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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 603 KB, 2529x2178, 1629845979737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8715992 No.8715992 [Reply] [Original]

Sana's Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsukumosana
Debut VOD: https://youtu.be/3Tv5GyebhQo
Last Stream: https://youtu.be/SfZ1DxRaqnc
Next Stream: https://youtu.be/u4nwWrLMkvg
Previous Thread: >>8674052

>> No.8716476

i want to swim inside her moon sized eggs and fertilize them from the inside!

>> No.8716523
File: 1.98 MB, 1920x1920, 1629993582861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her!

>> No.8716546
Quoted by: >>8722082

I want to colonise one of her earth-sized turds.

>> No.8716623
File: 1.54 MB, 900x1080, 1624261986410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You go big gal!

>> No.8716668
File: 2.00 MB, 3502x4096, 1609724840589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, thank you for the clips Anon

>> No.8716671

Sanalites, are you excited for the upcoming Space-Time continuum collab?
You HAVE found a means to watch it, RIGHT?

>> No.8716756


>> No.8716759
File: 3.92 MB, 321x390, D8EC33CE-F63C-4FB5-971A-24A43451C07F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8716807

I will die if I miss it

>> No.8716816

Not really, have other obligations and I don't care for Kronii

>> No.8716846
File: 537 KB, 922x977, E9fp3WdVUAMOG-f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be to bussy being asleep to watch it live

>> No.8716914

I don’t really like watchalongs I’ll probably just watch all her solo streams

>> No.8717048

I've been meaning to watch it for years so now it's the perfect opportunity

>> No.8717121

I haven't re-watched it again since back during the theater days. I'm 200% excited

>> No.8717132
File: 161 KB, 850x1511, sample-8c146d7fca75c2e7ee8125a90f31b206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I personally dont care for watchalongs but i'll keep a tab open to support my wife anyways

>> No.8717289

The stream will start at 3 am for me but i'll probably watch it anyway. Sana is life.

>> No.8717349

Honestly no, I'm hoping a kind anon will come up with a cytube link at the last minute and save me but if he doesn't then I guess I'll miss out.

>> No.8717567
File: 343 KB, 2048x1113, E9vRekoVcAIfGax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8717604 >>8719429


>> No.8717575
Quoted by: >>8718380

I miss buchwheat pancakes. Before United sold out to Albertsons our local store used to have buckwheat pancake mix. It was grainy, nutty, and filling. It was the best with butter and raw honey on top.

I wish I can introduce Sana to the magic of buckwheat pancakes. I'll have to import my own buckwheat flour and follow a recipe now.

>> No.8717604

there's gonna be a lotta rushia sana art....

>> No.8717892
File: 288 KB, 1346x1900, 20210826_182627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love this giant space dork and all the fantastic fanart

>> No.8718070
File: 65 KB, 500x500, 1607025677521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am, never had interest in watching the movie, even though I love astronomy, so it's my first time.

Already got from a torrent

>> No.8718130


>> No.8718216 [SPOILER] 
File: 970 KB, 1280x720, countdown_initianated[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fjeqy0a.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she'll get in trouble for this?

>> No.8718250
Quoted by: >>8719129

I have amazon prime i stole it so I can watch the bravo nolan movie in the telly.
The problem is gonna be splitting my attention between the movie, the stream and the thread. I don't have enough brain for all this shit,

>> No.8718375
File: 517 KB, 2048x1448, 1622001802195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8718517

ESL girls are so cute

>> No.8718380
Quoted by: >>8718612 >>8718882

Dude I feel you: since the pandemic started I've gotten really into making pancakes on the weekend. My favorites were the oat Kodiak Cakes with the large oats in the batter. Like you and the buckwheat, they were very filling and substantial. In the past like three months though I guess Kodiak is feeling the pinch or something, 'cause they first started filling the mix to like 3/4 and now they just straight up shrank the box and charge more, such bullshit.

Now unlike Kodiak Cakes, Sana isn't smaller. She's actually very big. So at least I've got her now.

>> No.8718413
Quoted by: >>8718580

Art those sound clips I can't hear, or am I just missing the joke?

>> No.8718517

sana isn't ESL, she's just a dum

>> No.8718580

Get 4chan sounds
Or just watch this from clipfriend >>8716523

>> No.8718612

>Kodiak Cakes
I eat their stuff almost every day but it's the cups you microwave, gotta try those pancakes now

>> No.8718638
File: 238 KB, 1444x1000, 1604792893494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's even cuter

>> No.8718659
Quoted by: >>8718761 >>8719144

am i pleb for only liking buttermilk pancakes?

>> No.8718761

I almost exclusively eat Helltaker-style pancakes, so I don't have oppinions on other types.

>> No.8718882

Everything is either doubling in cost or shrinking in size. Except for sodas because corn syrup will never expire. Still its a matter of time before cola goes up to $5 a bottle. I know eventually I just need to buy flour and yeast and start baking my own bread. Fortunately the bread is cheap because I live in Texas which has its own bakeries. Can't imagine if you have to buy bread that comes out of state.

>> No.8719114
File: 3.92 MB, 3000x2000, 92075206_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719129

I usually just outright ignore the threads during watchalongs and just focus on the film and the stream. Once you balance the audio between the stream and the movie you can just put the movie on full screen and have the stream in the background
At least, that's what I do because i only have one monitor

>> No.8719130

So I guess Sana is not the type of Holo to tweet much. I wish she did cuz I miss her when she isnt streaming...

>> No.8719144
Quoted by: >>8719166 >>8719352

Am I a pleb for not having any idea there was more than 1 type of pancake?

>> No.8719166

well so was i until this thread

>> No.8719212
Quoted by: >>8719500

Anyone knows of a website to watch the movie online that has not too many/not too shady ads?

>> No.8719287

she used to tweet a lot but not really anymore
she is professional and busy girl

>> No.8719352

That's for the best. Twitter is a fucking shithole.

I used to think waffles were just pancakes that you add egg too. But yeah there's different kinds of pancakes depending on the flour you use and what flavors you add. Peanut butter, chocolate chip, blueberry, and even spicy curry bread pancakes.

>> No.8719396
File: 207 KB, 1448x2048, E9pjunEVgAYuM1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8719475

I think it's too early to say anything about habits

>> No.8719429

Nice, new wallpaper

>> No.8719471
File: 52 KB, 407x490, 1596163860879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has the reading capabilities of a typical young Australian.

>> No.8719475

sana looks like BB alternate there

>> No.8719500

azm.to is acceptable.

>> No.8719536

She tweeted pre-debut and that's when I started falling for her. I'm betting this week is very busy and stressful for her

>> No.8719540

No, I don't really care about Kronii, watchalongs aren't interesting in general since I'd rather watch movies alone, and I've already seen Interstellar and it was a shitty movie that I'd never sit through a second time.
I'll pass on this one and spend the time watching Hakos instead.

>> No.8719752
File: 297 KB, 1240x1768, E9vwdzeUcAEVZiR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8719869

god I love her

>> No.8720045
File: 408 KB, 1486x2048, E9v6S24XIAI-_US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8720279

Is it true that she's a kiwi?

>> No.8720298

Pretty sure she's a giant space woman

>> No.8720332
File: 115 KB, 894x613, 1629838991542.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana's a sweet girl. Looking forward to the watchalong.
t. clockbud

>> No.8720432

I've heard asian origin Aussy the most

>> No.8720480

She's a pretzel, obviously. Didn't you watch the holoscope stream?

>> No.8720529
Quoted by: >>8720678 >>8720904

What the next Holoscopes Monday topic be?

