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File: 232 KB, 720x1280, 1701465037056819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
84654749 No.84654749 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for the pon, cute, hardworking artist mamma (and pizza with french fries addict), italian pink gatta.



>Last Stream:
>【ENigmatic Recollection】BIG CAT means... BIG PLOT TWIST!【DAY 6】

>Next Stream:
>【Minecraft】ITS ALL ABOUT PASSION!!!!【hololive】(Grindstone Anniversary Collab)

>Original Songs:
>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】

>HIBANA / ヒバナ - Raora Panthera

>Debut and Lore:



>/ciao/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread:

>> No.84654821
File: 336 KB, 1920x1080, schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84655232
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Starting, get in!
(also this baker is going to bed, keep thread alive, I'll watch VOD later)

>> No.84655230


>> No.84655692

Good night bakerino

>> No.84656129

Princess is kidnapped

>> No.84656816

I'm still catching up on day 5 lol

>> No.84657700

Alienating all her followers raora...

>> No.84659484
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>> No.84661380

She is writing that for me

>> No.84661857
File: 1.19 MB, 1152x1632, 1725022923086505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84663431

pizza smelly kitty

>> No.84663431

Sniffa sniffa

>> No.84663622
File: 2.29 MB, 1919x1079, Proposal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84665375
Quoted by: >>84665528

gm chattini

>> No.84665528
File: 278 KB, 1328x1875, GV-ikzHbMAAiuqs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning

>> No.84668420

Good morning /ciao/

>> No.84670498
File: 677 KB, 4096x2304, 1705306721565223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grinding on a RP server

>> No.84673381


>> No.84673501
File: 520 KB, 612x426, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next stream:

>> No.84675593

Wake up, chattini! Stream in 3 hours.

>> No.84675693

Matsuri wtf...

>> No.84676761
Quoted by: >>84676875

Man. This whole Enreco was a pain. If I wanted to Watch GoT I would have watched it. Hopefully, they will stop it at Phase 1 since it was a failure.

>> No.84676875
Quoted by: >>84677311

Wrong tab, sister.

>> No.84677311

I'm not even female, what's a sister?

>> No.84678181

Good morning Chattini.

>> No.84679509
File: 90 KB, 785x900, GW2iUDYbQAAKW31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84693792

>> No.84681684
Quoted by: >>84682160

today's enreco stream was a bit on the wind down. is it just me or is mamma being limited by the small plot of land that they're allowed to build in? feels like she wants to build more stuff but can't because there's no space anymore and taking more will prevent other amber coin members to build in the plot.

>> No.84682160
Quoted by: >>84682438

Right now is kinda impossible to build anything anyways since tomorrow it's ending, unless chapter 2 is in in same setting.

>> No.84682438
Quoted by: >>84682749

agree. can't believe chapter 1 is ending so soon.

>> No.84682749

Honestly I didn't have much expectations on this event, happy that I was wrong and actually liked it. Had a lot of fun in this first chapter.

>> No.84684166
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>> No.84684730
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>> No.84684765
Quoted by: >>84684830

>Even more Minecraft.

>> No.84684830
Quoted by: >>84684882

Can't they play a real game for once?

>> No.84684882

It's a Kaela collab anon, the most obsessed person with this block game.

>> No.84684920

Can't wait for Mario 64 and her rage at it.

>> No.84684963 [DELETED] 

I hope she rages so much that she quits being an idol and dies on some street as a poor hobo.

>> No.84685482
Quoted by: >>84686177

Ollie really lacked any tact in that collab didn't she? Pretty much saying
>You must be REALLY good at nihongo by now, you lived there for a while after all right?
Effectively picking at Raora's biggest insecurity, her language skills and how people perceive her as a result. At least when branchmates use Italian stereotypes on her that is done in an over the top joking fashion.

>> No.84686177

Ollie was right, Raora is dumb and useless. Can't even speak properly her own native language.

>> No.84686486

she's probably going to do just fine

>> No.84686542 [DELETED] 

i was a bit hesitant on it desu. i don't really watch minecraft rp stuff and the ones that i saw before were a massive cringefest. this one's unhinged and funny which makes everything, including the rp, really entertaining.

>> No.84686595

i was a bit hesitant on it. i don't really watch minecraft rp stuff and the ones that i saw before were a massive cringefest. this one's unhinged and funny which makes everything, including the rp, really entertaining.

