it out.

>> No.88641086

I foresaw this happening which is why I had my daily 3 hours of sleep before the planned time instead

>> No.88641152
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>> No.88641167 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.39 MB, 2730x2471, WB_DontFeetTheFeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88641247

Poor Rissa...

>> No.88641322

I have the urge to protect and care bros...

>> No.88641501
File: 40 KB, 496x559, GbLakgDW4AA21yh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88641593

def minto

whats even happening? i had an emergency and had to leave, im back now.


>> No.88641515

I don't think I will ever prefer anyone over Nerissa Ravencroft. She is just the best and I love her dearly.

>> No.88641593

Justice's thing has been delayed by 2 hours already

>> No.88641731

aradia > malpha > rissa

>> No.88641833

>Nerissa > Nerissa > Nerissa
You misspelled Nerissa twice there friend. FTFY

>> No.88641855

(You)r mother is a kind lady but she makes makes horrible pancakes

>> No.88641914

I prefer you rissa, don't worry...

>> No.88642253
File: 595 KB, 1080x1682, 1986532255789742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah Rissa is going insane rn

>> No.88642497


>> No.88642905

This model is adorable as fuck. Holy shit.

>> No.88642925

you could tell from her "heya darlings" that she was this close to breaking down

>> No.88643061

what is this pov?

>> No.88643091

menhera bitch

>> No.88643224

REMEMBER Rissa - Kanade is the canon Advent - Regloss pair

>> No.88643267
Quoted by: >>88643881

Rissa should've been loli

>> No.88643320

her japanese is kinda cringe

>> No.88643509

>rissa is a heliocentrist
i'm out

>> No.88643510

you just know the delay was her fault

>> No.88643709

i got to see lots of upskirts today thank you rissa

>> No.88643734


>> No.88643837

advent toddlers and justice babies

>> No.88643865
Quoted by: >>88644030

okay so is anything going to happen

>> No.88643881

At least one of her first applications was some loli character. Makes sense consider Rissa's self-infantilization tendencies.

>> No.88644030

Quite the team, jailbirds

>> No.88644072

>Ollie and ERB on the same time

>> No.88644076

and I'm out

>> No.88644091

>Mori, Ollie, ERB team
I guess the ENReco team had to be balanced out someday…

>> No.88644101
Quoted by: >>88644254

Rissa's team
>Haachama (did not make it)
Look bros.... i'm gonnna try to be optimistic but it's not looking great

>> No.88644243

plap plap plap plap

>> No.88644254
File: 148 KB, 2344x2275, 20241027_110153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More dorks for me

>> No.88644476

yay, nerissa was useful

>> No.88644500

Ok this is better than i thought

>> No.88645004

Otomos was a shit name I voted for Cranks

>> No.88645010
Quoted by: >>88645205

Jailbros... i uhhhh... look i feel that when Rissa told us to go to bed, it was a suggestion over what to expect rather than anything else

>> No.88645023

They're actually doing better than I thought they would

>> No.88645205

You're right, she was definitely reinforcing your catalog-spun hate for other holos.

>> No.88645230

>Raora, CC no!!!
>GG NO!!!
>Goodbye Liz

>> No.88645548

Might have cheated a bit in that coloring challenge.

>> No.88645763

>Rissa is carrying the team

>> No.88646053
Quoted by: >>88646246

Wait I don't think Liz is being obtuse they're probably just not picking up on hints.

>> No.88646246

Nah, her 'pondering' is probably asking management/staff to fix it, that's why they moved on.

>> No.88646787
Quoted by: >>88647005

Off topic but did anyone but the ENReco cloak?

>> No.88646804

I'm not crazy right didn't she talk about running around big water runoff pipes in her childhood

>> No.88646826

>She's still making GG references
She should have been on GG's team

>> No.88647005
Quoted by: >>88647238

How tall are you

>> No.88647144

Nerissa I just want to see your cute model, I don’t care about this dumb puzzle shit

>> No.88647238
Quoted by: >>88647435

I'm 5'9". The cloak is only about 4ft by 4ft according quick maths.

