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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 478 KB, 1341x2047, amaimiart 1799192778783789439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
85040729 No.85040729 [Reply] [Original]

Kimono Edition
Previous Thread

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>1st orisong BORN TO BE "BAU"DOL

>3D Debut
>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.85040747
File: 2.46 MB, 1920x1080, Pledge of Loyalty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous Thread >>85021480

>> No.85040755


>> No.85040780
File: 492 KB, 2048x1152, GW7V5Cjb0AAjKHy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85040943


>> No.85041370
File: 109 KB, 280x294, 030736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sleep schedule has been so weird the past few days that I hope I don't miss the stream somehow

>> No.85041580
Quoted by: >>85041625

Is it true? Fuwawa can sexually please about 20 ruffians simultaneously if she makes full use of her entire body?

>> No.85041625
File: 585 KB, 2399x3000, __fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_drawn_by_savi_byakushimc__eaad96cfd7e7923419dc9ee54291951d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where does Fuwawa fit? Right here with you, Ruffians!
someone find me the timestamp please.

>> No.85041936

Fuwawa can please as many men can fit in the room with her. Just the sight of her and feeling the warm fluffiness in the air is enough to make most men cum

>> No.85042115

I want to be used and then discarded by Fuwawa until the next time she needs me

>> No.85042130
File: 479 KB, 2107x4096, IMG_7745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we solve this?

>> No.85042400

We need to perk her up by commenting nicely about her floaties or whatever she said to call them.

>> No.85042412

Why fix perfection?

>> No.85042460

I agree, Fuwawa should have those disgusting fat sacks chopped off. She might start to compete with Mococo in the sex department then

>> No.85042535
Quoted by: >>85042665

Did you know that Mococo can only pleasure one (1) ruffian at a time?

>> No.85042622
File: 100 KB, 768x1024, 1715274342918701m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fluffy thread

>> No.85042665
Quoted by: >>85042827

I don't think she can even do that, unless getting r*ped counts as pleasing a man which I don't because that's disgusting and cruel

>> No.85042696

why is there fluffy nipple visible in the thumbnail? I got sent on vacation for posting the source art /here/ in the past

>> No.85042775
File: 168 KB, 400x398, 1721187567604134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo has nothing to prove. She's sexy.

>> No.85042813

I'm surprised and impressed. My dear demon dogs have gone mad with fear… it tugs at my heart. The way you convey your familiar warmth and outbursts of storming emotions is so well done! I want to comfort and protect your fragile hearts

Fuwawa wants a hug! My heart melted! …I can see how much this is troubling you, and want to play along to comfort your fearful heart. You may laugh and say all that, but in this moment, just the two of us, I see the smile I love return

Mococo Adorable hug!! I'm happy to see you! …Seeing you this upset, I don't care about a silly game. I want to say I love you, and if you want to be held close instead, say the word — of course I will say yes! A few bites are worth that smile

>> No.85042819

Mococo would have to try hard to make a ruffian cum and put extra effort into it, almost rubbing your dick raw as she jacks you off at high speeds

Fuwawa could just whisper in your ear and have you leak precum already

>> No.85042827
File: 177 KB, 913x1500, __mococo_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_deyui__84a2fbaedac033f8a93455bde29b65cd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no sane ruffian desires Mococo sexually. she looks like a boy.

>> No.85042868
File: 408 KB, 1500x2168, 1710461109520926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are you finding boys that look like this?

>> No.85042928

I don't understand what it is trying to say this time. The yandere and getting called out for hating it has broken him and he's trying to somehow rationalize that he sees the true intention of the VP or something? What the fuck is wrong with him it's a joke scenario of an extremely common trope

>> No.85042945
Quoted by: >>85043937

off-model. her fuzzy ass isn't that fat.

>> No.85043004
Quoted by: >>85043227

every day his messages seem to make less and less sense.

>> No.85043019

Mommywife or daughterwife? Which will it be Ruffian?

>> No.85043051
Quoted by: >>85043227

>I want to comfort and protect your fragile hearts
>I see the smile I love
>i don't care about a silly game
Does this retard know it's fucking a roleplay voice pack?

>> No.85043197

Just so you know, every time /baubau/ makes fun of certain ruffians, FuwaMoco will inevitably lavish attention upon that ruffian just to spite you.

>> No.85043227

I think getting called out as wrong about the voice packs on Monday temporarily shattered his world view and this is the best rationalization he's got because he can't ever be wrong

>> No.85043276

don't care, he's a creep attention or not. Maybe they'll learn a lesson about enabling monsters and menheras when he blows up and says or does something dangerous

>> No.85043357
File: 2.84 MB, 692x1052, Where does Fuwawa fit[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5lgqbg.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean we got the webm if you want that. One of my favorites. Gonna have to check though.

>> No.85043418

I'd like to fit right between those floofies...

>> No.85043429
Quoted by: >>85043501

If that was the case I wish I would get namedropped and made fun of more often

>> No.85043501
Quoted by: >>85043565

it's not true. He devoted his entire life to them and they give him a pity like from time to time which considering how obsessed he is is nothing. morning to night he drafts messages for them or works on 'projects' of tracing AI art and animating which they rightfully completely ignore

>> No.85043534
File: 152 KB, 722x1021, AppuruJay-1740214243453219088-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85043579

>>85043357 (me)
Found it. Ahh my heart... Fuwawa! https://www.youtube.com/live/rXgdxfyLUd0?si=Mt6BUexHWX1Vw2fe&t=4261

>> No.85043565
Quoted by: >>85043749

Well thank goodness I'm more well adjusted than he'll ever be then

>> No.85043579
Quoted by: >>85043618

Thank. jeez, how could the timestamper overlook one of the greatest and cutest Fuwawa quotes ever.

>> No.85043618

too busy watching his new oshis in justice and phase

>> No.85043653
Quoted by: >>85045005

Eh, I blame FuwaMoco for not pinning and heart'ing his timestamps like the green doll girl does.

>> No.85043749

Congratulations on not being a poor, mentally-ill NEET whose whole life and sleep schedule revolves around twin demon guard dog vtubers.

>> No.85043835
File: 208 KB, 983x1151, 1710780384980701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85043924

Sweet I've moved up in the world lol

>> No.85043843

he also spends a ton of time here, if you pay attention. He'd never posted a receipt before but did just now because people were saying he just pirated them all like the poor fag he is. same with the tracing comments and immediately posting a "proof" video of the full drawing

>> No.85043924
File: 530 KB, 1503x1800, __fuwawa_abyssgard_mococo_abyssgard_mococo_abyssgard_and_fuwawa_abyssgard_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_deyui__537ba3a8d9a7df99477edeee6a204a2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo a cute

>> No.85043932

I want to cum on her ear puffs

>> No.85043937
File: 332 KB, 619x784, 1723453834339802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85043963
File: 3.63 MB, 2560x1440, 1715946159548484.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She sure is

>> No.85044004

I'll never forgive the cameraman for cutting away during Mococo's sexy hip sways in Shinkiro.

