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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 859 KB, 3840x2160, @xairen26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
88410151 No.88410151 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>88436180

>What is /tingles/?
/tingles/ is a thread to discuss and find English-speaking vtubers who do ASMR. Be it short audio roleplays or lengthy audio trigger sessions.

>Can I shill my oshi here?
If she does ASMR somewhat regularly at least, sure. The minimum is at least once every other week.

>Can I talk about corpo vtubers here?
As long as they fulfill the above requirements.

>What about lewdtubers?

>What kind of ASMR is the best?
It depends.

>Who's live right now? Any lists?
More lists to come. Probably.

>How to archive?

>Friends of /tingles/

We have yet to find more. (´・ω・`)

Previous thread: >>88250191

>> No.88410249


>> No.88410456

>not that bad
Ttue, it was just a few people in a row where she stopped being comfy to react to them one after another. She was comfier before so many found her

>> No.88410521
Quoted by: >>88410591

Posting my slutwife in fresh bake

>> No.88410563

Eating is normally fine for me but it's always that certain juicy sounding or "lewd" sounding fruit that turns me off. It's so annoying to hear it like as if I'm listening to a loud eater munching their food sloppily

>> No.88410580
Quoted by: >>88410662

I miss her old model. It was one of the most cat-like I've ever seen.

>> No.88410591
Quoted by: >>88410922

she's got nice rubbies

>> No.88410662
Quoted by: >>88410836

She's always looked like a fox for a long time now

>> No.88410836

My bad, anyway, it had really soulful dark eyes as huge as platters. Very animal-like and a missed opportunity on kemonomimi models.

>> No.88410922

I read that as tiddies but I agree

>> No.88410965

I love Alias

>> No.88410979

I hate eating. I hate burps. I hate ear picking. I hate constant chat reads interrupting. I hate when a streamer keeps making me think about the other people watching. I hate random yapping. I hate I hate I hate.

>> No.88411227
Quoted by: >>88411333

Do Miwa still accepts trigger requests or that's completely gone

>> No.88411333

yeah you can ask

>> No.88411381
File: 5 KB, 301x105, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hate when a streamer keeps making me think about the other people watching
fucking this, I'm the protagonist, it is me who matters.

>> No.88411473

Unironically most of those are what I dislike from ASMR streams

>> No.88411909

>ear cleaning
sometime it feels like nails on the chalkboard. tapping is still superior

>> No.88412058

Is ASMR inherently parasocial? Having a girl breathe into and kiss your ears requires a certain level of intimacy, doesn’t it?

>> No.88412138

yes, that's why communities and maros exist

>> No.88412164

parasocial doesn't mean intimacy

>> No.88412189

Well yeah you wouldn't do that with someone you weren't intimate with. Imagine pulling some random person off the street and breathing into and kissing their ears.

>> No.88412461

paypigs keep ruining shiyu's stream baka my head

>> No.88412581

kek I'm hoping that she grows so much that there's no ASMR at all and it's just constant dono reads

>> No.88412699

but she went up 1 sub and is currently muhcing on some shit

>> No.88412726

Only if you pure-heartily believe that sex and marriage are things only lovers do.

>> No.88412745

Money is money I guess

>> No.88412757
Quoted by: >>88413098

It's not if you don't interact with them in any way. Japanese mimikaki audios have been around for ages.

>> No.88413084

1. Nene Amano
2. Miwa

and no one else because the rest suck at it

>> No.88413098

>it's not parasocial
>if you do thing the term parasocial was actually coined to describe
english is cooked
we'll never have another word again

>> No.88413121

Saruei does good kisses

>> No.88413207

Xiulan is probably my favorite

>> No.88413241
Quoted by: >>88413338

Nene's lips are made of sandpaper.

>> No.88413338
Quoted by: >>88413655

You are made of faggot material

>> No.88413582

Last time I listened to Nene she called me a good boy and a good girl which is a shame because I liked her audios

>> No.88413655

I accept your concession. Her forte is actually inaudible whispering and the superb sound-proof booth.

>> No.88413838
Quoted by: >>88413999

If you're unsure about your gender don't worry sis, people accept that nowadays

>> No.88413999
Quoted by: >>88414876

I just don't like thinking about other people especially when it comes to GFE because it's supposed to be intimate. If she insists on doing F4A she should say neither instead of both.

>> No.88414042
Quoted by: >>88437960

I'm guessing she got a troon supa one day asking for inclusion so now she complies. Doesn't hit the same at all anymore.

