Kuroversary EditionWelcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.Kuro live! New outfit debut! Mouse live! Subathon. Keep things comfy, etc.Image source: https://x.com/TRBshyne/status/1841084037009436987VShojo is:Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFrootGEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGAHaruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribuHenya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegeniusHime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIRKuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KUROMata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKanMel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelodyMichi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochieveeMouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMousePartyZen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreyaOfficial Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojoRelated:総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion/lig/ for more + and former member discussion/mouse/ for subathon-specific discussionPrevious Thread: >>86514878
Okay, that smug ass smirk was pretty good.
>>OPmy son with the silly hat!!! yippeee!!!!
I just busted
who are these? gimme rrats now
>>86534586>>86534593he knows what he's doing
The goofy ass music is perfect for this.
>>86534615all me
Is Kuro unironically fixed now?
>>86534615everyone I like and want /in/
This model brings out his goofy side. I'm so happy for him.
no "captain look!" joke yet?
>>86534720His energy seems to have done a 180 from what it's been since his debut. If he keeps it up, then yes you can say that.
im switching back to twitch, youtube quality sucks so much
>>86534615Far left is my elegant tall wife.
oofrough spawn point
>>86534720>am happy sorta
he's no longer depressed...
>No MouseHe hates her...
Kuro needs more dudes in his life.
>>86534720wait a month and if he isn't burned out again then yes
Based and true
Kuro is one of the girls, confirmed by Kuro
>>86534586Just what you faggots love right? Unity!Also this fags really trying to go back to his old dog pirate boy style?
>no geega>no mouse>no mataHe hates them.
Kuro needs more cocks in his ass.
>>86534838wait so is just ditching the “god of undead miracles” identity he had?
goated OST
He's a pirate because he wants to travel the world
>>86534929He needs only one (me)
>>86534975he labeled it as "undead era" on his vod channel
https://x.com/LichVtuber/status/1841113411628765582no froog
>>86534975That guy is stuck in Pirate Kuro's universe.Also his name is Kaizo Kuro or smth now
>>86534615I think I know who is in the middle.
>>86534975That happened during his depression arc. He's throwing all that away to start his happy arc.
>>86534975Yes, this is a complete rebranding
ahh goofy "nah man i'm single because i want to" anime taste >>86534975Yeah. Slut pirate.
>>86535028i hope she feels better soon
>>86535028Its Froogver...
>>86534615where has this image even come from, I can only assume it's someone's bait image from /here/
>>86534841Clearing hundreds of thousands in tax debt will do wonders for the ol' mental.
>>86534975it didn't really suit him mucha goofy pirate is a much better fit for him.
my son and his shitty anime taste... it's endearing
Kuro's favorite anime
>>86535034honestly that sounds better and i prefer this model for him too good for you kurosisters hopefully he starts to stream alot more now
Kinda expected him to try to pander to a more general evenly gendered audience. I guess he prefers the bishonen path.
imagine liking league
>>86535028If it's lasted this long it's clearly a psychic attack from her haters. She should visit the local wise woman and consecrate a talisman to Apollo.
>>86535195She's a witch herself.
>>86535069>Digimon The Movieit has a good soundtrack
I thought he'd be a little tanner than he is, but at least he's not an ashy pale
Is Kuro literally rebranding just because he didn't like the whole "undead" theme? I don't watch him btw just curious
>no minecraft on the listit's over...
>>86534872please be real Not that id like it but it would make catalog seethe so much
>>86535298More like he found a new love for Kaito and preferred him more
>>86535298he just wants to try new things, it's not that deep
Rate his mons
>>86535369i wasn't paying attention because he's talked about them many times before...
>>86535028Feel better soon froot
>>86535369I want to FUCK Meowscarda, aside from that overall good taste. Dragonair is super cute.
>>86535298He's not depressed anymore.
i want to try a sunday roast someday
>>86535084>I can only assume it's someone's bait image from /here/And you'd be right.
>>86535422Dragonair is my all time favorite I never evolve it into ugly Barney.
Oh kinda neat that Hen still worked for him
new brothers that...
>>86535483looks too professional to be bait
>>86535510Mel's wife Dust in the credits!
