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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 294 KB, 386x402, Ninablink.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8834107 No.8834107 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>8834545

This thread is dedicated to Nina Saotome.

Stream link: http://twitch.tv/ninaninin
Her Twitter: https://twitter.com/ninanininvt
Her Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZYetJ72XDX0sn5GQLx-rBA

Interested how Nina sings? Check her last karaoke: https://youtu.be/GOY2lNz_EKA

>who is Nina?
Nina is a Dutch indie vtuber who is a variety streamer playing a variety of games from typical kusoge, retro, rpgs to touhou and sings karaoke once a month.
She is well known for her hard work, wonderful singing and her support for other indies.

Also known as the CEO of Seiso.

Friendly threads: /koopa/ ; /africat/

Megafolder with art and reaction images (contains NSFW): https://mega.nz/folder/UoBCiZiY#1zKK0X4nUG9KmEB1Ty-pAg

>> No.8834172
File: 100 KB, 288x288, Screenshot 2021-08-14 22.27.13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hag (25) vs Hag (30). What a stream! Cant wait!

>> No.8834267

I am doing a billion things at once, time to focus and watch Nina

>> No.8834398


>> No.8834465
Quoted by: >>8834584 >>8834616

Place your bets, gentlemen. Who will win:
The talented retro gaming hag who ain't nothin' to fuck with, or the determined magical christmas cake?

>> No.8834545
File: 496 KB, 500x500, pikacantbreathe [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fefn44r.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Friendly threads: /koopa/ ; /africat/
>both don't exist

>> No.8834575
File: 644 KB, 796x431, NINATITS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

blblblb blb I waaaaaaaaaant toooooo haaaaaave sex seeex seeeeeex seeeeeeex seeeeeeeeeex seeeeeeeeeeeeex seeeeeeeex seeex sex seeeeeeeex sex seeeeeeeex s seeeeeeeeeeex seeeeeeeeeeeex seeeeeex seeeeex seeeeeeeex seeeeeex seex seeeeeeex seeeeeex seeeeeeeeeex seex seeeeeeex wwith niiiiiiiina

>> No.8834584
Quoted by: >>8834744

The darkest timeline... ninabros stay strong!

We now have a prediction in chat too!

>> No.8834616

will they even finish it? Contra is UBERHARD

>> No.8834636

>thought about redeeming absolutely nothing a few times
>decided to hold on to them
>spend 50k betting on CEO of gaming instead

>> No.8834645
File: 157 KB, 512x512, 1625681260233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8834661
Quoted by: >>8834744 >>8834768

/koopa/ is the same as these threads now, they exist when she streams

>> No.8834681

That drawing is pretty good though, props to Nina's reps

>> No.8834704

>Nina first to beat Stage 1

>> No.8834722
Quoted by: >>8834744 >>8849864

/africat/ is on indefinite hiatus. It's honestly better this way.

>> No.8834744
Quoted by: >>8834826

I was gonna ask, should that stay in the OP?

>> No.8834768
Quoted by: >>8834801

Id say not even then - Africat used to be more than Tanya and thats not even there anymore. Koopa just posts in the backroom now.

>> No.8834801

koopa still regularly posts in /koopa/ when it's up. But it only exists mostly when she's streaming like nina's

>> No.8834826

Eh. I don't think it makes a difference.

>> No.8834880
Quoted by: >>8834892 >>8834905

How many stages does Contra have?

>> No.8834892
Quoted by: >>8834905

I think it's 8

>> No.8834905

this >>8834892

>> No.8834919

They suck ass lmao

>> No.8834934

In a good way of couse.

>> No.8834937
Quoted by: >>8834992

>Alker filtered so far on stage 1

both blind playthourgh

>> No.8834940

contra is legendary for its absolute bullshit difficulty

>> No.8834992

alker has a lot of stamina for bullshit grinder retro games, she'll be fine.
But nina is no slouch either...

>> No.8835041

it's hard, they're playing blind, and they're paying attention to chat + each other

>> No.8835153
Quoted by: >>8835255

I must say Nina really put her back into this - layout is really cool and I love the art she drew the PNGs. I never saw that sort of format on twitch yet.

