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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 509 KB, 1500x2000, NurseRyS 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
86362551 No.86362551 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>86362598



>Jet tag
>BD Merch


>SmolRyS plushie rerun
>Clear folder
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie

>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Moment of my Life
>One Step at a time
>Quarter Bravery

>Covers and Collab songs

>Channel / Twitter

>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, numberfags, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs

>> No.86362569
File: 2.84 MB, 1920x1080, NurseRySo Comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sip* Ah...

>> No.86362598

pewpewRyS, my beloved

>> No.86362613
Quoted by: >>86362752

This thread will be butter.

>> No.86362709
File: 169 KB, 335x339, 1725035342459609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86362752
File: 6 KB, 320x180, fab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86362932

I can't believe it's not butter.

>> No.86362876
File: 523 KB, 1138x710, meganeRyS_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86362932
Quoted by: >>86363120

Cheebs Nintendo boxart when
Romance novel cover when
Charlie sheen movie cameo when

>> No.86363120
File: 196 KB, 1075x1518, FlvMZN9WAAAgj6T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS playing the office girl whose legs go all the way uppier in Menage Hot Shots Trois when?

>> No.86363233
File: 147 KB, 800x800, 1727622538743672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86363267

mating press

>> No.86363308
Quoted by: >>86363357

ENreco into GTA into Ame graduation has been hell when will we get a our regular soloRyS back

>> No.86363357

You forgot to include all the fucking meetings and recordings and dance practices too

>> No.86363375
File: 1.42 MB, 1164x1918, GYpy2PpbEAAKOQf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86363429


>> No.86363395


>> No.86363429

Too old.

>> No.86363447


>> No.86363555

why is she trying to farm for IRyS likes?

>> No.86363598
Quoted by: >>86363867

Why is she so sappy is a better question.

>> No.86363636

I'll bet a lactating Cheebs produces ranch dressing.

>> No.86363752
Quoted by: >>86363807

because she's /here/ and want to make people mad

>> No.86363807

It's impossible to get mad at a FemRyStocrat though, the brat should know that.

>> No.86363867

She's like 18

>> No.86364070

Lucky her. She should hold onto that.

>> No.86364306
File: 206 KB, 372x513, 1721453610255791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86364568


>> No.86364568
File: 54 KB, 500x500, 8543_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86364657

Half a yard, you say?

>> No.86364609
File: 2.38 MB, 600x342, 1720671534604205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86364657
File: 698 KB, 1188x788, 1702232732382918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and FILLED to the brim...

>> No.86364857

I jwu...

>> No.86365023

Everything that happened was because of you

>> No.86365066

Last thread was roughly as gay as Kronii. This one might be churned cream.

>> No.86366713
File: 290 KB, 2048x2048, 043ebdb5bdfb4fab9e83fbb26236261071c59bfe1525fd8fc48e1777ac6d6e0b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86367162
File: 136 KB, 394x413, 1715186362376776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86367313

>BaeRyS retweet
wheres the stream frame IRyS? stop teasing us like this

>> No.86367313
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, DkmLrWJUwAEXdKn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should eat actual food ya fatty.

>> No.86367488
Quoted by: >>86367840

it wasn't for BaeRyS, it was because it's an animation
IRyS retweets most animations!

>> No.86367840

so will she retweet the upcoming Faucetface animation?

>> No.86369528
File: 105 KB, 277x314, 1694975506873431.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86370063

>> No.86370063
File: 1.47 MB, 596x551, Cheebsgoal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86370411

tomorrow is her day off too

>> No.86370704

this counts as a vacation right
so vacation beggars can fuck off

>> No.86370728


>> No.86370888

IRyS still works harder than I do.

>> No.86370968
File: 239 KB, 927x864, 1721074143035850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86371001

what are you idiots vague posting about now?

>> No.86371001


>> No.86371418
File: 45 KB, 350x350, 1718939554101510.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know

>> No.86371479

||He is unaware of critical information||

>> No.86371620

He lacks cogent data.

>> No.86373010
File: 147 KB, 512x512, 1716584871767347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86373450 [DELETED] 

Why can’t IRyS post some roommate pictures like Nerissa does?

>> No.86373699

why would the person who never showed her face before ever want to do that now

>> No.86373796

Maybe ask her? I wish she would too. She most likely can't be bothered. That account is practically dead apart from the odd retweet now and again.

>> No.86373821
Quoted by: >>86373890

When did Rissa do that? I wanna see Body by Culver's.

>> No.86373840

>just ask her to doxx her face bro

>> No.86373890

check twitter idiot
stop posting about rl shit here

>> No.86374012 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>86374233

She already has some photos. She probably doesn't have the confidence to post more though and when you look at the schizos in this thread it's not hard to see why.

>> No.86374097

oh it's this retard again

>> No.86374233 [DELETED] 

>has some photos
>they all deliberately block out her face

>> No.86374313 [DELETED] 

you clearly missed the beginning of the year
she's NEVER going to post face pics now

>> No.86374393 [DELETED] 

That doesn't matter. A photo's a photo. I can still see how beautiful she is.

>> No.86374394 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>86375288

>doxx her face
We already know how she looks because she did reveal half of her face before joining hololive.

>> No.86374528 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>86374626

retard someone doxxing her is very different from her posting actual face pics herself

>> No.86374605 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>86374734

She never did, nigger. Your censored upscaled AI “doxx” is all you will ever have you creep

>> No.86374626 [DELETED] 

they're the same to her
she wants to keep her real life separate shes scared of getting oshi no ko'd

respect her choices

>> No.86374731
File: 235 KB, 547x486, 1720680736519326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86374794

this shit shouldn't be posted about or hell even talked about here
retarded faggots

>> No.86374734 [DELETED] 

im not the faggot who did that retard
im saying that someone was trying to ruin her life so she'll never share that stuff anymore

>> No.86374794
Quoted by: >>86375018

it's obviously a raid, just report as off-topic

>> No.86374826 [DELETED] 

She really needs someone strong enough to stand up for her.

