Pickme Connect
>>OPnew games suck dude
>>OP>buying cringe dei gamesAlmost as bad as giving EN vtubers views and money.
Jelly thread? Jelly thread!
I like the noises jelly makes.
>everybody else refuses to be the pol-lite agency>NOOOOOOOO THAT MEANS YOU CAN'T PICK UP THE NICHE EITHER
>>OPI am neutral towards Jelly but that tweet reads like negro speak>DOOD I GOTTA PLAY THIS GARBAGE DOOD
If anything its stranger that they didn't hop on Dustborn sooner. It was this year's equivalent of YIIK.
>>86451980Dude is white culture
>>86451976>pol-lite agency>known for cuck content, tranny and furry defenders, and getting blackedmakes sense honestly
>>86451980I think you meant she sounds retarded. XQC does the same shit.
>>86452169>getting blackedSakana does want Phase to be Hololive
>>OPgaming outrage dorks are the main audience for phase so this makes a lot of sense
>>86452092Panko is playing it in 30 min
>>86452390smart. twitter trannies aren't the main audience for any vtuber, so they're not worth pandering to. They're not even people really, so they're not worth considering either.
>>OP>why don't these women stop appeasing to meanon, let me tell you about the target demographic of that market, it will blown your mind
>>OPbut she's right? what's your point?
I heard this is a jelly thread
>>86452570you guys are just twitter troids with a different rulesetsame exact behavior, different nu-religion
>>OPIs all this pandering worth it when their numbers are always sub 5k?
Phasewhores trying to do whatever they can to be relevant kek pathetic
Huh thanks for the recommendation, maybe I should pick her up
>>86452752yeah, this kinda no u only works if anyone cares about your opinion. subhumans can't have valid opinions so it's just barking.
>>86452773What's the point of being a number monkey when the only numbers you care about are Hololive?
>>86452773Chuds don't watch streams.
What is a pickme
>>86452773I cannot think of a single non-hololive vtuber other than maybe Ironmouse and Filian who pulls over 5k.Jelly gets like 1k and that's insanely great
Patiently waiting for the Jerry feet stream.
>>86452933>>86453099Niggersanji does it.
>>86453030woman who panders to men and wants men to pick her. it's used as an insult term by women to other women
>>OPwhat is this thread, am i weird for not thinking this isnt that bad? every content creator has been ribbing those games so why doesnt it matter when this one does
>>86453182Pandering to troons>>>>>pandering to chudsChuds don't watch streams.
How many of these threads are from failed Phase auditions
JELLY THREAD ON /vt/!!!!!!
>>86453340If I take off her antennae will she die?
>>OPJelly comes from a conservative SEA country, calling her pickme implies its an act.
>>OPWoman seething
>>86453550It is an act precisely because being a conservative in other countries expresses itself in different ways.
>>86453340EARLY CHRISTMAS!!!
>>OPSeething femanon please I'm sure you'll be loved one day too.
>seething femanon thread>the mumeifag shows upI'm noticing
>>86453418It would be extremely painful
>>OPI need Jelly to piss into my cup of morning coffee. I'd start every one of days with a nice warm cup of Jelly.
>Concord devs on /vt/Wow, anyways the game sucks. I hate pick mes because more are grifter /pol/tards but shitting on Concard is always ethical and justifiable.
>>OPAaaaaaaaaaaaand PICKED! Seethe.
>>86455438>A pick-me post denouncing pick-mesYou get no points.
>>86455824>calling me a pick me for saying it's okay to shit on the thing that's universally accepted to shit on by everyoneIf you're offended about the pol shit, fuck off and stop ruining vtubing, just watch glenn beck or whatever.
>>OPIs calling garbage games garbage some sort of hot take for you?
>>86455035You're a small girl...
>>86453030They assume the streamer isn't actually interested in this thing or that which they, as chudbro/whatever the fuck, are also into.Catalog fags like to create drama and they pepper their own threads complaining about women for making these anti-pick-me threads/posts. They're always males though. They don't know Jelly or any of their other targets.Pippa for instance has always been a libertarian, so any little rightwing issue that a libertarian would agree to they assume this makes her a full on nazi bro like them (So not only are they wrong about Pippa, they wrong their own politics)
>>86453270nijibots don't count as viewerst. stream watching gigaCHUD
>>86454031lmfaot. immigrant
Anon, you DO realize that they intentionally make bait threads to make you think about them more?