>> No.8835217
File: 36 KB, 550x495, IMG_20190508_051441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8835250

bros I want to be violently sexually abused by this nina illustration help

>> No.8835250

cute who drew it?

>> No.8835255
Quoted by: >>8835349

the chat in the center was a great idea, have other streamers done that for collabs like this?

>> No.8835349
Quoted by: >>8835497

Ninas real life job experience coming into play.

>> No.8835440
Quoted by: >>8835481 >>8835529

I think that's the most I ever saw Alker talking on a stream

>> No.8835481
Quoted by: >>8835529

She always talks more in collabs than solo. She isn't as comfortable with chat as she is with friends, since she really only streams as a hobby.

>> No.8835489

>coin and milk

>> No.8835497
Quoted by: >>8835549 >>8835608

If I'm guessing correctly what you are implying, it ties into why Nina turned down Yokomeshi and/or probably Eros too.

Nina might make some sort of digital art/graphics group eventually. Maybe like Atelier Live but /here/?

>> No.8835529
Quoted by: >>8835590

mocca alker kingdom hearts collab was kino, they had a lot of banter

>> No.8835549
Quoted by: >>8835704

>Eros Too
whats the rrat here? Thats new to me.

She most certainly wants to have an art and/or music(?) group because thats what she literally told Yozo.

>> No.8835590
File: 205 KB, 372x270, alker_and_mocca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen.

>> No.8835608
Quoted by: >>8835650

It just really sounded like she wants to make art and music together with friends in a semi professional manner, kind of like tsunderia
which is why that rat will always be on life support for me

>> No.8835638
Quoted by: >>8835650 >>8835705

>Nina isn't reading chat I just relay certain messages to her

>> No.8835650
Quoted by: >>8835722

Tsunderia is literally a group made in heaven for Nina which is why there not being a collab with Yuuna despite their long relationship is a big ass red flag.

I saw that dogwhistle too

>> No.8835704

Based in previous pists of other anons, I will guess that I think Nina might be keeping her power level low and is probably actually way, wayyyyy better than Eros at what Eros does.

>> No.8835705

Alker is a hardcore shitposter, she just is very good at following the rules.

>> No.8835722

>Tsunderia is literally a group made in heaven for Nina
Unfortunately for her, she isn't Asian

>> No.8835776
Quoted by: >>8835811

Nina adapts surprisingly fast to patterns

>> No.8835793
Quoted by: >>8835866

I want to breed Alker while we're hiking

>> No.8835811

She did literally pick up and finish PCB on one stream on normal... just built different.

>> No.8835866

I wanna walk her up a mountain while impregnating her all the way.

>> No.8835895

What is Alker? German?

>> No.8835919

I think the rrat is eastern european but moved young to states.

>> No.8835926

She is Latvian and lives in Arizona.

>> No.8835971


>> No.8835993
File: 54 KB, 275x205, alker_closuep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should add that you shouldn't ever ask or comment on Alker's accent or she WILL crush your balls. Also: don't gosling for her or call her "ma'am".

>> No.8836047
Quoted by: >>8836266

I want to express how much i love Alker!

>> No.8836101
File: 279 KB, 348x520, alker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8836139

Alker is so fucking cute and funny when she wants to be. I wish she streamed more often and was less shy outside of collabs.

>> No.8836139
Quoted by: >>8836166

You can tell though they spend a lot of time offline together, at least I get a good vibe from this.

>> No.8836166
File: 880 KB, 3541x2508, alker_and_friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. They are good friends, and it's nice to watch them interact. Same vibes as the Alice collab.

>> No.8836266


>> No.8836273

wow that would be terrible haha, who would want to get castrated by Nina and/or Alker.

>> No.8836294


>> No.8836326
File: 176 KB, 259x398, alker2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8836364

>"Remember, you're here forever!"
Alker is 200% /here/

>> No.8836364
Quoted by: >>8836443

This collab only confirmed the rrats about both of their /here/ status

>> No.8836443
File: 50 KB, 736x734, 1616879370084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it amusing how much Alker dislikes us ninabros and yet she loves Nina herself to death. Are we that pathetic, bros? Say it ain't so...

