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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 144 KB, 650x2269, neko_yama 1840690829738020897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
86438028 No.86438028 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>86445971

Previous Thread >>86422027

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.86438047
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86438081

Screwing up the truck just as this question came up gave them the perfect excuse to dodge it kek

>> No.86438094
File: 505 KB, 2048x1152, fuwamoco_en 1840262884477051248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86438528

>M: Please don't get merch because you feel pressured or anything like that. DON'T do anything that you don't want to. We really mean it, okay?
>F: So you know, maybe you're like, "Oh, well, you know, maybe if I make a clip maybe more people will discover FUWAMOCO from there!" - it's true, but maybe you REALLY don't like video editing... Maybe don't that.
>M: However you want to, okay?
>F: You know, oshikatsu's supposed to be fun! You know, just tweeting, being loud -
>M: Being HERE with us!
>F: Yeah!
>M: That's all - that's MORE that we can ask for!
>F: Yeah, being like, "Ah! My best friend, you know, I REALLY like these vtubers called FUWAMOCO!". You know, those kinds of things, you know...
>M: So, please, don't feel like, "Oh, THIS Ruffian is doing all this and I'M not doing ANYTHING"...
>F: No. You know, oshikatsu is fun for everybody and ANYBODY!
>M: You should never feel like that, okay? So PLEASE don't compare yourselves to somebody else, okay?
>F: We just want you to have fun. You shouldn't feel pressure.
>M: We don't want you to disappear because of something, you know...
>F: Yeah, so, you know... if your smile's in trouble...
>*Both shake their heads*
>M: Just don't worry, we just want you to be here with us.
>F: Yeah, we wanna protect your smile and have fun together, Ruffians!
>M: You got it? It's not work! It should be FUN! We understand that you compare yourselves to others and stuff like that... SO THAT'S WHY WE SAY "DON'T"! We get it, you know? Because we felt it too before, okay? *reads chat message* You wish you could superchat more? IT'S OKAY! DON'T WORRY! We want you to have fun.
>F: And you know, it's the little things that count, too, you know. So, just sending a tweet like, "BAU BAU!" - that helps, you know?
>M: Yeah! Do what you can!
>F: "I'm on break right now, you know! I had a real delicious sandwich! FUWAMOCO, I had a delicious sandwich!" ... You know, it makes us happy to know that you're thinking about us cause sometimes, you know, we get a little bit lonely. Like, "are the Ruffians thinking about us...?"
>M: Please don't worry, okay? *reads chat message* You can't write well? It's OKAY! Don't worry about it!
>F: But it makes us really happy to know you're thinking about ways you can help us, Ruffians...
>M: We don't want you to get sad and be like, "I can't enjoy FUWAMOCO anymore because I compare myself to other Ruffians", okay?

>> No.86438114

>i'm sharing thread with this howdy guys

>> No.86438126

That's probably a clique question.

>> No.86438136
File: 1.06 MB, 498x272, Howdy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86438150
Quoted by: >>86438235

kill yourself

>> No.86438172

where's the /baubau/ spy to confirm.

>> No.86438191
Quoted by: >>86438607

>we want people to think about fuwamoco whenever they hear hololive english!
they said
in japanese

>> No.86438209

He was captured and tortured. Now his head is on a spike outside the discord gate

>> No.86438214

nah, i've seen the anti saying he posted something like this

>> No.86438235

Woah, you offended faggot? The clique are the ones on the verge of suicide.

>> No.86438259

what a weak-ass spy.

>> No.86438261
File: 1011 KB, 1800x2400, namelesstwo0w0 1834735937466908918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86438266
Quoted by: >>86438299

Keep your worthless posts in your head

>> No.86438280

dang they picked my N5 question

>> No.86438299
Quoted by: >>86438339

Kill yourself

>> No.86438308 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 838x403, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too busy laughing rn

>> No.86438339
File: 2.09 MB, 789x789, 1704197455914941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86438375

After you

>> No.86438375
Quoted by: >>86438407

The world would be better off without you clique members.

>> No.86438382 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1133x763, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and ig it was junk email

>> No.86438401


>> No.86438404


>> No.86438407
File: 140 KB, 3840x2160, 1700343788937952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86438637

>you must be in the clique if you don't want some faggot complaining about the clique

>> No.86438423

Wow. FuwaMoco would be sad.

>> No.86438427

BAUSED! Keep fighting antiJPs!

>> No.86438455 [DELETED] 
File: 238 KB, 1452x758, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes leave aeon you faggot

>> No.86438519

didn't the guideline says you can't handwrite it?

>> No.86438528



>> No.86438541


>> No.86438551


>> No.86438576

he really needs to find another HoloEN to latch on to. FuwaMoco wasn't meant for him, they were just too kind.

>> No.86438607

Well yeah. They wanna be the forefront of Hololive EN for the JP, but Gura will always be more well known purely because of her brand power. Can't get baseball deals if you aren't top of your class.

>> No.86438631

how is the posterboy JP stream coping discordfag more reasonable than these other losers kek

>> No.86438637

Complaining? I just said that must be a clique question. You just got offended that easy. Kill yourself.

>> No.86438638
Quoted by: >>86439825

but you see, if you speak it in jp, then people will remember you as holojp member instead

>> No.86438644
Quoted by: >>86438671

I still don't know where you got this from. I tried searching it in both the normal and the extra discord and didn't find shit. Do they have a third, even more retarded one.

>> No.86438657
File: 219 KB, 536x409, 1725025124055397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86438671

its on wuffians

>> No.86438701

I have decided not to ask them if they are ok on time for FWMC morning

>> No.86438739

that one greentext confirmed canon and in character in alternate universe...

>> No.86438750
File: 143 KB, 625x419, 1722921276932537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86438836

Rare based Aeon moment.

>> No.86438762
Quoted by: >>86438825

>EN before JP

>> No.86438810
Quoted by: >>86438941

there's not many casual tourists left anyway, most western fans who know hololive know all of it

>> No.86438825
Quoted by: >>86438861

that was duckbro, a JP ruffian who chats in English kek.

>> No.86438836
File: 206 KB, 1405x677, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

na he’s a lil bitch

>> No.86438840
File: 9 KB, 317x59, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...didn't they already answered this in this very stream

>> No.86438843

Ruffians, it's time to learn pottery and send bowls to cover corp

>> No.86438861
File: 4 KB, 293x30, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no I mean this

>> No.86438921
File: 2.93 MB, 2560x1440, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a lot of twannies
did something happen to phasekek and nijishart today

>> No.86438933
File: 28 KB, 339x167, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86438958

>borked JP
>borked EN
how the fuck

>> No.86438941

More JP know Gura because she's plastered all over promotional material, front and center next to other heavy hitters of JP like Pekora and Marine. Until they start taking the place of her (which is what they're ultimately trying to accomplish by being in a shit ton of homework), their kindshare will be smaller. It doesn't matter how many collabs they do with other JP, how many JP streams they do, they are still behind.