>> No.84686603
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, 1701578064547268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84686645

there's too much ESL

>> No.84686645

No thought, head empty

>> No.84687930


>> No.84688240

this press button thing is so autistic...
also, kino

>> No.84688241

raora has great erection

>> No.84688506
File: 535 KB, 1200x1200, 1722739191383085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84688795


>> No.84688795

Yeah, go to hell and stay there.

>> No.84689057

Does the schizo realize that no one will fall for his low quality bait?

>> No.84689133

The schizo is seething so hard.

>> No.84690187

Where is he?

>> No.84691179
File: 226 KB, 524x1000, quithavingfunciao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84691624

Kek, nice one.

>> No.84692259

pretty much. i just ignore the schizo desu. if he becomes too annoying i just hide his posts altogether. have fun talking to the void, lmao.

>> No.84692956

have a good caturday chattini!

>> No.84693792

Too cute

>> No.84694005
Quoted by: >>84709940

ENreco waiting room up.

As a reminder, this is just the end of the first part of the event (which includes the Myth member dungeons), which will be followed by a break.
The rest of the event, which will always take place in Minecraft, will include dungeons for each EN member, divided by gen.

>> No.84694678

I wanna hear her sing. She shouldn't feel insecure and give it a shot. Could do members only if she's so embarrassed.

>> No.84696240


>> No.84696271
File: 465 KB, 2291x2923, 20240813_073821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84697295

She is comparing herself too much to all the experienced singers in EN

>> No.84696695

I thought her hibana cover was pretty good, but then again I liked that song in general

>> No.84697295
Quoted by: >>84697845

She said she was taking singing lessons singing(+japanese lessons) iirc, so it's just a matter of time.

>> No.84697845

I look forward to that day

>> No.84697851

Post for the divegrassanon;
firstly, thanks for the effort you put into building the team. Really enjoyed yesterday's stream. I just hope next week will be better with the game.
Secondly, I wanted to make a few additions on the subject, if you appreciate them (obviously, to be evaluated for the future).

Her Shield: instead of the current model, I would consider replacing it with Sir Arthur's from Ghost'n'Goblins (I think it's possible to rip it from Marvel vs. Capcom). Also possible to replace the head with the True Exardian Geezer and change the name accordingly, as suggested originally by /innit/.
Keeper: Speaking of Her Shield, I would consider a role swap between this and Doll hands grasp your balls (because... she grasps balls. ha ha ha...).
Gonathan: Executioner Smough model with Gigi's head.
Traitor Knight CC: Dragon Slayer Ornstein model with Cecilia's head.
Queen Mario: Mario model with Raora's head and Peach's clothes and/or crown?
WWII Otomo: A giant otomo with at least a luger and helmet.
Grem King: A Rat King https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat_king but made up of grems. Alternatively, a fucking long grem (and called Fucking Long Grem).

>> No.84698610
Quoted by: >>84699401

what do you think will happen for the finale? personally, i think it will be a massive cliffhanger hyping everyone up for chapter 2.

>> No.84699401
Quoted by: >>84699589

King is gonna cast some new spell to end this chapter

>> No.84699589
Quoted by: >>84699780

What spell tho? Memory loss again? I think it's unlikely. Probraly it's a huge discovery and " to be continued".

>> No.84699690

She really is the new Sana, or at least the discordniggers seem to think so

>> No.84699780

Not memory loss. Maybe locking them out of the city after some discovery?

>> No.84699782

That's one HUGE ASSED tail she has on her.

>> No.84699813
File: 114 KB, 480x480, 1724626049720945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84837629

Raora's stinky farts in my mouth. Raora sitting on my face during a 6 hour art session forcing me to feel the rumble of her asscheeks and endure endless puffs of fecal gas that plague my sinuses. Being able to taste her pungent aroma as it lingers on my tongue and right when it starts to fade, another brap hits my face, causing me to forget everything else but the smell of Raora's foul Italian gas.

>> No.84699909

This is a nice idea, it also gives the motive of new areas and dungeons.

>> No.84700454
File: 426 KB, 737x893, 1719401316348364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't need singing, I need cooking streams

>> No.84700981


>> No.84701448

Any idea what it could be?

>> No.84701484

New cover song.

>> No.84701998
Quoted by: >>84702341

i like this. it's a nice way to change up the hub area and give more avenues for rp.

