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File: 435 KB, 1299x2024, GabrVANXsAEmS3i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
87918115 No.87918115 [Reply] [Original]

Let her play

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: shadow weekend

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters and divorcees. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>87847057

>> No.87918383

I realized only now that OP added divorcee to the reminder of who to ignore. I'll stop replying to that one person now because of that.

>> No.87918439
Quoted by: >>87918591

god I wish she would just play a character again, the real bed death schizo gf (good friend) experience is sad

>> No.87918591
Quoted by: >>87918682

i thought i told you not to use my posts as a platform for your anti posting
how is she gonna stand there and expect NOT to be graped?

>> No.87918659
File: 511 KB, 1015x629, laugh_factory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87919158


>> No.87918682

mom the groomer is pedoposting again

>> No.87919158

Shondoro after being heckled by Kitanya

>> No.87920565
Quoted by: >>87929224

hello shondo if you're not too busy, please chat a little with us on fagcord, thanks

>> No.87920627

shondo i'm not in the fagcord don't bother, also don't do it just to spite this guy for making that post, thanks

>> No.87920735

Thread reading shondo I love you

>> No.87920833

i’m so worried, what is shondo going through right now? is she alright?? i can’t stop thinking about it, like please for the love of god just be okay

>> No.87921037
Quoted by: >>87921133

she literally died just like all the other days you make this post

>> No.87921100
Quoted by: >>87964367

busy being touch averse

>> No.87921133
File: 154 KB, 1318x1068, 2024-04-02 sad face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87922338
Quoted by: >>87922523

She's fine. Let her enjoy her Shadow weekend. It's been a pretty rough week for her outside of streaming.

>> No.87922523
Quoted by: >>87922728

lol, you can't be serious

>> No.87922728

you will never be a real husband

>> No.87923234

the tough life of setting unrealistic expectations for yourself and never compromising or solutioning until the last minute

>> No.87923367
Quoted by: >>87923592

let's how well you do being schizoaffective
maybe if you hijack the OP and keep calling her lazy and pathetic she'll get better
>the irony of making that post while being terminally /here/

>> No.87923592

I just got here

>> No.87923624
Quoted by: >>87923817

such a hard life lying for a living. must take a toll on her psyche knowing she's abandoning us for what she's doing

>> No.87923817
File: 13 KB, 847x695, 1704002255522328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87923939

stop replying to yourself
get a hobby
for your own sake t b h

>> No.87923939
Quoted by: >>87924106

you aren't built for these streets shogger

>> No.87924106
Quoted by: >>87924240

i've been thuggin for years, pipe down lil bro

>> No.87924240

nobody is buying it newfag, the double down on being exposed is a sure sign

>> No.87924366
File: 1.05 MB, 879x902, 1713346409115046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87924545

buy this

>> No.87924545
File: 1.70 MB, 498x291, right here buddy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute fingies

>> No.87924655

god he's so lucky

>> No.87925225

i love you shondo

>> No.87925705

is someone gonna tell her you can't have guro in your profile it's against twitter tos

>> No.87926203
File: 19 KB, 225x225, 1703501192058913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a wicked smile creeps across my face as i realize this is one angle to get ggs nuked so she has to remake the alt
unfortunately it's not really guro but also fortunately i really like that art so /shrug

>> No.87926273

oh wait nevermind it is guro i thought it was more zoomed in

>> No.87926389
Quoted by: >>87926653

on it, the melty will be worth it. thanks shogger

>> No.87926416

I'm pretty sure that doesn't get your account nuked outright. Just locked until the image is changed.

>> No.87926653
File: 762 KB, 2267x4096, 1716517501073117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she won't have a melty, she said herself she wouldn't mind if it got nuked and expected it to eventually
that's the only reason i made this post >>87926203

ah, unfortunate
though i don't really mind ggs having so many eyes on it personally
i don't think having less numbers would change anything about the account and i welcome her doing more numbers tb h

>> No.87926731
File: 3.15 MB, 373x347, chibiclap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87926813

hi thread reading shondo i love you very much and i will marry you in real life one day and we will live happily ever after i promise

>> No.87926813
Quoted by: >>87926945

bro look at the time she's gonna be tucked in bed with her 6ft daki at this hour

>> No.87926945


>> No.87926990
Quoted by: >>87927065

You don't see much, the image is fine

>> No.87927065

the rules don't care how noticeable it is

>> No.87927472

i want to lift and carry her to bed then tuck her because she accidentally fell asleep

>> No.87927582
Quoted by: >>87929294

keep dreaming, that's already taken care of

>> No.87929224

hello shondo, thank you for chatting with us for a bit, looking forward to streams

>> No.87929294
Quoted by: >>87930769

yeah by me in the future after i win

>> No.87930769

lil bro you're starting a race that's already been won

>> No.87931412
File: 240 KB, 519x481, promise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87933344

that ain't me
i have shondo so i already won i would never say that

>> No.87932155

wicked smile guy is here everybody say hello

>> No.87933344

You're disqualified from the race.

>> No.87933431
File: 3.94 MB, 480x426, eepyshon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87933992

goodnight shoggas

>> No.87933891

yeah its already been won by me in the future after i win

>> No.87933910

Yeah, me

>> No.87933992

Eep well

>> No.87934048

hes a fake wicked smile poster and a fake husband

>> No.87934235

Reminder that she said "i know i said no more alts, but no more alts" then during the marashon said she knew it wouldn't last forever

>> No.87934417

i will accept an alt only if ggs gets banned

>> No.87934483

I like how she said "i never wanted it to be a sekrit", lol irl

>> No.87934732
File: 48 KB, 436x366, 1717761110761649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87934799

you should have told her that in chat

>> No.87934775
Quoted by: >>87934917

Atleast I have the choice to say things in the chat if i want unlike you lol irl!