>> No.86438948

crying already aeon? KEK

>> No.86438958

It's a k*rean

>> No.86438993

why don't tekzi and aeon leave already. I'm about to post this shit publicly

>> No.86439027
Quoted by: >>86439050

Please do so you can stop shitting up the thread with it

>> No.86439050
Quoted by: >>86439101

nah im always gonna post your embarrassment here aeon stfu already kek

>> No.86439056

I will kneel forever if you do it

>> No.86439059

So far most (if not all) of the things talked about in the stream is things we already know about them.

>> No.86439079

>>86438921 (me)
turns out its not just here, the T of the alphabetic people are shitting everywhere
>>86437623 >>86437951

>> No.86439082

I thought you guys said the clique were yesmen but they're actually the JP antis?

>> No.86439089

did they said that they watched ninja scroll and champloo already?

>> No.86439101

post it on twitter right now faggot
do it
tag everything right now
do it
every single screenshot

>> No.86439110

Almost like it's a Q&A for the JP tourists.

>> No.86439117

Marshmallow streams are always the same old questions answered dozens of times or sadsacks asking for life advice from streamers

>> No.86439120
Quoted by: >>86439201


>> No.86439128

just what is this lock up thing means if they don't even have umbrella for when it rains

>> No.86439146

You guys always post those here but NEVER EVER expose them on Twitter where FWMC can see, how come?

>> No.86439158
File: 15 KB, 330x254, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want an extension like this
but that ytchat thing is fucking dead

>> No.86439165

They'll do it in 2 more weeks when they collect more evidence!

>> No.86439179
Quoted by: >>86439273

cuz it makes you seethe aeon lmao

>> No.86439201

Oh damn, what did they say about Ninja Scroll? They mentioned it the other day but only briefly.

>> No.86439204

i don't know but it needs to be done. I don't have a twitter alt to do it on

>> No.86439258

I've unironically had 3 questions picked

>> No.86439273
Quoted by: >>86439317

You know what would make him seethe the most? exposing him to the public, but you only care about shitting up the thread
kill yourself you subhuman ape

>> No.86439296

i only got one tho that's because i only submitted like, 10

>> No.86439300

>usually we sleep on each other

>> No.86439303

>they didn't pay for the $8 internet for a 12 hour flight
jesas fuwamoco you have hundreds of thousands of dollars...

>> No.86439306

I've had 2 of my JP google translated questions picked.

>> No.86439313
Quoted by: >>86439378

this has to be a cl*que question.

>> No.86439317

uh oh aeon melty KEK

>> No.86439334

They 100% have way more time to do streams at this timeslot. The limiter is that they do their streams before they have to go into the office, which means they'll almost always be way shorter.

>> No.86439338

this has to be a /baubau/ question.

>> No.86439352

this has to be my drunk selves question.

>> No.86439377

My eternally poorfag-mentality wives...

>> No.86439378

it's one of my nice questions. if they could actually see ip match for questions they'd be shocked kek. I also did the jp learning one

>> No.86439408
File: 291 KB, 424x693, 1725072025865345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86439420
File: 917 KB, 810x745, 58643486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86439567

My question isn't going to be picked... Maybe I should ask Biboo to play Halo 3 for a Advent collab.

>> No.86439441
File: 771 KB, 1493x698, elsilenciodelasfwmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still malding over el silencio de las perritas
estrogened sister...

>> No.86439440

in hindsight, i really shouldn't drink before submitting my question

>> No.86439447
File: 299 KB, 636x536, 1721662434257237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just woke up, how's the stream going?
no schizo answers pls

>> No.86439468

>actively hates Japanese streams
>still donate 200 a week to them
>bitch about the jp timeslot even though you're a neet
>barely watch the stream but keep clipping even if it's in Japanese because it gets you attention
what kinds of mental illness are these?

>> No.86439474

Their driving is not that good, but it's been fun

>> No.86439481

Good. Sisters are mad, but that's nothing new.

>> No.86439496
File: 151 KB, 1084x1087, 1722724461443016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86439499

good, only a handful new questions though

>> No.86439512

mococo literally passing by the goal and need to circle around 7th time/10

>> No.86439524
File: 89 KB, 267x223, 1708097633242518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86439554

The fact that he was trashing on the holo GTA constantly when it was announced saying he'd sleep through it but then suddenly when they retweeted one if his clips of it he woke up every morning just to spam more about sums up why ruffians are the way they are.

>> No.86439567
File: 143 KB, 349x392, 1723434917148591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should. She'd 100% be on board with it.

>> No.86439621
Quoted by: >>86440060

they're called whores for attention. their attitudes are worse than some women.

>> No.86439644

My question was not chosen...

>> No.86439670
Quoted by: >>86440060

he didn't even know they actually wrestled. he only cares about getting attention.

>> No.86439735

Well, was your question selected?

>> No.86439765

I didnt ask anything so no. Didnt get read either

>> No.86439766
File: 14 KB, 444x154, 48651343149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86439982

It's over

>> No.86439818
Quoted by: >>86439828

I didn't watch did they pick the one asking about how they feel about their progress on being a bridge between EN and JP

>> No.86439825

true, japs will just dump them into the meme "le HoloJP" category with what they're doing(ie Anya/Bae)
a proper face of HoloEN is someone like Gura and Mori who seem like actual westerners
The JP members were still full on カリオペはかっこいい during GTA when she was doing that bad Texan accent

>> No.86439826

only 4

>> No.86439828
Quoted by: >>86439853

yeah they did

>> No.86439830
Quoted by: >>86439883

and that's the last solo stream JP ruffians will get until Christmas

>> No.86439853
Quoted by: >>86439895


>> No.86439883


>> No.86439895
Quoted by: >>86440049

it's like, the 5th question or something, they did it early on
around the time of this post >>86437000

>> No.86439946

>translating the post-stream message

>> No.86439973

>JP codeword
ws lost in the end

>> No.86439979
File: 7 KB, 309x112, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86439982

>every once in a while
Oh, so what they already do

>> No.86439993

>JP codeword
>but saying it in EN
what did they mean by this

>> No.86440000
File: 3.39 MB, 3584x3584, 1716973315071044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>secret word explanation in EN
>the word is JP

>> No.86440019

sad reminder that you will never raise Moco-baby into a big strong independent puppy

>> No.86440026

>no post-stream message

>> No.86440035
Quoted by: >>86440100


>> No.86440049
Quoted by: >>86440099

I don't think it was mine because mine was an English question

>> No.86440052

Heart schizos...

>> No.86440060
Quoted by: >>86440135

Another reason discordfags need the rope is because they enable this behavior instead of rooting out this mental illness.
This fag's desire for attention is greater than whatever love he supposedly has for FUWAMOCO.
It doesn't need to be FUWAMOCO for this dude to cope with whatever misgivings he has, they're just convenient.
Even if it "had" to be them, that's still destructive. Fuck off and go to therapy, you're a NEET anyway so you've got time for it.

