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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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85478878 No.85478878 [Reply] [Original]

>Upcoming Stream:【#clockedin】 Woohoooo

>Previous Stream:【#holoGTA】I'm Awake
>Okayu PoV
>Ao PoV

>Previous Stream:【Frostpunk 2】The Warden's Return

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#OKTK (Fanbase tag)
#krossets (Assets)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@OuroKronii/featured
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourokronii_holoen
Free Chat Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GZ5XGzRY-g
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM

【Original Song MV】Daydream - Ouro Kronii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W749jRBg-4&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」: https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
【Original Song MV】Rise -【hololive English -Council- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHibTDJlTJw
【Original Song MV】 Our Promise【hololive English -Promise- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcVyYmVOi1U
Kronii's Latest Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQbmiAo6_qU
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's 2nd Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SC9Qzs7VVI
Kronii's Game BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3yq2GQQmk
Kronii's Member BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUt_6oM9jI&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Birthday BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TXGPOaYp30&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Anniversary BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2OoITXJfAI&feature=youtu.be

>Current Schedule:
9/18 - Anniversary Stream #ClockedIn @ 8PM PST / 11PM EST, (9/19) 4AM GMT, 1PM JST
9/19 - Just Chatting @ 8PM PST / 11PM EST, (9/20) 4AM GMT, 1PM JST
9/21 - Membership: Unarchived JP Karaoke @ 6PM PST / 9PM EST, (9/22) 2AM GMT / 11AM JST

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 7.0

>Fanfic Listing:

>Kronii's Streams, Collabs, Music, and Merch List:

Remember to report and ignore schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE!
>Also report any Leaks or Defamation against Kronii to Cover using this link

>> No.85478911
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>> No.85478918


>> No.85479138
Quoted by: >>85479164

sallyposter and milkyposter are the only good kronies itt

>> No.85479164

It's a pretty low bar

>> No.85479324

Why does she always do the meme picks

>> No.85479340
Quoted by: >>85479362

Because she's a memester

>> No.85479362

Like a BOSS!

>> No.85479390
Quoted by: >>85480223

>Expecting anything else from Kronii 3 years in

>> No.85479448

Udon lady was good today

>> No.85479570
Quoted by: >>85479610

if I don't get to hug Kronii irl within the next 10 minutes I might explode

>> No.85479586
Quoted by: >>85479758

Apparently Anya said they're extending the server time by tacking on two hours to the end so it ends at 11 AM PST instead of 9 forward , so perhaps it's not completely impossible for her to join again without completely wrecking her sleep schedule if she wanted to join a little later.

>> No.85479610
Quoted by: >>85479647

Okay. Die.

>> No.85479647
File: 381 KB, 701x701, 1723004758678379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85480105


>> No.85479679
File: 1.53 MB, 506x512, Milkyronii.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85480176


>> No.85479758
Quoted by: >>85479914

Might be doable if the streams regular streams are on the shorter side

>> No.85479914
Quoted by: >>85479943

Somehow I doubt she'll do SC readings for the anniversary in the same stream if her sleep schedule is a little wacky woohoo still; and she's probably going to have a tidy little SC catchup next week since she still has the ENreco ones to cover along with a few other streams iirc.

>> No.85479943

Nigga she still has Tunic and I think Nine Sols to read
Way back

>> No.85479945

How did Kronii manage to cause more trouble for the cops in half an RP session than all the gangsters combined in two sessions?

>> No.85479954
File: 1.24 MB, 1156x651, kinyronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85480401

Anyone else notice that in the Enreco launch video when they're pose matching for the theme "dungeon", Kronii poses like she's chained up by her wrists?

>> No.85480043

The cops would obviously pay more attention to a small time rice thief than to a huge crime syndicate. That's just like real life.

>> No.85480092

Taking down gangsters seems hard, way easier to meet quota by hitting the weird mechanic lady that couldn't afford breakfast

>> No.85480105
Quoted by: >>85480137

Stop crying

>> No.85480137

10 minutes passed he's dead

>> No.85480176
Quoted by: >>85480721

slush slush slosh slush slosh

>> No.85480223
Quoted by: >>85480266

>Expecting (You) to have anything new to say 3 years in

>> No.85480259
Quoted by: >>85480310

It was mainly HoloID/Kronii/Biboo vs Kronii which made it easier to communicate and roleplay

>> No.85480266


>> No.85480310

They still bring in the entire police force to deal with her

>> No.85480315

>Idolronii thumbnail
So it's le prerecorded live?

>> No.85480371
Quoted by: >>85480677

We don't know what it is and your shouldn't try and speculate like a tard else you'll make a fool of yourself, again

>> No.85480397

Why does she have to waste 45 minutes singing and dancing in my merch showcase baka

>> No.85480401

I did. Someone should draw it.

>> No.85480411
File: 206 KB, 1170x475, IMG_7724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85480468


>> No.85480484

SHE'S HERE >>85479324

>> No.85480552

Is this a #jailbirdswag moment?

>> No.85480604

You made me notice that the art is default hair but gives her the stupid inside highlights that her other hairstyles have
I hope her next outfit stops with that

>> No.85480677

I could obliterate you for your minor spelling mistake, but I'm in a good mood after the stream. Learn to take it easy broski.

>> No.85480713
Quoted by: >>85480772

that's the new canon
deal with it

>> No.85480721


>> No.85480727

It's probably just a stylistic choice because of the lighting, stop be a whiny little shit about everything.