>>86453418nobut if you squeeze them, she will cum
Jelly is nice
>>86453304they're from phase shillsjust a different type of failure
Jelly thread?
>>OPHey phasecuck janny, saying phase chuubas do NTR content and get blacked isn’t against the rules, it’s the truth. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
>>86456157For you
>>OPWait is this a thread for people who are offended by this comment? Those games are garbage tier they belong in the B- grade movie watch along category.
>>86456901It's ok if you didn't get in femanonBut I'd suggest you spend more time streaming than making threads, try and practice your streaming skills.
>>86453182People are still watching their streams hoping they fuck up, and it's been a while. I know he graduated, I'm just making a point
These tourist aren't ready for the REAL jelly hoshiumi experience.
>>OPOnly women call people "pick me"so you must be a whore
>>OPSomeone from Phase played it yesterday and got big numbers, like 3k live viewers and now everyone wants to play that shit.
>>86455438I know the guys who did that are still on paid leave. Hope they don't get fucked by what understandably was a bunch of bad decisions from the top heads of the studio and PS.>>86456398I can't drink coffee due to a weird mix of genetic medical conditions, anyone who fell for fishman's meme can described how this tastes?
>>86457209>*subhuman phase shill seething post*kill yourself
>>86455913>If you're offended about the pol shit,I'm continually disappointed in that glowie's nest, but I'll do what I want. I watch vtubers not Beck.
>>86458428I'm just trying to give you some advice. This self destructive attitude isn't going to help you femanon.
>>86458483It's funny to be there and watch people from the """"They"""" agency attempting to radicalize what is clearly people from Alphabet agencies trying to catch someone attempting that and they both not knowing they are wasting resources on each other because they ain't civvies.
Jelly would be disgusted with me if she ever found about the unholy things I'd do to her ass.
>>OPI pick her
>>86458737what unholy things did you already do to her antennae?
>>86459084They retract when she's in a relaxed state. Trust me, I've read plenty of xenobiology books.
>>86457505I wrote this
>>OPShe's the best Phase member.I won't change my mind.
>>86459254So she's not relaxed on stream then?
>>86459729Clara exists
Concord wasn't even funny bad though, just depressing.
>>86459811They're erect during streams because she's horny and is displaying to her starknights that's she's fertile.
>missed another Jelly threadFuck my bingus life.
>>86453099Neuro, and she gets 10k when shes with her dad
her "awawawawa" is a mating callbut no one ever calls her back
>>86461841I am literally cumming inside her right now
>>86453184>women hate herholy fuck, time to pick her
>>86462036I don't remember posting this.
>>86452773she streams autism games at midnight PST in pure English, her ccv being as high as it is is a miracle
>>86461631Its so weird how in the vtuber community you get popular by saying near nazi level speech and then you only incline from there and everyone forgives you because the bubble is so small everyone needs as much clout and views as they can get. Examples filian pippa neuro lumi.
>>86462977why are we responding to numberniggers?
>>86460352That art is nice, really wish it hadn't been the content it was...
>>86463305Jelly loves numbers
Jelly bait thread? I know just what to do!
>>86463359When Phase starts crucifying their girls on a cross for eating McDonalds I'll consider them /pol/. Also embrace the irony of this shit post.
>>86463560yesyou awawawawa
>>86456278You can’t tell me these pandering ass phase connect bitches like half the things they play. You’re a gullible retard. BUT being a Pickme isn’t the worst thing ever they can learn to appreciate trying new shit even if it’s pandering
Post Jelly pictures and videos.
>>86465147Jelly's fat...
>>86464869Nta but aren't most games a debuff if you do a series on it on youtube with the current algorithm?
>>OP>pickme! Pickme, pickme, pickme! I'm not like other girls! I like based stuff like you! I'm just a dumb woman, see? You can call me whatever degrading thing you want just pickme!
>>86465310Seething leftoid lmao
>>86465653How the fuck did you get your hands on the sex tape me and jelly filmed?
>>86457948Each one is a different type of bean/mix/roast, which gives them a different flavour.So you've got light roast ones which are very sour and fruity, and dark roasts which are more of a bitter burnt choco flavour.Quality wise they're fine, just overpriced.
Going for assmonbald audience lol
>>86462977She attracts a bunch of Aussie and Western expats in Asia for viewers with her time slot.