>> No.86440064
File: 1.17 MB, 1350x1998, 1727555730274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86440109


>> No.86440091
File: 800 KB, 955x964, 1727049942663391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86440099

a couple other like mine also posted something similar and translated it into JP

>> No.86440100


>> No.86440109
File: 233 KB, 1249x2048, GXohP3ZbcAAe8Re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the dog doin' this stream?

>> No.86440117

they need to prepare for the morning show

>> No.86440126
Quoted by: >>86440152

Birthday countdown.

>> No.86440128
Quoted by: >>86440152

birthday countdown, i guess

>> No.86440132

>No heart on the JP tourist stream
Heartschizos, we won!

>> No.86440136

karaoke birthday countdown

>> No.86440135
Quoted by: >>86440250

He's an active kronie too. They both are. That should tell you all you need to know

>> No.86440152
File: 716 KB, 904x1200, 119697776_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's having a birthday live FWMC might be in it.

>> No.86440170
File: 110 KB, 331x307, 1717273723612835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86440185

>it turns out the samurai/ninja question was the Tracer's and another one was Fable's
HUGE /baubau/ Ws

>> No.86440191
File: 13 KB, 406x195, 48531635695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86440194

I'd stop talking about men if these ones left. I'm too pathetic to post it publicly but if you want me to stop you should.

>> No.86440196
File: 2.62 MB, 320x180, Korone TATAKE - iiplsi.webm [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftvlyux.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86440205

It's really amazing just how easy it is to get picked once they took out all the identity from the question, huh

>> No.86440210

Is Ui the biggest indie right now?

>> No.86440225

they're both lying. I also got 3 questions picked but I'm obviously not going to brag about that publicly. did those retards actually post about it? shows that they only care about attention

>> No.86440242
Quoted by: >>86440331

Yeah, I wish they'd actually pick the public submission based on the effort instead of using it as a backhanded way to coddle menhera

>> No.86440250

Just proves me all the more correct then.
I know most people hate the "parasocial" term being thrown around on this board but they are the textbook definition of someone who is unwell and uses streamers to cope in a negative way.

>> No.86440267

kys purityschizo

bau bau~
Thank you for being close by my side today #FUWAMOCO It helped a lot you were there with me for the Myth collab. It took a little while for the tears to subside… I'm happy everyone will stay in touch. I'll keep up the pace along with you, and see you again soon

This sort of thing has happened a few times this year, and each time, it further impresses on my heart to not waste any day together. I can understand wanting to make the most of every moment. I think though, ultimately, if our feelings reach each other, the time is well spent

>> No.86440270
Quoted by: >>86440329

>I also got 3 questions picked
LOL no you didn't

>> No.86440284
File: 649 KB, 957x1292, Screenshot_20240930_085311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, streams over. Cute dogs, nice answers, terrible gameplay that I love.
Now look at this shit. It's $100 for $50 credit and a beach towel. You're paying 50 dollars for a single thin beach towel. I'd probably do it if it were 20 to 30 dollars, but this is a bit much. Is anyone going to do this?

>> No.86440310

I'm not paying for anything or leaving my house

>> No.86440319
File: 111 KB, 600x531, GYsCabhbQAAecmE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beg for assets
>don't use them

>> No.86440329

Yes I did. The EN learning, the plane ride one and the MTL asmr one. It isn't that impressive considering I submitted 78 questions, I probably was a big part of the pot

>> No.86440331
Quoted by: >>86440352

Give them more money or act more insane and they'll pick you.

>> No.86440347

yeah me. $100 is nothing for HCOL areas like mine.

>> No.86440352

That's exactly what I'm saying

>> No.86440360

Thank god I have no friends to go with because I'd probably blow my money on it.

>> No.86440384
Quoted by: >>86441318


>> No.86440391

I send SCs and I got 4 questions picked

>> No.86440403

>Text in english
Well there is your problem right there.

>> No.86440443

Woulda been cute, but they hate EN memes that aren't their own.

>> No.86440453
Quoted by: >>86440621

JWU how was the jp slop? did you schizos accomplished anything?

>> No.86440544

I would if I were am*rican, I fucking love bowling

>> No.86440568

Posts like this are very funny.

>> No.86440579
File: 1.84 MB, 538x202, 1723357163898076.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They didn't talk about anything new today, they answered to some EN questions and gave the reply in English, they told the JPs that the official channel ASMR doesn't count as ASMR (it'll only count when they do it for the people they love; the EN Ruffians), they said again and again that they are HoloEN, are proud of being part of HoloEN, want to be recognized as HoloEN AND that their normal streams are in English.
EOPs, we won.
You were BTFO'd, JP beggars. Maybe FWMC are not for you? You should oshihen KEK.

>> No.86440605
Quoted by: >>86440807

official towel merch would be like $35 anyway

>> No.86440609


>> No.86440621

yeah they picked quite a few /here/ schizo questions. not sure if anything was accomplished though

>> No.86440657
Quoted by: >>86440729

Fuwawa should challenge herself to kiss Mococo on the cheek #helpFWMC

>> No.86440690

what actually mattered this stream: they got +2k subs
so goddamn close...

>> No.86440692
File: 185 KB, 640x1017, we-are-so-back-fujimoto-i-kneel-v0-yuydzzrkfwcd1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86440703
File: 85 KB, 515x133, Screenshot 2024-09-30 100648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86440711


steiner doko?
steiner where?

>> No.86440729
Quoted by: >>86440750

Fuwawa should challenge herself to kiss Mococo on the mouth.

>> No.86440750


>> No.86440767
Quoted by: >>86440868

Will FWMCMORNING get the sub counter?

>> No.86440807
Quoted by: >>86440862

I swear it's normally like 25ish

>> No.86440808 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 640x330, nq8v3nf313n61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86440917


>> No.86440862
Quoted by: >>86441148

Yeah for the base price. I'm including shipping.

>> No.86440868

You can bet your bottom dollar it will have one for sure! They are hungry for those 1M and they will remind you at any point and time!

>> No.86440917


>> No.86440946
Quoted by: >>86440989

Should have been something simple like "Fluffy" and "Fuzzy"

>> No.86440989

someone did post those too and they ignored it

>> No.86441003
Quoted by: >>86441031

they'll hit a wall at ~975k and it will take months to the finish line

>> No.86441031

leave narumi-chan out of this. you have to let it go she's never coming back anon

>> No.86441148

Fair enough. I didn't really factor in shipping because it's in person, but you're right if you ordered just a towel.

>> No.86441154

I know we aren't supposed to notice things but it's funny how fast the pics exposing the JP anti clique got deleted compared to literal dox posts. makes you wonder about who is really /here/

>> No.86441236
File: 670 KB, 1280x1280, 1709672103121669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86441276
File: 130 KB, 1080x1080, 1705851220082911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86441318

A Moccertrucker hat should suffice

>> No.86441331
Quoted by: >>86441739

balding ojisan why did fuwawa giggle during our question...

>> No.86441412

Meanwhile the rest of us who don't lose our minds over the occasional JP stream already knew this.

>> No.86441416

The minecraft haunted house was really fun too!