>> No.8720678
File: 1.56 MB, 1843x2000, 8b82fccd658341b1f106ab3e9f3a1e34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea

>> No.8720904
File: 263 KB, 1916x1916, 1629862533481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burgers or marshmallow

>> No.8720907
File: 94 KB, 626x425, 20210827_022245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8721149 >>8728730

I'm at my limit, fellas. I'm going to masturbate to Sana.

>> No.8720950
Quoted by: >>8721142

She's not getting too many subscribers, is she?

>> No.8720957

Why do people keep saying this?

>> No.8721142

>Thinking subs mean anything
Please go back to Numberfag containment.

>> No.8721149

please, Anon, I'm down bad please give sauce

>> No.8721201
Quoted by: >>8721232 >>8721255

I'm fucking retarded.

>> No.8721232

Yes you are

>> No.8721234
Quoted by: >>8721283

>I can't read hyperlinks, the post.

>> No.8721255
File: 201 KB, 746x772, 1629789219200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8721283
Quoted by: >>8721530

the only excuse I have is that I'm not wearing my glasses

>> No.8721434
Quoted by: >>8722373


>> No.8721436
File: 976 KB, 900x1200, illust_92280655_20210827_023320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8721530
Quoted by: >>8721609

I wonder if Sana's good at baking bread herself.

I've done that too. Just gotta squint harder next time.

>> No.8721609

I just see cropped tits and assume the worst kek

>> No.8721707
Quoted by: >>8722265

When is her drawing stream?

>> No.8722082

There's such thing as too much fertilizer

>> No.8722265

Never. Doesn't look like Sana is planning to do one anytime soon.

>> No.8722373

Now we need artwork of Sana hugging her sempai.

>> No.8722432
File: 1.21 MB, 750x900, E9j_c_AXsA8y8vc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What space games would she like?
The only space theme games I like are NMS and the Mass Effect series, so I would like to see her streaming them.
Apparently she picked Subnautica thinking it was a space game...

>> No.8722501

Soma, not Subnautica

>> No.8722505

>Tsukumo Sana General
more like saviour central general

>> No.8722524

I mean Subnautica kinda is a space game. Alien planet and you literally build a rocket at the end.

>> No.8722847
Quoted by: >>8722913

more importantly what kind of fangame would she enjoy made for her most?

>> No.8722913
Quoted by: >>8723008 >>8723083

If there's a Smol Sana mod to Smol Ame game then she might have fun with that.

>> No.8723008
Quoted by: >>8723083

flip the script and make a Big Sana level

>> No.8723083

Make Sana beeeeeeg and make her the level. Smol Ame has to bounce off of her.

>> No.8723164
File: 2.46 MB, 1020x1443, 92178640_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8723265
Quoted by: >>8723367 >>8723669

Outer Wilds if she can wrangle her chat.

>> No.8723353

outer wilds

>> No.8723367

Hopefully the PC version.

>> No.8723515

Where are we watching the movie tonight, fellas?

>> No.8723542
File: 847 KB, 2238x4096, 1609395958667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8723660 >>8727205

Katamari Damacy not exactly space game but like some Anons say in a previous thread fits her really well, Space Channel 5, Kerbal Space Program are all colorful games she might enjoy a lot. Mass Effect is popular and easy to get into, but there's also Outer Wilds that is great, Metroid series, Blaster Master, and maybe even Lego Star Wars that is amazing and could make a fun stream too.

There's a lot of great space games out there, she can easily go for popular titles on Steam and get some good streams out of it.

>> No.8723660

I don't really care if the games are space-themed or not. I want Sana to play good games I know are fun. I really do hope Sana gets permission to stream Metroid Dread.

>> No.8723669

Absolutely fantastic game, and Hololive has permissions for it. Would be kino.

>> No.8723696

soap2day, you dumb dumb sanallites

>> No.8723705

>good games
sorry to say anon, but you might have picked the wrong oshi this time

>> No.8723745

Hololive has the Nintendo permission so I doubt Dread would be a problem, I want to see her play it too

>> No.8723770
File: 346 KB, 576x545, 1511339469109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8723863

>games I know are fun
>talks about a game that isn't out yet

>> No.8723855
File: 513 KB, 505x443, 1629769654067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8724561 >>8726078

>YT nuking EN2 subs again


>> No.8723863

Ha ha. You got me on that one. But there's older Metroid games Sana can play like Zero Mission via Wii U and Super Metroid. I'd say Samus Returns on 3DS, but modded consoles and emulators are banned from streaming.

>> No.8723875
File: 531 KB, 2048x2048, E9jXhOfVgAcJMak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8723942
File: 1.41 MB, 1280x720, 1629817998344.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8724309

>ywn play comfy couch coop games with ur gf sana
>ywn hear her adorable squeals and 'osh!' in person
>ywn smile as sana giggles and says 'oh nowr!' when you guys fail or giggle and say 'oya oya!' when you guys succeed

why live, sanallites...

>> No.8723961
File: 104 KB, 1080x1080, E3wKSnNVEAYII53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8724396

>Sana at 118k subs an hour ago
>now at 116k

YouTube I swear to god

>> No.8724309
File: 1003 KB, 404x347, 1629581030055.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8724396

This is my only issue with membership, youtube gets a cut

>> No.8724402
File: 323 KB, 2048x1453, E9kFZyFWEBMvzog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8724416
Quoted by: >>8724637

Why does interstellar pop up when I look for interstellar Netflix I click, it takes me to Netflix and it’s just the Tirol with the words preview unavailable

>> No.8724561

I'm still suscribed so fuck Susan

>> No.8724637

Interstellar isn't on netflix, I think. I have it on amazon prime, tho.

>> No.8725079
File: 345 KB, 2048x1825, E9bd-EnVUAEkP_x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8726199

>> No.8725963
Quoted by: >>8727572

I'm considering sending my first SuperChat ever to Sana so she plays StarCraft II, since it fits her SPACE THINGIES theme. Should I or not?

>> No.8726028


>> No.8726041

Blizzard is a hot topic right now. Especially with the lawsuits against them going on. I don't think Hololive wants to open that can of worms.

>> No.8726078

What? I still see the same numbers as earlier. Sana has gained at least 7k by my reckoning.

>> No.8726199

fuck that's a good scale

>> No.8726222

Thank god for fiber internet, I thought I might miss the start of the movie waiting for the YIFY to finish torrenting.

>> No.8726288


>> No.8726339
Quoted by: >>8726441

time to get comfy

>> No.8726441

Got me popcorn
Got me drink
Max comfy, bros

>> No.8726543
Quoted by: >>8726689

It is 3AM.
I have to get up at 9AM.
This will take like three hours.

I don't know if I'm GMI bros.

>> No.8726689

You'll make it, bruv

>> No.8726715
File: 2.26 MB, 1791x792, 1624842022319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8727656

>Sana bought cookies and a coffee shake for the movie.

All is proceeding according to the architect's plan.

>> No.8726744

Ah, starting with scuff I see.

Never change, EN Curse-kun

>> No.8726764
Quoted by: >>8726847

Why did Sana kill Kronii?

>> No.8726767


>> No.8726773
Quoted by: >>8726861 >>8727014

The hell is a coffee shake?

>> No.8726847

Rules of nature

>> No.8726861


It's coffee in a milkshake.

>> No.8726971


>> No.8727009

This deja vu bit is great

>> No.8727014

>Kronii is /here/

>> No.8727099
File: 1.72 MB, 1768x992, 1615825604789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8727972

>They're nolanfags

>> No.8727142

clockbro here, let's do this boys

>> No.8727205

Damn, Sana Katamari Damacy stream would be peak comfy.

>> No.8727272


>> No.8727315

>Trilingual stream
We're fucking international, aren't we?