>> No.85480757

Stop being so sensitive. Or at least stop taking estrogen

>> No.85480772

Until her default model gets updated mmmm no I don't think so
mmmm no I don't think so

>> No.85480806
File: 738 KB, 1440x1000, f2a02a80f01bd7ddaf142541d7e28b24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been like that since the beginning fagronie

>> No.85480808

Must be a discord raid if they're complaining about dumb bullshit like this lol

>> No.85480880
File: 578 KB, 900x900, FlHcfk6agAA7rLc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You be tripping

>> No.85480949

A funny attempt at revisionism, if you're blind maybe

>> No.85481036

rape kronies

>> No.85481101

Hmph. Go ahead and try!

>> No.85481203

Can't rape the willing

>> No.85481368
Quoted by: >>85481987

When will get Kimono 2.0 with an arm that isn't broken?

>> No.85481957
Quoted by: >>85482403

Which cop groped Kronii the most in prison and why was it Zeta?

>> No.85481987

It's doubly retarded considering she originally flipped her entire model so her giant fan didn't block the screen, but then stopped doing that because it wraps the kimono the other way which is bad luck or something according to Japanese autism. She just quit using it cause it's just too much hassle.

>> No.85482114

>"I was just trying to enjoy my succulent meal, which I didn't even get mind you, GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY ASS!!"

>> No.85482403
Quoted by: >>85489103

All of them and she allowed them to feel everything

>> No.85482523
File: 43 KB, 158x115, Screenshot_37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85482892

I hope we get good merch tonight

>> No.85483441 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.73 MB, 1920x1080, 1726668514764888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>VoD already has more views than other other EN PoV so far on either day, even more than Okayu's today somehow
Sugoi, all it took was escalating a Karen moment to ludicrous heights

>> No.85483528

Miko was very understanding to not throw her into jail after this moment

>> No.85483765
Quoted by: >>85484110

So /we/ are just numberfagging now

>> No.85483939

Kiara is roleplaying about getting fingered by Kronii again

>> No.85483975

Specifically it's because that's how you'd traditionally wrap a kimono on a dead body

>> No.85484070

I can't believe Kronii can just punch someone with God powers and get off scot free

>> No.85484110

Who is the /we/ you're referring to? I was just making a funny observation given how our chances at getting another stream is dubious at best how much of an impact she can have in such a brief period of time getting almost the entire police force involved.

>> No.85484816
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>> No.85484930

Blue woman :)

>> No.85485018

Why doesn't it sound excited

>> No.85485119

Ganbare, Blue woman! Don't oversleep this one!

>> No.85485306
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Quoted by: >>85491340

>> No.85485515

Doing crimes with Kronii

>> No.85486021

I'm about to start the GTA vod, what should I expect?

>> No.85486084
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>> No.85486136

Getting impregnated by a zombie in jail with Kronii

>> No.85486200

its been a long 3 years

>> No.85486325
Quoted by: >>85486809

>Starts vod
>Ao & Okayu
Okay, this will be good already

>> No.85486497


>> No.85486560
File: 595 KB, 640x596, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more of this and I didn't know until know

>> No.85486809

buckle the fuck up

>> No.85486959


>> No.85486981

This is an odd looking Kronii

>> No.85487156

What if Kronii originally stuck to being a taxi driver for HoloGTA?

>> No.85487181

She'd wipe out the entire police force in accident

>> No.85487237

Bomb car in front of the police station or the Indonesia embassy

>> No.85487346

I'm only 30 min in, but I think AoRonii is a great team-up and they should do something together after this

>> No.85487463
Quoted by: >>85487513

It would be either Crazy Taxi or Fake Taxi

>> No.85487487
Quoted by: >>85487657

She'd have a higher accident rate than IRyS

>> No.85487513

>Crazy Taxi
Obligatory Offspring

>> No.85487657

If she actually got a taxi driver, I could see her playing it completely straight and doing stuff like waiting at red lights.

>> No.85487700

She should have be a journo w/Polka

>> No.85487885

At least we got our Polka interactions out of it even if they weren't exactly how we thought they would go down.

Hell I'm more impressed she completely missed seeing anyone at the hospital and the only medics she had proper encounters with are Fubuki at the casino and the dogs.

>> No.85487907

I could see her driving crazy at first, but the more they complained about 'wanting to get to their destination in a hurry', then she'd play it straight. making it take longer by observing all streetlights, stops and obeying the speed limit.
>"Um, excuse me. excuse me. this taxi's not going anywhere until you buckle up."

This would have been cute, especially with the Karen angle

>> No.85487997
File: 132 KB, 850x1063, __mori_calliope_and_ouro_kronii_hololive_and_3_more_drawn_by_moral_cacoethes__sample-e3800c33813146cf9daed802ea2d663d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't wait for more DeathTime moments in GTA

>> No.85488037
Quoted by: >>85488197

Mori was so horny for Kronii

>> No.85488148

>He thinks we're getting more GTA

>> No.85488166

Assuming she plays anymore

>> No.85488197

Mori is a liar and worse, a cop

>> No.85488244

I'm wondering what the JP bros thought of Kronii

>> No.85488255

While at times kinda cringy, it was so hilariously awkward i want this to happen. I do hope Kronii is able to play again.

>> No.85488344

Other than Peko and Miko they thought Kronii’s role playing was MVP

>> No.85488388

The Onigiriya were laughing their asses off when Miko perp-walked Kronii into the garage.

>> No.85488394

Really? I'm just one hour in and so far it's pretty great but MVP? How crazy did it get?

>> No.85488465


Did she actually quote that guy near verbatim because it’d cement her as Kami oshi

>> No.85488480

Yeah the first hour was just her getting familiarized with the job she was assigned to do, but you'd honestly be best to close the thread for the next few hours until you're all caught up because you just have to see how it unfolds for yourself.

>> No.85488504

you're only at the start of the roller coaster

>> No.85488550

Keep watching. It speaks for itself

>> No.85488727
File: 13 KB, 600x105, Shiorin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85488830


>> No.85488915

I know many here couldn't care less about Shiori but I need this crack ship to work.