>> No.88414405


>> No.88414556

intimatefags are hilarious

>> No.88414572

>shiyu only doing left
>miwa whispering only on right
This is the life

>> No.88414700

is nobody updating vallure's kemono pages?
there hasn't been any more uploads to there since august

>> No.88414810

Better to check pirates and SC

>> No.88414876

>I just don't like thinking
Well stop doing it

>> No.88414912

Shit has been dead since September. 2 more weeks till it gets fixed

>> No.88415294

is goslinging Miwa recommended? she seems to be a mess

>> No.88415355

is goslinging anyone recommended?

>> No.88415463

when you are far gone enough yes

>> No.88415466
Quoted by: >>88416619

Katta, she'll make you cum and call you a retard afterwards

>> No.88415573
Quoted by: >>88415657

Last time that happened someone, the said gosling went on a meltdown resulting to the creation of this thread

>> No.88415588
Quoted by: >>88415660

She's one of the more gosling safe girls I follow. She's just young so she can be retarded but she's a huge loner which is nice

>> No.88415632

wtf does that even mean? i speak in groomer language

>> No.88415657
Quoted by: >>88416138

That guy was not a gosling he was lolcow schizo

>> No.88415660

>she's a huge loner which is nice
That's such a psychopathic sentence when you think about it

>> No.88415766
File: 646 KB, 1080x1080, file (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88415783
Quoted by: >>88415875

hardcore simping

>> No.88415838

Kek yeah it is my bad but I find that girls with lots of friends or a big irl social life are usually the ones that cause trouble. If she's more of a shut in its cuter

>> No.88415854

we're in the dredges of society for a reason

>> No.88415875

not even a single person's simping miwa

>> No.88416138
Quoted by: >>88416288

He was a gosling to an extent and very parasocial

>> No.88416288

Don't insult the gosling name that guy was just an insane faggot

>> No.88416619
Quoted by: >>88417114

has katta been doing more asmr on a higher tier or has she just stopped and is waiting till she's indie

>> No.88416635
Quoted by: >>88416778

If you're into being ignored then yes. She has a special circle and specific people that she prefers over new people.

>> No.88416653


>> No.88416701

does miwa have a community of broke people? Even though she has the same or higher viewers than other girls I watch she get a lot less subs

>> No.88416709

Menace's kisses are cute and full of girliness.
I remember that MissFushi's kisses are very affectionate, but I haven't watched her in a while.

>> No.88416778

retaaaaaard you're so boring

>> No.88416780

Pillow. She'll murder you althoughbeit (that's a good thing)

>> No.88416799
Quoted by: >>88416981

After the last groomer discord leaks I stopped caring about anything outside passively listening to her.

>> No.88416972

Her paypigs doesn't last long because she doesn't give them special treatment but instead gives them to specific people she's close with on her server

>> No.88416981
Quoted by: >>88417315

Punishing a girl over one schizo is sad

>> No.88417016

eh, a lot of ASMR from twitch, on youtube, really, suffers the same fate of big viewership but no bits/gifts/superchats

>> No.88417050

Lol hi sniffer

>> No.88417114

she seems to be on hiatus

>> No.88417246
File: 703 KB, 1156x754, Miwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88430582

I like this Miwa model.

>> No.88417315

nta but considering what that one schizo did to an entire thread, I can see why

>> No.88417345
Quoted by: >>88418878

twisty has great kisses

>> No.88417451
Quoted by: >>88417677

>has not spent more than 1k
every fucking time

>> No.88417677

This is 4chan niggas use their twitch prime and unironically think they are a paypig

>> No.88417866
Quoted by: >>88418089

Did I miss something? When did paypig stop being pejorative

>> No.88418089

if they give money to my whore she's more likely to continue whoring herself

>> No.88418276
Quoted by: >>88418642

Ive given at least 3k to my ewhore and she still ignores me sometimes
I hate that I won't stop anytime soon

>> No.88418278

Miwa not having oil barons work for me. No stupid attention seeking piece of shit is gonna drop big money just to get noticed during ASMR.

>> No.88418554
Quoted by: >>88418619

Asmr if I'm feeling depressed but horny?

