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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 18 KB, 512x512, gem girl monke.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
85441879 No.85441879 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Currently participating in GTA RP with no POV.
Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQK-LwAWXwM
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T-mT-S1Agw
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.


>> No.85441894
File: 266 KB, 1920x1080, 16sep~22sep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also currently participating in GTA RP with no POV.

>> No.85442138
Quoted by: >>85442214

am still at a class group meeting, did she say which MW she's playing?

>> No.85442174
File: 208 KB, 2250x2000, gxlqgcua8aao-ub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85442462

Monke Biboo doesn't rank that high on the Animal Biboo Tierlist BUT it is still cute.

>> No.85442214

She said it's CoD MW Remaster. I don't know what that means.

>> No.85442246

that means she's playing the right one, thank God

>> No.85442262
Quoted by: >>85442330


>> No.85442314
Quoted by: >>85442363

so it's the Remaster of "COD 4: Modern Warfare" which is called "COD: Modern Warfare Remastered" not the remake called "COD: Modern Warfare"

>> No.85442330


>> No.85442363

Super simple! Gotcha.

>> No.85442366

only one more colored loong to go
and he's a doosie

>> No.85442443

>I'm glad the difficulty ramped up

>> No.85442462

what other animal biboos are there?

>> No.85442551

catseki and bunnyseki

>> No.85442591

And now BIboo Monke

>> No.85442594
Quoted by: >>85442689

is she almost done with this chapter?

>> No.85442595

Beeping chat...

>> No.85442689

Nope she's not even halfway there lol, this chapter is super long esp if she's planning to fight all side bosses

>> No.85442753

yeah i knew gta would probably fuck over normal streams
i do hope she gets a pov for them soon because of it though

>> No.85442755

I knew it. GTA was gonna cut streams in half.
Well, I don't mind. Maybe she'll feel a little better tomorrow.

>> No.85442829

I don't even mind if she doesn't read suppas, she needs to sleep

>> No.85442835


>> No.85442853

She hates us...

>> No.85442870
Quoted by: >>85445819

She will read the SC asking for her to put her POV and she'll feel guilty for not having it. My wife will be forced to feel negative emotions.

>> No.85443015

Unreal Engine is so shit

>> No.85443118

So this is the full power of goytracing...

>> No.85443123

I see no difference (yet)

>> No.85443145

Sorry Biboo, I watch at 480p. No matter how much you upgrade your PC it will always look the same to me

>> No.85443269

Rtx looks cool, but it's nowhere near worth the performance decrease.

>> No.85443315

>performance decrease
skill issue

>> No.85443318

That water isn't realistic at all lmao

>> No.85443342
File: 217 KB, 2000x2000, 1724545723682305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85443656

She's totally impressed with Jensen's technology

>> No.85443510
Quoted by: >>85443611

I remember how nice it felt to do that after having a bad GPU and getting a good one.
My first good one, the 390x like 10 years ago...

>> No.85443531


>> No.85443611

I recently upgraded my PC with lots of stuff after saving for a while, doing the "before x after" is always so satisfying

>> No.85443656
Quoted by: >>85443679


>> No.85443662
File: 336 KB, 380x440, yeah me[sound=files.catbox.moe%2f8mbh36.wav].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>biboo right now

>> No.85443679
File: 101 KB, 870x265, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85443733


>> No.85443733

>his name is Jensen
what the beep

>> No.85443751

Biboo flying

>> No.85443810

pasi biboo...

>> No.85443813

I want a full timestamp list of biboo showing up and leaving so I can just make a supercut, clip channels are for faggots and the girls (who are mostly faggots for women)

>> No.85443855

holy beep she really went flying, kek

>> No.85443923

I dunno why she thinks people would have fun having to hop around POVs for people they care less about trying to get glimpses of who they actually want to watch

>> No.85443940
File: 2.01 MB, 1271x1042, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85444004

Subaru POV

>> No.85444067
Quoted by: >>85444164

This basically confirms no POV for the week

>> No.85444164
Quoted by: >>85444242

if you want her to stream her pov leave a comment about it

>> No.85444181

She hates us...
I'm fine with no pov. I'd prefer it, but if it's more of a free time thing she wants to do without us I get it.
I don't like the precedent, but I'm not schizo enough to think it means anything.

