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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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87165956 No.87165956 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>87166040

Nijisanji EN YouTube channels:












Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:

Our Minecraft server:

Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>87155410

>> No.87165969
File: 1.25 MB, 1068x1334, GZdSqywaYAA9J-2.jpg:orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sex with my cute wife

>> No.87165975
File: 614 KB, 2000x1300, GZH2cxpbgAAQRkp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87166003

>> No.87166003


>> No.87166007

Anon it was already confirmed it was a numbers raid

>> No.87166039
File: 255 KB, 700x700, 1716638908949723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember any claims that there’s more than one always end up being the opposite
Don’t fall for the gaslighting

>> No.87166040
Quoted by: >>87166131

Reimu is the hottest NijiEn and it's not even close!

>> No.87166046
Quoted by: >>87166109

Reimu rabu
Enna rabu
Millie rabu
Nina rabu

>> No.87166076

Hihi we are back on Reimu's stream but yeah I'm vomiting. Watch this when you can https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66cs78X2cq0 I like 2x... 3x is a bit much without cheese and an egg but then it's good.

>> No.87166084

Kek not him cross posting and try to gaslight

>> No.87166095

>fatty, numberfag, and iphone yaminion all got banned
Finally, peace

>> No.87166109
File: 844 KB, 2944x1656, FerVtW1akAAH_16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ethyria love!

>> No.87166120

i always knew it was her

>> No.87166131

Ok Vox

>> No.87166146
File: 25 KB, 348x318, 1663957483473622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reimu's tiny latina feet

>> No.87166148
Quoted by: >>87166234

Half of the posts were things like
>Shus harem
>Shu needs sex
>Here's this idea I had for a shu x Alban rape doujin

>> No.87166158


>> No.87166161
File: 562 KB, 1200x1600, 1728575182065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cocksleeve material

>> No.87166169

Why on the floor?

>> No.87166227
Quoted by: >>87166284

how are you not banned

>> No.87166230

sometimes millie leaves her underwear on the sofa

>> No.87166231

>3 clique whores hired by nepotism
>Nina is hired by merit since she has a 10 year streaming career
>gets bullied and excluded by the 3 clique whores
>leaves and does her own thing
>becomes more popular and more successful than the other 3 combined

>> No.87166235
Quoted by: >>87166390

it was painfully obvious when she wrote the short fic form and then shitposted about maririn right after

>> No.87166234
Quoted by: >>87166509

Retard >>87160523

>> No.87166249

I will marry Millie

>> No.87166284

Haha Enna.
People like me.

>> No.87166292
File: 50 KB, 849x778, 1727587357133626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can’t believe the guy is actually banned and trying to shift the blame to me while im just watching the live this is so funny

>> No.87166296

mimi is getting noise complaints...

>> No.87166304
Quoted by: >>87166448


>> No.87166307
Quoted by: >>87166465

>newfags thinking if someone gets mass-deleted it's only one person

>> No.87166357

oh shit i want to creep on reimu changing from another building

>> No.87166390
Quoted by: >>87166541

she consistently complains about the boys raiding into the girls

>> No.87166396

These outfits were pure sexo specially Reimu's and Enna.
I want Nina to let me kiss her thighs too peroperoperopero

>> No.87166406

iPhone yaminion,fakebud,ennaschizo number raid

>> No.87166430
File: 356 KB, 1847x2048, 20350215_234800_IMG_0901 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87166574

I love this Rose like you wouldn't believe!

Hood morning!

>> No.87166445

Now he's just trying to shift the blame to different fanbases. I gotta hand it to him for successfully fooling anons with his larping.

>> No.87166448 [DELETED] 

>Enna claimed her boyfriend was "long distance"
>but let it slip that she wore his shirts around the house so frequently she did't even have nay of her own shirts
>then she admits "oh yeah, I actually lived with him for a year"

>> No.87166461

>reimu spies on her neighbor when he does shirtless exercise every night

>> No.87166465

there were at least 2, one of them our usual suspect

>> No.87166472

look at all these “labels” the schizo can larp as

>> No.87166483

How do we cure Reimu of her chinese fever? Does she not know they are huge incels?

>> No.87166489
Quoted by: >>87166513

These 3 are so fucking fun. But do not die!

>> No.87166504
File: 748 KB, 1280x720, 1728575880457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87166509
Quoted by: >>87166587

>80% of the posts deleted were a yaminion
>"It was /#/s here's this one post to prove it"
I hate that thread as much as everyone else in this board but
This is more accurate at least one of them was a yaminion

>> No.87166513

They're just bitching about things like usual

>> No.87166535

There were three, maybe four. iphone yaminion, a Briskadet, one or two anons that were liveposting but leplied and got caught in the crossfire, and of course fatty trying to larp. Oh and the numberfag too.

>> No.87166541
Quoted by: >>87166577

yes i know. it adds up with the shu, luca and then sonny posts. jesus christ

>> No.87166547

I look forward to the angel beats watchalong

>> No.87166568
Quoted by: >>87166700

Milliepedes why does Millie hate angel beats?