>> No.8836516
Quoted by: >>8836560 >>8836596

I want to be hated forever by Alker

>> No.8836528
Quoted by: >>8836560

just touch some grass or alker will hate you forever

>> No.8836541
File: 410 KB, 692x692, 1616158283602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8836748

I am really confused. I dont understand why she doesnt interact in public with Nina, who do chuubas wont interact with her? They are clearly good buddies, is that the case for other chuubas? I want to know she is doing fine and is not isolated.

And I dont know if she hates us ninabros..

>> No.8836560
File: 817 KB, 2220x1080, alker_chilling_with_her_goslings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8836766

Alker ALREADY hates you forever, that's why she's the coolest

>> No.8836562
File: 40 KB, 498x500, _1599254685_i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8836604

Ina will lose

>> No.8836596

Hate sex with Alker!

>> No.8836604
File: 390 KB, 1712x2048, nina_wins_an_award.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ina isn't very good at vidya games, now Nina on the other hand...

>> No.8836672
Quoted by: >>8836770


>> No.8836705
Quoted by: >>8836770


>> No.8836748
Quoted by: >>8837016

Alker is a grumpy old 4chan femanon who doesn't give a shit about anybody except her friends and doesn't give a single fuck about keeping up appearances. She interacts with Nina and friends behind the scenes and that is good enough for her. As for us, I don't know if she really "hates" us, but she probably thinks we're cringe as fuck. Which is fair, because we ARE a bunch of dorks.

>> No.8836760


>> No.8836766

Me on the left

>> No.8836770
File: 157 KB, 447x399, alker_ahegao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mine, too. Alker's autism is too powerful...

>> No.8836862
File: 198 KB, 512x512, 1612750290494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8836898

I usually always vote for the one with fewer votes but today I went all in on neener...
my comf points...

>> No.8836898
Quoted by: >>8836947

I was going to go all in with my 50k, but I pussied out and just put 10k on Alkercoin

>> No.8836935
Quoted by: >>8836965 >>8837009

funny how I see Nina more like an older sister type but Alker really gets my inner gosling going

>> No.8836947

Alker seems to have the edge, but Nina has Korone-tier endurance. It could go either way.

>> No.8836965
Quoted by: >>8837009

Nina has always been the older sister type. Alker on the other hand...

>> No.8837009
Quoted by: >>8837052

Alker is the "older cousin" who you crush on super hard but barely notices you exist.

>> No.8837016
Quoted by: >>8837257

Alker mostly just cringes at GFE fans, she's more of a dudebro gamer, like niji Selen. If you go with that mindset it's all fine.

>> No.8837052
File: 771 KB, 649x706, 1616600731418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8837105

>"older cousin" who you crush on super hard
excuse you

>> No.8837080

I just lust after Alker because she's a hag, and my oshi's oshi

>> No.8837105
File: 3 KB, 324x51, alker_on_viewer_interaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just giving me what I want, you old minx

>> No.8837257
Quoted by: >>8837277 >>8837335

Alker is like Moriko, she's in it for fun and bants. Goslings make her cringe. Which is fair, if I were her I guess it might make me uncomfortable. I'm not going to stop though, I have a thing for women like her. As long as we keep it out of chat like civilized people, we shouldn't care if Alker thinks we're lame.

>> No.8837277
Quoted by: >>8837339

What do you guys think Nina is in it for then?

>> No.8837335

oh right, Moriko's attitude is quite similar to them too

>> No.8837339

Nina doesn't want to admit it, but she wants to be an idol. You can tell from every decision she makes. She's gonna make it, too.

>> No.8837386
Quoted by: >>8837483


>> No.8837423
Quoted by: >>8837483

Thats the thing she doesnt want to wear the dress...


>> No.8837463
File: 55 KB, 423x459, 81A6C2D5-90A9-46A9-8B14-AA937922111B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8837505

>> No.8837471

>Hag tier memes

>> No.8837483

Nina said in her last Q&A stream that Alker encouraged her to follow her dreams and sing if she wants to sing, which is pretty based. Also:
>"These are some crusty memes."
>"Well, we're some crusty people."
HAGCHADS! We're on top, again!

