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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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87097982 No.87097982 [Reply] [Original]

Bau Edition
Previous Thread >>87076859

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/fuwawaabyssgard (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/mococoabyssgard (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.87097995
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87098033

Moco-chan is crying...

>> No.87098051


>> No.87098136


>> No.87098137


>> No.87098180
File: 1.14 MB, 850x1195, 1704958551708967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just start your endurance karaoke to 1m now and get it over with in a few hours, you're not gonna go to bed anyway

>> No.87098215
File: 500 KB, 626x898, 1693067913449533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stopping visiting this board has been the best thing to ever happen to me. Not shitting on you guys, you are awesome, but Fuwamoco promotes fun and happiness and this is a board for gossip and negativity that thrives on wishing the fall of others. There is nothing better than being free of Ruffian comparisons and simply accepting that they love each one of their fans and are immensely grateful by our support. Thank you FUWAMOCO for making vtubers fun again.

>> No.87098221
Quoted by: >>87098298

i’m expecting a guerilla out of nowhere

>> No.87098245


>> No.87098254

why did you come back

>> No.87098298

they're gonna do one before the patra collab. it's why they told us to wake up early tomorrow

>> No.87098303

Looking for validation

>> No.87098325 [DELETED] 
File: 270 KB, 1280x720, mpv-shot0015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smile i want to protect

>> No.87098330

because they're going to reach a fucking million anon, i'm not immune to hypocrisy

>> No.87098341
File: 2.02 MB, 2508x1771, _hinatahirune 1841313273922421128-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not do this, go to sleep, you sounded sleep deprived already.

>> No.87098349

You finally accepted that you will never be one of their favorites, congratulations

>> No.87098418

Fuwawa's boobies should be bigger and heavier

>> No.87098426

>I'm seeing BRs again
And blocked

>> No.87098459

community post btw

>> No.87098471

>Not shitting on you guys, you are awesome
>now here is why this place is shit
it’s okay to be honest anon, i’m happy for you

>> No.87098502
Quoted by: >>87098657

7DTD will be replaced with an endurance tomorrow

>> No.87098581
Quoted by: >>87098742

>tweet has 999104
>community post has 999108
youtube is second-class...

>> No.87098602

Love the new Mocofaces

>> No.87098657

It better not be Suika

>> No.87098666

did they go to sleep now? or are we expecting a 7 days to die tweet yet before they retweet the million subscribers begging one again?

>> No.87098698
File: 222 KB, 1438x1080, 1712870690915236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87098742
Quoted by: >>87098834

You scared me. I thought they were less than 1k away.

>> No.87098815

can’t wait for them to rest and take their healths more seriously after they hit 1 million

>> No.87098831


>> No.87098834

sorry i'm dyslexic

>> No.87098843


>> No.87098917

Have any holoJPs slacked off after hitting big personal goals? All the ones I followed are still going strong.

>> No.87099014
Quoted by: >>87099026

Do you think FWMC sent in their bags for Kiara's second holobag stream

>> No.87099026
Quoted by: >>87099097


>> No.87099035
Quoted by: >>87099188

I hope they make the 1 million endurance a gorilla stream so they don't hit it mid collab

>> No.87099097

Kiara is doing another episode of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtRj5RGlMHA tonight, so there's a decent change FWMC might be in it (or their bags at least)

>> No.87099188

they can just replace one. they already said there might be changes to the daily 7dtd

>> No.87099191

>wuffians! 1 million!!! BAU BAU BAU BAU BAU
>but you knoe~
>2 million is the new goal

>> No.87099236


>> No.87099319

>well... moco-chan, we already went for the Japanese ruffians to get to 1 million, right?
>So we were thinking, for 2 million...
>we want to try finding any latinx ruffians out there!

>> No.87099376

Two is better than wan!

>> No.87099395

DBZ watchalong lets go !!!!

>> No.87099443

I wouldn't mind weekly kof streams and dragonball watchalongs. That sounds great
>Verification not required

>> No.87099454

Realistically, what is the next big goal you think they will focus on?

>> No.87099515
Quoted by: >>87099563

So why did fuwawa talk about kronii stabbing bae through the chest …?

>> No.87099523

1.1 million

>> No.87099527

Making ASMR

>> No.87099537

bout to go to the dentist
theyre gonna fuck my shit up

>> No.87099563

it's a rather famous scene from princess tutu

>> No.87099564

All latinx Hololive fans are already subbed to them

>> No.87099575

Better home 3D set up they can use every stream
Finishing off the debut goal list

>> No.87099592
Quoted by: >>87099780

More songs, so that they can one day organize a sololive.

>> No.87099622

Whatever gets them even more numbers

>> No.87099626

they're going to waste it on something retarded like a fully animated MV for lifetime showtime

>> No.87099665
Quoted by: >>87099718

they said it's already on the pipeline, so can't be that

>> No.87099668

They talked about wanting to do more beyond singing and dancing. They also talked alot about wanting to be more eloquent like marine and fubuki. My guess is cohosting some Japanese TV variety program.

>> No.87099687

That would be the worst idea of all time
In reality they'll use it for a 3D live concert most likely

>> No.87099718

I wish they don’t waste money on that …

>> No.87099780
Quoted by: >>87100028

Wait, now that I think about it, how many holomems have got to do sololive? Have any of EN's done it?

>> No.87099877

They are delaying the endurance karaoke because they are trying to get their 3D bodies to do it. But things are not going as planned hence Mococo’s puptalk today.

>> No.87099923

What would they think when they realize Prism magic performs better than Baudol?

>> No.87099970

i still haven't listened to prism magic

>> No.87099996

Well, it is a better song but I don't think it's going to perform better

>> No.87100028

Aqua, AZKi, Suisei, Sora, Towa, Okayu, Pekora, Watame and Mori all have at least one. Miko and Marine are having theirs soon. Noel, Kiara, Bae, Lamy, Koyori, Mio, Fubuki talked about wanting to do one.