>> No.85044091

Hi Ruffians

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for the support the doggos have made towards Mori. I’m particularly grateful for them getting her out of her sadness and everything they have done to help over the last year. Fwmc are gonna make it huge and we all know it, thanks again. Bau bau

>> No.85044154
File: 18 KB, 361x312, 1725329921013162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo is not sexy

>> No.85044159
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, 1724984961898103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85044164 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>85044214

Kill yourself, your brown mother should've been stabbed in the womb

>> No.85044214

Are you OK?

>> No.85044219
File: 301 KB, 1445x2048, oekakisi_k 1834241639772291478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85044217
Quoted by: >>85044502

So this is almost guaranteed to be a 2 hour stream, right?

>> No.85044409

Same back to you, Debbie. Mori has been the absolute best senpai a senpai can be for all of Advent. Hell, she's done such a good job caring for Advent that I didn't even know that Mori had been in a slump.

>> No.85044428
Quoted by: >>85044937

Are you thinking of MGS autist?

>> No.85044476
Quoted by: >>85046033

A fluffing deadbeat! It makes me happy to see how close they seem to be

>> No.85044502
Quoted by: >>85044586

Is it bad that I hope so?

>> No.85044515

Oh gosh, this is too cute.

>> No.85044580
File: 57 KB, 183x132, jabbaruffian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo will NEVER be sexy.
Her body is sexy, but sexiness is not a one-dimensional concept, it encompasses many things. As an example of that; Fuwawa IS sexy, but she isn't sexy just because of her body. Her personality, her voice, the way she teases us... It's the combination of all those things what makes her sexy.
Mococo is extremely cute. Her voice, her personality, the way she interacts with us... There is not an ounce of sexiness there, she is just cute.
She doesn't appear to be interested in sexual things, and she is extremely autistic (veins), even when she begs to be called sexy, she is not doing that because she actually wants us to be horny for her, she is just jealous of other girls getting that kind of attention.
The only real way to sexualize Mococo is by creating "rape scenarios" where you use her body (the only sexy part of Mococo) as a toy to satisfy your lust.

>> No.85044586
Quoted by: >>85044627

Don't worry, tomorrow will be 5 hours so they can make sure to read most of the SC's they're behind on. Karaoke will probably be 3 hours for the actual karaone and the SC reading after, and we'll be back to 2 hours on Sun for the remake of Bathhouse.

>> No.85044620
Quoted by: >>85045148

Since BAUDOL was influenced by Mococo's taste in denpa music, will their next original song lean towards Fuwawa's taste in 80s J-Pop and old anime/VN songs?

>> No.85044627

So many en karaokes this week I can't keep up

>> No.85044783
Quoted by: >>85044844

I want to give headpats to this dorky fluffy princess.

>> No.85044800
File: 3.69 MB, 1024x576, rebellion_audience[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffen3x0.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're here, do you have the mixed audio for all of Rebellion like picrel/linkrel: https://files.catbox.moe/vmhniz.webm ? I don't need the video, just the audio is fine.

>> No.85044844
File: 1.51 MB, 720x1080, Fuwawa I accept that I'm fluffy and dorky.[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fes0rw9.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85044922

Correct response

>> No.85044888

Mococo cosplayers at ANYC/BD

>> No.85044922
File: 423 KB, 989x794, 1723553749990192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much... I can't wait to hear her giggles today

>> No.85044937

Yes and no. the mgs autist convinced other Ruffians to watch his phase oshi this week and they've been talking about it all week

>> No.85045005

He was trying to groom a Femruffian 2view in Discord even before CC debuted.

>> No.85045029

By that logic Biboo isn't sexy either but she is

>> No.85045071
File: 128 KB, 800x1005, GXSSAi5aUAALdOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85045148

We can only hope

>> No.85045218

BAUSED Fuwawa.

>> No.85045278

why is this on their hashtags kek

>> No.85045326
File: 299 KB, 668x813, 1725673727387053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85045381

Mori has been an amazing senpai to them too, it's a smile circle, as FWMC would say.
And I doubt they're trying to help, they just genuinely love her and are still thrilled that they get to spend time with her as a friend after crying listening to her music, or playing it on speakers while going on walks and bothering the old people just wanting silence.
I'm really happy FWMC have her.

>> No.85045385
Quoted by: >>85045584

Is Dude a racial slur?

>> No.85045390

Thank you for the episode and for the puptalk! The puptalk in particular was quite the thing, I'll have to rewatch it at some point for sure lol

I feel a lot less depressed by ALT-Tabbing during the submission portions, so maybe this will work okay after all! Looking forward to seeing what this Mikochi game is all about tomorrow, I've never seen it before!

Not archive gang today, but BAU BAU WOW (UAU?)!

Also, since Twitter is still banned in my country, might as well respond to the tweet here

- Response to the "Don't forget your THANKS... " tweet -

I'd never forget how TANKful I am of how much you helped me out last year during the darkest parts of the year, puppies! It's already past noon, so my day has already started quite a while ago, but I'll make sure to keep your WANderful words in mind! See you tomorrow, our beloved BAUDOLs!

>> No.85045460 [DELETED] 

Please someone kill him.

>> No.85045584

I'm sure someone could manipulate the word's etymology to label it racist. But a quick search makes me think they'd label it homophobic first.

>> No.85045701
File: 31 KB, 326x389, 1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to Fuwawa's giggles after cumming to her
I feel at peace. My body and my mind are completely satisfied thanks to her. I feel like I'm floating in a white fluffy void, no problems, nothing to stress over... My mind is filled with fluffy thoughts...

>> No.85045801

so what are you betting on: good night voice tweet, a standard "we were running all day long and now we're going to bed!", or a frame tweet and nothing.

>> No.85045832

>a frame tweet and nothing
This one

>> No.85045914
Quoted by: >>85045960


>> No.85045941
Quoted by: >>85046122

I hope they sing more English songs on their next karaoke, those were the most kino karaoke streams they had...

>> No.85045949

I'm 2 of those 4, could be worse I guess

>> No.85045960

y-you too FuwaMoco.