>> No.8837505
File: 201 KB, 400x420, ninner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8837567


>> No.8837540
Quoted by: >>8837588 >>8837657

It feels like she's been extra motivated lately, and her talking about not feeling happy at work. If it's not the idolpill, then she's definitely falling deeper into the chuuba hole.

>> No.8837567
File: 49 KB, 423x459, 7921C00A-9322-4CEE-8A58-F1426D19995F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8837588
Quoted by: >>8837657

I may be wrong about the idol thing, but she definitely feels at home being a chuuba and wants to do it full-time. I wish her luck. She's a natural entertainer.

>> No.8837657

I mean, she did mention that if she is able to do it full-time, she will
Which makes me wonder if she will try to audition

>> No.8837729
Quoted by: >>8837752

Never played Contra but wouldn't the first boss be easier if you hit the turrets, and the second if you use diagonal shots?

>> No.8837752

You can actually keep running against the wall and shoot diagonally. Goes down under a second.

>> No.8837996
Quoted by: >>8838253

I really like that back faced Nina

>> No.8838253
Quoted by: >>8838419

Nina has quite a unique art style, its not really western typical anime style, its hard to land what is it

>> No.8838384
Quoted by: >>8838440 >>8838511


>> No.8838400


>> No.8838419

>Nina has quite a unique art style
I don't think she has a style per se, her biggest complaint is that she doesn't know what her style is, and that she needs a lot references

>> No.8838440
Quoted by: >>8838525


>> No.8838511

She's always reading the thread, we're good for a laugh whenever she needs it. Speaking of which: I love you, Alker-sama! You're so coooooooooooooooooool!!!

>> No.8838525

It's too late for them

>> No.8838566
File: 131 KB, 300x300, alker_sparkly_eyes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8838638 >>8838739

>"I just want to be up-to-date with all the memes." - Alker, 2021

>> No.8838638

what the kiddos doing these days I swear

>> No.8838647
File: 528 KB, 524x524, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8838709

>alker making fun of her borther's ex gf
This woman is scary.

>> No.8838734
Quoted by: >>8838875

>Alker is grooming Nina to be her sister-in-law

>> No.8838739

I don't. The memes these days suck.

>> No.8838744

Alker is being so fucking cute right now, holy fuck. I love this woman.

>> No.8838875

She should groom her to become her wife.

>> No.8838887
File: 694 KB, 500x666, alker_birthday_dress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8839051

>"Fuck Cali"

>> No.8838941

God i wish i could eat Nina's ass

>> No.8838989
File: 41 KB, 326x326, 1616884170207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8839033

I just realized one thing I miss in my life is an Alker - a friend who will inspire me to do my best and get good at the things I like

>> No.8839026

>magical girl talk
>nina is a magical girl
>alker said madoka magica artstyle was inspiration for her design

Animated series when

>> No.8839033

Alker is such a big sweetie-pie behind the scenes compared to her public persona. But you know what, I get it. I doubt I'd have the energy to be cordial to everyone I meet, like Nina does. Life is short, concentrate on your friends.

>> No.8839051
File: 17 KB, 480x480, 1517751287353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Californians are a plague.

>> No.8839097

>Nina uses an Xbox controller
Of all the things she's revealed about herself, this makes me feel closer to her than anything. She really is a hag at heart.

>> No.8839102

How did these two even meet? they're like the exact opposite of each other.

>> No.8839114


>> No.8839135
Quoted by: >>8839355

Alker was the person who welcomed her to the vtubing community together with Mocca.

>> No.8839191
Quoted by: >>8839244 >>8839415

Nah, they have a lot in common actually. Alker just doesn't feel the need to make everyone like her, like Nina.

>> No.8839234
Quoted by: >>8839276

Alker has good taste in indies and actively helps small ones.

>> No.8839244

Nina needs to be cordial with community if she is to make it as a vtuber.

>> No.8839276 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.25 MB, 1668x2388, carol_alker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8839305

>good taste in indies
Well...most of the time...