>> No.87100052

Biboo told an entire magical girl anime season in 3 minutes. She must have sunk a lot of money into it and it’s damn impressive. The song is really cute too

>> No.87100059
Quoted by: >>87100277

karityan kakkoii

>> No.87100070

It did worse. So why the hypothetical?

>> No.87100101

How are people still surprised they interact with R18 accounts when they followed that guy after he posted Mococo with cum all over her?

>> No.87100128

Sometimes they feel a bit self absorbed, they didn't even leave a comment on Biboo's song. Shiori, Nerissa and even Cecilia did.
And you can't say it's cause they never comment on YT, they even do it on clips of themselves

>> No.87100181

They shilled it on FWMC morning. They shill their genmates more than the other way around.

>> No.87100207
Quoted by: >>87106680

I just saw a clip from like 2022 where she said she asked management if she could have one in 2023 and they said that there was no chance for that year... seems like she still hasn't managed to get it sorted.

>> No.87100244

They're hungry and definitely feel like they're superior to the rest of Advent and EN, rightfully so too. They shilled it on FWMC Morning but won't go out of their way to do something that they can't also benefit off of

>> No.87100255

I don’t think EN has any chance to get a sololive. Even Mori struggles to get her next one.

>> No.87100277

Mori unironically doesn't count because she got hers after she was signed to Universal. Those resources and connections are beyond what even Hololive today can provide. It's a much harder struggle for the other girls.

>> No.87100288

good thing they're holojp

>> No.87100327

once again these retarded dogs miss another fad game. The rest of Advent got the TCG boost but they're stuck being the only dumb asses playing all days of the shitty collab

>> No.87100356

TCG Simulator is actual slop even Chillas is better

>> No.87100368

What are even prerequisites for sololive? Apart from having enough original songs to perform, obviously.

>> No.87100370

Why can’t Mori get her next one? Even Miko and Pekora get one this year.

>> No.87100375
Quoted by: >>87100429

>rest of Advent
Shiori and Nerissa never play it though?

>> No.87100388

If they just played an eroge like the JPs did and then had an "accident" during a nude scene like Kanata or Nene did, they'd be at 1 million easy. That shit gets clipped like wildfire.

>> No.87100429 [DELETED] 

it's on Nerissa's schedule

>> No.87100541

Wednesday: powerwash
Thursday: collab with gg
Friday: member stream
Saturday: VHS horror
Sunday: rest

>> No.87100547

>check schedule
>member's only ASMR

>> No.87100557
File: 1.23 MB, 1929x3000, suiswim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enough songs to perform
>Insane amount of money
>Have to get a venue
>Have to be able to sell out that venue
>Sponsors, which is different than money
>Management approval
>Marketing and merch, which is tied into but still different than management approval and sponsors
>Did I mention money
>Singing and dance practice

One of the hardest parts is the venue, not just because of the money, but also because vtubing is still very much a niche thing. A lot of venues don't want to give themselves to vtubers, especially popular venues that have no shortage of acts that want to play there. It's not enough to have money, they want to be assured of a sell out and because it's Japan, the "prestige" of the acts might matter too.

>> No.87100585

Weed tycoon is a far better game, they should play that

>> No.87100641

You don’t even need alot of orisongs. Pekora had 3 but she got hers because she is the biggest streamer in Japan.

>> No.87100666

If we're already talking about things to get them subs, idk why they don't hire someone to make them daily shorts and/or tiktoks. They don't even need to focus on that, just clips from the streams could be enough. Once in a blue moon they could actually intentionally record something for it though. You never know when something's gonna get viral there. Just look at Raden for example.

>> No.87100701

>numberfagging hags that stream visual novels

>> No.87100710

they also aren't japanese and aren't Mori with a record label so I think just they have essentially no chance at a prestigious venue or any really unless they're riding someone else's coat tails as an opener

>> No.87100780

Because TikTok is such a fucking meme and zoomers DGAF about Vtubers. Suisei has been riding TikTok hard for years now, every new song she does has some dance part that is designed for TikTok and to go viral. She has 300k TikTok followers for all her efforts.

>> No.87100806
Quoted by: >>87100862

>crash out = to go to sleep
>crash out(tiktok) = to go crazy
i hate gen alpha

>> No.87100854

Clips from stream don’t work. Shiori does that consistently and she doesn’t get much subs from it. If you want it to go viral, it needs to be a earworm like raden or a viral dance/song like suisei and marine.

>> No.87100860
Quoted by: >>87101043

>It's not enough to have money, they want to be assured of a sell out and because it's Japan, the "prestige" of the acts might matter too.
Damn, never thought about it in that way. My only thought was money, but all the stuff you mentioned make complete sense.

>> No.87100862

Get biboo taxxed ojisan

>> No.87100934
Quoted by: >>87100969

>satanic trips

>> No.87100957

Miko also said Spotify is an important metric that’s why Nerissa keeps asking her audience to stream her songs on Spotify.

>> No.87100969

KEK I just noticed myself

>> No.87101043
Quoted by: >>87101184

There's a ton of competition. Lets say you have a venue for 10,000 people. How many vtubers can reliably pull an audience of that live? Meanwhile anyone whose sung an anime OP or ED for a popular anime could probably do that easy. Or you know traditional idol groups with large fanbases who have a history of live events. Or just regular music acts, Japanese and foreign. Western music acts are constantly touring and Japan is a popular place to go. Bruno Mars has a tour in Japan every year. If you're some Japanese normalfag venue person, are you going to give your venue to Suisei or Bruno fucking Mars?

>> No.87101073
Quoted by: >>87101289

>that’s why Nerissa keeps asking her audience to stream her songs on Spotify
Hasn't Mori done something similar? Like, turning off the donations and encouraging her viewers to go buy/stream her songs? Or am I just delusional?

>> No.87101134

Did they go to sleep? It's a busy week they need rest if they have to pull an all nighter tomorrow

>> No.87101165

Can't wait for the numberfagging to stop when they hit 1 million!