>> No.86374851 [DELETED] 

she was never going to share it anymore to begin with after joining holo, all of those pictures where she posted her face blacked out were pre holo

>> No.86374935
Quoted by: >>86375400

{s}They don’t know{/s}

>> No.86375018
Quoted by: >>86375106

Retard, this is the most IRyS discussion we've had all day.

>> No.86375024
File: 263 KB, 607x533, 1692762245817271.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86375092 [DELETED] 

I don’t think she knows the AI doxxing shit especially nyfco has been taken down for a while.

>> No.86375106
File: 813 KB, 813x1088, 1644138913728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86375400

Dey doesn't be aware

>> No.86375136

weird raid

>> No.86375153 [DELETED] 
File: 365 KB, 1920x1080, 1714444883967170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86375210

of course the ERB and Nerissa beggar would bring its doxxshit here
it really just couldn't help itself
imagine being that pathetic

>> No.86375165 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>86375279

she does
her family had to private their facebook accounts cause of it

>> No.86375210
Quoted by: >>86375702

just call him brittranny, it makes him angry

>> No.86375266

Any futa lovers?

>> No.86375279

I highly doubt that, but anyone with a public Facebook account is a retard anyway. Lock that shit down to your friends and family.

>> No.86375288 [DELETED] 

She looks very tiny and cute in that half-face photo. I wish she could reveal her full face in the future.

>> No.86375319 [DELETED] 

the ai shit is one thing but several of those pictures were actual wedding photos someone got from her family's social media

>> No.86375400

Oops, mised.

>> No.86375505

Jannies are finally doing something

>> No.86375653
File: 196 KB, 496x581, 1672259497264875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86375661
File: 39 KB, 211x239, 1720670252248226.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you missed a few ips there Jannyboy

>> No.86375702
File: 507 KB, 2048x1986, GSkq942acAEJa_p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86375746

But what makes you angry?

>> No.86375746
Quoted by: >>86375941

offtopic go back

>> No.86375755

just report posts retard announcing your report is against the rules

>> No.86375829

if only reporting worked

>> No.86375887

how new?

>> No.86375941
File: 1.09 MB, 3660x3322, 1719509391565146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86376070

Looks like an IRyS pic to me.

>> No.86376070

Sure if you take out the roastie on the left

>> No.86376133

the funny part is that he accepts that he is a tranny

>> No.86376245
Quoted by: >>86377438

She didn't reply to my birthday tweet, she hates me more than anyone else!

>> No.86376265

It’s like pavlov’s dog. The moment you call it, it comes running with it’s whore

>> No.86376358
Quoted by: >>86376404

yep not even going to read its posts anymore lol

>> No.86376404

Don't talk about yourself in the third-person.

>> No.86376668
Quoted by: >>86377438

Okay but IRyS hates me the most and it isn’t even close.

>> No.86376705
File: 654 KB, 3464x2598, 1719512890138768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, the funny part is you thinking you have any idea who you're talking about. If the "tranny" really is a brit he's probably watching Herb watch Doctor What The Fuck.

>> No.86377111
File: 200 KB, 900x900, 1708265038530036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think i'm gonna draw some IRyS

>> No.86377167

can you make Paizuri art please?

>> No.86377323

You should meticulously draw the wrinkles of her anus.

>> No.86377438

Your self-loathing is obnoxious. Get a hobby instead of projecting this hard

>> No.86377604

https://x.com/irys_en/status/1840501045765796151 Finally a single fucking crumb

>> No.86377625
Quoted by: >>86377704


>> No.86377636
Quoted by: >>86377782

The only reason she doesn't hate you more is because she never thinks about you, seetheboy.

>> No.86377642

This says nothing. I LOVE her.

>> No.86377704
File: 144 KB, 754x482, 1714493996227245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its over...

>> No.86377732

IRyS working my cock late at night

>> No.86377747

shes just like me...

>> No.86377782

I got a reply and a heart her from her this very year. Keep whining like a faggot while she keeps loving me ;)

>> No.86377798

You are just jealous! :P

>> No.86377807
Quoted by: >>86377862

Sure you did

>> No.86377824
Quoted by: >>86378093

Oh, better post a stolen screenshot as proof.

>> No.86377850

so does this mean no stream today?

>> No.86377862
Quoted by: >>86377890

I actually did tho :D

>> No.86377874

tomorrow is her day off

>> No.86377890
Quoted by: >>86378164

And then he wokeup covered in piss, and none of it was even his for some reason.

>> No.86377900
Quoted by: >>86379221

Have received 0 hearts from IRyS.
My 3view hearts every response I make.
No, really. I suggest everyone get a 2view or a 3view on the side. The attention is otherworldly.

>> No.86377910

i hate voicepacks now!!!

>> No.86377993
Quoted by: >>86378068

I can't remember, but I think I've only gotten one twitter like, and it was a merch post, but a somewhat inventive one, not just a pile of merch.

>> No.86378060

next week is her off week

>> No.86378068
Quoted by: >>86378411

It's actually disheartening that i've never gotten a merch post like, at least i've never been a fag using the art tag for them though. Which works.

>> No.86378093
Quoted by: >>86378314

>stolen screenshot
You wish. Also why would I doxx myself to you fags of all people. Last thing I want is to be associated with the likes of the britroon. I’m just over the moon that she likes my tweets and comments so much after being a lurker for two years, It really boosts your self confidence when the girl you love laughs at your dumbass jokes

>> No.86378164

Nice projection

>> No.86378314
Quoted by: >>86378464

>Doesn’t want to be doxxed
>Low frequency of IRyS replies
K buddy.

>> No.86378411

I fully admit it is schizo tier thinking, but I do wonder/worry about if she actually dislikes me.