>> No.84702341

It's has a rightful motive also like "You caused distaster and chaos in my kingdom, you are banished from here".

>> No.84703504
Quoted by: >>84703666

Cover? Chattino merch?

>> No.84703666
Quoted by: >>84705585

Or even an Enrico song.

>> No.84704839
File: 149 KB, 883x1200, GW4xfNAaYAAZzQF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84705736

>> No.84705585

Enrico song would be cool

>> No.84705736
Quoted by: >>84706290


>> No.84706275

Hopefully her imminent graduation

>> No.84706290
Quoted by: >>84706494

Marriage ceremony ingame

>> No.84706494

In chapter 2 probraly.

>> No.84706964
File: 96 KB, 951x1024, baggiopenaltyfumble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84707095

Vaffanculo /ciao/

>> No.84707095


>> No.84708009
File: 1.79 MB, 3987x3100, GW4zDWLa8AMKKza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>84708231

Yeah kronii is away so it cant happen

>> No.84708231
Quoted by: >>84709573

It would be better in chapter 2 anyways since it should be based on Promise.

>> No.84709573

How long is this event supposed to last?

>> No.84709770

a week ? the girls already putting up some frame with "final" in the title.

>> No.84709887

Its the end of chapter 1

>> No.84709940



>> No.84709977
Quoted by: >>84710441

No I mean the entire event. This is just chapter 1.

>> No.84710088

Hello Raora, please do Chat and Art with Mori.

>> No.84710441
Quoted by: >>84710659

It will take months(with long breaks probraly tho).

>> No.84710659
Quoted by: >>84710834


>> No.84710834

Sorry it's almost time to go to sleep for me so right now I am tiredino.

>> No.84712206
File: 114 KB, 1014x1020, GW43Vwaa8AQ5D3y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BIG cat

>> No.84713722
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>> No.84715812
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>> No.84717738
File: 691 KB, 1500x2368, 1722028296176223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84718105

big love for big cat

>> No.84719031

needs tomatoes on the pjs.

>> No.84720813

very cute cat

>> No.84722382

stream later chattini

>> No.84723738
File: 404 KB, 827x1001, chattino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night chattini

>> No.84724391

gn chattini

>> No.84724792

Good night chattini.

>> No.84724906
File: 1.73 MB, 2016x1134, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night chattini

>> No.84726429
Quoted by: >>84728550

i hope mamma isn't corrupted like princess kosekibijou.

>> No.84728550

1h and we know

>> No.84729530
Quoted by: >>84730815


>> No.84730815


>> No.84733521


>> No.84733683


>> No.84734922


>> No.84737537

I enjoyed this event, but I'm glad it's over (for now) so she can go back to streaming at a reasonable hour for us eurottini

>> No.84740117


>> No.84743007
File: 1.16 MB, 2234x3971, GVO4HBDbIAAkXhN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84747013
File: 1.20 MB, 2480x3508, GW3AbXjXUAA2x4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84753289
File: 225 KB, 1247x2048, GW5niUna8AEMFRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84754806

i like it. i want more of it. i can wait though. more stream later.

>> No.84757971
File: 487 KB, 1638x2048, GW3teJCW4AA2Xou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84758315
File: 2.30 MB, 856x658, waitingformamma[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F1ab63z.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84760868


>> No.84764162

i miss mamma

>> No.84766494

bumpino. i will hold the line chattini

>> No.84768450
File: 309 KB, 730x826, 1725322720349194.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84769048

Is the announcement happening during the Mario stream?

>> No.84769428

probably, she didn't announce anything on the enreco stream earlier.

>> No.84770303
Quoted by: >>84770311

Good morning Chattini.

>> No.84770311

gm chattini

>> No.84772189
File: 113 KB, 731x1200, GW5niUna8AEMFRP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84772461
File: 687 KB, 746x689, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.84773070
Quoted by: >>84773541

Did she hint what the announcement is going to be about? Sorry for asking I wasn't able to watch her stream recently.

>> No.84773541

Nope, I think it's a song(new or cover).

>> No.84774689
File: 131 KB, 595x1024, GW8bnB9bAAAxEtZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84775159
Quoted by: >>84775219

Buon pranzo!

>> No.84775219

Thanks! Buon pranzo anche a te. Penne all'arrabbiata today.

>> No.84775722

Get in chattini!

>> No.84775790

She's so energetic today.