>> No.85444242
Quoted by: >>85444371

I don't want anymore, if it means she's sacrificing her health. I'd rather have her keeping her usual stream schedule + participating on GTA with no POV.

>> No.85444292

that's horrible

>> No.85444352

It's VERY dangerous. I don't use YouTube on my phone because of shorts, which is worse tiktok.

>> No.85444371

I really don't understand how having a POV up changes anything. Just ignore chat and play as you normally would, most of the girls with POVs didn't interact with chat at all. IRyS mentioned possibly not having one because she wants to save her throat, solely for the reason that she feels she has to constantly keep talking even if nothing is going on, but literally nobody gives a fuck if you don't talk they just want to be able to see what you're doing.

>> No.85444400

I always turn off autoplay. Hate that crap.

>> No.85444429

It is impossible for her to ignore chat. It's completely against her way of streaming.

>> No.85444439

She wants to interact with us and provide us an enjoyable experience, which, according to her standards, isn't her being silent and ignoring chat. It's not difficult to understand.

>> No.85444465
Quoted by: >>85444502

Biboo is washing my ps5... she's so kind...

>> No.85444494

Biboo literally is unable to ignore chat

>> No.85444502
Quoted by: >>85444555

Haha... Thanks for putting my PC on the washing machine, Biboo...

>> No.85444508
Quoted by: >>85444542

>provide us an enjoyable experience
So the alternative is no experience? Having to jump around 5 different POVs trying to find Biboo? Because I can tell you that is not an enjoyable experience

>> No.85444542

She said a few times to either play "find the biboo" or watch the clips.

>> No.85444555
Quoted by: >>85444592

She heard you wanted a clean install.

>> No.85444592
File: 296 KB, 728x410, holy numbers[sound=https%3a%2f%2ffiles.catbox.moe%2fbafo37.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I laffed

>> No.85444671
Quoted by: >>85444693

>an enjoyable experience
having to constantly try and find her and miss funny stuff isn't enjoyable

>> No.85444693


>> No.85444799

neither of those things are reasonable alternatives to just wanting a POV where we can see her play the game, especially considering she runs off on her own and does shit that doesn't get seen by anybody

>> No.85444863


>> No.85444869

that's probably what you're going to get, sorry.

>> No.85444871

No POV = no responsibility of giving (you) a good streaming experience, she can also have her down time and etc, as she mentioned today. If she streams, she'll pay attention to the quality of the stream.

>> No.85444913
Quoted by: >>85445012

that's how you get STDs Biboo

>> No.85445012
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, 1718910620036023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85445034

Marine is safe.

>> No.85445034
Quoted by: >>85445120


>> No.85445064

Biboo makes me smile so she's correct

>> No.85445106
File: 124 KB, 1575x635, gxugdmnbiaabpxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me omw to obliterate that cringe pebble

>> No.85445120
Quoted by: >>85445170

Marine is pretty safe, now Lamy on the other hand is actually the really scary one considering the stuff she has done

>> No.85445170

Yeah, with me.

>> No.85445219
File: 483 KB, 1467x2000, 1724988332855142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85454693

>> No.85445231


>> No.85445260

I've done it before...

>> No.85445275
Quoted by: >>85445370

Biboo 100% just confirmed to me she owns every piece of clothing and emote in the game FF14 cash shop

>> No.85445284
Quoted by: >>85445330

That's the correct way to implement P2W

>> No.85445330
Quoted by: >>85445349

>correct way
there is no correct way

>> No.85445349
Quoted by: >>85445471

Cry louder

>> No.85445370

I have bought almost every item in the FF14 cash shop so I can make my lala cuter looking. The best heels in the game are form that cash shop.

>> No.85445471 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 787x787, 1721283680925636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cry louder

>> No.85445600

wait she done with Wukong today? did she finish chapter 3 already
maybe I shouldn't play spot a Biboo yesterday after all....

