Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.>Useful LinksRetro Chuubas: Divegrass Team: ARG: Thread: >>87323186Other Threads of interest:Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/V&U + Korean Vtubers Thread >>>/vt//vnug/Mozumi Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
>>OP>>87371673schizo faggot
>>87371673>>87371692You two sure are fast at posting before I can even link in the old thread
>>OPOngoing StreamsIndie duck is playing Siren is playing Tales of Phantasia is playing X-com Terror from the deep is playing the Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cape is streaming and singing
>>87371781A handful of streams
>>87371781Not a lot of streams
Yuma baroque today!
>>87371673Unity! When will they finally collab?
>>87372242why are you antiing her like this?
>>87371812There will be more by the hour I’m sure. It is that time of day where the day shift JPs are finished and the night shift JPs and western chuubas haven’t ramped up yet.
>>87372280>antiing I'm advocating for good /vrt/ unity
Falseflags are starting early again. /vrg/ is so terrible at blending in.
>>87372445Meche please hurt me
>>87372513Stop dodging then
>>87371954To you goes the courtesy of the first pon.
>>87372534That slime isn’t dodging he is leaping in the way to censor his boss’s crotch
Ami members stream today buckos
>>87372586but why, we already saw her crotch
>>87372567>Dagoth Yuma has pronounced a curse upon me and now I have the Pon disease
>>87372534>>87372655I never noticed that you can see the splurt of a slime getting exploded by Meche’s kick in that earlier image
>>87372764And now the slimes are dodging. The are the slimes getting stronger or…
>>87372640It was fun hearing Ami sing this again during her recent karaoke. It isn’t up on the Ami karaoke archive channel yet though.
will lumi ever learn how to pronounce leviathan?
Does PS3 count as retro..? The game is from 2014 so....
>>87371781Imoko is still streaming Romancing SaGa 3 too
>>87373691Sex with Imoko
Super Meche is streaming in 15 minutes! is an artist and a gamer AND a game dev!
>>87373522English is dumb and bad
>>87373532Even PS2 doesn't count as retro
>>87371781>Kanon is streaming and singingCountry Roads, I love that song.>>87371146>>87371209>>87371270She's pretty good.
>>87374113Sanae the PS2 is retro. You need to let it go...
>>87374113>>87374202she has become everything she hates
>>OPMawg is a good lad in my opinion.
>>87372640Makes me miss Jowu
>>87373909i will make her cum again
>>87374965Concerned Imoko
>>87373997Meche is LATE
>>87375043She's wet and naked
>>87375186Meche showers bring May Flowers
>>87373997Meche is LIVE
Momonga is retroing it up with Flying Warriors today
Lamia TWINS and wet Meche
>>87375968She has Minwu on her mind
>>87371781>Ichigo is playing the Legend of Zelda: The Minish CapeIs she the most autistic chuuba regularly posted here? I don't think Riona's autism can compete.
>>87376091Eira comes to mind. Granted, she doesn't shiny hunt
>>87376323>Eira comes
>>87376560Slender Troll
Cum gone...
Lumi will NEVER beat X-com terror from the deep this stream
>>OP/vrt/ Retro Game Tubers, Artists and Cumtubers
>Ichigo’s gasp and yay at pulling gag a zelda
>>87377316Shark cute
Lumi has been eating a lot today and wants to eat more.
>>87377343It's like even when she isn't shiny hunting, she still finds a way to shiny hunt.
Kanon gone…
why does this thread go boom whenever males are mentioned? hank and bloom have been art of it since the beginning
>>87377933hank was a meme
>>87377933You really can't stop thinking about males
>>87377959Only you ever said that cope.
Time for /vrg/schizo to schizo againIgnore it
>>87377959hank is good for you
>>87377933Because 99% of the people don't care (and we barely have any males posted here anyway), 1 guy goes schizo-mode when they get mentioned and couple of guys tease him because of that.
>>87378014if people took him seriously, pyon wouldn't be happy about all the art where he's interacting with kiki
>Flying Warriors>The warrior doesn't fly
The /vrg/schizo is trying to Anti Kiki again...
>>87378193Is that a charcoal grill?