>> No.86378464
Quoted by: >>86378540

>Low frequency
kek good luck sifting through every reply she made in 2024 then

>> No.86378540
Quoted by: >>86378754

You say that like that's a difficult endeavor

>> No.86378566

The fact that you're even thinking of that means she hates you.

I know she loves me.

>> No.86378630

If she can like that dickidy lentil guy I doubt she's actually hate you.

>> No.86378641
Quoted by: >>86378694

so is it safe to sleep or...?

>> No.86378694
Quoted by: >>86378939

Obviously dumbass

>> No.86378754

Not difficult but time consuming for sure.

>> No.86378939
Quoted by: >>86379044

idk she is on a weird sleep schedule right now...
are you sure its safe?

>> No.86379044

Even if she is going to stream, it's not going to happen for another 5-6 hours. Just get your beautiful 7 hours sleep in, anon

>> No.86379127
File: 336 KB, 667x637, 1723424268997155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86379746

if IRyS masturbated before sleeping she would have a good sleep schedule by now desu

>> No.86379221
Quoted by: >>86379483

Imagine being so starved for attention that you feel the need to seek it from the vtuber equivalent of a prostitute down the street. I already get enough love and attention from my Nephilim idol princess

>> No.86379483
Quoted by: >>86379585

Pfft, whatever. What I enjoy doing most is making her laugh several times per stream. The conversation was about twatter, though, so I stayed on topic.

>> No.86379585


>> No.86379590
Quoted by: >>86379637

Just wish she'd at least tell us what is going to happen next instead of vanishing for a few days after joining a collab stream

>> No.86379621
File: 2.43 MB, 3750x5250, 1727646979332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if IRyS was MILFrys

>> No.86379637
Quoted by: >>86379688

She doesn't like having to be responsible

>> No.86379675
File: 1.11 MB, 2160x3840, 1718944306538973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eeeeew, no. JKRyS for life.

>> No.86379688
Quoted by: >>86380136

I think she just has a strong fear of setting expectations for anything and it leads to her not saying anything at all

>> No.86379746
Quoted by: >>86379955

I wanna sync my masturbation with her schlicking. When does she make her pillow wet usually?

>> No.86379777

MILFRyS giving IRyStoShota a nursing handjob

>> No.86379955

She's a throw her legs over the side of the bathtub and let the faucet do all the work kind of girl.

>> No.86379997
File: 394 KB, 2039x2894, 1727647283959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86383571

This but with LolIRyS for /ll/

>> No.86380136
Quoted by: >>86380697

It's really just an excuse to be lazy now, it did start out that way because she was getting sick for weeks at a time.

>> No.86380153

Good night IRyS.

>> No.86380371

shes gonna be up for at least another 2 hours

>> No.86380697
Quoted by: >>86380790

You don’t know her work schedule, monkey. She’s not gonna promise a stream when she doesn’t know if she’s able to do it.

>> No.86380790

She doesn't have to promise anything, she just needs to be a little less vague

>> No.86380911
Quoted by: >>86381006

but you fags love being vague

>> No.86380983
File: 175 KB, 632x678, 1720464442899210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86381229

>vague beggars

>> No.86381006
Quoted by: >>86381050

Is a "No stream today guys! Been busy with a lot of work today" tweet really that hard

>> No.86381050
Quoted by: >>86381148

is it really necessary?

>> No.86381091
Quoted by: >>86381292

how to out yourself as not watching streams in one easy step

>> No.86381109

This. People against this are fucking crazy, probably just overly aggressive against any criticism because of the years of shitposters. Dogs barking at the wind

>> No.86381129

What’s vague about her saying she just finished some work that kept her up til the early morning now? She can’t control the workload she gets suddenly. HoloEN has 19 members an only 7 of them are streaming today

>> No.86381148
Quoted by: >>86381192

Believe it or not that's normal expected behavior for most streamers

>> No.86381192

i don't expect this from IRyS

>> No.86381229
File: 11 KB, 221x166, eb12b812afbe3cad2c5f29dfcda66946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what kind of beggar you are, ya fat fuck.

>> No.86381262


>> No.86381292

what does this even mean
she only mentioned showing up to ame's collab, she never said what she was doing after that

>> No.86381372

If that falseflagger actually cared they’d have told her directly in an SC already instead of larping as an IRyStocrat

>> No.86381492

She's done 1 SC reading in the past month sooo kinda hard to

>> No.86381680
Quoted by: >>86381924

Well, that alone should tell you how busy she is this month since you evidently don’t watch streams to hear her talk about it constantly.

>> No.86381697
Quoted by: >>86381856

SC are gay, I hope she goes the way of suisei and disables them

>> No.86381747

IRyS will play S.T.A.L.K.E.R Gamma soon. She just told me

>> No.86381752

cute poorfag

>> No.86381856

That’s never gonna happen. Nobody is forcing you watch her read SCs anyway.

>> No.86381924
Quoted by: >>86382168

Busier girls manage to communicate just fine

>> No.86382030
Quoted by: >>86382106

she hates me the most

>> No.86382106
Quoted by: >>86382660

You aren't me

>> No.86382168

And she communicated just now earlier. It’s only schizo monkeys like you that think they’re entitled to to promises of streams that she’s not sure she’ll be able to keep.

>> No.86382289

IRyS hung from a cross, she died for your sins.

>> No.86382298
Quoted by: >>86382667

She has a schedule, she knows when she can or can't stream and has a manager to help. There's really no excuse

>> No.86382369

IRyS needs to gatekeep, there are far too many schizos here. Yes, that includes you, schedule tweet fag.

>> No.86382399
Quoted by: >>86382749

IRyS hates me the most. Everyone else needs to stop LARPing as moi.