>> No.8839282
Quoted by: >>8839306 >>8840022

Alker is too much tsun
Nina is too much dere

>> No.8839286
File: 52 KB, 197x199, smashkong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this worthless lil LEADER OF THE BUNCH is getting super hot SUCC OF DONG from your oshi and basipally, you're a meme
>Click Here To Die

>> No.8839306
File: 339 KB, 1440x1397, 1617502407862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8840022

This is the dynamic

>> No.8839305

I believed in her...

>> No.8839355
Quoted by: >>8839398 >>8839410

Alker was already vtubing even before proto-/wvt/ (with Rose/Kitanya) existed.
I remember nyanners raiding her when she herself was a sub300 views indie

>> No.8839398

Oh thats cool, didnt know she got raided by Nyanners rest of the post still stands, im fairly sure Alker was first to welcome her

>> No.8839410

I did not know that, and I respect her even more now. Though it makes sense. She's a mega-weeb.

>> No.8839415
Quoted by: >>8839480

>feel the need to make everyone like her, like Nina
This doesn't really make sense, Nina treats people cordially but she doesn't try to force something when there isn't anything

>> No.8839480
Quoted by: >>8839509

>she doesn't try to force something when there isn't anything
I didn't say she did. I just meant that Nina tries to get along with everyone if possible, while Alker concentrates on people she likes and blocks the rest.

>> No.8839509

Its the only method if she is going to be liked in the community

>> No.8839769

Why does Nina insist to bruteforce every single game with the weakest weapons bros? why is our oshi autistic?

>> No.8839886

She doesn't feel like she really won unless she does it the hard way. Just like her streaming career...

>> No.8839903
Quoted by: >>8841802

Because the harder she makes, the longer it takes to beat; which means she can stream longer and spend more time with us!

>> No.8839932
File: 218 KB, 765x884, mahou cavewoman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she can't break through an obstacle by smashing her head against it over and over then it ain't worth breaking through anyway

>> No.8839997

Yo, boys, you want some chicadas?

>> No.8840022

They should stream as a duo more often. Honestly, Alker especially is gold in collabs. Solo not as much.

>> No.8840210
Quoted by: >>8840345

Massively cute that when Nina finds out something, she immediately tells Alker - but when Alker figures stuff out she sits shut lmao

>> No.8840345
File: 290 KB, 2048x1591, alker_reference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alker is in it to win it. Also,
>"Lemurs are cool and stripey. Just like StalkerAlker's socks."
Alker's stripey socks, mmm....

>> No.8840445
Quoted by: >>8840522

Nina is slowly, but surely getting better at the game than Alker, its quite a race and its anyones game atm.

>> No.8840522
Quoted by: >>8840675

both have a lot of stamina for kusoge and grinding games, and both ramp up on skill over time.

It's a matter of when will the stamina curve starts going down and making them lose focus

>> No.8840675
Quoted by: >>8840734

In theory Nina loses, since it's night for her already, and Alker would have more energy

>> No.8840734
Quoted by: >>8840792

Yeah alker is fresh

>> No.8840792

>Yeah alker is fresh
hagchads...not like this...

>> No.8840846
Quoted by: >>8840869

>more potential race-collabs

>> No.8840869

S-Tier gaming content - hololive can kneel

>> No.8841167
Quoted by: >>8841209

I forgot, can't you shoot down diagonally while running? Or was it added in hard corps?

>> No.8841186

Attack of the Basedjack Aliens

>> No.8841209

You can shoot diagonally, girls didnt figure it out.

>> No.8841644
Quoted by: >>8841730

the secret collab channel...

>> No.8841730
File: 278 KB, 576x305, Screenshot 2021-08-13 20.32.38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8841750
Quoted by: >>8841774

>Descartes shitposting
These hags are real OGs, damn.

>> No.8841774

found it

>> No.8841802
File: 490 KB, 480x198, 1412673289070.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8841844 >>8841882

>reversed parasocial relationship
Something about this makes me a little sad.

