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86853319 No.86853319 [Reply] [Original]

>10/10 chemistry with literally everyone in every 1on1 collab.
So this is the power of an extrovert.....

>> No.86853436

You're retarded if you think she's an extrovert. I love her but she fucking isn't.

>> No.86853539
Quoted by: >>86853663

she's a perfect example of an extrovert, come on

>> No.86853569
Quoted by: >>86856339

>*braps* mmmmmmmmmmmm

>> No.86853663

Except she fucking isn't and has said as such. Stop being retarded.

>> No.86853701


>> No.86853827

I wouldnt even say she's an extrovert

>> No.86853881

If you can talk without spilling spaghetti in hololive English you’re an extrovert

>> No.86854855

how the fuck do you people define extrovert
she seems fairly extroverted to me
she's no gura that's for sure

>> No.86855285

did she now?

>> No.86855375

didnt she herself said that she's an extrovert? lmao

>> No.86855530
File: 79 KB, 640x800, 1711642405750571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think all the brap posters need their thighs impaled on a rusty piece of iron

>> No.86855659

If she was a real extrovert she wouldn't be a vtuber.

>> No.86855736
File: 610 KB, 1112x650, dangotomo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your obsession with impalement, Cecilia?

>> No.86855852

She did say that as linked previously. That person is just a fucking faggot ass retard who didn't get his pumpkin spice latte and threw a hissy fit it's missing a couple of grains of the seasoning. Worry not, he'll shoot up a school and no one will visit him. >>86853663
Faggot ass tourist, truly and legitimately go be an hero. Go back to starbucks and check your attitude.

>> No.86855965
Quoted by: >>86856455

/ringo/ isn’t up, they have nowhere to go

>> No.86856050

its not my fault shes the designated fartuber

>> No.86856339

*breathes in*

>> No.86856455

truly a shitty situation

>> No.86856610

If she were a real introvert there is absolutely no way in hell she would be a successful streamer. I don't know what is wrong with you people.

Real introverts hate interacting with the public. I am an introvert and I have chosen my career path based on two things:
1. Necessity of service.
2. Separation from the public.
Now I'm an industrial electrician and I only have to talk to stupid people when a machine operator thinks something is my problem or management wants to give me a raise.

>> No.86856642
File: 242 KB, 472x472, 1727923814931307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86857626

>That person is just a fucking faggot ass retard who didn't get his pumpkin spice latte and threw a hissy fit it's missing a couple of grains of the seasoning. Worry not, he'll shoot up a school and no one will visit him.
>Go back to starbucks and check your attitude.

>> No.86856670
Quoted by: >>86873876

Pekora and Aqua.

>> No.86856703

Ringofags know nothing about cc, she isn't a farttuber. You can tell they don't watch her because she is actually great for piss fetish.

>> No.86856915
Quoted by: >>86857626

who pissed in your tea, otomo?

>> No.86857030
Quoted by: >>86909332

she used to be great for a certain other fetish as well. sizeplay.

>> No.86857180

you gotta be an extrovert to brap in front of thousands and then smile. Asserting dominance

>> No.86857626
Quoted by: >>86916421



>> No.86857866
Quoted by: >>86858009

Why is she so smug?

>> No.86858009


>> No.86858051
Quoted by: >>86858156

>didnt clipwatch
>barely threadread
>"i love her"
holy mother of jesus, you sound so american its unreal.
for the love of god, kindly pew pew your school and join the 40%. what a fucking diagrace..

>> No.86858156

I'm from Ontario, dumbass.

>> No.86858243

https://files.catbox.moe/kuloot.mp3 maybe she really is Mint in a mech suit

>> No.86859013

>being c*nadian
my condolences

>> No.86859666


>> No.86859831

Imagine being this much of a catalogshitter

>> No.86859899

projecting real hard here

>> No.86860092

>10/10 chemistry with literally everyone
You didn't watch the erb collab, did you? It wasn't outright bad, but there definitely wasn't a whole lot of chemistry between them.

>> No.86860259
Quoted by: >>86861400

There’s only so much anyone can do when your partner is a black hole.

>> No.86860883

im sorry anon, i didnt mean what i say. hang in ther tough guy

>> No.86861360

ironic since ERB worked so well with Kiara during their impromptu TF2 collab before the big collab with Ame

>> No.86861400
Quoted by: >>86905155

I just realized how similar erb is to mori.

>> No.86862519
Quoted by: >>86905221

Well, the Ceci collab was still relatively soon after debut. Maybe she found her groove in the meantime. I won't bother to check, but I heard good things about the fortnite collab with Gigi as well.