>> No.87166574

Gm bud! Ethyria anni in mumu’s stream but try look away from the thread because the mentally ill schizo is on his blaming fanbase tirade after getting banned

>> No.87166577
Quoted by: >>87166630

We get it you're samefagging and hate the boys now shut up and watch the ethyria relay

>> No.87166587
Quoted by: >>87166636

i don't think it was a yam, i still think it's the fujo kindred considering this random post from /nenmen/ got nuked at the same time >>87092326

>> No.87166630

feels like everyone has cried to angel beats
i hate them so much one of them is my oshi. keep seething retard

>> No.87166632

Who sells books on the street in 2024

>> No.87166636

*killua holding gon.png*

>> No.87166655

onk is peak fiction

>> No.87166668

is oshi no ko overhyped?

>> No.87166672
Quoted by: >>87166714

Thanks for confirming it was you larping.

>> No.87166683

i love reimu's cute latina laugh when she smiles i smile too

>> No.87166700
Quoted by: >>87166752

Makes her cry in a way that feels artificial

>> No.87166714

if that thought makes you feel better, then so be it

>> No.87166722

I'd say so.

>> No.87166725
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>> No.87166742
Quoted by: >>87166826

Reimu your taste....

>> No.87166752

this was me with AoT

>> No.87166757

the first episode was for sure

>> No.87166765


>> No.87166786

it was

>> No.87166791

where's the vocaroo anon/whorecub?

>> No.87166809

Konosuba is good but it starts taking itself seriously and becomes an actual Isekai
Then he rejects darkness which sucks

>> No.87166817
Quoted by: >>87167146

Also got banned

>> No.87166826

Reimu mostly just likes anime that make her wet...

>> No.87166853

Based honestly

>> No.87166917

You've talked about summoning your mom before but hearing it is so funny

>> No.87166933 [DELETED] 

Is that why Reimu's trying to hop on multiple coworkers' dicks

>> No.87166945

I'm noticing it was not just posts about Shu but some replies about Shu that were from different anons got deleted too. I'm happy jannies are finally doing something but they could aim a little better next time.

>> No.87166974
Quoted by: >>87167040

I'm exhausted with shonen ngl

>> No.87167002
File: 2.63 MB, 5943x4078, 1718113926611957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enna = olivia
millie = hanako
reimu = kasumi

>> No.87167006
Quoted by: >>87167052

all shonen feel the same...

>> No.87167010
Quoted by: >>87167045


>> No.87167040

at the end of the day it's a genre aimed at teenage boys, it's going to be slop 99% of the time

>> No.87167045
Quoted by: >>87167105

I care because a reply of mine got deleted.

>> No.87167052
Quoted by: >>87167126

They really do
I was told by a friend to watch HxH because
>It's so different and unique
And then it was literally just the same exact shonen I've watched a billion times

>> No.87167059
Quoted by: >>87168444

>es toy loops

>> No.87167105
Quoted by: >>87168444

>da loop da loops

>> No.87167126
Quoted by: >>87167165

that's because HxH has provided inspiration for nearly every popular shounen out there, it's like reading dracula and thinking it sounds like every vampire story you've read before.

>> No.87167131

>no they've just always been gay

>> No.87167134
File: 781 KB, 4096x2503, 1705657206983578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys think she'll go as far as Finana used to in her ASMR videos? If so, how long until it happens?

>> No.87167132

>reimu can enjoy doujin without watching the anime first
cringe or based?

>> No.87167146


>> No.87167165

I get that but like
It doesn't make it any more interesting to watch imo

>> No.87167181

I fapped to xenosaga 2 djs before I actually play it

>> No.87167183
Quoted by: >>87167211

Love you whorecub

>> No.87167208
Quoted by: >>87167270

I'm new how far did Finana go before she stopped?

>> No.87167211


>> No.87167220

Mumu's stream suddenly started to take an extra 2GB of RAM, this only happens when I watch Mumu. Is it because of her internet or upload region?

>> No.87167222

I think that's fair doujins are non canonical anyways and half of the time they're ooc

>> No.87167244

yeah i was just trying to explain why

>> No.87167243


>> No.87167261
Quoted by: >>87167325

No. I don't think twisty has the same turn ons

>> No.87167270
Quoted by: >>87167605

Humping her pillow, moaning, and doing countdowns.

>> No.87167272

Reminder that Rosemi found onk so disappointing she went on a rant about modern anime being shit

>> No.87167277

i really hope reimu gets out of this trash company by next year

>> No.87167322
Quoted by: >>87167450

If it wasn't for the flashy animation I don't think anyone would like it, the plot is dumb as fuck

>> No.87167325

I pray she gives into it at least. Her mentioning she gave (Us) her first kiss in a very timid tone after the light kiss in her last ASMR video was ecstasy incarnate.

>> No.87167370

If the spiritmates at her M&G are cute maids with big tits she may get into the zone next time, just for them

>> No.87167380

Honestly speaking I kinda hope the branch folds next year. I'm tired of it.

>> No.87167417

people compared it to act-age a lot at first and i read it until the latest update at the time. it doesn't hold a candle to act-age lmao

>> No.87167418

2025 might just make it feel normal. Didn't think I'd find myself doing almost nothing like 7 years later though.
If I have no real connection to the work, then it's okay!

>> No.87167447

don't really care what happens to the rest desu, nijisanji can continue to bleed for the nexxt 10 years . just get my oshi out.

>> No.87167450

reading it (bi-)weekly in the beginning (pre-theater arc) was great. honestly I think the anime fails to capture that feeling outside of the first episode.