>>86463292what are you talking about the holocaust thing was once and she was baited into saying it, vedal himself is apolitical but his entire mod team both on stream and discord are trans
>>86451806They are not even making their money back. These games are funded by Euro grants (taxes) to promote the arts so there is no expectation of getting a return. It's like Uwe Boll movies which didn't perform well but that's okay because the German government will keep funding them.
>>OPDullest whore in Phase Connect
>>OPI never heard of this game before because I don't watch slop like this.
>>86453213It sounds like you're new. These threads are just anti-Phase threads by seething antis, and are also thinly-veiled Phase advertisements. Basically Phase girls are used by schizos to rile up other fanbases and create controversy just for their amusement. If you really are a Phase fan you ignore these threads and stay in the generals.
>>86451806they play for less than 2 hours and then refund it
>>86465427I would sex top right and bottom right
1. We can argue to what degree, but the game is operating on satire. Anyone claiming it's purely straighfaced has never played anything else written by actual commies, see Disco Elysium.2. The internet no longer posseses the nuance to process this game on any level other than purely straight. Maybe it never did, in which case I look forward to the horrified tweet rollups when the internet rediscovers A Modest Proposal.3. Jelly is doing it because it gave Shiina good numbers. Although Shiina could laugh at it in the context of having lived in Cali, and the game certainly seems to be caricaturing Bay Are culture. We'll see how Jelly fares.
>>86469096Only based Panko did and if Jelly does too she's copying her blatantly
>>86469350Panko did numbers too today
>>86460285Wait, I didn't know this is Clara a whore? Like the "I sell my naked body for money" type whore not the "I had sex" kind of whore.
>>86470303you should do your reps as to what gravure actually is
>>86470303Even seiyuu do gravure nowadays, it's nothing to obsess over
I want to kiss her tiny little hands.
>>86470884Explain it to me sage-kun humble me
>>86469350implying marxists are capable of satire, irony, or anything that requires that their beliefs be treated as anything lower than cult-like dogma
>>OP>Pickme Connectuh oh....
>>86471604I wonder what game they were talking about?
>>OPJelly is sexier than Gura and you can't handle it so you have to anti Jelly.
>>OPThis is like saying satan is a bad guy. It's not controversial.
>>86471547Anyone that deep in theory chronically lives in their own head. I'm talking self awareness taken to a pathologic level. That's why the accusations that the writing in Dustborn lacks any self awareness ring hollow to my ear. Those motherfuckers can't help but get in their own head. The characters are also all old as shit for a video game, and unalloyed Marxists in their 40s are rare as hen's teeth. That's a young person's game. Unless you're already El Jefe, anyway.
>>86465284Claiming you know the algorithm is dumb. Nobody truly knows how it works, just like nobody truly knows how views are counted.
>>86474205Some characters are early 40s which is still young and hip for many metrics; last opportunity to get into a loving relationship with a hag.Others are early 30s, which is prime Millennial age, when Millennials truly stop being kids in this day and age.
>>86469350>Anyone claiming it's purely straighfaced has never played anything else written by actual commiesThere are deranged people just like the devs in most universities who will say some of the most retarded shit you will ever hear without a hint of irony.You have no fucking clue how bad it is.
Is this the jelly general?
I think /blue/ should be baked again.
>>OPThe next big gaming grift will be SH2 if it flops.
>>86476443The sporadic nature of /blue/ makes it more fun in my opinion. You never know when a schizo is gonna bake it.
>>86463537C-comrade Jelly, I know I agreed to help you repel the American invasion, but this is just....
>>86475037one of them, yeah
>>86451806This game was literally funded by several governments, so it's not like your purchase is gonna make a difference.
>>86474753>There are deranged people just like the devs in most universitiesYou mean twitter. And twitter is not a real place.
jelly i love u*kisses on the forehead*
>>86474659>early 40s which is still young and hip for many metricsSomeone let the actual 35+ hags know they don't have to say they're 39 for the next 5 years.
>>86453030A term that angry fat roasties use for women that are actually nice to men and who will successfully have marriages and families while the angry fat roasties seethe. Femcels are full of hate and spite so they do the old crabs in the bucket routine and try to make all the other women as angry and shitty as they are.
>>OPno, we need more females dunking on this shit pickme or not. go fuck yourself.
>>86453099Bro 99.9% of streamers don't break 1k viewers. She's doing amazing. There's always some ultra faggot zoomer toddler that compares everyone to xqc.
Anon's, post the Jelly lewds, I need them
>>86472727thats a lot of links