>> No.86382439
Quoted by: >>86382896

She mentioned work, she didn't even say anything about a stream today, yeah sure you can infer from that but that's not good communication

>> No.86382547

You can stop embarrassing yourself any time newfag

>> No.86382566


idk if ill finish this so here ya go

>> No.86382636

did you trace that ugly cosplayer for this

>> No.86382660

>he doesn't know

>> No.86382667

No she doesn’t. All of promise( excluding Kronii who barely even streams anyway) wouldn’t have had to drop schedules if that was the case

>> No.86382749

I told IRyS to sleep well once and she's giving herself early onset dementia to spite me, she hates me the most...

>> No.86382764

You got a twitter?

>> No.86382896

Whether you think it’s “good” or “bad doesn’t matter since you’re a schizo. But saying she didn’t communicate and conveniently memoryholing her tweet earlier isn’t a good look on your sad attempt at falseflagging

>> No.86383123

idk guys i also blindly love IRyS but even i can see that she need to do her communication reps
crying here about it won't solve anything
at this point though just send the supa asking about it and see what she says
unlike other streamers she actually cares about feedback especially if its something simple like this lol

>> No.86383216
File: 354 KB, 906x859, 1713266831971085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

needs* not need lol
i need my sleep it seems

>> No.86383224

I dont wanna send it I already sent enough for you guys.

>> No.86383270

>hey guys I totally love IRyS just like you guys this is why IRyS bad ( I don't watch her btw)

>> No.86383335

You’re retarded for thinking the schizo actually watches her in the first place . You fags are unironically so easy to bait kek

>> No.86383340
Quoted by: >>86383534

the people who watch her the most know this more than anyone though, the only difference is some people are completely apathetic to it like (you)

>> No.86383534

>t.faggot who whines all day on an anonymous message board instead of actually confronting her

>> No.86383571
File: 530 KB, 2304x3072, DevilRyS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These but both /ss/ and /ll/

>> No.86383649

go cry somewhere else then retards
nobody gives a shit and if they did they could always just ask her like the guy said

>> No.86383714
File: 267 KB, 523x578, X-RyStocrat [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fqlbqz1.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86386290

Loli on one tit Shota on the other...
Both my kids being breastfed btw but also the shota (my son) is actually being controlled by me astraly projecting into his body and controlling his every action

>> No.86383995
Quoted by: >>86384099

Okay but IRyS hates me the most because I have a beard, smoke, and am not a tiny twink with gay white hair

>> No.86384099
Quoted by: >>86384154

I just shaved my beard and I don't smoke, my twink level temporarily increased

>> No.86384154

Kinda gay dude

>> No.86385744
Quoted by: >>86386329

They just called Fauna senpai for raiding the collab, IRyS should type in chat so they call her IRyS senpai

>> No.86386290

Fellow Irystocrats... I kneel...

>> No.86386329

It’s 8AM. She should be asleep rn

>> No.86386509


>> No.86386642


>> No.86387214


>> No.86387358


>> No.86387542


>> No.86387637


>> No.86387683

C-c-c-c-c-combo breaker

>> No.86387842

IRyS mention! Terrarium store with Ame, Ina, and Calli.

>> No.86387858


>> No.86388079


>> No.86388212

you guys are a bunch of weirdos.
no wonder all of you are virgins lmao

>> No.86388580
Quoted by: >>86388736

wasn't that back in 2023? they really didn't hang out much

>> No.86388736

They're talking about fond memories in general in the collab right now

>> No.86389086

like oshi like fan

>> No.86389946
Quoted by: >>86390290

I wish I were a virgin :(

>> No.86390051

mori wasn't actually there with them she just claimed she was mistakenly and to avoid awkwardness Ame just said "oh yeah I totally remember that" It was just IRyS Ina and Ame

>> No.86390210

not the first time pink whore lies about something

>> No.86390290

Prison is rough

>> No.86390342
Quoted by: >>86390632

Yeah, I was thinking that too, but it would also make sense if she were there, because that would make it more likely that IRyS would be invited.

>> No.86390459

>She doesn’t know

>> No.86390618
File: 65 KB, 946x529, 1688402803336902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to brew her a nice cup of tea after she's done with work. I want to see her face light up when she sees me come on and smells the nice aroma of the tea. After that I'll cuddle her while we watch whatever dumb show or anime she wants to watch while we see the sun rise slowly, then we'll laugh at how late we both stayed up before I suddenly sweep her up and princess carry her to our futon to sleep the day together like degens.

Sorry it's been a while since I let some feelings out. thanks for coming to my IRyS talk

>> No.86390632

Ame and IRyS actually did a lot back then, makes sense why she was so bummed she couldn't go to central park too. One final hangout

>> No.86390703
Quoted by: >>86390808

With Ina too, they went to alot of places together

>> No.86390808

Rare irl photos for members too

>> No.86390870
Quoted by: >>86391192

Wasn't the central park thing with Kronii?

>> No.86391192
Quoted by: >>86392281

No, Ame

>> No.86391297 [SPOILER] 
File: 273 KB, 480x401, MelonRyS OG .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86391326

IRyS melons...

>> No.86391361


>> No.86391681

>the melon farm was going to just be exposed machinery until ame told her she should put a building around it
cute dork

>> No.86391913

not true, i have sex with men all the time

>> No.86392094
Quoted by: >>86393097


>> No.86392281
Quoted by: >>86392754

Could have sworn IRyS was lamenting not being able to go with Kronii in chat on stream shortly after she came back from Breaking Dimensions but whatever

>> No.86392447
Quoted by: >>86393451

delusional kronie

>> No.86392754
Quoted by: >>86393451

She was sad about not going to the park and not eating enough pizza and non catering food

>> No.86392794
Quoted by: >>86393097

she talked about that on stream

>> No.86392879

The 2nd Melon farm....SoRyS..

>> No.86393097

most of the block game arc(s) feel like a blur at this point...