>> No.85445631


>> No.85445758

biboo feels the BWEH.

>> No.85445783

Sounds a lot like tummy hort

>> No.85445819


>> No.85445844
Quoted by: >>85445859

this is the problem Biboo

>> No.85445859
Quoted by: >>85445913

Not really.

>> No.85445913
Quoted by: >>85445937

fuck off deadbeat

>> No.85445937

Rent free.

>> No.85445977

>10 cents

>> No.85445983


>> No.85446006
File: 29 KB, 349x642, redditors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85446520

>Rent free.

>> No.85446047
Quoted by: >>85446065

>what's a Microsoft dos

>> No.85446065

I'm eroding.

>> No.85446168

Wow, what a shitty superchat.

>> No.85446181

Biboo I would rather kiss Shrek's wife...

>> No.85446182
Quoted by: >>85446302

ah yes, new pebbles thinking biboo wants to fuck vergil or rusty

>> No.85446184

hey look a deadbeat

>> No.85446250

>can I reach the pebbles

>> No.85446287
File: 38 KB, 550x309, 1637016581012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85446529

>Post to tell Biboo to download DOS box and follow its directions then get the abandonware of what she wants to play
>Message doesn't post to chat
I can't be assed to work around her filters and the conversation already moved on, so whatever.

>> No.85446302

been here since the start
she 100% wants to fuck Vergil

>> No.85446357
Quoted by: >>85446413


>> No.85446387
Quoted by: >>85446413

no you haven't

>> No.85446395


>> No.85446406
Quoted by: >>85446446

That vergil?

>> No.85446413


yes I have

>> No.85446427
Quoted by: >>85446520

>reddit spacing
no you haven't

>> No.85446446

This poster? Me.

>> No.85446497

Biboo eats vitamin gummies?

>> No.85446520


>> No.85446529

First step is teaching someone how to list directories, then change directories, then change drives

>> No.85446545
File: 1.24 MB, 1518x2150, 1712649413011430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85446570

Oh my pp

>> No.85446583
File: 3.81 MB, 1422x1600, ENTER BIBOO[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7pubwz.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85446595

She's gunna cuff me to the bed

>> No.85446605
Quoted by: >>85446686

She needs to hang around Shuba more

>> No.85446686

Biboo makes girls ovaries scream out for children, if Subaru stays around her she's going to go baby crazy!

>> No.85446709
Quoted by: >>85446772

yes and?

>> No.85446756

what if Subaru goes full Mesubaru because of Biboo

>> No.85446772

Who's going to calm down subaru, huh?!

>> No.85446796


>> No.85446802

I will make the sacrifice

>> No.85446803

I'm gonna fuck this Biboo

>> No.85446823

I will, as many times as needed and then some

>> No.85446837
Quoted by: >>85447053

Shiboo will rate my butt on stream.

>> No.85446855

>butt raiding stream

>> No.85446957

She's just like me frfr

>> No.85447023

>hates deserts
>I love deserts
Guess I'll die

>> No.85447036
Quoted by: >>85447118

Biboo's moist cave...

>> No.85447053

They're going to rate each other's butts first

>> No.85447095
Quoted by: >>85447399

ASMR is a fucking meme and a waste of a stream

>> No.85447118

nutty putty cave

>> No.85447127
Quoted by: >>85447399

it's been a year of begging for asmr let it go

>> No.85447151


>> No.85447214

it's only greyfags and they don't matter Biboo

>> No.85447252
File: 1.96 MB, 528x524, kusogaki laugh[sound=files.catbox.moe%2f4rrfl7.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could never forget that day. My favorite soundpost came from that day.

>> No.85447256

Where were you when we entered the gyatt timeline...

>> No.85447282

>that one pebble ruined holoEN

>> No.85447314


>> No.85447399
Quoted by: >>85447424

I fucking hate ASMR's too, there's other vtubers that are solely for that stuff

>> No.85447424

ASMR's what?