>> No.88418619
Quoted by: >>88418782


>> No.88418642
File: 1.26 MB, 1136x794, 1708200219692703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88418970


>> No.88418653

>arigato David-kun
>arigato David-kun
>arigato David-kun
>arigato David-kun
>arigato David-kun
>arigato David-kun
>arigato David-kun

>> No.88418772

id say intimate asmr isn't parasocial on its own, but it does MAKE people parasocial quite easily

>> No.88418782


>> No.88418878
Quoted by: >>88419577

she fucking sucks at it and doesnt even have an asmr mic

>> No.88418963

>doesnt know gosling
holy newfaggot

>> No.88418970

I've never wanted to throatfuck a png so bad

>> No.88419447
File: 310 KB, 1280x1280, 1700618762679679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually even worse.
>*acts cutesy and nervously*
>Are you sure it's fine to drop big money like this?
>B-but don't force yourself okay. Save up for yourself
>piece of attention shit fag drops more
>entire ASMR stream derails into thanking stream and the fag giving more money and subs
>chat receiving members/subs praise the piece of shit even more

>> No.88419577

I still fapped, howeverbait

>> No.88419959

hot scenario however this isnt asmr.
also she hasnt done it for over a month so im assuming shes bored of it

>> No.88420409
File: 151 KB, 1280x720, IMG_1376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oceane was always the better kisser compared to Nene. That’s why Nene demanded her to be terminated, she couldn’t handle the competition.

>> No.88420505

I'd like her if she didn't call her male niji coworkers her brother live on stream when they collab

>> No.88420681
Quoted by: >>88421528

I mean if I could get paid $100 each time I thanked some retarded faggot in a cutesy voice then I'd do it all day

>> No.88421528
Quoted by: >>88422436

hi Miwa

>> No.88421931
Quoted by: >>88423045

the other green ghost is doing a thing again

>> No.88421940

I enjoyed this at first but now I just feel lonely

>> No.88422242
Quoted by: >>88424533


>> No.88422436

do not call me that ever again

>> No.88422571

Being parasocial isn't enough, I need her attention all the time

>> No.88422644
Quoted by: >>88422782

who would say no to this? I would make her my personal asmr whore if I could

>> No.88422782

Yes but its not a good thing that I have started yearning for the impossible

>> No.88423045
Quoted by: >>88423097

doing asmr so early after debuting always gets you so many retards in the chat

>> No.88423097

It's "RP ASMR". Her pulling those retards is deserved

>> No.88423853

this isn't true. I'm not in her discord and she always creams when I talk in chat. Just don't be a fucking retard

>> No.88423869

Wake me up when miwa releases joi asmr

>> No.88424533
Quoted by: >>88426279

Aluei's chat is 97% mods talking JESUS

>> No.88424793

just get a GF at that point bro

>> No.88425796

Where do you newfags even come from are you aware of where you are

>> No.88426279

call her mommy then you'll understand

>> No.88426675
Quoted by: >>88432572

I dropped her completely due to David. I am his biggest hater

>> No.88428509
File: 374 KB, 637x537, 1613085007538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88428530
Quoted by: >>88430778

any new countdowns lately? I'm a whore

>> No.88430582

The different hair color is really nice

>> No.88430778
Quoted by: >>88431519

someone posted her a few days ago, multiple countdowns starting at 7:09:00

>> No.88431519

egyptian sexo

>> No.88432488


>> No.88432544

Alias has the wettest kisses. They're great, sounds like a blowjob. I'll never forget Pillow's petrified face when she heard them for the first time

>> No.88432572

I donate during ASMR and my oshi responds with acknowledging it via triggers. I would hate individualized thank yous like that. They ruin the vod and put a spotlight on my ass that I don't want.

>> No.88432587
File: 154 KB, 640x549, 1709021482815455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88432826

idk about any of that but i almost cried like a little bitch during this just now

>> No.88432826

I thought it was normal to cry during ASMRs.

>> No.88432946

only after consuming all the liquor in the house and briefly contemplating shooting yourself

>> No.88433017
Quoted by: >>88433272

Is miwa really a lesbian? Doesn't she know her entire audience is lonely middle aged men

>> No.88433200

what's your go to video when you can't find anything else to listen to?

>> No.88433272

it doesn't matter what she likes next discussion

>> No.88433419
File: 189 KB, 1510x1400, 1705504100753313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88436328

is it? oh thank god i thought it was only me getting these crippling loneliness induced weep attacks, phew

>> No.88433818
Quoted by: >>88441896

momo's streams

>> No.88436180

cool art

>> No.88436328

wish I could feel still

>> No.88437528
Quoted by: >>88442336

after seeing the litter posted last thread i wish she did more blowjob asmr...