>> No.86393246

I remember one block well because that was the start of hell. The first throat hort arc

>> No.86393450

IRyS, Lamy, Flare, La+, Ina, Aki, Choco and Towa enslaved and raped by orcs!

>> No.86393451


>> No.86393585
File: 295 KB, 362x463, 1658362811537548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86393638
Quoted by: >>86394579

Rember Terraria? I miss it and gypsy hate

>> No.86394278

will you gry when IRyS graduates

>> No.86394387

She might not come back so yeah

>> No.86394567

IRyS needs to upgrade her green top house

>> No.86394579
Quoted by: >>86394720

2 weeks away from a year since we last got TerraRyS

>> No.86394720

It was cute how excited she was to flex her OP luckshitter items

>> No.86395216

i remember cause she was happy she finished it the previous stream and was surprised she redid it/had to work on it more

>> No.86395918

Of course not. I'm dying before that happens.

>> No.86399566

This feels really.... anticlimactic? Like there was a huge send off with animations and shit with Sana, it just feels like nothing is going to change.
Idk, just feels off

>> No.86399731

because she was already graduated, this feels pointless because it is

>> No.86399940

I mean she's not permanently gone like Sana either, and the final stream is still tomorrow

>> No.86399975

holy fuck theres 1250 calories in this ben & jerry's icecream container!

>> No.86400034

Oh, I thought this was the final

>> No.86400296

sex has been unleashed

>> No.86401201

Is Europe having an encore? How the fuck many Final Countdowns are there?

>> No.86401927

Fat fuck cheebers

>> No.86402452

This music is doin it to me I'm gonna be honest

>> No.86402747

Why are you eating cardboard

>> No.86403138

I have no idea how many calories this pizza with fries on it has.

>> No.86403295

you can stop pretending to be sad now

>> No.86403533
Quoted by: >>86403830

I always thought Ame was one of the best performers in the company (stage idgaf about streams) and living proof you don't need to be good at something to be amazing at it. I think teammates are hyper super double retarded if they never convinced her of that.

>> No.86403659

but now my one eyed willy is crying...

>> No.86403830
Quoted by: >>86404235

I just membered solely for the last karaoke (as did hundreds of others, judging my the wall of green in chat)

>> No.86404235
Quoted by: >>86405226

lol, nice cash grab, Ame.

>> No.86405226
Quoted by: >>86405331

If she were going for an actual cash grab, she wouldn't have had supers off or done a charity stream.

>> No.86405305

I mean you can think that. It's not true though. By Hololives current standards for talent there's 0% chance someone like Ame would get hired nowadays. I wouldn't be surprised if she had horrendous imposter syndrome comparing herself to some of the other ENs who can sing or dance or even just stream a ton.

>> No.86405331
Quoted by: >>86417557_1

If there were any doubts Mumei doesn't have full blown tism and just ADHD this ended them

>> No.86405397

>literally none of the 9 newest hires can sing or dance
Ok, yeah, sure.

>> No.86405525
Quoted by: >>86405863

>says a bunch of hyyyyper retarded shit
>meanwhile the worst singers imaginable made their 3d debut like yesterday
Go away like actually go away there's so many other things you can do online

>> No.86405594

If anything, across both EN and JP, the standard for singing ability has gone down

>> No.86405863
Quoted by: >>86405921

Regloss are above average by the JP branchs standards. You would know that if you weren't a pea brained EOP.

>> No.86405921

you go away as well but I understand you are being paid

>> No.86406391

He finally did it

>> No.86406535


>> No.86406918
Quoted by: >>86407009

That looks like dogshit. MMDs look infinitely better.

>> No.86407009

You’re fucking stoned

>> No.86407110

That'd make a great soundpost if you cut it right at her grin

>> No.86407367
File: 540 KB, 3072x3840, 10016654378365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86408336

Carbonated Lovemaking

>> No.86407482

IRyS will heart and retweet this on X.

>> No.86407518

IRyS where are you, I need you tonight

>> No.86407758
Quoted by: >>86408688

No since I won't watch it. I couldn't even bring myself to watch Aqua's graduation and Aqua was just a Hololive member that I liked and certainly not my oshi. I wouldn't be able to emotionally handle watching IRyS' graduation stream.

>> No.86408009

Wow, this is really good. If I was just shown this out of the blue I would mistake it for an official Hologra episode.

>> No.86408336
File: 1.54 MB, 496x384, 1716016694076842.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shove diet coke and mentos in pooter b4 insertion

>> No.86408486

How do we convince IRyS to make her next outfit super slutty?

>> No.86408599

By killing ourselves, you first.

>> No.86408611

ask reddit

>> No.86408664
File: 526 KB, 367x594, GYrtOFPWgAAxQ-_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 down, 5 more to go.

>> No.86408668

idk, but I'd kill for at least a tummy window
racequeenRyS would suffice

>> No.86408688
Quoted by: >>86409110

The announcement to one is like a fucking suckerpunch honestly

>> No.86408738

kronii next please

>> No.86409016

She’ll do it herself

>> No.86409110

would you rather your oshi keep her good image and move on or would you rather her become a marketing zombie like gura

>> No.86409156

But only the trash pile on the bottom needs to go.

>> No.86409243

Kronii and Bae haters are the most obvious faggots in this thread. Fuck off and never come back.

>> No.86409358
Quoted by: >>86409608

Kronii's alright, though.

>> No.86409368
File: 60 KB, 512x512, 1000388827272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86409492

goodmorning IRyStocrat brothers

>> No.86409424

Stupid newfag

>> No.86409452
Quoted by: >>86409566

I'm the only legitimate IRyStocrat.

>> No.86409492
Quoted by: >>86409666

Can I borrow your hat?

>> No.86409501

How to download this in HQ?

>> No.86409506
Quoted by: >>86410140

>he doesn’t know about the /HiRyS/ list

>> No.86409566

Oh really? How many GuyRyS caps do you have?