>> No.8727333

>Getting nihongo jouzu'd by a fellow English First Language

>> No.8727417
Quoted by: >>8727609

time's voice sounds better in korean for anyone else?

>> No.8727572

You're welcome to try but I doubt you'll get permissions.

>> No.8727609

Her voice would sound good even in chinese.

>> No.8727656

architectbros always win

>> No.8727681

Fuck I wish she said 'you can come now' with that countdown.

>> No.8727690

>The sun is about to die
Well, shit

>> No.8727694

I like that they actually commit to the timeloop.

>> No.8727744
Quoted by: >>8727772

Sana please...the sun has plenty of time

>> No.8727772

On an astronomical scale, not really.

>> No.8727774

Roommate tweets a lot, so maybe she will do so later on. Must be pretty busy in the beginning

>> No.8727801

Anyone know the bgm used in the bread horoscopes stream?

>> No.8727817

>Movie's almost unaudiable during quiet talking scenes
>Suddenly goes max volume and I can't hear the girls during some high action scene
I fucking hate movie audio mixing so much

>> No.8727821

Sana is just too good

>> No.8727852
Quoted by: >>8728025

Sana is fucking annoying holy shit. You can tell Kronii is like "shut the fuck up"

>> No.8727863

enough with the stupid lore references

>> No.8727872

Activate subs.

>> No.8727919


>> No.8727920


>> No.8727943

>spaceplane dream LOUD AS FUCK
>all this dialogue at the farmhouse quiet as fuck
I hate movie audio mixing

>> No.8727965

Sana eating OMG

>> No.8727972

Heres hoping they watch Memento at some point

>> No.8727984
Quoted by: >>8728237

This is some trademark of Oscarbait somehow. I encounter this exact problem with every movie that ever wanted to win an oscar

>> No.8728025
Quoted by: >>8728131


>> No.8728081
Quoted by: >>8728172

I can't watch this anymore their riffs are very painful

>> No.8728107

I wanna be sandwiched between time and space...

>> No.8728131
File: 152 KB, 257x368, 1629815425412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy the stream with space time, ignore the baiters

>> No.8728172

Whaddya talking about their riffs are great, it's got all the energy of a first date between two forks which are very attracted to each other

>> No.8728189
File: 2.69 MB, 500x500, Spatial_Table.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8728488

I think I'm getting a feel for Sana's personality.
She has the same kind of professionalism and composure as Ina but instead of hiding it with low energy, she's doing the opposite and hiding it with high energy.

She has the same 'vibe' as a stubbornly upbeat coworker.

>> No.8728220

>Sana can actually speak japanese
Please do drawing collab streams with senchou, please!

>> No.8728222
Quoted by: >>8728265

Did YouTube remove anyone else’s sub to Sana’s channel? I’m not schizoposting, I’m 100% sure I was subscribed before.

>> No.8728237

>The fucking dialog Audio goes back down to quiet in the EXACT SAME SCENE after the music stops
I want Nolan's audio editor's head on a pike

>> No.8728265

All the EN2's have lost like a hundred thousands subs since debut.

>> No.8728385

Where did they start again?

>> No.8728409
File: 785 KB, 746x772, o1629836941601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8728426
Quoted by: >>8728698

soon as the WB logo fades to black

>> No.8728441
Quoted by: >>8728478

WB logo.

>> No.8728440
Quoted by: >>8728479

The audiomixing in this movie is atrocious, jesus christ

>> No.8728442

Did Sana say if she watched interstellar before?

>> No.8728457
Quoted by: >>8728798

Guess I'll see if Roku TV has this movie. If not then I can't watch along.

>> No.8728478


>> No.8728477
Quoted by: >>8728698

after the WB logo went dark I'm at around 13:30

>> No.8728479

filtered faggot

>> No.8728488

>She has the same 'vibe' as a stubbornly upbeat coworker.

oh yeah

>> No.8728518
Quoted by: >>8728587

>Sana mouth moving while eating
I cant...she is too cute

>> No.8728550

17 seconds on my 1080p yify copy

>> No.8728587
Quoted by: >>8728670

like a goldfish shit's cute

>> No.8728593

FUCK this movie and FUCK Amazon prime rentals

>> No.8728619
Quoted by: >>8729596

They designed it for stupidly huge IMAX screens in large theaters. It sucked even there.

>> No.8728670

vtubers eating is always just absolutely adorable, the physical embodiment of "mogu". I don't even know what that really means but it's the only way to describe it

>> No.8728698

Thank you as well

>> No.8728706

>capitalism is dead
oh no here we fucking go

>> No.8728730

my god thank you, somehow finding loods of Sana is near-impossible (and if someone knows where to find more answers that would be pretty epic ngl)

>> No.8728736

Fucking dropped

>> No.8728759


>> No.8728760

fucking based

>> No.8728788
Quoted by: >>8728907

Oh shit, corona dust

>> No.8728798
Quoted by: >>8728842

Sadly its not on there. Its on either HBO Max or Amazon. Guess I'll play video games and listen to them in the background.

>> No.8728799
Quoted by: >>8728907


>> No.8728825
Quoted by: >>8728843

who sadi it?

>> No.8728842
Quoted by: >>8729049


>> No.8728843
Quoted by: >>8728887

sana did

>> No.8728846


>> No.8728887

meh who cares

>> No.8728889
Quoted by: >>8729005

God, you can just tell how much Sana loves this film if you've also seen it before

>> No.8728907

But /pol/ me told me covid was a hoax

>> No.8728918
Quoted by: >>8728994

It was one off comment that could be interpreted a million different ways.

>> No.8728920
Quoted by: >>8729047

Is that... a diffraction pattern?

>> No.8728994
Quoted by: >>8729056 >>8729084

i dont care about what sana said, chat is gonna be filled with socialist shitters that thinks she's "based" or something.

>> No.8729005

I haven't seen it before and I can tell how much she lvoes it

>> No.8729035

I forgot how slow this movie is. The fact I am still watching just for Sana commentary is proof that I like her.

>> No.8729038

It must really suck to have deal with all this fucking dust

>> No.8729041
Quoted by: >>8729099 >>8729106

The fuck is with the dust

>> No.8729047
Quoted by: >>8729191

like the double slit experiment?

>> No.8729049


>> No.8729056

except they already moved past it and all i see is 'lol sana mouth' 'is sana eating something'

>> No.8729059

Does that mean that Sana and Kronii are both ones? *thonking*

>> No.8729070

children of a dead earth

>> No.8729084
Quoted by: >>8729182

>Calling a starving shithole an example of capitalism's death makes her 'based' to socialist shitters.

I think the opposite's gonna happen. /pol/tards are gonna call her redpilled.

>> No.8729099

Did you not see the big ass dust storm

>> No.8729106

he told you it's making a binary sequence bro

>> No.8729154

>sanas mouth movements when she's eating

>> No.8729182

ehhhhh doubt

>> No.8729190

Sana is a sandgroper after all, she'd be used to dust storms kek

>> No.8729191

I was wrong and kof was wrong, it was binary

But yeah. Think double slit

>> No.8729216

Holy shit Sana is eating a lot. Or she is just constantly moving her mouth for no reason.

>> No.8729282
Quoted by: >>8729386

Sana is pretty smart for your average Hololive girl

>> No.8729288

i can envision sana either nibbling on cookies or inhaling them. You decide

>> No.8729346

oh shit it's us

>> No.8729362
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x1414, 1629681491689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana and Haachama baking bread stream fucking when?!
Or better yet, eating tarantulas together!

>> No.8729368

Shit, they found us.