>> No.87101173

I don't think they know what sleep actually is anymore

>> No.87101184
Quoted by: >>87101358

Yeah, that makes sense too. But c'mon man, they're probably not fighting for the same venues Bruno fucking Mars is getting, right?

>> No.87101256

1.1 million subs let’s go

>> No.87101289

She does that to get people to buy her albums.

>> No.87101305

No. They said they weren't going to be able to sleep this week with all of the homework while fitting in streams too. I bet they are stressed about missing 1M too.
They are going to collapse from exhaustion and sleep through the 1M mark

>> No.87101358
Quoted by: >>87101400

Cover doesn't want too small of a venue too. There are members who talked about raising the possibility of doing a smaller sololive with management and they got rejected too.

>> No.87101375

To be fair "can sell out a 8k/10k/15k" venue is easy, almost all holos could.
The thing is that venues are elitist and won't just let anyone perform there even if they could sell out.

>> No.87101383
Quoted by: >>87101514

Honestly what’s the point of subs numberfagging if their ccv and music views are not improved at all?

>> No.87101400
Quoted by: >>87101421

Didn't Watame's 1st live in Toyosu pit only have like 1.5k people max?

>> No.87101421

I am talking about less than 1k. Some are really desperate and just want to do one.

>> No.87101424

They should have their sololive in America and sell out a football stadium or something.

>> No.87101468

BASED. They should perform in MSG i guarantee they could sell it out and that's prestigious as hell

>> No.87101514

>Honestly what’s the point of subs numberfagging
The suits care about subs.

>> No.87101517

The 6th fes announcement video should be coming next week. Were they included as the token foreign branch member?

>> No.87101547

my right leg went completely numb while I was jerking it to Fuwawa's floofies and I still can't feel it and it has been 20 minutes

>> No.87101555
Quoted by: >>87105035

Cover only gave the whole EN branch a 3k venue (Breaking Dimensions) and so is Mori’s first sololive. They don’t have faith in EN at all.

>> No.87101558
File: 104 KB, 900x900, uncle roger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haiyah... you cannot perform in MSG

>> No.87101578
Quoted by: >>87101651

Nah their sololive is reserved for japs only

>> No.87101616
Quoted by: >>87101911

I'm ready to buy up the hotel promos. So they tell us what stages fuwamoco are on before they go on sale?

>> No.87101645
Quoted by: >>87101720

MSG is too small, I'm talking like Michigan Stadium or Beaver Stadium in PA, 100k plus seats. First Vtubers to play a football stadium. All the traditional limitations of regular people can be solved by the advantages of virtual idols. Instead of a lone flesh and blood person on a stage, they can see the entire audience 360 with cameras. Screens can be set up for all viewing angles so nobody has a bad seat. No expensive setpieces that have to use cranes or wires, everything is virtual. Pyrotechnics too.

>> No.87101651

Nah, better yet, it'll be in Taiwan.

>> No.87101720
Quoted by: >>87101763

Miku appeared on coachella and it was a joke.

>> No.87101756
Quoted by: >>87101876

Why are FUWAmoco the only ones participating in this shitty collab every day? They're gonna be all alone. I hope they get bored and cancel the rest of the days after the opener. it's a terrible boring slop fest

>> No.87101757

Isn’t IRyS basically the EN representative on official channel now?

>> No.87101763

Yeah well Coachella sucks. It's not the 2010s anymore. Rihanna and Kendrick Lamar just both declined to headline it next year.

>> No.87101838

Top 10 Rapists:
1. Sui cyan (serial rapist and uses autgority to get off scot free)
2. Migger (infamous rape)
3. Orca (multiple plans to rape Shion)
4. Shion (raped Marine but she enjoyed it)
5. Festival (serial rapist but has a restraining order now)
6. Nerissa (rapes every woman she sees)
7. Marine (serial rapist but crumbles when she's the one being raped)
8. Fuwawa (rapes Mogotyan everyday and would rape the wuffians if Mococo wasn't around)
9. Fubuki (lolicon rapist)
10. Watame (rapist that does nothing wrong)

Top 10 Rapees:
1. Biboo (brat who seduces everyone she's with intentionally but pretends it's unintentionally)
2. Mococo (literal rape bait)
3. Gigi (would be #1 but she doesn't collab with many rapists YET)
4. Shion (brat that is begging to be)
5. Shiori (not a brat but the master of teasing men to the brink of)
6. Marine (has been raped 4 times and counting)
7. Orca (mesugaki that teases ojisan's virginity)
8. Pegora (would be higher up but everyone's too scared to)
9. Fuwawa (temptress)
10. Aqua (she's unable to resist)

>> No.87101869

Sui is the biggest rapist and also biggest rapee.

>> No.87101873

If it’s true they should shill their songs on Spotify more. They only have less than 20k monthly listeners while Nerissa has over 70k.

>> No.87101876

Because it is organized by Mori.

>> No.87101901

Stay away from my princess

>> No.87101911

The format might be different this year but they will announce who performs when before the first lottery which is usually in December.

>> No.87101948

Not him but do you really think the difference in spotify listens between FWMC and Nerissa is due to shilling? It's due to musical style and ability. Nerissa is a better singer than them and her songs are more palatable to people who don't listen to idol music. Also they have 2 songs currently.

>> No.87101975

>They only have less than 20k monthly listeners
You are looking at the wrong tab. Fuwawa Abyssgard and Mococo Abyssgard each have 50k monthly listeners.

>> No.87102053
Quoted by: >>87102362

get it over with girls retweet your favorite faggots and go to bed

>> No.87102071

Say my name took 84 days to hit 1M views. Baudol might hit it in 83 days.

>> No.87102162
File: 36 KB, 400x400, 1619053291396.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that's quite the list

>> No.87102311
Quoted by: >>87102548

Shut the fuck up Kiara and show us FUWAMOCO's bags already.