>> No.85488981
Quoted by: >>85489075

Their antics are always a highlight whenever they collab together

>> No.85489075
Quoted by: >>85489432

Kronii would actually hold a grudge against Mori because she made her swear to god, and still got betrayed.

>> No.85489103

I read that as swallowed and it got both kinky and depressing

>> No.85489168
File: 524 KB, 661x887, kronii love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85489215

That was actually really brilliant, I can't believe she'll never play a metal gear game.

>> No.85489240
Quoted by: >>85489450

I can’t believe that worked lmao

>> No.85489370

Kek I just realized Noel was witness to Kronii getting perpwalked at the station the same time Polka was there.

>> No.85489432

Mori never said the code word to send in the other police officers, she just wanted her pizza date with Kronii, and Kronii in the end wanted to be more than friends despite it all.

>> No.85489450

Biboo was the one chasing her, she's not the most observant.

>> No.85489496

Mori could have stopped the pigs from arresting Kronii. It was a betrayal against Kronii and Jesus.

>> No.85489571

I always think its hilarious when mori's driving the small police cart and tries to roll up on kronii to flirt. makes me think of those old Power Wheels back in the day.

>> No.85489572

Oh so that's what Ollie was talking about when she was driving Kronii

>> No.85489989
Quoted by: >>85490060

Found a clip of Lui's taxi service.
I imagine it would have been more of the same with kronii as the driver.

>> No.85490060


>> No.85490278
File: 1.69 MB, 2970x2100, GXyVQK0akAIUIah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85490560


>> No.85490325
File: 293 KB, 1754x1949, GXyLYVgakAIwBbD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85490374

>> No.85490374

I'm almost 2 hours in, did Roboco interact with Kronii? I haven't seen her yet.

>> No.85490474

Roboco came in a bit later, but yeah the cat's share of interactions for her actual job were Ao and Okayu.

>> No.85490560

These moments with sensei Ao and Okayu were cute

>> No.85490572

Roboco started stream 3 or 4 hours later than everyone else so she's only in the back half

>> No.85491340
Quoted by: >>85491662


>> No.85491413
Quoted by: >>85496344

nips really enjoyed Kronii too >>85481341
also saw some nips judging Kronii's sarcastic monotone voice but since holo hired her she may not be bad(he probably saw Mori's clip about the hiring process)

>> No.85491612
Quoted by: >>85491678

Okay, now I see what the thread meant. That Sora call scene was pure cinema.

>> No.85491662
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Quoted by: >>85491774

Probably cause the pet play stuff, and also, usually Kronii gives off the dom energy.

>> No.85491678
Quoted by: >>85492394

Oh that's just the beginning

>> No.85491774

I wouldn't call Kronii a dom but if she were she's a dom that needs to be put in her place (with home-cooked meals and foot massages while she's hogtied)

>> No.85491851
Quoted by: >>85491925

I went to sleep after Kronii finally fixed Reine's bike and someone's car, Moona's iirc. Did she manage to stay out of trouble after?

>> No.85491925

Became a model worker

>> No.85492049
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, 1577664332356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate Year 3

>> No.85492323

Honestly not a bad year. It’s nice to see Kronii more excited to do things and be allowed more opportunity then last year. I’m excited for the next year

>> No.85492394

Oh, you weren't kidding, she went full menhera RP

>> No.85492674

too much travel but otherwise pretty good. It's not like it could have been worse than the shitshow with Tempus that was year 2. (I'm not talking about the collabs themselves btw, just the stress that it caused her and all the retarded catalog meltdowns)

>> No.85492803

it's been a rough bit of it, but i'm optimistic for the next year

>> No.85493119

How the fuck did she ended involving all the cops in this shit, I can't.

>> No.85493191
Quoted by: >>85493279

because she kept escaping ollie, biboo, zeta and mori

>> No.85493279
Quoted by: >>85493535

Not her fault they didn't bother to lock the cell the first time or fail to confirm she paid her fine the 2nd time.

>> No.85493299
Quoted by: >>85493535

The actual criminal players are retarded.
Kronii was running circles around the cop, but kept going back to them instead of running away which is why she was arrested so many times.

>> No.85493535
File: 424 KB, 850x690, 407b09e45200f1704e1fa1a7aac1dc76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, thats why Suburo called everyone in

To be fair, the second (maybe 3rd time) she was mostly waiting for reine and she did try to escape by calling a cab, but called mori instead
Just imagine if she was one of the criminals. she'd be kingpin in no time at this rate

>> No.85493809
File: 1.45 MB, 1456x819, Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN - 【#holoGTA】I'm Awake [aGtYuxRbuEM - 1456x819 - 3h20m09s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85495153

Okay, this is peak

>> No.85493883

Pure incompetence really, but its easily attributed to them not being used to the game so much.

>> No.85494065
File: 1.33 MB, 1456x819, Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN - 【#holoGTA】I'm Awake [aGtYuxRbuEM - 1456x819 - 3h27m06s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85494247

Goddammit, this stream is gold

>> No.85494247

Biboo escalated this unnecessarily, everything would have been fine if this hadn't been an issue.

>> No.85494255
Quoted by: >>85494314

Too short with too many breaks

>> No.85494314

I genuinely hope she collabs a bit more with advent and justice

>> No.85494605
File: 1.33 MB, 1456x819, Ouro Kronii Ch. hololive-EN - 【#holoGTA】I'm Awake [aGtYuxRbuEM - 1456x819 - 3h44m42s].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, clippers are going to eat good doing a resume of this stream. Man, what a wild ride. And there are two hours left...