>> No.88437960
Quoted by: >>88439299

She has had trannies appearing in chat for years and never acknowledged them. She did post her percentage viewer breakdown by gender, because chuubas get that, but it was obviously a joke telling drama sisters to fuck off because she did it during the announcement that her corpo was dying stream.
Some new regulars in her chat are using female names and she might be accommodating that.
For the record, I don't like it either. Her audience is overwhelmingly male and she knows that.

>> No.88439182


>> No.88439299

we were doing so well not replying to that retard
Nene has always had some female fans, to the point that she had a bunch of them go to hyper japan UK to talk to her, one of them mentioned how much she loved her asmr

>> No.88439510

>her reaction to the Bern cosplayer
fucking adorable

>> No.88439517
Quoted by: >>88439609

Oh fuck this is a good one, I forgot about it
Love when non ASMR chuubas randomly do some great fucking ASMR and never do it again

>> No.88439534
Quoted by: >>88439581

Is it really worth lowering the quality of her ASMR for lesbians that make up probably less than 1% of her viewership though?

>> No.88439581
Quoted by: >>88439705

it's as inconsequential as trying to pander to some psychotic "anti F4A" autist, she still gets 4view during asmr regardless

>> No.88439609

she took a break from it because people were begging for it, but I see why
echo's really nice and aicho does things to me
she has a good attitude for it
technique needs a little work, especially the giggle's a bit abrasive, but the anime woman is nice to me so

>> No.88439705

If she wanted to be F4A she could just not say good boy or good girl though like most F4A panderers so you can at least not have GFE ruined by them reminding you it's a group experience. Ultimately you're right though if they paypigs still give her thousands every month then she could do anything really. It makes me wonder if publicly getting a boyfriend would change anything.

>> No.88439767

please refer to the following

>> No.88440980
Quoted by: >>88441122

Yae yugiri clears every en kisser it isn't even close.

>> No.88441122

I remember her saying "don't call me mommy it's weird" but she calls people baby and "it's different". I don't expect vtubers to be intelligent but still.

>> No.88441281

you have the bad autism, quad dubs

>> No.88441306
Quoted by: >>88441437

Baby is a pretty generic endearing name to call your partner even if it refers to a grown man, it sounds acceptable and not fetishy. Mommy indicates said grown man is a submissive manchild.

>> No.88441363
Quoted by: >>88441645

Speaking of chuubas who stop doing ASMR despite being good at it.
What happened to this one? I loved the nurse RP one, it was flirty and playful. And I specifically remember this one saying she wanted to get more into ASMR.

>> No.88441437
Quoted by: >>88441507

Society just arbitrarily decided that referring to adults as babies is acceptable whereas referring to them as mommies isn't. If we're going by societal norms then dressing in skimpy clothes and making hundreds of men cum from you kissing them isn't exactly "normal" either.

>> No.88441507
Quoted by: >>88441825

it's not arbitrary, calling someone mommy is putting yourself in a lower position, and baby is the opposite. everybody knows submissive males are the scum of this earth

>> No.88441645

don't follow roca, but I'd imagine busy as shit

>> No.88441825
Quoted by: >>88442126

>everybody knows submissive males are the scum of this earth
Where do you think we are? The vtuber industry is built off beta simp paypigs. You could also say the same thing of whores really which is why they're a match made in heaven.

>> No.88441896
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 1708351477059368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88442174

I still bust it to her mengen asmrs every now and then, can't believe we're never getting more like that from her ever again

>> No.88442126

>Where do you think we are? The vtuber industry is built off beta simp paypigs.
Not seeing your point here. Yes, this board is full of scum of the earth. A quick glance at the catalog should make that apparent to anyone. There's nothing "match made in heaven" about the women you call "whores" and this type of audience because they most likely won't have to settle for low-quality males like vtuber watchers.

>> No.88442174

the tako? or?
also is this autistic retard just replying to himself

>> No.88442256
Quoted by: >>88442332

the latina hag, i presume

>> No.88442332

momo mono muni muyu miuna mint mega mello etc etc
vtubers are a plague

>> No.88442336
Quoted by: >>88442417

man i was too late for the litter...