>> No.87102318
Quoted by: >>87102670

BAUdol did have to get a second wind from being blasted all over holoGTA though

>> No.87102362

One second

>> No.87102442
Quoted by: >>87102493

You think FWMC shill much but Kiara just numberfagged for her song for 15 mins straight cause she knew a lot of other fans are in chat for a chance of their oshi's bags

>> No.87102493

When it comes to music views in EN, no one is a bigger numberfag than Kiara.

>> No.87102507
Quoted by: >>87102593

NTA but Nerissa didn’t have the “one million subs incoming buff”, didn’t spam retweets everyday and didn’t shill her song on GTA.

>> No.87102548

Did they hint at it?

>> No.87102593

She did an endurance relay stream and a tiktok campaign to push it.
>didn’t spam retweets everyday
You are a fucking idiot if you think she didn't do it. Why did you think "STREAM SAY MY NAME" was such a meme?

>> No.87102666
Quoted by: >>87102709

Blow your brains aout, you retarded tranny.

>> No.87102670

You take whatever chances are given to you. I am hoping a third wind from Fes will push it to 2M.

>> No.87102709

>free (You)
Too easy

>> No.87102752

>tiktok campaign
Did she announce the winner already? It must be months ago.

>> No.87102846

Based and real fuwamoco enjoyer. This has to be the most bitter thread on /vt/. It's really puzzling how one of the most wholesome chuubas in space attract the most crooked orcs on internet.

>> No.87102885
Quoted by: >>87102948

Did she retweet her song two months after released like the twins?

>> No.87102948

No. Because she was busy retweeting her EP.

>> No.87103090

You guys make it sound like BAUDOL is mediocre compared to whatever Nerissa put out. Suisei singled out BAUDOL as the most memorable performance in Breaking Dimensions but it seems like her opinion isn't worth much?

>> No.87103094

Well that's gonna be Raora's bag

>> No.87103169

Wait it's Biboo...

>> No.87103213

>her opinion isn't worth much?
Yes? Do you think she's a musical genius or something? lol

>> No.87103250

go back to global don't care unless their bags show up

>> No.87103254
Quoted by: >>87103297

Compared to you, yes?

>> No.87103285

You're reading too much into it. Nerissa's songs have more broad appeal than BAUdol especially for spotify listeners. That's just a fact. Don't go fishing for insults when there are none.

>> No.87103297

>n-no, you!!
Good job retard

>> No.87103363

Geez, I wonder whose opinion matters more? The pride of Hololive who is going to hit 100M views with her song soon or the shitposting anon on /baubau/.

>> No.87103365
File: 306 KB, 633x240, flops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BAUdol is a flop!! Nerissa's music is bet-ACK

>> No.87103390
Quoted by: >>87104060

Yeah because Baudol is basically the only Japanese song in BD that’s why Suisei likes it. She can’t even understand the lyrics of other songs.

>> No.87103415

Kiara's bag stream started. I hope we get Fuwawa cookie crumbs and Nerissa hairs and Moco-chan's stuff autistically and neatly sorted by size.

>> No.87103471

Yeah, you can play Nerissa's EP at a house party and nobody would bat an eye. BAUdol is pretty much niche music, inside a niche, so it works incredibly in a concert, but not so much in your daily life.

>> No.87103493
File: 380 KB, 566x761, 1698804405848364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Sweetest scarlet"? More like "Sweetest Flop" LMAO

>> No.87103504
File: 307 KB, 1298x310, uuuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>numbers=good!! so dance monkey is the best song ever made!!
Please stop pretending to be retarded

>> No.87103549

But if they lose in anything that means they're inferior, and because they're my favorite, that means I'm inferior too! I have to fight with anyone who says otherwise because it's the only validation I'll ever have in my life.

>> No.87103578

We can finally stop pretending the rest of Advent isn't shit, hopefully Adventfags finally fuck off from this thread

>> No.87103613

This unironically.
Nerissa is a failure, she needs to graduate NOW.

>> No.87103656

>Numbers matter when it's good for me and don't when they aren't
You're a faggot.

>> No.87103688

because the Ruffians are the best fanbase and made it the best song with calls. the sing itself is mediocre

>> No.87103691

Fuwawa's bag on stream right now

>> No.87103711
File: 509 KB, 897x896, 1727189357142437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87103743

What happened jailbirds? Didn't you say that those MVs were going to beat and humiliate BAU'dol?

>> No.87103906

It's not mediocre it just isn't for casuals and non-idol fans.

>> No.87103918

Stop moving goalposts and kill yourself already, faggot. BAUdol is a great song, loved by fans AND other holomembers.

>> No.87103924

why does everyone likes the pompompurin thing so much

>> No.87103935

I mean, it is good song, but this version specifically https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ls3Lnw3-Ogc

>> No.87104006
Quoted by: >>87104191

i’m in my feelings… after looking at those numbers! KEK

>> No.87104019

BAUDOL is definitely a lot better than LTST but they can still do much better in releasing something that even non FWMC fans will listen to simply because it's a great song

>> No.87104060

>Baudol is basically the only Japanese song in BD
Oh, I guess go-getters isn't Japanese.

>> No.87104145
File: 19 KB, 581x428, 1722042321741132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87104181

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 428: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched three episodes of an anime.

>> No.87104154

They won't bother releasing something that would appeal to a broader audience like Nerissa, simply because they don't want to.

>> No.87104181

Are you planning to watch the patra and marine collab? Did you send in a marshmallow in Japanese?

>> No.87104191


>> No.87104342
File: 198 KB, 725x473, 1726112304407825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are no such thing as “non-fwmc” fans

even sisters are ruffians whether they want to be or not simply because they’ve already heard of fuwamoco, and that’s what upsets them. fuwamoco turned them into ruffians against their will, basically raping them

>> No.87104503

They absolutely want to and will definitely try, you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.87104558

nta, but didn't they talk about wanting to sing old japanese songs and will continue to sing old japanese songs even though they know is not popular?

>> No.87104672
Quoted by: >>87104824

If they want big views, they should do a marine and include a sexy dance loop that can go viral on tiktok.