>> No.85447443


>> No.85447451

Biboo is too dangerous

>> No.85447476
Quoted by: >>85447698

>Biboo had fun
>The song went viral and flooded the world
>All of holo got a boost because of it
Absolute retard

>> No.85447504
Quoted by: >>85447533

Biboo learning that new line is dangerous

>> No.85447533

>"noo biboo don't say it"
3 mins later
>she says it
She's getting TOO strong

>> No.85447559
File: 2.07 MB, 1300x1042, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a dorky face.

>> No.85447653

>POV before she sneezes on your dick
>Just kidding

>> No.85447663
Quoted by: >>85447694

>biboo is gonna eep
>I'm gonna eep
WE undeniably ARE

>> No.85447694

Spoiler: she's not gonna eep

>> No.85447698

>retards like you showed up
absolute dumb faggot cunt

>> No.85447708

She eventually will.

>> No.85447752

i think she will actually

>> No.85447763

>she has a dorky face
>I have a dorky face


>> No.85447821
Quoted by: >>85447956

I masturbated to Biboo all stream, I hope she can forgive me…

>> No.85447838

I understand if she's not feeling well but I really don't think there is that much stuff going on that she would be focusing on chat too much. She rarely ever reads chat during other collabs.

>> No.85447907

Kaela is roasting the fuck out of Biboo right now lmao

>> No.85447956
Quoted by: >>85448020

I did this as well but also after her stream, too.

>> No.85447977
Quoted by: >>85448011

Mumei put up a POV because she regretted not having one when she got yeeted out of Fuwamoco's ambulance. Sure would have been nice to fully see when Biboo flew off the cliff into the pool...

>> No.85448011

Yeah we get it, but I don't think she reads /gem/, buddy.

>> No.85448020

I’m shooting blanks so salute to your balls working overtime to continue producing pebble milk

>> No.85448153

GTA in 5 hours... I'm going to be so eepy... Bweh.

>> No.85448182
Quoted by: >>85448376

She does but she also said on stream that she prefers to do without a POV for now. If she wants to join for a chill time without worrying about the stream/chat, I'll respect her decision. You do you, Biboo.

>> No.85448376
Quoted by: >>85448411

I wonder if she feels pressured to have no dead air/downtime if she does a stream and feels like she must do something interesting at all times for content for events like these

>> No.85448380
Quoted by: >>85448652

she does

>> No.85448411
Quoted by: >>85448681

I don't buy that excuse

>> No.85448652
Quoted by: >>85448719

Nah, the "she's here!" Is a cute joke because she sometimes shares a braincell with /gem but she's never talked about anything that wasn't brought up in Twitter or ytc first.

>> No.85448681

never said she was the brightest when it comes to collab povs...

>> No.85448719
Quoted by: >>85448797

sure anon, sure...

>> No.85448797
Quoted by: >>85448889

The schizo(you) wants to believe she's here so you can imagine she reads your shitty gaslighting attempts about her but it's pretty obvious she mainly gets her opinions from ytc first and Twitter second

>> No.85448889
Quoted by: >>85448989


>> No.85448989

How is that projecting?

>> No.85449547
File: 45 KB, 1024x576, 1725584608247981m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife was very cute today

>> No.85449671


>> No.85449710
File: 1.10 MB, 768x1302, Biboo King.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85449994

Slightly sleepy Bibs slowly going insane was a bit funnier than it should have been

>> No.85450246

Yeah the sounds toward the end of the stream were peak this time around. Looney Biboo always the best

>> No.85450305

>1 PM PST Saturday
there's no way biboo's surviving that one

>> No.85450458
File: 499 KB, 612x688, 1725947295157876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She will simply not sleep

>> No.85450911

>Wife doesn't sleep
>I don't sleep
Simple as

>> No.85451437

My wife is a machine

>> No.85451592

I don't want to take this into anything weird but do you think she's taking Adderall or just using energy drinks?

>> No.85451628
File: 275 KB, 472x472, 1705907367331085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Biboo takes another line of coke
>"Ahhhh...I feel much more alive now!"

>> No.85451940

Doing drugs with Biboo!
Accidentally do too much heroine!
Now it's up to her to hide the body!