>> No.87934799
Quoted by: >>87935030

I know uuuuu i regret not having said anything like "Erm no more alts. "

>> No.87934802

if you dont understand what she meant by soft gatekeeping then you are behind the curve

>> No.87934917
File: 95 KB, 1024x719, 1722215126683902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is your response
yeah it's a good thing you're too scared to tell a little girl what you really think since clearly nothing you say is worth listening to
it's only a matter of time til you leave
"""grown""" """man""" btw, now that's making me laugh out loud in irl XP

>> No.87935002
Quoted by: >>87935287

You should have been scared to say what you think, because it got you banned and divorced you fucking loser.

>> No.87935030
Quoted by: >>87935287

No, this is my response >>87934799

>> No.87935122
Quoted by: >>87935287

At least if I were to leave it would be my own choice unlike you who got cast out forever lol irl!

>> No.87935287
File: 656 KB, 2048x1548, 1698104888289103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you gonna say when i get unbanned in 11 years? nothing, like always? run to the anonymous forum to seethe impotently like a high schooler? xP

and i'm not divorced
source: my unbanning in 11 years, screenshot this post
i'm not even bragging i'm just telling you why what you're saying is wacky because that's what's gonna happen, just like last time

but i think you being in this marriage being the way you are is much more loser coded
idk why that would be your response but aight
kek yeah i struck a nerve, think i'm on the right track
listen, for your sake, leave sooner than later anon, clearly this isn't where you need to be

>> No.87935340
Quoted by: >>87935415

Your meds will stop working long before that.

>> No.87935415
File: 941 KB, 1131x1200, 1701634873125962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87935502
Quoted by: >>87935547

kek yeah i struck a nerve, think i'm on the right track
listen, for your sake, leave sooner than later anon, clearly this isn't where you need to be

>> No.87935547
Quoted by: >>87935569

groom coded post

>> No.87935569

Divorcee coded post.

>> No.87936315
File: 54 KB, 354x406, 1723533007658789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87937217

brat still hasn't gone to bed yet

>> No.87936318
Quoted by: >>87936484

what's this porn game Shondo's playing?

>> No.87936484
Quoted by: >>87936562

Black Souls

>> No.87936562


>> No.87936629

>blacked souls
>wants to fuck the Candyman

>> No.87936682

>she's gonna talk on stream about a game 99% of us didn't play
she's always relatable...

>> No.87936743
Quoted by: >>87936815

Should've played it then. You do play Bloons TD 6 and Blue Archive as well right?

>> No.87936787
File: 196 KB, 276x685, 1725856961168408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm looking forward to her talking about it personally
i love listening to my wife and her interests
sorry you don't love her like i do, you're missing out

>> No.87936815
Quoted by: >>87936855

she played both of those on stream

>> No.87936855
Quoted by: >>87936893

She literally can't play this game on Twitch. It's too NSFW.

>> No.87936893
Quoted by: >>87936948

he doesn't care about that he just wants to complain and whine because he isn't getting his way

>> No.87936948
Quoted by: >>87937005

sorry I don't play your coomer games shondo

>> No.87937005
File: 99 KB, 262x404, 1715302908802048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this fake husband

won't even grape women with his wife

>> No.87937217
File: 1.06 MB, 1177x1075, 1721414268902357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's eeping now

goodnight shonshon

>> No.87938502
File: 208 KB, 128x128, explosion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87939670

can someone help me understand why someone asexual would want to play an eroge? I don't really get the purpose of these games if you're not cooming

>> No.87940017

shes a hateful person and doing fictional harm is her way to cope with it
its not the sex, its the rape

>> No.87941225
File: 106 KB, 451x542, Shonbee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87943165

>> No.87943165
File: 3.04 MB, 600x489, 1718138639654603.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that bee

>> No.87943280

she's not asexual

>> No.87945575
Quoted by: >>87945703

rape is not sex, it is rape. that said that game also features consensual sex of the normal variety so you are fine

remember you are supposed to be nise like the shonbee

>> No.87945605
Quoted by: >>87946868

and you will never be alone as long as we have each other

>> No.87945703
Quoted by: >>87946327

Rape is the purest form of sex it exists. You sound like a feminist who thinks a woman doesn't lose her virginity if it was rape.

>> No.87945783
Quoted by: >>87945981


>> No.87945981
Quoted by: >>87946106

The tweet in question fails to cite any reliable sources, rendering it devoid of factual credibility or intellectual value. In the absence of proper references, its assertions should not be taken seriously. Furthermore, it is important to clarify that shondo does not smoke cannabis, but rather consumes edibles. As a result, it is unreasonable to expect her to experience symptoms typically associated with inhaling smoke, such as respiratory and cardiovascular issues, which are specific to the combustion of substances rather than their ingestion.

>> No.87946106
Quoted by: >>87946184

Sounds like something a stoner would say to cope with the fact that they're going to hell soon

>> No.87946184
Quoted by: >>87946285

dude, have you even seen Jesus? he would totally smoke weed man.

>> No.87946232

>idk why that would be your response but aight
Because it's how I feel

>> No.87946285
Quoted by: >>87946567

You've never seen Jesus, He wouldn't agree with weed and drug usage

>> No.87946327
Quoted by: >>87946382


>> No.87946379

She kept hearing the story was good and started playing it, then stated raping all the women
She is now too rape-pilled, needs to take a break desu
I hope she's playing censored

>> No.87946382
Quoted by: >>87946448

Female detected

>> No.87946443

You cant rape away your problems, shondo

>> No.87946448 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>87946729

No, God gave us sexuality to enjoy sex with our spouse in a monogamous marriage to strengthen our relationship and love
Rape and sex outside of and before marriage leads to a worse eventual relationship and mental health, especially so for rape victims

>> No.87946567
File: 439 KB, 1536x2048, 1684926458332893184_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87947055

Nowhere does the Bible condemn any kind of drug (except in some common mistranslations, where it says you must be "sober" rather than sane and clear when you pray), and it even presents certain drugs (such as ethanol) as good and wonderful. Moreover, those who made up some of the stories in it were clearly taking something.