>>86535404>Sylveon>Yveltal>Mismagiussame>MeganiumBayleef is better imo>Braixen>Meowscarada>Lopunnyfurry porn
literally me
Since he's not a dog anymore, will he still be K9?
Oh he got three like HenyaBut the Corpa is really great
>>86535586It was first posted here. >>86526776 And if you reverse image search it, Google will link the thread.
I am so so so happy that we get a plush...
https://x.com/MichiMochievee/status/1841118393019351286/Rip Michi's voice
>>86535602Do you still have that dog in you?
kuro hire k9s to make his merch that's so wholesome
>The other Kuro is dead nowwasn't he always dead?
The store is fucking dying, mates
Didn't care for his initial Kuro debut merch, but these ones I'm definitely getting
>horror gamesOh greatanother oneAt this point call us the Horror Games Org
>>86535740undead actually
>rebrand away from undead>plan to primary play horror games make it make sense
We've got another Hime
>>86535755k9s DDoSed the site
pokeemans channel sounds fun!
Merch announcement https://x.com/VShojo/status/1841119789047001344
There are no gay Frootfags, just a fujo named Emma
I still think he's spreading himself a bit thin with all these channels
Wait, is he ever going to upload that AX panel he did with Michi?
he is going to burnout again
>rebranding into a horror game channel>still have half a dozen channelsBruh, come on.
>>86535892I welcome our new fujo overlords
I don't know if it's a great idea to split your content with channels that much. I think just having an irl channel and a main channel with different playlists for pokemon and horror would be enough but I guess it's still an improvement overall.
Half the creators I've seen running separate Youtube channels talk about how much of a pain managing two or three separate channels is. Best of luck to him running six.
>>86535910>6 youtube channels>stream mainly on twitchTo be fair the VOD/clip channel is not much work for him.
>>86535892Get a new bait
>>86536026Shut up Emma
>no "Ahoy" from GEEGA yetNo...
>>86535978I think big creators can get away with it, but Kuro isn't that. I don't get it. It's gonna be so much extra work for him.
>>86535892what's her fav ship?
Splitting all of his content into neatl-categorized channels is very classic YT but I don't know if that's a great idea.Does YT still work in a way where that's beneficial?
>>86536058It’s Emmy you retard
>>86534615Geega, Geega, Geega, Geega, and - shockingly - Geega.
I don't buy acrylic stands but the art is really cute
>>86536121Emmy, Emma, whatever, you're a fujo and you must buy a chair
I hope he can stay genki and happy. This Kuro makes it so easy to love him...
>>86536140Huge improvement from his debut acrylic stand. This one shows his personality well and is colorful.
>>86536112Sort of. The algorithm doesn't like it when you upload different types of content with audiences that don't overlap. It sees it as "content from one person not landing people consistently" because it doesn't account for different types of content. So if you get the same audience consistently it's more likely to push your content to more people.So in that sense splitting across separate channels can be beneficial. The question is if it's worth the extra work because Youtube doesn't actually support running multiple channels very well, despite the algorithm heavily encouraging it.
>>86536217>The algorithm doesn't like it when you upload different types of content with audiences that don't overlap. It sees it as "content from one person not landing people consistently" because it doesn't account for different types of content. So if you get the same audience consistently it's more likely to push your content to more people.yea this is what kuro said
>>86536164sorry moid, /vsj+/ is fujo territory
>>86535676Maiko sounds so zesty Like this nigga fruity
>>86535526Dragonite is my favorite pokemon of all time, kill yourself
>>86536164*slaps your ass*
new oshimark
his new icon is genius
>>86536066He is too old now
bro what the fuck
>>86536306He should use the flag one instead
>>86536264You literally don't have a penis
Viewer interviews again! The last one was fun, so this should be good.
mama arthttps://x.com/senzakimakoto/status/1841123003901645265
Just noticed the Kuro plushie in the background is still his old model
i hate being a leaf...
