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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 237 KB, 1308x1531, GZcihh-boAAXg2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
87156136 No.87156136 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>87156236


RxRxR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WXVFl-N6-o
PAKU PAKU SEIBAI: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zAFA8SCKpXk
Colour MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9alGJE9ZXA
EIEN MV: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGgKKwc-jWg
Bling Bang Bang Born with Ina: https://youtu.be/B3kE_zxORik
LOS LOS LOS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCOGTtxq24k



>Free chat/Vspacer chat:

>Merch (Limited)
PC Case: https://hyte.com/store/hakos-baelz-y60-case-deskpad-bundle/
Official: https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q= "Talent_ハコス・ベールズ"
Geek Jack: https://shop.geekjack.net/collections/hakos-baelz
Promise swag: https://www.omocat-shop.com/collections/omocat-x-hololive-en

>Bae's Twitter

>Art Tags
Danbooru: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=hakos_baelz
Pixiv: https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/ハコス・ベールズ/artworks

>Getting Started
Bae Guide: https://rentry.org/s9fnh
Streams Guide: https://rentry.org/pfzyc
Twitter Spaces: https://rentry.org/hs7p4
Season Box Arts: https://files.catbox.moe/lsrvff.png

>> No.87156156


>> No.87156236

Previous bread:
Previous stream:
Current stream:

>> No.87156313

I'll be honest, getting a bit sick of that.
Oh well, on the bright side this hopefully means more solo streams after today's shubatalk.

>> No.87156581
Quoted by: >>87156685

Bit sick of what, collab streams?

>> No.87156685

I didn't want to attract that schizo but yeah, the joining and dipping from collabs is getting to me.
I was looking forward to 7DTD after GTA was mostly in Japanese...

>> No.87156731
Quoted by: >>87158044

She'll join in the next JP collab and skip the next EN one after that

>> No.87156790

Ok to be fair here, the issue is her workload
She dipped from two days of GTA as well for the same reason, and she mentioned in the Promise collab she most likely wouldn't make it to todays

>> No.87156963

She joined GTA for like 50% of its total run time so she kinda dipped on that one too, so only HoloARK turned out to be a full run
What the fuck is Cover giving her that her schedule filled up again, after she said this month everything is gonna go back to regular streaming?

>> No.87157025

Didn't they mention a bunch of homework in relation to the musical in the Promise collab? That's probably a big chunk of it not including all the other personal projects and shit she has going on

>> No.87157076
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>> No.87157136
Quoted by: >>87157354

Thanks for za bread!
I was wondering when this would happen ever since it was announced Bae would be the next guest

>> No.87157354

Figured it would be sooner but I guess Breaking Dimensions and stuff took up a lot of time

>> No.87157496
File: 77 KB, 708x1024, RRAT LOVE (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rrat Love

>> No.87157554

? She only missed 2 days of GTA , which is par for the course during collabs.

>> No.87157803

>this hopefully means more solo streams after today's shubatalk.
Thing is if she can't join for the whole Collab event then she also won't be able to solo stream either

>> No.87157918
File: 31 KB, 317x239, 423534563457856859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its gonna be a long wait, but im waiting...
pray for me bros... as i hibernate for one full year...

>> No.87157965

Bae please, let yourself breathe a little
I will forever become a cover anti if I hear news of something getting canned after all this work

>> No.87158029

I'm suffering from holoserver burn out, if I get solo streams in trade, I'll be a much happier

>> No.87158042

Can’t speak for right now since we don’t know what’s up with that, but it ultimately just comes down to the work day
Recordings and dance practice can only happen 9-5 most likely, so it overlapped with ENReco, whereas GTA took place in the night

>> No.87158044
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Quoted by: >>87158073

Piss off cunts

>> No.87158073

Why'd you quote my post (the first one), all I'm saying is that if one of her projects that she's currently working on gets canned, I'll be mad

>> No.87158099

i dont like collab streams as its annoying when more than one person is talking i think
personally excited for more dork souls, but i dont know if she liked the game all that much
as long as shes happy, she works so much so she deserves to do what she wants

>> No.87158172

i hope she finds a good happy place game like Persona or Y0 was for her

>> No.87158224
File: 16 KB, 500x265, 0_i0OpLoPCa3XCTjeF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87158293

On the contrary, I really enjoyed watching her play Dark souls
>i dont know if she liked the game all that much
Picrel is the secret to her happiness

>> No.87158255

But she loves JP collabs, she's on the show with Shuba in a few minutes.

>> No.87158293
Quoted by: >>87158351

If she commits to either full defense or dodges she'll be fine
Either go full armor and just poisetank everything or light roll and never get hit
She's in a weird middle zone right now

>> No.87158351

That and also upgrading her weapon, I think you can get to +3 with just titanite shards which makes a world of difference

>> No.87158393
Quoted by: >>87158853

I'm happy she is protesting alongside Ina either way.
But seriously, an over 3 months late collab happening with Shuba? Took long enough, don't care who whines about it.

>> No.87158411

She +2'd at the end I think yeah

>> No.87158587
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Quoted by: >>87158632


>> No.87158632
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shuba cute

>> No.87158641


>> No.87158761
Quoted by: >>87158929

Did she say when Mama rat was leaving?

>> No.87158805
Quoted by: >>87158855

Are these always offcollabs?

>> No.87158853
Quoted by: >>87158942

shes protesting something?