>> No.88442417

it's somewhere in SC anyway

>> No.88442508
Quoted by: >>88443201

damn, one of the rare cases i actually get turned on my BJ noises
too sad V4M is now forever debuffed

>> No.88442598

Yeah the tako

>> No.88443201
Quoted by: >>88445208

I don't think Alias ever had the intention of doing full blown audio porn in v4m
Then again I don't pay for her patreon so I don't know what goes on there, but I figure some coomer would've already leaked something if she did

>> No.88445208
Quoted by: >>88445275

She's mentioned a few times before about having to rewrite and rerecord some of her ASMRs because they end up being borderline porn. I don't think she wants to do that content, but she keeps inadvertently doing it.

>> No.88445275

>I don't think she wants to do that content, but she keeps inadvertently doing it.
Because of youtube regulations or just because she doesn't want to?

>> No.88445396

>I wrote and mixed an entire asmr only for me to realize i just made soft core porn and now i have to delete everything Aaaaaaa oops sorry, time to rewrite everything--
>why do my kisses sound like a blowjob...i think im just going rewrite all of this... i cant

>> No.88445466

lmao to be fair lovey dovey sex can be wholesome but if that's something she's avoiding then that's up to her

>> No.88445489

blows my mind that she doesn't just revive haewon on patreon
the gods made her that way for a reason

>> No.88445712

No idea who she is but this gave a real laugh. Thanks anon.

>> No.88446264


>> No.88447202

>Stronny doing 10K kisses

>> No.88447359
File: 711 KB, 1170x873, IMG_5724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88447599

Miwa is a good innocent girl. She doesn't engage in slutty whorish acts such as kissing!

>> No.88448639

The only youtube stream I've ever nutted to

>> No.88449572

this is the one stream of her i come back regularly to, this one is so much better than her membership stuff its unreal

>> No.88451515

Does anyone have the ones she deleted?

>> No.88452794

https://www.twitch.tv/dreaminspirit very cute model

>> No.88453298

Why did this one survive all the ASMR purges?

>> No.88453399

because google recognises that it's an incredibly important piece of media that should be preserved

>> No.88453542

Amazing, isn't it? I probably archived that around five times already

>> No.88454739
Quoted by: >>88455827


>> No.88455336
Quoted by: >>88455770

She's already demonetised. One wrong move and her channel goes bye-bye.

>> No.88455767

imagine if she had Ebiko's moth animations.. this stream would be the magnum opus

>> No.88455770 [DELETED] 

literally any of her videos

>> No.88455827
Quoted by: >>88459512

any of her videos

>> No.88456712


>> No.88456940
Quoted by: >>88457782

This is the type of stream that spawns schizo goslings

>> No.88456970

Is this Haewon? I know she's less inclined to do lewd stuff as Alias, but as Haewon she gave away her panties as a donothon reward.

>> No.88457117

I'll get right on it

>> No.88457512
Quoted by: >>88460795

wtf some fag out there has a pair of Alias' used panties?

>> No.88457782

wish she'd started out streaming with the aicho voice and demeanor, though I could understand it being a harder space to occupy multiple times a week
echo's nice, but too genki? for me

>> No.88457906

Did she do more of something like this? I'm not into her RP ASMR but this I want

>> No.88458092

Why does she sound like Shiori

>> No.88458113

Damn, i thought she sounded similar to someone. Haewon did some really nice rps back in the day.

>> No.88459284


>> No.88459512
Quoted by: >>88460649

oh i meant the one where she kisses and pillow is shocked to hear it

>> No.88459828
File: 234 KB, 720x711, 1703849744500854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>echorin's internet is still shitting itself
>no asmr for the whole week if it doesn't work out right now

>> No.88459958

occurs every once in a while, its perfect then shits the bed for like 2 weeks

>> No.88460523
Quoted by: >>88460575

>obvious solution in chat suggested
>no idk how to do that
>mod tells her not to try it

>> No.88460575
Quoted by: >>88461072

It's so she'll DM the mods for help and the mods can spend more private time with her

>> No.88460649
Quoted by: >>88461394

I meant this. Pillow refusal of sloppy kisses makes me diamonds

>> No.88460795
File: 330 KB, 584x500, 9n4hhj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88460820


>> No.88460970

She really should just commit and sell more. Include an asmr joi with each pair.

>> No.88461072

Fuck mods. All mods are cunts

>> No.88461152

What a whore. Good thing I know better than to trust Korean women

>> No.88461228

This is why I only listen to Miwa. She's a good innocent Christian girl!