>>87378117More like 99% of the people don't like them and we have a couple of faggots who go schizo mode every time someone says something bad about them
>>87378117/vrt/ is he king of threads and we have our own jester to dance and make a fool of himself for our amusement.
>>87378251Sad he lets his own thread die
>>87378260he can't spare any 1 min posting cooldown to bumping it
>>87378193you should try asking pyon or kiki how they'd feel about a male collab before using kiki pics to defend them
Finnish Beartuber Teddie Kuura is playing Zelda Ocarina of Time.
>>87378340Tiddi Kuura
>>87378424Were they always this big?
>>87378340Where is she in the game? It has been a while since I checked, I saw her in the water temple
ami snorts when she cums
>>87378533>[LOZ: OCARINA OF TIME] Oh boss of Shadow Temple, what is your wisdom?Almost done with the Shadow temple!
>>87378117>>87378212which one is the truth?
Every time
>>87378645Going Bongo Bongo on her booba
The autistic shark did itGacha hell is over
>>87378941I kneel to her autism
The end is nigh
>>87378757are you going to post this every time people reply to a post you don't like?
>>87378941the rupee counter looks like bread
Shark gone…
>>87378996Who is this?
>>87379050Croissants are delicious.
>>87379050Sliced bread? yeah, I can see it.
Meche gone...
>>87379229>Meche raided into Lumi during the ending screen
>>87379281/vrt/ unity
>>87379078>Shark gone…And she raided into Noi again!
>>87379319/vrt/ unity
Lumi gone... and raided into Gamumaru!
>>87379398More /vrt/ unity!
>>87379412She's at Dhaos' Castle now in Tales of PhantasiaGood Fight coming up soon
Swedish Valkyrie Alfhilde is playing Oblivion
Karin continuing Illbleed in 20 minutes
>>87379901>That pictureKarin no
>>87380051Karin yes
>>87379474>OH MAI GAD>OH MAI GAD
Very Motoi Sakuraba, this BGM
>>87380492Tales of Phantasia was said to be the game that sings.
Every chuuba gets confused here. The part meant to be a hint confuses them more.
>>87379901oh fug garin live :DD
>>87380492>>87380322She did it!
Gnome Garin
>>87377959The model is a meme but the man does in fact put effort into getting his streams set up and interacting with the few people in chat who actually talk about the stream and not just playing the dumbass pokemon minigame.
>>87381093yeah but he was only here because "haha it's hank hill playing retro games lol", not because people actually watched him
>>87381093Why respond to the schizo that tries to rewrite history?
>>87380791Garin started her stream excited about Yumanea_'s baroques stream and demanding her viewers let her know when the baroque starts.
>>87381140>schizo that tries to rewrite historythat's you
>>87381153I'm pretty stoked too
>>87381140The /vrg/schizo wasn't here so he can only lie and pretend that he was.He doesn't watch any streams so he thinks no one else does either.
>>87381258He’s too busy shitposting in every thread to watch vtubers
>>87381258Why do you keep shitposting like this while using pics of chuubas who are anti-male? It's actual psychotic behavior.
>>87381212It's going to be great!
fairy save me
uratuj mnie wrozko
Karin's stream is already reaching dizzying heights
>>87381655>Size is problem
Green Woman #2 swears vengeance on a dog toy that died from a falling ceiling in Nova Prospekt by continuing her Half Life 2 playthrough in like an hour and a half from now
>>87381887Doll Joints...
Polar bear is heading to the desert.
wow, /vrg/ became such a pathetic dead thread
>>87381984Let's see how this plays out
>>87381985Doll joints sex
>>87382631Indecent outfit!
>>87382631the condoms are a nice touch
Karin is getting WORMED
>>87382631actually disgusting, looks like a twitch whoreLumi isnt like this, she's pure
Gamu gone...
>>87382760there was going to be a third pic based on her last form, but I figured it would be far too lewd.
>>87382947Darth Lumi sexo?
>>87383005fishnet bodysuit and tally marks
>>87383036>tally markscuckshit
Riona and Freya are cheering her on but the platforming is killing Karin.
>>87383102like I said, I figured it would go too far, so I had it scrapped.