>> No.87158855

That seems to be the gimmick for Subaru’s Hut streams

>> No.87158857

Bae is taking over the mocap work for Ina.

>> No.87158929

Bae should have Subaru over, she mentioned being interested
She didn’t mention how long she and Chibirat are visiting for, no

>> No.87158933
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Quoted by: >>87159006

Papa rat.. I'm so sorry

>> No.87158942


>> No.87159006

I’m actually glad, remember when she was doomposting about missing home?

>> No.87159013

Subaru did not know she was Bae's Oshi

>> No.87159051
File: 24 KB, 326x223, Oshi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87159094

That Bae laugh was like a bird

>> No.87159117

>You WERE Chaos right?
>I still am...

>> No.87159145
Quoted by: >>87174406

ok rrat time, what if... this has to do with Ina's current Visa situation, making her unable to go back to japan in time for the rehersals for the next world tour stage. Because of this, bae and hopefully other members will have to cover for her absence

>> No.87159162
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I think Bae might've started watching Hololive around the same time as me since that was also one of the first clips I watched

>> No.87159190

FUUUUUUCK NO 7D? Honestly I’m so disappointed. All that talk about how October is gonna be streams turned out to be a lie. 1st week she’s back and she only streamed 3 times with 1 being a karaoke. Just so fucking disappointed.

>> No.87159217

Despite all the work she’s going through, it’s good to remember that she’s living her dream

>> No.87159241

I was bummed about Bae having to miss out on yet another EN event but after watching the game for 4 hours I realized that game is dull as all hell.

>> No.87159268

it really is a shit game lol

>> No.87159274
Quoted by: >>87159357

Yeah lets be real.
Cover gives a bunch of homework yes but bae also takes on a bunch of projects and her stream output suffers.
Im not saying cover is exent or anything, but bae is partially responsable for all of this due to her nature of joining everything

>> No.87159343

I'd like to hear Bae's thoughts on how she compartmentalizes choreos and tackles them in her brain.

>> No.87159357

Yeah that's why I was saying to let herself breathe a little and just stream and relax. I'm not really super bummed out about less stream output since I know it will pay off eventually when her projects are unveiled and come to fruition but I'll be lying if I said that I don't prefer a balanced distribution of projects and streams

>> No.87159369
Quoted by: >>87159513

I recall someone praising her for learning a bit of choreo in under an hour, it’s interesting hearing the perspective of other dancers

>> No.87159398
Quoted by: >>87159445

Since she won’t be joining the collab I think it’s pretty safe to say that she won’t be streaming for a week again because I doubt that she would overlap while that event is happening. So frustrating.

>> No.87159422

I remember her mentioning the process, it was some baki shit, out of body training where she performs the moves in her mind before doing them for real

>> No.87159437

From the sounds of things a lot of it is pure muscle memory

>> No.87159445

Bae knows that I want to play Metaphor for a week straight with no distractions. She's an understanding woman.

>> No.87159513

Yeah, she mentioned it here as well that it generally takes her an hour and under to get the hang of a choreo

>> No.87159516

I’m not surprised Subaru runs into her at the studio a lot given she’s there like every two days

>> No.87159555
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>> No.87159613


>> No.87159637

>Any holomem you are close with?

>> No.87159678

What happened to Subaru's model? it looks so stiff and inexpressive now

>> No.87159697
Quoted by: >>87159806

So when are Hakoyami getting married

>> No.87159778

yeah Idk what happened, sometimes they choose to devolve for some reason

>> No.87159799

Depends on the rigger.

>> No.87159806

Hakoyami is a cool name and im mad it didnt occur to me when shitposting about towabanana

>> No.87159970

Bae’s closest friends are basically the ones she collabs with the least sadly
except for Mumei

>> No.87160156

An entire 900ml of pocari

>> No.87160166
Quoted by: >>87160303

>Subaru frequently thinks Bae looks sickly at the studio

>> No.87160287

What's this? some kind of batsu wheel?

>> No.87160292

Duck Therapy Session?

>> No.87160303
Quoted by: >>87160328

She’s overworking herself….

>> No.87160328

What is Hakos Baelz for 500

>> No.87160402

Kyalli of all people kek

>> No.87160412

>Kyalli is the scariest Holo for Bae

>> No.87160470
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Quoted by: >>87160507

>> No.87160507

This makes sense because she was one of her inspirations to join right? Would be scary thinking if your idol might not like you…

>> No.87160769
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Quoted by: >>87160799

Chibitaro is a walking life drain spell

>> No.87160799


>> No.87160906

Ling is pretty cool

>> No.87160916
Quoted by: >>87160999

She's still so proud of her Micra Villager imitation...

>> No.87160927

>Topic: imitate someone
>Bae immediately starts imitating Subaru's roulette call

>> No.87160962
File: 206 KB, 779x815, 1503686347466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wakeup 3 hours ago
>see the tweet
>"oh i have a while till the stream"
>go normally with my morning
>"hm I feel like I'm forgetting something"

so yeah just got here qrd?

>> No.87160979
Quoted by: >>87161117

If Subaru hadn't interrupted her she would have probably leaked her thing

>> No.87160999

Look, all that time with Mason as her MC roommate was great practice

>> No.87161004
File: 6 KB, 286x45, big thing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was the musical, she would've advertised it here so it is likely something else besides the musical

>> No.87161023

Towa kakkoiii

>> No.87161038

dog jumpscare

>> No.87161040

Musical is in December.