>> No.85046033

>It makes me happy to see how close they seem to be
It was really cute how happy Mococo was saying that that was her friend on the stage during the BD watchalong

>> No.85046048
File: 324 KB, 1309x905, 1231203190231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagining fuwawa snuggling next to her banana pillow makes me so hard

>> No.85046090

covering the banana pillow in cum each night knowing she grinds on it to completion before passing out in the hopes it will somehow make her pregnant indirectly with my seed

>> No.85046122

It's a shame they do so few EN karaokes for how kino they are, yeah

>> No.85046137

"Halu" (Hallucinatory) behavior refers to parasocial behavior or commentary directed towards a VTuber. Examples are such as: "(Vtuber) is my wife" or "(Vtuber) loves me". Halu culture is a part of all VTuber communities, and so it is allowed on this server under specific circumstances, such as references to what the Vtuber is saying on stream. However, the following halu-related behaviors are not permitted:
• Excessive halu commenting, do not make it part of your personality.
• Creepy or unhealthy types of halu comments, denoting actual obsession or delusional beliefs.
• "Halu-chaining" as in where halu-comments are stated in repetition by one or more individuals.
• Any comments sexualizing any VTubers who have not given, or otherwise indicated, consent to do so.
• “I want to kiss her toes”, “her waiting in bed”, "Biboo needs punishment " etc.

Any and all "loli-culture" commentary is also banned. Examples include phrases such as "correction" and certain emojis used in this context.

>> No.85046163

The only difference between them is
>being parous or not
And therefore, the solution is clear enough.
I’ll undertake the task.

>> No.85046188
Quoted by: >>85046290

>Any comments sexualizing any VTubers who have not given, or otherwise indicated, consent to do so.
You hear that Ruffians? Moco-chan is off limits

>> No.85046249
File: 62 KB, 604x415, 2024 09 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Creepy or unhealthy types of halu comments, denoting actual obsession or delusional beliefs.

>> No.85046290
File: 72 KB, 519x487, 1716924634119658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't sexualizing Mococo to begin with, I'm a Fuwawa lover.

>> No.85046329
File: 147 KB, 448x656, please kill yourself [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9ay7pa.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any and all "loli-culture" commentary is also banned

>> No.85046396
Quoted by: >>85046638

I don't think those look that bad really, only the 2nd half of the 2nd one maybe
It only becomes an issue when you know they both send like 20 of those tweets per day

>> No.85046403

What is this, the Biboo discord?

>> No.85046509
File: 550 KB, 789x714, 172083948934343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did they just ignore this part of her 3D debut or what?

>> No.85046638



>> No.85046686

>back to cunny and men talk again
everyday I wake up and come here expecting better and I don't know why

>> No.85046691

What's your point here

>> No.85046746

What's wrong with cunny?

>> No.85046864
File: 55 KB, 494x512, 1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Fuwawa to breastfeed me while she whispers into my ear...

>> No.85046867 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>85048477

Pebbles are bros, at least better than men talk and anti posting disguised as worryfagging

>> No.85046950
File: 84 KB, 703x1024, 1712239214532462m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85046964
File: 1.35 MB, 2481x3508, d8285a57775abf3b7dd3e21bd69ab9e51c34bda1e394cd3498a23c4d1ff5f886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people that dont like cunny are weird and incel

>> No.85047001

How can these people be so oblivious?

>> No.85047011 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 1024x997, 1724089037282265m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna BIBOO

>> No.85047050
File: 1.20 MB, 1317x1080, 1704721040420480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate normalfags. They don't deserve to have a voice in the vtuber community.

>> No.85047060 [DELETED] 

FuwaMoco unironically don't knoe any slurs other than the n-word, and that's only because of how drilled it gets into people that they shouldn't say it.

>> No.85047176

Baused Mococo.

>> No.85047186
Quoted by: >>85047272

They call nips elevens

>> No.85047273

Bau Bau

>> No.85047272

As they should. All hail britannia.

>> No.85047389
Quoted by: >>85047543

who invited the brown person into our cunny thread?

>> No.85047543 [DELETED] 

Biboo is brown.

>> No.85047591
Quoted by: >>85047752

Looks light to me >>85047011

>> No.85047752
Quoted by: >>85047954

hololive whitewashed her through filters to appeal to a broader audience. it's a shame

>> No.85047952
Quoted by: >>85048258

How many SCs are in the backlog

>> No.85047954 [DELETED] 
File: 429 KB, 753x663, 1723886260527547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually it's good, brown Asians are the second lowest scum on the earth. BAU BAU

>> No.85048012

based and correct

>> No.85048149

They aren't normalfags, they're closet pedos projecting. Every time the loudest voices against 2D fictional characters are into real 3D children.

>> No.85048258

Not really too many. The afterparty and watchalong have an average amount but it's all the core paypigs sending the same message each time hoping it would get read that day So it should be a speedrun

>> No.85048371

Given her taste in media do you think Mococo ever gets the urge to molest Biboo when she's around? Or is it purely a fantasy she'd never act on?

>> No.85048443

They both cuddle and sleep together with biboo smothering her with their bodies

>> No.85048477 [DELETED] 

is this all 1 guy that got nuked by the jannie?
i've seen way worse and more annoying posted here without getting deleted so what gives?

>> No.85048487

I thought Rand was the new favorite

>> No.85048630
Quoted by: >>85050254

Racism, selective dox, and sometimes porn are the only things the fags here care about moderating

>> No.85048672 [DELETED] 

all me

>> No.85048780
Quoted by: >>85050146

>do you think ______ ever gets the urge to molest Biboo when she's around?
The answer is yes regardless of who you full in the blank with

>> No.85049348

Maybe you should try the subreddit since they seem more your type

>> No.85050146

she slept on biboo's head, they are practically married lol

>> No.85050168
File: 3.00 MB, 608x1080, 1716648254263876.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Fuwawa!

>> No.85050254

>selective racism

>> No.85050287
File: 3.83 MB, 1931x4096, 1708124917511191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85054381

What about Mococo?
She needs some loving too

>> No.85050338

Just. Like. That!

>> No.85050566

her kimono outfit is built for fast bouncy sex everywhere at a moments notice

>> No.85050580

Thanks I'm really trying my best today

>> No.85050649
File: 19 KB, 581x428, 1708626372346573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello ruffians!
Thanks to your encouragement I started with my Nihongo learning journey!
Day 401: Today I've done my anki and immersion reps. No new cards for Anki, I'm just maintaining core 2.3k deck. For immersion I've watched five episodes of an anime.

>> No.85050711
Quoted by: >>85054541

Fuwawa saying this after bouncing her floofies on your cock and making you explode with a single last blow of air

>> No.85051086

Good job!
What anime?

>> No.85051176

Out of curiosity, after over 400 days - if you were to redo it all over again, would you change anything?
Do you think you went with the optimal way of learning the language in an efficient manner or was it too kanji focused?

And did you ever post your "guide"? I feel ready to also go on this journey

>> No.85051722

Is this right?