>> No.86441444

BAUSED Erenschizo. FWMC love their EN fans.

>> No.86441558
File: 158 KB, 306x362, 1723400280965315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86441603

Ah I forgot I get to update my spreadsheet with their hours of content played today. Maybe one day I'll break down and go back to every gaming stream to split SC and games.

>> No.86441608

Halloween Minecraft? What Halloween Minecraft, nothing like that ever happened

>> No.86441618

Total EOP Victory
Another bomb dropped on the nip menace.

>> No.86441633
File: 85 KB, 1024x750, 1723516822053533m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86441723

I want to rape Moco-chan.

>> No.86441656

This post is baffling because they have said the same thing in the past... Like, I really think some of you just enjoy fucking around for the fun of it...

>> No.86441703

it's nice to have a reminder to show they are still devoted and haven't forgotten their promise

>> No.86441718
File: 139 KB, 1058x950, 17091361004022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86441723

only if I can marry Fuwawa and have loving sex with her for 4 hours a day

>> No.86441739

I'm lucky I have healthy long hair like Sephiroth.

>> No.86441756

massive victory with only 70% of the stream in jp

>> No.86441784

It's a good reminder though.

>> No.86441797
File: 1.73 MB, 2179x1427, 59078432059842.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86441815
File: 317 KB, 750x910, IMG_20210518_173633.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't stop winning.

>> No.86441849
File: 72 KB, 956x1024, 1719129851199392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wives.

>> No.86441872

I wish FWMC would play a deckbuilder game already...

>> No.86441899
Quoted by: >>86441981

which deckbuilders have cute girls in them?

>> No.86441914

i want double paizuri from Shiori and Fuwawa

>> No.86441945
Quoted by: >>86441983

how would korone responded in this situation

>> No.86441947
File: 265 KB, 1263x2048, Zakimpo 1839493647932285104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too.

>> No.86441981

there is chrono ark but I feel like something is off with that game

>> No.86441983

>You can't just "boo" your way out of anything

>> No.86442083
Quoted by: >>86442191

I want one from Mococo and Biboo

>> No.86442191
Quoted by: >>86442349

there's nothing to zuri with

>> No.86442271
Quoted by: >>86442586

Does house flipper count? Can you build a deck in that game or is it just indoor refurbishing?

>> No.86442308

I'd prefer them playing a raising sim.
What if next week we got Dicey Dungeon for a roguelite and Volcano Princess? Both have been streamed by other Holo members

>> No.86442349

Double naizuri

>> No.86442355
Quoted by: >>86442655

Would they have a better time if another Halloween house tour were to go down this year?

>> No.86442372

Might as well play Slay the Princess next week
It's a VN
It's a roguelite (kinda)
It's a horror game

>> No.86442407
Quoted by: >>86442437

They should play Hollow Knight

>> No.86442430

baused if true

>> No.86442437


>> No.86442460
File: 253 KB, 687x393, FWMCs_biggest_dream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86442728

They love EOPs...

>> No.86442465

They should play Pathologic 2

>> No.86442473
File: 275 KB, 503x527, 1725503373182354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86442634

I like where this is going

>> No.86442499
Quoted by: >>86442576

They should play hitman

>> No.86442543

They should play X-COM UFO Defense

>> No.86442555

Just got home, how was the stream? It went for a lot longer than I was expecting

>> No.86442556
File: 15 KB, 585x179, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86442656

they can even treat it as one-off horror game stream

>> No.86442576
File: 125 KB, 270x382, 1727694943642343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86442688


>> No.86442586

afaik you can but that would be hardmode kek

>> No.86442629

Korone is singing Sonic kino right now.

>> No.86442634

This Fuwawa looks very cute

>> No.86442637
Quoted by: >>86442658

they should give me a blowjob to celebrate 1M wuffians

>> No.86442655

With JP senpai, yeah.

>> No.86442656

that would take them 9 hours

>> No.86442658

I made this post

>> No.86442688

This Fuwawa is scary...

>> No.86442708
File: 1.26 MB, 545x280, loading.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86442716
Quoted by: >>86442731

Mococo should self-harm on stream

>> No.86442728
File: 1.16 MB, 3500x2368, 39204578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86442731

is it self harm if Fuwawa is the one doing it?

>> No.86442853


>> No.86442856

tomorrow's home 3d reveal is just 1h shy from ame's graduation, right?
will they overlap it?

>> No.86442901

No it'll be a really short stream. They aren't going to do anything creative like Biboo or Shiori it'll just be showing off the models with the built in animations and saying oh my gosh then ending the stream in tears as it glitches out

>> No.86442902

ame's last stream is tonight not tomorrow

>> No.86442905

Amelia's last stream is today

>> No.86442940
File: 896 KB, 928x1200, 1703506340354263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86442958
Quoted by: >>86443005

something seems different about the layout...

>> No.86442995

They should play Space Marine 2 (on easy).

>> No.86443005

Yeah, the Fuwawa fluff cam is missing

>> No.86443012


>> No.86443022

Kek that anon was right about the sub counter in FWMC Morning.

>> No.86443089

Pero is DEAD

>> No.86443092


>> No.86443095

>they didn't have time to scour the tag

>> No.86443113
Quoted by: >>86443165

Pero on Home 3D confirmed

>> No.86443127

>actually begging for subscribers
holy grim

>> No.86443131
Quoted by: >>86443171

>No Pero sighting
OH SHIT Pero stream soon.

>> No.86443135

We're getting a Pero stream this month confirmed

>> No.86443167

968k subs…DORYAAAA I just noticed the sub counter

>> No.86443165

I swear if that fat fuck takes up 3D floofie time I will end him

>> No.86443171

Oh damn, you have a point.

>> No.86443181
Quoted by: >>86443250

>pathetically begging for subs on every single stream
they are going to ruin every VOD this month jesus. it's pathetic

>> No.86443188

they actually skipped it because they didn't have time

>> No.86443216

They're going speed right now I swear they were at 963 like minutes ago, this is crazy

>> No.86443226

Always amusing to see /#/sister seething about numberfagging kek

>> No.86443225

SSS is overrated but it's understandable

>> No.86443247

hajime and kanade had the only good performances

>> No.86443250

I love my shameless skeevy dogs

>> No.86443285

I hope they weren't too mindbroken when they saw Bancho's moves...

>> No.86443319
File: 346 KB, 736x765, 1710548461880509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86443321

I sure was.

>> No.86443323

didnt they already talk about this?

>> No.86443338


>> No.86443368

Uh girls let's not get it confused here, it was Biboo who translated YOU to RUFFIANS...

>> No.86443378

My dick was

>> No.86443393

I want to drink from Fuwawa

>> No.86443396

per round 1 employees who have posted about it on twitter the mococo drink is much better than the fuwawa drink

>> No.86443418

no surprise powerade is disgusting

>> No.86443416
File: 63 KB, 701x1024, 17276365424080357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86443591

>> No.86443417

ice cream in soda ueh

>> No.86443420

Do you guys think Fuwawa would like blue Power-aid?