>> No.86409608
File: 2.79 MB, 3807x2737, smaller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, nice use of semantic ambiguity!

>> No.86409666
File: 125 KB, 512x512, 23928310238383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86409684
Quoted by: >>86409792

Not him, but I have 3.

>> No.86409689

I only have GuyRyS ongs.
No cap, fr fr.

>> No.86409773
Quoted by: >>86409955

kronies trying to shill kronii even as ame is graduating are disgusting, unloved subhumans

>> No.86409792

I only bought two…

>> No.86409796

Only one, but it's the original. Everything else is a mere imitation.

>> No.86409876
File: 323 KB, 2716x1743, 1720708177426371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86410172

Where is my fat fuck, guys?

>> No.86409936

I have one GuyRyS cap with a kiss mark from IRyS. Suck it, fags

>> No.86409955
File: 122 KB, 1000x800, not flipped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy people talking about Kronii here just to make you seethe.

>> No.86410140

Fuck you list faggot. Kronii and Bae are sweet girls, great vtubers, and are IRyS' best friends. You are an IRyS anti.

>> No.86410172

Do math, your purchase date +5-6 months

>> No.86410182

easily out yourself as a fake IRyStocrat in one easy step

>> No.86410380

>IRyS’ best friends
*yawn* took it long enough

>> No.86410439
File: 768 KB, 1000x800, flipped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still think it's weird how this image looks completely different if you just rotate it 180 degrees so that they swap corners.

>> No.86410498
Quoted by: >>86410587

Throat hort arc > endless homework arc

>> No.86410587

This but unironically

>> No.86410640 [DELETED] 

It’s funny that despite claiming to be “IRyStocrats” they’ll throw the biggest shit fit when someone insults a random whore but are strangely silent when someone shits on IRyS. They’re so obvious kek

>> No.86410710

Ogey omegatroon

>> No.86410738

You are evil.

>> No.86410864

I miss Chadcast
I actually really fucking don't because I've never watched it, but I want to play along too

>> No.86410950

All the real IRyStocrats unironically moved to #. This thread is just filled with antis, as evident by earlier and the last thread.

>> No.86411097

I preferred it to Splatoon, it was in EN and was full of zatsu. So many cute childhood IRyS stories came from it

>> No.86411454

She didn't stream or post because of Mori btw

>> No.86411569

I enjoyed CHaDcast when it was a thing, but that was before I developed a seething hatred of Bae, so I probably would not like it so much now outside of IRyS's hour long anime tangents.

>> No.86411587

yeah I was gonna post this
fat bitch invited IRyS (and Ina) to hang out somewhere

>> No.86411607

i, too, would lose motivation upon looking at someone so fat
how could they do that to themselves
i need to sit back and count my blessings to appreciate the fact that I'm not obese
i have good parents and common sense

>> No.86411625

Damn this thread is miserable

>> No.86411687

IRyS carried chadcast hard with bae chiming in, mori was superfluous, like her weight

>> No.86411782
Quoted by: >>86411927

>mori fat

>> No.86411874
File: 276 KB, 489x735, 0272102ea39b2c96d3bfdd4f10e2fd5fa59701237b2ebc7f43f9b42ea7c4fa5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86412006

>> No.86411927

lol, I wish I were as fat as Mori.

>> No.86411980

It's sad to see we are bad mouthing IRyS's friends like this.

>> No.86412006

oh, someone saved my art
does this mean i should finish it

>> No.86412049
Quoted by: >>86412187

but we didn't say anything bad about Flare?

>> No.86412053
Quoted by: >>86412187

nobody said anything about flare

>> No.86412082


>> No.86412083

Yes please

>> No.86412095

The discordfag is so pathetically funny lol

>> No.86412187

So, what are Bae and Calli supposed to be if they aren't her friends?

>> No.86412193

If you want

>> No.86412258

Mori? Parasite. Bae is her best friend

>> No.86412337

Hangers on.

>> No.86412370

extroverted girls that are friends with everyone

>> No.86412373
File: 208 KB, 405x392, cute york.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86412451

I love IRyS, she's a cute York!

>> No.86412382
File: 2 KB, 602x41, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86412661

literally nobody was talking about them btw
anyone shitting on holos are the most obvious falseflaggers on the planet
have fun with whatever script you are acting out

>> No.86412424
Quoted by: >>86412518

Next thread will be butter

>> No.86412451
File: 83 KB, 1021x453, SpiderPigRyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86412518

But this thread was a huge improvement on the last already.

>> No.86412539
Quoted by: >>86412615

Nooooo you have to love the two most hated girls here!!!

>> No.86412615

No one said anything about Nerissa or Mococo, you stupid retarded faggot.

>> No.86412661

Should we pretend to like dogshit humans instead? That seems dishonest.

>> No.86412712

Fuck off Pero

>> No.86412754
File: 3.05 MB, 1280x720, 1690771338692918.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone hates Mocochan

>> No.86412756

Guys, I'm confused now. Can I have a definitive list of who we hate /here/?

>> No.86412763

No one here is pretending to like you.

>> No.86412834
File: 519 KB, 662x550, 1655583271216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch your words, or my blades will watch them for you

>> No.86412843
Quoted by: >>86412971

We spin a wheel.

>> No.86412971
File: 394 KB, 1273x1196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86412982
Quoted by: >>86413407

The British, Mori, Bae, Kronii, Kronies, Gypsies, gyates, well done steak fags, PH staff, Belgians

>> No.86413001

Hate: Mori
Dislike: ERB, Bae and Kronii
Like: Flare, Ina, Fauna, Mumei, Fuwamoco, Reine and most JP holos

>> No.86413070

We hate Fuwawa here

>> No.86413094

Ew, you only got 3 names right in that entire list.