>> No.88647435
Quoted by: >>88647900

You could use three more inches but w/e go for it

>> No.88647830

Jailbirds are such fucking Holo antis

>> No.88647889
Quoted by: >>88648144

I've lost the story plot but they're all cute so it's okay

>> No.88647900

My height could use 3 more inches? I fucking wish; I'd be happy with 5'10". At least I'm not shorter than Nerissa.

>> No.88647918

>GG your shoebox is broken
Rissa watches GG a lot more than is probably assumed

>> No.88647966
File: 2.36 MB, 1988x1118, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parkour civilization

>> No.88648002

I dont know what you are but go back

>> No.88648021

The ole wall clip never fails

>> No.88648144

Nerissa's model and her fake crying kill me. ERB's sneezes are also cute

>> No.88648152

Kill yourself

>> No.88648355
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88648753

Look at this poor thing

>> No.88648415


>> No.88648419
Quoted by: >>88648480

90% of this thread doesn't even like Nerissa, don't bother

>> No.88648480
Quoted by: >>88648749

You can leave too tourist

>> No.88648518
Quoted by: >>88648627

She's been adopted into a new team now

>> No.88648627

It was cute. Fubuki and Kanade were "yoshi yoshi"ing Babu Rissa

>> No.88648655

I got my Friend and Rissa interaction. I am now complete for the night

>> No.88648724

Kanade really loves mini Rissa

>> No.88648729
File: 287 KB, 814x659, 1708934611309133.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88648826

whenever you're mean to Nerissa this is who you're bullying

>> No.88648749
Quoted by: >>88649372

Yeah, I really feel the love for Rissa in this place when half the time it's calling her a disappointment and throwing tantrums that she isn't living up to their specific expectations
Fuck you nigger, this place is a shithole most of the time and I only stick around for the three or so people that actually like her
Last reply you get out of me

>> No.88648753

If Cover made an anime using their chibi models kind of like Isekai Quartet I would fucking die. Smol crying Nerissa is the best.

>> No.88648826

I love the tiny Wissa
Must hug

>> No.88649018

Why is Ceci so big?

>> No.88649027

I live for the JP interactions

>> No.88649118

Nerissa is taking everybody to her secret club

>> No.88649119

Now she's just showing everyone the out of bounds area kek

>> No.88649204

>Rissa shows Kanade the out of bounds place and she immediately runs off the edge

>> No.88649360
Quoted by: >>88649407

Kanade and Rissa should really do a cover together

>> No.88649372 [DELETED] 

Cool now delete your post you're killing the vibe rn

>> No.88649407

They really should

>> No.88649558
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, 1730440344479747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are these arms or legs

Nvm she just stood up I get it now

>> No.88649782

>Rissa is trying to sacrifise the Longtini to Raora

>> No.88649891

So many Aki upskirts from Rissa..

>> No.88650019
File: 4.00 MB, 1920x1080, Nerissa nose bumping[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Febvnf4.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's so fucking cute, bros..

>> No.88650103


>> No.88650148
File: 371 KB, 492x602, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should buy another gun

>> No.88650206


>> No.88650260
File: 285 KB, 1920x1080, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.88650353
Quoted by: >>88650475

She really wants to be pampered

>> No.88650443

ERB really had to interrupt Rissa's ending

>> No.88650475

I got it. I will absolutely pamper and spoil my future wife with whatever she wants.

>> No.88650553
File: 2.02 MB, 1988x1118, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88650640

>> No.88650616

Rissa, please stop degrading yourself

>> No.88650640
File: 691 KB, 350x520, it should've been me [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz8c0b9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88650918


>> No.88650921

>the Rissa Friends with U sold out
Fuck, I was waiting until I get paid this week so I could bundle stuffs..

>> No.88650986

She is so silly

>> No.88651072

>figure out
good one rissa

>> No.88651154
File: 3.63 MB, 578x444, Jailbird Gosling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rissa...Come back...

>> No.88651183

They'll probably try to restock it again, jailbird. Have faith.

Also, wasn't establishing Cover USA supposed to cut costs down on merch/shipping? Anyone know how that's going?