>> No.86443438

That makes sense, since sports drinks have less sugar

>> No.86443454
Quoted by: >>86443504

>just like us
we can bring them to our room and use them?

>> No.86443457


>> No.86443467
File: 1.75 MB, 548x650, 1725087881888657.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86443613

Ice cweam

>> No.86443491

that phrasing lol

>> No.86443504

that's what it sounded like

>> No.86443515

>Please feel extra bad about not being able to get these ever, we just want to remind you that you CANNOT have them ehehehe

>> No.86443517

they never apologize for Japanese or taipei exclusive merch, fuck off

>> No.86443526
Quoted by: >>86443557

>region lock
>time limited
>limited stock
>skill limited
jesus christ

>> No.86443529
File: 319 KB, 2000x2000, 1712222211025059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86443577

ruffians... you'll open you wallet for us right... ?

>> No.86443537

EU ruffian here, I will be buying scalped plushies and will post them on twitter. Do me proud scalpers and work fast.

>> No.86443548
Quoted by: >>86443608


>> No.86443557
Quoted by: >>86443611

>skill limited
the real annoyance

>> No.86443575

Is this FWMC corner or shilling corner?

>> No.86443577

Not anymore

>> No.86443590


>> No.86443591


>> No.86443594

I'm going to my nearest round 1 and fist-fighting ruffians (I don't want the merch)

>> No.86443600
Quoted by: >>86443657

i hope they have the fair JP crane games instead of the rigged US ones

>> No.86443602
File: 55 KB, 1024x576, 17269965043845136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86443606

>Don't fight the other Ruffians
Bullshit. It's an arcade. Combat is implied.

>> No.86443608

Post your Mishima when you DORRYYAA. It would make it funnier.

>> No.86443611

the trick is you go to an assistant and make up a story how you want to buy one for a siblinb and you'd be willing to give the staffer 40 bucks if he just gives you the one you want from the back.

>> No.86443613
File: 245 KB, 463x473, 1723516372564067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is so dumb and cute...

>> No.86443624

>+3k after a homework day
they are going to hit 1 million in November

>> No.86443657


>> No.86443668

Ruffians let's go karaoke

>> No.86443671

I'm fucking cracked at crane games, I need to impress them with my skills by getting all possible round 1 plushies

>> No.86443687
File: 134 KB, 421x365, 1709915939912258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont even post my merch pictures, no way

>> No.86443701
Quoted by: >>86443738

I would but I love across the atlantic.

>> No.86443707
Quoted by: >>86443759

my favorite posts are the ones that make fuwawa sound like elmer fudd

>> No.86443719
Quoted by: >>86443782

>mococo: don't worry if you can't get them
>fuwawa: they're so cute though
is this a joke

>> No.86443733

>please don't feel pressured
>spend 10 minutes describing how special and limited it is

>> No.86443738

So do I, actually

>> No.86443739

FWMC are not popular enough to be doing this shit

>> No.86443755

how does it works

>> No.86443759


>> No.86443782

Fuwawa can't help herself, she's really begging to get corrected and handled rougly for being so mouthy.

>> No.86443781

Me and Anan are going.

>> No.86443828
Quoted by: >>86443988

>FWMC Morning
>Shill stream
Color me surprised.

>> No.86443840

.... Sorry FUWAMOCO but that dream is kinda... I believe, but I dunno seems like a Herculean dream to achieve...

>> No.86443853

they spoke so much japanese they forgot english words...

>> No.86443877

Well if you or other Ruffians in the NJ/NY area, I'll give it a go with passion karaoke. Gonna try to hit up the Round 1's near me.

>> No.86443876
File: 29 KB, 175x105, 1711727705164523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you see it

>> No.86443884

Where are the holo stars fish?

>> No.86443889
Quoted by: >>86443931

they're cuttlefish because I want to cuttle with them

>> No.86443913

Why are they cuttlefish?

>> No.86443922


>> No.86443928

My horse pussy wives...

>> No.86443931


>> No.86443938

i want to use them as onaholes

>> No.86443946

Not sure if it was unintentional that they look like that kek

>> No.86443975

>1st supa ARS

>> No.86443984

Cuttlefish are good at camouflage. They're cool

>> No.86443988
File: 130 KB, 449x401, 1701683573015730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm still trying to stay in good spirits, but when there's nothing you hate more than numberfagging and merch shilling it's kind of difficult at this point because that's what they've reduced themselves to. i get it from their perspective, but as a viewer it just sucks. i don't want to come home from a long day at work to watch a 30+ minute ad segment with girls trying to emotionally manipulate me into spending the money i just made. you certainly don't protect my smile by numberfagging or shilling merch either. the dream is slowly fading away.

>> No.86444016
File: 783 KB, 918x1014, 1714342580612706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86444228

aqwatic cweatures

>> No.86444030
File: 719 KB, 955x892, IMG_5735.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86444228


>> No.86444031
Quoted by: >>86444195

Will FWMC ever set foot in the EN minecraft server

>> No.86444041

FWMC Morning
It's that fucking simple you god damn retard.

>> No.86444046

>more concern trolling
alright sister, get a new script, this one's old and busted

>> No.86444057


>> No.86444069
File: 1.73 MB, 2334x2160, 1716256517229575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86444228

>aqwatic cweatuwes!

>> No.86444072

I will not watch

>> No.86444095
Quoted by: >>86444148

it's their job go watch indies then

>> No.86444096

no natto.... no...

>> No.86444115
File: 165 KB, 336x339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86444125

mugi loiking kinda old

>> No.86444134
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1200, 1585070975070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86444175


>> No.86444137

That dog looks really cute.

>> No.86444144

natto bros...

>> No.86444148

go read someone else's comment if you don't like mine

>> No.86444168
File: 278 KB, 429x527, 1716580192590084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86444175

sup Mugi

>> No.86444195

Watching yesterday, it seems like the EN server might die soon.
>Myth making a small Ame tribute after walking down memory lane
>Multiple talents talking about how it might disappear soon.
>Kiara suggests making the monument in the EN server, since a majority of the stuff they (Myth) did together or with MC in general was on that server.
>Ina and Mori say that they should put it somewhere that will 'last' and be more available
The server is gonna get killed because spending $60 a year for a shrine to what once was is too much for Cover.

>> No.86444204

Asakoyo's first 30 minutes is all shilling. Newfags like you should fuck off.

>> No.86444213

Fuwawa is forgetting how to speak English...