>> No.85494870
Quoted by: >>85495064

Year 3 ended weeks ago, Kronii is late

>> No.85495064
Quoted by: >>85495118

Kronii is the warden of time, the year ends when she says it does

>> No.85495118

She quit to pursue her Hololive English Promise TM

>> No.85495153

Theme of that scene

>> No.85495182

You're supposed to say "ACTIVITY"
Stupid kronies

>> No.85495378

Wada mama love!

>> No.85495567
Quoted by: >>85496042

I've dropped Kronii ages ago, as i can't stand her obnoxious persona, but the stream was the most entertaining from what i've seen of the holoGTA. Picked it up for some wholesome jp to en interactions, stayed for the kino. For once her acting as the absolutely most entitled worst human being gave everyone involved the stage to shine. Kronii was the villan this story needed.

>> No.85495602
Quoted by: >>85495655

^ IRyStocrat spotted

>> No.85495655
Quoted by: >>85496162

>Excessive punctuation
that's a hooman

>> No.85496042
Quoted by: >>85496506

Well, hope you could find some entertainment on her again at least. Maybe someday you will give her another change.

>> No.85496162

Huh. Am I a hooman too?

>> No.85496297
Quoted by: >>85496812

And it all began because she was too cheap to pay for stuff...

>> No.85496344

I only watched Kronii, what did Peko/Miko get up to last night?

>> No.85496506
Quoted by: >>85496899

I honestly had a blast. I don't like her karen persona, usually in collabs she easily overpowers everyone with it. But here the other actors had the gameplay incentive and means to knock her down a peg and i think this is what made it work.

>> No.85496812

>Refused to pay like 15 dollars for a meal (with free drink)
>Ended up paying 1 billion dollars instead
I love seeing her get her dues

>> No.85496899

How was she a "karen" though, she stole food and then rammed Reine's bike all for no reason.

>> No.85497047

Maybe the anon meant the police station part where she went a little Karen before escaping kek

>> No.85497098

If Karen has lost its original meaning and has just come to mean bitch, then yes she was acting like a huge bitch

>> No.85497279 [DELETED] 

Have you seen how white, conservative women act? That's exactly what they'd do.

>> No.85498619
File: 404 KB, 1920x1080, @Shogaku16-1836429581257183359-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85498788

Name this unit

>> No.85498828

The new subway

>> No.85498940
Quoted by: >>85503933

Pimp my chuuba

>> No.85499270
Quoted by: >>85500350

Guys, why is she getting mad every time she roleplays? Is she one of those people that takes roleplay too seriously?

>> No.85499414

Kronii, you need to join...

>> No.85500350
Quoted by: >>85500744

She's self-professed bad at rp and doesn't know how to limit herself

>> No.85500744
Quoted by: >>85500836

I think she is great at RP, but generally not imaginative enough to generate good stories by herself. This GTA one was an brilliant accident.

>> No.85500836

Eat shit, faggot

>> No.85501651

Kronii should eat Reine out for lying

>> No.85501802

weirdly enough, she always "plays a role" of a bitch. That's not really a huge range of acting. Call me Alex Jones, but i kinda suspect it's not even acting, just taking the opportunity to act like a bitch and pretend it's all a bit.

>> No.85502148
Quoted by: >>85503335

If you view any sort of behavior where she stands up for herself as "being a bitch," no wonder you don't have any of your own, Alex Jones.

>> No.85502200

post tits

>> No.85502232

Her playing the role of a bitch is funnier than you perpetually being one, fag.

>> No.85502290

I'd rather call you a retard. Do you remember just how intense Kronii was with ERB in ENreco but whenever ERB seemed lost, she wouldn't hesitate to help out?

>> No.85502335

Entertainment. Try to be funny next time

>> No.85502437

Not bad luck, it just means death. Same reason you don't leave your chopsticks sticking up in the rice.

>> No.85502698

Kino Kronii Japanese, lots of cute moments with Okayu and JP Kronii. Then she gets up to mischief with girls who understand English (and Miko).

>> No.85503175
Quoted by: >>85506425

Smh can't believe Bijou sabotaged her earlier attempt at going on the straight and narrow by tazing her unjustifiably

>> No.85503335

Kronii is very petty and spiteful and we all know this, she just uses RP as an excuse to embrace her worst traits and thrust them onto everyone
>Just out of the blue steals food unprompted and runs over bike for no reason
She's always the one initiating the bitchiness, the "standing up for herself" comes later when she tries to continue it by acting the victim after she gets called out instead of ever admitting she was in the wrong. This happened in both GTA and ENreco.

>> No.85503409
Quoted by: >>85503499

You remind me of that schitzo anti in the Gigi thread

>> No.85503475
Quoted by: >>85503769

>get a little upset because you have a bunch of near-misses with other people on the server
>engineer a situation where you get to interact with people more
>"wow what a bitch"
Idiots like you are why Reine and Kronii had to comment that RP is not real btw.

>> No.85503498
File: 804 KB, 909x1031, 1714832305970848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85503499

Ogey whoreronie

>> No.85503669
Quoted by: >>85503807

Someone else (also likely you) being a schizo doesn't make your shitbird any less irrelevant, fuck off and die already.

>> No.85503769

Right, not like there's any other way to meet people than being abrasive for no reason. Very bold of you to assume she even anticipated the consequences.

>> No.85503807
File: 435 KB, 579x453, 1716733545222281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85503898
Quoted by: >>85504060

Nigga just say you don't invite other people to shit which is why you don't get invited to anything, you couldn't make it anymore obvious.

>> No.85503933

Pit Crew

This is cute too

>> No.85504025

please post tits already

>> No.85504027


Finally a way for Kronii to get her vegetables

>> No.85504060
Quoted by: >>85504297

Oh no guys he's babbling

>> No.85504268

I dont think there is a better stream across all of hololive, when it comes to entertainment, than this kronii day 1 gta shit. Im an ichimi but this is unironically peak.