>> No.85052078
File: 81 KB, 550x457, 1706822886164114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85052141
Quoted by: >>85052304

Since the opposite of stacy is autist, it makes sense to me. Maybe I'd align fuwawa with ponrys on the smart axis, but that is about it.

>> No.85052157

1.5 months without a like. I hate the new normal of missing them more than they miss me

>> No.85052228

Just stop caring. I stopped trying to come up with differently worded tweets and daily praises and whatnot on Twitter.
Now I just watch streams and have fun, I don't care about Twitter anymore.

>> No.85052230
Quoted by: >>85052271

At this rate I'm going to forget wot blitz exists and miss the collab

>> No.85052271
Quoted by: >>85052777

oh I should install that it starts today in Japan doesn't it?

>> No.85052288
File: 11 KB, 387x309, 1675736963494100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get used to it eventually

>> No.85052304

I think "Stacy" is a misnomer, but I'm not sure what word should go there instead.

>> No.85052777
Quoted by: >>85052867

starts in 11 hours in Japan. make sure to level up your nip account if you want to be the first screenshot with the items and get a retweet

>> No.85052867

They didn't even give likes for 1 year anniversary merch or BD, what makes you think they'll give likes and retweets for this?

>> No.85053032
File: 130 KB, 247x269, GDISHnHXMAAHZCf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85054489

no matter how bad the odds I'll never give up. they're just busy...

>> No.85053356
File: 1.40 MB, 1920x1080, fuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*licks mogojan*

>> No.85053495

except that one time they RT'd someone posting merch Xd

>> No.85054020
Quoted by: >>85054074

Speaking of merch, I really like your birthday shirts. I wasn't sure I would, I'm not a plain white tee guy, but the little fire on the front is just right.
They got good design sense

>> No.85054021
File: 307 KB, 287x539, bird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUWAMOCO can't get home 3D soon enough

>> No.85054074

Their birthday shirts

>> No.85054113
File: 787 KB, 694x666, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85054409

it is getting hard to resist spilling everywhere for this woman...

>> No.85054121

That's not home3D-brand home3D though. It's like when Ame did her box of scraps in a cave 3D before she got her official 3D.

>> No.85054216

This is a fan made 3D model that looks uncanny and weird
But yes coom

>> No.85054283

Kiara is great at doing what her fans want, she doesn't chase broader audiences with bullshit. Then again she had the COVID buff and already hit 1 million anyways.

>> No.85054301

>珈琲, 咖哩
>檸檬, 蜜柑, 林檎
>饂飩, 蕎麦, 拉麺
>寿司, 天麩羅
how do you even remember all these special kanji seemingly made just for the food specifically
I can't even read it in my usual font size

>> No.85054381
Quoted by: >>85054675

Mococo hates being sexualized.

>> No.85054409

I’m gonna cum to the chicken

>> No.85054478
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, pW1LA3SIYe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will NEVER get this from FUWAMOCO. This isn't just normal 3D it's a fan made model because Kiara cares about doing it for her fans

>> No.85054489
File: 307 KB, 1024x1024, Mocopat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll eventually see your posts one day, anon. I believe.t,ruffian was at BD and posted a pic or two and thoughts on the vent, but likely was overshadowed and buried into the void by everyone's else posts.

>> No.85054541
File: 43 KB, 373x312, fwwsex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85054675
File: 133 KB, 900x1200, 1708027515780187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85055141

You can keep saying it, I will continue to not believe you.

>> No.85054721
File: 509 KB, 897x896, 1721410152907938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85054951

Mococo is 100% smarter than Fuwawa

>> No.85054993
File: 2.19 MB, 1080x1080, 1720834938498343.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please Fuwamoco your 3D works give the people what they want

>> No.85055141
File: 85 KB, 335x375, 1707929505855955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85055460

It's the truth. She would feel disgusted if she saw the ruffians here sexposting about her.

>> No.85055160

I mean, Kiara pays a few thousand a year just for the tracking on this. I hope FWMC eventually gets around to having a 3D space on their house since I think they could even share a license kek

>> No.85055187
File: 74 KB, 487x469, 1724965790568959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85055400

>> No.85055210
File: 3.96 MB, 1920x1080, Bouncing Chicken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85055644

Fuwawa has some competition in the bounce department

>> No.85055306 [DELETED] 
File: 363 KB, 1280x893, 1721414257003262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85055491

Stop shilling your BLACKED whore here, KFPiss

>> No.85055400
File: 1.18 MB, 546x550, 1725475205964924.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85055436
Quoted by: >>85055497

Seeing Kiara slut it up with by choosing to use this outfit lowers my respect for her.
Like sure, she looks way sexier than her normal outfit, but my image of her as a person is lessened. It's like I'm seeing a prostitute straight from the streets.

>> No.85055460
Quoted by: >>85055861

Nah. She'd secretly enjoy it and brag to Fuwawa after.

>> No.85055491

Baused kiwawa

>> No.85055497
Quoted by: >>85055770

Would you say the same if Fuwawa or Mococo wore a bunny girl outfit?

>> No.85055560

KEK KFP sent a fucking max character length SC wall for a celeb to read. When are Ruffians going to start doing this?

>> No.85055644
Quoted by: >>85059158


unfortunately for her, my lack of biology isn't stopping me from becoming a father. it'll be a bunch kids, children, annual pregnancy, and basically a football semi-final tourney with the teams being ours. get a wheelchair, nothing can hold me back now.

>> No.85055655

fuwamoco don't know any western celebrities so they would just be confused

>> No.85055673

Most idols sadly don't do anything cameo adjacent

>> No.85055675

I need more context to understand this

>> No.85055690

Including Fuwawa or Ruffians in your offtopic shitpost doesn't magically make it on topic. Kill yourself.

>> No.85055770

Hard to say right now. I'd have to really see them wear it to be sure and the context.

>> No.85055778

The pillar already did that with Snake and it got ignored no one else is going to do it

>> No.85055861
File: 169 KB, 416x404, mocostare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Mococo only wants to be loved, she isn't interested in being sexualized.

>> No.85055896
File: 198 KB, 892x888, 1723788630106303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85055994

Non sexualized anal sex with Mococo!

>> No.85056027

You know that thing where people can read sentences where the letters in words are scrambled except for the first and last letters? The brain can make use of context and recognize words/kanji from a general shape and vague impression of the contents of that word/kanji. Just like how you don't individually read every letter of words past the first couple years after learning to read as a kid, you will learn to read kanji in context without looking at each radical or each singular stroke.

>> No.85056186
File: 3.18 MB, 302x296, moconod.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mococo would literally cry if she saw a dick IRL.