>>86536410I love it so much
this is such a downgrade
>>86536442What the fuck shipping isn't free anymore
I see the roach tits
>>86536442What’s that in real cash
>>86536410very cutesy, very mindfuli just notice that his eyes are different, what a cool detail
>>86536453Nah, this is a huge upgrade and reflects his goofy personality better
>>86536539agreed, I thought his face's too feminine at first but it suits his personality kek
>>86536471You have to pay separate shipping? what da hell
>>86536442Canada is not a real place
>>86536471that's still cheaper than mine... i think i will look for a proxy service >>86536526that's mean :(
>>865365261115 Turkish Liraoh wait it's 1116 now
Supportive Mata
Just woke up, why isn't he a brown shota?
>my favorite man in VShojo Matara…
>>86536605mata literally lives in canadna!!!!
>where the hell is shiro?THANK YOU
>>86536647He grew up
>>86536683oops erm
>>86536695All boys should grow down
>>86536671Yeah and it was totally the tooth fairy putting money under my pillow too
>>86536647my son grew up...
>>86536683He joined Whitebeard's Crew
>our old jobhe can't let go
his model is not really tanned kek
>>86536580Must be because one is made to order and the other is a pre-order>>86536611Canadian K9... I've missed you
Forget about Quinn, I want to see Bettel and Kuro collabs
>>86536771Quinn's legacy is now a funny meme
Good to see the K9's here excited about his future definitely felt bleak and pessimistic for a while here anytime Kuro was brought up. Hopefully this will be a new, positive era for Kuro and his fans.
>>86536818??!! i miss you too
Moose in text form
>>86536844Saw him break 300k on twitter too. It's a good sign
>we will get a bunch of pirate girls k9sonas art
I love the moose she’s so sweet
>we will get a bunch of pirate girls k9sonas artWrong horny emotion, sorry
Haruka <3
>>86536996should've used this
>>86536844thank you mouseposter!! I'm used to him always going through ups and downs, but I still look forward to the fun we'll have!
>>86536997It's like I can still hear her voice...
kuro had being excited speaking for too long, his voice starts losing now. it's time to go back to being edgelord...
Pink cat so cute
Can kuro use the conqueror's haki?
just watched the new lore vidya. still better than convoluted crap merry was trying to do.
>>86536996>>86537021I want to see k9s as sailors
>Zen is definitely more stinky than I am. She wears a whole ass bodysuit.
Kuro stop making me more horny for Zen.
Zen's message
Is that Zen's gecko?
So zen wrote all this shit when she was drunk last night right?
Zen sent a correction message lmao
>>86534975Merry is gonna FREAK when he hears his lore vid is wrong now
>>86537363I thought from the first message Zen was drunk but now this confirms it to me.
classic michi
Michi's message
fucking michi lol
michi... why
>>86537463>>86537472Where did Michi get this picture of Mel?
Red dragon is cute
i should have participated but i forgot that discord is a thing
>>86537496In her horse cum folder
I love this model
I want to get drunk with Zen
No messages from Mouse or Geega?
>>86537759It’s over
>>86537709Gacha character vibe
>>86537709me too!
who picked this song
im gonna head to bed now, i stayed up all night for this... enjoy stream k8s and anons
Damn her singing is actually beautiful. Chinese fans are on another level.
Most Kuro discussion in months
The K9's wrote better lore than Merry
>>86537759They HATE him
>>86537887that isn't difficult.
>>86537858did you miss us? :3
>>86537858this is his first stream in months
>No Froot>No Michi>No Henyait's over
>>86536771Trauma bonding
>>86538042Zen HATES her. Latina HATE.
>>86538019>IronMouse>not Mouse or Mousey Corpo mandated tweet
>>86538042Zen honestly types like she's ESL and I don't get it
>>86538019This must feel crazy for Zen when you look back at that one DM mouse showed about Zen being her first collab
I was like who the fuck is that?LmaoThat's Kuro?
>>86538019a manager wrote this tweet
>>86538139>>86538042She obviously wants the tweet to show up for people who search up 'Ironmouse' in the twitter search bar. Most people will search up Ironmouse and not Mouse/Mousey.
Kuro got golden kappa train, lmao
Golden Kappa train for Kuro
>>86538262Don't pretend like Zen knows how to work an algorithm. Look at the YouTube channel.
Kuro is the cutest girl in VShojo
>>86538042https://x.com/zentreya/status/1840861658895315052typed like that yesterday too
every rrat is true...