>> No.8841844

Replace us, with Alker, makes a bit more sense imo

>> No.8841882

Oh come on now, Nina isn't as bad as Polka. But she does like us more than some chuubas. It's nice.

>> No.8842210
File: 1 KB, 107x125, the_numbers_mason.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8842230 >>8842299

As the designated numberfag, I must point out that collabs usually get less viewers, and yet Nina is still >200 for this whole stream. I can only assume it's because Nina and Alker's dynamic is so FUCKING cute.

>> No.8842230

yes this is /hag/ right now

>> No.8842299
Quoted by: >>8842882

I bet 5000 comf points on this race, I can't leave now

>> No.8842405
Quoted by: >>8843141

How is Alker falling off? She should still have more stamina

>> No.8842748

Nina should do this impression for Alker

>> No.8842882

>not going all in with 40k
i am going to be very uncomfy the next couple of streams.

>> No.8843141
Quoted by: >>8843175

hag debuff...

>> No.8843175

This. Her old piano-playing fingers can't keep up.

>> No.8843550
Quoted by: >>8843674 >>8843676

>alker needs her afternoon nap

>> No.8843674


>> No.8843676

Princess-carrying Alker to her bedroom for her afternoon nap and tucking her in!

>> No.8843962

Bros weve lost, Nina is married to Alker now..

>> No.8844079

I see that as an absolute win

>> No.8844103

Alker has been Nina's wife since she started streaming. Nina goslings as hard for her as some of us do.

>> No.8844118
Quoted by: >>8844224

convince me not to skeb a nina/alker both wearing wedding dresses and holding hands please

>> No.8844187

That just means I still have a chance to be their boytoy.

>> No.8844216
Quoted by: >>8844285

geez Alker how can you marry Mocca and Nina at the same time?

>> No.8844224


>> No.8844245
Quoted by: >>8844324

Imagine a threesome haha

>> No.8844285

>Mocca asked to marry Nina as well

>> No.8844324
Quoted by: >>8844358

It's hard enough to imagine Alker having sex with anyone at all

>> No.8844358

I imagine her holding hands gently ayyy

>> No.8844447


>> No.8844559
Quoted by: >>8844644

Holy shit did Nina put on her gamer hat wtf

>> No.8844644


>> No.8844660
File: 632 KB, 1000x1000, 1621293282389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8844724
File: 351 KB, 594x761, flare_dying_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Trebcell, choke on a dick and die!"
This hag is too fucking based

>> No.8844787

Holy fucking shit I kneel

>> No.8844789

>run until game over
>Nina just beats the game

>> No.8845019


>> No.8845060

My points... Again.

>> No.8845093

my points...gone...reduced to atoms...

>> No.8845134
Quoted by: >>8845170

The house ALWAYS wins

>> No.8845156
File: 9 KB, 230x219, pfffpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at them voting against our oshis god gamer powers pffff

>> No.8845160
File: 255 KB, 523x480, nina_smug_new.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they bet against Nina

>> No.8845170
Quoted by: >>8845210

Never bet against a Nina when Comf points are on the line.

>> No.8845175
File: 7 KB, 324x99, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8845230

yeeeeeah baaabyyy

>> No.8845210

It's one of the classic blunders, the most well-known of which is "Never start a land war in Asia"

>> No.8845216
Quoted by: >>8845332

>nina goes ultra instinct on her last run
Based CEO
>voting against nina
>voting against nina on her own channel
Thanks for the points, non-believers.

>> No.8845230
Quoted by: >>8845308

I should have bet more, damn

>> No.8845308
Quoted by: >>8845607

I actually should've gone all in. I had 90k at the start of stream and bet 50k.

>> No.8845332
Quoted by: >>8845446

>Nina doesnt want to tryhard against her (best?) friend
>Final match
>Establishes dominance anyway
>Probably feels bad about RIGHT NOW

>> No.8845431
Quoted by: >>8845513 >>8845605

>thinks about raiding Kitanya, but decides on Nerines
It's interesting to see Nina's love for her friends conflict with her desire to incline. I'm proud of her either way.