>> No.85056248

she won't have to see mine because it's going to be inside of her. I'll even blindfold her as I have my way if that helps

>> No.85056313

Makes me want to scout her for a JAV

>> No.85056393
File: 125 KB, 850x1080, 1710283489242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85057052

I'm gonna breed her into submission until she stops being such a bratty puppy

>> No.85056392

someone should pass a law to blur those or something

>> No.85056447

I want to see her live reaction to a dick. There some dicks out there that look pleasant but there are monsters out there that look hideous. My Moco-Chan needs to be blessed by a good dick sight.

>> No.85056529

Size or shape?

>> No.85056542

enter a meet and greet lottery

>> No.85056614

My dick is gorjus.

>> No.85056619


>> No.85056643

at least icomochi mama likes my replies to her good morning tweets. she needs to teach her daughters better manners

>> No.85056817
File: 60 KB, 433x446, 1694014227417590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only real way to sexualize Mococo is by creating "rape scenarios" where you use her body (the only sexy part of Mococo) as a toy to satisfy your lust.
Actually true.

>> No.85056963

boring face animations

>> No.85056979
File: 64 KB, 504x750, 20240718_192257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people want to rape mococo, that would hurt her and why would you want to hurt mocochan

>> No.85057025

Make the guy a futa and we'll talk

>> No.85057052

Mococo isn’t sexy

>> No.85057144

Rape is like saying hello in Japan

>> No.85057265
File: 107 KB, 365x365, 1698007591821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85058133

This anon >>85044580 explained it perfectly

>Her body is sexy, but sexiness is not a one-dimensional concept, it encompasses many things. As an example of that; Fuwawa IS sexy, but she isn't sexy just because of her body. Her personality, her voice, the way she teases us... It's the combination of all those things what makes her sexy.
>Mococo is extremely cute. Her voice, her personality, the way she interacts with us... There is not an ounce of sexiness there, she is just cute.
>She doesn't appear to be interested in sexual things, and she is extremely autistic (veins), even when she begs to be called sexy, she is not doing that because she actually wants us to be horny for her, she is just jealous of other girls getting that kind of attention.

>The only real way to sexualize Mococo is by creating "rape scenarios" where you use her body (the only sexy part of Mococo) as a toy to satisfy your lust.

>> No.85057298

Watching Kiara’s stream made me remember how happy I am that they never acknowledged any more fan projects after the first baubau sings

>> No.85057377
Quoted by: >>85057574

Do the happis count?

>> No.85057521
File: 408 KB, 692x692, 1702787866561679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to have sweet and passionate sex with Moco-chan but she is autistic and probably asexual, so the only way I have to sexualize her is by "forcing" her to have sex (rape) until she enjoys it.

>> No.85057529

they just don't acknowledge it on stream. They've replied and posted a lot of YouTube comments off stream on projects which is the right way to do it

>> No.85057574
Quoted by: >>85059870

Nah, that’s just a product. No chance for cringelords to add their suggestions or input

>> No.85057720
File: 140 KB, 1079x950, 1709136100402226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuwawa SEX.
Mococo RAPE.

>> No.85057836
File: 564 KB, 800x800, 1722056287951398.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at mococo
Shes inside me

>> No.85057934

How many more years must I wait before she starts to be ok with being told she's sexy? She needs to know how crazy she drives me with that body of hers

>> No.85058133

This. Sexiness is more a mindset and attitude than a physical trait. Mococo says she wants to be called sexy but she has never acted sexy and shows no sign of wanting to try to act sexy.

>> No.85058217

she told gorilla to kill himself for even implying she's attractive. she's just an immature brat with a mind that never developed past school years

>> No.85058342

Kill yourselves rapefags. I will off your heads, both of them.

>> No.85058354
Quoted by: >>85058423

Gorilla was a faggot and didn't deserve the name. I'm an actual gorilla and the way he tried to co opt that shit was cringe as fuck. But yes, she is an immature brat who needs correction.

>> No.85058423
Quoted by: >>85058551

Please enlighten us what makes a true gorilla

>> No.85058551
Quoted by: >>85058961

For one not attentionwhoring and trying to co-opt a 4chan meme like some Redditor would. Also gorillas are peaceful and don't just post cringe shit in SCs, our natural habitat is here where we used to be able to sexpost openly. Before poachers at least.

>> No.85058775
File: 93 KB, 1536x1520, PRO-9e3399a52706452285ba26cba8c2b934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Mococo's fault for being so rapeable.

>> No.85058961

Thanks. now post a Fuwawa so you can be poached. gorillas are not welcome here

>> No.85059146

mococo is so baused

>> No.85059158
File: 58 KB, 907x778, 1707255677958940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85059296

>Sexiness is more a mindset and attitude than a physical trait
Fuwawa is a temptress, not because of her body, but because of the things she does; she is always teasing us, bouncing her fat floofies to make us horny for her and then calling us "silly" when we start losing control. Mococo does none of this, and she only wants to be called sexy because she is jealous of Fuwawa. I love Mococo, and she is REALLY cute, but she isn't "sexy".

>> No.85059317

I only like the Rance kind of rape where the girl actually enjoys it but doesn't want to show it at first but then eventually gives into the pleasure and becomes very lovey dovey and dere. He never forces anyone, just blesses them with his Hyper Weapon.

>> No.85059453

Stop looping this shit all the time you low IQ faggot.

>> No.85059640
Quoted by: >>85059844

The banana pillow is real and I've seen it with my own eyes.

>> No.85059728


>> No.85059736

I am the banana pillow

>> No.85059844
Quoted by: >>85060070

God i wish i was fuwawas banana pillow. The way she speaks about it makes me unbelievably jealous. I want her to touch me and giggle that im soft. I want her to use me to rest her head on. I want her to cut off my tag (dick) cos its the size of half her face and annoying. I want to be embraced by a sleepy fuwawa and help her rest after a long day of protecting my smile

>> No.85059870 [SPOILER] 
File: 147 KB, 960x480, 1721582349088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85061874

I mean, the cliquecord did have a thread where people gave input on the design.
But if you think about it, you can categorize this stuff a few different ways.

FWMC's response can be things like showing on stream (/vt/ sings LTSM and the drawboard really early on that I think was for their one month anniversary), mentioning on stream (happis), quote tweeting, retweeting (clips/fanart all the time), replying (on twitter or youtube, including showing up in YT chat like the 1 year anniversary clipshow), liking/hearting, or just not mentioning at all.

Fan participation can range from one person or a small group of people doing something independently (flower stand, fanart, age of advent, simple clips, edited clips, MGS VA cameo), to seeking input but not content to be included in the final product (happis), to being a compilation of fan submissions (LTSM, drawboard, birthday book, new years or christmas wishes website). Something like the ruffian VN was mostly a one-man show, but contains fan submissions, so it's sort of a blend of the first and last categories here.