>> No.8729372

>they keep a spaceship next to there meeting room

>> No.8729386

It's insane

>> No.8729419


>> No.8729438



>> No.8729492

Colonizing Sana!

>> No.8729523

get in the spaceship shinji

>> No.8729521
Quoted by: >>8729555

She is a blessing to architects everywhere.

>> No.8729550

At first i didnt like Sana but now she's starting to grow on me. The future seems bright.

>> No.8729554
File: 702 KB, 640x640, 1594000359441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is okayu about to get mogged?

>> No.8729555

meh i don't wanna see it with sana.


>> No.8729567


>> No.8729591


>> No.8729596
Quoted by: >>8729705

That shit just makes me not want to go to movie theatres because there I have to suffer through normal speaking volume and then all the action scenes have such loud audio it hurts my ears.

>> No.8729600

I'm probably too a minute ahead but I can't figure out when exactly they started the timer.

>> No.8729627

Sanalites... >>8729277

>> No.8729637

mogu'd, perhaps

>> No.8729644


>> No.8729667


nobody throws the chill cat off her groove

>> No.8729705
Quoted by: >>8729759

Well, not all movies are Nolan films. Most are fine.

>> No.8729759

That's applied to basically all action movies I've seen for the last ten years.

>> No.8729763
Quoted by: >>8729849

I'm not used to chuubas speaking this seldom but I guess they're paying attention to the movie. I'm just hoping I don't get sucked into the movie and miss Sana speaking because I do that a lot haha the tism

>> No.8729779


>> No.8729825
Quoted by: >>8729863 >>8729986

>Is it Nah-sa or Naa-sa
>It's Sana

>> No.8729849

It's a pretty dialogue heavy movie, I'm surprised they chose it.

I'm glad I'm watching it tho, finally got the excuse to do so.

>> No.8729863

she's perfect bros

>> No.8729926

Should Sana watch Galaxy Quest?

>> No.8729970

that would be a lot of fun

>> No.8729986

She said it so perfectly, goddamn.

>> No.8730000


>> No.8730062

When will then be now?

>> No.8730078


>> No.8730092

Either would be a lot of fun with her.

>> No.8730121
Quoted by: >>8730270

A MST3K of shitty sci-fi movies with Sana, Kronii, and Ame seems like it would funny

>> No.8730123

[checked] Quads confirm! Sana should watch Spaceballs!

>> No.8730197

audio levels were perfect until now. fucking cinema

>> No.8730199

Corn hate!

>> No.8730224

Will have to watch later with VOD

>> No.8730226

God I am SO glad neither Sana or Kronii are pushing the whole yuri pairing hard like chicken does with Mori.
They are both great together so far. Their first collab together and it doesnt even have that awkward silence that I hate.

>> No.8730270
Quoted by: >>8730331

The reason they were so good was they watched the movie a bunch and wrote jokes. I doubt the girls would go through as much effort.

>> No.8730286

>Tfw Sana will never blow you outside the airlock

>> No.8730291

TARS = Time and Relative Shitposting

>> No.8730292



>> No.8730296

They're just friends. Sex friends.

>> No.8730301

They are both professionals but not in a too stiff way. It's great.

>> No.8730331


>> No.8730405

Same. I was a little concerned when Sana's initial tweets painted her as "the horny one" but she's been absolutely lovely.

>> No.8730442

>I wonder what it's like to be in space

>> No.8730498

Does Sana call her Kronii-nii?

>> No.8730521

Yes, it's her version of Maririn.
It's cute.

>> No.8730548

Yeah, and Fauna, fau fau.

>> No.8730586

Oh damn, Roboco was doing roles this far back?

>> No.8730602

Please reassure your wife that she's fine the way she is!

>> No.8730622
Quoted by: >>8733811

Apparently australians give nicknames to everything.

>> No.8730645
Quoted by: >>8730684 >>8730711

sana watches vinny vineman

>> No.8730660

This spinning is making nauseous

>> No.8730679
File: 2.10 MB, 1597x1150, 1629820624848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fau fau, kroniinii, meimei, bae

she loves her genmates so much, its adorable

>> No.8730684

Mori watches Cr1tikal. No surprise.

>> No.8730688

2 more hours of movie to go

>> No.8730703
File: 1.09 MB, 828x828, 1629948454428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8730711


>> No.8730743

holy fucking kino

>> No.8730762

Bae is the black hole.

>> No.8730766
Quoted by: >>8730803 >>8730848

Never seen this before, Nolan just wanted to make his own 2001?

>> No.8730782

I love both their voice. Heres hoping for ASMR in the future.

>> No.8730795
Quoted by: >>8730961


>> No.8730803

No, very different themes

>> No.8730815
Quoted by: >>8731034

Is the spinning really necessary? I guess you'd want it so your physiology doesn't drift too much while in space...

>> No.8730848

>Nolan just wanted to make his own 2001
Just wait till the end of the movie.

>> No.8730863
Quoted by: >>8730972

the spin only straightens in atmosphere iirc.
The spin is to generate gravity at the outer edges.

>> No.8730868

I love the robot when it just rolls into frame

>> No.8730961

>He doesn't have a piss bottle on him at all times.

>> No.8730972
Quoted by: >>8731082

Yeah that's what I was postulating, I had assumed the centripetal spinning was to simulate gravity, and the gravity was so human physiology wouldn't get too used to a zero g setting.

>> No.8731004

Oh shit it's Sana's breasts

>> No.8731034

It's called centrifugal force and what it does is generate an artificial sense of gravity. By spilling the cylinder, you force whatever is in it against the edges. Without the spinning motion, you'd just float around in the void.

>> No.8731047

I'm turning full gosling

>> No.8731048

Fuck, Kronii just broke her hag back and I am pretty sure I heard it

>> No.8731082
Quoted by: >>8731223

I think also it prevents muscle atrophy.
When people are in zero g they tend to lose muscle mass among other problems iirc

>> No.8731158
Quoted by: >>8731305

>I'm excited for Fauna's asmr stream
Why is Sana so perfect? She's really going for the full Gen2 unity route

>> No.8731199
Quoted by: >>8731514 >>8731639

Fuck the audio mixer for this movie

>> No.8731201

Am I too smallbrain for this movie or is it normal to have no idea what's going on?

>> No.8731223
Quoted by: >>8731385

Yeah yeah, that's what I meant. I guess cuz they were sleeping for 2 years they couldn't do the astronaut exercises our existing astronauts do and so they needed the centripetal force on their body to keep from said atrophy? Am I getting this right?

>> No.8731245

You're probably a bit small-brained but it does require some technical knowledge (and a decent amount of it is made-up jargon)

>> No.8731269

Normal anon, I have no idea either and because 80% of the dialogues is in mumbles and they aren't portrayed in an interesting way that's enough to hold attention

>> No.8731280

Eh it plays pretty loose with science, don't worry
It probably helps to know basic nerd scif-fi tropes though

>> No.8731285

sana is actually intelligent compared to most other chuubas.

>> No.8731300

I love how Sana knows so much about space

>> No.8731305
Quoted by: >>8732165

I like that she actually knows a bit about space too, she plays the ditz but she seems very knowledgeable.

>> No.8731332

Sana actually knows her space science, huh.

>> No.8731366
Quoted by: >>8731461

What a space nerd.
I used to be like that too so I wouldnt mind streams where she just talk about the universe.

>> No.8731377

Sana and Kronii are trying to come into movie reality

>> No.8731386

I may not know about space but at least I know about spaghetti we're pretty much made for each other

>> No.8731385

the pods looked like sensory deprivation chambers to me.
I don't know how much of the tech used is real or in research progress.
I assume as long as you can simulate earth-like environments for the whole journey you only need food at that point.