>> No.87946729
Quoted by: >>87946765

The ideal relationship is to rape your wife everyday

>> No.87946765

that's something someone who would rape their wife would say

>> No.87946868


>> No.87947055

All of the stories in the bible are to be taken as true with the exception if they are in the literary style of poetry and or if they are clearly using metaphors, which aren't meant to be taken literally
And yes it does condemn weed, although not directly(as so it goes for most things)
Firstly, it condemns drunkeness, which is intoxicating yourself, which getting high does
Secondly, it says that your body is not your own, but is instead God's and is a temple of God's and to take care of yourself and your body and to keep God's temple clean which in turn means to not abuse it or intentionally harming it through the use of certain substances
Thirdly, it is plainly stated that "sorcerers" and those that perform witchcraft won't enter the kingdom of heaven, the word sorcerers untranslated being the word for pharmaceuticals, essentially drugs(outside of the context of medicine)
Hope this helps

>> No.87947298
File: 441 KB, 1392x1035, 1718831353842686.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87947376

Anything new in the discord from yesterday to now?

>> No.87947376
Quoted by: >>87947614

Game talk.

>> No.87947614
Quoted by: >>87947701

What'd she say? Why is the rape game peak 10/10 kino?

>> No.87947701

Because everything is peak 10/10 kino these days.

>> No.87948728
File: 578 KB, 3232x4096, 1711612075202578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87949944
File: 6 KB, 580x443, 1714910487942517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87950296

She isn't asexual. Just like she isn't touch averse

>> No.87950547

she just kind of sucks as a human, i hope she gets better or worse
she cant keep getting away with this
jesse tell her

>> No.87951340
Quoted by: >>87951892

>syadouPANIK naur she's playing uncensored?
Qwerty can you just be honest about anti'ing her about playing a porn game. Why even beat around the bush about it. Just call her out for having a problem with it like you do with everything else. Genuinely you are the most annoying non-divorced husband in the fucking community.

>> No.87951892

>Genuinely you are the most annoying non-divorced husband
Because he doesn't syadouHappynod to Shondo's bullshit 24/7?

>> No.87951916

I love you shondo! Please have a wonderful day!

>> No.87951961

shondo is gay and retarded

>> No.87951996


>> No.87952013

shondo is straight and smart

>> No.87952072

just because there is "sexual" content in something it doesn't mean you have to coom to it
Bee Nise

>> No.87952122
File: 4 KB, 280x360, 1729608317265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pretty and beautiful princess

>> No.87952175

No, because he goes about handling his brainworms like a literal anti and does it in the most roundabout way possible by yapping in offline chat.
He is just about never direct with her about his issues. At least shoggers like Khaal will be forward about his issues even if he's more unhinged.

>> No.87952260
Quoted by: >>87952306

You can disagree with her and not be a pissy virtue signaler about it. He's basically our more whiny fleece.

>> No.87952277
Quoted by: >>87952534

I'd trade a thousand people like that than some pathetic retard that spends their day stalking and namefagging people to lower their standing in some imaginary husband race.
Bee nise or cut

>> No.87952306
Quoted by: >>87953244

>You can disagree with her
lmao even

>> No.87952365

#1 starwars fan was right
pyro was right
chris was right
ty was right
lily was right
marley was right
darkkal was right
baruman was right
fleece was right
flawed was right
zepheryn was right
fallenshadow was wrong
digikun won

>> No.87952405

>He is just about never direct with her about his issues
He's not in the discord currently so that's probably why, he lost access before the hiatus ended so he never would've had the opportunity to, given this stuff began after she came back
The time when she showed up in offline chat he replied with Scared when told she didn't like his attitude or whatever, though during the events that he had raised issue about he emphasised his regret for his lack of conviction at the time

>> No.87952472

you forgot ren

>> No.87952534
Quoted by: >>87952667

I know you think you're emboldened making some asinine grandstand "I'd trade multiple X for Y" statement, but you are just as retarded as he is if you think a thousand of him would be better than someone making a 4chan post you don't like.
You are either him or his cum-drunk boyfriend taking a moment to reply to me instead of slobbering on his dick all day. Shut the fuck up now.

>> No.87952544
Quoted by: >>87952558

add shondo being wrong at least two more times for emphasis and agreed

>> No.87952558

Huh? Shondo's always right about Shondo being a shit.

>> No.87952594

>wants to fuck Candyman
you're forgetting someone :]

>> No.87952667
Quoted by: >>87952711

I'm neither of those people, worm. You're so up your own ass you don't realise how shitty you make these threads every day in some moral crusade to make yourself look better by lowering others.

You're truly, truly pathetic and a waste of DNA. Nobody, definitely not shondo, would love such a vitriolic child.


>> No.87952711
Quoted by: >>87952794

>You're so up your own ass
And Qwerty is apparently balls deep in yours. Enjoy his cum, faggot.

>> No.87952794
Quoted by: >>87953176

It brings me great joy knowing I've got a nerve. If only you were mature enough to look inside and realise you're subhuman.
But no, keep on shitting up the thread. Please tell me what you've achieved so far in your crusade that you've wasted years on, love to hear your thoughts :3

>> No.87952830

Why don't we get along with eachother?

>> No.87952847
Quoted by: >>87952983

SyadouNerd erm, actually, the crusades were a reaction to the forceful spread of Islam, not something started out of nowhere or for the purpose of spreading Christianity

>> No.87952983
Quoted by: >>87953232

>a reaction to the forceful spread of Islam
Sure, after the forceful spread of Roman paganism and later Roman Christianity in Africa/the middle East.

>> No.87953176
Quoted by: >>87953392

And tell me what you've done by guzzling loads of Qwerty's cum when I am the one calling out his anti behavior?
You are doing even less for Shondo to a point that saying nothing would have been more positive for her.

>> No.87953232
File: 100 KB, 836x1024, 1727939054562941m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meds, it wasn't the spread of their religion that was the focus, romans didn't have religion as a primary thing
The pagan roman empire spread throughout the world and then after the death and resurrection of Christ Christianity began spreading throughout the world(including the empire), but it was mostly spread to the oppressed, as those were the ones that Christianity favored, given its message of all people being equal due to being made in the likeness of God and thus having innate value
Proverbs 18:17
>The first to plead his case seems right, until another comes and examines him.

>> No.87953244

Everyone that told her what she was doing was weird or wrong when she was jumping into drama shit were in the right. They voiced their opinions and she may have lashed out but she caved in the end.
Next time just dont be a yesman.

>> No.87953310

Because most of you faggots are mentally ill losers with no experience, me and S are the only sane reasonable shoggas.

>> No.87953334
Quoted by: >>87953445


>> No.87953392
Quoted by: >>87954637

It's cute how you keep namefagging, you've done this for so long it's your only mode of attack. Sadly it doesn't work when I don't give a shit about whatever boyfriend of yours you've made monster of the week.
Nobody cares about you calling out 'anti behavior'. We don't need every one of these schizo cunts to be amplified by your even more schizo ass. Just ignore them you pathetic child, it isn't hard.

>> No.87953420
File: 464 KB, 978x1011, 1729610434988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always try to get along with everyone, i just want everyone to have fun together

>> No.87953445

Laugh all you want, it's the truth.

>> No.87953479

I am in a one sided friendship with everyone permanently

>> No.87953644

It'd be nice but this place always tries to anti her

>> No.87954274
File: 6 KB, 748x868, 1707260575649746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asks for games to play
>her retard discord recommends slop as always
you literally have a chance here to get her to play interesting games and instead you're recommending her the same fucking reactslop normalfag games that everyone have seen a billion times. all of my fucking why?

>> No.87954459
File: 481 KB, 1536x1280, 1719855534450755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87954614

she's clearly not asexual considering her interests. this is just one of those things that she has autistically decided is true for some reason and refuses to even reconsider. further, literally her entire community notices that she's more horny sometimes and teases her about it but she has these weird nonsense excuses for everything. if i'm being cynical here i think calling herself asexual is an easy shield against cheating allegations etc since she can always say "what is blud waffling about? i'm asexual remember? how could i be cheating? besides, streamers don't have the time for relationships anyway..."

>> No.87954471
Quoted by: >>87954639

post your recommendations then friend

>> No.87954477
Quoted by: >>87954532

Deadspace 1-2 are actually great horror games and she's never played it
It'd be fitting since we saw The Thing recently too

>> No.87954476

>interesting games
She's not built for interesting games though and she doesn't like anything over a dozen hours.

>> No.87954532

>Deadspace 1-2 are actually great horror games
>horror games
nta Why the fuck would anyone recommend a horror game to Shondo? She doesn't really get scared by anything unless the jump scare is genitals or sex.

>> No.87954614

Been obvious since day 1. Useful catch-all for the retards who buy the grift when she gets caught for the 100th time in a lie/cheating on us.

>> No.87954637

>ignore the shitters in the community anti'ing her
>Nobody cares about you calling out 'anti behavior'
Do you even know what general you are in? What kind of point even is this? You are so braindead and clueless. What nerve did I strike by daring to talk about Qwerty? There is no way you aren't him because no one would run this much defense for a random shogger.

>> No.87954639
Quoted by: >>87955221

world of horror
crow country
i have no mouth and i must scream
bad mojo

>> No.87954658
Quoted by: >>87954710

yeah sevens is pretty reasonable

>> No.87954710
Quoted by: >>87954803

Yeah, but he's a loser with no experience.

>> No.87954794

>no one would run this much defense for a random shogger.
You'd be surprised

>> No.87954803

weird and gay post

>> No.87954882

Q-kun is a mild 5 on the 'derek this shogger' scale. There are far higher priority targets.

>> No.87954974
Quoted by: >>87955055

Step off the keyboard son, you're too upset. Nobody cares about your namefagging. Read what I said instead of cherry picking parts of it because it mindbroke you

Amplifying random schizo cunts /here/ makes you the problem. By giving them free advertisement they get what they want. You're so brain damaged you can't see that you give them what they want; a captive audience that obsesses over their every word. This is the shondo thread, not the 'omg I love this schizo look what he said now!' thread. You seem to have lost sight of that in your boyfriend obsession.

I hope to god you're underaged or clinically retarded, you need some kind of excuse to have this little awareness.

>> No.87955055

>Step off the keyboard son, you're too upset
>types a reddit-spaced rant
Seethe, Qwerty. You are an anti.

>> No.87955093
Quoted by: >>87955139

Not qwerty. Now read what I said you petulant child, you might learn something.

>> No.87955139
Quoted by: >>87955201

I read that you're mad that I talked shit about your gay boyfriend, yes.

>> No.87955201

You're the only one obsessed with him lol. Is this projection? You want to be with him so bad, how cute

>> No.87955221

I think out of the ones listed she would probably like Crow Country the most. I hope she eventually plays it.
World of horror has amazing aesthetics but i can see her getting filtered by the gameplay.

>> No.87955234
Quoted by: >>87955378

You defended him first. I called out his shit. We are not the same, faggot.

>> No.87955237

Qwerty is married and so are you stop being gay

>> No.87955312

q couldn't string together two sentences, have you seen him? you're tilting at windmills shogga calm down

>> No.87955378
Quoted by: >>87955709

And what did calling him out do? You keep dodging the question.

>> No.87955402
Quoted by: >>87955455

>calling him out
What did he call him out for?

>> No.87955455

Not syadouHappynodding all the time.

>> No.87955611

New slicedupshadow fanart and it's from the schizo

>> No.87955699
Quoted by: >>87955735

report it for being nsfw loli

>> No.87955709
Quoted by: >>87955881

>Numerous cases of previously called out shoggers have either been banned or proven Derek's right about their behavior
Why are you so apprehensive about defending yourself, Qwerty?

>> No.87955735
File: 229 KB, 960x1234, 1729205729648422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, be nise though

>> No.87955853

i mean i try to but some of you are either too far gone with brainworms or whathaveyou that i dont think peace is an option for some.
and i don't even really say that as a bad thing either, i obviously still come /here/ cause i'm mentally ill too
ive tried to help make this place fun, encourage shitposting or horny posting but its hardly worth the effort anymore

>> No.87955881

Never defended him once you mindbroken retard. He's an anti cunt, you're much worse. That's been my point the whole time if you could comprehend a single thing I'd said. I can't wait for you to slip and get divorced, you're an active blight on everything and you deserve scorn. Shondo hates your ass.

>> No.87955946
Quoted by: >>87956031

You can't even name me, dumbass.

>> No.87956016

How is he an anti? What is the point of throwing this word around for no reason?

>> No.87956031

And you me, despite that being your only job. How mad does that make you?

You're pathetic. Even the absolute dregs of the fanbase that actively hate shondo made more of an impact that your schizo parade. Embarrassing. Even in the pits of schizo hell you're still a nobody.

>> No.87956085
Quoted by: >>87956170

okay Hiroto

>> No.87956155

he isnt an anti hope this helps

>> No.87956170

>no argument
Yeah, that's a W. Stay fallen in the shadows while the rest of us actually get noticed by shondo for not being cowardly schizos spewing venom /here/, nobody-chan :3

>> No.87956258
File: 2.02 MB, 640x360, fire-writing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay fallen in the shadows

>> No.87956303

lmao at this zoomy overcompensating for being a lolicon when she saw that PROBLEMATIC vampire movie moment, your oshi is truly retarded and is obviously going to purity spiral into one of those social justice types that virtue signals at every opportunity

>> No.87956346

>your oshi is truly retarded and is obviously going to purity spiral into one of those social justice types that virtue signals at every opportunity
I mean... maybe. There's still some hope.

>> No.87956352

>your oshi is truly retarded and is obviously going to purity spiral into one of those social justice types that virtue signals at every opportunity
you're late by 2 years brother

>> No.87956492
Quoted by: >>87956631

I don't need to name you other than Qwerty's retarded gay lover. The fact that you have this much "conviction" defending another man is laughable. But congrats on shitting yourself the most in the flinging contest, I guess? I'll await for your seething meltdowns when he is eventually banned for publicly anting her.

>> No.87956542
Quoted by: >>87956631

Also nice aim, retard
>not seething btw

>> No.87956590
Quoted by: >>87956966

It took fleece multiple schizo emails lashing out at her to get banned, and he was way more aggressive in the way he criticized her than Q is. You guys are downplaying what he did to get a jab at an autistic shogger that likes to speaks his mind on offline chat.

>> No.87956629
Quoted by: >>87956665

stop simping for other chatters especially q you should be simping for shondo

>> No.87956631
Quoted by: >>87956780

>mindbroken samefagging
Beautiful, keep up the seethe, it empowers me

>> No.87956665
Quoted by: >>87956740

I'm taking the side of logic and it's hard to simp for shondo when I'm doing that.

>> No.87956728

punching fallen shadow in the nose and she stumbles and falls down

>> No.87956740
Quoted by: >>87956940

explain how wasting your life on a random shitter is logical SyadouClueless

>> No.87956780
Quoted by: >>87956863

You don't even know what samefagging is, Jesus Christ you are fucking stupid. Get the off the internet and slit your wrists.

>> No.87956863
Quoted by: >>87956899

>not seething
You'd be funny if i knew you weren't serious nobody-chan, instead it's just pathetic

>> No.87956899

You aren't serious either, retard-chama. Because there is no way you are this gay and retarded.

>> No.87956940

I'm not wasting my life on him I just think that is unfair to call him anti and use examples like fleece to compare him to. Today all he did was express his shock that she was playing that game uncensored which is honestly a very fair reaction considering how she expressed that she doesn't like to see that sex stuff multiple times before. Why derek him because of that?

>> No.87956966

We only know that he was emailing her because shondo outed him. And Q has let on to being on the level of jealous/menhera brainworms as Khaal by suggesting stupid shit like recording the Meet and Greets.
Even if we have no clue yet what Q is doing outside of offline chat, sharing the characteristics of previous/current problematic shoggers/divorcees isn't exactly a telling sign that they should be trusted or not Derek'd.
And just today, trying to call her out on playing a porn game was a subtle callout against her and he was baiting anyone to engage with him about it.

>> No.87957025

Don't respond in earnest, he's already had a mental breakdown twice this thread after being called out. Youve done nothing wrong shogga

This spastic thinks he's autistic batman trying to bring schizos to justice, it's embarrassing

>> No.87957073
Quoted by: >>87957179

I thought Reddit tier essays proved you were seething what are you doing lil bro

>> No.87957093
Quoted by: >>87957969

Because he was calling her out without directly doing so like he always does. It's weasely, disgusting behavior because you know he is being genuine with how brainworm infested he is.

>> No.87957096

what are we arguing about today?

>> No.87957105

Lig keeps calling out your whore wife shadow for boting her views. Your response /shon/?

>> No.87957144

i don't think they know shondo or us very well?

>> No.87957157

Some of us are mentally ill enough to bot views for her.

>> No.87957179

>no argument
Concession accepted, faggot. Be sure to let Q know how hard you defended him today when you're licking up his cum later.

>> No.87957184

shadow is based for boting her view count desu

>> No.87957189

yeah but fleece got outed for emailing her multiple times before he got banned, he also lashed out publicly many times, if it turns out Q is emailing her with schizo shit then I'm wrong but I don't see enough hints and those characteristics you're talking about are not comparable to the way fleece acted during his marriage

>> No.87957237
Quoted by: >>87957586

>yeah but fleece got outed for emailing her multiple times before he got banned
No? We only knew about the emails during the final metly as she decided to finally ban/divorce him. That happened in the same instance.

>> No.87957252

holy shit this lil shogga snapped, someone take him out back and put him to pasture

>> No.87957396
Quoted by: >>87957586

>those characteristics you're talking about are not comparable to the way fleece acted during his marriage
Fleece was a slowburn and wasn't an immediate anti. Q is being called out because he has shown a while now that he has the same distrust and brainworms as others, the only difference is that he is newer.

>> No.87957399
Quoted by: >>87957472

When you stop shitting yourself, can you point out a single time I defended him? You keep repeating this along with your projected fanfiction about you and your boyfriend. Seeing as I haven't defended the retard once I'd love to know why you're fixated on it. Other than being mindbroken, which I guess is the real answer when you dodge this.

>> No.87957438
Quoted by: >>87957518

>calling out Qwerty
You shitters aren't doing that though, he's not even /here/ so he's never gonna know you called him out.

>> No.87957472
Quoted by: >>87957619

You have been downplaying Dereking him this entire thread. Do you not understand how that is defending someone? Or are you that dense?

>> No.87957518
Quoted by: >>87957605

Baruman isn't /here/ and look how he ended up after being called out.

>> No.87957586

We knew that he was emailing dming/emailing after that slime rancher stream where she went out of her way to ignore him the whole time.
>Fleece was a slowburn
The guy genuinely got mad and lashed out at her everytime she did anything ryona related and was acting extremely manipulative to make her quit ryona entirely.

>> No.87957603
File: 592 KB, 727x837, 1722375920233332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGS has 42k followers... it basically doubled in a few weeks. she'll pass her main account at this rate. what the fuck is happening

>> No.87957605
Quoted by: >>87957915

>Baruman isn't /here/
You didn't do your dereking reps lil bro, he never really broke containment on twitter or in the chat but /here/ he never hid the fact that he's Baruman.

>> No.87957619

That isn't defending him. You took it like that because you're a fragile bitch that takes anyone calling out your shitty behavior as meaning they disagree with you.
I don't like him either. I've said this like 4 times now. You're MUCH worse though because you think you're a good guy helping the community with your autistic batman shit.

>> No.87957915

>We knew that he was emailing dming/emailing
We knew in hindsight yes.
>The guy genuinely got mad and lashed out at her everytime she did anything
Yes, just like Q does in offline chat when he is either calling her out or baiting the topic like today.
Thanks for more retarded contributions to the conversation, retard-chama. You get the special star sticker today!
I'm so much worse, yet I am not banned/divorced/unknown to Shondo and have accurately Derek'd problematic shoggers before the term even caught on. Crazy how this works, huh?
>That isn't defending him
Downplaying him is defending him. Please be smarter than this.

>> No.87957969
Quoted by: >>87958043

He's not in the discord to do so

>> No.87958043

And he chooses offline chat, which is directly fed into a specific discord channel anyways. He's acknowledged this fact already.

>> No.87958125
File: 2.47 MB, 5000x4000, 1714746804476663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thing is both of you are right but i can't elaborate unfortunately
though as general rule, i'd lean towards not dereking anyone quite a bit more, like, almost all of the time

>> No.87958176

An important difference between fleece and Q is that fleece was projecting his own standards on her, and demanding her follow them, completely unaligned with what she actually is. Q is simply following standards that she herself set before, and bringing it up when she's being inconsistent. It's a very important difference, no matter if you agree with him or not.

>> No.87958178
Quoted by: >>87959026

You need to be smarter. I've got no reason to defend him.
Thanks for outing your extreme ego though, batman. Delusions of grandeur and schizo stalking tendencies, youre going to be such a catch for shondo.

>> No.87958378

at least fleece was whaling. what has q ever done except complain and act like a retarded bitch? his behavior is so fucking woman-coded

>> No.87958385

Q selectively hold her to her own standards based on his standards, and he definitely complains about things she's never said before or changed her mind on
i'd argue fleece was better because he's more straightforward about it whereas Q is more subtly manipulative, which while seemingly niser, it's much more abusive and manipulative

>> No.87958403
Quoted by: >>87958475

Shondo stop gold digging.

>> No.87958475
Quoted by: >>87958502

suck my engorged clit husband 'o mine

>> No.87958496
Quoted by: >>87958546

you've been whining like a woman all thread about q what is this projection

>> No.87958502


>> No.87958546
Quoted by: >>87958683

it was my first derekpost in this thread, schizo child

>> No.87958662
File: 115 KB, 768x1024, 1729617874237619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /shon/ check it out lig used science facts and logic to prove 100% that your stupid lying wife isn't even a loli. You are welcome for spreading the truth. She is 6 heads tall.

>> No.87958683
Quoted by: >>87958760

doesn't change you bitching like a woman tho

>> No.87958713

others have pointed this out in the past, including other vtubers like pippa. according to her shondo isn't a loli at all. i'm willing to agree. i still find shondo cute though so i don't really care either way

>> No.87958730

No shit.

>> No.87958760
Quoted by: >>87958943

can you go be a raging homosexual in the discord instead? faggots are not allowed here. thanks.

>> No.87958783

it's even more funny that shadow cried on twitter saying her ban was because she is a loli when she isn't even a loli. seems she was just trying to get sympathy to try to get out of her justified ban.

>> No.87958828

Each model she grows taller until we'll get the 5'8" one.

>> No.87958877
File: 834 KB, 1481x1218, 1699657779801901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a hobby
also she is literally my child daughter imouto little girl sexy adult wife loli so this anti angle is such a weird one

>> No.87958943
Quoted by: >>87958964

Where do I go as one of shondo's lesbian fans?

>> No.87958964

Saali's server.

>> No.87959026

>fleece was projecting his own standards on he
And Q hasn't done that by saying the Barbies are influencing her? That Black Souls is corrupting her (further)? Or wanting something absurd like recorded Meet and Greets? I could give more examples but the point stands.
His standards aren't identical to Fleeces, I'll grant you that, but they are brainworms all the same.
>I've got no reason to defend him
Yet you are. With your words. Which you don't seem privy to.
Evidently, Dereking has benefited Shondo but we can understand why a divorcee wouldn't like it.

>> No.87959155
File: 3.14 MB, 5000x6000, 1727940621101026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His standards aren't identical to Fleeces, I'll grant you that, but they are brainworms all the same.
i was agreeing with you
>Evidently, Dereking has benefited Shondo but we can understand why a divorcee wouldn't like it.
the thing is shondo doesn't like it
and i'm not divorced
and the only thing your dereking of me had to do with it was if you were constantly snitching to the mods which is different

>> No.87959229

>and i'm not divorced

>> No.87959234

>i was agreeing with you
oh nevermind i thought you were replying to me i'm retarded and half paying attnetion

>> No.87959268

>i'm not divorced

>> No.87959304
Quoted by: >>87959378

Not now, lil bro. We're not making the threads about you today. Go fuck off and make art she will never see from your muted ass.
>the thing is shondo doesn't like it
Also she Dereks herself and I am not even talking about the family stories. So you are objectively wrong on this.

>> No.87959343
Quoted by: >>87959378

Don't worry since shadow just made me a mod post your name and I'll ban you tight now. You can beg her all you want and she'll never undo it once I ban you.

>> No.87959378
File: 2.03 MB, 5000x4000, 1717555500907777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know your wife
awful bait
but funny meme kek

>> No.87959412

>the banned and divorced anti knows her either

>> No.87959440

She didnt advertise herself as a loli as hard when i was first watching her. I dont think i would have continued watching if she did early on. What's important is that she's happy on how her art and models are turning out.

>> No.87959443

It's not bait I have the power to ban anyone now. This is the right given to me since she chose my application over you losers.

>> No.87959774

shadow is a mod in my server and i just told her to ban her new mods for being 4chan schizos. your days are now numbered.

>> No.87959921

>And Q hasn't done that by saying the Barbies are influencing her?
His point was that everyone is influenced by everyone else, whether that influence is good or bad is a different thing though, his point was oli unmistakenly influenced her views on doing m&gs
>That Black Souls is corrupting her (further)?
Others have said this too in saying "too much black souls wifey", same thing different wording
>Or wanting something absurd like recorded Meet and Greets?
I agree this is weird, but it's about preventing fomo within an already fomo-y event that he didn't want to happen at all to begin with, think of it as his way of asking for a compromise

>> No.87959990
Quoted by: >>87960079

nta but the problem with him is how does it in round-about catty ways and is always putting pressure on shondo without directly saying it by negging her in offline chat and even on stream

>> No.87960066
Quoted by: >>87960241

You realize the issue hasn't been the contents of his anti negging and the manipulative and brainwormy way he goes about it, right? That is literally how this is comparable to Fleece and many such cases. Please keep up.

>> No.87960079
Quoted by: >>87960294

she's a big girl she can handle it retardchama

>> No.87960131

Thank fuck im one of the good ones

>> No.87960160

Nigga, she's a loli

>> No.87960167

post an AlienDance in chama
i know this is bait but you can see the growth in real time from all the newfags that came in after the hiatus?

>> No.87960241

>Please keep up.
I'm hard at work and i stated writing it a while before I sent it, just had to go back to work due to being busy before I was able to post it

>> No.87960278

you're confusing shondo with olivia

>> No.87960294
File: 2.63 MB, 5000x4000, 1699473597083265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah except she can't
source: her hiatus message
yes she's a big girl but she needs people to point things like that out to her because it directly hits on her menhera in all the right ways to get to her
would you say this if he was in offline chat constantly telling her to do things in a more direct way?

with that said i think she's mostly aware of it and has been better recently so i don't care too much beyond that
you can also make the argument that his behavior effects others in the community too (it does)

like i said, you both have a point, there's nuance

>> No.87960301

can someone give me a qrd on the current meltdown? are people seriously having a meltdown because she found a game she likes?

>> No.87960371

No, Qwerty was surprised she's playing a porn game uncensored and this thread exploded.

>> No.87960388

fleece was right
baru was right
q was wrong

>> No.87960407
Quoted by: >>87960478

>there's nuance
too complex of a convo for 99% of people /here/ then

>> No.87960428
Quoted by: >>87960478

>was acting extremely manipulative to make her quit ryona entirely.
That's based and lovepilled.

>> No.87960472
Quoted by: >>87961818

QRD: Qwerty was anti-ing her in offline chat for playing a porn game without censors and no one took his bait.
Oh, and now thisdialect is containment breaking because he's a bored and retarded cunt.

>> No.87960478
File: 2.36 MB, 5000x4000, 1701794026741299.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, which is a big reason why i'm in agreement with the anon telling people to stop being home of saxaphone dereks :P

>> No.87960477


>> No.87960509

Fuck off banned and divorced retard.

>> No.87960518
Quoted by: >>87960676

just wait until qwerty finds out what kind of accounts she's following on pixiv :) sounds like he's just clueless about his own wife

>> No.87960676
Quoted by: >>87960765

says more about her tb h

>> No.87960700

OK ban me

>> No.87960721
Quoted by: >>87960898

>yeah except she can't
Interesting how you aren't supportive of her when it comes to handling others yet the minute it it involves your behavior, you're suddenly glazing her about it.
>something something nuance
Yes and that nuance conveniently shifts whenever you're involved. Very interesting how that works.

>> No.87960765
Quoted by: >>87960812

that's the kind of person she is and always was. she was never trying to hide it. if someone has an issue with that then that's on them and they can fuck off to some other vtuber that's more in line with their own standards. qwerty has been following her for over a year, if he didn't know his wife is into this stuff that's entirely on him. do a single rep or watch a single stream.

>> No.87960812

>she was never trying to hide it
that is just not true

>> No.87960832

im gonna do a single rep on her if you know what i mean

>> No.87960898
Quoted by: >>87960996

>Interesting how
i don't think i've ever used that argument for anything i did
anyway i'm not doing this again with you sorry go back to q if you're bored

>> No.87960900
Quoted by: >>87961132

>something very easily publicly viewable on an account if you take 2 seconds to look through it
if you don't know something at this point you're either a lazy nigger or a newfag/tourist

>> No.87960982
Quoted by: >>87961024

anon... her favorite game of all time is saya... she draws guro of herself being fucked to death by spears... she commissions toddlercon and lolicon porn artists for every merch she releases...