Attribution can include a name attached to a one-man show type project (flower stand), a name as credits to a one-man show (youtube clip channels), no names (cameo, happi, LTSM, simple clips, maybe fanart if you don't include signatures), submitters' names in credits with a leader also in credits (anniversary clipshow), submitters' names attached to content with a leader in credits (wishes website, ruffian VN), and submitters' names attached to content without a prominent leader (birthday book, drawboard).

Complicating this is that any project has to be posted by someone, which can be whoever is "managing" or making the project/content (including fanart and clips), a generic project account like LTSM or the anniversary clipshow, or a third party/not posted as a project at all like the happi, and further complicating it is people tweeting or superchatting their involvement with a project.

So you could almost make a chart with the input of who participated and how people were attributed in the content itself, and the output being how FWMC reacted.

>> No.85060070
File: 3.34 MB, 346x346, 1708354338843007.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want her to cut off my tag (dick)

>> No.85060109
File: 736 KB, 665x665, 1701486032850697.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.85060205
Quoted by: >>85060361

shut the fuck up

>> No.85060311
File: 1.01 MB, 1274x1080, 1700179855938.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand it either, I just want to give this cutie lot's of headpats to make sure she's happy and loved

>> No.85060361

Just like the man's post already Fuwawa

>> No.85060580
File: 87 KB, 280x304, 1707966525936897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85060679

I want to brutally rape Moco-chan.

>> No.85060615

When are FUWAMOCO singing Haiiro to Ao?

>> No.85060653

majority of those don't even use the kanji regularly

>> No.85060679
File: 226 KB, 512x512, 1707271542762474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85060898

Bryan we've been through this you can't be doing that

>> No.85060707
Quoted by: >>85061011

40th anniversary Transformers song just dropped

>> No.85060831
File: 368 KB, 2659x1994, baubautos-fuwa-baubautos-moco-custom-gunpla-v0-tylqp5k22ljb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85061770

I wish they did a gundam watchalong

>> No.85060898
File: 588 KB, 1077x1080, 1708006663100311.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85061477

She is asking for it.

>> No.85060957

FWMC probably reminded Mori of the days when she was living out of a shoebox waiting for a big break and helped her shift her perspective and appreciate what she has

>> No.85061011
Quoted by: >>85061045

this fucking sucks

>> No.85061045

You're supposed to watch it on mute.

>> No.85061477 [SPOILER] 
File: 496 KB, 720x720, 1713192768589829.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85061928

Well you do have a point..

>> No.85061569
File: 23 KB, 545x493, Day21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85061706

Hey Ruffians, Day 21 (3 weeks!) of fumbling my way through 日本語。
6 new cards as usual but i had like 0 cards to upkeep and I had free time today so I squeezed in 100 new extra cards for AnkiDrone.
This third week felt about as long as the first week but I think it's because I've had a lot going on this week so it didn't fly by like week 2 did.
even though this AnkiDrone deck is using kanji for words that almost never use them I've been getting pretty comfortable reading them and even when I bump into sentences that have kanji I've never seen I've usually been able to figure out what word it is, sometimes I can't but when I get the furigana I've been able to adapt to knowing that's the kanji for that word right away.
I'm still not sold on the idea of this deck using the kanji readings for all these words and then you will most likely never see them again in regular usage... but I guess it's fine?
I'll try to read some よつばと for immersion.
That's all for now, BAU BAU!

>> No.85061706
Quoted by: >>85061978

Good job! Hopefully I can be next.
Not sure if grinding anki would be best though, so I don't know if I'd have the anki screenshots like you two.

>> No.85061770
File: 384 KB, 1024x768, 1725855704054332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85068185

I bet they'd love the drama on 08th MS

>> No.85061799

like the femwuffian please, her week has been ruff

>> No.85061874

>actually got skippa skippa'd
My autism... Wasted...

>> No.85061928

is there a mococo one?
please puppy kiss me, mococo...

>> No.85061978
Quoted by: >>85062322

>Not sure if grinding anki would be best though
it's fine just to gather some vocabulary at first but you don't want to stick with it forever, that's why so many sources stress making your own "mining deck" and making your own cards from sentences from content you're watching/reading.

>> No.85061996

I haven't seen one posted here, maybe somewhere in the abyss of twitter.

>> No.85062004
File: 1.09 MB, 320x320, 8ef.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85062185
Quoted by: >>85062387

It also helped it being anonymous and not from a well known ruffian

>> No.85062322
Quoted by: >>85062408

How does the source of it change things if you're still using flashcards in any case?

>> No.85062325


>> No.85062387

i am the well known ruffian known as anonymous

>> No.85062392
Quoted by: >>85062560

There, there~
I won't read it still

>> No.85062408

it just gives you the context the words/phrases were used in and reinforces the content you've consumed to help you have a deeper understanding of it.

>> No.85062560

Thanks, sioli...

>> No.85062711

I want to be beat up by Fuwawa. Imagine those fluffy strikes, those fluffy stomps. It would be pure bliss.

>> No.85062761
Quoted by: >>85068334

I just read it and can say: You make a good distinction of what is or isn't a fan project, but as I wasn't apart of the original reply chain I simply don't care
But at least the autism wasn't completely wasted

>> No.85062846
Quoted by: >>85063216

I want Fuwawa to spit in my mouth.

>> No.85063216
Quoted by: >>85063546

you say the weirdest things rissa

>> No.85063276

They acknowledged and even read the birthday book thing and the new years thing

>> No.85063546
File: 111 KB, 341x329, 1725849302618505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a bird thing

>> No.85063904

Fuwawa HATES being sexualized.

>> No.85064687

Too bad, Fuwawa.

>> No.85064875
Quoted by: >>85065079

Fuwawa only like getting sexualized on valentines and Christmas.

>> No.85065079
File: 321 KB, 519x679, 1714409640850896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No birthday sex?

>> No.85065146
Quoted by: >>85065252

All women hate being sexualized. They just pretend not to for money and attention.

>> No.85065252
Quoted by: >>85065480

You're quite the brain damaged ruffian

>> No.85065440

it's been over a day since they said anything to us yet they still want to pretend they miss us more. it's just sad at this point now little they care about how they make us feel and disgusting how ok they are with manipulating and exploiting those feelings

>> No.85065480
Quoted by: >>85065639

Men are braindamaged from porn.

>> No.85065546
Quoted by: >>85065710

Even when there's no raids or shitposting angles happening the thread is still irredeemably shit...

>> No.85065554
File: 66 KB, 681x681, 1725841349313407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.85065567

huge fuwawa milkers in my face soon

>> No.85065639

Mind explaining why women are so dumb then dear femruffian?