>> No.88651241
File: 70 KB, 1024x788, 1712544084665360m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her already...

>> No.88651285

And with that, have a good night /ope/. Remember to love your Rissa

>> No.88651341
Quoted by: >>88651558

>Also, wasn't establishing Cover USA supposed to cut costs down on merch/shipping? Anyone know how that's going?
2027 will be great

>> No.88651366

Oh, I know they will
I'm just sad I won't have it this month
I had plans for funny pictures..

>> No.88651454

Wont lie, the best parts were her interacting with the JPs. I need more of it

>> No.88651558
Quoted by: >>88652044

Wait, I haven't been following news on Cover USA. Is 2027 the projected date or we grasping at straws? That's so far away *sad mini Nerissa face*

>> No.88652044
Quoted by: >>88652246

Yes 2028 is the projected date. So wait to buy merch until 2029. The 2030 shipping cost drop will be insane I swear.

>> No.88652246
Quoted by: >>88652448

I'm going to be dead by 2028. Either that or I'll have married Nerissa by then.

>> No.88652448
Quoted by: >>88652667

Nah you'll live.

>> No.88652667
Quoted by: >>88652690

So I'll also be married to Nerissa. I accept this reality.

>> No.88652690

That's not what i said

>> No.88652751

>Also, wasn't establishing Cover USA supposed to cut costs down on merch/shipping?
They did. By a LOT in fact. Do you not remember how bad shipping used to be?

>> No.88652863
Quoted by: >>88652949

Shipping used to be €200 during early covid

>> No.88652864
Quoted by: >>88653080

I actually don't but maybe that's for the best that I don't remember.

>> No.88652949
Quoted by: >>88653031

I only ever bought Suisei merch pre covid so I probably don't remember. It's been 90% Nerissa merch since debut.

>> No.88653031
Quoted by: >>88653200

I only started watching Hololive, mostly Watame and Korone, during the debut of Holo Force. I didnt buy in January and Covid started in the EU in February and shipping was already 200 back then

>> No.88653080
Quoted by: >>88653182

Shipping used to be worse, and then there was a period after they stopped doing flat rate shipping of 20 dollars where shit SKYROCKETED, Kronii's merch during that period had TWO HUNDRED FUCKING DOLLARS for shipping if you bought the set
After opening the US office and changing some stuff around, we're back down to 20-40 dollar shipping, but it was fucking BAD for a bit

>> No.88653182

Yeah kek i remember that. If you ordered something right away it was 200 bucks. If you waites like 2 microsecond later it was 160, but if you waited 3 microseconds instead of 2 then it was 230 bucks

>> No.88653200

I think I got into Holo around Holo Force as well after a friend showed me a Suisei cover and at that time, none of the merch really appealed to me. Got a lot of Suisei tshirts though and her albums. I was did the pay-in-4 options so I guess I really didn't notice the high shipping costs.

>> No.88653552

Off to bed /ope/ goodnight! I love you Nerissa

>> No.88655317
Quoted by: >>88655421

so did anyone buy the cloak?

>> No.88655332

This doesn't make any sense, we pretty much bitch about Nerissa exclusively and if anything compliment other holos when we say we wish she was a little more like one or the other.

>> No.88655393

How did you know…

>> No.88655421

>no custom Rissa design
Skippa skippa

>> No.88655856
Quoted by: >>88656024

bitch is still up grooming 18-20yo

>> No.88655904
File: 812 KB, 588x1732, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88656024

Yeah, me

>> No.88656858
File: 225 KB, 1600x900, @Hasksoft-1852245355976626506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88657580
File: 721 KB, 1080x1080, cockshock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88658269

Nice, hope I can get mine before my landlord has us out of this condo by March. I really don't wanna have to try to dig it up who knows where.

>> No.88658283

Those were excellent designs, I really liked them

>> No.88658635

Advent love!