>> No.88461272
Quoted by: >>88461885

she is not religious lmao

>> No.88461281
Quoted by: >>88461885


>> No.88461336

>not trusting them to be what they are
that's a skill issue on your part

>> No.88461345
Quoted by: >>88461885

She has committed herself to Islam, brother.

>> No.88461394
File: 961 KB, 1911x1073, pillowpantsu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piwwow is a good girl. She has the most seiso pantsu shots.

>> No.88461629
File: 423 KB, 613x481, 1648261831402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88461857

Take them off. Slowly.

>> No.88461857
Quoted by: >>88462062

what collab is that from?

>> No.88461885

NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I thought she'd given herself to god, not Allah!

>> No.88461933
Quoted by: >>88462227

She kisses my ears every thursday anon

>> No.88461944

>Having to sleep without my gf breathing close to my ear
What a terrible week...

>> No.88462062
Quoted by: >>88462117

Phasmophobia w/ Tonya and Yuuna

>> No.88462117


>> No.88462227
Quoted by: >>88463022

what did you do for it

>> No.88463022

I patted her head and rubbed her little tummy

>> No.88463110

Sorry for the total newfag but: SC?

>> No.88463263

the goon forum that isn't SA

>> No.88463304

S: Insult for people that fawn over women
C: Name for a substantial human settlement

>> No.88463424

happy for you, anon

>> No.88463571

i want to give her attention like that

>> No.88463812

This general is fairly new but which chuubas are already lurking here?

>> No.88463863
Quoted by: >>88463953

Every single one of them.

>> No.88463866


>> No.88463888
Quoted by: >>88463953

probably almost all of them, unironically

>> No.88463915

I'm thinking only Pillow or Miwa, or at least these are the ones with high chance of lurking here. Others not so much.

>> No.88463953

I don't know, there's not enough shitposting to believe that yet

>> No.88463996

Please seek your future grooming targets elsewhere.

>> No.88464025

Why would any chuuba want to read how badly people want to marry/fuck them when they're not getting paid for it?

>> No.88464037

She already left after she saw anons talking about how they wanted to fuck her mom

>> No.88464106
Quoted by: >>88469509

ego boosts are nice

>> No.88464115

She's still /here/ planning on how she'll make us want to fuck her instead of her mom. believe

>> No.88464157

Anny does that every day. Anny if you're reading this please do ASMR again.

>> No.88464195

>Does GFE
>Anons aren't loyal to her
Must have been heartbreaking

>> No.88464317
Quoted by: >>88464357

when did this happen so i can go jack off to her

>> No.88464338
Quoted by: >>88464450

Stay away from my cute innocent wife Miwa. She thinks you can get pregnant from holding hands

>> No.88464357

3D debut probably

>> No.88464442

nuh uh she's the only anime girl i let in through my ears

>> No.88464450

inshallah, brother. even her vtuber model will come equipped with a hijab soon. Her escapism from allah will no longer be tolerated

>> No.88464733
Quoted by: >>88464766

https://www.twitch.tv/enaroh THE VISUAL ASMR WITHOUT ANY FORM OF ASMR

>> No.88464766
Quoted by: >>88464853


>> No.88464853

Um we prefer to ignore that detail

>> No.88464905

For small corpos the same GFEfags are always on every single GFE girl chat, so it's funny when they get betrayed I guess

>> No.88464911
Quoted by: >>88465007

>ignored again
Why did I fall in love with a fucking vtuber I should really kill myself

>> No.88464917

Great post for this edition, kek.

>> No.88465007

Miwa does that to me every stream. At this point it may as well be stockholm syndrome

>> No.88465121

You need to first approach her Father my brother. You must first attain his permission before you attempt to court Lady Miwa

>> No.88465141

Never thought about it that way. I dont think I could ever bring myself to leave my oshi even though I feel neglect sometimes

>> No.88465288

Maybe you are annoying in the chat anon. I mostly lurk and say hello from time to time and she responds most of the time, I don't even care about getting responded though

>> No.88465364


>> No.88465388
Quoted by: >>88465612

Literally just announce in chat to miwa your intention to forcefully impregnate her. She will respect you from there onwards

>> No.88465602

The hardest boner I've ever gotten while listening to ASMR was when Nene bonked the mic accidentally, or something fell in the background I don't remember, but she started frantically kissing while apologizing, like a "I'm sorry *kiss* forgive me *smooch* sorry" sequence that went on for a few seconds, like she had done the worst possible thing a person could do and was about to get beaten up by an abusive partner for doing it or something. Unfortunately I can not remember which one of her hundreds of ASMR streams it was, but I still think about it to this day because it awakened something in me.