>> No.85065710
Quoted by: >>85065939

It's almost like you should be on reddit if you hate it /here/ that badly

>> No.85065837

Wil they read the scs for today's stream or will they add them onto tomorrow's pile

>> No.85065939
Quoted by: >>85066047

>The whole website is one of the newest generals on one of the newest boards
No need to announce where you come from.

>> No.85065967

They'll probably just add them to the pile.
No sense in doing a reading tonight since the backlog isn't huge.

>> No.85066026

It would make more sense to add them to tomorrow so they can play the game as long as they can

>> No.85066047

No need to be a fag either but you got that down pretty good

>> No.85066061

>all within 24h once again

My busy day is on its way, the sun is shining, birds are singing, and I (finally!) get to listen to the sweetest voices I know as a special treat Even so sweet it's dangerous…? My heart is already beating faster!

Wishing you well on your busy day, #FUWAMOCO! bau bau~

I'm surprised and impressed. My dear demon dogs have gone mad with fear… it tugs at my heart. The way you convey your familiar warmth and outbursts of storming emotions is so well done! I want to comfort and protect your fragile hearts

Fuwawa wants a hug! My heart melted! …I can see how much this is troubling you, and want to play along to comfort your fearful heart. You may laugh and say all that, but in this moment, just the two of us, I see the smile I love return


Adorable hug!! I'm happy to see you! …Seeing you this upset, I don't care about a silly game. I want to say I love you, and if you want to be held close instead, say the word — of course I will say yes! A few bites are worth that smile

#FUWAMOCO bau bau~

How has the busy day been? I hope things are going well! I miss you, but I'm happy I could see you sing today with Calli. I'm proud of you! Balancing work and rest is tricky today but we can make it Thank you for staying so close by my side

Bau bau~

A new day is arriving, and I hope your night is going well #FUWAMOCO I'm thinking of you as I work hard after a busy day Sketching is a difficult mental battle… but I'm doing my best! In what is left for the day, I'm cheering for you with all my heart
I'm excited to begin the day soon with your Back to School voice packs I'm hoping to catch the Summer Academy set soon too. …These packs, Spaces, archives, everything helps so much in challenging days like this. I know I say it often, but thank you FUWAMOCO My 絶対味方。

It is time to rest, and I'm excited to see you again soon #FUWAMOCO Thank you for all your hard work to protect my smile, in so many ways. I'm lucky to have you so close by my side, and I love you two.

May our dreams be as warm as the time we spend together
bau bau~

Good morning FUWAMOCO

I awoke today with the sound of your voices and concert songs stuck in my head, the sun nice and bright, and excited to listen to voice packs and see you in a few hours I hope your morning is even more pleasant than this! See you soon!
bau bau~

>> No.85066118

Holy beep

>> No.85066152
Quoted by: >>85066386

>more JP slop
skippa skippa

>> No.85066158
Quoted by: >>85066386

skippa skippa this is the reason they stopped liking and looking at egosa as much

>> No.85066164


>> No.85066195
File: 3.08 MB, 424x424, 1711905467874632.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85066262

>> No.85066262

I swear I'm gonna have dreams with Mocopan in them eventually

>> No.85066299

is it just me or is he posting more and more with each day

>> No.85066335

How does someone go from scoffing at gachikoi to this

>> No.85066352

half tranny

>> No.85066386


>> No.85066456

Moral superiority at first then moral degradation and then finally mental illness.

>> No.85066475

I never scoffed at gachikoi, but the Christmas members VN turned me from gosling-curious to full-blown gachikoi instantly

>> No.85066478

his beliefs and infinite wisdom were so great that they changed the second they gave him a pity like and he took it as a marriage proposal

>> No.85066489
Quoted by: >>85066622


>> No.85066567
File: 202 KB, 1280x1280, 1705768306695237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they seriously gonna delist the original Dead Rising from Steam? Please say sike.

>> No.85066590
Quoted by: >>85066616

fuck i think i have a hemorrhoid from my massive shit yesterday

>> No.85066612

He's a hypocrite. He didn't just scoff at gachikoi he was full on entertainmentschizo.

>> No.85066616

The colon cancer...

>> No.85066622
Quoted by: >>85066680


>> No.85066680


>> No.85066686

Did anyone trying out WoT for the collab join that clan for ruffians that was made?

>> No.85066827

Nah I’ve been playing too much of the new wow expac, other games have sorta not been on my radar.

>> No.85066830

Isn't it tomorrow? I didn't even download it yet

>> No.85066829

I did but I haven't played besides the tutorial. I might grind tonight after stream a little but I can't stay up too late so hopefully it is fast

>> No.85066847


>> No.85066890
Quoted by: >>85066943

They probably will unfortunately

>> No.85066927

Might as well familiarize yourself with the game before the collab launches

>> No.85066943
Quoted by: >>85067115

There goes the dream of FWMC ever playing it. I don't want the shitty remaster...

>> No.85067006
Quoted by: >>85067096

You can't do anything with the collab without getting past the tutorial and making it to level 4 which takes a bit. if you want ro do the hololive stuff at launch it might take some prep yet

>> No.85067088

I've only seen people say it's going to happen and there's literally 0 proof

>> No.85067096

Someone here said it took them an hour to get to level 4

>> No.85067115
Quoted by: >>85067265

Well maybe they'll buy it before it gets delisted.
I wish we could gift them games to play if we knew they could get perms for them.

>> No.85067265

tell Kiara to gift it to them, unironically

>> No.85067398
Quoted by: >>85068139

How would you do that tactfully so Kiara actually goes through with it instead of blowing it off?

>> No.85067424
Quoted by: >>85068139

Not a bad idea but I have nothing to do with KFP so it would be super weird for some random guy to tell her "hey buy my oshi this game please".

>> No.85067988
Quoted by: >>85068396

Anon they have done this with every single game that has gotten a remake/hd remaster

>> No.85068139

How soon is it going to be delisted? now is not a good time to ask but November would be when she asks for holo gift ideas

>> No.85068181

Do paypigs ever feel like they should cut back on scs to ease the load off of FWMC?

>> No.85068185

Imagine War in the Pocket with FWMC

>> No.85068218

i have a question, why the fuck all the schizos from sisters to grifters hate fuwamoco?, is like there is not a single day without a hate thread or a bait one. did they change her target from gura to them or something. the fact that people caught a tranny being a Fuwamoco anti on 4chan is still bizarre to me.

>> No.85068334

I thought I did the opposite, where fan content lies on a relatively continuous spectrum from solo unprompted fanart to big projects

>> No.85068359
Quoted by: >>85068492

There is literally NO PROOF of it being delisted, that anon went to /v/ and saw a thread in the catalog saying they will meanwhile there's no proof in the thread nor anywhere online of it happening, not even a hint of it.