>> No.87167471
Quoted by: >>87167566

Reimu fans being shit again like their oshi

>> No.87167479

Ethyria ran the whole branch into the fucking ground, and keeps being given opportunities by management

>> No.87167483

schizo really flopped

>> No.87167519
Quoted by: >>87167589

The way she was talking about this year being a "high point" for Niji it was laughable. Delusion at its finest.

>> No.87167521
Quoted by: >>87167654

ethryia is the utaite wave with the most talented people, it only makes sense.

>> No.87167526

I was thinking those were what you took for hemorrhoids kek

>> No.87167557

and she was so based for that

>> No.87167564

Kinda did. Honestly.

>> No.87167566


>> No.87167567

guess the blaming yaminion thing didnt worked out he switch target to phantomos now
what a whore

>> No.87167570

Rate NijiUSA.

>> No.87167582

>still posting about him

>> No.87167585

hey jannies towards the end of the thread can we get another mass deletion

>> No.87167589
Quoted by: >>87167720

yeah well I don't take her at her word, we know how staff is behind the scenes and she just wants to avoid getting suspended. We all know what's really going on, no need for her to tell it to us.

>> No.87167592

Need to marry and take care of Reimu, Enna and Milo

>> No.87167605

Then yeah I think Twisty could do that.

>> No.87167635

I dunno I really don't get the vibes that she'd go that far especially cuz she's kinda sexually traumatized it seems

>> No.87167654

It's the nepotism wave which sucked and underperformed. The only good one was Nina

>> No.87167662


>> No.87167680
Quoted by: >>87167718

reimu's working hard for her concert with deron!

>> No.87167686

nina's only talent was being a leech, lower your tone faggot.

>> No.87167718

i'm glad they're finally capitalizing on the singers we have in EN

>> No.87167720
Quoted by: >>87167762

The conversation is taking an awkward turn because of the topic of future plans and current niji status. They really should go back to the silly bl talk because Enna can't stop hinting at graduation because she has no tact at all.

>> No.87167738
File: 642 KB, 1700x2000, 1651376185922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Rosemi with all of my heart!

>> No.87167745
Quoted by: >>87167795

Nina went to the boys because she was bullied and excluded by the other 3.

>> No.87167762
Quoted by: >>87167810

Can you quit samefagging? We're watching streams

>> No.87167778
Quoted by: >>87167820

Da loops

>> No.87167793
Quoted by: >>87167944

If you want to hear it yourself.
She seems to enjoy roleplaying being manipulated into doing lewd things with her brother.

>> No.87167795

if you believe nina the extrovert got bullied by those 3 you are a lost cause

>> No.87167810
Quoted by: >>87167916

You are so wrong you have no fucking idea. Keep on watching retard.

>> No.87167818

ren cover please

>> No.87167820
File: 60 KB, 112x112, loops.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87167871

That's the reason she cozied up to the boys. Her wave excluded her, and were all nepohires

>> No.87167874


>> No.87167880
File: 646 KB, 771x415, 1709262644005951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87167888
Quoted by: >>87167936

enna loves being babied... shota enna ToT

>> No.87167916
Quoted by: >>87167942

Watch streams samefag

>> No.87167932

He's just firing his arrow at any fanbase now. What's next, XxRenvaderzxX??

>> No.87167936


>> No.87167937


>> No.87167942
Quoted by: >>87168109

>insert copium reply here

>> No.87167943

lmao. nina was an unironic twitch whore, you think those 3 geeks bullied her? GTFO kek

>> No.87167944

Yeah but on her tags stream she said she found the idea of fingers touching pussies to be gross, she hates the idea of sex toys, she doesn't even like the idea of being ate out.
I honestly think she's got some kind of trauma

>> No.87167967
Quoted by: >>87168050

I like OnK and think it's fine, but probably the main issue was the execution of weaving the murder mystery plot within the context of traversing the Japanese entertainment industry and the peeking behind the curtain of it. Each of the arcs were good standalone, but it's the connecting each of them together and tying it all back to the main plot point that was rough.

>> No.87167985
Quoted by: >>87168033

They would have secret calls and lie to Nina saying they were busy to avoid talking to her. She didn't straight up say she was bullied but I'll leave it up to you if you think that counts as bullying. Not that it matters either way because that was ages ago in internet time.

>> No.87167987
Quoted by: >>87168011

Ethyria taking therapy

>> No.87168009

All 3 got hired and "just happened" to be close friends with Elira, a "total coincidence"

>> No.87168011

Yeah Millies mentioned it a lot

>> No.87168017
File: 279 KB, 2048x1152, 1701107294541234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87168285

That just means she needs to rub up against her pillow like Finana did. I remember listening to another ToT chuuba doing ASMR. She used her plushie. I'm sure Twisty would enjoy doing the same.

>> No.87168033
Quoted by: >>87168109

>they were busy
that's not what she said initially when she threw them under the bus.
what a cunt.

>> No.87168050

aka really dropped the ball with the japanese entertainment industry stuff past the first two arcs, to be honest. the talk show and casting couch arcs were pretty bad. and I will never forgive akasaka for not having a modeling arc

>> No.87168060

Ren anal probed me I feel so violated.

>> No.87168074

as someone who also can't really divulge my job i just say i work admin/a desk job

>> No.87168091
Quoted by: >>87168115

Elira and Reimu knew each other about as much as Elira and Nina did.
Reimu also knew of Enna and Millie but didn't know them personally until joining . Now stop being annoying

>> No.87168108

Fake claiming DJ lmao...