>> No.8731399
Quoted by: >>8731476

You'd probably understand it better if you watched it alone.

>> No.8731413

>Sana actually knows space stuff, not just kayfabe

>> No.8731452

>Sana was supposed to be a dumb airheaded Australian bimbo
>she's actually knowledgeable about things
make it stop... I don't want her to be smart...

>> No.8731461
Quoted by: >>8731752

>i used to be like that

What happened?

>> No.8731476

Admittedly I'm way more focused on the girls while I shoot the shit with my own friends in voice chat, so it's not like I'm actually watching the movie.

>> No.8731503
File: 497 KB, 1538x2048, E9r0t0CVIAgZrOm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i would love them to watch pandorum
has nothing to do with this but it's a good space horror flick

>> No.8731505

Okay this is the science bit. Time dilation. Relativity.

>> No.8731508

earth's getting fucked, humanity is nearing extinction
wormhole appears out of nowhere, it allows them the travel to another galaxy with earth-like planets
that's all you need to know to understand things right now

>> No.8731514
Quoted by: >>8731639

Welcome to modern movies. They're made with theatres in mind. Even with a decent surround sound set-up. Though that's not going to stay standard for much long.

>> No.8731638

>airhead about everything except when it comes to space knowledge

I dont wanna keep saying she is cute but even this is making me think it

>> No.8731639
Quoted by: >>8731725 >>8731756


>> No.8731646

It's Nolan. If he's not doing capeshit he's doing this.

>> No.8731725
Quoted by: >>8731887

Fuck off. The mixing being poor is an absolute fact.

>> No.8731731

Man re entry and re escape is the biggest issues we have towards space travel desu, if both weren't such a bitch, all space operas would be more believable

>> No.8731752

Honestly not sure. I just stopped being obsessed about it. Now the most I do is sometimes listen to videos about it while I draw.

>> No.8731756

Theatre audio won't be standard for long now everything is going to be dumped on streaming.

>> No.8731763
Quoted by: >>8731843

The mixing is them taking massive booming speaker theatres and compressing them into a single audio track that goes into your headphones and rapes your ears. I'm sure it sounds fine if you're listening with a full home theatre set-up.

>> No.8731829


>> No.8731828

Ah... The mountains.

>> No.8731840


>> No.8731843

it sounds fine in my headphones

t. audiophile

>> No.8731865

Kronii is so weird bro

>> No.8731871
Quoted by: >>8738508

Count the tocks anons...

>> No.8731877

Ah, this scene

>> No.8731887

Oh I know. I'm talking about the modern film industry.

>> No.8731900


>> No.8731914
Quoted by: >>8732035 >>8734061

Dont worry about it.
I havent watched this movie in years but I am pretty damn sure a lot of the science in it is wrong.
I think theres a youtube video where that space scientist black guy debunks a lot of shit in the movie.

>> No.8731963

best robot

>> No.8731971
File: 116 KB, 446x400, 1629654807965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8732535


>> No.8732035
Quoted by: >>8732298

Nelson Mandela?

>> No.8732049


>> No.8732165

It's possible to be book smart but not Street smart.

>> No.8732195
Quoted by: >>8732282

This one time I took the full blunt of a pretty big wave, and let me tell you that drowning fast in a tsunami would be a fucking blessing.

>> No.8732274

Ok, skip sad. Go to ice world.

>> No.8732282
Quoted by: >>8732573

it's fucked, you've never felt fear until your first time being pinned by waves when you're surfing.

>> No.8732298

No, he died in prison.

>> No.8732535


>> No.8732551
File: 15 KB, 97x91, 1629652752657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8732639

Sanana is crying...

>> No.8732573

To me it was so quick I had no time to even feel fear. The force of the water just spun my body like I was a feather and throw me back to the beach.
Dont even know how I didnt break any bones.

>> No.8732639

Both of them are.

>> No.8732657

>he looks the same

>> No.8732727
Quoted by: >>8732763 >>8732839

They still use chalk boards in the future? I at least use white boards.

>> No.8732753

papa pako love

>> No.8732763
Quoted by: >>8732825

chalkboards vs whiteboards
soul vs soulless if you will

>> No.8732821

Papa pako is always watching

>> No.8732825

I was thinking about touch-screen panels. But then again chances are they run Android or iOS.

>> No.8732839
Quoted by: >>8732937

The maguffin in the movie is an analog pocketwatch.

>> No.8732882
File: 7 KB, 458x50, pako chat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8732893

>papa Pako is still worried about the corn
god bless this man

>> No.8732937

God damn it Krono.

>> No.8732961

I'm a lovetist for Sana and Kronii

>> No.8732976

Never bring women into space

>> No.8733022


>> No.8733066

Love this little dude like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.8733073
Quoted by: >>8733178

Gentleman, BEHOLD!!!


>> No.8733158

>that wheeze
my sides

>> No.8733178
Quoted by: >>8733226

Gentleman, BEHOLD!!!


>> No.8733216
Quoted by: >>8733405 >>8733789

I like that the one representing time is the one who keeps making fun of people dying.

>> No.8733226

No corn means no mating ritual then.

>> No.8733405

They're all her bitch, she happily jokes about em

>> No.8733543
Quoted by: >>8733797

Humans really shouldn't have evolved from blissfully ignorant primates, who didn't know the futilities of the universe

>> No.8733789

Kronii has some Touhou vibes.

>> No.8733797

return to monke

>> No.8733811
Quoted by: >>8733974

Big bro Kronii...

Can confirm, but Sana's nicknames aren't very emblematic of Australian tendencies.

>> No.8733974 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>8734075 >>8734399

you cant just go around calling everything cunt Anon.

>> No.8733983

Sana deserves to be loved!

>> No.8734034
Quoted by: >>8734507

>ends up muting the watchalong tab and just watching the movie

>> No.8734061

The science is vaguely accurate until the ending goes full retard, but the bigger problem is that some of the shit just makes no sense from a consideration perspective, particularly that the sensors they used to scan the planets in the other galaxy from space absolutely should have been able to detect that the tidal wave planet had the issue of fuckhuge tidal waves and thus was unsuitable, without needing to actually land there to find out about that.

>> No.8734075

You can if you're a true blue dinkum Aussie.

>> No.8734114

Simply become mole people and eat bugs. Space shit not needed

>> No.8734262


>> No.8734372

god that's a good shot

>> No.8734399

It's more that Aussies shorten everything, so nicknames that make people's names longer aren't that common. A nickname that's just as long as the original would be fine though. EN2 examples: Faunzy, Sazza, Krones, Mums, Hakka, those would be very typical Aussie nicknames. Can't fault Sana's ones for being cuter though.

>> No.8734507
Quoted by: >>8734902 >>8734942

Im half tempted to do the same the movies audio is too dogshit that I can barely hear shit when the two are talking

>> No.8734777


>> No.8734870

the corn is the answer

>> No.8734891

Kronii really likes puns

>> No.8734902
Quoted by: >>8734942 >>8735402

I literally had them set to like 7% volume and all I could hear was Kronii bitching on about potatoes during some intense scene so I just fuckin muted it

>> No.8734942

That's why I only watchalong movies that are shit or that I've already seen.

>> No.8734996

Look at our girl using her facial expressions during the movie

>> No.8735064

Game over, Mann! Game over!

>> No.8735091


>> No.8735258

Kino time

>> No.8735261

I never really realized this but yeah the audio mixing in this movie might be the worse I ever seen.