>> No.86865940

not everyone has chemistry with everyone else
erb has a haggy energy that kiara bounces off of well but not everyone can do that, she's just so different from the rest of EN
i still think there's hope for erb/cc chemistry to improve in the future

>> No.86866694


>> No.86867106
Quoted by: >>86873876

Anybody that's a vtuber and truly enjoys it is 90% of the time going to be an extrovert. An introvert would be so fucking exhausted and drained having to yap to a sea of strangers for a living. There is a minority that would find it fun enough to fight through that but most vtubers are probably extroverted. The old stereotypes about being a shy computer nerd don't apply anymore because everyone is on computers in this day and age.

She's so good because german genes

>> No.86868934

I hate listening to her because of her German accent.

t. actual german (turk)

>> No.86871714


>> No.86872267

Isn't all of Justice on the extrovert side? I wonder if they consider that when putting a gen together, same with Advent being more introverts

>> No.86873876
Quoted by: >>86895507

Talking to a faceless blob of people and talking to people (especially new people) one on one is a completely different skillset.

>> No.86874401

>didn't get his pumpkin spice latte and threw a hissy fit it's missing a couple of grains of the seasoning
How could the latte be missing seasoning if he didn't get it in the first place?

>> No.86875013

This girl has the balls to walk up to her JP senpais while barely speaking a word Japanese and scam them for ice cream, you are a fucking retard

>> No.86875210

Einmal Pomdöner mit Knoblauch Soße bitte

>> No.86875963
Quoted by: >>86876083

FuwaMoco did the same thing and I definitely wouldn't call them extroverts.

>> No.86876040

explain why is she not interacting with erb? Gen unity broken?

>> No.86876083
Quoted by: >>86876138

FuwaMoco are comfortable speaking Japanese, service fees are also different from outright trying to peddle your shit to people.

>> No.86876138
Quoted by: >>86880063

Anon, they charged people double and would charge them randomly for all kinds of shit.
They had a gas bill of 80k yen and charged for 800k.
Not to mention the whole kanata shit, and all the other shenanigans they did to the bakery.
It doesn't take an extrovert to play an impolite character, just a good entertainer.

>> No.86876193

Are extroverts innately good at dancing? This seems like an important question.

>> No.86876394

Anon Moona was doing the same thing with her burgers that doesn't make her an extrovert either.

>> No.86876644

>10/10 chemistry with everyone
her with biboo and mumei 1on1 collabs were mid. don't care what the numbers say, sitting through those streams only made me bored.

>> No.86879029
Quoted by: >>86884404

Why are you using extrovert as an insult?

>> No.86879319

you being a zoomer that needs constant stimulation doesnt change the fact that they were enjoying each others company

>> No.86879443


>> No.86879661

>actual german

>> No.86880063

Dumbass, why do you keep focusing on the scam part and not the real important part which is that they can speak fluent japanese while CC can't?

>> No.86880377

There are like 2, especially schizo anons who are always /here/ brap-posting. And I do agree with you.

>> No.86882820


>> No.86883123

You are insane.

>> No.86884072

Brain damage

>> No.86884404
Quoted by: >>86889319

because it is

>> No.86884803
Quoted by: >>86890845

Some people really don’t like the idea of their shy awkward anime waifu being socially competent adult

>> No.86886855

Retardchama... Watch streams

>> No.86886871
Quoted by: >>86912494


>> No.86889319
Quoted by: >>86904617


>> No.86889400

just came here to laugh at a retarded catalogshitter

>> No.86890845

she is still a nerdy bisexual shotacon which is enough to help me sleep at night

>> No.86891841

Is she the first HoloEN extrovert? Someone told me Kiara is not an extrovert but an introvert, and now I don't know wtf these words mean anymore

>> No.86892655
Quoted by: >>86892820

Maybe Bae? Justice was hired as an extrovert gen to combat the autism fest that was EN

>> No.86892820

Yeah, seems about right

>> No.86893108

Kiara and Biboo are introverts that push themselves to socialize. Pretty sure Kiara talked about it and Biboo just did a personality test on stream and got 56% introverted.They can socialize but don't like big gatherings since it quickly drains their energy so they need alone time to recharge.

>> No.86893404

[accordion music stops]

>> No.86893482

Yes, EN has one extrovert, CC. ID has one extrovert, Zeta.

>> No.86893821
File: 243 KB, 2048x1580, GHQAulIbgAAmKW0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it?