>> No.88659670
File: 240 KB, 800x800, GX2jhRGXIAgxtFM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88660166
File: 300 KB, 1448x2048, @GusgusAria-1852165154625990823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88660617
File: 169 KB, 898x1371, @Abendag0-1852263606794227933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88660725


>> No.88660725

Kissa this Rissa specifically

>> No.88661337
File: 554 KB, 380x452, twitter_1852251355626324121.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88661923
Quoted by: >>88662015

Are (You) saving your money for her birthday merch?

>> No.88661967

Advent is so silly

>> No.88662015

Unfortunately, with how things are living wise, I'll likely have to refrain unless its something super good. But I got the limited anniversary, so don't feel too bad as I did better than missing the limited birthday last year.

>> No.88662744
File: 47 KB, 1024x576, IMG_4416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sick fucks probably want to have sex with this thing.

>> No.88663211
Quoted by: >>88665907

just right for my pp size

>> No.88663295

Fucking a slightly sad, crying Risser sounds par for the course.
Really though, I'd just want to hug her and kiss her and try to make her feel better before I fucked her.

>> No.88663334

I haven't watched the vod yet but I saw twitter clips and she was so damn cute. Her crying voice + the smol model made me feel so fluffy and in love with her

>> No.88663560

Just watching this, I had forgotten these were the outfits were from the Halloween Night Tonight MV, does this count against their new outfit allowance I hear about?

>> No.88663608

I will force this thing to sing for me without preparation

>> No.88664668
File: 135 KB, 947x2048, @Starbutterflyz-1852345779148730543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88664709


>> No.88665907

small jailbird pp

>> No.88665962
File: 164 KB, 486x532, IMG_4414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m gonna prematurely express my disappointment with the fact that when Cover merchandises the Advent chibis (which they absolutely will), they will probably feature the default faces instead of the much cooler wet cat emote.

>> No.88666676
Quoted by: >>88666907

Don’t get your expectations too high, the minigames and puzzles that they were tasked with completing were bugged as all fuck and they couldn’t even finish them lol. However the parts of the stream where Nerissa is just kind of messing around with her model are very cute, and the other girls (especially the JPs) LOVED Rissa’s babu RP.

>> No.88666907

>Nerissa is just kind of messing around with her model are very cute, and the other girls (especially the JPs) LOVED Rissa’s babu RP.

Everyday, that pregnancy stream seems to be more of a possibility and she probably is over the moon. Gets cute and hot girls to fawn over her and pamper her, loved on by her senpais and kouhais, can't be mad at the Risser, even if she wasn't my oshi she's got it made.

>> No.88668480

Consensual nonconsent with Rissa

>> No.88669175

It was kinda average especially during the grouped sections where it was Rissa just humming, Ollie making some weird comments, Mori doing her best and ERB just being there. That part really wasnt that good. However, the part where she showed everybody her secret spot and the part where everybody was together and she had interactions with the JPs were great. It was really funny and cute

>> No.88670328
File: 395 KB, 1833x2048, @amsamamsamaa-1777033925988319250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88671276


>> No.88670333

Fascinating how she cannot help but immediately construct her inner sense of self in VR

>> No.88670713

State of Nerissa's butthole hygiene?

>> No.88671003
Quoted by: >>88671844

What butthole? Nerissa is an Idol, Idol dont have buttholes. Silly jailbird

>> No.88671276

This is how a Rissa looks seconds before pouncing in a frothing horny frenzy. See the eyes, sizing up the prey.

>> No.88671844
Quoted by: >>88671957

What if she did have a butthole? As well as a vagina to go along with it?

>> No.88671957

If she did have a butthole, which she doesnt have since she is an Idol, she wouldnt have been able to become an Idol.

>> No.88672033

Demons dont have buttholes, have you ever seen a demon take a shit? No. That's because anything they eat becomes one with the void inside their body

>> No.88672364
File: 1.27 MB, 2437x4096, @erasopepero232-1851964538465456306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88672507


>> No.88672507

Why does the pumpkin have extra horns

>> No.88672529
File: 538 KB, 2300x3700, @daydarion-1852031694016004379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88672694


>> No.88672694

>pony tail Rissa
The more i see, the more i want

>> No.88673873
File: 462 KB, 1464x2048, @yuri_kyanon-1852334447947092262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88674511

Holy shit, the pouting tone through most of the stream yesterday got so fucking obnoxious

>> No.88675271
File: 2.32 MB, 486x546, Female, silence[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fabtkik.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88676578


>> No.88676607
File: 77 KB, 767x564, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.88676860

God bless Kiara trying to save Rissa from all the damage that ERB has done to Nerissa's self-esteem

>> No.88676874

Kiara jealous

>> No.88676935

What a faggot. Whole infestation of them.