>> No.8735278


>> No.8735287

>you good
I love her

>> No.8735308

sana is so cute

>> No.8735335

>using her facial expressions and bobbing her head to the music in utter awe
I love this dork

>> No.8735402


>> No.8735418

Sana must love microwaves

>> No.8735619

TARS you absolute unit

>> No.8735889

spaghetti time!

>> No.8736019



>> No.8736043

>this is where Sana and Kronii hang out

>> No.8736056


>> No.8736079

The fuck, Nolan?
You can't have a movie based in science and then do an asspull like this!

>> No.8736139

outside on fire while she does all this

>> No.8736145

four dimension?

>> No.8736168
Quoted by: >>8736214 >>8736243

Honestly this is the part that really ruins the movie for me.
Its not just how convenient it is, but also the fact that the black hole somehow leads him exactly to his daughter book shelf, which is beyond retarded.

>> No.8736184

Ah yes the bootstrap paradox

>> No.8736200

the black hole just wanted to help bro don't think too hard

>> No.8736206
Quoted by: >>8736227

You have NO proof that the inside of a black hole isn't like this.

>> No.8736214


>> No.8736222

sana donda reveal watchalong

>> No.8736227
Quoted by: >>8736411

are you saying that all blackholes lead to this bookcase?

>> No.8736233

Isn't this also the twist of Tenet? Did Nolan rehash his tweeest twice in a row?

>> No.8736240

I went to a Q&A with Kip Thorne (the guy they consulted with for the physics of the movie) and he said the director didn't want people to understand the movie the first time they saw it similar to how the ending of 2001 is confusing. You're not small brained, just read about the explanation later. The science is bullshit, but it's less bullshit than most scifi movies.

>> No.8736243

The black hole is an artificial construct by the future race, that's why it was designed to do this exactly.

>> No.8736273
Quoted by: >>8736393 >>8736591

I want to see the inside of Sana's black hole if you know what I mean.

>> No.8736321

isn't implied that aliens or god made the black hole

>> No.8736374

Not implied, TARS just explained it explicitly.

>> No.8736393

Explain further

>> No.8736403

aliens who might be future humans

>> No.8736411

No, just this one specific blackhole.

>> No.8736436

Beyond the horizon is where God used to be I guess.

>> No.8736449

>Sana's goosebumps

>> No.8736478
File: 319 KB, 1500x1181, 1630033390865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8736591

I want to enter the event horizon of Sana's super massive black hole!

>> No.8736487
Quoted by: >>8736585 >>8736587

>nice black hole
Nolan had no idea what a black hole is.

>> No.8736539
Quoted by: >>8736590

Future 4/th5th dimensional humans

>> No.8736585

It's not a black hole, technically, just something very similar

>> No.8736587

This interpretation of the singularity is exactly as proven and accurate as any other we have come up with.

>> No.8736590

Sounds like gods to me. Humans are created in God's image in the bible.

>> No.8736591
File: 595 KB, 649x1200, 1629903235671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every stream I am hoping for Sana to talk about her black holes or to read chat asking about it.
I know she wont say anything dirty but just a giggle when she thinks about it would be enough.

>> No.8736593

You guys read the research paper, r-right?

>> No.8736714
Quoted by: >>8736778 >>8738005


>> No.8736717
Quoted by: >>8736778

>Type 2 civ humanity

I think im in love.

>> No.8736763
Quoted by: >>8736847

Sure, he can do this because nobody really knows what happens when you go inside a black hole, but one thing we know happens is that you get stretched to infinity, and theres no light in the black hole, meaning even alive you would see nothing and just be stretched forever.

>> No.8736778

She's the one...

>> No.8736847
Quoted by: >>8736894

yeah but aliens

>> No.8736894
Quoted by: >>8737011

humans, anon

>> No.8736920


>> No.8736949 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.77 MB, 1502x1890, 1629995600322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys not gonna lie but Sana is pretty damn cute and lovable

>> No.8736966


>> No.8737011
Quoted by: >>8737120

future humans that live in higher dimensions might as well be aliens

>> No.8737120

Perhaps that's Sana?

>> No.8737241



>> No.8737268


>> No.8737273

That was a good watch-along

>> No.8737282

So did Cooper bring Brand back or did he make a new life on that planet?

>> No.8737344

He fucked Brand and expanded humanity.

>> No.8737354

It all depends on how much time has passed
Cooper could arrive on Brand's planet and a hundred years could've passed.

>> No.8737365
Quoted by: >>8737669

The physics was a little ass bit I did cry a little at the end, so bravo Nolan

>> No.8737425

that ending was a little too happy

>> No.8737485
Quoted by: >>8737583 >>8737939

I fucking hate that I'll never live to see a Type 2 civilization or any real hard sci-fi

>> No.8737514

She keeps saying BEEG in this weirdly sexual way

>> No.8737520

From my understanding, Brand made it to the inhabitable planet before Cooper became his own God and set CASE up to terraform the planet before going on cryosleep.
The ending is Cooper boarding a ship to meet her, presumably to pull her out of the cryo pod.

Also Sana just explained this while I typed it. Sasuga space-sama.

>> No.8737524
Quoted by: >>8737638

O shit she caught the fly! poggers

>> No.8737541

It was more sweet on the bittersweet scale, but still happy

>> No.8737581

I still cried like a bitch when Cooper met old Murph

>> No.8737583
Quoted by: >>8737807 >>8737939

People said the same thing a thousands of years ago.

>> No.8737638

That's the true happy ending right there

>> No.8737657

To me everything after the dude survived the black hole was too happy and unbelievable.

>> No.8737666


>> No.8737669

Fair's fair, Nolan is a filmmaker, not a scientist.

It was made to win Oscars. If this was purely an art film, Cooper would have either stayed trapped in the black hole forever beyond time or the movie would've just ended at the event horizon.

>> No.8737677

my first hololive watchalong that was fun

>> No.8737709

Sana is smart but also very dumb.
It's cute.

>> No.8737748
Quoted by: >>8737849

Alright sana you're up. Let's see how good your grasp of science is.

>> No.8737796

Black holes are the metaphorical middle finger to Einstein

>> No.8737797

Most chuubas don't know algebra, she's talking to me about the search for an All-encompassing theory of quantum gravity.

>> No.8737807

yeah and they were right lol

>> No.8737849
Quoted by: >>8737948

not very good, but it's nice that she tries and at least knows a bit of it

>> No.8737851


>> No.8737864

>String Theory
Oh boy here we go

>> No.8737891

Sana there's nothing in the world I want more than you talking to me about string theory.

>> No.8737913

Shes so cute bros...

>> No.8737919
File: 1.76 MB, 1000x1000, g274672362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope too long

>> No.8737939

I should continue. Perhaps humans are never meant to be a Type 2 civilization. However that does not mean our successors cannot be. Perhaps in a few million years human descendants would evolve into a completely different species to adapt to whatever new environment the world has.

>> No.8737941

Sana is the nerd of the group but somehow she can still be genki and social.
I guess thats why I loving her.

>> No.8737943

Sana you're not making any sense, you're cute but

>> No.8737948

Yeah it's not a mathematical understanding of it but as far as layman's understanding goes she's doing great.

>> No.8738005
Quoted by: >>8738143

Ours is like 0.80 right?

>> No.8738033

I love Sana and her geeking out but she needs to stops saying "uhm…" and "like…" so much.

>> No.8738056

She's doing great guys, as an Applied Physicist she's schooling me a little

>> No.8738081

It plays into her bubbly bimbo act. I like it.

>> No.8738086

explaining things in a clear manner isn't for everyone

>> No.8738108

Fuck this is getting too real!
She is trying to talk with her friend that doesnt grasp anything about what she is saying!