>> No.86894088

I see, makes sense. I've only really watched those two in collabs, and I guess that side of them shows more in solo streams

>> No.86894389

Biboo who toured all over Japan met and hanged around senpais keeps on making connections with them cannot be categorized as an introvert she probably is just shy and nervous at first like she was during debut when she was scared to ask senpais for collabs until she got over her social anxiety. Social anxiety can be treated with meds or overcomed willingly if someone gains enough confidence and self-esteem to pull it off while theres no meds or treatment that can stop you from being an introvert.

>> No.86894870
File: 386 KB, 2200x2400, 1725530101169484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86895549

I don't know how can anyone say Kiara is not an extrovert. When you look up the definition of extrovert in the dictionary, this is the picture accompanying it.

>> No.86895507

Talking to a faceless blob of people is almost always a choice you make with a possible exception of giving testimony in court. No actual introvert wants to do that. At best they might suffer it. I don't mind terribly talking to a person 1-on-1 because sometimes a person can surprise you. I would never willingly choose to talk to a crowd unless my life depended on it.

It's the same old story, everyone thinks they're an introvert when they aren't. Just because there're two given groups doesn't mean those groups will have equal spreads. Evolution has dictated that most people are extroverts, simple as. If you enjoy doing this kind of shit, good! We need more people like you in the community. But you're a fucking extrovert. I'm sure you'll survive the trauma of being wrong.

>> No.86895549
File: 183 KB, 407x399, 1723117834341310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes the girl who loves traveling all over the world is not an extrovert. Lol

>> No.86895639

The real introvert unironically was the vampire fag from tempiss. Dude loved his privacy and peace of mind more than the money. Introverts aren't going to sing for audience either without having a fucking meltdown.

>> No.86895903
Quoted by: >>86897250

eh, it's not as simple as you're an introvert or not, there are levels to it
plus social skills can be learnt to a certain extent. An introvert can get good at public speaking or interacting with others, it will simply be draining and stressful, though.

>> No.86897250

>It's not ALWAYS as simple as you're an introvert or not,

Yes, of course there are gradations. There are always gradations. What kind of chromatic scale metaphor you should use is dependent on the generalization of your topic. In this case, it's a pretty high level subject so you use the most basic division.

No introvert will ever be a successful: Politician, Streamer, Community Leader, Outreach Coordinator, etc.
Keyword "successful".

I will give you this much as I always exclude these people for being "statistically malicious", there are those people who will do something they loathe successfully and end up drinking themselves to death or something. Difficult to say exactly how many people in the entertainment industry in general are like this because there are a lot of them who abuse themselves for completely divorced reasons. Probably the ones who found success and gtfo.

>> No.86897299


* brap *

>> No.86897401

False! She has 0/10 chemistry with ERB.

>> No.86898326

I really need an extrovert gf to adopt me

>> No.86900396

She's pretty amazing

>> No.86903677


>> No.86903736

Yeah methane

>> No.86903880

She farted so confidently , how is that not alpha extrovert behavior?

>> No.86904526

I'm an introvert who feels like shit and completely drained after every flesh tuber stream I do with facecam but I have no other prospects than trying futilely to make it because I have no fucking education or job history at my age.

I either make it to self-sufficiency doing this as a job or I kill myself in the next 5-10 years.

>> No.86904617

NTA but you're calling people weirdos on 4chan of all places
Just thought I'd point that out

>> No.86904681

So you're indian

>> No.86904914

Almost nobody works well with ERB. That doesn't say anything about Cecilia.

>> No.86905155

Mori is unironically cute and has a calming soothing voice when she's just chilling doing shit like playing Dark Souls. ERB has her gross accent debuff (ugh, Brits) and nothing else good going for her.

>> No.86905221

Gigi doesn't count, she is an actual "10/10 guaranteed vibe" with all chuubas.

>> No.86905798
Quoted by: >>86907150

Why is her voice so bad? She sounds like she is extremely obese.

>> No.86907150
Quoted by: >>86907825

She has shown hands and you could not be further from the truth

>> No.86907825

but her hands were GIANT

>> No.86908106

>extrover saying shes introverted because why not
such a classic extrovert move

>> No.86909332

We need more sizeplay friendly vtubers. It's a great medium for it.

>> No.86911637 [DELETED] 


>> No.86912494


>> No.86916421


>> No.86917253
Quoted by: >>86917440

Who'd be the first holo to drop the nigger bomb on stream? IRyS was closed to saying it on that mother simulator game.

>> No.86917440

I'm surprised Calli hasn't let at least a soft a slip, and honestly to this day even *more* surprised that Irys was literally unironically about to casually do so. Like how fucking often is she tossing it out among friends? What the fuck.

And Amelia has said it but she was quoting someone.

>> No.86923303