>> No.87168109

Watch streams cunt

>> No.87168115
Quoted by: >>87168140

Enna said she knew Reimu for a long time

>> No.87168140
Quoted by: >>87168650

Knew of Reimu she didn't know her personally

>> No.87168158
Quoted by: >>87168591

I was there when she threw them under bus bitch. you watch streams.

>> No.87168165
Quoted by: >>87168217

What do you do…

>> No.87168179

She is a big gooner so the idea of others fingering her might be what disgusts her. I don't get the no toys part, maybe she's scared of using them.

>> No.87168192

I've never lived in an apartment with a concierge

>> No.87168211
Quoted by: >>87168380

currently writing the sequel because the breakfast scene was so fucking short. I already have an idea for the plot though.

>> No.87168217

something specific enough it would actually doxx me

>> No.87168234

We all just work for Mr Beast now.
I mean I do since I work many lives but if I ever got recognised I would just gazulight that shit man.

>> No.87168247

What's with this broken record "gotcha" response? You are the one who actually wants to watch the stream in peace. What are you even doing here?

>> No.87168250
Quoted by: >>87168589

FBI anon....

>> No.87168285

Wait for spiritmate plushie merch

>> No.87168298

real spy

>> No.87168300

we got schizo bots replying to each other and some attention whore lucub talking about their fanfic and posting vocaroos
one day jannies will do their job

>> No.87168304

Do they actually believe Enna is a "hard worker"? What the fuck?

>> No.87168380
Quoted by: >>87168432

Yeah please do that, having a fucked voice is not fun and you guys are not hags...
That's me and it's why they're filled with puzzles

>> No.87168393
Quoted by: >>87168589

please don't look at my history fbi agent

>> No.87168432
Quoted by: >>87168478

Why are you still replying to milgurschizo…

>> No.87168444

>Exactly one minute apart
So it's you then kek I knew it

>> No.87168446
Quoted by: >>87168492

>Gets triggered by the "hags" rundown joke of all things.
These girls are on the edge of a mental breakdown.

>> No.87168454
Quoted by: >>87168589

IRS anon...

>> No.87168461

millie, stop using /here/ terms...

>> No.87168466

I'm dying kek

>> No.87168478
Quoted by: >>87168578

Yeah it's Gen Alpha but Gen Skibidi is so funny.
He's kinda nice to talk to?

>> No.87168492

That joke is getting tiring to be fair

>> No.87168513

Get 0wned n00bz

>> No.87168521

i feel so fucking old...(im 24)

>> No.87168523

My sides holy shit

>> No.87168554

Damn what a shitty anniversary stream. They didn't even plan anything

>> No.87168561
File: 860 KB, 4096x2529, 1728578398357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny LOVE
Feesh LOVE
Wosemi LOVE
Shubert LOVE
Meroco RABU
Stream Cendrillon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7HZcCgMx3w
Stream Break Free https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YnDtV6Yejo
Stream Ringo Mogire Beam
Stream Infinity
Stream Bling-Bang-Bang-Born

>> No.87168578
Quoted by: >>87168705

Can you go fuck him and leave then, you should know his twitter

>> No.87168589

lol i swear that it's a boring job, nothing as exciting as that
i remember IRS anon... i think he was a pomie?

>> No.87168591

Sad that the schizo phantomo is still seething over Nina

>> No.87168605

>reimu is afraid of gen skibidi

>> No.87168628
Quoted by: >>87168682

Reimu needs to be the mother of my children already

>> No.87168631

I love these out of touch hags

>> No.87168650
Quoted by: >>87168940

It's just a "total coincidence" that Reimu's resume rose to the top.
Despite being a shitty personality who nobody would choose and who nobody watches

>> No.87168657

Ennaschizo is mad they're making fun of his mewing

>> No.87168660

GenZ humour is legitimately shit, some things shine but majority of it is awful or forced.

>> No.87168682

Just get Reimu pregnant Vox

>> No.87168705

Skibidi was fun though, so was Parkour Civilisation.
I don't use Social Media much.

>> No.87168729
Quoted by: >>87168968

Gen Z skibidi toilet shit is the exact same thing as those garry's mod videos from many years ago, it's all the same.

>> No.87168746
Quoted by: >>87168845

Just say you picked up the word from here Millie. No need to google it up to hide it.

>> No.87168776

yeah man door hand hook car door is leak literature

>> No.87168845
Quoted by: >>87168982

isn't mogging in those mewing videos and shit, it's no longer a /here/ thing

>> No.87168866

You can be oldge and know stuff, meme content can be fun?
Fuck I laughed but also what a typo.

>> No.87168925
Quoted by: >>87169005

i get reimu. as a kiddo i did not have any of that

>> No.87168940
Quoted by: >>87169180

Imma take it youve never actually looked into her previous stuff?
Her videos literally had 3-7 MILLION views on them. She speaks 3 different languages fluently and was a semi popular utaite.

This is the last (You) because I know you'll come up with some other cope despite everything

>> No.87168957

These girls are young and poor, I grew up in a country removed from maps and we had consoles even if I wasn't allowed one until PS2...

>> No.87168958
File: 359 KB, 580x612, dhw9g6a-b1821f65-9702-4385-a108-ab751434f24f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87169191

I could see a countdown and moaning easy. I think shes sexy on her own with all the ASMR shes put out already but I dont think shes scared to go further more that she probably doesnt feel like it. The little sister and the Zako stream really make me think she could do more if she wanted to.