>> No.86444228
File: 80 KB, 305x298, 1723516649546803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dork

>> No.86444230


>> No.86444238


>> No.86444251

Favorite Dozen W

>> No.86444255


>> No.86444257

this guy asks a lot of repeat questions

>> No.86444280


>> No.86444284
Quoted by: >>86444337

sex with yandere mococo

>> No.86444285

>intentionally picking one still on sale so they can shill it

>> No.86444286

Reminder: if you're sick of clique picks, ask your own interesting question instead of bitching here

>> No.86444309

I agree but it's their job, don't get too attached to them they're just entertainers they don't actually care about you

>> No.86444325

>Mococo was especially stuffed up.
Yeah, by me

>> No.86444329

The clique fags are the ones that come here to complain

>> No.86444337

and bratty preschool mococo

>> No.86444357


>> No.86444362
Quoted by: >>86444428

It's the clique that comes here to complain when they don't get picked

>> No.86444363

i asked a question and it got on stream and people whined about it anyway

>> No.86444386

>30h without them

>> No.86444408

rrat Homework day will be cancelled this week

>> No.86444428

False, I'm not clique and I hate them a lot

>> No.86444442
Quoted by: >>86444509

Whether or not your question gets picked has almost nothing to do with the quality of it. It's all about the Twitter algorithm, that's why the clique gets picked so much.

>> No.86444449

homework day will be in JP

>> No.86444492
File: 3.23 MB, 1280x720, Tasukete[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fuffrz4.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86444504

they will get 970k before the Home 3D...

>> No.86444509
Quoted by: >>86444649

No it's mostly about repeating questions they already answered. if you have a thought provoking one it won't get picked they want to use it to shill

>> No.86444525

homework day will literally be homework, specifically math homework

>> No.86444530
Quoted by: >>86444656

So does this mean I can't get this (or the drinks & coasters) until the 18th? And that the plushies won't be available until the 25th?

>> No.86444537


>> No.86444539
File: 170 KB, 615x644, 1722648524403735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're gone...

>> No.86444540


>> No.86444545


>> No.86444546

>The Burninator

>> No.86444549

kitsuneko 8th ESR

>> No.86444554


>> No.86444559

They're moving AGAIN?

>> No.86444564

im shadowbanned i know it its the only reason they have never read my name out

>> No.86444567

kek who did they have in the ambulance

>> No.86444588


>> No.86444595

I think it was Zeta.

>> No.86444600


>> No.86444616
File: 102 KB, 850x1210, 54236763589427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86444678

>> No.86444629

I hadn't seen this pov KEK

>> No.86444636

Nigga, FWMC Morning has, for the most part, always been about shilling

Where are you all coming from???

>> No.86444638
File: 34 KB, 332x283, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86444649

For the most part it's true. When they do pick something outside of shill mode, it's from, they just sort by top instead of newest which gets them more of their most viewed Ruffians

>> No.86444651

>jp slop

>> No.86444656
Quoted by: >>86444880


>> No.86444669
File: 62 KB, 1178x202, IMG_5833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86444678

Mmm Mio hag

>> No.86444687
File: 408 KB, 870x685, 1705040203802514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86444705

Strange thing to put in a post stream chat, I wonder if they saw some ruffmates on twitter.

>> No.86444708
File: 56 KB, 327x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86444826

>> No.86444707

But I never really watched Myth and am probably going to skip the Ame graduation...
Don't need to force myself to myself at all

>> No.86444714

You hear that Myoto?

>> No.86444735
File: 54 KB, 487x192, pls rember [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs6x7rw.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86444783


>> No.86444744

They are probably referring to Ame's graduation.

>> No.86444745

oh great, Shiori is streaming Katamari in a few hours

>> No.86444758

>I wonder if they saw

>> No.86444759
Quoted by: >>86444815

>don't force yourself to yourself
what does it mean

>> No.86444771
Quoted by: >>86444787

It's about being sad with Ame graduating today.

>> No.86444774

>jp kvno

>> No.86444783

*shills merch*

>> No.86444787
Quoted by: >>86444809

she's not graduating

>> No.86444809
Quoted by: >>86444835

She's not staying around, either

>> No.86444815


>> No.86444826
Quoted by: >>86444911

>Gura-senpai has a collab with Ame-senpai very shortly

>> No.86444835

she's staying in hololive

>> No.86444855
Quoted by: >>86445077

Honestly I just want to get today overwith
See you for... the home3D!
I'll.... probably be there

>> No.86444857
Quoted by: >>86444892

But will not be streaming

>> No.86444864

I am fucking jerking off to this post with how baused it is

>> No.86444865
Quoted by: >>86444890

One day I'll have something to do besides lay in bed, play vidya, or watch youtube after #FWMCMORNING

>> No.86444876

>announced she's coming back in her old account not even 12 hours after the announcement
I can't be sad even if I wanted to

>> No.86444880
Quoted by: >>86445137

That's lame. Trying to make me go twice to get all the stuff I want.

>> No.86444890
Quoted by: >>86444925


>> No.86444892

you don't need to watch a stream to talk to your coworker

>> No.86444911
File: 203 KB, 1024x681, 162691764318614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86444925

I would rather cut down trees for firewood that I don't need desu

>> No.86444934


>> No.86444937

Her coworkers sure are crying like she isn't.

>> No.86444962

helps with views

>> No.86444985

Holy fuck that's a really good clip for 9 seconds

>> No.86445016
Quoted by: >>86445040

Kanata cried for Coco's graduation and they lived in the same apartment

>> No.86445038
File: 10 KB, 518x92, tekzicreephands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is another person using the creepy hands now

>> No.86445040
Quoted by: >>86445087

It's for views. No one really cares.

>> No.86445046
File: 169 KB, 1000x1200, 1718889378406527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I was feeling energized but it's actually my body rejecting mountain dew

>> No.86445077


>> No.86445086


>> No.86445087
Quoted by: >>86445105

Stop posting, retard

>> No.86445105


>> No.86445110
Quoted by: >>86445154

Ahhh so that's what they meant about being sad. I got hit last night during the Myth collab, but unless Ame has something more planned like that for a chunk of her stream, it'll be slightly sad but not too bad for me.

>> No.86445117
File: 63 KB, 1024x709, 17273916080343836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86445139

>> No.86445118
Quoted by: >>86445161

>yourself to yourself

>> No.86445121

I hope someone includes the clip of them asking Fubuki if they can be the hospital director and immediately getting shot down.

>> No.86445130
File: 262 KB, 960x934, IMG_1657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86445285

I love reading comments like this

>> No.86445137
Quoted by: >>86445175

Eh? You can just go starting on the 25th to get everything.

>> No.86445139


>> No.86445148

I checked the archive and saw they picked a couple of EN questions. Time to grudepost. Faggots should rope themselves.

>> No.86445154
Quoted by: >>86445378

Today will literally have her graduation stream so yeah of course that'll be sad

>> No.86445157

You are a fucking retard, go take a look at FWMC Morning Episode 0, the very first segment ever was them celebrating 300k subs and they also had a segment where they shilled their debut merch and Starting Voice packs

>> No.86445161

If you feel like you have to be someone else for a bit, that's ok with Mococo. (Please don't turn into Michael Jordan or Mococo though)

>> No.86445170
Quoted by: >>86445308

A woman's tears are literally worthless.
Youngffians should keep this in mind, they can cry on command and do so if they think it might benefit them. And often when they are really upset they will make sure they don't show it and then blame you for neglecting them despite not giving any indication of any problem and then leave you with half your stuff. Never believe a woman's tears.