Theres unironically 3 hours of entertainment that is just funny as fuck. Its made me consider becoming a member.

>> No.85504297 [SPOILER] 
File: 51 KB, 1088x650, FemCopKronie with two great tits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85504567

Post tits, and in the spirit of fairness, here are mine.

>> No.85504567

Nice tits

>> No.85504646
File: 1.22 MB, 1920x1080, 1722344834903631.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85504928

No idea why my image didnt post but i'll also say that somehow her singing despacito came up on my feed while I was drunk and as someone who can speak spanish on a native level, that cover had me laughing so hard, I rewatched it way too many times that I can count and its honestly made me like her a lot more than before.

Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.85504705

>Shiori raided her after her collab stream
Can the two of them just have a zatsu stream talking about cursed shit already

>> No.85504852

Her best year so far.

>> No.85504908
File: 1.05 MB, 1170x1677, IMG_7727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85504928
Quoted by: >>85505099

We don't need more spics here thanks

>> No.85504980
File: 298 KB, 2048x1365, 1710472100329878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick, in no particular order, post your favorite moment between now and her anniversary last year

>> No.85505099

I hope you get cancer

>> No.85505170
Quoted by: >>85506565

I'll be real I don't remember anything other than concerts and breaks
There was probably a good stream somewhere in there though

>> No.85505415
Quoted by: >>85505529

gta stream was great but the cops being total retards made it all possible

>> No.85505529

Well, the criminals side is kinda boring, so the ineptitude of the cops compensate for that.

>> No.85505650
File: 726 KB, 1078x605, Screenshot 2024-09-18 203837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85506797

But Wide?

>> No.85505724

Playing the heel will always cause more interactions than playing the face

>> No.85505747
File: 509 KB, 1920x1080, Holowheels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85506425
Quoted by: >>85506485

That was so funny kek

>> No.85506485
Quoted by: >>85506627

Bijou is the chief Wiggum of this GTA server

>> No.85506511

Her regular streams and member's content are pretty different from this one GTA stream. I wouldn't recommend membering unless you know what you're signing up for

>> No.85506552

kroniis neurotic karen character is very funny, her sense of humor feels kind of british for some reason.

>> No.85506565
Quoted by: >>85506656

Idk why but her NPC stream, her wide stream, and the chillquarium members stream have stuck with me

>> No.85506627

>"Take'em away toys"

This makes too much sense.

>> No.85506641
File: 262 KB, 2150x1518, Fdd1gF-XoAERr_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Shut the fuck up, Kronii, you're in the Tsuyo Cup!"

>> No.85506656

and the Sally streams too. I guess I like the ones where we see more of her personal life

>> No.85506693
File: 482 KB, 900x900, GXzXwzua0AA-m10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85506767
File: 2.83 MB, 854x480, Everything sounds like you DON'T mean it [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ft0y8ni.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85506818

Not a great game but I missed SNOT so much...

>> No.85506797
File: 315 KB, 2383x1788, 1712120960159345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the rare instances where I will be forever mad my phone failed to wake me up so I only caught the tail end of it.

>> No.85506818
Quoted by: >>85506891

They can replace Fauna with someone else, We just need the shark and owl.

>> No.85506846

That was the best part.

>> No.85506891

Shark is sick and the owl will be there.

>> No.85506913

Imagine a Kiara girls talk with Sally

>> No.85506967
Quoted by: >>85507064

Kronii finally getting good fanart

>> No.85506993

The wonderwall karaoke along with the villain karaoke were fun.

>> No.85507064

The 4th outfit has done irreparable damage

>> No.85507090

It was a last minute stream no?

>> No.85507310

Kronii you haven't updated the thumbnail...

>> No.85507552
File: 140 KB, 1024x1024, 1720790429027083m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85507618

When the FUCK is Kronii getting her own tittyslider huh?

>> No.85507618

She'd turn it all the way down

>> No.85507626

4th outfit is the best outfit. I genuinely don’t get the hate

>> No.85507792

You are genuinely lesbo

>> No.85507831

Are you a girl or you're just retarded?

>> No.85507837

It boils down to tits for some anons

>> No.85507903
Quoted by: >>85508336

Casual is still the best and has the most amount of (actually viable) options
Basically half of the military outfit's toggles go completely unused outside of game streams which fit thematically which is very rare

>> No.85508058

Surely 5th outfit will be the time she finally gets something good

>> No.85508112

I just wish Wada keeps doing them and Cover doesn't make any other artist do the next outfit

>> No.85508178

I mean I think her involvement in the Extra remake has largely wrapped up by now, so I can't imagine she's unavailable in that respect.

>> No.85508179

Wada is the problem if anything. Default outfit is a fluke.

>> No.85508336

I like the 4th outfit’s hair. And the blouse underneath her jacket is really cute, I might like it better than the casual one

>> No.85508338
File: 13 KB, 400x218, 20240814_161342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85508438

I just want the clocks behind her head again, V1 is iconic & V3 was a nifty variant.

Honestly just about all of Promise's current fits are played tf out & one-note to where I can't wait til they're onto the next one.

>> No.85508346
File: 261 KB, 679x697, 1715465505602730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends

>> No.85508404

Hiya Gator

>> No.85508409
Quoted by: >>85509669

Hey there, gator. How was AMMMMEEEEEEEE tonight

>> No.85508438
Quoted by: >>85509555

I wouldn't bet on new Kronii outfit until Q3 2025, maybe Q4

>> No.85508448
Quoted by: >>85509094

>moom overlapping Kronii

>> No.85508502
Quoted by: >>85509669

Hi Gator, your oshi is pretty great.