>> No.8738107

Sana talking about stupid sci-fi shit is CUTE

>> No.8738116

she probably already played outer wilds

>> No.8738118

She's a valley girl it's nice.

>> No.8738143

0.73 is what Google told me

>> No.8738144

How does she manage to be a complete airhead and absolutely brilliant at the exact same time?

>> No.8738189

this is standard aussie valley girl speak

>> No.8738201
Quoted by: >>8738293

I might think Sana is just ranting, but I've taken physics courses and she's vulgarizing it very decently, I wouldn't have expected it from a chuuba.

>> No.8738219
Quoted by: >>8738290 >>8738356

I used to know a Sana. They were also a big lover of space who was sadly forced to abandon their dream of being a theoretical physicist and become a doctor because their parents said "it wouldn't make money."
I don't know what happened but I think going through med school while in the middle of a pandemic broke them. Hearing Sana dork so much about space reminds me of them and how I'll never see my friend again.

>> No.8738268

I like this stuff, and I try to keep a working knowledge of it, but like... it's almost all 100% hypothetical. I kinda doubt we're ever going to prove, much less utilize, more dimensions than we have now.

>> No.8738288
Quoted by: >>8738570

Clockbro here. I hadn't given Sana a chance but after this watchalong I completely kneel to her and all of you for seeing the spark in her. She's fookin great.

>> No.8738290
Quoted by: >>8738457

Cool story bro

>> No.8738293

Yeah she's doing great from a layman's perspective

>> No.8738314
Quoted by: >>8738534

Humans need to evolve the ability to perceive the 4th dimension before we advance. My theory is that this is what the mind's eye is suppose to be. The mind's eye or the third eye is suppose to be the ability to perceive beyond. Its also why the third eye is related to psychic stuff. But that's just my gay theory.

>> No.8738324

Fucking hell Sana she keeps going kek

>> No.8738356

Sana isn't even remotely a professional at this. She's just an artist.

She clearly spends a lot of time just educating herself, like her friend Ina.

>> No.8738389

>Sana is not only an artist, gamer, and total dork she also knows fucking PHYSICS
Holy shit Cover, where do you find these girls

>> No.8738413

She's a straught up anomaly. She speaks and acts like an air head but there's a whole encyclopedia in that cranium

>> No.8738430

I am gosling so hard.
This reminds me of the Color Out Of Space watchalong with Ina in her first week.

>> No.8738438

>Kronii is just completely bewildered

I thought she was the smart one. Come on.

>> No.8738442
Quoted by: >>8738614

>nepotism hire
they should let Ina pick out every single girl in the future.

>> No.8738455

If this is what Ina nepotism does, I want a gen of Ina friends.

>> No.8738457

We're in page 10, I can sperg a little about my gay-ass faggot shit since it's all going to vanish into the shitpost horizon.

>> No.8738482

Ina brought her.

Ina I kneel. You brought a 10/10 grill.

>> No.8738508
Quoted by: >>8738672


>> No.8738514
Quoted by: >>8738873

>She knew about the music
Sana is a fucking gem

>> No.8738534
Quoted by: >>8738950

Aren’t dimensions just perspective? A line drawn in a paper looks 1 dimensional but if you go into the paper the line does have a width and height, either there are infinite dimensions depending on perspective or dimensions are just theoretical bullshit.

>> No.8738559

She's perfect

>> No.8738570

I like both of them. Its cool that they been able to talk normally because most of the EN girls are so awkward together.

>> No.8738614

Can they just oust Yagoo and make Ina CEO?

>> No.8738642

Perhaps Sana becoming BEEG is just her moving through the 5th or 6th dimension. To our perception Sana grows. But to Sana's perspective its her moving forward.

>> No.8738672

I knew it had something to do with time when I saw your post but now it's pretty spooky after the revelation

>> No.8738673

Sana and Kronii had so much fun! I love them!

>> No.8738713
Quoted by: >>8738897

this stream sold Sana for me

>> No.8738763

lmao I just realized he changed his youtube name to "Pakorn"
What a fucking nerd, same energy as Sana.

>> No.8738774
Quoted by: >>8738915

The juxtaposition of the cool and intellectual looking one staring slack jawed like a dumbass while a bubbly valley girl just nerds out about theoretical physics to her is comedy gold.

>> No.8738773

Is Sana actually the biggest brain in Hololive? Holy fuck

>> No.8738835

Just off that movie convo, I think she may be one of the biggest brained non-science YouTuber I know.

>> No.8738850

No. Some of the JP girls (like Korone) are actually really fucking smart.

Ina also seems pretty well-learned.

>> No.8738865

It's common with a lot of Aussies.

Even I do this.

>> No.8738873
Quoted by: >>8738960

If I really enjoy a film, I watch it over and over and then obsesses over all the little details, reading articles and watching other nerds that make youtube videos. Sounds like Sana does the same

>> No.8738897
File: 72 KB, 853x552, 1599121746527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me anon, i thought i wouldn't fall hard but here i am trying not to scream

rocket launch stream watchalong when

>> No.8738915

Kek yeah the irony was incredible.

>> No.8738914

anon please, she just knows pop sci, that makes her a cute nerd but not necessarily smart
of course she's a very skilled artist which still means she's smart (in that area)

>> No.8738938
File: 35 KB, 171x133, 12314324231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute.

>> No.8738950
Quoted by: >>8739069 >>8739326

That's the long and short of it. To perceive in 3D you need two eyes. But if you want to perceive in 4D then a third eye is necessary.
Sadly it doesn't hold up well because we can create robots with a third eye and they'll just perceive 3D space like we do. But that could also be limited to our own knowledge of 3D space when creating software. As 3D beings it'll be impossible for us to create something that perceives in 4D space simply because we are incapable of doing it ourselves.

>> No.8738955
File: 88 KB, 1076x590, E9hRK-VVUAISkvM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's her gyaru, she got the perfect model for it.

>> No.8738960

Like Ina, she gets paid big money for relatively little work, so she has a lot of free time to nerd out.

>> No.8738985

God I want Sana to open supas so I can tell her how much I appreciate and value her actually learning this stuff.

>> No.8738990

Dear sanalites,
Please convince sana to drop the astrology stuff entirely and fill the Monday slot with science streams instead.

A Kronie interested in space/time

>> No.8739003

She's pretty well-read at the very least, which is more than you can say of like 75% of HoloEN.

>> No.8739013
File: 150 KB, 600x670, s1630037833415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was super hard to follow along with her but I love her enthusiasm

>> No.8739039

The astrology is her PASSION you can't take that from her.

>> No.8739056

nah sana can do whatever she wants I'll still watch her

>> No.8739068

3:18:40 Eat some good corn.

Again, I love how like Pochi-sensei Pako seems really supportive of their daughter, especially great since Sana is genuinely a huge fan of Pako as an artist too.

Speaking of which, what's a good corn dish to order?

>> No.8739069
Quoted by: >>8739277

Eh, not really. We're unable to *visualise* a 4D object, but if we had sensors that could detect a change in the 4th dimension, we could make a machine that perceives it.

>> No.8739093

>Not doing both
Astrology and Astronomy with Sana

>> No.8739098

Our oshis sure are cute!

>> No.8739114

Bruh, did you watch her ass-trology? She doesn't go hardcore into it, its just a hobby

>> No.8739123

I was a non believer, but afte this watchalong i am in love with her.

>> No.8739126
Quoted by: >>8739238

>pop sci
knowing the number of dimensions in basic string theory isn't something i'd call pop-sci knowledge

>> No.8739132

I don't personally give a fuck about astrology (but am extremely passionate about astronomy), but really, she should just do what she wants. She's at least smart enough to know they're two entirely different things.

She's just having fun with it.