>> No.86445175
Quoted by: >>86445270

If they run out of coasters by the 25th, you'll be SOL.

>> No.86445205
Quoted by: >>86445261

Got it! By the way, my birthday was the other day! Who wants to hear another story! Lots of pinks incoming!

>> No.86445210

The alternative is for them to shill on their main streams like HoloJPs. You wouldn't want that.

>> No.86445224
Quoted by: >>86445255

I do not care for Amelia Watson.

>> No.86445225
Quoted by: >>86445282

a holoEN streamer picked "a couple" of english questions? and that's an own in your book? lmao jesus

>> No.86445255

Well your oshi does, so be nice to her

>> No.86445261

Kek he's like a more schizo version of early days 2bears.

>> No.86445270

I doubt they will run out of coasters. Towels and keychains maybe.

>> No.86445282

Read the posts faggot. But of course retards like you love to shift the goalposts.

>> No.86445285

no one's forcing you to read comments

>> No.86445307

he said he loved it

>> No.86445308

You will be feeding ducks bread in the park thinking about what could have been, a woman with neon green hair will come to berate you for not feeding them corn instead and you will die.

>> No.86445319
Quoted by: >>86445357

(Mococo please read) Hey FWMC sorry I've been away, I recently had to put my grandmother into hospice and make the tough decision to pull the plug. She didn't die, but she was mad that I turned off her reading lamp. (You don't have to read this out loud) 1/10

>> No.86445320


>> No.86445347
Quoted by: >>86445393

Someone should force you to read

>> No.86445354
Quoted by: >>86445439

>t. 236 day of harassing them with passive aggressive comments guilty tripping FUWAMOCO to play my autism game schizo

>> No.86445357

(Fuwawa please read in your toad voice)

>> No.86445369
Quoted by: >>86445500

Yes!!! Another JP only ASMR, my cuck fetish can't wait

>> No.86445375

I wish, I sent a maro asking them to learn from Patora...

>> No.86445377
File: 442 KB, 2000x2000, tt_chicca 1840706153770275054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hag sex!

>> No.86445378
Quoted by: >>86445793

I meant that my direct attachment to Ame wasn't that strong, but watching Kiara mute for a minute to try and regain composure, hearing the trembling in Ina's voice, and Mori's stutter to choke back tears at the tail end of the collab really did get me.
That, and the general feeling of finality with the tour and remmeber how much of the EN world went into disuse after 2022 when they built the bridge to the JP world. It felt like a page turning and a chapter ending for EN as a whole.

>> No.86445393

>"You have to read all the comments"
>"Why are you doing this...?"

>> No.86445419
File: 1.86 MB, 400x224, 1455195835218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the schizo hands lovingly caress your skin

>> No.86445434
Quoted by: >>86445477

Random people who don't give a fuck about Hololive will order the drinks because they're the 'special' for the month, will get the coaster, and will proceed to throw it in the trash. It's not an extra cost, it just comes with any drink order.

>> No.86445439
Quoted by: >>86445831

They respect and appreciate passion. The dude is passionate about the Ace Combat series of games and he probably got even more inspired by seeing Moco-chan pilot the helicopter in GTA.

>> No.86445477

Ruffians will just be waiting by the trash can to get a complete set of the coasters

>> No.86445499

the coasters absolutely will run out because it's for every special drink ordered at the location and tons of people will order what ever the new one in the month is just to try it and throw away the coaster

>> No.86445500
File: 70 KB, 289x334, 1727289388521550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is SEA so obsessed with cuckoldry?

>> No.86445537
File: 76 KB, 1314x665, 1725103294963581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86445538

I have a group of 10 friends and we're clearing every single Round1 on the east coast for a week. Good luck to anyone that comes in our way

>> No.86445598

this but PNW and I'm hiring crackheads to do it

>> No.86445633
File: 356 KB, 587x773, Screenshot 2024-09-30 115940.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86445645
File: 945 KB, 1026x1160, Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 8.59.54 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86445725

Yes please...

>> No.86445688


>> No.86445700
File: 2.63 MB, 1196x720, 1707964158093586.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86445725

Why tea?

>> No.86445780
Quoted by: >>86445899

The japanese use the phrase tea the same way we use "let's get lunch sometime" It's like a casual date invitation

>> No.86445785 [DELETED] 
File: 938 KB, 3601x2048, 1727538428523547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FWMC love brown people. If you’re brown, you might have a chance with them. You don’t even need to be able to speak Japanese, just be as brown and ugly as possible, and you’re in.

>> No.86445793
Quoted by: >>86445837

I’ve seen it before, she’s worried they’ll drift away after she’s gone because it happens so often. It’s hard to maintain friendships made at work once someone leaves. I cried a little hearing Kronii and Nerissa, there’s just so much regret there. I’m glad FWMC are talking to senpai more, never know when someone will leave forever.

>> No.86445794

Suisei is honestly amazing.

>> No.86445798

They don't drink and Korone gets violent from alcohol

>> No.86445831
File: 455 KB, 900x1367, IMG_1658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy is very passionate too

>> No.86445837

>Kronii and Nerissa
Crocodile tears.

>> No.86445871

>Karaoke/Bowling dungeon raid group
No... Leave some for the rest of us friendless ruffians...

>> No.86445899

I see. I hope FWMC find the courage to ask their senpais out for dates. Koyori seems very keen on it.

>> No.86445927
File: 1.43 MB, 832x1352, you will become fuwawa one day [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1axf7k.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86446327

>> No.86445931

JP beggars were completely humiliated in a JP stream. So ironic...

>> No.86445941
Quoted by: >>86445971

What?? Why are they /become/posting

>> No.86445945
Quoted by: >>86446085


>> No.86445960
Quoted by: >>86446226

How do I reply to that...

>> No.86445971

If you selected yes on that poll, you're a tranny.
Because of >>OP


>> No.86445978

im going to lose it i swear...

>> No.86446055

I hope you find it again

>> No.86446069
File: 24 KB, 433x380, 1711168347885364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86446117

If I become FUWAMOCO then sure I am closer to having sex with them but if I'm not having sex with them with my penis then what's the point?

>> No.86446085
Quoted by: >>86446214

As a Ruffian, you are obligated to stand your ground and drive these fuckers out for your FWMC merch.
They were the lamyposters all along... shut up I saw the artist tweet already kek

>> No.86446105

There, there. You'll be okay Aeon.

>> No.86446117
File: 1 KB, 109x26, 1709490615212453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, that was my reasoning as well.

>> No.86446156
Quoted by: >>86446174

I will give you 10 bucks if you reply honestly with "I would immediately stream myself masturbating"

>> No.86446174

that's a raw deal

>> No.86446197

>become FUWAMOCO
No matter which way I think about it it's just an awful choice to pick yes. The only thing you'd get is the chance to be friends with the other girls, but the draw backs are way too big

>> No.86446214
File: 333 KB, 500x551, that dog meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86446226
Quoted by: >>86446316

I have no idea either, I'm still deciding if I should pick yes or no.