>> No.87104718

just erupted like a volcano to the chicken

>> No.87104741

Baudol is basically gangster rap, it's just bragging and self introduction

>> No.87104811
File: 284 KB, 1418x2048, IMG_4972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87104823
File: 901 KB, 1280x720, 1727832786659332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87104824
Quoted by: >>87105896

TikTok is for kids and retards. They are too old to like it.

>> No.87104860
Quoted by: >>87104946

They want to be japanese idols so why would they bother making music in english?
Look the proof is in the pudding, if they produce music that can appeal to a broad audience then I'll believe it.

>> No.87104885

holy shit fuwamoco are black?

>> No.87104946
Quoted by: >>87105225

I didn't even say English, I said they'll do stuff other than cutesy fuwamoco centric songs.

>> No.87104985
Quoted by: >>87105225

I doubt they'd say no to releasing something like Stellar Stellar or Next Color Planet, but you're right that it probably won't happen because they want to make something that encompasses what they like and want first

>> No.87105035
Quoted by: >>87105095

Pretty sure after they heard 22k people were in queue for tickets for BD, that changed their minds real quick. Next time expect at least a 10k venue. They'll still play it safe, but money talks, and bullshit walks, 100% of the time.

>> No.87105095

there were people with 50 slots in line. 3k to 5k is correct

>> No.87105106

so the endurance stream to 1mil will definitely be tomorrow after the patio collab right?

>> No.87105225

Ah gotcha, well we'll just have to wait and see what they do.
Exactly they said they wanna be idols so in my eyes that's gonna be their main focus unless something steers them away from it.

>> No.87105251
Quoted by: >>87105576

they're still awake because their bag is last

>> No.87105344
File: 345 KB, 1400x1800, 1705685689451778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10.09.24 episode 133

>Hello hello bau bau~
>Fluffy new discovery
>Mococo Pop Talk
>Fuwamoko looks like it'll reach a million in no time, is there any plan in place?
>Congratulations on 990,000 subscribers!
>Morning is over

Hard to compete against the Jap's collectable card autism.

>> No.87105460

>Morning is over
at least this chad could make it

>> No.87105557
Quoted by: >>87111320

is there a place where all of these have been compiled and documented?

>> No.87105576

they have shown 3 photos since debut there's no way their bags are in there

>> No.87105737


>> No.87105758

lots of blue

>> No.87105813


>> No.87105835
Quoted by: >>87105875

If Fuwawa and Mococo actually color code their entire bags and bag contents that would be hilarious and kinda weird

>> No.87105875

Bro they've been doing this for decades their bunkbeds were color coded.

>> No.87105896

I mean its not wrong that a good dance routine is what got Bibbidiba and Go-Getters that high that quick. Same with Marine and Kobo's III, or Loli Kami Requiem. You notice a pattern? Besides Nico Nico Douga was pretty much the precursor or grabbing viral dances, so why would they reject virality. I'm sure as entertainers they would know that and wouldn't dismiss it as just something for zoomed to take advantage of. Or are you all gonna reject a chance to get them to shake those puppy booties?

>> No.87105906

ogey obviously fuwawa’s

>> No.87106067

she definitely just grabbed a bunch of stuff she thought was on brand, this isn't her real bag

>> No.87106096

I had doubts, but that dog is so stupid looking that it could only belong to Fuwawa

>> No.87106118

Timestamp their bags after the stream onegai

>> No.87106134
File: 519 KB, 913x515, 【HOLOBAGS】Inspecting Hololive Members Bags Once AGAIN! #kfp #キアライブ 1-15-57 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87106172

Oh my God... I even typed "that has to be Fuwawa" in chat, I'm gonna kms

>> No.87106182


>> No.87106223

If you believed that was Fuwawa you don't deserve to be a ruffian btw

>> No.87106232


>> No.87106240

Nothing about this says Fuwawa

>> No.87106249

jesus christ tourists get out

>> No.87106251
File: 152 KB, 468x502, 1727753736766512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87108073

what kind of husband am i i can't even identify the content of my wife's handbang

>> No.87106264
Quoted by: >>87106357

t. thought it was her too just 2 mins ago

>> No.87106357

They rarely share irl pics, go away newfag

>> No.87106361
File: 1018 KB, 864x1536, _hinatahirune 1771515887805489511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87106434

fuwawa is awake and she took down the names of any and all ruffians who said that was her bag in chat

>> No.87106379

Fuwawa loves you more because now she has something to tease you about.
>Silly Wuffian, you thought that was MY bag? Ehehehehehe.

>> No.87106434
File: 986 KB, 500x332, 1727750223742697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87106435

Retard, why wouldn't they be okay with sending Kiara a bag photo after it's sanitized

>> No.87106449

I will now anti Ao into an early suicide. That is, if the Ichimi don't get her first.

>> No.87106541
File: 538 KB, 2801x4093, GZd7LeiaAAAeSpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87106605
Quoted by: >>87106683

Watch streams, you lost newfag

>> No.87106621

So you're saying that his one is Fuwawa's bag? Tsc tsc, ruffian.

>> No.87106654

didn't even open the stream because i know they didn't send shit in
THIS is what confused you??? shameful

>> No.87106669

Do you really think they would participate in a stream that shows personal items?

>> No.87106680

No idea if she's still pushing for one after her health scare.

>> No.87106683

You can stop trying now

>> No.87106730

wait are Brazilians allowed on twitter again

>> No.87106786
Quoted by: >>87106840

>check gbraga's twitter

>> No.87106840
Quoted by: >>87106944


>> No.87106944

i knew it wouldn't be permanent

>> No.87107009

I thought we would have to wait until tomorrow, thanks ruffian

>> No.87108057

>Chanel product
It's Fuwawa, time to show off her Hermes bag

>> No.87108073

I mean, they like dogs, but 100% they're likely to have cat accessories I'd bet. Ao has the gap moe thing going on, pretty on the nose bifauxnen.