>> No.8739142

I want her to do both because she loves both.

>> No.8739143


>> No.8739146

Senchou also loves Interstellar so I am hoping they both get along.

>> No.8739155

>Not wanting EN Mio to do horoscope/astrology readings for chuubas.
Don't come onto this board and pretend to be a heterosexual. If you're gay just admit it.

>> No.8739160
File: 1 KB, 344x34, 1630037988687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8739378


>> No.8739172

Dear Kronie,
Sana does as she pleases and is lovely regardless. Her astrology stream was big fun and pretty intellectual in its own way since it wasn't even an astrology stream at all.

>> No.8739201

Like Sana said, cornbread is top-tier.

>> No.8739238

It definitely is, especially understanding it at such a layman's level.

Just because it isn't garbage clickbait popsci doesn't mean it's not popsci.

>> No.8739277

Perhaps a mutation in the future of our bloodline will change that. As is our inability to perceive more dimensions will be our great filter. Could make an entire anime about kids with three eyes that have psychic powers if I had the means to make it.

>> No.8739286
Quoted by: >>8739636 >>8739709

Man, I feel like
Like this broke me
I thought I had gotten over it but now I'm broken again
Is this how it feels to gosling?

>> No.8739326

Then again, it’s theoretical. Even the 2nd, 1st, and 0th dimension aren’t actually visible they are just comprehensible everything we see feel or think it’s in other dimensions only theoretically but in factuality it’s all on 3 dimensions from something the size of a plank distance to the ultra massive black holes like Sana’s butthole

>> No.8739365
File: 16 KB, 250x188, dogeza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i came here to properly apologise for any shitting i did on Sana, she's an adorable and smart space nerd and i'm willing to support her as my second oshi for now on, long live the Aussie Space of black snu snu.

>> No.8739378


>> No.8739405

Based open minded anon, we accept you into the voluptuous mountains of Sana, welcome.

>> No.8739520

No apology needed anon. I liked her before and even I feel like I had no idea she was this cute.

>> No.8739539
Quoted by: >>8740447

Sana was a real surprise bros. I thought for sure prior to debut she was going to be another Kiara yuribating leach numberfag, but she's none of those things. She's a real fucking gem and I hope she doesn't change.

>> No.8739560
File: 556 KB, 1585x891, 1607645484144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Kronii doing?

>> No.8739594
Quoted by: >>8739742

This stream solidified that I made the right call going with /spacetime/.

Is it haram to have two oshis? I dont think I can pick just one

>> No.8739636
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, 1629861222355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8739677

We need a version of that one Gosling screenshot looking at the hologram waifu, but with Sana instead.

>> No.8739648

the fact shes a cute nerd is good enough for me

>> No.8739659
File: 3.62 MB, 2325x3368, 1629186403421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talented at vydia
Talented at art
Talented at science
Talented at cute
How does she do it? I'm only one of those things, maybe two, and I spent my whole life on it!

>> No.8739668
Quoted by: >>8739723 >>8739994

I wonder.

What is Sana's favorite galaxy?

>> No.8739677
File: 157 KB, 800x450, 4463500_101118-wls-first-man-4-vid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using shots from The First Man
Apply yourself.

>> No.8739709
File: 756 KB, 1348x1624, 1601937317515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn discuss astronomy with sana

>> No.8739723

That's definitely a good question for a marshmallow stream.

>> No.8739742

Spacetime should be a podcast where they discuss physics theories.

>> No.8739874
File: 578 KB, 2480x3508, 1629767638080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>8739939 >>8740077

>movie ends
>start talking about physics with Kronii
>Kronii in silence clearly unable to say anything to keep the conversation going
>I thought Sana would just stop talking and be embarrassed about it
>nope, she just keeps going and going

Holy shit this woman is powerful and isnt afraid to unleash on others. I dont think we are ready for her future in Hololive.

>> No.8739896

based anon, sana geeking out actually sold her to me 100%, i like cute chicks but man smart chicks are awesome too

>> No.8739939
Quoted by: >>8740115 >>8740240

But she knew precisely when to stop and not talk over Kronii, unlike others.

>> No.8739994

Milky Way for sure. Its why she came here.

>> No.8740077

The best thing about Sana is you can tell exactly when she's passionate about something
Hell, her going on and on throughout the movie was 110% adorable

>> No.8740115
Quoted by: >>8740204

Yeah and that's probably the most important part. Anons compare her to Kiara, but Kiara has the problem of not understanding when to put down the mic in collabs. Sana talks a lot but gives enough time to let people jump in. She can take control of the conversation but knows when to toss the mic over, and that's honestly a blessing

>> No.8740122


Sana a cute. CUTE !

>> No.8740204
Quoted by: >>8740320

I like Kiara, I really do, but Sana has literally none of the issues she has, except having the lowest subs in the gen, which I'd say isn't an issue at all. I don't get the comparisons.

>> No.8740240

She was constantly stopping to see if Kronii had something to add, which shows how nice she will be at collabs.

>> No.8740259

Sana please crack open a VB Longneck with me!

>> No.8740286


>> No.8740312

You can see how enthusiastic this girl is about streaming

>> No.8740320

Because no one watches streams and saw Sana being a flirt on twitter and gave up on her pre debut

>> No.8740327


>> No.8740344
File: 314 KB, 713x758, sana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sana geeking out on Kronii absolutely sold me on her. Is this what it feels to gosling bros

>> No.8740355


>> No.8740438


>> No.8740442

>That cut to Kronii's gangimari face
My sides are in orbit

>> No.8740447

I would forgive any potential future yuribaiting she does anyways because at least she does everything else kiara does but much better.

>> No.8740466

For the first time I want a Holo to zatsudan about science instead of streaming games, and I usually dislike zatsudan.
Just please do it Sana. Maybe we can watch documentaries too. Those shouldnt give any copyright problems.

>> No.8740504
Quoted by: >>8740635

Math and science with Ollie and Sana!

>> No.8740620

tfw to dumb to be a sanalite

>> No.8740635

>I will allow it.

>> No.8740668
Quoted by: >>8740789

Sana made me feel the same things that Ame does, therefore she's definetely someone i wanna watch now

>> No.8740713
File: 168 KB, 466x325, svqA3fd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8740789
Quoted by: >>8740943

I used to make fun of teamates for goslinging but then Coco graduated and now this.
Is this God punishing me for my hubris? Because if it is, I now understand completely. I will never laugh at you ever again Amebros.

>> No.8740849
Quoted by: >>8741121

make sure to leave supportive comments on her stream, you can protect her smile simple like that

>> No.8740943
Quoted by: >>8741017 >>8741092

>Coco will never review Sana BEEG memes.
>Bealz will never get high from Asacoco.

>> No.8741017

i really do wish coco was here for the EN2. she would've really helped ease the new batch of EN's

>> No.8741047
File: 263 KB, 1489x900, E89FWs3UcAQ9f9Q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess its safe to say only Sana and Fauna actually cared enough about this lore stuff to look up space and nature facts huh

>> No.8741079

Well, to be fair, what kinda chaos facts do you want rrat to look into?

>> No.8741092

It only hurts a little.
Then you say these things and it hurts more than a little.

>> No.8741094

It sounds like Sana liked space and such before she got the role

>> No.8741113

I think she's just into Science, in Sana's case. Roommate twitter is full of trips to museums and such.

>> No.8741121
Quoted by: >>8741177

I am waiting for her tweet to do that but I guess she went to do something else.

>> No.8741177

Either artist work or going the fuck back to bed since she's been getting up at crazy hours kangaroo time for this shit.

>> No.8741234
File: 192 KB, 907x481, ssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after the stream...