>> No.87161042

Bae nominated Fuwamoco as the next guests!
She mentioned she has two separate October/November announcements yeah

>> No.87161047
Quoted by: >>87161112

It's been pretty comfy
Open Holodex and read the liveTL log and you should be up to speed with the stream

>> No.87161112
File: 427 KB, 720x900, D4Uf4pIUwAA2JSD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87161215

I don't need holodex for I do my reps

I get every 6th word or so

>> No.87161117

She won't reveal it before the 20th.

>> No.87161119
Quoted by: >>87161452

Bae cute, Shuba cute.
They were just chatting about various topics. TL got the gist of what they were talking about

>> No.87161155

Some good belly laughs and Bae being asked about stuff like how she rehearses dances
There’s been a very active translator which is nice

>> No.87161196
File: 165 KB, 300x300, 1663898536122781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss shuba

>> No.87161210

>Won't reveal or promote it until it's out.
Better not be more music then. People still barely even know she has an album and ep because she wanted them to be surprises instead of having proper hype cycles.

>> No.87161215


>> No.87161244
File: 293 KB, 1448x2048, GMURerJWUAAAAhp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I guess you have to rate it now

>> No.87161291

>Shuba could tell how tired Bae is just by looking at her face
She really needs to calm down a bit

>> No.87161304

hakoshuba cute/10
Chibirat absorbing her life force/10
Bae brings food in a Tupperware container to the studio/10
Nice tidbits and facts, I liked learning that Bae was scared of Mori before debut

>> No.87161317

Baeshuba cute/10
Lots of laughs/10

>> No.87161363

Nice tidbits/10
Some new information and some existing information expanded upon, it was fun
Yeah she said Bae looked pale as if she had no blood in her body

>> No.87161370
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Quoted by: >>87161495

>> No.87161416

I try not to concern but Bae…

>> No.87161452

>TL got the gist of what they were talking about
Yeah this was good.
>rate it now
She should have picked a single dog to invite to the next interview to keep within the rules, Would have been far more funny to see that play out. But overall, very cute 9/00.

>> No.87161495

She hides it better than Ame did with her hics.

>> No.87161539


>> No.87161566

Well hopefully we get a bit more clarity from Bae as to what’s happening the rest of the weekend tomorrow

>> No.87161647
File: 2.28 MB, 370x424, 23453457438598.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want more bae

>> No.87161667

Hugging bae until her lifeless body starts producing warmth again

>> No.87161763
Quoted by: >>87162418

That might not even be contractually allowed. Like, you 100% need to always invite both of them at all times no matter the context. Management won't even allow Biboo to call her original song by the literal translation english title, Prism Magic, they would likely prevent anything off brand bigger than that too.

>> No.87161784
File: 513 KB, 772x700, Screenshot 2024-08-26 235453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so since we got a bread to go, seeing how the divegrass team did this past vtl (we will all collectively pretend like it didn't happen) I wanted to do something so we see a tad bit more of the team and specially the new players scoring and such, so I was thinking of participating on Divegrass before Christmas, it's a meme invitational, it's nothing serious keep in mind they'll be not only vtuber teams but also completely meme teams.
I wanted to ask with you guys before committing to anything

>> No.87162150

I think that would be nice

>> No.87162176
Quoted by: >>87162812

You know what we haven’t heard about in a while? When’s Bae getting that custom
YouTube banner done?

>> No.87162192
File: 3.63 MB, 2894x4093, 1704291666069656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87162285

jwu, i see that bae is not joining the 7 days 2 die event
did she give any reasons why in the shuba vod or is it still unknown? i was really looking forward to it lol

>> No.87162262
Quoted by: >>87162651

If you end up doing it, randomize the AI and the positions

>> No.87162285

she said she has something big happening this month but nothing specific

>> No.87162297

Say gex

>> No.87162418

Correct me if im wrong but the biboo song thing is the same as EN lyrics where japanese copyright law works against it.
Its how Gintama can make 40000 parodies and not get sued into the ground since they go "oh like in G*ndam!" which means it isnt gundam, it just sounds like it. Calling it for its translated name means its technically another product and someone with bad intentions could go and file something under that name.

autistic? yes
Unnecessary? well no, its a company and they do well in covering their asses

>> No.87162644

>Wake up
>Bae calling out of the entire 7D2D week
I don't really mind because I didn't really care for it anyway but I can't say I'm not starting to worry about this woman after she just had an episode where she hit her absolute limit

I wonder if she's gonna stream any time this week anyway and just didn't want to commit to the event because she couldn't make most of it

>> No.87162651
Quoted by: >>87162814

I mean the tournament is one of the few where that is allowed, but that would mean very VERY bad performance, I can randomize the positions but the AI in pes needs to be carefully done or else you get what we had on vtl

here's the autistic explanation of what I found happened:
Basically PES has "cards" for players, they are basically what skills players have, for example strikers have a card that makes them curve the ball better when shooting, etc. What happened in the last vtl is that every striker had a card that made them go defend more, turning them for some reason into retards that couldn't attack hence the horrible performance

>> No.87162794

She's relapsing right after she supposedly discovered her limit. Nonetheless I really do hope there are solo streams this week if collabs are off, a zatsu stream explaining her current predicament will do nicely

>> No.87162812

She isn't anymore, I wish she did though cuz the ones provided by Cover look like ass.