>> No.87168968

Gary's Mod was contained to its own space and TF2, right? At least, that didn't encroach on the state of the Internet for the year. Gary's Mod videos were silly, and mostly their own thing.

>> No.87168982

Yeah. You can now find TikToks about it

>> No.87169005

Your typing style is so obvious

>> No.87169019

Ytv must have been a Canadian thing?

>> No.87169035
Quoted by: >>87169056

GenZ humor is absurdist which reflects on the degradation of civilization taking humor to its extreme as a coping mechanism.

TikTok is where I draw the line because it's engineered to destroy your attention span.

>> No.87169056
Quoted by: >>87169110

Id make fun of TikTok but I watch YouTube shorts so

>> No.87169057

Lmao no they aren't.

>> No.87169062
File: 17 KB, 643x158, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87169184

kek i havent posted in a hot minute you keep chasing your tail retard

>> No.87169090
Quoted by: >>87169184

the fuck are you saying idiot

>> No.87169102
Quoted by: >>87169203

I wish I could afford to go to a new country for a bit

>> No.87169110
Quoted by: >>87169131

12 years old anon....

>> No.87169115
Quoted by: >>87169212

So the schizo has gone from shitting on enna, switching to shitting on the boys, switching to larping as someone shitting on the girls, then switching to shitting on different fanbases. That's a new record

>> No.87169131

I'm almost 30.....

>> No.87169177
Quoted by: >>87169294

Reimus long hair....
I love cute girls with long hair.....

>> No.87169180

NTA but it doesn't matter when a mediocre singer like Maria can also have millions of view on a song while more talented singers can also languish in obscurity. You can't equate numbers with talent
You also vastly overestimate video views when it didn't even translate to streaming popularity for Reimu as a vtuber when she ended up as the least popular Ethyria member.

>> No.87169184

It's the same retard blaming different fanbases for whatever shitposting is happening in the thread

>> No.87169191

yeah twisty just seems to get bored easily, she could do really erotic asmr if she wanted to
though she does occasionally worries that her manager is going to be upset

>> No.87169203

I just cut my hair short cause curls are difficult to deal with...
Visit Japan in Feb with me...

>> No.87169212

It’s iphone yaminion ,fakebud,ennaschizo,milgurschizo,number raid again just ignore them

>> No.87169223
File: 323 KB, 1446x2048, FPVw2ndVgAcv2EN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87169294

reimu's long, luscious locks...

>> No.87169245

>Enna's father was an international musician who lived in 3 countries
>moved to Canada which is only for the richest of Chinese

>Reimu is related to the elites in columbia
>Columbian society is either really rich, or really poor, and Reimu is the former

>Millie's parents were very wealthy and close supporters of the dictator of the Philippines
>fled the country after he was deposed

>> No.87169284

Where the fuck did I say it equates to streaming popularity?
Management hired based on numbers. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.87169294

We know Vox

>> No.87169302
File: 1.72 MB, 1920x1080, 1697206405548383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87169344

Concert soon

>> No.87169345

Bye bye girls!

>> No.87169353
Quoted by: >>87169405

I'm sad this is the only thing we'll get from Reimu today but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I just like it when she talks with us

>> No.87169405

Just talk to Reimu directly Vox

>> No.87169444

Otsu ENDOU!!
I love my wife Reimu ^^
Good bye Enna and Millie!

Have a good day anons ^^

>> No.87169452

finna nut to spicy latinas because reimu made me horny again

>> No.87169455

>Filter Vox and the thread instantly becomes better

>> No.87169459

5 hours til feesh..

>> No.87169466

Damn Enna is one vicious cunt. Her humor is really fucking nasty shit.

>> No.87169487

Ok Vox

>> No.87169492
Quoted by: >>87169573

My perfect ojou-sama and me hai hai hai

>> No.87169493

>Filter Reimu and the thread instantly becomes better

>> No.87169514


>> No.87169516
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x720, 1728579538730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More concert for enna pls

>> No.87169517

Ok Vox

>> No.87169541

Her singing is really mediocre. That's probably the reason they insisted she sings in English, so nobody could understand her

>> No.87169542
Quoted by: >>87169638

Enna :D

>> No.87169573

fat FUCK

>> No.87169601
File: 473 KB, 1537x2048, 1728579646108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My two worlds colliding.........

>> No.87169620
Quoted by: >>87169705

maria may not be the best singer in EN, but she's motivated, chooses songs that complement her voice, and has other talents like dancing that will become more apparent once she gets her 3d debut. as for reimu and streaming popularity, that's not the sole factor when it comes to being a successful liver. seffyna doesn't get many views on her streams but she's well-respected for her singing ability for example. and with the upcoming concert with deron, reimu is also getting the recognition she deserves.

>> No.87169638
File: 141 KB, 1299x725, 1728579694266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87169647
Quoted by: >>87169723

Which is why a mediocre singer like Reimu with no redeeming qualities got hired

>> No.87169666
File: 55 KB, 1196x196, 1726022300109335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87169728


>> No.87169700

I thought you said
>Finana nut to spicy Latinas

>> No.87169705

You mean by leeching JP

>> No.87169723
Quoted by: >>87169869

Why don't you go ahead and send us a vocaroo of your vocals?