>>86538215Zen must be absolutely boiling under the TTS. She could have been number one, instead it's some half-american cripple with a voice like nails on a chalkboard.Zen out by December, screenshot this
Sex with pirate Kuro
>>86538512Zen is Vshojo's Vegeta
>>86538512Lame/10 Maybe next time champ
Ahoya ( ´・∀・`) he looks like a character from early game of the tales series
>>86538649You’re late
>>86538666She's retarded.
>>86538649He's Patty Fleur's cousin
>>86538554>>86538589>>86538640When did this thread learn? Or is it only if I say Silvervale?
Emmy rape this anon to death >>86538512
>>86538748its because you can't bait with someone people actually like
>>86538512I agree that Zen should be number one.
I'm happy for Kuro. His lore was kinda cringe and didnt suit his personality
Buff also likes cinnamonroll
>>86538789I'm a sicky I was supposed to be at work I'm resting (゜∀。)
>>86534615When was this announced?
>>86538959All women like himMen have better taste and like the superior Kuromi
>>86538938She is number 1 in porn
>>86539021>mensissy cope
What if there were actual faggots here
I am happy though that k9s came out of the woodwork to see kuros new look (。・ω・。) I read the other thread
>>86539110They would post something like this >>86539110
>>86538808You can bait with literally anything.
Zenners live
>>86539067And in my heart
The K9's put more effort into their fan projects than any other Vshojo fandom and it's not even close.
k9s can't sing, I'm sorry, but it's cute though
I really love the original version of this song the k9s are doing alright but most aren't singers kek
>>86539305zoomers are young and still have hopes and dreams unlike us
>>86539307The Chinese k9 one had good singinghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3uQUESuMNM
>>86539345She is gonna mating press Mouse
Kuro and Henya minecraft was kinoI hope she gets better soon
>>86538858when will vshojo hire a shota
>>86539345Kuro time, please shut up
>>86539410John Vshojo
>>86539440zen is liveit's over
yooo bocchi cover!
That's actually really good
>>86539410>Zen forgot to update her Halloween backgroundZen...
Holy Kino
>>86539433>>86539410>erased from any mentions in holo>still loved by vshojopain
I'm still depressed and sick but if he is happy then that's what matters also the k9s are crewmembers on a ship now ヽ(・ω・´)ノ
Stalker makes another appearance kek
>>86539307(me)i retract my statement.
Hey this singing aint bad
We could've just recruited a bunch of K9's for a wave
k9's are talented
>>86539496The reveal is on the 10th
He's so easy to please when they cater to his interests it's cute
>>86539410she lived
>>86539558Kuro the Rock! MVhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4n-RvknNbE
Girls are so nice
>>86539487who the fuck is shome
I late but what was the opinion of his new design???
Wait so Mata joined before Nazuna left? holy shit so much has happened that my timeline is fucked
Vshojo need pink cat vtubet
The true redpill is only women have the drive to create
I need to go now because of work but I just want to say I'm so proud of Kuro. As someone who had been watching him for 3 years, I can see that he had been improving so much for the past years. One of his main flaws is how he always try to fight antis and engage with drama but he no longer did that. Second is his inconsistencies, but like he said just now, he want to work hard being consistent. I understand he had adhd..He used to be so drained because of his taxes but next year, it will be fully paid and resolved. He also had completed therapy session, attend singing & language class, travelling and meet a lot of friends, trying new things and always transparent about his life with his fans. He's walking towards positive outcome. He is always laughing in every stream. I'm glad to be his loyal fan so I could see his journey throughout the years.
>>86539665Really like it, suits him. Thought he'd be tanner though
>>86539669Yeah, I dunno why but I also forget Nazuna left in December
k9's are getting too cocky
Another cool animation from the k9s
>>86539677hear me out
>>86539705I need to get used to his face but like I said earlier it reminds me of art from the tales series (゜∀。)
I don't think he saw the Whispers, they had one per month. I like this one
Did you get gifted any subs for the girls this subtember? Me:>Zen>Mouse
>>86539665I love it. Definitely an improvement from the previous one.
>>86539704As a Henyafags. I like your Oshi. And Im happy that he's doing well. I wish they could collab more when she come back they were really cute together
>>86539792Also from the same artistYou can tell she draws ponies.