>> No.87162814
File: 612 KB, 918x1239, 1704302328242369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>None of our strikers had ego

>> No.87162828

September ended up being a packed work month so she never got the break she was desperate for

>> No.87162902

And her next planned break isn’t until like January…

>> No.87162975


>> No.87163057

From Kronii's tweets looks like they've been given additional backend work by management

>> No.87163134

They said something along those lines in the collab too
What kinda homework could they even have that has to be this sudden

>> No.87163207

this is a repeat of Jimmy's dance lessons
>oh i can totally do this!
>get blindsided by something that pushes your schedule a day
>projects creep in alongside deadlines
>uoh oh!
>something has to give
She needs to find the middle ground, which she couldnt before because 2021-2022 was dry as fuck for EN projects wise.
If you guys want some reassurance, this happens a lot on the more "idol focused" talents
>FWMC constantly throat hort
>Irys was on the recording mines during project Hope
>Suisei and Marine have very tight schedules
>Moona has downtime even though she's ID and gets less stuff. Kobo takes after her parents and is constantly on a plane
>ReGLOSS had to break bones in the dancing studio
imma say that's not the case because otherwise Fauna and Mumei would be swimming in homework. Kronii seems to be cooking some stuff this year because she has more homework and has expressed interest in releasing more music

>> No.87163439

Fauna didn't do a 3d live and streams here and there and Mumei barely streams at all. They have more time for homework even though Mumei still wastes it all on Roblox.

>> No.87163511
Quoted by: >>87163624

I am now manifesting some form of KroBaeRyS project since they have been the most vocal about homework

>> No.87163624

yeah kronk has been putting the work on her nihongo and her singing so im excited to see her performances.

>> No.87163654
File: 2.75 MB, 1280x952, weiponpon[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhyz34q.aac].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didnt know we had a mumeischizo here

>> No.87163700

Fauna has never pretended to be idol focused so that's fine, dunno why people wanted a 3D live if she's clearly not the best at singing and performing. She's always been the variety streamer of promise.
Mumei is...welll..yeah.

>> No.87163755
Quoted by: >>87163811

Bae has finally retrieved her umbrella

>> No.87163762

NTA but multiple members have talked about Mumei spending way too much time on Roblox+She's always been terrible with homework

>> No.87163811
Quoted by: >>87163867

Forgot that she even had another umbrella besides the stolen one

>> No.87163832

So you're saying this is the year of KroBae?

>> No.87163867

It’s been over a year I want to say, I’m impressed Bae remembered at all

>> No.87163959

I've never been good with turning in homework until the last possible moment but at some point you'd think these girls would catch on and start churning them out so they don't pile up 8-9 ones that needs to be turned in to the point that management stops them from streaming.

>> No.87164191

The only thing hard work is rewarded with is more hard work. Dealing with deadlines all the time though sounds stressful. Hoping it pays off nicely for the promise musical and whatever baes been cooking this month. Good god this woman needs a break.

>> No.87164269

I'm glad Bae's getting to do what she loves, but man. All the girls I like seem to go down the idol path and consume themselves with it. Good chill gaming streams feel so rare anymore.

>> No.87164417
Quoted by: >>87165211

Could always get into fauna, feel like shes consistent enough to feed me a regular gaming stream when no one else is around

>> No.87164428
Quoted by: >>87164601

It has always been a conflicted situation for me where I know this is what bae wants for her future but I can't help but think of how good it used to be when she had so much free time to stream and wasn't killing herself with work before she moved over to Japan, I really miss the more relaxed times

>> No.87164433
Quoted by: >>87164937

okay, these are really nixce looking ones

>> No.87164601

Pretty much how I feel too yep
I’m proud and happy for her but I do miss when she wasn’t constantly pushing herself to the breaking point

>> No.87164711
Quoted by: >>87165081

Now You notice why koyori or kaela are anomalies. No one can stream even 5 times a week regularly because they need a day to rest and another one to do homework and also rest.
Bae and other girls (like bijou) are learning thr hard way you cant keep pushing deadlines without compromising streams

>> No.87164815

some people really struggle to understand what an iddle game is, I do agree that her sleep schdule is fucked tho. That aside mumei herself say that she has a lot of homework

>> No.87164881
Quoted by: >>87165523

Solo gaming streams are my least favorite Hololive content, they're basically filler IMO. Not that I don't enjoy them at all, especially Bae's, but I'm happy to get basically anything else

>> No.87164895

I dont know what all this talk is about but I think bae should play ape escape 2 for ps2

>> No.87164937
File: 34 KB, 680x679, blushmei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87165004

I think she’d genuinely have a great time with any of the Ape Escapes
They’re such charming games

>> No.87165032

She should play the PAL version of Ape Escape.

>> No.87165042

what IS homework to chuubas anyway?

>> No.87165081
Quoted by: >>87165187

>learning thr hard way you cant keep pushing deadlines without compromising streams

That's what I stress about, though. I start wondering if they actually care much about the streaming aspect anymore. Like what if she's totally cool with forsaking that facet of her holo career?

>> No.87165117

paperwork, recordings, and practice

>> No.87165155
Quoted by: >>87165222

This but Ape Escape 3, it has the most anime-like cutscenes and has those magical transformation powerups

>> No.87165187

Shes not. She misses and says as much every single time she cant stream and comes back. One of her charm points for me is how much she loves streaming.