>> No.85451987


>> No.85452083

Biboo tries to roll the body up in a carpet!
It doesn't work!
Biboo tries to hide the body under a bed!
It doesn't work!
Biboo pins a note to the body that says "just sleeping lol"
It works!

>> No.85452138
Quoted by: >>85452382

She's Asian and only half americanized, close to a 100% chance she'd never touch any kind of drugs. She's tiny, a large cup of coffee probably gives her a lot of caffeine

>> No.85452382
File: 241 KB, 512x512, 1705961895853086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85453742


I don't think Biboo's tiny asian body could take hard drugs. Also this isn't the 80's anymore, pure white coke is extinct, much of the stuff being pushed has fentanyl in it and that's just death waiting to happen.

The only drug she's taking is caffeine and that's from energy drinks

>> No.85452561
Quoted by: >>85452735

Turning Biboo to a life of hard drugs and rock and roll!

>> No.85452735
Quoted by: >>85453003

Can't stop thinking of biker Biboo with a leather jacket now

>> No.85453003
Quoted by: >>85453346

Would you trust your life riding bitch seat with Biboo on a Harley?

>> No.85453346

Absolutely yes.
I also admit it could be the last thing I do in life as well which I also accept

>> No.85453657

Yes Biboo, we are ok with it

>> No.85453742

Bro kids are doing whippets now a days, get with time. I wonder how dumb kids are now thinking about this

>> No.85453788
Quoted by: >>85453847

Actually, even whippets are outdated now. That was like 5+ years ago

>> No.85453819
Quoted by: >>85453847

>whippets now a days
they've been doing that for a while now

>> No.85453847
File: 817 KB, 894x876, 1721816865692387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85454069

Nope they're back now since a company is selling flavored whippets
Kids found them again for some reason.

>> No.85453860

>Biboo doesn't know what DLSS is
>neither does chat

>> No.85454069
Quoted by: >>85454278

Get out of here. Time really is a flat circle huh?
Can't believe whippets of all things suddenly made a comeback

>> No.85454278
Quoted by: >>85454310

It became a big tiktok thing, so that started it again

>> No.85454310
Quoted by: >>85454352

tiktok really is a cancer on an already decaying society

>> No.85454352
Quoted by: >>85454419

I might sound like an old man, but I legit don't think kids should be on tiktok or twitter at all.

>> No.85454419
Quoted by: >>85454462

I agree with you 100% but that's never going to change. I got my first PC at 12 years old when fucking AOL was the hot new thing.
Social media will always be the same shit, just with a different name ever few years.

>> No.85454462

Too be fair here, Social media was not what is was when were a kid. Worst you had to watch out for was some pedo maybe saying weird shit to you. Now a days they have full access to see like anyone unfiltered shit and crazy people with platforms and videos of shit that you find easy.

>> No.85454537
File: 730 KB, 4096x878, 1725210252449557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Older Biboo

>> No.85454693


>> No.85454727

This is both funny and mindfucky with them all lined up like that. Also kaela breaking her phone is still making me chuckle

>> No.85454964
Quoted by: >>85455023

who is the one holding loli Mio?

>> No.85455023
Quoted by: >>85455100


>> No.85455100

no wonder I want to have sex with her so bad

>> No.85455285

So I'm gonna start off with Mori's POV, should I just have every cop's POV open on the side?

>> No.85455326

Better to have this thread open

>> No.85455518
Quoted by: >>85456007

Definitely have this thread open. I have most cops open, mori and Subaru specifically, and then any native English girls in case she decides to orbit them for someone to talk to.

>> No.85456007

Same. I'm prepped and ready

>> No.85456009
Quoted by: >>85456417


>> No.85456239
Quoted by: >>85456417


>> No.85456323
Quoted by: >>85456417


>> No.85456417


>> No.85456447


>> No.85456493

She loves me specifically

>> No.85456609
File: 308 KB, 644x672, 144p Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly our prayers have been answered. I love this rock.