>> No.88465612

exactly. I made sure she understands why I'm there for.

>> No.88465689
File: 53 KB, 512x490, 1701697768758809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unfortunately I can not remember
how do you people not write this shit down man, i'm fucking mad at you on your own behalf REEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.88466089

Same but there's this shiyuonline vod where she eludes to giving her audience erections which in turn got me hard for her

>> No.88466612
File: 527 KB, 4096x3115, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>88466732

Miwa's pantsu.

>> No.88466732

She should consult Alias how to sell them.

>> No.88467460


>> No.88467986

I feel like a whore because I sent a dono to someone besides my oshi once

>> No.88468493


>> No.88468714


>> No.88469509

>being the object of a man's desire
>ego boost
Men will literally fuck women three times their weight, Pringles cans, and cucumbers if left to their own devices. There's nothing flattering about a man lusting after you, especially a low value one. If anything you mostly feel like trash that a dog ate off the floor.

>> No.88469531
Quoted by: >>88471838

Miwa is my cute innocent little cum slut. I love her so fucking much. Mwa~

>> No.88469618

thanks for the lecture miwa

>> No.88469630

you do not comprehend how much women are attention whores
also how do i stick my cock in a cucumber? asking for a friend

>> No.88469884

I'd probe you like a pig

>> No.88469891

rare confirmed en vtuber post

>> No.88470871

Miwa I know this is you my queen. I love you so much. Please continue to lick my ears and give me little kissies

>> No.88470965
File: 43 KB, 221x216, 1712153059405237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you post tits?

>> No.88471787

she's here

>> No.88471838

sign that shit

>> No.88471853

I guess someone do lurk here, whoever you are

>> No.88472063

that's an /asp/ie post for sure. no one hates their audience more than aspies

>> No.88472066

This is the best F4M EN sadism I've seen. You should do this as a "roleplay" on stream. Thanks in advanced.

>> No.88472360

do neet affirmations right now miwa

>> No.88472609

Man I love Miwa

>> No.88472673

Menace you evil conniving cunt I hate you so much but I want a footjob from you so bad

>> No.88472716
Quoted by: >>88473081

Menace is a lovely girl wtf anon

>> No.88473081
Quoted by: >>88473718

she truly deserves the best, and I deserve menace paizuri

>> No.88473718

you wouldnt get much paizuri type action with that petite flat chest anon

>> No.88473763

A-anon I...

>> No.88473777
Quoted by: >>88474693

how out of the loop are you exactly

>> No.88473915
Quoted by: >>88474693

this anon just woke up from jerking themself into a coma back in '22

>> No.88474693

i will only accept her cunny form

>> No.88475008

your loss anon

>> No.88475386

why is Miwa pink now?
can I post her in /pink/?

>> No.88475520

Halloween costume, she knows pink vtubers are the scariest creatures

>> No.88475558
Quoted by: >>88479363

wtf is that

>> No.88475723


>> No.88476060
Quoted by: >>88476142

Miwa does good ASMR I like Miwa

>> No.88476142

it's too samey

>> No.88476165
Quoted by: >>88476206

she adds new things every day, jesus christ.

>> No.88476206
Quoted by: >>88476266

what makes you think I am jesus christ?

>> No.88476266


>> No.88477466

Every girl has a style of asmr so everything is samey to some degree. It's like having an art style. She adds new triggers every week though

>> No.88478294
Quoted by: >>88478656

Cute Miwa, shame I don't like her

>> No.88478656

why not

>> No.88478917

why reply to the shitposter...

>> No.88479050

It's one gay talking to himself

>> No.88479235

Post masturbation audio, slut.

>> No.88479236

it's fun

>> No.88479308

You from /jidf/? You need to let go of the rrats, carnie.

>> No.88479363

Thread for posting vtuber closeup irl pussy.

>> No.88479514

This is so damn good for a yandere RP improv imo. Careful with a notification at ~23:00 tho, it's not very loud.

>> No.88479725

>2 day thread
incline is real

>> No.88479738

Is this why you won't lick my ears nene? :(

>> No.88479785

actually, really a one day thread
super real

>> No.88480174

To be fair at least 30 posts are mine

>> No.88480490

my life's sole purpose is to receive kisses after shiko shiko

>> No.88480805

based and same

>> No.88484901

i eep