>> No.85508635

If Kronii used her “shoot a kronie” animation to skip Rice’s superchats I’ll take back everything I’ve said about the 4th outfit

>> No.85508732

She likes Rice more than you.

>> No.85508820

She actually appreciates Rice's support. Just in a sense along the lines of "son who thinks his dad is a superhero and the coolest thing ever"

>> No.85508879
Quoted by: >>85509669

Hi invesitGator
How was ame's stream

>> No.85509094
Quoted by: >>85509906

>laughs in 45 minute prerecorded concert

>> No.85509296

I'm not ready...

>> No.85509384

She didn't change the thumbnail...

>> No.85509555
File: 2.15 MB, 2480x3508, 20240603_172615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm aware, but all these "Edgy the Serious" versions of Promise kind of go against the fantastical elements of their previous iterations.

But hopefully it'll be out of their system by then.

>> No.85509669
Quoted by: >>85509872

She was having a good time, lots of Oblivion cheese strats coming through
Your oshi is also great, looking forward to this stream!

>> No.85509751
File: 1.11 MB, 2731x4096, 1724614850976068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85509828

She hasn't woken back up for the 3rd time

>> No.85509872

It’s good to hear that she’s enjoying herself. No offense but for the past year I’ve had the feeling that she’d be the first in myth to graduate

>> No.85509906

Is this a concert or a 2 hour stream using her Home 3D model?

>> No.85509958


>> No.85509983


>> No.85509993
Quoted by: >>85510090

Kneel, faggot

>> No.85510090

Only cause I reminded her here.

>> No.85510152


>> No.85510196
Quoted by: >>85510240

Quick 2D or 3D

>> No.85510240


>> No.85510288


>> No.85510300
Quoted by: >>85510444

>dyke outfit

>> No.85510326


>> No.85510367
Quoted by: >>85510482

This is the worst possible outcome

>> No.85510393

Let's make this a stream to remember

>> No.85510432

her full casual outfit is God-tier

>> No.85510444

Hi Sister, watch this instead!

>> No.85510453

she going to sing a barbie song mark my words

>> No.85510482

Oh anon, you have no idea how bad it will get. And really, isn't that the fun of it?

>> No.85510483

>Actually just has nothing special planned
Nothing will ever reach the high of that first anniversary huh

>> No.85510523 [SPOILER] 
File: 21 KB, 364x364, 21735259_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opened boob window


>> No.85510537

>Kronii Prime picked the worst possible time to have a stream overlap

>> No.85510556
Quoted by: >>85511237

Incoming reading discord junk for 1 hour

>> No.85510561


that stream was cute, year 1 was ups and downs

>> No.85510602
Quoted by: >>85510780

>Just going to do the same shit as before.


>> No.85510644

It was 3d after all

>> No.85510708

This too is Fauna's fault

>> No.85510766
Quoted by: >>85510792


>> No.85510780

Kronii is known for her originality and creativity after all

>> No.85510792

She's always been hard on herself

>> No.85510831

KEK I forgot about the ad

>> No.85510835

can you fix kroni ?

>> No.85510878

She used to be so cute, what happened

>> No.85510905

She sounds so tired of it all.... I don't think there will be a year 4 anniversary...

>> No.85510907


>> No.85510945
Quoted by: >>85511000

>1 hour rewatch
>1 hour kronie jerkoff session

>> No.85510948

I’m still sleep deprived from watching the GTA stream. I’m going to doze off while listening to the Kroniis yap in the background

>> No.85511000
Quoted by: >>85511070

maybe it means she'll rejoin GTA? I like to be optimistic

>> No.85511051
Quoted by: >>85511155

She's in the "fuck it we ball" era of her life

>> No.85511070

My ass is going to bed regardless

>> No.85511130

Eh. Not even worth watching.

>> No.85511155
Quoted by: >>85511269

She needs to start caring again

>> No.85511162

kronii sounds like she lost her virginity this year. good for her, good for her...

>> No.85511169
File: 30 KB, 170x197, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sharp titties

>> No.85511187

She hates Fauna and Sana

>> No.85511201
File: 702 KB, 2896x4096, 1697393522867236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85511237

She should read /here/ instead

>> No.85511269
File: 26 KB, 530x298, 1723761744508172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch the GTA stream dummy.

>> No.85511299

At least old Kronii remembers Sana...

>> No.85511319

I think we can agree from this demonstration that year 2 Kronii is worst Kronii

>> No.85511445

She ruins the vibe

>> No.85511479
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 123242345346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which stream did she say that she plans on staying a max 3 years? (She's obviously staying longer). I thought it was debut, but it wasn't.
Wada Mama is saying 5 years

>> No.85511500


>> No.85511505
File: 45 KB, 611x648, mama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85511574

seems like she's less angry now

>> No.85511589

>Council Lore slop

>> No.85511622

It's sad to me that even when she tries her best she can't make herself sound like her debut self at all

>> No.85511650

3 Kroniis speaking at once are making my brain melt

>> No.85511668

Worst Kronii was year 1 anniversary Kronii. 2nd anniversary Kronii is a 1000x times happier.

>> No.85511695
Quoted by: >>85511875

This is good grounds for ending this tradition forever

>> No.85511875

Rent free.

>> No.85511880

I like my Oshi to be OP.

>> No.85511893

Why is 3Dronii moving around so autistically? Did she challenge herself to do something stupid every time she reacts to a certain thing

>> No.85511894

>every single one of these Kroniis have been waiting for Silksong

>> No.85511921
File: 1.08 MB, 3000x2792, Cute Kronies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 4, dumbronie.

>> No.85511941

Sally allusion...

>> No.85511962

Anon, its FOUR Kroniis

>> No.85512004

Merch wtf?

>> No.85512016


>> No.85512038

Her model was glitching out.