I wanna pick "no" because I just wanna be me, but I'm worried that picking "no" would make them sad.

>> No.86446243

>become cute
>become rich
>become able to sex mococo or fuwawa and many other holos

uh hello yes

>> No.86446250

I wouldn't want to lose our FUWAMOCO, but being able to hang out with other holomems would be great

>> No.86446251
File: 924 KB, 600x600, 1727584227886401.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86446285

wtf does that tweet mean?

>> No.86446285


>> No.86446288

i'd become them and collab with the homos

>> No.86446296

i wanna be shiorin

>> No.86446298

wouldn't your consciousness need to split into two? would you even be the same person anymore?

>> No.86446316

I think neither answer would make them sad, but if nobody answered at all, they might be

>> No.86446327

W-what did she mean by this...?

>> No.86446353
Quoted by: >>86446413

Read the OP bros...

>> No.86446414
File: 1.45 MB, 2426x4000, 8ce983a7049b051f93253ee4d11563b2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to become Kronii and have a bit titty collab with Fuwawa while Mococo is in the corner!

>> No.86446413

You're telling a thread full of EOP shitters to read a comic in Japanese.

>> No.86446477

I don't give a shit about Suisei.

>> No.86446495

If I became Biboo I would be so fucking rich in no time, I would just sell my sexy cunny to rich business men and extort them cause I'd be both a loli but also have the smarts of a 30+ year old guy

>> No.86446546

Suisei is not cool, she's a dork like me.

>> No.86446569
File: 59 KB, 665x620, 1703903704063964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to become Fuwawa

>> No.86446622
Quoted by: >>86446668

She came a long way.

>> No.86446628
File: 69 KB, 936x1024, 1722897183602865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86446636
Quoted by: >>86446850

That one anon is going to be sad, they’re never going to see Suisei as anything but a cool senpai idol

>> No.86446662

>not a single soul is honest in the twitter replies and admits they would masturbate so hard as either

>> No.86446668

me too

>> No.86446716

Mori isnt fucking cool either, but it doesnt stop women from gushing over her as if she werent a dork.

>> No.86446743

Why are some ruffians kinda gay? If you become either Fuwawa or Mococo, the possibilities would be endless!

>> No.86446746

If I become them then I am still me and thus not truly them

>> No.86446767

I would rape my twin sister immediately but I think twitter might ghost ban me if I say that

>> No.86446771

I would never in my life want to become a woman under any circumstances.

>> No.86446812

Maybe I’m autistic but I could only think about the logistics. What does it matter if I could masturbate as Fuwawa if my brain slowly gets overwritten and “I” disappear? Waking up and hugging Moco-chan would be amazing until then though

>> No.86446817
Quoted by: >>86447052

>hit stream button
>bau bau cutely for an hour
>make 5k

>> No.86446845


>> No.86446850

I'm not sad, it's just weird. I watched her from the beginning. She's a silly dork. Imagine if someday people are talking about Kanade being a super cool senpai. It's like how FUWAMOCO think of themselves as newbies. I'll always think of Suisei as the cute weirdo, meanwhile everyone treats her like she walks on water now. If FUWAMOCO someday become old grizzled veterans of Hololive, people will still think of them as the new breath of fresh air, I still do even though Justice has debuted. It's like how parents will always see their children as children.

>> No.86446893

But there's nothing you get from bowling or karaoke, at least in NA.

>> No.86446956

Baused and same. I love women but I don't want to become one, I'm more than happy being a man.

>> No.86446964

they are extremely wealthy by doing nothing but bau bauing and bouncing their model's fake tits
anyone who says no is just a retard

>> No.86446974
Quoted by: >>86447035

(You) could ban Raul becoming FUWAMOCO has it perks

>> No.86446983
File: 90 KB, 860x362, Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 9.25.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86447095

>> No.86447035

just block him instead of crying

>> No.86447044
File: 158 KB, 827x1200, baubaus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86447094

would you prefer to be Fuwawa or Mococo?

>> No.86447052

honestly sounds like a downgrade for me

>> No.86447080

The good thing about Hololive is you have all these amazing senpais to lean on for support. The downside is your amazing senpais do such amazing things that you might develop a huge complex.

>> No.86447095

You know, I can picture a stream scenario collab where they are in their NY's outfits and Korone in her goddess outfit trying out teas and doing tea ceremony stuff.

>> No.86447094

I would prefer to fuck them both with my veiny dick.

>> No.86447103
Quoted by: >>86447413

>become FUWAMOCO
>permaban like 20 menheras immediately
>go live
>do masturbation ASMR for members
>ring up every other holo and visit their place, seduce and sex them

>> No.86447109
Quoted by: >>86447841

>myth can't even bother to wake up on time for the graduation day
good riddance you lazy whores

>> No.86447173

Periods are the biggest drawback. Fuck going through that shit every month, I'm happy being a man

>> No.86447260
Quoted by: >>86447291

You gotta be you. Only one in the world.

>> No.86447291

Sorry but FUWAMOCO just said it's fine not to be myself so I will listen to them

>> No.86447368

is there a list of every question asked on the truck stream?

>> No.86447402

Maybe in the timestamps

>> No.86447413
Quoted by: >>86447503

let me take a look at your ban list

>> No.86447464
Quoted by: >>86447588

>you become either Fuwawa or Mococo
No, the tweet said FUWAMOCO as in both of them
Not only that but because your 1 mind gets split in 2, your 1 mind becomes two 0.5s. And thanks to processing errors in the brain the highest it'll go is 0.9 when combined again

The possibilities become more limited if anything

>> No.86447466
Quoted by: >>86447669

Dlan's timestamps.

>> No.86447503
Quoted by: >>86447677

Aeon, Raul, myoto, throw up, atm, tekzi, pissnix, purityschizo, the Mexican, monsters Inc, anyone that donates in non USD or Yen

>> No.86447588

Wait…is that why they’re so fluff brained? Were they turned into FUWAMOCO? Are they even the original FUWAMOCO or a person split into them??

>> No.86447669

Thanks. Looks like a few of mine made it in

53:46 - 5. (JP) Ruffian really wants FWMC ASMR
2:12:58 - 23. EN learning streams?
3:33:23 - 61. What do FWMC do during travel times? How is time spent?

>> No.86447677

>no wicho mention
He's twofaced just like tekzi

>> No.86447702

nta, but
>11 EN questions
>53 JP questions
Huh, way more EN questions than I expected. Also all the questions they chose sound like they're exactly what I predicted, stuff to help new fans get to know them.
How was the stream itself?

>> No.86447736

who do you think the mexican is?

>> No.86447759

he's the Mexican you dumb ass

>> No.86447799
File: 185 KB, 1000x999, 1698504567097358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't make the banlist

>> No.86447841

Wut? Kiara is literally up and waiting. Hell, she even stayed up really late for the collab yesterday (like 4am her time).

>> No.86447848

At least my job is physical, I can burn my negative energy into that, and maybe by the end of the day, I'll feel a bit better
Or not. I don't know anymore