>> No.87108101

Thank you for the episode and puptalk, I know exactly what you mean by just accepting that nothing goes your way and just laughing, Mococo. I try to do that, especially since I've been finding myself in that exact situation very often lately, except when I try my laugh always ends up sounding like an angry howl instead, I just can't fake stuff like that lol

Also, it's ALWAYS time for headpats, okay Mococo? Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, you deserve and you matter! I love you!

Oh, and Twitter isn't banned in my country anymore, but it's still inaccessible in my part of the country and I don't wanna risk any fines by using a VPN just in case, so I'll be responding to related tweets here, if that's okay:

- Response to the "How has the week been for you so far, Ruffians?..." -

Honestly, it's been a little ruff, puppies. At least I'll maybe soon be able to respond to your tweets again without having to do something like this, so that's something.

Well, 4 hours was enough for me to fix my bedhead after getting up from bed, but I appreciate the gesture! My day already started several hours ago, but I'll always appreciate you helping me get ready for the afternoon! Even though it means my lunch going cold lol

- Response to the "..." tweet -

My day started several hours ago, but I always appreciate some FWMC silliness!

We sure did, lots of new Ruffians lately! Here's hoping the 7D2D collab will bring the remaining 10k and we'll be celebrating that big dream milestone very soon!
See you tonight for you being the sole survivor! (I've never seen that game but I'll believe that you can do it lol)

Not archive gang today, but BAU BAU MOCOCO!

>> No.87108106

why can they do little home3D vids for twitter but never did little live2D vids?
why can they do little home3D vids for twitter but won't use home3D for streams unless it's a special stream?

>> No.87108155

what is this schizophrenia

>> No.87108171

I hate this faggot more than anyone else but you posting his shit here makes you a faggot too.

>> No.87108207


>> No.87108233

You know the answer

>> No.87108474
Quoted by: >>87108583


>> No.87108567

>but it's still inaccessible in my part of the country and I don't wanna risk any fines by using a VPN just in case
this guy KEK

>> No.87108583
File: 44 KB, 568x669, 023452087529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87108925
Quoted by: >>87109022

asshole is such an anti he's living in a reality where Fuwawa doesn't even exist. Does he block her out on stream completely?

>> No.87109022

i overlay /baubau/ over fuwawa

>> No.87109085

Did Kiara really put them to the last one just to bait views

>> No.87109184


>> No.87109215

they didn’t submit anything at all

>> No.87109284

Yep that's the Mocobag

>> No.87109294

>cough drops

>> No.87109374

Retarded retard

>> No.87109386
Quoted by: >>87109499

>hololive members only
>include mint over FUWAMOCO
I hope Kiara graduates

>> No.87109416
File: 488 KB, 864x806, 1727757890562764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't know mococo at all

>> No.87109449
Quoted by: >>87109499

>Hololive members
>Shills shitty indie nijiwhore

>> No.87109499

pomu is honorary hololive sister

>> No.87109509
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1727834955577802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.87109550

No wonder Fuwamoco hate this whore

>> No.87109561
Quoted by: >>87109729

>watching stream
>Oh I bet /baubau/ is seething over this

>> No.87109583
Quoted by: >>87109700

Pomu is mancollaber garbage

>> No.87109587

I will now anti Kiara.

>> No.87109591
File: 191 KB, 363x394, 1726858738523252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys kiara i hope you get molested again

>> No.87109639

it's the avengers of annoying leech streamers assembling now with Kiara mint and erb

>> No.87109649
Quoted by: >>87109728

>Every member of Justice and Advent submit their bags for fun EN event to show off cuteness
>Except FWMC

>> No.87109672

The only good NijiEN is a dead NijiEN.

>> No.87109684

why is mint such a blatant fucking leech?

>> No.87109700

and your a man penis toucher, fagboy.

>> No.87109728

They have a week left in holoEN, why would they care?

>> No.87109729

We're always on your mind, huh?

>> No.87109776


>> No.87109799

imagine genuinely believing fuwamoco would submit anything like this

>> No.87109888

Tell that to this retard >>87106435

>> No.87109895

100% a fuwabag

>> No.87109918

I mean I was hoping to be surprised. Maybe in another year they'll open up slightly more...

>> No.87109962

this is why there will always be a disconnect between them and other holomems, in addition to their own fans to some extent

>> No.87109991

Yep, that's the Mocobag.

>> No.87110052

It's the perobag

>> No.87110054

that's ERB

>> No.87110127
Quoted by: >>87110245

do they not realize that skipping stuff like this makes them seem standoffish to the other girls? no way to make friends

>> No.87110138
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x3120, aidoruhakase 1833528860710973781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87110135
Quoted by: >>87110232

they stayed up just to bait people to watch this before tweeting. they still are awake

>> No.87110232
Quoted by: >>87110324

Duh, we didnt get the phoenix retweet.

>> No.87110245
Quoted by: >>87110383

fuck off this is what I want
didn't even open her stream btw

>> No.87110266

m-maybe their bag is inside this bag

>> No.87110324
Quoted by: >>87110425

But it's 5am anon do you mean they aren't sleeping tonight?

>> No.87110336
Quoted by: >>87110630

>All of Advent submitted except FWMC

>> No.87110360

is this still /baubau/? I thought this was global for a second...

>> No.87110370


>> No.87110383

>I want them to not show us like 7 random items from within their bag because... uh..

>> No.87110393

talking about FWMC's awkward rejection rn

>> No.87110425

Guess not.

>> No.87110441

it's a coverup theirs's is next

>> No.87110443

does this surprise you? fwmc seldom share much with us

>> No.87110460

90% of the last 150 posts filtered. Tourists everywhere.

>> No.87110517

/baubau/ has always been global2 touristchama

>> No.87110554
Quoted by: >>87110596

lmao fucking fuwamoco are pathetic

>> No.87110596
Quoted by: >>87110815

in japanese pls

>> No.87110630

FWMC aren't in Advent anymore

>> No.87110635
File: 237 KB, 1308x1531, GZcihh-boAAXg2t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87110742
File: 178 KB, 1405x1147, GZcYWZ_boAAqv4h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.87110809
Quoted by: >>87110939

dafuq is going on?

