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86367463 No.86367463 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she so messed up sexually?

>> No.86367545
Quoted by: >>86380943

Thin air on the alm

>> No.86367602
Quoted by: >>86367626

This is what men do to women, anon

>> No.86367626
Quoted by: >>86369702

dress like a baby and put diapers on them...?

>> No.86367777
File: 56 KB, 409x381, Tinfoil Pacifier Kiara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86367816

Nothing wrong with pacifiers
You will see the light someday

>> No.86367816

mate she's in to WAY more the pacifiers.

>> No.86367957

>crazy bitch teenager
>daddy issues
>loose parental control
>money issues
>visa issue
>caucasian in a bug country
honestly, she could've ended way worse

>> No.86368058
Quoted by: >>86368206

i can fix her

>> No.86368206
File: 743 KB, 600x800, You Can Fix Me [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcsvebi.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86368614
File: 768 KB, 1966x1106, 1657814912316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86368933

>in strong need of a dick
>girls has no dick
>sad and sexually frustrated

>> No.86368619

I'll be her daddy

>> No.86368702
Quoted by: >>86373486

she also has bill murray mannerisms

>> No.86368884

My theory is that people develop paraphilias when it is not safe to express their desires in more traditional means

Also she's Austrian dude, have you seen the kind of stuff they're into over there?

>> No.86368933

why didn't she just take what she wanted from Reine? She could've taken her any which way while that Indonesian pillow princess just sat there and took it. She literally won the lottery and she didn't cash in the millions, 3rd world Asians will literally do anything.

>> No.86369454

Either Kiara has standards and won't settle with a 3rd worlder or there's just no female and male I guess that would stand her for too long. It's clear as day that serious relationships are not her strongest.

>> No.86369702
File: 149 KB, 700x1054, IMG_4094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86369924

how many times has Kiara masturbated to this fantasy? I'm sure she's heard the rrat about Moom being in a wheelchair. She's had to have rubbed several out to the idea of changing her.

>> No.86370064

She knows she has a shitty personality.

>> No.86370104

You know what happens with idols in Japan, right?

>> No.86373053

nta but I don't

>> No.86373467

God I'd love to see her absolutely flood those

>> No.86373486
Quoted by: >>86393160

I'm starting to love Kiara more and more.

Sexually frustrated youth, awkwardness continuing into adulthood is my guess. It's why all of them and their audience are where they are. see >>86370064

>> No.86375105
Quoted by: >>86404267

they get fucked by management?

>> No.86379414


>> No.86380460

Fuck glad someone else feels that way

>> No.86380715

Why do you assume Kiara wants a long term relationship? From everything we know she's perfectly happy with jumping between pussies as we've seen with Calli into Reine into Nerissa. Girl just wants to fuck and Reine catching feelings just made it weird.

>> No.86380774
Quoted by: >>86381425

only after she's made an owl movement

>> No.86380798
Quoted by: >>86381425

I want to waterboard you in diaper poopies

>> No.86380943
Quoted by: >>86381911

what did anon mean by this

>> No.86381425

Poop is gross

>> No.86381496

>>money issues
She's put like 90% of her money into long term investment growth. She'll be fine.

>> No.86381911


>> No.86382382

Shut up Kiara

>> No.86382920

that's the point

>> No.86383383

Ugly loser faildaughter with no talents, why is this surprising?

>> No.86383583
File: 241 KB, 2000x2000, 1723450422803391_mod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86384146
Quoted by: >>86385235

She's a turbo normalfag white woman that tripped into vtubing, anon. This is what white women are like normally

>> No.86384168

Kiara being into ageplay is unbelievably hot and might just be the thing to make me like her....

>> No.86385235
Quoted by: >>86387015

>She's a turbo normalfag

>> No.86387015

You just don't notice because she's a mix of a Japanese and an Austrian normalfag

>> No.86387360
Quoted by: >>86388087

no idol fan is a normalfag

>> No.86387823

wrestling career

>> No.86388087

It is in Japan

>> No.86391622

you think kiara has ever gone all the way and worn a diaper?

>> No.86392615


>> No.86393059

>raised by single mom
>an AUSTRIAN single mom
>who talked about how her daughter was bisexual at 5 years old
Imagine the sights she's seen. I bet her mom ordered her to come into her bedroom at 9 years old to watch mommy and mommy's friend perform sexual acts to teach her how it all works. Her mom literally paid for her to go to japan and be an 'idol' for 10 years beginning when she was 16.

>> No.86393160

>Sexually frustrated youth, awkwardness continuing into adulthood is my guess. It's why all of them and their audience are where they are. see >>86370064
Women are not like you and never will be like you. For them, sex is always free.

>> No.86404267

Yes, exactly.

>> No.86404286

White woman

>> No.86404748

How do?

>> No.86406080

I have jacked it so much to her getting railed by futa ina and gura

>> No.86406455 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>86408671

Sold her body for money. Many such cases. Sad.

>> No.86406728

No normal fag has ever moved to Japan to be an idol.

>> No.86408671

to me