>> No.88677010

>Kiara cheers up Rissa
>This is bad somehow

>> No.88677030

>Woodland creatures
This doesnt even make the slightest amount of sense

>> No.88677116

More like Kiara complimenting Nerissa and not wanting her to feel inferior

>> No.88677295

The fact that Kiara had to say this, proves how little she believes in her own abilities. It's good that Kiara is doing this and pulling her up because all ERB does is pull her down while Rissa doesnt even seem to notice

>> No.88677457

Yes, we know your belting is weak, Nerissa. Get over it. You're still a great singer.

>> No.88677666
Quoted by: >>88677759

how do we turn rissas envy into motivation rather than self-loathing

>> No.88677700

Tell your oshi to stop being cute

>> No.88677759

you can't, she's a woman

>> No.88678057

It's actually really annoying and not cute anymore. Why does she do this? Is she just fishing for compliments? Can she really not hear that her voice is great and that she's just more suited for Disney Princess shit than ERB who growls and riffs everything? Does she just have a complex about lower voices because of Aradia? Fucking knock it off Nerissa.

>> No.88678275
Quoted by: >>88678396

>Does she just have a complex about lower voices because of Aradia?
Unironically yes. See >>88641152

>> No.88678306

It's a genuine psychological complex, why are you surprised? This happens a lot irl and takes therapy to get over

>> No.88678396
Quoted by: >>88678588

OK but my singing autism is getting annoyed because I KNOW she takes singing seriously and Aradia and ERBs voices are just not suited towards Disney Princesses at ALL. I know she's watched enough Disney Musicals to know this. If there's anyone she should be jealous of, it's IRyS maybe.

>> No.88678537

"Comparison is the thief of joy" has never been more relevant.

>> No.88678588

I think all Jailbirds universally agree with you. Everything of that post. But
The only one who can unironically fix this is Kiara to whomst she really looks up and maybe Mori, Fauna or Advent

>> No.88678597

How much of this is Nerissa's fault and how much of this is chat's fault?

>> No.88678792

This is 100% Nerissa's brainrot.

>> No.88678889
Quoted by: >>88681273

40/60. It was already going on before Rissa joined. Rissa brought her own family on stream. Greyfags and "jailbird" have been a bitch about it since
>ol' funny joke, lets repeat it
Rissa has made it clear many times to stop Aradia begging but chat dont listen. She should have set stricter chat etiquettes. Meanwhile it is only natural for someone to talk about her sister because they grew up together.

>> No.88678946
Quoted by: >>88680506

Here Nerissa, listen to this and then bitch about it and I'll say you have more grounds for being jealous than you do of the fucking Scarlet Rot.

>> No.88679164

I don't think she's done anything but be supportive of Rissa

>> No.88679386

Well, literal birds of a feather and all that in terms of hyping other people up but being down on themselves but the two approach it differently. ERB's British voice just tickles her Renaissance sensibilities like a good deal of geeky Americans. So hey, British birds out there, you and the Latin birds are on even footing for the rizz. But hey, if we ever get a Scottish or Irish holomem, I'm sure it would be the same anyway, her own self-deprecating nature aside. It would be over for me if we ever got a Scottish gal in Hololive.

>> No.88679901
File: 913 KB, 1134x710, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88680161


>> No.88680157
Quoted by: >>88680904

Kek ERB antis are delusional lmao. It must make you so mad. Feel free to seethe below ;^)

>> No.88680161
Quoted by: >>88680211

Shame she reused the thumbnail, a new pose would be fun. The first part was enjoyable, looking forward to this one.