>> No.87165199

Recording voicepacks.

>> No.87165211

Yeah I could always just... go watch someone like Fauna or Bijou but that just seems disingenuous. Like yep, just gonna change who I support because they play more vidya.

>> No.87165222
Quoted by: >>87165282

Ah, a cunny-chad.

>> No.87165224
Quoted by: >>87165262

It’s just a catch all term for anything ranging from paperwork to home recording

>> No.87165262

Meanwhile Cover didn't do their own homework so now Ina has to just sit in a rented room in Japan for a week until she can fly home.

>> No.87165282

I always played as Kei actually, I don't associate with those people

>> No.87165311
Quoted by: >>87165414

You can watch more than one girl you know. I give priority to my oshi and vice oshi but I'll also just watch whoever is live with an interesting stream. Makes collabs more fun when you watch everyone a little bit

>> No.87165401
File: 605 KB, 1200x900, 1728574329059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never overlap so im always happy going from fauna into bae stream, keeps me comfy. I support them both entirely, i love promise.

>> No.87165414

I've never understood the "I only watch one person" people in general. Ever since I got into Hololive I have watched pretty much everyone at some point here and there. It's only now after years that I mostly just watch my favorites, namely Bae, IRyS, and Gigi

>> No.87165523

That's totally cool, ofc. Not gonna say that's the wrong way to enjoy her content. This is probably gonna come off as blasphemous, but I don't really like most of the girls' music, including Bae. Don't get me wrong, I think her voice is peak but it's just not my kind of vibe. There's a few up my wheelhouse, like Psycho and Gekirin, but yeah.

>> No.87165594
File: 832 KB, 3062x4096, GZiLyFMaAAQ54Td.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are like 3 Holo songs I could consider be part of my taste in music.

>> No.87165625
Quoted by: >>87166107

Im just wondering did you like the fma karaoke?

>> No.87165632
File: 3.13 MB, 720x1064, 1725488619255491.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

warning, watching more than on girl can lead to oshi betrayal
gommene sakura miko my former oshi
the rat is too erotic, too cute, too gamer

>> No.87165639
Quoted by: >>87166520

I can understand it, I watch a lot of the girls but some days I just don’t feel it
Bae is the only one I want to catch no matter what she’s streaming

>> No.87165677

Holy shit we got an oshihen here red alert

>> No.87165698

I adore the steel rose outfit but a matching goth outfit would have suited Bae really well

>> No.87165818

if you watch hololive without liking idolshit, you're gonna have a bad time. especially if your oshi is idol track

>> No.87165899
Quoted by: >>87165949

Bae completing the ORK "not a phase" trinity and becoming the Scene girl to Fauna's goth and Mumei's Emo

>> No.87165949
File: 731 KB, 2634x3830, 1704511441334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87167048

Mori did that already

>> No.87165963

To be fair, Hololive isn’t just solo gaming or music, there’s all sorts of things in between

>> No.87166107

To be completely honest, I wasn't able to catch it and I skipped the vod because I didn't expect the songs to be my kind of vibe. If you tell me there's some stuff in there with some beats that go really hard I'll hit it up, though.

>> No.87166132

yeah that's what sets it apart from indie/other agencies.
Not saying its wrong ,its just different. NijiJP competes on that front and they lost a lot of their heavy hitters over the years and NijiEN is a prisoner island so it LOOKS like Idolstuff is the only corpo way of vtubing when you can easily join Vshojo or other agency and not do this sadly those other agencies are somehow worse than Cover's management

>> No.87166199
Quoted by: >>87166286

See that's not really true, or it least it wasn't always that way. But yeah, it definitely seems to be heading in that direction, I'll give you that. Which is sad as hell.

>> No.87166286

>See that's not really true, or it least it wasn't always that way
kill yourself catalog retard.
Hololive was always conceived as an idol thing, that's why the third fucking gen was called GAMERS and were supposed to be full time streamers, or how AzKi wasnt even supposed to stream.
I know your illk, so fuck off

>> No.87166336
Quoted by: >>87166520

Honestly I'm only really invested in Bae. I'll throw on another girl in the background if I see a frame up and think they're streaming something fun or interesting but I rarely even pay much attention to it, Bae's the only girl that I clear my schedule for and actually participate in the stream

>> No.87166460

After 4 years I stopped caring unless it's Bae or they're streaming a game I specifically care about.
80% of the roster streaming the same fotm streamer shit simulator? Yeah no thanks.

>> No.87166486
Quoted by: >>87166950

There's always some fucking faggot like you lurking these threads with a penlight shoved so far up his ass he can taste the plastic. You can take one good look around Holo since at least gen 4 and know forced idolshit was NOT always a thing. Neck yourself.

>> No.87166520

I mean both of these answers are fine and I can understand them. I mainly meant the "I ONLY watch Bae and will literally never watch any of the other girls ever" type of thinking

>> No.87166613

I understand where you're coming from but It's totally understandable for someone to have come in during say, the first couple years of council where they had no 3D or anything and become accustomed to them just as streamers because that's all they had access to do at the time outside dropping a cover every once in a while. For EN in particular the advent of council 3D followed by the red carpet treatment Advent and Justice got as opposed to just being left to their own devices like Myth and Council were for years was a huge paradigm shift

>> No.87166673

The point isnt the game, its watching the girls talk, we still havent gotten her interactions with justice...

>> No.87166813

BaeGG one day...