>> No.84775833

Is she talking faster than usual today or is my brain slower than usual?

>> No.84775861

Yep, she is.

>> No.84775874

Shes in full Italian Mode.

>> No.84775990

Her excitement makes my day, she sounds so happy.

>> No.84776020

Will this bitch shut the fuck up and play the game already.

>> No.84776050

she hasn't even yapped for half an hour yet

>> No.84776073
Quoted by: >>84776087

SHut up. Her yapping is the only charm she has.

>> No.84776087
Quoted by: >>84776132

It's the usual schizo, ignore him.

>> No.84776132
Quoted by: >>84776233

>the usual schizo
Mindbroken this is my first time on this general.

>> No.84776233

Sure janino

>> No.84776364

Mamma looked cute in a cape

>> No.84776363

She's admitting that she is a PONthera.

>> No.84776403

Imagine this kind of energy in 3D next year.

>> No.84776407

cute esl moment from Panty

>> No.84776411

shes being VERY VERY VERY cute right now

>> No.84776424
Quoted by: >>84776546

The hands will never stop.

>> No.84776432
Quoted by: >>84776546

the italian hands... animated...

>> No.84776546
Quoted by: >>84776576

I don't know if I could handle it bros

>> No.84776576

We can't but it will be GLORIOUS

>> No.84776658

It been half of an hour now and she still talking shit. Is this a gaming or a fucking zatsu. I already have enough women in my life trying to talk my ears off.

>> No.84776709

I'm enjoying this zatsu I don't care if we don't start the game anytime soon

no I don't hate Mario 64

>> No.84776721

That's just like your opinion man.

>> No.84776748

nigga you don't have to stay you can exit out of this thread and out of the stream no one is holding a fucking gun to your head forcing you to do any of this

>> No.84776763
Quoted by: >>84776821

>streaming in pajama
h... hot.

>> No.84776777

need Panty in pajamas

>> No.84776784

The schizo is trying to falseflag as someone new now. LOL, what a retard.

>> No.84776821

many vtuber probably do that

>> No.84776822

I love that laugh it's so cute

>> No.84776857
File: 84 KB, 262x263, 1719229133246974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.84776863
File: 23 KB, 450x301, fat_geek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I already have enough women in my life trying to talk my ears off.

>> No.84776945
Quoted by: >>84776993

>collab with cute autistic Indo hag
I need this again don't care the game

>> No.84776993


>> No.84777031

>never played mario before
this is going to be more sufferkino than kiara's playthrough isn't it

>> No.84777055
File: 536 KB, 1453x2048, raoraff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.84777071

fuck Chatinni you're brining back to four years ago watching fumble the simplest of jumps

>> No.84777073

Being Italian IS suffering. I can assure you of that. I'm one.

>> No.84777130

My first Mario game wasn't even a platform one, it was superstar saga.

>> No.84777147

I just finished having lunch and she's still yapping lmao. I love her.

>> No.84777155

hot take I like the DS version of this game more

>> No.84777218

>mario is sleeping because raora is yapping too much

>> No.84777301


>> No.84777583

Quite rare to see someone play this game for the first time. Enjoy it.

>> No.84777758

She found the first level!

>> No.84777934

how hard do you think she's going to find King Bob-Omb?

>> No.84778055

I love raora mamma!

>> No.84778082

i haven't played sm64 ever. only watched people either speedrun or break it. it's nice to see mamma play it for the first time.

>> No.84778251

This game is so janky.

>> No.84778254


>> No.84778299
Quoted by: >>84778397

bomb ombs are otomos

>> No.84778397

time for Mamma to beat up Cici's strongest Otomo

>> No.84778477

She is better at defeating king bob omb than I was when I first played the game...

>> No.84778502

King Bob-Omb bros did we get too cocky?

>> No.84778578

Kek, I love this silly girl.

>> No.84778638


>> No.84778641

I was hoping she would jump off a cliff kek

>> No.84778737

LMAO, twice. Raora...

>> No.84778838
Quoted by: >>84778948

Do you think she is playing with a significant delay? She jumps very late over everything

>> No.84778948

If she's playing through OBS then possibly.

>> No.84779565


>> No.84779663
Quoted by: >>84780192

will she ever get ! box?