>> No.88680211
Quoted by: >>88680260

Would have been fun if she added Shiori to it for the wife part

>> No.88680260
Quoted by: >>88680295


>> No.88680295
Quoted by: >>88680835


>> No.88680506
Quoted by: >>88680735

Here, let me bite for a second, what's your actual problem with a mid 30's auntie that likes to dote on people and sing and is nice to Nerissa?

>> No.88680735

Nope fuck you, not engaging. At the very least we can objectively say that she is not a Disney Princess voice though. Nerissa is much more Disney Princess than her.

>> No.88680835


>> No.88680904

>3D Nerissa holding a (you).png

>> No.88680934


>> No.88681010

No, fuck you, if you're going to take every chance you can to take shots at another holo that's been supportive of Nerissa let's get it out on the table
Let's fucking hear why you need to treat the Rissa thread as your ERB hate dumping ground

>> No.88681212

NTA but if ERB truely respected Nerissa from the start she would have acted normal in regards to Sweetest Scarlet and not made it about her as fans now remembers it now as "the ERB song". She should have respected Nerissa and told her audience off

>> No.88681273

Well, it is true that the vtuber community often has jokes that are beaten till the horse is paste, but, and I've said this many times, we don't know what is said behind the scenes. She's a sensitive soul, and showbiz both from the audience and fellow performers can be brutal, passive aggressiveness reigns. So we can worry, but this is her trial as a performer, we just have to be there for her. Plus, a funny thing I note happens with Rissa but not other duets, but people definitely seem like they try harder singing duet with her. I remembered Mumei and then saw Mint last night. Mayne I'm schizo, but it felt like they really turned up when jamming with her. If there is anything she should put a feather in her cap about, I think that is it. That is an unconscious sign of respect.

>> No.88681349
Quoted by: >>88681446

Don't engage he's either a troll trying to shit up the thread or a deluded ERB fan trying to figure out why people hate his whore. Either way, not worth it.

>> No.88681361
Quoted by: >>88681600

She'd have as much luck policing twitter shippers as Nerissa has had policing Aradia beggars

>> No.88681435

Get a thread

>> No.88681446
Quoted by: >>88681566

How do you feel when "people" call Nerissa a leeching whore with Shioraven?

>> No.88681523

actually delusional

>> No.88681555

Whatever no name faggots you ERB fans are, maybe get yourself a thread instead of shitting here constantly?

>> No.88681566

ERB is a whore, this is the last response you'll get from me, keep trying to shit up the thread though.

>> No.88681600
Quoted by: >>88681813

Don't engage, he's genuinely retarded

>> No.88681759

The venn diagram of people with ERB Derangement Syndrome and /#/ users is just a circle btw. They're literally subhumans.

>> No.88681813

Pot calling the kettle black. Go back to your dead /innit/ split

>> No.88681942
Quoted by: >>88682604

If there’s someone who is suited for Disney princess songs perfectly, it would be IRyS tho.

>> No.88681995
Quoted by: >>88682639

Stuckatworkbird here so won't make half of the stream tonight but hoping Nerissa is doing alright. As Kiara says, Nerissa's voice is heavenly and is Disney princess levels of angelic. That's the voice I'd love to wake up to every morning.

>> No.88682275

You think she'd try the new Monster Hunter?

>> No.88682384
Quoted by: >>88682942

Not really her kind of game

>> No.88682604

They both suit different songs, but if I was gonna compare them, it would this way: IRyS is the Nana Mizuki type, or the Nami Tamaki type, like you'd not be surprised to hear her doing a Gundam OP.
Rissa would be the angela or Kanako Itou type. The really soulful, opera like type you'd hear sing songs for a VN.

>> No.88682639
File: 2.37 MB, 2730x2471, Watabird_Forma_De_Lawyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same, well sorta. My students have asked me whether i wanna go for drinks in the city center later tonight to celebrate their graduation because i'm a cool prof. Appearently it's normal? But have just left office 10 minutes ago and i'm hungy so i dunno yet

>> No.88682682
Quoted by: >>88682942

Beta? Nope it's already too late. She might play it when it releases though but she has to do it on the PS5 cuz it runs like shit on PC

>> No.88682800
File: 1.03 MB, 3277x4096, @_sojuice_-1852453890052280552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88683209


>> No.88682805
Quoted by: >>88682896

Someone else might have to bake the new thread before the stream starts.