>> No.86413095
File: 679 KB, 602x674, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres only one answer really

>> No.86413202

I am watching clips of dumb people(mostly women) trying to park in reverse and I gotta say that I am still amazed that IRyS actually understands that when going in reverse and turning right you will go left and viceversa

>> No.86413324

She primarily lets off the wheel and goes straight in reverse, then turns to go forward, then goes straight in reverse, etc. She doesn't fully commit to steering the opposite way in reverse.

>> No.86413386
Quoted by: >>86415058

I will never forgive Mumei for how little effort she put into her April Fools switcheroo stream. It was clear she didn't watch IRyS and didn't care enough to do even a mediocre impression. Bitch.

>> No.86413407
File: 437 KB, 1200x1000, 1682130219028409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86413485

Excuse me!

>> No.86413413

It's funny you think she wouldn't go the exact opposite direction when trying irl. She's lucky she was born in a place you don't need to know how to drive and then moved to another

>> No.86413485


>> No.86413538

Oh great, you woke up the april fools faggot, well done guys

>> No.86413617

What do you mean, I thought it was fair game to shit on any holo in /HIRyS/ for imagined slights

>> No.86413654

Retard *cumRyS on u*

>> No.86413685 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>86413749

only the ones who collabed directly with the homos repeatedly

>> No.86413710
File: 242 KB, 1828x1580, 108224860_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86413876

>> No.86413749

phew good thing you added that repeatedly at the end there

>> No.86413791
Quoted by: >>86414302

I think I’m developing a stomach fetish ever since that last karaoke

>> No.86413830

watch that stream again and say that shit again
it's pretty short, probably because mumei doesn't give a fuck about IRyS and had no material

>> No.86413876
File: 349 KB, 2048x2047, GV0En1Aa4AAUbDB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86414365

Gotta gatekeep the schizos, scare them off.

>> No.86413919
Quoted by: >>86414012

we love mooms here

>> No.86413976
Quoted by: >>86414208

Everyone knows that was Baes fault

>> No.86414012
File: 274 KB, 927x864, 1719380000299722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86414054


>> No.86414054

Yes, we

>> No.86414132
Quoted by: >>86414758

Is there anything that we all can agree? You guys are too hostile to each other.

>> No.86414185
File: 463 KB, 1408x792, 1697593142809576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, we.

>> No.86414208
Quoted by: >>86414586

Bae didn't hijack her account to chat on a JP homo stream even before the collab, she lived and she learnt, that's what mattered at the end

>> No.86414302
Quoted by: >>86414768

based, stomach is peak eroticism

>> No.86414365 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>86415925

Hard to gatekeep when you aren’t even /here/ during streams to see how much we dogpile on your whores . Nobody will ever like mori or kronii itt. That’s a depressing fact that you’ll have to accept while you’re larping as an IRyStocrat crying about “IRyS’ friends” kek

>> No.86414374

I think this thread has a fun community with all the inside jokes and stuff like that. However, the attitude towards Kronii and especially Bae really puts a black eye on this thread. I really don't understand the hatred towards them since they have been nothing but kind to IRyS and their on stream interactions are always super entertaining. I don't like the Mori hate either but at least I get that since hating Mori has basically become a meme at this point.

>> No.86414531

Awwwww, you are so wholesome and insightful.

>> No.86414586

I bet Bae has once tried to drag IRyS into homo collab behind the scene but IRyS just directly told her to fuck off.

>> No.86414600

it is not a meme, it is very genuine

>> No.86414639

so true, I hate Bae so much for hypotheticals I make up in my head too

>> No.86414670
Quoted by: >>86414842

It's just the infamous Ennafag and other assorted IRyS antis trying to sow discord in this thread

>> No.86414680
Quoted by: >>86414926

go back to discord, faggot. This isn’t a hugbox. The only person this thread will universally like is IRyS. Everyone else is largely irrelevant

>> No.86414729

'Schizo antis stop thinking about COCK for 3 seconds' Challenge!
Difficulty level: Impossible

>> No.86414737 [DELETED] 

rest assured, clockwhore is hated by everyone

>> No.86414747

Obviously, both her and Mori clearly know not to overstep.

>> No.86414758

We can agree on crossing off the names of all the girls whose existence offends us for a plethora of reasons ranging from nonsensical to faggotrical out of Hololive.
We'll get a good 6 months or less of SoloRyS depression streams, then when the time finally comes for her to go, we can proceed with our suicide pact. That's what a great run for the IRyStocrats would be like.

>> No.86414768
File: 674 KB, 1200x1957, 1698008490156779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86415009

>>86414302 (me)
forgot to attach a pic

>> No.86414800

you now remember that time Mori brought up Ironmouse out of nowhere during chadcast and asked IRyS and Bae to do a collab with her

>> No.86414830

IRyS ignored that shit

>> No.86414842

||Honestly, it is really easy to sow discord in /Here/||

>> No.86414850

To be fair, she told Calli she was dying and Calli thought it would be her last chance. Two more weeks, though.

>> No.86414909
Quoted by: >>86415039

And then newfags wonder why any IRyS- loving IRyStocrat is glad that Chadcast is dead in the water

>> No.86414926

Thinking someone is irrelevant and "seething hatred" (>>86411569
) towards "Dogshit Humans" (>>86412661
) are two very different things. Posts like the ones I quoted have to be from bad faith antis.

>> No.86415000

Bitch more importantly are you fucking phoneposting!?!??!

>> No.86415009 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.44 MB, 1206x1967, not doing this one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.86415039
Quoted by: >>86415166

but they're reviving it next week, bmori said so

>> No.86415058

This isn't the real April Fool's Mumei schizo. This post reads nothing like his writing style.