>> No.87166932

the good thing is that bae was on VC with mumei, cc and gigi during unholly hours

>> No.87166947

And the main reason for all of this really was COVID and how it finally ended after Council was getting started.

>> No.87166950

keep using buzzwords monkey, no one believes your facade
If you fooled yourself into thinking it was "only streaming" then im sorry you have to have your eyes checked. Bae spent her first years doing concert watchalongs, talking about wanting to perform, inviting people she respected, talking about performances and shilling cons like crazy.
Can you yearn for those days? oh sure you can, i also miss random guerrilla zatsus and stuff like that.
But pretending Bae didnt have a finger on the trigger for the second she was allowed to perform its completely ignorant.

Also unlike those miserable fucks im glad ADVENT and Justice got the chances COVID and Investors robbed Myth,Hope and Council from. It means no girl will have to get through Omega's management or other stupid episodes and the older girls will get better support. Even girls say this because Kiara is glad to train managers so her kouhai dont suffer

>> No.87167009
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>> No.87167048
Quoted by: >>87169486

That's nothing like the scene style though, it's just a sexy bunny outfit

>> No.87167057

Please just stream Bae. You’ve been gone for more than a month.

>> No.87167076

my stinky rat.....

>> No.87167209
Quoted by: >>87167597

Most of the other "idol track girls" still stream a lot, Kiara, Calli, Irys and FWMC still fill their schedules mostly, so its more of a case by case kinda thing

>> No.87167282
Quoted by: >>87167377

She's hinting at a guerilla Dark Souls stream here, be on the lookout

>> No.87167377

Impossible. She’s not gonna overlap the EN event so you can bet that she won’t be streaming again for a week which is pretty tiring at this point.

>> No.87167597
Quoted by: >>87167892

Streams 3 days a week at the absolute most and often will have several days in between streams.
Have had to cancel a ton of streams in the last few months and it's clear that they're suffering from their workload just as much as Bae is.

>> No.87167752

Bae clearly likes to perform, anyone with eyes can see that. To the degree that she's had literal panic attacks on stream because she's overwhelmed? What the fuck is the purpose? There's no balance. May as well just make holo a literal fucking idol group that only sings and dances.

>> No.87167791
Quoted by: >>87167954

>jp tweet
so shes really changed for the worse huh...

>> No.87167892

At least they still stream. This month which was supposed to be her return to streaming is so far a dud. And now we have to wait for who knows how long for a stream again.

Don’t get me wrong I like Bae and she’s my only oshi and she’s the only EN I watch which is why it’s so upsetting that she’s doing this.

>> No.87167898
Quoted by: >>87168880

>Omega's management
i dont know much about the behind the scenes stuff

>> No.87167954
Quoted by: >>87168332

>Tweet about taking a proper bath to address Subaru's complaint regarding her sickly complexion
I fucking hate tourists who don't watch streams and pretend to be a fan of a chuuba so fucking much, I hope they all die
Go back and never show your face around these parts ever againunless this is a joke

>> No.87167996

Meanwhile I know that whatever she's working on will be worth it because she's said it time and time again
I hope we get solo streams but even if we don't, I have undying faith in her that whatever she is working on will make me happy

>> No.87168133

yeah the real disappointment for me here is that we just waited a month for her to have her "streaming break" so we could return to the packed October she kept promising only for her to push herself in September and ignore her break to participate in GTA and then immediately get swamped with work again in October when things were supposed to return to normal. If her behind the scenes work is intense to this degree then she really needs to take a step back because it's getting a little silly watching her flop between almost working herself to death off stream to a short return to dying offstream again

>> No.87168225

It's especially silly after how she talked about having discovered her limits last month

>> No.87168293
Quoted by: >>87168352

She might as well not just say anything about future plans and streams because there’s a very high chance that it’s gonna fall through again.

>> No.87168332
File: 59 KB, 581x580, 1720617382248534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was...
why are you guys so mean?

>> No.87168352
Quoted by: >>87168435

Don't be like that, 95% of the time when she says something will be happening, it happens
This was a very rare case

>> No.87168435
Quoted by: >>87168540

Meh I’ll just keep my expectations low from now on. I’m not even excited now for her announcements.

>> No.87168450

Lose some weight cheebs you fat fuck

>> No.87168451
File: 212 KB, 2000x2000, rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was there because I knew there was a chance it was a joke
Just understand that we have a newfag schizo who makes it his entire personality to either complain about Bae's chat or whenever she speaks a lick of Japanese

>> No.87168476

This, in a nutshell. Something has to give. Something WILL give. Whether it's burnout or her health. I'd rather the former than the latter, but optimally she finds a better balance than whatever she's been doing.

>> No.87168496
Quoted by: >>87168624

I still can't get over the fact that Bae wanted the upcomming Promise orgy to be at her house

>> No.87168540
Quoted by: >>87168720

I can't take your post seriously because of your ridiculous standards but good for you

>> No.87168624
Quoted by: >>87168988

I have been wracking my brain to determine what the fuck they were talking about in those DMs and the only answer I can come to is sex
What the FUCK were they renting that could be messy and Fauna thought would be gross

>> No.87168690
File: 329 KB, 2000x1650, 1701247022636823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87168720
Quoted by: >>87169718

How is it ridiculous? I just want her to stream and so far she only did 3 streams after her “break”. As someone who watches her all the time I think it’s fair to be disappointed at what is happening right now.