>> No.85456691

Biboo best girl! She knows and knows (You) know. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Now please behave in YT chat and post silly stuff here. Don’t be like that guy who typed “Sex with Gura” in chat instead of here, ffs.

>> No.85456695

She loves us...

>> No.85457065


>> No.85457208


>> No.85457479

I was legit going to skip the GTA stuff btw if she didn't put a POV up. I liked yesterday's streams but it was fucking hard keeping track of my oshi, and she's literally the only reason I care about this.

>> No.85457650

I hope she doesnt feel forced to stream her pov
but at the same time I hope she knows pebbles appreciate her lots!

>> No.85457713

Man, time to finally watch HoloGTA it seems.
Hopefully it will be wilder than day 1...

>> No.85457731

oh god she's streaming she's going to burn out now this is all your guys fault

>> No.85457774
Quoted by: >>85457939

I love Biboo. Actually it might be more than love.

>> No.85457814

Btw in case you pebbles didn't hear, the Nerizzler will be joining today as a police officer

>> No.85457928


>> No.85457939
Quoted by: >>85458132

Yeah I want to kidnap her too

>> No.85457978

getting arrested by Biboo and Rissa...

>> No.85458010

Mr.X wants this Biboo

>> No.85458015
Quoted by: >>85458111

Might be her color scheme but I find the idea of Rissa as police bimbo very hot.

>> No.85458111

might be her huge tits

>> No.85458131
Quoted by: >>85458221

Mori looks like a tranny

>> No.85458132


>> No.85458163

Qrd on the story so far?

>> No.85458221
Quoted by: >>85458252

>And Biboo looks like Poison

>> No.85458252

More like Noi without muscles

>> No.85458270
File: 2.07 MB, 1518x2150, 1725846866249338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85458282

Officer Biboo Cute

>> No.85458327

I'm so happy that I don't have to jump around 12 different POVs to find her

>> No.85458372


>> No.85458375

I’m getting the urge to masturbate at 5 in the morning, why must you do this to me you stupid dumb copsexy Biboo

>> No.85458407
Quoted by: >>85458456

why is she dressed like a stripper

>> No.85458416

Shuba now loves Biboo

>> No.85458419
Quoted by: >>85458481


>> No.85458456
File: 1.08 MB, 1072x603, 1712385261114525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85458582

is the dresscode

>> No.85458480

Imagine if all female officers were dressed like this

>> No.85458481

Yes she does. An actual Biboomobile.

>> No.85458582
Quoted by: >>85458779

>Tags: corruption, sandbox, bimbofication, 3D, Renpy, unfinished

>> No.85458777

>Mori disappeared out of the car cause she crashed
POV already paying off

>> No.85458779

Oh god it’s a weg

>> No.85458815

Mori... Biboo... That's just American healthcare...

>> No.85458834
Quoted by: >>85458968

Why do the doctors at the hospital charge different prices?

>> No.85458968

some are more dead than others

>> No.85458997


>> No.85459024

Shoot the grandma!

>> No.85459050
Quoted by: >>85459104

biboo is behaving like a corrupt cop...

>> No.85459104


>> No.85459153


>> No.85459158
Quoted by: >>85459215


>> No.85459160

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA holy shit my sides

>> No.85459215

totally justified

>> No.85459408


>> No.85459461
File: 1.60 MB, 1280x720, 1716086058012647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85459571
File: 1.73 MB, 1280x720, 1707285460082046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85459739

Biboo the pissbaby...

>> No.85459928

Wait, she added more stickers since yesterday

>> No.85459933
Quoted by: >>85459978


>> No.85459978


>> No.85460007

Cute car stickers!

>> No.85460073

kek, that was instant

>> No.85460087

LMAO in front of the senpai...

>> No.85460105

uhhhhh, this milf mio woman is trying to seduce the biboo

>> No.85460229
File: 1.86 MB, 1280x720, 1722836559081541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85460278


>> No.85460352

What the heck, she parked perfectly

>> No.85460452

Just throw her in prison!