>> No.87169728


>> No.87169738

Throwing up again, the girls should do a watchalong of GenZ shit but also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FubPZbhJ37E

>> No.87169815
Quoted by: >>87169879

Where is this Jack Frost I wanna go see it.

>> No.87169823

Lmao no.
They hire based on 3 factors
1) Nepotism
2) Numbers
3) Your ability to speak a foreign language (which is how cunts like Ver got in)

>> No.87169857
File: 1022 KB, 1920x1080, 1718905643844007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87170067

despite what she said about not being in her best form, she killed it on stage. that crowd was the liveliest of the three tensegrity crowds, and enna's energy definitely contributed to it. the touches with the alouepeeps in the background and the air guitar really elevated her performances too.

>> No.87169868
File: 128 KB, 731x908, IMG_8504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87170210

luca rabu!!
i fell back asleep...

>> No.87169869
Quoted by: >>87170012

>no rebuttal to Reimu being a mediocre singer

>> No.87169879

Shanghai https://x.com/ZhiQing_neko/status/1840783694300369357

>> No.87169881

Enna and Reimu need to play P4G

>> No.87169966

Why do people still treat Enna like she's super popular and the face of everything? She's really not

>> No.87169995


>> No.87170002
File: 405 KB, 2048x1453, GYVNxMWaAAAnP5e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87170542

>> No.87170012

I gave my rebuttal, if you think she's mediocre feel free to post your own vocals and we can do a side by side comparison

>> No.87170067
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, 1728580231963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna love

>> No.87170068
Quoted by: >>87170398

There are literally millions of singers better than Reimu/Enna/Millie. The are painfully average. Like something you'd find in any high school band class

>> No.87170073
Quoted by: >>87170210

No wonder you like skibidi toilet and parkour civilazation

>> No.87170077

anons have asked this mentally ill schizo a hundred of times yet they keep on shifting topics kek

>> No.87170118

Enna's main talent is her nasty jokes which causes people to promote her into positions she doesn't belong

>> No.87170143


>> No.87170193


>> No.87170202

Well yeah, they're Elira's friends. Of course they're given the opportunities. You think these opportunities would be given to someone that isn't in Elira's circle?

>> No.87170206

Rosemu the child of rosemi and reimu?

>> No.87170210
Quoted by: >>87170495

Rabu! Chu!
I watched the dub of every series I watched cause they're funny as fuck and okay sure my sense of humour is fucked but that's just me and I'm just Ken and I'm great at doing stuff. So yeah like 2k episodes of Yugioh, what about it?

>> No.87170214
File: 585 KB, 632x616, 1722602918753441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this silly bird like you wouldn't believe

>> No.87170245

I know you are here Ennaschizo and I'm honestly curious, how do you have so many youtube alts? In the last stretch of the stream I saw "grim enna", "forest", "eyelye", and one that was only "enna".

Do you make them once the one you are using gets banned? or do you have like 20 of these as backups ready for the second you need them?

>> No.87170296
Quoted by: >>87170459

you saw less than half of them

>> No.87170303

spiritmates are so friggin ugly...

>> No.87170313

wonder if the people who own these billboards predicted they could make money off of weebs and kpop fangirls, when i was in asia in spring birthday and anniversary projects like these were everywhere.

>> No.87170324
File: 555 KB, 1855x1315, IMG_3410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87170359

he's small fry compared to the petraschizo and his 3000 alts

>> No.87170358

Is it true that Enna has an ugly, distorted, misshapen head?

>> No.87170371 [DELETED] 
File: 294 KB, 591x560, 1717223059972734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of them might be from bvtm, they were the ones who vandalized enna's gift for kt mama. god I fucking hate phasefags.

>> No.87170398

Post vocaroo cover

>> No.87170410

BRB I'm gonna nut to a tropical mermaid

>> No.87170448
Quoted by: >>87170502

I can't go to China it's too stinky.

>> No.87170459

I know, I only realized on the last stretch of the stream. But you still haven't answered, are they premade? or do you just make them as soon as the one you are using gets banned?

>> No.87170495
Quoted by: >>87170792

You are so fucking stupid marry me

>> No.87170502
File: 801 KB, 752x1062, 74652026_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read that as chima at first...

>> No.87170522

You know these days Enna isn't actually that much more popular than Reimu or Millie.
So how come whenever there's Ethyria art it's always Enna, Enna, Enna

>> No.87170542

Consensual aggressive sex with both

>> No.87170600

Holy Sex

>> No.87170614
Quoted by: >>87171006

Done with overtime.. I genuinely persevered just because I'm watching yuyu. Goognight /morming

>> No.87170616
Quoted by: >>87170792

Bastions fall from grace has truly been one of the funniest things to happen in gx

>> No.87170628

Chubby Chima sexo

>> No.87170673
Quoted by: >>87171011

Not Ennaschizo but you can make alt youtube accounts really easily just click switch account then view channels then create a channel. I think you can have up to 20 youtube accounts per gmail so if you wanna sub to your oshi 20 times you can. It's really useful for if you get shadowbanned for posting too many emotes at a fucking abysmal time that made me want to murder everyone at youtube hq.

>> No.87170751

All I'm gonna say is it's gonna be fucking hilarious when Japan realizes Enna's nasty cunt personality.