>> No.85512058

Work out merch LETS GOOOO

>> No.85512064

>Merch shilling fucking up the pacing every year hence forth

>> No.85512072


>> No.85512073

Hey actually good merch

>> No.85512077
Quoted by: >>85512225

>Sweat? For Free? wasn't allowed

>> No.85512120


>> No.85512123


>> No.85512137

Oh that's actually a pretty nice bag

>> No.85512148

>It's all bad

>> No.85512208

no cap is pretty cool

>> No.85512215

No Man I Love Kronii...

>> No.85512225

Management hate

>> No.85512228

>no cap
I hate niggers and I hate niggeronii

>> No.85512259

>shilling gym merch
>not wearing the workout outfit

>> No.85512263

Actually good merch lets fucking go

>> No.85512330


>> No.85512333

Nekomimi Kroma

>> No.85512334

Is there a limited? I can’t tell

>> No.85512363

kronma send the link here

>> No.85512375

No limited

>> No.85512390

Just watch the stream, it's easily one of her top 10.

>> No.85512396

No limited

>> No.85512399

Holy shit I might actually buy two bundles. I will use that shit.

>> No.85512403

Nope, we've been spared for now

>> No.85512438

Limited is usually reserved for birthday merch

>> No.85512445
Quoted by: >>85512477

>Future Gym bro Kroniis
Time to get those gains' boys!

>> No.85512450
Quoted by: >>85512514

>drying my balls with Kronii's face

I can't wait

>> No.85512472

They really love putting chain designs on all the Kronii merch. Why isn’t there more sexy fanart of Kronii in chains?

>> No.85512477

every time

>> No.85512495

>No screenshots

>> No.85512514

Sweat? For free?!

>> No.85512529

No burger box? No pencil case? What is this legit good merch?

>> No.85512545

Kaela love

>> No.85512552


This will be the link once it goes live.

>> No.85512582

Kroniiv finds Kroniii to be really cringe

>> No.85512599
Quoted by: >>85512751

The kronie pencil case was cute…

>> No.85512681

Holy shit, Past Kronii

>> No.85512713
File: 600 KB, 700x700, 0303_goods_boxen_5_1678672650_700x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger box

today I remind them

>> No.85512722

multi-year callout

>> No.85512751
File: 108 KB, 499x520, 1725661607125808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85512877


>> No.85512760

It’s very dusty on my shelf

>> No.85512765


>> No.85512778

she's so funny

>> No.85512783

Fucking TEEDUS-ass laugh

>> No.85512796

she getting dumber each year...

>> No.85512803
Quoted by: >>85512856

What was the joke

>> No.85512828

That just proved Kronii is becoming stupider by the year

>> No.85512856

its a reference to the Getting over it game

>> No.85512871

Her dumb ass pose makes it all the better

>> No.85512877

HOT. It’s really a weird shape for holding pencils though

>> No.85512933
File: 497 KB, 719x1200, 12321432445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katzchen is awesome! It's one of my favourite merch, just because of his art.

>> No.85512940


>> No.85513025


>> No.85513059

Yeah, I'm waiting to see if any other merch comes out so I can combine shipping

>> No.85513069

Why is Kronii competing with past Kronii kek

>> No.85513106

She's very competitive

>> No.85513138

She's not going to let Past Kronii be top

>> No.85513157

I’ve worn the socks once and they got dirty.

>> No.85513167
File: 67 KB, 626x534, Screenshot 2024-09-18 224807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85513452

Shipping isn't too bad for NA bros

>> No.85513178
Quoted by: >>85513213

oh, no Limited edition.

No sign-o-roni

>> No.85513210

Past Kronii showing stomach with those strings peeking up over her hips is doing things to my penis.

>> No.85513212

Sounds like a problem with your floor, my socks are still clean.......

>> No.85513213

I got my signature already

>> No.85513308
Quoted by: >>85513391

Yeah probably. They just sit my dresser now.

>> No.85513350
File: 44 KB, 402x645, mama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85513374


>> No.85513391

>They actually wore the socks
>On their feet

>> No.85513424

She loves Kroma...

>> No.85513435

she's in lesbians with kroma isn't she

>> No.85513438

Kronii has a praise kink

>> No.85513443
File: 545 KB, 585x978, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP has so much more soul...

>> No.85513452

Wow thats actually so good for shipping

>> No.85513478
Quoted by: >>85513500

I’ll try it on my cock just for you kronie

>> No.85513500

me too me too

>> No.85513654
Quoted by: >>85513690

Moving the merch images like this is going to be a massive pain in the ass for future Kronii

>> No.85513690


>> No.85513745
Quoted by: >>85513804

I can't believe Year 2 Kronii is simultaneously shittalking Year 1 and Year 3 Kronii

>> No.85513793
Quoted by: >>85513822

I knew she'd hate the honkabadonkas part

>> No.85513804

Warden of Time means past AND future

>> No.85513805


>> No.85513810

My feet are IMMACULATE

>> No.85513822

she hates kronii...

>> No.85513845

Kronii 3 is based AF, what happened?

>> No.85513857

Holy honkabadonkas

>> No.85513873
Quoted by: >>85513957

>Lost some too

>> No.85513879


>> No.85513890

Kronii 3 didn't have to go on a vacation with her parents around her anniversary

>> No.85513896
Quoted by: >>85513931

welp, going to be seeing that in the catalogue for months now.

>> No.85513914
Quoted by: >>85513979


>> No.85513923

> I’ve lost some too
Are the fauna rrats true :(

>> No.85513931

You should be used to it

>> No.85513939
File: 176 KB, 600x417, 1712172946050315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I'll fap to Kronii for old times' sake.