>> No.8845446

>Alker actually put her points on Nina
The game was rigged from the start
I still can't post images

>> No.8845513
Quoted by: >>8846248

We havent had gorls content for a long time now too bad Koopa doesnt read /nina/ and wont let us know if everything is ogey

>> No.8845605

Tanya is being a focused cat right now anyway trying to figure out this weird game.
Someone asked her about another gorls strem. They seem to be doing things off-stream at times. Maybe soon.

>> No.8845607
Quoted by: >>8845650 >>8845653

>he bet 50k
Ever since I lost 30k on a poll, I don't take risks like that anymore...

>> No.8845650
Quoted by: >>8845690

That drunk stream really fucked you up huh

>> No.8845653

I was going to spend it on absolutely nothing eventually anyway. Now I can spend it three times.

>> No.8845690
Quoted by: >>8845712

I will NEVER stop being salty about that lemmings stream

>> No.8845712

Kek dont change anon, love you.

>> No.8845735
Quoted by: >>8846142

Every time I bet against Nina she wins, every time I bet for Nina she loses. You're all welcome I bet against her this time.

>> No.8845779
File: 3.54 MB, 1920x1080, 123412343241234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8845938 >>8846142


>> No.8845927
Quoted by: >>8847033

Okay, leave commission ideas and artist suggestions as a reply to this post, considering the kudoboard will be up soon it's time to start looking things up so it can be delivered in time. And if anyone plans to do, sharing it might help everyone.
From last thread: >>8785129 and >>8786597

And don't forget to mention any ideas for memes and videos.

>> No.8845938

Nina bringing the best out of Alker/10
I can't believe how cute that hag can be when she's having fun with her friends. Nina of course was charming as usual.

>> No.8846142
Quoted by: >>8849377

Thanks for your service
It's the usual Nina collab/10
Always a good chemistry with both joking and actually having fun together, and Alker is just someone else while collabing
Interesting piece of info is that Alker did mention them watching videos together, which shows Nina interacts much more offline than online with people around her

>> No.8846248

They all interact constantly, they're fine

>> No.8846376
Quoted by: >>8846397 >>8846632

Must be funny when your stupid government doesnt write stupid anti-gambling act that somehow BLOCKS GAMBLING WITH TWITCH POINTS...

>> No.8846397


>> No.8846632


>> No.8847033


Check out this pinterest board for some good inspiration and skeb.jp front page!

>> No.8849377
Quoted by: >>8849590 >>8851187

I guess you are right re: spoiler but I cant help but concern about how isolated she looks on Twitter. Literally none interacts with her with exception of the rare Moriko/Koopa reply.

>> No.8849590

I think she just keeps her interactions low key, like hanging out in people's chats or DMing/off-stream chilling with other people instead of making a scene over it. Despite all her progress, she's still a shy and professional person so it might not come naturally to her.
Alternatively, she really does feel lonely and has been coping by becoming progressively more clingy to her viewers.

>> No.8849864
Quoted by: >>8849927 >>8849980

yeah nobody wants to see that cunt around here

>> No.8849927
Quoted by: >>8850041

back to /trash/, linkanon.

>> No.8849980
Quoted by: >>8850041

I don't see more clinginess than usual desu


>> No.8850041
Quoted by: >>8850083


>> No.8850083
File: 13 KB, 247x233, 1619172845359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>merely pretending

>> No.8850127
File: 642 KB, 1921x1078, 1618596155986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8851187

This sounds really how I picture Nina. Though yeah, all the chuubas chat openly on Twitter and I want her to have the same treatment and attention as a big fan..

>> No.8851187
Quoted by: >>8851614

To be fair, Nina herself says that her Twitter game is weak because she is pretty much clueless on how to go with it, which can be seen on how she goes completely quiet some days and just RTs some friends or doesn't do anything other than liking a few tweets. So that's another reason on why her online interactions are weaker on Twitter, but she is pretty vocal and supportive during proper streams, in which she seems way more comfortable interacting.
Even on Discord she isn't that much of a public talker

>> No.8851614

Adding something that just came to me, most of the time it feels more like a brand account rather than a personal one.

>> No.8861484

are you guys excited for the tour?