>> No.86415146

I see it. The adding of bitch at the end is too mean for him to have wrote the post.
A mere parody

>> No.86415160

God I wanna kiss her tummy and womb all over. Even if she tries stopping me from laughing so hard at being tickled

>> No.86415165

You're telling me the real one may wake up at any moment???
Scrap the thread, bake new bread asap

>> No.86415166
Quoted by: >>86415287

when is their song supposed to come out again

>> No.86415205
Quoted by: >>86415292

Define good faith anti, please.

>> No.86415224
File: 12 KB, 591x161, 1698470218700861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86415315


>> No.86415287

in 2 weeks with the revival of chadcast

>> No.86415292

A good faith anti will avoid conversation about the person they hate, rather than bring them up constantly and talk about them non-stop.

>> No.86415304

honestly the funniest thing about this autism is that it started from two people who were clearly watching mori (since they instantly posted about it) bitching about mori hanging out with IRyS

>> No.86415315
Quoted by: >>86416776

Wasn't this post from Sana's graduation?

>> No.86415341
Quoted by: >>86415396

I was actually in global and saw it posted there

>> No.86415396

Go back

>> No.86415440

I told you guys Soulfags are all whores

>> No.86415479
Quoted by: >>86415509

deadcucks camp this thread for some reason

>> No.86415482
Quoted by: >>86415553

I just farted. It wasn't a ripper it was more like an instantaneous puff.
Like that air gun for cows in No Country For Old Men

>> No.86415509

They camp this thread to bitch about Mori?

>> No.86415529
Quoted by: >>86415647

Kinda hard to be a good faith anti when you have subhumans like this >>86409955

>> No.86415535

And one who only shits on them in response to faggots bringing them up in the IRyS thread?

>> No.86415553
Quoted by: >>86415616

That movie sucked. If anyone liked it, they are a pretentious fag who only calls movies 'films'.

>> No.86415577

Not dark enough

>> No.86415616

What's the most you ever lost on a Cheeb toss?

>> No.86415647
File: 192 KB, 1530x983, GOWOQS7aMAAewhA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>86415828

Retard, look at the post that post is replying to.
Also, seethe.

>> No.86415669

sapling? this thread is for IRyStocrats only

>> No.86415677

Not now antifaunacuck

>> No.86415744

All 10 of my toes, because I couldn't throw her far enough.

>> No.86415750

The cheeb don't have no say, it's just you.

>> No.86415828 [DELETED] 

This pic reminded of the hooman in /who/ that edits the clockwhore out of any promise fanart kek. Nobody likes your whore in this board no matter how hard you try to shoehorn her here kek

>> No.86415925

Is adding 'kek' to the end of every sentence a verbal tic or just some underage thing?

>> No.86415960

can we have him over as a guest

>> No.86415983

holy newfag

>> No.86416045
Quoted by: >>86416090

/who/ are a bunch of Bae apologists their opinions hardly matter

>> No.86416090

>Bae apologists
Bae and Mumei are literally the two closest friends in EN

>> No.86416144

Without the kek it makes it seem like you're angry. Adding it makes it look like you're gloating and in control of things.
It's there to show you that I am not annoyed and that I am winning and you are not

>> No.86416162

It's all the same fag, 'kek' is an old World of Warcraft meme. because the Horde and Alliance spoke different 'languages' in game, players from opposite factions could not talk to each other, and their speech got translated into a made-up language for people who couldn't understand them. 'Kek' is the translation for 'cock', and this guy says it non-stop because he can't stop thinking about cock all day.

>> No.86416195
Quoted by: >>86416266


>> No.86416214


>> No.86416266

would be pretty weird if they hated the person she enjoys being with the most

>> No.86416295

I pray MuBae takes off as the next premier Promise ship

>> No.86416351

IRyS and Flare are pretty close, yet we still have a Flareschizo /here/ all the same, why is that?

>> No.86416361
Quoted by: >>86416568

Mubae has been a thing forever, it's just that fanartists can't let Kronmei go

>> No.86416450

Because Flare posters use it as an excuse to shit on EN members

>> No.86416451

Cuz he wants disorder

>> No.86416463
Quoted by: >>86416568

Never gonna happen, other shipfags have done everything in their power to diminish it because it threatens their favorite ships that haven't collabed in years

>> No.86416568

This sounds eerily familiar... oh yep >>86416463

>> No.86416597
Quoted by: >>86417124

Most shipfags have unwavering blind loyalty to their first ship, that's why we're stuck with BaeRyS for 3 fucking years even with a long period where TimeRyS obviously the more prominent one

>> No.86416776

now that you mention it, yeah... but her actual uohpost doesn't quite fit as well

>> No.86416808

this is Elvish for Throm'cock

>> No.86416814
Quoted by: >>86416904

Because Flare can't speak English and costs us EN streams with her 6 hour Splatoon weekend streams.

>> No.86416847

zug zug

>> No.86416904
Quoted by: >>86416941

>costs us

>> No.86416941
Quoted by: >>86417181

I think you mean,
>opportunity cost beggar

>> No.86417068
Quoted by: >>86417227

>doesn’t even know what kek means
That anon wasn’t bullshitting when he said that discordfags post /here/. How grim

>> No.86417124

timeRyS is as prominent as takamori

>> No.86417181

5555555 I love beggar jokes so much.

>> No.86417218

it's really nice not worrying about delusional dead ships when IRyS is good friends with the people I like

>> No.86417227
Quoted by: >>86417348

/HiRyS/ posters are majority total newfags to 4chan

>> No.86417336

||DiscordCHADs run this place, Newfag||

>> No.86417348

/vt/ as a whole, really

>> No.86417468
File: 93 KB, 1200x1200, 1700837109555778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86417557
File: 76 KB, 791x920, 04867b951abe230281c7dcb78a97205a3fe5e7b64febbfd4871fa6776e7fb2c8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.86417557,1 [INTERNAL] 

Dude you literally do not know how autism works. Mumei has shown more than several traits associated with autism. Stop being in denial.