>> No.84780192
Quoted by: >>84780738

don't care, I want more hag laughs
but she will probably want to take them later when her autism starts to kick in

>> No.84780666

goes lets gooo everytime she does anything of minor importance , becoming a real shit EN streamer

>> No.84780738
Quoted by: >>84781201

Sometimes I wonder if Yagoo hired her for her laugh.

>> No.84780884
Quoted by: >>84780965

Mamma vs the shitposter now!
>she's also doing the voice!

>> No.84780965

Liz's level voice acting.

>> No.84780995

Mario has a strong gyatt

>> No.84781201
Quoted by: >>84781227

he got hypnotized by her milkers who wouldn't?

>> No.84781227


>> No.84781485

>Holy cake
Again. Fucking kek.

>> No.84781643

Is her voice supposed to sound that deep or is she just acting?
Yes this is the first time I'm watching her. I only clicked on her stream because she's playing Mario.

>> No.84781718
Quoted by: >>84782004

No. It's even worse.

>> No.84781931
File: 208 KB, 305x399, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84782004

Can't tell if you're being serious or you're just saying that to chase me away.
Nevertheless, I am somewhat enamoured by her voice. Like I WANT to hate it but it just makes me want to hear more of it even though she looks like a mature 40+ hag who'd force feed me pasta.

>> No.84782044
Quoted by: >>84782550

If I post anything related to her previous life I will get banned. But, I'm not joking.

>> No.84782096
Quoted by: >>84782550


>> No.84782097

Don't worry, it's a schizo.

>> No.84782126
Quoted by: >>84782550

her usual voice is not different. The only difference that I at least notice is that his voice seems higher than usual, probably because she's having fun.

Also, the one who reply to you is the local schizo, don't mind him. He doesn't have the balls to write in /hlgg/ and when he tries to shitpost in the catalog he bumps it for hours doing samefaggin.

>> No.84782253

She's from very near where I live, we have deep voices here and on top of that speaking english result in us having a very thick accent to americans/british people

>> No.84782504

And on top of that I forgot to mention, she's younger than me and I am 30, take it as you will I'll stop reporting now

>> No.84782550
Quoted by: >>84782617

I'll take your word for it and I wasn't (I'm serious) expecting to know about what her 'past life' is. I'm just saying it as it is and I kinda wish I watched her earlier instead of waiting for a game I like being played.
>Kobo doesn't own a bath
>A 'bath bomb' may or may not be a bomb shaped item that only releases nice smelling things to make things smell pleasent.
>Kobo mentions being 'cooked' while in the bath and saying she'll die happily.
>Get's pasta made for her and asked what she likes and said 'anything is fine they all taste the same but different shape'.

Not sure if I should feel bas for Kobo or Raora having to put up with her 'bratiness'.

If I replied to the schizo then I apologise because I'm not a regular on this thread. I like what, made 2 replies on this thread and I only replied again because her voice got me curious and I just wanted to know if it was an act or not.

>> No.84782617

I am not the schizo, sadly I've met her too IRL and such but I don't want to you know, doxx her here of all places. So no worries. Her voice is cute and the giggles are the main draw I guess.

>> No.84782965
Quoted by: >>84783251

LMAO you are back again. Holy shit get a fucking job

>> No.84783251

I think you are confusing me for someone else sorry, I've barely posted in this general

>> No.84783378

I met her at a comic convention when she debuted with her first project (and I'll leave it at that), even before her Twitch debut, and her voice wasn't deep at all. I don't know what are you talking about.

>> No.84783418

ignore the doxxbaiters and the schizos

>> No.84783654
Quoted by: >>84783824

35 mins till announcement.

>> No.84783741 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>84783857

People from Italy in general, at least in my experience, when we talk with people from other country we get always said that we have a way too deep voice and thick accent honestly, so I can see why people here are thinking the same

>> No.84783781
Quoted by: >>84783857

People from Italy in general, at least in my experience, when we talk with people from other counties we always get said that we have a way too deep voice and thick accent honestly, so I can see why people here are thinking the same

>> No.84783824
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>> No.84783857
Quoted by: >>84783880


>> No.84783880

I am too tired

>> No.84783932
Quoted by: >>84783982

>Underwater levels sucks fortissimo

>> No.84783934

I hope she also plays mario sunshine someday with all the levels being named in italian

>> No.84783982
Quoted by: >>84783999

She can suck fortissimo my cannolo anytime

>> No.84783999

I made this post

>> No.84784018
Quoted by: >>84784088

>ignoring the red coin

but why

>> No.84784059

Raora laughin'

>> No.84784088

rush for first star on top of the level. Why you want the red coin one?