>> No.87168880

Take this with a grain of salt because we truly dont know the ins and outs but during the council debut Omega was, allegedly, the general manager of EN and over the years we had multiple people go "oh man REMEMBER THAT TIME FRAME?!" which alligns with a timeframe where perms were even more obtuse, the girls were isolated from JP talents, they constantly fought management and things like covers took forever to come out. Supposedly Omega was the reason Project Hope was a complete disaster and Irys music was so missmanaged she ended up losing motivation

Kiara has been, for the longest time, the biggest hater of Omega and pretty much a lot of the details have come from her but the gist of it (and the shade she threw in the ouija stream with shiori) seems to imply Omega did fuck all for them and just stonewalled everything the talents wanted to do.
To this day, everyone has memoryholed Omega. There's also the rrat that Promise is the definitive burial of the Omega legacy by saying fuck it to the old lore and killing project Hope but the situation is unique to hololive aside from maybe Azki joining gen 0 so it can be just a coincidence

>> No.87168988
Quoted by: >>87169026

I mean this is Promise we are talking about, they all had sex with each other at some point, like every possible pair except maybe faurys

>> No.87169026
Quoted by: >>87170213

they touched horns in one of the many times bae was gangbanged

>> No.87169233

so weird that something like that can happen with the immense and explosive popularity EN1 had, that something so basic as a bad manager can be allowed to exist
but it lines up with how fucky things were back then and girls being upset, so i believe it

>> No.87169486
File: 526 KB, 1300x1873, 1721478126863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The bunny ears are a bonus accessory she included as a workaround because Cover told her she couldn't do a full bunny suit outfit

>> No.87169683

Myth was expected to do about as well as ID1 in 2020, which is to say, barely a footnote. Even after they exploded upon debut, good luck convincing Japanese bureaucracy to catch up and meet demand in a timely manner

>> No.87169691
Quoted by: >>87170119

Don't get me wrong, I like the old lore because I always loved researching ancient God's and Goddesses, but I'll admit that it was limiting to their personalities and how they could grow as streamers.
That being said, I'm not too big on the "isekai" tone Promise has either.

>> No.87169718
Quoted by: >>87170058

Why do you only count streams on her channel? That screams of mental illness to me.

>> No.87169795
Quoted by: >>87170738

Well Myth was pretty much sent to test the waters with nothing on their backs because they had no idea if it would even work and they were on the other side of the world. ID was the frame of reference.
that's why people say councilrys 3d is when EN was finally given the unnoficial title of "sister branch" to JP. Before that point we were considered equal to ID and ID had to get Holoro to get taken seriously.

The good thing is that even if they are now more busy and things changed, they are not "footsoldiers" like other companies and are instead considered equals for brands and other things

>> No.87170058

If it’s not on her channel then it’s not really her stream. Besides the one with Ina and Promise is basically just an announcement stream.

>> No.87170119

In case you havent noticed, this larper comes from the catalog and you should stop feeding him

oh i would love for more exploration of the council and for integrated lore like Advent and justice, but the stagnation and "you girls have to act like your avatar" thing probably soured everyone on it.

Then again lore is just a funny backdrop because justice spends more time having gay sex than catching their prisoners

>> No.87170213

>touched horns
thats hot

>> No.87170738

back when myth was debuting and Ollie was the only ID people knew (well Sora recognized Iofi's existance)...
Its really cool to see that now ID doesnt collab with EN not because "we dont like them" but because they go "oh where does our schedules allign inbetween our own Jp collabs, our own projects and our streams?"

>> No.87171125

i just gotta say that if you traveled back to debut bae and told us "bae's Alphonse to her Edward is Ina" we would have called you delusional or a Krobaeshipper

>> No.87172635

this brat making us wait for her, i wanna correct her

>> No.87172752
File: 170 KB, 900x900, 1715124725708379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she hates us unironically

>> No.87174103

Wrong thread cheebs
She hates me the most and it isn't even close

>> No.87174301

we have a cheebs infestation!

>> No.87174406

Now I'm not the biggest Ina fan so I don't know what she does but I don't think she was doing a bunch of HL merch or collab stuff.

>> No.87174962
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>> No.87175017

Wtf why does IRyS hate me

>> No.87175074

You can go to +5 in DS1 with basic shards, Andre sells shards for 500 souls each, so a little grinding in the Undead Parish can easily get you to +5. If you get the Large Ember you can either upgrade the weapon to +6 or make it a Raw weapon using the few large shards that can be found. Not that I think she should go that far, but upgrading a basic weapon is better than falling for the Drake Sword trap.

>> No.87176590
File: 2.55 MB, 1841x2184, 117596075_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87176690
Quoted by: >>87177265

Body pillow finally arrived so I could unbox my daki.

>> No.87177265

you are good brrat right? you are gonna behave with that pillow right?

>> No.87177311

the pic we are gonna get its the last time it wont be covered in cum

>> No.87177319
Quoted by: >>87178511

Bae's butt will be touching my pp every night.

>> No.87178511

bone on boner....

>> No.87180085

Bae should play Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team so she could experience the soul crushing pain of a 99 floor Dungeon

>> No.87180559

this but in japanese

>> No.87180674
Quoted by: >>87182743

That would be fun. I wonder what Pokémon she would get from the quiz. Also I'm assuming you're talking about the 99 floor dungeons that also reset you to lvl 1. I hated those, I think there was one you had to go in alone too.