>> No.85460474

biboo is 1% good cop 99% bad cop

>> No.85460533
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, 1703184197843986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am crying

>> No.85460569


>> No.85460654
Quoted by: >>85460773

>Gigi is RPing again

>> No.85460773
Quoted by: >>85460809

Biboo's rp'ing too, this is as accurate to American police as you can get

>> No.85460809

American Police is this cute? Dang, I should move to 'murica

>> No.85460902


>> No.85460916

Oh Biboo...

>> No.85460928

I hope she's glad she put a POV up with all that's happened so far lmao

>> No.85460944


>> No.85460999
Quoted by: >>85461147

Just woke up, rock status? Is she feeling better?

>> No.85461012

BWEH です...

>> No.85461147
Quoted by: >>85461160

No shes dying just like my Youtube

>> No.85461160

OUR youtube

>> No.85461187

Biboo Biboo oo ee oo

>> No.85461258


>> No.85461303

I just got redirected to Marine, WTF?

>> No.85461372

Oh ok I thought it was just me with the lag

>> No.85461471

Biboo Biboo Biboo Biboo

>> No.85461504

She found out about the casino...
its over...

>> No.85461524


>> No.85461651

Biboo... You just left the hospital...

>> No.85461733
File: 1.58 MB, 1280x720, 1710327790044363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that car is not ogey

>> No.85461834

her internet is not ogey
Will probably make her more stressed about streaming this

>> No.85461841
File: 290 KB, 524x408, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are back

>> No.85461860
Quoted by: >>85461992

i mean she's been perfectly fine on other POVs so it's probably YT being shit

>> No.85461937

It's YouTube, the stream keeps randomly ending for me and I have to reload. Had this same problem on one of Shiori's streams

>> No.85461990

She probably left the stream at 12K bitrate after changing it yesterday

>> No.85461992

other PoVs arent struggling though

>> No.85462058


>> No.85462080


>> No.85462084

Wait, I thought the girls were suppose to roleplay?
Why is marine acting normal?

>> No.85462193
File: 250 KB, 398x378, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85462212

you can't teach an old woman new tricks

>> No.85462232

WHAT is Zeta doing with that dog?

>> No.85462260

You don't need to roleplay as a whore if you already are one

>> No.85462276

They are just partying

>> No.85462309

she saw a fellow countryman

>> No.85462370


>> No.85462412


>> No.85462495


>> No.85462494
File: 38 KB, 275x131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won't post
>posts anyway

>> No.85462628
Quoted by: >>85462653


>> No.85462653
File: 257 KB, 512x512, biboo_blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85462755

Women drivers, I swear to fucking god LMAO

>> No.85462879

Biboo dot dot dot

>> No.85462908

she had one job

>> No.85463014

god I wish I were Iofi right now...

>> No.85463181

Those sex sounds she was making while dead was far too erotic

>> No.85463246


>> No.85463421

What is this rock and duck duo called?

>> No.85463427

Cute nihongo

>> No.85463469
File: 2.20 MB, 1851x1036, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85463624


>> No.85463626

What a silly rock

>> No.85463643


>> No.85463682


>> No.85463783

That was so funny lmao

>> No.85463939

she might get on the news for that one, kek

>> No.85464118
File: 3.23 MB, 1280x1856, 61958509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85464159

jut another night of righteous work for the best cop in the city

>> No.85464159

>no crystal
>no gem

>> No.85464236

>getting out just to smoke
She's like me!

>> No.85464364

My wife is finally going to a scene!

>> No.85464396


>> No.85464421

I wouldn't be counting on that just yet

>> No.85464442

Would trust Biboo on the road?

>> No.85464491

Good morning, I love biboo.

>> No.85464517

No, never.

>> No.85464570

Biboo maybe if you stopped driving at 200 MPH you wouldn't die so much

>> No.85464618

Biboo x Ina enjoyers getting lots of mileage from this event

>> No.85464676

No, never.

>> No.85464686


>> No.85464762

she needs to learn to use her breaks

>> No.85464804

>sees FWMC
>tries to punch them

>> No.85464835


>> No.85464912


>> No.85464981

graondstone lethal company collab next week

>> No.85465068


>> No.85465089

New bread:
