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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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88182705 No.88182705 [Reply] [Original]

It's just going to be the first of many. The top holos will come to the same realization that dealing with corpo bullshit is just not worth it anymore and they'll bring their fans to their next reincarnation. The lesser holos will stay because they would be nothing without the branding. Soon hololive will be left with just post-gen3 talents who are all forgettable or expendable. The age or corpo chuubas is coming to an end and it's closer than we expected.

>> No.88182869
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>Cover counters that by extending Holo-Affiliates to indies

>> No.88183096

meds. now.

>> No.88183166
Quoted by: >>88183528

Yes, yes, any day now, /lig/gerchama

>> No.88183259
Quoted by: >>88183313

why is fauna in this pic

>> No.88183263

two more weeks phasecuck

>> No.88183313

she's green lamy

>> No.88183361

OK. sounds good.

>> No.88183373

Good. That will make cover know their place. start by treating artist they commissioned and their talents better.

>> No.88183434
Quoted by: >>88183482

It is always morally correct to laugh at corpocucks

>> No.88183458

if she ends up being successful with good ccv, we will be seeing a mass exodus of not only holo, but niji too. it would mean they don't need corpo backing to make money.

>> No.88183482
Quoted by: >>88183755

Communists have no morality.

>> No.88183528

I really don't give a fuck about your shitty literalwho ENigger nobodies. I'm just salivating at the thought of Cover coping with the fact that their top talents made hololive, well, hololive and not the other way around. There hasn't been a single "it" girl since Pekora and Marine 5 years ago.

>> No.88183599
Quoted by: >>88190761

Nijis would be much more likely to leave desu - because they have worse cuts than Hololive talents while receiving less support. They don't have proper box either. Meanwhile Hololive talents boost each other by being parts of the group.

>> No.88183704
File: 70 KB, 533x551, 1719333550357581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is dabbing on Cover and their retarded suits, not the holos. Why are some of you neanderthals actually offended?

>> No.88183755

>A Capitalist babby trying to talk about morality

>> No.88183980

the problem is there is kind of a chicken vs egg thing going here. the vast majority of these people are famous BECAUSE of the corpos, full stop. they need them as a springboard. so if the corpo structure actually stops working to curate and pick new talents to intoduce to the world as the next big thing, indies will just free for all without there really being direction or consensus. if indie structure was fine-enough then why were most of these girls complete nobodies making no money off vtubing before joining the corpo? it isn't. there isn't really an easy way to stand out from the crowd as indies but corpos help people do just that.

>> No.88184013
Quoted by: >>88184201

This board is filled with cover fans who jerk off to financial reports and stock prices.

>> No.88184140

Smell like Nijiseething

>> No.88184195

Gura aka the person who made Vtuber mainstream or do that not count because she not Japanese

>> No.88184201

I can't wait for them to leave so that I can enjoy my hobby in peace
>inb4 "sister"
I don't watch ninjasawme

>> No.88184325

They will just convert to "supporting" the next big thing. It's just like consolefags talking about having games for their console and never playing any of them.

>> No.88184354

Subscribe now. Let's hit the 1 million mark before her debut.

>> No.88190035

buy an ad

>> No.88190382

>There hasn't been a single "it" girl

>> No.88190517

>my hobby
Holofags were here before you would've even heard about this hobby actually

>> No.88190574


Indie is the future.

>> No.88190652

Corp sheep are something else.

>> No.88190761

EN numbers are entirely carried by Biboo and Fauna for a while.

>> No.88190897

Maybe not hating on the girls that left (which noone should) but you're shitting on the remaining holos by going after their source of success and income.

>> No.88191451

>lesser holos
be more subtle next time

>> No.88191480

>Join holo to get instant fame
>Maintain the fanbase
>Leave the company once the contract is over
>Take all the revenue for yourself during indie debut
It's literally the same thing that real life celebs do

>> No.88192509

>Sora leaving
Lol @ (You) and your life

>> No.88193683

FuwaMoco are the ones with 93k 3D Debut.

>> No.88193834
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Not like I can blame them if they leave. The corporation faggotry and idolshit gets exhausting for people. I'd be mad too if I just wanted to stream some games but permissions and shitty dance practice kept getting in the way.

I am genuinely happy that the people who left are redebuting and will proceed to do their own thing. A life where you can't stream the original Resident Evil 4 is a life not worth living.

>> No.88197160

Top talents:
>miko and susei get preferential treatment and large venues which they won't get as indies, so aren't likely to leave
>Marine is older, has life experience working real jobs so probably just wants to stick it out long enough then retire rather than starting over again
>Subaru benefits greatly from the holo ecosystem (smok/ofkams/tsunemos) and a lot of her appeal is as a straight man.

Pekora is the only first army I can't think of solid reasons she wouldn't leave.

>> No.88199264

>same realization that dealing with corpo bullshit
That doesnt need to be the case. They're all women around he same age hired around the same time. Many of them will retire at the same time. 2-4 graduations a year will be normal

>> No.88199322

Nice Holobots there

>> No.88200297

This is some divine karma for numberfags shitting up /vt/ so long

>> No.88200579

I still have zero clue why indie fags hate cover.
I watch Hololive but I barely even think about cover, why would people who hate holo or hate cover think about them more than I do I don't know

>> No.88200924

"you have to be in a big corpo first" is a pretty noteworthy condition.

>> No.88201207

>I still have zero clue why indie fags hate cover.
their indie shitters have no numbers, it's why they make these threads to be about holo girls, they don't want their irrelevant whores to be scrutinized

>> No.88201487

this is the only thing that can change the ossified corpocracy. support those who would bring change

>> No.88201632
Quoted by: >>88205061

I hope so. Would Mint and Doki can join that way.

>> No.88201781

Most indie's are 2views that will shit on Holo's because it's instant success they didn't have to work for.
Also, reminder that most of them are /here/ and make these threads out of spite.

>> No.88201932

Why are you so fucking weird???

>> No.88202245

For some anons the character is more important then the VA. Which thinking about it in an /a/ sort of way I can understand. No one wants to see their favorite anime end but eventually everything ends at some point. Holo's have a weird problem in that they could technically could VA their characters indefinitely unlike anime VA's who have to stop when the show ends. The problem is that obviously at some point they themselves would probably get tired of utilizing the character so it's overall understandable. This is also why "Affiliate" might be the way of the future because you can have cameos in the way that VA's can be asked to "act" like their anime character during stuff like cons.

>> No.88202336

>I'm just salivating at the thought of-
>made hololive, well, hololive
Show tits

>> No.88202796
File: 23 KB, 198x276, 1523124723640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just shitting on the company your oshi's entire livelihood depends on, so stop being mad that I want it to collapse and put your oshi out of a job

>> No.88203795
File: 122 KB, 396x278, 1703496295679554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wouldn't it be fucking hilarious if one of the first stream she does is playing Apex with males?

>> No.88205061