>>87382179Is it playing out like you expected?
Goofie Honko is playing Baldur's Gate 2
>>87383210The sneaking is maybe the worst part of OoT unless you know exactly where to go
Sura is playing Fallout 2
Karin sure is having fun...
>>87383436>big lungusShe's losing it
>>87383269OoT is not set up to be a proper stealth game. Forced Stealth sections are always bad.
>Forced stealth in non-stealth game>Forced platforming in non-platformer game
>>87383947>Forced gay in non-fujo game
>>87384229Backseaters beware
Takamura Takako is playing Sonic Heroes
Karin did it
>>87382631Bimbofication Lumi
fuck I missed Ami I didn't realize it was at the early time
>>87384864still thinkin bout thos worms
>>87381887Indie green woman live
>>OPWho tf is this? I swear this placegets more unrecognizable by the day
>>87385364She will NEVER think about those worms again.
>>87385287Naughty bucko
The stealth section is finally over...
Evil Lumi is playing Red Alert 2
>>87387500I hope Lumi doesn't have any problem with that outfit.
Cow today! More Resident Evil
>>87387610Eepy cow...
>>87387821At least she is still streaming, just needs a nap. It's Thanksgiving in Canada so cow is working hard
Huh, Miri is finally debuting her new model and done being Josabelle Demon. I like her NES streams.
Yumanea_ is starting her 1st playthrough Baroque stream in a few minutes!
>>87388645Yuma live!
strong start
Tiddi gone...
>>87389108She won't be pon today
>Karin squealing at how cute Yuma is>Yuma squealing at someone telling her she is his oshi
>>87377933Kind of the reverse of the showbiz situation, men being forced into a place where the 99% male audience never wanted them to be
>>87389589>grab my little hand!
>you wouldn't download a car>I'd download a gnome, please don't tell anyone
When is the next wheel spin?
>Amiya showing up on pyoncraft next weekIs she collabing with Kiki or just going to visit on her own?
>>87389589>>87389793So tiny
>>87389945This yumaniac snitched!
>>87390157they really make her head look large
>Yuma defensive about wearing her clothes so long they have holes in them>And wearing them to work
>>87390382fat lizard-sized holes
Yuma bought the Riona merch
>>87390382she is just like me fr
Karin gone.... raided into Yumanea_!She couldn't wait for the Baroque any longer.
>>87390065Would be cool to see but I've not heard anything about this week's activities
>>87390065where was that? thats pretty incredibly unexpected
>>87390683>>87390589/vrt/ unity!
i dunno if it got mentioned here but meru will be returning as daisy in idol next week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>87390917So THAT'S what da Mewu has been up to with her Hiatus! I wondered.Now she can play with the tsundere sheep too.
>>87390917That sounds dandy
>>87390917>>87390989I only watched her one time with Pepsiman. She is very extreme and unhinged, I don't know if she's the kind of streamer for me.
>>87391107Pepsiman is an extreme and unhinged kind of game.
>Yuma's computer crashed from having too many tabs open>She lost them allPon...
>>87391107qrd is that back in early 2023 she got sick of her cycle of small progress & set backs/burning out and went on a hiatus where she took her shit really seriously (family, friends, therapy, lifestyle & habits, the whole damn program), came back in like june that year, and has continued being a blindingly bright ray of sunshine ever since. if she seems unhinged, i think it'd be something analogous to "crackhead who found jesus and became a zealot", although she was incredibly super sweet. she just doesn't hate herself nearly so much anymore. which is enough to make a grown man cry.
Baroque time!
>>87391484I do hope things will work out for her. It was a bit heartbreaking to see her act cheerful over her issues
throweler run
>>87392015I worry a bit because it’s idol but it worked out well enough for the invaders
>>87392099Karin kept mentioning that she was worried she would backseat Yuma on throwing items more
I think Yumanea is confused
Esper is playing Shadow da edgehog
>>87392952That's what happens when you don't read the game's manual before diving into a new experience like Baroque.
>>87393392No manual can backseat Yuma
Indie maid ghost is playing Metal Gear Solid 3
Yuma died…
The cute Canadian cow is live now on Twitch! She's continuing Resident Evil 1.
cute retro bear's mangy pet dog went to the same vtuber outfit store as miss yuma
>>87395294fantastic art
>>87395594Tiny hands!