>>86539665gonna have to get used to the new face but the design itself is really cool
>severe health condition >>86539700/in/
>>86539822Mouse, Lucy, and Zen
>>86539846artist name?
>>86539851Buy an ad moderator-san
>>86539846Yeah this is anime Chows work (^ー^)
>>86539845>when she come back
Well at least Zen updated the starting soon video. She even included the Vshojo cover of This is Halloween no less.
I just woke up and I'mwatching Kuro's new lore video and oh my god lmao
>>86539690Because men have to earn for themselves and their creative women
i want to pump 3 kids into zen
>>86539771Mating press
>>86539690( ̄~ ̄;) tell that to comic book creators and movie directors.....both genders put in work if they try
>>86539706It's probably because she was so absent during her last few months that it felt like she left earlier.
>>86539822Mouse, Geega and Mata
>>86539690the ninja turtles did not make all that fancy art for you to put them down like that
>>86538512>half-americananyone want to tell this tourist?
>>86540077Yeah, that's probably why
>>86538959i will say this. damn did they nail this with the fursuit.
>>86539690To be artistic is a feminine trait, men should think about war.
>>86540094Actually they were famous guys during the Renaissance Era and leonardo wasn't just an artist but an inventor.(。・ω・。) also all male btw
cute yume mv
>>86540065They're all sissies and cucks>>86540094They're also all sissies and cucks
>>86540212Kuro and Henya are rare but their three moments were all kino. >Loan Shark Henya>that time Kuro killed her with the machine>the big ass watermelon
>>86539410We are so back!
>>86540226thank you for explaining my joke, my autistic queenare you feeling better about Kuro now with the new model and everything?
Nazucunny... return...
>>86540376( ´・∀・`) I unsure about the face on model but everything is so vibrant now! I glad he seems happier in an earlier stream he was talking about being excited to use new model for playing games
>>86538921kek, mindbroken
yesterday I was jacking off to mesu gacha 1-3 and I thought that it would be so sexo if you could pull chuubas from a gacha and train them like in that doujin
>>86534615man we got to the point where catalogfags are making fakes for us
His new model looks like shit ngl
You don't look that tanned Kuro, I thought it would be like Mousey's coppercat
just reply with 'who?' under each post before he wakes up/comes here. I want to know what happens
>>86540664His chat told him darker so heres hoping
compass eye
>>86540780Such a small detail, but I like it
>>86540850dumb bitch keeps getting telefragged
I like that he's Bettel's bro now I always thought they matched eschothers energy
>>86540694Stop sexualizing Zen
>>86540780That's neat. I didn't notice at first >>86536410
>>86540691shut the fuck up and go watch Kuro or Zen, you obsessed autist
>>86540902Yeah maybe he will do more stuff with better and other holo boys
>>86540694Don't stop sexualizing Zen
>>86541019well, sucks to be you
Now we know the real reason Kuro likes Quinn
Do you think Zen is jealous of Mouse? Or is Zen not that kind of person?
>>86541113All I know is Zen HATES Kuro
>>86541113zen is jealous of our relationship, but not much else.
>>86541173she just like me fr
Why is only Michi & Gun in the lore vid?
>>86541265Michi is his friend and gun was a friend to kuro before he even decided to scout him to vshojo (。・ω・。)
>>86541173Everyone knows that
>>86541265those are the two most important people in his life: his girlfriend and his dad
Kaizoku Kuro is this ones name
>>86541265Bullyshojo ostracizes the only male member
>>86541397will they update the vshojo website with his new look ?
>>86541113No. Yes. In that order.
I'm so fucking hard Zen
>>86541113Yes. No. In that order.
>>86541113You're talking about a person that after receiving a nomination for an award immediately withdrew from the competition so that others could get the spotlight
This Kuro canonically fucked a Vaporeon
zen is giving me my ideal married life rn
>>86541564I can believe it
This Kuro is so endearing
>>86541861Canon Kuro lore
new thread>>86541903>>86541903>>86541903
k9s got cucked by a vaporeon
This original Chinese song these fans made I kind of like it.(゜∀。) I'm way back in vod