>> No.85068383

FWMC compel me to wanna shower them with money.

>> No.85068396

Just checked and they removed DMC3 and 4 this year too. That's a damn shame. At least these two are pretty much straight improvements, but the new Dead Rising looks like trash.

>> No.85068450
Quoted by: >>85068719

few reasons
>rising stars of hololive EN
biggest names make the biggest targets
>FUWAMOCO are undeniably bad at avoiding self-inflicted controversy even if they are nothingburgers to anyone that pays attention
They say and do a lot of stuff that without context can be easily twisted and used to shitpost and bait. The silence on the expo stream, moving to Japan, randomly canceling streams at a higher clip, being absolutely terrible at clarifying when streams are in Japanese or not, others

>> No.85068467

>a hate thread or a bait one
Don't tell me you actually look at the catalog

>> No.85068492
Quoted by: >>85068592

There was no notice before they removed DMC3 and 4, according to the steam forums, not even a 24 hours headsup. There will be no hint, it'll just happen. Or not, hopefully.

>> No.85068518

People hated Jesus for being an example of what we should be. FWMC are hated for the same things.

>> No.85068539

That's the thing we don't know for sure if it is gonna be delisted hence we also don't know when it is gonna be delisted.
But as history has shown it has a large chance of being delisted. So hopefully not before December at least for the Kiara gift idea.

>> No.85068570

No I will continue sending money.

>> No.85068583

No because it makes me feel good when they spend time only for (Me) and money is no object so it is either keep it in investments or spend a tiny fraction on making them happy and me happy

>> No.85068592
Quoted by: >>85068886

DMC3 and 4 didn't get a re-release before the HD collection or SE got added to PC.

>> No.85068594

Sometimes, but it's less about reducing the SC load and more about feeling like if I SC too much I'll annoy them or look like I'm attention whoring (mostly due to insecurity stemming from this thread)

>> No.85068595
Quoted by: >>85068654


>> No.85068654
Quoted by: >>85068784

Fuwawa, Mococo, and FUWAMOCO form a Holy Trinity too.

>> No.85068690

If annoying them with superchats they'd hate most of their top paypuppies but as far as I can tell them love them still. Or are really good at hiding it.

>> No.85068719
Quoted by: >>85068887

thats the thing some EN cancel streams all the fucking time but there is 0 shit for them, it seem like the best way to deal with that is no schedule at all.

>> No.85068723

You should keep that up

>> No.85068784

kino. Pero is satan

>> No.85068886

DMC4 didn't get a rerelease because it didn't need one, the DX9 PC version was perfect.

>> No.85068887

That's the norm for those talents now unfortunately so it's mostly a joke. FUWAMOCO are still trying to present themselves as sticking to a schedule and continually promise that skipping streams only happens for ultra extra extreme emergencies. So when they do it 8 times in a month it's easy to shitpost because it's borderline a lie even though Ruffians know it was bad luck. If they had no schedule it wouldn't get posted at all but they aren't ever dropping that

>> No.85068890
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>> No.85068898
Quoted by: >>85069061

I'm not a paypig so I don't know, I can understand they want the attention but some of them really do it excessively to the point that I think FuwaMoco themselves are just acting for them instead of genuine feelings.
Or atleast that's how I feel when I have my SC read in comparison to one of the paypigs in the same reading session.

>> No.85068932

A single paypig stopping wouldn't make any real difference (except for the newest menhera one). It would need to be some collective agreement which would never happen because the paypigs are all in different circles.

>> No.85068953
File: 118 KB, 1080x1246, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>85069056

The EN Vtubing sphere is filled with countless Twitch ethots and grifters who are uninteresting and have no original thoughts or content, who are only doing Vtubing because they see it as an easy way out of having to get a McJob, or for those of them who aren't hideous, resort to OnlyFans. "Successful people don't pivot to being Vtubers" speaks to the overall defeatist mindrot that has been spread across the EN sphere because of the majority of lazy whores who call themselves Vtubers. In the same way VA is a joke of a profession in the West and actual celebrities in Japan, so too has Vtubing gotten the stigma of "not the first choice."

Most female Vtubers are little more than fleshstreamers with an anime girl avatar. They put no effort into content or kayfabe, and if you point this out, they and their beta male orbiters will call you an incel for expecting them to try beyond the bare minimum. You have impossible or at the very least unrealistic standards if you want them to do more than just silently play a game or do bottom of the barrel react content. There's even a few of these in Hololive.

Then in come FUWAMOCO who are
>Dedicated to the idol dream of singing and dancing on stage.
>Genuinely love and appreciate their fans, never take them for granted, respect their time, are always on time, never lecture them on a soapbox, welcome backseating, see streams as an interactive collab between the chat and the streamer.
>Completely avoid politics or anything controversial that people might be watching them to escape.
>Have a strong work ethic, make schedules, and communicate changes whenever they happen.
>Appreciate the same hobbies and CGDCT air that most of Hololive's audience was originally for.

If you did a list of everything the average woman Vtuber hates and doesn't do, than FUWAMOCO would tick every box. They're pretty much the ideal Vtubing experience for anyone who likes Hololive. It's not surprising they get a lot of hate from groups that want Vtubing to just be Twitch with an anime girl avatar, including the aforementioned whores that slipped into Hololive.

Their very existence increases standards globally. The unspoken agreement among lazy whores is to keep standards low on purpose so as many people as possible can be no effort Vtubers. If everyone sucks, then the audience can never expect or ask for anything better and the lower standard of quality becomes the standard. That's why lazy whores in Hololive are so dangerous, because just by being in Hololive, you're automatically at least a 4view.

FUWAMOCO cause seethe among these types and their fans because they aren't just doing this for the money, they were grinding out this way for years when it would have been so much easier to just be a barista at Starbucks. And now they're more successful than all the people cynically trying to make money off the growing epidemic of lonely single men. They expose the lazy whores for what they are just by being themselves. And that makes their fans realize they could have had better all this time so they get mad at lash out at FUWAMOCO and their fans. The girls themselves criticize them, say they are "doing too much" or "going too hard" or "rushing too fast" because to a lazy whore, a schedule full of streams that start on time and not hating your audience IS doing too much or going too hard, at least for them.

>> No.85069056


>> No.85069061

anan, andy, that new schizo paypig, phoenix, a few others that seem obligated to send a superchat every single stream they read have to be getting annoying to even FUWAMOCO. There's never anything of value but they would also never tell people giving them money to stop so it's a weird situation. I just skip most SC readings as second screen streams now because it's the same retards over and over

>> No.85069071

I just realized it's Friday the 13th, are they not gonna do another horror FWMC Morning?