>> No.88682896
File: 699 KB, 853x955, Rerissa Navencroft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll probably be here

>> No.88682905

Didn't Advent agree to do weekly MHW collabs when it releases? It happened at the end of one of their recent collabs.

>> No.88682942

It is, but its like >>88682682
said, she likely missed the boat. We had at least a good time couple of streams of (sometimes greedy) Jailbirds Princess carrying her in Rise. She had fun. Wilds we'll likely play.

>> No.88682958

Biboo begged them too yeah, but it was on the fly agreement so not sure if they'll hold onto it

>> No.88683142

Shiori doesn't really wanna stream it, so weekly monhun is probably a no-go

>> No.88683174
File: 35 KB, 821x295, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's literally here

>> No.88683209

You know, this person's style makes me think of FF8 for some reason, probably Edea flashbacks. Would Squall do it for Rissa like Mr. Darcy would?

>> No.88683385
File: 15 KB, 799x124, shcht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.88683434

As if (you) did not know already

>> No.88683572
Quoted by: >>88684043

Gee Rissa, it's almost as if if you constantly act like a negative Nancy about yourself people will start to assume that's all you do.

>> No.88683677

I feel like she solely said this because people were calling out ERB & Rosarians for giving her a confidence slump

>> No.88683916

So she's /here/ then...

>> No.88683982

Nerissa literally everything you say is a dig at yourself, sometimes you don't even realize it you sad sad girl, go to therapy.

>> No.88684043

I fucking hate the wet cat shit so much and everything she does to encourage it. The art from it is also uncomfortably furry.

>> No.88684161

From what, saying they love Rissa and her singing?

>> No.88684173

It makes me horny, I wanna fuck vulnerable girls so hard they become dependent on me

>> No.88684306

Me too man. It was fine when it was just an occasional joke, every once in a while, but now it's more like she (and a large part of the community) made it her whole thing. Not only is it a bummer to listen to someone constantly being negative, it removes any incentive for her to improve and try new things.

>> No.88684357

Wow just like I said back in July, she just loves the attention she gets from it

>> No.88684400
Quoted by: >>88684847

> It was fine when it was just an occasional joke, every once in a while
I agree. I think she overdid it and I think she believes it too which just makes her sadder and more depressed. If she thinks she's always going to constantly lose, why try anything at all?

>> No.88684425

To be fair, a lot of them are kind of shameless in their swinging allegiance as long as it gets them attention and even they know it, but I always see Nerissa as just being theatrical unless proven wrong.

Some of it is adorable and while I can't really say I care too much for her being self-flaggelating, a tall cutie being cute and huggable is my weak point.

>> No.88684847
Quoted by: >>88684883

She said very recently when she had a meeting with her managers she told them "When I debuted, I never thought my whole branding would be a girlfailure wet cat" kek

>> No.88684883

Yeah maybe she should fucking stop making that her entire brand.

>> No.88684976

Are all jailbirds this retarded? Not s good look....

>> No.88685144
Quoted by: >>88685315

>I was only pretending to have no self esteem
Being a Nerissa fan is so tiring sometimes

>> No.88685218

it sounded backhanded, honestly

>> No.88685224

Do you want cute or sex for the OP picture /ope/?

>> No.88685315

>not knowing the difference between her being dramatic and actually being depressed

Come on man, its easy.

>> No.88685419

sex please

>> No.88685457

I'm feeling cute today, so that

>> No.88685582

>expecting people not to be autistic and have assburgers /here/

>> No.88685991
Quoted by: >>88686121

Did you hydrate properly today reserve baker-sama?

>> No.88686121

Admittedly no, ate lots of pizza and should get some wotah

>> No.88686247

Nerissa doesn't know that difference either.

>> No.88686259