>> No.85513957
Quoted by: >>85514071

Fauna actually

>> No.85513979

omg, your right

>> No.85513987

Now everyone knows sex with Fauna SUCKS

>> No.85514070
File: 569 KB, 1000x1414, GXzqZvpbcAAaTgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85514071

What happened with Fauna?

>> No.85514083

Kronii 3 was the strongest Kronii

>> No.85514098
Quoted by: >>85514812

We may never know

>> No.85514114


>> No.85514116

Nothing, it's a bored catalogfag

>> No.85514138

Had the worst sex experience in her life. NEVER fuck vegans

>> No.85514149

She’s a vegan and Kronii hates veggies

>> No.85514152

forced her to eat vegetables

>> No.85514162
Quoted by: >>85515299

It's the same shit they did with advent and mumei, its just been a long ass time since the last one on one

>> No.85514225

I fucking forgot the Weebl reference

>> No.85514232

How has your depression been over the last 4 years, kronie?

>> No.85514239

Nothing, literally. They haven't publicly interacted in a while so gossip girls think they now hate each other. Just another catalogue rrat not worth paying attention to.

>> No.85514251

I ate out a vegan girl and her pussy tasted good.

>> No.85514272

Way better now that I watch Kronii less

>> No.85514287

Kronii loves her salty meat flaps

>> No.85514301

Like the tide, literally. Up, down, good, bad, but we keep goin

>> No.85514303


>> No.85514307


>> No.85514335


>> No.85514383

It’s improved these last fews months. Lot’s of big improvements in life.

>> No.85514387

Nothing. Fauna still mentions Kronii from time to time and it's normal for Kronii not to mention any of the girls unless they met off-stream or are gonna have a collab

>> No.85514394

Fickle as always

>> No.85514439

The back half of her debut will always be suffering kino

>> No.85514451

I thought I reached the lowest point on my life 4 years ago. I was completely wrong

>> No.85514503

Pretty bad but Kronii gets me through it

>> No.85514555

No way this many of you are depressed

>> No.85514636
File: 7 KB, 225x225, 1345125415342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85514812

>Fauna became a puddle at the same time as Kronii took a mental health break.
>Fauna will never travel to Japan again.
>They never mention each other and avoid any interaction in box games.

>> No.85514637
Quoted by: >>85514694

Are you surprised? This hobby is literally for lonely adult men who rather watch cartoon girls playing games than going outside and having a life. Its a depression honeypot.

>> No.85514641

The second original…

>> No.85514643

Where is the orisong Cover

>> No.85514652

>Kronii 3
>shit talks
>explicitly talks about her huge tits
>mastubates live on stream

she's so perfect

>> No.85514656

My ears are blessed

>> No.85514659

I've only been /here/ a few times this year on special occasions so its definitely an improvement

>> No.85514669

Do you know where you are?

>> No.85514694

I am surprised, I hang out with my best friends every weekend

>> No.85514726


>> No.85514747

I've been depressed for more than half of my life

>> No.85514750
Quoted by: >>85514812

They haven’t publicly interacted in “a while?” It’s been over a year bro. They used to be very close and interacted frequently. Now they are frosty as fuck. Maybe you haven’t been around long enough to remember those year one collabs?

>> No.85514749
File: 985 KB, 1500x1500, 1656194724586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enduring. been some highs and some lows but haven't been 'bad' for a long time.

>> No.85514767

We thought Daydream took forever
Little did we know

>> No.85514799

Keep it up man

>> No.85514810

>you didn't hate Omega enough

>> No.85514809

Good for you man, you don't belong here

>> No.85514812

Rent free retard

>> No.85514828

Talk to me after the election and if my social security is still safe

>> No.85514860
Quoted by: >>85514916

>Taking the sex one seriously

>> No.85514876
File: 94 KB, 796x1024, 1720323280261038m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean you're in the singular thread of a Vtuber on this Argentinian stamp collecting board so I'd be surprised if anyone on here has their shit on straight.

>> No.85514916
Quoted by: >>85515007

>muh ironic shitpost

>> No.85514974

Why are you replying to faunaschizo? They're even making fun of him in global right now. Just enjoy the stream.

>> No.85514997
File: 248 KB, 861x939, bluewomanvsgymbros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gymronii sexo

>> No.85515007
Quoted by: >>85515111

Shoot yourself

>> No.85515020

the irys raid part

>> No.85515087

kroni..my clock...

>> No.85515093

My cute clock

>> No.85515095
File: 59 KB, 463x453, first-MC-interaction-with-IRyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85515099

Does she know about that game…

>> No.85515111

say it in a more ironic way. Don't drop your gimmick now

>> No.85515132
File: 150 KB, 1324x1024, IMG_1442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85515200

>> No.85515135

>le sadistic
glad that shit's done for

>> No.85515150

>Kronii anni hat
>Moom anni hat

>> No.85515163
File: 85 KB, 850x850, Good Job!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85515200
Quoted by: >>85515351

Debut Kronii art had so much soul. I miss that time.

>> No.85515199

>Kronii hat and towel merch
>IRyS hat and towel merch

>> No.85515220

It is?

>> No.85515237
File: 30 KB, 499x499, KroFau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't joking at least.

>> No.85515279

now she's masochistic
just look at how much she wanted to get tazed

>> No.85515299

But what was that part about losing friends?
Was that outside holo?

>> No.85515336

She was always a switch to begin, depends on the girl

>> No.85515351
File: 112 KB, 1032x729, IMG_1428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85515460

I miss the old threads. Active and full of paizuri

>> No.85515398

And cuffed
And being patted down

>> No.85515440

no signed gym card...

>> No.85515438

Kronii wants to corrupt past Kronii

>> No.85515457

>So Young

You could say she's Young and Beautiful

>> No.85515460

be the one that spam all the paizuri in this thread

>> No.85515487

