>> | No.85222433 File: 403 KB, 720x726, OwlOfMinerva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>85221550 Threadly reminder that all such posters are all the same people and they are all agents od demoralization, spawned in the darkest recesses of the Earth and hewn out of pure hatred and malice for all that is Good and Beautiful purely to try to bring your mood own or make you have doubts about the things you enjoy, even slightly. Today, it is "it's going to be Kanauru slop, it's ruined" yesterday it was "this ENReco thing is going to be a letdown because it's just some minecraft thing, it'll be a flop" tomorrow it will be "I bet there won't even be any Halloween events this year like there used to be in the good old days, when things were better(tm), don't you remember when things were better? It's never going to be good like that ever again..."
Don't fall for the psyop.