>>87396052Chibi abs sexo?
>>87395594I havent seen yuma pull out the wand
>>87386761She's thinking about that four inch stinker
>>87397765Karin worm emote soon I hope
Yuma chatting through brb
Blue Virus Retro Girl chuuba Runoxi is celebrating her birthday and return from Hiatus
>>87399355Rurika too
Yuma was so happy to heal her tummy hort Alice is playing Spooky Super Mario 64 romhacks
Mango is playing Harvest Moon: A wonderful Life
Ami's japanese schedule
>>87399833Looks exciting!
Sleepsie got a pixel art from Meche
>>87400251Cool, looks good. She is talented.
>>87396052It's cool she's been streaming this, thank you for posting her lately.
Prisma Aeya is playing Zelda Ocarina of Time
>I'm dying of beautiful lady diseaseyuma...
>>87401401Is Yuma a beautiful lady?
fairy saved me prematurely (must eep)
>>87401608Have sweet baroque dreams after the short baroquemanea_ stream
>>87400928Too bad she doesn't stream longer
Horrifying revelations on the yumanea stream
>>87402355Look a fat lizard
>>87402301She is a ghost girl, Yuno will be pleased
Yumanea_ gone...
Hank Hill's starting his first ever Resident Evil 2 playthrough, still deciding which character to play as first.
>>87402680Awesome, let’s go Leon fingers crossed
Batto is playing Pokemon Firered 898 romhack randomized
Yeah I think i love the cow
>>87402804She has cute momotes
>>87402804Even when she looks like this?
>>87402730>Burn 8K points voting for Claire>The one fucking guy that won the raffle dumped his entire winnings into Leon
>>87403218I spent nothing and still won.heh, Nothin' personnel kid
Spooky dog is playing a spooky game, Splatter Master
>>87403356Good to see Mint Choco back to retro games
>>87403356The sharp shark monster teeth look really good on her model
is anyone here a fan of dragon quest 7? kinda strange oshi will be streaming dragon quest 7 for the foreseeable future, although she'll be streaming the 3ds remake on weekends
>>87404730That's a lot of Dragon quest 7!
>>87387961>CanadaI didn't realize she was a leaf>SOOORRYI don't know why I didn't
>>87404730I think Corpse SUCKS
>>87404730kinda strange?
No Cow Door...
Techibi is playing Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
>>87405662she is dead, so she can only communicate through text instead of through a voicethis doesn't really appeal to a lot of people, so "strange" is probably an okay way of describing it...
>>87405881I can't believe corpse is fucking dead
>>87405920me neither, it's almost like i can hear her!
>>87405881Wow she must really love Dragon Quest if she's even speaking through text only
Yewfie is playing Sonic Adventure
>>87406335you bet, i think her channel description was "There's no response. It's just a corpse" before i found her
>>87406532what are retro achievements?
>>87406790I wasn't sure either until she did pokemon crystal with it. Basically adds "achievements" for games that don't have them as challenges. Like for Pokemon crystal it involved only using johto pokemon and not going higher in level than the next gym leader when beating them.
>>87406934oh, like mini challenges huh
Momoka gone... she was so eeepy.
>>87407204cute eepy cowgotta love her!
Kiki's showing her new outfit and model for Halloween!
>>87408313Omnissaih worshiper kiki
>>87390917Damn, I'm going to miss Meru
>>87399355Runoxi return week looking good. Lots of Rondo of Blood
Retro Riona is live!She's playing more Resident Evil 2
>>87408530>>87407563Insanely cute Kiki
>>87408799aw cute
>>87409032Surprisingly high quality for a gimmick outfit model.
oh my god!
Vampire bun!
Liliette is playing Tales of the Abyss
>>87409160fangs are the fuckin best
>>87405881yeah probably not my thing but to peach their bone, as they say
Kyubalt's continuing her playthrough of Shenmue. Last week, she was looking for a job in the harbor
Ririka as several Romancing Saga 2 characters
New bake>>87412489>>87412489>>87412489