>> No.87182028

Bae should play Professor Layton with her chat turned off during the puzzles

>> No.87182743
Quoted by: >>87183712

Zero Isles in the DS games (Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky) are just extra dungeons that have fun gimmicks to them and aren't required
In the original Mystery Dungeon games (Red and Blue Rescue Team), the very first post game dungeon, which is Buried Relic, is 99 floors and is required to continue the story

>> No.87183712
Quoted by: >>87185286

I don't remember much of the DS games unfortunately. I was thinking of Purity Forest were you can get Celebi and turns out it wasn't part of the post game really.

>> No.87185286
Quoted by: >>87189428

I never got to that dungeon yet, I've been stuck on Buried Relic for a long time.
But from what I read it sounds hard as an optional dungeon.
99 floors, reduced to level one, IQ reset, no bringing items, items on the floor have a higher chance to be sticky, and no teammates.
All that just to unlock Celebi of all things. Absolute insanity when comparing it to how it's unlocked in Time, Darkness, and Sky.
I assume this must be what inspired the Zero Isles in the Explorers games

>> No.87186540
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>> No.87188726
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>> No.87188738

I'd love to watch Bae play a musou game

>> No.87188876
File: 74 KB, 1024x709, mangopan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think bae should bake more bread

>> No.87189428

The main issue in BR for me is usually food, I step on a trap and it gets sticky or I get unlucky and can't find food when I'm starving. I would rarely do missions there in the original, I would mostly look for Mew.

>> No.87190385
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>> No.87191957
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>> No.87193350
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>> No.87195063
Quoted by: >>87196043

It's been so long since Bae last talked about her feet...

>> No.87196036


>> No.87196043

What context would it even come up in

>> No.87197425

yknow no one brought the very real posibility that the problem is chibirat and mamarat being on the shed.
like, bae is not gonna say "mom fuck off im doing my job and take the kid out at 9pm or go to a fucking hotel"...she's too nice and asian to do that

>> No.87197600

This is pretty plausible, might be something came up with them

>> No.87197838
File: 125 KB, 317x282, Bae Flabbergasted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87198118

this does hold some water since she went
>"oh i cant start 7days tomorrow, fuck"
on the mumei collab, which implies she was fully expecting to join after the second day

>> No.87198118

Whatever it is, something clearly came up last minute since she was going to join up until at the very least the Promise collab

>> No.87198400 [SPOILER] 
File: 85 KB, 640x640, whoolay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it! im ANTIairing Bae!

i miss her so much guys...im not joking ikung-laugh at my own joke

>> No.87198481
File: 1.38 MB, 1200x675, baegetsdropkicked[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fchkk87.aac].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here Quanchi

>> No.87199423
File: 62 KB, 600x600, TAKOTARO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did she abandon EN?

>> No.87199777
File: 562 KB, 3200x3500, GZjBkPCa4AAPZHv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87200025


>> No.87200025

me in the bottom right

>> No.87200273
Quoted by: >>87200342

I've spanked my Bae daki twice so far. Once when I left for work and once when I came back home.

>> No.87200342

Like a good luck charm

>> No.87203059
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>> No.87203202
Quoted by: >>87203971

i checked Erbie and im glad to say we finally got a proper wine aunt in holo.
I want this posh lady to give me a mint and tell me im handsome

>> No.87203971

She really does have that nerdy doting aunt vibe, it's nice

>> No.87206437
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>> No.87206617
Quoted by: >>87206716

just cause they're red women or is there some other connection?

>> No.87206716
File: 626 KB, 1920x1080, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artist is doing a themed Holoctober with them as Team Red yeah

>> No.87207074
Quoted by: >>87207205

I like the whole pic but would really love Bae solo too, she looks insanely adorable here

>> No.87207205

I like how they draw her and hopefully they do some solo stuff after Holoctober

>> No.87208321

I thought you died quanchi

>> No.87210323
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>> No.87210581
File: 161 KB, 320x320, baeslap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you brats are too horny lately, go jerk off in silence

>> No.87210663

Stinky rat (cute)

>> No.87210702


>> No.87210969
Quoted by: >>87211003

1 million R.R.R.

>> No.87211003

erm it's RxRxR

>> No.87211043

Well deserved, I love this song

>> No.87211176

Oh did you guys see that one animation of baes butt? I posted it in the main thread while you guys were gone

>> No.87211341
Quoted by: >>87211366

The jakada one? Or this one?

>> No.87211366
Quoted by: >>87211526

The jakada one! I'm glad you guys saw it it was good

>> No.87211526
Quoted by: >>87211736

Yeah they do some fantastic animations, the Kronii/Bae one is great too

>> No.87211545
Quoted by: >>87211588

The what now

>> No.87211588
Quoted by: >>87211789


>> No.87211736

I subscribed to their patreon solely for the Kronii stuff and then I saw the bae animation and it was great

>> No.87211789
Quoted by: >>87211862

no twitter, can I get a mirror?

>> No.87211862
Quoted by: >>87212315


>> No.87212315

dope, ty

>> No.87212627
File: 280 KB, 1080x1920, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking shorts never notify me

>> No.87214107
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>> No.87214326
Quoted by: >>87214741

Bae should play Super Metroid

>> No.87214741

Any sort of metroidvania is a recipe for a very lost rat

>> No.87215989

G'night bread