Did you see Reimu's reaction that moment when Enna shat on Japanese people lmao? Enna literally can't control her mouth

>> No.87170791
Quoted by: >>87171250

I had a wet dream with Rosemi-sama white haired friend from the other company now I can't stop thinking about her..

>> No.87170792
Quoted by: >>87171014

Sorry had to vomit again but are you a girl? if not then no.
My favourite funny thing was Ojamanjoume but that was fun too.

>> No.87170975

Reimu should stream silent hill 2 rn

>> No.87171006


>> No.87171011
Quoted by: >>87171266

Thanks for answering, I thought he would actually give an answer for once but he's already started his post stream "Enna bad" routine. Now that we are talking about this do you know if those accounts can get unbanned naturally over time? Because I'm sure I have seen the "eyelye" account before, or maybe he recycles names, who knows

>> No.87171014
Quoted by: >>87171310


>> No.87171200

I think I've really had it with this thread

>> No.87171238
File: 2.96 MB, 541x537, 1726707387007354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87171310

I bought a bigger chain for my Petra good luck charm, now I don't have to take it off all the time which is a bitch with my sausage fingers. Can just remove the chain and DONE.

>> No.87171250

Fuck off Axel Syrios

>> No.87171266

Never really had an issue with that for mine but I only made a few to give my oshi extra follows and I don't really use them outside of that..

>> No.87171310

That would be dangerous since I'm vomiting and could choke on it so no thank you! But also plays No Thank You if you like weird BL!
Well done!

>> No.87171464
File: 271 KB, 2048x765, 1707618312487955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87171468

Brazilian Butt Injection
Light Skinned
>Rate NijiUSA
It's okay

>> No.87171481
Quoted by: >>87171707

I feel like Finana's ASMR has become mysticized too much over the years. It was good, but no more lewd than any other non-earlicking non-R18 ASMR from other vtubers.

>> No.87171545
Quoted by: >>87171669

v4m had a melty because ryojisan was in the green vspo girl stream for a bit
i woke up late ue time to catch up on some vods

>> No.87171582
File: 871 KB, 385x475, 1720574288449177.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87171618

>Light Skinned
Vanta be like the blackest guy in genshin

>> No.87171618
Quoted by: >>87173870

He is a Oreo

>> No.87171634

Finana's cute Chinese feet..

>> No.87171661

Fulgur Ovid after marrying Millie Parfait

>> No.87171669
Quoted by: >>87171714

kys milgurschizo

>> No.87171707
Quoted by: >>87171914

Is it still considered non R18 where the listener was getting implied ejaculated with a countdown.

>> No.87171714

wrong anon

>> No.87171721


>> No.87171735
Quoted by: >>87171821

Hmongus isn't chinese, they're more from indochina (not chink just ask vetnam)

>> No.87171791
File: 343 KB, 1466x2048, FxuIcQeakAAgWTJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87172007

Finana is Hmong.... also known as Miao. Not Chinese.

>> No.87171799

hmong us

>> No.87171821
Quoted by: >>87171907

Nta but China kinda took over their culture and claimed it as their own. Hmongs are a dying culture because China hates any Asians that aren't Chinese

>> No.87171867
File: 223 KB, 435x491, 1704291882158889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87171871 [SPOILER] 
File: 168 KB, 902x1170, 1699630873408316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87172040


>> No.87171889
Quoted by: >>87171954

Had some Greek food for lunch but now I just falafel

>> No.87171907
Quoted by: >>87172015

There are still Hmongs in Laos though, and some of them identify as Lao. My father is an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) working there as an Engineer in one of the dams being built there.

>> No.87171914

Yes, there's enough plausible deniability that it can be considered safe

>> No.87171954

Now watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UqgD68f2gUA
I was gunna post this but you beat me.
You fell of all a of a what?

>> No.87172007
File: 68 KB, 320x320, 1686540491856389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know anons. I was just joking. I remember when Finana said how to say 'I love you' in Hmong. Pretty sure the anon I replied to was joking too cause Valorant isn't an ethnicity.

>> No.87172015
Quoted by: >>87172274

There are hmongs in a few areas but yeah China has worked hard to eradicate their culture which is kinda sad.
I actually am grateful for feesh because I wouldn't have known anything about Hmongs without her being in the branch. I do kinda wish she knew more about her own culture tho and wasn't such a weeb

>> No.87172040


>> No.87172083
Quoted by: >>87172211

Yes, it was a mix of bait and memeary. I am shocked it was the Feesh one that got the hook tho.

>> No.87172211

nobody batted an eye at doppio BBL

>> No.87172221
Quoted by: >>87172320

we don't like jokes around here

>> No.87172274
Quoted by: >>87172497

you're asking too much for a 1st/2nd gen immigrant kid, back in the day asian cultures were cringe and you didn't wanna look like a FOB

>> No.87172320
Quoted by: >>87172583

i've been watching whoecubs links and i think i like jokes

>> No.87172356

Pio def has more ass than most of the girls

>> No.87172374
Quoted by: >>87173096

It's the end of the thread now. Clean it up, jannies.

>> No.87172494

Dolce BBL....