>> No.87960996

You have but I guess your conveniently bad memory is acting up.

>> No.87961024

>n-no she's seiso because... she just is, okay? she talks softly

>> No.87961089

Thread reading shondo my beloved

>> No.87961101
Quoted by: >>87961468

she's seiso when it comes to you

>> No.87961132
Quoted by: >>87961290

That just means she's not very good at hiding
I don't have a problem with it, I just cringe when she pretends to be a pure innocent girl that hates to see icky sex stuff when 5 minutes of reps proves otherwise

>> No.87961166
File: 1.90 MB, 240x280, 1724866431114336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out shondo is into guro guys...

>> No.87961253

Not until you beat Mario 3 you little brat.

>> No.87961290

both sides of this argument are fucking stupid. no, she's not seiso and some incredibly pure angel who isn't aware of more mature or taboo subjects. on the other side though she's not some complete degen like you're trying to imply. the convo isn't black and white and there's a lot of ignored context, whether deliberate or not. it's just complete ignorance on both sides either way.
you're taking it all at face value. it's not that simple

>> No.87961391

she is seiso for her husbands. if you want to be lewd you already lost by hitting the follow button

>> No.87961411

what gave it away? the #slicedupshadow tag?

>> No.87961444

obviously, she's bri-ish after all (she's stab u m8 i swear on me mum)

>> No.87961456

She will be lewd with me after I win.

>> No.87961468

Correct. She flicks her bean to lewd ASMR but to (You) she's a pure girl.

>> No.87961818

Are you still having a melty over this? It's been hours shogga haven't you got a life

>> No.87961922

>haven't you got a life
where do you think you are?

>> No.87961987

the irony of this post lmao

>> No.87962029

He wasn't even anti-ing her over it or having a melty he basically sent like 3 messages related to it and yet they've been arguing here all day.

>> No.87962095

He clearly knows of her not being seiso given he added "further"

>> No.87962137

>he wasn't anti-ing her!
>he was just scrutinizing her choices and words suddenly unprompted!

>> No.87962398

not unprompted, he always comments about her tweets on offline chat when she posts, you can see it the same way as a reply to her tweet which if it was he wouldn't be dereked for it

>> No.87962397
Quoted by: >>87962536

Being mildly critical in a half joking way isn't being an anti hope this helps.

>> No.87962403

He was asking last week or something if she's playing censored or not and hiroto gave an answer that at the time wasn't concrete and that had been all he had to go off of(since he's not in the discord), as he said this was simply confirmation for him of her not playing censored

>> No.87962536

It is when you're previously known for having brainworm melties in her public offline chat. If anything, this was more scummy. Hope this helps.

>> No.87962652
Quoted by: >>87962760

shogger's reaction to his "melties" looked more like melties than anything he said imo

>> No.87962760
Quoted by: >>87963223

my brother in christ, his dick sucking defense force went full faggot mode today

>> No.87962971

He seemed like a man of God, can't be too bad syadouClueless

>> No.87963025
File: 40 KB, 355x290, 1721577757714214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87963276

Where is the prompt today other than himself baiting for confirmation that it is uncensored? Nothing in her tweet indicates that it was, so you can't use the tweets as an excuse here.
What's with the "naur" then? Or the panik emote? He is clearly prying into more than wanting simple confirmation.

>> No.87963223

I'm defending him because I think the biggest problem in this community is people like you being weirdly aggressive towards others for nothing. I think you and a lot of other people should bee niser

>> No.87963276
Quoted by: >>87963462

>Where is the prompt today
twitter hope this helps

>> No.87963462

>twitter hope this helps
Point to where it says in her tweets today that implied the game was uncensored?
It was entirely on him trying to fish for that information and scrutinize her over it. But keep defending the brainworming anti.

>> No.87963497
Quoted by: >>87963621

do your own reps

>> No.87963621


>> No.87963683

chill with the schizo meltdowns please

>> No.87963747

It was a cropped screenshot of a sex scene shogga, that's pretty uncensored

>> No.87963962
Quoted by: >>87964125

>fish for that information and scrutinize her over it
Weird assumption. But what is a hero without a villain I guess

>> No.87964125

>Weird assumption
Not weird at all when the shogger in question is filled with brainworms and constantly spewing them at her. Derek reps.

>> No.87964363
Quoted by: >>87964431

Can't believe after all this you out yourself as not knowing what the fuck you're talking about. Pottery
Spend more time on shondo and less time being autistic batman or further humiliation will follow tourist chan

>> No.87964367

the shunt is in shambles from not being touched violently all day all night without mercy

>> No.87964431
Quoted by: >>87964555

Reading reps.

>> No.87964555
Quoted by: >>87964579

Twitter reps first kek

>> No.87964559

>setting unrealistic expectations
she knows her community won't call her out and if they do it's an opportunity to play the victim hoping her regulars will bully anyone who questions her

>> No.87964579

Fuck off, TJ.

>> No.87964640

if it gets locked she gets to play the victim for another vacation

>> No.87964757
Quoted by: >>87964845

she will play the victim to me everyday after i win if you know what i mean

>> No.87964845

I do not, genuinely this time

>> No.87965413

You mean antis? Ok

>> No.87966288
Quoted by: >>87966578

Yesmen are the real antis because they enable her

>> No.87966343
Quoted by: >>87966578

the people that called her out were literally hounded for it by both shondo and her rabid dog fans. then when she switched sides everyone all of a sudden goes "yep, good call". the two-facedness of this community is genuinely disgusting. i mean that in a very real way

>> No.87966578
File: 281 KB, 1686x1137, 1700952629025768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87966900

unironic anti post
this is every single streamer community/figurehead community, it's human instinct, unironically
either way if you're gonna disagree yeah you're gonna get people disagreeing with you too, if you can;'t handle it that's not anyone else's problem, though dogpiling should still be discouraged it's has nothing to do with anyone else whether or not you decide to speak up

>> No.87966900

>unironic anti post
Nuh uh