>> No.87110815
Quoted by: >>87111014

후와 모코 바우 바우

>> No.87110908

It’s funny to see the number of tourists who thought FWMC would show anything personal.

>> No.87110939

Schizos usually get a little antsy when there's a lack of people live

>> No.87110952

they're so selfish absorbed they don't participate in anything unless there's personal gain for themselves. I thought they were better than this.

>> No.87111014
File: 1.11 MB, 2591x3624, Leeshin0919 1783346769780523282-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87111172


>> No.87111031

>whining when they didn't participate in something that had niji garbage in it

>> No.87111096
Quoted by: >>87111340

That "niji garbage" is their friend.

>> No.87111111

They love and interact frequently with that niji garbage though?

>> No.87111158

she's one of their closest friends anon

>> No.87111172
Quoted by: >>87111233

They technically collabed with Ayame! She is so hot.

>> No.87111176

What did she said exactly?

>> No.87111192

holy septs

>> No.87111233
File: 278 KB, 2304x1296, kanasebench 1839800714484428998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87111336


>> No.87111254
Quoted by: >>87111393

Irrelevant, here they are FUWAMOCO.

>> No.87111274

I just came to sobbi's femruffian voice

>> No.87111290


>> No.87111320

my pc, I have most episodes. My work gives me the free time to make them although there's a few weeks I've had to miss. Looking for a particular episode?

>> No.87111321
Quoted by: >>87111433

FWMC said that their bags are not interesting enough. Since I like to overthink, it means that they probably didn't theme those yet

>> No.87111336

Thanks for the boner! FUWAMOCO would be proud.

>> No.87111340

KYS Dog Strings.

>> No.87111393 [DELETED] 
File: 651 KB, 732x905, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87111488


>> No.87111399
Quoted by: >>87111455

Cope, they will always love Mint and you can only seethe about it.

>> No.87111433
Quoted by: >>87111611

I call bullshit on that excuse. But then again, these are the same girls who autistically went dead silent when Nerissa asked them if they owned any dakimakura.

>> No.87111455

Your shit ghost will never ever be in hololive, choke on the anger that brings you.

>> No.87111488
Quoted by: >>87111580

I don't see FUWAMOCO in this image.

>> No.87111491
Quoted by: >>87111608


>> No.87111580
File: 89 KB, 735x367, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COPEAROOOOOOO! Your oshis love Nijishit!

>> No.87111581

she said they said they're not interesting enough, which Kiara then pointed out doesn't matter because lots of girls submitted very basic bags. they're just deflecting for the same autism that makes them block handcams for their off collabs

>> No.87111588

she was just in a stream of hololive members only. She's the only one FUWAMOCO have shared a photo with. Cope and then kill yourself when they play the entirety of mgs3 with her

>> No.87111608
Quoted by: >>87111652

Yeah, that's what you are doing. She will never ever be anything but an outsider and spectator. She will die of old age before making it into the pearly gates of hololive.

>> No.87111611
File: 360 KB, 578x818, 1709665116964628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're so autistic. I love them so much

>> No.87111652

FWMC love her, keep coping hehe

>> No.87111702
Quoted by: >>87111776

I can't wait until they get their wish and leave Advent so that the remaining g members don't have to keep catering to fuwamoco's autism. imagine the kino we'll get without having to step on eggshells and corral their fuckinf autistic narcissism always

>> No.87111776

Oh hey it's squirmbeat

>> No.87111935
File: 786 KB, 1880x3428, GZSt4ZdXgAAOaqF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Mint and FWMC collab would be absolutely kino. I can't wait for it to happen.

>> No.87111998

Sure, right after they have their first collab with Shiori.

>> No.87112098
Quoted by: >>87112301

at debut they really went hard on pitching themselves as the ultimate Holofans, pretty disappointing that they basically only interact when their branch when they are forced to

>> No.87112118

Fuwamoco agree,! Dog Strings is their favorite ruffian after all, do you see how much they smile when they see his name? They even read his yellow and orange messages because they love him so much more than you

>> No.87112252
Quoted by: >>87112330

Why are Mintards so addicted to begging?
It's such a turn off I'd rather see FWMC collab with some tiny 2view instead of her just because of how obnoxious her fan base is at this point.

>> No.87112301

ASMR the week Fauna graduates!

>> No.87112330

Seethe more, they're pushing hard to get her into hololive and can't wait for her to move fully to Japan

>> No.87112454
Quoted by: >>87112687

It's wild to me. Even if it's basic,EVERYONE loves looking at these, all the fans eat it up every time. The smallest, most insignificant thing can be turned into something cute.

>> No.87112494
Quoted by: >>87112647

do your reps or be left behind!!

>> No.87112546

I don't like handcams much and have seen them be the gateway leading to even more (if allowed) more than once.
Honestly I'd be fine without handcam streams ever, I'm not here for actual skin.

>> No.87112636

I don't like handcams when the focus is the fact that they're showing their hands, but for stuff like the crepe and takoyaki streams, not being able to show what they were actually doing made the streams objectively worse.

>> No.87112647

I know Japanese

>> No.87112675 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1287x720, MUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87112823

You know who both submitted a bag and also has occasional handcam streams while still being an idol?

>> No.87112687

They could have done full kayfabe bags at least. Kiara even said illustrations were okay

>> No.87112823

Yeah and if it were up to me she wouldn't have done that, it was too far.

>> No.87112869

i got skipped so far this week but no matter I'll keep my head up high. I wish twitter didn't hide tweets from them so much.

>> No.87112890
File: 1.25 MB, 1268x576, firefox_H7bUXtRyuD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyori's bag from the last one btw.

>> No.87113046

Go back to global, trannies. Show's over.

>> No.87113078
File: 1.33 MB, 1294x605, firefox_wm2460gZJs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori's bag btw.