>> No.87172497

maybe in the 80s but by the 90s being asian was cool even before black people were walking around with naruto merch

>> No.87172543
File: 195 KB, 1024x1024, 1726721286177501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87172705

finana has a cute little hmong butt, don't ask me how I know this information

>> No.87172579
Quoted by: >>87172765

I don't know much about Twisty so I don't even know what she is but I imagine her to be some white girl that streams from a trailer park somewhere in the rural South based on what I see itt

>> No.87172583
Quoted by: >>87172779

Thanks! The sauce tierlist just keeps on going. Btw once you get to Siracha, there was a vending machine in Ikebukuro last time I was in Japan, close to the Animate and if you then kept going and then turned left after the Love Hotel you hit the KBooks with the vtuber stuff but it also sold Kpop. Don't go down the main street though, just walk that way.

>> No.87172592


>> No.87172640
File: 172 KB, 480x480, 163416435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87173093

brought to you by Nijispy

>> No.87172681

kys kyousha

>> No.87172705
File: 934 KB, 832x1216, 1701459110660378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87172734

I heard it's a sexy Hmongous butt

>> No.87172734


>> No.87172765
Quoted by: >>87173305

She's a busty, tall, white hag

>> No.87172779
Quoted by: >>87173093

weirdly specific directions but thanks googlemaps

>> No.87172830
Quoted by: >>87172986

it probably varies by place but being into anime was still seen as cringe when i was in highschool in the late 2000s and kpop was only popular among asians

>> No.87172864

being asian wasn't "cool" until the 00s-10s at the earliest

>> No.87172963

even then only japanese and korean were considered cool

>> No.87172986
Quoted by: >>87173201

yall niggas don't remember azn pride? FAKE BOOMERS, NO RICE BITCHES

>> No.87173020
Quoted by: >>87173127

Enna is an evil bitch

>> No.87173093
Quoted by: >>87173243

It's basically opposite a huge 7-Eleven If you're in the mall opposite Otome Road just cross the street instead and don't go down the main road but keep going to the left of it.
I would give you a riddle in response but I'm google maps right now so instead go to the KPop/Vtuber Kbooks and buy your some nice things.

>> No.87173096

sorry that's above their paygrade

>> No.87173127

is she? fuck, I'll have to stop watching her now, thank you for letting me know 4chan stranger

>> No.87173135

my guy there were proto-weebs in europe and america as far back as the mid 1800s. to reach a little, chinese artisan products like silk and porcelain were always a high demand trade good in the west. where did you think roman emperors got the silk for their togas?

>> No.87173145
File: 341 KB, 1170x1170, 1657880891926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a Japanese kid at my old middle school that I wish I could have been buddies with back then but that was before I got into anime and other things

>> No.87173168

God J can’t wait for Sonny karaoke and 3d

>> No.87173186
File: 13 KB, 480x267, 3ae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87173252

Liver for this feel?

>> No.87173201
Quoted by: >>87173345

That wasn't us being seen as cool, that was us finding our place and identity in a society that otherized us.

>> No.87173208
Quoted by: >>87173262

Enna is a cute angel

>> No.87173228
Quoted by: >>87173276

those people weren't in school shielding you from the white girls telling you your food looks gross and smells bad

>> No.87173243
Quoted by: >>87173408

can you just dm kyousha on twitter to flirt about his shitty fanfics so we can stop having to read about it here

>> No.87173252


>> No.87173262
Quoted by: >>87173363

is she? oh thank god, I can watch her again now, thank you

>> No.87173276
Quoted by: >>87173465

you good? sounds like you're working through some stuff

>> No.87173305

If only Twisty had big boobs

>> No.87173345

man that's not the same thing we're talking about the times before mc jin and drunken tiger, when they put ensign kim on voyager
i wont say you're wrong about what you're talking about in particular but it has to start somewhere and it was the 90s

>> No.87173363
File: 1.37 MB, 1920x1080, 1698899841856890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome

>> No.87173379
File: 182 KB, 2048x955, 1718867821905274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liver for this feel
Hard mode: Not Sonny or Twisty

>> No.87173408

I would like to give him advice on his writing but I don't use Social Media much as I've said so no.

>> No.87173428


>> No.87173449

Da wose

>> No.87173465
Quoted by: >>87173529

you must be projecting. it's not rocket science why a kid wouldn't wanna be seen as super asian back then, they don't care about silks or whatever.

>> No.87173522
File: 73 KB, 247x234, 1725915411577041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roughly the same. Ran into her earlier this year, so I know she's still alive and well.

>> No.87173529
Quoted by: >>87173812

man i was just asking if you're alright since it seemed like you were venting some personal shit with that hyper specific anecdote

>> No.87173582
Quoted by: >>87173781

my hafu friend recommended jjba to me when we were in middle school because she knew i was a weeb but i thought it was weird and never read it...

>> No.87173748
Quoted by: >>87173804

As an Irish man who loves nijisanji, how do I get a flip wife?

>> No.87173754

Lotta off-topic posts today

>> No.87173781

It is but it's good weird.

>> No.87173790

actually we're talking about finana's feet

>> No.87173804

cook her adobong manok and you'll get a wife like Millie Parfait

>> No.87173812

eh, it's one of the most common examples people give of asian kids getting mocked in school. it didn't happen to me because my parents just gave us frozen food like hot pockets.

>> No.87173870
Quoted by: >>87173902

Vanta is two niggas sandwiching a white boy?! … zali…

>> No.87173902

No, it means he is black on the outside and white on the inside. Basically Carlton Banks.

>> No.87173904

Oh I see....

>> No.87173908

Finana and Wilson. Easy