>> No.84784091
Quoted by: >>84784130

I'm REALLY enjoying that laughter that she's currently letting out doing that snowy level in Mario 64.

>> No.84784130

We all do. Her laughs soothe our wounded hearts.

>> No.84784205
Quoted by: >>84784275


>> No.84784275

CC and Raora confirmed sociopath.

>> No.84784406

Is she using an N64 controller?

>> No.84784418

Did she just say fuckkeh

>> No.84784448
Quoted by: >>84784841

she's playing on switch

>> No.84784477


>> No.84784632

Raora is so silly.

>> No.84784684
Quoted by: >>84784841

joy cons

>> No.84784689
Quoted by: >>84784841

She's using a switch controller and she also mentioned that probably has the drifting problem as well on it

>> No.84784841
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Quoted by: >>84784890

Let's get her the N64 experience.

>> No.84784890

did people have three hands in the 90s?

>> No.84784896

Ten minutes.

>> No.84784938
Quoted by: >>84785065

I like the pink panther gamer raora panthera

>> No.84785065

I do, too.

>> No.84785107

anon... I...

>> No.84785122
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>Think about her saying see you later alligator
>She says it

>> No.84785121

Big cat moment!

>> No.84785185

I'm cute!

>> No.84785245
Quoted by: >>84785299

Raora leaked it...

>> No.84785299

Truly a Ponthera moment...
I love her so much bros

>> No.84785318

Is Raora kind of...pon?

>> No.84785427

rip to the sound engineer. it must be really hard to make a raora cover.

>> No.84785446
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She isnt ponthera for no reason

>> No.84785447

Her QI is really low.

>> No.84785695

Stop samefagging, schizo.

>> No.84785739

Big trouble!

>> No.84786006
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>> No.84786032

22 hours

>> No.84786470
Quoted by: >>84787409

She loves us

>> No.84787409

and we love her

>> No.84788600

You have zero women talking to you kek

>> No.84790073
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Quoted by: >>84794859

>> No.84791816
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>> No.84793226
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>> No.84794859


>> No.84795825
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>> No.84797961 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>84798931


>> No.84798931

I'm watching the US Open final and forgot to bump.
Thanks bumperino.

>> No.84798993

Wait, what happened? D:

>> No.84800593
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>> No.84801975

dw chattino
yes, this is also another bump

>> No.84803204
File: 936 KB, 2591x3624, GW-a0ExbAAEjyqp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEX with raora

>> No.84804136
Quoted by: >>84806595

Sinner won!

>> No.84806595


>> No.84809201

Watching the super mario 64 vod. Why is she so high energy

>> No.84809399

I guess for the new cover song. Or some collabs incoming.

>> No.84809443

After effects of ENReco.

>> No.84809525

She went back to streaming at her usual time and I guess she was excited about the announcement

>> No.84810198
File: 3.82 MB, 500x280, [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fiiu0ju.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.84811595


>> No.84813574
Quoted by: >>84814496

Good night /ciao/

>> No.84814496
File: 2.91 MB, 1447x2047, GWS81EjXYAAcO0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night

>> No.84818255
Quoted by: >>84819656


>> No.84819656

I hope you're not EU

>> No.84823427


>> No.84823533

yeah, i'm also wondering why. but hey, i'm all for mamma being high energy.

>> No.84828273


>> No.84832492

Excited for cover

>> No.84833095

She was really happy to be a doing an RST stream again and being able to talk to the chattini more.

>> No.84833615

It's to stick up your vagina while gaming. They tried to capture the female gamer market.

>> No.84837150

nice abs

>> No.84837629

Kill yourself brapfaggot

>> No.84837704

i really enjoyed the sm64 stream, did mamma say if she's going to finish it like she did with klonoa?

>> No.84839256
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>> No.84839300
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>> No.84839365
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>> No.84839428
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>> No.84839507
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>> No.84839557
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>> No.84839618
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>> No.84839672
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>> No.84840858
Quoted by: >>84841882

Good morning Chattini. Also Raora interview https://anitrendz.net/news/2024/09/06/raora-panthera/

>> No.84841882

>There’s also the joy of living life at a slower pace — “la dolce vita” is all about savoring the sweet moments.
she's definitely my oshi