>> No.87113144
File: 1.29 MB, 1274x646, firefox_wLNhsXOV93.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>87113164

Friend's bag btw.

>> No.87113164


>> No.87113170

>purityschizo 24h update
Good morning #FUWAMOCO

It is the last morning this week until things get extra busy, and your sleepy Ruffian awoke with a smile thinking of you. I miss you, but I'm thankful we can spend lots of time together soon

Wishing you both a most beautiful day
bau bau~

(So sleepy… I think I might need a stronger alarm ⤵⤵ I hope you had a chance to rest a little more than usual too I may always wish for this, FUWAMOCO, but I especially do as we soon enter this very busy event week. Take good care, okay? bau bau)

Thank you again #FUWAMOCO In even the sleepiest of mornings, being able to spend time together always brightens up my day. I can't think of a word other than mbembe (草) to describe these spooky… comfy… wandering nature sort of games, but I really enjoy them with you both.

It reminds me a lot of taking walks in early morning, listening to music, hoping for a good day as the mist rises with the sun. I'm wishing you the best of luck on the busy day today, and I'll keep holding those paws til we meet again, at our mid-week resting point of Morning

#FUWAMOCO bau bau
It was such a comfy morning with you, I had to revisit the archive while keeping busy Hearing those adorable giggles puts such a silly smile on my face. I hope your day is going well! I know you have lots to do today, but lots to be proud of too

bau bau~

I hope your night is going well #FUWAMOCO Hopefully there's been some breaks in the extra homework to enjoy the day's moments of peace and comfort, even in a busy day like this. I'm thinking of you, and really looking forward to spending time together again.

I should be doing three or four other things right now, but I wanted to doodle a little. Drawing you two helps when I miss you, and taking a little break can help refresh the mind as well. Were you able to have some good food today? A little moment in the sunshine? I hope so

The new day is soon, and though I wrote not too long ago, I know that the last bit of work before the day's end can be really ruff. So I wanted to say, hang in there! You're almost done, you can make it!

See you soon #FUWAMOCO for one last comfy break in the busy week

These eyes can't seem to stay open, and it is time to rest. Thank you for staying so close beside me, being so silly and kind, working hard each day… It's been warm sunlight to my heart. Rest well tonight, and see you soon.

Sweet dreams #FUWAMOCO
I love you bau bau

>> No.87113233

the least schizophrenic /baubau/ poster

>> No.87113265

FWMC didn't show the contents of their bag because they always carry around a photo of their favorite ruffian (me)

>> No.87113313
File: 1.12 MB, 1290x575, firefox_3acGgNU7yh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine's bag btw.

>> No.87113312

>I'll keep holding those paws til we meet again,

>> No.87113357

They can just participate next time.
Would be funny if they bought a bunch of random and obscure items just for the sake of it and it confused people a lot why they have such strange items in their bags.

>> No.87113450

only raiders or newfags would complain about the bag. it's so obvious

>> No.87113533

>Uh actually I didn't want to see their bag anyways!
>I don't care how cute or feminine they are with their choices of what they keep!
>I don't care if it would have been plain and I could have had a good laugh and called them cute for being utilitarian

>> No.87113634

not being surprised doesn't mean we're not still disappointed

>> No.87113680

Sister go home

>> No.87113724

Not submitting one is on brand and consistent. With how autistic they are about these things it would be huge waste of time for them. I would be more disappointed if they did it.

>> No.87113740

brother stay

>> No.87113746

if they retweet any more low effort shit they're not getting any superchat from me. It's pathetic and they should have higher standards than rewarding those faggots

>> No.87113791

I don't get why people make the "doxx risk" argument. Showing only the insides of your bag isn't a doxx risk at all.

>> No.87113843
Quoted by: >>87113917

It's retarded coping at all angles. Raora is the only other EN who doesn't have a bag submitted in one of these streams, and like a quarter of JP have submitted something at this point too.

>> No.87113904
Quoted by: >>87113965

Search "doxx" and only 2 hits, all from your post. Are you dumb?

>> No.87113917

Kiara said Raora said she was going to but forgot, unlike FWMC who actively refused

>> No.87113965

No but you are, posts have used other words to describe the same argument

>> No.87113983

These whores better stream for 6 hours like they did for GTA slop

>> No.87114059

>raid got called out
>changes angle to "GTA slop"
too obvious

>> No.87114093

Call in for Asakoyo episode 200, no one gives a shit. Didn't send in their bags for kiara, 200 comments. ??? Very organic.

>> No.87114155
Quoted by: >>87114197

>Do a thing in a branch that isn't their own which was cute.
>Don't do a thing that everyone else in your branch has done that's fun.
Is it really that hard to understand?

>> No.87114158
Quoted by: >>87114197

i don't care about jp

>> No.87114197
Quoted by: >>87114235

Very organic.

>> No.87114235

thank you i grew it myself

>> No.87114512

the real newfag is the guy that doesn't know this thread is always like this

>> No.87114572
Quoted by: >>87114962

I want Fuwawa- chan to graduate

>> No.87114577
Quoted by: >>87114772

I feel like it's been a lot tamer the past few days compared to last week

>> No.87114687

It always got pushback even predebut, globaltranny.

>> No.87114772

them streaming over the promise collab last night was not received well

>> No.87114870

If you thought that was bad you definitely haven't been here for more than a few days. There was at most two guys and they weren't even THAT bad

>> No.87114915
Quoted by: >>87115023

Did you forget shiori and Mori doing that too?

>> No.87114962
File: 530 KB, 1503x1800, 1726154771397584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nooo then Moco-chan will get lonely without her other half

>> No.87115023

I'm not saying they were right or wrong I'm just saying it resulted in an orbital strike

>> No.87115266

Just got out of a meeting with my professor, she found my project very interesting and said I could elaborate a bit more on a few things, but aside from that she thought my project was great and the examples I included were excellent

also asked me how to pronounce Fuwawa and Mococo because English isn't her native language
